BCC Minutes 10/12/1982 R UI<.. ""'f' i;¡,...... 'I]}:>",\~~' . r:= , , ,. ..". \ ," ,/', .. '._.:.-w '. ·1 ...,¡ ,. ~', . ' \. , ~.", . , 0.#'4.··), ---.- Nnplro, Florl~~, nctobør 12, 19~2 LET IT BE RtMEMBtRED, that the 80ard ot County Comml..lon.r. În and tor tho County of Collier, and also acting as the Board of 20nlng App~il~ and as the governing h~ðrd(~) of .uch spe;lal dlstriets I. have been crftatod according to law and hðvlng eonducted buslne.. her.ln, m.t on this date lit.' 9100 ^.M. In B~'Udln<J ·F· of the Courthouse Complex, taut N~plcs, Florida ~Ith the , following ~r.mb~r. present. CHAIRMANt C.~. -Russ- Wimer VICE CHAIRMAN. Mary-Funceu J(ru.. John ^. Plator Cll Hord Wenzel David C. (lrown '. , r " f :' . t . " ALSO PRESENT! Wlll1...m J. noaqan, Clerk, James C. Clles, Fheal.'. . j . Officer. Elinor M. ~k~nnor, Deputy Clerk, C. William Norman, County Manager, Burt L. Saunders, County Attornoy, trvlng BÐrzon, Utlltie. Mannqor, Torry Vlrta. rommunlty novclopm~nt AdMinistrator, P. Knute Hartman, Public Works Administrator, Lee Lnync, Acting Zoning nlreetor, Nell norrll~, PubJic ~arety Administrator, Edward Smith, A..latant County Managor, ~rac~ Spaulding, Administrative ^Ide to the Board, and Deputy Chlof R~ymond rarnr.tt, Sh~rlff'8 Ocpartmpnt. 'a9- l' MOK 072. rACE 01 .......---..-- ~ - " ~. -" - -~'--"_.. -',. , . ... ' , ------~~---_._~~~---------~-------~-----~ \Po 'Tap. f1 Item 11 &iK 072 PACt 08 October 1', 19n2 ~Or.ND~ - ~PPROVED ^S ~Mr.NDED Commlssionor piøtor ~oved, secondod by Commiauloner Wenzel ~nd carried unanimously, that the aqonda be approvod a. amended by the tollowinc,p ~. Item 1~O-2, r.Movo~ from Consent ^q~ndn re rovlslon of ?oninq. Director position nnd m~d~ Item 13-A. B. Dlncunølon ro situation' Involving Ch'lrtor Cll~!) on "'oreo tsland and n bOðdw~lk added under Public Pøtltlons. C. nlscusslon ro r~vIR~d mll1ngn resolution added under Old BURlness. D. Dl8cu~81on ro Cl~m Pns. pnrk ref~rpndum n~ded, 138 E. D1ßcu~8lon ro County Mnnnor.r'& Ordinance added, 13C F. nløcusnlon ro Whlsperlnq Pine. and four-Innlnq of ~.11y Road added, 13D G. Roqu~gt from Vnhl Arotherß for nxt~nslon of franchl.. - Contlnu~d until October 2", 19R2. H. ttpm IO^-7, fnRPmr.nt to City of Naple. across County owned land for n...w Wator Main - Continued to Octobor 2g, 19A2. I. Addltlonnl Chnngc Order for ð reduction re Itom JO-Al added. " 1 I teÌn '2 t . MI~UTE5 OF SEPT£/'!ER 14, 19ß2 - ~rPROVF.O ^S PRESENTED Commissioner plstor moved, socondod by Commissioner Wenzel and --. "~-- "-,,.........>-."'.;. ~"'- . carried' unanimously, that the minute. of the f;optelftber 14, 1982 BCe m.etinq be approved aa pre.entsd. Itelll .:) PRESENT^TTON OF COUNTY FOnE5T£R'5 ^NNU^L RT-PORT - NO ~CTr~M TA~EN County Forestnr Chrln ~nder.on presenteð hla annual report. Ch~irmnn Wlmor thanked /'Ir. ^ndorson for hi. continued qood work on behalf of the County. - - -..- - - - - ~ - -.- - - - - - - - - - -- -- - - - - - - - -- ,-- -- ...-.-. "'~""-. ..~...,., , . ,- ".,.¡~ ~ "''''''''''114'' . '\. ~f.::... _ ) ..' :_~~,.£I;.. t" ~·~'L...'~~k.· :Wit,', :',;:....-.....,..~:~~.~~\~:.:~. i ,.·~#..",¿....~,¡t.~~'~ . ' ;..,~""""'I"._,......_'~!".~ ., .... Pa9· --. '.', ;,;,,'.. - ....... . ~, . .,",:~ ,'~'..', ~I ~, . "" . ~ . ~.~-y< ',...., ..,.'".....'.~ . ...' -,..,.,~'.'.~--...............~~.w...,;;,.";~~_.. '7~ ,- .:....IoÒ., ............~~ ".1Ir/(~_ . .I..~,·...~~'·,·, ,.,0. ,,·~'\of.\-;i'\~·J... "'.~,';~....... ."j,.J....,."........ , ~.~.:" ..'...~~. :1.:.:,.. fI';, ,.....~.' .....",4;.~",..,.,~ , ":::W' .. ' 'I'} _...--............. ~""-...."""""""'<jI"..,._,.""-,,,,,.,,,,, ................-...............'. .... . j ~' C'~tohl'r ', It:lR, nOli 14 EMPLOYEE SERVICE ^W^RT> - MIGUEL MARTINEZ - RO^D , BRIDGE - 5 YE~RS Chairmen Wimer pro.entod Mlguol Martlnea, ROdd , Brldq8 \'\epartmont, with tin Employno F:orvleo ^wllrd for 5 y~ar8 work and conqrtltulatod him. r tell 15. PROCLAM^TION RECOCNIZINC OUTST^NDI~C ^CHIEVEMENTG FOR 1982 TO JAM R. BENNETT MID DEtlISE L. COLF.MAN '- AOOPTF.n Clork RGagen road tho Proclamation recognlzlnq the outøtnndlng achlovements for 1902 of Jan n. ~ennott end Dan1.o L. Coleman. f , . , .: ~. , . Co~ml.sloner Piator moved, seconded by Commla.lonnr Wenzel a~! earrled u~tlnlmnu.ly, that the proclamation be adopted. , . ,I .; , " . . .j , . I,' CÐ {¡,Ij ':~~~ i~."~ ':~'l' 'II pa90 3 ,.:.:~~ '.f:~,1 K:iit .,;,:¥~ :",~~ :¡¡,\, ,,'. :~ I ,~,'~:'~,.~~:~~:r' ,~-----~-------~--------~-~~~-~--~-~~~~ '1 I '. .' ", \':.:.i~,':j:~~ ~:'>~~,'ir &OOK 072 rACt 09 , -.;..........._'...~, ""-'*'---'.- ...., --..---...-...-.--.,.'''.......- ..' :,':,'" , .... S·, ¡. i1:' , , . . "~' . c:::J ' , " /,'Í'<I, , oj ~,i~(1iP':. 'n~.""·~', '.'.. '. ' ;' . ,; ~ ..' ". , ''-, \ t t ',.1. ~ \ .,. ..... ~.. . . ~, ' .. '.' .. , ," W'<' " J" ",' .., ~~~".IÌ'1f¡ -.. ~''''''_'04' ~1 .... ,·..··f-".,~'P·I\....:~...........~\ ..... , " . . " '" ~ ~~' ,"" ' " ,.,',....,( ,;""~'" . ", ,", ,".'.,........,.;,..~¡ . .,. .- " ......, '0, ....~ ....<....' ,"0 '. October 12, 19~2 IUII\ IS PETITION R-80-'C, nUBSCflM^N ^5S0CIATER REOUESTTNG REZONINC FROM .~. ~ND .RM-l- TO -PUO- FOR A ~ß.7+ ACRE TR^CT LOCATED ON THE SOUTA SIO! or D~VIS ~OUL~v~no _ C~NTtNUr.~ UWTtL ^ FR^NCHtR! FOR UTILITIES IS SIGNED Legal notice hðvi~g boon pUblished I~ tho Nnpie. ~Þily News on July 23, 19P2 a. evidenced by Affidavit of publication previously flleð with tho CI.rk, public heft(lnq waa continued from AUgU.t 24 and September 14, 19B2 to considor r~tition R-80-3C, filed by "uhschm~~. "'asocletes roque.ting rezoning from -^- and -RM-I- to -PUOR'd9! a 48~? , . ± "cro tract loc"t~d on the Routh side of Davis Boulev^rd. . . ~ . , ~ ^ctlng zoning Director Lðyne explained this item hI's been so ~hflt, ~ tho Huhschm^n Ansoclðt.a attorn~y and the County Attorney coul~ Meet tQ .. ~ . consider a langunqe ch~ngo. Attorney Clark NIchols, represonting the petitioner, explained he met with County Attorn~y Saunders and thouqht agroement had been reached, however, ho dlscuvered that the Utllltl~s ~anager has redrafted the agreement requesting additional Information whi~h he foele hns no benring on tho situation. Responding to Chnlrman Wlmor'n quð8tlon reqardlng the possibility of ðppro~chlng the re1.ono matter In thin petition, County Attorney Saundors slid there are two bøelc chanqfts, tho ,roque.t of the Utilltie8 ~anagftr for Information to b~ providod to· him in order for him to ..certaln whether the line. are baing Installed by the Utility and that the agrcnment r~ached botween himself and ~r. Nleholn that the ti~ln9 be baaed on the Issuance of building permit. and that the Utllltir. "anaqer has .uqqo.ted that this b6 accomplished prior to i.suance of ShY pormlta. Commissioner Plator anked if tho Board had eeen the new 'ð98 &OO~ 072 rAct: i1 , ,~.,~.. ___ __ _ __ _ _ _ ____ _ _ _ __ ______________.---_.....{.:.:.':.<,t .'~ '# . ':1 ' '. ,'.~"."..",'._"..".."""~~,._....,.~"""',<,.........-._*-_.,..- ----.- ".......~._-- "'- ,.~ ..""....,........- " ""-''-'-'~'-'''<''''~''''''''''''''''''-~ ---- -"- I . ¡ 1 i' ' " '; , ' . '. t' . ' . , .. ' ' " , '-- - - -- - - - - - - - - - _:.... - - - -- -...... - - - - - - - - -- - - -- - - - --,- &O~K 012 rACt 12 0 Octobor 1', l~n" aqroomont, to which Mr. a~undorn nxplalncd th~t the Bo~rð h~' not aeen ' either of tho aqrce~ents. RespondIng to Chnlrmnn Wimer, ~r. ~~unðer. said thnt at the last Bonrd mnotlnq it WIIS detnrmlnod by the Boarð that the dedIcation roqulremonto did not apply to a Utility installing the lines and only nppliod to n dovolopor Installing the lSnos. He DGld that lome criteria W"8 nnod~d in order to determine If the lines wore provldod by th" Utility as oppos~c1 to tllo dpvelopor lInc1 this agroement was doslgnoc1 to accomplish definlnq th~ criteria. Commlss loncH Kruse tI~ id thnt she had made a statement that If tt\.. developer puts In the lines they nre d~dicðtftd to the County as a subdivision and if tho rJtil1ty puts in the lines they own them, however she s~ld she should h3vo s~ld If the Utility put~ In the linns -to the existing- .ubd1vislon then thoy own them. ~he said she did not object to the rezone from ^qrlculture to whntover density or zoning cntcg~ry , that would be involved, but she would not approvo a -PUD- document undcr the current utility ðrqumnnt. Commissioner Wenzel said that perhaps the situation could b. ,! ro.o1vcd If It was determlnod if tho property ownors h~ve been chnrged '., , ,fo~ tho 1lnoD. Commissioner Pitltor stntod ~o could not vote tor the : 1 rezpne until II frllnchilp hns been I\lqnnd. Col. John 80ob., Jr., roprescntinq Lakowood propnrty owners, spoke In.~PPo8ition to the petition. ~r. Robert Tarrol, representing proporty own.r. of the Clades, spoko in opposition to tho petition. Tape '2 Co~miDslon.r Wont.l moved, ..eond.d by Com~I..loner Plstor end carried unanimously, that petition R-80-3C, Hub8chman.~s80e\ate., ,,'.,. ¡~ '" .... f- ... .. ;\.:, 1 ',:/:,5~1 ...................""'ft;,.,.,,"",...\~ ,',w' _'_ __ _ _ _ __,______-------------------- .' ..':'i;.',~,~ ., ." ,.~,- 1 ...,...~,' ,...".., ,.......,..: , . ..... ", .. "';" " ,.,''',.,. ',',,, .~...,...., . '.'~'~"." ",,:",......:' , /fII1oo '.' ...... f'/", ~.......,.........~I".".,.,~.,........,.'::'...~ ~ !!II "'--.. '.. ..' ~. ., ..t,~>,~.,.. '6ge S ~;,......"" ,'.-~ " ";.-1"', .. &;:I, " r::;;J, " ' -', ,"" '.' ..I......~......'... ..'..~",....~..~'w~.....,,~ I ",,¡¡.'.""'·I...·''/I',t...........;~.·.,....,-r''II1<''''- ,-..,...."..,. ;~., ' ''", J";.,;\,..~,"",, ... .,w~......:...,,'...,.~,.·,!,',·, ' :,' I'" " ' ' ",' '.," .'...:. ..,... . ".,...' ..', ", .,1.. I' .. .. ", '. .. -. .,..-. " '-.- ., --. " .' .' ~ . J.w,...:. ";':i "!j, . \ ., .. ,.<r, -----------------------------~---------_... October 12, 1982 .r.qu..tlnq rezoninq from -^- and -RH-l- to -rUD- for I 48.7~ acr. trAet located on the south side of Davia B~ulevard, be continued nntll I franehl.. .qr.e~ent ha. be.n r.ached. Dhc::uulon follownd rf'qðrdlng poulbUlty of' the County pureha.Snq tho utility under dlscuSDlan. Commissioner Won~el .ald that If thoro Is failure to agroo on a fr~nchlse then possibly the County could t~k. over the utility. Mr. G~undet. said It io within tho County" polJea power. to taka ovor tho utility. Chalrmnn Wimer said tho only w~y t~ , , obtain u'. utll1ty would bo to have conc11!1TInatlon which would resul:t ,In apprals~l. and ho statftd, tor tho recorð, he was In favor of gol~i ahead with the ~cqulsition of the Glades water/sewer systrm. Re roquested that the sut,jr.ct nf ~~qulsltlon of th~ Gla~e8 water/aew.r system be placed on tho next aqenda. Ittlll 17 ORDIN^NCE A2-93 nE Pf.TITION n-A?-3t, ~IM ~OOnY ^Nn M^R~ THOM^R, R! RtZONtNG FROM -C-'- TO -RT- Fon 1.13 ~CRr.g LOC^Tr.O ^T SOUTHEAST CORNEA OP 8TH AVENUE ~ND SR-29 tN I~MOXALF.E - AOOPTED Leqðl notice hnvlng been publløhftd In the Nnple. Dnily New. on ~UgU.t 13, 1?R2 ~. ovldcnce~ by Affidavit of publ1c::ntloh filed with the Clerk, public hoarinq was oponcd to consldnr Petition R-R2~)t, fl1.d' by Jim ~oody and Mark Tho~aø rr.qu~øting rczonlng Crom -C-4- to -RT- for I' 1.13 acres locatftd nt the .outhoast corner of ~th Avenue ðnd SR-2~ in Immokalee. He.rln9 th.re was no one pre.ent to speak, Commis.ion.r plstor moved, .econded by Comml.slonor Wonzal and e~rrled unanlmou.ly, th~t the public h.arlnq be closed. pa98 ~ eOOK 072 fACt 13 ___ _ _ _ ___ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ ____-1-__~__.~-..; ~.;¡~;~ ,... '.:.:"?~t ..;~~:~~: 4 . .,~ " . í ' " . : '"-.,..""""__."""_"'_'"~_*___"'"__.___J·_H.._.,. IN r_ T ~__..-"""""_."'"',...~._...,_,_.,'_,__'_. _,..,.,._·_.._,',,,._.._'u'~_,,.. ,__.",......."~.......,..o"" ... , . ' ',~ ;~?~ . ,,'V< L" , " ,:;~. " "'\', ; '. I '.'. ; :.:,;. _ __ _ __ _ -1.. _ _ _._ _ ___. _ _ _ _..... _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ ___ ~ . ~./! MOK 072 rACt 14 Oetob"r 1', 191'2 Commissioner PIstor moved, secon!Od by Commissioner Brown and carried unanimously, that the ordinanuo bft numbered and entltlod below be adopted and entered Into Ordinance Book No. 16. O~OINANCE NO. R2-93 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDIN^NCE R2-2, TilE COMPREHENRIV£ ZONING RECur.^TtONS· FOR TilE UNHlCORPOMTF,O AREA OF COLLYER COUNTV, nORmA BV AMP-NOYNO T"F: OI"FICr^L 7.0NING ATLM MAP NUMßER 46-29-9 rw CIIANGING TilE ZONING CLASGIFICATrON OF TRt: HEREIN OESCRII'EO PROl'ERTV LOC^Tr.D AT TilE SW CORN En OF 8TH AVENUtI: "NO NO. 15T" f;TRr.r.T, IN IM"'OKALf:E FROM -C-4- COMMERCt^L TO -RT- RESIDENTIAL TOURIST, AND BY PROVIDING FOR AN EFfECTIVE DAT~. ,-' Item . 8 PUALIC HEARING TO CONSIDER CREATION or RTREET LIGHTING DISTRICTS IN CERTAtN suobIvrSIONA (OOCA CIF:CA VILL^CE, WORLD TENNIS CENTER, CAPE COD EZTATES) - CONTINUF" TO OC~O"rR ,~, 19"' " Commissioner Pistor moved, secondod by Comml..ioner Kruse and carried unanimously, that tho public hoarlng to consider the creation of street lighting districts In certain subdivisions (Boca CI8gS Village, World Tennis Contftr, anð Cape Cod Estates) be continued to October 26, 1982. Item .9 :~ESOLUTION R-82-161 CLOSING, AßANnONING, DISCONTINUING OR RF.NOUNCYNG ANO,CISCL1\tMING RICIITS OF THE COUNTY IN C£RTAtN LANDS LOC^TED EAST or THE, POWER LINE E^~EMENT RETWr.EN PINE RIOCr. ROAD ANO IMMOKALf.E ROAD, PUR~UANT TO SECTIONS 3)(,.09 ~n~ ))r,.lO , FLORIDA STATUTES - ^nOPTr.D Hearlnq that no on. was present to speak, Commissioner Pistor moved, seconded by Commissioner Wenzel and earriod unanimously, that the public hearing bo closed. Commlssióner Pistor mov.d, secondeð by Commi.sloner ~ru.e and carried unanimously, that R..olutl~n R-82-l~1 e1~eln9' abandoning, discontinuing or renounclnq and dlBclalmlnq right. of the County In certain lands located eaet of the powør line e..ement between rine Ridge Road and Immoka1ee Road, pursuant to Section. 33S.09 and 336.10, Fl)rida Statuteø be adopted. '..-,..,-._._....._.._..".~'"',......'..'»<........,..- ·" .' I ' ,', I, 'I . . 1 , . ' · .',,',;, --------------------~-------~--------~-~~ MOK 012 rAce: 18 Item 110 October 12, 1902 o ORDINANCE 82,-91\ AMENDING ORDINANCJI; 7'3-11, TO INCREASE TIf! FE! SCHEDULE FOR nLAfiTING PERMITS - ADOPTEn Leqal notico havinq beon published In thn Nnplr.9 D~lly N~ws on Septembor 23, 19R2 as evldonced by tho ^ftld^vlt of Publication filed with the Cl~rk, public he~rin9 wnn op~ned to consider ftn ordlnaneo amendln9 Ordlnnnco 73-11 to Incr~aso the tee schedule for blaBtlnq ~. perm its. -' ~ommißsionnr Pistor que~tionnd whothor the proposed Increase In feeD for blaoting p~rmtts would ba Bufflclnnt for tho Co.t of the program, tq which Publlc Works A~mlnlßtrntor Hartmnn Baid that wae th~ objoctlve. County MArd'llJor ~ orm<'ln sIIld ha (pIt tho IncreluJo would eoy'er' the cost. Commieoloner Arown moved, seconded by Commissioner ~ruse and carried unanimously, that the public hnarinq be closed. i.' , Commissioner ICruso moved, seeondnd by Com~hs1oner ßrown And carried 4/1, with Comml.oionor Wen1.el !)pposod, that the ordlnanclt a. " numbored lInd ontl tled bolow be adopted and entered Into Ordlnanc. Boo,k . : .No. Hit , , ORDINANCE 82-94 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING COLLIER COUNTY ORDIN^NC! NO. 73-11, AN ORDINANCE RELATINC TO TilE POGI1r.SSION AND USP: 01' CERTAIN EXPLOStVEf., BY REVtSINC TilE USER PERMIT FEF. ^ND BLASTER PERMIT FEI TO ACCURATELY REFLECT Tllr. COST OF PROCr.f'lfHNG AND ADMtNISTERINO GUCH PERMITS, PROVIDING FOR CONFLICT AND SEVERANCE, PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE D.a.TE ~ , " ! I ¡ , '/ 1 l'a9C1 0';.'" ~ " , .~~ ., ,. , '¡. ", . ,'. """ .'......~ ,~..'\oI'rti;.';,.. I~ f~-~----~--~--~-----~-------------~~-~- .... _. ...........~....,...._','" -......, .'-'''.,~ "....--'.....~..,'. ..~..., .....,.,.".,_."t".....,;~'.~.,........#..~..~~,.,;.;,,'..'.,~ J. . · .-..-...- ....,._.."'""......'~;.... ,..~...................:.-...-._,......~.._.-...-........," '!,,~,'t\l\,. ~>"¡,~l ':__.1' . ~,...., . .' _, '., .. .,.·.'.....~.-:...II~·'~..r.~'( '''':mitlf'', .4.. ~...-.. ""'"~' ..,"~.·,··_.;:......-::..t..,.;¡;~.·~..£:;.;:".~'~~.~,;<~" ", \~ , \ mBI . .- _ ,~:-~,".< i,..)~L::~,è.'·' " ' ., . ,- :! ~:f~tl~ lIB , ;::a Ç~} '"." ~. ·...,It . .. .,' .~" '. ,.~""." ',~;." .... r1Þ".~ "~. . -·fI; '.. .;.. , '. . '. J.' . - -- - - - - - - - - - - - -..... - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ---. -'- -- -- --...& , '~ ',,,;.,. -~. ..'-_. ............ Octobur 12, 191'12 It.. 111 RESOLUTION R-R~-1~2 RE PETITION CCCL-R2~, WILLI~M 3. 30HNSON or WILSON, MILLER, B~RTON, SOLL , rEEJ<, INC. Rt V~RI~NCE FROM THE CO~ST~t CONSTRUCTION CONTROL LINE FOR rnOPERTY atl Br.Acn ACCESS COMMONS, PARJ{ SIIORE - ADOPTEO SU8JECT TO STIPULATIONRRY COUNTY' F.NVIRONMF.NT~LIST Logal notice having b~cn puhllah~d In tho Naples Daily News on August '29, 19R2 as evldonced by ^ffldðvlt of rubllcatlon previously filed ",Ith tho Clerk, public hc"rlnq Wð!l contlnul:d from Reptrmber .,14, 1982 opened to considor petition CCCL-R2-C, fll~d by Wll11ðm ~. John~on , , of Wilson, MIller, Rltrton, r.ol1 , Pcr.lo:, Tnc. ro ð vnr!ance from th,e,:: . . Coastal C~nBtructlon Control LIne or property on 8each Acees. , , ComllÍons, . . , " 4 .: , ,,' 'J PlHk ShorG. County F.nvlronmcntnllat. 8nnedlct oxplnlned that this petition roquests a variance for elqht foet forw...rd of tho Coastal Cnnøtruetion Control Line for the plltcemcnt of rlprap. lie aldd thllt he would recommend approval of tho variance contlngont upon the potitloner , accp.ptinq the followinq three øtipulðtiona to be incorporated Into the vuriance resolution 1 1. Thr. rlprltp will be burled and covered with sand from the, excavation. 2. Prop~rty ownrra, their heirs Itnd assiqnß shall provide pub~lc bY-PIlAS of the bnach c!\lrlng tlM"s cxtr#'me hlqh tldos encounter tho ripr~p nnd prrvont tho public from wnlklnq in front of It, to ho ~ccompll.h~d by construction and m~lnlnlnlnq ßt~irw~yn ov~r th~ rlprnp at the south nnd north, endn of th~ structurr. nnd by ~rantlng tho qennrnl puhlle permission ^l tl~~a of h1qh tldo to utllizo the ~xløtin9 concreto wltlkwðy located soaward of the wall cap. J. The prop~rty ownr.r agrees to ^~1ust, alt~r or remove the structuro lit Ritch tlll'lr ItS C'ver the' rlpr~p la documftnted to he a public safety hnzlIrd nnd h~vlna a d~tr1"'ental offeet on the srawðrd b.a~h and Itc!jncont upland property. Or. Ðonedlct Raid thllt the potltlonr.r hils boon n~flod of the fore901nq stipulations and that the OXÐct wordln9 of the stipulations i. to be workftd out to the Rfttløtactlon of the petltlon.r !ollowlnq the ~ootin9 with the County ^ttornoy and himself. lie uld he would eOOK 0'12 rA~~ 19 paq. 9 ;.~'(J " ~'::,.iv, - _.- - ._ - - - - - - - _.._.._ - - __ - - _,_ _. - - - -:- _t _ _ _._ _ _ _ _................ ~ .~. ..~ ' ','- '~:~:~t " ....'''....'.....-....''.+.....'''="....'''.."....-.....-- .w________".,"',"'.,~""~..,,_,..," .·f~ .. :{ ..~ . . t, ' L '. ' ,~ .. ,1' ------~------~----------~-------------~- &OOK 012. rAC¿ 20 October 12, 19A2 roeo~mend the 1aot two ntlpulntlons In an.oclntfon with futuro .øðw~ll roque.tD. Roøpondlng to Chairman Wimer, Dr. nr.nedlct oald that th~," p~tltloner agroc. to tho stlpulotlons. Commle.loner ~ruse moved, seconded by Commtssloner Wenzel and carried unanlmouoly, that the public hearlnq be closed. Commissioner ~ruse moved, ftocondod by Commissioner Brown and carried 4/1, with CommlBloner Wenzel opposed, that Re.01utlon R-82-162 re potltlon CCCL-82-~C, William ~. Johnson of Wlleon, Miller, Bartor., SolI' Peek, Inc. re variance form the Coastal Construction Control . Line for property on Beach Access Common., Park Shore, b. adopted .ubject to ~ho County Envlronmontalløt'ø øtlpulatione. NOTEr No documont recelvod In office of Clerk of Board as of 10/15/82. :1)""'" ,.L. ((....c/... le{).oI,/~~ Itelll 112 PUBLIC Hr.^RTNG Rr. FINAL ^SSESSMENT ROLL ON RIGCa ROAD IMPROVEMENT ~ PROJECT - WITHDRAW}! Public Works ^~mlniøtrator HartMan expl~lned that this pptltlon has been requo8ted to be wlthdawn bocausft thftre I. a prohlom with one :of tho propr.rty ownr.rs'n e....ements. ~ . . o' f Commissioner Wenzel moved, oeconded by Commiesloner Pløtor and carried unanlmou.1y, that the acceptance of the final assoesment roll ~n RI998 Road Improvement projoct,be withdrawn. . .....R£CESS. 10rOO A.M. RECONVENED. 10.12 A.M.····· Tape 13 Item 11 J - RESOLUTION R-82-163 Rt Pr.TITION V-fl2-21C, L~Nr£ MAnTIN, AS V^A1ANCI FROM MINIMUfoI ·C-"'· LOT WIDTH OF 100 FEET Fon PROPERTY LOCATED A!HIND TilE CITCO STATION AT IIIGH POINT ORIVE - AOOrTF.D Legnl notice having ~c~n publlshr.d in th~ Na~lð8 Dally News on S.pto~or 2~, 19A2 ftS ovideneod hy ^ttldavlt of rubllcat10n filed with " tho Clerk, public henrlnq wan op~"ed to ~onsld~r Potltlon V-P2-21, Pa(to ..-...-.-----..-- ---.....- ---...- '-, .~.,., ¡,,~.,..._.,.,...., ··1....." ,~ ., .,...... " ,'. " . ~' ~ '"''', ......~".... I .. . '~"'-I:~~'~~: ~ .,:..'~.t:;.~~;~ ..,. [rJ"; ;¡~~ . . ..... .'\ . ...\..........~'1'...'. ,.ðÍ..-'~"..i,~l...~i,~L" ,·,·n . /"'f" :-:I~""·r'.;.t. -';','.. ";:'~Jc.';~:"""~._,.,' , .. ·,·,.1r . "...,..~...._...._.._~__.__.._"....'_"._.__*......,..__'....._...._.__... ..--.. '_""~"". .' .......................:~.. ._~., "H4..~·t.,o¡ Ill': i·" ~.~....:.' ~ ..' l!iì ,.,~,.._.,"._".......""._.. <,·~~'O___.....___ ........ --""- .~ '"....,_ ;,'H; "- ·.~'._.",,«......"';._........_, ø·' I .'.. , .'. ~-----~~-------~---------~-------;~---- &oDK 012. fACê 24 October 12, 1982 Item 114 RESOLUTION R-82-~r.4 Rß Pf.TITION V-A2-19C, JACOUELINE HARCROVE, TRUSTE! RE VAR.I^NCr. FMM TilE REAR y"n['l SETß^CI< Fon NF.W POGT 01"FICE '1'0 BE LOC^TED BtllIND COIN L"UNDRY tN CI101<OLOSI<EE - ADOPTED Legal notlco h.wlng bOÐn publhhec1 In the N"plea nally t'ewS on September 2~, 19~'- nnd in tho r.vor~la~os Echo on ~eptember 23, 19ß'-, evidenced by ^ffldðvits of publlcntlon filed with the Clerk, public hearing was opened to consider potitlon V-A'--19C, filed by j"cquelln. Ilnrgrove, Trusteo, ro " vc'lr1onco' from tho roar yard setb/lck for Q poat offlco to be loc:.1ted br'hlnd thr coIn laundry in Chokoloskee. - Actinq Zoning Director Layno "xplained that tho petitioner propoaes t-Q conatru~t ð roof cnnopy to onablr. loading of mnll under cover. She said thnt the lot bAcks onto a road so tho reduction In setback will not directly affect adjacent property owners and that the canopy will be connocted to an already exl.tlng building. She said that ataCf recommonda approvnl. Commissioner Wonzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown and carried unanimously, that Resolution R-82-l~4 re Petition V-82-l9C, 'Jacqueline Hargrove, Trustee, granting a variance from the rear yard ~ . . setback for a new Poat Office In Chokoloskee, be adopted. , , . , t "- #0."_ __ ___ _ __ - - - _.:.- - - - - - _0.,:" _ _ -.:.....:-. ~:.:.:. _ _. .....';..~ ....:...:'.~~..:.:.~.'.:.:.:~,~/ , .- .. -~:; :.~ .;~:: . '::,:.:'~~;'~-'~;-:;::~."~:;'J,¡,4f' '..., ,,:_~;. ,r~ ",' ,,_,.....,~,~. ".,~...,...~.~:¡,..."'...~. 1Y\...4L~~""_..!r.~ {o¡"~.. . ~. ,....f- 11 j , ", . .' , ' , . . . " . ~-------------------------------------~-- Octohor 12, lqn2 ~OOK 012 rAC, 28 1 um 115 Rr.ROLUTION R-S2-l(,~ RE PETITION V-IJ,-~nC, ...n. n1\NS L. EW^LDSEN, RE V1\RI1\NCE FnOM TilE flIDr. SE'I'OACI< 1\NT'I '1'0 1\t.t.OW CON5TRUC'I'10N OF ,., e01\T SLIP 1\ND ....CCE!i!\ORY RTRUC'I'UI1E PittOn TO TnE pnINCIP1\L STRUCTURF., CONNER'S VMmr.no 1 L'I' BF.1\CII E!iTI\T&5 - 1\DOrTED - Lcq~l notlc~ hnvlnq br.cn puhl1nhcd In tho NDples Dolly N~WS øn ~9~tembnr 7.6, 19n2 DO ovldenced by Affidavit of publication filed with tho Clork, public h~nrlnq ~ns oppnc~ to con81der potltlon V-B2-'OC, filed by Mr. HllnS L. EwnldAnn" r'c, a vnr1l.!nCO from th" øldo 50tback And to allow construction of n ~ont nllp and nccÐssory structure prior to' the prlnclp~l structure, connor's VDn~orbllt ~p.nch EstntcS. Acting Zoning Director ~yne ~~plninad thøt thft petitioner r~celved a building pormit to sCDwnll hlø property end that thft U.S.' Nøtlonnl ~nrln~ Flsh~rlftß ob1~~tcd to tho Ilnnnr sonwnll and required ,;f! '. that ^ rant 81ip bo con!tructÐ~. Sho sold that the Zoning Ordlnønce requlroR th~t bont slips bn built 7-1/2 feet from thn property line and con only be built during or aftcr construction of tho pr~nclpðl use. She s...ld thAt tho Floridø Dr.R And U.S. Corps of Engine"rs have a88o..od . thl. from nn envlronmontal stDndpolnt ðnd nre reDdy to Issue permit.. , . , ' ',- She said utDff rocommendft approval. ; ¡ Commissioner Wonzel mov.~, seconded by CommiSsioner Brown and carried unDnlmously, that RCBolutlcn R-A2-l~~, re Petition V-B2-20C, ~r. lIans L. Ewald.en, granting a variance from the sido setback and to allow construction of a boat allp and ~ccoaøory structure prior to the principal structure, Conner'. vandorbiltBeach Eatate., be adopt~ð. P89' _ _ _ _. __ _ _ ,_ _ _ _ __ _ _'_ _ _ __- __------ ____----.;..:..J" , . , " , i'-;"~ '. " ," , ,,¡~~, "", " '...' "....~~,.~..~'~""" ..'^~,..~ , '.'. , r ~ n . ,!~' II . ;i.j '''';1'''' . ...., III ,10., '\' ~. . ,', , .. . Ell' II. "l",...,;",:~'." ..~. I". ~5»,.~""\~'.,, c::J _r.......·."'" "'...-...---......-,-- - "4:\;; ';1_4" _ ¡ (11...".'...,.. , =:J ''¡", 'V1'~""'~.""""'~",f,1\""'''''''''~Jlf.tt'" ."'......,,:¡,J.'- "t,., . ¥~ ;,fJ'~"'~1?~',~.f\ "t '.A~· " :' ;~'''"!,'! ,; I"~' , ~ ,: '. ,;,,'.,... ~r," ;':' A-.U. ¥,,~~,~:',\""',~ " .........'.......~, ........, ~ .1...., .. ~..", ........ ...~. ,¡¡¡¡ . ' . ..,.nt,.¡""'~~J,'~.~r~.'1 ,'I t. . ~ <.~'J' , ' ,..., .¡., . ' ........,..............,...."......,.,.........~. ..' ,...,,,~Ii ,~,:} "~,I , . ' . . ,;, ~~ ~-----~-------~------------------------ ~ :~ ..:'... Oetoher 12, 1~1\2 Ita. 116 ~!SOLUTtON ~-8?-1~~ Rt REvtSr.O MtLL~CE - ~OOPTr.O Fiscal Officer Clles explained that property valuettonft have been incroðsed so that tho,ml11ðqa rateR have ~een reducod øceordinqly. Commissioner Wenzel ~ovod, seconded by Commissioner plator and carried unanimously, that R..olutlon ~-e2-l~6 re revised ~llla9· rat.. be adopted. .. , . . ~ . , . i ~' , ·4 .: IÞ ..,~ " , " Pa9- &OOK D'n fAC, 31 ""..,,,.-.........._.,,..'...._..-~..._,'--_...."':......~,,;,.....~,.,,'~---,_. . .."___ut~~"'''''',,........_.....·"_·..._'''''..._.._,,~''~,·''''''''..·=' , ., ' . ' . , .j, '\ . . '" ·,-.' . .""',' '. .. Ifl li~ I!U ........-.¡. "'......_..._,'1,'______... I r .......___¡,o;"".....,........-..,.""''''''..........'....,'''"".....,.-.."....,,,..,,,..,' f~) ~~\:' . l ~. '·;,t I ..., " ' " '''','c'';' .~-------~--~--------~---~--------_._---~-~ I·;"/" ,to.... 100' Ina PACt Sf! Ootohor 12, 19'2 . ';i~~Ji WOPICSHOI' SCHEDUUD rOR 1.30 P.M., OR IMMEDI^TELY rOLLOWINO BCC MEETING, ,,' OCTOBER 2~, 1902 FOR FOR~^r. PREstNT^Tt~N BY REPREREHTATIVES or FEDERAL £MERGtNCY Ml\foIAcr.r,'tNT MtNCY OF' NF.W FLOOD IN!WMNCP: REOUIREMENTS INCLUDJNr. tNCnEI\f,[[,\ CON5TRUCTION IIEJGIIT REOUJRF.MF.NT5 Commissioner pistor moved, seconded by Commissioner Wenzel ond carried unanimously, that a worknhop be scheduled for 1130 P.M. or immediately following the ßCC meeting October 26, 1982 for a formal pre.entatlon by roprø.entativea o~ tho Federal Management ~geney of new flood insurance requirements, Including Increased construction holght roquirements. Mr. r.~lvðtorl C. r.cudnrl, rcprr.acntlng Home ~ulldcr8 AFsociation of Marco tAlan~, an~ ß8vcrnl rcnltorn, requoRtnd th~ Board's serious conaldcrðtlon for th18 Item because of the hnlqht increaoe proposed. Chftlrman Wlmor said thftt tho work8hop would bn strictly an Information mcr.tlnq nnd that th. ßoard would not approve or rcjnct the Item at thl'lt time. lie slIld thllt the Board has gone on rocord as wanting to ðpponl tho now plnn and ia solicitlnq holp from areas such ,as ~nrco Island which would be IIftected by tho now requirements. r IU,I!Ì 119 , 'EXCÂVATION PERMIT NO. 59.1~~, IMPERT~L WILDr.RNEr.S RECREATION VEHICLE p~Rk _ ~PPROVED 1\5 ^MENDED AND'WITH STIPULI\TIONR . , , Public Works Mminlstrator HlIrtman expllllned thllt the WMI'B he. ,reviewed and recommended tor approvlIl 8xClIvation permit '59.149. Commiøsloner Wenzel moved, sncondod by Commhaloner Bro.m and carried unanimously, that ExcavlItion Permit-No. 59.149 før Imperl.l WIlderne.. Recreation Vehicle Park be approveð. Co~misaloner Xruse reforrnd to the Executive Summary in the ag.ndn Pege .,. -:- - - - - - - - - - ~ - -- -- - ---:-- - -- - - --- - - - ------ .. .. . t.. , . .'\,"'\"" ;·,',""ri ,.;t~i'~:·'·' , '_"::>3~:~,, ....'..~-·~r~~' , , . ~. ,,,., ,~>'-¡Jj,~ , .1It'. I ; I~,".¡ \, i . ~~:: .f.,: . .. &IE ¡..c__)__<..·"'''-'"''...~''''.""__~,__.....,,,.. ,"'. .. _._,--_...,>".."'.....~,~,~.._. 0..",' .'_~""'''_'''_ ......".... .._"".... ".."_"",",_..~.,,,,,... ,'<'~..,.,........,.,~" ".". , " --......-...... == c::J L_...J ,'y'. '.' . ' .' ,,' , " " ' ,, ~~I\ - - - - - _:..- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _.:.- - - - - - - - - - --"1 , . ..,~~....-...., , ........,......,.. '.....1\ ~ ""." .' '0.....,..,..,.. + ',J ,~. ...... '-"" ..¡'........ ·~1'·." '. .~ .' . .-.' ....'~... '-' .- ............,..-. . .._- ,," ....,...--..-.. Octohor 17, 19£12 .:tnd .tipulntion '¿¡umber fi IInd askltd Mr. Hartmall U the o...mont i. not part of the propo8od Royal palm Bollo ~oodc manngnment plnn rec~ntlY proftentnd to Big cypress but nut ðl.cun8n~ by the ~oard of County Commlsll1onors, to which Mr. tIIlrtml'ln respol1ded nfflt:mativnly. Commis.ioner ~ru~e said she had strong objections to that item. She askod If, in item IS, the ðrninnqo ÐaÐcmcnt iB one which would allow the culvert under U.~. 41 to carry exce8s wntor IIwny from tho West ~ Winds Trailer Pl'lrk to the south into th~ Duda Farm ditch, to which Mr. f ! Hartman responded affirmatively. CommisBloner ~ruse said Bho had . '. strong objections to that bCCl'luøo it ·d~mps· nn additional amount ~f~ wator on IIn area which the dlkos are not prepared to handle. Mr. Michael 5tcvnns. of constal r.nqinoor Con8ultðnts, 8aid that addition to WM^R approvII1 the potitioner has met with SFWMD and ha~ approvn1 from them. Commissioner ~rU8e moved to amend the motion that ~cav8tion Permit No. ~9.149 bo approved with ItemS I~ and 16 removed and that tho petitioner comply with whatever drainage requirements are re9uo.ted. Commi.sioners Wenzel and Brown agreed to tho amended motion and upon call for the queston, the amended motion carried unftnimouB1Y· Item 120 EXC^V^TION PERMIT NO. 59.150 RE PAVILtON SHOPS - APPROVEO public works ^dminlBtrntor IIArtman IIxphinod thftt thlø requ..t for an oxcl'lvlltion p~rmlt, continued from the 9/29/R2 acc m~eting, he. b..n reviewed by thø W~AB and approved with the atipulations 11.ted In the E.~cutlve Summary. Comml.elon~r Wenzel moved, eeconded by Comm1.Bloner Brown and aOOK 012 ~~~: 31 - - - - - - - -.- - - - -- -- - - -;- - - - - - - - - -.- - -"""': -- - --- . . ." . ib' PAqe 1'7. \",-,'," . . . ~--'-""-""-'''-''-''-'''~'''" ....--.,,-.--,.-,--"-------.'....---'.....-;"'...--.- -'-..-...'--- . . tl .. ' " ; , . . . ' ' " " " '." " . ' . ~------------------------~-------------~ " '.~ 1', ;..-.,"' ._....,.,_..."..--~,,"'.. ,."'..,...-- October 1', 1~~2 ~oaK 0'12 rACE 42. t um 123 C^NCELL~TIOH OP PURCI1^nt OF 2.59 ^CRF.S ON DOMEr-TIC ~V!NUE rOß USI ~s ~ TRANSFER f,TATION BtTr. - ^ppnovr.O Commissioner wonzol ~ov.d, soconded by Commissioner Brown, that' the purchase of 2.59 Acres on Domostic ^venue for use as ft transfer . station sito be cancolled. , ' County ~^nðqcr Normnn ~~pl^~ncd'that the mattor of the tronøfor station aito h"Ø been r.viewO~/,ft~dlng thðt sinca tho acc approved acquisition of this pr9Porty It has bron loftrned t.hat such II purchase would roqulro a provisional UflO and that, tn effect, the nOllrd would be' petitioning Itself f~r n zonlnq chanqe. He saId th~rc may be some liability nccrulnq from withdrawing from the purchaso a~rccment for the property. County ^ttorney ~nundQr8 said thero i8 on outstanding document that mey or ~ny not bo a contrllct which he would oxplore. I'Ir. ToronCft L. Fit'7.«]l"rnld, rnprasontlng the property owner, s.keð what tho statuS of tho contrnct would be following vote on the motion, :,~O which Chairman W1mrr referred ~r. Fltzq.rnld to the County ~ttorney., . t upon call for the question, the motion carried unanimously. ^ftor a short discussion; Commissioner Brown moved, .econded by 'Commisalonor plstor and earriod unani~ouslY, that Chalr~an Wimer deal dl,roetly with the Airport ^uthority rogardinc¡ the transfer station. Ite~ 124 WIGGINS P^55 N^VIGATtON PROJECT - ^prnOVED WITß ~PPLIC~TION rOR rUNDI ~5 OUTLINED Public work. ,to,dmlnløt,rator I1Artmnn qBve " status roport on the work that has beon done by owners In the area of Wiqqlna pa.. and thoir '89. 19 I" .. .,,' ........,.... -. .....-.,... .~.,,- ,.. ............, ., _ _ _ _ _'.....;.; _';'" _ ..,.",........_..........--.........----.......-<1 , ,. ..... ,"'" .. ... ~ ' .. .. ... ..., oOI .'_1 ... "'~iÌ.w__.,...._.".._...... ,;...... ..........'" .. ,.~.,...:.~'..t''''.....;'"~ "..- ~ . . ~ ',' .. ,.'",., " ,'" ", ""'" ..,./,. ' ""E. ..... ~J,.¡,~"'~".~ -~,~ ",:~1J1J;;..,~,~,¡'Ç'~~t~~" ,,'. .' . . I; i' _,__.".,",..._.""e,'" . ,+--,-".",._;~,......._----""._._...._..,;,."";..~"."",,".,,,,.,,.,;,,-". c:;::1 t=J C-~ , -i-,.... ~. . . .. . , , , " ---------------------------------------- " 'i ,"' ¡ OctoLor 12, 19A2 consultant who recomm""da thllt leu drodtJlng øhould be done. lie "aid thst the Corp of Engineers hllve IIpproved a more comprohftns~ve project, however, the current projoct be~ng proposftd by owner. and consultant would do less dllmllgo to th~ onvlronmrnt, therotor~, no problem In obtaining ~ormlta 18 IIntlclp~tcd. Ho said that /I biological report Is to bo roðd Into the record., Mr. Mlchllol Ctev~ns, Constal Fnglneerlnq, said that the redue~}un. that have bøon Indicatod In the proqrllm havo reBulted In a -turn- around" on tho pÞrt or moat of th~ agenclcc rnvlewlng It. . , lie said ~t~(lt tho South Florld~ Reqlonlll Planning Council now finds tho progrftm I~! " 4, conalstont with tholr qo~ls IInd quidellneR for proj~ct~ wltnln the area. , .:' . -J II ..e said that el1mlnat~on of ~rf'dqln!J Water Turkey BIIY reduce. " significantly the potontl111 for any onvironmental degradation Into the proj~cl. He said that tho biological report IE not rnady to he read Into the rocord at this tinð, IIddlnq thllt ho 18 8eeklng an IIfflrmatlve statement (rum the BOllrd of tho modified plan, liB prosented, so that it can be submlttpd torml'lly to tiER who will l88u8 a bloloqlclIl ,report on , that basi.. '1. said he would bring the biological rt'f'Ort bllclc to the :\ ',' Board In II few woeks. Mr. Stovens aaid thore lø a ponalblllty thllt ~p to 75' of the cost of construction can be obtained from tho DNR for sftnd placed on a State park n~ach and he requcsted thllt ho be directed to procoed with appliclltion. for same. 'rape 14 ~ Mrs. VI Bðrc1I1Y, rr.prosnntlnq tho Ln"HJUO of ~tomon Voters and the Cypress ChÞpter, Izaak Walton LallgUO, spoko In oppocltion to , ' &OOK 072 PACt 43 q--"._'..'-,.....'-..._.'~""-~.~".,---- ..~-.,,--,;..',"'... _-."..,,!o'~"""..."'.,.".,."'.,".._..''"'~~..'.,. ,·n" > '.... "'-~ '" -... .....--""".,.....-.............-.''''.y.. -~.J. , ' . '... -- - - -.-- --, --- -- - - - - - -- -- - -..-- -- ---- ------- ~OOK 012 r^c~ -14 Octohor 12, 19112 '.. CommlDøloner ~ruDft'movod, .ncondod hy Commissionor Drown and " ~. carried unanimouøly, that the Wiggins Pass Navigation project be , , ap~rovod, Iceordln9 to modifications presonted, and that appllcfttlon . ml~..for construction funds from DNR Eroølon Control Tru.t Fund. , . It.. '25 EXEMPTION OF optn^TOn III POSITION, N^PLES LANDFILL, FROM CURRENT "IRING FR~~2E - ^PPROVED Commlsslone~ ~ruse mov~d, seconrlod by Commis.tonor plstor and .... carriod 4/1, Commlø~ionor Wenzel opposod, that the position of Operator II for the Naple. Landfill be'exémpt from the current hirln9 froeze. Item 126 RESOLUTION R-92-1~9 Rt RF.VISION OF SOLID W^STE DEP^RTMENT TRANSFER STATtON FEES - ^DOPTED Commlsslonor Wonzel moved, eecondod by Commis.loner Pietor and carrl9d unanimously, that Resolution R-e2-l~9 re revision of Solid Wa.te Department Transfer ~tatlon Fooe be adopted I. rovi~.d In the Executlvo Summary dated 10/7/82. r , . ' , , , .' ,:~ ~~i1, "¡"~A~tf, Paqe 2l}~~¡ . .,,;.Iì9f.~,' ';~,t~~,., .~ , .~':,:~'\I ( - - - - ,- -- _. -- -,_.... ......" ---------- ..--:--....-----------......... . ..... ..', " . ~ ,; , .-. '..... .', ~ . ,_"'_,..,....,..""......"""~_,_..........__......_,~"""""_,_;.~,."""'_...,,.,'_________.__"'_.""_<_""_""'J_..._......"."... ".,".."".,J,,,.,,,,,......_"'....C..,...._____ --..-. - -- ..' ra;;; , r;¡¡¡; f~ .;..-~.,+"'II......~.,"_.......".............,_"'-_,.,,-......... ,. I.' ; "'~'''''.'''' . .,., '''. . '. .." '........¡ ;:'r"""'" ,..,--,.~...,'_..J.....,,..",.._'~....... . ',' '.. . ....', .,..,. ", . ' , ..' ,-~...." "... ;...'~ ,~-,_.. ..,. ", -- - -- -- -- ----- -- - -- --- - - - - -.- -~ - - - -- ----- f'lf"tnt.l'r ,, \CHI' ''\. rORM^L PURLIC HE~RING ACMtDULED FOR BELLE Mt~D! RTUDY - ~PPRovr.n neto1 127 e' Mr. Mlko Stovana Dcked if the approval of t~eavatlon p~rmit 59.1'9 ~canø that the petitioner ~uøt r~turn to tho ßoard of County commls- . eloners, to which It was clarified th~t tho petitioner was to go before the South Florida Water ~anaqement Difttrlct. Co~mlssloner ~rus. moved, seconded by Comml~eionor wen~el end carried unanimouslY, that the Biq cypress Ba.in Board, in connection with etaff, set a public he.ring reg~rdlng Royal Palm eello Moade with , . a large ad to Inform the public of such a hearing. Item 128 W~IVER or 50\ REOUI~F.MENT ron JU~TICE CENTER aID p~C~~GE NO.2, BUILDING FOUNDATiONS - APPROVED . '. . L . I,·' 'f ..: , . i I , ~ . Public ~~{oty ~dmlnl.trAtor Dorrlll ~~plaln~d the request for a waiver o( the 50\ requirement for the Juotice Center Bid Package No.2, Building Found~tions, addlnq that It is concelvablo that s local '!, ,.' ~:1. ' ~t~ contractor ~ay want to bid on this Ilem. Commissioner Wenzel ~oved, seconded by co~ml.sloner Brown and carried unanimously, the waiver of 50\ requirement for Justice Center Bid package No.2, Building Foundations be approved. Itelft 129 EMS V~C^NCIES, EFFECTED BY THE CONTINU~TION OP Tn! BOARD'S AIRINO rREE7.E _ ~PPROVED TO BE FILLED Public Aftfety Dlrcctor ~rrlll o~plalned the recommendation to fill EMS vacancies thAt hAvo occurrod during the ~oard's hlrlnq freeze. Co~~lssloner ~ru.e moved, seconded by Commissioner Wonzel and carried unanimouslY, for approval to fill the EMS vacencie. effectod by the continuation of the Board's hiring froe.e. 'aqe &OO~ (112 PACt ..7 - -- - - ~ - -.,-- - - ,- - - -- -- - - -, - - - ---- ------...-~-~,. --<t,,_,,",.,t.,~·. ------_.¡,~---..._'''.,....~........,~''..-' .. ' ~.-,-..,'-,-,.._".~...~ ".~,,- -q ¡ ,. I I . . ,;, l ' ' - -- - - - - - -- - - - -- - - - - -. ,- -- - -- - - - - - -- -- - - ---,--- MOK 072. fMt ¿a Octobðr 12, 1982 IUtI '30 ocnorr.! FIR! nr.PARTMENT POSITION - AUTIIORXZED IN LUU OF CONTINUED rREr:%E commissioner wenzel moved, secondud by Commissionar piøtor ond earrieð unanimously, that the OChop.. Fire Departtlent position be authorized In lieu of continued freezo. 1 UIII '31 CRE"TION OF CLF-RI': r II _ WITHE!'!" MM~MP:p.1ttlT P091TTON AS A RESULT or TRAN~FER OF CO~T OF THE WITNF.SR ASSI6T^NCE pnOCR"M FROM CLERI': OF COURTS TO C~URT ADMINISTRATOR - APPROVED' Asftiatønt County ~ftnaqcr smith explained the rocommpndntion to oreðto a position of Clork ttI for thn "'~ltn('! . t'llInaC C'mont proCJrll~ re.ultlng (rom thft transror of th~ cost of tho Witness "s81stance L rrogrøm from Clork of Courts to Court Admlnlstrlltor. Responding to Comml8sIonpr plstor, t'lr. ~mith said that monoy I. .vailable and that thoro ftro two pc~ltlon8 to be filled, ~ø ne.d~d. Clork Reagan øald he thought the pro~ram øhould be allowed to be a " ¡;". .-~\ ,~f, ~ tw.lvÐ-~onth le8t program ~hich 18 requlrpd for ~tat~ reimbursement. Commi.sioner plstor moved, .econded by Commissioner Brown ond :~arrled 4/1, Commlssionor Wenzel oppo.ed, that the creation of Clerk " l\"~ . t~ lIlt for the witness Management poøition be establi.hed for one year. ttelll~ i32 ' 8ID I~O~, RE LANDSC^PING AND IRRIGATION or B^YVIrw P^R~ - AWARDED TO It'lPERIAL RtVER L^HD5C^PTNC INC. Leg...l notleo hllvinq been publ1øhod in the Napl.. Daily N.~. on Septomber 14, 19~2, .. ovldÐnced by ^ffldav)t of publication filed ,with tho Clork, bid. wore accepted until 2t30 P.M. Ropte~ber 29, 1982 for landscðp1nq and irr~9atlon ~f 8^yvlew Park. COlllmi.øionor r.ruee movod, .econded by Comml..loner Wenzel end . . carried unanimouslY, that Bid I~n~, for landecaplnq end trri9ntton of, C', ':'" ';"~ paqo 2:( ·:h' .........-....-.--.....------..-.-,..-.---- -------------~-------~ .'~ .,...' ' : ~'< ". 'i.;~: . .~. ,. -../ .. '....' ... '............' .,............ ,'-.....--. , . . i ' ~,~,,':I',1\ .., ;'.'/,;¡..,. .,., . .' ,,,,;¡kfIIo.!,""'" ," ,..~. .. ",.~ ",~~¡I<",,,,~"'.fI( 'lit _'r"''''''''~' . ~ ...." L 'I· ' , r' --. . N",~S~ 1,\ '~ ". ;;;:.J . ~fZJ Œ:j. ~,_._~ :,. ,..~....-,.,..--.....-..,... ... ..-.... ... ," -... :. . . .....~.".-.. ,.-[ "':':'~' ,,~-f" ,f'"'''''''''''' ,. .1., ·,!~,t1Mr .'d' , .... m .' ." . . "....:.: ." ...'0.; _ _ __ _.___ _ __ ______-----------------------::J .~~~ ' '" .. C'lctohtlf 12, 1"1A2 oayvlew park, bo nwarded to Imperial River LandøCftplnq, I~c. In the .mount ot 828,103.65, upon accept.nce fro. the Department of Natural R.source., .. recommended by the purchasin9 Dirøctor to be the low.st responslblo bid in tho best interest of the County, and that the Chairman be authorized to s19n and tho Cl.rk to attest the resultinq " agreoment. 1te~ 133 BID 159£' R! GOLDEN C^TE PARKWAY IMPROVEMr.NTS - AWARnED TO HAMMETT '. COMPANY, INC. ' , Legnl r,otlcG July 15, l~A2, nD h~vlnq hr.pn pub1lB~ðd In tho Nnples Dally News on ~ . evidenced by Attldftvlt of publication tiled with1the · . 1 ~ . r~celvcd until August la, 1982 for Co]den Oat- parkw,y' .~, , -,1' Clerk, bids WHe IlIIprovOrlonta. Comml..loner Kruse moved, seeondod by Commissioner Wenzel and carried unnnlmoualY, that Bid .596 for Colden Oate Parkway Improvement. be awarded to Hammett Company, Inc. In the amount of 81,254,451.28 a. recommended by the purchasing Director to b. the lowest r.sponslble bid In the best Intere~t of the County, and that tha Chairman be authorlzeð to al9n and the Clerk to attest the resulting agreement upon r.ceipt of a Performance Bond and aubjoct to a resolution of ~aterl.l. for eonDtructlon and _ re.olutlon of aeeøss to Colden Cote parkway approveð by the County Engineer. Item 134 BID 1594 Rt PINE RIDGE ROAD IMPROVEMENTS ~~C. AWARDED TO HICHWAT p^VERS, ~qAl notice havlnq hnnn publlshod In tho Nftpl.. ~ally NowS on July 15, 19a2, .s evidenced by ~ffldavlt of rublleatlon fil.d with the " Clerk, bids were rocoived for eld 159~ for pine nldgft until Auquat lA, 19R2. Road t~proY.ment. V~ . ~ paCJe ..,:< I ", ~OOK 072 PAGt 49 .:-,:- . ,. ~.... -~-----------------------------------~ . . "...... ':;' ....-.~-_.....,--,.""-~ . ___.-........".,_....,..__-....""....,-~.,~.,-'''..'..'."''N'.'-.> .,"__~"._.-~.<.,_r·'""_ , . G , ' ----------------------------------------- ',. " ~~~ '\ October 12, 19R2 MOK 072 fACt 50 A881stant County ~ana~er r,mlth preftnnt~~ tho recommendation t~ .w~rd Old '594, re plno ~lðq~ "ond tmpr~vcrnents, to Mlghwny Pavers, Inc. Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconðed by Commissioner ~ruse that Bid 1594 re plno nl~ge Road Improvements be awnrded to Highway pavers, Inc.' Attorney a. Holdt anrvor, repreo~ntlng white conßtruction, stated his client was the low hidder. Ho pres~ntrd Pntltlonor's Exhibits Nos. 1 through 5, which wore RO numbered ·for tho rocord and his argumentø to refuto the otatomontß In the Èxccutlvo 5ummary~ dated 9/10/A2, which rosulted In Hlghwl"lY PllVors rocol'lml.'ndcd to receive thn I'Iward oven thou9h ' that firm wno th~ second lowest bldc!or. HI! cltctd slow-down due to " wOllthnr and mincal,~uIDt Ion 48 to tho number of days n('oded to complete ono job, which was listed In thr Exocutlve ~ummDry, as the cause. for tho delay In completion of the job, Indicated that his client Is one of tho largost road contractors In tho country, and nubmltted a copy of the unlimited Cortlflcate of ~uðllflcatlon [or hi. client's firm for the State of florlda. Public works Mmlnlstr.'ltor Hartman presented County Exhibit t1 ,~~hlch dot...l1od the background ror oach of th. statement. leadinq to the . " !recommondation that tho contract bl.' "warðcð to another firm. p.spond- i~qito Chairman Wimer, Mr. Hartman said that he had not changed hi. .ind re~ardlnq the aWl'lrc!lnq of tho hid. Commissioner Wenzel withðrew hi. motion. Commissioner ~ruso moved, seconded by Co~mi.sloner Brown and carried 3/2, ~th Commissioners pistor an~ W.nzel oppo.ed, that Bid 1594 for Pine Ridge Road Improvements be awarded to Ri9hway Paver., . . Inc. In the amount of SI,17fi,422.49 as reeommonded by Purchasln9 Director to be the lo~ost responølble bid In the bost tntere.t of the PftCJe 2! _.~.~~¡ I - - - - - - - - - -.-,... - - - - - - - - - -.- - - - -- - - - -- --.... --- ....'.- " . .of' ,........_...._, ~.. , . ."~" ~ ',..... '" . ~.~.\J .... ."''''''!fJIIIiIr' '"-,.,-".'._"'»<...."",",.,..,.."""","_..._._--~-,-""",,.- ~1'.___...._~...__"_"_,__'__,..'"_.''-.."'....~..,,.*'..._....,.~''''' " II1II ~"""~~"''''''C''''._''~.'''\'_~'''''''''''.r4,,~....... ....'"'1·.. t...., ~ Ii...-.·.'........". ~1" ",., .., I,. r , c:::J c:::J ,\.".",., ...., .,."". , .' ~-"~fi:'. .:,':::t. . . .. T .' .·~;~r _____ _.,_ ___ _ __ _ _ .__. .._ _ _ _ __ _ _ - - ---- -7- - -------.....'. ',;~L-' ,to""'~ .....",. .--.-"" I...~¡.,~ , ,," . . Octohnr 1', 1!"!2 County, and that tho Chairman be outhorl~ed to .Ig" and the Clerk to atteat the resu\t1n9 agreement upon r.eelPt ot . PQrforma~ee Bond and that the Fiscal Officer be dlroctod to process tho neee.sary bud91t amendment. ".pe 15 Ite. 13 5 PUDLIC Pr.TITION¡W~LTER ~r.LLER rOR Cn~RTEn CLUA 01' ~~RCO RI DISCUSSION or REF'URBtSIltNO " BEliCH "ND ADDITION 01' ~ eOJ\nOWI\LK - NO ACTION TA~EN ^rchltect W~ltor x~)ler requostad a variance fron tho Conatal Construction Control Llno to allow rofurbt8hlng A beach nrea and t~e; l addition of a bOArdwalk Cor tho Charter Club of ~ðrco Tsland, oxplalnlng the Intonttonø of doing the work. If] ¡'t I!i! After a short ðiscU8sion, County Attornny Saundors explained that' Section 7-14 provldoS that a variance ~an only be 9rantr.d after due public notice. ~r. ~eller 8aid that it was his understanding that the DNR'8 po81tlon Is that ð variance 18 not necessary because thero would not be a bu1ldin9 constructed. ~r. Saunderß said that County ordinance prohibits construction oC anythlnq. No action was taken on thl. subject. . . It.. t 3& 8ID '601 rOR I~pnOV£MENTß TO EAST DELAW~RE ROAD, IMMOKAL!! - AWAADED TO HICHWAY PAVERS, INC. Legal noticn havlnq bllftn published In th:t Naplea [)ðlly NowS on August 20, 19~2, ðS evidenced by Affidavit ot publication filed with tho Clerk, bids wftrft rocølved for lmprov~menta to r.ast c.lawaro ~oad, l~mokale" until Soµtember 29, 190'. Com~S.810n.r Brown ~ov.d, seconded by Com~l.sion.r ~ru.e and oarrSed unenl~ouøly, that 81~ '&01 for Improvement. to ta.t Dolavar. Aoed, Immokalee in tho amount of $31,191.~S he avarded to HI9hvay raver., Inc. as recommended by the purchasing Director to bo the lowelt &CCK 012 fACt 51 Pa98 25. , '. I , · .'·:'7\.':'~;~ -------------------------------------~~ .. · ...i;::i~· . , , , . .; , "J I .' , . , ~ ..... , ~.:,' ·X;~-t'> '(, ¡. J ~.., " ¡ ;" II, ' ,;!.::,:. ~...v!( , '~'lf::i"tI¡A,' I . .. 'i;11!:'~ ~ I ' . "tn'" ~:j'.!1t; I.. ' .~ :',:11" " "" .', -------~--------------------------------- '. e 1 ,(\' , "". I. .' Þ,t f";' ~':,.', ,I'¡I ~oo~ 012 PACt 52. Oetobor 12, 19R2 .~ '. f.. . . "~.. : . :..'.. .~,¡t '\1<[;' ',':"r(, . ,,.¡,~:,~.:,:,,, ~!¡(" ¡',.;1 r'. ~)~"~J'i,f . 'o~r.~ '" ;' .~~ }J, r.sponlible bid in the beot inter.at or the county, ðnd that the Chair~an bl authorizd to si9n and the Clerk to attest tho resulting agreement, upon receipt Qf a Performance Bond. Item '37 ^DnITION^L cLtnX II PO~tTTnN IN PAROLE ^ND PRO~ATION DEPT. - ^PPROVED County ~nnagcr Norman oxplalnod the noo~ for an addltlonpl Clerk II position In p~role and Probation PnpartM~nt. .' Comml.aioner Brown moved, ~'~onded by com~lss10ner pietor ðnd carried unanimoU~ly, that an additional Clerk II position In Parol. and probation Departarent be approved and tho noc.uary b\1dqet amendment be' prepared. Item '38 APPLICATION FOR ANNUAL ST^TF. ^ID ~o LIAR^RItS - ^PPROVEO Commle.loner Wensel ~ovod, seconded by Commissioner ~ruse and carried un~nlmously, that øpplleatlon for annual State Aid to Llbrar!.. be approved. t . , o- J . , . .. "- , . .. .". . . ,." "''''~ . ,',., ... .' t' ':. ".. ~. l,.'.·.. .,' ....."".,.., ',." :'..-\',.~:ç6t __________ --:_----- _ ____ ___.-~..-------......d¡¡,;¡¡,;, ., _._. ....__ ~~" ,;;;;.~_,'.:.~.,~,_...~~'~~.-.:....:....:.:.....::.:;..:,~..~f.:.;"~:,. , ' ····fDm<~,+-;~c......~_·'" . ,'" ,;- .......:';;;.'. ':" ....--....- _,~_'_-r 111__""...___...,......_..___." ._...___...__.......___....,.,_..._"..._,.........."__*.,.,, == , r:::::J k..,....J ., --......', ,....,."..........'.... ,:.....".""'., .....'''OJ.... ....~Ù;. 1'1~.. '.."....,'., " , '...J,,~, ,~" ",,,. "';;", . ' '" ,.........,--.. ..-,. .~~_. +.,........., T 11'"1 ...~ ., ... .. MOK 012 rAC¿ 58 October 1', 19R2 Itelll 140 CnI\NC! ORDtR Rt COUNTY RECION^L WATER SYSTEM, SCI\RDOROllcn CONSTRUCTORS, INC. AND EXTENSION OF COMPLETION DATE R~ CONTRACTS PI\RT I AND II - ~PROVED Utllltlos Manager Borzon explained the rcquest for an extension of the eomplotlon date ro contracts Part I and II by Scarborough Constructors, Inc., duo to nxtromoly he4vy'ralns, adding that the extension would In no way dnlay start of tho system when the water plant Is complete. . :... -' Comm1ss1ollor Wenzol moyed: uconded by Comm1a8l0ner p1stor and carried unanimously, that Change Ordor re County Regional Water syste., 'Scarborough Constructors, Inc. Ðnd extension of completion date to Novombor 13, 1982, re Contracts Part I and II bo approved. NOTE, Change Ordor not received in offlco of Clerk of the Board .. of 10/15/82. Item . 41 CONTRI\CT DETWEEN COUNTY I\ND CR2M "ILL RE ENGINEERING OF RAW WATER SUPPLY WELL FIELD - APPROVED UtllltioR Managor Bcrzon ~xplalncd the roquost for approval of a contract to CH2M Bill for tho development of tho engineering requlre- , ! ~ont8 for tho well Clo1d associated with the raw water supply of the . " ~Re~lonal Wnter Systnm. Ho roforred to the Executive Summary dated : 1 1~;'4/82 outlining dotalls that the County be pormltted t~ proceed with 'the purcha80 of pumping equlpmont for two of the wells in order to meet th, long load requlremente and to be ahle ~o got at least one, If not two wells, Into oporation In time for the e~mpl.tlon and testing of the wator plant. Hft said that the remalnillg wells should'be completed and on line by October 31, 19R3,. thereby meeting all of tho requirement. for satisfying tho nneds of the plant.' Commlesioner Kru.e 48ked if this went out for bid, to which Mr. Page r- ~-- - - -. - - - _::--..a-_ -- --~- -~..,. --,......-....,......-..............-- '.......... . " .""'.......... .." '_I~·....,..,1~~~'-'·,,' ...."""'...,.:..,."...,:"'....:~..~~.,~~.'J': .,....,.................'...-....._.'.........__.."......... ··L.....· 11.-~~··"".. , . ".' ~'- . ~ II ____'"~·,,'c__·¡ , ~/;~"" . - '", ,';'W"'+''!';'' __, , : ,'tv, > '.' . .'" ..w.iì.~""",.., '...' ~, .', rt~~~'·:.'i'~'t"'~':" +,' ~ ~""",,*:".' .... ".. . E:I ¡¡;¡¡;; ;""",' "L"! ~f , ' , "~'1. , ""'1 ......- - - - -. ,- -. - - - -- - - - - - - - - -- - - - - -- - -- - - ----....- .\. -,.,-,.,,,,,~,,..,,,.,,..,,;.,,......,-,~ Voi'..·.;r.",:t','. ..,....:: ;......... ~'...,,;(.............., .~:Ii... ," ..', ".t,' . . . '. , ,'/ f~~J . .", '.',~:'l ,':' '- ~ ....~..~~... ~~7<;'.· .,...,t...·".,...·. . ~ " " .... . ,...,..,....-..,.....,-,.-.,....,.."....,., October l', 198' 8~rzon said that at the time this change came about, a year ago In ~U9ust, It was his recommendation to the Board that the mode of providing tho potable ~ater be changed from purchasing from the City of Naple8 to going Into tho County's own welr field ahd,'at that time, the Board's approv~l was to go ah.a~ and continuo the ~ork with CH2H Hill as the engineer Involved I~the devolopment of the well field and a~pllfyin9 the contract with Post, Buckley, Schuh and Jernigan for'i their work associated with the development of the raw water U~le. , , and, . , . be~..n ~ .. ; rhld . . J ' Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner pistor carried 4/1, with Commissioner Kruse oPPcsed, that the Contract the County and CR2H Hill re engineoring of Ra~ Water Supply well be approved. p.c¡ce &OOK 012 fACt S9 ..,.....,.,.-'"'"'.,.,""").,.-.......~..=-^.---""--"--_""~_"'"..,,..,",~"..M"'.~'..n, ",""__...."dö"....·..""""...,·""·"'.,,,""",,.._...,,.......,.........._,,'-~""_...~.,.,..,." "t~;i', ""I;~"{' , ":l~ It, '~','::( ~ '!"r ",'.' ' f " "" I'~ .~\itfl"t; 30 ,<,';"'" : 'tì¥Hk ....lf~: :,~ am c::J c=J . .:..:t' '~"~J ..........~ ............~. ...."".,. '.""~ , '~ __~________~_________________~_____~____~t . ("ctohnr I?, 191',,'1- .'i '.~~ .,. -¥<""'J;~""""'I... .... ......' ,....,. ...'............... ; 4\.' .........--~_,-. II ,¡¡ ......,.:;.'-;. ,'- , ~ ' f ; ;~~¡..... ~... .. -,~j,"""" . , ~,',: tll. '...... "'.' .. - -- - -:-- - - ---------- ---7" -.- - -- - ..:.------~~~;¡;if.;;:.:;,{ -,_...-..__ ._...·_..'·'0 ~~. of....·w . . ........"-.. -..-,., ~ . . -0." ,.....".. ,,*" "'....-...-..-.., ..'....... "oo"'" , Ite. ... 2 B~Y FORE~T W^TER ~ND nr.w~n PACILtTtr.R - ^CCr,PTr.D Commissioner Wenzel ~oveð. seconded by Commleslonor Brown and carried unanimoualy, that tho Bay Forest Water and Sewer facllltl.. be.' accepted and the related documonts b. recorded. Note. No documenta received In orrlce of Clerk of the Board as or Octobor 15, 1982. .. Itu 143 ST^TU~ REPORT ON BAY-CON GENER^L CHANGE onDER NO. 2 TRE^TMr.NT PL^NT - ^CCEPTF.D Mr. Tad f;mallwood, of CII2M 11111, dJøtrlbuted a ]otter contaln{n?.' a~ detailed exphOlltlon of Change Order No.2, for the record. . ' '. .' . RE REGION^L "^TER Comml.~ionor ~ru.o naked if It would not hn more fiscally con~·~í vative If tho price was what could be expected for a projoet rather I than having to IncronBo the prlco later, to which Mr. Smallwood said that overy proj.ct hns a eontlng~ncy for the types of event. .uch a. have occurred and that 18 Inclu~ed In tho fundIng program. Chairman Wimer laid this item was brouqht to tho Board on September 14, 1902, with no one preuont to oxplain the Chango Order. Mr. Smallwood apologized that no one was pre.ent at that time to off~r an explanation. Mr. Borzon laid he we. In agreement with the Chang. Order because the thickness of the limerock In the ar.a will vary. CommIssioner Brown moved, .eeondod by Commla.ioner Plator and carried unanimously, that tho atatus report on Day-Con Coneral Chsnge Order No. 2 be accepted. IU. 144 Cß^IRpiI^N ^UTtlORItED '1'0 SICN P'm"^ FORMS FOR 81,500,000 LO^N rO!\ SEWER ^RE^ -^- r.XP^NSION Utilities ~'an/lqer Oor7.on Q)(pl"lnnd the r..queat for tho Chairman 'to &OOK 012. fAC¿ 83 'ago 31 . ' - - - - - --,- --- - -~-- - -- ----- --......--- ----------.- ',~\ ,. ~ , .,t. ~'I'::,;:,':,:..' ;Y'; ,~, . 'w:: ~DOK 012 PAC~ 64 Octohor 1", 19~2 sign tho fmHA forms for a $1,500,OO~ 100n at 5\ intereat for Sower At.. - ^. Ex pll n "Ion. Commissioner Wenzel moved, s~conðed by Commis.ion~r Plator and ,'" carried unanimously, that the Chðlrman be authorlaed to sign FmßA for.. for the $1,500,000 lu~n for S~wer Area -^- F.xpanslon. Note. No Documentø received in offie. of Clerk of the Board a. of October 15, 1982. Itelll .45 REPORT Rt rIN^NCIAL CONSULTANT Pr.ES FOR RtGIONAL WATtR SYSTEM - PLACID ON OCTonER 2", 19n2 MENM ßYOInECTJON OF CII^IRMAN Chð~mDn Wimer dlr~ct~ð thðt the r~port of the financial consultant fou for the np.C]lon,,1 WHor ~Y8te,., be plllced 0., Octobor 2ti, 1982 aqondll. Item t4 6 RESOLUTION R-82-170 RE EST^BLISJfINr. ^ND LOCATJNC PR^NX BOULEVARD EXTENStON NORTH OF PINE RIDGE ROAD TO J~MOJ<^LEE RO^D - ADOPTED, RtGIIT-OF-WAY MAP RECOnOED IN ROAD PLAT ~OOK U3, PM! 5A - ACCEPT!D Commlesloner ~ru.. moved, soeonded by Commissioner Brown and \, carried unanimously, that R.solution R-82-170 r. establishin9 and loclItlng Frank Boulevard Extonslon north of Pine Ridge Road to r Immokalee Road be adopted and that the RI9ht-of-Way map record~ In , ' . . " ! Roa~ Plat Book 113, Page 58 b. accepted. 1.'r~j ;, /1 I, "- '" 'af:J. 32.. .~ ;. ,":)I~-~~':r;:r' . ----------- --- .-..-- ----_._------------.....--~ , 't ..' I" ., .. ... ... '. ....,...'.. ..~. . , "'~.' ., "'F" ,', ~'~ ,f~·}.1;~.~:~'''''~; ",,;,"i'~ -~" ',~~;.;~'~~~~~',:. '....-)'- :",,"1'1'1"'.0, '..,.._......._~'1~~,Io~,..,~...,..~1 -..,'. .,... L'!m ...-'~~." "', .';~I', ---.,.....,--,.. ø_..,._. ....,. ,·~"...,"~-__v- __1.. .___~ <I , . ~___'~__.._"..__._,,_,~._,'""_'''''''''"''''_...._..._...__.._,."''."_'''..."~',_._". .. !),'þ". ,.f,,,....,;_, .; ':~í ' . .....¡ , " I ,,' ~ LDI == == . , ,.~ . ,...A . ...._-~~'.'~ I", ;.1. ,;... '.... .....~"" ~ :01 _. "~H" ,,"'..1/1"...',.', . ...,~ . .. ....." . "'. . I' ......... . " ~ woO ..~.._. .-.-.. ,.....~...._, '., ~,' ··....t ',I, I, ---,-..---------------------------------~.... Octoher 12, \<If\2 rtell! 147 ROUTINE BILLS - APPROVED POR PAYMENT Pur8Uftnt to nosolutlon f\'-I~O tho following checks wero Issueð through OCtober 8, 1982, in paym.nt of roútlne bills. CIlr.CK t'lr.~CRTPTtON Cflr.CK NOR. AMOUNT s.c,005, I¡32.9R $ 214 , !; 9 3 . !; 5. S 7,3p.37 8 397,942.4~ ....Commlsslon.r ptøtor 1.ft the room at 10t45 A.M. r.nð t~ returned at lOt48 A.M.···· VouchOL" Checks 120"; - 1'590 Regular Payroll 42121 - 421'41 " C£T" P3yroll 93611 9"05 Cenoral Fund 13 - 14 .' Itallls '48 through .58 BUOOET "'MENDMENTS 82-335 TIlROUCHI f\2-345 ^DOPTr.D AS DESCRI~ Commissioner Wenzel moved, secondod by Commissioner Kruse and carried 4/0, with Commissioner pistor abs.nt from the roo~, that the following B~dqet ~endmonts be adopted as described i~ the a~ounts .hown below. " \ , :'10" ..... ~; Budget Amendmont 82-335. ra funding for incrca.ed charge. for Bulldinq ~~Intonðnce rep~rtMent S~rvleea (Utilities Adminl8tratlon) in tho .mo~nt of $10,134. . trftnsførrlng fund~ within ohjcet coda. to make up shortfall in regular salary account (Courts , Related pr09rl~s) In tho ~mount of ~890. Budget Amendment 82-3361 Budget ~end~ent ft2-3371 re purchftøft of Ii C~non calculators for uøe ~t Jandfill and three transfer stations in connection with new rate procpdure (Solid Waste) in the ..ount of S4~2. Budget Amendment A2-338r re movomont of funda within budgftt 8cetton to rn!leet ~ctuIII ax~ndttutea (rriv~t~ ~~pncy Oervte.., Coll~er "ealth ~ervlcr8-Tmmok^l.e) In the amount of $1,99l. Burlqot ~mendmftnt ~2-'39r to ApproprlAt. ~onatlon8 for the ftglnq P19· &OOK 012 PAC¿ 67 .... -- - - - --- -- ------...---..-.-.-..............------...---..........- ~ . " ". --...0.-"..".,.."".,.-.......... T·~______.... , ' , . , . # .' . . . " .,_ ¡ I .'. , .' I~ __ - - -- - ---..... - --' -.. - -- - ---'-.-.---.-.-- - -------..:.-- .t" . \~ ì\ -t., i\' :~; 'f ," tOOK 012. tACt 68 Octobor 12, 1982 prcqrom FY 19~1-A' (~oelnl ""rvie"ø-Aqtnl1 proqrnm) In the .mount $1,233. Budget ~monðment B2-3~Ot to refl~et actual expenditures of the Zoning D~pnrtment (~øntng) in the amount of $1,~OP to provido funda to pay for 8Drviecs perform~ð by County ßul1dinq ~nlntenaneo Dopt. (r.oldcn Cnto Community Cantor, in the amount of $2,1.17. to rpr.oqnt7.8 trnnsfnr to h" received from Fund 311., ~oad Construction - Cas ~nx Ðond~ - ]~no, for prtor year pur~hnø~ of r.ood1~tt~ nond right-of-way . 'In the amount of $1,900,000. to provide fundo to transfor to Fund 310, Pond Construction St~to ~onðl - 1~7e, reimbursement for prior yoar purchaøe of Coodlottc Road right-of-way In th, amount of $1,900,000. Budget ~menðmpnt R?-341t Budget ~m.ndmftnt 01.-342. Budgot Amendment ~1.-'43! Budgot AmendmÐnt 81.-344! tranøferrlnq funds for purchale of plnntntlon rarkw~y "ridge right-of-way In accordnnca with FDOT joint aqreement and attnched Executive Summary in the amount of SIR,SOO. Budget ~mendmcnt ~2-345t to provld~ fund~ to reflect ARA and othor exp~n8ftS prevlouøly planned to Chðrq~d dire~tly to un"r deportment rather than ns billings from F1eot ~aintonance in the amount ~f $429,A81., r It;m 159 , ~UpGtT ~MENDMENT e2-34~ TO pnOVID! FUNDS rOR COMMUNICATIONS ~LLOC^TED çHAnCE IN THE TOTAL ^MOUNT FOR ALL FUNDS or $23,419 or WHICH $13,~74 IS'; DUE TO INCREASED EXPENSES AND $10,145 IS DUE TO PAST UNDER-BILLINC$ - . ^DOPTED IN 'I'HE "MOUNT OF $21,419, Co~mløs10n.r ~rule moved, .econded by Commissioner wenz.1 and carried 4/0, with Commls.ioner pi.tor abient from the Amendment 82-346, to provide fund. for eo~unicatlon. a1loe.ted charq. In the total amount for all fund. of $23,419 of which 813,274 I. due incr....d oxpen.ea'and 810;145 Ie due to post under-bl11in9., b. adopted 1n tho amount of $23,419. , , U __.",__,_,'111< 11 I ~...~¡.___ ,1"I____"'.___,_....__....j',.".....,·""'~.."m<..~"...""c"'~._,."'''"u.",,,, , . ........... .~,v.,..,,);+.\... _ ' ~ .r,'.... ,~ , ,~ ~..........,~r.",.~.'~,...........w,.............>',..., '.. .."'. ' ....',0;,.. . ,G"!-f'" "., ....,...'.."/;... ·1,.. t,;''' '1.' '.~," #.' ~ "... :.I<\;.,'~;r " ",'" . \i:1.'"'l..,''' ., r-.,~., ~ psqe , . . , .' ,,",,', I ' '\",'" , " '~ <,,:: ;:':"':;" . ~.~-------------------~---------------~~~' . ·"~þ.··"'·:J IT,)' .........''''~, '. ' , ,:ÁI< . '.........,..~ ., . . ,-.,' .~.. .,. '... ..........-...,." .-.....--....,. ...-,....,. .,j, ....- ...........,..,............... ,..-...--...........,... ~.~-..:...__ ____...:.. _ .J:.:__~____ -'--------.--~--- Cctohpr 1:", ]~R' Ite. ,~O REVISION or THE POSITION or ZONINO DIRECTOR TO TIt"T or THE PLANS IMPLEM!NT"TIOH DIRECTOR AS PART or ry 02-83 BUDCET CII"NCES, DIVISION REORC^NI7.ATION - APPROVED At Comml..loner Plltor'. roquost, th~s ite~ w~. removed from the Consent Aqonda for dl8cuøøion. Community novelopment Administrator Vlrta .xplalned that the -~~d- Zonln9 Dopartment hiltorleally has review~d all buildinq pnrmits In order to check for compllancn with Eoning regulat.ions. 110 cited parkin!) and land8captng requlroment. 1'1. examples of It~m8 chocked at the time huilding pormits are I.sued. ··tj ~esponding to Chairman Wimer, Mr. Vlrta,øald that the propo.ed eha~g~ in no way goe8 Into tho Building Department's responølbilltio.. ., .¡ , Tape '6 '1 ' Mr. Vlrta said that the reðl thrust of the orqðnlzatlonal change Is that the Plan Implementation Popartment will be assuming the responsibility, In addition to 7.onlng cn!oreem~nt throuqh plane review and actual rnforcomont by investigators, for maintaining tho Zoning Ordinance by prcparlnq the amendments a. well a. suhdlvialon revleWl and the current plannlnq aetlvitie. that are undartaken aa a part of what is cAlled current planning. Chairman Wimer said he was glad to 8eo thi8 proposal, adding that , , " '411' ;¡o,: . It may .olve probloma that have happened In the past by not having aggre..ivo enforcement 'or the ord\n~nce. County ~anager Norman said that this plan was ðeveloped before the adoption of the budqet and i. provided for in the budq~t, adding that the Board haa been fru8trated that long ranqe planninq seems to alway. be -taking ft bAck aøat- from day-to-day erlsos and that this separation of tho peopl~ Involved in long range plnnning from thoso Involv.d on the day-to-day plan Implementation will benofit both I'Ictivltie.. MOK 0'12. fAC:: 81 "'"--"'~-'-'-""<""''''''''",I''_''''''''''''''''''''';"'''''-'''''''''' ) . f",.,¡" °'1"'·' 1 j,' . ,f~' . riJff " " ,~~~ i ,,·':~'tt· ",' ' " '~' " :... __ _.. _ _ __ ~ __--:___ ___ _ _...t.____ _ ____~____ -----..;..~" , ,t:',11¡; 1::rr~~:~::I~:~: :::::.:::::: ::::::':.:Vw::::::::::::::::::,·::. ~} \~I,~"J" "':'~[::i~ t" revlllon of the position ot Zoning Director to that of the plan. Implemontation Director a. part of FY a2-83 budget chønge., division reorganization, be approved. Item 1151 INTENT OF PROPERTY OWNF.R OF CLAM P^SS PROPERTY TO BE INV!STIC^TED, . . REMOVAL OF CLAM P^SS REFERENDUM POGSI~LE ^ discussion waR hÐld r~~nrdlng whnther or not tho property which Is the SUhjÐct of th~ Clam Pass referondum Is available for purehftse. Th~ posAlbl)ity of r~movnl from the bnllot was suqqnsted, with County Monnqer Normnn stating he would llkø to see the roferendum hold duo to tho amount of work stnff has spent on the Itom. Commissioner pistor said there was somoono In his office yp.fttorday objecting to the wording of the rer~rendum. Chairman Wlmor 8aid that ~r. ~cF.lwðin verbally has, in the,past, .ald he would ..11 the prop~rty but that nothing In writing has come ,forth. Commissioner Kruse snld It did not mnko -sonse- to hor to r ':,çancol the rnferltndum I f the owner mlqht put the property on the mftrket , I~ fhe near futuro ðnd orror t~e property to someon~ elso. ; Thft possibility of re-wording tho referondum was discussed with County ~ttornoy Snundor~ stating thnt, nccordlnq to Florida ~tatut.s, . rpt~rendum has to bo advertised durinq ~ho first and titth week prior to the olection, thnretore, It would not bo.poøalblft to amond this referendum. Responding to Commlsslonor PI.tor, Mr. Saunders Baid he had rÐvlaw~d the ,ontJre roftolutlon ~nd thp bnllot qUftltlon ftnd did not ague that there is . prohJðm wi th tho word I nq. lie Rð id ho .poke with ",:;:,: ,,'/~k Attornoy Can Llvomoro who ðgrood thor~ 10 no It'C'Ja1 problem with th" "ay'.!~:¡¡~~ ....~.,~;.~~:. ' tho bnl10t 18 worl1od.~;:I:' ',-f.)' '" "--..·..-__,__·,_____"'·_~....·_.._._.'"_O<_..,·.~,,.,·,..O" UJ i'~ '¡ ï!i1 t; ~"} . , ," , f _. "''''·'O''''.'''''';~''''.'"",,"._'' ·/_...;·'~r......... .....__.:",..,~~.....;,' '\< " ' (~'.,-\ . ' .. - . "..,.. Oct.oher 12, lqR2 Comml_øionor Crown mov~d, a.cond~d by Commins loner Wonsel anð carried unanlmoully, that tho a~allablllty of the property In the ct.., pa.. ReforenduM bo explored and, If It I. not for sal8, tha~ the referendum be cancelled. Mr Mlko Stovons _ðld that he has been aaked to help mftke the public awftre of the morlts of ~he ~UbjÐct and ho asked that the Board at l~ast loave tho sltuatlón open until It is determined whether the proporty ownor is willing to sell tho proporty. ,'¡ Item 162 DISCUSSION RE REMOV^L OF LMT TWO M!r:ND"'P:NT8 IN COUNTY M^N1\CEI1 .' I ORDINANCE, PURLIC HEMING FOR NOVr.fo1RER 9, 1902 SCflEDUL!D '1'0 RF.MOV!~G~"'Z~ Commissioner plDtor referred to tho lallt two omendmentB to tho ,j County Mftnftqor Ordinftnce, ðddl~~ that they tftke much ot thft powor frò~ the Commission and he roqueøtcd that the ordin...nce be reviewed. Commissioner piator moved, seconded by Commissioner Wenzel and carried unanimously, that a public hearing for November 9, 1982 be sehedulod to consider an amonded ordinance to remOve the last two amendØlont.. Item '63 S'J'AFF DIRECTED TO MEET WITI1 MR. SHEEH^N R! ACCELER^TION Or.rOUR-LANtNC OF I<ELLY R01\D Chairman Wimer roferrod to a lotter datod.Oetober 11, 19R? from Whløporing Pines, Inc. which WðS given, to' each Commls.lonor regarding four-luning J<olly Road and thftt firm's offor of assistance for s"me. Commissioner Brown moved, .econded by Comml.sloner Wenzel and carried 4/1, with Commls.loner ~ruse oppo.ed, that .taff be directed to. meet with Mr. Sheehan re accoleratlon of four-lantng of ~.lly Rosd. &OOK 012 rAcr: 89 pavo " ) ...~ \1"1' ,,~:;i(..,¡ ......_~-----_....__......_""·"·k ." .,.,....".. '"" "..""".-,'....".>;;.....,."",,., '."'"~''''' -,"",..."." , . , , , . ". "1 ¡ I I \" ,7 ~ .... - - - - - - - - - - -. - - - - - - - - - - - - - -,- ---- -- ---- ......... J . ,.' ~t:. . ~l.~.. , :t "~I, &OOK 07l PACi 90 ....Thft following Item" were approv~d ønd/or adopted under the Consent ^qenda by motion nr Commls.ioner ~ru.e, seconded by Commissioner Plstor and carried unanl~ou.ly.···· Oetoher 12, 19~2 It.em '~4 Modiflcðtion to Stat~ Weatherization Ornnt Contract Notet No documont received In the office of Clerk of the Board aa of Octobor 15, \982. Item 165 MPO request for rDOT appropriation of SR 951 design furid. Item . 1\6 .... Trustftp'ft Deed for drainage right-of-way along we.t aldo of RlvC'rlo Colony Appended - See P1I9" 7 r Item 167 Resolution R-82-l71 Indicatlnq that the waters to be managed under tho ^qu~tlc rlant Control Program arc pUblic, and designating County projoct personnel for liaioon with tho DNR ^ppended - au page 9ft, Itelll 168 Budget ~mendmont transferring funds from the County Bond Road Fund to tho State Ðond Road Fund in the amount of $1,900,000 for reimbur8omont of Coodlett~ Road right-of-way Ith 170 . " , : ·Surplus bull~lng for rlee~ Man~gemont Office use ¡ , Itelll.I~1 Re~i8lon of exl8tinq socretary III po.ltlon to that of Adlllinla- trative Secretary, Community Development Division offico re dlvl810n rðor~anlzatlon per approvod ry R2-"3 budget Itelll 172 ,. ~ Revi8~d fiscal year 19RI-R' Mental Health Service. Agre.ment and the -new-fi8ca\ y.~r l~A"-A3 Mental "oalth Rervleea ~gr.om.nt Appended -. See paqe If) 1-//'1 raqe, .-.."-". \........ ¡ '"<,.,,., ,........'-_.;.......,..~...'''',.... , .' 'I' . '..... '.'...., ..[',1 , 'f.., I!' , ,¡(.i' ""'..-..,. -"""'. ._...,,_.,'..~.....-...........,,"'---- "'" -----. ·"'··...""_.._~>..........._....,..__,..,,,.,,.,,..·.'"'n'."..'......,., , c;;J '.' .. .,_~.~t.i~"""1.1;»,i~~.....-......... ;.,"-.....~....h ..,.:.,:"....,..........,..4- ~ ~fI ~~". ,. ,~~~~',....' I ò·...1 d.'" " "'1 h' . ' . , -..-......,...,.. -,'.-.... ..... " --. - - - - - - - - - - - -. - - - - - - - - - - - - --- - - - -- - - - - -- Octoher 12, 19~2 Item '73 ~r. ~en Coli ~ppolnt.d to fulfill remainder of ~r. toadabrand'. term on Isles of Capri Fire Contr02 District Advisory Committee It.. 174 Cortlfleat~s of Correction to the Tax Rolla aa pr..ented by Proporty ~pprðlÐer Ite. '75 Reslqnatlon of Mr. ChrJo'Blunt from Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee, appropriate letter of appreciation to be ..nt, authorization to advertlsft vacancy Itelll "Ii ~ISCELLAN~OUS CORRERPONDP.NCE - FILED ^ND/OR RE'r.RRE~ . ,f, L r .. Thore belnq no objoctlon, tho Chair dlrectod the rollowlnq .', ':1 ' correspondence be filed anJ/or roferred to the various d~partments as . inðicatodl 1. Copies of l~ttors Crom Corp of r.nglno~ra that t~.y r~celvod r09ftrdln~ Public NotIce Numb~r A'-L-n3~~ - Collier County ~ppllcatlon for ~ ~rrMlt to construct two floating dock. ftnd additional fact1itl~a at Cðx^~hð. PaRs ~ftt Ramp. Letter. wore recolved from ~R. r,UP nnrkman r.hau~noø8Y, ~r. Richard I. MCJolahon, Mr. and Mrs. JOßoph ßð Ird, ønd ,",s. Anita D. ~thprton. xc Mr. Normnn. Filed. 2. ruhllc Notice Crom Corp of r.n~ln~~rs regardln~ Permit ^ppllcatlon No. R'M-1I~I, Wlq~ln. Pass and Wat~r Turkey Bay, Culf of Moxlco, NW of N4ples Park. xc Mr. Norman. ,Ilod. 3. Notification datrd 9/2A/"2 from nureau ot Disa8tar Preparedno88 that F.mnrqency ~ftnaqement "sslatance Program allocation for rv A' has bc~n Increased. ~c Mr. Norman and Mr. Dorrlll. Filed. 4. Notification d...tnd )n/l/A2 fro" Rureau or Disaster Prep",rcdnos8 that they hftvtl rncot'ved thlt r."." tundlnq ðlloc...tlon for FV ~) ~nd authorizlnq ft~pnndltur~ of up to 17' of the original FY ~2 r".^ ~llocatlon. xc Hr. Norman and Mr. Do r rill. F I led . 5. ~tter dftted 9/'A/~" from "obart N. Nowhurno, District Forestor, rnportlnq on actlvltio8 of the ~pt. on the Prevont(on, Dotnctlon and r.upprÐ8s(on ot Wildfire, ^rlon, .tc. xc Mr. Norman ðnd Mr. Parrill. Filed. Ii. Cory of latter datnd ^u?unt '0, J~R' to Shpritf ~ubroy ftoger. Crom Florid", Dep"'rtment of Corroctlons transmitting PI'CJ. '19 aOOK cn~ rACê 91 .' :, , . ¡I'.;f .'-".71, --- -- - - -- --------- ------- ------......------,---......',. . . . ,~,'·~:'~.~~,·i.' ~;~I',~~.:,',,, '" I .. .'~'~'~), :: l'~;,::~,,~~~ -,:' \ ~.: f, ~'''' '.' ':;,i§;' "}l.."", , . . 'W,.'~ ...._...-......~, ".."., "_, ~>'·'~,u·___,., ., ',.,_'_.""....~__ -- .,.,,,,,,,..,...,..,",,.......,,,..,,,,,,,,,,,,.,,,,,...,,,.,.,,..;.,,,,....,,.--.,,,,,,,-- <." ._---~_. &OOK 012 tAC~ 82. Octobor l1., 1982 Inøprctlon report on Colli.r County Jail, e/l7/A2, noting dcflclonclrs" with att~cho~ copy of Capt. Gibbs ~/1.1/p2 reaponae. FIlod. 7. Copy of lottor dntod 9/~O/n2 to Cr.TA nlrector Norton from James r. ~athowß, Chief, ouroau of Inðepondent Monltorlnq, rrgardlnq C£T^ øu~lt.. Filed. n. ~omo dat~d 9/1.0/81. from Stato/Local Outer Continental Shelf , program, Dnpt. of Vntrron ond Community ~ffalrs, trnnDmltting OC5 øummary rer~rt on Flve-y~ar O~C 011 and Cas Leaelng Schftdulo. xc Mr. Norman. Filed. 9. Copy of mcmo dated 9/3C1/Q2 from I\nna Marie "artman, nNR, trnnømlttlno Dummnry of q/lO/R' meeting of Blue Ribbon ~arlna Commlttoo and nqonda fþr IO/19-20/R2 m.etlng. xc ~r. Norman. Filed. ' .' 10. Report of 7.oninq (nvrstlqotlons for August, J9R2. 11. ~ttftr dated 9/'-1/R2 from L~o ~. Salvatori re lawsuit by 1\1l1non Xrlth'a pnr~nt8 rft child being bittnn by stray cat 6nð failure of I\nimnt Control to koop tho cat In custody for ohR~rvntlon. County ~ttorncy received s~mo from Mr. Salvatori. Filed. ul' li~ I!U 12. Coplr.n of follo~ln~ Minutes. A. Iml'loknlnn Aroa Pl""nlnq COl'lmlssion, Aqenda for 9/29/R2 nnd minutes for 8/25/82. B. Library Advisory Soard, 9/23/R2. c. Golden Cate Community Conter I\dvlsory Committee, R/31/P2. ! . D. Ochopno Fire Control District Advi.ory Commlte., 9/16/82. , " . 13. ~tter dated 9/21/R' from Coorq~ ~. r.ekel, ~arco Iel~nd Chamhor of ComMcrco.ro ~r. r.tnckpoolr beinq reploced on ~arco Island Oonutlflcation rom~ltteft by L~onard LJewel1yn aa prcsldont. xc ~r. Norman and Mr. ~...rtman. Filed. ., 14. ~PO agenda for 9/28/92. J5. t..l!ttf!r 'received 9/27/A' from,Scott Tannor, Walt Disney world .' re expanded formðt for mrmbørs for the Chrlat~as Party. 'xc porsonnol. Filed. . ' l~. tAtter dated 9/"~/A2 from ~rad C. Fates, P^lmer Cablevision, to c. William Norman ra propoaod rate Inerea.. of 3.2'. r 11 ed ~ 17. cory 0' lnttor d~tDd ~/2~/A' from John n, ~aloy, ~FWMD, enclosing a certificate of Iftnds In Collier County lying Page . ' I. _ ________ - - - - - - _.- - - - - - - -- - -'-- - -- -- -.- _~.:.i,( + ' . , ' ,',.' ;,... " ':·:.,;:.j~~f' . , "." _..._"~~).'....,...,. . ""'''' ~".'.j'~~¡~,~~:I;lò-.~ , ...,., ......... ... " ~ ,',,' ~ . e . . .,~. ;.,:'\ ....,...;. " II!I ': ~ :. " 11 ". /,:"~', -.; ..' .' ,'~ "r \_;. ' " '-, '. ,~,. "h~',"\,' , '.', ",', UI'{""I',\':.')¡oóI:· ".1 .,..~,'t" ·,..;....."""""'W'..' ...."'~".. ~~~_. ~, I ..' ~.4.,~... _\ -/:;:~i'~'~~ . .... ...,........... ..-....,,-- ..010-. , '.',.,...-...."'''''......---..... ;;::,:',:,,, ',. ,.=:1 "",;~,~,". . :,.}.', .' ~J.~~.....~. h·...~....\..';·....,· ~~~~... .......,~ -",,,,,.~,,,,,I,~ ~ ' ~"J"~~.:'-" ',: ,.'.' ..,.., . ,,: "'~IIf>,:,,' ," t, '' , ~ ~, ~ , . ,', t( ,\ """~<'''''"'''''--'''';''''''''- .. " ""...w' .,~;.. . ,... . ~~~~'~.J~.'" III d ..."~ ~df.· , ' -~, , ,....'.' ~ -- .....~. ..,.- ".:.........,- ...,............. , . ----------------------------~- Octohcr 12, I!H!2 : ~~ , . ,.~..!- within tho bounrlarSoll of thn ~FWMn, rlun II copy of Rasolutlon .~¿, No. 02-0'; adol"tinq lho Ta)! ~ftt.t>. line! r.t'rtSfylnq the If"vy to :~.r- the County rroporty Appr"tðer of the Dlltrict IInd R.loluUon::~-, No. nO-n7 "Moption of tho lIudget for FV 1'2-1'3-. ri1~d. I,; 1ft. Co~y of Ifttter dfttftd 9/30/A2 from Chfttrm~n wtmor to William Fowler, ~PO, rft four-1an1nq or RR g~l IIn~ roqu~st!nCJ the DI.trlct pursue doalqn funda as an¡oxceptlon to the upeomln9 19113-8" Work Proqrllm.... Filed.', . .J 19. Letter dfttod 10/4/82 from ^. W. Addison, Deputy Tax Collector, transmitting ^nnunl Financial Report, 1981-82, pursuant to S.c~ion 2lR.3~, F.S. Flied. 20. Petition recoived 9/21/~2 from Wftlte ~anaqømont, Inc. Yahl Brother. Division, roqueatlnq ron~wal of franehlso a9reement' up to and InclL:dlnq July '9, 1990. xc Mr. Norman. .FUed., , , . , . . . . . . , , . Thoro be1n9 no further busineea to' como before tho Board, the~ moetlnq wile adjournod by order of tho Chair at J1155 ....M. . i' " . .: ~ .. ·1' BOARD OF CClUPITY COMMISSIONERS/ BOARD OF ZONING ...PPE^Lr./EX OFFICIO nOVERNINC BOARD(S) or SPECIAL DISTRICTS UNDER ITS CONTROL :" GLJ,/J · C. R. ~B" IttR{R'~N ATTESTI WILLIAM J. REACAN, CLr.RK 1jZ~fj;~;- , :'¡'I'tJ!tso ,,:\iri~~~s aE,PZoved by tho BCC on ¿t/J:,l. (;,l"Pr~ as pro.o~tod - ~ or as eorrr.eted . , . ~ ' ....' " \ ,- .' '.,. , ",' ,. &OOK 072 PAC, 93 paCJe It . :,'~ ._- - - ~ - - - - - - - - - - _....._ ~._ -:- - - ___ ....._....._~ _....... __ __ _'...,.i'," . . , ~ " .... . ,.'" "...-. "".. 1 ·_.____..;......,,_"'...."'a""_""."~..N~ ",.,._ ,.............,_".~~....,..,.~.~.....__"___ffi