BCC Minutes 03/01/1983 W -------------------------------------- t, t.t. .~1 '1"i;t ""'... .';" ." '.'\ followin9 .ember. pre.ent. ------ ---- - -- - - ---.- - - - - - - - - - - - -.- - - - --- ---- N.ple., 'lorid., M'rch 1, 1983 LIT IT BE REMEMBERED, that the Board of County Com.I..ioner. in .nd for the County of Collier met In Work.hop S'..lon .t the Courthou.e Compl.x, East N.ple., rlorld. .t 1.30 P.M. on this date with the CHAIRMAN. VICE-CHAIRMAN. M.rr-,ranCe. Kru.e Dav d C. Brown rrederlck J. Vo.. ABSENT. John A. PI.tor C. C. -Red- Holl'nd ALSO PRESENT. Elinor M. Skinner, Deputy Clerk, C. Willi,. Nor..n, :- County M.n'ger, Edw.rd ~ith, Assi.t.nt County Man'ger, Burt L. Saunders, County Attorney, Rlch.rd Ruth, P.rsonnel Director, Ron J.mro, P.rsonn.l Sp,clallst, Grac. Spauldlnq, Administrative Ald. to the Board, and Deputy Chl.f Raymond Barnett, Sherift'. Department. AGENDA R.vlew of Propos.d New P.rsonn.l Rules 'nd Re9ulatlon. T.p. .5 . Ite. 11 DISCUSSION or A PROPOSED ORDINANCE REQARDINO 18TABLISHINO A SYSTIM 0' PERSONNEL ADMINISTRATION 'OR THI OOVERNMENT or COLLIER COUNTY, 'LORIDA AND A RESOLUTION ISTABLISHINQ AND APPROVINO PERSONNEL RULIS Chairman ~rus. ..k.d tor. detlnltlon or p.rt-tlme emploYMent ,. It relat.s to the thr.e 1/2 time positions which vert cut durin9 the bUdq.t he.rinqs last ye.r, to which AssIst.nt County M.n'ger &.lth responded th.t thoae e.ployees were atlll consider.d part-tl... Ch.irman Kruse .sked If they would b. 9r.ndf.ther.d In .0 th.t th.y could continue to receive their benefit., to ~lch County Man'ger Nor..n ..id that this could b. don. If the Board so deslr... Ch.lra.n ~ruse said that she felt that those thr.. employe.. .hould be 9r.nd- !.th.rd to h.y~ tull benetit., .nd CO..issioner. Vo.. .nd Brown '9reed. .' . aoOK 07.... PAC( 88 "ge ....T_-. --- ---- - - ___ __ ___ ~_____ _ _______________ ~~. , ~:~~.... ac!Jl( 014 ~tE 87 March 1, 1983 ' . . County M.nager Norm.n saId that. .p.èlllc motIon, ap'rt fro. the adoption ot the Personnel Rul.. and R.gulatlon., that would 9r.ndf.ther tho.e .mploy... should be made when the Bo.rd 90'. b.ck into Regul.r S"slon. Commissioner Brown asked wh.t the Doctor'. Certlflc.te i. und.r the sIck leave section, to which Mr. Norman -aId that It w.. hi. understanding that this w~s not a change In the current POlicy Which I. th.t · doctor's certificate may be required after. certain number of d.ys ot an employ~e'. abs~nce. Administrative AIde Spaulding explained that Commissioner Plstor had written. memo reg.rding this item becau.e he was golnq to be absent fro~ thl. workshop. Mr. Smith clarified that the current Rul.s and R.gulations state that an e~ploye.·. supervi.or may require prc.c.( o( Illnoss at anytime an employee h 111, add i n9 tha t it h deacretionary wfth the Supervisor and that it he hela that there 1a an abuse, h. could request it. Mr. Norm.n .ald that after lIve d.y., absence the certificate Is required. Mr. Smith said that the curr.nt Rules and Regulation. also state th.t When an .mploye. has had an Illn.s. which requires hospitalization or result. In 'bsenc. fro. work (or ~ore than (ive con.ecutlve work day., the e~ployee .h.ll provide · doctor'. certificate stating th.t the employ.. .ay return to work to b. eligible for sick leave pay. Ch.lrman Xru.e ask.d If the POlicy r.g.rdln9 approved v,c.tlon ti.e I. that staft generally Insist that an e.ployee take hi. v,cltlon every year, to which Mr. Norman responded atflrmatlvely, addln9 th.t there is, in addition to the permi'.lve nature of tryin9 to get an employee to take the. vacation, . m.xlmum of 240 hour. which an ..ploy.. cannot exce.d, at which poInt the tl.. 1. converted to .Ick leav.. Øe ..ld th.t there 1. an escape cl.us. which .ake. It po..ible, under '·9. ~ ....~,~,",.'.:J (iJ....7f:í:: ,71 ~ --'--_......>,~_...._" --- -- - -.- - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - -- Much 1, 1983 .xtr.ordinary circum.t.nce. with .peclal perml..lon, to accrue up to 360 houri. Mr. Nor..n 1.ld that there ar. . few chang.. fro~ Mr. &'ith'. .'.0 of lalt w..k which need to be In.erted Into the Rul.., to which Su...ry d.t.d 2/18/83. Ch.ir.an ~ruse noted that those chan9'. art cont.lned in the Ex.cutlve Mr. Willie Anthony, Pre.ldent ot the Black Betterment Commltt.., .ald h. obtalneð . copy of the propo.od personnel ordinanc. 'nd that he ha. tried to ..c.rtaln what the e.ployment policy ot Collier County I. .nd If the County h.s .ny black ..ploy..., ,'ddlng th.t h. di.covered th.t Collier County adopted .n Attlr.atlve Action proqra. In 1975 .nd presently the County h.s nine black ..ploy.... He .ald h. h.. had .~. ' conver.atlons with Personnel Dir.ctor Ruth, County M.nager Nor..n and AS'lst.nt County Manaq.r Smith In .n .ttempt to under.tand why th.r. .re so few black .mployee.. He said, In hi. opinion, It the Aittlrma- tlve Action Pro9r~~ was P....d In 1975 b.c.u.e It w.. d.ter.lned th.t there wa. · need to d.al with thl. InequIty, then the per.onnel POlicy should .llude to the t.ct th.t th.re will be an Aftlrm.tiv. Action Program brouqht betore the Commls.lon to revl.w .nd .dopt b.c.u.. he could not ,scertaln that the old proqram was ever Impl.m.nted. H. 1.ld that In 1975 th.r. w.re .Ix black people working for Colll.r County and some kind ot program Is n.eded In ord.r to ensure th.t black P,oÐI. h.ve .n opportunity to work for the County. H. 1.ld that the P'rlonnel POlicy do.. allude to the tact th.t th.r. I. guarante.d equlI e.ployment .nd that there will be no dlscrlmln.tlon but It do.. not 9.t to the core ot the situation, In hi. opinion. Responding to Ch.lrman ~ru.e, County Attorn.y Saund.rs ..Id that th.re 1. a dIstInction between Attlrmltlve Action, a. It 1. u.t4 In the legll sen.e, .nd Equal OpportunIty, .ddlng that Afflra.tive eO~K 074 rACE 88 ---- -- - - - - - - - - - - -. - - -- - -- - - - -- -- -- ------ 4, \ ';' , 'i~ , '. ~'...' "4 :....... . .' .,)~',~: ..... .' 4-' -----~-----------------------~---------~~ .I'f ·~t . ,', ... \, '&OQK 014 PACE 89 Much 1, 1983 .. type ot progra. that i. qener.lly mandated by . rederal Court or Aqency becau.e of .o.e .howing ot pa.t .ct. ot dl.crlmlnatlon .q.ln.t a c.rt.ln qroup of peopl.. H. .aid that Equal Opportunity I. a policy to open up .~ploy..nt to all qualitled indIvidual. reg.rdle.. of r.c., r.llqion, .tc. He ..id th.t the County cannot adopt .n Affirm.tlv. Action program unl... it i. ~.ndat.d by .ither a ,.d.ral Aq.ncy or a rederel Court, but that a gen.r.l policy ot Equal OpportunIty can be adopt.d which he thinks the County mu.t do. Hr. Norman .aid that it was hi. und.r.tanding, from hi. di.cu.- .ion. with Mr. Anth~ny, that Mr. Anthony i. not indicating that the BCC should adopt quota. with very little regard to qualitlcatlonl, .ddln9 that he has told Mr. Anthony that the goal., a. identiti.d in the work pr~gra~ of the Personnel Department tor the c~~in9 year, are to .ain- ,. tain better record. in terms ot trying to ..certaln why the County doe. not have the percentag.. or black e.ployeel that the community would .' .... to bring forth, and that .tatt would also work with Mr. Anthony .nd other. in the black com~unity to try to find qualified c.ndld.t.., ,.. ' which .taft b.lleve. is the place where the County 1. -br..klng down- in t.rm. of demonstrating .n Equal Opportunity proqr... He 1.ld that copies of County job announc.~ent. are .ent to repr..entatlv.. of the bl.ck co..unlty as well .1 other .Inority group.. Chalr..n Kru.. .,Id th.t sh. did not think there was that much hirln9 thl. pa.t ye.r due to the economy, to which Mr. Nor.an '9f.ed. He 1.ld that, it the Board d..lr.., .taft will tormalize thll work .ftort and brln9 back to the Board a .p.cltlc supplem.nt of the intor~.tlon th.t Mr. Anthony hi. alr.ady obt.ined and a positiv. proqram which would enable .taff to try to Improve the employm.nt practic... R..ponding to Chalr.an Kru.e, Mr. Anthony .aid h. would b. wl111n9 to work with Itaff In thl. reqlrd. Mr. Anthony I.id th.t If the current Affirmativ. Action Pro9ra. I. "9. .. ~ ~ ~ ·".."".,....-",._......>.,'~. .....--......------ - ---- ----- ---------.. Muoh 1, 1983 follovad throu9h, In hi. opinion, the fi9uras he quoted would chang. or, .t leist, It would show why the figure. Ire I. they Ire. Mr.. Charlotte We.tm.n I.ked If this I. the first time thlt thar. h.. ever b..n an ordin.nc. of thl. type to whIch Mr. Nor.an re.ponded affl,.atively, addln9 that the Rul.s .nd ReguI.tion. were adopted by re.olution in the Pl.t. She ..Id, with re9.rd to the .erit sy.te., th.re Is a lot of wlsdo. involved but th.t there can be so.e short- comIng. and that .he thought the Comml..loner. should think olfefully " ,'" about the f.ct th.t th.y .ay b. -..ttlng up tr.p.- where certain i·'t~i: employ..s m.y be put .t a d ludv.nUge. She uterud to the lan9uaga ·"t' in Section 12 .nd s.ld th.t, In her opinion, there could be 'n occ..lon vhere a p.r.on who has b..n e.ploy.ed talthtully tor I nuaber of ye'r., could be -.tepp.d over- .t the g.ln, p.rhaps, of someone el.a, Iddlng , ,..'I "., " that .he .... the pos.lblllty ot . little too .uch power In the P.rsonnel Depart..nt. Th. ...tlnq adjourned 1.50 P.M. Ind reconvened In Regul.r Sts.lon to t.k. .ction on the previously dlscuS..d It.... &001( 074 PAtE SO .------------------------------------- ~. " .-, - . .