BCC Minutes 11/16/1982 S '. ~ C¡;:1 c::.:J -- -- - - - -- -- - - -- - -- - ..- - --'-- - - -- _.- - ---,- - - -......-.......-.. Naples, Flor irl,', Novr.mbor It;, l~"? . \2, ~.;', LET IT BE Rf.~EMAtRr.n, that in accordanco with action t~ken Octobe~ 2~, 19R2, tho 80ard of County Commlnøloncrn In ~nd for the County of Collier mðt in SPECI~t SESSION at the Courthouso Complox, Fast Naples, Florida, at 9tnO A.M. on this dato with tho following mpmbers preøont. CHAIRMAN I ~ary~Frnncos Kruso VICr. CIIA I R",AN I nav Ide. Brown .'John ^. pistor Fredor c~ J. VORS C. C.'"Rcd" lIol1and ALSO rnEGf.NTI W lll~m ncðqnn, Clp.rk, "'ðurorn Konyon, Doputy Clark, wIlllnm r. Norman, County "'~nnq~r, J~mc5 C. Giles, Flsc~l Officer, Burt Saunders, County Attorney, nnrl Chlnf Deputy R~y ~~rnr.tt, Sh~rlf{'s C~pnrtm"nt. M:r.rH'1^ Arlminlstr~tlon oC the o~th of office to now members of tho Board of County ~onmlsRioncrs CLERK REACAN AOMINISTERED TIlE OATH OF OFFICE AS COUNTY COMMISSIONERS TO C. C. "RED" HOLLAND I\ND F'Rf.DEnrCK ,," VOSS Clerk WIlllnm J. "e~qnn nrlmlnlß~crarl thn o~th oC oCflce to the duly oloctod Commlsøloners, C. C. "Rnd" Holl~nd ~nd Frederick J. Vo.... Chairman Kruac wrlcomr.d th~ now commlRnlonnrs and conqrntulationø were qlvnn to tho now commlssionors nnd appreciation oxpr~.8od to the outgoinq commIßsloner~. There b~lng no furthnr husino89 to come heforo tho Board, tho mofttinq w~s ~d10urnod hy 0rdor of thð Chair - Timn ~I05 ~.M. "I" c. .''rho m~~'~teø jtPprovnc1 hy thn f\CC on A1I pre t~.~: ': 'L or ð8 corrr.ctod .0' P/U;. 1 .. I ,..,' &ÒOK 072 rACt-G46 , , ~---~--~--,--------------------~~--~ '~1 :';j;1 .,. ,~ ~