BCC Minutes 05/24/1983 W M.ple., Florid., May 24, 19.3 Let I? II REMEMBERED, th.t the Ioard ~f COunty Co~I..10nat. In .nd for tha County oe Colllar, .nd also acting a. tha Board of Zonlft9 Appeal. and a. tha goYa~nl"9 board(.) of .uch lpaclal dl.trlct. .. have b.an craatad accordln~ to law and having conduc~ad bu.ln.,.. h.raln, .at on thl. data at 1!30 P.M. In ~rk.he, ...,I.n In Bulldlnq -r· of tb. Courthou.e Co.ple., ta.t Napla., 'lorlda, with the following .a.bar. pra.ant. CHAIRM~NI Mary-France. Xru.. VIC! CHAIRMAN! David C. Brown John A. Ptator rrederlck J. Vo.. C. C. -Red- Rolland ~LSO PR!SENTI Ja~as C. Gila., rl.cal Offlcar, Maurean Kenyon, Deputy Clerk, Mary Morgan, supervl.or of Elactlons, ~ubray Ro9ar., Shariff, and Chl.f Deputy Ray Barnatt, Sh~riff'a Depart.ant. AGENDA I. REVIEW OF SUPERVISOR 0' ELECTIONS 8UDGET 2. REVIEW 0' SHERI"'S BUDGET ,..... IS n.. 11 Dlltl" CODI co..I..loner Kru.. .tat.d th.t before the budget ~rk8hop b~ln., CO..I..lonar VO'. .ada a .u99..tlon re9.rding jackat. and tie., adding that affactiv. I.~edl.t.ly jack.ts and tlas will not ba raqulrad by anyone attandin9 m.etlng. In the boardroo. durlnq tha .u...r ~nth.. JUOOCf WOItUIIO. RIGAADIIIG ILIC'I'IOIrI DI.Aa'f'IIII'Ift' luoorr AlfD ..nl"" DI.UTRarT .UDQCf . COIITIW8D '1'0 1iIA! 31, nu, A'I' 1130 ..". FOR C~IWUA'I'IOII 0' ..nr,,'s DIPAJmIII'Ift' Juooet AIfI) PItI'I1f'I'A?IOII or CLnK" IUDQCf . IUC'I'IOIII DI.AJmCI'Ift' lUOOCf rl.cal Offlcar Glle. In~lcat.d that the Supervl.or of Election. budget ha. a su...ry .haet on top which Indlcat.. tha tor.ca.t on tba ao~~ 075 fA~t 580 PAge 1 ~ 015 PAti 581 MAY 24, 1983 General rund and the eroding of Re.er~e. which 1. In the Ending fund Balance. Be noted that the budgat i. dividad into two aection., 1010 and 20l0. He .tated that &ectlon 1010 i. the nor~al operation. of the offlc. and Section 2010 II the direct expan... of Il.ction.. CO..i..ioner ~ru.e que.tioned It thare ware Iny charge. reflacted in the budget for handling election. for other araa. In the county, like the City of Naple., to which supervi.or of Elactlon. Morgan .tated that the County I. required by Statuta to keep tha books and prapara tha book. for tha City at no charqe, adding that thara I. a court ca.. pending that could require the County to pay the pollVGrkar. for .unicipal alactlons. She notad th.t .ha ha. praparad the budqet on the fact that the.e poll~rkers would have to b. paid, .dding that if the final appall revar..s thlt trand, tha budgat can ba adju.ted accord~nqlY. She noted that vhen .ha acquires al.ction .upplle. In the for. of b.llot., she purch.... tha ballots for tha City of Maple. In o~dar to raceive I lerger di.count, Id1inq that tha City of HLple., In tur~, rei.bur... the County for the .atarill. She atatad that for tha quantity of ballot. th.t the City of Napla. ne.ds, It i. not a larg. .WI of .onay. Co..I..lonar Kru.. qua.tlonad whit the Capital OUtllY of SlOO,OOO was for, to which Mrs. Morgan repli.d that it wa. for a new plec. of aqulp.ent which ~uld ba.ically adapt to the axi.ting data proce..lng ~quip.ent to allow for the tabulation of blllot. on alactlon night, addlnq that thl. vlll spaed up the elaction. She notad that Duval County ha. thl. type of .qulp.ant and they are co_pletely throuqh with tablultlon. by elavan o'clock In the avanln1' Mr.. Morgan .tated that it would be nice If the aqulp.ent CQuld be purcha.ed, adding that aha under.tend. that the Board i. facl~q I very tight budg.tary con.tralnt and, if the .oney i. not aval1abla, the $100,000 for tha equip.ent Page 2 c::::1 ~ - "'.Y 24, 1983 could b. d.leted a. well a. the ad~ltlonal $15,000 for tho progr...lng and the budqet ..end.d. Sh. Indlc.t.d that ah. ~uld b. back oy.ry y.ar with the ea~a requa.t until It could b. .fforded. "'u. Morgan .tated that th.n 'flll b. an ite. on the blllot. In Move.b.r of 1984 which will requ..t wh.th.r the vot.r. want to roll b.ck ta... to the 1980 l.y.l, addlnq that thi. I. why .h. r.qu..tad thl. .qulp.ent on thi. budg.t. Co..I..lon.r xru.. qu..tioned why Sch.dul. 1, p.ge 5, .hoWl an Incr.... In oth.r .al.rie. .nd wag.. froll S4~,500 to $70,000, to which "r.. Morgan r.pli.d that thl. i. b.cau.. of the lncr.... In the yot.r precinct. .nd 8n .dditlonal .lectlon in thi. fi.cal y.ar, .dding that thl. 1. for poll~rkarl. She notld that the El.ction. budg.t 1. pur.ly the ltae. th.t .r. id.ntlfi.d with the .l.ction. like poll~rk.r., co.t of r.nt.l of building., the nu.b.r. of .llction., .tc. She not.d that In Nov..b.r of 1983 th.r. will be . lIuniclpal .llctlon for the City of Ey.rglad.. and in r.bruary of 1984, there will be . ~unlclp.l el.ction for the City of Nðpl.s. She not.d that a Bill ha. be.n Introduc.d Into the l.gl.l.tur. that would .ak. the County tot.lly r..pon.ib1. for all lIunlclpal .l.ctions, even the qualifying. "1'.. I'Iorg.n noted that the St.tutl .t.t.. that pollwork.r. will b. paid the IIlnillum w.ge by ch.ck and If . pollwork.r did not want to ca.h the check it could b. r.turn.d to the County, but the .otlon of p.ying ha. to b. .ad.. St. not.d that thie type of budg.t t. a onc. in four y..r occurr.nc. b.c.ue. of the pr..id.nti.1 pri..ry .lection. ,.. pe 16 Mr.. Morg.n st.ted th.t the l.gl.l.tur. is due to .djourn In June, adding that If thør. .r. .ny figure. that could b. chang.d .t that ti.., .h. viII .djuet the budget .ccordingly. She not.d that th.r. hal b..n an Incr.... In yot.r r.9t.tratio~ of 25\, .ddlng th.t In 1980 &O:J~ 075 PAC¿ 582 paqa 3 "~~'~":~~.\::'''~~~J..¡: .~. Vf. ,;' l-~i':;." ,,~-5·!~~~~-Lt-.~'~;·~·:,~ .._.....,~'C~,,¡),\'t.~~,,'~Jf........ ;·3,. ..... " ..... ". ,,' ~.t.,.:~~..~~'~~".~.;::::\:/':-....-·....; '" '. ;'ê~(;~Jì}'r;.~~ ~."" '" '. ' M. ~.,,_.J"'1"1 ,,", ~~~'):~~~r·'· ',' ' ~:~." .... ~ 075 Be¿ 583 May 24, 1913 th.re war. .ppro.l..t.ly 31,000 regl.t.r.d vot.r. .nd In 1912, th.re war. 46,000 with .n .~tl..te for 1914 of 51,000 r.ql.ter.d yot.r.. She noted th.t th.r. ar. 41,500 regl.t.r.d voter. .t the pr...nt tl... ..... ee.aS..I.ner .re... ¡eft. tbe ...tSnt at 2105 '.R. ..... Mr.. Morq.n lndlc.t.d th.t If the St.t. p..... the l.w wh.r.by the ,uror. 11.t 1. t.k.n fro. the Drlv.r'l llc.na., .he ..pact. .noth.r 2' to regl.ter to vote. Co..I..ioner HoIl.nd qu..tlon.d If one I... requl.r ~.ploye. would ba u.ed thl. ye.r, th.n la.t y..r, to which "r.. ~rq.n repll.d th.r. war. not .ny 10.. e.ploy... propo..d. She indlc.t.d that th.re .re the .... nu.b.r of ..ploy..., .ddlnq that cla..iflcation. h.ve b..n ch.ng.d which will r..ult In dlft.r.nt cl...lflc.tlon. with r..p.ct to ov.rtl.. pay. !bel'. ... a tener.l c.nl.n... tb.t the balletlnt ...S,..nt d..lred ler tbe IlaoU.n. DepertlMnt ..uld be cJal.te4 Ir.. the budt.t In tbe .....t el .100,000 .. well a. tb. ,r..r...Sft9 ...S,..nt ef '15,000. Co.-i..loner Kru.e indicated th.t .t the .nd of Jun. wh.n the ¡.gi.l.tor .djourn., the Bo.rd would aqaln look at the El.ctlon. Budget to a.. If .ny other change. could b. ~.de. Co.-l..lon.r Holland que.tloned wh.t parc.nt.qe of Incr.... I. propo.ed In the budg.t for par.onnel, to which "1'.. Morgan .t.te4 that ahe did not calcul.t. the parcentage. Sh. indlcat.d th.t the ..lary w.nt fro. $152,862 to 5116,719, .ddlnq th.t p.rt of the lncr.... II a re.ult in popul.tion whlch r..ult.d In .n incr.... in h.r ..l.ry. Pl.c.l Officer Gile. indlc.t.d th.t the r.que.t .hoWl a 16' overall lncr.... .xcludlng "ra. Morq.n'. .al.ry. Mr.. Morg.n .tated th.t the one .1'.. th.t could po..lbly be chanq.d would be the ov.rti.e .r.a, to which Co.-l..lon.r ~ru,. Itated that the .ver.qe county ..ploy.e i. b.lng held at 5' with the oyer.l1 ..g. . f:!1 I!I:J - __..,--.-..""v.-.....-.····".. -.... -.-; "'--' ~y 24, 1913 percentage for the county baln9 5' al.o. ""1'. ... ,..Ul Gen...... tbtIt. Mf.. ...rtU'. btIðI·t. M ..." .t. tM ...,.11 1\ ,.r...t lnor.... f.r ..,Ie,.". ~¡Pr'. DI.a.a.."ut JUDOn ,isc.l Offtc.r ail.. dlstribut.d the Sh.riff'. budg.t to the Board ...b.r. indicating that the flr.t .t.pl.d ..ction 1. · .u...ry of the budg.t and the re.t t. dlvtd.d into the LaW Enforce.ent Dlpar~.nt, the Ih.rlff'. Dep.rt.ent, the Sheriff'. Offlc. undar the corraetion. Division, the Sheriff'. Offlc. under tl,. LaW Enforc...nt Divl.lon, and the LaW Enforc...nt Tru.t Pund. ne Indicated th.t the tot.l .pproprlation. for 1..t y..r were .9,221,774 and the t.que.t.d ..ount for thl. year ta $11,431,933 which i. .n Incr.... of .2,210,159. Sh.ritf Rog.r. indicated that the j.il h.. to b. operat.d .ccordlng to St.t. Statute. and i. therefor., bound to c.rtaln it.... Øe indicat.d that the budg.t ha. b..n pr.pared with a 7' Incr.a.e In .al.ry, .dding th.t it app..ra th.t It .ay not run that high and the budget could be adjust.d down $155,337 if the State ..n.d.tad lncr.... I. only 5'. H. noted that hi. budg.t 1. up con.ider.hly bec.U.. of the Ju.tice Center. ..... Ree..SI 2120 '.M. . Reeenyanadl 2130 '.M_ ..... To Co..l..ioner pistol". qu.ation r.garding tr.inlng .t.ff, Sh.riff Roger. .tated th.t for the n.w Justice c.nter, the Crl.in.l Ju.tice St.nd.rd. .nd ~r.ining Dep.rtlllent ha. put correction.l offlc.r. under the .am. tr.ininq at a c.rtlfi.d law .nforc..ent officer which II 320 hour.. adding that 160 hour. of th.t i. du.l training. He .tat.d th.t the tr.ining I. done .t the Southwe.t Florid. Police ~ad..y In rort My.r., noting that he r.ceived a lett.r indic.ting that Collier County ..y b. allowed to have the achool in N.pl.. in ord.r that the &OO~ 075 PACe: 584- peg. I -.--------- to""x 075 rACé 565 ~y 24, 1913 .tart!ng date could be control lad and not wa.ta any aon.y In .a1ary. ..... ., Co..l..toner Rolland qua.tlonað what would happen If the proper .taff wal not hlr~ dua to bud9at constraints. Sheriff ft09ar. .tatad that the facility would not be abl. to opan and tha Dapar~ant of Corractlon. could .top the County fr~ opentft9 It. Co..i..loner vo.. qua.tlonað w~~t woulð happen If the jail did not open, to which Sheriff Roqar. Itatað that tha prisonar. would hav. to ba turned 100". Co..ts.lonar vo.. qua.tlonad, of the total revenua .ala. ta., how auch wu pledgad for the bond 1.."e? Phcal Off tcer GUe. .tatad 2.2 .l1lion. Co.-ls.lonar Kru.e questioned the amount of money for the allocated coat of the Utllttle. for the jail, to which rt.cal Offlcar Gtl.. .tatad that tha allocated cost of the utilitle. t. 5&9,&03. Co..la.lonar Krusa lndlcatad that la.t yaar Buildinq .,. wa. 55.34 pel' .quare foot, adding that the justice cantar i. 100,000 .quara f.at which I. a lot bigger than Butldlng -r-. She Indlcatað that ba.ad on la.t yaar'. a.ount par .quara footaqa, tha allocatad co.t for tha utl1ltle. of '69,603 could not be correct. PI.cal Officar Gila. ln~lcatad that thl. figura wa. davaloped by the Building Malntananc. Dapar~ent, notift9 that ha would check the fi~ura and report back to the Board. Due te etb.r .",..lItMftt. ef tbe ..ud, It ... tINt 0......... tIMIt. tba ...tlnt be adje.rned at tbl. U.. .nd oøU".. en 1Ia, u, ltll. .t. 1130 '.R. "Itb the lbarUf'. a.d9.t and Clerk .....n·. .....t. The Meatlng wa. adjournad by Ordar of tha Chair - Tl.a 3.00 '.M. Pa, e , tSI .. .. _';_~~'~~N'^_"'_~"-'-·_'''___~__'·_··__·__'''_''>·'' .. ----.