BCC Minutes 01/25/1983 R · ,,' , '. .-----. ---- - - ---- --- - - -- -----------------....:" ~ Naples, Florida, Jnnu~ry '5, 19A, LeT IT BE ~r.MtM8r.R!D, that the Aoftrd ot County Commi..lone,. In and for the County ot r.olll.r, ~nd also acting ft. the 80ftrd of Zonlnq Appeals ~nd ns th~ gov4rnlnq board(s) ot such 9Pftcial districts ft. have been cr.~t.ed ðccordlnq to law and having conducted bu~tn~'. herein, met on this d~to at q,nn A.M. In A_quIa, S...lon In Aulldlnq .F. of the '~1 /; it Courthousp Complex, ~~st ~apl.., 'lorlda, with th~ (ollowinq ~.mbor. presentl CHAIRMAN, ,'tary-F'rance. J('ruae VICt CHAIRMAN¡ David C. Arown (Arrivftd 910~ A.M.) ,1ohn A. Nstor rr.derlck J. Voss r.. c. -nod- Holland t'epartment. ALSO PRr.Sr.NTI William J. R.agan, Clerk, J"m~ft C. CII.., '1lcaJ Olflcer, Mður.~n Konyon, Deputy Clerk, Rurt L. ~.Unrlerl, County Attorney, F:dwa rc1 Sm 1 th, As.latant County Mftnaqe" Knute "artman, PubUc Works Admlnistrl'ltor, rrvlng Barzan, IJtl11th.. ".n"qar, Le. Lðyn., Plan, Implemnntatlon Director, ~nd Ooputy Chi.f R~y Barnett, Sheriff" aO:>K 073 PACi43B œ~~.~..,.......__ ....... -_.,".,,,.""'¥...........~,~,,,,...._,;.._""....,,.^,."'. '" . ,; ~~ ------ -- -- -- - - -- ------ ----- ---------------- January , !Ii, 1<)9~ Tap. t 1 It.. t 1 ACENDA - APPROVED WITH TH! FOLLOWING CRANCES. Commi..lon.r Pistor moved, .econded by Co~is.ion.r Vo.. and carried 4/0, (Co.~is.ioner Brown not pre.ent at this time), that the agenda be approved with the fOllowln9 chanqe.. a. Addition undftr County Attorney's roport reqarding the rahkahatchee ~tran~ and the cloafnq of Jane. Scenic Orive. b. Item qF], r~ the Pro..cutlon S.rvic.. Contrftct _ to be hear~ at ]0/30 ^.M. c. Item ~G~h re Utl11tleR 01vlalon Manaqement study _ deleted, and to he hCII rrl on February 1, HI } J. It.... '2 MINUTes O~ JAUu~ny 11, 1983, "BETING - APPROVED AS PR!SENT!D Commls.10ner Vo.. moved, .econdld by Co~.i'.ioner Pi.tor and carried 4/0, CCo~m18s1oner Brown not pre.ent at this tiMe), that the minute. of the January 11, 1983, meetln9 be approved a. pre.ented. Item '3 EMPLOYEE SERVrCE AWARDS PRESENTED TO TRr. 'OLLOHINC !"PLOYEES, Commløalon.r Kruse pre..ntld employee ..rvlce awarda to the followJn9 o~ploy.e. for their dedication to the County, Varrt~ O~nlels - ,mlmal Control Dept. Joseph ~~qri - rul1dfnq lnftpcction 5 years S yea rs It.. '4 PROCLAMATION 0' COMMENDATION TO LT. JACKI! KLINE AND SGT. DOUGLAS CAPERTON, SRERI"'S DEPARTMENT _ ADOPTED Commissioner Kruse r..~ and pre.ant.~ the proclamation of Commendation to Lt. JackIe ~line ~nd Sqt. Dougla. Caperton, Gherlff'. Department, lor their h8rolc action, tholr cal~ and prote..lon~l manner, and their 11feftavln~ a..iatlnce re91rdin9 I vechlcle accl~.nt on January J5, 1'83. eo~x 073 PACt442 ~¡.. ··..1 \\'~,"' '~I.',JuU ,fna'i""'Y")~;~· ,tl.'·w~. ...! \~;.i::..... ~·:~'~+,:L::""í,..J~~\'(""...\:-"'Y:'}Y¡\ll','.l'" "\~.,",¡f,¡oy;¡;",~,,,,; t.lt~¡. ~1 " ao~K 073 rAci4t3 January 25, 1983 Page 3:~ .'~:~~I - - - - - - - - - - '- -- - - - - - ':":';'~ ,:: ---------------------~~~. .~. "'é~;$; \<. :..~~'. X / :.. ',:", Ii .' '1- '.I~,. '~:~~ .;j~ . .~ . r",.'J Co-.t..ioner Vo.. ~oved, ..conded by Coami..toner Pi.tor and aarrled 4/0, (Comml..toner Brown not pre.ent at thl. time) that the proclamation b. adopted. . .. . ... . January 25, 1983 &C~K 013 PAci445 ..... Comm1..loner Brown entered the meeting at 9.05 A.M. ..... lUll t 5 ORDINANCE 83-1 RE PETITION ZO-R2-19, THE MOORINGS, IHC, REOUESTING AN AMENDMENT TO TR! MOORINGS PARK PUD TO ALLOW A FENCE ON THE EASTERN ,. BOUNDARY - ADOPTED, SUBJECT TO LANDSCAPING OR VECF.TATIVE SCREENINa BEINO PLACED ALONe THE EASTERN BOUNDARY FENCE Le9~1 notice h.vlnq been publ1.hed in the Naple. Dally New. on Jønuary fi, 19P.3, a. avld.need by Affldnvit ot Publication filed with th~ Cl~rk, puhlic hoarlng was o~en~d to conalder Petition 1.0-R'-1~, tiled by willlon, Miller, Barton, Poll, , P~~k, Inc., requeatin9 an amendmont to the Mooringa ~ark ru~ to 'llow a (enca on the eastern .~ boundary. Plans Implementation ~lrector Layne atate~ thftt this request 1. to construct ð (ence alonq the eaRtern bound~ry of ~ooring. Park for necurlty rurpoøoc. She noted th~t the .xl~tlnn -.1n<:lll Park PUt' prohibits n .~curJty fence alonq tholr e~at~rn hounrlary which abut. B1q Cypr~sR Co I! , C~untry Cluh. ~h~ .tate~ thnt th~ original prohibition was pl..'Iced In th~ PliO at the requont of tho Dig Cypress Golf, Country Cluh, addlnq that 81nce they no longer havo any oh1~etlon to the fence, ataff haø no obj.ctlon to allowinq the rence. Sh~ reported that the . c^rc held their ~ubl1c hearlnrJ and recoIII",endltrl approval auh1f1ct to landscap1n9 or vet'Jetatlv. .cr..nln~ bolnq ~laced along the e.,.tern boundary (onCII. Comml..loner Pi.tor moved, aeconded by Co~la.loner Voaa and carried unanlmou.ly, to c10le the public h..rlng. Comai.aloner Pi.tor .oved, 'econded by Co..I..1oner Brown and carried unanlmou.ly, that the Ordinance a. nu.bered and entitled below be adopted and entered Into Ordinance Book No. 17, lubject to landacaplng or vegetative .creenin~ being placed .long the ...tern boundarya . -- -- -,- '-,- - -,~. . . -- -- - - .-- --~ -- '-'- -_. Itell '6 ---- - - -- - - -- - - -- - - -- - - -- - - - - -- - - - ------------ ,'"nuary ~~, 1993 ORDINANCE 83-1 AN ORDINANCE AM~NDINa ORDINANCE 79-19 Tn! -PUD- PLANNED UNIT D!VELOP~EHT DOCUMENT rOA MOORINCS PARK TO ALLOW A 'ENC! ON THE EAST BOUNDARY AND By PROVIDINC AN EFFECTIVE DATE, RESOLUTION 83-~ VACATINC A PORTION or THE PLAT or THI CLAD!S. UNIT ONE, THE GLADES, INC. - ADOPTED. TEN rOOT DRAINACE AND UTILITY !ASEMENT 'OR DEVELOPING MULTI-FAMILY UNITS ACROSS EXISTINO LOT LINES _ ACCEPTED. teqal notJc4 hllvinq been PublJ.hed In the Napl.s D8tly ~W. on January 9, I?R), IInrl JanuAry 1~, 19R1, as evidonced by Attl~avtt of Publication rllp.d with the Clerk, public he.rlnq was opened to consider a petition t:o vac"te It portion of the plat o( thft Cilc1"." Unit One, 'nI. Glades, Inc..anrl to record a ten (oot dralnaqa and utility oe.ement tor deval~plnq multl-Canl1y unit. Acro.. oxlstlnq lot Ilnas. r'ubllc Works "'}nlnlstrator "~rtm.n .tated that this petition I. to vacate ~evorðl lot Jlnoo IIn" A dralnaae and utility e8soment In return for ð rlraln~qo eaS~ment that ia noed.d. '~atated that the petitlon.r wlchos to con~truct unlt~ ~crofta the exlstln1 lot llno.. CommissIoner Pl.tor lIoved, .econded by Commis.toner Brown and carried unanimouSly, that the pUblic hearlnq be clo.ed. Co~ls.lon.r PI.tor moved. .econded by CORMi..loner Rolland .nd carried unanlmou.ly, that R..olutlon 83-~ vacatin9 a portion of the plat of the Clade., UnIt One, The Clad.., Inc. b. adopted .nd th.t the t.n foot drainage and utility ....m.nt tor develop1nq multl-fa.lly units across existing lot lin.. be a.ccept.d .nd the CI.rk b. directed to record .ftme. aO~K 073 PACi44Ø ,av. , <, """'~~"'""----"""'-"'.~"-""""---"' """"",··__,q_t~I'_. January 25, 1983 aa:>x 073 fACi418 It.. "su. "It. ð.ek I..' '?~. 17'//10 RBSOLUTION 83-' APPROVtWO TSI PINAL ASSESSMENT ROLL 'OR BAILEY LANE ROADWAY AND WATBRMAIN IMPROV!MENT DISTRICT _ ADOPTED WITH A , YEAR PATMtMT PERIOD AND ø, INTEREST Leq.l notlc. having b..n Publilhed In the Naplel Dally N.ws on 3anu.ry 9, 1983, and January 1~, 1903, a. evldenoe~ by Affidavit of Publication tiled with the Cl.rk, pUblic hearing WI. opened to con.lder the fin.l a.....~.nt roll for Dalley Lan. Roadway and WatermftSn Improv..ent DI.trlct. Public Work. Admlnlltrator H~rtman stated that thø BC~ approved th. ~s....mont district tor the roadway and watermnln Improvement on Bailey Lane In September, 1900. H. stnte~ thftt th~ tJnal cost for the completed work I. ~1l5,155.15 resulting In ~ ch~r9~ of $'l.'9 per front ¡j'~" ·Jl v;/ :?: 'î1f ·;ß >~f .... , ~.,.. i~~i~.. :~ "."~~' \t ," '(I'! "::'.fJ I,;¡I' "~ >ti' . ,,"). ,'I' .,,,' foot. T~ CO~Mi.~Jon~r rlstor'. qu~~tlon reqardlnq p~yment, Fiscal Oftlc~r r.lJes .tate~ th~t thes. p.ym~nt. woul~ be collected over ft 7 year period at an int.rest r~te of AI. Ho noted that the.. P.opl. WOuld he notltfe~ upon recetvlng th.lr b1118, addln~ that thoy could p~y · lump Sum or a ~onthJy su~ ba..~ on At Inter..t. Co..I..loner Vo.. Moved, .econd.d by Co..I..ioner Brown and c.rri.d un.ni.ou.ly, that the pubUc hurin9 b. clo.ed. Co..i..lon.r Plltor .oved, ..conded by Co..i.sloner VO.. .nd c.rri.d un.niMOusly, th.t R..olution 83-7 approving the fin.l a··.....nt roll for Bail.y Lan. Ro.dway 'nd Water..in rMp,ove..nt D1.t,ict be .dopted with. 7 y..r pay..nt period at . rate of " inter..t. NOTE I Re.olution not received in Clerk's office as ot 1/28/83 --'---<-,-"."'----"..,",".,.,",~ , '1 ~ '1 .!.: ---- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- -- ----, J~nuary 2~, 19A3 Ite. 18 ORDINANCE 8)~2 ESTABLISHING THE COLLIER COUNTY TOURIST DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL, PROVIDINO FOR MEMBERSHIP ON ~ND RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE COUNCIL, AND ~N EFFECTIVE DATE - ADOPTED Leqal notice havlnq been publllhed In the Naple. Dally New. on January ~, 198), a. evidenced by Affldðvlt of rubllcatlon flied with tho Clerk, public hearlnq wa. opened to consider e.atablilhtnq the Collier County TOurist Developmont Council. PUblic S~rvlc~a Administrator Norton st~ted that on Decemher 29, 1982, the BeC directed RtaCf to brlnq hack to the ~ftrd an ordinance that establlshe. tho Tourl.t Oevelopment Council. He stated that th1. ordinance establishos tho TOurllt ~v.lopment Council n. well aa Indlcatlnq the criteria Cor membership and the relpOnslb1lltl.. and duties of the council .1 well a. provi~ln, ~n affective date. Mr. P. ~. rrancoeur, 1400 N. Culf Rhore Blvd., stated that thl. council waR prop08ed to help hotel bUllnes. durln~ the summer monthl, addlnq that there Are other bUllne..ea that need more helø, like construction. ne noted that this council would create "nother form of qovernment with 'our year membership.. He atated that he would like the co~ml~~lon not to ~ov. forward At all on this Item. Commlos1oner ~ruse note~ that the function of the propo.ed councIl Is to rxplore potentials, put facts toqether and make a pr..entatlon to the ace at ð later date, nt whIch time the ACC determine. It they wllh .',.. to 90 to refarendum. Commisaloner Brown que.tloned It thle would be a source of tax revenue, to which Comml..ioner Kru.e replied negatively, addlnq that It can be used for atadlum., advertlalng, etc. Co-.iaaioner Plator .oved, .eoonded by Co.-1..loner vo.. and carried unan1.ou.ly, that the publtc he.rtn9 be clo.ed. Co..1..loner Plltor .oved, .econded by Co..t..toner VOII and '&C~K 013 PA~i4SJ '·tJe ---~,_._,-"'--'..'"><,-"' M~~ 073 PACi451 January '5, 1983 carried 4/1, (Commi8Sioner Holland oPPO..d), that the Ordinance a. numbered and entltleð below be adopted and entered Jnto OrdJnance Book No. 17. ',f ORDINANCE 83-2 AN ORDINANCE PURSUANT TO SECTION 125.0104, FLORIDA STATUTES, ESTABLISHINC TRE COLLIER COUNTY TOURIST DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL, PROVIDING FOR MEMBERSHIP ON AND RESPONSIBILITIES or Tnt COUNCIL, AND AN EF'ECTIVE DATE Commissioner Y.rusc roque8t.~ that ftny interested partie. that fit into the cðtagories for th~ Tourint DP-volopmcnt Council, ØUbMlt a resumo to the ACC hy April 1, l~~', in or~.r for the Board to ~ake ðpproprl~to appointments. Itell 19 PETITION PU-62-28C, NAPLES SHRINE CLUB - CONTINUED POR 9D DAYS AND TO BE READVERTIS£D ~r. ^llan ~cPe~k, m~Mher of the ~hrin~ Cluh, requ~sted ð contlnun~c~ of thlß petitIon for 90 days. Com~ls.lon.r Brown ~oved, .econded by Commis.lonar Plator and carried unanimou.ly, that Petition PU-82-2RC, Naple8 Shrine Club, b. continued tor 90 days end b. readvertl..d. Item '10 REVISED LEAVE ACCRUAL AND PAY SCHEDULE FOR EMERC£NCY MEDICAL Sr.RVICES AND fIRE DEPARTMENT PERSONNEL _ APPROVED Assistant County Manager SMith Btated that this item doe. not chang. vðc~tlon or sick time tor r.MS or th~ Fire Depðrtment pe,aonn.l, ðddln~ that It is simply ft m.ch~nical chan90 In tho accrual rate to accurately reflect the rate on the hook. for these personnel. He st.teð that thJs woulð even out the Pftych~cks rftther than having them receive sta9gererl paychecks because of their stðQgereð work Ichedulo. Co.ml.sloner Piator .ov.ð, seconded by Comml..loner VO.. anð carried unanlmou81y, that the revls.d l..ve accrual and pay .cheðule '.i pag_ ,,~; ,,~ 4,.~ ,.;\<" -- -- - -- - - -- - -- --- - - - -- - - - - - - -. - - - - - - - ~,; ":it: -'~'Ð '~'K \.7¡,t ,"~ i~!{i y;., ",~~ '~' . ,\~~ ,,~~ ·_" ........,~,..."".._,"_4"'~~,""..''''''"'''''_,,'''''_'''''''_, ------------------------------------------; Janultry "5, 1~~3 tor ~erqency ~edical Servlc.. and Plre Cepartment per.onnel ba approved. Ite. .11 AIPORT RI SELECTION or EAST NAPLES COMMUNITY PAR~ SITE _ ACCEPTED. IITI 10, THI AVALON SITE - APPROVtD AND DETAILED NECOTIATIONS TO BECIN POST HASTI WITH COLLIER ENTERPRISER TO ACOUIRE SAID SITE. SELECTIONS rOR OOLDEN OATE COMMUNITY PARK SITE TO BEOIN IMMEDIATELY _ APPROVED Public ~ervice. Administrator Norton statod that thiø 1. a report and recom~endation concerning the r.~st ~~ple. Community Park Sita and . ' to formally pre.ent to the Bee the r~port that waft ~one by ~.. Pat Carroll from the Public Works 01vlølon. lie oUterJ that the major con.lderatlons were the comprehonslve Iftn~ use plan for Collier County and the cr 1 ter 1a thðt wa. prosented to tho t\o.Hd In I':'ecember, 1982. ne st~ted that the Parks ~ Recrafttion Advl.ory Ooðrd r~viowed the report and is in complete aqreement with it. lie st.1ted that one of the final con.l~erðtlon. of tho report W~. the differonce h.tw~en the present ðnrl future noed. of the Cast Naples District, addin~ that It Is r.tnff recom.endatlon that the Ooðrd accept and ~pproYe the r~port which identifies Site In, the Avalon alte, ð. the best sult.d (or t..t Naple., qivlnq full consideration to the pos.lbl1lty or a fut~(. community park alte In the aroa of LoIy Estate.. Commissioner Kruso indicated that a letter was rocoive~ from Vincent Murphy, Attorney, Jame. A. Rlchftrdson, FIð~ingo Eatateø, Carry M. Carlo, Lely, and John raul WUl1alu, [.ilk.wood, r"co"'",endinq that staff rocom~.ndation b~ approved. Public ~ervlce. Administrator Norton stAted that he would further reco..end that statf be authorlled to engage In detailed ne~ot1at1on. with CoIU.r F'nhrprh.. tor th. acquhtton of the land and th.t Colden O.te be the next ar.~ to he atudiad and a report brouqht back to the BCe req.rdlng .a~e. BCZK 073 PACc'. '8CJe 9 -'--'--__.....<40.-..,'~_ · ----- - ,<, ~',' '.'.=-' '--=-.'_ '1-,,~' ,. . January '5, 1983 &O~K 073 PACt" Commissioner P1stor questioned why Rite 7 or Site 5 Is not one of the better sites, to which Mr. Norton repll.~ that th. coat waB the main tactor, adding that Site 5 will cost $35,000 an acr. and Site 7 wa. also too expenølve and i. lonad commercial plus, It is only 14 acre.. He concluded that Site 10 costs approximately $lo-I',noo an ac,e. COftml..loner Holland moved, seconded by Commls.ioner Brown anð carried unanimously, that the report r. the .electlon of East Naple. Co..unlty Plrk .Ite be accepted and that Bite 10, the Avalon alte, be approved and detailed neqotlatlon. with Collier Enterpr1.e. to aoqu1re the a1te begin po.t ha.te. Co~1..1oner Rolland moved, .aconded by Comm1s.1oner Brown and clrrled un.nl~ou.ly, that selection. for Colden Cate Community Park .1te beqin Im~ediately. Item 112 ANNUAL REPORT ON ACTIVITIES AND rROORAMS UNDER THE COUNTY MANAGER RELATINQ TO DIVISIONS AND rUNCTIONS UNDER RIS AREA or RESPONSIBILITY ACCEPTED Asslatant County Mðna~ar Smith stated that thlß raport hat been formally pre..ntod to th~ ~CC, .s 1ft the Manager'. responsibility. Commissioner Kruse Itðte~ that this is otrlctly ~n Infotmational iteM and there is no action roqulr~d other than Doar~ ðCc4ptance which was a qaneral consonus. Tape 12 Ite. U 3 PRELIMINARY LIST or CONSULTANTS, CONCEPTS OF THE R.r.p., INCLUDINO THE SELECTION PROCESS AND DETERMINING TRE COMPOSITION or THE SCREENING COMMITTEE rOR THE MANACIMIMT AUDIT - APPROVED WITH A PERSON PROM CLERK !!ACAN'S STArr TO SIT IN AT MEETINCS A..lstant County Mðna~er Smith stated that thIs I. a repo,t frOM the County Mana90r on how to proceeð with the manaqement audit, adding that his recommendation Is that the procedures be approved. '"" ;: ~ "- -- - - - ...- --- - -- - ~- -- .- - - - - - -- - - - - - _ _i;~::. '"'' - - - - - - - - - - -- -.. ..- - -- paqe 1 (\ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - ..~- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -.... I January 2'5, 19S) Clerk Reaqan re~uoate~ thAt If hlø proj~cts that he roquolted to be Included In the management au~lt hAvo been included, ~e would like a atatt member to be prosent at the m.etlnqø. Comml..loner ~ruøe statod thðt tMe ~ð~r~ of County Cornmiaalonørs should be Includ~d In the management ðu~lt, to which Commløaloner PIstor stated that the Aoard of. County Com~iBlionera 10 Includ.~. Co~i.aioner VOl. moved, .econded by Comml..loner P1ator and carried unanl.ou.ly, that the preliminary l1.t of con.ultant., the concept. ot the R.r.p., Including tho .electlon proce.. and determ1nlnq the compo.ltion of the .creenlng committee for the manaqement aUdit, be approved with a_p~r.on fro~ Clerk Reagan's atatt to .It In at the .eeU nqa"lt It.. .14 HIDEAWAY 8EACH SEWER FACILITIES - ACC£PT~D WITH ^ CASH CONTRIBUTION, SUBJECT TO A ON! YEAR MAINTENANCE CUARANTEE or THE r.NTIRE 'ACILITIES WITH COMMENCEMENT ON THI DAY or ACCEPTANCE Utilities ~~nager Berzon indlcate~ that the ob1ectlona r.1ar~ln9 this mattAr have bean resolved, ~ddlnq thAt he Is now ~aklnq ror the preliminary acceptance of the Hideaway noach sewer facilltie.. Commlasloner Vo.a questioned the speciflcatlonl of the slope ot the lines, to which Utllltie. MMa9er 8erzon statod thllt tho specHI- cations aro to the ~/lO' minimum ?rede, adding that tho problem arose when a number ot the segments wore not huUt to minimum qrade. fie atated th.t excoptlon was t~k.n to two segments that he folt ~~ul~ require ad~ltlonal maintenance. He ftdvl.ed that standard. for wat.r/sewer projftcta ftre .stabllahed in v~rlou. locations which should he put t0gether In a form ot a manuol to be adopted .. an ordinance. ~r. Brant Watson, ~'~5 N.W. Rth Stroet, Mla~t, Florida, ~tated that h. ha. h.en Involved In Hideaway Oeach tor 3 year. I. a He atated that the qrade which i. .Ot le.. than it Ihould be I. In ðO:K 073 fAct. to~K 07S uet. lower region ot the project and the pipe. will he tlushed out by higher January 25, 19B3 regions, adding that he is qlad to see thiA Item on the aqundft for the preliminary acceptance. Mr. William Barton, repre.entlng Wilson, Mil1-.r, Rarton, SoIl, Peek, Inc., Itated that ho was I.ked to look Into this rarticular problem Ind that he concurs with Mr. Berzon's recommondatlon, adding that thi. .ystem I. not sub-.t~ndard and will work well and function well. Ho .tated that there I. ft po.slblllty that' øegmenta may have additional maintanancft which would be limited to periodic flushing of onc. a year. Coam1..ioner Pi.tor moved, seconded by Commi..loner Brown and carried unanlmou.ly, that Hlde.way Beach .ewer facilitie. be accepted with · c..h contribution of $13,OOn, .ubject to a one yea, maintenance qu.rantee of the entire f.c11Itla. with commencement on the day of acceptance. Utilities Manft~or Borzon stftt.~ tor th~ recor~ that there Is a re.olutlon of ð lion against the .ownr which Barnott Bank will take care or wlth!n 1n day. accordln~ to Mr. Woo~wnrd, tho attorney for the development. , . P'ge 12 ------------------------------------------ Jðnuary 2~, 19R3 n.. 115 ASSOCIATED UTILITIES SERVICES, INC. DESIGNATED AS Tnl UTILITY RAT! CONSULTANT TO REVIEW TH! nELTONA RATE APPLICATION 'OR THE MARCO ISLAND UTILITIES RAT! CAS! - APPROVED Utlliti.. Manager Berzon state~ that he i. reque.ting that "".ochtod Utili tie. Servlco., Inc. be dft.iqnated as the Utility Rato Con.ultant a. they are highly qualified and their performance was acceptable regardIng the r~te case of Va hi Broth.rs. H. st~to~ th~t part of the obligation 18 to establish the rate base, est~bll.h tho depreciation schedules and verify and confirm ..ny inform~tlon reqarrlln9 operatlnq cost ðnd expense. that Is contained In the application. H. stat.~ that it the con.ultant Call. to ~o so, becau.e tho applicant doe. not have the Informatlon or talls to furnløh It, tho boar~ can stop the l'O d~y tlm. period. Commissioner PI.tor quo.tione~ if the new rate ~roc:edure reqardlnq A .et tee has to be tollow.rt, to which ~r. eerzon stðteð that the tron~ I. to establish a ba.. ch~r1e tor Qvailahllity for servlco, oddlnq that the con.ult~nt can make a dlfforont recommendation If It la in the public's be"t Interest. II. notttd that thoro are ballo cost. which the Utilities are ontitled to In order to operate. Commls.ioner Plstor questioned If the new rates th~t Are b~in9 charged to Marco Island residents, effective In January, 19~3, could be chargad before the rate consultants have completed their work, to which County ^ttorney Saunder. øtatod th~t h~ ha. .ome qu.stlon whither Ordlnancu 76-71 t~ke. precedence over the !ranchloe aqroomont that V'G enterld into betwe.n the County ftnd the Iltllitl.s many years p,ior to thl enactment of that ordinance, a~dln9 that he 1. In the procl.. of doift9 ro..arch to solidity hi. opinion. H. Itated that the actu.l bill. viII bl lub.ltt.d on F.bruary 17, 1983, tor the 1ncr....d rat..,' . add1nq that, prior to that d.t., h. vlll have an answer to the 189a1 &Q:iK 073 PACt'. P89· ,.......,'"__....."''"'"."'.._""____.-=0,," M)( 073 mta January 25, 1983 quelt1on. He noted that it it II determined that the Ordinance doeG take pr.cedonc~, then nece.aary stepA will be taken In certain court. to prevent the rate Increaae from ta~lng aftect. ".pe .3 , Mr. ~. ^rvid Johnson, President ot the Marco Toland Civic Allocl.tlon, Itated that ho was representing 1,000 people and they are oppo.ed to any increase which would result in a wðter rate inereoae of 152. and a sewer rata Increa.o or 55', addlnq that he is SU9ge.t1ng that the entire requeøt be denied. " Mr. I. E. Evans, representing Marco rsl~n~ Taxp3yers Association, Itated that he representl over 50n peoplo and they ask that the petition be denle~. He Itftted that th~ (ranchise ftqreement has Inadequate Information and doe~ not deCln. investment, yet it atatos that there is a return on fnvostment of not lesn than R' not moro than 12'. He alao noted that th.r~ i. nothinq In th~ aqre.~ent that Indicftte. how the rat. ba.. II d.t~rmfnod. Commlslioner Plltor questioned if the rat. requ~at con be denied, to which County Attorn~y Saunders repli~d neqatfv.ly, adding that pursuant to the Franchi.. Aqre.ment and exSltinq ordinance., tho Utilities h.v~ the right to requost r~t~ increase. periodically and therefore, the Board must solicit for rate consultants. Co~l.s1oner PI.tor .oved, .econded by Coaml..loner Rolland and oarrled unanl.ou.ly, that A.soc1ated Ut111tie. Services, Inc. be d.s1qnated a. the Utility Rate Conaultant to review the Dlltona Rat. appl1oation for the Marco Illand Utll1tle. rete ca.e at a co.t .Itt.at. of $18,000 - .22,000. ..... Rec..., 10,05 A.M. - Reconvened 10115 A.M. ..... . ' P09 e 14 .. --- - - -- - - - - - - - -.- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --- , ", , . .... January '25, lC)R'3 It... ne UTILITIES MANAGER BERZON DIRECTED TO SOLICIT LOCAL ENCINEERING FIRMS, STArr, AND INTERESTED PARTIES IN DEVELOPINC A STANDARD MANUAL F'OR WATER/SEWER CAITERIA - APPROVED Co~issioner ~ruse stated that her rr.commen~~tion req~rdinq the se~r ðesiqn criteriA would be to ask the englne.rlng rlrMR Involved with the County to 81t down with An ad-hoc committee and the Utilltie. Manaqar and any other intera.tod partie. to develop n standArd oper~tlnq manual (or w~tor/8ew.r criterl3. ComMi..ioner Vo.. moved, .econded by Commi..ioner PI.tor and c.rrled unanlmou.ly, that Utllitie. Manager Berzon be directed to .ol1clt the Eng1ne.ring firm., Statf, and 1nter..ted parties in developing. .tandard manual for water/a.wer criteria, poat h..te. Ite. t17 COUNTY ATTORNEY DIRECTED TO DRAFT AN ORDINANCE PROVIDINQ TRAT, RE WATER/S!WEA PROJECTS IN THE COUNTY, TnE CONSULTING ENCIN!!R PROVIDE INSPECTION SERVICES AT THE OWNER'S COST. Utilities Manaqer nerzon stated that he r~qu..ted th~t his sewor de.l"n crlterl11 and Inspection policy ho llclopted in the Interim whUe the .tandard manual in being prepared In order to covor tho County In c..e there ~re other projects that arise before tho manual Is completed. "'r. h'1l1hm f'arton, roprtll.entlnq wilson, ~lller, Barton, SolI, And Peek, Inc., statod that hI. firm would be willing to help on tha .tandard mAnual tor water/sewer criteria. lie noted that In tho Ut1l1tie. Manager'. policy thAt 10 boing recommended In the intorlm, he ha. no proble. oxcept tor the right that 1. placid upon the enqlneer to .top work In tho ovent that tho project Is not proceeding Iccordlnq to lpacifications. He state1 that enqineer. should not hive tht. r.lpon- .lbllJty becau.. It place. an Iwe.oøe re.ponsibil1ty on the enqln.erl that .hould be the duty end r..ponllbUlty of tho owner. II. noted '&c~ ( 073 pM.t'460 'Iq. . '&O~K 013 mt& the financial aspect of the project and whether or not a contractor Is January 25, 1983 to continue working or not, .hould not be the rasponsiblllty ot the englneor., It should be the owners responsibility. He said that the en91neer has a dualreaponB1blllty, one, botnq the usponalblUty to the public and the .econd, belnq thft responsibility to his client. Utllltlea ~.naqer ~erzon atateð that h. a9r.ed with Mr. Barton and the wordln9 could be worked out. Commls.loner J~lland .tðt.~ thftt hft dlrl not w~nt to adopt those rule. and have them modiClftd a9aln IC ther~ are no other projects In the works, adding that It could all h. settleð In th~ near future with an adopted ordinance. County Attorney ~aun~ora .tnted th~t this policy Ihould be e.tablished by way of an ordinance which will take a minimum of 30 day.. Mr. f(ant, 1391 3rd ~t. !jo., Naples, F'lorlda, stateð that he endor.es ~r. Barton'. comments, adding that he feels that an ordinance .hould be adopted. He a_keð that I! Some action I~ taken now that there bo lome kind of a sunset provision. Coaml..ioner VO._ moveð, .econded by Comml..loner Plltor and c_rrled unanl~oully, that the County Attorney be directed to drat~ an ordlnanc. providing that, req_rdlng wat.r/a.wer project. In the County, the conaultln9 enqlneer provide Inspection ..rv1ce_ at the owner'. co.t and that If he note. any dl.crepancle. In the con.tructlon, he vlll notify the owner and the County. hpe . 4 1t".18 AESOLUTION 83-8 RE A ONE-YEAR CONTRACT AND AGREEMINT WITH THE STATE ATTORNEY rOR PROSECUTION SERVICES rOR COLLIER COUNTY AND THE CITY or NAPLES - ADOPTED AS AMENDED State Attorney D'Ale..andro stated that h. did not have any 'age 18 ---------- --- ---- - - -- - - - -- - - - - -- --- -------, .,,1' I . January 21), 19R3 di..q,..ment with what iø in tho contrft~t for tho ntate Attorney for pro..cution .ervlce. for Collier County and th~ City ot N!ples. H. notod that what I. not in the contract Is thft provision for the secretary and said that th~re has be~n discusalon r~gardinq thl. posl tlon. Co~missloner Kruse Atateð that ~ mombor of the puhllc has addr....d the Board indicatlnq that tho position of ft ~ecretðry to he paid by the County w~. illegal. ~tat. Attorney D'AI..sandro atntorl that it in not a valid concern, addln~ that tho fttatute provldos for the payment of th~ ^~81atant Stato Attorney from the County (or cort~in ~ntters which includes n SOcretary. 11. ßUtod that tho !trot bill that T'uu...d the House in 1~75 did not provide for such, it ~iMply said that tho ß~l~ry or t~. "..hunt rotate Attorn.y would b. paid. II. statod t.hat after the As.Istant r.tato Attorney's wero hir.d, they founr! out that they could not function without ð necrotary, thorefor~, the ~onate pa..ed a bill and ftxp~ndod on It, which incortod n ~rovlsion th~t ntntod that any " County or Municipality may contract with the State Attorney for the prosecution ~nd violationo o( the.. mðttnr.. County Attorney Saund.rø stat.d that ~ection "7.3~ ot the Florida ~t.tute. contain. the provisions that the State Attorn.y addr....d, addln9 that he aqra.. with th~ Interpr.tation of that sactlon, that the County can not only pay for the service. ot the Stat. Attorn.y hut .1.0' for the ..rvic.. of the s.cretary to ,upport the State Attorney In pro~ecutlon of county and city ordlnanco.. Co~1..1oner Holland quo.tloned the County payin~ ~O, and the City pay1n~ cn" .ddlnq that the City Indicate. that they will Ply . ~ :.~i:" the Attorney'. .alary, but not the .ecret.ry'. .alary. ~.lat.nt County Attorney Cuyler nated thftt the Clty'.'po.îtt~'~\\'~:- ~o:~ 073 tACt. -.r 11" po" ... M~K 073~. January "5, 1983 1. that they are willing to pay 40\ ot all cOltl, lncludln~ the .ecretary'. .alary. Ho atated that the City dl~ question the .ecret.r1al .alary, adding that now Mr. Rynder'ø current position la thftt the City will agre. to pay 40' of all COltS. State ~ttorney D'Alessandro .tated that he ae.1 no prohle~ with the City, but he has to qo before them with the contr8ct an~ it the , ~:.~ . ' t '~ 'f City doe. not .lgn, the issue will hav~ to be r~-aðdres8ed. Commi..loner Holland indicated that hø felt the perc.nta~e should be mora than 50-50 as there il bain1 moro work dono for the City th~n i tho County. County Attorney Caunders ðtat.d that the percÐnta9~ In ba'.d on time spent, adding that last year It waa 70-30 and thIs year time spent WII. fi(\-40. He not.d thðt th~ contr~ct providen Cor re-~valuatlon at the rnd of th~ year, which will be September 3n, 19~~. H~ stated that para~raph .lx of th~ agr..ment would have to b~ modlf.ied to indicate that tho contract will termlnftte on Septemb~r 30, lqn3. Co.mis410ner Brown .oved and .econded by Co.ml..1oner Yo.., th.t ~e'olutlon 83-8 re a one-year contract and agreement with the State Attorney for prosecution .ervlces tor Collier County and the City Napl.s be adopted a. a.ended to include the .ecretarlal a..latance and a termination date of September 30, 1983. Mr. J. Sandy Scatena, 2990 Binnacle Drive, Naple., Florida, It.ted that he i. repre.enting concerned taxpayer. and cltlzana. ,~..Id th.t hi. purpose I. to bring certain pertinent fact. before the Comml..1on rG9.rdlnq the State. Attorney's contract anð agreement. He .ubmltted Exhibits ^-F and l-)q Into the record regarding the pro.ecution .ervlce. contract, adding that th~8' axhib1t8 are pertinent to this di,cu..ion. He stated that this proposed agreement lø not written a. It was directed to be, adding that rlorlda ~tatut. ".34-1 state. that PaC). 18 -- - -.- -,- - ~- . - -- -- - ,( . -- - ,- .- - - -- - - -- -- - - - - ~ - - -~,~,;' ~ ._""'---~"---'~"'--~.'"'' -----------------------------------------..... .1anuary 25, 19A3 -no r.ounty or Municipality .hall appropriate or contr~ct fund. to the operation ot varlou. Rtate Attorneys, excopt that a ~ounty or Municipality mfty appropriate or contrlhute fund. to pay the .alary ot one ~..i.tant State ^ttornny whoso 8010 fun~tlon Kh~ll be the pro.ecu- tion of the Ordinance ot the County or Munlcipallty-. n. .totod that pa,aqraph ~ ot the propo.ed a~reement i. a direct violation of Florida BUtute 27.34-1. 110 ðtated that IU " concornod citizen he 1. Itsk1nq that the law be upheld ~n~ the Do~rrt not ~pprove the prosecution .ervlce. agreement. Commissioner rrus. .tat.d thltt Mr. fiaundern Is the le~al advlso, to the ~oltrd of County Com~II.10nor., ~ddln~ that the noard do.. not interpr.t the law, they li~ply Make It. She noted that Mr. D'Ale.sandro is tho one who prosecute. if the l~w I. violated, ~ddlnq that both l.qal advisors have Indicated to tho ~oar~ th8t 011 Information within this a1reement Is within the l~w. She .tated that Mr. Scatena's opinion il thAt the aqreement I. not within the IGw. Comml..ionor ~ru.a aaked County Attorney ~~undors If he rever.ed hi. opinion, to which County Attorney Saunder. replied n.qltlvely. Co~mi..lone~ Kru.e a.ked State Attorney D'^l....ndro it h. r.ver.ed his opinion, to which r.tate Attorn.y D'^leslandro roplied n.qatlvely. Upon call for the que.tion, the motion carried unan1mou.ly. NOTE: Document (Re.olution 83-8) not received in Clerk'. Office .s of February 1, 1983. &c:~ ú7S fAct. <""--,--..,-"-"".._""-~_.,,.~~" ~ 013 fAw;. January 25, 1983 ..... Rece.sl 11107 ~.H. - Reconvened, 11115 ^.H...... ".pe 15 It.. t19 RESOLUTION 83-9 ~UTHORIZINO SETTLEMENT or CIRCUIT COURT C~81 NO. 82-SS3-CC-11-TTT (I.B. IFFREIN) AND AUTHORIZINO THE COUNTY M~NAGER ,.0 EXPEND FUNDS FOR TH! PURCHASE or PROPERTY ON DOMESTIC AVENUE _ ADOPTED ~'I .j., '.; ,,'J '~ '{ , I " County ~ttorney Saunðers Inðlcated that his recommendation II to purcha.ft the property on ~m.ltlc ^v~nue, adding thðt It wll] not affect the operation budg~t for thir. fincal year. H~ notert that it the property 10 not to be utilip.eð for a solid w~stft transfer station, tho property can bo sold and the proceeds cnn h~ utl11zorl for a solid wa.te transfer station in another locntion. He conclu1~rt by stating that it is hi. recommendation th~t the ..ttloment ot thl. matter be authorized. Comm1..10ner PIstor movad, seconded by Comml.sloner Brown, thet Re.olutlon 83-~ authorizing the .ettlement of Circuit Court Ca.e No. 82-563-CC-II-TTT and authorizing the County "ana~.r to expend the funds for the purcha.e of property on Domestic Avenue be adopted. CommissIoner Holland stat~~ that the r.com~.ndðtion 18 to buy the pror~rty even thou~h it 1. not qoin~ to b~ us~d tor the purpo.e tor which it was selected. He statert that he rtirl not understand why any porson woul~ øi~n ð lanrl purchas. agreement it not authorized hy the County to do so, ð~ð1n? that this ahould he r.solveð. CommissIoner Kruse statad that the Ðoard chanqeð their Mind during a poriod of tlm., ad~ln~ th~t this was an Instruction given to Staff. County Attorney Saunders .tate~ that Stftff was not able to obtain a provisIonal U.e for this tranafer atation at this particular loca- tion, adding that the Board approved a contract July 13, 1982, which was signed by Staff and submitted to the S.11er, who also 8i9ne~. He noted that the property has been off the market since July. He .t.ted that after d01n~ resoarch, h. ~etermlneð that Staff acted aa an agent '8qe 20 - - - - - - - -- -. --_ -0' ~_,_, _., __ __ "_ _... . -"'"'-""''''"~~'-''''>~''''~',~-.~,-"., .'", .-- -- --_ -00 __ _.. __. _,_. _ _ ._ - -- - -. - - - - - - - - - ".,' --------- - - - -- -, - - - - - -- -- - -- - - -- - - ---- ------, .7ðnuary 2!1i, laR3 for the County in dqnlng the contract. II. reporte" thðt tho AGard ratified the agrooment by pns.inq a resolut1on which set forth a location, a price and a closinq data. ~e conclu1od that It la in the h..t Interest of the County to settln the mðtt~r. In respon.. to Com",ta.loner Uolland'lI quest ion, r.ounty Attorney Saunders otateð thlt It the prorerty Is not unod ~s ~ solid wðato trans!.r station ~n1 1. sold, the procoo~s woul~ hav_ to 10 bðCk Into the solid waste disposal or .oll~ WAst. tranftf~r factlltieø of tho County, arldlnq that tho funrl. cou!~ not go into t.he Ceneral Fund. Upon call tor tho que.tion, the motion carried ~/l, (Co~I..toner Holland oPpo..d). 6O:Jt 0'73 FAW41) .'"-"-------'..~_."._-'- -----------------------------------------.. (': " .. Jnnullry 25, l()A'J It.. '20 WORKSHOP DURINC WEEK or FEBRU~RY 7 FOR UTILITY OP!R~TORS AND OWNERS, COUNTY STA", ~ND COMMISSIONERS TO SETTLE ANY LAST MINUTE PROBLEMS R!QAADINO THE UTILITY RATE REVItw BOAAD ORDIN~NCE - APPROVED. 'INAL ORDINANCE TO BE ADVERTISED ~ND SCHEDULED FOR TAE M!ETINC or FEORUARY 22, 19113 County ^ttorney r.llunder. atated that he Is currently rlrllftinq an ordinance to establl~h a Rat~ nevi ow eoard 'or public utilities within Collier County, ...d~ln" that he 1. luq~o.tln~ ~n Informal workshop he Icheduled durlnq the wnek of rehrullry ~ to Includ~ tho utility op.rators oInd owners within the County, County start and Commissioner. to .ettI" any la.t ",Snute probt.I'I1I with the Or~Sn...nc:e. H. stated that he would like to hav~ r~bruary '2, l~R', aft the dat~ for the llnal approval of the OrrtSn~ncø. CommlsGloncr VOI:¡ qU"'tloner! if I'Icl'lbers would ho appointed to the ßo~rr! on Fobruary ~2. 19~), lr the Ordinance 1. P.....od, to which County Attorney ~aundors ntðtad that he hnc asked the Utl11t1øo ~"'n"'~.r to be9in tho process of compl1lnq namen of people th,1t would hI! sultat)lo to nerve on thl~ Poard In ~r~~r to "ra.ont n recoMl'londatlon to the Co~I..Soner. on F~bru...ry 2'-, l~R~. Com.1..Soner Pi.tor moved, .edonded hy Com.I..loner vo.. and carried unani.ou.ly, that a work.hop durinq the week of February 7, 19113, for utility operator. and owner., county .taff, and cOmMI..loner. to .ettle Iny la.t .Inute problem. reqardtng the Utility Rite Review BOlrd Ordlnanc. b. approved and the final ordinance be advertS.ed and .cheduled tor the .eetSng of February 22, 1983. It.. 121 DISCUSSION RI rARKAHATCHEI STRAND AND TH! CLOSING or JANES SCINIC DAIYI TO BI BROUGHT UP ~T A RECULAR MIETrNO County Attorney Saunder. .tated that he ~i.cu..ed with Mr. r..ndru., DI rector of R.cruUon I Parkl for the 'lor Ida r.pert",ent of ''.. ~ 073 'ACè47R Paq. ~ 073 PAGt41S ~anuary 25, 1983 ,.'\'. -------------- - - -- --- --- -- - - -----------------'.'" Natural Resource., the cloalng of. Janoa Sc.nlc Or1ve a. well.. the le.s1n9 of County-own.d property to the Rtatø wlthln the Fahkahatch.e Strand. He .t.ted that b.cðu.e of aome now information that hId been developed by County ataft thoro mfty be aome r.consl~eratlon by th. Board on whether to clo.. Janes Sconlc Or lv.. He atatet1 that Mr. Landrum reque.ted an opportunIty to dl.cusa tho cln.ure of the rood with the Board at I work.hop on rehruary R, 19Pj. Comml..loner Pistnr stato~ that h~ couJrt not lOt closing Jan.. Scenic Drive on p,oPl0 that use that road as an ace... point to qet to their property. Allot the Commissioners aqrfte~ with CommIssioner rl.tor. It was the qen.ral eon.an.u. that Mr. Landrum could attend a reqular board meetlnq to discus. the matt.r, but a workshop was not ne.ded. Item 122 ROUTIN£ BILLR - APPROVED rOR PAYMENT Pur.uant to Re'olutl~n P)-I~O th~ tollowSnq ch.cka were l..ued throuqh Friday, January ~1, l~Ø', In P"y,unt of routine bUla, CHP'CPt DE~CRrrTIO~1 CHr.CI( NOS. AMOUNT Voucher Checks 9l77' - l'!Jqo, ~1,"5.c,7P('l.07 ne.. 123 - '2& BUDGET AMENDMENTS 81-219 THROUGR 83-22' - ADOPTED AS DESCRIBED. Co..I..ioner Pistor moved, .econd.d by Co.-1..loner Holland .nd carrSed unanimously, that the follow1n9 budget amend.ent. be adopted .. described. Budget Amend.ent 83-219. To appropriate funt1 balance for 1n.tallation of radio tower anticipated In 1981-82, but not Incurred until 1982-83 (Anl.al Control Dept.) In the amount of 82,000. Pa9. 2 ~ ----------------------------------------~ Budqet ^.endment 03-2201 Budget Aeend.ent 93-2211 Budget Aaend.ent 83-2221 January 25, 19p,J To provlda funda from Continq~ncie. for new position ðuthorizeð for Superviøor of '-1ections Office In th~ n~ount of C\n,P71. To appropriate -~~orlmen of the Worlrl- don~tlon for pla~round oqulpment carried torward ~t 10/1/B2 (P~rks & Recreation Admin. Hection) In thft amount of $l,OOn. To ~dju.t n~ount. to accurstely reflect ~lÐction coats, due to under-hudqetod salarie. a. there wer. moro rrnclnctø than antlel- p.t~d earlier because of Incren.ed roqiotratlonø In the ðmount ot tlJ,'UI7. lOOK 073 FACt47~ ~~.,_.~,_..,." ,~'" _i____,.,......._"__",,. January 2~, 1983 &O~K 078 p.\Ct47S Ite.. .27 IMMOKALE! ROTARY CLUB'S USE OF THE IH~OKALEF. AIRPOnT P^RK _ APPROVED AND PERMISSION CRANTED TO CHARCE AN ADMISSION FEE FOR THE 9TH ANNUAL MILD ROO BAR-B-O ON FEBRUARY 12, 19R3 Co~1..ioner PI.tor moved, .econded by Commis.loner Brown and aerrled unenl.ou.ly, that the Immokale. Rotary Club'. u.e of the I.-okelee Airport Perk be approved and perml..lon be granted to aharq. en ed.laalon fee for the 9th Annual Wild H09 Bar-B-O on February 12, 1983. IU. . 28 EMS MANACEMENT AND OPERATIONS - LISTtD ON AOENDA IN ERROR AY STAP' Commis.loner Kruft~ In~lcat.d that the EMS mðnaqement ðn~ operations It@M W~8 li.te~ in error by ataff, ft~din9 that It was a ml~lnterpretðtion or her direction. ..... The fOllowing items were approved and/or adopted under the consent agenda I ..... lte.. 129 Resolution 83-10 authorizing the exacutlon of an amended ..ploy- ..ent a re...ent betvaen Collier Count and Judson W. Harv. . Itelll .30 Seft r.qu Yfl-' ~,,, OWnerehlp and operation accepted, under a one year .alntenanc. quarante., for the ..wer force Main and lift .tatlon at Wiggin. pa.. Club. Ite.. .31 See Pa9" ~~,. ~ff , Lat. Trafford Memorial Card.na Ce.etery Deed. No. 330 and 331 _ Accepted for Recordation. S.e Page. Y/f,. y,,, Item U2 MISCELLANEOUS CORRESPONDENCE - PILED AND/OR kEPEARED. There being no objection, the Chair directed that the follovlng paCJ. 2S - -- ---- -- - -'- - - - -- - - - ---- ----- ---------....., ~--.,--,~---,..",~"""..._-,,, --------- - ----- ---- ---- --. - --------------- January 25, 1Q~~ corr..pondence be filed and/or reforred to the various departments aa indicated below. 1. Letter rlatorl ~~nuary 17, 1P~', from Ronal~ L. ~arkha~, rr~~rnl Man~q.r of ¥ahl nrother. ~1.þO.al to the Acr conflrmlnq th.t tn accordance with tranchlse e~tenGton, Y~hl Droth.r. I. not askinq for any rat. incren.e this year. Y.C' Mr. Nor~an, Mr. Saunders, Mr. f'ðhey, Filed. 2. permlt Number CO--;A from OtlR for I"ermltteeo, Soavtew Construc- tion CompAny, Tnc., c/o r..or~e F. Wilson re copy of final or~er Cor olevl'ltod heach/dune walkover to bo conotructod at Club Re<}ttncy, ~lJ\rco Ioland. ~c. "'r. ~Jor",an, ~r. Vlrta, Or. Renedlct, rllet1. 3. r.partmental Report fro!!! Veter...n. 1IH...l ra for "-co",b l lr, If1A,. ~. ~opy of Mlnutas from E~SAC POR January 11, ]~A~ ðn~ Maple. Clty Council, for January!, 1geJ. ~. Letter dated January 14, lQ81, from Cllbort C. Batz, ^ttofnoy for Marco Tsland Utllltl.., A nlvislon of ~ltona Utllltie., tnc. to CommllHllont"r '1ary-Frances Kru.e, notl fylng the BCC that o(!~ctlve Jnnunry 17, ]~A', tho r~quftstn~ rnto Increas. wlll be put into offect on an Interim basi. until the Doard reaches II rln~l ~eclclon on the rata Increase. ~CI Mr. t1orr.lan, /'Ir. Derzon, ~r. ~aund.ra, Plted. . . . . . . . . Thou being no furthor buslnes. tor the c;7ood of tho County, tho meetlnq was ~d10urned by ('rder of the Chair - Time. 11.1t5 ^.~'. :..."." ,.,., ~O~RD or COUNTY COMMr~SION£nS/8rARO OF ZONINC APrr.^LS/r.X OFF'ICIO COVEANtNC no^nnrs) or SPtCIAL DISTRICTn UNDER ITS r.ONTROL ~ ~~~~lnHAÑ \ ,LI oJ'¡ .. r, " ·....1. " ' ....' pre.ented ace on .?-~4..d'" ~ /"J correctod ft. . - 073 FACt.