BCC Minutes 05/17/1983 W ~'~1' ~.. 2'------¡---------------~.Pl.~.-:.rl~~:':~- , '\:~ \. ,. ;>'(j :-.~.,\ . ,!~~. '1;.- ~ '. .~ ~':'}'f 1~ II ~IMEMBIRID, th.t Sn .ccord.nc. wSth .ctSon t.k.n on "-1 ~ , .' the Io.rd of County Co..S..Son.r. Sn .nd for the County of !Colli.r ..t In WORK.RO, .IS.IOM on thl. date .t 1.30 P.M. Sn BuSldS", ~, . O:!aplu, Þet N.pl.., Florid., with the followSng pr...nt. CHAIRMAN. VICI-CflAIRMAN, Marr-pr.nc.. Kru.. Dav d C. Brown '1-" " ~i~, ALSO n'ESEHT. t1"k..,.. . I' . , Offlc.r, Elinor M. Sklnn.r, Deputy Cl.rk, C. WIlll'm Nora.n, County ,~,~\t".n~~r: Idv.rd "Ith, Ae.l.t.nt County M.n'9.r, Burt L. ..und.r., .- .": . County Attorn.y, Donald Norton, Public Servlc.. Admlnhtntor, Rlch.rd ~~.~,.".,.. ~; Ruth, Per.onn.l Dlr.ctor, Cr.e. Sp.uldln9, Ad~lnl.tr.tlv. Ald. to the t.'" ..~~.; Bo.rd, .nd Deputy Chlet R')'Iftond B.rnett, Sh.rUt'. Dep.rbl.nt. ~~" "'k. _ >r, ," ~';.: ~ .\. \ ';. ~ '-'. John A. Phtor rr.d'~\ek J. Vo.. C. C. -R.d- Roll.nd Willi.. R. Re'9.n, Cl.rk, J.m.. C. Oil.., 'I,c.l ~'~ ~. ~ . ACI!:NDA 1. Dhcu..lon prOCJr'lI. Pr.'.nt.tlon. tor cOØlunl ty req.rdln9 ..ploy.. h..lth 1n.ur.nc. .~.. . It.. .. ~. It.. f1 2. by .rchlt.ctur.l/.n9In..rln9 fir.. p.rk.. ... ~:~ DI.CUSSION REGARDINO EMPLOYEI ftlALTR INSURANCE PROGRAM _ .0 A~IOM TAKD 'þ," ....ø', A..I.t.nt County Mana9.r SMith .xpl.ln.d th.t the BCC r.qu..t.d the work.hop lor the purpo.. of con.lð.rl"9 '.ploy.. h..lth 1n.ur.nc. ..~ ~ b.n.llt. .nd rel.t.d qu..tlon.. He ..Id th.t ~r. Rob.rt Ilv.r, In.ur.nc. Con.ult.nt .nd Mr. H.rold HOlt.n, ROCJlon.l Ylc.-Pr..Sd.nt of Qulf Llf. In.ur.nc. Company, v.r. pr..ent lor the dl.cu..lon. ~:- Mr. Ilv.r dl.trlbut.d v.rlou. prlnt.d a.t.rl.l pert.Snlng to the . '~t'}O . ~>;. '~" &ooK 075 rACi4B7 M-,!... . t" ,. .~"............ .;:".;. j;<:~:.. . '~'.",...".",; .. J . .. ---------------------------- - --.... " .,_...._-...,·~.._,·".·._._.."...'.'N·;_'.'..._."__,____"" '--''''.'--''-''"""''"",,",-~,,,,,-_...,,-,_.".. ,~..,...._'"._- ,":.. , - . \'~', ',.---.-.."',""',..'''' , ... ...,·t· ... ..' -. ..·.1.. < ~ 075 ~¡88----------'------:-::", ---~~7- .' .ntdY.i~·~f~ P;..iUII st.bllhaUon fund, ItllthUcal d.t. 'nd pr..1ua .:~ ,:&ìt",_~~,~... ... .lato ....rlan.. rel.t.. t. the .urr.nt CollI.r County "alth .;~ ~ In.uranee .r09r... He r.f.rr.d to P.g. 2 and the column whSch ~ .,:-i~' 1ndlc.t.d the SUrplus PrelllluM Credit to Fund fro" 10/81 throU9h 10/82 .~: "'¡¡¡:. "',h with th. opening b'lanc. of '460,627 .nd noted th.t 157,533 h Inten.t.\'",. "'i:~ credited to the lund with. deUcit ch.r9' to the fund of U17,833. He"': ;.~,~ ""f' ~.': . ....,. ...' , :;J pointed out that 'C.14,~14 h.. b..n rec.lv.d in premium. .nd th.t ~4~' '742,545 h.. b..n paid out In cl.I~. for the period 01 10/81 through 10/82. He .xpl.lnod that '45,707 h.. b..n ret'ln.d by Cull Llf. In.ur.ne. Company tor ad.lnl.t.rlng the plan. # ., '. ~ .... .. 'L'! -iI , ..~ . Mr. Siver rel.rr.d to Page 3 which list. the month by month cl.I.. fro. Octob.r 1982 throuqh April 1983 and .aid that premiums lor the .... period would be $98,202 per Month and h. noted that the clal.. .re ~'" ' .xc..dlng the pr.mlum. by . con.lderabl. amount. He r.l.rred to . recent ch.ng. lro. 8100 to 8200 deductlbl. Ind .tated th.t th.r. S. uaually · 2-1/2 to J month llg betor. th.t Incr.... will .how up In the "'A,'~ t1n.l t19ur.. .nd, therelore, It h not known .t thh U.e whetherth.; :)Jt.: Incr.... h.. · .19nltlc.nt eltect on the ov.rall progr... Be .aldth.t~~ the 'r..lua Stabilization P'und froM 10/1/82 to '/1/82 is $191,513 ~nd,1j,,,,#:~ th.t with the co.parl.on 01 th.t Fund beln9 $300,327 lor the period ot.~JI, t',· '.' -/'f,,",' ;t~ 10/1/81 through 10/1/82 h. do.. not b.llev. th.t the rat.. .r. : '\þ'..., ................a.....~ .~~ ~. . . '" '" tld.qu. t. . .!'. . -,.,,,.. .....-.... "r. Siver '¡ .ald th.t the rea.on. th.t there is not .nough preaS...,';" " ~ .~w"" 1. bec.u.. m.dlcal Inllatlon I. runn1~9 24' . y.ar .nd;1~ the nUllb.r 01 e.ploye.. .nd depend.nt. did not ch.ng.,,~ for the chi.. .. .dd.d th.t, If lor · 91ven y..r, the County would autom.tlc.lly n..d 24' mor. mon.y for co.t of the currently in.ur.d peopl.. hpe '7 '" ,.. ~;t<~~: .._ç " 'J" coapare. e' ,~~1._ . ~-;,~,~.~..",. '! ..... ~r:tt~.' 'acJ' 2 ..~,. .' . ~;. I".~./, ;'-tt,~...i),, , "r. SIver r.l.rr.d to '.g. 4 of th. 1nfor..tlon which --------------------- " c:;:::J \, -- ,',,-,1 I'" ~.. " . .. 'I "~" -' ~~- - --- ---- - - -- -.- - -- ----- --- -- - -- ---.,--- )~."', " ,:,.:" , :;i.. . ; May 11, 1913 .' '- , 'OonvenlSon.lly In.ured 'Ian with. ..If-In.ured pl.n, ASO 'LUS 'lan, .... and pointed out th.t Sn both pl.na the e.tlmated paid elat.. .r4 .~ ,i.r;. d.nUoal. He ..Sd the ..ount of pr..lua h.. b..n reduoed fro. ~.aelZ-J~.ur.d p14n 'nd .n Inaured plan 1. who hold. the r..erv.., .nd '\ I :~!i·dded th.t ~n4~r the In.ured pl'n Gulf LIle In.ur.nce Co~p.ny hold. ;.f'þo. ru.rve. 01 '224,330 .nd under. ult-lnaured plan the County would ' I -ê~~ hold th.t '~unt. Ra ..Id th.t the .dv.nt'9' of holding the re..rv.. 1. th.t, If the County c.n ..rn ~or. money on tho.e re.erve. th.n Gulf ~.."'.. "1" Llf. Inlur.nce C~p.ny I. wlll1n9 to otl.r, the County would b. furth.r ~?., '.h..d. ~-, ., Mr. Siver reterred to line 12, latl..ted Het ~etentlon., which I. the net co.t 01 dol"9 bu.ln..., t'klng Into conlld.r.tlon the 1nter..t 1nco.. .nd .ald th.t, In the c... 01 the In.ured pl.n, the 'Mount would be '62,000 .nd In the C..e ot the ..ll-In.ured plan the .mount would b. .pproxl.at.ly $52,000. He .ald th.t Lln. 14, ",xlmu. Ca.h P1ov, 1. the ao.t that the County could be c.ll.d upon to pay during. twelve aonth POlicy period .nd th.t under the In.ur.d pl.n the .aount would b. no aor. th.n .1,217,115 .nd und.r the '.ll-Inlured plan th.t aaount would b. .pproxl..tely $200,000 more. He ..Id th.t the '10,000 ..vlng. in the coat of doing bu.ln'I', Ihown In line 12 ver.u. the .ddltlon.l .200,000 rllk taken by b.ing .ell-ln.ur.d h.v. to be weighed to decld. Wh.th.r to .ell-In.ure. R. ..Id th.t the .... lunctlon. h.ye to be perforlled wh.ther . pl.n I. In.ured or ..ll-In.ured .nd the que.tSon ,,'~j;¡/~'7; '¡:~"\tY\, .}lll,OOO .nd the thruhold hll. bun Increu.d froll $10,000 to SSO,OOO ',...;ii{', .~;.. whleh Sa the IIOlt cost .Uective ,ppro.ch .vallabh. lie .atd that the .'.:~~~' ,..' . ...'~ ut1aat.d retention In Une 6 I. Gulf In.uranc( Coap.ny'. cost of dotnCJ(::,~5' .. bualn... which Is 5.32', the perc.nt'9' of pr...i UIII for Gulf In.urance ':~ ' :;: ' , ; ,!.~.,~;, --". '. an" I.IU for the .eU-ln.ured phn and that both percentag.. are,,,,,.,~~: ('" - . ''',' ":bl9hlY cO.P\ltlt1ve. He explained that the ..jor dlfferenc. b.tween a ~-:> >,' " ... ~, " ,..~);... .. 'to ....~.;¡: ~ i ao~ 075. rACE 489 ..--------------------------.- .... ..---_....""~"'^'..,..~.".." ,..,................._,,,..,"'''''......'''..,. --''''..'''-_..~"_...,-".. .¡, I --~. ~,'~~::..~,~~~~~'_M" '. I '.',-r:r,!';1'\ .,.- ,~. . ,.,,,.';~~ ...:._----------------------- , . '....,....~ IGOr 075" '*<490 .. . '.V 17, Un ;~ I' whÓ .~~t.~. th.. .nd ..... .....t. .....t rh>, . .:_'I'~ .. ..... .~ ' · Oo..,..I.n.r .... ..1. th.t ...t In..r.n.. .....nl.. h... .n ... .¡j.. Und.rvrltl... I~aa ....I.h haa b..n .... up on Int.r..t .r .n......nt. .f !, ~0 .¡¡i- tho pra.I... .n. h. .aI. tb.t .... n.t .... t. b. In.,..h. aa ..rnl.... i~. ,;'f~~í 1 I :~y~, on the .h.et. dhtrlbuted. Mr. Slv.r re.ponded th.t on 1"9' 4, 1 n."," . 'J~ QuU Life In.uranc. Coapany .how. $62,000 .. the htS.ated Ret.ntion or' . ; "'. ' ,. . .... the co.t of doln9 bu.lne.. on .n Inaured ba.h .nd .pproxl..ately '.......,... .~ :::'f;.: ,~;,),' '80,000 on a .elt-In.ured b..h .nd th.t ,ome of the Intere.t e.rninga ','i~' ~'·f,~ .' )~. to the co.t of doing bU'in... and, therelor., the Ite. Com.i'.lon.r Vo.. "~~~ I" ,-".. on the r...rve., $224,000, h.ve be.n t.k.n .nd been cr.dlted agaln.t referred to h.. been taken Into con.lderatlon In th.t numb.r. Mr. MorNan ..ld th.t h. h.. had .xperi.nce with .elf-in.ur.nc. ..,.......t, , , I :'~-l ~ ,;¡..:~ liability and that diligent at.tt handling chi.. can sav. . .ub.t'n-~"~'ti: tI.l .aount of mon.y b.cau.e inaur.nc. COlDpanle. have. w.y of flnd1n9'f:l-:;, , j'~1 It ."'.r .n. .h....r t. ..ttl. .lal.. ..th.r th.n "V .".rn.v. onL. ~f.f ,~... In'..'I..t.r.. '" 51.or ..'0 .h.. '..OI.I'n.1 In..r.n.. .....nl.. In.~ the he'lth li.ld ar. ba.lc.lly . ta.ter oper.tion and that In the l..t 'IIven or eight year. there h.. be.n .n enorJIlou. fOcu" on the part..~ 'lIployeu to try to get control of co.t. and they h.v. b..n ..klft9 the t'~....~ ,.. ~Ji,,¡ In.ur.nc. cOllpanle. to .how how well cl.I.. c.n be paid .nd how well .." ~ "'. ..(~ ~. ,."... w-þ.,,.......... ;, () t " ,r'~ ,":..;'Jt~? · , ,J,,. R..pondln9 to ColUllluioner Vou, Mr. Siv.r ..Id th.t l1n. "," ":'':' . ',." ~: . f',. ben.flt. C.n b. coordln.ted. ... . t ' . E.tl..ted R.t.ntlon, I. lIor. tor .ell-ln.ured th.n for In.ur.d the ba.lc dlll.rence In the .ell-ln.ured .Id. h.. the r.w co.t. of ,. ... ~: .d.lnl.tr.tlon .nd In the 1naur.d .Ide there .re the .... co.t. 1 there I. the Inter..t credit on re'erve .nd the co.ta ar. .uppr....d .011. .xtent. Mr. 011.. .ald th.t l1n. 12 h .or. relev.nt wh.r., ~: $28,000 Int.r..t Earning. h.. b.en .ubtract.d fro. the Est1a.ted .~, ,~W: '~: 'II~' ',f '. . Retention of .7',000 r..ultlng In $51,000. He a.k.d how the ,.ount on ~ '.\~h ::i~)~ PIIt. 4 'f',::.~:t· ~. ., ,." -- - --- --- ---- - -- - -- -- -- - -- - - ------------.:....- r::::::2 .. .--.-:: ~''-~ " .,!'./:.~:.~~ '" ··t· ~ \""{r. c::::J ,·_--:--~,.r.A~. ., ._..."""'" . ;'(~..c·"~t~~~:;'!ií2;'" c· fit.,*, I~~ ':~{r ,~:., ¡'.~. L"¡ ~----~-,_.,,'-,..'~="" ".,....'''".'''''.~_...- .~..: '7:"" .' - ---- - - - - -- - - - - - ---- - -- --- -- -- - - -- --- · }:...~ "1,' .!"" line 14, the Maxl.u. Ca.h 'low, 1. o.loul.t.d 'nd Mr. 11v.r .xpl.ln.d ~.,,. ".(' th.t when .n e.ployer .elf-In.ur.. there .re two fund. to think 'bout, ..'.... ',fr- ..,', r;¡~,· ,¡::.::::: ::-b:::~:·::·'::;:I:~::::c::-:n ·::t::::'I:"::.:-:: ~:::.nt , : ult1..t. bud9(1t up..t, however, no .top loa. in.urer Sa 901"9 to writ. ,. ,': th.. POlicy .t uae~ly the expected cldll. coat. fie ..Id th. chill. ~~c~.t I. ..ltlpl'.. by 1.25 to oly. . c..hlon .nd th.t wh.n 01.1.. · . , ,.. exceed the U 300 000 he begin. to pay but up to that point t..... ~~P10Y.r ....: · · i: ":.. eo.......nor p!&tor ..k.. " tho c..t 0' the "...nn.l Da..rt- ~I.·,,~~·nt" "Ploye~. to do the paperwork 1. lnclud.d In the f1gur.. .ò~: pre.ent.d .nd Hr. SIver ..id th.t w.. not includ.d bec.u.. that 1. a t. ~.,.. ,~,~~~~.t of which he ha. no knowledge. He .ald th.t II the County d.c1d.d to b.co.e ..If-lnsured, he would .tronqly r,co..end that the County ~. contr.ct with either an In.urane. company or a third p.rty .d.inl.tr._ tor to do .11 the work that Cult Ll1e In.ur.nc. Company 1. pre'.ntly "'y 17, 1183 -,. doing and that the County e..ploy... would b. doing no .or. and no 1... WOrk th'n they are pre.ently doing. Hr. Norm.n ..id th.t h. thought th.t the County eculd bett.r protect the .mployee. to get the cov.r'9. they .re .ntltled to It the County ha. the control. Co.III..lon.r Pl.tor ..id that, In hi. opinion, the County e.ploye.. h.v. .lr..dy don. all the claIm vork and Hr. Siver .ald that currently there Is an .rrang..ent whereby the County employ.e. ...I.t the .....bly of the el.l.. '0 th.t when a cl.l. 1. pre'.nted to Gulf Llf. In.uranc. Coapany it 90.' through quickly. He ..id that, If the County vl.he. to do 80, the e.ploye.. could .end th.lr cl.l.. directly to Oulf LSf. In.ur.nc. Co.p.ny, however, lIany e.ployer. llk. the Involv.m.nt In the cl.l. bec.u.e It 91ve. the employer Ð le'l for wh.t 1. h.ppen1n9 .nd eoae- tla.. 'purlou. cl.lm. are ell.ln.t.d when. known per.on in . Per8Onn.l '.' " ~~ . ~; ',' :~." ''"'J aoo. 075,ACE 49.1 ..,. S r·~ . ~-~----------------------------- 4PÞ¡,.. ,..-:.. -' '1"" · ' '.;".....-~ ""'. '" . ',~ ..'...' , . '" . " ';'" '", '., ..,.., ' '.. ~!~..,.,.,~, r.......Il·~,:,~..··"l,,:.....~...~~....~ . ",., ". J~~.~' ,,(:,.; .~, -1,'1 {'<~'.¡ , . " '. ~ ..' ~"':" 1;. j', .¡J'....,¡/\;}...'~·4'\:, . IN" .... "t>~ .... "t,..~.,....,. . .._~,. " """'··_<_·,··,....-_·""~·,,,......."·.._.'4_..'.",_....,.._.__~ ----"'.~,-.,.""~,,-~,~_....,~...".,.. ,'''''-_._~_.. ..~- ,,: , , . prIntout "".h vUl .n.". Mr. Solth .n. Para.nnat D'r..t.r ..... .. ,..~"'~ . l~~t.. "9. . ,:~~ ,- 'i:;;a~ '. "('~~:! ---------------------------------~, '. ;¡ .....~"."......,~'~_...._'""~-...- r·..~!.;.'· .....""." , . .'-~ ' .. /', , .. . . ... , '. ~ . " ~~~~~----------------:~~;:,:;-----~- f :::~.:.I:. :::l~:. V~:t t:; ::: I:~nt;·::·~" .:. ..:::::1:::: C»l:rfJ1.,!' ~. 1.1 t. In.uranc. Coap.ny fa pre"ntly doln9 th.r. would hlv. to be . '._ ,·t . . .;, .I,n.ft..nt ....ft..".n Jn the ...,,"r .y.... .n. .t ta..t .n.,'fl, ' · per.on, exp.rt In cl.I.. .djudlc.tlon, would h.v. to be hlr.d. ~~ .~~_. '.. '.~... .. .....:~;ø'; , .....:,...,' . ~" . . .... '. ...,-~ ' '. , ,..4:~ , ,,'t o."'..I.n.r Ro'l.n. r.f.rr.. .. P... , ".r. th.r. I. .n ..tl..- ;~t1 ".n th.t tho o.unoy h '" behind the f... ..11..... .. .P..... t. . .~; cl.I.. p.ld 'nd B.ld th.t, .t the end of 1982, the County lncr....d thej..,t~ pr"lua by 59. .nd that the d.ductlble v.. ch.ng.d In J.nu.ry 1982 fro. ' , .. ,I; , 8100 to '200. He 841d th.t It '..m.d to hi. that .o..thln9 Sa 'out of "" '.lan.. ".n the C.un.y v.. runnln. '" '.hlnd .n. .. .,," runnl.. .~. b.hlnd d..pl te the inere..e In pre..lullla. M,. Siver ."nnJdU'lthly.ttoth:l~. ',~". j.,....'.'..,..{..' ..... proal... v.r. In'r..... fr.. .ppr..'..,.,y "".000 _ ",_ to on. lI!ll1on dollar. annually and It va. anticipated that the cl.I..' ¡" , . . " .. ...... '.... ' t wou,. run .t .ppr..,..,.,y '.'.000 In.'... .f . ..n'hly .v.r... .f ~ $O.. 000. Ita ..1. 'h., 1, v.. . .u, pr I.. ,. hi. .n. ,. Cu' ~ 'if,. _-..,,:~, ,:'", In,uranc. COlllp.ny to .e. the chi.. .t the pre'.nt level. lie .ald 'th';:'h;~ '.. . ~ " frequ.ncy 01 u.. ot the Plan by the e.ploy... 'nd dep.ndent':.nd ' ,"i~...t '.. . ,';'¥~ aedlo'l Infl.tlon .u the r'"on. tor the Incr".ed Clala.. Co_l.~I~~ , 1: co "i.-J' .'.n.r Roll.n. ..1. h. ... '.'.l1y .P..... t. 'h. o.unty .....In.; ,">''''/ ~ , .' . ".,,"...... aelf-In.ured b.e.us. h. t.lt the liability i. too 9re.t on the untnovn~~ ....,,',. WI", t~Ý' ... <)r , :::,~~, . ,- .' , , .', ~:A, " ~- ,,,~ ~ .~~ f.ctor .id.. He '.ld h. thou9ht It would be beneflcl.l h.ve · br..kdown as to the percent.ge. of vh.r. the pat d . or. .. r.'. Ro".n. . t ""If LIf. 'n .uran.. o....ny. uP'.' n.. ...~ .'~ h. h.d d.llv.red .n rBM printout thl. d.t. to A..l.t.nt County Man'ger ~~¥; ~J'~ ~~ ..... .h..'n. · ·...U.. bra....... .f h.v 'very .lal. ..11.r ba. "an:,~.:~, 'pent 'nd there .r. a nuab.r 01 ,u...ry p.;.. .t the .nd of that ó" '~" ~i ! " " r:::J -^- ..__.,-~~~...._....~"',.."'.,.........~..,.".,_. , .¡..~".-::' .. ... . 0" -~ ---------------- -------------------- ;·.:i... .H., . ." . ." : < -,'·-,Wh.rt the _n.y Is going .nd wh.t the d"9no... ue. R',pondlng to ·..JJ""_l"'...r RoU..., .r. Rolt.. .at. ".t t..ra to . bra.t..... .. to ~".tor ...t., r... ... bo.r. ...pltol ...r..., pr...r'pt'.. .r.. .~~r.o~, .;."...... .bor... ... .".al....... ........ a."'..'...r . ~ ~#,.' IIoll.n( ..Id that he felt thh .hould h.ve b.en ~evlewed prior to this.., '. '. " 1f-' ..r....'. .. 00'. ".t t..ra .ra C...ty .."..... .... bov. bo.. tol. 4'. ~bY ".'r P.y.'.'o.. t..t t..y ...,. .. '.to t.. ..."t.,. for t...r :,~ .', , , ,.::"" tnr.. d.y. .nd h.v. .11 t.at. pertora'd and that the 1n,uunc. coaPlny' ":". ..,. : ~> will pay for tho.e, but th.t, II th.y h.ve the .... te.t. done on an ... ~., .Out-patfe"t b..I., the In.ur.nce coapany will not pay for It. Mr. :~~~~.~,~lten ..Id ,th.t the pl.n .dopted Janu.ry 1, 1983 I. wh.t I. t.raed I .....'. ..jor ..dled proqu. 'nd th.t b.lore .ny b.n.tlt. .r. paY'ble under ",;". ... ~,y 17, 1983 .~._......th.t progu., except lor '..11, accidental Injury ben.tlt., the 1ndlvldu.l au.t ..et 'nd .atl.ty . 1200 d.ductlbl., .nd that the .-.., '('. In,uunc. COllpany w111 P'Y 80\ ot the next '2,500. R. .ald th.t the -:t.,' .aPIOY" will b. rupon.1 bh tor the tf rat $200 plu. 20' 01 the next ~ : '2,500. Re .ald th.t on. 01 the b.n'llt. dl,cu..ed thl. aornlng th.t '¡.. "r' :1 Qulf Lite In.urane. Comp.ny I. con.ld.rlng r.com.end1ng to the County 1. wh.t I. C.ll.d pr'-ad.I..lon te.tlng which I. d'.lgn.d eo th.t, If I per.on h.. the dla9no.tl~ work done on an out-P.tl.nt b..I. prior to .nterlng the hoaplt.l, Cult Life In.ur.nee Co.pany wIll pay 100' 01 ¿. '-:1" .ro<, tho.e ch.rg... He .ald that the Idea i. to build .n Incentlv. for the ; .': .aploy.e to do .. .uch on .n out-patl.nt ba.h .. PO'.lble to .vo1d the jn-patlent COlt. of room and board eh.rg... -.,.,'", !'ape II \ ;,,~. Mr. Norm.n 'U9ge.ted th.t, bee,u.e of the '.rlou. nature of the County" pr'l.nt 1In.ncl'1 .Itu.tlon, thl. would not be the tl.. for th. County to go Into the .ark.t lor bid. lor In.ur.nce .nd th.t It .~' , WOuld b. bett.r to .xa.ln. the lnlor..tlon pre.ented. '.~. ., ~, , lOOK 075 'AŒ493 , ''''. .". ',>-..-...-............"...."......-.......'-- '--..._--"'_....... ·<......~_1. ----------------------------- I 0ï5 ;A/l 494- ~ "'j,, Mr. ~l t.n ...Inar In Jun. MaY17,UIJ ..1d th.t Mr. S.1th 'nd Mr. Ruth h.v. Which will de'l with he'lth ~'r. ~o.t cont.1n.ent. Re,pondlng to Co..1..1on.r Plator, Mr. Holten .xpl.Ined th.t the ~~. .',~"':, ;'t, ;ì;~::' , 1" ~-' ,.< ';;; '. '\ .~, .' CUl'rent In.uranc. poUcy do.. not cov.r the co.t of . rouUn. phy.lc.i ~,' "'.Aø'~ eX'.ln.tl~n alnc. .om. type of dl.qno.l. I. needed before . cl.1. b. paid. Cl.rk Willi.. Re.q.n r.co...nd.d th.t the .Itu.tlon not b. too long. He not'd th.t l..t ye.r he and the Sh.rlff wer. advl'ed not to bre.k .w.y lro. the current in.ur.nce progr.. becau.. It would co.t Mr. Siver .t.ted th.t the two fund'..nt'l r..son. for _: I'", ::<1" '. IIOr. mon.y. ....... . going out for bid. .re 11 the curr.nt .ervlc. I. bad or If . bett.r pl'n could be obt.ined el..where. R..ponding to Mr. R..g.n, Mr. Slv.r " i,.. ;J ;~ ~M .. ,~\~, :,~-'- ''''''~''', . ,( ~,' t -," " ~'1 t~.. :....;....' ,,' .' "to:"r1 !:~~ ,... :'-.. "..,'" , .ald h. would advl.e the County to re.'ln with the pre'.nt flra .nd ',- h.ve b.tter co-unlcatlon. with the elllployee. req.rdl"9 the progr'a ben.lit.. A.......... '.11.... ....r".. .... ..Pl....., ...,h .. the ..~,1.~"'; Board .nd the City 01 N'Pl.., 'nd wh.t In.ur.nc. pr09r... they otf.r~~ , .' ;,.", ~, "'t, th.lr ··Ployee., and "'r. Siver oHer'd to do . al.Ple .tudy Which would .;., Co.pll. th.t inlora.tion for the CODaI.alon.ra. d.pendent.· In.ur.nc. or r.l.lng the .mount 01 the d.duct1bl.. CoaaI"lon.r Yo.. " , \,"'.. auqCJ·.t.d that 'ltern.tiv.a for r.duclnCJ the co.t of the Inauranc. ;/Þ ". '. ...... pr..r.. .houl' .. I....t...t.., .u.h .. the .....Olllt. .f h..... tb~;;' 1n.ured 'lIpIOyee. pay for part of the coat of th.lr .pou.... 'nd'~fI' .. ',(. ~t~:.~ Mr ."'" Siver .gr..d th.t I. Wh.r. the .ffort he. to b. directed. to thh 1tea. ..,'~ t Mr. CIle. ..id th.t th.r.. I. . need to dlacu""r Slv.r'. ~ contr.ct .. h. I. r.qu..tlnq 80.. .dju.tlll.nt In hi. r.;.. and th.t h~~~, would prep.r. .n Ex.cutlve SU_ary for n.xt wee"'. ...Ung pertdn!';"~~¥~ . ~., . J.~:" The cona.n.u. of thoa. preaent v.. to h.v. the Coaala.lon.ra .... ~. . :~~t·· :', .\ .,.". ~.'''''."'''''''"-,--".."....._-,~~"_..._~.." ~J!'. , ? :','\''; :~: ':,1. -~----------------------------------- ----- ~ . .... 17, "., '~~~~'r"i.w the 1nfora.tlon d1.tributed It thl. ...tln1 Ind the IBM printout ""'~~-'.:;~~~' .. ·..t,;....¡..::...tr1bUhd by f'Ir. Rolt.n Ind contlnu. on I aonth-to-lIonth b.... whh tot" 7-:-'''''' . r. ~~'~th' curr.nt In.ur.ne. progr.. 'na to r.addr..s the .Itu.tlon In JUly. .1 '~: ·····RICIIS. 2.30 '.M. RICONVIWID. 2.40 ..M...... '.. ~\', ' , ,) ,It.. U 1If:~,;;;..~.,,;.,. IY AJlCllIOICTURAL/IIIOIN..,,,,,, 'IA". roo CO....,n 'AA1<. :.,.. .p.. Alb.rt ~. ..u. A"oclat.. <1.1. " 1~ .'~ . '... .~'¡r";',, "".' ace for the oPPOrtunity to pr...nt hh fir.'. credentials to b. eon- it!'.' r~.1d.r.d a. the .rChlteetur.l/.ngln..r1n9 llr. for the Co111.r County ,:a}.." , ,t(:Jf'r eo..unlty parka. """,.),,..,. Mr. Alb.rt R. "r.., 01 Alb.rt R. "r.. Aa.oclat.., th.nk.d the tor, .nd Mr. Pr.d 8uy.r, ~o would b. WOrking on the proj.ct. with hi., .t........,...¡,.. ..' were pr.'.nt. He ..Id h. .el.ct.d Mr. Klrtch b.c.u.. th.y h.v. work.d He not.d that Mr. Pr.d Klrtch, .ngln..ri"9 contr.c_ . ,oj .~ ..,..,....;.,tog.ther prevlou'ly. Rot explaln.d th.t hla fir. w.. forll.d .Ight fe'rs ,': _,190 'nd ha. · r,put.tlon lor b.lng .ble to provide qu.llty d..lgnlng ~"nd to produc. WOrk within budg.t. Mr. P.r.. .aid that hi. fir. h.. p.rticlpat.d In ..ny 1arg. .nd , '" .a'll &e.le proj.ct. and h.. r.c.lv.d 'w.rd. In d..lgn coapetlt1on.. Be ..Id h. bring. 16 ye.r. of .xperl.nc. .. . l.nd.c.pe .rchltect with · de9r.. lro. the unlv'~.lty 01 Florida .nd h. ll.t.d hi. .xperi.nc. In the field. 'ltl'" "~i: I..,' ~. .",. ~: Mr. Klrtch .xpl.Jn.d that hi. 11r. h.. v.rlou. dJ.c1pl1n.. 1n-hou.. 'nd would, th.relor., not hay. to 90 outald. for nec....ry ',;'1:1' .xpertl.. to perlor.. the work nUd.d for thh proj.ct. ... .dd that '<r~ the following It... would b. n..ded lor _ .ucc...fu1 proj.ct. 1. Project sch.dul. 2. C1I.nt Involv'..nt 3. Co.t control Mr. Klrteh ..Id ~lat It 1. n.c....ry to h.v. highly .k111.d t.... 1nt.r.otlng with '.ch oth.r to b. efficl.nt 'nd .ff.ct1v. ¡t;if" t',.".. ~,\ ,.;..,-1' , aoox 075 'AŒ495' "'-'- ;.""''''-_.~'''.' .. ~ J I.:, "r~" '~ ,"II,,," '..~ '- ....,.. :'1.... -1IJ..---- -- ------_ _ ___ _ _ __ ____ __ .______ _____ .~. 4 . . .... ,would In no way 1nterfer. v1th his ruponalbI11tt.. on the JunJce ",.'4 ';,: Cent.r. :~.r-t::;.:-::.:::n::;;.:::. -:::: ::. r:::;n::::..:::. -:: :;::::t'::':.r '~.! and Mr. OeorVe SeU.u would b. De.lgn Project Man'9.r .nd th.t b.t_en ,~'.~,th' thr.. of th.. th.y h.v. h.d ,xporlenc. in the d..1gn .nd con. true- ,~.:-, tlon of '00 p.rk. In Atl.nt., Georgia, Ml.al, ~ap., Haw York, ,~~ " ,I, ~~'_J'Ck.onv111., 'nd the G.or91. Ea.t.r Se.l C'.p, to n... . f.v. R. ~':.~Pl.ln.d'.... ... ".t.r ".1 eao. I. .n ...rnl... ..op In Orl.ndo . wh(ch v.. d..lgned 'nd con.tructed In 13 aonth. vi thin the bUdget. ~\ hàh : . ,,"tii,t. Mr. .Brenner Up1eln'd th.t "..ry Intern.tlonal Is Ucen..d for ": : l ~ro '''.'on'., ' ¡. .;tI.. In rJ 0 rId. .nd th. t .. ".r th.n ..If 0' the '.. ".,.. .aploy... .r. llcen.ed, l.nd.c.p. .rchlt.ct.. He .ald h. would G.rv. ~""I" " .. Project Dir.ctor .nd that h. h.. h.d 21 y.ar. 'x~rlenc. In the "', field of clvU .nqlnuring. He explðlned th.t Mr. rico h.. h.d 23 y..r. Ixperl'nc. In de.lgn and ..n.g..ent 01 p.rk. 'nd th.t Mr. Sell.r. MeY17,ltU . ....... .. 'has h.d 16 y..ra ex~rlence. the Con.truction proj.ct ".n.ger WOrking .. . P~'nn'r durl"9 the d..19n Re .ald th.t Mr. Willi.. Burn. would be pha.e. Mr. Brenner explaln.d the at.p. In the park d..19n .. being the d.cl.ion 01 wheth.r the progr.m of the P.rk. .nd Recr..tlon Dep.rt.ent i. .bl. to be don. with the tund. .v.11.bl'l . r.view of the progr.a for e.ch 01 the five p.rk. pl.nned, dev.lopaent of . a..t.r pl.n, coll.bor.tlon with .t.ff and 1nt.r..ted individual. to ..ke .ur. the n.ed. of the co..unlty hav. be.n aet .nd, fro. tho.e it..., the f1ra would aove Into the final de.lgn pha... Mr. Br.nn.r ..Id th.t hi. flra b.llev.. th.t .fficl.nt, co.t , .ft.~tiv. a.terl.l. b'9ln with d..lgn 'nd th.t hi. flra b.lleye. in n.tur.llzlng de.lgn. He '11d th.t .pendl"9 . few doll.r. ~r. on .-. ~·t ,,'-. . , :,." :' IOO! 075 PAœ497 ' .... 11,,1 '....', ...~~ .......~t'(-. ~~~~----------------------------------~~ '~~'ofS. . . ,~ .~~~;' "'. ·~"~'~ . , , ".....~, : "~'~ :, ~'.. ¿¡j'r.,> f;· . . .. ,;::"..: ' ' , ':.. ' . --------------------------------------- ~ t\ "fI > ~ 075 -49s Ma. 17, un ,";.; ,#Ii.. ;, \í ..t~rlel. ~r,,:.. to b. eo.t '''eetlv. '.t.r. .. .t.t.. th.t ....r101)~ ~ 10 "leet" ""'.h e.n b. ."'" ."nto'n.d .nd th.t It Ie '.port.nt to;, ~: h... .."o"'t. In ....r.., .nd .'PP1. o. por.. 'or .11 t~. por'. ..';'; :~{, th.t thoro ·'11 not b. . n..d to tr.ln ."nt.n.n.. ".ph to t... of f1v. dllfer.nt type. of .qulp..nt .nd the sUPPly of .pare p.rt. aor. ...Ily handl.d. 110 Mr. Brenner explained that . ~alnten.nc. Manual will b. to halp .olv. probh.. ....r tho p.... ... In 0P.r.tlon. . . . i:' .r. Pleo "pl.'n,d the v.r'o,. .....t. .. t'.. ...t eontrol, eo.t ~ :;:~.::::.:~h.::l:.;;n::::·:;;r::;:;·::~.:::·::;:n:. .::d:::.:;n::::-:~~:;~: U'.r I.e., lood cone...ion., paddl.bo..t .nd C.no. conc..slon., and ..:~' ~ ~J'¿' , ...",~, < PO..lbly a pro .hop to help maintain the co.t 01 the p.rk oper.tlon., ' :~dLJ? He dlscu..ed the v.rlou. reports deaUng with the r.venu. availabl.,.., ;', .,.. , .(f.. .nd · e..h flo. "POrt, .. ..ld that .11 o..n.. Ord... .111 be ..nl- '~~.;~, ., . l1·: tored and th.t the quaUty 01 the work provld.d by contractors would be '" ...~ of pri.ary concern to hi. fir.. ..!(' '..,~ 'iIJ.' ~r. Plco s.id th.t hi. lira h.. Includ.d . .t.t'..nt in their ~ contract which Indlc.ted th.t the flra will d..19n to the bUd9~~,.nd.. th.t, It the bids eoae in h19her th.n h ..tllI.tad, hh flra ,,11i'......,.Ii ... rede.19n 'nd rebid the project .t no co.t to the County. , .,' " CO-la.loner Vo.., Mr. Plco s.ld th.t hla flra h ba"d In Napl... ~~~'~ 1'":, .,,~, ., ' WIl.on, ~ll1er, a.rton, Boll, P..k, Ino. Mr. To. Peak, of WU.on, Miller, "rton, So11 , Pt;.II, Inc., ", ."""~. -'·-"It .xplalned that Mr. Rob.rt Forsyth., .rchltect, 'nd Mr. John SiMOn., :"l~: land.c.pe .rchlt.ct, and Ray MIll.r, of hi. flra, would b. jol~i~9 h¡~~~; '¡ . ~,,' f1ra for thl. project. Re 'xpl.ined th.t Mr. SIMMOn. h.. d~r... fro. ~~~ .I.hl..n ,"Iv.r.'t. .nd the Marv.rd Gr.d..t. Soh..1 o. bo.'.n .nd 1. .n .~ 'Î!~:' ',' h.. 12.,,: ".,j o>- ,.r" " ---------------------------------------~ ; ~Î~ .r~ ''<:, '. 't: , ..,.. , . '----,~-...__...- '_·~~4'."... ,~.,')""""',."...,"'''',...~,."......~.~.,'__ .... ,.... ~-----'-'-------_._---- ---------- --- ------- "'y 17, 19113 .uthor 'nd baa tr,v'11ed .xt.n.1v.ly providing hi. with flr.thlnd ' t' :,,< IInowled9' of worldwide land~.pe d.v.lopaent 'nd . thorouqh under- ' 'T ~!oat. ,'..... ""~!.t.nd1ng of the ~.t .dv.nc.d l'nd Planning t.chnol09Y. R. de.crlb.d ,;, ~ .,.' Mr. II..on.' back9round in landsc.p. architecture .nd ..Id th.t h. ." a.rved for ..ny ye.u on the .rchl t.ctuul faculty of C.rn~1. M'llon . ' .~~ ÞOIlv,ulty Ind h · F.llow 01 the Royal Ac.demy 01 De.19n In Crut ~·"rltl.n and · ...b.r .f the Pr..'..nt" T... "r.. .. tho "'Ir....nt .nd ha. b.en Pr..ldent 01 the .....rlc.n Socl.ty of Land.c.pe Archlt.ct. ili:. .nd ..... th.t ".'p ...,... b,. II..... th.lr hI,h..t ho..r. thalr ·~·....I. .r. .... r.t.rr.. t. ..r'.,. j.'r..l. f.r whl.h .r. II..... ha. ;~ ~r wrltte. .nd rafarr.. t. '''' .f hi. ..1..... ·.."h......, . b... ,::" ..111.. bo.. .. ...'r.....tat Pla..'., ... .Lon...... Ar.hlte.t.ra', the b..t on. volume ,v.r written on the th.ory 'nd pr.ctle. 01 l.nd- '... :'11 ,c.pe d..iqn .nd .Ite Plannln9, which wer. 91yen to the Oo~~I..lon.r.. Mr. Pe.k ..id that Mr. Slmmona will hay. the re,pon.lbl1Ity for the pl.nnln9 .nd de.lqn quldellne. and .che~atlc .tudl.. for the park. , -......~..,. '. .nd the dev.lop.ent 01 the pr.limln.ry drawlnq. .nd will continue hi. con,ult.tlon WOrk throuqh to the compl.t.d project. Mr. Peek aaid that ~r. roraythe will be dlr.ctlnq the pl.nnl"9 'nd de.19n ot the ~ulldlnqe In the project. Be reYlewed Mr. For.yth.,. local eX~rlene. Includln9 the Heple. Dinner Th.atr., the re.tor.tlon 01 the Depot, the auall Creek Country Club, the 1lr.t .tructur. In pellc.n B.y and the Football RaIl ot ra.e In C.nton, Ohio. Mr. Pe.k explain'd th.t hi. firm w.. ..tabll.h.d In 1951 .nd pr'..ntly e·Ploy. 70 peoPle In the 11.1d 01 .nqln..rlng .nd l.nd aurv.yln9. He ..ld hi. llr~ h.. be.n re.pon.lbl. for v.rlou. proj~t. In the .re. Incudlng the Moorlnqa, P.llcan Bay, aual1 Cr.ek, King. Lak., IIql. Creek, Wynd.m.r., .nd the YMCA competition pool .. well.. the r.cr..tlon.l f.cllltl.. In Ylctorl. P'rk SUbdlvlalon. Be .a1d hi. aoOK 075'A« 499 hge 13 .",\ '.' ~ .: ¡:ri,~ ;'~:I . " .,'".,;.» -,,--'-...._.w_.,__ ',-,.._--"- ." .\"'-~- .~~~~. "" .,:. '.,..,,., .~,~~, '. ,~.~.....' ~ ' JI"' .' " , , . .....¡:,).{,:.;\' , "'''~- ,.' . " . ":>""'~~.""" ;~ Õ7~500----------------------------~=-- I.",: Uno h.~ ~":..t..t t..vle". .. tho Collier Co::.':;.:':: th.t tho :!f- - Ur. On.... "".ra tho ..rt .It.. .r. loc.t.d .nd ""at tho pr...rty .i' -,;,.' ...... th... .It.. ....lot .. ""I.h. h. ...1.. 10 ..lu.bl. 1.......t1.,¡·,'~; ~ i!~. .J,:, '; .nd will l.nd 1t..lf to ,xpeditlou. d..i9n of the park. partlcul.rly In J-·"f.....~'.- Un. with w.ter a.nag'lI.nt, traUlc flow and g.n.ral knowledge of the :'1:" ~. .~~ 1... .ntlre .r... He ..Id th.t .ever.l .e.b.r. of tn. lira h.v. b..n ," , ".-..-." Collier County .mploye.. and au falllllhr with 90vernllental function., 'g'tt bUilding cod~. .nd zoning requlrellent.. He ..Id th.t _any of the lira'. "Ploye.. ar. .ctiv. user. of the pr'.ent p.rk f.cllltl.. .nd were .ctlv. ,upport.r. of the bond I..u. for the cOllllunlty park.. Be ..id that the llrll'. e"PIOY'" repr.'.nt 80 Colli.r County cltlz.n. .".,!, , 'j:" .~.... , th.t will u.. the park. .nd hdp pay for th'lI with t.x dollars .nd :~ " :~r. .oce.. I.... .~.~ .-( ;¡'Ji~ IIr. John Sll1l1on. 'pok. on the planning upecta 01 the proj.ct. He'~'!'lr: , , ..;....,~, .xplained hi. work experience In Colllor .nd LAe CounU.. during the '\" ...:.,,.,, p.st ten to twelv. years and added his t1 r. know. that the .mbl.nce of :;:~þ , . .-'.' ,............,., . IIp.t,·;, Naple. h ~Uteunt 'nd th.t his llr. ha. construct.d 200 COMunity {;~.' '; " , p.rk. In m.ny .tate.. He ..Id th.t, In t.rlls 01 county Pl.n~!,~9, h~~~~1 flra w.. given the char9' to dev.lop the r.glonal park. for All~heny ~.~~. . " (, I: ,:.r County ~lch are conaldeUd to b. .ound, workable, d.lIghtful parb.. . ~ . '. . ...*{'....,.. He explained, froa the .t.te lev.l, th.t hla lira h.. don. work for th.\' , . -- ~.... '~i' Ylr,lnl. P.rk Sy.tea. He .ald that the AllS9hn.y Park I. lOOt ...* .;1 .u.t.inl~ .nd th.t Florid. p.rk. .re 35' ..11 .u.t.lni~ now. lie ..leS' " .'.:~* by .t.tlng th.t th..~ opinion, the County . .; "-!i," It would b. auch ...I.r It the County could bS9in park .y.t.. will be .ell '.rvl~ and that, In hi. ~, , ..;. , ,I,' .' "...~\ 4:, could h.ve · park with 50' or hlgh.r return on the opeUUft9 con ""1ch '''.i ", "'\~'" ... be d... thr....h u..r ..... ....It .nd .......,.nalr. ....~,.. ,;;~, -U99··ted th.t public splr I t.d people .lght b. Int.u.ted In 91,.1", ' . ,.,¡, ,Ute to the parka. He uld that. park c." be planned to reduce the .,.~,~t . (;':" i<:.j:"" ..,. It ~.,': ~ ·~'r. I,~'.:'? :-::~lL: .~'f~'?: ... . :ro,,, " (\ \"1' ,,~ ~ ----------------------------- ~_.~"- ..,........ . ...... .\',.~ '¡UJoI"I . , --:.--------------------------------------- ?;ii;%. .... ", un .' ...;~' '1r". ,".í!e '~ '...ratl.., ··..""!al.. ... ..,........ .... ... ".. Mr. Pl....r. t.. .'~"'§ ~:::~.":::~:.;...... lOLL I .... "LIenD AI tl "OIl ,....~ ' ~r..,~ '0110.,1"9 YOU", by written b.l1ot, Co-.h.Coner Irown 110.,.4, , r}1" " "":;, "~!',,í ~;i" .~ ; .econ4ed by Coaal..lon.r P1.tor 'nd carri.4 un.n1aou.ly, that Wl1..n, 'Rl11.r, lerton, loll. ...k, Inc. be "l.cted a. the .1 fir. for "n8fotJatlon.. the .rchlt.ctur.l/en9Jn..r1"9 d..J9n fir. for the ~1~-~':. '. ~¡I~.t'°oaaunity perk.. 1IiiIf- "1'..'.. ..".. .. ..,.... ..11." ....·..,...r ,l.'.r ...... ,oJ . .eoon4ed by Co.a1..ioner Brown 'nd c.rried un.ni~u'1y, that Albert R. ... , '''r.a .....oc1.t.. be ..1ect.d for n89otl.tlon. .. the '2 fir. for the "ti. '. ,~~.rÖhlt.ctur.l/'",1n..rln9 de.J9n fir. for th. co..un1ty park.. ~:~;''-'' ~~Ii!" . . #-. [~~. . . . ....-...., ~; , Th.r. b.l"9 no lurth'r bU'ln... to co.. b.fore the Board the ~~, *."Un9 v.. .djourn.d .t 3.55 P.M. by ord.r 01 the Chair. rt-. . :- ~ ~ ,.~ ,~, , . , :,r. .. '~!, : '.~'. ''I ....!- ' f' , ,;, , ~ , ',t.:, : " ," ,.,.~. þ~ ~-Á·o ,. '.... , ........ ' .i"-"i ,: . ., :;"i:~":.- 1Mh~" . ~t~' 1. ¡''' , t: 'J~-y. ""',r'" " ·~4~':f."f'·· ¡'~~.".., :Jà;.~ ""'':~'~i' :~,;9fr; ..-t,""". "':b,., . '~",~ . , ;;, (( ..;' ....r ·--r ,:, ..."......';., aoOK 075 'ACE 501 -'.;,",,_....._"'- .....-...---". ....,,-""",......,--.~'''-,- ._.._"-,."'-'--"'._"-,_."""".._.~~."_.