BCC Minutes 03/01/1983 R , ~. ~ - - - - - - - -.- - - - -- - - -- - -- -- ---.- - - --- -- --.----...0 ~ ".r'1i .:-,\~ . ..};~ Napl'., Florida, March 1, 198ji~) ""¡!'~ :-:',~; . .:'i'A LET IT 8£ REMEMBERED, that the Board of County Commh.lon.n In:;~~I" and tor the County of Co 11 ter, and .180 acting al the Board of Zonlft9 ':./ , 1(;/ App.ala and a. the 90v.rnlng bo~rdCI) of luch special dl.trlct. a. hive {~ .~ ·.~::1- , ! ~Î b..n creat.d accordlnq to lav and having conducted bUlln... h.reln, ..t on thl. d.te at 9100 A.M. In Rl9ular S.,.lon In Building -,_ of the Courthou.. Complex with the following member. pr'.entl CH~IRM^Nt ~arY-'rancel 'ru.. VICE-CHAlnM~H, David C. 8rovn .. Frederick J. Vo.. C. C. -Red- Holland ~BS£NT, John A. Phtor ~LSO rRESENT, William J. Re.g.n, Cl.rk, Jame. C. CI1.., '1Ic.l Otficer, tlinor ~. Skinner, ~puty Clerk, C. Wi Ilia. Norman, County "'anaqlr, eurt L. S...under., County Attorney, ~nute ffartman, Public: Work. Admtnt.tr~tor, trvln<1 nertc.n, t'tll1th. Adminlstr.Horr F:ðwar'" Smith, ASlt.tant County ~an~1.r, Tarry Vlrr..., Community Development Admlnl- .tratc.r, ~nald Norton, rublic S.rvico. Admlniøtrator, Crac. SPftUldlnq, Ad.inlltrative ~i~1 to the Poðr"" and Deputy Chi'f Raymond Barnett, Sheriff's c.partment. we 074 ra;r U: -_.~«"- _.__.<......,..~._,.....,"'~^'_..,,'_.. -",.._".",",,,,,,~,~.,,",..,..",....,,-._. Mltrch 1, 11)83 'ape .1 nem n AaIHDA - APPROVED WITH CHANOES Co.-il.loner Vo.. .oved, leconded by Comml..10ner Brown .nd carried 4/0, that the ag.nda b. approved with the following ching... a. Ite. 12A - DllcUlllon of Collier County Sew~ge Sy.te. on thl. agenda through error, moved to March ø, 1983 agenda. b. Itftm lOB - Discussion of County ~ttorney's PSC report _ added. Ite. . 2 MINUTES or r!!RU~RY 22, 1983 - APPROVED AS PRISENTED Co..I..10ner Holland eoveð, .ec:ondeð by Con.I..lon.r Brown and c:errled 4/0, that the .lnute. of 'ebruary 22, 1983 be approved II pr..ented. I tell t3 EMPLOYEE 0' THE MONTH AW~RD rOR MARCR, 1983 - PRESENTED TO DENNIS HARE, PAR~"'!DIC Chairman ~ruse pros~nted the Employe. ot the ~onth ~ward tor Much, 1903 to Oennl!t "are, Paramedic -nd conqratulated him. Ite. ... PUBLIC "E~RING RE ORDINANCE EST~8LISfnNG ~ SYSTEM or PERSONNEL ADMINt- STR~TION FOR THE BCC - POSTPONED UNTIL A'TER BOARD WORKSHOP THIS DATI ~hðirman ~ru.. "t~t.d that the public heðrin1 reqardln~ the propc...d ordinance ..tabll.hln~ a .y.tom or peraonnel admtnløtratlon Cor the DCC would bo po.tpon~d until ~'tør the Board Work.hop to bo hold later this date. eO~K 01.t- PACE 15 ------- -- - ....- - -- -- ------------- '"9' Ite", . 5 .:,;:'¡; .}!r~ '-- ,"" ----------------------------------------~ ()Þ'J A - 16 , ..r~~ eOOK u I~ PACf M ch 1 19 8 ~ :,:;V:,Þ> ar , 0 ':.y- , "':~ . .I~ t· RESOLUTION '3-31 APPROVING THE DESIC~/CONSTRUCT AOREEMENT WITH WHISPERING PINES, INC. AND DESIGN GUIDELINES, INC. RE FOUR-LANING IMPROVEMENTS OF KELLY ROAD - ADOPTED Public Workft ~dmlnl.trator Hartman explained that, followln? the BCC meotinq or February '-2, lQA', th~ County Attorney ...Iated him In improving th~ lan~uðg~ in tho propo.ed design/eonstruct agreement with Whiaperinq Pines, Inc., owne~ by Mr. Sheoh~n, for the four-laninq impr~vement. of K~lly Rc.a~ in return for the County's commltmont to conøtruct ....~.. Cc.unty ^ttorney Saund~r" stðteð th8t there were some diftlcultieo with tho ~riqlnÐl a1r.,m..nt an~ that th~ n~w ðnr..mont provirleÐ ð l!ttl~ ~c.r~ fJc~1hility to th~ Cc.unty in th~ unlik~ly ev.nt thnt th~r~ ar. no funrls ~vftllable for construction c.f th~ project. He s~ld that h~ r.-~rðtterl ~~ction , Ðubpðrt Q to pr~vid~ that, in the event that thcrr ðr~ nc. ~vð11able lunda duo to circumøtanc.n boyond the cc.ntrc.l c.! the Cc.unty, th~ Cc.unty can term1nat~ th~ .gre~ment without any liability In termn of hðvln~ t~ construct tho tacility. He said that the other ch,.n/Jeø J:lrovlde that tho County hits II reaaonablet period of time to review documents submitted by the developer and that thet ~ounty can utiliz~ ita normal .tandard ot due proeeaR in reviewing all document. submitted by the developer, adding that the aqreoment ha. been changerl to roflect th"t competitive blddin~ i. required under Florida Statute. for this type of projóct and th~t th~ County Ihal1 have a r.Qa~nðblc period ~r time in which to conduct all of the necessary cc.mpetttlvc bidding proc.... He øaid that ho f..l. thl. I. . ~uch batter ðQreement dur tc. ~r. "artman's effort. In re-draftln9 It and that Hr. Sh~~hðn hat executed the aqr.ement and that he h.. two ori91nals for the Chairman's .19nature. He laid h. h.. prepareð I r..olutJon whieh authori... the Chairman'. algnature if the Board 80 d.sir... - -- - -- - - - - - - 0- _ _ _ __ __._ ___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _________ ~ ~ P!!!J '.; . ."'::td,~'~.'· ' . .' ,.?'-" ._------------------------------------~~~ ~ f. ' . T ' t~ 'f' ' . .~,.}:at~ March 1, 1~83 Chalr.an ~ru.e r.ad the afor..entloned r.lolutlon 11nc. it In the aqenda packet. Co~.II.loner Brown eoved, 'econd.d by eo..la- .10ner Holland, that Re.olutlon 83-31 approvln9 the Deli9n/Conltruct Agr....nt and Dellgn Ouldelln.l, pr.pared by County Itaff .1 h.r.tofore 11gned by Mr. Sheehan, Pr.lldent of Whllp.rlng Pinel, Inc., re tour- lanln9 I.prove.entl of K.lly Road, b. adopt.d. Commløalonor Vo.. a.ked It there would h. a preliminary study of the r.a.t Nðple. sewer .ltu~tion 10 that, If pos.lhle, the road will not have to bo -ripped up latnr- and that the I1n.. p.rhapa c:an be plac:ed under the road betore It i. built, to which Mr. Hartman re.ponded attJrl:latlvely. Upon roll call vote the .otlon carried 4/0 I. fol10V8. Co.-I..loner Vo.. Ve. CO"Ss.loner Brown Ve. Co.-I..loner Holland V.. Chalr.an Kru.. Y.. eO~K 014 rACE .17 . ,. ....«,""""-""" ._...-.._"'''''''"'''_.'''.~...-,_..,''~~~,. -----------------------------------------~ :~:~ ,)~\~ .01: .,¿,~, "1 "i.. ':r.i2,., '.'~' ·:'I'"X,~{,~.·,,' ,.J," !.¡ <'iI')~ 'a- '.'~, 'I' -¡l~\:--~ .( -:!/; Much 1, 1983 Ue. IS RECLAISrPICA'I'JOII or WA'I'IR fWfAOIMIJI'!' DIRICTOR POI I'l'l 011 IRON PAY ORADI 24 '1'0 PAY ORADI 2S - APPROVED, "A. JOIIM BOLD'!' '1'0 II orrlRID lArD POSITION Public WOrk. Adalnl.trltor Rlrtm.n .ald thlt an extenlSve 1.lrch VII conducted to find I per.on to fill the Wlter Manlqeeent Director POlltlon Ind thlt two veIl qualified Indlvidull. vere Intervleved, adding that one va. .uperlor to the other. He explaSned thlt Itltt reco..endl approval of the reela..lfleatlon of thl. po.ltlon to PlY Or.de 2~ Ind th.t Mr. Boldt made a firm offer tor the POlltlon vlth I .tartlnq lalary of Pay Orade 2~, Step 5, a.ountin9 to .32,323.12 a year. "".' Chairman Kruse c0"9ratulated Mr. Hart.an on the .ethod of handling thl. .atter. Re.pondl"9 to CO..S'lloner Brown, Mr. "art..n .ald that Mr. Boldt 1. not pre'.nt .ince he live. In Port Huron, Mlchlqan and II currently ..ployed. COBaI..lon.r Brown aoved, 'econded by Co"S.lloner Vo.. .nd clrrl.d 4/0, that the recla.llflcatlon of the Water Manaqe.ent Director POlltlon fro. Pay Orade 24 to Pay Orade 2' be approved Ind that Mr. John &oldt be ottered the POlltSon vlth the Itartln9 .lllry of 'IY Orade 26, Step 5, .32,323.82. ne. '7 PURCHASE 0' PUBLIC O"ICIALS LIABILITY INSURANCE FROM MARKEL COMPANY _ APPROVED A..l.tant County Manaqer Smith said that the Public OtfScl~l. liability Inlurance coveraqe, a. explained In the rxeeutSve Suaalry dated 2/20/8), I. recom.ended by the County Attorney and the COuntY'1 In.urlnce aqe~t, addlnq that the Insurance viII cover all ..plo,.e. of the County, volunteer., Board member., and .e.ber. of all Ippolnted Board. and Co..ltte.s and would protect agaln.t lultl IrSllnq fro. clal.. tiled aqalnlt the County pertaining to Illegltlon of ~o",ful IO!) ( 07~ fACE 35 - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --- - - - - - - - - - -------.',.. "'1" tOOK Q14. PACE 36 ------------------------------------------ March 1, 1983 act., addln9 that the In.uranoe would cov,r prlo~ loti, 1110. ne · referred to the Executive Sum.ary tor the definition of -wron9ful act-. ..' ~ i. 1 Re" distributed to the Comml..10nerl a tabulation of the quotation. which Vlre obtained. ne.pondlnq to Oo~ml..I~n.r VOl., Mr. Smith .ald that the deðuctlble I. $5,000 per olalm. County Manaqer Nor.an said that thl. Inlurance would cover I qap In the r..t of the County'. In.urance proqram and 1. the type of I Inlur.nce which ha. become Increallnqly of c:onc:ern to local qovernment. ,County ~ttorney Saunders explained that there 1. one pendlnq civil rlvhtl typ, of litl9atlon aqalnat the County currently In "deral DI.trlct Court tor the Southern District of 'lorlda, .ddlnq that approxl.ately $40,000 to $50,000 ha. been 'pent In attorneYl' f.el to represent varioua tor~er County officlall and that one benefit of the type ot Inauranc. under dlacus.lon would be to prot.ct aqalnlt the type of clal. for attorney.' feel vhlc:h the County I. actually exp.rl.nclnq, at the pre.ent tl~e. Mr. 5alth aald that, while the In,urance covera prior aotl, It do.. not cover clai.. which have already been filed. HI ..ld that I : ; r',;,' ,~ Co.pany, the larqest brokerl In the country of thl. kind of Inlurance,,!,,' . for 11,000,000 COY"'t. .. '.n ..t1....d pr..l.. co.. of .,,'00, oddl., .,: '" that allOunt would be adju.ted when the actual .ppl1cat1on 11 fUeet. ,:'~. I ~:I "bot ".' Co.Ia.loner Vo.. lIOyed, .econded by ~-ha1on.r Brown In' ,_,:' ",'~, "<..~ Itaff reco..endl that the award for the In.ur.nce be .ade to Markel carried 4/0, that .1,000,000 ooverlge of Public Official. Lllblllty Insurlnce be purcha.ed fro. Markel Corporation at In e.tl.lteet pr..lua of .7,500. ·"l.' .' l' --------------------------------------- - !!!! ~ ·_..,..··""~'",.,~~·"'..~_".H'..,·..'" :>~:;~:, ;::~:i" ---------------------------------------~~. 'I,:,~; . r, March 1, 1983 It.. .. III) "23, COllCIS8rOR MAIIMetn' POR l"mEW PARK _ AWARDEI) '1'0 DIL I. ACKIRMAN ~.1 not Ie. having b..n publllhed In the Hlpl.. Dilly N.va on :anuary 17, 1913 .. evidenced by Affidavit of Publication fll.d with the Cl.rk, bid. were reo.iv.d for lid '523, tor. oonce..lon .t .ayvlew Plrk, until 2130 P.M. 'ebru.ry 9, 1913. Co..ll.lon.r Irown aov.d, Ilcondld by eo..I'.lon.r Bolland .nd carrl.d ./0, that lid "23 tor . oonollllon .gr....nt for lIyYlev P.rk ,~.~,: b. avarded to ÐlI I. Achrun of ÐlI'. U &our 8touI for. J y.ar Nit ..,.... .' conce..lon with. 3 Ylar option for r.newal, .. r.co...nded by the Purcha.lnq Dlr.ctor to b. thl love.t r..pon.lbl. bid In the belt Inter..t of the County, and that the Chalr.an be .uthorl.ed to 11gn .nd the Clerk to atte.t the re.ultlnq .qr....nt. 1- ."" ."{,j";'~: , t,li ~ " ..~ ~OK 07~ PACE ~ '- _...·;.-_·._""'"'..,_".~''''"".)..~.''.....__d..'''''~'.,....,.,,~,.......,.,~..,.,,,.... , , ----------------------------------------........ , ~:~~' 'Ig., :," .' !·:'.<i~~·~ , :(1\ '---------------------------------------~, ...."..$..'..~_.......,.''"......."'." ~OK 074 PACE 50 March 1, 1983 ,- It.. ." CLERK II POSITION, BUILDING DEPARTMENT - EXEMPT 'ROM HIRING PREEZI Co..l..loner Brown .ov.d, ..cond.d by Co~I..loner VOl' Ind carrl.d 4/0, that the Clerk II po.ltlon for the Building Dlpar~ent b. exe.pt fro. the hiring fre.ze. It.. t1 0 COMMISSIONER VOSS, CHAIRMAN KRUSI, ROSS OBLIY, RICHARD ANDERSON, MR. HALL AND COUNTY MANAGER NORM~N - APPOINTED TO THI MANAGEMENT AUDI~ SILECTION COMMITTEI Co..i..lon.r Brown ~ov.d, .econded by Commi..lon.r Bolland and carrl.d 4/0, that Co.-I..10n.r Vo.. b. appointed to the Manage..nt Audit Selection Con.ltte.. Com.llllon.r Vo.. moved, .econded by Co..I..loner Brown and carried 4/0, that Chalr.an Kru.. b. appolnt.d to the .... Co..ltte.. Co..I"lon.r Vo.. mov.d, .econded by Co..l..loner Brown and c.rrl.d 4/0, that Mr. Ro.. Obl.y and Mr. Richard Anderlon b. .ppolnted to the .... Co..ltte.. Co..I..10ner VO'I .ov.d, lecond.d by Co..l..ioner Brown and carried 4/0, that Mr. RaIl and County NInlqer Mor.an b. appointed to thl. Co..ltt... It.. .11 .. . ,'1/1.' .\. .;,~ ' .rf#.' RESOLUTION 83-32 RIQUIRING IVIRYBODY APPLYINQ rOR 'A IUILDIHO PIMU' 'I'O'::;:j(,',:' BI IfOTIrUD III WRITINQ TRA~ TREY WOULD NOT II ABLI TO MAKI A SIWIRA.~~ CONMICTIOII UNTIL THI WATER/SIWIR IXPANSION 'ROORM III slMn ARIA -,,- II . COMPLITID - ADOPTED. STArr DIRICTID TO NIGOTIATI WIT! POLIlll/Rln'.1 .~ 'ROVIDINQ CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMINT POR WATER/SEWER EXPANSION PkOOIWl IW SIWIR ARIA -A- Utl1ltle. Ad.lnl.trator 8erlon explained th.t he reco..end. the policy to govern the approval of connection. to the North Naple. SIver SYlte. Area -A-, .. ,xplaln~d In the Executive Su..ary dat.d 2/23/83, becau.. h. vanted to b. c.rt.ln that wh.n the County I. r.ady to go to con.tructlon, the bid. ar. received and the prlc.. ar. ...n to be vlthln the budqet and the revenue. are .vaI1abl., at that tl.., thlt h. vould r.co..end that -whit app.arl to b. a Dorltorlua- would be lifted ~ ........ ....... "-I ------------------------------------------ --- March 1, 1983 with the .tipul.tion that the actual connection. to the central Iyat.. not be permitted until the actual .xpan.lon 1. completed. H. .ald th.t .o.t ot the multif..lly type of project. that may be affect.d by thla action will probably have .omewher. between a 9 to 12 month build-out period betore they are actually phy.lcally .ble to c:onnect, and that thl1 polley .hould cre.te virtually no dltflcUlty in tho.e project developerl malntalnlnq their own Ichedule.. Re .ald th.t he felt In the C..e of .inqle fa.11y hONe., of which there are not that ~any application. belnq received at the pre.ent tlm., tho.e developerl could be per~itted to proceed .ince their build-out I. from 3 to 8 .onth., som.ti.e. .ven taster, and that those project. could b. acc:ommod.ted durin9 the p.ric.d that follow. fro. nov until next tall when the winter lo.d would .tart to Come back on the Iy.tem. Chairman ~ruse .ald th.t this policy hal been perceived by many to be a moratorium and .he Isked It there would b. a problem with allowlnq the .1nqle tam11y project. to be connected and Itipulat1n9 th.t any mUltifamily project, that w.. In . position to connect, would have to b. brouqht bofore the Board for approval, to which Mr. B.rzon .sked If .h. meant at the time ot connection or at the time of being p.r.ltted? Chairman ~ru.e re,ponded at the time of Is.ulnq approval tor connec- tion, and sh. a,ked It there w,re .ny multlfa.11y project. pendlnq It the pres.nt time, to which Mr. Aerzon said that th.re are a number that hav. been approved and that .nyone who ha. paid the fee. 'nd re~.lv.d a building permit, a. ot tOday, 1. guaranteed connection to the plant. He .ald he was only .peaklnq about tho.e developer. who .ay be cO.1n9 In during the n.xt ~O day. and reque.ting a permit. He .aid that there 1. an ordinance which .ays that the County cannot 1..ue a bu11dln9 per~lt unl... there la evidenc. of .ewage treatment capability and that the developer. of tho.. i,olat.d c.... which .ay come In durlnq the ~ 074 rar.e M 'a9- , .. .. , f,\ ",e 'lô!;i~, ,'1_, ~[O::~;':"!'( . " 4:\.'J . -----------------------------------~--~ '&Qax 074 PACE 52 -----------------------------------------~ fIIarch I, 1983 next 60 d.y. .,y accept the .fore..ntlon.d atlpul.tlon or they can put "0',' I, I ... .,;",~, In I te.poury onllqht IIW.q. facUlty. ,t. ~ Ch.lr..n ~ru.e a.ked If D!R had 9iven .ny indication to the County th.t they would pref.r the ~ultlfamlly not be put on the IYlte., to which Mr. aer.on .aid that every time a ~ultlf..l1y dev.lo~.nt hll to be connec:ted to th, .y.te., the County h.. to file an application vlth the DEA .hovlnq that there 1. cap.clty .nd that currently the County 1. over that capac:lty and that he would antlclpat. that, fro. nov on, It Iny alqnlflcantly sized development, whlc:h require. DEA approval, 11 brou9ht In, the CER I. 90inq to .ay -hold It until you have the plant " " expanded- . Co..ls.ioner 8rown .a1d that ht wa. oPPO.'d to a moratorlu.. HI a.ked why thl. wa. not started e.rller, to whlc:h Mr. Ser.on said that about one and one-half year. ~qo the enqlneerlnq v.. under vay tor the expan~lon, the per.lt. would have been filed In Auqult and, h.d they been approved In a tl.ely manner, the project would have b.en und.r conltruction now, but conltructlon could not have Itarted .uch earll.r \. " {~ . ",,' ".~,. "~ I.¡¡Þ':' .\ ': . '~ 't ,~;. t ~, " 'n.~ , I~,' 1'., becau.e the fund. vert not IvaSllble. .' HI .ald that only enouqh fund. ", ~' vert actually accu.ulatld to proceed with the tlr.t two ..jor el..ent.' i1~ for the projects by the end of the lut fhcal yur and there Ia. 1t~1,~~~:':~';' \ I nud for another 1-1/2 a11110n dollar loan fro. the "'RA, which .they'~ 'It' ~", have agreed to give the County once the .Uter ot per.Su Ia r'lolvec! ",\,. , '·"":,·~I·~· , ~,i ~ . . 0"t~: .1,,¡r¡ .",;J,.,w1, .:~,# .nd bond validation 1. done. Cheir.an ~ruse .ald that it the .y.te. 1. functSonln9 and the per.St II Ss.u.d by DER to expand It, perhapI rolll.I/Rttry could be hired to .ove the explnllon alonq ta.ter, .dd1n9 that Ihe would preter to qo -. .onth at I ti.e- to handle the .Stultlon which Mr. a.flon d.lc:rlbed. .' ,A,. :"\~'~"t' <1".' , I I!!!!I t:'~.'~ , :.......,rU~ --......--------------------------------------. MUch 1, 1983 hpe 12 Mr. Willia. I. Stopp., dlvelop.r of a Pllnn.d unit Dlvelo~ent on thl welt atd. of Vanderbilt Drlv. In North Naple. In Bay rore8t, explain.d that h. ha. three lot. which hay. a total d.n.lty of 37 11vlnq unit.. fte d..crlbed hi. tlv. unit building to b. conltructed in the .econd phal' of hll dev.lopm,nt and .ald that hi. contractor, Mr. Ilf.rdink, of Ilferdlnk Con.tructlon, Inc:., applied to the Utility Dlvlllon for water .eter. and .ewer connection. on rebruary IS, 1983 which vert not approved. Mr. Itopp. a.k.d why .Snql. fa.11y or dupl.x c~nn.ction. would be allowed wh.n hi. flv. unit. would probably add I... to the .y.t.. th.n a .lnql. fa.lly pròject, due to ..all.r fa.lly 81z. and the tac:t that 'ONe owner. would probably not be y.ar-round re.ld.nt.? HI ask,d what happened to the 17' unit. which ver. allocat.d to aay rorest? R. .aid that the five unit. ar. 'old and he r'que.t~ that his work not b. -.hut down-. Com.I..loner Holland .ald that It S. hard to .ep.rat. on. d.v.l- °PMent trQa another, but that he could ... Mr. Stopp.' po.ltlon, addln9 that he thought It .1qht be bett.r tor a per.on with Mr. Stopp.' type of probl~ to be abl. to Co.e before the Board. During the tollow1n9 d1.cu.slon, Mr. lerzon laid that h. had no probl.. with what the BCC I. propo.lng to do and h. clarified the 178 unit. In Bay rore.t, to which Mr. Stopp. r.f.rr.d, by laylnq that In 1981, when lay ror..t vas flr.t luÞ.ltt.d t~ the BCC, h. reco...nd.d to the Plannlnq Co..SI.lon that only 175 unltl be per.ltt.d a. part of the d.v.lop..nt proc.... HI .ald that att.r a dl.c:u..lon by d.v.loper., planner. and englne.r., th, recom.endatlon to the Board val chang.d to authorization of the entire dev.lopment of clo.. to 700 unit. vSth the provl.o that, If th.re came a tiMe when the d,velop.ent of lay PDr.at proc.eded at .uch a rat. that It .xc.ed.d the CountY'1 C.Plbl11ty ot aa~ O'U rm 53 Page ---------------------------------......---- " '. , ~--------------------------------------- . ,t·....', "...... . ~ 014 fAŒ 54- March 1, 1983 .,~ ~~'k -tlklng th.. In-, the d.y.lo~r voU!d provid., on an Interl. ba81l, to-. ~.>~ J~"~ . '. . '~f ',1.; ;~l;:· o,,"'ttt{' ,1j'1:i ¡¡/~ ¡ ;tt .~". ~ ..,.f "vlq. trutllent facUIt1e. and thlt the !o'rd approv.d that. ...~,', . He slid that, with the economic .1tuatlon, the probl'lI hi' not occurred until now. ,~~ , ~;¡ Chalr..n Kru.. I.ked what about Mr. Stopps' perMit appllcltlon of r.bruary 15, 19S3, to which Mr. Berlon laid, at that tille, he told Mr. Stopp. that h. thouqht there vert 901nq to b. 10.. proble~s b.cau.. the County wa. beglnnlnq to c:rowd the .y.t...1 capacity, adding that Mr. Stoppa' application ~a. the tlr.t to cOile In durlnq the period when there v.. a question ot vhen the County would qet It. p.rMlttlnq probl.. resolved. He s.ld that altuatlon w.. re.olved on rebruary 17, 19S3 .t which tl.e statt knew th.t the County would be In a position to proceed with the construction. Mr. Sergio ~nt.s, of nole, Monte., and A'.oclate., .ald that the bulld1nq conatructlon 1ndu.trý ha. enouqh proble.. vlthout havl"9 to c:ont,nd with · .or.torlu.. HI laid that he thouqht, sine. the .y.t.. ha. been handllnq the high peak load. and hlqh vatertabl. during the lIonth of Febru.ry, th.t the 'y,te. ha. be.n te.ted very veIl and Ihould be abl. to do 10 for the next 'IIOnthl. HI laid h. thouqht It V'I unfair to a land developer ·to dhcrhllnate by allowing .lnql. fa.Uy and duplex project. to connect and to .top .ultlfa.lly proj.ct.. Mr. Charle. Maurer, 0 developer of Shore WOod. Condo.lnlu. In . .' :,'~ .. I , ,~;¡:t_ .' .' " . ;~t . ~., ~ ,- '. ~ ~ ~~ .' Bonita Shoru, ducrlbod hh dO.olo""ant of which appro.l.atall' 20 of "'~ the 32 unit. have been 'old to date. HI ..ld he .ad. In appUc.Uon on :;j;, ~,~...1' , . ,t" Dec.mber 15, 1982 tor the lecond pha.e of Shore Woodl Ind learned of! .' \ :. the lever proble.. In the beqlnninq of January. R. .lld that he .nd hi. partner do not Intend to tie Into the exl.tlnq .ever line until January 1984. HI explained the .ann.r in which . I.ver ..In we. con.tructed, at the reco..endatlon of hi. e"9ln..r., WlllOn, Miller, ------------------------------~----- I!I!!I ~ .J --- " .,'''i'.'; I,' t~"" , ,,",;¡', , '..,~f.> . '.1,.0 ~.~' ------------------------------------------ March 1, 1983 .arton, SolI' Peek, following prellmln.ry dl.cu..lon. with the Utility Dlvl.10n, fro. 4th Street out to rore.t Avenue, the .ntlre length of the 12 acr. elt., It I COlt of approxl.at.ly $120,000, which Includ.. III the utI1Itl.. .nd l.t.r.l. for III four ph.,.. of the dev.lopeent. He .ald the prop.rty 1. pr...ntly loned tor thr..-Itory bu11dlnql Ind he d.,crlb.d the '.cond ph... proj.ct ., belnq two-.tory building. th.t fit with the .rchltectural ...th.tlcs of the nelqhborhood. H. ..ld that h. puunUy ha. .n 'pprov.d plan troll the ....lth Dlpartlllent thlt ~.' " '.. vould 'llow hi. to build IS unit. If a leptlc t.nk syst.. 11 Uled, adding that h. would -not hay. the h.art- to qo back to the n.lqhbor- hood and go back on hi. word, .lnce h. h.. told th.. that the building. WOuld b. on ..wer and wat.r and would b. two- .tory, adding th.t the U.e of · ..ptJc tank approach In th~ re~.lnlng ph.... thr.e .nd tour would ..an h. would have to go up to thr.. .torl.,. Re,pondlnq to Comml.slon.r Vo.., Mr. Maur.r a.ld that a aonth'. w.lt would b. critical due to the t.ct th.t lu.b.r .nd oth.r ..t.rtll hay. Incr.a..d In prlc.. ... .ald th.t h. would be wllllnq to give '0.' .ort or agr"Ment to the County that h. would not r.qu..t conn.ctlon .ny .arller than January 1984. Chalrlllan ~ruse said .h. ~uld 'U9ge.t that the Board proc..d fro. aonth to .onth with. lIIonthly upd.te, adding that .he found It diffi- cult to dltter.ntJate betw..n the right of th. .1nql. taal1y, wtt~ fiy. .'" of th.. In . row and th, right of the aultlfa.l1y vlt~ five of the. -.t.cked up- on top of .ach other. Mr. a.rton aqr..d 'nd .tat.d for the r.cord, r.gardlng Mr. Maurer'l co...nt., that h. ha. n.ver spoken with Mr. Mlur.r and thlt Mr. Maurer h.d actually nev.r lubaltt.d anythJnq for the additionll .' connection. until within the palt t.n d.y.. Ch.lr.an Itru.. Illd Ihe .i: . .:, " " ¡If, thouqht tt va. vi.. of Mr. a.rlon to bring tht. Matter b.fore the aoQ ( 074 Pm !i5 --- - --- - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- --------- .. ... ~~~",.'W"" ..",'_'~'....._,.~"~".."~.~'",.,, ',¡.{.:\ . " J1";:,,J,:.I, 'I". .-:~. ..'·l, ". '}f>' fit,!;. ~..71H'I,' ':'~ y¡~, "I"~I, ",.£- '. ';', i?; : . ..(..,:~' .... , , ------ ------ - - - - - -- - ---- --- -- ----------.-- m 074- fA1:ë 56 "" " , March 1, U83 ." Board. Com.l..loner vo.. ..ld th.t, ~hl1. he aymp.thlles ~lth the dlvll- operl, It the .y.t..·. .ffluent I. not up to .tandard thl County vl!1 bl ,ubject to a fine, to which Mr. Berlon r'.ponð'd that ~al the re.lon h. .u9q..ted that the .tlpul.tlon be attac:h.d whenever p.r.lt. are 1..ueð. Re.pondlng to Comml..loner Rolland, Mr. Berlon .ald that the Infiltration ot .tor. water ha. bequn to .how up over the p..t few y.ar. with th, .ddltlon of new ð.v.lo~ent., .ddlng that the prl~ary .ource appear. to be In the manner In which .o.e newer ðevelopm.nt.. .ewer .y.t.m. ar. laid c.ut and th.t he 1. ..'lnq . fa.ter re.pon.. to the rainfall. Co..I..loner Holland .a1d that h. would h.v. proble., voting for the reco..endatlon al outlined becau.. he thouqht It would b. . "l,cted prlvlleg. to allow .1ngl. fa.lly unltl to connect, Iddlnq that . he telt that develop.rs and bulld.r. ahould be lntor.ed ju.t how .erlou. · situation the County I. In, perhap. through the .edla or 1.ttftr. to the people maklnq per.lt appllc.tlon. .nd th.n try to look at the Individual project. a. th.y co.. up. Ch.lr..n Kru.. a.ld that It 1. not a que.tlon of the quality of thl .ftlulnt dropping Inltlntly and that Mr. B.rzon would hav. .uttlclent warnlnq Sf .o.ethlng vere to ,'.:.~, b191n to occur to which Mr; Benon agreed, adding h. wa. not .peakS", '. .,"~. t ··~i' of What 18 reterr.d to a. -'hock loadlng-. "ape . 3 .. " .- Co..I..loner Vo.. s.ld h. telt that the dlv.loper. vert I.klng the County to take a chane. th.t their conn.ctlon would not hurt the Iy.te., addlnq he felt that the d.veloper. ouqht to take the chano.. Mr. ~Irlon .ald that WI' why h. .uqge.t.d the .tlpulatlon to allow developer. to obtain a Certltlcat. of Occ:upancy, In order not to pr.v,nt anybody fro. qolnq ah..d. Co..l..10ner Vo.. .alð that ....Id -.-......-------------------.- 9 I!!:I ~... ~ , ' "', -. !!II ,.~".¡-""~.._,_.."",~._.. ~.~_"M_ "".'''''.'"'",k~ 4-',<' Muoh 1, 1983 -----------------------------------------.. r.a.onabl. to hi.. County Attorney Saunder. .ald that there are .ev.ral 119al pro- cedure. that need to b. followed prior to the County obtalnlnq fundi and th.t th.re ar. pot.ntlal. for delay, for exa.pl. in the bond validation proceedlnq. He .ald that the County doe. not have the blndlnq coa.lt.ent fro. the r.deral Covern~ent for tundlng yet and }. . '.. there aay be delays in that and that there are dway. potenth1a for . ", ,d.lay. In con.tructfon and he t.l t that the pubUc hi. to b. aware of thl.. Ch.lr.an ~ruse said that for ev.ryone who pull. a p.r.lt, particularly In the case of the .ultlfa.tly with the PUD Document, th.r. 1. I phrase In the docu.ent. .tatlnq that If the County oannot connect the developer at the t1.. he want. to b. conn.cted, he will not be connected. ~r. 8.rzon said that h. i. optl.l.tlc .nouqh to .ay that, If ev.ryon. can liv. with the .tipulation, by Jun, of thl. year the concern viiI hav. P....d one. the plant con.tructlon beqln.. Mr. Maur.r said that h., a. one of the develop.r. of Shor. WOOdl, 1. not a.king the taxpay.rs or the County to take a rl.k, adding that hi. for.al application lor the per. it. start wh.n the building peralt. ar. requested and that what he I. a'kl~ I. to b. able to g.t a building permit to begin construction .nd that If the ..wer aYlte. proble. 1. not resolved by January 1984, he 1. wllllnq ~o take that rl.k and will just -b. .1ttlng there with 32 unit. that can not b. OCcupled-. He .ald that additionally h. ha. a.ked for 10.. explanation of how the p.r.lt. will b. 91von, wh.ther there will b, a li,t. COmMIs.loner Vo.. a.k.d If apPlications ar. qrant.d In the ord.r In vhlch the fe.. ar. paid, to which Mr. Berzon r..ponded atflr.atlvely. Mr. launder. .uqge.ted that the Soard could conllder a r'lolutlon . I . ¡ r.qulrlng that anybody applying for a building per.lt be notified of I the potantlal probl.. of there belft9 a lack of capacity vhen they Ir. . t.'" .~~ ,:' . ~ox 074 PACE 57 "qe IS -------------------------- ------------- ,~~..,.. í;¡¡~.r . :'~"t;";. t .' ,.t. ~,....----_._- - ----- -- -- ---------------- ----- ..)~ ~ ' , , . ':\0;; 014 PACE 58 ..' , Maroh 1. 1983 .. . ;~, " re.dy to conn.ct, Ind th~t the dev.lop.r. Icknowledg. the potential probl.., addlnq thlt, one. the re'olutton 1. pa...d, h. would reylew the ordlnanc" that apply to building p.rmttl to .,. If there Ire any ": ...." .. ., ..end..ntl that n'.d to b, don.. eo..I..loner YO., .ov.d thlt thl. r.'olutlon b. P.,..d. Comml..lon.r Holland .ald that he h.. troubl. with thl. b.c:au.., unl,., the proj.ct 1. a Pllnn.d Unit Dev.lop..nt, there II no .tlpula- tlon on the building per~it application that requlr,. Iny notification of lack ot ,.wer ..rvic.. avall.bl. and th.t, at thll point, If I bulldinq p.rmlt I. pull.d, the dev.loper 1. .ntltl.d to I.wer .ervlce., to which Mr. B.rzon slid that up to thl. point Co..l..1on.r Holl.nd VI' rlqht. Comml..ioner Holland a.k'd wh.t would be don. until the r.,o- lution I. P·...d, to which Chalr.an ~ru.. .ald that the r..olutlon could b. pa'.ed thi. ðlt.. , , A dl,cu'.lon followed durlnq which Mr. Nor~'n ..Id th.re I. a qu..tlon of detlninq whit i. In a..ur.d .ewer clpaclty, .ddlng that what .taff ,u99..t.d to B.y 'or..t I. thlt th.t dev'lop.r hlY' I per.lt .nd cl..rly d..on.trat. that they could proc..d with I .eptlc Iy.t.., If n.c...ary, at the till'l' the proj.ct h co.pl.ted. ';jo' , :, jtf,,, ':4~;¡;'. exhtlnq buUdlnq per.lt. ~."t~, Ch.lr.an It:ru.e ..ked if there WI' curr.ntl'y any probl.. wi th .- .lready pulled, to which Mr. ø.r&on re'pond.d there V" not. ..t., .. .....\< ~.,.......,. " Cha I r.ln '. It:ru.. ..1d that the Soard 1. f.ced vlth the probl.. ot what to do vlth the dev.lop.r. who mlY be pulling th.lr per.lt. between now and luch tl.e .s the pl.nt I. expanded. Mr. &lund.r. '11d that the leq'l probl.. thlt he WII trying to avoid 1. · builder .aylng, .1. month. fro. now, thlt he relied on there being c.paclty Iv.llable wh.n he W'I 1..u.d I bu11dlnq per.lt end with the vrltten notlflcltion thlt there .'y not b. thlt Clpaclty, h. would be 1n · we.k po.ltlon to arqu. that he r.!I.d on thlt '. ,,~;.. ,". Ji .). "': ,"""""~ -....----------------------- - I!I:I - -_.._,.,'_.._..'.,,'...'~.;,; oJ...__...._" --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -' -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --. "arch 1, 1983 Co..I..lon.r VO" a.k.d If he ..ant It the dev.loper .greed to it in writing, to which Mr. Saund.r. re.pond.d .fflrm.tlvely. Commlll1oner Rolland .ald that h. thought the sltu.tlon should b. turther .tudled. eo..1I.lonlr VO.. .ddld to hi. prevlouI motion to .dopt Rllolutton '3-32 requiring .v.rybody .pplylnq for. building per.1t to be notified In writing th.t th.y would not be .bl. to .ak. I .ever connection until the water/.ewer e.pan.lon proqra. In Sewer Ar.. -A- I. co.pleted, thlt the building per.lt cannot be d.nl.d on the b.ll, of lick of c.paclty If the deY'loper 1. WIlllnq to .lqn thl. und.rltandlnq. Co..ll110ner .rovn .econded the .otlon. Co"I..lon.r Holland a.k.d what the Soard wal golnq to t.ll the p.ople who appear.d this dat., to which Chalr~an 'ruse ..ld that It they hav. alr.ady .pplled for their per.lt and It 1. lnhou.., .h. would pr.sum. that tho.. p.rmlt. would b. l'.ued. Mr. Maur.r .ald that hi. building per.1t has be.n typed for a month but that the 8ulldlnq Depart..nt would not qlv. hi. that per.it until they rec.lv. a letter trom Mr. a.raon and a rec.lpt that the I.pact f... hav. b.en paid, and h, ask.d It h. should pay the I.pact t.e. to which Mr. B.rlon laid that the SYSt'M .t.ya the ..... Mr. Berzon clar1tl.d that th.r. 1. no probl.. with application. for building p.rmlts th.t have b.en approved and paid tor and that, alnc. Mr. Maur.r'. and Mr. StoPp.' appllc:atlons hav. not be.n paid for, they would have to COD' und.r the new ~ondl- tion. Mr. B.rzon .ald that he would have to check but h. thought that the lnfor.atlon tor the Shore Woods proj.ct wa. r.celv.d a we.k and. " halt ago and the oth.r on. was recelv.d within the pa.t two week.. Comel..lon.r Holland ask.d how a p.r.on could be charq.d In 1.paat fee Wh.n the .ervlc. I. not qolng to be quarante'd, to which Chalr..n ~ru.. ..1d that It ha. b..n done for year. line. the County h.. hid I.pact f.... Mr. Slund.r. .ald that by paym.nt of the Imp.ct ,800K 07' PACE 59 --------------------------------------~ ..._."'__~"',_u_ ,,_-....>,"'_....' ',..~~' 'íNi1~" :' ,~, ,~}f.f'·. .,. '. :, -~ .,' '. J.. . ." ,..""'I...' .'..,,.'.'" 'en. .. ' :# ,..,.... ....,,~~ ,,',' : ~. .. '." .~, ,,,.':t::.. , -----------'--------------------------- aOOK 014 PACE 60 Mlrch 1, 1983 "~ ,. 'Irvice i. quaranteed and that the proble. i. that the County .. ..t~·, po.a1bh conUruction delay.. know it the .ervlc. viII b. aval1abl. in January of 1984 bec:au.e nl laid that, if for 10m. r.a.on the County i. not able to construct the capacity, h. vould advl.e the . . Uti U t h. Department that the impact te.s vould have to bl refunded to '~:r':a. '(, tho., developer. who could not hook up but that It vould b. leg'l to ~f~ " . collect the fees at thi. time. Ch.lrman Kru.. laid that Clerk .ald that the Impact tee. are .,cured and Mr. eerzon laid that the 1.pact tee. can be used ~nly tor plant expan.ion and that 11 the purpose (c.r which they are belnq paid. ne .aid that, when an pay. the t.e., the only thing of which he 1. al,ured il that, when capacity c.f the plant is there, he will be connected. Co..I..loner Brown withdrew hi. .econd. Com.issioner Holland a.ked If th.r. wa. anythlnq other thin ".pe .. PUD that stipuhtu that If the County ha. .ervlce avalhble the ; ,. ','" ~, d.veloper would 9" It, to ...I.h Hr. ..non uld that a prlva.. hO..'I~¡:::~ lingle cOJl\Øltrcial building perllllt can be ".ued only it the developer,!" ' ':;/.¡, .J.' '." receive. a letter tro. the Utillth. Dep.rt.ent uylnq that the ;~. )ï',J .apa.lty 10 aval1abh, .dd1n9 that h. 10 "111"9 the Board that tha~{~, condition 11 now -condition r'd- for at l.a.t untU the County know.... ',' "~~L~~~ ~' "''''':'1( that the plant upan.lon .. golnq to 90 ahud, addlnq that h. hal no '.~" ""1'. rea.on to think that it will not go ahead. Mr. Norman .u9gested that the two project. brouqht before the ~1' . Board thl. date should be included under the provhion. of the "', , re,olutlon becau.. the reason that they have not received per.lt. .nd'·~I:~~ \. J. h.ve not paid the te.. WII that they could not be '"ured that th.re ~~f' '; , . ~ ".~r, !.:i .r V , 11 bl .J."'{,!.\" ' .. .....r .erv... a.. . .. , '¡ ":~~ Mr. Stopps ..ld that It he 11 beinq told that he can qo ahe'd and ,.:, ., .l~. , .' '.w. .,.:-- r_.~~.~ ~ ~ :',j.- ---------------------------------------~~} I ,~,1' ^~ ;¡'~',. . M.rch 1, 1983 .,'~ ',' , , . '(''f :'~I! build and It h. II tre.ted the I... a. .Inqle t.mlly re.lð.nce. Inð duplex.. .nd It, Wh,n hi. project 1. completed, the .ever 'Ylte. SI .uch th.t h. cannot be hook.d up, h. will acc.pt thlt II 10"9 II he 1. put In 11n. .. of date ot co.pletlon. R..pondlnq to Com.I..loner Brown, Mr. Norman .ald thlt he b.llev.d th.t both Mr. Stopp. and Mr. M.urer .re In the I..e c.tegory in ter.. of not belnq able to pull per.it. becau.e of the ordinance that let. up the control on the av.llabl11ty of .ever .,rvlc,. Co..l..loner .rown seconded the Ifor..ention.d MOtion tor Re.olutlon 83-32 .nd upon oall for the que.tlon, the MOtion carried, 3/1, with CO..I..loner Holl.nd oppo.ed. ····RICISS. 10.35 A.M. RECOHVrWID. 10.48 A.M..... A dl.cul.lon fOllowed, durlnq Which Co..ls110n.r Irown MOVed, leconded by Co"S"loner VOl. .nd carrl.d 4/0, that. SO d.y claus., re Re.olutlon '3-32, be approved and th.t staff b. dlr.ct.d to nl90tlate with Poll..l/Re.ry re9ard1n9 proYldlnq con.tructSon ..n.qe..nt for the w.ter/.ewer e.p.n.Son proqr.. In Sever Area -A-. Respondln9 to Mr. Mike I.walk'. que.t1on of ~..lbl. clrc~ventlon of c:onductlnq bid. for thl. .ervlce, Chairman Kru.e .tat.d that .taff wa. to neqotlate what PoII.ll/Heery could otfer r'9.rdln9 conltructlon ..n·ge..nt .nd th.t the .ubject would come back to the Soard. Mr. " Nor..n clarltleð th.t the contract would b. for profe..lonal I.rvlce. to provide construction .an'9...nt .1.ll.r to vhat the Itaff a19ht do and th.t .uch thln9' are not normally .ubject to blddlnq but Ire predicated upon the quality ot the prof...lon.1 contacted, IddS", thlt thl. would be a .upervisory roll and not I con.tructlon role. NOTE. Re.olutlon not rec.lved In Cl.rk'. office I' or 3/1/.3. aO~K 074 'ACE 61 .. .' . ----------------------------------------.-.. "j"- &OOK 014- PACE 62. ~ "'arch 1, 1983 , I . Ite. 112 "DVlRTISING or BIDI rOR SEWER ARIA -,,- PLANT EXPANSION AND TRAJfSJIIIlSIOII MAINS, UPON RECEIPT or ALL DOT AND DER PERMITS - AUTHORIZED, COUNTY ATTORNEY AUTHORIZED TO rILE A BOND VALIDATION SUIT rOR A .3,000,000 BOND ISSUI TO II PURCHASED IY T"I 'MRA Utllltlel AdNlnl.trator Beraon referred to the Executive Su~ary dated 2/23/83 whlc:h contain. the e.tlm.ted co.t of .ach of the .ajor component. of the e.pan.lon proqram for Bewer ~rea -A-, adding thlt the order of place.ent ll.t. the pond. a. nu~ber I, the plant a. the .econd component and the force ~ain and the pump .tatlon er. additional Ite.l, It the tundinq I. available. He .ald that, In h11 opinion, ba.ed on .dtual funds available, the first two component. can be complet.d without any prohl.. and that the time schedule 91v.n .hould be abl. to be ..t. Co..ll.1oner Brown aov.d, leconded by Co.-ll.10ner Vos. and oarrl.d 4/0, that the adv.rtl.~~.~t for the bid. tor Sewer Area -A- plant e.pan.lon anj tran..i..lon .aln. be authorl.ed, upon receipt of all DOT and DER permit., end that the County Attorney b. authorlled to file a bond validation .ult tor a .3,000,000 bond II.ue to be purchal.d by the FaHA. 1t...U RESOLUTION 13-33 AUTHORIZING ACQUISITION or PROPERTY e'OR A TRARlr~ STATION) - ADOPTED County Attorney Slunder. explained that thl. Ite. 1. a t.ohnlcal r..olutlon which deal. with a l,w.ult .ettled ..veral week. a90 oy re.olutlon by the BCC. He .ald that thl. re.olutlon specltle. certain requlr...nt. that ar. n.c'...ry In order to expend fund. fro. . oertlln .ourc. ot revenue which vert ac:cu.ulated pursuant to . bond II.ue In 1977. Re.pondlng to Chalr.an Kru.., Mr. Saunder. .ald that h. 11 In a9r.em.nt with Clerk of the Court. R"9an on thl. 1..u.. Co..l..10ner 'rown ~Yed, .econd.d by Co..I..loner VOII and ,---- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- ---- - - - ~ ------::.~~~'7 ~ ... - . " ',~ ;',J ' .~':¡~;~.~ " þMf, , r~i'. . ,,·-:iÙ.' ¡~..;t~~ , ',~~;, .,~ &'; ';:~:/,:~~ " "-¡,' ,. ....---------------------.........--------------------.. March 1, 1983 aarrled 3/1, with Co..I..lon.r Holland oppo..d, that R..olutlon .3-33, luthorlalnq aaqul.ltlon of property 119a11y d..crlb.d a. the north 344.30 f..t of the .outh 'II.~O f..t of the .a.t 1/2 of the ...t 1/2 of the we.t 1/2 of the northwelt 1/4, IIctlon 38, Townlhlp 49 South, "ng. 25 lIat, Co111'r County, rlorlda, b. adopted. R..pondlnq to Mr. Mlk. Z.walk'. qu..tlon ot wh.t the County plan. to do vlth thl. prop.rty, County M.n'9.r Norm.n aald th.t the Board had dlreoted .t.tf to ..k. anoth.r att..pt to obt.ln a 10n9 t.rm 1.... on . the Tr.n.ter St.tlon prop.rty .t the Airport and th.t thl. h.. b.en att..pted, over the p..t .ev.ral .onth.. He ..id that the Airport Authority h., .dyl..d .t.tt th.t th.y are ne.rlnq oo.pl.tion of a r.vls.d Ma.ter Pl.n on how they would u.. th.lr ovn prop.rty, which vould be ....ntl.l betore r..ponse c.n be .ade to the County'. r.que.t. R. ..Id that, hope tully, vithin the n.xt .onth or two, .tatt will know vh.th.r r..alnlnq at ths airport 1. a r"l po..lblllty, addlnq that If this 1. not po.slbl., h. did not think th.t th.r. h.. b.en any co..lt- \ .ent th.t the County not u., the .boy. d..crlb.d prop.rty. "' .ald that the aonin9 ch.nq_ application v.. wlthdr.vn b.c.u.e of the Bo.rd'. de.lr. to .av. the .on.y 1nltl.lly, but thst application could b. r.new.d. Chair..n Krus. ..id that If the above~entlon.d property va. not u.ed as a Tr.nst.r Station It would b. .old, If the 8CC eo d.cld.., .nd the fund. would b. returned to the bond 1..u. fro. whenc. they v.r. t.ken. , . ao~ 074 PACE S3 '19. 21 -~--------------------------------~~~~-~. "..,'~,'i, . . \'" ,,\ " DISCUSSION R£ PSC RIPORT BY COUNTY ATTORNEY TO BE PRESENTED A~ MARCK I, 1983 ICC MEETINO - NO ACTION TAKEN County Attorney Saunders .ald he had contacted the Public Servlc. Coaml'.lon and arranged to have Attorney William Herald, of the PSC Water and Sewer Dlvl.lon, attend the March 8, 1983 BCC meeting to dl.cu.s the legal Implications of PSC regulation. and that Mr. Jam.. Collier, Asslatant Director ot the Wftter and Sewer Dlvlllon, will al.o be pre.ent to discus. any technical que.tlon. the Co~mls.lonor. .nd the public may have concerning PSC regulation. ot water and .ewor ,,~ ~~~,I¿~... ---------'------------------------------ 'aDOK 014 PACE 66 Ite. 114 March 1, 1983 . utll1tie.. He said he Invited the q,ntlemen becau., of th, complex nature ot Public Service Comm1asion regulation.. County Manager Nor~an .a1d that, in the March 8, 1983 a9'nda packet, he I. recommendin~ that the COMml..ioner. continue the he.rlnq on the proposed new utility ordinance until March 15, 1983, .lnc:. the draft ot the propo.ed change 1a not co_pleted. ." ;" +; ~ ". ~~"I < ':"' 'f '..Î .r" fir! . {- :t: , 1~" :',A,I I". ~~: .... . iJ~ He uld that he felt It ,... ~ :ì~; would be appropriate that the BCC not try to move I~medlat.ly Into adopting the pr~po.ed ordinance until the Comml..lon.r. have had a chance to give further con.lderatlon to the PSC pre.entatlon. It.. US ROUTINE BILLS - APPROVED FOR PAYMENT Pursuant to Resolution 81-IS0 the tollowlnq check. vere I..uld throu9h February 25, 1983, In pa~ent of routine blll.1 C"EC~ D~SCRIPTIOH Cft!Cft NOS. AMOUNT Voucher Checks 93018 - 93283 60491 - 61019 $648,34&.22 8221,970.0. Hegular Payroll Check. ..,. 22 ---------------------------.----------------.......... ~ !!!!!! !!!!!I .' " ~~,~~" ,,", t' ,:'-:r.' .:_~, .~;jj: ;f ;t~ -----------------------------------------.. March 1, 1913 It..1 '1' through .1t auoalT AMENDMEHTS 13-2t, TBROUQR 83-298 - ADOPTED AS DISCRtalD IN 78. MOWTI IROWM CoaAI..loner Bolland ~Yld, Ilconded by eo..i.,loner arown Ind carrlld 4/0, that thl follovlnq Budg.t ~Ind..nt. bl adopt.d a. dl.crlbed In the a.ount. .hovn. ftudg.t A..nd..nt 83-295. !udg.t A..nd..nt '3-29'. Budg.t Aa.nd..nt 83-297. Budget Aaend..nt 83-298. " to provide fund. for dir.ct payment of X..okal.. Utllltl.. of .3,650 equal to Ixpen.e r.ductlon In Bulldln9 ",Intln- ance Dept. and recla..lficatlon of t.lephon. Ixp.n.e (C.nlral) In the a.ount of .5,150. for purpoae ,of r..llqnlnq actual COltl to placl It,.. In th.lr proplr object cod.. CO.neral) In the a.ount of .1,820. rl n.w account In the C.n.ral 'und created to handle th, flood app.al proqra. CC.n.ral) In the aMOunt of '5,000. to approprlat. fund. fro. anticipated r.venue. for additional St.te w/e ..If-In.uror'. ........nt. (Rl.k Mana9...nt) In the aMount ot US,300. .~ 074 rACE 67 'ave o· j '.:'.-,' . · ,- . '¡,.' .~, ',t','-,t\~·;:,;t ----- - - -- ------ - - - - - - --- - - - - - --- - ---_........~ " " < ,I:';>"~~: , .','ÝiI.~' '}l¡~~t '-. . .. .' . "aO~K 0 74 PACE 72. It.. 120 ''r' ~~-----------------------------------~~ ~arch 1, 1983 . .~~'J"" ;', DISCUSSION or COLLIER COUNTY SEWAGE SYSTEM - CONTINUED TO 'lARCH I, 19.3 ThI. It.. req.rdlng dl.cu..lon ot Collier County 8Iwaqe SYltea VII continued to March 8, 1983 durlnq the approv.l of the aqend. of thll d.te. ( . "i\' ····Th. followlnq It... v.re approved and/or .dopted under the Con.ent Agend. by .otlon of Co..I..loner Vo.., leconded by Co..I..loner Brown and c.rrled, 4/0..... ·:rl(; ,:,¡" It.. 121 Gun Permit '83-3 for Gerald A. Steven. Ite. .22 Con.tructlon Ch.nge Ord,rl CD'-1/BP-2 and CD'-1/BP-3 In the net a.aunt of '2,045. _"I;... See P'g'. 77-80 .r~'~ '~1' Ite. '23 " ; ,Or '1"'''~ Llbr.rl.n III v.cancy - Ex..pt fro. the hlrlnq free.e, ,1!~¥ ItCl. 124 :,,'1 Anticipated Librarian II vlcancy - Ix..pt tro. the hlrlnq fue.e. ,!~ "~ ~:J:~ : ~t~ It..tu 1,4, Maternity LI.v. of Ab.ence for JOr.. Tr.vlno, Ioclal Servlc.. Dept., for .pproxl.ately two .onth. bet1nnln9 January 31, 1983. . ,\,', Ite. t 2C Contract with the COllier Sport. Offlcl.l. Aalocl.tlon for 19'3 to provld. ad.qu.te offlcl.tlon at County .cheduled ac:tlvltl... Se. P'9 e 81 . It.. 127 Re.olutlon '3-34 to chanq. bound.rl.. of votln9 preclnata In City of N.ple. Ind unlncorpOr.t.d Ire.. S.. 'aqe 82 . ---------------------------------~~-~ r--1 ~ -- Much 1, 1913 ----- -- - - - ---.- - - - - --.---.-.... - - - - - - - - - -- - - ---,..... It.. UI Reaolutlon 13-35 r. Petition INR-e3-1C, John R. Nhltlnq requ.ltlnt .tre.t n... IpproYl1 for Tennll Court Line which run. we.t off Airport Rold North, Section 2, ,..,., R251. .,;.\ S,. 'aq' 83 . It.. Ut Chalr.ln luthorl.ed to .1qn Certlflcat.. tor COrr.ctlon to the Te. Roll. a. pr'.ented by Property Apprals.r'. Offlc. 1980 TAX ROLL '". Nu.ber DaU - 109 I no 2/11/83 1982 T~X ROLL 510-512, 51~,519-524, 52&-528 PERSONAL PROPERTY T~X 198 2 TAX ROLL 2/3 - 2/14/83 1982-252-254 2/11 - 2/18/83 Ite. 130 MISCELLANEOUS CORRESPONDENCE - rlLID AND/OR RErERRED There betn9 no objection, the Chair directed the followlnq corre.pondence be tiled and/or referred to the yarlou. d,plrt.ent. II 1 nd i ca ted, I. Letter dated 2/14/83 fro. Mr. !qon Hill, ICC'. repre..ntatlY. on the Area Agency on A91nq, .uþ.lttlnq .tatlltlcal and oth.r daU of acco.plhh.,nta In COllier County for Clle"~dar Y.ar 1982. rU.d. 2. Letter dated 2/3/83 fro. COMml..loner Doyl. Conner, Dept. of Aqrlc:ulture, to wl111a. J. Rea9an, Clerk, r'9lrdlng the Bo.rd'. re.olutlon on the co.po.ltlon o( the Ilq Cypr... Ar.1 "anage.ent Task Porce. PlIed. 3. Copy of .e.orandu. d.t,d 2/4/83 fro. v. Carl Buftl Jr_, Stiff Director, Coordlnatlnq COuncil on the Tran.portlt on Dl.adyantaged to COuncil m..bara r. notlc. of Canc.llatlon or aonthly ..etlnq Icheduled tor 2/9/13 of the COuncil. xo Mr. Nor.an. rUed. 4. Copy of DNR Plrllit No. CO-4ft to COa.onl w.w "'.octatlon, Ino. and Co..on. -R· A'.oclatlon for con.truotlon of toe-Ioour ~ 074 PAt( 73 -----------------------------------.............. ·,...... \00( 014 PACE 14- ------------------------------------- .<;::~,;';:~ .-e 28 ,,;1,,;;;: _. . ,'r"I"'~~ i:,;"~:]; ~~- ~--"~-----------.........- ',' "~ .' :/;~~j'é':.~~: ,:"""ft~, " ;(~: :"'~J March 1, 19 n a. rock r.v.t..nt ..award of .xl.tln9 bulkh.ad at 4001 Culf Shore Blvd. M. xc: Mr. Norman and Dr. Benedict. ,11ed. Copy of DNR P.rmlt CO-59M to Sun..t Hou.., Marco Illand, Pl. tor conltructlon of concrete bulkhead, to.-scour r.v.t..nt and plac...nt of .and till, ModlflcatSon for conatructlon of 280 toot long c~ncr.te .idewalk plus copy of Final Order re .am. p.r.St. xc Mr. Norm.n and Dr. B.nedlct. rll.d. 5. 15. Copi.. ot Mlnut.. rec.lv.d end fll.d. ~. Park. and Recreation Advl.ory Board Aqenda, 2/18/83 plua mlnut.. ot 1/21/83 .e.tSnq. 8. N.pl.. City CouncSl, Reqular M..tlnq, 2/2/83. Copy of PBC Notlc. r. Adoption of Aul.. 25-23.12, 4.161, ~.131, 7.131 and 10.24, Requlatory A.......nt r..., repe'l of Rul.~ 25-1.45, 1.4~, 1.47, 1.48 and 1.49, pertaining to R.qul.tory A.......nt ot ,..., and r.p.al of Rule. 25-15.13 and 7.13, Cro.. Intr..tet. Op.ratlng R.venu. Report. Doc:k.t Nr/. 8l0160-ADM, Ord.r No. 11614, luu.d 2/14/83. 'U.d. Lett.r dat.d 2/9/83 tro. Rlch.rd J. rink r'9ardln9 notitlcatlon ot deni.l of Right-of-Way Per.it requ..t No. t5684-~ and SOlO-A, SndlcatSnq the wi.h to appe.l the dec:1110n and b. per~ltted to .ppear b.for. the ComaS..Son and pr..ent tacta .upportin9 hi. po.ltSon. rSI.d with the CI.rk of the Board on 2/10/83. xc Mr. Nor.an and Mr. Hart.an. riled. 7. 8. 9. Copy of Cadad.n County R.'olutlon .xpr...lng their dl.ap- pr~val of the Int.ntlon by the rlorlda Dtpar~.nt of nRI to cloa. A. C. Holl.y St.t. Hoapltal. xc Mr. Nor.an. rll.d. Undat.d lett.r r.celved 2/14/.3 froa Eunlc. Col. oppo.lnq o.ltona'. propo.ed utility rat. Sncr..,.. xo Mr. Nor.an. , U.d . 10. .1 ·····RICESS. 11100 A.M. RICONVIWIDI 1150 P.M. at which tS.. Co"S..lon.r Rolland wa. ab'.nt fro. the ...tSnq.···.. hptt IS It.. . 31 ORDINANCI 83-7 ESTA8LISRINC A SYSTEM 0' PIRSONNIL ADMINISTRA~Io. 'OR THI OOVIRNMINT or COLLIIR COUNTY, rLORIDA, BASID OM "IRI~ . 'ITWII. OUARANTlUNO IOUAL EMPLOYMINT OPPORTUNIn (ITe.) - ADOPTED Leqal notlc. havlnq b..n publ1.hed In the Mapl.. Dally Neva on ,.bruary 2, 1983, a. .vld.nc.d by Affidavit of Publloatlon 11ed with the CI.rk, pUblSc h.arlnq wa. contlnu.d fro. r.bruary 22, 19.3 to con.Sd.r a propo..d ordln.nc. .stabll.hln9 a IYlte. of peraonnel --- - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - -............. .. ~ r--'I ,-..- . ,,. ':;~j~:1 dr; ·.,')í· ··,-~t .'.~ . ---------------------------~---~-~~------~; !~ ' March 1, 1983'/f~ ad.lnhtutlon for the Government of ColUer County, rlorlda, b..ed on<~~ >~:>, .erlt and fltne.. and quaranteeinq equal employment opportunlty,)t.~ :'''-''1'' " " providing the .cope ot application and exceptions, providing definition., etc:. County Manaqer Norman noted that the propo.ed ordinance .ak.. the P.r.onnel Director le~al1y re.ponllble tor .eelng that the prlnciplas included in the ordinance are adhered to, adding that Itatf te.l. that thl. ordinance will .trenqthen tho.e principle.. Comml..loner Vo.. .oved, leconded by Co.-l..loner Brown and carried 3/0, Co..l..10ner Holland ab.ent, that the ordinance II numbered and entitled below, be adopted and entered Into Ordinance look No. 17. " " ORDIN~NCE 13-7 AN ORDINANCE EST~BLISHINO A SYSTEM or PIRSOHMEL ADMINISTRA- TION 'OR TftE COVERNMENT or COLLIER COUNTY, rLORIDA, BASED ON MERIT AND rITNESS AND GUARANTEEING IQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTU- NITY, PROVIDINC THE SCOPI or APPLICATION AND IXCEPTIONS, PROVIDINC DErINITIONS, PROVIDINQ rOR THE APPROVAL or PERSON- NEL RULES AND REGULATIONS AND A CLASSIrICATION AND PAY PLAN 'OR COLLIER COUNTY AND PROVIDINC rOR AMENDMENTS ~ THE PERSONNEL RULES AND RECULATXONS, PROVIDING ORGANIZATION rOR PERSONNEL ADMINISTRATION, 'ROVJDJNG rOR INTER-oOVIRN"INT~L COOPERATION, PEN~LTIES rOR VIOLATION or THIS ORDIN~NCI, AND STATUS or EMPLOYEES PRIOR TO ENACTMENT, PROVIDING rOR SEVERABILITY, CONrLICT AND EP'ECTIVE DATE. Item '32 RESOLUTION 83-3S ESTABLISHING NEW PIRSOWNEL RULES rOR THE CC~LIER COUNTY SIRVICE - ~DOPTED Comml..loner Brown .oved, leconded by Co..I..loner Yo.. Ind carried 3/0, Co..I..loner Holland ab.ent, that Re.olutlon .3-]5, eltabll.hing new Per'onnel Rule. for the Collier County Service, be adopted. See Pig,. 84-8') ~ 074._ 75 "19· -----------------------------------~~~~:.. '''':''1' ., ',,:: "':;:-;J:~ ,·',;:3~~:¡" c '~' "f ' ',W;l.,.., ~, ~.'~'..~ .¡~...': ,''¡,' 'ii' "'" ~ ~., t' ,:t ¡ , ,;~t "'.: I, -",", ~ tt"' ---..----.-- --- -- - - -- - - --- - - - - -- - - - - - -- -------- ";~,~; m 074 fACE 18 Ite. UJ ~........ 'I'IIRII 1/2 TIMI EMPLOY II POSITIONS, CUT DURING BUDGIT RIARINGS tAft YlAR "'~t~' - APPROVED '1'0 II GRANDrATHIRID AI rAR AS THEIR 81NlrlTS ARI COHCIR.ID March 1, 1983 ,', I,' ,Jo. eo..l.lloner YO.I aoved, leconded by Co.-ll.lonar Irown .nd carried 3/0, Co..l.lloner Holland ab.ent, that the three 1/2 tl.. e.ployee po.ltlon., which vere cut during the budqet hearing. 1.lt ye.r, be approved to be qrandfathered a. far al their benefit. .re .' .' concerned. . . . There being no turth,r bu. In'.. to co., before the BOlrd, the ..etlng wa. adjourned at 2105 P.M. by order of the Chair. BO~RD or COUNTY COMMISSIONERS/ BOARD 0' ZONINO APPEALS/EX o,rlclO COVlRNINO lOARDCS) or SPECIAL DISTRICT8 UNDIR ITS CONTROL '~~~:t'~:- · .. . . :'t W approved by the ICC on Þtm::h 11), 19A1 I' , -.' .'.... .~ " ~,., " ,'" ,\' .. , , r ... x . ;"1 .'.'JI or .. corrected .. , " . . I, ~.' ".1,' " 1",,<' I ; ,"' .,- "'.... -~---~---------------, -- - ,........., ~ -