BCC Minutes 05/24/1983 R ~apla., Ploriða, MaY 24, 1983 LI't IT II U,.EM8E1U:D. th.t tha Board of County Co..iuioneu In', and fo~ the County of COlli.~, an~ .1.0 .ctlnq a. the Board of %onln9 Appaal. and a. the qovarnlnq bo.rd(.) of such special dl.trict. a. have been created accordlnq t.o lav and having con~ucted bu.in-.. herein, .at on this date at 9100 A.M. In R~ula~ ....ion In Building -P- of the Courthou.e COmplex, Haple., 'lorldl vlth the follovlnq member. pr...nts CRAt~MANI ~.ry-'r.nce. ~ru.' vtC!-CHAtRMANI David C. Brovn John A. PIstor rrederlck J. vo.. C.C. -Red- 1I011and ALSO PRESENT 1 william J. Reaqan, Clerk, Jame. C. GIle., ri.cal ~fficer, Elinor M. Skinner, Deputy Clerk, C. Willl~m Norman, COunty Manaqer, Burt L. Saunder., County Attorney, trying Berzon, Utiliti.. ~mini.trator, ~nute Hartman, public Works Administrator, tdvard Smith, Assistant County Manaqer, Terry virta, Community Development A~mlnl- .trator, Lee Layne, 'lans Implttmentatlon nlrector, Barbara Cacch1one, Planner, Grace spaulding, Administrative Aide to the Board, and Deputy Chief Raymond Parnett. ~~~ 075 PACE 5Q2, ..."'_...._,..,o."'~,.,"".,·,·""······, ,a9· May 24, 19113 « . _ 075 r~flJ7 ':.¡,., l' tape t1 It.. t1 AQamA - APPROVED wt'!'ll CRAIICEI Co..I..lonlr .t.tor ~.Id, .Ieondld by Co..i..ionor Irovn and carrted unant~uftly, that the a,lnda be approved with the fol10vtn9 ctlaftge. s A. Item 9G(a) - award of well field construction contract for County Reqlonal Water System - Continued to May 31, 1ge3. B. ~dltlon of discussion re Vet4rans orqanlzatlon to bl Idded to 5/31/83 BCC me.tlnq. It.. t2 'ROCLAMATION RI OISIRVANCI 0' "I"ORIA~ DAY - ADOPTED Upon rladlft9 the proclamation, eo.al..ionlr .I.tor ~Yed, .,conded by Co..i..ionlr vo.. and carried unanl~u.1y, th.t the "oela..tlon reqardlft9 thl ob.er.ance of Me~rlal Day, May 30, 1983 be adopted_ 'a9' , '/ . :: ~;$ _'~S'!l~}" - fillY 201, 1983 075 ,~5D9 It.. t3 ORDIKAlCI '3~21 RI 'ITI~IOI Cr-83..C, COLLIIR COUW'r'Y PLAWMIWO DI'A~- ftZll'f, RIOUI8'r'IJIO A LAJfD U81 NtnDftn't nOft Rl8IDI1ft'IAL LOW....IDIUft D~llty 'to RIBIDClTIAL ftlDIUft DENSIty 'OR A'PROXIMA~LY , ACREI LOCA~ OIJII .0M'll 18'1'11 S'l'RII'I', 200 PIn SOU'l'll OP U,1t1 TRArr02tD ROAD" ADOPTED Laval notice having been publllhed In the Naple. Dally Neva on April 2', 19~3, al evidenced by Affidavit of Publication flleð with the Clerk, public hearing waa openeð to consider Petition CP-!3-4C, flleð by the Collier County Planning Department requesting a Lan~ Use ~endment from Residential Low-Medium ~nslty (n-4 unltl per groRI acre) to ~eøldentlal ~edlum Density (O-~.22 unit. per grols acre) for Ipproxl~atelY ~ Acrel locateð on North I-th ~treet, 200 f.et aouth of Lake Trftfford Road In ~.ctlon 32, T46~, R29E, Immokalee. Planner Barbara Cacchlone referred t.o the Executive Summary dated April 27, 1993, and explaineð that petition CP-ß3-4C hal a propoled us. of multi-family dwellln~ units at a maximum density of 6.22 units per gros. acre. Plana Implementation ~irector Layne indlcateð the location of ~he property on a map. Ms. Cacchione .ald that the property wal rezoned on May 29, 1979, from -1-SF-2- to -I-~'-l- which would per.it 13.2 unit. per acre and that, when the Comprehenlive Plan was adoptld In May of 1979, the Area was shown a. Residential Low-Medium Denalty which was In conflict with the exlltlng zoning. She said that Whln the new zoning ordinance was adopted the area wal down-zoned to -RS'-3· In order to comply with the Co=prehenslve Plan, and In order to reaolve thil conflict, staff is requestinq thAt the COmprehensive Plan bl amended from ~esid.ntlal Low-~edium Density to ~elldential ~edlum Density. She explained thAt Rezono petition R-B3-1-1 haa Ilao be.n filed requesting a zoning chanqe from -~SF-3- to -RM'-S-. She laid thlt on April 21, 1983, the CCPA held It I public hearing Ind rlcomm.nded forwarding the request to the BCC with the reco.mendatlon of approval and that staff also recommends approvll. 'Iq. 3 ",..." ,',~~J ,,~~., .;~,., ,":~ ,1-"''"' . . ' " I~. I," .;,..._~..,~~.-,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,--.....,,,,,,<,,,,~.~..,;,~,,,,,,,.,,..",.,"..,~, .......'-"""~.~--........ May 2', I!)" 3 Co..i..tonlr Jrown ~.Id, .Icond~ by Co..I..loner ,i.tor and carried unani~u.ly, that the public hearinq b. cln.ed. Co..t..ioner '~ovn ~Yld, .econded by Co..tllioner 'i.tor and carried unani~u.~y, that the ordinance a. nuabered and entltl.d belOW be adopted and entered into Ordinance Book no. 17. ORDINANCI 83.;021 AM ORDIMANCI MEMDINC ORDIICANCE 79-32, THE COMPRIHEMSlVI PLAN rOR COLLIIR COUKTY, rLORIDA, BY MENDING THE WOR~ STUDY ARIA MA'" PROM RlSIDI1I"1'IAL LOW&MIDIUM DINSr."Y (0-4 WITS PIR QROIS ACRI) TO RESIDEMTIAL MEDIUM DEMSITY (0~'.22 UlCITS PIR QROS& ACRI) OM THE rOLLOWING DESCRIBID PRO'IRTY. APPROXI- MATILY' ACRES 1M SICTION 32, TOWNSHIP 46 SOUTH, RAHal 29 lAST, I""O~ALEI, rLORIDA, MORI ,ARTICULARLY DISCRIBED BIREIM, AMD PROVIDING AM l,rICTIVI DATI. Ite. 14 ORDIMAMCE 13.22 RI PETITION CP-83-SC, MR. ROGER r. RAINES RIPRESIW'r'IMO SWAMP IUOGY MYI, INC., REQUESTING A LAICD UBI MEMDfllnT PROM AGRICUL- TURAL 'to RrCRIATIOM OPEN SPACE 'OR A"ROXlMA'tILY 125 ACRES LOCATED 1/2 MILl lAS' or C.R. 951 - ADOPTED Leqal notice havinq been pUbli'htd In t.he Napl., Daily New. on April 22, 19~3. aa evidenced by ^ffi1avlt of publication filed with the Clerk, public hearing was opened to :onsider petition CP-~3-5C, filed by ~r. Roqer F. ~ain.s, representln, Swamp Buqqy Cays, Inc., requestinq a ~nd Use ^mendment from ^grlcultural to R~creation Open SpacI for approximately 125 acres located 1/2 mile east of C.R. 951 In Section lA, T!>C'lS, R2"E. Planner earbara Cacchione referred to the Executive Su~mary dated ^prll 21, 1983, and said that the proposvd use for this petition is a swa~p buqqy tra~k, fairgrounds, sho~tlnq ran?e and ,ther recreational uses. Plans Imple~entAt on ~Ire~tor Lee Layne Indicated the location of the property on a map. Ms. Cacchione stated that the surroundln1 land use 1. Aqrlcultural to the north, east, and west and to the .outh It 1. ~rlcultural and Commer~ial. She said that .lx letter. of opposItIon and two letters in favor of the petition have been received. m~ 075 fAct 510 'a9 I 4 ,_.-.__.""..<,.__..,..,._.~....- .. _ 075 PACE511 May 24, 19A~ Chllrllan Ittu.. que the Deputy Clerk 5~ ·latter. In opposition t.o the retition and 19 letter. In favor of the petition. ~.. Cacchlone .ald that the CCPA helð Its public hearing on ~prll 21, 19~3, and by a vote of 3/' forwardeð the petition to the BCC with the recommendation of denial. She .ald that staff recommend. approval f2r the r.asons listed on the aforem.ntloneð Executive Summary. Attorney Ceorq. Varnado., repre.entlnq Sw.mp Bugqy Oay., Inc., explained that his client has a ~O' right-of-way for access to the property and he referred to a 1981 aerial photograph and noteð that the n.are.t re.idence Is 1/2 mil. from the proposed project. He .aid that, In the proposed Comprehensive Plan from the CCP^, a line has been drawn on. ~ile east of C.R. 951 or 1/4 ~Ile from the east.rn houndary of the project and that ev.rything from the west of that is being called an urbanization line which would allow development and that everythlnq to the .ast of that line would remain rural and would have no development other than one unit per five acres. H. said that he felt that the CCPA, In .ffect, is saying that this project would be on the .ast.rn Þoundary of development in Colli.r County for the for....ab1. future a. far as the Comprehen.ive Plan Is conc.rned. He said that the .It. i. s.t back from C.R. 951 and th.re will be no visual Impact on that road. H. said that, with r.qard to the traffic .ituatlon, the ait. ia .t the corn.r of two two-lane road., on. of which Is scheduled to be four-laned. H. said that the petitioner Is willlnq to commit to a 100' wooded buff.r around the .ntire sit.. He r.ferr.d to varloua objectiv.s of the current Compr.hen.ive Plan and explained how, In hi. opinion, the proposal meets those obj.ctlve.. H. said that the proj.ct 1. non-intense us. of the prop.rty, Is compatible with .urroundlng land u..., fulfill. the need for various recreational actlviti.a and faci- liti.s and will have a ~lnlmal Impact on the .ervice. and facl11tl.. of 'age 5 -",--,",->,.,-,.,~.,"," ' ~.y 74, 191)3 the County. Ro.pondinq to Ch.irm.n ~ru.e, Mr. Varnadoe .aid that the line on the ea.t of tha property on the a.rll1 phot09raph is the Florida Power and Liqht tran.mi..ion line. Mr. Rex Ash1.y, pre.ld.nt of Swamp Buqqy Diy., Inc. explain.d that this orqanizatlon i. non-profit, 1. licensed in the Stlte of 'lor Ida and ha. been in exl.tenc. approximately 35 years. He said th.re are 21 volunteer. who man the orqanization along with an Ex.cutlve Secr.tary. H. .ald th.t the main function of the org.nlzation 1. to ov.r... the op.ratlon of two SWlmp buqqy rac.. Ind to provld' fund. to many ch.rl- table organizations. H. .aid that .pac. i_ provld~~ for the Colll.r County Fair Ind .tock car rac.., a. w.ll as hor.e and doq shows, and .dd.d that no County funds ftre u.ed by Sw~mp Buggy DIy., Inc. R. .aid that the Incr.a..d national recognition of the .wlmp buqqy race. ha. resulted In the old grounds heinq ina~equat. an1 that ~t the new sit. there would b. onslte, controlled parking which i. not possible at tha pr..ent location. Mr. Roger Haines, of CH'M Hill, referr.d to a dl.play on .n overhead board and reviewed the technical, architectural and .,~ine.r- Ing aspects of the project. He ~.scrlbed the v.g.tatlon on the sit. as pin. and cypress for..ts and .xt.nsiv. malal.uca qrowth. H. ..ld that th.r. ar. no we~l.nds on the site and add.d thet th.re ia an -ST- ar.. which will b. .ddr....d during the rezone proc.... He .aid there will b. gra.s parking areas, that ~rainag. from the project will be mini.al and that per.lts will b. required from the SrwMD. Tape 12 Regarding traffic, Mr. Haine. .ald that a .urvey of .p.ctator. ha. shown that approxlmat.ly ~O\ to 70\ of the traffic will 90 north on C.R. 951 and 20\ to 30' will qo south on c.n. 951 ftnd that only 10\ to 20' will u.. nattlesnak. Hammock Po.d. He .aid that the traffle aoaK 075 PACE 5i2 Patta I; ,........~~_w'''_., --.,,.-...' 075 PA."E 51~ May :u, 19~~ gen.rated by the event. will b. within the ro~ð.' cap.citle.. He .aid that, reqardinq nol.e, th.r. are ~nly two .wamp hU99Y rlc.. I year and that he did not think the nol.. would be out of reftsonah1e limits_ Re .aid that muffler. have been require~ on the .tock car. and there I. an 1110" o'clock curfew on the r.c~s, currently. Responding to Com- m!..ioner Voss, ~r. I~ines .ai~ that the organization would be vlllin9 to install a dirt mound aroun~ the trac~ tn help with the noi.e factor. Tho followin9 persons spoke In opposition to the petitions ~r. J.EI. PlIqe "'r. Paul C:oc!lI~y ~r. Clyde C. ouinby I"'s. Louise !=<=hlllff ~r. r.eorg. r. Keller, r-.pr@sp.ntln~ th~ Collier County Civic Ft'derlltlon ~r. John ~. ^lbt'rts I"r. Herbert C~~hridqe The followin~ persons spok. In favor of th4 petitions ~r. ~ene ~risson, Prt'siðent, Collit'r Cou~ty Fair I"r. O. B. Osceola, 5r. Chairman ~rust' note1 that this request is for an amendm.nt to the existing Comprehensive Pllln which IIpplies to this petition and that the proposed Comprehensive P¡an hils not yet come before the BCC. 'fa pe 13 Chairman Kruse said that when staff recelv., a requ..t for a change to the Comprehensive Plan of any nature they must 90 throuqh a complex process as to wht'ther or not the requeste~ change 1. coøpatible with the goals and ob't'ctive. of thllt Plan to which Community ~Yelop- ~ent ~mlnlstrltor Vlrta ft9r.e~ and .~~.ð that only land u.e is bein, looked at now. pe said that whether or not use by Swamp ~U99Y, Inc. i. proper for the property will be de.lt with In consld~rabl. detail at the time of rezoning. He said that this chanqe would give that organ- Ization the right to apply tor that rezoning. Responding t" Commissioner lIolland, l r. Vlrta sdd that the 'a9· ., CI:I ~_,_;,,,,,,,,,,,,_",,,,_",,_",,,o,·, ," ., ..,._.-_.........w_..."__' ""...", ~"--' May 20', 1983 clo.est re.idential lonad land il the Win; 30uth Development. Co..I..loner Holland a.ked, with r'9ard. to the re.ldenc.. Which ar. to be built in the ontire area, woul~ there have to be a change in the Coaprehenslve Plan In order for that to t. done to whl~h Mr. virta explaln.d that the present Ccmprehenslve Plan shows t~. land to the west of C.R. 951 as low density re.idential as w.11 a. reco1niles the ..all enclave of r.sid.ntlal low d.nslty d.v.lopm.nt of Sable palm. Co..ia.lon.r Holland said that he did not think there I. as much dan;er tQ the we.t of C.R. 951 as h. had heard .xpr....d and that h. was not quit. sur. that people could qet the area rezoned because it doe. take ~/5th. of the Commission to change the zonln9' Co..i.sion.r Rolland .ov.d, .econd.d by Co..i.sioner Irovn and carri.d unanl.ously, that the public hearln9 b. clo.ed. Co..i..loner Brown .oved, .econd.d by Co..i..ioner Rolland and carried ./1, (Co..lsslon.r pi.tor oppo.ed) that the Ordinance a. nuabered and .ntitl.d below be adopt.d and enter.d into ~rdlnance 100_ Mo. 171 ORDINANCE 83-22 AN ORDINANCE AMIHDING ORDINANCI 79·32, THE COMPRIHENSlVE 'LAN FOR COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, It AMINDING THI WORK STUDt AR&A PlAP .. FROM AGRICULTURAL TO RECRE...TI0N 0'" fI'ACI ON '1'111 FOLLOWING DESCRIIED ,ROPERTYt A'PROXIP1ATILY 125 ACRIS LOC"'TED IN SECTION 14, TOWNSHIP 50 SOUTH, RANal 2& EAST, COLLIER COUNTY, 'LORlDA, MORI ,ARTICULARLY DISCRIBED HIRIIN, AND PROVIDING AN IrFICTIVI DATI. ....RECESS. 10110 ....M. RECONVENID. 10.20 P.M.····· Itea IS PETITION CP-83-fiC, GEORGI VARN"'DOE, RIPRESINTING IIOIOKAUI ROAD ,ARTNERSHI' , GREG C....INESS, RI LAND USI MIMDMIN'I' FROM AGRICULTURAL "rO RISIDENTIAL LOW-MEDIUM DINSITY - WI'I'1IDRAWM ....D RIADVlRTISID FOR ~ULY 5, 1913 WITH ALL READVIRTIBINO COSTS TO II 10RNI IY PETI'tIONER Co..i..ioner ,i.tor ~y.d, ..conded by Co..laaloner .rown and carried unani~u.ly, that Petition CP-13-fiC, filed by Georq. Varnad.., ro~~ ff75 fACE 514 'age ! ...>......""_~._~""_......._.~.,,"_'_._.....- ,_._.""".... ,,_.,.w_.~____ 07SrACë515 May 24, 19U repre.entiftg I~k.l" Road ,artfterlhip . Oret Cabine.., requ..tint I land us. a.end..nt fro. Atrlcultural to Residential Lo~edlu. Den.ity for approxl.atlly C80 acre. loclt.d on the north side of Devld C. IrOWft Blqbvay, 1.1/2 miles e.st of tb. 1-75 Interch.nqe In Section ai, 'C'~, R2SI, be vithdravn and r.advertl.ld vlth all cost. for rl-advertl.lnt t~ be born. by the petitioner. It.. " RISOLUTIOM 83-80 RE PETITION YA83-5C, NORTH NAPLZS 'IRI CONTROL DIS- TRICT, RIQUESTING VARIANCIS r~OM THI SlOB YARD SITlACK REQUIRIMINTS or TBI C-l DISTRICT rOR 'ROPIR" LOCATIO WEST 0' TRI 10ARD or REALTORS OM PINE RIOOI ROAD AIID RIDUCTION or LO'I' WIDTH IN C"'l f'ROM 200' 'to 190' .. ADOPTED LegRl notice having been published In the Naples Dilly News on May 8, 19Q3, as evidenc.~ by Affidavit of Publication fileð with the Clerk, public hearing WðS opened to consider Petition V-~3-~C, filed by the North Naples Fire Control District, requesting variances from the Side Yard Setba:k requirements of the C-l Oistrict for property located west of the Board of Realtors on pine Ridqe Road and for reduction of lot width in C-1 from 200' to 190'. Plans Implementation Director Layne explained that the North Naples rlre Control District propose. to construct a new fire station .lnce their exl.tlnq building on Pine Ridge Road mUGt be moved. She .aid the District has found a site in a Commercial district but I. only purchaslnq a 190' wide lot and that the desiqned bulldlnq I. 125' vide. She pointed out that the C-l setbacks are SO' so that the petitioner I. requesting a 25' .etback on the west side and a 40' setback on the e.st side of the proposed building for I variance of 25' and 10' respec- tively and ad~ed that staff recommends denial of the petition. Attorney Donald pickworth, representlnq th~ petitioner, referred to paqe 4 of the Executive Summary dated ~/18/~3 whieh shows a dravlng of the proposed fire station. He stated that the Dl.trict previouslY Plve 9 l1li .. - ~ .... ..........,.,.;.'~~·.M"-··' -" ,..,w..____,,·-'~ May 24, 1983 appli.d for a provi.ional uae for property on Trail Poule~ar~ and Ridq. Drive which the Board denied Ind, at that time, .tlff va. directed to .tudy other location. for the buildinq. ne explained that one of the locationa i. immediately weat of the Board of Realtor. and i. owned by COllier Corporation and th~t the District has neqotiated a contract to purchase a parcel of that property. He said the fire station ha. been rede.iqned removinq the administrative office section and that the deaiqne~ bull~ing is the smallest fire station possible with tho alnimal parkinq and driveway space. He .aid that by only purchaalnq a 190' wide lot, the DLatrlct will aave ~'2,200 of the taxpayer.' money. He referred to a letter from the Board of Realtors to the 8CC expre..- inq support of this propo~al. Messrs. Mike Zewalk, Jame. 8. Hayne. and Ceorge Keller spoke in support of the petition. North Naples Chief Jim Jones explained the aqreement between the ~orth Naples Civic Association and the Dl.trict whereby the District provides rentl."ree space for the ....sociation to hold their meetings. Chief Jones said that he h~s been working with the public Work. Department In reqard to the deslqn of the median cut. for access to the station. ~espondln? to Commissioner Voss, Chief Jone. said that, if the variance 1. approved, construction will beqin as soon as permits are obtained. Commis»loner Pistor noted that variance. are nor~ally approved If there is some hardship demonstrated and he said, in his opinion, there has been a financial hard.hip in this case sLnce the District was not allowed to ~urcha.e the other piece of property and that there has been considerable delay In constructlnq the new station. eo..S..ioner VO.. ~y.d, .econded by Co..I..loner Brown and carried unani~u.ly, that the public hearlft9 b. clo.ed. eo..i..ioner Bolland ~y.d, .aconded by Co..i..loner VO.. and aOOK 075 rACë 516 paq. 10 ."".....---_........>,..;..".,.~.'"'' -.-...,.- ._^ .-. 075 ~5~7 May 24, UU carried ananl_a.ly. tbat IelOlatlon ""10 re ,.Utlon YIoUa.SC, ..rtb . ..pl.. 'Ir. Control Dlatrlct, r~.atift9 .arlanc.. fro. th. ,Id. Yard ..tback reqalr..-nta of the C~l Dlatrlet for property located ..at of tb. loud of nealtors on 'In. Rid,e Road and the redaction of lot wldt" In C~l :r.. 200' to 1'0' be aðopted. Paq' - .-""-""" --~ 1 TJ.. -- j ! \ UOOa1A'Ø IIIIUI ~ .. ...,. .".,.. . ...... IlIA !WI 1 ., .. .... 4L 1 __1WIIWL -- 'IiIay ,,~, l~"~ u.. " ~IIOLUTIOM .3-81 RI '1~I'ttOl v.'3-4C, ..W. LOMI, RIOUIS~lwa ~RIAMCI ROM UdlDlCAPI RIQUIRIMI1I'I'I 1M '1'111 C"'5 DI8'I'1UC't LOCATIO ACROSI ROM '1'111 MAUTILUI IUILDINO ~ LIMWOOD AVlNUI - ADOPTED WITH 8TI,ULATIOM Leqal notice hlvlnq h_en publl.hed In the Naples r.ailY Mev. on ~'Y 8, 1983, as evidenced by ^ffldavlt of Publication flleð with the Clerk, public heartnq was opened to consi~er Petition V-P3-ðC, filed by N. v. Lowe requesting a vlriðn~. fr~~ t~. lanðlc,p' r.quir~~ftnts In t~. C-~ Dl.trict located ~croll fro~ the N.utilus Buil~in~ on Llnwo01 ~venue. plans Implementation ~irector ~yn. explainpd th!t the petitioner vlshe. to expand his present bulldinq and th.t hi ~wna ,ns' on Linwood ^venu.. Sh. sai~ that th~ ~xisting l.ndac.pln~ requirements require that the lan~.caping be brou~ht up-to-~ate on tho existinq ~uI1ðln~ as well as the propose~ ntw buildIng and that, b~se1 u~on the requireMent. af the vari~nce proc~~ur~. st~ff had to r~co~mend ~tnial of th. petition. ~he r~forr~rl t~ th, rxecutive ~u~n~ry ~!tod S/lP/~J and said that staff has r~co~~en~ed that the ~' ~ould be remov~~ on each side of the drawin~ of the rrop~rty for 1~ndlcapin1, and ad1eð that thftr. Is 3D' on tho ~ast 3n~ north sides and that '5' w~uld provide enou1h rOQm tor driv~~ay ,cels,. R~s?on~in~ to Chairmqn ~ru!~, Ys. Layne s~i~ th.t rl~nters could prohably be installed in~to.1 of letuðlly romovinq concrete as thore has to ~e ~ l' hiQh ~c~~~ on the e~st side ~ecause It Is residential there and trl.s have to be every ~n' on ~he north ,nd east sides. "'r. t.!.'.'/. Low.." ')('t1UonH, !"ic1 that he anr1 his son own th. property 1n 1~~stion nnd th~t t~e re~~Qn for the vari.nce lI~pllcatlon 1. that, aceor~1n; ~n ~~. co~e, t~~y yould ~o rð~ulre~ to hay. II ~. landscapin, strl~ ~hic~ WQul~ nec.ssitQte physically ~lagin1 up II ,·x 2~5' lineal foot strl~ which ~oulð incur conslderahl- cost. ne said that the property to the ..It is rOlldentlr.l which is already qrls..~ aO~K 075 rei 52D paqe 12 .--,''''......-.----.'.....''' ~..,.,_.._--_...""., .. 075 rACë 521 May 2., 1983 to hi. are. and that retalnin9 vater ditches filled vith 9rav.l ar. arou~d that area. He .aid that he opirate. a bUline.. In thl. buildinq and that truck. are driven to the back and that, currently, there fs jUlt barely room enough to turn the radlul to get in the back door. He .aid that large truckl go by the building, that one has ~lreadY cru.h.d In the corner of the buildinq and that. hi feels the re.triction on u.lnq the backdoor for service truckS anð other traffic and the expen.. of d199ln9 up the pavement and putting in grass landscaplnq would be prohibitive. Respondln~ to Commissioner Holland, ~r. Lowe said that he had Indicated on the drawing that he was more than willing to comply with the landscaping requirements on the east and north .ide of the next property. He said th~t the majority of the property In question behind his building iø not visible from Linwood Avenue. In response to Commissioner Pistor, Mr. Lowe said that there Is only 30' to the property line. that 2' of that is a gravel drainage ditch and that, If another J' Is removed for the landscaping, the turninq radius would be such that, for a fair size truck, there would not be room enouqh to pull vehicles into the overhead back doors. Co..is.ioner Brown .oved, aeconded by Co..I..ioner Rolland an4 carried unani.ou.ly, that the public hearine; be clo.ed. Commissioner Holland said that he could agree with requiring nev additions to be landscaped properly, but that he was not In favor ~f forcing people to qo back on existing buildings and put In land.caplnq- He salð he looked at the property and that he could see where it would be awkward and next to Impossible for a tractor trailer to get into the are. . Co..I..loner Rolland ~ved, .econded by Co..i.,loner Irown and carried unanl~u.ly, that Re.olution 83~'1 r. Petition Y·.3-4C, M.V. page 13 1:1:1 .. - --",¡_.~.."","",,,...,,.,,>.,.... 'ft" ":,.,,~~ May 24, 1983 ¡\,Io ,':;"'1f ...... reqaenSnt ..rllnce fr.. llndllOlpe req"ir..nte 1ft the cas ,'¡"(~#f;'t Dt.tdct, lHat" lOr... frOll the ..atU". bUUdS", Oft t.lnwoeS kltsH ;,'}~l,'i~t .' ".:~:' t,,..,,: .t. , ,,'i- N Idopt" with th. .tlpuutton thlt th. petlttonot follow ..r, "':J-, :q~, clo.l1y to th. .td. and rear of the addition aeeodlnt t. th. ','.;;~~ tar.1.clplnt ordlnlnc.. aoo~ 075 PAU 522 , . . "¡o......-...._..._~.....'.;~"'.'""" {4.' t.¡; 075 rAtt525 May 2~, 1983 ~, 'i1JJ~ Ita II . ' ~,i}!.':" '~Sl ADD MI1I'I'ØAJICI AGRIIMDTS roR 11M 5532 I1d'ORMATIOII PROCnl11lO f.;¡;;,," IOUIPMI1fT t'O II WID I. '1'111 UTILI'I'nS DIVISION .. A'PROVED ~~,.. ¡ Co~unlty DeYelo~ent Admlni.trator Virta explained that In reb~uary the BCC approved the purchase of IBM Information proce..lnq equipment within the Utllltle. Dlvl.lon, that a contract wa. executed In April In ord~r to take advantaqe of ·a price break· and that thl. reque.t I. for the purcha.e of equipment which will be utilized In the Utilltl.s Division at the price. quoted in rebruary. Re .ald the equlpmlnt In-hous. In both the Community Development and Public Work. Division was purchased at a better price because of expedltiou. action. Comml.sloner Voss .ald he felt It was time that the County beqlns to qet equipment that Is compatible with pre.ent equipment, which thl. I.. Co..I..ion.r VO.. ~ved, ..conded by Co..i..loner Irown and carried unani~~.ly, that the Purcha.. and Malnt.nanc. A9r....nt. for laM 5532 Infor.atlon proces.lnq Iquip.ent to b. u.ed in the Utllltl.. Divl.ion be approved. '. '. . '.. ~.~:~. ~. . ~,,: ~ ::i{~)' ,:,~; ...:P1J: ':'~!,~~' ;',,,,,,'IA' ".'. it '"¡h: :::;~ .aqe - .. "'_......~;'......._....,~....."~_. .~.. ..,.,___..'.'M'·"'"" IIIay 2', Iftt!3 .....eo..i..ion.r Irovn 1.ft the ro~ at lOs40 A.M. and returned at 10,45 A.,.. u.. " anOLU'I'IOU ""82 RIQU1:8'ttltO 'l'ftAT TRI STA'I'I COASTAL C01IS'l'RUC'I'I01I COIIYROL LIMI I. COLLIIR COUNTY II RIVIrwED - AOOPTID County r.nvlronmentallst rr. Benedict referred to the r.xecutlve Summary dated 5/13/~3 which ~xp18ins the requesl that a r.solution b. approved requesting that the State Coast81 Construction Control ~ine in Collier County be review&ð. Co..i..ioner Vo.. .oved, ..conded by Co..I..lon.r PI.to~ that R..olutlon 83-82 reque.ting the reviev of the State Coa.tal Con.tructlon Control Line in Collier County b. adopted. "espondlnq to Commissioner plator, nr. aenedict salð that the State nivislon of Reaches an1 Shore~ an~ the ~W~ review an~ regulate the CCCL. ~ommissioner ~~l¡'n~ ask~~ how ~uch land there Is in Collier County th~t ~ou11 be ~f!~cte1 ~y th~ r.vlew to which Or. ~enedtct replied th~t woulrt ~epen1 ~n wh~t the outcome of the nN~'a study. He slid that ~~~ area ~urr-.ntly not cnverp~ ny a C~CL Is the r.ape ~ornano, Tic. Island area. Tape '4 Upon call for the que.tlon, the motion carried 4/0, with Co..i.sionar Srovn absent fro. tha roo.. ao,;~ 075 rA:i 534- ,,--.".,.,,~-",,-"-~""'-' '","-"" ,..,".. ~..---"_.- May 24, 1983 u.. no pOftCRASI or MICROJoCOMPU'TIR 10UI"'11I'1' TO TII Itn'O '1'111 COIlQlnnrln DIVILO,"IWT DIVIIIo.'l 11M -SHARID LOGIC- SYSTIM · APPROVID Community Develop.ent Admlnl.trator vlrta explained the r.qu..t to .. purcha.. .icro-computer equipment to tie Into the Dlvialon'. 19M -Shared Logic. Syatem. H. .ald that the 'lorida DOT 1. offering the County fr.. .oftvare to utilize In transportation planning. H. aald that the Community Development Division is delaying hiring a Plann.r 111 this year and n.xt year because of the enhancem.nt of the Divl.lon's capabilities to utilize the micro-computer capabilities. HI said the .quipm.nt will al.o have the ability to b. used as a r~ular terminal and It will be available to the Public Work. Department. Co..i.aioner vo.. .oved, .econded by Chair.an Kru.. that the purcha.e of Micro.co.put.r Iquip..nt to tia into the Co..unlty Dev.lopa.nt Divi.ion'a IBM ·Shar.d Loqic· Sy.t.. be approved and that the ri.cal Offic.r pr.p.r. the n.c....ry buðq.t ..end.ent.. Commi.sioner Holland sai~ he haa s.rlous re.ervation. about the MPO eoard an~ he do.. not .ee ~here the ace Is gaining anything at this point. He s.id if th~re va. Iny hope of recouping any of the expen.e that would be a ~iffer.nt matter. Mr. virta said that the County vill b. ab¡e to bill back against the PL Funds, which com. from the F.der.l Covern~ent, to pay for the cost cf the ~tu~y for the use of thl. computer as it Is utilized for transportation planning purpose. and, th.refore, the County will be g.ttin~ ~oney back. H. laid thia requ.st doe. not Isk for Iny nev monies to b. budget.d but mer.ly ask. for budget transfer. and the delay of hirinq staff which would be r.ducing the overall cost to the County of the MPO function. Upon c.ll for the qu..tion, the ~tion carri.d unani~u.ly. &c:~ G15 F.\œ536 'sq. 17 -<~-,~"~..~>-"'~."~., . I<:~' , .).:'","' ~ ~1'¡/~~~ .~~ ., .¡':. 537 .PACE . Ifl' , "'- ',' '. ,;,,:j,,-'.'~ ,,' ~~. ';",' lf~;'h"\" . ,.' . "~.. .n.,. , ::~::,:,', ":,, ~1;\~~.¡þIID !'OR ftlltlt.u.il or 'l'RAc:,. ·C· (001.' COORS.' nOM !II: :'~"'" IICURlft AaRIIMØI' AWl) IXTI..IIOII or '1'1"1 Ut1'1'tL MAY 24, un, rOR "';'. 'f CQlllpU'l'IOII or 1'1.1. RIQUIRED tJlPROYIMI1I'I't "1'I'R ROYAL PAUl oOLPunftti· ,"'~ ""1'1' 0111" APPROVID 8UIJIC? 'to I'tI'Ut.A'tIONS ". ."j ." , ",~ "'.Y 2., 19!3 ~ '1#"}::-:'~~~ ~~!t-./ ,,..'~',r~: :"'{~ J~J~ :::::::0:.:' o:~:: :::,:::::: :o:.::~, ::P::V:~: :.::::::: y ,::' .::. . '¡;';'{~¡; public" intere.t In th. r.oyal 'al", Colf F.stat.. unit on.. H. referred :{2t.~ ,lA, to the Executive f;u!!I'II.ry -,bud ~/HV~3 which points ('Iut how this haa ..,~ happ.n.d prevlou.1Y and that, du. to economic cont1lt1ons, there i.. ,," -"f~~ ..~. \,~ " .'-. ,:~;'J need to do It again. /{!', n.c....ry Escrow ~9UClment end thllt .uff r,commends the PCC lIuthoriz. , . ....i¡~ . "';~ '.;'I?t ., ¡:~.~~.- þ. ~'Ii;'.~ until May '4, lq!,~, for completion of all of the required Il'!Iprov.ment.)"~~ " ~..i;~· vlthln Royal Palm Colt EsUus, l'ntt on., subj.ct to the followln9!!I, ·if.:,~·· Public Work. Administrator Hart",,,n uplaineð the requut for pe said that the d.v.lo~.r has attaln.d t~. the ex.cutlon of a statutory ~ee~ for the rple.se of Tract ·C- (Coif Course) from the .ecurlty aareem.nt Ind grant .n ext.n.ion of time .tipulationsl 1. That the Certlfi.d ^ppral.al of the valu. of lOt5 110 thru 1~2 of Slock .^-, lot. 1 thru 52, Block -n- and Tract. -A- " an~ ·S- Indlcat.. then Is .ufflcient .ecurity to Quarant""i completion of 1'111 remainlnq i",provem.nts required ìncludin9?~\;;; those for which the Escrow ~9r..m.nt i. belnq provld.d '. (teoo,ooo.OO). ,. Ex.cutlon of Escrow Aqr..m.nt in the amount of .203,000.00. , '., '''. 3. R.celpt of Waiver of Li.n. on .11 mat.rlel and labor u.ed for the construction of the required Improv.m.nts In P.oyal pal. ;;; Colf Esuus, unit on.. ,\:,¡~¡ Mr. H3rtman said that the seoo,ooo ref.r. to the Public ~rk. e.tl~at. of the remalninq improv.m.nts. H. ..Id that an b.en recolv.~ which IndiCAte. that the value of the land " worth 1.5 million dolhu. P. .ald that the Waiver of Lien. h,''':il;;' contain.d in the .Ign'ð E.crow ~r.."'.nt which will be ecc if thl. action i. approv.d. County ^ttorn.y ,,"_ ,._,,_"_......._....._.....__..i-'<..,.......~.... .ü_...ittI_,._...·"·..·..··..'··· , .._..""""___....-~___.....''''_.w"."<-·., -.,"....-...--........'...."'.'" ",.-..-,,., ,,'~ . i~ . ,~ -.. ~;,. tl:'¡' '~-.r~, . ii."···· , .~., ..,' .~j~~: ,J" ~ ¡ /'\". . . May 24, 1993 It.. 112 sm, alRICft1) IfO COI'I't1IUI IRIDal MAt1ITI1tAIICI WORI Itl PLA1I'Ð'tÎOIIi'. "', 'MInfAY IRIDal' A1fD l'tAn' to WORI CLOSILY WI'I'II FLORIDA ÞO'l' to AIIORI RI'LACIMIWI' 0' '1'111 WIt'!' I1UDal AI 100II AI POIIIII.I '.' , Public Work. Að~ini.trator Mart~en explained that thtr. . and a valt brldqt on rlanUtion Parkvay end there hu bun a probl" with the approach to the va.t bridqe, and added that th.r. i. a ti~ber r.talninq vall and the .arth h~. lelkeð through the timber. .0 that th. approlche. to the brldqes have caved In on a couple of occasion. Which h.v. required repair. Pe .aid that a lett.r VI. rec.lveð by the Dee from ~r. I'lac., Chalrmln, Plant~tion Islftn~ property ~..ociation, urqln1, .ince the ea.t brldq. will h. un~.r contract b.tvaen the ~T and Bri..on Ent.rprls.. In the near future, that the Comml..loner. find .ome way to replace the west ~rl~qe concurrently. ~r. "artman .aid that this would b. a desirable ~oal but that .nough i. known Ibout the proce.s that tho r.oT 1. 10in1 throuoh tQ design ~nd replace the va.t brldq. Ind that the curr.nt ..tlmot~~ C~lt of the construction work on that bridge will be '5no,~on .~~ th~t hi. department doe. not f..l the County can afford to roplace the w~st brldqe vlthout the DnT'. fundln, support. lie said th4t current information Is that the 00'1' pl.". to fund th,t bri~q' In Fi.cal Year l~~4-q5 which b~lns July 1geC. M. .ald that c~mparln9 the malnttn!nce cost to k..p the we.t brlðqe operational 1. considerably ltSS th~n constructing a n.w brlð'l'. ea..i..lon.r Irovn .oved, .econded by Co..I..ioner vo.. and carried unanlmou.ly, that .taff be directed to continu. bridq. .aintenanee work re Plantation ,.rkvay and Itaff to work alo..ly wltb Florid. DOT to I..ure r.pl.ce.ent of the vest bridle a. .oon a. po..lble. ao~K 075 fAct 550 . 1;.'-; .1,: . . . , . )i May 2', 19113 \~'1075 ~551 It..' In ,~/.«. .' " è;' I'fArP DIRzcnD to PROCUD WI'1'II ACQUISITIOIf 0' 'M nILI" utllt"'" ,~'ART or 'tSI COLLIER COUNTY RIOIOMAL WATIR IYITIM ;;)~~:~~'1' Public ,",oriel M.lniltrator Hart.an referred to the h.cutiV·..Ò·~¡,? v.", " ' . '.:r:~' ~~n. lun.ry d.ted 5/19/83 ""Ich IndlcaUI a problem In the locationl fòr',',:',j~ 4¡:~~" ", -,...,~,!;, . 'H~"',':':" P.PIIIP houI.. which .u nud.d for v.terlin.. .nd th.t previously the ,': ..:I,:~, ~~ -0: " . .' ~~ j.{. ::c~.~\i ,,,. ::,,:',.. ":.'. County obtain.d ......nt. In the la.e ar.a for the w.t.rline. ......nt vas obtain.d for an .bov.qround pump house .h.1t.r. Øe ..Id that, in ord.r to .xp.dlte the proc.ll, the .pprailll. vill b. obt.in.d for the .a..ments in order to be on 900d qround in n'90ti.tlon. vlth the landown.r.. H. said that with the information .1r.ady 9·thered .011' r.a.onabl' e.tl.at.. can b. .ade of the va1u. of the .a....nt. .nd those will b. off.r.d to the llndown.r. to ... if the proc... c.n b. expedit.d. He .aid that not more th.n a fev hundred do11.rl of County mon.y can Þ. put at ri.k vith thl. proc... .nd it would b. well worth it, conl:ð.rinq the investment that the County hi. In the vat.r .yst.m. Co..I..loner Boll.nd ~v.d, .econd.d by eo..i..lon.r ,I.tor and carri.d unanimou.ly, th.t .t.ff b. dlr.ct.d to proc.ed with aequl.ltlon of fl.. utility ......nt. .. p.rt of the Colll.r County Ratlon.l ~t.r Iy.t... 1t",14 GROUWtlSltEIPIR POII'tIOll I_ PARltl AIf1) RICRPTIOII DIPAR'TM11I'I' II. 1XDt" nOlI :: SIRING 'RUZI Co~i..lon.r Brown ~v.d, ..cond.d by Co..i..ion.r carried unani~u.1Y, th.t the Oround.Ie..per po.itlon In Recr..tion Departm.nt b. ....pt fro. the hlrln9 fr..... It.. 115 YOU'I"'I OUIDAltCI ..ECIAtI.,. POIITIOII "' IXIMPT nOM IIRtllO nllll .<':.~} '').......,., ";""~" County Mln'9.t NOf'llan ..id that it Is Important th.t the YO,u.tJ'~':r!~:~;; .,' ,¡".." Culdanc. SpeclaU.t po.ltion b. filled b.c.u.. the .I111III.' c.tÌp prOtr( . ,í'~,"~i' Bolland and ':'i;,,' the Park. arî4 ':;.î'~' .,.....¡' :., '.> '._ ,,~<,t' "~';~'¡'. t:~~~ r i' ~ '. '~~';)L~;t ,', ", ' < May 24, l~U , 'F .~,.boutJ;tci'b"I".nd ..ecor,d peuon II n..d.~ Oft the .taH. ,;,~:Jg (·,;'ð~~";'t~'len.I" 'l~to~:8IO'N4l.Hoftdecl by CO-II.lo".é"ròWrr~' .)'.,¡'.'" '..,.... I _. ' . 'eartSeciè/l,'vttb Cllrun nu.. oppo.ed, Z:~.-,'.,.ohlht po.ltioft be exeapt frn the hldft9 fun.. 'f' , 'U" UI .. ~.:, the expenditure. over the la.t five year. In the County ~Id .n~ Bridq. :f~~":ff~r : '::,',lJI. ,. ':'~:~:':1; ;' ,.~~,:i: t::,~.~~; ':;~~~ "".. \<~~ ;,,¡t;' r.;:~ f: ""1'1' ~\~~ '.~ í;\ COUtft'Y A'M'ORII" RIPORftD 'I'RA't COUtft'Y At."DITOR WOOD lIAS IIaUlf RlVtlWlttO· DOCUMI1ITATIOM PRIPARED IY COUM'I'Y RE EXPENDITURES OVER 'tHI LAST flVl., 1'1AR1 III 'l'B1 COUNTY ROAD AND IRIDal DEPARTM!N'I' WITH '!'HI STUDY TO II COMPLrTlD .I'CRI Ice MZI'tINO 5/31/83 - NO ACTION NSEDED County AttorneY Saunder. reporte~ that County ~udltor Wood ha. bl9un revlewln9 documentation prepared by tha County In rererenc. to Department and that he Indicated the study would be completed by May 21;, 1983, .0 that, when the ordinance is co:'\alðered at th.. --.y :n, 1983, 8CC meetlnq, the Commissioners will have a good Ide. of what the i'·,.· "e uld th.st, 11thouqh no;:~ ..','.).~ ",J,' , ~~i .~ not be very much. i~ It~B:' OM rORD' ""LOMB' VI. ID'RD Dr <DUIIT't <_'SS'OM...S ... ..._.../:':;1 LAKES or NAPLES, L'I'D. BY COUNTY ATTORNEY - NO ACTION KIIDED ,,'0j , .~i ". ",;.- ."\:.~:~~ Co~I..loners' Infor~atlon re~ardlno a ca.. whleh involved sn appe'l~~~~\~ {;~~~:~~ flqure. are for the City an1 tor the County. .et price was 91ven by "'r. '''001 for this work, he did, Indicate It 'lOuld County ~ttorney ~aunder. re~orteð th~t thl. Item I. for the the Clstrlct Court in which the County was suec~..ful and that, althou~h the ca.e 1. not final an1 could be appealed to the Florida Su?reme Court, he do~. not ðnt.lclpate this will øceur. '..,f ....RICESSe lOs!! A.M. RECONVIMEDs l1e05 A.M. ao~ 075,~ 552 . .._--_..-........_''',--....,~---_....._'," , "'..__.,,..______ I.TW"· -----.,-'~....-..".""...,,-'... - May 24, 19413 '1\' 1tOU'I't1f1 IILLI .. A'PRO'IID rOR 'AYMn'I' "): ~~<~'. pursuant to Resolution 81-150 the follovl"9 checle. were , ," ,,»::':', thro\J9h May 20, 1983, In Jlaym.nt of routine bUls. ...../.' CHECK DESCRIPTION CHECK NOS. AMO~ Requllr payroll Voucher Checks 63671 - ~"205 9f1i171 - 9U2111 $217,873.84 S750,6U.9!1 It.. 11 t I.W. lIVER. ASSOCIATlS, IlfC. APPJtO'lZ:) 'to DRA" PJtOPERnACASUALn IIfIURAIfCI S,lCtrICATIONS AND 'to AIlALYZI AND RICOMOD I1IIURAIICI AGIMCIIS' PROPOSALS 'OR IlfSURANCI COVIRACI PROM OCTOBER 1, 1"3, 'to OCTOIIR 1, 1"5, A't A CO.~ NOT 'to IXCIED .15,000 'Ileal Officer alles referreð to the Executlye Summary which r.questl that the Board retain E.W. ~IYer , Alloclates, Inc. to .xa.ine the property-casualty Insurance speclflcatlonl. He laid that the two-year Insurance policy of the County will expire thl1 year and the Insurance consultant feel I that there are adyant.qe. In bidding this policy out at this time becaule the m.rket II soft Ind comp.tltlv.. R. .ald that employee Insurance is a .ep.rate matter. eo..l..lon.r .rovn ~v.d, .econded by eo..isslon.r Bolland and carried unani~usly, that I.W. li..r . Assoelat.., Inc. b. approved to draft property&casualty Insurance specification. and to analys. and reco..end insuranc. ag.nciea- propo.al. for Insuranc. co..ra,. fr~ Octob.r 1, 19.3, to October 1, 1985, at a co.t not to .xc..d ,15,000 and that the con.ultant'. r.tain.r for day-to~ay con.ultlnt be Iner....d to '900. It.. 120 IUDQI'r MI1fDMI1f'I'8 13~539 'l'BROuaR ""'S43 ~ ADOPTlD AI PRllarnD eo..ta.lonar carried unani~u.11, that Iud,.t ~nd.ent. "·5" thtoagh adopted .. pr.l.nted. ,~~~,.""--,""""";,_..,,,,---,.....-,,. -,- ·"'.\L~~~;'·~\;~~, ''''1.', tl~ .'.L>,~~~, ~í , !"-jlt" .I! "',..\'i, ,c 't~),~Hé}'::?";;:,.; i'~~r~t~~~r' :,~"t.,< tII.' 2. "'i,"'; If "j", , Y ." ' ,,~j~~~{J~·Af:i~~.':;'~J~,:~~~··' .<'. 'A ,..¡"í.ri'rtD,::,¡,~:\.,,-:;:·;;J;i:~;:' "};~;,,,,_, ',',,1.., '.",','_;,' :'.,,',"..' ,', ,.,' '" "..'/t: ,'}':",',;J::(;".- ,1....nÎrirown ....... 'IHon'" by eo..la.!oner '''tor ~'~,.,:¡~~.,:.,_~::_'..... ">' ' r,' - - '<,',"...".; .rtí.. ...n.....l1' &b.' 1""0' AIMnd..n' 13-5.. be .dopt....,!. ·,.~i¡t¡', >" ". ' ' ' ')', \' ", 'I!"~ "íiint"~' ""' Ÿ!~:"" -,;,._"..,..---- --.--."<".-.-"'..-""""""-'" ,«,-e' "_.;.._..____..:H".,.--..,>'"..~.., >.."..........-."',,,,......,.....,-"' , ' "'j., , , ~:~\5 ·:"~·.:~¡t<:;·:', ~. ,:':~'ì:', ")~:. ';r f;~~.J; ;.~~\:" ;-,:;' ~¡. ~.~ .~. ":!~'J/:~,.l¡H;·.·Y , : ': . ~~~·},,4'Jj'''''''~~·'h''·':.'';'1II··q,,~... ' "'-',. ,~,,~ . :J~'t'f~::~~··:·~::?·".' ' . ' May 2', 1983 . í~Qj5';,tlSB1< ",,' , .' c ~~;'1~~~~~J·~;~:;;,~1.~¿~:,:r·~..¡:£:·/~ ,.~,;< " .' :<,.'.>.:,,;:;..;.,'.,....,~,~;¡~ . tAtrlOII:AIID IWQGDItIIf DtvtllOlt i'I'RUC'I'UR1 IJn) rtnte'rtOlft It COUll'f'l..,IDI. V'rtLt'l'tl' FACtLI'I'tll O'ØA'I'IOMI .. APPROVID 1M COIICIP'I'." . ØMlDtA'I'I ADVIIt'I'IIIRIftI rOlt POIt'ttOM or Clltlr,rACIt.I'I'tll O'ØA'I't i Wlft ItIIUMII '1'0 1£ IUMt!"!'ID DIRIC'I'L'I '1'0 ICC I' .111111 30, 1913 ... ~.~, ..:...~ .t'AVTllOItUID. ( ÐIICUSIIOll or fOLIC' Itl COtnn'Y ACOOIRtJlO 'RIVA'I'IL'l CMfØ ~'UlLtC U'l'ILt'l'JII ADDID'I'O MAY 31 1983 ICC AGIMDA .~. "'i'i -.'-',,' '.... " '~" ," Chair.an ~ru" ..i~ that the COunty is incuulnqly uachin9 ~~t'_ .. . ,t'.;', . point where the utili tie. ar. -bur.tln9 at the .eam.- becau.. of buUdinq vater and .ever plants, Icqu'irinC} additional Un.., and acqulrlnq another vater plant, to name a few Item.. Sho .aid .he 'I 'J:_';~~'~ , ::·>.'f , "'~~I~~;: .. -,,~'{.;.' '....$ , . ':~,!i :··.:tf·~.": ,. ·s .'~~~ ;~'1~(f "." " ...... a.ked the Board to con.lder restrueturln9 the Utllltle. operation and to begin to approach the .ituatlon a. a buslne.., becau.e that, in her, opinion, I. what it I. and that the functions be divided Into the follovlnq four major ar~a. which vould be under the direction of a Chief of Facl1ltle. Operation County-wide for the future I 1. 2. 3. 4. ay.t... Operations En9ineerlnC} Ind Construction 'Inanclal Mlnagement General Management Chairman ~ru.e said that County ~~naqer Nor.an ha. b.en function- Inq In the role of Chief of 'acIHtI.. Operation .nd thM. it is dlfCl."".;.;,.t \ .' '" !-;,' cult. for hill, particularly vith budqet revlevs bec¡ lnnlng. She .ald ;w", thlt this proposal is sOllevhat In lin. with the ..anaquent .UditoU·....,:</f.. .pproach to the matter and that no exl.tlng job. or people ar. affeeteð ~~~ -' ,;_"'Ii'<~ by it, but that It Is I .uqq..tlon, in concept, that this approach~!.Ùf:i ('.; taken to the COunty'. future utllitle.. ""/',; Co..i..loner ,I.tor .ugge.ted that the .Itter b. delayed ManaC}ement Audit I. co~pleted and allov the auditor. to .ak. the uco..endatlon .nd Chairman ~ru.e ..Id that the Board 1. flcln9 ·.I~ór,.. . ~Y deci.lon. vlthln the next coupl. of waek. and that ahe did not,b.li'!~ that anythlnq .uqg..ted In har propo..l 1a contrary to direction tba"" the audit i. approaching. She a.ked the Manlg..ent Auðitor ',j-." '. '" #",';:'~ I" ' :. . ~j :~ '.. '1""0 _._---,._,~.._..""------"....._..-~.,._~." M'Y 2., 1983 correct and he aqr.ed. Co..i..toner pi.tor .aid th.t he had not h.~ .n ,..Io~"¡:,' ,:),. '. ···'·-~'i_" " ~~,.·t .:~. "I;· ''¡~' , ", f ,; " ,"" ~ . . ... ~ ' :':"1 .~¡f., ,,'I...... \·.·~;:í '~ , }~~ !,,, } ,~ oppor~unity to re.d the propo..l .nd que.tion.d the ð.t. of :u~. 15, 1913, wh.n re.u.e. for Chief, '.ciliti.. ~er.tion. .r. to b. lub.ttted, .nd Ch.ir..n Kru.e s.ld that d.te .hould b. ch.n9.d to :un. 30, 1913. Coni..loner vo.. s.id he felt th.t this i. . 900d concept .nd th.t he h.. dlscu...d it vlth the Manaq.m.nt Consultant .nd h. concur- red even though the propo.al i. pr.matur., a. f.r .. the r.l.... of the Con.ult.nt'. fin.l r.port. Commis.ion.r VO.. ..id that, in hi. opinion, the Board could expreas that this proposal i. the intent of the Bo.rd, th.t the Co.-Is.lon.rs côu1d ·poli.h the fln.l draft- durlnq the w.k, thlt .pplications could cOIDe In durinq Jun. .nd th.t a Un.l deci.lon could be .ad. .ft.r July 1, 1983. Co..i..loner Vo.. .oved, ..conded by Co..i..ioner Roll.nd .nd c.rried 4/1, vith Co..I.sioner 'i.tor opposed, th.t the orq.ni..tlon .nd ..n.g..ent di.l.ion structure and function. re County~lde Utllltie. pacllltie. Operation. be .pproved In concept. eo..i..lon.r Vo.. ~ved, .econded by eo..I..ion.r Roll.nð .nd c.rrl.d ./1, w~th Co~I.slon.r ,istor oppo..d, th.t I...dl.t. .dv.rti....nt. In the w.ll Street Journ.l .nd .ppropri.t. engln..rlnq journ.l. for the po.ition of Chief, 'Ieilltle. Op.r.tlon., with r..u.e. to be .ubaitted directly to the ICC by June 30, 1983, be .uthorll.d. Co~i..ioner Voss .aid that the BCC has st.t.d, althouqh not officially, thst it is the Int.nt of the County to acquire the public utl1itl.s that are privately own.d In the County and thlt he would lik. to se. this stat.d .pecifically so that, wh.n a per.on i. hir.d for the Chief of 'acl1itl.. Op.ratlon., that per.on will know what he i. .uppos.d to do. Chairman ~ruse ..ld that .h. w.. .frald of .Ixlnt the policy of the orqlnlzation and operation .tructur. of the a~ { 075 rACë 5S2 , . . --_.__._,_...,""'........,-_..~-_...".... _ 075 p~563 May 24, ln3 the controversial issue of acquisition vs. fr~nchl.e. She said tha~ .he ae;¡u.s with COnamhsloner Voss that' the Board must ",ake a policy decision In the acquisition matter, but that she thinks that .ituation should be heavily di~c~.se~ ~y the BCC and actually put Into a policy form to be voteð upon. Commissioner Voss said that he would be willlne;¡ to write such a policy for next week's noard IIIGeting. COmmissioner vo.s said that the Commissioner. and the consultant can review the policy as pre.ented by Chair~an ~ruse and at next week's meetine;¡ add to It If th~ Commissioners so desire. Mr. Wor~an said that he is currently working on a proposal wh\ch would begin immediately to address the overall plannin9 problem of acquirinq the puhlic ~tlllties and which he would like to present to the Roard at next week's meetlne;¡, to which the Commissioner. agreed. Ite. 123 PRISIMTATION BY HERB LUNTZ RE VETERANS HOSPIT~L TASK 'ORC~ rI.Dl~a. ~ TO BE ADDED TO MAY 31, 1983, BCC ACEMDA Commissioner Pistor stated that he received I telephone c~ll and a letter from Mr. Herb Luntz who the BCC appointed as Collier County Coordinator tor the ~uthwest Florida Veterans Hospital Task rorce and that he has been to several ",eelings and he teels that it would be in order for the BCC and Veterans' benefit if he were allowed to report on the status of the findings of the Hospital Task Force. eo..i..ioner Pistor .oved, seconded by Co..i.sloner Rolland and carried unanimously, that this report be placed on next week'. aqlnda. It.. 124 INSTALLATION 0' TRAr'lC SIGNAL AT GOODLITTE/rRANK ROAD AND SOLANA ROAD _ APPROVED BY COMPLETION or rOUR-LAMING GOODLETTE/rRANK ROAD Mr. Alfred L. Webb, president of the Big Cypress Gulf and Country Club Estate. Homeowner. Association, explained that on May 11, 19~3, the Association submitted a five-section petition siqned by approxl- 'ae;¡e 27 ~ - ,,~~.~'---~' ,.,.__"".,.m 'ilfIIY ,", l",oJ mately ~~O personn requosting t~at ~ sultahl@ traffic eontrol 11qht b4 Instftlled at the intersection of ~oodlet~e/rr!nk noa~ an~ ~lana Road sometime t.hl. fall. He sftid thfllt this haa he.n a danqetou. inter~ec- tian and 1. one of ~~lY three roa~s w~lch croSS ~oo~l~tt~/rrank noa~. 'tape . 5 ~r. Webb said thAt t.~ree me~b~rs ~f ~he Country Club ðn~ onp. re.ldent of th~ Pig Cypress ~ult ~n~ Country Club F.states ~avp. been kl11.~ in acciAent~ !~ t~i~ interl~ctl~n an1 t~~t thwr~ h~v. been ~any accidents ~t this site. ~e said that when the four-lanin~ of Goodlptto/Frank Ro~~ Is c~~~lct~1 It will h~co~e an ~lt.rnat. to U.S. 41 and that, in his opinion, thp. spee~ of thp. cars trav@ling this road upon completion will ~~k~ It ~ifficult for r.opl~ crossinq the roa1. Resp.:3nrH n1 to ("onm I gS lon...r II rown, f't hll c ''''or ks lI.t1m i" i st rlJltor Hartman lalA ~~~t ~~ 'el~ th...re I~ ~anev tn In~tall th~ r2queste~ traffic ¡11ht h-causp It w,~ 1e~l~ne~ In the "roj...~t tro~ t~. begin'1ln~. :!o! '1/111 t'nt, ,\ttcr 'I 'I\lrvey was cnn1uc:tP" l,st winter, It was dlsc~verpA. that ð traffi~ ~I,n~! ~as wfllrr'nte~ at thfllt ti~e but the "'ecision '....'5 '1"t ~1.I1~ to Instlli! It. u:'1tll 'ft~r th~ constructIon WIIS co~pleteA. ~e~aU5~ there wl\l ~e t...n ~or. connectors tn Fr'lnk eoulevart1 at Cypress '·'0;)1.. '.''V \n ~ ~rlln""ð !\oulcvllro ....hlch sh;)u11 tfllk... some of the trðfflc off Coiðn~ R~ðrl. u~ ~~I~ t~~t ~1 rrcom~enrl9 installing the traffic ilqh~, ho~ever, th~t It 13 ~19 oplnio~ ~h't, after the ro~~ is complete~, .n~t~p.r 3UrVp.y s~nul~ he con1u~t~~ to assure th~t t~. signal ill wllrrllnter1. In regp.:3n!'le to ("n:"\ml!;sloner '\oil,~n'1, "r. I''Irtmlln said thlJt the t~rget 1ate to op1n :"o~lette/Fr~n~ Roar1 I~ Fehruary, 10~4. Com~is- sio~er ~ollant1 salj th~t ~~ Is in '~reement wi~h ~r. ~eb~ anr1 th~t he would vote to ~ðve t~e slqn~ls on str~ets that cross ~oodlptte/Fr~nk Roa~ in place by the time th1 rOil'" is ODen if it Is flnIJnclally bO:¡~ 075 PA::ë 564- page ,~ l UCODIn IIDOa IAt:IWJhr ; .. ........ TypIIIc -...... , ~¡¡I l , .. .... -..- ..... ......... : ~~._."""~""""",,.'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''/f.''- IØ 075 mc565 May 24, 19113 possible. Mr. Hartman said that the cost of a traffic slqnal would be b.tw.en S4n,OOO and S50,OOn. ....CO..I..ion.r Irown left the roo. It 11127 A.,..···· eo..ls.ioner Piator ~y.d, ..cond.d by Co..ission.r Holland and carrl.d 4/0, vith Co..is.ioner Irovn ab..nt fro. the roo., that · traffic .iqnal be inatall.d at Goodl.tte/'rank Road and Sollna Road by the comrletion of four-llnln9 Co~l.tte/rrank Road. Mr. Webb expr..s.d concern that people will use the road very soon to which Com~i..ion.r Voss noted that the road now being u..d will b. cloaed to be rebuilt. Chairmbn Krus. .xpr.Jled conc.rn about the difficulty turning onto u.s. 41 at the oth~r ~nd of 50l~~a Road and Mr. Hartman said that he aqreed there i. a problem in that location. He said that the State i. plannlnq to siqnalize Granada Boul.vard which is opposite N.o pol i tan Way this cominq fiscal ye a r . I':r. rr ank Rich, resit1ent of P.ig Cypress Golf and Country Cl ub Eatat.s, thanked the Commissioners for their approvlI} of tho traffic liqht. .....Th. followinq it... were approv.d and/or adopted und.r the Con..nt Ag.nda by ~tlon of Co..laalon.r Vo.., .econd by Co..i.slon.r pistor Ind carried 4/0, with Co..I..lon.r Brovn abs.nt fro. the roo.···· Ita. 125 STI'U~TION MO. 3 TO EXCAVATION PIRMIT MO. 59.154~ATH, IWC./-THI VILLAGE P~CE· M REVISED It.. 126 LICEMSE AGREEMENT WITH 'ILICAN BAY IM'ROVEMEMT DISTRICT rOR WATER KAMAGIMINT 'ACILITIfS TO BI CONSTRUCTED ON NORTH MAPLES LIBRARY PROPERTY Se. ,a9" 5?o -$7(" It.. 127 UOn-or-NAf SPECIALIST FOR TRANSPORTATION DZPARTME1fT ... IXIJIIPT nc:.t IIJRIIIG FRUn paq. 29 ~.,,, ~ E!im - ",,-..--'" . ..._..___"_. T "'ay 1.4, lQR3 Ite. 121 IXCAVATIOI PIRMIT MO. 59.153--SURREY-WAYNE CORP.I·WICCINS lAY- - APPR~~n. WITR STIPULATIONS It.. 129 lID '648, COCONUT CREEK ROAD IMPR~KENTS (UNIT III) - AWARDED TO MACAIPRALT, INC. 1M THE AMOUNT 0' 851,819, UPON RECEIPT or A PERfORMANCI IOND Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on April 21, 19~3, as evi1ence~ by ^ffi1avit o! publication filed with the Cler~, bid. were received until 2:30 P.M. ~ay ð, 1984, for Bid '648 for the Coconut Creek Road Improvements (Unit 111) and staff recommended that Bid '~48 in the amount of S15,Q19, be awarded to ~acasp~alt, Inc. of Estero, Florida, upon receipt of a performance bond, being the low bidder and in the best interests ~f th~ County and that the Chalr~an be authorized to s1qn and the Clerk to attest the resulting ~qreement. It.. 130 LEASE AGRE!MENT BETWEEN BCC, COLLIER ~OUNTY AGRICULTURE EXTEHSION AC~ AND COLLIER COUNTY CETA COKPREHENSIVE OPERATOR S.. Pagu ~7η 51!1 It.. '31 CHAIRMAN AUTHORIZED TO SIGN CERTIFICATES fOR CORRECTION TO THE TAX ROLLS TA~G!RL~ PERSO~'L PPCPFRTY 19'!:' 'UY'!ER l'ATE lC)~:'-332 ~/ P /°3 It.. 132 EXTRA GAIN TIME rOR INMATE NUMBERS 41331, 40006, 38404, 41385, 33273, 37162, 41509, 41046, 28646, 25108, 37765, 41712, AND 35600 Ite. 133 LAKE TRAr'ORD MEMORIAL GARDENS CEMETERY DEED NUMBER 350 EXECUTED IY CHAIRMAN AND CLERK S.. page ~7'1 ßO~( 075 fA~i 566 Ita",e 30 "'flY')", 19":\ ~ 075 PA&t 561 It.. 134 MlSCILLAMIOU8 CORRIPOMD~CI - rILED ~ND/OR REVERREP. "'ere being no objection, t:,e Cha 1 r recommenðe" thltt the followin9 correspondence be fil.~ and/or r.r.rre~ t~ the v~rlous ~epartment.1 1. capartment ~Iport. received an~ f lle~ I A. youth ~uidance, "'arch, l°!'~ P. Solid ~aste, ~pril, 1983 c. Vetoranft Servlc~ø, ^prl1, 1qPJ ~. County ~ore.ter, April, 19Q3 ,. Th~ following letter. w~r~ receiveð in ð1reement with th~ cul-de-sac plans on West Palm ^venu~ In ~oo~lan~. xc ~r. Normfln an~ ~r. Ptlrtman. Filed. ,.. "'r. V5n Puren ravis, : ate~ I'flY '), 10P3 fl. "'r .Harol~ 1\. ~ratner, datnd 11I'IY 3, lor':1 C. I'r. Calvin ". Harden, dated ~'IIY :, 1~Q1 r:. "r. JOIIl!ch "ira~ili(\, date" "/'Iy 1, 11'1'1) J. Letter dated ~'IIY In, 1S'~:, fro'" P.rnfldette noetier, Deputy c.erk, erevarti C(\U~ty ac~nnwl~c1gin~ recplpt of Colll.r County Resolution oPPO!'Jlnq IIctlon to clo.. th"! 1\. (':. I'olley State Ilospital. Fïlp":!. ( . pr (' 1 I'" I nary Corporation E (p~nsion . Filed. "'"ticI' '~H("~ k"')rll '1'1, )<:'''3 thl'lt "/lr-Lln "'etal Is provldlnq ~aterlals for the Justice Center xc ~r. ~nrm~n, Yr. ~rrill and /lr. Bailes. s. prelll'dn/lry Notlcf' ~lIte<1 ""y II, }lH~3, that Prestressed ~ystem!'J, Inc. is furntshinq installation of materials for Justice Center Exp3n-ion, Builðinq J. xc Mr. Norman, ~r. Parrill and "r. 8alles. FIle<1. I). Preliminary SoUce t4ated 'lay ~, 1,,!'3, that Prlt.tre...ð Systems, Inc. Is furnishinq ins~tlllfttion of materials for Justice Center Expllnslon, Buildin1 ·F-. xc fl'r. Norman, "'r. Oorrlll art1 Mr. ~ailes. Fileð. ' 7. I":emoranr:lu., <:1at.,d "'ay :'I, It °3, frow.1 David T. Harden, City fl'anager, Yinter Park, trannmltting a copy ~f Winter park Resolution No. 1~79, a copy of Bl11 141, IInd a copy of an article from the National Institute of "unlclpal Law Officials re back~round of this legisl~tion, and requestlnq support of passage of Senate Dill 11,1, amending Title 4') U.~. \ BECOKDD'S IŒIfOs LecfWJJty .. ~ Tnúf - rn.tI., --W...,. .. ... ......_t ...... --'WId.. Page 31 œm I1i5D - .,,-"'''",....~,~..._-- p~~ ~ay 24, 1983 Code, Sec. 1983 ,nd 1988. allowing local qovernments to ral.e qood faith I. ~efenae aqalnst alleqed violation of constitutional rights. xc ~r. N~rman and Mr. Saunder.. , Ueð . 8. Copie. of the minutes of the following ~ðvlsory Boards rec.ived and filed I ~. Golð4n ~ate Community Center ~vlsory Committe., March 1.9, 1983, and r.pril 2fi, 19'13. B. OChopee Fire Control District r.ðvisory Committee, May 4, 1983. 9. Copy of letter dsted ~ay 2, 1~~3, from Dr. Wallllce ~. Grave., Chairman, ~edlcal Examiners Commission, transmlttinq a copy of the 19R2 Annual Report of the ~edical Examiners Commission, Department of Law Enforcement. Filed. 10. Letter datod May 9, 1QR3, from A¡len A. wilson, Director, Charlotte County personnel Department, transmlttlnq a copy of a letter dated ~ay 5, 19~3, from Robert L. Bpdford, superinten~ent, School Board of Charlotte County, to Mr. Wl1so~ submitting na~.s of two people to serve on the private In,ju.try Council of the Joh Trnininq partner.hlp. xc "'r. Norman and ~r. Norton. Filed. 11. Lettu dated May 10, 1983, from Elsie M. Maxwell oppo.ing petitio~ CP-P3-'C. land use amen~ment/rezoninq of S3C acre. adjacent to Colden r,~te F.states to Industrial. xc Mr. Norman and ~r. Virt~. Filert. 12. The fol'o~lnq letters expressin~ opposition to rezonin~ of property for relocation of Swamp ~uqqy facility received. xc Mr. Norman ~nd Mr. Virta. Filed. ,.,. rrnesto ~u.Hez, dated P".y 5, 1!1e3 IL Viln '<l1111ams. , dated "'ay 9, 19Q3 C. Carlos ~uarez. dAted May 9, 1Q~3 D. f.a r ¡ l.JIntzy, Jr., date~ :"lay 5, I(HI3 13. Letter :iated ^pri1 ,r;. l')I\J, from w. r.. ~tarr expressing dissatisfaction ~ith recent County rOðd work. xc Mr. Norman and I"r. "art'll.!!n. Filed. 1~. LettCH d.!lted ...ay 10, loq~, fr'o:ll 'jorman E. Anderson concernlnq the noise disturbance. and location of the pine Ridg. ~.nn.l. xc Mr. Norm"n .3nd P"r. Virta. Filed. ec~~ 075 fACi 568 Page 32 ; . "-~-_.__...- 075 PACt 569 May'''' 19"3 15. Letter dated May 9, 19~3. from D'Lore. E. Modj..kl requ..tint re.oval of newspaper venðinq machine. fro. .edl.n strip on Charl..a9n. lou1evarð and corner of Charl..aqne Ind Ratt1a.nake Ham.~ck Road. xc ~r. ~rman and Mr. virta. , U ed . II . II There belnq no further buslne.. to come before the Board, the .e.tln9 wws adjourned at 11137 ~.~. by order of the Chair. BO^RD or COUNTY CO~MISSIONERSI BO^RD OF ZONING ^PPE^LS/EX OFFICIO GOVERNING BOA"D(S) 0' SPECIAL DISTRICTS UNDER ITS CONTROL ~~~ , - N . , ATTEST 1 WILLl^~ J. R£^CA~, CLERK ~'4:,¡,~ Jm~ .t/.C. Thue minut..·.pprove., by the IICC on H~-;t"'7'J present~d ~- or as corrected a. Pag' n .. 1& -