BCC Minutes 02/01/1983 R Naples, ~lorlda, February 1, 1983 ------- -- - -- - - - - - - -- - - - -- - - - - -- - - -- - ___ - __";;i\ ';:: ,"" LET IT BE REMEMBERED, that the Board of County Commi..ioner. in and tor the County of Collier, and also acting as the Board ot !oninq Appeal. and a. the govarnlng board(s) of such special district. as have been created according to l~w and having conducted busine.. herein, met on thl. date at 9100 A.M. In Regular Se..lon In Building .,. of the Courthou.e Complex In roast Naples, Florida with the tollowinq member. pre.ent, CHAIRMAN, Mary-Franc.s Krus. VICe CHAIRMAN, David C. Brown John A. PI.tor Prederlck J. voss C.C. -Red- flolland ALSO PRES~NTI William J. Reaqan, Clerk, James C. Clles, Fi.cal Officer, Elinor M. f,klnner, Deputy Clerk, C. William Norman, County Manager, ~dward C. Smith, Asslftant County ~ðnag.r, Burt L. Saunder., County Attorney, 'enneth ß. Cuylor, Aastatønt County Attorney, Terry Virta, Community Oevelopment Administrator, Lee Layne, rlans Implemen_ tation Director, Knutft Hartman, PUblic Works Adl'llniatrator, ,,,. NeU Dorrill, Public Safety Administrator, Nancy Ilratlcon, ^dmini~cr.tlv. Secretary to the Board, and reputy Chief RðymOnd Barnett, Sheriff'. Department. '""".., "-"."~"."'''~-~.''''''"'..''-._\_'''''' ..., aOOK 073 'ACê 499 _._~_.._"-"-,._,...._~~ '- ----------------...- -___ ·_~4_._, _ __ _ _._ ,.. P' t1 Ite. U AOENDA - APPROVED WITH ADDITIONS February I, 1983 Co..lssloner Brown moved, seconded by Commissioner Pistor and carried unanimously, that the agenda be approved with the following adcUUon.. 1. Discussion re requlatinq taxi cabs and limousine. In Collier County, 12C. 2. Discussion ro waiver 0' building p.rmlt feos for r.ast Naple. Little Leaque, 120. Ite. 12 MINUTES 0' JANUARY 18 AND JANUARY 25, 1983 BCC MEETINGS _ APPROVED AS PRESENTED Com~Ss.ioner PI.tor .oved, .econded by Commis.Soner Holllnd and carried unanS.ou.ly, that the .Snutes of the January 18 and 25, 1983 ICC .eeting_ be approved a. pre.ented. Ite. .3 EMPLOYEE 0' THE MONTH AWARD - PRESENTED TO OLIVE BUSJAECEA Chairman Kruse presented thø P.mploy.. of the ~onth ^~'.d to Olive Busjaeqer and commenrled her for hor work In the Ilbrnry. lte. t4 PROCLAMATION DESICNATING THI WEE~ or rEBRUARY 1, 1983 AS .CLOOCINO WIE~· - ADOPTED Co..I..loner Vo.. read the Proclamation de.lgnatlng the we.k of rebruary 1, 1983 a. ·Clogging Week· and moved, .econded by Coe.i..ion.r Pi.tor and carried unanimously, that It be adopted. Mr. CharI.. Morrl. accepted the proclamation and Invited everyone to a clogg1nq demon- .trltion at the ever?lade. Seafood Fe.tlval. 600X 073 I'A~ 503 P.g. "..''''>."""~",,,......_.,.........;.,-", '-"."\II""'-''''''-,-",~"-..,,...,.-- -._~.,"'---,-..~--~.,--"'--," ''¡ 1'¡ , ".. 'f' It.. IS RISOLUTION 83-11 R! PETITION NO. PU-80-l6C, FOR EXTENSION or PROVISIONAL USE OF PROPERTY AT SE CORNER or lSTH AVENUE, SW AND 39TH STREET, 8W FOR FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH OF COLDEN CAT! _ ADOPTED Plans Tmplementatlon Diroctor Layne ~xplainerl that approval was granted for provl.ional u.e tor Petition ~o. PU-~O-l~C on FObruary 3, 1981 and extended to F.bruary 3, 19A3, and that the petitioner ha. indicated financial prohlem. which nece,sitatod a request tor ~n February 1, 19ft3 --------------------------------------- extension. Commi..ioner Pistor moved, seconded by Commis.ioner Brown and carried unanimously, that Re.olutlon 83-11 re Petition No PU-80-16C, tor extension of provl.ion.l U.e or property at S! corner ot 15th Avenue, SW and 39th Street, SW tor the Fir.t Bapti.t Church of Colden C.te, be adopted. 60:),( 073 r.t~'5GS 'Iq. ~'~".....'"._.._._,',.-..'.-,....."'._;<..->'" "'''".,,~........._,~,._~._,--'......... ... . '.._..,..._._~_.".-..,' <.'L'''.'.'~'''_'''''''''''~'''_'~,~.., """"^~"""'; '=".'''''..,. "-"-""'''''~'.."~..._~ ------------- - ------- ------- -- - - -- -- - -------- February 1, 1983 Ite.. . S INTERLOCAL AGREEMENTS WITH INDEPENDENT PIRE CONTROL DISTRICTS TO PROVIDE POR rIR! CODE INSPECTORS UNDER PROPOSED, REVISED COUNTY PIR! CODI - APPROVED Community Development Administrator Vlrta explained that, at Boar~ direction, .t~'f has heen WOrklnq for two ~nd one-half years on an .~reement ~s to the rolatlonshlp hetween the Independent Fire Control Districts and Collier County for Inspection of new structure. under the fire code, addinq that ~ rnvl~e~ ~ounty Flr~ Code will come he for. the Board next we.~. Hit said that stðff r~com~ends th~t the BCC ~dopt the Int.rlocal ~~re.ment øuhject to tho r.vlled Fire Code being adopted next week. ^..l.t~nt County Attornoy r.uyler re(~rred to th~ AQreement revision which he distributed to th~ Comml~sioner5 this d~t. with prlmllrlly qra"""ðtical' chðnael I'Ind one chl'ln'1o reqarrflnq the appeal proce.. to b. hanðl~d under the Bo~rd of Aðjustm~nt ðnd Appeal which ho did not fo.l was appropriate In the Interlocal ~reom.nt. CO..I.sioner Piator moved, .econded by Co~i..loner Voss and carried unanimou.ly, that the Interlocal Agreements with the Indepen- dent P1re Control Districts to provide for tire code inspections under the proposed revised County Fire Coda, be approved. Y,~ ~p~" ::,I} 60~K 0'73 r,,~ 507 'I,. 4 ......"'"""''',.,,~~-,.,.,".....-.._..^'"',. Item '7 &O~K 073 fAG¿ 516 February 1, I!HU RESOLUTION 83-12 ESTABLISHING RIGHT-OF-WAY FOR CONNECTION OF CYPRESS WOODS DRIVE TO COODL£TTE/rRANK ROAD AND AUTHORIZING ACQUISITION or SAID RIGHT-Or-WAY NECESSARY rOR ROAD CONSTRUCTION - ADOPTED Public Work. Administrator "artman reforred to the Board'. decision not to build a connection of 14th Avenue with Frank Boulevard north of Cypress Woods and stated that the concept of providing e..t/weat connectors betweon U.R. 41 and Frank Boulovard i. ftn olð issue which has been studied aeveral times In the past, addinq that he is recommendinq a~proval of the connection of Cypress Woods to Frank Boulevard to provide ð through routo froM Frank Boulev~rd to Culfshore Boulevard by way of Park Shore Drive. Ho Bald that this was the oriqin~l recommendation sevoral years ago of tho ~oard'B committee and ho hell~veÐ that the Po~rd authorlz~d Gtotf to make appraisals and øttempt to purcha~e thr needed riqhl-of-way but that fttaff was unsuccelf.l'J(!.'l. IIc !'IlIld thl!t If thf:'re is no success this time, staff requests that the ~oard adopt Ð resolution that would allow staff to obtain hy alft, purchaR~ or condemnation the riqht-of-way. ~r. Mike Z~walk npoke In favor of this resolution. Carol White and ~n Oarber spoke In opposition to the resolution. Responding to Commlsnioner Holland, ~r. Hortman said that no work has he en started on thl! connection. Commissioner Holland said he received four telephone calls last evoninq from residents opposing the propoanl. He asked how much right-of-way the County haa on the street that tho staff propos.s to make as an entrance into Coodlett. Road to which Mr. Hartman .aid ~O f.et. Responding to Commissioner Holland, Mr. Hartman said that, it the proposal was approved, staft would connect the road and monitor the traffic and that the County would probably have to provide a traffic light because It would be the connection of a County street that caused the congestion on U.~. 41. PaC) e 5 "'-..-.....- ----- -- - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - _..- - - -.- - - - - -- - - -- ------ Fobruary I, 19~3 Mr. Hartman said that the prop08~1 connection woulrl remov~ lome of the traffic from 22nd Streot, Ohio Drive anrl Solana Drive, thereby improving the character of one neighborhood evon thouqh the character of another neiqhborhood miqht be chnnqed. Commi.sioner Hollan~ said, in hi. opinion, thes. propo.als .hould be brought beforo th~ Aoard befocft staff go.s to the expense of desiqnlnq them. Chairman Krus. pointed out that thl. connection has been moved up ~nd down the street over the pð~t fpw Y~ðrs ~nd that tho Board has to t~k~ ð stan1 and make a connection. North Naples Fire Chie' .'onos spoke in favor of the proposal, addinq that the additional acce8~ proviðed to a residential acea Is beneficial because it would give the rlro Department b~ck acc..s. Commissioners Vo.s and Plstor npoke In favor of the propos~l. Co~mi.aioner Vo.. moved, seconded by Co~missioner Plstor and carried 3/2, with Commi.aion.r. Rolland and Brown opposed, to acc.pt .taff reco~~endation regar6tnq the n.ed for a connection betw.en Cypres. Wood. Drive and Goodlette/Frank Road and authorize County .tlft to aoqulre n..d.d right-of-way through 9ift, purcha.e or cond.mnation. Responding to rommi.sloner Rolland, Mr. Hartman .aid that the,e i. a .trip of land ~n foot wide ownod by Mrs. tÑhlte between the exilting eaat end of Cypress Woods ðnd the former railroad right-of-way, addin1 that there ia a qight-of-Way ~ðp which the Board will need to approve. rollowing County Attorn.y Saunder.' advice, Commission.r PS.tor ~Yed, .econded by Commi..ion.r Vo.. and carried 3/2, with Co..Se- eSonere Holland Ind Brown oppo..d, thlt Re.olutlon 83-12 eetlblS.hlng Right-of-Way for oonn.ction of Cypre.. WOod. Drlv. to Goodlette/rrlnk Road Ind luthorizing acquI.1tion ot said Right-of-Way n.c....ry for fOld oon.truotlon, bo adopted. 8001( Oi3 'ACió17 ,....."."~-.........~,........._...,,.. .. February 1, 1983 'i ~ :'}~, ..;~, .~ ..;.~ .:T;\ ·I'·:··.··~·'..·.···· ,', I'!, :')~ .".:,r.. .1. ",;.) ····1· ,," ~ "~ &O~ 073 1'A&£52O Ite. II PERMISSION FOR lAST NAPLES TO ANNEX THE rINAL PORTION OF rIRE DISTRICT .1 AND HENDERSON CREEK EFFECTIVE IN 1984, CONTINGENT ON NO OB3ECTIONS PROM THE OTHER DEPARTMENTS - APPROVED Public Safety Administrator Dorrl11 explained that the East Naple. Fire Dlatrlct requested that this it~m b~ placed on the agenda and h. referred to the Executive Summary dated 2/~1/A3 which outlines the history of the cr.ation of Fire Control District .1, adding that the are. has not had a large enough a......ð value to support. full time, paid fire departm.nt and, therefore, sorvlce. from the North Naple., East Naples and Colden Cate Fire Di.tricts have been contracted. He .ald that variou8 portion. of District .1 have been annexed to Golden Cate and North Naples In~eptndent Districts. He said that East Naples Fire Oopartment 10 interested In continuing to provide service to the area, however, It Is reluctant to do so without h^ving ð portion of the district placed within their own boundarleø In order to make the necessary capital commitmentl to continue to provido service to the area. He notod thðt the Isle of Capri Fire District i. the only existing dependent fire district within the area, adding that It is a volunteer fire department with two pieces of ~ppnrðtus. Tape '2 Responding to Commissioner Voss, Commissioner riøtor said that he had spoken with the Chairman of the Marco Island Fire Comml..lon who told him there Is absolutely no inter.st In Marco Illand providing service off Marco Island other than mutual aid. East Naples Fire Chlof Billman said he had a letter from the Marco Island Fire Department stating what Commissioner pi.tor just aald, a. well a. letter. from the Colden Cate Fire Control District and the tsle of CIIPrl. If. reforred to a map on an overhead board and said that the -~. _.. ..-- area outlined in red iø the arell in qU41tlon which hili bIen a County Page ., . --_.- ..- .-. -_. - --. -- - ---- --------- --- -. -- _.- -.-- ._- .'. -... - ,-- .-- -'. --.-.- -. -.----------..... February 1, 191'3 Fire Dl.trict for seven year.. He explained that he has been with the. East Naples Fire Department .ince ]974 ~nd, at that time, the Oepart- ment was running the cal10 In that area without reimbur3ement, that ð 'YDtem later ovolve~ whereby the E^st N~ples Flro Department Wft~ paid per call, and then a system was devised whereby the payment was mad. from the ad valorem procoeds from th~ area. 110 said that there are from 30~ to 400 calla per year in that aroa nnd that his department'. rosponse time Is longer than In the le,lslated area bocaule no stations are located there. He stated there wero ~J~~,OOO in fire 10.... in the area ðurln~ l~R2 which W~~ ~lmost as much ^n In the legislated area with twlcp. as many ~~lls. nespond1n1 to Commissioner Plstor, Chief Blllm~n ,aid that East N~pl~s Fire Department has had several commit- ment. from builðers to work with the rlepArtmont to con.truct a fire station location, with Oeltona Corporation being the principle one, adding that no aito has hoen selocted at this tlm.. Comml.sioner Pistor moved, seconded by Commis.ioner Voss and carried unallimou.ly, that alternative one of the Executive Su_ary, to allow ~.t Naple. to annex the final portion of Fire DI.trict .1 Ind Henderson Cre.k effective in 1984, contlng.nt on no obj.ctlons fro. the other Department., be approved. Respondin, to Commis.ioner Piltor, County MAnagør Norman pointed out that a special Loqislatlve ^ct would be Involved regarding the annexation and that recently the legislature has required that a referendum within the area to b8 annexed and the belance of the dl.trict be held before th~ action is official and that durlnq the ..veral montha to accomplish the chan~e the current contract. vlll re.a1n operable. ~~ 073 PACt521 :".: , , Ite. U &O~K 073 tACt' 522 February 1, 1983 POSITION or IMS COMMUNICATOR/SECRETARY EXEMPTeD FROM THE HIRINO rAEEZE Assiatant County Manager Smith requested that the position of EMS Communicator/Secretary be exempted from the hlrin~ freeze. Reapondin9 to Commiasioner Vo.., Mr. Smith explained that, currently, ambulance. are di.patched from the Sheriff's Department and that this poaltion 1. a backup communicfttion .ervlco and thp. ft~ployee helps to route ambulances. County Mønager Norman said that ~ Pftrameðic Sup.rvisor work. out of the same location as the position un~er discussion, addin~ that the Communlcøtor/secretary works an oi~ht hour, five day a woek .chedule and that durinq that time tho Supervlnor Is on the road, otherwl.e the Gup~rvl8or 1~ normally ftvatlable. Co.-is.loner Voss moved, .econded by Commis.ioner Piator and carried unanimously, that the position of EMS Communicator/Secretary be exe.pted from the hlrinq freeze. Item .10 BID '639 RE ADVERTISEMENT OF 1982 DELINQUENT TAX ROLLS - AWARDED TO NAPLES DAILY NEWS Leqal notice having heen publi8he~ In the Naples ~tly Nows on J~nuary 14, 19P3, ~. evidenced by ^ffi~avlt of rubl1cation filed with the Clerk, bids were received for Old .~~~, for the advertisement of the 1982 Delinquent Tax Rolls, 'Jntt1 1)100 A.M. Jllnuary 31, 198J. A..lstant County M~nager SMith reterred to a supplemental Execu- tive Summary regarding this subject which was prepared following the bid opening, and ~ald that last yoar staff was dlrectod to take bid. tor the advertisement of the Delinquent Tax Roll. this year, adding that the Naples Daily News and the Naples Star .ubmltted bids. He .ald that analysis of those bid., taking into account paid circulation for both papers, resulted In the conclusion that Naples Cftily News Is the low blddor. - -- -- , . _.. ~- . - . ----- - - - - - - -- - --- - - - - - - - - 0- - -- - - __ ___ _ -----~:f{J} ,)'. February 1, 19a~ Commi.sioner pi.tor moved, .econded by Comml.sioner Brown and carried unanimously, that Bid '639 for thft advertisement of the 1982 Delinquent Tax Rolls, be awarded to the Naples Daily News, a. reco.- .ended by the Purcha.ing Director to be the lowest responsible bid In the best intere.t of the County, and that the Chairman be authorized to .i9n and the Clerk to attest the resulting agreement. Ite. '11 CHAIRMAN AUTHORIZED TO SICN A LETTER or NO OBJECTION TO THE CREATION or A SPECIAL SERVICE DISTRICT rOR PLANTATION ISLAND BY THE CITY or EVERCLADES, DOCUMENTS ASSOCIATED WITn CREATION or DISTRICT TO BE SUBMITTED TO THE COUNTY ATTORNEY'S orrICE FOR HIS REVIEW AND RECOMMENDATION County ^tt.orney ~ftun~.r. said th~t in late December 1982 the City of £verqlndos asked that the County Commission submit a letter of no objection ro~arninq the City of Ev~rqlades provl~lnq the water service to Plantation Island. lie said that pursuant to Chapter IP.O ot the FIorinI Statuteo, the Cit.y of £verqlðd~s enn provide that .ervlce without the approval of the BCC, however, when the matter was before the Board in December th~r4 was .ome ~I.cussion by members of the public as to tho provløion of service to ~lantatlon Island. Re said that the bftsic recommendation today Is tho same a. at that time, that the County can I~.ue n letter of no objection, but that the City of Everglades, reqftrdl.ss of that letter, can still provide service pursuant to Chapter 190. To Comml3.ionor Pi.tor's qu.stion regardlnq whether Collier County would be Involved -should something go wrong- with the water supply .ituation, ~r. Saunders responded negatively. Co..Ss.ioner Brown moved, .econded by Commis.toner PI.tor, thlt the Chllr.an be authorlaed to sSgn a letter of no objeotlon to the creation of a speoial .ervloe dlstrlot for Pl.nt.tlon City of lVer91lde. .nd that dooument. Is.oollted with &œ« 073 PAtt 523 ,.,,. 073 521A Fobruary 1, 19~3 bO'K PAct . It the diatrict be submitted to the County Attorney for hi. review and recommendation. ~r. Luther R. Atwell, Plantation Island resident, read a statement which he qave to the Deputy Clork opposing Everglade. City admlnistor- inq water to Plantation ISland. Chairman Kruse atateð that other Plantation Island property owners have indicated that they want the wat.r servico. County Manager Nnrman referred to Mr. Þ.twe1J'.. question. re~arding a possible Improveð fire protection system in a portion of the Ochopee Fire District, which is a County dependent district, adding that staff could follow up to try to ohtain better water protection In that area. ~r. D~niel Swimher, Plantation Zsland resident, snld hft has a well on which ð New York fire head, which fits the pumper truck, has been Installed but no one would test it. ~r. Nor"an .nl~ that starf could investigate this situation. ····Commi.sloner .~llanð left the room ~t 9155 A.M. and returned at 10100 A.M...... Upon call for the question, the motion carried 4/0, with Commissioner Holland absent from the room. Responrllnq to Commissioner Voss, Mr. Saunders sairl that he has been told by the Everqlades City ^ttorney that there would be no attempt to force anyon~ to connect to the water system. ße suggested that the proposed letter indicate that the Commission has no objection to the construction of tho facilities pursuant to Chapter 18n. IU. 112 ROUTINE BILLS - APPROVED FOR PAYM!NT Pursuant to Resolution Al-l~O the following checks were issued through Jltnuary ''', 1983, in payment of routlno bill., - - - - - - _. _.. _._ _ .. 4 - -...._ .._ ___ ~n .... Paqe 11 CHECK DP;SCI~IPTION ,::,ir, , .;;');. ,''>'':\1\, ."'!i '-;,J.:~~ ------ -- - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - -------'...... .,' P'ebr uary 1, 1983 CHF:Ct< NO~. A MOm-IT Voucher Checks s2~C),n2fj..,J 91991 - 922'-1') 59437 - !;9957 ?1'3,815.P6 negular payroll Checks Ite. 113 BUDGET AMENDMENT 83-233 TO ESTABLISH THE PROPER ACCOUNT AND DOLLAR AMOUNT (DATA PROCESSINQ ADMIN. SECTION) - ADOPTED IN THE AMOUNT or $134,081 Com.la.loner Brown moved, seconded by Commissioner Plstor and carried unanimously, that Budget Amendment 83-233 to .stablish the proper account and dollar amount, reflecting action previou.ly approved by the Board, (Data Proce.sing Admin. Section) be adopted in the a.ount of $134,081. Item. 114 , 115 BUDGET AMENDMENTS 83-234 AND 83-235 - ADOPTED AS DESCRIBED IN THE AMOUNTS SHOWN Commissioner Holland moved, .econded by Commissioner PI.tor and carried unanimously, that the following Budget ~endments be adopted a. described in the amounts shownt Budget Amendment 83-234. to provide funds for TB~ Aelectrlc tII typewriter for Everqlað.. City Court- house branch (Other Ceneral Adminl.tra- tivo Section) in the amount of 8S50. Budget Amendment 83-23~, to appropriate fund halance for fr~nchtRa s.ttlement previously 3ntlcipate~ to be pal~ In 1981-A2 (Copi tal project. Section) (Coodlett. W~tor Di.trict) in the amount of $15,000. ,- ;<:'~, ;', ~~ 073 '''Çê 525 .,-----.----- -_. - - - -- - - "- ----- - ____ _____________..!.,¡r. ' . ',,::r 't',< February I, 1983 '~ Ite. U 5 BUDGET AMENDMENT R! REASONABLE SALARY EXPENSE OF COUNTY COURT JUDGE TURNIR - APPROVED Clerk Reagan explained that Judge Turner was recently appointed and that la.t week the State informed the Clerk'. Offic. that there ~ould b. no further funðin~ tor additional State employ.os which would include Ju~ge. secretaries and that the County would have to pay for those positions. lie pointed out that thn f;tate doe. not often use Statute 34.171, which requires the County to pick up any cOlt it the State ~oe. not pay for It, which includes offIce supplies, secretari.., a..lstants, etc. Responding to Commissioner Plstor, Mr. Re~qan said that Ju~ge Hit yo . · budqet, which Judge Turner will bo usi nq , did not have a secretarial position beca 'J.e the State Is payl nq Eor Judge naye.' secr.tary but that the State has now initiated a fre.ze for new State positions. I'e sa id that, In his opinion, within the next few ~onth. there will b. other uudqot amendment. which will come before the BCC for oftlce supplies ~nd expense. for Judge Turnor. He said that he I. currently as.embling figures and facts concerning the cost ot the JUdiciary over the past five years. Co~i..loner Brown moved, seconded by Commi..loner Holland and carried unanl.ously, that the Budqet Amendment re rel.onable .Illry expen.e of County Court Judge Turner be approved. Ite. U 7 REOUIST TO DESTROY VARIOUS COUNTY RECORDS - APPROVED Clerk Reaqan explained that approval has been received from Stlte Dlvl.lon ot Archive., the Dtpartment Head. and to de.troy the various County record. I. outlined In the .J,:: lue..ry d.ted Jlnulry lA, 1983. Co..I..loner Rolland .oyed, .econded by Conat..loner aoOK 073 PA~529 &OOK 0 73 'A~ 530 Fehruary 1, 1983 '/ '~', ~ carried unanimously, that tho request to d.stroy various County record. bo approved. ItOIft 118 MOTION TO DEFER DISCUSSION RE COUNTY MANAGER'S ORDINANCE FOR TWO BCC ~ETINaS - DENIED Commls.ionor Voss said that in order to have an operating Dt.ff, in his opinion, there has to be a lino of ftuthority thnt is clearly defined for that staff and that it Is extremoly difficult for someone to have morc than one boan. fie said th~t he felt that tho County Manager Ordinance, which changeð tho authority of the County Manager, 18 wrong, adding that he fecls that the County Manager is the person tho Commission .hould hold responsible for the opørations of his staff .'.,'j "'1' . ~. ", '.~ ,;., !:,.~, and that .veryon~ on his .t~r' should know that he is the bOI' and that he 1ft responsible to the ~o~rd of County Conmlssioners. He said he did not think the ACC ·h~s any buslncsc· ~oJnq below th~ County Manager trying to tell people what to do and that, If thorp is going to be a competent County Manftgor, he ~ust have some Aecurity and that .ecurlty cønnot be given unl.s. there is ~ vote of four to one on his dl.mis.al. Commissioner Pistor salrl he felt that tho chang.s which were done In the County Mana~cr Ordinance wer~ done Ille~ðlly hecause the ordinance stated there had to be a (our out of five vote, yet three Commi.sloners took It upon themselves to chan~e tho ordinance with a three out of five vote. lie s..-Id he agree. with Commis.ionor Voss and that he would like to revort to Ordinance AO-77. Chairman Rruse stated that she was elected by 50\ plus one of the voters in the County and she could not .ee If Someone is pertorming his jOb adequately that the Commission should .equlre a four to one vote to protect that person. f'he søid that ~hf' stood by her opinion t~at the Commis.Ioners operate the Roard and its personnel the same way .s the rest of tho government Is opeuted by., simple majority. - ""__ ,,0 _. ._ ._._ ___ .,.. February I, 1993 "Ipe 13 Mr. Lloyd zumF.ldo, Director of the Napl.. Chamber of Comm.rce, referred to a letter written to tho Board of County Commission.ra regarding thl. matter ðnd he said that it was a unanimous d.cilion to send the letter after much discussion among the fourteen members of the Chamber of Commerce Board of nlroctors. n. uid that the Board of Directors has a difference of opinion In the procedure. and protections required to allow the County ~anðger to offectively do hi. job and that they f.el the previous or~inanco was better and that ordinance should be return.d. Commissioner Voss s~ld that durin1 the past several months he hal talk.d with ~any Individuals and ,roup. and non. of them have not been in favor of relnst1tut1n9 the previous County ~~nager Ordln~nce and, in his opinion, if the ßCC does not chanq. hack to that ordinance they are -flylnq In the f~ce or public ~plnlon.. Commissioner Holland s~id that h. voted for the Management Audit and that he feels that th~ ACC wnuld he ~ctln9 in h.sto to make any change pertaining to m'na~ement boCor. the audit i. completed. Re.pondlng to Commi.sioner Holland, Co.~i.øioner Piltor .,id that, during his di.cusslons with the £eer~tary of State and the Attorney Ceneral, he w~s told that they could not qiv. an opinion on the request of on. com~isslon'r but that, It a majority of com.issioner. asked tor an opinion on what took place last Nove~ber, they would .end luch an opinion. .y,,~r Co..i..loner Vo.. lIIoved that the d1acu..lon of the County "an'9.r")~: ~', :';i~:~' 7}'f· OrcSinlnce be deferred untU the next ace l\e.tinCJ. Conil.lontr PhtcÎr{; ¡ . . . I' ) j';¡ ~~~ , ',,<'\) ..conded the ..otion and requested thlt COll1d..loner Vo.. ..end hll" J;~:k;~: MUon .0 that the .ubject would b. deferr.d for tvo ICC ...tln91./.¡}~\";¡; Co_illSoner Vo.. v.. a9re.lbl. to the '.ended Mtlon. ~I~:,~~~:<"J " ,-./ '.' ~",(.,' ðO:x 013 fACt' ~ --,-,."-",,.< ____-___"'..._..,.."""..;N _.> """>,"",~,,,~,,~".,,-"--_....,,-y,_.,,~-",...>,~ ,-,,"'. f¡D~K ;!~"',~'.',I,·',',,""..· .'.',fA' :1} , "). . 'A::~ ,:~.,~ 1.;,1. " } ~ .;~ ' . ". , k " J¡: , ..11 :,',':;t] '}~~ !~,* "..'fi' \~ February 1, 1983 Commi..ioner Brown alked if presidents of civic groups and bu. in..... are elected by 50' plus one, why should the Commi..ion be run diff.rently? H. .aid that h. has di.agreed with the County Manager on i..ue. but that he has found him ·very adequate and above board- and that he doe. not want to .e. the County Manager removed from office. Chairman Kru.. agreed with Commis.ion.r Brown for the record. Upon call tor the que.tion, the motion failed 2/3, with Commi..ioner. Rolland, Brown and Kruse opposed. rteln 119 STAFF DIRECTED TO STUDY LICENSING TAXI CABS AND LIMOUSINES Commissioner Brown askert if there was any control or license of taxi cabs or limousines? County M~n~~er Norman s~id that he beli.v.d th. County hIllS the legal r iqht to lIdopt frllnchi r:ing or rate regulation authority for thes~ vehlclpn. Com~lS$ion.r Prown ß~i~ it Is hi. und.rstandln~ that th~re ~r· people from Lee County operatin9 tftxi cabs in Collier County ðnd Marco IsJlInri without ~ lic~nso and he asked staft to study the aitufttlon and report bftck to the Boar~. Responding to Commissioner Holland, County Attorney ~aunder8 .aid that, at the pr.s~nt tlmo, thA County haft no ordinance thøt require. licenses of the v~hiclcn Mentioned. ComMisftloner Hollanrt said that there is currently no ordinllnce with lIny restrictions, adding that some areas have an orðinanc. which require. an annual or semi-annual inspection of the vehicles used as 0'1 taxi cab or for a hUB service. He >S said that he agreed with Commissioner Brown. Deputy Chief Barn.tt requested that the r.horlff'ø ~partment input be Included in this study. Page 16 .- --_. - --~."- - --- -- ----- - ---------- ---- -- - - - - -..- - -- -. - - - - - - - -.. - - - - - - - -- --- -- ------... Fobruary 1, 19"3 Itell 120 DISCUSSION RI WAIVER OF BUILDING PERMIT FEES FOR EAST NAPLES LITTLE LEAGUE Commiosloner lIolland ukorl Community ~ve1opment Adminlstr2ltor Vlrta if the Little Leagu~ of East Naples hðS aske~ for a permit to do lome construction on their Little League Park, to which Mr. Virta responded that Plans Implementation ~Irector Layne Indicated that tho.e permltø are in procoRS. COl'lmlslioner ltolhnd aald that the application fee of $25.00 has been paid but that all of tho needed permits would amount to between $'00 anri ~300 anrl he said he has been requested to ask If the Board would consldor waiving those Cees, Inasmuch as this i. a non-profit or~anlzðtlon ~nd many pernons Dr. 11vinq thoir tIme and effort to promoto younger people Into tho b~tter thing. in life. Chairman ~ruse øairl that there II no question that the people connecteð with this oc~anlzatlon aro doing what Commlosioner Holland has laid but that, If the Board waiv"s tho f".. Cor one orqanization, a precedent would be set to waive f., ell for n"y worthwhile civic or youth as.ocia- tlon, adding Rho folt that wo u I d crftl'lte rotential problems. Respondin9 to Comm1asioner IIolland, "'r. Vlrta said that walvlnq the fe08 has not boen done in th~ past and that building permit f.e. are charged in linft with the value of the Improvement. County Man.~er Norman said that, prior to his coming to the County, there were waiver of foes, however, that the movement was well In place that the County h~d to -rlraw a llno and stick to It- because each per.on had hi. own .pecial exception under which he qualified and it WI. very difficult to enforce. Commls.ioner JloUand reiterated that he was ...ked to brlnlJ' the .ubject to the Board and that if the Board feel. that to waive the fee. would be lattlng . precedent he could appreciate that. County Attorney Slun~er. advl.od that there may be .ome 1e9al probleM with waiver of he.. ~~K Cl73 'Att'533 Pag' bC~K 073 fAGi 534 Itelft .21 PURCHASE OF NECESSARY EQUIPMENT AS REQUESTED BY SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT _ APPROVED February 1, 1983 Co.-l..loner PI.tor .oved, ..conded by Com.I..loner Vo.. and carried unanl.ou.ly, that the reque.t for $22,085.00 by the Sheriff'. Department for provl.ion of specialized law enforc.ment equipment, .. de.crlbed In the Executive Summary dat.d J.nuary 20, 1~83, be approved., ····Th. following Item. were approved .nd/or .dopt.d under the Con.ent Agenda by motion ot Com~l.sioner pi.tor, .econded by Commi..ioner Vo.., and c.rried unanlmou.ly..... It.", 122 Exc.vation P.rmit No. S9.15~--Pelic.n Bay Improvement District Section. 32, 33 , 34, T48S, R25E Ite. .23 Excavation Permit No. 59.1S9--Youth Haven, Inc.--Sectlon 17, T50S, R25E Item 124 Road Improvement. along 13th Avenue North .. part of current Goodlette Road Project Item '25 Mr. Mark Strain reappointed aa a member of Bo.rd of Building ^djuatment. and Appeal. Item '26 Chairman authorized to 8ign Certificate. of Corr.ction to the Tax Rolls as presented by the Property Appral.er'. Office a. follow. , rERSON~L PROPEQTY 19ft' - NUMBr.R O^TE - 19'" - 23/;-239 1/1«)-'0/93 P.g. 18 - ~ .-_. -_. _... -.'. -- - .-. "~'(;. ::1;" ",;".'(~J' ..\'.:::t i"¡,:·,,r ------- -- - -.-.- -- --... --- - - - - - - -- ---------------- February I, 1983 Ite. 127 Ite. . 28 Duplicate Tax Sale Certificate., Numbers 4995, 3294, 322, 4268 and 4996 i..ued to V. R. Pal.er, becau.e of los. Appended. r.ee Pages '537-'541 Ite.. .29 Duplicate Tax Sale Certificate., Number. ~126, 5901 and 587~ i..ued to J. Porter, because of los. Appended. ~ee pat' o. '542-'544 Duplicate Tax Sale Certificate, Number 1564 issued to WilliaN J. Porter, because of loss Ite. .30 Appended. S~e rages '54'5 Lake Trafford Memorial Cardens Cemetery Deed No. 332 accepted for recordation Appønded. ~.e rðq~'546 Ite. t 31 MISCELLANEOUS CORR£SPONCF.NCE - PILED AND/OR REFERRED Thero being no obj~ction, the Chair dlroct.d that the followinq correspondenco b. fllød and/or reforred to the vArious ~epðrtment. a. indicated below. 1. Letter dated ~cembar '20, 198' from Caroyln Carrett, Secretary, Royal Bay Villa. Condominium Association, stat1n9 reasonft County proporty should be included In tale Naples Fire Hydrant A.I~s'ment District. xc Mr. Norman and Mr. Hartman. Filod. ". Letter dated January 14, 1~P.) from Joan C. OWens, Admini- strative A.slstant, Collier Mosquito Control District, to Fiscal Officer Clles enclosinq a copy of the Postaudit Report and Annual Financial Roport for yøar ended Septe.ber 30, 1982, and an excerpt from the minute. of the 10/5/82 meet1n9 ;~f~~~ninq reason for chanqe In ml11aqe from .3E1S4 to .3715~.:' i,:i' i", ">.;~~,¡;; 'q.: 3. Letter dated January 18, 19~3 from Louis W. Isaac., Chalrm.n, " Plantation I.land Property Owners A..ociation, expre..tn9 support tor lotter of no objection to the creation of a .pecial service district by the City of Iverqlade. to IUPply , water to Plantation I.land residents, plus a copy of the minute. of the January 1~, 1983 Speolal ~e.tift9 of the officer. of the ~.soclatton. riled. ~:)K 073 rAG&: S bO~K U\"/~ t::~ February 1, 1983 t~ PACt ~ 4. Copy of the Agenda for the Jðnuary 25, 1983 MPO moeting. F 11 ed . s. Departmental Report of Holicopter Utilization Summary, December 1902. Filed. . * * * There bein9 no further busine.s to come before the Bo.rd, the meetin9 was adjourneð at 10122 A.M. by order of the Chair. RO~RO OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERSI BOARD OF ZONING ~PPE~LS/EX OFFICIO GOVERNING ~O^RD(S) or SPECIAL DISTRICTS UNDER ITS CONTROL ~~Jdi~;RMÁN~ ~TTEST, WILLI1\M J. ", ,," . '" hy tht' P,C'." on,::z¿.¿....4..;I,t~'I"'.I or 118 corrected þre..nt~d Page 20 a. .