BCC Minutes 04/19/1983 W ¡;¡;;¡; I,.........,) ~:=-.] ----- _._-- -- - - -- - - ---- - -- - - - - - -- ---.- -- ----- Naples, Florida, April 19, 1~~3 LET IT BE R~M£MBERED, that in accordance with action taken on April 5, ]Qn3 the Board of County Commi~sloner. in and for the County of Collier met In Work.hop S...ion on thl. date at 10,JO A.M. in Bulldlnq .p'. of the Courthous't COJllp1C!x, I':ast Haples, Florida, with the fOllowinq members present, CH^InM"N: VICE: CHAIRM.a.N: Mary-Frances Kruse Dav 1d C. Arown ,70hn .a.. Plator Frederick J. Voss C. c. ·Re~· Holland ALSO PR£SrNT, tlinor M. Skinner, Oeputy Clerk, Knut. Hartman, Public Works ~mlnistr~torl Burt L. f~underft, County Attorney, Crace Spaulding, Ad~ini.tr.tive Aide to the Board, Aubrey Roqer., Sheriff, and Deputy Chief Raymond Rarnfttt, Sheritf's Otflce. AGENDA Workshop re discussIon ot alternativeu tor solid waste Collection and control ot ille~al du~pinq Ta pe It DISCUSSION OP' AI.Tr:RNATIVES P'OR SOLID WASTE COLLECTION AND CONTROL or ILLECAL DUMPINC - STAP'P' TO RETURN WITH RECOMMENDATIONS Chairman rruse explained th~t the purpose ot the workshop ia to give statt direction on th~ numerous prohlems of solid waste pickup and the possibilIty ot mandatory pickup. PublIc Work~ A~mini8trator ~nute Hartman said that th~re ar~, currently, franchis. aqreements that were recently extended flvo years and, it mandatory pickup i~ undertaken, there would have to be a wil11nqne.. trom those franchisee. to renegotiate those ~~r~em.nta. Page 1 eo~~ 074- fACt 780 -------------. ---., --- _. --- ----- ------------------., ----------- -_.- -- _.- - -. --- - --.-- - '- - --.- - --..----------------..... ~Iof.t~.' ...~......'¡'-.. '~,>~l-;~~~...~ .;~I,,"; f1.W, ·". .......''''-,.. .' ------------~----------------------------- &OOK 074- fACt 781 April 19, 1983 Mr. Hftrtmftn explained the current mandatory pickup method used,in the City of Naples. Ch~lrman Kruse soid that evon If the County had mandatory pickup, quite often thore would be major landscaping debrl. that would h~ve to he rlisposed oC by hOMeowners and there may still be a need for transtcr stations for that purposc. Commissioner Pistor said lf thore waø mandatory pIckup the County would, Sn ettect, become sale.men tor the franchi.ees. He questioned if the transfer st~tions could handle the comracte~ deÞris from the franchise haulers trucka and asked what would be done about the lawn maintenanC'" roople? Rf!!lponl1lnry to CommJ!lsloner Plfltor, Mr. lI~rtman said that It ~n !n~Jvl~uðl uscd a transfer statJon he could pay a ..rvice fee. Comml~8loner Voøø a~re~d that something haa to he done about the lawn clippln~s. lie noted that mandatory pickup would reduce the amount ot roadslde litter. A discussion tollow.~ regarding the feaslbility of placing the charge Cor mand~tory pickup on the tax blll. County Attorney Saunders said that thia could be done if some sort of special district for .olld waste collectIon is created. Commi.sioner Voss said if the charge could be Some sort of tax there could be a tax exemption. R..pondlng to Commissioner Holland, ~r. Saunders .aid he believed that, currently, the penalty is a SSOO fine and up to ~O day. In jail for someone convicted of littering. Sheriff Roger. explained that In order to pro.ecute someone for littering the arresting officer ha. to .e. the actual litterIng or there must be a aiqned ntatement from a wltne.. and that the person ~rivlnq the vehicle must be identified. He sugqo.teð that the persons in County vehicle. could watch for littering. Page 2 rill ¡;;:;¡ -....,I..,..J -------------------------------------__1.-__ ,. April 19, 19A3 Chairman ~ruae noted that the ~ajorlty of littering consists of qarbaqe. Responding to Commissioner P.o11~nd, Sheriff Roqers aaid that he uses a certain amount of sentenced prl&oner~ for work In the kitchen but there are not that many available for picklnq up litter along roads. Commissioner Holl~nd asked If the Sheriff thought if there was a ~andatory three days in jailor a S100 fine for lltterlnq if that would have ftny effect on the littering problem and Sheriff Rogers replied he did not think this could be done on a local level. Commiasloner Holland said that he thought there are several piece. of property that are owned by the County that could be U8.~ for horti- culture dumpinq. Commission~r Pistor agreod and said that eventually the County ~lght be able to qo into a mulch business bftcause the lawn clippings should be recycled. A dlscussion ensued regarding a pickup once a month for large ltcma such as dlacar~ed furniture. ····Commis.loner Brown left the room at ]111~ A.M..... Mrs. Charlotte We8tmnn sairl she thouqht that mUltifamily, slnql. family and co~merciðl units should be separatod wlth regard to solid waste collection. Chairman Kru~e a9k&d ata!f to consider what has been discussed with regard to the problem of littering, what the average person doe. with landscaping debrin, the transfer atatlons an~ ways to pay for mand~tory aolld waste collection and return the recommend~tlons to the Board. . . . There being no further husinesß to come before the ~oard the ....lon adjourned at ll'25 A.M. by order of the Chair. Page 3 eo~~ 074- FACt·.782. ------.-.--...- - -- .--.- - - -------'"'"'-._------------"-'---~.....~ };t! Q þ