BCC Minutes 05/10/1983 R I'-~'" :~"" '·iJ·· ,~". .~~,,: , 'N? -----....... .. ' '. ~ , "~,~ ,,"; Napl.., florid., MIY 10, 19113 '"i~¡;¡'':;~lq , :7~ ....,;$,; .'1\.... . '\....,'··I :....l!~ LIT IT BE ;'EMtMBZRID, thlt, the Board. of County Co..I"lon.~"" In :,\'~; - ., . . !! !',' , .;~'- .... for the County t)f Collier, an," 1110 actlne; .. the loareS of )o."r~~~,:{~:.~~ Ind a. tha qovernlnq bOlreS(a) of .uch .peclal dl.trlctl .1 iilv.::" ./,.,'-- . . .~.' .' ~~.. -t'.~~:"~:": 'beon craated ~ccordlne; to II" Ind hlvln~ conductad bu. In... hereln,'.'t' .~.. .' ~ '.. . , ,-:.. ····....·...,~~it~ on thl. dAta .t 9100 ~.M. In Raqullr ....Ion In lulldlnq ·f· of th.- , Courthouu Co",plu, lut Nlpl.., Flor idå~' 'vl th the fOllo"lnq ...,b.ra ..; ,¡,;;~.¡,tW/·' ,p,.;', CR...IRMMII Mary-france. ~ru.. .,:.MIÎIIt . VICE-cH...IRM....NI DoItvld C. rownl~4' , , , '}'-";' 'Ìlvt~ ,'f John A. .,l.tor .rJé.·..;;·.. .~ . fradarlck oJ. Vo.. ''''..,...~,IF'' C. C. · Red· fIoll.nd ·'''.t-',If ;; '., '. ·'ft!!'''' e·,.., ¡.(~~,t~':A",~-- ) JI",U C~· cu..~· 'l.c·11 '.....; . ì:í t'-: ....,.; , j ,- - ~ ~b'~~'li\4 r. '£~~Oft'ICer, M.urun ~enyon, Deputy Clerk, Bllrt L. S.uneSer., County "::';,J~.~I'1: ..II _ _ 1'_...,,f4,.1~... ~.. :. . ,~, . .,........,,~.:.:.: _~ AttornfOY/ C. WIlU... Normlln, Count'k' *"-,,aqer/ Tar'ry vlrh, co_unity..,?: I§: ",.ol.po..' M., ,I",,,,,, ,"v," ""'''' """, w".. M.l:' "" t~f;: "':;1' '~". ,,;r; Barb.ra C.cchlone, Planner, Cr.ce Spauld1n9, Ad",lnl.trativa ...1d. to the . . ,,!,, i , .~ ,; .~. . .~.7'"'" .., "".1 Dop"Y OAy ",,,n, ""W'. "'p."..". ""''':~. l~;\ ~t ....; :~:;:tJfr' .tr . ·;¡·.:~·::~t¡I'··'.·.': . . . .'. '. "0 ~~ ' ,"¡oo",:,.' , ;;.~'~¡·;w 7'\;' . , , .. fro ,:<,,". .~ I,.·t;+~·:-·" " .:Þ'I' .' J' .,. . , , . ....w,.......jO'...... ·...''''''....'.M''. '~"I' . ft/", .,-, -'f, f~,,'¡·~."..~I,~¡P(.~~:. \., ~ ~. .'.J.". 'Y' .' ·,,''\;\1I\·t'1\'f''~ J',' '.' ,AUlO PR!:Sr:HTI Wlllhll J. R..g.n, Clark, ., .. . ;"t J,"'). ~~ ~. ,~.,..;.. I o.::'~'" ~¡:,.,. .~'vl··· ~l¡ Z:: . ......... C+~:" '),.1 , '4'io<- . ·...L. :~;'. "'... ~,. } ;.~':, ¡ ~"t, " ;~~,' ~....I,~.... f"':;'~) ~ -T~--------- ..... &O~K 075 rACE 199 ....'!,:..; " . . (4J ",_.._..~.,.](..,..,- ""'--U.~"1~\o.¡'''''''''·-·· ""-'''''~'.'' . ;.." -:~"'_"""",.;., ""i;;l' "',,' .-~-,' -1..,,--,- "'~'\t"'Þ'4-__.._- ...,.' ,. . :~~a ...... ... ,~~ .~.'t . . ~~------------------------------------~-~ .... .. . .-), ...w' ~r '"/..' ~' ~o~~.· OiS'p1.c£ZM ,;. May 10, 1983 ' '",~'.t·· . Te~ 11 ttaa t1 r,~ ~GEMDA - ~PPROVID WITH CRANCES Co.ai'lloner Rolland MOVld, ..con~.d by Com=£:alon.r Irown .nd ". clrrleð unlnl~ou.ly, thftt the 8qenda b. approv.d with the fol10vln9 ~.~, ch.n9··· a. ^ddltlon of proclamation for -Rape ~warena.. Week- b. Conlultlnt .electlon for Rend.rson Creek continued to May 17, 1983. c. Contract "Ith Aeery Con.tructlon on Sewer Servlc. Ar.. -A- continued to MolY 17, 1983. d. Ite. 15C3, lid '646, to be dl.cu...d under requl.r aqanða. It.. . 2 MINUTES 0' APRIL 27, 1983, QUÂSI-JUOICIÂL MEETING · APPROVID Coa.I..loner plltor .oved, lecond.~ carr lad unanlaoualy, thlt tha .Inute. of April 27, 1913 ..etlnq re9ardlnq Marco I.land Utlllte. ratal be Ipproved .1 Ite. 13 EMPLOYEE SERVICI ....WARDS PRESENTED .' Co..I..lonar ~ru.e pra.antad an E.ployee Servlo. AWlrd 'arry for ten contlnuoul y.,rl of .ervlce to the County Ind S.rvlce ~verd to Leonard Splndla for five year. ....,. ,. ...(.~¡;; to tha County. It.. 14 .4',þ" .', PROC~ATION DESICNATING Tn! WIEK 0' "AT', 1'83, ~. -NATIONAL "VR~!wa"..'t.L~"i~ ROHE WEEK- - ADOPTED ~ Co..l.alonar Holland r.ed tha procllaatlon dellgnatlng the ve,'k~f~ , .. ,.4-~à MolY 8, 1983, a. -National Nurtlng "0.. wuk- an" preunted .... to Mrli.Ft~ .:¿~. Co_lnloner Rolland .oved, aecond.d by Co_lnton.r Irown an4 .. . '. '. j .. carried unanlaoully, that the wak of May I, 19113, b. ðulqnUld ....':~~~:t::. -National )luning ROlli Wuk-. ,;.yq'.f:'. 'l":'!~'}' . ~~,~;>.t.'I'»~~\ rig' 2~ ~___________~___._____________________ . "...·~l~.. t!J :~ .~. , ':~.:.7'1<"':: ,.'~'¡¡', ": .'. -'.t. '",: l'!i~ . ',,'~' Ha r tin. ,I. ¡ .-;~ t=J c=J l:::3 ,."~' ~,,_···~--ç-~"~~[~·:~,'~;~;~~;1í~·~~JÞ~::-;;{~',·~.h¥.'9J2\>'~;~J".~'~';>/ ;";:':',~';\ . >.'_...."..._-'"'~,.._'".,''"....- J..';. ' ..,,~." ',- ¡/r-~:; . . cq ''#:i: ,:..r:~ ' >'j~~;: '¡.j,~¿, . , ~~..~~.",.,... ~~" , '~'~~::',"',~,'*'" ' \ .... ",....., . ~..." .. .' t . ~ ' ~ ~~~;. . ..tJ ~ "" _ ~_:; - #" ,. "^. .~------------'------------- \~#~~"""~'''':,It ::r.~~.::";. t~~~'N-~'~- .. 1.; .," . . .J....~";~..:::~~ Hay 10, 1983 +r: ao~' 075 rACE 206 "~h". ' 1f'lte. U· .,).I.,.....":/". iJJ:,' . -£':.~~ ...,.J.. '~OC~TIOM ÐESICN~TING THE WEI~ or KAY 0, 1983, AS -RA,E AWAREWISS WlI (- - ~POPTI~ If] , . I!~ . 1 I!H f ~'(i' ,,~"\ .Jr Mlllni.trativt Aide Spluldlnc; rud the procla.lltlon dulgnltin9 :,,' .' the week of MIY e, 1983, a. -Rape Awarena.. Week-, Co..i..loner Irown MOved, .econded by Co..i..loner vo.' .n4 ;..¡, Æ" (f " ','.1.:.( l'I.y.,......\ i'\, ~~'.'~j~J.f.. ""'.t'm· ../~¡,' . ié.¡-t> 1-' 'r . '"lo~~.1...: ". , ,". r.4'''i:l" l' i~~,,~1~~';~ ,'U, , ?,~.. ',.>~J,'.7." , ;X~¿ '1''''/';;.,. ;:.'~t.~. ~.'\-'.. /.'.,:,l'.'¥ " .....,,"'. " .'ï, 11 ~ , t,.'i;; , '-"~"~r~_ ' ---.,' clrried unan1~ouIly, thl~ tha proola..tlon ðe.ignltlne; the welk of e, 1983, .. -nape AVlrenel. W.ek-, ba Idopted. .... 7 ;.../:. " ...' ~~ '~.r')~,,, .o.::~¡.,... .'"" .1~."...,': ,~~ÎiI'·~~ 7' -,;-'4, .,,~~.,>~, ·",.01 ". .' , (. ...",.',..,. .. .,' . ..,~~, "~"';~"" ;:'\c';r't' . ':!i~' .';":;'~~,; . Page Jt. -~-------------------------------~-~--~~~~ :,' ;~~~~~/' . ,!::£E!; ,', , ¡¡ .\...~\.~.;~ ,·:'1fi:1j·\ ;~'~!:J/'; ,'¡",,,';,..t:r.:l,.. , . [.t, 'r'. '. . ~. .:.:,~,,!::~ ;;-::l~~); ';'~~ ~ t:::1 t7";.t.:':1 O,'I.,7"",'t7:;:·~:':"'I::j~"-:',"'I.'~;'~' ,",,- .. .,.'" . r 0.., " " ,', "c:,' ¿')'rJii.\1.jM.;."i'~.""~&f!""r:!.: / C',·I....t,~\llJi'i~,~,,;":'t~~' " . ..,<~~'..:.:~~:'¡(&,!!,-,"~~~f,~i;'~j:f?;r.::2~f.".."'; .~.. '~:'.:'. ..,....'..¡;.' ,;.(,~~!v:.:~:!' ,; ~..;" )f;t,..t<',,~ I f~~::: "' "..,,' ~'~""_''''''''''~"'~~~'''" ·...b""'''·''_'''·' ,----...."'''''-"',..,--.-.-,., .. ~.._"_..,""',.t.. .~"¡"'""'"''''''¡jI'JI''' ...s~ f'~ I"'~H ...~....tJ~ ~<j1,.,. -'~... ,...,.~".~=.~:. . :~~~ ;. .~ ..;,';.,,! . ...., - " ' ~~~'~:. ---- - - -.-- -- ------- -- -- - -- -------:--~"ti.iþ~¡_ ,.... . May 10, 1983 ~ ,"f".~:!i :.~~..~oo~ 075 PAcE20B '.'. ;,.';~~~~¡: ," 1 tea ., . .,.:7<.'.., ,."'.1-' ;:.' ~~!.'~ .~." ~. ii-., PtTITIOM CP-I)-lC, JErP'REY A. I1ANZ, RIPRZUHTIHG c!OROe: o. , JULIA \ï,t., '.' RISRIR - COHTIHUZC UNTIL ~ D~TI UNCERTAIN .... ,.,~. ,t· ":-:1~¡'" ....\.. ·..,,·"'ú..·.,. , \ . 1,- ; _ _ ~~·'.·"-"".MH.~'''''}t'~''.. '. ¡>,"J~., ,,,..-....(.,~..,~ _. ',"~' .... . .... '-' - ,.\,.,0 . , \ }I] . . il~ I!U ,~! '~'~:,~i.-':" , carried ulIanillOu.ly, thlt Petition CP-1I3-1C, J.ffrey A. "Inl, upu-,i~ untlng c.orqe o. , Julia nl.her be contlnu.d to I daU unc.rtdn, at "::~~'. ./',~. the petltlon.r'. requ..t, and thlt Stiff be authorlz.d to r.-.dv.rtlle·\~~ I:~'¡~~G :,.¡.r~. .,;~ ,\ "¡i' ;:~; " if- Co..I..lon.r Brown MOV.", .acond.d by Co~I'llon.r Vo.. .nd ,: i ". '~. . . at . later date upon the petltlonar'. r.qu..t. It va. the g.neral con.an.ul to h.ar the r.gllt.r.d ,plak.rl r.qlrdlnq thl. ~atter. .:~¡¡ ,~ ",Itter .I, It ha. to be heard !Irftt by the CCP~, adding that tha f u, I.::: ':. ;;:::. :.::: 1 ,::,:: ::: I:: ::: :.:::: .. .h". ot. to' t hot th;:{~ p.tltlon.rl aqr..d to poltpon. thl. matter for .Ix ~onth. or until the~~ :~ "01\_' ..... '..·...ktrl,t¡. Dr, Nano f;pI9na, 3850 27th ....v.nu. S, w" .tat.d that ha .pr~p.re.d.:~;{~: the t.chniclIl report for thl. petition, adding th.t h. vaa not a"are".~.;~~ I ~ i:-;f" that It could not ba voUd on thl. dolt.. lie .t.ted th.t the Plann1n9 '!Ì'~;~;' . . ... ..\À~ Departm.nt It.fl did r.co~..nd approval of thl. .Ite, .~d~n9 ;th~~¡.i:.~~: ...t. with .11 the r.qulr.",entl thlt have be.n .et forth to thla pÒln~ ..... "-I!'~"""'" :::t:::t:o-::e:::::v:h::a:h:-;::::;:n::rv::: :::::: ::t:I:·:::::.. ,:~ ~r, John CUlllllllng., 211 N. w. 19th Streat, .Uted that he Is In ·:,-!.v:;i; favor of a conv.nIence .tor. In tho Eatat.., addln, that the ar.. '~~~ ..~....~ varrant. a Itor.. He Indicated that thl. .tor. viii not .t.rt atrlp Co.~I.lloner ~ru.. notad that action cannot b. ta~.n on thll cold.n Cata r..tat.. ~llter Pllln II complet.ð, .,:£, .... ; 'IfI~' . :;·'t'1·~·~ ,. " .. " . . ", . ", , ¡,~~- .<'~ I' ~ Ple;e 4~., f " ---- ---- - ." - ----------------------------~ lonln9' a. the Board ha. the rlqht to Itop It at any ti... o t:=) ~ ~ . e: ...,.,_""_~...."''''_......">,......,..,,,.~..~.___."W,_,__.,_.--..-·- _""'''''''~,.·,v_.,_".__,.,.,__..,___ '.. It:) ---- ---------- - - ---- - - - - - --- - ---------- ~ay 10, 1983 'If] ¡ ':J §!~ I!U IU. 17 ORDI~AM~I .)-20 AI 'ITITIOM CP-83-2C, CMC DtvELOPHEMT CORPO~TION Ar.QUE8TtMO A LAND USI AHINrMlMT 'ROM AORICULTUR.&.L TO IWDUSTRI.-.L 'OR APPROXIMATELY 5!0 ACRES lAST Of OOLDEN c~TI IST~TIS AND WORTH 0' ALLIGATOR ~LLEY - ADOPTED "'. ............ . Loq.l notlca havlnq been publ~.hed In the Maple. Deily Nev. on April ., 1983, a. evidenced by Affidavit of publlcatlon filed with the Clerk, p~bllc h~lrln9 wa. opened to conalder Petition CP-~3-2C, f118d by CMC Develope~nt Corporation, requeetlnq I land u.e ..endmant fro. Aqrlcultural to Indu.trlal for Ipproxl",ltaly 510 acre. ea.t of Gold.n Oate E.t.te. and north of Alllqator Alley, ..,¿" .t· "i. " .J,.,; i ,llnner Cacchlone Indlcat.d the qenerll location on In ov.rhead ... mlp, addl"9 that the propo..d u.e ot the prop.rty 1. tor an luto~obl1e te.t trick facility with Ford Motor Co",pany belnq the prl..ry ueer. She ref.rred to the Executive Summary Indlcatlnq the variou. partl.. for and agaln.t the petition. She concluded by .tltlnq that Bteff I. reco~.ndlnq denlll bl.ed on the r.a.on. Indicated In the Ix.cutlve Summary of thl. date, adding that the CCPA I. r.comm.ndlng approvll. Mr. Clltt Bark.dlle, repr...ntlnq Collier £ntarprl.e., .tlte" thlt Ford Motor Company ha. b..n p.rtormlng vehicle develor-ent and te.tlnq In the N.ple. u.a .Ince 195ft, lie noted that In tha Mapla. ara. varlou. public .treet. and road. .re u.ed a. _11 a. the N.pla. ....Irport, and a 9~rag. center la loc.ted otf De.n Street. ", reported that thera Ire three exlltlnq Florida te.t .lte. which are Waple., Hom..t'ld .nd Weet Palm neach, .ddlng that they ,,111 be con.olldated Into. .In?l. facility th~t will .atllty the total te.tlnq requlre- .entl. He noted that the .earch for .uch an arel to con.olldlte alid tacllltl.. b.q.n mora than tlve y..ra '90 and the .Ite .elected 1. north ot Alligator Alley and 12 .Ile. aa.t of 951. He .tlted that the Ua' ot the facllltl.. will provide tha cap.blllty to conduct a .ariety ~O~K 075 PACE 209 "i""''''~'''~'''''''''_'. .";.,~,...,;,"-.-.",.",,,",,'_" m"'~'''''______''';~''_i_",," " "", "'f '.:: "of., _...._,--,._,.~,,~-,'".,..- "It' , ,,..;,:r.~~.W"~·h~·4-""'ff'~~""~ ". ~.. . .;', ! 1~; . .~~ ~ "í~"'~'''': ,'. .,..t.r,.'l'; #' 1.'.,"'" ;' .------ - -- - -- -- --- --- -...-- ,-¡, '. "'ay 10. 1983 ~:>K 075 ~ACt210 'of apeclflcllly d..lgned proc.dur.. to a.sure .axl~u~ v.hlcl. dur~billty, comfort and cu.to~.r .atlsfactlon, K. roadways vl1l consist of a 2.1 ~il. .tralght-l-wIY vlth 8' should.rs and a 1.1 Ðlle handling lane. K. noted thlt . 2 5 ' , all. ..., '.""y .. .'"...., In tho 'ot"". .. ...t.. th.t tho · "., econQmlc I",pact of rord Motor COÐpony I. approxlmat.ly $),) .illlon ~r~'~;, 1.:·~ !, 'ir Æ" .. ~¡ y.ar In the op.ratlon of the facility. "'r, Wlllllm B.rton of Wil.on, "'iller, Blrton, Soli ~ Peek, r.pre.entlng the petltlon.r, .tated that this .It. I. Intend.d to b. . cu.tomor .valuatlon center which teltl rid. and handling, .xhau.t .y.te~ tuning, .conomy and performanc., driv.ablllty, coa.t aneS dec.leratlon, sound, qeneral product ftcc.ptan~. .nd rJde elth.tlc.. ß. not.d that the.e ar. automobll.. that are Cully complat. off the as.embly line. H. reported that this facility I. not I rice trick and tha PUD will '0 .tat.. He noted that If tha ~oard grant. thll p.tltion Cor I llnd u.. change, the land could not b. u..d for anything until I PUD docu~ent ha. been brought back to the Board that I. Icc.ptabl., adding that If granted, the Ilnd would b. zon.d ~rlcultur. with I llnd u.. de.lgnatlon of lnduatrlal which ~ean. that It could not .ven b. far"ed. , \~. ~.. . :'~7r: .,...:,,.. ,,' .,...',....~... ,.-...".".. T.pe . 2 Mr. Barton .tated that Staff f.lt the land u.e vas lnco.pltlbl., to which ha not.d th.t the mlnl~u. buffer that any pav.m.nt will have frOD within the Cold.n Cat. tltat.. area i, 400 f..t. He .tat.d thlt , the clol..t prox 1.1 ty I. 400 h.t vh lch a f hct. on. Cold.n Cat. I.t.t......' lot Iddlng that, a. Idjlc.nt lot. Ir. .pproached, the buffer contlnuel to incr.I.. In both dlr.ctlon., Ke .tated thlt the m'xl.~ øp..ð of any of the dellqnated t..ts Ir. 80 ~,p.h., addlnq that they generally run in the 10" 70'.. H. noted that int.n.ity of u.. v.. a conc.rn of .,; , \,.........¡. ,.'"""".. ~4' .,~, ...,,....~ ...i:·~ '.,.. .~ ,;!,,",' . ,,;;;' "sg. II ..- -- -- - -- - - - - ----- - ---- - --------------------... c:::1 s . ."'-,-><,...-"""....-,-- ftII t::9 ;:;::J ---- - ------- - ---- - - ----- ------ ---..--------- MIY 10, 1983 atart, addlf19 t.hat this project hu I lIIullllIa u.ad portion of Ipproxl.. ,: "'Italy 20\ and the pun will .p.clfy th..e numblrl. "I .tatlð projlct viii hive open .plce of Ipproxlllllt.ly 10' of the totll 1.n" .rl'. He rlported thlt thl flUl11tl11 on the proj.ct wou!d be very alllll, notlf19 that th.r. would not bl .ny llvlnq flcllltle., kitchen t.cllltl.l, and the only water tor humin conlulllptlon would b. ï; ......................... '. A':"" llvl~orhl, walhlnq, Ind p.rhapI potabl.. RI notad that will water J.,;,;;.... . ',.,;".~·:wlll 'be u..d~ 'fie .tated thlt It I. highly likely I ,plchlly dealgnld ~~""" ..ptlc tank could be uud. Re .tlt.d thl't fire no" will be provided ~¡f~'.". . ~ " ';'; , with th., un of . fire well with pUllplng hcll1tla. with. flre truck ~_............._,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,,,,#.,,,, i.: ~á;~A!.':' f~.,on aI~~t'I~, all tI.... II. reported that thl .nvlron.ental luue w111 b.:f~~·' ';~:, " dllllt with In grut d.tall u It will be n.c....ry to acquire penl1U .~~ '\¡ "j'" tro~ Corp. ot En?ln.er p.rmlt., DER, OrwMD, .I' w.ll .. the County. not.d'that thl. project I. a .peclal purpo.. and II not pr.c.d.nt. fl. / o. ;." I .'~ Re conclud.d that a PUO will have to be brought back t.o tha BOlrd anð ha I. limply alklng for a land us. am.ndmant thll dat., To Comlll..lon.r PI.tor'. qu..tlon, Mr. Barton Indlcltld that Ice... will be t.nced and there will bl .ecurlt.y th.r. at .11 t.lllla.. To Coftlll..lon.r VOl.' que.tlon, Mr. Barton .tat.d that the curvI. will b. el.vated 10 there will not be .qu.'llng ot tlr... He not.d that th.re will be lights on the alte, but the tricks th.~..lv.. will not b. lIght.d, COlllllllaalon.r Kruae atated thAt b.tor. the rllon. 1. approved .he would h.v. to have total aatlstactlon r.gardlnq the n.lghbo:1 concernl and the wat.r probl.m. alnng the aa.t.rn boundlry, ~oaK 075 rACE 211 """_."-...,~..",-..,,.,.,.-,,,,~,....,-,_.,~"""_"""'-'-""""-~.,-,-,.~,,,,,.,,.."._" .lJr''.-r,,:.:..,,¡ ,.1;¡',:~,!JI'~ ,.." ..,....,;;.t,'.',... , ,'.~j.¡i: ~".,.....~~,~ '·.'Þ'.)'t'/, """., -.....,.11"'('·· - '"~,·t~.w:.·,""".otttl\ ,~ . ..., .;~,...,.+-r.!'f":.... . \-". ....,. ,'4..-.." I", ' """'I',~.I.¡,.. ,..:....'~. ..f! .(",!'I"'. ~-------------------------- ...,,:... .,.,."1 :"~ 071': ' 2.1 II , Hay 10, 1983 , ~íIK. ;). rACE .u. ' , . ;fJl it't 1!1] Th. l~llowln9 p.ople lpoke In oppo.ltlon to the proj.ct rapid populatlun 9rowth, pollution, hl9h .p..d., exc... traffic, the i~pact ~n hou.lnql c.orq. ~.ll.r Ch..t.r Coralcl CollIer County Clylc r.ð.ratlon 32e~ 29th ~y.. 8, W. ,I '. .:'111" "ff!!;;:',; '\~~'." Mr, Cl/lude naymln, repre..ntlnq the ~onomlc Deve10plunt Council,' ,:~P;':' .tated that th.y have look.d It the proj.ct cl(\lIOlY, addlnq thlt It h .,¡-:i;' . v.ry acceptable proj.ct ond th.y are alklng th/lt the requ..t be qlvan tj~¡ , .).~~! ,:~ .J~r~~"~ ,..,. r;~, f.., ~,. ;¡'1' " ~; ",'!, ~#II0' . ~ 'I·;' ,41 ~"'" proper conaid.ratlon, ~: Mr, oJ. ~. Mc~llllon, adjacent landowner of the .ubj.ct prop.rty, .tat.d that h. la not oppo.lng the project, but I. ohjectlnq to hayln9 the border. Indultriallz.d ...a w.ll a. the Impact on the .nvlron~.nt Inð the lack ot con.ld.ratlo~ tor the n.lqhbor.. Tap. .3 Mr. Mc~lllion .tated that the nelqhhora would like e butt.r lone' th.t Ie l.rq.r th.n .00 t..t, H. not.d that h. h.. b..n told thlt it will b. non-ap.ctator t..tlng .nd h. would Ilk. that Includ.d In the ..f -' , " ", . !·~'I /, PUD docum.nt. He .t.t.d th.t h. want.d to b. I..ur.d th.t th~~n~y~~ ¡. ,'. vehlcl.. that would b. t.lt.d would b. p....nq.r type c.r. or lIqht .'~:, . ','1 . , .J~lr,~'. w.lqht pickup. and not .eml-Uuck. or war lIachln... tie .lao .tated.. ".':' , t 4·<r.;~~,/. " , :'I..:-:..~:;~. ,0'" t~ that It .hould b.' noted in the PUD docu.ent that there ..would only be:, ~~' . ,........,'-^.........,..~",. ..-......-. conv.ntion.l .uto.obile type fuel. on thlt pr.IIII.... II., not.d that \ l .-d ~.,' : 1- .. .;";;"'l .'t'. "." ~ ' . . . " \. there .hould b. ad.quat. ..curlty, addln9 thlt .tr..t. Ihould be,",'j';~~" He .tlt.d that he I. . . "....I,:~~:.ø..·~ ¡,~. r.qu..tlnCj th.t traln.d and capable per.onn.l b. lIIalntalned .t' .11'·' .., ....~ot:"'..., tl... on the facility to take care of any h.lardou. probl.... ~.lnt.In.d and brou~ht up to County .tlndard., Comal..lontr ~ru.. Indlc.t.d that ..v.ral y.lld poInt. hlye b.en ;·t~~ .\ ' brought up and .hould b. .ddr....d In the PUD docUII.nt. Mr. wllli.1II ~'lton .tat.d that thl. 1. not II provlnq qround, It I. "9 e . .. ..... , '~"~'rf."J " ':¡., ~ 1 ',', ,....,-, t,,~ ...~. ';'\ÍI' f~~~>: _\,' .~'. ." ~, , -----------------------------------------~ t:::= ~ r=::3 -..0_"_""_'- .~,..;".__..._...._..._,__'__..,.1'" ."....---...-.,..,;..'''''..'...-... ·,,.,n ;',". .~~ ,"..^,,~....._>..^.. """",^,I~' "-,, ~at.ly 345 p.opla p.r dlY which will problbly ~aan two or thr.. p.opl. .,~.4,. ',', ~~1.~p.r v.hlcl. which ~.an. 100 to 1~0 vehlcl.. . dlY cOMlnq to the .1to ,_t~.;~; , ~ '~~:.~hlch I. excudingly low traffic volu",.. 1Ia not.ad that ..ny County ro.d -:,:f ~~:wlll ad.quatelY ,ultaln that kind or trlfflc, addinq that tho 1..ue ,,4. ...1·~. ' . '.~~ will, how.ver, ba .ddr....d In tha PUD doculII.nt, !Ie .-,ot.d that .oat ~'"'f ' ~~~th. ëonc.rn. of the landown.r. can b. handl.d without Iny proble.a ;. ~'~;;:.:..' . -. . .~..' will allo be' addu...d In the PUD docullllnt, f;' ~... = t:;;:) ~ CD1 tÇ) ,;...:; Moly 10, 1983 a cu.to.ar eVllultlon cantor which will bo Indlcat.d In the 'UD ðocu.ant. KI r.portad that 34th ~Y.nue S,E I. an unr.ved road and 'N,~ . ''It"" . "'W' ~. ~~: plln at thl. tl.e 1. to brine; that rOld up to County .tandlrdl. 7Ie noted thlt there would be . .u:llllu. on-lite utlllutlon of approxl- '; ':\:;~' ""T of "~!;" .. .~,.'~" and' " t t'~>, " ..'t'~' Mr. rrad Capalbo, Ex.cutlva Enqln..r for the V.hlcl. Lab of rord Kotor Co",pañy, Itat.d that tha fine tunlnq for the v.hlcla. will be 't' done at thl. t..tlnq ground, ße noted that thl. I. I .Inlmum facility th.t la qolnq to be built to accomplish thl. work, '. .~ .~/ Th.r. being no further dlaculllon, COIII_I..lon.r vo.. .ov.d, "~IÞ",··· ,,, ~.-:,A .' " . ,.,~ . ~;' '~" l... . .:; ,- ..cond.d by co..llllon.r plltor Ind carri.d un.nlllloualy, th.t the public h.arlng be clo..d, .,~.. , Co..llalon.r Plltor lIIov.d, ..condld by co..II.lonar Urovn and carried unlnlmou.ly, thlt the Ordlnlnca al nUMb.r.d Ind entitled below b. adopt.d and .nt.r.d Into Ordlnanc. Book No. 17. ORDINANCE 113-20 AN ORDINANCE ~ENDINC ORDIH....NCE 79-32, THE COMPRE1IINIIVI 'LAM rOR COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, BY ~ENDING THI WORK ITUDY AREA K....P '6 rROK ACRICULTURE TO INDUSTRIAL ON THE rOLLOWING DESCRIBED PROPERTY, APPROXIMATELY 530 ACRES LOCATED 1M SECTIONS 22, 27, AND 34, TOWNSHIP 49 SOUTH, RANCE 21 IAIT, COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, "ORE P^RTICUL~RLY DESCRIBED HERIIN, AND PROVIDING ~N EFFECTIVE DATE, (Locat.d 1...dlate1y eaat of COLDtN CATE ISTS. , north of SR 84) ..... R.c.a.. 10.25 A,M. - R.conv.n.dl 10135 A,K. ..... 'I ~aaK 075 fACE 213 ",.,,,..,,,,,.,",,,.,,,~,,...,-",,.,,,,~-......,..,,,,,. """"",_""~~,,,,,,,,,,_",,_,_,_.__;___"'_'_",A___"""'~~~"'";>".....,.,... ]ìj i'j §I-' I!U "'~~~~ØMlZ.¡fI!1IJfJft~~., .~ _ ~'.~~~~/~~~m..-".!p..~~~. ,', i " , ~.,.,..",~,,,~t'....#II.,~... ~'.'.,._-~... ~·{"'-""#··"'''I.·~..t",. .....~........~ - ,,;,-, , ,'" :,' .-" . · "", · ~;~:Î ,:S:,~,~,,'uÞ..,...:.. '. . .};..~;" ,/,,,"<J4* ..::::..-___ ____ _ _______ _Ji'___ -- - - -.- - - - -- ----.:.:~- :'t.f" " ....,<':'f,.',",~ '~:~ 015 21A May 10, 19l3'''~~~I'v:'<i\ &OOX r ACt "i' .' ;>~~ ' ... 'Y"; ,¡,r. -. 'fjrit~. .. ";";~, '. .f :'.'.¡:;. "TITION C "'13- 'C, on. N'NO "AGN', "OU""NO . LAN. US, ............ ,,,',.J : ;-", 'ROM Rl6Itlr;KTI...L LOW-MZtlIVM DENOITY TO CO/'IMIRCI~L "OR ~PI'1IOXIMTELY 4C 'f,~;, ACRES l.OC...TlD IN THE f!I AN1> SW OUADf\~KTB 0.. 1-75 AND DAVID C. BROWM ' ,i~ , ~y - D&lfnD"~1 '., , ~~, LAq.l notice having bun publl.h.d In the Nlpl.. Dally N.". on " '. ~",I..,,";,:.·' iÌ.. ....prll II, 1983, .. evldenc.d by Aftlr.lllvlt of Publication filed '11th the tf,f{, ::.::: :::: ':,:::: : ': .:::. ::::.: ::,:0::: d ::. :::::0; ,::-::::::.:::;' "~,:~,; Low-M.dlu. Denllty to Comm.rclftl Cor Ipproxl",at.ly ~4 acr.. located In ~ ::1 " " \' , ~~fi,~' .,..~. Plann.r cllcchlone 911v, thfl ".n.r.l location of the prop.rty on an·',þ':· ·.'>'i'~j ov.rhead ,up Indlc/ltln? thlt the petitIoner I. reque.t!nq that 44 acre,~<~~t. b. de.lqnllted aa Commercial on the land u.. plan, addlni that h. d~::~~ not .tate the propoled us. of the Commercial prop.rty. She r"ferred to.~ ~ " "fJP~ the Ex.cutlv. Summary ~.ted May 10, 1983, notlnq that the CCP'" r.co., ~ ~';,l¡. . ..... ' ~.nd.d approval and Staff I. reco~m.ndlnq ð.nlll ba.,d on th~ r'~.o~I~~~~~, Illt.d In the Executlv. SUlnmllry. ' '.. .,,'"'" . . > :-~"l{:*~'" : ".." .",:._...~ " , .-\-......., :\ Dr. }leno Spagna, repr..entln9 the petitioner.,' Mutual rundln9 ;..'f: ,,' , ".rf.·:..;···· ~..;.. R..ltor. of Plorlda, Inc" Trader. Unll¡nlted of WapI.., Inc., 'Denl.l ~.~, ' Monaco, Tru.t.. and "r.d,rIck II, P.uly, Tru.t, .Ut.d thlt a~~~ o.f',,~r:f;a~· , I ' t, ....,~ ""'~kJ" . parcel. were purcha.ed In 1914, addln9 th.t .lnce that date tha ," './'"-:,:,,,: co.preh'n'lv~ Plan was adopted In 1979 "hlch alloclt.d approxì~~t.l;';7,~1.:~ ., ,-,"":-1#,...../ J~~ acre. of land to be d..19nftt.r.I a. COIII",.rclal prop.rty .1'0ne¡ the south ~~ .Ide of DavId C. Brown I1lghway, He noted thlt when 1-75 wn built .:~ '~N' ..., .... ',,,,'1'..'.' '"?''''' approxllnat.ly 10 acra. of the Ilnd "'I taken for r19ht-of-way purpo.e~.,!}~ l1e not.d th.t the property run. in d.pth of approximately 13'O~' het~""~~~~ Iddlnq that only the northern ~00-500 fut of the property I. .hown on ~'\~.::'" . t\ .. the Compr.h,nllve Pllln Cor Co~m.rchl UI.. He noted thlt the CCP~ h~: ';j~, , \;¡): '19. 10 .~-.~' :"'~~'~:-I',., -------------------~---------------------- the 6£ and SW quadrant. of 1-75 Ind [lavld C. 8rown fll9hway. '" ''" . Tape 4 ·:iJt;~;~.:. '~'f.~;~ ti.,·, c:::J 6~ c:::::3 tt ~ - ~ .-.......".~""'--~;,-~-,-,~,-'".,'-_.""""--,;_,..._""...-,-'_...._- "" ,.""...-..,.-,.% ~.".""',.""..,-,-,_. ...,..-. ,..~, rill r=J = ------------------~~ I ,. ./ ---------------------- 14.y 10, 19(13 reco.mer.ded epproval, Iddlne; that 40 acr.. of land .t the Interchanqe . ~ou]d be the Idaal .",ount In elch quadrant. K. not.d th.t thll Ilnd ....,,' ".. auppo..d to b. dealgn.Ud COIII..rcld but, due to a JIII.under.tandlng .\f IJr.;" ,. '... ,. . . \;¡; ç ~~ ~I.n the Co.pr.h.nalv. Plln "II Idopted, only the northern 600 feet ...,.....," . '. d..lgnlt." I' Com..rclll and aOIll. of th.t haa þ.an lost for the .........................- . . . ~rI9ht-of-w.y tor I-7~, le.vln1 .pproxl.at.ly 400-500 f..t d..lgnlted a. , .&~, j..' ..., ,:1,~~"'Co..erc111, fte noted that thera au b.neflta to b. 91In." by ..endlnq ~h. Comprehen.lv. Plln to CoMIII.rcl.l, noting that It would Ivold and ~'~~'~~!,.i:~~,l,n...t.~. Iny poulbll1ty of any .t.rlp develop"ent lIround the ;: ,Slnterch.nq.., fie noted thlt if the COIII!'uh.n.lv. Plan II ..ended, the ,,>, i....'(..,."'~·..,' ~,' ··'If.' 'to';;"::',,',"'r.qUlr...nts of the zoning r.gulatlon. will hllva to b. ..t b.fore he ".~' ,,"," ¡ ,~,~.;" c.n r.ceiv. fln.l .pproval tor I r.zon.. H. report.d that It I. ,~~.,.' ,:;' n.c....ry to hlv. .n ..,.nd.,.nt to the COIII?r.h.n.lve Plan so th t poopla "'of' f\.;< .........'..~ W .. . ....'~~". th.t would Ilk. to d.v.lop thl. land know thllt th.y cln co~. blck It a Iltar tl.e .nd b. Ihl. to !!IOV. ah..d with I d.v.lOp"ant. '........,-'0...' . Th. tollowlnq 1'.01'1. spoke In favor ot the Colllpr.hen.lve Plan llnd ''\-., us. ....nd...ntl Mr. rred rauly Me, O.nlel R. Monaco Mr. WIllla., ..... Donovan ]939 Empr... Court 1917 Prine... Ct. 6])0 2(th ....v.nu. S. W. "I Mr. !, T, Suarez, 2710 Natoma Stra.t, MI.ml, .tltad th.t h. 11 not øppoa.d to thl. chang. aa h. I. . proparty own.r on thla l nd, adding thlt th.r. la, howev.r, property that would h.v. no Iccae. If the l.nd w.. zoned Comm.rcl.l Inst..d o( b.lng laft Re.ld.ntl.l. H. not.d th.t hi. only conc.rn would b. that th.r. be .cc.s. to the prop.rty that 1. zon.d R..ld.ntlal. COlllmunlty Pev.lo~ent ~..lnl.trator Vlrta at.t.d thlt frolll .tudl.1 h. ha. r..d, the tot.l n..d (or COIII",.rclll .round the Interchlnqe would be 48 .cr.. by the y..r 2000, IIddln9 thlt the Compr.h.n.lve Plan .hoWl ;J~~i~ ",~,ì. "'1' ".t-',~ ~./;,;t~ . ~ ;";~" ~~. 1>~i·~4~~ 1'19.' Ù· ,i~Æ;~1' -------------------------------------~-~~ 53 .cr.. .. d.algnat_d Co~m.rcl.l, , ' tOOK 075 fAcr215 , ~ ~,,' ,^\¡,~~ V~"""'" ' ;0,). - :0 ,,_--....__'.......~ø.· ,., .-.".,....".__.._ ,.". .....;~,....^""',..;.,"'-",.,",...,,'----...... iii' -._,""'......~..,'~-~~""...--,-.-- ----"""".'"...,.~~., , ' .~:~: ~' «;¡,;~~~_~,~.JUft;';; ..... , :'lII~~,>Jt:I. ,,. '~~'''{.i"'...r.-.::','''' , !~~.~.~<f I' ":'":"':'I,'fI#j;.t"":;""~'.'fJ~,~..;.'t. J; .....' ~ # ,'.' # '. ....~ ,. "y-. :......,......... . ::..~ ----"- ----- ~ ------- - - -:::: :~~-- ------- : ":- , ,./Í!.iI "~~"",, Dr. SpI':Jna Ita tad th.t hit woulð look It the proble" of acc~," ,~~~~j,;:~; before applylng, for a rezone. ~~~." ~"(, ,-.~:~~. /1'" " Co..I..loner "o11lnd 1I0Vld, .econded by CoII.I..lonar VOl. and / '$:'~ j -, ~~~J " ':tÎ~ !." 'Ii., ..... , '-~~ pag. 12 -- -- - -- - ----- -- - ...-- ----- ----------------_....:.- .-..,..........,.,.....".-., " clrrl.d unlnl.ou~ly, that the p~bltc helrlng b. clo.ed. Co~l..loner pt.tor lIov,ð, .econð.d by CO~NI..lonar VO'I that " "', '.< ), .,.'".",.. patltlon CP-13-3C, Dr. Neno Sp.qnl, reque~t1nq a land u., ,.end.ent fro. R.elðentl.l Low-MadlulI Den.lty to Co..~rclal for approxl..tely 4' . ' .cral lncatad In the BE .nd CW quadrant. of 1-75 and David C. Brown Highway b. denied. Upon call for tha qu..tlon, the .otlon p....d 3/2, (Co.-l.lloner. Brown anð Rolllnd OPPoled). IU. " RESOLUTION 8)-72 R! PETITION ~V-83-~, DAVID' JACOUILINE RALlY REOUESTING A V....C....TION or THI DR....INACE AND UTILITY IASEMENT LOCATIO 1M . UNIT )1, COLDEN CATE r.STATt8 - ADOPTED ............................' Legal notIce havlnq be.n publl.hed In the N.ple. Dilly New. on . II' ,_~,~.;.. April H, 1983, and "'oily 1, 191), aa evIdenced by Affldav1t of ~..I ," ~.. .....~....,¡. ~..J , ;': publIcatIon fIled with tha Clerk, publIc hearln9 w.. opened to con.lder, pet1tlon AV-I)-ti, filed by Dlvld , JacC ueUna n.ley uq~..tsniÌ~~.t~~, . ........tl'C..'..., t.,.':'. vac.tlon of the draina'Je and utUlty .......nt locatad on the ~:.t,~,rlY,,::4~, tventy het of the euurly thl rty het of Tract 50, unlt 31; 'Cold;n, '~~\'f'~!) :,. . r 'i4tl~~,._,.¡ ; Cate latlte.. ". "'l~,~.n\í;,·"J~,'"j:" ,.......... ...~ ,..~,..".~t~~-:-.~ Public Worka Ao::"dnil1trlttor H.rtlun .tated thlt thS. petition wa. .' ~,~ fUed to overco.. . luff IIIlltake thlt occurred durlnq the .pprov~(~'f ",::'.1' (, .' ., ,'- ':,7\\; the bulldlnq per,lIt for thl. lot, ltddinq that thore I. no .dverae :'\~"""'t':':r~ ~ .. '\:~~,~~,~ ..< ....~¡, ~~. consequence of It. .pprov.l. Co_hllloner pl.tor .ov.d, .econded by Co..haloner VOl. Ind ' .::,;' carriad un~~S.,oU'lY, that the public h..ring be cloud. I ...".Lil~"~.:~!~~ Co_i..Son.r PI.tor .ov.d, ..cond.d by Co_1a.1~ner Vo.. '~n" "."t'¡t:,.:~, ". ',\. " carried unlnlaou.ly, thlt R..olutlon 13-72 re Petition ~V-1I3-1, David' Jacqueline "al.y reque.t1ng I vlcltlon of the drllnlge and utility t::::J ! ,,',.' "". e::::3 '.""'"",,'<-""~"'.A'~'_____""'__·__'_"''''_'''''''__''''''_~.L ~. ~ Liii) ,.}.,,,. .., ,"I\{:?'¡',i.' --------------------------------------- ~ '.,. May 10, un ',"," '¡' ,'......nt located on the wuterly tw.nty h.t of the ...tetly feet of or;.'~t 'Ó, unit 31, GolcS.n C,tte Eltlt.., be acSopt.cS. ~, tj ..., .. . ~ ',..~;~,".,~; ., . l' ~ '.........~.,' ~;,:,' ': ."'".....""~ ' J , ) . I I . ,..' ,..ài.~~".... ~..........' _ 1",lj"I,' "j........'1v... ,!f" ' """ ~"'J~",:..., .\ '. ~ ,........... ..,......'fItI,.. ~~r~t1 . _: (¡r!...J,. 1 ....."1.'1..1.... c"~''' ';(1 -, t'~..,'·:J'f"'~ ~ ~¡;". "C;' :",)'iP: ; .;., .:.,. ~.,~ . ;' it; ...,~: " ~,y.!~ :.,;:,~:....'+:;, "',r·Ð."t , ,". , . ,~.·~;;Ç~1''-\ >-,¥',.ti1:' , , ~'( t\.~' ,....¡." '.' , ~,~,.'t, :' l'.tJ" , ':~' , . ~ -4_ ... . ! rI"-,r... .. ..'~ ·n , 'J 'f' )' . . .. \.~ C." .....-.. .,. ",,; ti;,'.r{~~, . :¡f~~"; ~':' :)~~!. \.!.,.~~~~; ; :;,', ~~~.~1~ I'~~; ~):;tt~, i ~,~7'r:~,~t!~,., '!~, . <'~ ~~:'¡;;,~-'¡;'~, '\',~~,~~" ;,:JiI!~' ,. ':'Il:~ '~i'J . ·':;lj.·· '~ \ ~', " ~OOK 075 FACtH7 #',"''1.- "._...<,...d._',M,"-~--· ---." ,,,,.....-,.""",,......._,-..-""'~""'...'..,",,.,"'^',,...."',.,..._._,.,,,.,""...'<, "'............., ,",..-,.,,,". ~<.;"...-'''',".,''''_.'''---_.......... rill c:::J ~ H· "'.Y 10, UII3 ____ ___ _0____ _ _ _ __ ____ _ -- - --- ------ - ----- -----.. Ite. HO ~E'OLUTIOM '3-73 ~I 'ITXTIOM fDPO-83-V-3 I' LLOYD IRlfftAM ~IOUlftTXwa' APPROVAL Of A VARIANCE PROM TftE MIM1PlUM BASE fLOOD ELEVATION REQUIRED IY THE 'LOOD Ð^MAOE FR~NTIOM ORDINANCE OM PROPERTY DESCRIBED AI WIMD6T~R PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT - ADO~ID " ' ,') Le~.l notice hlvlnq been pUblllheð In the Naple. Dally Newe on ,April 24, 19ft3, " evldencftd by Affld.vlt of Publlc.tlon filed with the Clerk, public hurln9" W'I open.d to con.lder Petltlon'rCPO-IIJ-V-3 fUed ,..,..1.", by Lloyd Sheehan requaatlnq .pproval of A v.rl.nce frOM the .Inl.u. ;:~.,.,. '~_'~~£:' baae flood elevltlon requlrad by the 'lood DB~a9a Prevention Ordlnanca ~on property ðelcrlbed I' Wlnd.tar PI Inned unit DevelopMent. ~¡¡:~~~.;¡~,. ,'; , " ifh~,,;;.~Planner To. McDaniel .Uted that the petitioner I. a.klnq for a t.,Y" ~.." ~;,. f ~o' ". 11' u q.' ...... 0' th. "00' Do. .q. "no. "on , Ordlnance to 7', which II tor a 70xlOO' qol! couraa ..Inten.nce "'."ft~t\·-I4~ ";'7'. ;.. bulldlng thlt will be us.d for Itor.qe of .ow.r. and tractor. a. vall " doing ~alnt.nance on .lld equlpm.nt. ne noted th.t th.re will be In office .re. and lavAtories, aðdlng that thlle function. will be Ibove -.........-..._... ,the requlr.""nt of the Plood ~~aq' Prlvlntlon OrdinAnce. Ke concluded by .tltlnq that Statt I, recommending approvll of the vlrlance. Ta pe . 5 Co~I..loner Brown Moved, .econded by Co..I..loner PI.tor and carried un.nl~ou.ly, that the public helrlnq ba clo.ed. Co..I.eloner Brown .ovad, .econded by Co..I..loner Vo.. and carried unlnl",oully, th.t R..olutlon 83-73 re Petition rDPO-83-V-3 filed by Lloyd Sheehan reque.tlng approval of a varl.nce fro. the alnlauM b.la tlood elavltlon requlred by the 'lood ea.age Prevention Ordln.nce on property da.crlbed a. Wlnd.tlr Planned unit Developaent, be adoptad. ðO~K 075 PACE 219 ,.ge -",-"""..."_.,..,"~",,,,-,,,.._-,--,-,,, .- "".....................'''''.-.."..'''''.-,-'''''''''*"-......'''"''''''...'-."....-'..'.....--- .....".'""'....""""._"'_,~w._"" "...-",.,.. ,.- , '."t./ ~\.ú ¡ _:':~t~¡: ~ ¡: \ j\ ,.,,......,.,_..,....,----- M____ _^,_...,..."""'_,,,_,...... ",..,,,',_"',0._'''''''''''_______'''''..___·_ [If] '" ì~ ~I" " ~. ':J' ì; :!~~ \, "':. l' þfi ~ '" ..~ , .. ~ l' 1; *-,--;,,,,.,.,...,,..,,,--, c;;I r::::J r::;:a . " ,"., ..~ ;\;. ~OOK 075 rAr.£2Z7 "<)e 11 '¡;.ßt. -Z:;7 -- - ---- - ---------- ---- - -- -- --- __7"""...:.._..:.2~i:~ r,.:. -- --- - -..--- --...... -- -- - - -- - -- - -..- --------------- "'ay 10, 1983 It.. 114 JMIIX IU'TTS ",OMOTID TO A NEW pOSITION Of ASSISTANT VETtRAN'S IICJlVICI OFFIC~R, OON ØORTON TO ACT AI THI COUNTY VETIRAN'S Ir.RYICI OFFICER ~ITRIN nIS ROLE A8 PUBLIC SERVICIS A~IHISTR^TOR. ANn A CIT" 'AnTICIPANT BI ~ETAIHED 1M T"I VACATED POSITION or SICRITA~Y rOR TlI VSTIR~N'S SERVICES - APPROVED co.-I..lon.r PI.tor Indlcat.d thlt he f.lt Mr. Norton wa. ~eSdlnq too .uçh to hi. r..pon.lbllltle.. ...............,...-."....,. " Co~.I..lon.r Ho1lln~ .t.t.d thlt ~r. Norton f..l. thlt ha cln '-"-" . '~':" hlndla tha job and due to the COunty" Unllnchl dtultlon, it would be ,fll'. .t.,;o<:, worth tha trial run to try I t In th I. lII.nner, ...\¡{-.:~. . :; ~....___,~bllC ~rvlç.. Admlnl.trator Norton stilted that h. IIUU III the .............' ..:/~.;\>cr1t.rh that I. n.c....ry for the V.t.rln'. Servlca OfUc.r. ,,,'1~· . " .. . , , '-!,o_., "'Co~I..ioner vo.. lIOud, lIoond.d by Collllh.loner JIoUlnd Ind carrlad unanl.ou.ly, that .:Jlnla Butt. be prolllotad to . nev po.itlon of ~~i.tant V.teran's Servlce Officar, Don Horton be Ippolnt.d to let a. ~t, ,... the County V.t.ran'l S.rvlc. Officer within hi. role I. Public ø.rvlcel Ad.lnl.tr.tor, and a CETA participant be r.talned In the Vlcated po.ltlon of .ecr.tlry for the v.t.rlln'. S.rvlca., It.. 115 SHORT LIST OF ....nCHITECTURAL/INCINEIRIHG FIRMS ACCEPTED RI DEVlLOPMrMT or THI COUNTY'S FIVI COMMUNITY PAR~ß ~MD IACH ~IRM TO MAKE A PREseNTATIoN TO THE BCC BECINNINO ~T 1130 P,M., TUESDAY, KAY 17, 19113 · ....pr"OVID Co.-iaalon.r Rolland .ov.d, ..conded by COIlaI..lonar pl.tor Ind carrl.d unal'llllOusly, that tha .hort lI.t of ~rchltectural/lnqlna.rln1 firs. con.l.tlnq of Alb.rt R. Pera. ~ A..oclata., Reery Jntern.tlonal, Inc. and Wllaon, Miller, B.rton, Soll , paek, be ICC.pt." re d.velop- ..nt of the County" five co..unity park. and .Ich llr. ..ke a pre..ntatlon to the Bce b.91nninq at 1130 P,M" Tu..dIY, MIY 17, 1913. County M.n.q.r ~rman .tat.d thAt he .ant . II.~O to the noard .tltlnq thlt economy and efflcl.ncy .houleS b. e",phl.l..d In r.venue '<~ t k'>........."""'__......_.._.,.._··'''''__·__·___.....___........-1IiI ,3r~~'-:',' i'lftf,--. ~.,~,tt~~.~~.:~'" t ;..",":'," "'1't'" ,;í.:';' ,->~.-:. :~t1/ '~':i~~~:f" ':,,,;;" ,/·trrl' , .-r4", ...,¡;¡ " ','...t, ..,. ,-~ ¡·:{\.t;f~·"'l'~ ;'.;:;:;,~\ production In the couru of the IItudy, lððlng thlt h. I. propo~ln9 th~,t;'l>:; the ..~o ba r.lrculat.d to the thr.e flr~. a.klng that this b. .dðr....ð{,~,~~ durlnq th.lr pr...ntatlon. Th.re WIIS c;¡.n.ral conun.u. thlt County,·"""tr;;r.: +:.~~~,~ ~ -f '..1 '~~~ :;.f.L!'~~ , ,. ~~-----;-----_..~-------------- "~~'" ';" . \it-t:;-tt. : aoot 015, fACE 228 I'IIY 10, 1993 "'~J. Mlnag.r Norman s.nd the .a",o to each flr~, . . ~);"'t" f, "';"~' . UCOMMINDATION TO RETAI!f ~SSOCIJ\Tr:D UTILITY BERVICIS, INC. TO REVIEW" "}~/;', B"5 IS or 1ffl0LES~LI WATER R"TES CRAROID BY CITY or N~PLIS TO COUNTY ., "'~. W"T!R-SEWER DUTRICT IE CONTINUID TO M~Y 11, 19113 - "PPROVID .'...'., , ,;,.i ',,: '{'t contlnu.d for ona w..k, addln9 that h. hll. a copy of the contr.ct and It.. 11' Coaal..lon.r vo.. .tat.d th.t he would llk. to ... thi. it.. would like to r.vl." It be fora a consultant Is hired, Co.al..10n.r Vo.. aov.d, ..cond.d by co.ml..lon.r Brown .nd carried unanl~oualy, th.t the racoa..ndatlon to r.t.ln A..oclat.d Utility s.rvlc." Inc. to revh" b..l. of vhol...h It.t.r uu. Ch.r9.d~/ "ì-;r" by the City of Napla. to the County Water-S.w.r DI.trlct b. contlnu.d ' to l'Iay 17, 1983, IUa 117 ~ .. ."4'''':'- .~., " ,,~. ..;" PROPOSED APPRO"CR TO PROPERTY TR~Dt WITH B"RROIf-COLLItR COMPJ\HT fOR ,.nDED LAMD ....T THE NORTH S~"C! TREATMENT PLANT - "PPROVID ' ,',., coa.l.elon.r Brown ..ov.d, ..cond.d by Co_l.slonar Vo.. .nd- ',:';' I'·i~ , "f, 'f carried un*nlaou.ly, thlt the propo..d approach ~9 . property trað.' " , 'f~~:\ ',j~,,\~~, with ..rron-Colller Co.pany ~or n..ðed land .t the tcorth 1."a9' ~!,:1;·:{:'~'F. : .,. rt:..""~ ........~, fIt-· . Trut...nt Plant ba .pprovað. s.ld .ppro.ch, .. outlined hi ·th.·_·~"''!''''· ,..' t'"' ',,'"'' '·_·_....7#-~:·~ t:ucutlve su_ary d.ted 5/5/13, authorlu. SUff to ..l.ct .n , ,~~. .ppralcer, b...d upon prevlou.ly approv.d 1I.t of .uthorh.d ",/..",. ............,,",.,.~ .pprr.l..u, .cc.pUble to lerron-collhr Col'lpany, b.l.ð upon e '.:. .,;~~, o. ............-........~, , . co..patltlv. d.tar.ln.tion of prlc., tlkln9 Into con.ld.ratlon the laportllnc. of h.vlnq the work cOMpleted in thirty dlY. or 1..1. Bo.rd;· ,.". "'/,:,;~~ .110 .uthodud ÐUff to Instruct Ippuher to proceed, ,ubj.ct to .~ ,<:,,~r, d.ur.lnatlon b~' tha County ~ttorn'y .nd County Man'9u th.t the e9r'..ð "..)(' "t ,':7;; :-~)ì:'"; , P.ge l1.'~~:> ---------------------------------------~~ t=:::I rz::1 .. ,......-..."..- .~"~"".,.",.",,,~...~--"_~--__I_"""-""""""''*--'''''-''''''''''-·''_· 'J"'" . '''''~.' . :~>, ~¡~.'<¡¡'" ,.~¡¡\ .~ :,: .~~~". ,..~?~:+ . -';;~;:,;.~. , ";';"~YJi;\ "J'!!, '*_.......~~--,-- - ¡:¡;;¡ F"~',,,I fJ ------------------------------------------ I'Iay 10, 1983 upon prlcl Ind tl.1 for co.pletlon of work 11 co.pltltlve and oth.rvll" appropriate, Ind t~at the Staff r.port on action. tlk.n at the next SOard .e.tl~ f~~lo~l~ .ald Ictlon.. . . "I CO.MII.lon.r ~rua. It.t.d th.t .h. r.celved . ~.~or.ndu. fro. County MMnaqer Nor~an conc.rntnq the cnqin..rlnq fir. of Polt, Buckley, Schuh, , J.rnlqln rcq.rd1n9 the ri9ht-of-".y of thl .ewer pllnt " well .. ....~.nt. for the will by CHZM Rill on thl w.t.r plant. She noted " .... ~ . th.t att.r re.dlnq the I!IO",O, both on91nl.dnq tlr~. would hive to !D.ke " î.,¡ :;¡., up whit they h.ve co.t the County Ind the tup.yerl b.tore .h. would .........,.._.... ,...... ,t..· ~r~~ .~ ;\)',¡.:: vote torth.. aq.ln. ';Ij~ .. , " ! " " '" County M41n.q.r Norlllln .ut.d that the County Attorn.y .hould look Into the .Itt.r Ind dl.cu.. it It the neKt ...tln? Th.r. v.. · .... ........ . 9.nerll con.on.u. th.t County ^ttorn.y SAunJ.r. be dlr.ct.d to look Into the ,utter. .. ,I, It.. 118 __.... usot.1J1' I OK 83-74 AOOP'T'INO THE PIN~L RATI ORDIR POR THE "'^RCO Uu,tm E!!.!:.lTIES, I C. - "DOPTED County Attorney ~und.r. .Ut.d thlt the find Hat. Ordlr 1. ..1t-eKplenatory .nd rea tate a the flndlnq. of the ~.rd at the r.te hearlnq., Mr, ~et¡, repre..ntln? Marco I.land Utlllti.., .tlt.d thlt h. wanted to clarify that in the final Rat. Ord.r it .t.te. thlt the retund or credit ahall bt I.auld by tho Utility In Ita ne.t blllln9 cycle followlnq the date of the Ord.r, notlnq that thar. ar. bill. 90lnq out on May 15, 19D3, anrt that I. not the n.xt billing cycll. ft. noted that tho no.t actual btllln~ cycl. would b. Jun. 3, 1983, .nd th.n Jun. 15, 1983, H. concluded that h. simply wlnt.d to c11rlfy the ",att.r for the public. County Attorn.y Seund.r. atatod that h. would like. r..olutlon ~QK 075 rACE 229 ~ ~-,.._...<_...-.,"'«"...,..'" ",. , ,_ ~_.___>,_._....~_".__MM"........_'''_ ,.".,."J;'.,"""'"'~' '".". ...,..,,".-"....---...""'''~...--,-......---'''-.~......-¥l--~ ----- - - - - - - ----- - - --- - - - - - -- -- - ---.-- - ----- ~,.i~: , .",1 .;,} SÍ¡~, ' "~,.1~,, ' '¡'j,q,~">,:,, :¡.....Ilt,'. 11' , '1~:r~ IUSOLIITION 13-75 "DOMINO ~E PROPOS"'L IY rVl... rOR 'I'R! ~~_~~:~:~~.~OU"TY - ~\~PT~D '~~:"~" ", ,CO~nty Mtornty Saund.u .t.tad that thl. lUll I. the ru.... ~,I..\'''- '1',;:,> u.olutlon dul1n9 with the flood levll. for Collier County. lie noUð ........~...~~... . :~~;l;~~.t t~~ BoI~d .pprov.d ~"..-rf~"" -~ ~1i;~~,:.utln<J' Iddloq thlt he ".. not Ibla to ~that tl.. Ind I., thar.for., ..king for .. ~ 8-.-d fit aUf> I·""" ~.:,.' I!IJ "~'-'> I-\IY 10, 1983 the b..la .<Jr....nt with fEM^ at th.l..t ~-,t,;~~l provld. a written re.olution It ¡';:~:, .pproval of the ~..olutlon to ....~:~ 4 I;~I to ..nd It to W..hln<Jton. I~· . ,I, ~ ( . , " '. '1'" , ~!~ Co_luloner 'htor Dovld, Ilconded by Co_I.a1oner Brown end ,..,'''0;, ~:}~';. " . t . l' ¿, rr ~.~~;~rrhð unlnl.ou.ly, that Ruolutlon 13-75 Idoptln<J the ,propo..l by ,1..' :~irif.'::::' '\ tho ..... "....... .....10 ., Co 111" coo.ty b. ...,to.. . ':~i ~"'k,: J )~,~ ~ ,~:-. ~;~...I: ¥t...~'.. ~_.- ,~' " <'II"; :o'jW' .,' "',', ",' ~\Í¡, ",1...~". ~:,. . . }.... . . . <. '. , "', "..'~ ~ ...... '-.l' , ) .~~, . .,." 1:', J:¡: ~r 075 ~'239 '1..~;. ~~~"~ , '. '" ,",,'1' "..,.,._...,..."'...."...,..............,,'-~""'<.;~,.,... ."O....."...."""""._"""._.......~._,....,~..._____~..._... ":':;~';' ,."~~,, ','.....~', , ";:'r'J>Æ- ¡~~~~ .I·.'~f;~~,.," ... -t' ~ ;.~._.~,;.- .....,>,,~""'/'.., ~ "'" ...' ....~~..,....... .- J:r¡L ~~ t ,r;:~,...:if'F... _...~........._ .',.. '. ..."~,, .'....'.,~....,\I,,,,,,,,, ,';" '7.?:5 f .' ". .,...,. I" ...,~" .. .->~j).~ . ,',_., " " ~ 1".'," _~_________________------------------- '~"'M7 ," ,.".,,~~ ".~"!' HAY HI, 1983 '.:".' .- 'OOK 075 ~ACE242 ,~~~: 'J , "(r·, . '~,: .';~f' ~".' " ,'.' ~_~y.·-r."~'''''''~J·'''''''''.t." "t," ;~~..:"l..,.~,~->~~~~,~· ,lIu ,.., ..' - ~,(., ..' . ~,:.: "-I.. . ',~, Ice. '20 "~~~~~'ROUTIME SILLS - APPROVED FOR P~YM!MT . ','" ~ pur.uant to Re.olutlon ~1-150 the following check. were I..ued through Frlðøy, May ~, 1993, In pa~ent of routine bill.. CREC~ D!~CnIPTION CRECK tlOS. ~ $1,331\,222.84 . 2111,529.23 t ~j!' ..., ..' ~ (l ~ " ,,) .... , ~ ... t" ,.,j, " ':"' ~' . \..,- ·~'r~' Regular Payroll 95601 ... 951187 63139 - 63670 Voucher Check. Ite. '21 BUDGET ~Mr.N~r.W~ 83-519 - ADOPTED ^S PRtRENTED Co.-I..loner Roll.nd ~ove", .econdeð by CoaD1..loner VOII and clrrlad unanlaoualy, that 8udqat Amend.ent 113-519 be Idopteð .1 pre.ented. ,"'AI, IU. '22 BUDGET AMENDMENTS 83-520 ~RROUGR 83-522 ... ~DOPTED AS PRISENTED C~..lal!on.r Voaa Moved, .econded by Co..I..lonar PI.tor anð carried un.nl.oualy, that Budget Amenðment. 1I~-520 throU9h 83-522 be adopteð I' pra.~nted. . " ·J:",'i ," . ,~c- . .~1. , ¡ "ì . ( c:::J r::::J ~ -------_......_"'"".<>"",,,....."""'_-.....-""""''''''''---'"-,.._~--"'-----"'''''''''..,"'-,--~--- -----------------------------------------. MAY 1n, 191\3 IU. 121 LITT~R REGISTERINO OPPOSITION TO ANY .O....RD OTRER THAN TftE BCC RAMDLI~a ANY SUCK VARIANCES P£~TAINIMO TO THE PROPOSID pCB 10, STATI Lr~I8LATIOW ~IPT.IC TAN~ ~lLL) - APPROVED Co~"I.elon.r ~rus~ stated thlt the propoI.d .eptlc t.nk bill, known as PCB 10, which I. going throuqh the Houle .nd Senlt. In TIll.ha.sve, would hove arrected I greet ",any lot. In Colltlr county al /...'" . originally propoled. Shl noted that thr bill hI' been .ltered Ind a.ended ~nd pa.sed tha I~use, adding that It Is not known .t thl. point \¡.~... J.....",1f It. wIll luke It through the Senate. Ghe .tlted that It Ippellr., '~"',' accordIng to the bill at this point, thin'll hove been left the original "'ti"..' wlY with the excoptlon or ~akln9 It. more dIfficult to ~o by creating I need for varllnce.. Co~mls.loner pl~tor stated that at. t.he present time It Is requlrad that lr .In area gat. ~O, populated, there ~ust be a central .ever .ys~em, addIng thllt It any of the landa were platted beror. 1972 they would be approved tor .eptlc tanka until t.hey became 50\ populated, fle noted t.hat there have been .ome exceptIon. provided which ",u.t be approved by the HRS. He note1 thlt the or191nal bIll I. beIng upheld which atate. that you CAn havo two .eptlc t^nk. on one acre of land, ne concluded by statlnq that any new develop-ent will be controlled by the bIll. To Comml.slon~r Vocs' questIon, ~mlnlstratlve Aide Spaulding stated thet In her dIscussion with Representetlva Hawkln., she Indicated that thare would be a special variance board ftet up through elch of the Water ~.n'gement. District.. t.hat. would meet monthly. She IndIcated that. copy of the bill would be forthcomIng, Comml..loner Plstor .t.ated that a le~ter ehould ba .ent .tatlng thet the CommIssion Is very concerned wIth t.he content. of thl. bill In" feel that varlanc~s should be con.ldered by the Com.t..lon. _______ _ bOOK 075 fAC£247 PAqe :2" - ---------------..----------------- , ..t: ,~, ~,' ,.~ L__·"~~,·"'"·_,~,,,·,"''''''''';'''",·''''''..,..·"''..·..~· -,"_..,._,,,,.,..~.,~ .>_._,.,..,....,~.." """".."'>.~.~,........~..'-"'.."', - - - f"1 " , ~J i;' ~i' :j ':J ~ , t, I!jj t' " .~:t It .~. .~ ~:.~~:_ ' \, ., '1'¡'''":~~2 ',;",,-, . i'~ . ,'., ----- - - - -...- - - --.- - - -- -- - - - - - -- - - - - - ------ . ~ay 10, 1983 eø 075 mr248 COD~I'llonar pl.tor D~vad, '9conded by Coaal..loner Rolland and ;~;l.':; carried unanlaou.1Y, thlt a leU.1f b. .ent U91.Urln9 oppoa1t1on to :. any Board othar than the Bolrd of County Co..I..ioner. handllng any .uch vaciance. pertllnln9 to the propo.ed pCB 10, 'tate Le9Ial.tlon. -I.. ' Ite. tH RESOLlnIOH 83-7~ APPOINTINC HERB LUNTZ AS COLLIER COUNTY COORDINATOft AND ELLEN P. MARSHALL AS ~LTERNATI COLLIER COUNTY COORDINATOR TO THI SOUTHWEST FLORIDA VETER....NS· ....DMIMISTRATION TASK rORC~ - ~POPTED Co",ml..loner ~ruae .tated th.t thl. Item 11 II follow-uP on Re.olutlon e3-~O. COMMI.eloner Holland Moved, .econdeð by CODal..loner VO" and carried unani.ou.ly, thlt Re..olutlon 83-76 eppolnt1n9 Harb Lunta .. .:' Collier County Coordinator and Ellen P. Mar.hall a. Alternata Collier a,., County Coordin.tor to tha Southwe.t Florida v.teran.' ~dmlni.tratlon Ta.k Forc, be adopte~, .. ....,.. .·f~'. , ~,: , :;~.'" ,,,..;.,, ~ ~~~".J ",' , ~, ',,_·111 ! "-"--!r",' , ,,:..:~~~ ,,4"~ ".~ "iíi.-" ....:'. ,I ;._ ,". P'9' 23 ' Yo ' '!oj,: ------------------------------------------ = ~ - ,,_....-""~"',.·-'..n·. , t,""- .j'" ,~ '~JI . .; t 'k ~' ..~Ji[ ' '/, ~" ." ".I' , " '... ,"".,- ......... ,,"'.,,-....._.._"",.... ~._..- _---:.0-- - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - ...-- - - - - - ---- -- - ---- \' ,'i1(.4O. ". """." ..w¡~:" ~ t~· .:;'~, ,¡'it',' '\, -,1¿1~, '0;4 .;} ,~'. .~ ,;':¡; , ·1' ;~I' ." ,......' reterred to above, as well as a formula by which the utilities can be acquired by the County, He noted that It 11 an excellent ordinance and..--* , . "t. ~ ,.....,;,,. .".,,,,,,,,,,,,, , .'..... . .,~ the: 'Š.~- , ":i,:.'~f ..~,. ,. " .... . ,,, . ....\ ,. ~'''.~'''' ..... ...... ~. .. ..::,+.1 " ':.~~.~ ~.7" I..egal notice havlnq baen published In tha Maple. Dally Nev. on' ":~f.F.I: "pdl e, 19113, a. evldencec1 by "ffldavlt ot T-ubllc.tlon fUed with the ,'~ Clark, bldø were received for Bid t6~6 for annual contract for ;~ Co",.,unlty Care f>ervlcel until 2130 P,M" April 27, 1983. ':,:~: County Manager Nor",.n In~lcat.d that there was an eppeal fro. the- ~;~. vendor who had pre',lou.1Y provided lervlce. ' ,Jf, , I't' p.qe 24 r ' .11 II] ~.~ \ I~ :(; i!U .., .;¡' May 10, 1911 3 ~~K 075 rACë250 ~te. '25 , ' WATER AND SEWER ORDIN"NCE rR~~ BREVARD COUNTY REGARDING TR~ ACQUISITION 0' SAID rACILITU:S TO BE S'rUDIED BY THE COUNTY ATTORNEY AND REPORT 8ACJ TO THE BOARD - APPROVED - - - -- - -- _.- --- - - --'- - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - -.- - -- - - ------- Com.,lssloner Voss stated that It hi' bean expre.sed .,.ny tl.,.. that qrowth sholJld pay tor qrowth and that when developers build a development the distribution line. for "at.r and .ewer should be dedicated to the County and, If the County does not have a treatment plant available, the devoloper r.ould put the treatment plant In but he must ","Intaln the øervlce lines that ftre dedicated to the County. He noted chat the County has also stated that they would like to acquire the privatelY o\om.d utllltla. In the County. He reporteð thlt he had a copy of the Brevard County ordinance which otate. the thing. he ~ay eave some tlma In the tuture when the Board decide. to acquire the privately owned utilities in Collier County. Co..I..loner VO.. .oved, ..conded by COM.,I.lloner Brown and carrleð unanl.,ou.ly, that the County Attorney be directed to study Brev.rd County ordinance Ind report back to the Board a. to it. applicability to Collier County. Ite. 126 BID 1646 fOR ~HNU"L CO~M~ITY C~R! SERVICE CONTR~CT ~ ~WARDED TO DIAL-^-NURSK IW THE k~OUNT or 530,000 LIMITED TO SERVICES ~CTUALLY RtNDtRED AND rUND1NC AVAI~BILITY. c::::.J .--., , - c::::J .. ~- ~'~.........~w........~..-___... ''",:", ...·;-1'Ç::.7~1"'I' "',.' 'L .' '. . " -- - - - - - - - - - - .-- - .-- - - - - - - - - - - - - -- -- - -- - -- - ---- '" ,jfJ ;' , ),/ . ~, '! ~~ " 11j ,~, dil Kay 10, 19113 public Servic'l ~mlnl.trator Norton .tated that the appeal ",a. ba.ed on the coat, addlnq that DlI1-~-N~rle ",.8 the lOW'lt bidd.r on a per-unit baal.. ~I noted that anoth.r obj.ctlon ",a. that Dlal-~-Nur~' ",.,1 not capahl. of hllndl1ng the job that: 11 nece.ury \:.0 b. perform.d. He notað that Staff hal check.d Into Dlal-~-Nurle and the r.co~~ondl- . tlon remain' the .ftme. Co~~l..loner Holland ~oved, ..conded by Co~~I.aloner VO.. and carri.d un.nl.oully, that Bid '646 for the annual Co~unlty ~ar. ,...... _ s.rviclt' contract be a",ard.d to Dlal-A-Nur.e In the allount of $30,000 'l"r~ , . .~, 11.lted to leryloe. actually r.ndered and funding ayal1lbl11ty, b.lnq ~'þ~ :'. " ,.', the 10" bldd.r and In the belt Int.r.lt of the County, and that the Chalr.an b. authorlz.d to 11qn and the Clark to atte.t the r..ultlnq "qr....nt. ..... COIIIN1..1oner pl.tor ~ov.d, .aconded by Colllmll.loner VO'. Ind carried unanl.oully, that the follo",ing Ila.. be adoptad and/or approv.d und.r the Con..nt ~endaa ..... It.. 127 PETITION TR-8J-IC, P~TRIC~ T. , MARY C. ~CCAUCHTRY REQUESTING ~ TE~PORARY RESIDENCE PER~IT ON THE 8105' or TR~CT 102, UNIT 11, GOLDEN G~Tt ESTATES I talll 128 PETITION TR-82-7C, HELEN PHYLLIS TIPLER REQUESTING A 3 ~ONTH EXTEN8!OM TO ^ TEMPORARY RESIO!Nr.E PERMIT ON THE NORTH 150' or TR^CT 131, UNIT 20, COLDEN C^TE ESTATES Itelll . 29 PETITION MP-8)-2C, W~LTER ~EYER, REQUESTING REDUCTION or PUD SET8AC~ rOR 51DE YARD rOR ^ SINCLE F^MILY LOT LOCATED ON DUCHESS COURT IN ~INaS t..\Jl:E SUBDIVISION Ite... 130 PRELIMINARY ACCEPTANCE or ~STVIrw PLAZA SUBDIVISION Ite., 131 8UDCIT AMENDMENT AND POSITION CHANGES FOR TWO STAFr ENGINEERS IN THE ENGINEERING DEP~RTMEHT RESULTING rROM ~SSlaNMENT or ENGINEERING DIRECTOR TO SP!CI~L ~SSISTANT rOR UTILITY PROJECT &OOX 075 rAcE251 Page 25 - - -- -. .- - -_. - - .. - - - - _.- - - -'- - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- " .'...,....",. .,,'",f,~~ ,'.,';.~."t:\1'~~~; . ,'L ,~!,/o I,'··.. ,.,........'";,.,..,"."'m.._'_~_____"""_·,---- ---~."".~,-,.~.".,.._,_..,..,,,,.,, ......-,.-...-.--' ;',', ~! ,~,... - -- -- -- -- - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - -- -- -..- - - - - - - - - - - -- - - -- , . ': . ~{r '~ ~, $ ~ Jj' " ;'!lay 10, 1983 '':.. aO()K 015 pm 2t~2 Itell i J2 SOLID W~STE DEP^RTHENT ^UTHORI%ED TO SELL USED MOTOR OIL TO FIRMS orHRINO TilE BEST PRICE MID S~RVIC! TO TH! COUNTY It,.. 133 S!CRET^RI^L FOSITIOM IN TH! BUILDING M^IHTEH^NC! DEP^RTMENT RETITLED . 1 IU.. '34 LÀ~t TR^rrORD MEHORI^L G~RDEHß CEMETERY DEEDS HOS. )46, 347, ^NO 348 r... Par¡ .. ,<.5" If- .. olst IU.. 135 MISCELLANEOUS CORREßPONDENCE - rILED ^ND¡OR REFERRED There being no objection, th~ Chair directed that the followlnr¡ corre.pondence be filed and/or referred to tho varloul departments a. Indlcatvd belo"'l _...... . .......... ~t 1 . Copy of a letter from the Division of Seiche. and Shorel, Aureau of Coa.tal Enqlneerlnq and Requlatlon dated ^prll 15, 1983, to Deltona corporation reqardlnq Co-P13-CO, øtatlng that ft per~lt ~odlfleltlon reque.t i. neea..ary on the portion of the property that ha. been turned over to the condo.lnlua .e.oclatlon. Refarred to Dr, Benedict, riled. 2. . ..... ,:. ...;J~ ::":":~:'ü. lAtter datad ^prll 22, 19A3, froWl HUD .dvla1n9 of upco.ln9 ' 1, ~onltorlng ravlew of County'l Block Grant activltle. I. ' L~ requl red by Sec, 570.900 ot COSO ret:¡ulatlonl.. lAlter rehrr.~,..~ t,o Mr, Nor.an, ICCS Mr. Vlrt. and MI. WUl1l~.on, rU.d.·..... '::....:..: .~.-:e-t4"'" ". ~ ~,J.,.:fI.,~I"'.\ .,.'.Ao#' Public Notice 10-!1) fro. COlat Cuard DOT, I notice of propo.ed'.t'~. adoption of qulde clear.nct. for bridge. .ero.. certain -'~, navlgabl. wat.r., Referred to Mr. NorlO.n, rll.d. '.. J. 4. ~otlce from Depart~ent of Interior of fln.l .Inor and technical boundary modlflc.tions to Co..t.l ø.rrler Re.ource. sy.te. unit.. Rtferred to Mr. Hor.an .nd Hr. V~rt., FLied. .j , .~ s. pl /In I~pltlllentatlon Department Inve.tlgatlonl re,port fnr. -, M~rch, 1983. XCI rUed. Copy of letter fro. DNR dated ^prll 18, 1983, acknowledg1n9 receipt of rel~bur.e.ent requelt 13-Flnal tor &ayvlew park. R.ferred to Mr. Horman, Mr. Horton, and Hr. Rice, riled. J Copy of lett.r to Bruce Or.en , ~I'OC. Inc. froa DNR dated April 14, 1983, notifying that permit Co-74, Charle. O. Po.ch, for conltruction .eaward of CCCL wa. approved and explanation of rtportlnq procedure. Referr.d to Dr. Sen.dlct, riled. . ........,......- 6. 7. page 25 ... -- - -- - -.. --.-.- - - - -.. ---- - - - -- ------------------ ~ ~ r"T<~ .... ~-r.-.~,..,.,.-...--...."""""'---~-"':-. '~,..f,.. ,¡rt.·,,,·"'.., '. ,'., " "L' J.' · . ~~~t~~f@T', .. ... .. , ., :~~~:~:L ¿; "'~"""---...-- ..' .'fÞ.',\ , 0" .,,- .J. .'..". ~. ....~. '~'IOj,: ~. . --_.~. c; -- - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - ---.-- '" ~)' P'<.y 10, 1983 ..............,."'.. ' 8. Copy of letter to Bruc. Creen , ~8aoc. Inc. from PNR ðated ~prLl 14, 1983, notlfylnq th5t per~it 'Co-~Q, John J. Cranl.y, for conltructlon a.avard of CCCL w.a .pproved and explanation of reportinq procedure. Rererrad to Dr. Benedict1 riled. Letter dated ~pril 18, 1983, from DOT Indlcatlnq the financial position of Collier County'. portion of the aecondary Trult Fund (Second Ca. Tax - 5th and ~th cent) at March 31, 1983. Refwrred to Mr, Norman, Mr. ~artman, and Mr, Gilel, Filed. 9. '....~(.,";... .~~~,'~~, Letter dated ~prll 18, 1983, from Mr. J. ~. rernlndez opposing the envlron~ental overlay in leveral ar~al of Collier County. Referred to Mr. Norman and Mr. vlrtl' riled. LAtters recolv.d from T.d Curcle, ~lchard R. Renick, John ,. Tru.ler, and ~Uln areer indicating no objoctlol\ to propoled change of cul-dO-IIC on We.t Palm ^ve, Good1and. Referred to Mr, Norman and Mr. Hartman, rl1ed' 10. ,¡O~."'~ .' NNt">!..·A.,, ...1..'.....· ','", ..\Ih," ~,., " (.40'. .....,...... , .~~,...,' ),¥¿'>'f ~,:., ":r.;¡;"<': .'t"., . .,¡,t,' 11. 12, Copy of [MS Ta.k Force ",Inutea for ~prll 1,1983, Ind ~prll ),), 198). XCI riled. LAtter dated ^pril 23, 1983, from Gilda ~ad.en of Bluebill Propertle. expre..ing opposition to a County Tourist Tlx. Reforred to Mr.' Norton and TDC fUe, Filed, " ~ ....' 13, ".' ~. ( ,., . . . . . . . Thare being no further bUllne". tor the good of the County, the ........- " ~e.tlng vaa adjourned by Order of the Chair - TI~e 11145 A.M. BO~RO OF COUNTY COMMIS5IONERS/BO~RD or ZONING ~PP!~LSIr.X OFFICIO GOVERNING nO.-.RO(S) or SPECIAL DISTRICTS UND~R ITS CONTROl.. 0J!~.-;~, ~.""'.. ..···..·'.1. '^1'T!St 1">'" , . ·;·VIt:t.UM' :J~ '"r.~CAN, CU':RK ':',- (~, < ~x, '<~ ~\, ,ffi.. 41~ ¿) -<: . .~£r;'~' 'V , <>~~.~~ ~';,i'~;t~ 1\ approved by the BeC on t!f7 11~ Pt...n~'~d ~ or.. corrected ...t·>, ~1"~ a. aa~K 075 rACê 253 page 27 . . -------- -- - -- - - - - - ---~----- - ------ ----_-!.'_.. .,"~. . ~ "t··"';:;".!W ~~t""~~"'-;;""" '. ""'. ' .,., -." '. ~ l ~. .' ..' .' ..' ........ .,~.ot'._.,. . ,....,¡......'O.~:.oij..._.".,...,..;,.·.-.~ì~,>~il. , '.' '", .1fA.. ~ ' " , . .~~J~~~\';(I'_ ..", "--...--.--.-"."..""..............--.-...'"......"".....-. _,____ ~_ 1M'