BCC Minutes 02/22/1983 R ,.'#., ,,~;~t~: . I,,",; ','" 1~,;'/' .~,w. ----- - -- - - -- -- - --- --- --- -- ---------.....----...................'.. ::("',1. '. t,~, ',r df Napl.., Florida, February''', 19R3 LET IT 8E REMEMBERED, that the Board of County Commissioners in and for the County of Collier, and also acting .a the Board of %onln9 Appeal. and aa the 90vernin9 board(s) of such .pecial districts .s have been created according to law ~nd having conducted busine.s herein, met on this date at qlOO A.M. In R89ular Session In Building -P- of the Courthouse Comple., East Naples, Florida, with the tollowin9 members pt..entl CHAIRMAN. Mary-Frðnc.. ~ru.e VICE CHAIRMAN. Cavid C. Brown John A. Phtor 'rederlck J. Voss C. C. -Red- Holland ALSO PRESENTr William J. Reaqan, Clerk, James C. ailes, 'iscal OCficer, Maureen ~anyon, Deputy Clerk, Burt Saunders, County Attorney, C. w. Norman, County Manaqer, Irvinq earlon, Utilitias Admini.trator, I<nute Ilartm..n, Public Works Mmlnl.trator, Lee Layne, Plan. rlllplementatlon ctractor, Chr 1. lIoU.y, Adminhtrat Iv. A.shunt, Edward Smith, Assistant County Manaqar, Neil Morrill, Public Satety Administrator, r.race Spaulding, Administrative Aide to the Board, and Deputy Chiaf Ray B~rn.tt, Shariff's ~p"rtmont. &OOK 073 PAtr œo - - - - - - - ....- ..- .- ,... .- ..- - - - - - -- -- -.... .- ~- -- - -- -- - ~.- - ,.-- _ __... _... R~ _._ ._. .. Fehru~ry 22, 19r.J eo~K 073 PACE 685 Tape t1 Item .1 AaENeA - APPROVEe WITH THE rOLLOWINa CHANaES. Commissioner Holland moved, .econded by Comml.sioner Pi.tor and carried unanimously, that the agenda be approveð with the fOllowing chang... a. Item 6CS re Utility Rate Ordinance be continued to March 8, 1983. b. Item ISßlb re World Tennis Center wator and .ewer fac11itlec be continued. Item '2 MINUTES or FEBRUARY 1, PEBRUARY P., ANO FEBRUARY 15, 198~ - APPROVED ^~ PRESENTED Commissioner Plator moved, seconded by Comll\issioner Voss and carried unanimously, that the minutes of Februðry 1, February S, an~ February 15, 19A3, be approved as presented. Item '3 EMPLOYEE SERVICES AWARDS PRESENTEe Commi..ioner ~ruse presented Employ.e Services Awards to the following employee.r Donnð Perkins - County ^ttorn~y·. OffJcr.r Irving nerzon - Utilities Division Rlchnr~ ~cCormlck - ~ftpl~s ~n~(il1 ]0 years 10 yeðrtl ~ YOftl'F Item '4 OReINANCr. 83-4 RE PETITION ZO-83-1, WESTINaROUSE COMMUNITY or NAPLEf REOUESTINC AN AMENDMENT OF THE PELICAN BAY PUe BY PROVIDI~~ A DErI~r- TION AND MINIMUM SOUARE rOOTAaE R!OUIR!M!NT FOR A HOTEL/MOTEL _ AnOPT~f' Logal notice hftvlng been published in the Naplos ~~11y Newe on Fehruary /, lQP~, ¡UI evidenced by Mfirll!vtt c.lf rubltcntion f11l''' ~'it~ tho Clerk, public hearing was op.ne~ to consirler petition 7.0-P~-1, Westlnghous~ Community of Naples requestinq an I!men~"ent of th. rclic~~ Bay pun by providing ft definition and Mlni~um ~quarp. foot~". requirement for a hotol/motel. . : ~ ,-....--. -".-......- Pð',,' , ... --'. _ '. _~4 .,. .' ." --.. .. .- .. t~,'~;:.., '":"1 ._ I., . E!i!1 .. ':t .- )~ - - -... -- -- -- - - - -, - . ,. - - -- - - - _. - - -- -- - - - ... - .- -- -. -- - - - - - - - - - - ---,1 Pebru8ry ??, t~ß3 rlðns tmploment~tlon eiroctor Layne ßtated thftt ~t present relicðn nay PUe hð. no definition requirements for a hotel/motel unit. She Bt~ted thAt the petitioner is propo.inq ð 300 square foot minimum tor the units with no mðxlmuIII, ~ddin~ that the oxisting langua10 require. a 750 squaro (oot minimum which WAS intandðd for multi-fðmily. She noted th3t tho ~^rc un8nimously rr.commended ~pproval of this petition. ~r. Charles Turnor, Director of Plannlnq for We8tinqhou8~ ... .':~ :1 Community of ~aples, stated th~t this amendnent is dirQcted to cl~rlfyinq tho roqulroments of the hotel/~otol units in order for the .'t:countinq hotwfton the T)evoloper and the County to be accommodated. ~r. Jnmes ~iosky, ropresenting Carry Beyrent, ð resident of S~~qðte 5ub1lvlslon, ~t~tP.~ that he i3 8p~^klng in opposition to the proposen ~Monn~ent, ~~rlin~ th~t thio ~mendment 18 groun~ work for the .:on9truct1on of tht! hot"l '~hl~h would he locatt)tj at the louthorly end uf the P"Uc....n I'ay SUbdivision. He notod that accoss would be gðined t~rounh ~onq3to rrlv~ which wDulrl ~rnðt. hazardous problema with ~r,'ff1c, :1chool chllr!rt'n, .Jnn vehicles. 110 concluded by (Jtatin~ that 1~ 11 r~quo~tln' th~t thl~ ]men~IIIcnt h~ ~enlod. rl~ns tnpl~~ont^tlon riroctor L~yn" stated that thero Is no nood ·"':.Ir this r.hanrJC! for 1 h(,Jtol/r"\ot~J unit ,s the I"IID "'oos allow such, ·jriinry that thl~ ~hðn~o i3 simply prov1rllnq 1 deCinitlon. Commissionor Plator moved, .econded by Commis.loner P~own and carried unðnlmously, that tho public hearing be closed. Commissioner Pistor movftd, seconded by Commis.loner Brown and carried unanimously, that the Ordinance as numbered and entitled below be adopted and entered into Ordinðnce Book No. 171 ".:;J'~" ,~,~ .:".';1:;' .\.·..;·I'{f\. ~~~ .~' OReINANCE 83-4 AN OReINANC! AM!NeINO COLLIER COUNTY ORDINANCE NO. 77-18, THE PELICAN BAY PLANNEe UNIT eEVELOPMENT eOCUMENT, BY PROVIDING A eE'lNITION or A HOTEL OR MOT£L UNI~ ANe BY AMENDING SECTION8 eo~ ( 073 rACE 68B '- - ~_... ..--. -- ...- ...~ ~- _e· ,__ ... ,-_. --.. -. ...- ..- ..... - - .",.. ..-..- - .~. ...- - - - - - -.- - - ... .-. - - - ... -, -. -.. --'- --- .,.. - .-. - -- -- - - -- -. - - - - - - - -...:~ ····1 ~ ,\ 80~K 07 a PACE 687 7.04.05 ANe 10.07 TO REOUIR!MENT FOR HOTEL EFFECTIVE eATE. Fobruary ''-, 1ge3 ,.'. PROVIDE A AND MOTEL MINIMUM SOUARE FOOTAGE UNITS, ANe TO PROVIDE AN :-1 ;;~:i "t, Item . S PETITION TO ESTABLISH THE COCONUT CREEK, UNIT THREE, PAVING ASSESSMENT DISTRICT - CONTINUEe TO MARCH 8, 1983 Commis.ioner Pistor moved, seconded by Commissioner Holland and carried unanimously, that the petition to establish the Coconut Creek, Unit Threo, pavinq As.essment eistrict, be continued to March ~, 1983. Item 16 OReINANCE 83-5 AMENDING OReINANCr. 81-4' SECTION 20 TO PROVIDE LICENSr 'EES 'OR CIRCUSES, CARNIVALS ANe SHOWS - ADOPTr.e Loon} notic~ havin~ h~cn puhlisho~ In th~ Naples r-Ð!ly News on Fchrunry 2, 19~~, an cvlrl~nce~ by Affidavit of Publication file1 witt tho Clorl:, puh1ic hOllrlno Wðl.-l Clponed to consider lIn ordinance ðmendinco Ordinance P,1-4~ Section 20 to provid~ license foo~ for clrcusoß, c~rnivols and shows. Chris HCllley. ^d~lnistr~tlve ASRIGtllnt, ntnted thnt 5t~ff h~s attempterl to provide for n fair and equltablo fee structure for circuses nnd carnivals sponr.or~d by non-profit organizations. He stated that th~ ð",endment tCl Ordinance 81-42 provides for a flat rðtp he, nddinl) that tho occupational license would h~ $1So.oo ant! the inspection foe would be $200.0r.. Commissioner Pistor moved, .econded by Commi..loner Voss and carried unanimou81y, th~t the public h.aring be closed. Commissioner Pi.tor moved, .econded by Commis.ioner Brown and carried unanimously, that the Ordinance a. numbered and entitled below be adopted and entered Into Ordinance Book No. 171 ., ",.\"t' "f~ ''.I'' !\~, '\~ ,¡~! "jj'''¡;: : ,c!'~ .' .~?;~:,. OReINANCE 83-5 AN OReINANCE AMENeINa OReINANCE 81-42 SECTION 20 TO PROVIDE LICENSE FEES FOR CIRCUSES, CARNIVALS ANe SHOWS, PROVIDING eEFINITIONS, PROVIeING SEVERABILITY ANe EFFECTIVE DATE. - - - - - - - ..- - -- -- Page' -.. ..- ...- - ..- - - - - - - -' - -.. - £:!"J ~".,.' " ", ~.' . ,(', .., '" .. -~ - -- .- --~ .-.. .- -. _.- - _.- - - - -- -.... - - 0'- _ _ ._ .._.. Pebruary '"'", 1?83 Item 17 ORCINANCZ 83-6 AMENDING ORCINANC! 75-11, SECTION ONE, SUDSECTION 3-C TO PROVIDE FOR rEES FOR INSPECTION or CARNIVAL AND CIRCUS RIDES BY THE COUNTY MANAG!R'S CESrGNEE - ADOPTEe Loqal notice havinq been pub1iahec1 in the I~aples Oally News on Fehruary 2, 1~B3, as evid~nced hy Affic1nvlt of rublicatlon filod with the Clerk, public heftrin~ was opened to conßider an ordinance amendin~ Ordinance 7~-11, 5Qct1on Cnft, Subs~ctlon 3-C to provic1e for fftes for Inspection of c3rnlv~l and clrcuse r1rlos by tho County ~anaqer's :' J .....',~ , ' . , .. ~ 'I (- -.,. ;'\t;, , " dC!:JI']noe. Commi.sloner Pistor moved, .econded by Commis.ioner Voss and carried unanimously, that the public hearing be closed. Commis.ioner Pistor moved, .econdlð by Commls.lon.r Brown and carried unanimously, that the Ordinance as numbered and entitled below be adopted and entered into Ordinanco Book No. 171 ORCINANCE 83-1) AN ORDINANCE AMENDINa ORCINANCE 75-11, SECTION ONE, SUBSEC- TION 3-C TO PROVIDE ~EES FOR INSPECTION or CARNIVAL ^NC CIRCUS RIDES BY THE COUNTY MANAaER'S CESIaNEE, PROVIDINa SEVERABILITY AND AN EFFECTIVE CATE. Item 18 AN ORCINANCE ESTABLISHING ^ SYSTEM OF PERSONNr.L ACMINISTRATION 'OR THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS - POSTPONEC UNTIL MARCH 1, 1983 CommlssJoner ~1~tor 9tatorl that t~o ordinance ~hould not be ~pprovod until the personnol chan~es have been rliscusaed. " County ~'anðger ~)or,.,an 3t.1tor! that tho or11n"nf:o sets forth the basic prlnciplos of the peroonnol system ftnd provide. the 11gal authority for tho pnople r~sponsihl~ for ~d,.,iniRt.rinq the over~ll procuam. !!e noted that the ordln.1ncø provldos speci t'lc rules undor which dotall" ',1111 be h.!ndlorl, :Iridin') thðt th't c1etal1ø are IIdopted by resolution. I'e "Itðtod thAt the ordinance could be adopted at thh tI... >J~~ I·;J~Þ eOOK 073 rAtE BB8 P-9· . '00 _... _ - . _..... - -- - --- - -_ - - _... - - 0- _ __ __ ._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _...... - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - .-. - - - - -- -- -- - - - - - -_. ~O~~ 073 fACE 689 Februory 2', 19P1 and the resolution considere~ under the provisionR and ~uthority or the ordinance. Commissioner Kruse ~t~teri thnl the ordinance coul~ he ~rlOPtod ~nd the rules could he worknhoppe~ hc!or~ they are adopted by re£olution. Commle.loner Holland moved, .econded by Commissioner Pi8tor and carried unanimoualy, that the ordinance b. postponed until March 1, 1983, at which time it will be work.hopped. Item .9 AN ORCINANCr. REGULATING FRANCHISED ^ND NON-FRANCIIISED WAT!:R ANC SEWER UTILITIES AND ESTABLISHING THE COLLIER COUNTY UTILITY RATE AND REGULA- TION BOARC - CONTINUEC TO MARCH 8, 1983. COUNTY ATTORNEY CIRECTED TO PRESENT REPORT ON SAME DATE REaARCING THr. PROS AND CON~ or TRIS MATTER BEINa TURNEC OVER TO THE PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION County MðnðCJer Norlllc!ln st"ted th~t ho SUl'JqestecJ that this matter he continued aftor a m~ctinCJ ~fth It nUMber of rrpreAentfttlves lnnt week. He ctated that th~ det~il~ or the ordinan~~ ~cr~ rliscusse~ and ð numbor of questions were rafscrl ~hich Staff aoree~ neede~ to bo cl~rlfled. ~r. Charles ~etler, representing th~ ~arco Ialan~ Taxpayers A8soChtlon, Stðt('r that Ccdl1cor and sClme other counties in Florida have juri.dictlon over sewer and wator utilities within their franchi.o areas, addinq th~t mOAt Florida counties are under the FlorIda St~te Public Service CommiSAlon. He stllt~d that hy GI~ple resolution Collier - - ..... '._. . ""'" County could trðnøfer their authority to the rl~rld~ f.tot~ Public Service Commission. "~noted that ~hðt III bring propose~ is to transfer the CountY'ß le~ftl responsibility to ~ -mini public service-, ad~in~ that this t~kes n lot of time ðn~ staff as it io an extremely Involved full-tilll~ procaø~. Mr. Jim ~p~de, r~pr~.~ntln9 Spade f.nqineerinq, otatert that there are sly. utilities to be considered1 AVðt~r, raltona, Rookery Bay, Lely, Clade., and l'Iarco. I!a noterl thllt there coul~ bC' some tYPfI! of II contract worked out with the six utilities in lieu of the ordinance, ""- - --. _. -- .--. ~- ---_. ~~ --- r: ,,,~, 1.- ; , Œ:!:J lilt "'-""-"'""="~"-'" .. ,.. .-.. .,- .-. .. -- - --- ..- - --- - -- -_. ·'·~~2!~ ·-ij~:'1 .-- - - - -... -.__ _n __ __ _~._ _ _ .._ _ _ __ _ _ __~..... , , ';"~~~~f .',;'~",}:' rebruary '-'-, 19R3111' !è;: ~ ~¡~:~. Jddinq that the or~inðnc. is qolnq to pass on n lot of oxtra money to t.ho customer. He 8tatod that the l'ub.l1c Servico Commhølon haø the oxpertise ðnd knowlodg. to hðndle this matter bottor. Tape .2 Mr. Ceorrye KOller, r.proøentinq Collier County Civic Federation, ntatod that he .ndorsed the crentlon of 4 commlttoe of ~nowl.dgeablo clt.lzenß to ndvisa the Commission on what rat~ thr.y fAIt was equitable. !Ie notcuJ that he wau not endor.lnq ., utility rnto review board with the powqrs ðnd dutiea set forth In the rrono8~d ordinance. ~e not~rl that if thin ordln...nco hils morlt, he would slIqqent that it be called a franchige r,te advisory board hQlpin~ to dotorll\ine the equity of char,o. made by 1111 frðn~hise.s and the Scope ot the operation be r~flncrt to r~to rcvi~w and ndvlco. Commissioner Vosa moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown and carried un~nimously, that the ordlnðnco regulating franchi.ed and nun-franchined water and sewer utilities ðnd e.t~bllshlng the Collier County Utility Rate and Regulation Roard be continued to March 8, 1983. The County Attornoy was directed to prepare a report to pr...nt to the Board on March 8, 1983, rogarding the pros and cons of turninq this Item .10 matter over to the Public Service Commission. RESOLUTION 83-25 RF. PP.TITION V-83-2C, NAPL~S DINN"R THEATRE REQUESTtNQ THAT THE PETITIONER BE ALLOWr.c TO APPLY FOR A RtZONE _ ACOPT!D togðl notlclJ h.'lVing bOt'n published In thl!! ~!aphs nally ~.ws on Februðry ~, 1~Q3, ns uvidonc/!!d hy ~ffldðvit of I'uhlicðtion filed with the Clerk, puhlic hpðr1n~ ~ð8 opent'd to considnr Petition V-~3-~C, filorl by M~plcs Dinner Tho~tre, r3Questlng that the petitioner be ðllowed to ...pply fur a rezone. rlans r~plo~ent~tlon nir~ctor Layne Ðt~tod that this was ð request by the Naples Dinner Theatro to request a reduction in the five .cr. eOOK 078 'A~ B90 rag. '. . - - - - - -- - -- -- -. -- -.-.... --. - -- -- - -_. -- -- -- - ...- 8O~K 073 FA~t 891 Fehruary 22, 1~r.:> PUD requirement in order for the petitioner to apply for ~ rezone for PUD. Sho noted th~t the Naples Dinnor Theatrp. hðR ~bout .7 ~cre8 in which the theatre is located, but is within an r,-1/4 acr~ parcel. She Ðtated thnt Stafr r~comm9nda approval. COlllmissloner riDtor noted that he is against the requent, adding th~t there i~ ð Pðcka~e of vnrinnces hein~ ~sked for in one place which is defeating the zoning ordinance. "~Rtnted that the theatro is ~ fine one, but non-conforllllng as thry ~o not o~n their own pðrkinry spots. He note~ that ther. ðr~ placeR within walkin~ ñistðnceR that could be used r~r ÐJcerln~ aUðrt~r~ inr.te~n of ~rnntin~ ~ rUDe rlans Inplement~tion Dtr~ctor Layn~ ntnt~~ th,t th~ npproval is not Cor thr. r.leeptn'J qu~rter~ Dt this tint':, ðl'irHnC1 th~t th~y would hav,. to apply Cor the pur nnr! go throu~h the procesR. Shr. notert that this request Is simply for the acreaar.. ~r. Aruco Green, of ßruce Green Associates, Rtðtr~ that this parcel has n theatre within the r.-l/~ Acre commercially zoned parcel, add i ng th.n he han II bind 1 nq "g r eomen t (rom tho Tr ust tha t owns tho remaining lIrea guarðnteeinq the Dinner Theatre 1'0 pðrklnq spacos as long "s the Dinner ThecHre is in operðtion. lie statod thl'lt the addition on the north end nee~. to be conøtruct~d in order to provide temporary sleepln~ quartors for Support pp.raonne1 only. Ms. Susan ~arks, representing Nl'Iplfts Dinner Theatre, &tatorl that this addition Is for nleeplnq quarters for acting personnel when rehearsals overlap. She indicated that it Is very expensive during seanon to find housing for personnel. ~he noteð that l'I greater part of the year It woulò be ompty. Com.I..loner Holland moved, 'econded by Co~II.1oner Brown and carried unanlmoully, that the public hearin9 be clo.ed. Commis.ioner Holland moved, 'econded by Comml..loner Brown and .- - _.' - "~ -, .- .- Paq ~ ~ . -- -- .-.. ...- - _.- ---- . --.. -. - - ~ .. _..- ...- - - - - -- c::J ~ ~ am '"~''''''-''-''-''-'''''''''~ February 22, 1983 ---------------------------------------~~ carried 4/1, CCommis.loner Pletor oPPOsed), that Re.olutlon 83-25 re Petition V-83-2C, Naples Dinner Theatre requestln9 that the petitioner be alloved to apply tor a rezone, be adopted. eo~ 078 'Afl692 PAct. ,~.1\ ----- - - - - - - -. - - ----- -----------------,-~'~r "",~ ......-. - -- - - _.,~ -_. ...- ..- .~-.,. ~ ..-. -- _. - .._- ....- .... ,_.~ _. - _.. --- -.... -- ~_. .p.. .... ;':':'\!:.¿\, ,,,,.":.J'!r~ - - - - - - - - - - - -- .- - -- - - - - - - - - _ _ _ _. __ _ _ _ _. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __'.,~,;~;'1J·i;,~ FChruøry 22, la~~ eO~K ens PACE 695 Itelll t 11 RESOLUTION 83-26 RE PETITION PU-83-2C, BOARC OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS REQUESTING ^ PROVISIONAL USE -d- OF C-3 FOR EIaHT STORY BUILDING LOCATEC AT BUILCINa -F- OF THE COURTHOUSE - ACOPTED. FINDING-O'-'^CT ACCEPTEC Plan8 Implementation Director Layne indlcateð th~t It I, bo1n9 prop~..d to add on t~ the fivo story e~løting buildinq, ~~din~ that the petition hns be~n revleweð ðnd recoMmonded for aprr~val by ~taff Dnð all County aqencl.R. Commi8sioner Plator moved, '~condod by Commissioner Voss and carried unanimously, that ~esolution 8~-2~ ro Petition PU-83-2C, Board of County Commissioners requesting provisional use -d- of C-3 for an eight story building locatad at BUildlnq -P- of the Courthouse be adopted and the Plndlng-of-Pact be accepted. l'1li .. -- - - - - - -- - - ,~- -' -.. - -- ~... -- -- - -- - -... - '-'- - .-. '-- -- "..- ....-. - - _... -- _. - - - --'- Ff'hru"ry 22, ]Op1 BO~~ 073 PAGt 703 Item 112 FLOOC ELEVATION COMMITTEE'S RECOMMENDATION THAT TilE: BCC REQUEST THE SOUTH FLORICA WATER MANAGEMENT CISTRtCT TO PREPARE A FLOOC ELEVATION STUCY FOR COLLIER COUNTY - APPROVEC Commissioner pistor movoð, seconded by Commissioner Voss and carried unanimously, that tho Collier County Board of County Commissioners request that thn South Florida Wator ~anllqement Cistr1ct preparo II Flooc1 Elovation Rtuðy for Collier County, lie recommended hy the Flood Clevatlon Committeo. Item .13 CESIGN AND CON~TRUCTION AGREEME~T FO~ FOUR-LANI~G IMPRnV~MENTC or ~CLL' ROAC - CONTINuer> TO MARCI! 1, 1983. Count\' Attornf'v ;'i'lunrl('rr; r:tllt<,'~ th:lt hI' npC'rlp(1 l'nothcr woel: in () r d e r t c.. c IlJ r JC y r. 0'" '.) 0 f t h (' t c r m f 1 nth '.' con t r ~ ct. J II~ not c ~ t h l! t t " " main rrobJp~ 1~ thC" tcrmlnDtlon provi~ionf, i'lrldln~ th~t tho w~~ th(' contr~ct 1~ no~ ~orde'!, the Cc..unty will h~v~ tc.. h~~1n construction b\ June ], )~~~, reo~rnlpsa of thr i'lvðilllhil1ty of [und~ for the Þro~c~~. He notpd that hp would ~uqq~~t that thorn hp ðn escape cl~usc In thr contrnct In thp pv~nt th~t thprc i~ not i'lvi'lilnble funding for th~ project. ComminslonC'r ~ruGe lndici'lterl th"t It would not bC" wise of the board to approvo ð contract ~lthout ~r. 5nunrlcr~' ðpprov~l and one w~~:, should not h~ much of n proÞlem. Commissioner Voss moved, soconded by Commissioner Pistor and carried unanimously, that the design and construction agreement for four-laning improvements of Kelly Road, be continued to March 1, 1983. to'r. f)ðn Conlry, Mtorn~y for \o,hisperlnq rint'!j, stllter! that if thr County Attorney hð~ ft problem thnt will tftkp one w.~k, he will bo happy to work with hi~ ðß quickly liS pos~lble to take c~rf' of the matter. County ~ðnð"er Norman stilted that ~r. RlIunder~ did not receiv~ the Pagf' 11 ...--- --. .... - :-ì tl!::::] ~ ....... .;,. ":."}~.(~ - h.__ ---- ---. ---- -.----- -F~~~u~r; 7.7.~~m----------11:~ . , oontra.t until Friday, .ddlnq that It wa. not ro..lhlo to ð..1 with the :~~í iSSUOB lit such a hte rt1Jto.'ì~~; ,;ç;';;1 Commlssionor Holland "tilted that the County Attorney should be h~ involved from the hc~lnnin9 on lIll contracts ~nd agr8Qments. The cunsensus of the Board was that Staff not schedule any contract, Igreement or ðnythin9 that involvo. l_qal action on the ]qenda until the County Attorney has had an opportunity to review same. '"" ., , , .,~ . '.. ..... Recossr 10rOO A.M. - Reconvonedr 10s10 A.M. ..... ::om n4 JPECIAL MEETING SCH!CUL!C FOR THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 1983, 9100 A.M. TO AWARD BIDS FOR THE STRUCTURE, ELECTRICAL ANC SECURITY FOR THE JUSTICE CCNTER - APPROVEC ~'ol1 rorrfll, rubl1c r/afftty ^"IIIin1øtrateor, !Jtated that bids will hn opened this ~fternoon an t~~ ntructurc an~ ~h~11 for Aullðlnq F ~nd ., '(~dln'1 thIn hi!! 'Iolll In thH th8 ~1J1qot will be 1/4 11111110n dollars '~"~l'r l-.url'Jot 18' r"::¡ult l,f ""oH~fn<J the bids throuqh tho At.ructure "nd ·hel1. !Jet 1t.1tO, t~·'It In CJrdor to ~ðV~ ~ w"ek on the pro1ftct, he \fOuld .i'(" the "oard to holrl .., npociðl ~.,etlnt'J to ^W"'rrt tho hids. Commissioner Plstor moved, seconded by Commissioner Holland and ~~rried unanimously, that there b. a speciðl meeting scheduled tor :~ursday, Pebruary 24, 19S3, ~t 9snO A.M. to ~wards bids tor the ;tructure, electrfcðl nnd security tor the Justice Conter. rill pe '3 r tem H 5 PROPOSED PERSONNEL RULES ^ND REGULATIONS _ TO BE WORKS HOPPED FOLLOWING ~Hr. MEETING OF M^RCH 1, 1983 "'r. ~~fth, ^s51stant County l>4an"qer, stAtoct th~t " roport has b<.'en pro8~ntQrl th~t 1oðl~ with th8 comMents, Juqgest10ns ~nd direction. that the P~ard wantod. ~~ not~d th~t the necon~ rQPort is the report made .:lVa113blo bV the omploy... cOllllllents, "'dding thðt a report vas a180 !"Irep.Uert in response to the .r.tployees comments. fIe "aid that the l..t eo~~ 073 PACE 704- ._-.....~ ... --~--,.... pa1e 12 ~_.- -_..._---~... " . ,';\'" - - - -- - - - - - - - -- -- .-- - - - - - -.. - - - - - - '" .- .- - .- -- - - - - - - - - ~~~~, ',.!f.,,~:, ~," I"'øi '.;;~. ".'~,~ ¡ ..'~ , ì:~¡~t~ ::~:~t' 60~~ 073 PACE 706 Fehru~ry '-', 19r3 report deals with sick leave. He noted that if there are additional topics to be considered, there shoul~ be an additional workshop. Commissioner ristor noterl that he had ð lot of questions r~qnrding the sic I: leave policy tin'" felt: that thin should he workahoppa>d. Commis.loner Plator moved, aeconded by Commissioner VOl. anð carried unanimously, that the proposed personnel rulea and re~ulationF- be workshopped following the meeting of March 1, 1983. Item 116 RESOLUTION ESTABLISIIING ANC APPROVING PERSONNCL RULES rOR THE: COLLIE~ COUNTY SERVICE - TO eF: WORKSHOPPCO FOLLOWINC THE MEETING OF MARCfI 1, 1983 Commi.sioner Pistor moved, seconded hy Commissioner Vo.. and carried unanimously, that the resolution establishing and approving personnel rules for tho Collier County Service be workshopped followinr the meeting of March 1, 1983. Item 11 7 REQUEST TO TRANSFER THE USE OF A SURPLUS TRAILER T~ THE SHERIFF'S OFFICE - APPROVED Commissioner Plstor moved, seconded by Commi..ionor VO.. and carried unanimousl~', that the request to transfer the u.. of a surplus trailer, formerly occupied by Polizzi/Heery, to the Sheriff'. Office b~ approved. Item 11 e RESOLUTION 83-27 AUTHORIZING SUBMITTAL OF COMMUNITY SERVICE BLOCk aRAtlT APPLICATION IN THE AMOUNT OF $8,484 _ ACOPTEC Commis.ioner PIstor moved, seconded by Commis.ioner Holland and carried unanimously, that the application for the grant be authorized and ne.olution ~~-27 authorizing the SUbmittal of the Community Service Block Grant Application in the amount of $8,4R4 b. adopted. - - -- .- ..- -,- Pa9- 1~ - ...... -- - -- --- -.. - -- ~ f}~~~W1 lIB - - - - _.. ..~_ -6- _ __ ... _.6 _..._ _ _~. ___ ßO~~ 073 fACE 731 F I!brulIry 22, 1~R3 Item U 9 UTILITIES CIVISION MANAaEMENT STUCY PREPAREC DY CR. RUTH THOMAS _ ACCEPTED. AUTHORIZATION TO PURCHASE ANC INSTALL THE RECOMMENDED DATA ANC WORD PROCESSING EQUIPMENT FOR USE BY THE UTILITIES CIVISION _ APPROVEC Irving Porzon, Utilities Oirector, etat"" thðt tbh: phn wCluld eff~ct ð nubstðntlDI s~vinqs, not only in the rurchðAc o! the equipment for tho Vtl11tlcr. niviclon, but "'lco on tho ~xistinry ~qulPMent that Is in the Community Oevelopm~nt, Zonlna, ðnd Public ~orks Dcp~rtMent. )r. ThClmfls ntated thc'lt In ;Juno Clf last YOlH thl! RO.'lrci o'Iuthorized a study Clf the IJt11!t1p.:'õ Divir.ion, IIdrlin'1 th...t thl" flnrlinrft: inrHc"tcci th~t by lIutClmctiT11 the reCCJrd¡ö iln:-! HH: weJrd rr(/c(':~!;in'.1 l'ctivitlc::. of c:::;:J the division, it would he Most h~ncficlðl In cont,.,lnlnM personnel within th~ division "'n~ enhnnC'in~ the efficiency or offlc~ prorluctlon. nh~ stated thllt ^ work flow study was ~Cln~ In "rent detnl1 lIn~ pJlIns were l,.,id out for 11ff~ront functions of th~ Dffice thllt shoul~ he automllted. Rhc noto~ thnt ot thllt point in tl~c, the rccommøndntion Wll~ thot th~ tJtl1ltie~ rivision ~cquir~ t.wo inf.ClrMntlon proceRsorc ane one printer. Shr not~~ that the Inventment nt thnt time would not he wi~e, adding thot since the otudy hfts been don~, ~uch hðr. happen~d and ~utomatlon Is moving on. Sha noted that rB~ that Supplies the equipment hag reotructured its operation, arlrllnq thftt the equipment that Is now us~d hðo bøcn reducod In prlcQ ~rðmatiClllly. Sho noted that by purch~nin~ thin e~ulpment, th~rp. ~ould h£ ~ monthly savings of $857.7() Itnd oJ yearly sewings or !'10,'9'...O ov(,>r II five year itl.;ltal1ment pl~n. She noted that to rent thl~ equipment, incJuding maintenance ðnd Software, io t.4,3~~.'~ per Month, adding that with the change in price structure "nd conversion to II purchase ftlJreemc:nt with ð credit of approxinately ~~~-2(,,~oo thftt has already beon paid in, tho monthly payment would he ~3,"tI].r,(, 1o,'hich woult1 incJu"f' two adrHtional Pat:,1e J f: c= r:::a1:I ~,' .~ '",''' ¡ . .-. w_ - - - -- -._ __ _.. _ __ _ _ ___ _. _ w__ _ _ .. _ _ _ __ ,-.' \~ -- - ..-...- --- -- - - --.......,. /~ { .~ , )' Februllry '-2, 1~~3 ",,-':. torminals, one ~rtrtitional printor, enhðncemont of the software and doublin~ the storftql cnpaclty. She concluded by ~tntin9 that ahe would recommond, due to the cost effectivenoss of thi9 sYfttem, that it b. . _ i~ "i;j .':~ :_.;~i; '0\' /'~ ,', '\: purchðsed. Commiaøionor Brown moved, seconded by Commi9s1onør Voss and carried unanimously, that tho Utilities Civieion Management Study ~reparod by Dr. Ruth Thomas be accepted. Comm18sioner Pistor moved, secondort by Commissioner Brown and ~~rried unanimously, that the acquisition of the purchase and installation by purchase aqroement of the recommended data and wor~ proce..ing oquipment for use by the Utilitios Civision be approved. !tom J 20 AUTHORIZATION FOR ACVERTISINC rOR BIDS rOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF TnE PROPOSED EVAPORATION/PERCOLATION PONeS ANC ASSOCIATED PIPINC AT SEWER AREA wA· WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT _ APPROVEC Irvlnr¡ I'or::on, Utilitios I'1rltctor, 'Itlltr.C ':h~t last Thursday there ';11i an ,)(t.,¡n1:1tr,1UVc he,Hin'1 held, ¿'It \/hlch Urnc c] tJ.ttl~ment wos c~ncluJod 0~tweon tho ~hi~~tor9 an~ the County with the concurrence and t~~ ,H1prov" L CJ ( th" nCR. 110 not/!'d th... t: thf)ro .un now permi te in hðnrl [or lhl' con:Jtructlon of tht' "dcHtion~1 ponds,nri beforo the ond of this ~~f)k, the rftr~its will be c]vail~bl0 for thp. e~pansion of the plant. "e noted th't hQ Is ~skln" Cor ~uthorizðtion to ~~verti.e for the hldø tor thQ pon~:J. Commissioner Voss moved, seconded by Commissioner pistor and carried unanimously, that authorization for advertisin9 tor bids for ~',' ..(' the construction ot the proposed ovaportation/percolation ponda and .~! associated pipinq at Sewer Area ·A· Wastewater Treatment Plant be approved. &O~~ 073 PAC~ 732 Pa98 .----- -~. _ _ ...~ .._ h_. __ .__"_ _. .- ,.- . -_. ....._-------------~~ IA - - - - .- - -- _.~-- - -- .. --. .._..... ___ ~ _ .._ _ __~ ._.M .._ ._ _ _ _ _ _ _ __. _ _ _ ,_ .._ .. ._' M~~ 073 fACE 733 Febru~ry ~Î, Ins: Item . 21 ROUTINE BILLS - APPROVEC FOR PAYMtNT pursuont to Res~lutlon 81-1S0 the followin9 chockR were 1.8U.~ through Frlrlðy, Fohru~ry 1~, InR3, in payment of routine billss CII r.C~~ NOr.. CHt::CR M'OIJW;" CHr.CI~ T'r.~CnIf'TIOU Voucher Ctlr.ck~ ~'71~ - n101" !' 1,..,n3,03P,.fI~ Item .22 BUDGET AMENCMENT 83-289 TO TRANSFER THE INFORMATION PROCESSINa SUPERVISOR POSITION FRO~ THE BUILDING COCE COMPLIANCE DEPARTMENT TO Tilt COMMUNITY Cr.VELOPMF.NT ACMINISTRATION DEPARTMENT - ADOPTED IN THE AMOUN~ OF $12,329 Commissioner Pistor moved, .econderl hy Commls.ioner Voss and carried unanimously, that Budgot Amendment 83-2R9 to transfer the Information Processing Supervisor position from the Building Code Compliance Cepartment to the Community Development Administration Cepartment be adopted In the amount of $12,329. - _.- . - . -- -- .... Page p: ',.'. ,.!~.t ---------~¡I ~ ~ !iID .. ·"..__".·...,·.,,;'.~"·,H","·~·..·.., -- - - - - - - - - - - -. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --- &OOK 073 PACE 735 February 22, 1993 It.. .23 RESOLUTION 83-28 REAPPOINTING MR. ROSS P. OBLEY TO THE INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY BOARD - ACOPTED Commi..ioner Brown moved, ..conded by Commi..loner Piator and carried unanimously, that Re.olution 83-28 reappointin9 Mr. Rosa P. Obley to serve a tour-year term, havin9 an expiration date of Fobruary 26, 1987, on the Indu.trlal Cevelopment Authority Board be adopted. 1m .. .. -------.---....- eoaK 073 PACE 7'17 F~bruðry 2?, 19P.? ~.'- ...-- - -..- ...-- ..-.,. - - -~. - ~- - -- - - -- - - ...... Item '24 MR. FREe KEYES ANC MR. KARL CORLEY REAPPOINTED TO THE COASTAL AREA PLANNING COMMISSION - APPROVED Commissioner ¥ruse stðtcð thDt in light of the allegfttians that werc dl8playc~ in th~ mornlnq'n nÐwspapnr, this item would be discus.ue~ fully ðnd completely, addin~ thðt ~c Chnlrman nhc will follow the suqqcotlonø of th~ r.tðtÐ8 Attornoy'n office nn~ the County coun~el thnt ð letter be sent to the ~tntc r.thlcs r.ommission pointing out that thero hnvr bern ðlle~~tionG nnð controversy reqnr~ing this mntter ðnd th~ n~W5p,'p('r cllcninr¡ ,.111 be) IIttl!chec~. Commissioner rictor stðted th~t th~ Co~stl!l ^ren rlar.ning Commission in in th~ ni~~t of rovioin~ thr Co"rrch~n~ivr rlan, ðddinq that hr dous not fe~l thot it i~ time to chan~~ thr personnel. H~ stnted thl!t both ~en hl!v~ exprcr.sp~ Intcrost in continuinq to scrv~ on this board, notinn thl!t they ~re rlolnr¡ Ð Cine job. H~ rciternted that there hnve h~~n ~1Ic~Qtion5 th~t Mr. ~pyr~ ha~ conflict of Inter~Ðt, adding thot hR hils checkerl into the matter ftn~ hn~ found that the conCllct oC Int~rcßt woul~ not CI!US. IIny confusion on the board. Mr. Coil heil, rrsl~~nt oC the City of NapIer., stated that he applied for th~ position on the CAre and withdrew his application. He stated that anyone th~t s~rVC8 In publi~ office should hav~ ~ 900~ reputðtion. He referred to thr~e rin~nclal statements th~t wer~ filed by ~r. Keyes that wcre not complete. Tape '4 Mr. Weil noted thllt certain lots th...t are owner! in ~eðgðte tha\: have been heavily ~ortqa~c~ in the paat '--1/' years for ~lm08t $'00,000 are n<lt ment10no~ in any f1nl'lnc1al ßtðtelllent. lie referrcd to numorous mortgðgoD oht~1ned on th~ Seaqatc lots throu~h tho Citizpns National Rank. Ho note~ thnt nnyone on the CArc shoulð be at "ðr~~ length" in any real eøtato donI because he lu privy on what goes on with the - --- - '. ~~ -.' .-- Page.- 1" . - -- _.. ., ... . Œ.::J ~ ea , .....{, ¡':~ '-:,'j"j¡l;¡¡¡ -- -- -- - - - - - ,- - - - - -. -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --, - - ---~'.'!·:l , >~:'j,,¡j'; , , "'~J( February 22, 19R3'::~t, '.".".{""(; ,'j~' , .'.'~ , "if'¡ , ";:;,(, '1" ,-d,1, ":1;' ·:'~ú. ':"J,t :.\~, ,i',.'.1 r·)~'i:. ''''1 . County staff in changes and zoning. ne stated that the trust piece ot property 'on Pine Ridge Road was sold to the Barnett P~nk for ~582,OOO carryln9 interest ov.r a five y.ar period exceeding the amount of $180,000. ne reiterated that all this should hðve been disolosed on the financial statements hefore he was appointed to public office. He noted that Commissioner Voss spoke to Commis~ioner Brown reqarding the opening of the CAPC position, adding that in his opinion this is a violation of the Sunshine law. Commissioner Brown stated that when he spoke with Mr. Weil he could not support him, adding that he was goinq to support whomever Comll\lssionor Voss recommended. Mr. Weil stated that there are four members from the CAPC In Commissioner Voss' district. Commissioner Prown indicðted th~t thero are four members In Commissionor Voss' district only because tho district lines were changed when tho redistricting occurred. He stated that there has been no Sunshine Law broken and concluded by statinq that he will rely on Commissioner Voss' opinion. ~'r... ChlHlottP. W~stman, representing the Leaque of Women Voters, stated that she Is in favor of good comprehensive planninq for any o:ommunity I)nd the reltr'Jct'Jring of the comprehensive plan is a lon~ Involved matter. ~he noted that any person within the public sector 'In a voluntary cllpacity should have the least conflicts of Interest Involved whon they are concerned with any matter of land use. She noted th~t if people aro appointed to ~ body who are active members of real estato buslnes., corporations in roal estato, enqlneerl, etc., they would h~v. conflicts, addinq that the decision 1ft the eoard'., however. She concluded by stotln9 that there are .ome p.opl. that have applied for the CAPC that are too active in real ..stat. and otheu vho~"" i"\~Ò.! ',"'/ BOOK 073 rACE 739 , '" '--Yï¡' P'ge 'U:I' - - - - - -....- - - - - - - - - -~...- - .-.- - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -...... "':';':~ "" ,:';,'~ "::~.:",.'~:,, --- - -- - - - -- - - - - - - -- - -- - - - - - - -- - - - - - - ---- ---.. &OOK 073 PACE 739 February 22, 1983 are not. Mr. George Keller, representing Collier County Civic Federation, stated that he feels that Mr. Keyes has always been objective and has never tried to push any particular 1evelopment, adding that hls personal financial interest 18 not connected wlth any large group that woul~ benefit from Mr. r.eyes being on tho CArC. Mr. Henry Maxant, representln~ the pine Ridge Civic Assoclatlon, added that he endorses Mr. Keller's cOlllments about Mr. Keyes. He noted that he also endorses Commissioner Voss' rocommend~tlon. Commissioner Kruso stated, for the rccorc1, that it thflre wGtre any charges regarding tho Sunshine Lltw, it would have to he taken up with the Stlltes Attorney'R office by the person hringlng the charges. She noted then the matters relðtlng to the paperwork of the financial atatements will be forwarded to the Stata r.thic8 Commission and the Statos Attorney's offico for their use. Commissioner Voss state~ that he told many people that he thought it would be wrong not to appoint Mr. Keyes or Mr. Corley to the C~PC because they are involved in the Comprehensive Plan, adding that if newcomers are put on the CAPC, it would take months to inform them of everything that Is happening and the County cannot afford to waste that time regarding the Comprehensive Plan. He stated that he support. Mr. Keyes and has Investigated the charges that have been made and found no evidence to support the charges. Ho concluded by stating that it i. unfortunate that a man's personal financial matters have to be brought before the public. Commissioner Plstor statod that the CAPC meetings are advertised and always open to the public and any accusation of the Sunshine Law regarding the CAPC is out of order. Com.issioner Holland stated that he did some re..arch on the page 20 _..~. .__ ~.._ 0-_' .. _.__ __ _ __ _ _ _ _~. ~._ _ __.. __ ___ _ _ ________ t:=J ~JF';2~ .. ,. . ",;<il ;..,;,'r.... - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~-- - - - - - - - - - - - - --- ........~ February 22, 1903 matter, adding that when you go into public office there are certain requiroments that the State Bay. you should follow and Mr. Key.. has not followed the Financial DIsclosur. Law. He concluded by .tating that he i. glad thftt this Information I. going to the Ethics office. Commissioner ~rU8' stated that what someone owns is their right and a mortgage throuqh a bank is their business, unless thoy 4ro a public official. She notod that tho determination ~. to whether tho forms were filled out and accurate will be ~.tormined by ftnothor body and not the ß~ðrd of County Commissioners. Co.-is.ioner Vo.. moved, .econded by Comml.sloner Pietor and ~a~r.d 3/2, (Commls.ioner. ~ru.e and Holland opposed) that Mr. rred Keye. and Mr. Karl Corley be reappointed to four-year term. commencing on March 1, 1983, having an expiration date of February 28, 1987, on the Coastal Area Planning Commi..lon. ..... TilE FOLLOWING ITf:MS WERE APPROVEC ANC/OR ACOPTED UNDER TilE CONSENT AGENCA BY MOTION or COMMISSIONER PISTOR, SECONDEC BY COMMISSIONER BROWN AND CARRIED UNANIMOUSLy'..... Item '25 PETITION TR-82-19C, r.RNEST W. 'ARTHING, REQUESTING A 3 MONTH EXTENSION TO A TEMPORARY RESIC!NCE PERMIT ON THE! 180' or TRACT 5, UNIT 27, GOLCßN GATE ESTATES Itelll .26 OWNERSHIP ANC OPERATION OF THE WATER AND StwER FACILITIES ACCEPTED WITHIN THE SHORE WOOCS CONCOMINIUM PROJECT, PHASE I ONLY, UNDER A ONI YEAR MAINTENANCE GUARANTEE Se. Paqe. 744-71)1) Item '27 RESOLUTION 83-29 APPROVINa THE SIaNINa AND DELIVERY or A QUIT-CLAIM CEED REaARCING AN EASEMENT ON THE PROPERTY or THOMAS F. HADING!R Se. Page. 756-757 &OOK 073 rACE 140 ..... '....~ page.2îp . - - ..- -.. - - - -- -- - - ~.. --- - .-.. - - - -- -- . _. --.. - - .-- -- - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - -- Febru~ry 22, 1983 eOOK 073 PACE 7-41 It.. 128 TWO SURPLUS TYPEWRITERS TO 8E LOANED TO THE SENIOR COMMUNITY SERVICE EMPLOYMENT PROGRAM - IBM MODEL D. SERIAL 115-6737972/CO .3052 TO 8E MAINTAINED BY THE PROGRAM AND RETURNED WHEN NO LONGER NEEDED Item 129 EXCAVATION PERMIT NO. 59.155, IMrERIAL WEST, SECTION 15, TOWNSHIP 48 SOUTH, RANGE 25 EAST - APPROVEC WITH STIPULATIONS Approved with the (ollowing stipulationsl 1. All excavated material shall remain on site. 2. No ~!f-site dløchðr~. of ~roundw~ter shall be permitted durlnq construction. 3. In accordance with stipulation '2 of WMAD approval of R-al-IOe, detailed construction drawings of each project phase shall he oubmlttod to the County Engineer for approval prior to the cOlllmencement of any additional construction. 4. Petitioner shall grant ð )0' drainage easement through property along existing F.P.'L. drainage ditch, a .eparate acce.s casoment for maintenance purposes shall be included over the existing F.P.'L. acceSB road. 5. The bottom elevation of the lak.. shall he limited to -5.0 n.g.V.d. ~. If further computations re.ults in extra fill helng required, the ~pplication shall be returned to the ~MAe. Itelll 130 EXCAVATION PERMIT NO. 59.154, aATR, INC./THE VILLAGE PLACE, SECTION 9, TOWNSHIP 48 SOUTH, RANGE 2S EAST - APPROVED WITH STIPULATIONS Approved with the followln~ stipulation.. 1. Spreader discharge swal. and cross swal. to dl.charqe swal. Crom -The Retreat- shall be constructed prior to any filling on the project. 2. No offslte discharge of groundwater shall be permitted during construction. 3. Bottom elevation oC all lakes be l1mlted to -l.n n.9.v.d. It there i. any change in this elevation, petitioner'. plana .hall be brought back to WMAB. ,< 4. No excavation material Is to be removed from the aite. '". ·iii 5. If there is any change in the Water ~an'9.ment Plan, the application .hall be roturn~d to ~he ~AB. ...,. .. ':.\~:' paCJ. 22 .. - -~ .---------- -------------------~~~..." r"--1 ~ ~ l1li ~: '4,; .' , ~( ----------------------------------------~. 'Ü '.'.~L ,} February 22, 1993 u.. t:.u CHAIRMAN AUTHORIZEC TO SIaN CERTIFICATES or CORRECTION TO THB T~X ROLL AS PRESENTED BY THE PROPERTY APPRAISER 1982 TAX nOLL Certificate No. Cate - 495 - 509 513 - 515 517 - SllJ 2/1/"3 - 2/3/03 2/3/83 - 2/7/83 2/8/'33 - 2/9/8~ T^NGIBLE PERßONAL PROPERTY Cl'trt1ficate No. Oate 1982-244 - 251 217/83 - 2/l0/R) Item '32 LAKE TRArFORC MEMORIAL CAReENS CEMETERY CEEC NO. 334 - ACCEPTED 'OR RECORCATION See Page 7')9 Item 133 MISCELLANEOUS CORRESPONDENCE - rILEC ANC/OR REFERRED I Thero being no objection, tho Chair directed that the followlnl} correspondonce be fil~d and/or referred to the various departments as indicated helowl 1. Copartmental Reports recoived and filed from the followinl}I ~. Social Services, Cecember lqe2. h. 11el1copter Utilization Summary, January 1983. c. Votor~ns AffalrG, January 1983. d. CETA Status Report, JanUdrr 1qq3. e. Public Works/~olid Waste C vision, January 1983. 2. Letter dated 213/83 trom noman M. Fue1or, Presidont, Glad.. Country Club, .tatinq the lo.ociatlon . wish to rescind Ita original request to dedicate roadways within the Glad.. to the County. XCI Mr. Norman, Mr. tðrtman, FUed. ,. Minutes received and filed from the toll owing I a. Ochop.e Fire Control Cistrict ~visory Committe., 2/2/83. b. CAPe - A~enda for 2/17/83 and mlnutos 2/3/83. c. CCP^ - Agenda for 2/17/83 and minute. 2/3183. 4. Copy of Notification dated 2/4/q3 from MPO to William Godfr.y regard In!] Naplos Energy Contingency Plan, D. t. No. 4592012, .. , Job. No. 03000-1512, that the Naple. (Collier County) MPO at eØK 07a f'At£ 742. . - ------ - --- - -- ---- - ---- ---- - ---- ----------. eOOK 078 PACE 743 February 22, 1983 the meeting of 1/2S/~3 voted to reconsIder prevIous action regarding the aforementioned. It was the conaensus of the MPO that the grant appropriated for this project could be better spent on another project. s. The term of Mr. Hank Caballero's reappointment to the Parks' Recreation Advisory Board, which was approved on February 8, 1983, was listed as having an expiration date of December 31, 1983. The expir~t10n dato of that term should have been l1stod as Cecembar :H, l~RA. . . . . . * * There being no further business for the qood of the County, the meeting was adjourned by Order of tho Chair at 11:12 A.M. BOARC OF COUNTY COM~ISSIONERS/EX OFFICIO aOVr.RNINa BOARC(S) OF SPECIAL OI~TRICTS UNCr.R ITS CONTROL ~";r-~Rtf~~h~."~N by the Bee on ~JflC4_L ~ /"3 as presented or as corrected pa~. -------- -----. -_. -. .- - -.. -- -- -.- - - - --- - - -- ----- ----.......-..... ~ ~ BEl .. ...-__,.."'_;O......,O.O_·;."""",,·..··"h .