BCC Minutes 10/26/1982 R .. .. ~=.1 .~-_._-"'-- - *- -..- _-----.~.-- -- ----- Nnpl~s, rlori~~, nctobrr 2~, l~ß' " ' , . LET IT BE R£MF.MBERED, that the ~onrd of County Commlsøloners in" and f~r the County of Collier, an~ nl~o nctln~ øs.the ~oard of l.onlnq, App.~ls and nø t.h. qovornlnq board(a' of such ftpe~lal districts a* have been crr.~tnd accordlnq to law an~ hnvlnq conducted bú.ines. herein, met' on this date øt ~Ion ~.~. 'n Reqular Sosslon In Building -P- of the Courthour.~ Co~pl~x, r.~.t N~pl~s. Plorlda, with tho fol1owlnq m~mh.r8 . prnsent I, CH^IRM^NI VICr. CH^tRM^NI C. R. -Ru..- Wimer '. ~ary-Franc~a Krùøe John ^. PIßtor ClI Hord Wenzel David C. Brown ~L~O PRr.Sr.NT, William J. Ra~qnn. Clerk, Jnm~. C. CIles, Fiscal' Offlcer C. Wlllln" Norman, County ~nnn~or, ~aur~on Ycnyon nnd f.llno~ Sl{lnnt'r ()130 ,",M." Ooputy Chrkl'q t!urt L. Raundnrs, County Attorney, I<nutr HlIrtmðr.. pu'blit: workn Adll\lnll'ltrlltor, Terry Vlrta, Community O~veloþmant ~dmlnlatrntor, Loe LAyno, plans Tmpl~mftntatfon Olrector, Tarry Clllrk, ßarbllrn Cllcchlone, ~lk~ (lo~hn, Plann~r., Irvinq Aerzon, Utl11tlcø MlInaqer, Dan Norton, Public Services Administrator, Ed Smith, ,'. .. Ad~lnlslrlltlvo R~rvl~o. ~mlnt.trator, Craca ~p.uld{nq, Admlnlatr.ttvø. Aide to the &oard, aftd Chi.' Þtputy ~.y ,.,ft.", ~f'ff" ø.,.rt..nt. .. &OOK 0'12 PAGE 115 \ ~-----~---------~~------~-~ , " Y;~\,' "" '. ,,!~r';;J;'¡"¡; --...,<"'.,-------.."...,."..'''''' .''....,,';..-._¡__.,>1''''~~ -_......._,-_.._""._""'"".,.,..'".....~ . , '.,..~. ..,~ " ',}' .," -------.---------------------------------.... ~oox 072. rAtE322 octohnr ,r., 1902 'ape .1 Item ,11 ~( tNO~ _ MPMvtO WITH Tilt 'OLLOWING cnANor-S. , Commlsslonnr plstor mov.d, second.d by Comml..lon.r Wenzel and· carrl.d unanimously, that the aqonda be approvod with the followlnq chang... ft. Trlln f~r Dtl'ltton rOCD ft lod \'Iy f'on nl'lrbt'r IIC1dfld undor Itr.rn 1 ~, rutlllc I;'etltlons, and to bo heard at 11100 ".M. b. Item 9C3 re r.fI'R I'Itðndby r.harq. IIddnd,. i c. Item 9D:\ rft ntidttlon of :\ ac1d it lonlll exel!1pt po at t ions from the hirinC frt'ezt'. , , If] I't Iii! , , d. Item 9F'- Addltla~ of lI~rooment re property for parking East of County ~omplex. e. It~rn qF3 rfl ðnnouncnmønt of time tor qroundbreaklng of JUDt ice CnntlH. ;~ f. Itprn 9fA r~ IInnouncemont of tlmn tor Bayvl.w PArk ribbon cuttinq, q. rt~m 10^~ r~ rnw water m~ln fta~am~nt, City of Naples, aðd.d. h. Itrm l"Pl rt' time chnnqn of Pion ^.M. until \0,00 P.M. for proponr.d rosolutlon ðl10wlnq ott-øtrr.ct pftrklnq at the Marriott'S ~nrco Iøland RODort Tennis Tournaments. " IUm 12 MINUTES or Rr.PT£M~ER 2", 1982, R!CUL"R, OCTOBER ~, 19~2 ßPECI^L, OCTO~ER 12, 19P2 REGULAR, AND PROPERTY ^PPR^tR^L ADJURTMF.NT BO^RD or SEPTF.MßER 30, 1~P2 ^NO OCTO~ER I, lap" - ^PPROVED AS PRESENTED Commissioner Wenzol moved, .econd~d by Commle81oner PIstor and , ' carried unanimously, that the mlnut~3 of Septomber 2ft, ,1982, be approved a8 prosented. Commissioner pl.tor moved, ..cond.d by Commissioner ~ruse and carried unanlmoualy, that .th. IIIlnute. of October f;, 19"2, bit approved as prosented. - ., IB!I . (,>ì; "" ,,- " PDq. 2 " .. '~I"· '...4 ,or· " -, . . ~ £::I ~ I ,4 :_....:. __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _______ _ _ _ _ _ - ----------.--.----i1, . . ;1:. \iI .' ' . . . Octob~r 2fi, 19"2 .. Co~~I.sloner Wenlol moved, I.conded by Commll.loner '1Itor and " oarrled unanlmoualy, that the .Snuto. of October l2, 1992, be approved .1 preœonted. Commlsslonor ~ru.e .oveð, .econded by Commllllonor ,I.tor anð carried unanlmou.ly, that the minute. of tho September 30, 1982 and the OCtober 1, 1982, Property ~ppralsal Adju.tment Board be approved ... pre.ente~. Ite. . 3 CH^IRM~N WIMr.R ACCEPTS PICTURE PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER BROWN OM BE"^LF or THE RO^RD Commlaølono~ Brown pr.aontnd " self-portrait to Commlsslon.r wl.ør .. . øymbol of approclatlon for his B yeara or servlco to the County.. . commlasloner. Itelll 14 EMPLOYEE ~ERVICE ^W^RDS PR£~r.NTEO Ch~irmftn Wimer ftxproaaod ^ppr~clatlon to the followlnq employe.. for tholr yoftrø of ~ervlco to the County. Clnrico Strohl - Cr.T^ ^lfon8o Pontdevlla - Road' Brldqe Bonnlo fftulø - Aqriculture Opholla ^l1nn - ^9r lculturo OJtvla Urbina - ~qrlculturo Þ)n Maaternon - Rond , Prldqo Manuel VIllalonqo ~ Poad ft nrldge , !' yaMS oS yftara 5 YOMS I, S year. S yeara S years 10 year~ , . Co Item 15 ORDIN^NCE 8"-~5 nr. Pr.TITION Cr-~2-2'C, THE COLLTER COUNTY PL~NNtNa DEP^RTMr.NT REOUEGTINO ^ COHPREHF.NSIVE PL^N FUTURE L^NO UAE ELEMENT AMr.NDMENT FROM INRTITUTIONAL TO TNDURTRT~L FOR APPROXIMATF.LY 10 ~CRIS LOCATED ~LONO TilE SOUTH SIDr. OF D^VIS BOULEV^RD ,a.PPROXIMATELY 1 MILl r.AST OF AIRPORT ROAD - ^COPTr." Legal notice hAvln9 been publlahod In the Naples Dally Newo on PIUJO 3 '~i. (t~: , . -------- ~" - - - _______ - __ __......._ __....___...-._______.-. "'f r .~ , toOK . ' 072 rm1Ø , , , , ,~II""~fl( lit '...¡. ""\~ "'¡"., j " , .M,,: ,'\,',\-"1~' ~ ;'.'.,~r,\~;·· -~",.....,--~-""",-- .'- ----. -- - ---.--- ---...- --.---.--- ...-..----- -- -- -_. - -_...~. -- -..---- r.OQ~ 072. rACE 124 f)r.tohnr ?('., 1C)f1? Snpt~mher '4, IC)A', as rvl~rnc~d by ^ftt~nvlt of Publlcotlon !tl~d wtth thn ~lrrk, public hoarlnq wnð oprnnrl.to conolrlnr Prtltlon Cp-"'-2'C, flIN1 hy tho. Collier CotH~ty plt1nnlnq f)opflrtment reqllrrltlnq II comprohf'nslvf! plnn futuro lllnd une c-lrmcnt nmC'ndm"nt from Tn(\tltut:lonlll to Inrlustrlal for IIpprowlmfltcly 10 IIcrcn locllted IIlonq the south .ido of n~V15 Roulrvllrd opprowlmllt~ly nllr rll9t of Airport nOllrl, b~tnq botw..!!n 1."kewoo,1 Subdlvlrllon "nd !'Inq's Lnke Subc1lvIGlon. 1'1.'nn'~r '!'urry CI.lrk Indlcl'ltcd the qnncr.,l loc.,tlon on IIn ovcrhcðd ml'lp notIng thflt Fox!lrr c1ovrlopm~nt lß to thr north, King's Lako to the oont, nnd L~kf!wood to \h" wr~t, H(, I'Itntl'd th...t thl' propo50d UtlO 18 (or tho. FOO'!' mnlntrnnnco facility, fld11nq thnt stnf( r~commondG npproval liS tho Bit,. Is pr '~cntly d"fll.,n,'t,.cI Tn!1tltutloll.,l whIch docs not permit tho rxll'ltln'1 u:'\os on the nltr. lie ntlltcrt thl1t tt\l. prop,.r ð"nlqnatlon woulrl ho Inrtu:Jtrlal. p" not,.c1 th;lt !;tnff "l!1o rrrommrnd!l IIpprovlll nrl It woulc1 ho compðtlbl,. with tho Hurroundlnq property with adrqu4te buffrrlnq "n woll ðO hllvlnq ~d~qu~to ~crr5" to O~VIÐ ~ou1rv~rrl which will I1CCOmMorl't~ ðny rropoøerl u~~ of tho 51t~, \I!! ,,;¡ Id thnt th~ CCP^ ot..,toc1 thllt th(~ prorwrty wOllI<1 not hI" comp.,tlblc not compllmf'ntl\ry to thr surroundlnq /HOð, .,<1dlnIJ th"t f'lqht pf'oplo flpok" n<1l1lnDt thl! roqtH~"t , He rf'portød that h~ rl'cf'lvl'd ~ lnttf'r In oppoSition from u. S. Ilomt'!'! !Inri from f'1r. Thoml!Ð /o';¡loI1I"Y, r("pr~"..ntln" Klnq!l L~kQ, He concludert hy ~t~ttnq lhat thr CCP^ recommf'n~" l1..n1111 "nd ~t...ff rccomm"n<1n IIpprov..'I, Mr, nonlllc1 Ro"Ißt.,r, r~prc:;f'ntlnq 1"01', nt"tcr! thl\t In 1~r.( the OOT wnø ~uthorl:>:NI to purch"!!f' 5111<1 prop,.rty for" conotrllctlon ftnrl ~...Inten"nce facility, nddlnQ thnt alncn thnl tlmo the ~rl"n hða boen rnge 01 ... I":~J t::::::! p!IIIJJI ::--::¡ ----- ...... - ...- --- .-. -- _... -. -- --- - -, --. -- ..- ..- - - -- -- -- - -.-. ----- - -... - ....- ----------- Octo~"'r ']", I'HI? expnndorl to bctt~r fncllit~to the ~rol\. ~c ßtl\tod thtlt tro~S hove been pl~ntod and n fonco inat"11rrt In ord~r to h""utify"thn nrr~, 110 IItlltfld that In ordor to bettor orrvo the public, the DOT norrln to rem~1n nt the prrsont nltr. lie conclurtert hy ~tntlng th"t th" OOT does not h~ve therovenuo to move _old site. Thr rol1~wlnq proplr npokn in oppoaltion to th~ proposod chnnqe citing non-conforming "trllcturon In n rC!lidrnti"1 111"11/\, 1t'opo'H!1i~lnq Invont!1\~nt" .,nc' ho~t>!lltr!:, I"flt"h1ir¡h,.,"nt of " -1unk y"rrt-, ¡tick of Ilmlt"tlon!l on induotrl1l1 7.oninq, non-co!1\p~tihlllty with the, øurroun, lnq I\r~lI, nn,1 rt>f1rrts IIqnlnftt the pol Icy, <1ol\ln, and objectlv"S or tho Comprrhrn!llve PI"nl ~ichnol Crnno, rrprrnrntlnq KiMq!! L~kc, Ltrt, Tom ~n]onry, reprrf'rntlnq Ylnqn I~k~ Hom"own~rß Aßßocl"tlon nlch.,rrt r:IHM,'Ik,'r, !"",,' oprr Rill tli.,.,~. property o\.'n"r of Ylnqr. I.I'I~~ South "1", tJr"kl' , rnprr",-.n' I"" ',',.,ptcn C"ondol"\lnllll'\ "o;o;ocll\tlon Wo"tt,," ^ftsnrd, rl'prl',,"ntlnq Klnq!l L~kr ~r. Ih''1I!1tIH øtntl'c\ th"t tht> rl'"o]utlon which Wllr. PIISIH'" in 19t;q by thr County COMmlo!llon ntl\tr!l thl\t the ~t/lt" nOlld rrpnrtmont could con!ltrucl n building for the offlc~ of hoth ronstructlon nnd mDlnten~nco cnqlneorln~ nnd cou1rl ~onflt.ruct 1\ mn1ntcnnnc~ y"rd whorn , ...c¡ulf'r.'~nt IInd I'IIlItorlnl!l wnre to hI' IItor~d, If nr.cr.nn"ry, "nd ll1nd woulð be provided for this purpo"I', Tape .2 Commissioner Wenzel l'IIoved, !lncondnd by Commlnnionor Arown and carried ~nonlmou.ly, thllt tho public hellrlng be closcd. Co__lsølonor Wenzel moved, ....conded by Comml..1onør ~rU8a and carr~od unanimously, thnt tho Ordlnnnco ft. numberod IInd entltl.d below bo adopted and entored Into Ordlnllnce Rook \~I MQ~ 012. r~Gí125 PaC)o 1\ __ - __.___. - - _. ..... ,__ - ____ - ._0 __...._ .-.. - - - -.- .-.-...-..-- ..- -- - ---- _...:.- ~^'~,.<" ....'-< -,'''''''''' ,...",.<.',._~.,- ._ __ - ____ - ___~_ __ _._ __ _-40 _. .__ _ ___ - -. -..-.--- -- _.- -----.-- ~OOK 07Z PÞ.r.t: 126 (1ç t. 0 tHo r 7 r.', 1!1 117 onOIN~NCF. NO, ß2-95 ,.N OR['IIN~NCE IIMENDTNG ORDINIINCr. 7')-1::», THr. COMPREJlF.tI<:JVE PL.a,N rOR COT.LH:n COUNTY,I'WnT01I, OV r-r1F:NTHNC: TIIF: wom< ~TUDY M\£^ M^P '" FROM INBTTTIJTr(1tlfoL Tn INOl!!~TRT^L ON THE rOLLOWINC Dr.~crTnEO pnOPERTY, 11 PORTION or r.r.CTtON 7, TOWNRHIP ~o SOUTH, n"NGr. 7/\ FoAST, Monr. PllnTYClILAnLY Df:5CRTߣD HEREIN, MID PROVTOYNG AN r.FFECTYVr. DIITE. Item 'II PP.TYTYON R-RI-I<'C, NI\PT.fS fT'J^,-ICT"L f,fnVYcr.~; - wrTltrJRIIWN Commløßlon~r Wonzn1 mov~~, 8ncon~~~ hy CommlRoloner PIstor and cnrrlod un~nIMounly, thnt p~tltlon R-B1-l~C, N~plcB Flnnnelðl Sorvlce., be wlthdrnwn ðS rnqu.sto~ by the pfttltloner. Item 17 ~ ORDTNIINCr. Ri'-,)r, RT. PETYTTON 70-R'-I~C, con"L RTor.r. COLLTr.n PROPr.RTTE8 IIMY.NDTNG PfLICIIN H!lY PUD BY PIIQVTr>TNG " Dr.ftNTTTON t'On RF.CnF./lTIONI\L C LUO - 11 D(WT f 0 Loqnl lIodcn hnvlr." h,,"n puh]l:1hr'r1 In th" tI~rl~s flnlly Nev" on Octobflr 7, l<'1n7, "'1 ovld"nc!'rI hy IIfflr1"vlt n( ruh11cðtlon filed wlp.h th~ Clork, pUhlle hnnrln~ w~n op~nrrl to con"Ir1~r rrtltlon 10-P7-l1C, fllod hy Cornl Olrl'}o-t:ol1Irr proprrtlrr. r,·quf'l1tln., ...n /lmf'nrllT'flnt of Pollelln n"y rllo hy provl(lInq ... ~f'flnltlon fo~ rccf(,...tlon...l club to "llow 1>111(' cl\lb~...~ II pprr1ltt.r·( I/!;(' In thO' ,onr;('rv,,rlon IIr"/I, rlnnn rmrlf'~rnt~tlon nlrrrtor L~yn.. nt<'lt"r! thnt thl~ r('quest 1ft to cl.HI(y t.h'· r.'II,.,n ",y rUT', ",'r1ln'1 th"t thl' p,·]Ir<'ln ""y PtJf'lstlltfll'l th/lt 411 dnflnltlonl'l ohnll hI' ~~ rontnln,,( In thl' County 70nln'} Ordln/lnco, ~h& rrportrd th...t nlrcn thr 70n!nq Or~lnllnrr do.." not hnve /I doflnltlon tor 11 rÐcr,,~tlnnnl cluh, th~ p~tltlonrr In r~q\l~stlnq to , I n c I u cI U 1\" I ( ., " fin I t Ion w I l h j" t h (' I I I'll [) , m, O' not.' d t h ~ t t h.. II ( III t I nq PUD III low!! tor othf'r ,activities (or r~rro"'tlon, Sill' øl\lc1 th/lt In ord.r to rt'm()vr ,,11 lII'hlr ultlrn, th,' r"tltlon'-r prop,,!;('" to c!,'rlfy tho p UJ ~ ,; -- c::J :::,:j .. 1::1 c:::J " t ;''':~,i,/'.. " )}~t~'~,., ------------------------------_...----_-..~ '~ctobrr ,r., l~R? lanqulIga to Inclu~e rocreatlonal cluh as a permitted uoad in thp con.ervatlon area. ~he conclu~ed by statlnq that the C^pC unanimously rocommondod approval ao well ftS Stnff. Commissioner plator moved, secondeð by Commis.loner Wenzel and carried unanimouwly, that the public hoarlnq be closed. Commlseloner,pletor moved, seconded by Commissionor'Kruse and' carried unanimously, that the Ordl~ðnce as numbered and entitled below be adopted and entered In Ordlnan~e ~ook J~r ORDt"ANCE 92-96 '. AN O}CDIN^NCE ^MENDING 77-1 R, THE rELICA" Ð^Y PLM'INED UNIT DEVELOrMEtlT, TO PflOVlf'\E THE DEFINI'I'TON or A RECRr.^TTON^L CLUB UNDER SECTION TI, TO INCLUDE flEcnr.^TIONAL CLUBS AS A PRtNCTr^L IIf,E REOUIRTNCi stTr. PL^,~ APPROVAL UNDER SECTION X1., AND TO PROVIDE ^N EFfECTIVE DATE. Item 1ft ClRDIN^NCE 82-97 RE PETITION R-82-29C, TilE RETJ1EAT, AMENDINC RETREAT PUD TO ALLOW rOR HP.I\LTH CARE FI\CILTT'f - AOOPTED Legal notice having heen publløhed In tho Naples Dally NewS on September 24, 19~', as evidenced by Affidavit of publication filed with the Clerk, public h~arlnq was oponed to consldor retltion n-B2-29C, filod by Sergio ~onto. for the Retrftat, roqunatinq an amendment of the Rotreat PUD to allow II ht'nlth Cllrft fncillty' I'n'the 'NW quftdrant of tho Retreat property locatod across from ~ay For~st on Vanderbilt D~lvo. plans I"pl~mt'nt^tìon Dlroctor Layne stntcd that this roquõet I. to allow ^ hoalth care facility within Tract -ë- only, addlnq that the purpooe i. for the prlvatn, non-commnrclal ~se of tho reftidenta of that trftct only. She noted thllt the propo..d u.e will not Incr.... the approved 74n dwolllng unit. or th. ~wtfttlnq IftYQut of the Retreat. She concludod by .t~tln9 that the C^PC recommends denlftl of the petition \ paqe ., MOK 072. PAC£127 . '~~)\~. ---------- --- -- -- - - - - - - - . - - - - -- - - - - - -- -.-...... . ·.1" ~.;¡ I, .', .,'~ . _"...._...-'~b'.'_'''..,'",." "..."""".,."'"'.-.....,~'"'"...._.,,~--~-,...._.... ~ .'1_""" .", .._---,.,~... ¡ l_~-------------------------------------- ~OOK on fACE 128 October ,-r,~ 1982 " , , . "j..i,., and Staff recommendd approvAl. ~r. ~~rql0 ~ontes of Hole, ~ontÐB ~ ~s80clntÐe, rnpresentlng the \ potl tionor, 'statod thllt thf"to I. no change In the lIIyout and ho would .......'. J " be hn~py to answcr /lny qUÐ8tlons th~ POllrd may hllvo. Mr. Bon lido, ,'r., reprosentlng tho nntre:'lt, prCt80nted a l.tter to tho ßonrd stAting that the henlth cnrf" fllcillty will not be tax-nxompt. He stated that ho 11'1 ~ßklnq thnt the lanquaqo be changed to allow u... for multl-fA~lly dwollinqsl racr~lItlonll1 facilities, auxiliary us.. Including II private non-commorcilll, non-profit 20-bed henlth care facility to be und~ by,t~~ raaldonts of tho 2~~ units to be built on Tract -C- onlYt II private club restnurnnt to bø usod by the residents of Tract -C- and their gUd~tØ on]Yl nn~ thnt nnlther of these facilities mny be opan.to the public or residents of Tract -A- or -B.- Commissioner Won%el movod, seconded by Commissioner Brown and carried unanlmouøly, that the public hearing be closed. C~mml881onor Wonzel movod, soconded by Commissioner Brown and carried unanimously, that the Ordlnanco as numbercd and entitled bolow bo adoptod and ontered into Ordinanco Book 161 OROIN^NCE 82-97 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING OROIN^NCE "'-2 THE COMPR~RENRYVE ZONING RF.CULflTIONS FOR TilE IINYNConrnRATr.O AREA OP COLLyr.n COUNTY, FLORID^ OY flMr.~ryINr. THE tONING ^TLA~ MAP NUMOr.R 4A-25-2 BY CHANGING THE 7.0NINC CLflr.r.IFIC^TJON OF THE HERF.IN Or.~CRI8EO R£^L PROPERTY FROM -I'UD- TO -t'LJf'- t'LANNEO UNIT DF.VF:LOPMENT FOR TlfE R!TREflT, LOC~TF.D 11' f'ltLF. NORTI1 OF WIGCJNR PASS ROAD BETWr.!N C-90l & US-41, AND PROVIDING AN !FF£CTIV! DATF.. Uflll 19 ORD(N~NCr. "'-9A RP: PF.TITTON 20-"'-lOC, PARIC f!nORE, AMENOINC PARK SnORE' PUD ORDIN^NCE CONcr.nNINr. LnCflTJON OF MflRJNF: PUF.L FACILITIES - AOOPTr.D . . LC'901 notice h"vln~ hnnn I)ublhhcd In thn N"plcft Onl1y NewS on paqo It.. , . ""--^......'"'~..",......."-"......."-,.-..,,.,' Iiiiiii1 c= c:::Q . . ~.t !(tf . ".~':. '4"op .. ......__ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - - - - - - - - ---- ---:---------.....---;r·J , ,~, Oc to,",or , r., 1 f't"' '." OCtober 7, 1~1I2, .u evidflncod by IIfttdnvtt or Publlcfttlon rUed 'with tho Clerk, puhlic hearlnq w"s opcned to con.ldftr rßtltlon'1.0-ft2-10C, fllod by Wlll1ftm'Vlncs for P3rk Shore requftstinq a~ amflndMont to tho Park r.hnro pun concorninq thfl locntion ot merino fuel f"cllltlc.. plonn Implomentatlon Director Layne st~ted that this request I. to ,reloCllte mftrlnfl funl f~cllitlcs from Block l~ to Block 17~ addlnq thftt the PUD shown this block as a commp.rclal use which Include. mnrlne fuel facilitlas. She rcport~d thnt nppllcntlona h"ve be~n suhmltted to tho Corps and Or.R and have been npprovnd. She stated that tho C~PC rccommended npprovðl of thin petition. ~he concluded by statlnq that ølnce the orlqlnnl PUD WaD orproved allowing tho uøe within the.e p1nttod blocl{s, "taff rr.com~~nd~ apprnvnl since tho petition 1ft limiting tho facility to ono spoclflc nron. Commi..lonor Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner ~rus. and cðr~led unanimously, that the public hearing be clos.d. Commi..loner ~ruae moved, .econded by Comml.sloner Wonzel and carried unanimously, that the Ordinance ft. numbered and entitled below be adopted and entered Into Ordinance Book 161 onDINMICE 82-90 .'. " , . AN ORO!N~NCE ~~r.NDINC ORDIN~NCE DEVELOi'Mr.NT I)OCUMENT FOR PI\RI< SHORE FUr.L FACILITIES ~N aLOCK 17 ONLY, EFFECTIVE O~TEI . 78-29, TRP; PLANNr.O UNIT UNITS 2 , 5 BY ALLOWINO l.IW· BY PROVIDING FOR AN Item U 0 ORDINI\NCE 112-99 CnEATJNC BOC~ CIEa~ VILL~C! STREET LICHTING MSTU - ~DOPTED Loqal notice h~vlnq bp&n pr&vlou.ly puhlløhed in tho Naple. ~Ily News on Septembor 2~, 19R2, "s ovldenc~~ hy Affidavit of publication . Paqe 9 aOOK 072 PAct'12S ~-------------------~----------~~--~-~ "',",'''-'~'-'- --...,,- ~M__,...~ '~'~'.,"".' ~GG~ 012 rACE 130 , 9~to~ðr ,"r., 19n2 (', '\.1." ., filed with tho Clnrk, public hoarlng W~B contlnuod from October 12, 1982, to con.ldor ^ petition fll~d hy tho developers of ßoca Cløq^ , VIllftqo to croato Boca Clnqa Vl11øqe r.treet LI9htin9 ~STU. Commissioner Wen%el ~ovðd, seconded by Commissioner pI.tor and carried unanimously, that the public hearln9 be closed. Commis.ioner Wenzel moved, soconded by Commissioner pIstor snd carried unanimously, th~t.the Ordlnanco an numborod and entitled below be adopted and enterod into Ordinance Rook l~a OnDIN^,,~CE 82-99 AN ORDINANCE'CRF.A~INq THE BOC~ CIF.G^ VIL~CE STREET LICHTING MUtIJCIPI\L SE/lVICE TAXtNC UNIT, PROVIDING THE eOUNDMUES or TilE UNIT, DESICm^TING TilE COVERNINC BODY OF TnE UNIT, ^UTIIORIZ ItJC ^ TI\X r.F.VY M rJlOVIDED BY L^W, PROVIDING FOR CONSTRUCTION ~ND ^N EFFECTIVE PATE. ,- Item .11 ORDINANCE 82-100 CRE^TINC WORLD TENNIS Cr.NTER STREET LIcnTING MSTU - ^DOPTED , t.~ \, Legal notlco having bean prevlounly published in the N^ploø D~lly News on Soptember 23, 19C2, as evlden~ed by Affidavit of rubllcatlon filed with tho Clerk, public henrlnq wns continued from October 12, 1982, to consic'lor a pntltion fl1f'd by the developørs of World Tonnls .. Center to croðta World Tennis C~ntor r.trert L1qht1nq ~RTU. Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Comml..loner PIstor ønð carried un~nlmously, thllt the public hearing be closed. Commissioner Wenzel moved, secondod by Commissioner PIstor and carried unanlmou.ly, that the Ordinance aa numb. red and entitled below' b. adoptod and entered Into Ordinance nook l~' . . ORDIN~NCE 1'2-100 .a.N ORDIN^NCE CREhTING TnE WORLD TENNIS CRN'!'!n STREET LTCßTrNO HUNICIP^L Sr;R'lICE T^XING UNIT, PROVIDING THE BOUNDARIES or :< :.;.{ :. "';)r:"I¡'~\':' :' " c.:,J¡!1\> paqO,l~!¡¡ , :Ji;\~~ . ,-"r,' I .' ;~,I. .- - - - - - - - - - ----- - -- -- - - ------ ------- -_.....:.: " . 't";'~f:ì~_:., tm'!3 - . "",'..,----..- --,..-,._,."----,.......,;.~.""--""'.;.,.,...,......"'"<,,........". ,..- ";¡« , "~".". ~:.¡.. ;J , of ·rt ',I . ~,'" '" of 0__ - - __ __ - _._ _0 _ -. - - - - _...:. - - - - - -- - - -:.. ,,}, dH . ~. 'ffl~ -"* .,' ~ ~ 1:1 PIICJe . "."~"'~:f:: "~"" ');,,11.. :'10",'" :.','r'~.' ¡";' "!{Ufi -~------------------------~------¡----~ . ------------ -.- Octohor ,r., I'H" THI UNIT, DESICNftTINC THE COVERNJNO RODY OF Tn! UN,IT, AUTHORIUNC 'ft 'I"" X LI':VY AS PROVID!:D BY LAW, PROVIDING pon CONSTRUCTION AND ^N EFFECTIVE D^T~. StOll 112 ORDINANCE 82-101 CRE~TINO CArE COD EST~TES STREET LICHTING MSTU - ADOPTED Legel notice hAving boen previously published In thn Napl.. Dally Nows on Septemhor 23, 1982, ftS evidenccd by Affldav:t of Publlclltlon fllod with the Clork, public hftftrlng w~. contlnupd from October 12, 1981., to consider II petition filed by tho dev~lopers of Cape Cod Estate. to crcoto Cnpo Cod r.atnto8 Strcet LI~htlnq ~STU. Commlsslonor Wonzel moved, .econdod by Commlssto~er PIstor and carried unanimously, that tho public hearing be closed. Commissioner Wonzol mo~.d, seconded by Commis.loner pistor end carried unanimously, that tho Ordinance a. numbered and entitled below be adopted end entored Into Ordinance Book l~1 ORDIN^NCt; 82-101 AN ORDINMoICE CRF.^TING TII! C~PE COD !ST^Tr.S STREr.T LJCHTINO MUNICIP.-.L SERVICE T^XING UNIT, pnOVIDING THE ßOUNOARIr.S OP THE UNIT, DESIr.N~TING THE COVERNING BODY or Tn! - UNIT, ^UTHORIZINC ^ T^X LEVY AS PROVIDED BY LAW, PROVIDING rOR CONSTRUCTION ~ND AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Itell 11 J , ' . " , . ORDINANCE ~2-l02 ^MENDING ORDINANCE Al-75 TO PROVrDE POR TflE CERTIFIC.-.TION OP OPER~TORS OP NON-EMERCENCY Mr.DIC~L TRANSPORTATION SERVICES - ^DOPTED Loqal notlc~ h~vlnq beon published in the Naplos Datly New. on Octobor 7, 19"', 88 r.vldenceð hy ~ffldavlt of Puhllcatlon fllod with the Clerk, public hearing was opened to consldor an ordtnancft amending Soctlons 1, 2 and ~, uf Ordln~nco A'-7~ to provtð~ for the cartS f lcat Ion of oporators of non-"lIIftrqC'n~y mftdical transportlltion' &O~K 07t. rAcE131 -' '....-........''''.'''''''"..,......".".......".....,''._'M.......,._......., " . ~ ..-..._....._."~,~..,,,...,.,..,","~..""~""-,.,~.,.-"~.. ~ l_~____---------------------------~----~ BOOK 012 'Ac£1~~~' , ." O<:tobtt' ''', 19(1' sorvlct'R. County ^ttornt'Y ~nunðors øtnted thnt this ordlnanco Is tho same ordlnanco lhat was raaR~d prevloùsl~ as an emerqency ordln~ncG, fOrd~ 82-92) ftddlng thnt hn wanted to bo surn th~t there WAS no dlfflcultle. with that ordlnnnce. Commissioner Wnnzø) moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown and carried unanimously, that the pu~llc henrlng bø closod. Commissioner Wonzol.moved, seconded by Commlsslon.r Plstor and ca~rled unanlmous~y, that the Ordlnftnco as numbored and entitled below .. be adopted and entered Into Ordinance ßook l~r ORDIN1\NCE 82-102 1 ':~. "'1' AN ORÐJN~NCE 1\~F.NOINC SECTIONS 1, 2 ^ND TO PROVIDE fOR TnE CrnTIFIChTION NON-F.MERCFNCY MrDIC^L Tn^N~PORT1\TION DEFINITIONS 1\ND r.rF£CTIVE D^TE. 5, OP ORDINANCE 81-73 OF OPER^TOnS or SERVICES, PROVTDING Item 114 RF.SOLUTION A2-172 V^C^TING DR^tN1\Ge EASEMENTS ON LOTS 9 THROUCH 13, BLOC~ 19, LELY TnOrIC^L EST^TES, UNIT 2 - ADOPTED. rIVE FOOT DRAINAGE EASE~r.NTS - 1\CC£PT£D Logal notice having been puÞllGhod In the NAples Dally News on October 10, 198', IInd Octobf'r 17, lq~" I'IfI evidenced by Jl.fflc1nvlt of Publication fllnd with th~ Clerk, public hf'arlnq waR opened to consider ð potltlon filed by Tr~plclll Corden Dcv~lopers, Jnc./Lely Tropical Estates to vðcnteeðsoments on Lots 9 throu?h 11, Block '19, ~ly Tropical Estatos, Unit' and to accept ~ddltlonal flvp. foot drnlnaqe .easements. Public ~orks ~dmlnlotrntor Hnrtmnn Rtntod that this prtltlon Is to vftcate cortaln ~r"lnn90 oasement" In the plat~oi Lftly Tropical Estatos, Unit " IInd. to lIr.C'OPt "dcHtlonnl flvt! toot c1r"ln"". .a.~I\I"nt. ,';l;"~ ;~~~;;' P.qo 12'~1 ··tlf~~1. , /'r'/f;. , I .....--- .... ~ ErI:II - ._.........,."."~.,._,....,~,-."._,_.....;.';"" ~4>--. . ~ __...... _..._"'_.-~- , ~~; . .. .. ¡;;J , ..,'ot ." '·i ":'J- .,,'.,~J. _._._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ____ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ _ - ---,~~.4~: ". ,,'."{5, . ,}'.~¡: .c~ "- h 2(; lC' D2 .' " , ;,¡. "",to or 't ' <' , "'.' ,/.)¡, " .<:¿~f!" along the .Ide of each end of thð propftrty In order for tho Pðtltione,~~~~~r~ . :\:""1'(' to build. bul1dlnq Oyor aevoral of tht' ,loU I" thllt plat'. :';/;,1.: :.' .~ Commi.øloner Wenzel m~Yed, secondod by Commissioner ~ru,. and carried unanlmou.ly, that tho public hearin9 be alo.ed. 'Commle.loner Wenzel moy.d; .ðconded by Commissioner ~ruse and . carried unanimously, that Re.olutlon 82-172 yft~atln9 dralnaq. easement. on Lot. 9 thro~qh 13, Block 19, Lely Tropical Estate" Unit ~, be . ' adopted and that the additional flve,foot dralna9. easements b. accepted and the Chairman authorized to e.ecute and the Clerk to attest and record lIame. . . .. " , ,/ &OOK 0'12 PACE 133 ",,' I.'·,':'·i ,..,...: . ,... ·t,·\~i~ . 'V~ ,}~ , ..' ,';-~J . .. .., " ' ~'"~'(:,,'':';,\ . ",~;~';"~ ~,.;iJ ,...,,'tt: Pftqe'l,~/ ~:i -----------------------------------~ ..... " ;',' ~ ',. ~ .' t·.;~·, ~~ .... , .., .~, " I" . '. 1\' ____""'"""____.___...,__.......IÞ'_..·-"....___...__'."'__,~..·'"_'··..· . ,. ."... V"t"_;:} , (,' , ., ---------------------------------------- ~oo~ 01% '~tE iS8 Octobðr ,~, l~A2 nom 11~ RESOLUTION ~2-173 V^C~TtNO DRAIN~G! ^ND UTILITY !~9EMENTB LOC~TID 1M " COLLtr.R COUNTY PMOllCTtON p~n ( rUM;!: 1^ - M)OPTF.n Legal notice h~vlnq b~en rubll~hod In thr. Naples nnlly NawS on Octoher 10, 1992, and october 17, 19P2, 88 evtd~ncftd hy Affldftvlt of Publlcfttinn filed t.tth tho C1~rk, puhllc hr.llri~q waS opened to consider a petition filed by tndustrinl Properties of Naples corporation to vocatD drnlnaq~ nnd utility ~~ft~m~nts 10catftd In ~olller County / production Park, Phnoe 1~. public work.,Ad1'llntotrator lo1rt!!!!!n IItðtt'd th~t this requ...t 18 to ., . . vacate ~rnlnnqe and utility ollsrmftnts located in Collier County production pnrk, rha1t' l^, In order for tho potltloner to build ft building over sevor~l loto. Commissioner Wenzel moved, soconded by Commlssion~r ~ru.e and carried unnnlmously, that tho public hearing be closed. Com~lssioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner ~ruse anð carried unanimouslY, that Resolution 82-173 vacating drainage and I utility easements located along tho north side of Lot 9, South 81de of \ Lot 9, and the north side of Lot 8 less the wastarly 1~ foet ~nd the easterly. 20 feet of said easementa In Collier County production Park, phase lA, bo adopted and tho Chairman bo authorized to execute .nd the Clerk to attest ftnd record sarno. ,~ ,.... 'aqo . __ . .. >;~:;:rA. ~ -----------------------------------~~~ : c= ..'hd _";,¡;~';~t .,' .,'1 """" ' .#i~~~t " '""" 1.' ' ! ,'" """. ' 'J..~'" ,.:..... t;,~-- - - - -"- - - ---- --- - -- --- - -- ----~--------j ."~if\ &OOK 012 rACE1S8 October 2r.; 1992 "{~::it,. ~~.!i\-~l , J' ~..~,..';" ',. ~'; .. lUll 118 ¡ O~DIN^NCE 8'~103 CRE^TING L^~r.wOOD UNITßl . 2 STREET LIcnTtNG MUNICIP~L sr.nvtCE T^~INr.'UNIT - ^~OPTr.D ~; .. - Leqftl notlcp. hnving benn publlDhed In the Naples Daily NftWS on' October 7, 19A1., as r.vidonced hy ~ffldnvit of publlcntin filod with the Clnrk, public hearlnq was opened to conft'd~r tho crention of the [.akowood Unltø 1 , ? stroot lIqhttM l'IuntcSpøl Sorvlca To~in9 unit. public \-Iorks MminløtrlltcH IInrtmnn stlltod that thts Is a r.commen~atlon that n ~u"Icip81 Gnrvlco Tn~lng Unit for street llqht1ry9 be p.stabllRh~d for LnknwQOd Units 1 and 2. , ~ Mr. J~ck Wennflr of '3¡::OS (\ocn C1egn Drive stated that ho "/JS in . I fDvor of tho ~unlclrnl r.~rvlc~ Tn~lng Unit for the stroot lightinq. Tope '3 ~r. ~oger Turnar, preol~~nt of Condo t, øtøtod that as lonq as the aesthotics of the aren rcmnln honutlfUl, he i. In favor of the l1qhtlnq, nddlnl) thnt hø would llko to sp.~ the ontire ]05 acr.. Included lnotead of Dpot l1qhtlnq. Chlllrmnn Wlm~r øtntnd that this action this date Is to set up tho district \eqDl1y, nddlnq thnt there lø øtill ttmo to adjust the llqhtlnq, ellmlnnte s~mn, chnnqc llqhtD, or e~pftnd tho aroa to be compntlblë with the root of the ørnn. Commissioner wenzel moved, seconded by Comml.sloner Pi.~or and carried unanimously, that the public hoarln9 be clo.ed. Commissioner wonzel moved, .econded hy Co~~lsstoner ~rU.e and carried unllnlmously, thst the Ord1nonco as numbered and entitleð below bo adopted and enteTed Into Ordinance Book 161 .... :., ',' i::I, ,',:: ,¡¡¡.-, ,pacî.~~~t. " , '" ~~:~t9"..t- . q ::,.¡'¡~,,, i",..- __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _,.. _ __ _ _ _ _ _'- - - - ;;.__--;..,2..~~i~; f . ...... :i;f.,;·'i;?' ''''.1' . 11'::1 , , :+" ,," ...c~ .~' '-,.to' "..,- "'~ .,....... ~..._.,,,._---,-,'-- ---,..,....--..-..-.."......''''..".- -,..'".._.,....,......,,~,-"'.~.. "'...<.-.~".,."..,..,.,~ ..' _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ -:- _ _ _ _ -.- -- - - - - -~ - -- - --- - ---- '~i '::;"; ·.:r.{~)~ ''I'~ i . ,~"~,, -- --- - - - - - - -- - -- - - - --- - - --------------..;;;.¡¡;. III ~'~' ¡'t Ý' IIi] .:~ . ~~. ,>: ~ .t" IdiÍ .. -= O<:tohM 2(" 1...~2 ' ORDINMICE fl2-10:' I'M OROINl\NCE CREI\TINC Tn! t,1\1CEwnon UNIT£' , 1 , '2 STßlY.T LICIITINO MUtfICIr1\L SERVICF. TI\XING UNIT, PROVIDING TilE BOUNDA" U:S OF TilE UN IT, DF.!HCN^TIf'IO TnE COVF.RNJNG hODY or Tit'" UtnT, AUTIIORI7.ING" T^X LEVY ^S PROVIDED BY LAW, PROVIDUIG fOR CONSTRUCTION "ND ^N tFFECTIVE DATE. I,U. t1? 'ORDINANCE 82-104 ^Mr.NOING COLLIER COUNTY ^NIM^t CONTROL OROINANCE 78-16 _ ADOPTr.D. STAFP' DIRECTED TO CHr.CI< ON Fr.r. SCHr.OUL£ AND PROPOSED TR^NSF'ER OF S 70 000 FROM 'I'I1P.: Nr.\lTERtNC I'ROC':RAM Loqft! notlco hnvlnq b~ðn puhIlshod In tho Nðplos Dði1y News on Octobar 7, IQn2, ns cvld"nccd hy ^ffldnvlt of Publlcðtion filed with thr Clork, public hoarlng wns opnned to consider amenð~ng Col11or County ^nim~l Control Ordlnftnco 7fl-l~. Public Sðfety 1\dMlnlstrator Dorrlll øtllt.ed that this ord1n~nce 1. e housecleaning proc.SR plus ellmlnntlng th. prrvloUG1Y processed neutering proqram for thn st~rillzðtion of animals. lie stated that this proposed ordinance refines the authority ftnd power. and jurisdiction of tho "nlmal Control Director, addlnq thðt th1s proposed ordinance ~111 onact stðtr laws that ðl1 nnlmals ðdopted through shelters be sterilized prior to being transmitted to new owners. He .tated that there noeds to ho definitions deftor.d end fee. revised I. which havo not been revioed for over 5-1/2 y~ars, in otder to make tho entire animal control operation more flsclllly accountl'lblo. lie .roportod that the non ad-vn10rr.m support that haø q~n~ Into the enlmal control operation hilS almost doublert, nddlnq thnt one-third of the operation'l. antlcipnted to bn supportod as a result of fees. flo st"ted Lhe... tho Board ecqulr~d the flrot animal control shftlter thl. past sprlnq which took 6320,000 to acquire and bring u~to a qood condltlon~ addtnq thftt he I. rcqur.stlng thllt tho money on doposlt lrt the formor noutorlng &OOK Q'12. PAdS9 ,!J It;:'··· ~ ~'i'".~i~'~ .',1 Pe<]G 16 ~¡:. ,. ;, ~." t ...~ ....-.--..~.. ~- .- - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - -.- - -- -- - - - - - - --- - - - - - - ----. &OO~ 012 fACE MO Octoher 1~1 19~' proqram bo transmittod back'to thofgnnoral 'un~ to rnlmburøo some of the Initinl cost of the pro1oct an~ to rrcoqnt". the condition that the 9on.ral fun~. will bo In ~hlB ynnr. County ~~naqcr Norman ototeð t~~t this dp.clsion rcqardinq tho neutorlnq proqram took placo or.veral month" nqo when the County decided to undrrtnko their own nholt~r operation. Dr. Robert Dl1bone, Veterinarian, stated that he would like to .e. , tho pr~posad ordlnnnco tllblr.r1 or,ðnl"ynd. III), Rutcd that the collier County Vt'tor1nar1an fioc1ety has offorr.d and would ðpprechte an opporlunlty In ho~plnq to r1r.DI~n thr. propos.1i ordinance. He stated ., , . that tht're lire sevorlll nrooa of concern reqardlng tho Increase in the llcrnso (enB of ~nlmnl8, multlrl~ llc~nBc f"08, t20,OOO nP.uterlnq program fund, conflnament nnd quarantlno lit the anlm"l control center for cll~Icol OhDcrvntlon, nod eRt~b11nhment of feos. Nancy ^ddlas, repreorntlng Voluntn~r ~ervlcps for Animals, stated that shn f~ola thllt thO propoG~~ Incrense of the animnl llconse feea la too hlqh and will act al a dotorrent to llconRlng the ftnlmA1S and moro ownerß will run the risk of holnq flnn~ and not huy licenses at all. $ho stated that øhe ohjectB to the ~'O,OOO for the noutcrlnq to be trllnsml~tQd to the g~nrrlll fund, nddlnq thnt It should be released for øpoclflc une in tho neutering and ~pnylnq proqram now. Sho concludOd by stfttln~ thnt her mðln qoftl IG tll~ ndoptton of animAls. Commissioner ßrown qU~ßtlonpcl If this could be delnyod and brouqht back to the ponrd lftter, t.o which ~r. Oorrlll stated that he ~~uld prefor that It not bo del^yed aft it haft boon revised numnrous times. Commissioner wonzel moved, ..conded by com~l.sionor ~ru.. and carried unanl~oualy, that tho public hearing bo closed. '''9- 1'l . ...---------------- a::.1 Œ:i:I .. In c;:a r:;;.'2 -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - --- - - - - - - ~ - - - - - - - - --: - - - -:" "'~"'-.''"'''.'''~.'..-.-~''-''''' .",,,. nr.tl"lh~r ,r., lOP'". Mr. Dorrlll øtnteð that he would he willinq to meet with the Veterinarian Jl.sftoclatlon and the volunteor aR8ocl~:lon nnd p08sibly øot up " 8eparato prot¡ram Cor rebAtcD nnd ntort U,utlon, adcHn«] that he" would like to see tho'proposod ordln~nc~ ftdoptod ~hls data. Commisslondr XrUBO and Commløslonor Prown o~pre88ed their concerns thAt thera ðr~ cort.aln IIreas that nand to be addressed furthor. Chairman dl,oocted Btaff to work with the Veterinarian AS.ochtlon in rogards to separat8 program. for robatns and storlllzatlon. Commls.loner wenzel moved, Sftconded by Commissioner ~ruse and carried unanimously, that tho Ordlnanco as numberod and entitled below be adopted and entored Into Ordlnftnco Book 16 and that Staff be directed to chock on the tra~sfar of the $20,000 Into the general fund, a180, the fee schedules ORDINANCE 82-10. ^N ORDINANCE AMENOING COLLIr.R COUNTY ORDIN^NCE 78-1~, PROVIDING F('IR DEFINITIONR, LICP.NSItlC nr.OUInF.MENTG AND REVISED FEES, R~BIES CONTROL, ^,HM7IL CONTROL ^UTHORITY,ADOP' 'ION, REDt:MPTION ^ND EUTIt^NIZ^TION 0(1' Jl.NIf"^LS AND FEES RELATED THERETOs PROHIBITION OF ANIM^LS RUNNING AT LARCE, COMPL^INTS, KENNELS, PET SHOP~, STABLE AND RODr.O PERMITS, MA INTEN^NCE OF PET SHOPS, KENNEUi, STADL~:S, C^RE 01" ANIM^LS AND INSPECTIONS, INHUMANE TREATMENT OF ^NIM^LS, F.NFORCr.MENT, REPE^L OF PREVIOUS ORDIN^NCES, PENA~TIES AND PROVIDINC AN EPF£C'I'lVE DATE. ' . ~ , . ....R.ceS81 10.20 A.M. - Reconvened 10.35 A.M.···· ,/ Item 118 RECOMMENO^TION TH^T TilE COUNTY NOT PROC!r.O.WrTR THE NEXT SIX MONTH REVIEW PERIOD FOR AMP.NDMENTS TO TilE FUTUIU: L^ND US! ELEMENT OF THE EXISTINC COMPREHENSIVP. PL^N - ~PPROVED Community Oovelopmont ~dmlni8trator vlrta stated that this reque.t Is from St^ff ^nd the Coll1or Cou~ty planning ~gency to not have the . formal six month revlow process ~t thtØ time for the Comprehensive ~OOK 072 fACt 141 "9. )8' " . ' . ~OOK 012 ,,,et-i42 Octoher 21:, 19A2 " ,- Plan, adding that he Is ftt the point of bÐ~lnnin? the public hearing' , ' proceoø on ft new comprnhons\ve plan ns a rnøult of tho dlr~ctlon of the Poard In May 1979. ~o stated at that time it was dotermlned that the plan bo u~atðd within two y~nrs lInd It Is noor conclusion. He stated that ho Is not talkinq ab~ut a moratorium on rr.quest but rather that tho rnquast bo mado as " pnr~ of ~~vclopm~nt procesB of tho plan itself. Ho stðtnd that specific ðmendments would not be brought forth, but would ho Incorporate~ ao port of tho rnvlcw and the finalization of the pl"n. ~ Commissioner Wenzol'moved, .econded by Commissioner pIstor and carried unanlmouoly, that the County not proceed with the next six month review period for amendments to tho Future Land Use Elemont of the existing Comprehensive plan. . I "Jo\ t'" .' '~S~ Itom 119 RE'COI'IMENDATION Fon "'^RCO SnORES TO ^LLOW CONßTRUCTION or ADDITION1.L l~no DWF.LLIN~ UNITfi - ^PPROVED WITH ~TIPUL^TIONS Plnno Implemantatlon otrnctor Layn~ statod that thla a recomm~ndatlon of npproval for Marco Shor~s to allow construction of an .dd~tionðl I~Rn dwelling units, nddlnq that at the timo that ~arco Shoros PUD. was approvod th. Poftrd limited the number of dwelling unit. to bo conøtructnd to ~OO until cr,rtaln tr~fflc Improvnments were made, She atotad that th~ traffic Improvements were slqnaqe io Ide~tlfY Intersection of Rn-9S1 and entrance to ~nrco fihoros, ernct\on of .peed' reduction signs, lenqthen left turn storaqe lane Into Marco Shore., Instal1ntion of fully operational trnfflc slqnftl, and ftny' additional Improvements to ·r.R-951 to mitlqato adverse traffic impactD. ~h. reported thnt th~ ~~t1tion.r Is propoolnq tho followlnq to ~itlqat. , ' , ' paqe . . -- - - - - - - - - - _.- - - _.:. - - --.. - -------- - ---7.~Z'f a::= till ..,..-.,,,-.......«.''''... "-'''''.....,'''-_.....--'''';.._'''-......._,,.~..,..," _. ----~. ~ c:::a c:::J . .." , ~J - -.. .. - - - -- - - - - - - - -- - - - - ...- - ~- - - - _....:. - - - - - - - - .._~ ...;. i"';. ~..., /}, I'" " '¡' Octobor 2ti, ll)O," Impact of the addltlon"1 unltftt left turn fttornqo Innos at ~anatoo" , Road and Sn-~Sl which would nllow nn ðddltlonal 500 units, right turn I.ne at 8n-951 and Clubhouse Bouløvard which would allow up to 1400 additional units, and a right turn l~n~ nt ~n-~~l and ~ðnato. "oad which would allow tho ~ðxlmum 19AO units. Rhe noted that the ~arco Shore rUD roqulrcs th~t the C~PC ðnd th~ ~oarð r~view the proposed Improvemonts,'addlng that tho C^PC recommended that' the Board approve the proposcd Improvcm.nts and that, liS tho Improvomr.nts are made, staff may approve \./HI bulldlnq pllrmltn bllsod on the Improvflmflntn. 'She stated tlHlt aho rnc:elvod /I ml'mn from Public Works fI<1mlnlRtrtltor IIl'Irtman statlnq thllt ther" Rhould be "~dltlonal Improvomontø, one being that a south bound left turn Il1ne be plðcet:! lit port-flu-Prlncc Poad and that arterial øtreot llghtlnq throuqhout all the turn lane areas be added. She etðtod that ahn spoke with I'1r. HIIYI.'I!I, reprosontðtlve of Del tona, notln9 thllt he ,haa no objection. Commissioner Rrown moved, seconðr.d by Commissioner ~ru.., that the recommendatlor. for Marco Shoreø to construct an additional 1480 dwelling units, be approvod with tho following stlpulatlonst .', ~ . 1. Loft turn storago lanes lit Mnnntoe Road ~nd'SR-951. 2. RI~ht turn Inno at SR-951 and Clubhouøe Boulovard. 3. Right turn lone at SR-95l and Mnnðt~. Road. 4. South bound turn lane at port-^u-Prlnce Road If po.slble, but petitioner muftt UBe good faith efforts In trying to obtain the necessary permltø. . ~. ^rterlal Stroet lighting throuqhout all turn lane. be added. Mr. Jim flpthorp, Deltonn Corpor~tlon, ~tntcd that he does ob1ect to tho 11qhtlnq and tho rort:-flu-Pr Inca JmprOVl'Ments. II. rf'ported that the quftstlon of tho l1qhtin9 raise. tha question ftS to who will pay the 119ht bill? "0 .tAtl'd that no fAr nft Port-^u-prlncp Intersactlon, n~ I ono hns COMe forwftrd with any trnfftc Information that would Indicate " -r-~ 0'7Q "AG Pftqe 'O';,:~, &OOK ... FACE....W '.L ~1 '),'~ ' ~: ,,~., ~~.' ';¡í~:~'·I'. .- - -- ..---- ._---_...._-~- ------------....--:........ ""-.."'~'."". ...-.'-".,......-..-- _·..._...·_._''''~.._.,'C"'" ,,~.. _..__."....e_"_'"."."._~.,, ,~'._",.. ......., '. ..._"....._",.._""'~- . i';, 'f~~.... ---- -- -- - - -- -,- --- - - -----....... ",','.'(.¡; "Wi' , ".'411:..""'" . 'f'.¡'_'" I t, \¡ ;~. , :ír:~) \~'i<t;. ,'¡"~~'¡~"'A " ' -_..~._. l t j 1___________ ,, . " ~f . ~oo~ 0'12 fACíi44 "., '. . , ·O¿'tobl.'r ''', l'1A:! that ther. 11'1 a prohlem thðre, a~dt"9 th3t port-^u-princo hð8 ø vary light traffic pattern. no stðted that S7~,OOO has be on spant on Improvement. to RR-951 to dðt~ and ~nothor Sl~o,nOO will bo spont for tho addltlonnl tr~rflc Improvem~nt8 In tho staff rorort. Ho rolterated that this reprosonts a (nlr Rhnro of tho off-site cost of safety improvements to 5"-951. Public Works "ðm1n1!\trl'ltor I1l'1rcmnn stnted thllt port-^u-Prlnco turn lone Willi tJstc'lbllshed frol'J n øtudy that WII" done by DOT for SR-951. fie stated th"t "" fnr I'In the 11~htln~, th~ p~~ftloner or developer " . , ~ provides the light. lInd thr. County would pny tho llqht bill If DOT procedurrs lire followeð. Mr. Apthorp statnð that thn Port-Au-Prince Improvement hlls been conøldored, adding r:onstructlon would hl'lvn to qo Into ~ho ditch which has m~n~rovPG IInd requireD II permit with ntote IInd fpderlll approvlti. He stated that if he 18 requlrnd to mnko this ImproyP.mont a condition should bo that he will be able to obtnln tho pf'rmlt. Upon call for the quostlon, the motion carried 4/1, (Coml'l"sioner Wonzol opposed). Tape '4 Itelll '20 r.ARNIVAL PER~IT 82-3 Rr. PETITION C-A2-~C, ST ELIZABETn SETON CATnOLIC CIIURCn - ^prnOVED WITH RTrpUL"TIONS Plans rmplem~ntfttlon 01rector ~yn~ Rtðtrd thnt this 10 A reque.t for a cðrn1vnl pormlt for the Rt. ElizAbeth Raton Church for tho pftrt.~· festlvnl to be loc"t~d on thp church prop~rty In Coldan ~ftt. from NoY~mbftr II through Nov~mb~r I~, l~n2. Rhe reportod that staff 1. recommending nprrov~1 with tho following wnlvara of stlpulntlons. S2500 surety ,t!nnd, nnmr.ø anr1 nod"l ßecurlty numbltu of parsonll rag.. ._------------_._-_._-------------~--~' c= .. -----·.."..."'''"__,.,-...._...,.,.,'"'~~".,·,~'''..<'9._''."'' "' , ·'~~l ,.,/..:..'J.' :.~,<~"",~~,~,¡;;, . r ;,>,.}1'f\ . .~!.;,: ~. ".,,:{.. ., ~';1",·/"1-, ":' 21,'J':~~,: '\.i~~·:' ~' ',..\t-.... r:iiiiI ;:::¡ r::::J , , 1 ",'"t ---------------------------------------¿~ . ·~t , 't '" Octob(llr 2", 1~n2 operating tho øct1vlties, ønd the occupðtion~l llc.nao for tho church ~. unly. ~he statod thnt thft nmuøem~nt compnny should obtðl~ an ~ccupatlor.ftl llconna and tho Bull~lng and %onln~ Oopartmante should Inspact tho premls~. prior to tho op~nlng of the carnival. CommS..lon~r ~rown questioned If tho fee for thaso permits had Increasnd and If the lImuø~m.nt compllny coulð col¡ect the fee. from the church, to which hR was opposed. County M3naqor Normnn stntpd th~t tho ordInance Is being revised .0 thftt the church (s exempt, but the compnny that 10 recelvl~9 the money In procon~~ will hay" to pay a portion of the oc~upatlonal license. lie stated t.hllt the bonrd Is holdlnq II public hearfnq on November 9, 19A2, on II P~opos"d ampndmcnt to the ordlnønca that will address the Isaue to which ~r. Brown 18 referring. Chalrmftn Wimpr Btat"d that hn ~o"s not go alonq with the waSver regardlnq tho names and social øecurlty number. of those poreðne " ;1, oper.atlng the a~tlvltle.. lie roported that local residents are waived, " but through cooperation of the Sheriff's Dppartmont, names and social security numbors of all carnival people of outsld. op~røtlDns are to be obtalnod. , '. .. , . Plans Implomontlltion Olroctor Layne statcd th~t tho namos ~nd ~oclal socurSty numbors,could bo obtalnod from tho poople tho d~y that, the carnival S. Inspected. ~r. ~pnCJna, roprcßontlng ~t. FI 7.abeth r.cton's Church, .tated that he Is aaklng for tho occupational 11cenftft feó be waived. Comml..Soner Wenzel moved, soconded by Comml..ion.r PI.tor and carried unanimously, that Carnival Permit 82-3 r. P.titlon, C-82-3C, St. Illz.both S.ton Cathðllc Church, tor a carnivAl from Novnmb.r 11, 1982, ~oox 072 ,Act:14.5 Pl'lcje 22' --.......-.,.....".......'''''..----...- ...-----..-.._~. .------.- 'O.. _.....""".,_.____""...,_;~_,.....'..«'"'''' ","~"...",. ....., , '.,' :t/i;~<~,.r:.v-'; !~ ;f1f'" . i~,'!' l':": ",; ~---------- ------------------------- ,,~;(., 1001, 07t r¡Cl146 "tob.r 20, 1902, ':i";:' ý\t j 1,<,.,,, \~'..~ ,1',,,-', " ,.' . '1" ' '.',' ~.,.,.. throu9h Novombor 14, 1982, be) appr')v1d,:',Ubjoct to the 10110"'1119 ~U'. ' ,,'. etJpulltionl. 1. 2. 3. , The 82500 .ocurltr bond be wftlweð. Tho occupational lcen.. for the church only be w~lvod. The name. and aoclftl locurity numbor. bo obtðlneð fro. tho.. persons operating outside operation.. / . , ., ,.. ;,~'",:. . ' .,';;):~J;; ~.' -- --- - - - - - - - - -- - ~- - -- - - - -- - - ------- ...._~ !þ{!!" . "", .. ~; "~"\î:' ,,¡~. ,.,. ",'" ," II.!!I IfI~ 'f' ','J'-í,'X '1ô:1f ,. 1~"";1'1 ~";. ,f, .1 ... (t.' V. .', -,cr . . &OOK 012 'At~148 October ''', 191''- %tem .21 , t '."Ii,.IIJ1'" CII^IRM^N MITJlORIZED TO SICN TWO AMENDMENT'; TO D.E.R. C01\ST1\I, "'J\NAOEMEN'I' '!'è,: CONTnACT NUMRF.R CM-41i (A) (E) Rr.CAnDINO COMTAL MANACEMENT C'U\NTS -. . <;;~: ~PROVED"f " f ,~ County Envlronmentftllst ~cnedlct stated that this Ie simply a statuB report r.comm~nd^tJon pnrtlllnln~ to Coast^l MAnðq~m~nt Crants. Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commi..ioner ~ru.. and carried unanimously, that 'the Chairman be authorized to .i9n the two amendment to D.E.R. Coas~al ~ana~ement ContrAct Number CH-46 (^) (!) regarding Coastal Managemont grant.. . , ., " .~ <:' /}/~~~ rage 2~:,t ",:':;~'~ I. _~1r'I 'I' .,'",.,:~'// .,', . :~:l t . ' , , .;-)".'" '.,.. -- - - -- - - -------....---....----....--.............;..;.:.............,. " .' , .,''',:':'',' "':: :;'¡ ·..':t:i;:;;::~·,r';']~~ ,I·.,',~~\·'ì',~, "";....^ ",;,'" '. '... 1 ',~ f\,., ~.' :t' '~'f'~~~{ ;~: ':. ';,; ¡,: .. .. '-..~~~~~...----",'--""'._--,,-_._-"'_,.... 1'<1 . .....···..____--..."'''''''ok..._.'''.'''''........''''.......'''''_,._..,.".......'''.". c;¡;J ¡;;¡;a t:::J f J ,~J' -- - - - - - - - - - - - _0 - - - - -- - - --'- - - -...: ---- - - ------1: , .'~ . ,. ..., . ...', :.:.. ¡;,- ,\, -'-~.,.. '.~,.,~,-", Octobor 21\, 19n2 It.. 122 Tr.MPOn~nY CERTIrrC^T! OF OCCUPANCY FOR TH~ BIA INSUR~NC! aUILDINO (TH! COMMONS) - APrnOVf.D Comfllunlty Oovolopmont M..,lnlatrnt,or Vlrtn st"ted that thl. 18 a roquost for tho building Dlrcctor te lasue ft to"'Porary Certlftcate of Occupancy the) nulldll1'1 r of tho Commonn pnndlnlJ n 'lood OðlMqO Prevention Ordlnanro varlanco hellrlnq on Novembor 9, 1992. Co~mlssloner Wenzel moved, fteconded by Commls.ioner ~ruse and carried unanlmouDly, that the tomporary Cort~ficate of Occupancy bo 9unted for the 81A Insurance building pending a Flood, Damage Prevention Ordinance hoaring on November 9, 1982. Item 123 WMI, YMIL BROTRERS DIVIf!ION FMNCHISE I\CREEMENT EXTENSION FOR FIVE YEARS - APPROVED Public Wor~8 ~dmln!ßtrator H~rtmnn stðt~d that this request la for a flv. yoar franchlso extnnalon for Yahl nrothora Division, adding that the rocommendatlon from Stnff 18 thnt tho ext.onslon be denied. Commlesloner Plstor stated that the rellson fOf tho extension la In order to obt"ln a lonn for n"w oqulpm~nt, adding that without a five' o 0 r.. .. year extension the loans ~lll be morn ~Ifflcult to obtain. Mr. John ~tðnlcy of V~q", ~rown, Nlchol~, ~tanloy 5 ~artln, repreaontlnq Ynhl Brothers, stated that the franchise wa. entered Into on June 1~, 197~, nd~lnq that the first add~ndum to the aqrcement we. dated ^prll 1, 19AO, which allowod Yahl nro~h.rs to oarn a fair rat. of return and tho sftcond addonrlum wes cntÐr~d Into In ^prtl, 1981, whloh provided for a rate Increas~. H.'statod thnt tho roal Isaue on an extonslon of this 80rt la to allow thð tro~ entorprts. systom to wor~ \ the way It should and to nllow ~ eompftny ll~. Yahl Brothors to plan. for ~ &OOK 072. rAtE 1Eil PIICJO .... -- -- -- -- ---- - - - - - - --- - - ..._- ------ - ------...., ...............,;..... '0-.. -"-"'-'"''_'';'__''''''~''''''''''~~''''';''''''~'M''~''' . , . . "",-"",->,,,,",...,.,.-.-.---. &OOK 072 PACE!æ Octobor 2~, 1982 , I '. tho futuro. lie statl'd that In li:lAO /Jn~ 19AI, Yahl nrothers nove'r e~rned their fftir rato of return, aðdinq thftt it tho extension Is I .qrðnted they could earn a fðlr rnte of rot.urn. lie not.ed that If the " . franchise Is ext~nd~d, t.hø ~ounty is in no w~y hArmed ftft th,. frftnchllo agreemnnt gives tho County sevoral provisions for tnrmlnntlon if Yahl Arothers doos not perform. County ~~naqnr Nor~ð~ øtnted that the prftctico of th~ Poðrd In the past h~8 be~n not to schedulo ð dcclølon of t.hls type until After an advortlscd public hearlnq, addlnq that ho felt thftt the Issue was . whether to procend.wlt~ ~~ ðdv~rtløed puhllc h~arlng on the petition. lie stated th.,t tho /lttorMY advised him thnt It m!lY b,. turned down thh ~\.... .. ,~' Its present expiration of July 9, 19R5, be approved. ~:.' .;pI .1t~ Item 124 ,',,'1 ,~ M~RCO DISPOD^L SERVICE FRANCHISE ~CR!EMENT EXTENSION rOR rIVE YEARS _ ~ APPROVED date or It m~y h~ granted. Commløslonor Brown moved, socond~d by Commissioner Pistor and carried 3/2, (Commissioner ~rus. and Wonzol oppo.ed) that WMI, Yahl Brothers Division tranchlse agreement extonslon for five years boyond 'Commløslonor PIstor movod, socondod by Commissioner Brown and carried 3/2, (Comml..ioner ~ru.e and Wenzel oppo.ed) that Marco Dfspoaal Sorvico P'nnchhe Ac¡uement extonslon tor five ',y.ar. 'beyond' Sta present oxplra,tlon of September 30, 19R5, be approved. Item 125 DON eARnf:R REOUESTINC ^CCOMMOD^TTONS WI'" COMMERCI^L CONTRACT HAULERS REG^Rr>INC RATE STRUCTURF.f'I FOR Till': U\NCFILL ON EXISTINC CONTRACTS - TO BE wOn~ED OUT WITH STA'F AND COMMERCIAL CONTRACT HAULERS AND BROUGwr, 8AC~ TO THE acc ON NOV!Mnr.n 9, 1~A2 Don Aarbor, ro~roøent1ng "ornn, Cralq, Rchr~ck Conntructlon ,'" c= 'ell -~. .........,........ -......".-...,,..""""'- "....._. ,·,'_"·"'""""··«....H~·.~"",,._,,.,·,,_''"_...."' ',i , ' " ";""·'..I·_.,_,~,·,",,,,.,.. ....'" , t ----------------f ! , I I c::J CJ ~ --------------------------- Octohor ,~, 1~n2 Company, stllt~d that he 1ft røqu~.tinq A clarlflc3tton of action tðk~n on r.ftptembor 28, 19R2 at th~ requlftr Bce mo~tlnq, ;nd to request some further Action In r~qAr~. to the rate structuro study for tho solid vaste dlsporal. Ho Rttlto<1 that lit tho, r.eptcmbnr ?n, ]982, meeting the foe.. wero estllbllahod at $fi.on a ton for commercial solid waste dll'lpoDal, ac1dlnq that this would cost his comp.,ny lIround ~?n,ooo due to commltt~d contracts at that tin~. Ho Btntr.c1 that In'occordanco to III proposed resolution, h~ supplied n copy of nIl ~nntractø with An estlmatod tonllgo of the waste that Is exp~ctød to be Incurr~d .betveen thAt mn~tinq And tho cOMrletlon ot tho pr01~cts. Ho reported thAt at the tlm~, the recolutlon waø proposing II grace porlod until Januftry 1" 1983, wh~rehy r.ontrll~lors thAt hAd pr01ccts und~r construction at tho time would not be chnrqnd for w~ate c1ellvered from thoso johs. He stated th~t he requosted at that mn~tlnq that the date be cxtnnded until compln::lon of the project. 110 st"tnd that the action tl\kon at th~ meeting WAn to provide for no qrace pprlod, adding that ho requested at thllt timo thllt Start be dlr~cted to loo~ Into the posølblllty ot read1ustlng the commcr~lnl v~st. fee with. tho Idoa that tho contractors would still bo ablo to Iwppiy' ;in ...st.lJnat.d tonaq. of ' contrðcts under construction nnd rt'colve a rebato or exemption from the foo for those projects; He notod that no Action has been taken In the four we~kø slnco that ~notlnq, ^~dlnq th~t ~o was undor the Impros.lon that ~taff was to report hnck to the r.onrd with that Information. Chnlrman Wimer stðtod thnt hlø ImproDslon wnø thnt Rtaff WftS dlrocted to work with tho COMmorclal ~aulers to como up with a .olutlon or a rovlft~d rate schodule to try and o(f~r Bome r~ll.f. Page 27 &O~K 0'12 rAcr 159 ',' - --- - - - - - - --- -- ---- - - -- - - --- ------------............"..' ;~ji~ ,··'>t!'M~: .'.\~',\~ ;-,'1 ...1 . ~::.j.:"'(~"~~, .~~, \~-~·:."\.~~::-·,'IP~\S,~,..!;.~~, ",\' II:!J - "~."..*>~ III!I ,,14' ',t¡. , "'.' ,~' ,;'I-4otI\...,., ----'----""""""'-^"...~.,-,.._,_....,.,.".,".""...,'-." -.='-.- "'.......,----_.""'-"'-<.,'_.~.,.~..,"" ~ t::J c::J ----------------------------------------..... " C'C'tob.,r ?(., I ~~1 roport røgArdlnq asphalt vs. concrøto for blkopaths, adding that asphalt construction II not .~tIDfactory for blkop~thl aD' traffle I. requlrod on alphalt constantly to mnintaln the condition. Chairman Wimer directed Staff to prepare ft report regarding asphalt VI. concrete for Bike Paths and to be brought back to the BCC. Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commlsøloner ~ruse and carrlod unanimously, that the list of projects compr~slng the PY '82-83 Bike Path Program with Project No. ß~-83-l3 being deleted, and Project No. BP-BJ-l5 Alternate C, and tho addition of a bike path r~nning along Vanderbilt Drive (Wiggins Pass Road N. to Bonita Shore.), be apprpveð .nd authorization granted for Staff to proceed with the proparatlon of plans and specifications ~nd advertisement for same. Item 129 EXECUTION OP PURCIIM;r:-5...U: ACREEMENT Rt SURPLUS RAILRO^D PROPERTY IN tMMOMLr.r. FOR FUTlJRF: COURT"OURE r.XPT\NSION - "UTHORIZEO Puhl1c Workft Administrator HMrt~an øtnted that thtl'l request ift to approve the purchnoo of railroad property adjacont to the courthouse In ImmokMlon, Commlsftloner Brown ~ovod, seconded by Commissioner ~ruse and carried 4/1, (Commissioner Wen.el opposed) ,"thit the.purcha.e Qf .urplus Railroad property IIdjacent to tho Im~okalee Branch Courthous. for futuro expansion be approved In the amount of $12.,5~3.00 _nd the Chairman be authorized to execute tho Purchå.e-Salo Agroement for ..me. M~K 0'12. fACl ifÐ '°9· . ~t,:;' ( '.',1',"", :.~;\ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ _ _ _ __..._ ____ _ ___...._ ...~ii,¡iÌ,;,. ,...~.:1t --,'."_.._.,..'".'""-"~.._,,,...~ r __."__,..,...,"'..,"'_..."'_.,."._.._..~.-.,,.,,,.,.,,.,'"".,..,,~,.. ._.J,. , I J ",~i ,,···¡.l . .. '~:, .....':.1-' . , ~; - - - - - - -,- -- - - - - - - - - - -- - ------ - --- - ---- --- .' -_·_ao._,·_"",_,.·" ~ RI1 t:::J Octobnr 2(;, 19f12 It.. 130 ,~y INCREASES FOR TENURED FIREFICIITER ~O~ITIONS 0"T8E GOLD!N G~TI rtRI DEP^RTMr.NT - ~ppnOVF.D Public Safety ^dmlni.tr~tor Oorrill ntðt~d t~a~ this Itom Is a recommendation to mftke a one tlmo adjustmønt for tenured firefighters at tho Cold~n Cate Plre r.opllrtment, whtch Is In responso to approxlm~tnly '-/1 of the work force hnlnq offered comparabl0 jobs with other Flro Ccp~rtmonts within th~ County with " consld~rable Incroa.e. Commissioner ~ru.. moved, seconded hy Commissioner pistor and carried unanimously, that the pay Increases for tenured firefighter positions of the Cold on Cat. Fire Department, be approved, a. outllnod In the executive summary dated October 21, 1982. Item '31 SUND^Y EVENING, OCTOnr.n ~1, lQR2, OFFICI^LLY Rr.r.OCNI7.!D ~S "ALLOWF.EN Public Safety ^~mlnIBtrðtor Dorrl11 stated that this is an emerqoncy Itom to ror.ognlzc the ovonlnq of r.unday, October 31, 19R2, a.' Halloweon for trick or treatera In Collier County and to urge parent. to be exceptionally cautious this '~llowoon for r~~son. related to tampering with consumnble products. . . .. Chalrmnn Wimer otat~d that he is oncourftglnq c~tldren to only: trick or trllat at family homøø or friond!) of ·hmlllos. Commissioner Plstor moved, seconded by Comml0.1oner ~ru.e .nd carried unanimously, that Sunday evening, OCtober 31, 1982, be officially recognized aa Hallowe.n. " aoo~ 0'12 rACt'183 Pag. .10.. _,__·...___...""_."''''...~b'''.......·._~'''...,.."_, . , .. I '\ì L _:.... _ _ _ _._ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ ____ _ ..:....:.1,:; &OOK 072 FACt'164: OC,tober ,1:, 19P2 , Item '32 NO EMS GT"NDtJY CfI^nCES pon InCH S'='flOOL FOO'l'''^LL G^,,"r.:s ron TnE Atf04"tNDER OF THE Y~~R, PREVIoun CH^RCtO TO BE onOPPED, AND ~MS ^MRUL"NCE SERVICE TO WORt< WITII TilE C^MES TilE REM^HIOF.R OF 'I'HE YE^R ON THE BEST BASIl POSSIBLE ' rublic 5afoty ^drninlRtrator Dorrlll stntr.d th~t this iteM WAD addod liS ð rr.qlll'!!lt of the 8chool flolln' which rollltes to the f:MS sundby charqo at varøitv footbnl~ qnm~ø. He 8tðt~d thnt his r~nRon b~hlnd his original rocomm~ndatlon was to provldo n dodlCllted ambulllnce for the 8010 purposr. of the footbl'lll '1111'1f!1'I. Ho stat:f'd thllt hit rocognlze8 the Ðchool Board hllof.omo ~~~~rn8 and ho would be happy to discuss the sltu~tlon with them. 110 ßtnt.p.c1 thnt hI) would be In fllvor of elthor 't." standing by for the rp.motrd~r of the tootbftll ßellson and baing subject to call or that the ~ollrd '1rant ßðm~ typo of p.xcr.ptlon DO thAt the units would not be pullod out of zonn for two occaßlons for the :',4 ramnlndcr ot the vllrnlty foothnl1 nnnoon whnr~ more thlln one qll~e would be In proqro5s slmultanoouøly in tho Nnplos arOð, Chnlrman Wimer stntnd that he mpt with the ~chool nonrd and that they have requosted thllt the ambulnnce be pll1ced at tho var.lty games on a stllndby bllOis, addlnq that ho hils no problem with Ruch. Commissioner PI.tor moved, .econdod by Commissioner Kru.e and carried unanimously, thllt there be no EMS .tandby charqo. for hlqh .chool vAriety football gðmes for the remlllnder of the yoar, that pre~lous charges be dropp~d, and thllt the r.MS ambulance service vor_ ,with the game. the romalndor of the year on the be.t basis poIslble. nem '33 BID '~07 R! JU~TrCE CENTER SITE WORK "WARDED TO BORAN, CR"IO . SCHRECK· IN THE ^MOUNT OF C24Q,~74. L~~al notic~ hðVlnq brrn publ1~hnd In the Nnple. rnlly News on Pa". ... '" ~_. . .. ...... ._~ -. c:::J !!IS - .. r:.::::J Octohnr 2", It)A2 SepteMber 15, l~n2 and Soptomher 22, 190', ftS evl~encod by ~fflðavlt,of puhllcatlon fllnd with the Clerk, hid. woro roc~lvbd for Bid '~07, for the Justice Center site work, until 2100 P.M.·~ Octoh"f 12, 1992. Comml..lonor Plstor Moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown and carried unanimously, that Old 'G07 tor the ~ustlce Center alte work b. awarded to Dorftn, cral~ , Schreck, upon veriflcQtlo~ of Bond proceeds, In the amount of 5249,874, based on the consultant's' re~ommendatlon, upon rocelpt of a performance bond, being the low bidder and In tho beat Interests of the County, and that the Chairman be authorized to alqn and the Clerk to attest tho resulting agreement. ' Itoll . 34 BID IfiOl\ RE ^NNU^L TIRE P\JRCII",SES ",WARDED TO NIIIPLES TIRE AND SERVICE .'\,j CENT!R, INC. ',' Lagal notice hnvlng been published In the Nðplos Dally News on '~'f ' IJ,\ "' September 24, 19R2, as evidenced by Affidavit of publication filed with' the Clerk, blðø ~~r" received for Bid I~08 for tire. until 2130 P.M. October l:\, 19(12. Commissioner Plator moved, seconded by Commls.loner Brown and carried unanimously, that Bid '~08 for tlrea, be awarded to Naple. Tire . '.. ' and Service Contor, Inc., (aa outllnod In the tabulátton aheot dated OCtober 13, 1982) ae recommended by tho Purchasing Director to be the low bidder and In tho bost interost of the ~ounty, and that the Chalrllan be authorized to sign and the Clerk to attest the r..ultln9 agree.ent. n... '35 HIRING FREEZE WAYVF.D FOR V^RYOUS ~OßYTJON9 ^dmlnløtratlvo ~ervlceB Dlroctor ~mith .tated that this Ite.. la &OOK 072 PAC~_ ~ . . " :l ----------------------------~-----~~~ -,".,.".-.""""""",;,,,,,...,',.,..,., .»:1 -- ! i I I I 'I < 1 ,:::,1 - - - ---- - - - - - -. - - - - - - - - - - --- -.- - - - - - - - -- --- -.... -----.--,..-'0'.......,,"'" "",..,",_""",__~,,,,_ &O~~ 0'12 'A~~:tæ ~tober 2", 19~2 for 0 walvftr of vnrloua positions, lidding that thoy are all r.placement positions with tho .xcertlon of th~ pnrt-tlmn cuatodlftn posltlðn tn the Building Maintenance Dopartment,-whl?h I. a nnw poøltion. Commissioner ~ruS. moved, seconded by Commissioner pistor and carried 4/1, (Commla~loner Wonzel opposed) that the hiring fr.ezo b. waived for the following positions, Secretary II Equlpmnnt Operator III Forem"n III Probation Officer Roplacement Custodian Part-time Custodl," Gonoral Tradesworker'· En'Jlneer'IV Englnevr I Transportation Department Transportation Dopartment Transportntlon Department prohntlon Office nul1dlnq ~ðlntonance Dopartment Building ~alntenancø Department Malntonance Oopartment Secondary Road Program Tranoportatlon Department Item '36 BILLING coonDtN~TOR FOn EMS C"^NG~D FROM PART-TIM! TO FULL-TIME Commissioner plstor movod, seconded by Commi.slonor ~ruse and carrlod unaniMously, that the Billing Coordinator's position for Emergency Medical 5ervlcos be changod from part-time to full-time. Item . 37 REPORT R! ^OJUSTMENT IN AID 1599 PREVIOUSLY AW^RDF.O - APPROVED Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner ~ruse and carried unånlmouftly, that Did .599 which was previously awarded to I.P. Construction, Inc. for the Santa Barbara Bridge in the arnount,of 8~35,~43.~7, be adjusted to S43~,243.67 duo to an SAOO error by the contractor when extending the unit prlco for ptllngs In the bid proposal. " .~ - -... ..... ...... .-. ..-. c:::I .. ."_,,,-__~,,__,,;·__.",_....M"'~'~''''''~'' ,',"-' .. ~ r:;::::J ..' __ __ _ _.4 ._ OCtober 2~, 1982 " ltell 138 R!OUEST OY COLLIER COUNTY CULTUR~L CENTER, INC. FOR RF.rr.RENDUM ON OPTION~L ONE-CEt:T S.a.LES T.a.X FOR COUNTY CULTURAL C!NTEA TO AF. GIVEN PULL AND C~RF.FUL CON5IDF.R^TION TO ~LL ISSUF.S. Con Norton, ,public Sarvlcos Adminiøtf/ltor, stated thðt this Itom ,Is a r&qupst by tho Colllor County Cultural Contrr, Inc. for a special referendum eloctlon to consldar the optional ono-cent SAlas tax tor the creation 'of a culturlll cnntt!r for th.. c.ounty. lit! stated that thh projoct 18 very Important and should not Þo hurrlød. He reported that " tho Chambor of Commarco has br.nn askcd to look at this item and qSvn it due consldoration and ho Is aakinq tho 90ðrd to do the same. Commissioner ~ruse moved. seconded by Commissioner Brown and carried unanimously, that tho acc give full and careful consideration to the requested referendum on a l' local option sal.. tax a. it relate. to a proposod cultural center. Item 139 RESOLUTION e2-17~ R! TA! .a.PPLICATION FOR THE F^RM WOR~£RS ASSIST^NCE CMNT - AOOPTF.D Don Norton, Public Rftrvices ~dmtnløtrator, stated t~at this item is a requnnt tor authorization to apply for 'a' PØrm Wprkors Asalstance. Crant, nddlng that this 18 a $~O,721 qrnnt with no local match required. "0 stated th'at It la a 12 month pørlod with poasibl~ extonslons up to 19~~. Commlsslon~r Brown movød, second.d by Commls.loner pI.tor and carried unanimously, that neaolution R2-l76 re the application for the rarm Workers .a.aslstance Grant, be,adopt~d and the Chairman authorS.ed to execute same. p"qe 35, BOOK 0'72 rAti.j/f _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ "';'.'~:'>:'I;t -- - -- -- -.-.------------..........---------.......... . . ," ': ,~..t --.,.....-- ~ '___Oft_ __~'.~'" "--...""..,..-.-""...,.".........,,., , . . , , p;.é " . r; . ~ 1., ,¡:, - - -- - - - - - - - - -- - - -.. -- - - -- - -- -- -----------...... IfJ I'~ Ifi) _""'ffl'_"."_"_.,, __".", ~oo~ rff2, 'At~ 190 Octobr.r ?~, 1992 Item 140 RPECI^L MEETING Rr.Hr.DULF.D FnR Wf.p.~ OP OCTonr.R 31, 19~2, EX~CT D~TE TO BE DF.TERMtNE;O LATER, RE RECEIVINr. PROPOr.r.O PUnCtlME OP'FER FROMB^CHE, "^LSr.V, STUMT , SHIELDS, INC. FOR TIIF: PIJRLIC r^RK GENf:JI^L OBLIC^TIOM BONDS, flERIES 1992. SO MILLION ~ONn IRRUr. Rr.r.1\ROINC P^RKS TO REM^IN UNCII1\NCiED IRREG1\RDLr.S!'I ('II" THF: OUTCOME OF M"nco tRL"ND YNCORPOR1\TfON. County ~nnllqer Norman stlltQd that the proposed snlo of tho community p~rk bonds In the nmount or SA mflllón lø proce~dlnq on schedu~~. Ho noted thllt the schedule calls for tho bond. to be delivered on Novnmbor 10, 1~~', nddlnq thnt tho ~onrd will neod to schedule a special moe~tnq sometlmo next waak to receive Q proposed . , purchllse offor from th/l trwr.ntmt'nt bl\nkr.fP, Oncho, lI.!lsey, f;tUIHt' Shields, Inc. II. stoted thllt thr. e:<lIct dote for tho sped"l moetlnq will ba determined lit tht' hond c]osfnq In New York on ~ctohftr 27, 19R2. lie noted that onco the dnte hila hoon sot for tho spoclnl mootlnq, the Board will bo Informod for vorlflc~tlon In order to have at lenst three commissioners prol'l(!nt, Ho Indlcfttod thðt I t would b~ tho latter part of tho week or October 31, 19A? Ho r"portr.d thnt "nother Itom of concern 18 th~ t'O"ø1ble M.,rco tslnnd Incorporftt Ion, add I nq that the resolution that cstnbllBh~d the pnrkA bond Issue Included ~ðrco Island. he quest lone~ whether the nmount of the hond I SBue would chanIJe Sf Mðrco Islðnd Ch008P.8 to In~orporðt~, adding thnt M"rco Island would rocolve "pproxlmntoly ~~oo,ono of the bond Issue If It do.. not Incorporate. Tape I~ Commissioner ~rus. moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown and carried unanimously,. that the $8 million bond Issue re9ftrdlng park. remain unchan9~d irreqnrdless of the outcome of the Marco r.lanð Incorporation, with the understanding thðt approxlmatoly only _""""";"..,.=no=,"'......."...."",.~..,,""".,. ~ ~ ,~ . ,- .. ~~ -:~+'~"{"-"" .".~ :"~): ';' . \ \ ;"', ',I ~ ... . ..... ;.;._;.i~>':-;~":~·::':: /~,:. '..I.(".t·....· ", '.l:;,' ¡'''t',''':"'' ""'''',. ~. ') , .' ~ . ~__~::~"""'.J.:....,) , . ,fl ':: t ----------------------------------------~ t III II. Iff) 'i) 4··.·'· :." t"" Octobnr ?r., ll}f'?' of the bond Isaue would have boen spent In Marco I.lanð. Not., Date later e.tabllshod aD Nov. ., 1982 at 2rOO P.M. It.", I U CH^IRMN AUTIIÓfU1.ED TO F.XECUTE AN ~CREI.':MENT WITH IIIESSRS. VEGA AND aAROUILO RE PRorr.RTY r.^~T OF THE COUNTY COMPI.F.X FOR TEMPORARY P^R~INC AND STAFF ^UTIIORJZEO TO PROCEED WITIf TilE DP:f;J~N ~ND CONSTRUCTION or ~HtGE P^R~INr. FACILITIES ^T ... CO~T NOT TO EXCF.ED ~11,ono FOR . APPROXIM^TELY 100 MRUNa SPACES, wnIcn WOULD DE P^IO FROM THE JUSTICE CENTER CONTINr.~NCY FUNnn County Mðnaqer Nor~ðn stated thnt whon construction b~glns on the Justlco C.ntor In a few wøeks, pðrklnq ftpacos will be eliminated. He. roportod thnt he haft .pok~n with the proporty ownarft to the ~~st of the Complex, Mr. Veqa and ~r. Oarquilo, with rftf~rønce to leasing same. Re noted that with minim~l improve~cnts, thIs property ~ould bo used for ft tompor~ry parking lot with npproxl~lItoly 100 øpacos for a cost of 812,000 which could bo p~ld for from th~ Justice C~nter contingency fund. 110 stated that this property would necd to bo loftsad up to a year. Commissioner ~ru.. movod, seconded by Comml.sloner Wenzel and carried unanimously, that the Chairman bo authorized to execute an aqreement with the ownors of the subject pro~.rty for a temporary .. parking lot for approximately 100 cftrS Immediately east of the prese~t . County Complex proporty line, and that the staff b. authorized to proceed with the design and construction of theBe parkln9 facllltl.s at a cost not to exce~d $12,000, which would be paid for from the Justlc. Center contln9.ncy funds. .....No document received In afClca of Clerk of Board a. of November 1, 1982····· ';1 ' ?r: , :'¡I~ "90 ,:;;,~ ,,\t~ 'I'r "~; . ".::;,'\.,~:' , , ;-,~. -----------------------------------~~~~~) ,:<~t:!:· ',I :;¡.,';J .;,._.~_.,~_.>".,.".,,,_.."'. ..;'.'~'" I, &O~K f112 rAC~ 191. ._-"""...~.".."""',..~.,""~"';"",..,'.,'''''.,...."..._.""'''~~,." , . l_______________________________________~~~ aOOK C172 'ACE~92. C\ctobor 21i, 1902 . , " Itom '42 GMUNDBREM(INC CEREMONY FOR 'I'll! JU5TICr; CENTER TO Dr: fiELD "''1' )1.00 ^.M., NOVr.~[\r.R 5, 19~2, ^T THE IIELJPJI,D County Mnnngcr Norm~n stntod t~nt the qrounðbrenklnq ccrn~ony 'or the Justice Centor Is propo8nd for 11100 ^.M., "ovomber 5, 1982, a~ the Hollpad, nddlng lhnt tho contractor ftxpectø to øtnrt work Immodlatoly thereaftnr. It wa. the general consonsus of the Board that the groundbroakinq ceremony for the Justice ,Conter bo hold at 11100 ....M., Novomber 5, 1982, at the Hollpad. , , , Italll . 43 RIBAON-CUTTINC CEREMONY FOR A^YVIEW P^R~ TO BE HELD "''1' 1.30 P.M., NOVr.MAER 1~, 19~'- County Manager Nor~~n In~ic~t~d thnt ~ðyvlew Park will bo completed In the next weak or 10 dnys and a ribbon cutting ceremony has boon plnnned for Novembor 15, 19P2, at 1130 P.M. It was the qeneral consensus of tho Board that the ribbon-cutting ceremony for Bayvlew Park be held at 1130 P.M., Novomber 15, 1982. IUm '44 DISPOSITION RE ^DDITION^L COMPENS^TION FOR FIN^NCIAL CONSULT"'NTS fOR COUNTY RECION^L W^TEn SYSTr~ - CONTINUED TO NOVr.~RER 9, tQR'. Utilities M~nnqor 8nrzon stated that II letter was furnlshcd to the Board which was received on October II', 19f!2, lifter tho ,oxecutlve summary was prJntad, addln~ that he has no other information to add. Chairman Wimnr quostioneð if th~ work Indicated In the letter had beon done, to which ~r. Perzon øtnt"d that he could n~t answer AS h. haG only recelvod a portion of thn computer runs and the number stated In the letter does not correspond with the number ot co~rut~r runs 'a9- _ _ __ _______ ___*.____ _-....____ .......___________... __........~:....:;.,,!:f'i" ~ - '; '.' -...'i' r:= ,.~.'.... '..'".,~.. 'J''' 'f!!}':l:", : \~i:' ~"~:'. ,:~,~~ ,'..,':'...'.';1.q'" "'V" ."",~ ".,~.._.._..."".._._---- _.'.,._""'-,.......'''''''';" ...,.,,'''"'.''''~...~..,..,~,~,-~.. -~"...,,~, ,-..-, ........ ;..1":':'" ~,'.'~ (" ,,;,;,:(,:;"'1\:'1 .':~ .' .1 .J' ---------------------------------------_J .1 ---,..----_.",",-- Octohnr ,r" 11)"2 .. received. Ho stated thAt he Is auumlnq th"t t.he work hn. beon done. .' . Chairman Wlmor qup.fttloned If thn flnanclnl coftßu1tllntn, Southenstorn Municipal Bonds, Inc. and Fløcher, Johnson, Allen' Burke, Inc. wore naked to do thoee øpp.clflc Items~ to ~hlch ~r. Berzon replied not to his knowlodqe, Commissioner Plstor Rtfttod that the executive l'Iummllry Indicate. that this Item øhould be hAld In abeyance. Mr. Aerz~n reported that whrn the'exccutlv~ summary was wrltt~n, ho had not recelvod the latter from tho financial connultðnta And, thnrefore, was anklng tha~ the Itom bo held In aheyance. ~r. Aftrzon stðtod that tho tlnnn~lal consult~nt. , are asklnq for S12,300 for ndoltlonal services that woro provided. Chairman Wimer stated thÐt If tho monny Is owed, It should be pnld. Commissioner 8rown stated that the letter says tho work was done ~: and tho bill should bo paid. Chairman Wlmar questioned If ~r. Berzon had asked a ropresentntlÝo of Southoafttern Municipal Bonds, Inc. to nppear at tho moetlnq, to which ~r. Porzon rp.plip.d that he had spoken with them roqðr~lnq the matter, but ho did not requp.st a ropresentlltlve for tho meeting this date. Mr. n&rzon stAted thnt the work was no~ ~equostp.d Þy hl~ , . personally, adding that this was a part and pare.1 of tho services that wero suprose to be renderod. He atat~d that some of the comput_r runs that were mlldo wero due to the chango In the .slze of the bond Issuo which waø originally nround $1' or Sl~ million and oscalnted to $19 million, adding thftt their fAe Increased accordlnqly. Clerk Reaqan 8tatA~ that their contrftct doos not ftpply by the contracta that they have had In the past mftrto up on the bo~d. themselves. 110 Bald that thðy havo had Incroa'øea on thla particular !a~~ 012 PAct193 Page 39 ---------------------------------~-~-- __'.....-._.._"~_..."'_.H'~'^.'_;..,.,.,"'.,,~ "~_'.",~ I , "\ " Î. ".,.,,;,j .' :""¡.oI'r ~';'Ft~ , ':,~~\ , ':x,' , ,".~ . :,~ ¡ ,: '.~'." <~,.,.~.....__...- l I ~ 1. ______________________________________:....J 1 ~¡, ~ 'iff tOOK 0'12 FA~19& October 2/i, 1'ln2 :;:-t , " <-~X .~fI Issuo. He notød thftt ot one tlmo, thin bill wns not 90lnq to b~ aubm i t tad, ðdd 1 ng thft t hp dof'!I' no t know ho'l' it ftppnllfftd on the aq.nðn '. 119nln. JIlt roportod that ~r. W1Ignnr hlld told him that there hftd been sovornl computtlr runl'l mn<1o. "" reltcHllted that ho told Mr. W.'qnltr to .ond tho bnckup to ~r. Bor1.on for his npprovol and thon It would bo glvon to the Bonrd for tholr decision, Clcrk Rcn~l\n øt~tod that ~r. WlIgner qunstioned If thore woulrl b~ a prohlcm suhmlttlng the bill, to ~ which 'Mr. n"ngltn t./)ld him thnt thero mny be t\ problem with re-',Jltrd.,"to .. an addltionnl ~l2,OOO ftnd at that point, Mr. Waqner .ald that he would simply forgot It. Cl~r~·~onql\n Dtntcd thot ho 18 IIwnre that therð were prohably nddltlonol computor runs which does not moan thllt the prlco of tholr Cee should go up, nðdlnq th~t f,outhr.1Ist~rn was contrncted with and It Is 011 ,,"rt of doing buslnoss. Chlllrman Wimer øtatod that this Issuo hns drnqqed on for some , tlmo, adding thftt his pCHl!lonftl opinion Is that the ffnanc1n'l "'"I' . ~ .' " '~, consultants IIro not only antltl~<1 to th~ contract, but probnbly an addition to It. lie statnd thnt he does not understand why this cønnot bo settled, adding th~t ho Is nwftro of thn feelings of Aouthenstern ~; .~ ,. . ' Munlclp"l Bonds, Inc. IInd rath~r thlln cðunn a problem with the County, . . boclluso thr.y like dolnq work with thtl County, thny lire willing to IIbsorb the additional conts which I. not fair. JIo re~rted that anyon~' , that Is performing In a forthright ~nd honornblo mðnner should not have to absorb tho ftddltlonlll c08tØ. Chairman Wimer .tllted that he would like to request that, at the, '~ x' ;¡,ttl 'It',¡, . '~¡t:~t" reprellentlltive be at the Iftltotlnq and .thllt Mr. Borton converSft with th..,.f; ''-':I:¡~'': . , / ..' ,../W'~ . '" \I PIII' f\ '''''.''}:,,':' ,:i;~;:~ next ~.etin9, If Southeastern wl.hes to pursue the matter, a prior to th~ meeting In order to resolve the .atter and have all " ...~.._."'.,.,.~,_...;.'- .,.,_.. .''''"''''.'' ......-......... ,""---.."..;.,.~.~....~..~"...,._....",,, ......~. ,.~.,"', .. ~ CJ ::::J .~-.- ---. - --..----- ----......------------------ r.~ t 111", r , I': , 1" :", documentati~n proparod that la necassary, adding that he would a180 liko to requut that Clerk Jhtllgan give his Input. 11o cOl'lcludfld that, If Southeastern refuses to correspond or cooperate, the 8ubject will be dropped. Commissioner Brown mado a motion to approve tho bill for Southeastern that has accrued aqalnst tho County and Commlesloner Wenzel ..de . .otlon thal the bill not be paid. Both ~otlon. died for a lack of a s.cond. Co~mlsslonor plntor stftted that Chairman Wl~.r's recommendation to ..... continue thl~ matter for two wo~ks and have" rftpreftontatlve 'from Southeastern at the ~~etlng should he followed. Commi..lonor Kru.. agreed. Chairman WI~.r ntatftd that Staff has direction of the Chair and will return to the Board at the meotlng of Novomber 9, 1982. Item 145 R'$OLUTION CWS-fl2-l0 "UTHnRTZING TilE ~COUI!'ITIOH BY PURCR^S! OP TAft ASSf.TS OF C^PRI W^T£R WORKS - ^DOPTED. ^GREEMENT OP PURCHASE AND S^LE ~ND ^CR£EMF.NT FOR LtOUID~TION OF W^nR~NTY - APPROVr.O Utl11tln8 ~annqÐr ~or2on 8tnted that this Is a rftquest to conøl~er tho purchase ngr~am~nt "n~ tho wnrranty liquidation nqreftm~nt for the Capri ~ater Works purchllso. Mr. Borzon statod that If the BOllrd .'. ~ decld~s to take poAltlv~ action on this Item this ddt~, tho ~urchftslnq· a9rer.m~nt I. being approvnd ftubjact to tho flnnl price being the actual amount blll'lod on Invontor'y of ~I'rtoln 'p)('pendllhl~ it:.,.ms the dny bofor. closing, addln~ that thoRft It~ms are around ~l~,OOO In valuo. 110 notod that thø Llquldntlon of Worranty m3Y reøult in a ro~uctlon of the cost' of tho contract by $37,500. Commls.loner Plstor moved, .econded by Comml8sIoner Kruse and carried unanimously, that nosolution CWS-R'--lO authorllln9 the . 80~~ 0'12 rAct'195 Pltqø 41 -------_._-------------------------~---~' 1" J ,·_><>_,····.,...··_...,ø.·,,__, --.',......-"',-... "'......._........"m."'.."......",",...,..,'.> .~'...."...-~.;,_. .. , ';. ,~ .",..,.( \~":\.; ".;;;...:;,~'~,...:., .1 ',~ to', ":",, ,'" ; "~"""f;"'''''''.. '~r: tI .' M____",_"_,.",'_.,,.."'"'_,.-...... ----_.._._~._,--"",..,...."""-'" "_""''''''<O''''=''''_'''''~''''''''>_'_'_''''< ·~.a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. _ _ _.. ___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ ___....._.__ Hem .46 MOK 0"12 PACe 2j4 Octobur 2';, 19n, UTILITIES MANACER RER7.0N AUTHORU£O '1'0 rnOCF:f:D WIT" OBT^ININQ INFORM/lTION nr.r./lnOING COST PURCHASJNG AND WILLINGNESS or PROPERTY OWNER REC/lROJNC ,Tllf: C:L/lOF:r. W^TF:R /lNO r-r.Wf:R UTILITY SVRTEMR Utilities Mnnnq"r ßnrzon stnt~d thnt thlø Item Is a rOBult of tho m~otlnq of Octohor 1'. l~n" wh~n thr dlrrctlon of the Aonrd wns tn bring back the mnttnr of purchnAlnq the C:lndes Wnter and R~wrr Utility Systnmll or coonlc1nr tht! purchllGn, lit'! stated that hI' outlln~d In the executJve summnry the proc~dure8 of the nltcrnlltJvaa thnt would exist, IIddJng thllt one nlternðtlvr would he II wllllnq buyer nnd wlllln~ s~11er' IIrrangemcnt whrrø, tho, U,t.t.l I ty would n"m" n pr Ice ",nd tho County would nqroa or dl~ðgrro to thr price nnc1 th~n nr~otlftte, or the other alternntlvp. ~oulð be whor~ t.ho Utility would Indlcnte no Interest In 8el110'1 "nc1 thp. Flonrc1 ÇOllt~ '70 t h r 0 ug h n condcMn/ltlon proc~duro. "- 8t;:ntcd t h ,'It In olthrr CI'IRf', nn Invrntory of the l'Iystem would be neodod to sot a vnlua of It I!nc1 to <10 tnto more extannlve Invcstlqntlon of the fJnancln1 liS well ns tho tochnlcn1 facJ11tloD that nr~ there. He queBtlon~d If th~ Floard wnnts to proccad or hold tho mllttar In nboyance for some porJod of tlmo? Commissioner PJntor moved, socondod by Commissioner Kruse and carried ~nllnJmous1y, that,Mr. Borzon be directed to proceed with f1 nd I ng out the V01UD of the systr.m, translate that Into what the co.t would be it tho syst.,m wnro purchns.d at that value, and determine 1t ,the owner. are wi111ng to se11. Ut lilt 1 e a ,"",naqt'r Pnrzon 8tntfld t.hftt tht' process ot establ hhln9' what th. syster:¡ Is worth, Is not aokJnq the owners, hut 1. done by 901nq throuqh ftn Inventory pror.t'8ft which Involvos onqlnr.erlnq, evalufttlone, nnd no forth. Chnlrmnn Wlmor ~tat~rl thftt the board do.. PaC?P 013 , , " -- .--.- - ,- --.. - - -. .-- ..- -- -. .--.-;- - - - - -- -- .... -, - --- - ----...------:-..-._..:~w.\i: .IH", ""'-b", . ",..~J..1;r .:".::-:~'~; , "~\\¡::r~ " r= ~ ... j,,~1 ~~~l*1Œt~~":;)' ;.~·1. -;~'~~ r:~~l~ ~~:)' ,i,~ t.:.:i.·;r.\ ',' ·:TI1,,~y:t:~;. . .. t;;J c:;;;;;J ¡¡¡;J ------------.--. ., --_._---_._--_._---------------~-~~ nc::tnhlH ?r., lqn, nt\t want to do " detallo'" nnlllYllh, "ddlnq thnt tho Board simply wants . courtosy eKðmlnðtlon IInd his bnøt Aotlmnte. Ite",' 147 PUBLIC Hr.~RING SET FOn NnVEMDER 23, 19A2 TO CONSIDER CRE~TION OF WATER SEnVICE ~RSr.S~Mr.NT DIGTnICT Fon P^LM SrnJNGD SUBDIVISIONS Utl11tl~8 ~annqer Onrzon stntlld that this" rnquost to set II public hl'lllrinC <'Jato on Nev(,f!'Iber 2~, 19A7., for tho Pnlm Springs Subdivisions ro thll crrntlng of a water r.p.rvlce IIRsnssmont district. He noted that thoro would bo two ndjllotments In tho front tøot/lge, adding that Inotclld of $11.072, It would be $ll.0A "nd Instond ot $14,949 It would be t15.fi53. Commissioner plstor moved, seconded by Commissioner ~ruse and carried unllnlmous1y, that a public hearing be schoduled for November 23, 1982, to hear comments, approv~ls and/or objections to the proposod asaessment dlRtrlct and that the Clerk of the Board be directed to " ¥~ ~": notify the affected property owner. by ~al1. ....Recess: 12100 Noon - Roconvftnodl 1130 P.M. lit which time Deputy Clerk Kenyon was replaced by Doputy Clerk Skinner···· Tape . 8 Item . 48 CLAM PASS PAR ( Rr.Fr.RENDlIM TO nF.M~IN ON THE MLLOT , . " ~. County Attorney ~nunderll report&d on his meotlng with Mr. '80cklng and ~r. ~cElwllln durin~ which ho ^.cort~lnod thnt both gentlr.men agreed to øell tho Clam PaslI Park property to tho Stato of Florida. Mr. Saundors ./lid that Mr. pocking øqreod to go to Tallnhas.ee to promo to the Issue. R....pondlng to Commln~lonor PSstor, Mr. Snund~r8 said, that tho I rurch~ø~ of the Foo Rlmplø nnd not Rlmply a l..s. WIIS di.cusaed. ~DOK rn2 rAct216 Pnqo 44 ~..-.. .""- ~--.,. ---- " lJ .~ j. , !f1 '" ". ~'\f, :'.:t -- - -- -- - - - - - -- - - .- -... - - .- - - -- , , - -.. - .-- -- - - - - - -- - ----------, " ' , , " 'l" ..... _____ ________ __ _.:..... _ __ ____ _______________ ,~,":r..l11 --"~.,,,"~~.....,.............., , e::~~ D72 fAr.t2:!Ø Or.tohor ,r., 19"" Co~ml8Dlonor Wenzel moved, sDconded by Commls.loner Kru.~, that the quostlon of tho Clllm,Pass Pðrk referondum re~ðln on the bollot. The following pornons ØpokD In [~vor of tho Issue remðlnlnq on the ballot I Mr. .Hm !ìmlth, Trf\/lsurer of rM;~, Prl'!'Ildr.nt of Noplos ^rða Bo~rd of Re~ltors Mr. Chllllptl L. Shumlol/lY, mcmbor Exp.cutlvr. Commlttoe NlIploR Civic Lo~q un , Mr, rlltrlck 1\, TrM:,.ý, ChlllrMl'ln of I'^~r, Mr. Claudn Hðynoo, Prftoldent, N~plen ^rell Chambor of Commorce ~r, ~lkQ ~cDonnell, mf\mbcr of r^!;s . Ms, Mary Lou lIouston requrl'ltrd th/lt J1el'lolutlon 82-119 be publ t- , , clzf\d prior to tho rnf¿r~ndum so that thp vot~rs will know thnt the proceedB of the bond IrsuD for the lðn~ ncqulaition will qo to the Stl'ltc of Flor Idn /ln~ tl,,1t the t I Hp. 101111 hn vrste~ In tho ~t/lte of Florldð. Mr. Snu,derB ß/lld thllt the ballot quootlon specifically Bays thnt the title to tho property øhnll he vosted in the State of Florida. Ch.11 rmlln Wimer rr.opondnc1 to ~II. Houston hy stlltlnq that the park will De County oporntnd IIn~ County controll~d. Mr. Leon~rd F. Colwell requefttod thllt, if tho isaue remlllns on the billIot, that tho Community PI/lnning Ocpðrtn~nt point out tho existence, of four otha( ps'ocos of bnach proporty ownnd by tho County In the .even mll~ strntch betwcnn thn rlty ~nd County line th3t are not yøt developed. Chalrm~n Wimer said he had no problem with the property bolnq pointed out~ Ms. ~~tty Murphy contrndrd tha~ thr qunatlon, ~ft st~t.d on the 'ballot, la Incorrect In th/lt It should st~t~ for l~nt1 ac~ulsltlon and not pork acquisition ,and aha prel'l~ntr~ a petition sSqnnd by person. asking that the Iftsue he kept otr. thn h/lllot at this tlm@ an~ repláceð with a ·prop~rly worded resolution- at tho next eloctlon. ~r. Saundere r"qto 015 ,.."., - - ma ~"j,~;;' ,'~"~~T~~"~1:(f':t;,'~'/''' '~",:ff'! ", I '~:,)~" +(e',c .~,,,,,.......!~¡~.., ~"t,..';, ''''':'',;, ~" '\ ""-~_....~.,- ~,.. '._-,.~."---,,,..- ~ r j , ~ !r ( t, r ~', t" , , "¡ ( i t;;iI r;;.1 iii..1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ..... .- _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - - - - -- --::',., IJ , . :.r:l ;¡11 : -.14 -".,.,.~--,,,,.._'<,.,,.~..,...'_...,.;^.,,..., ,."" (.("tohnr ')r" )"":' .ald thftt he had ~loCUBsftd the ~rdlnq of the ballot with lftwyer. and with Bond Counsel ~~n Ltv~r~oro and hns found thftt th~re 18 nothlnq ~Ial~ftdlnq nr leqnlly Insufflclont with the wnr~Snq of thft ballot. Upon call for the question, the motion carried unanlmoualy. I Item 1<49 DISCUSGInN O~ R^W W^Tr.R ~^IN F.^~EMENT FOR THE CITY OF N^PLES - DEFERRED By conoensua of tho Board, II dlscuAslon of ft raw water main .as.~ent for tho City of Naplen ~ftS ~r.f~rrr.~. Item .50 SPECIAL flCC Mr.F.TINO 6CfIf:Our.r.D FOR 9:nf' ^.M.,' NOVEMBER l~, 1982 rOR NEW RO^nD ~EMßr.Rr. TO T^~F. OFFICE Commissionor Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner ~ruøe and carried unanimously, that ð Speclftl BCC MeotJng be scheduled for 9100 A.M. on November 16, 1982 for the purpose of the now Board members to take office. Tap. .9 Item .Sl DISCUSSION Rt INCORrOR^TION OP MARCO ISLANO - NO ACTION T^Kr.N County Attorney Saunders r.xplalnr.d thnt this Stem was Includod In the aq~nd~ tn proscnt a report to tho ~oðrd concornlng the potential , " ~ probloma with tho boundary of tho aroa to bo Incorporated. He oxplalnrd that he has submlttod a roport which Includ~. a map that points out the discrepftncles and th~t coplos of thftt r.port ftre available to anyone Inter~øtnrt. He snld he could not rendrr an opinion as to whothor the boundary Is legally Butflclønt at this time and that he I. preaontln9 the report tor the Co~nisBionerø' Information only. Chairman Wimer stated that no ðeclslon Is bolnq made on this ~fttt.r today. aOOK 0'/2. fACl:t:17 Pllcj. "A '~ -"-.-.~",,.~., ,._'>,...."'.-~_.~~ ~.__. -""'-.- k f ¡ '1 ~ . ~ , ¡' I·" í ~ 1 ~, ¡ ~' ~; l , ;' ~ µ. tf ; t ~i (: e - - - - - - - - - - - -- - -- - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - -- - - ---- &O:l~ C7f2 rAci38 Octohor '1;, 199~ Mr. Lolqh Plummnr, Chalrmlln for Commltte~ for Sensible Covnrnmont, said his committee defti(ns the rnf~rr.ndum for Incorporation to'pr~cped,· nddlng thny woro Improøoed by th~ r~port of Mr. r.nund~r. reqnrdin9 the ovorall problema of incorporntlon. "~said that the isøuoo covr.rcd In the roport aro in roøpon~o to questionn rllisod by hl~ commlttoQ end tho County Mnnð< er. Attorney Donold Childc, rl?prcsontinq various concerned citlzons of Marco felllnd, Btntnd he cnsflorched the iosue of boundnrlo~, raised by Mr. ~aundrro, and thnt he has found thnt the foct thnt thore might be , , ",. minor "rroro in th~ description dOOR nol, In Itself, render the Logilllntivt' I\ct Invllllcf, 1ft' 111'11c! t:h/'lt tho: b.utr. rule of law ts thllt If II survoyor, by applylnq recognized rules of surveying, con locðte and UJ ~i~ I!U Idontlfy the lan~ ðS describod In tht' I\ct, thon tho descrlpti~n Is held suf flc Ir.nt. 11p.:OSII Id that ~r, Jnrry 1'11'111, a BUrVl/yor, 1ø present if his I opinion Is requosted. Chnirman Wlmor said thnt the Aonrd was not contemplntlng cllncal11nq tho r~forcndum. County ~ðnnqC'r ~:orm"n complilllcntr.d ~r. f'nunders for his report, adding thnt ho hlls dlscussod Bcvarlll optinnø with Mr. Snunders r890rdlng continunnce of servlceo to ~~rco tsll'lnd If Incorporation becomos ð fact and the one that npponrB most viable for tho porlod beginning Jðnunry 1, 19~~ through the ~n~ of tho County's next fi.cal year, ~optembQr 30, l~A), would be a form of Intorlocal aqrcom~nt with tho new City Council of Mnrr.o to m^ko sure thl'lt th~re 18 no Interrup- tion in oorvlcos to M~rco Ioland. P~q. .'7," ~ _. - - ...- - -- .. - .. .-. -.. _. -.. ,.- ....- .. --.--...--...... .........--..---..-...---- - ~ ~ ':t~f:~\t~'~{~]jrm;'¡l,¡~.~;o;;~-:¡';i¡Ii,~'~. ' . ," ~'"" ",.\ 1! 0:, ~" I ~~, -,' \ ',' " - '.. i.:' ',:!-, 1". .~m'____...~.".__.._____""."...,_" 'f '¡'- <,d~ ~ ·:.r~ I r I I I , I ----.. , , . c:::J r;:;;1 Iiij¡. , ' t . ' .. '1 ----------------------------------------) f1("~ohnr ,r., PI"" It.", U2 ROUTINt DILLS - ^PPROVF.D POR PAY~F.NT I" f . r ~ pur.uant to Resolution ~1-1~0 thft followlnq checks Wftro ...ued through October 22, 19ß2 in pny~cnt or routlnn bills. FY 1~A1-A' CHr.CK or.f,C"TrTT~N CI1r.Cr. ~In~. MIOUNT Vouchnr ChcC"ks 12S~1 12949 SJ,IIOl,!ir,n.19 gllOI> - 9.01; S 2Rl,709.I>S $ 2,fi41.3B Reql¡lnr F'ðyrol1 C£T^ F'ðyrol1 Chocks 41.1':42 - 4115A py '~A'-A' " ,C " Voucher Chacko 8835'; - IIR3A4 . 87,fi7fi.20 Itom .53 '" I BUDC£T ~~ENDMr.NT e1.-~4A - AonPTr.o ^G Or.~CRIBF.D Commissioner Wenzel movod, seconded by Commlsslonar ~ruse and c~rrled unanimously, thðt Audqot ^mendment 82-348, to reclassify .' , , ~., appropriation for median curbs and traffic soparators to Improvement. Other Than Building. rather than ns Other Contractual Services, be adoptod In the amount of ~74,275. .'; i' ~ ~, t ì r ! j f I f r f ~ '. Ite",. '54 through .72 . , .. BUDCET .a.M£NDMENT 8'-"'9 TH"OUCiII R2-1"7 - .a.DOPTEJ') .a.s DESCRIAED Commissioner Wanzel moved, seconded by Commissioner PIstor and carried unanimously, that the Budget ^mendmenta be adopted a. d..crlbed In the ðmounts shown below. Ðu~qct ~mrn~Mnnt A,-,..,Q, trnnntor n~onq object codes to cover unnxpectr.d shortfnll In obj~ct code 5'9 (Courto r. Rolllted Pr<:gr_, In the ...mount of $I o. , :. f ~ 41 ~oo~ 012 tA~tf:19 raqe U - - - - - -- - ,- - - - --. - -. -_. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -..... -.... ...._~.~~.. " '.....'...."'-....-..,.-...-....... -_..........'._,""_..~.._--.,...... ---.... I·~ ,; ~ ~._------------------------------------- ...,,., OM Oðl\ October 21';, 19n2 uwl( "rAct~· . ~ud"~t ~"rndncnt "'-'~Ol ,1;..' ';,\:¡ ~t ., \" " Oudgrt IInr.nrlm~nt n'-'~11 r· ...' ..,.. i; ~udqat IImt'nc11'\"nt "'-1~', ~ f\uc1t'1~t IImcnc!nl'nt 1"-'''': Rudot't ^n~nc1n~nt n'-'~4, Rudact IIml'nc'mt'nt R'-:'I¡;o;l r r f f ~. f. ~ ~ i ,,:,1:. Sudqct ^mcndncnt n,-,~r" Ru~q"t ^mnnc1m~nt "'-:'11;71 to rt'~ot' nl?r ~ddlt.tonlll amount of fund h~lpnca to hn tr~n.f.rr~d from Tmmokal~t' Wnter ~ ~t'wor rtst:rtct (Pund .41~) (Othor ~t'nnrlll IIdmlnlstrðtlve) In tho nmount of $3,(,91. to rt'cot' nlze totnl tr~nnf~r antlcl- pntnd to h~ roc,.tvcJ to trnnøfcr fund b~l~nco nt 9/10/1" from Fund 105 MST Dlot. ~ Poðd Construction, to rcc09- . nlzt' ch~noc tn M~T boundarloR (MST nlntrlC'tÐ - ROlld Const.) In the "mount of ~¡ ',OOO..· to rccoqnlzQ oatimnted trans for of fund ~nlnncn to ba rt'cclvod from ~ST Dlntrlct II - Rood Conøtructlon (Fund nn~) IP-'!>T I'Ilntrlr.tR - Rood Const.) In tho lImount of $4',000. to provide nddltlonal funds nocessnry to trnnsfcr rntlm~ted fund hnlnnco of ~42,OOO nt yoar-nnrl to MST Dlst. I - Rond Conntructlon (rund fl02) (MST ¡) ~trJctn - Rond Const.) In tho amount of !'24,000. to provide funds n~ce.sary to trllnsfor e~tlmntrd fund b~lnnc~ at 9/'0/02 to Fund 102, M~T nlotrlct 1 - Rand Construction, to recognlzo chnngo In ~~T boundllrlos (~ST Dlotrlcts - Road Const..) In tho nmount of ~''',OOO. to reco~nlzo e8tlm~tod tr~nsfer of fund h~lnnc~s to bo r~celvad from Plnø WOOrlA Llohttno DIAtrlct (Fund I1S0) of n,Mn Md from Tl'lpcr1nl C,.U I!stat~ø L I t'I h t 1 nq r I (I t r I c t. I Fund , 1 5 ) 0 f ¡!;;",noo ILlt'1htlnq D1Ðtrlcts) In the amount of ~5,000. to provl~r funds necessary to transfer eotlmðtr.d fund Þnlnnco of $3,000 at yaðr-rnd to Colllor County Llqhtlnq 01ßtrlct !Fund 'l"n tLlqhtlnq Dlatrlcta) In the amount of S3,OOO. to provlrlc ~und~ nneesenry to tranøfor ~stl~~tr.d fund bnll1nce of ~"onn at ycnr-~nd to Colllor County Llqhtlnq Olt;trlct (Fund ItAl) tLlqhtlnq Districts) In th~ ft!l'ount of S2,OOO. :~';, , ·.i~. ~",~'. , .»!. ",rt~~ . \:.0- ?'\1 r,'ttl' 019 ,.'i',( : ,"i¡' ,.".)x "d "";',~ . ." :~'. , ' ..:..'¡...' . . ,""1';';-:'.,:. ... - - - - - - -- - - - - - -- ...--- - - -- -- -. - - - - - -...- - ~-- -.... - ..;..';;;';''.''~ ;." ' - ., JiiiI -,....""""'~..-,--"'.""-=.,-~"......,,.......,,','"""~"",..-.,.,...,.,~.. j r.;:::J Cl . ~ J 'i ----------------------------------------~~ ~.~ Ihl~' rt "mrnr1""nt: n,-'~n, nudqct "mcndmont R'-'~~I ßu~ar.t ^men~mr.nt A,-'~n, aur1~~t ^m~nr1M~nt n'-'~11 ßurlqct AmrndMrnt A'-1~'~ ßudq~t ^m~ndm"nt n'-1r,J, oj . j ~ . Budqr.t Am~ndmrnt A'-'~ðl Budqet "M~n~mrnt n'-'~~I ~' ¡; f ~ f r ~ t ~ Budqrt ^mrnðmrnt n'-'~~t nrtoh"r :-or, 11'\112 to reflnct ACt un I n~pnndltureø this I fiBClI] yonr (Cor,munlty r.ovelopment) In the "MOunt of $1,~39. ' to reflect Dctuðl exponditurns thl., f i Dc"l ynM (Pll1!1n1nq) In t.ho ÞII'ount of $o1,O!'O.. to rocoqnlzo oøtim"tnd tranøfor of y&ar-rnd fund b~l"nco to be roc~lvnd from r.Ðt~ Procesl'llnq Intornal ~ervlce Fund (F'un~ '~O") (D~'tn Procltulnq) In the "mount of Sl75,OOO. to prnvldp. fundn from County Water ~upp)y C~plt~l Fund bond pro~e!'ds to relMburne cnprl Wl1ter ~nrvlc~ Fund conts nnsocl~tQd with I1cqulaltlon of systr.m (r.ounty \<latf'r 5rrvlce) In'the amount of $37,475' to roclnsslfy bonds procr.eds to be rr.c~lvf'd hy trnnnfrr from County Wator ~upply - Cl1pltal Fund for COl'lts assoclatod with acquisition of C^prl W^tnr gyntrm (Water Servlco) In the amount of $)7,"75. to provldp nddltlon/11 funds nac~8snry to trnnAfnr ~8tlmntod fund bnlance at yonr-and of t,ln,OOO to tho Conor^l Fund (Wþter/Sr.w~r Rervlco) 1n tho amount of S3,~91. to rncoqnl7.~ tranøfnr from Con.rel Fund rp.qulr~d to covor prior year doflclt (^qr}culturþ) In tho amount of U2,3~t1. to provld~ funds for tr~nRfor of ~ntlm^tnd fund bðlðnc~ ~t yeßr~~nd to D~ta rroc~ftRln~ Equlpmftnt ~eplnc~~ont Fund (Fund'I1:11) ("nt.a ProceBftlnq) In tho nMount of r.]7~,OOO. to rr.co~nlz" ontlmnted trðnsf~r of fund h"lllnC'e to hit r.,criv,.d from r~øt NlIpleß i'lrn Hydrltnt District ('und '7(\5) (rirt! Control) In the lI~ount of $4,000. l t &OOK 072 rm 221 paqe !In - - :--- - - - - - - - .- - .-. .. - - -- - - -- - - -- - - - - ------- -......-- ---- -"---~...._.""".,,""".^~~.~_. ._~--"..... . ;::fr.¡'.. . ;.+(,"1' .._ _ _.:... __ __ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ _ __ ______ _____.f~. ':;~, BOOK 012 r^C~ OctobN '-", 1911'- ,~,~!:;: Au~~et ^mpn~~~nt P'-]~71 to provld~ funds nococD3ry to trønsfor ~ßt1m~t~ð fund h")^nc~ nt yrnr-r.n~ to FI rl" l1y~rnnt. 1\IUlftflRmont 018 t r Ie t (Fund 1701) (FI rr Contro) in tho amount of ~4"OOO. Item '73 BUDCET ^~ENDMr.NT 9'--3r,0 - ^DOPTED ^r. or.sc~, Commhslonor fCruse moved, seconded by CommJ."slonor Brown and carried unanimously, that Oudgot ^mandm~nt e2~~68 to provide funð. to transfer to Lethal Yollowlng Enterprise Fund (Fund '440) to covor prior y.ar deficit (Agrlculturo) bo adopted in the a~ount of $12,384. . ~ Item 174 BUDCET ^MENOMENT 83-3'- - ^DOPTED AG DESCRIBED Commls.lonor KruGo moved, secondcd by Commisslonor Plstor anð carried unanimously, thDt Budget Amftndmont 93-32 to provl~o funds for Clerk It position (Pðro1e , Probation) be ðdopted In thlQ amount of $13,161. Item. '75 through '70 BUDCET M'ENt'MENTS 113-33 TIIROUGII 11]-1'; - "['OPTED AS OESCRIß!,E Commissioner fCruse moved, so~onded by Commissioner Brown and carried unanimously, thnt the Budqet Amondments be adopted as described, In the amounts I'Ihown below. Pudoct Amrnnncnt "'1-131 to "pproprlntft rentð) rncolpt. from Fml'" on ~orton Aul1dlnq In ImMoka1ee to pny r~nt to lDndlor~ (), months P $'-~O) fChrk to the BOllrd - Othor Gcncrll1 ^dmlniøtrðtlvo) In tho amount of $:I,noO. to provide funds for Instðlløtlon of comput~r cnble from r.ulldlng r. to I\u I it! I n<1 f' hudonted untie r Rep,rd rlt a'1e! Mnlntonnnc~, in error (Community Devt'loprlont - Dlv. Office) in the' nmount ~! Sl,100. ßurlo~t ^~~nrlm~nt ~3-'~1 P"fT_ - - - - - - --- - - - - - - - - - - -- -..- - - -- -- --- -- --- ---.... ~, E::J c= ""''''.....~".."".......-.. - ... . .._~_......._"'-_.,..""'..-",.....,"._~ I ¡ 1 ¡ I t -..-.,.,. J ~ rz:1 \ ' ~ <.J;'" , I .",\'~ , "'¡~'~ - - - - - - - - - - --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -'- - - ------...:;,~~ ', ;~~~ ^.';',~rf:. " ::y\~~ , f.f{~ : :~'~f::!¡ , ,.';;:~'~j C"clt)h~r '1:, 1n", nuð~et ^mnn~mftnt A'-'~I to trønsfnr fund. for Wontherltation· rroqrðm to ð øoctlon soparðtft from the Community ~y«tlop;utnt Olock Grðnt U' rroqr~m (Wenthorl:ntlon Pr09r~m) In . tho amount ot 532,000. Aud~.t Amandm~nt A)-'''I to provldft funds'for telephone .ervlce for Jmmoknlae Lllndt111. OHlce trallor on ~? acro landfill site on r.tockadÐ nOlld, adjacent to sCilla house (Jll'lmoka1eo LAnd f Ill) In tho amount of, 930Q. g . . .. , , ~oox 072 rACft2S PaCJ~ 5' . . , --....- --- --- -- -. --...- _a____ --------.......___..............._...i . .' _ ,.f '...0'....__.,".__....._..._._____ '""_......__···_·--....,-...","',.,.......'_·,~;""_...·.~~·_.,,,w.. - ..........----. ~ s;¡¡;¡ "~~ , ~ í , ! -...~..~. .~.__I. -. .- --- -- - - ----- -- - -----~---------------....:.~ . t I ! f ('\~t.oht'r ,r.., 11)"" \. no Ite" 179 , , I f I . tCO , CH~JlLtS coUnTUEY ^PPOINTED TO EM:, ST"'FF DIRECTED ,TO INVESTIGATE 'I TNGING DonIE ""RL ONT':) THE: PIIC ^dminlotr~tlv~ "Ide to th~ no~rd ~pnuldlnq explained Addltlona] Information tho Commlsøionnro have that w~s ßuhmittnd y~sterday from "r. Frank Edw~rd. raq..,rdlng the r....C'ø rnvlll(!{'I rr.commondatlon for ~r. ·"'/ldes Courtnt'Y t.o hI! "'ppointr.d to tho r.lIC. I I 1\ Com~l.alonor ristor movr.d, seconded by Co~mlslaon~r We~zel and cðrrled unanimously, that Mr. Charles Courtnny bo 8ppolnted to the E"'C,' Chl\lrm/ln wl,.,,,r onid th.':It he fp.1t 1"orlo I<lIrl had talent which could. , , I,U utll1zod by tho County llf'" rrquoott'd staff to Investlqlltft brlnqlnq her on tho tllC. .- ¡;, I B 1 :,JrlG-TERM Lt^5E OF PROP~:RTY IN F^m<l\f1J\TCHEE STRJ\ND TO ST^TE OF FLORIDA APPROVED, RTlIFF Drn~CT~D TO wOnK .OUT DETJ\ILR OF LE"fiE Commissioner ~ruso movt'd, s~conded by Commløaloner Won%el and carried unanimously, that a long-term lense of property In Fahkahatche. Strand to the Stato of Florida be approved. County lIttornr.y S~undars said thnt ha has ~pokep,wlth ~r. Ney L~ndrum and thllt the St/ltn hila oxpraRI'II)d a willlnqn~ss to work out the term. of a leasc. Chl\irman Wimer dlrectod tho staff to work out the Jptal1s of the 101\A(" .....No documr.nt rncelvnd In Offlco of Clerk of Ooard aa of November 1, 19R2.····· Ite.. ið2 throu9h 19Ø .....Tho followinq Itoms weré approvod ~nd/or adopted undeï the Conornt ^q~nd^ by motion of Commissioner ~rus., aocondeð by Commlnølonor ~rown an~ ~ðrrl.d unanimously.····· Temporary Reoldonca pnrmlt r8 petition TR-A2-2'C, Cene . JAnnn r.ma11wood MO~ 0'72. fAC£BL plI']e 5:1 ;',:;:' 'l:,.~!:~.~,;i~~i'$<:~.~'~'·'" . . , ~. ..----- -- - - - - - - - --- - - - -- - - - - - - -- --- - ---..... '4/#.' rT~-·-- -,-- ~: ... - - _. ... .. - _._ __ - - .. - ._. - - .. - - - - - - - __ - .__0 __ _'_0 _ __ ~ - -.... - - - - - - - - - -.. Octohr.r '}r., 1902 &OOK 0'12 PACt 25l Pinal 'Plat approval for Oual1 Cronk, re petition FP-A2-6C, with stlpulntlon that the flnnl plot not b~ r~corded untl\ the roqulrad improvements hnvft been con~tr~~tp.d and accepted or approved ßccurlty ia recelv~rl. Construction and Maintenance ^qreomcnt for r.uhdlvlRlon JmErovp.~entß .a.pponded. See PII'Jea 15(; - 75A Reßolution No. A2-174 ~uthorlzinq Ch~irm~n t~ sign applica- tion f~r a COOG program In Immokolee which staff Is Authorl- zr.d to design nnd wrlto ^ppend~d. See pnge 259 " Utillt~ Relocntlon ^~rncmont with florldn Power and Light Compnny for'utllity felocatlon on Coodlette Rand, Chairman authorized to execute ~amp In dupllcnte Appendod. 500 pngos 1¡:;O - 275 Utility Rp.locntion ^~rrcmcnt with Floridn Power and Light Co~pnny for utility rr.locDtlon on~!Dnk Bculovard Chairman authorized to OXp.cuto na~e In duplicate. ^ppandcd, See pages '}7(, - 291 Excav~tlon permit No. 59,151, L~ly Palms Rotlroment Development In Sactlon ?1, Townahip 50 South, Range 2~ East, suhject to RtlpulntlonD In ~xccutlvn Summary ðat~d 10/1]/82 FY A2-A3 Service ^qre~ment with Trl-County Senior Servlcos, Chalr!!".,n authorized to sign same ~ppendod. See Pages 292 - 294 Resolution A2-175 suspcndlnq Ordinance 7(,-49 to allow off-a~at parking þt the Marriott's ~nrco Island Resort tennlø tournnmcnt8 Appended. See paqe 2q5 Firat National Bank aulldlnq at vðlley Stronm Drive sow8qe torco mnin - Accepted Chairman nuthorlzcd to oxecute the lease between the County and Lcly Eøtntes, Inc. for operatfon and mnlntonancç of th~ force mnln. Related documontR ^ppended. See Paqe3 296 - 316 NI(J ~ !I" --,,--þ- ......... _.- ----- -- .-.- -. -.-,...... ...~-_.-.... -----.- _.- --.----.---------............-............- , ".t,.~~ ; ...fl:.'~.,' " I ~.,:.' ,'" .ii!;'" , r":-:-'') ~"":",':, .,.:~...." ¡, ,"',' ; "). , ........' , ~.,',:?~.l,.;'", ..":'. -. ..'~ ,>,,,,..' ." . ,,'~ 10', , ,,:!. ~ , ;,'\4 ':, .... . '-" ~ . . . . . .,~;E~:~r7~~,:,J,~:,~!~¡f;:;;·:·~:~·:·~' c-;. ·~,:0,:¡;:T,~. ~r.~~ .'WI. .. .1 -.. -- ~......., .../. 1. :~ 1iiiiJ' .......... ~ ~þj: .- -..-----------'-.-.--.--'.. .-,.- .. .,.-----'--.'.. ('r:toh~r ?r., !"'" ,:thwlnd F.stetos Subdivision - WlIter Sewer Fecll1th8 ccptcd, 1egð1 documentø to be recordcd in the Official 'corðs Appended. See PlIgoß 31'7 - 322 -. .rm1t 82-2 for Robert ~, Mulligan, Jr. to ð~p1Y for lIn (~cupatlonal license to practice ~øtroloqy 1n Collier County ~ppended. See Page 323 ¡~rmlt 82-3 for Jnnls Mnry Mulligan to ftpp1y for en ("cupntlonnl license to practlc~ astrology In Colllcr County Appellded. See Page 32" Mr. Charlos R. RcynoldS appointnd to hold the poøitlon of ;cpresentatlve of EvcrglndcS City on the OchopGe Fire Control ¡;r.trlct ^dvlsory CommlttDe extra Gain Time for Inmates No. ~3946 and No. 38090 ~upllcnte Tax Sale cortlflcðtes Numbers 1'722, 1'713, 1714, 1711, 1194, 3019, and 3016 iøoued to the Estate of Jane McBride b~caus~ of 10RR "ppended. Site PlIq e s 325 - 331 LlIke Trllfford Cr.metery Dr-cd No. 318 ^ppended. See Page ~32 . , ~ , . certificates of canvassing Board from october 6, 1982 Election Appended. See Pages 333 - 33R I '~Cr.LL"NEOUS CORRESPONDENCE - FILr.D ~ND OR REFERRED , :I') There being no objection, the Chair dlroctod tho followinq rrespondence b~ fl10d and/or re10rrcd to tho various departments aa :.d Icated I . ' , .II .. .. .. , , , ','~ ~", : ....., ''''':~!. !It'r'\" ,:' 1. Lett~r datrd 10/1!'!"? from "lhnrt M. rr!t'fnon òf tlnnd~rsoh, I'ranklln, f,t1lrn~A " !Iolt, o'IClvlRlnq thl\t tht.dr 1:\\1/ fir'" haft &OOK 072 rA~(259 paqe 55,' ':;:,~i ,_____ ".. __ _._ _ _ _--.-- _ ________---------------,;,4: " :.':Ìf!; .~~~:::~;. , "...... '\)..... --~'~ '., - - - -. - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- _. ~OOK 012.. fAC¡;2f)4 Octohl!'r ?, i;, l"n' b~~n employod by Collier County's workmen's compensation lnu\lrl'nc:~ C',H,r11'r to r1ef"nr1 th" ("111 1m whlC'h h('l!\ b~(o'n fil('d h~! ~n)llrdno 00 Lr.on , )lC t-'r, r;l'1lth l'nc! Mr, r;/lundr.ro. Filed. ,. Lattnr dntnd lO/7/P2 fron D~n nnclooinq ~ copy of tho Dtn's .Intent-to-Iaauo. n pl'rmlt f.or Col11or County, File No. ll-100,,,_r)~, Outfall "nrl Diffllflf'r, Bent t.o I"/HCO HIland Utilltieo. )Ie Mr. Der7.on, Filed. 3, ['<!p.Htmcnt¡\ll1nportsl Fllad, ^, Collier County Puhlic Llbrllry, 9/10/A2 O. Forcatry rcp,Ht"cnt, 10/(,/n2 c, vctcrllnn ^tf~lr~, Scptcmhnr l~n2 D. Collier CDunty MUHI'um, !;npt.r"mhcr IQa7. E, Wntar Mnnn~emcnt ~dvlsory nonrrl, ðqandð, 10/13/02 4, Mlnuto~ of thQ·followlng mcctln~BI FlIed. ^, Ochopcl' Flro control District Arlvißory Commit tOft, lO/~/A¡ B, C^~C ðgcnrla for ]0/7/"?' nnd mlnutrG for 9/2/A2 5. L.ottor dntl'rI 10/7/"2 from C, Rlchllrrl M.'yson, Chief, Nðtur~l 11nz,'rd!l I-Ir,1nt"'h, NTlln, ("ont I rmlnr¡ ml'nt In., !'<chcdulrcl before th,. Po"rcJ on Tu<,r>rI.,y, O<':tJhnr ')t;, lOR? I\t 11 '10 P.M, for review 0 l proposed re"I!¡ on~ to Flood In¡¡urnnct' Rate MlIp. xc ~r. Norml!n, filml. 6, ~<'MorMndum ~nt~d IO/I/~? fro~ Tc~ F, Woot~n, Chl~f, PurpðU o! r.nrollM...nt "nn Contrit:utlonr:, r:cr>t, of þ>dmlnifltratlon, t'lv, of Rctlrcmrnt reqMrdlnl1 fpcclal nisk rffcctlvc nate. xc ~r, Narmnn /lnd p,1yroll. f"llf!d, 7. t~tter dater! 10/~/O,) from nohl'rt R. Wilkerson, nlvislon Dirc~tor, ~~pt, of Vatcrðn /Inri Community ^ff~lrs, notlfytnq, l!f'prov"l 1r. orontl'd to nppolnt ,...., Neil ['orrll1 nr. nlrector n"r! I'r, Wllllllm ~', Wnlln~r II!] CalH,Jlnlltor of Coll1r.r County ,nlnll~t~r PrrpnrudncfiR or~nnl~lItlon cttnctlv~ ~/Q/P'. IIrrrnvl\l l,.tt,'r!t "ncl II!')tlflcfltlon of !lrrolntm~nt form!! ('nclosed for comp14!tlon to be returned. ;(C "'r. ~or l\"n. F 11 cd, a, Copy of 9/)O/n2 letter to N~II r.orrl11 from Pnrhnrl! n. IIcnd~r¡¡on, !l55t. Chlnf, "nclor-1n"! a copy of the proroned contr~ct h~twc~n Dcpt, of Community IIffðlrs l!nd Colltor . County to "~fluro thllt f.und1nq io nv"ll~hlc tor rðdiolo~lcal ar.lHllcncy pl.,nntnQ /Inri rrl'r,,,;r~rlnnnD nctlvltlns durin/) 19113, FIlccl, 9. Lctl~r datnd l~/~/P? froM fJ,F, portrrfleld, IIrlrnlnlntrntlve rnqln~or, "~nrlry Corpornt on, r~qU"ßttnq to h~ kept Inform~d of the ntntllS ot the \o,lqqinl' P/lf;Ø nnd Wiltor Turkey f\ny drcdqlnq projt'ct. XI' Mr, Normlln, FlIed. 10. tt'ttrr ~lIt~~ 10/P/P?' from property IIprrll ~cr Coldlnq tr,'n~."lttln'l tht' Jlnnu:'ll p<'rort of n~Vt'nllt'~ ,'Inri r\(p('nrl tur('~; (or tl'" V'-,1r ('1\11<-<1 f('l't'°r>h·r 10, 1t'(':', rll"t!. paqe " r, -- -- - -" - _.. ...-...- ~_.- _ _.... _ _. ._ _ _ _ ___ ~_ _ _ __ _. .··4 _.... __ -_ - - - - --- . - - - - - . . .. :- J ·""·,..~";-:o,··a· ".; ,,~.~,;.., -'I i~ I ", tIIIÍ:~' ~j¡.,~ ,~~ 1'-···:~_·"-_·'---,..,."..~.. .. : L-:"':~~':: ~_ .--r-"'....'~.........~~... . ~4\~lir~~::;~i;: -- k=:J r;;;;;¡ ¡;;-~_J --- - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- -- - - -- - - - - -- ()c to\)!! r ? r" "'11\' " 11. L.tt~r ðntod lO/A/"' rro~ "ohnrt ". Wnlton ohjar.tlnq to · propo'\I~d .VI<I"O CllmO poom" to ho 10Clltcd nd1acant. to S~ftbra.ze ~pðrt~e~ta. xc Mr. ~ormðn. Filed. 12. Lc.ttar r('c~ivod 10/11/02 [rom ~rthur Lefrilar or.rvlnq ao a formal compl~tnt rc~nrdlnq occupnnto of II house located ftt 1299 Jnmn\ca poad, ~c ~r. ~orman, Tile~. . . meetlnq was 6djournod at 'IS~ p,M, by ordor of the Chnlr. Thoro bolnq no further hunlnrÐs to come bofor. tho ~oard, thc . .. . . . "07\r\O or CC'1JI TV com'ITfifjI0NtRS/ OO^RO or znNTNC ~PPE7\LR/EX OfFICIO GOVF.RNJN~ RO~RD(r" OF' r,pf,C T7\L I'H5'!'1t ]('1'5 lJHnER I'I'S COH'!'POL M'Tt.Š'1'1:' " .WJ'LIAM'~.·'~E^C^H, CLERK ~'lúj~)/¿'ô~ .' , ¿.f.. . ~eSft mlnutP.. approvod by the Oce on Nov. 9, 1982 as prescnted x or liS corro=teð- . t &OOK rr¡2. r~Ct 255 pa~. ~7 ,.------ - -- -- -- --"- -.-- - - ----------------.. ~~ ,-' _:,::Ù~4%..;.'t1.:!!;;!,ô;~':r;~t:>""::::, - , .r ;: . :'; . ::,' ':.:-: ,~~1}:~ ".i .,':.,.-~ .........".,.........,,_..,.......,_.. &.......