BCC Minutes 04/26/1983 R . .. ,.. ~_. .. \. o· . .. '..., ---------~- -.. - - --- - - -- - --- - ---- .....; ~ Napløs, Florida, April 28, 1983 LET IT &1 REMEMBERED, that the Board of Coun~y COmMlaaloner. In and for the County of Collier, and alao actln9 as the 80nrd of Zonlnq App.al' .nd a. the qov.rnlnq board(s) of such speclsl dlatrlcta a. have . . .t:.. b.sn created accordlnq to law and havlnq conducted business herein, ..t ~hls date at 9,OU A.M. In Re9ular 8esslon In ßulldlnq -F- of the ~thouse Complex, East Naples, Florida, with the followlnq membera pr.."nt, r ~ , CIlAIRMMh --Mary-Franc.. ~ru.. (ï~) VICE-CHAIRMAN. David C. Brown John A. Plstor (~) rr.derlck J. Voss C.C. -Red- Holland 1 ALSO PRESENT. William J. Peaqan~ Clerk, Jame. C. Cll.s, Fiscal ..... Officer, Elinor M. Skinner, o.puty Cl.rk, Burt L. Saun~ers, County Attorn.y, Kenneth a. Cuyler, Aaalatant County Attorney, C. William Norman, ciunty Manftqer, Irving B.rzon, utilltle. Administrator, Chris . ':" . ~I ~r. Holley, Adlllnlltrlltlve AIslatant, Knut. Hartman, Public Workl " " Administrator, Crace Spauldlnq, Aðmlnlltratlve Aide to the Board, and Deputy Chief Raymond Barnett, Shlrlff's Office. " . 00 @ I~~ ," t~ "'~ '. .~ .. "i/I;), ~; ,., .J \001 075.. p1 '19' 1 . 'S; . . . ~..:,'.'.:.'<""".,;''''''I.I.,.''....'''' ·'C." . . . '''''~ .,.....;.w..·"·",...··h#t.·,,,·.·," b'I..w.. , .," .. ~, '" "'''-,' .' . '., '-,'.)\; o ft "~""·""_"'_"."'_,.·"h-"""'C.""'","___ -....,"-._"'......""';,...,","""'..,.........<',......,,"._."",........,,'._ ""." ..._.__~__.....t..-__..._ - ... ¡:;;l ::S ;;.... . 1ft¡) _0________________________________________ .,-~ , ^i)fll 2fi, 1983 "rap. .1 Ite. t1 AGENDA - APPROVED WITH CHANCES . COmMissioner Pistor ~ov.d, .ecQ~ded by Commissioner Rolland and ~) carried unanimously, that the aqanda be approved with the followln9 r-dd I t hll". 1. 50 - Procla,"atlon re Reape~t for lA'll Week 2. 5£ - Proclamation ro National Pat Waak Ite. . 2 ). 98lC - R.port on problem with fëqllrd to North Naple. SewI91 Treatm~nt Plant re property 9ERVICE EMPLOY!E AW^nDS - PRESENTED .¡¡ Th. followlnq r...,ploy..e Service ^wftrdø ~ru.al ~ Nolen Butler - Hulldlnq "aln~ce ·Ooylene Marron - Llhrary ·Marl~o Hamblin - Llhrary We.ley Hill - Utllltle. Carlos Lopez - Road' Brldqa Boward Mcr.e - Poad , Br Idqe 10 years 5 y.ars 5 y.ars S ~''''.1 r" 5 yt·Jrs 5 y.ars were pre..nted by Chalr,"an · - denote. employ.e absent lI:e. .) PROCLAMATION D!SICN^TINC MAY, 1983 ^S OLDER AMr.RICANS' MONTH - ADOPTED ^tter reedlnq the procla~atlon, Co,"mlssloner Plstor moved, seconded by Co~ml..lon.r Holland and oarrled unanlllously, that the Proclallatlon ðeslqnatlnq May, 198) .s Older Amerlc~ns' .onth be adopted. Mr. tqon Iii II IIcceptad on behalf or older ""'erlcans' of Collier County and thanked the Roard. ~oo. 075 PAC[ 05 Pllq. 2 ------------ - -~.. - - - _.. - -- - ~_. .,.- - --.-- --- --- -- - ------ ---...... . ;:..::~;'~1;;~(;'t~,~: :;.~ I ~ '..' "" ;' - ---~$,."';\'i.-....I'.&:"'''"'''',I..\,\..:;:','L' - :';~¡'¡'~i --',~'¡,..-"I"j:.I·,11v.,¡.~r-'Å'~ ~.'" '". '.f,·,'" ..('. ~lII.l· ". ..i604...IWIf...~,~....~'\...~I'"".!¡ .." ,...~.,., 1,.._.1 -,·,'c'''''' .. ...",,~. J .... ,·"t)" , '. ' ,; '..,>~';I::.~4~þ\~,¡;l-i~?~" r»~,\.'~·,>,:l;..·?,:':.":'~:'~.>~: l ',';f\}:' ','( --:",.·",,',·~~::t~I'. .......... "'" OJII.. ____,__,,¡¡;;¡_.QI/'?~ '\I "'-_._'""'....,.."',.._-_._-.....,"----~-_.-,-,,-,..._.,,-- '""··_..w;"___R__"",'·n;____.___..._· ...."'qT >''''~''''''''"'''''''''''''''''~'=''"'''~_'''''''''_'''''''''''"''''_._''''_''''"'' ''''':,.'10\""""__._"_,,,_ III n T V"~_ -------"...."._-,--,_...",...,.."",..."...,.."".;.;...."..",'.,,;..."""""".,_...,., ~ ~ Q IòI ... -----.- -- ..-- -----.....------ ~prl1 2¡;, 198) IUm t7 . ,~ PETITION PU-82-28C, MAPLES SHRINE CLUB, - CONTINU!D TO JULY :~, 1983 At the reque.t of petltloner~~Comml.slon.r Brown ~oved, secondeð by Coaml.sloner VOIS and cllrrleð unanimously, th~t Petition PU-82-2BC, filed by N.~lft. Shrine Club, requestlnq provlllonal Use Cd) of ~states DI.trict for I .oclal and fratlrnal club on the SW corner Qf ~4th Street SW and Oolden Cate Parkyay be continued to July 26, 1983. Ite. t8 IT~rr DIREC'!'!D TO CONTINUE TO FACILITATE-TilE RESTORATION or FLOW-WAYS 10UTH or U.S. 41 FOR TilE HENDr:nSON CRU~ BASIN, INDEPENDENT ENCINURINO STUDY RI HENDIRSON CRIE~ WEIR - AUTHORIZED, MOTION TO APPLY 'OR ArTER-THE-rACT PERMIT rOR HENDEPSON CREEK WEIR - CINIF.n Public Work. Administrator ~nu~~ Hartman explained that on Hay l5, 191'1) tho acc dlroctltd stili!! to moet with the Pacific Legal Foundation with regard to the H.nderson Croek Weir, which staff has done. He referred to tho Executive Summ~ry dated ~/2n/83 outlining staff r.com- lIIe"datlons and .ald that .t~ft Btlll f..ela that th. flow-way. should be restored In the nenderson Cr.ck IIIIsln .outh of U.S. H. lie Indlcotad on an aarllll photoqraph the ar.II under dløcuIIslon and the culverts to 'J be opened and explained the procltdure whereby the flow-ways could be r.dt.r~d and h. Indlcaterl ft n"rth weir, w."t wt!lr IInd east weir. Chairman ~ru.e said sh.. was puzzIed b..clluse last week the decision was made that the Cocohatchelt weir would not bit built at thia time but n~ ~entlon wa. made o! !loodln~ In thst srea, yet there were three Indications perta nln~ to floodlnq In tho IIenderson Croek /lrea under .lmilar circumstance. and she asked how It WillS possible to have flood In. In one end of the county and not In the nther7 Hr. Hartman said he purpo.ely pl.cod the roference. tc floodlnq In the nenderøon Creek Executive Summary as ho wllnted to domonstrate the leqal implications. Chairman Kru.. referred to the~eed problem Ihe and former &OOK 0'15 Pac( 13 , .~ ¡ ) . Page 8 - ~...-.- - ----.------------ - -- -- - ._- -- - . - -- - ...- - . - - - .-- _. ...- .- ,.., ., :'4!. , .~..: \,.".....\~~'.' ...1I¡1;....¡...··:,· \*~~~~~~~" ".If::;,', ' ~ .- ---- ,-~----- ----,----- - - -------' aOÔIt 075 M 14- ---- ---------------- Þ.prU 21i, 19B3 . Co~mlssloner Wimer observed when they toured the Henderson Cr.ek a~es, and edded that In one Instance the weeds were 00 prevalent A. to .upport Mr. Wimer'. weight. She said that no reference was made to thl. pr...bllrlll In the report. Mr. lIartman lal~ that wall a maintenance problem. Chalrmftn Kru.. referred to a referendum In which Water Management District 6 was creftt.d ftnd ahe wcndored If that DI~~~i! effect or If It h~d been dløsolved. ~r. Hartman n~t was still In WIIS crelteð and that everyone In the County hall an Interellt In watftr resource.. H. said If It wa. a question 0' 81mply flood control, that would be a different matter and would pftrtaln to that ftrea alone. Chftlrman Krus. aøked ahout the conruslon regarding the basin size and Mr. Hðrtman RaId that the en~lne.r wa. tryIng to find out how much of the ar.a .hould b. allocatHd to thft Henderson Creek streams and that he r'lIched that amount hy compronl... ~r. Hartman aaid that the bll81n Is consld_rably l.r~er an~ It Is served by many other atructures under ~" U.S. 41 other th'N the H.nderson Cr.ek atructure. Mr. Hartman referred to . solid red line on an aerial map Indlcatlnq th.t when the east.rn culverts were opened along this line there was lmmedl.te r~.polls, to wat'H reter,tlon In the w..t wind !'IobUe Ho~e ar.a which wa. .ncourftqlnq and would lead to the belief that the recommondatlona made b:t' IItftft' today wIll alleviate the flooding probloms. ChaIrman Krus. noted that close to 3/4 of a million dollar. has been .xpended upon thl. project to elate, to which Mr. Hartman aqrlred. Chairman Kru.e referred to a lettør from Dlltona Corporation in the agenda mat.rlal Indicating that the company believe. thl. structure I. absolut.ly ellsentlal to the protection of the Marco Island water and asked If Deltona would be a party to possible 11llgatlon1 County Pa98 7 ... -"- - . _.- .., -- .-.-.- ..- _.~ ---._--~----------------- '....-...#.- cr.D !I!a .. _I'" ~.....-~... ._"....."fJ"""-.,..-~.._--- ,,,,',"" ;,.",:..,,....\', ""''';'!'.., ':L':':' .. r:::2 ~. r-:--" :.~.:;J <J --- - --- -- - - - --- -. - - - - ~- - -...- - -----..-- - -- -.----- ----- April 26, 1983 AttornftY Saunder. said that Deltona Corporation would certainly be an intere.ted In. athcted party. A dl8cusølon resulted concernlnq Deltona Corporation's franchise area. h~12 . Co..i.s1oner Voss ~oved, seconded by Com~ls.I?~or 'istor at the .taff reco.mer.d~tlon to continue to facilltlte the re.toratlon of .,;, flow-ways .outh of U.S. 1 for the ft~9derson Cre~k Basin be accepted. Co~~ls.loner Holland said he thought It was tlm~omeone adMitted that a ~Istake ha. been made with r'qard-~o the wftlr, adding that he I. not in ravor of co..paunding an error by spftndlnq ~ore money on t.hls ~., aubject. Mr. 'nIOl\as Hookano, repre.entln/) the Pacific I.eqal Foundation, explained he had not had .uCflcl.nt tl~e to review staff re.ponse to ~he Rrun. report. He .ald that there Is no c~st estimate regarding stafr recommendation. and he sugge.tod that an lndapandent engineering firm be hired by the County to study the .Ituatlon. ·*·*RtCtSSI lOIOO "'.M. RtCONVtNtDI lOllO A.M.···· Tape t 3 Tho Collowln/) pertlona .poke In oppo.ltlon to the Henderson Creek weir I Mr. Winton flllmlll, who .ub."ltted Exhibit. ..., ß , e, pictures of the we I r Mr. Steinmann Mr. rred Vldu.. Executive ['\Irector, fHg Cypre.s Ba.ln Bollrd, explained that the ACAn I. about to undertake a study similar to the one Mr. l\(Iokano .ugqeftted. lie urqod thet the BCC not dupllc'te the co.ts of such a study. Responding t~ Chairman Kruse, Mr. Vldaes said that the Big Cypres. BaRln Board could not undertake re.ponslblllty for the weir at this tl~e until tha study was completed. MO. Charlotte We.tman, of the t.eaquo of Women Voters, said that It ':~:"ì) ~ 075 rat;[ 15 paq. II -_.- - - ---.- -.-. - -.-. -. --. _.-.' .--. ".- - --- - ---- --- , .~. ..t"t.':\~·~4~,;~::"~~~~¡ -~. -4...."..,._ J L . \~. ~'f. '1: üJ., r .," -;;--~~.., ",*,,< i >1,.ft.,, ·...",t~~~r,.,.~,."J~~~f' 't!í/ ..~·...,..yt·:'~1;,'WI'~· ~ ~~I ".),~.,,~'~~;kI¡\~'Y"'.~' ,;) .'\.~\:~;~¡J~~:f"'r ~( ~ ~1 ~ ~ 1 .". , ~., ",' . , ...! ~c', ,.". .' ,<.''''' ' 'f . " """'""''''''''~'-''''''''''',--,~,.,..."-,,,,--_.._--,,,,,,,--_.~~,.. T__""""^ ~ - --------- --.-- -- - .-.- _. --- - - - - --.---- --.- --.-JiI'---..;...; . '~3'~; lilt( 07S IIŒ ~ ... ~ April,c;, ]9113 ....I O;~~i;' Atl .~'" ,V', '··~t· ,:,1p' ~ Ite", '15 ROUTINE BILLS - AUTHORIZED FOR PAYMENT Pursuant to R~.olutlon 81-150 tho tollowlnq ch.cks w~r" ISlued throuqh ^prll 2~, 19~3 In pll~nt of the followlnq routine blllll CI1F:C!( Dt!;CRt P,.tOI~ CHF.Cr NOS. ~ Vouch.r Checkll '5]0r. - o!,~~"7 ~r."7,':H.ll Requlftr Pllyrol1 ';2r;n~ - r. J] 3~ t.:'22,Q,r¡.:1" I U. 'If; 8UDCtT AMENDMENTS 1'13-4"7 TIIROUCIf 03-494 - ADOPTED Commlasloner PI.tor moved, seconded by Commissioner Voss Ind carried unanlmoualy, that ~udget Amendments A3-4"7 throuqh 83-494 be adopted as described belowl ,.',) I'1I"e 11 ... - .. r~_ij".~"~ J¡' .r·t,~:· .\2 , ; ",'~'I~ j' .--------- -- --- -tJiIt¡¡'"----- -------- --.-------,. -'" WI ..,'~~~(ti'li àø 015 PN:E 52 ^prl1 :IS, 1!)1!3·'·.':~~~<'t' . "·J','l~VI'· ....'"~e follovinc: 1 tllll' under the Conunt -'«Jend. vsn ":i'!.!$t'ît:.:~ adnpUð and/or .?provad by aotion of Co1lllftl..lon.r Vo.., )1 .~~~... ..condeð by COIl\llI..10nsr Brown anð c.rrhð un.nll1\ou.ly.... ' ·4!:t;.(Þ~J,: r',~,~Ji:tt:. ( "·l! It.. '11 L1UI ACRnMENT WIn 'LYE T1tIADWAY rOR orncl SPACE 1M IMK01tALEI rOR ': YSK BY THß FARMERS HOME ~D"INISTRATION - RL~EWED S.. P'9" 55 u..'H EXCAVATION 'EnMIT NO. 59.159 RI YOUTH RAVEN, INC., REVISING STIPULATION ~~...' It.. 122 1/61..".#J EASEMENT ACCEPTED rOR RECORDATION FOR TRAFFIC SICNAL AND TURN ~ AT AIRPORT-PULLINC ROAD AND MERCHANTILE AVENUE S.. paqe. 56 & 57 ~~ .·f· It.. 12] EASEMENT ACCEPTED rOR RECORDATION FOR FLIC~ER LANE DRAINACE - PLANTATION ISLAND S.e paq.. 58 .:1- ~::..{ .::'~,- . , . ........ j It.. .24 CHAIRMAN AUTHORIZED TO SICN CERTlrICATES rOR CORRECTION TO 'l'nE TAX ROLLS TANGIBLE PERSONAL PP.OPERTY l!!3. NUMBER OAT! 19"'2-319 - 325 3/14 - 4/19/83 ~ ,.- II , . , " ,-".,,,1"')4", -" ,;\It ~. ." It.. ,:IS EXTRA CAIN TIME FOR INMATE NUMBERS 28884 AND 4l87~ It.. 126 RICHARD COLDEN'S RESICNATION rROM CONTRACTORS' LICENSING BOARD · ACCEPTED I,,:.' -- ' . 'o."'. . ~. \:,-~.".. ~ ,,. "':..",¡"~''- "..'. I...·· 'f> '" . " ..' . "31';1" ':''VI.: .,..- . ,.r.... . -:~4~'. l" ',"" . Ita. '27 LIBRARIAN II POSITION EXEMPT rROM HIRING FREEZE IU. 127 MISCELLANEOUS CORRESPONDENCE - FILED AND/OR REFERRED There belnq no objec~lon, the Chllr directed the followln9 CIt ..... . '.I,~.:, 'It~. ~¡¡.'''~.''~:,,'''''' ~~",;':\~":~ :".:) "1 ,,·,~t~ d,. '.'..¡ ;~~:~'.'?\~ f. 18 ..',~,\~;1: I, Lt~., \ ..~~~ . '-9- C'D - - -~-- -_.~-_.""_." ... "-~-----'-""'""_-'""_..-"",,,,,.....,..,".,,.,,.....,..,, ,,.,,,,...",.,,.....~..._.,..._..~".-.~..--~".,",,