BCC Minutes 05/31/1983 R "." __---~-- _-- _ _ _ - - - - - - - - - -- -- - - _0 -----------7>~ Napløs, Florida, ~ay 31, 1983 LET IT BE ntME~BtnED, ~hat ~he Board of County Commi..ioner. in and for the County of Collier, and aluo actin1 a. the aoard of 14nlnq Appeal. and a. the 90verninq board(s) of such special ~'str!cts .. have been created accordtnq to law and having conducted busin... herein, met in REGULAR SESSION on this date at ~,no ~.M. in Buildinq .,. of the Collier County Courthouse ComploX in Caat Naple., Plorida with the followinq members pr.sentr CP-^lRMANs M~ry-'rance. Kruse "YCE-r.H^IPMMIS David C. Brown John ^. riltor Frederick J. Voss c. c. -ned- "oll"nd ~L~O PRESENTt ~ill!~n:. Reagan, Clerk. Ja~e. C. Gile., ,i.cal Officer. Elinor M. ~kinner and ~aureen Kenyon (ls45 r.~.), r.eputy Clerks, C. wUli/t1ll .10rman, ('oun~y M~n"qer, P,urt L. naundftr., County Attorne'l' Edward Smith, ~a.l.t"nt County Manaqer, Terry virta, Com- munity Development Mrdnl!itr3tor, I(nute t!artman, PUblic work. Admini- strator, Left L3yne, Pl~n!i 1~?lfllllent3tlon ~irector, Mi..y Ober, Planner, Donald Norton, rublic Services ^dminiatrator, lrv!nq Berzon, Utilities ~dmin!BtrAtor, Gr^ce ~pðul~ing, ~dmini3trat!v. ^ide to the ~.rd, and r.eputy Chl~f Raymond ßarnott. \ r'::"En~ ~ --Weeterr Ia tWa. M--' wt.. ........ ~~... ..........~..,........T 'l~ -- . toOK --_...~;--.,._._.,<-=--~... .' \. )'á (it ~r;.." , .......:. '" ..ay 31, 1tU ftpe 11 075 IO't'i n- 11 aOOI PACE ~~ ~~ .. A""OYZÐ WI,", CftAItCII CO.....ion.r ,I.tor ~ed, I.eonðed by co.-Illlon.r .town and carrieo anlnl.ou.1Y, th~t the A9.nðl b. approyed with the tollowlnt ohlftCJ··· A. It.- 10 r. r.port and r.co.~endatlon by county Plana,.r r. deyelo~ent of regional ..wag. pr09ram, Includlft9 private utility aequllltlon - Re~oYod, duplicate of ~R. Item~ 1~~ anð In~ r~ report and recomeendatlon on propo..ð impact feeR for ~arco I~land Utlll~lee and review of Plareo Ieland Utilities Ra~e Order - Continued to 3uly 5. 1983 neotin!]. 8. c. Ite~ lr.C, Rorort hy Coun~y ^uditor concerning ~otor fuel and .pocial fuel local option tax - Co~bined with Item ~5, di.cussion of. or~inønc. providing for the four cent local . option CJIIS U1C. 1 u. 12 PROCLA"^TIOM DESIGN^TINC JUNE 5-11, 19ft3 ^S °S^FI ßO^TINC WEEK- - ^DOPTED Upon re.dlnq the proclamation, CO~i'llnner pl.tor ~y.d, ..oonded by Co..i..ioner Vo.' and carried unanimoualy, that the ,rocla..tlon de.ignating June 5-11. 1983 as °Safe aoatinq weeko be adopted. COm- manter. Riddle, McFadden, ~lunt. Fore and Executive Of'ical Wat.on accepted the rroclamlltlon ~Ith th~nka. 'Ig' 2 ------.------ --.---- ---..--------- ------------------ lID .. " . ..."-,~-_..,- "!\I~"'''' .¡",.fI f\aY 31, 1913 It.. ,,~ 075 rAt£. PCTITIONS ~-8~-.~ AMD J-13-SC, AVATAR PROPERTIES, IMC. - CQMTIMUED TO ,3U1.Y 12, 1913 Co.-iaa1oner pi.tor ~yed, .econðed by Co.-i..ioner Holland and carried un.ni~~.lY, that ..tition. R-13-4C a~d ~-G3-5C. ~vatar pro- pertie., Inc. be continued to JulY 12, 1983. Ite. t4 PETITION R-83-1C MAP1.ES DIMMER ~EA~E - - DENIED \.eqal notlc.. hav\n"l heen f'UhUllhe" 1r, the ",,,ple. f)a1ly "ew" on Apr~l ,q, lQP' ~. evidenced by Affidavit af rublieation filed with the Clerk, public hooring was opened to considnr Petition ~_R'-1C, filed by the Neplec tinner '!'heatr., reque.tin., re%onin9 fron ·C-l- to -PliO- for property locllted at thn north~eBt corner of ~ip.r ~ulevarð and cypr... way talt in pill'" rHver rlltates. Plann~r ~il~Y oner 1nð1ceteð thv location of this property on a ~ap and explll1ne1 that the petitioner i8 requestina the zoning change in order to con~truct en addition to the Naplel Oinner Theatre for aleeping facilities for support people. ~he said that the BCe approved petition v-~'-'C r.nuestin~ a r.duetion ~f the riv~ lere -PUP- requirement to allow th~ NaplOls 01nner Theatre to apply for I -PUO- rezone w1th n.7~ IIcr... ~h. ~1I1d that rotition "_R,-7C haa been reviewed and recomMended for approval by Itaff and all County aqancie. with the stipulation that no ~rive-thru flcility be permitted. Shl .aid thlt the CApC held their public hearing on May 19, 1983 and reco~end.d forwardlnq the petition for approval and that one litter .igned by four .d~acent property owners having no objection to the prope.od rezon- waÞ receivert ~y the CAre. ~~r. Bruce Cr.en. represent tng the peti t ioner. e1Cpla ined that the primary (Iason {or the requested rezone il to conatruct al.eplng rooe. 'Ige 3 - --. - -- -- -- -.--- -- -- -- -------. -----'"""-'---,. ~",.--'''----'-'--~.. -----------------------------------------. ',J" , if"· r.q....I.. to )í , .-'-!: '; ,/:e , PafJe ',~ i!t"!l . ,l" flay :n, 1"1''] for u.. by the .'apleS Clnner Theatre only ant1 that they will not he for any com~erci~l use. Commissioner riøtor Baid that he would not like to see the ·PUO· beinq used to qet around %oninq requirements which would normally take a variance and thAt 81eepin~ facilities are not allowed in normal com- lIerehl areas. lie said that there are sleeping facUities nearby the N.:Iples Dinner Theatre which can be us.d. "e said he alao felt that, since this property is le.. than 5 acr.., approval Ihould not be qiven. Mr. Julius Fisk, owner ~f the Naplo. Cinner Theatre, said that the roo~. would not he r.nt~t1 a. the Theatre hous~S ~nd feeds the support personnel at thoie own .xp~n.e. Commi.sioner Vo.. ~oved, seconded by Commls.loner Holland and carried unanimously, that the public hearing be clo.ed. Commissioner Brown lIoved, seconded by COII.issioner Holland, that Petition R-Ø3-7C filed by the Napl.. Dinner Theatre reque.tinq resonint from .C-l. to .PUD- loca~ed at the northwest corner of piper Boulevard and cypress Way tast in palm River tstate. be approved. The .otion failed 3/2, with Commis.ioners voø. and pistor opposed. I u. '5 ORDIN~NCI 83-23 RE PETITION R-83-8C, JOHN R. WHITING, RI REZOMIMO FROM .A-2- TO -RO. NORTH or THE HIGHWAY p~VERS ROC~ PIT, WEST or AIRPORT/- PULLING ROAD _ ~DOPT!D SUBJECT TO STIPULATION. PETITIONER'S AGRIIMIMT ~CC!PTEO Lc~a~ notice h"vln~ ~.on rubllshed in the Napl~s Dally Neve on Apr 11 29, 1°1'3 as evirlenced by M fidavi t of publication filed with the Clerk, public hearin1 waR oponed to consider Petition R-8)-AC, filed by John R. ~hitlng, requeatinq eo%oninq from -~-2· to ·RO· for property located north of the Miqhway raverø rock pit, west of Airport/PUllin, Road. Planner ~l..Y aber explained that the petitioner i8 &OOK --'-"._~. ._".~_"_"_"O,.~~._ ,-.,_ IODI 0'15 :;:fir'· .. .,y ,ì;'...' ". reaðne t.03.'.cre. to allow a tennis tapl1ity .. ~ provisional u.e Ind .ððeð thlt there I. Icee.. on Tonn1' Court ~ne. Shl .tate~ that the petition ha~ been reviewed øn~ reco~ended for approval by Itaff an~ all eountï agencles ~Ith the stipulation that the Dlpart~ent of r~vi- ron.entll ~equlation an1 thn County r.nqinear approve thp non-co~unitY potable vatar sy.te~ to .erylcP thp tennis facility. She laid that the C~pC held their public hearln1 May 19, 1~~' anð recð~anð.d approval sub1ect to stIff'. øtlpulfttlon an~ that one l~ttar rro~ an adiacent property ownar Btatln~ nn oh1ectlon ~al r~eeiYeð. ~he noted that this petition I. a co~p~nlon tn It.~ 7~r. nalponðing t~ co~mlr.r.loner Plstor, ~G. an.r .ald that the facility vlll be uled by the puhll~ anrl that ~ftmherlhlpG will he ftol~ Which I. the r...on for the rezon~. ~r. 30hn .~Itln~, pctltlnn~r, r.~I~ that the ph~to"r.ph Which wal qlv.n to tho Conmllftlonrrø in the actual conn~ructlnn that has already bien built on thft property nn Tennis Court Lane and that he haa delayad putting t~ tennl. courtn there until approval II rlcelved. ReBpon~lnq to Co~~II.loner VORD, ~r. ~~Itln~ aftlð that the project .tarteð .B owner/builder anð thet, If t~c prtltlon II approved, he will aok the ~ulldln~ DtplrtMent to cnnn"r h ~ n~n.r/bullðer permit to haye a co~~.rclal builder anð woul~ eh~nqe the rlsl~.nc' to a cluhhouse. He sftið thlt onlY th. foundltlon hlR h.~n lal~, thUI far. Co.-Ission.r Aolland ~oy.d, s.cond.d by co..issioner VO.. and carried unani.ouely, that the public haarin9 bo closad. Co.als.ion.r Voe. .oved, ..cond.d by co~i..ion.r hOllanð and carried unaniDOualy, that the Ordlnence al nuabared end entitled belOW be adopted, .ub,.ct to the ator.~.ntion.d atipulation, that the Petl- tion.r'. A4r....nt be acc.pt.d end thlt the Ordlnence be entered into ordinanc. ~ook Mo. 171 "«.Ie 5 -- -- -- -- ------------- - .... ~_..__M__<·_<·,~' fl'ay 31, 1983 ORDINltNCI 12-23 Me ORDI1CItMCI MINDING ORDINANCI 82-2 THI COMPRIHOSIVI lOllING RICULA'I'10M. rOR THI UMINCORPORATID ItRU or COLLIER COUN'l'Y, 'LORlDA, IY MDDI110 'rn OfTtCIAL IONING ~'rLAS M~r NUMlD 49-25-1 IY CHANGINa 'nil 'ZOttI1tG CLASllrICA'rIOtt or '1'111 HDII. DISCRIIID PROrD,.., LOCAftD OM THI WE81' 1/2 or ".1 MOR1"IIW1S'r 1/4 0' 1'HI NOR'I'1IIAS1' l/e or THI NORTHEAST l/e or SICTOM 2, 'rCMIIIRIP C9 8( U'I'R, RAWI 25 EAST, PROM ~-2 "i'O 1'0, ~ND IY PROVIDING rOR AN ErrECTIVE DATE AG1tE!M!MT 1, John R. Whitin.. a. owner or authorized a.ent for ret1t1oa a-83-8C . PU-83-5C,·a.ree to the followin. .tipulation. reque.ted by the eoa.tal Area Plannin. Commi..1on in their public hearin. ont Kay 19, 1983 A. That the Depart.ent of Enviro~ental Resulat10n and the County Enlineer approve the non-community potable vater .yat.. to aerv1ce the tenni. facility. p , . SWORN TO MlD SUBSCRIBED BEFORE HE THIS , ,'( " DAY OF \ . 'I' I , NOTARY , . . 1983. .- , , ¡,.. ~ \ SEAL ~ ,:;.:.,.~ ~""I.'C :.',,:,~ C~ ;~-::"I~'\ ..., -::. ',' ':, :... ¿ ; J' .s ;.:1. : - . . . 7 ¡ ~~; ; ,".; ...' ,¡', ". .:.)'..;.....; ...i..: ~ J MY COMMISSION EXPIRES: John a. Whit!nl \ UCORDEn IŒIIOt LePW1h1 \ \ ~-::.. "'.:'"'....- ~ ' WMa ....-s. ~ ....-__... J~_______ ao~~ G 75 PACë 9 __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .__ .._ ø_ __ _. __.. -- - ._- .- - - - , ) ¡' I ,:'.; . ,,--.,~"--,-- - - - - - - - - - -- --,- ---------.. -------------------- MItY ~1, 1':'83 It.. .' aoo ( 015 PAtE 58 ORDINANCE 13-24 RE PETITION R-83-9C, U.S. nOME CORPORATION, R!OUESTINC ROOMING nOM .CC. TO ·RMF-6GH- IN LA1I:EWOOD SUBDIVISION - ADOPTED 1U83ECT TO STIPULATIONS. PETITI0NtRtA ~CREE~ENT ~CCEPTE~ Leqal notice havin~ ber.n publi5hc~ in the Naples DailY News on ~prU 2~, lQP3 ,us evidf'ncer' hy ~ftidav1t of Publication filec:1 with the Cl.rk, public hearin1 wa~ ~pen.d to con.ider Petltio~ R-8'-9C, fileð hy U.s. ~me Corporation, r~oue6tin~ r~~ðnlnq from 'CC- to -RMF-~G"- in Lakewood SubdlvtBlon, ~uct w~~t ~! ~k~woo~ ~oulevard. Plttnner ~lssy 0b~r In~lcltted th~ l~catlon of this property on zonlnq map ~O-2~-} and said that the requeøt i. made in order to ~ak. final adjUBtmentK t~ hul1~1nry typer. Itn~ locations which n.c..sltated the reloclttlon af th~ golf cart pass which 18 zonec:1 -GC·. She explained that tha petition hits be on revlew.ð and reco~mended for approval by .taf! and all County agencies .~bject to the followlnq stipulations z ^. Th. ex1stin9 golf course parcel, utility and drainaqe e~..- ment ~ust be vacat.d. B. Remov. signs and striping for the existin9 qolf cart cros.lnq on Glades 8oulev~rd. C. provide required alqning and striping at the propos.d qolf cart croa.ing(ø). Coami.sloner Rolland moveð, s.conded by Co~.ls.lon.r Brown and carrl.d unanimously, that the public hearinq be clos.d. Co..i..loner Holland moved, secondeð by Co.-la.Soner Brown and carried unani~u.ly, that the ordinance as n~ber.d and entitled below be adopted aubject the the .fore.entioned stipulation., that the Petltlon.r's Agr....nt b. accepted and that the Ordinance be entered Into ordinance Book No. 171 Paqe '7. ------ --- - -- ---- - - ------- lED .. - ... .,.-.-"'"......"'~...."..."',""'..._--""~,...,,.,<,..,.< ...,',....~_._._- -------. -- - -----.-.- - --..----------------- ---- ""ay 31, 1 I)'" OROINANCE 03-24 ~. ORDt.~MCS MØDtNO ORDIMANCE 82-2 THS COMPRERE1IItVl IOMINCJ RIOULA'1'IONI rOR THI UtUNCORpOl\AT!D AREA or COLLIER coUMTY, rLORIDA,.Y AAØDIICO THE orrlCIAL ZONING ATU8 MAP NUMBER 50...25-1 .Y CRMGINO THE 10"INO CLABSlrICATtON or 'I'R. RERIIN DISC"tBID ~OPER," LOCA'rtD IN LAJCEWOOD, UMIT e, BLOCK ~. 8, rR~ OC TO RMr-~aR, ~ND 8Y PRovtDINO 'OR ~N EfrECTlVE DATI AGREEMENT 1. U.S. R~ CorpoT.tion. .. ovn'T or .uthoTi&.d .s·nt for 'etition R-83..9C. 'Iu' to the follovinl .tipulation. nquuUd by the Coutal Are. Plannina co_inion .t their public hurina on: H.y 19. 1983 A. Th. exi.tinl lolf cour.. parcel ..t utility .nd dT.in.se ......nt muet be vac.ted. I .... ~r:pl:: ~: ~'~~1paA ~^ .~~^..~~ f~! naU 9np~~! ~f ,er.tan af ,1.' s ~ . ;~d ~h. p,u~w.~d .wl£ ~uu~4. ,.rc.~.~ -- c. R..ovI .isn. and atTipins rÞr the exi.tins solf cart cro..ins on Cl.d.. Boul~.rd. D. provid,J required dRning and .tr1ping It the propond golf car crouinl(') . 17" .- -.. - ~-..._...~ - . .. .... @~~~ .. WIt... '!'nUl or Pr!atlllC -sW1ICtOIT .. thI. dO"If'_' wIaea ..-1-'. --_......~.......-_#- ....-.----- / " /-;:/ ~_ .-:.1 /,-' __- Pr.T1'rlONER OR AGENT /.' ..\ ,,/. I /"; ~... DAY SWORN TO AND SUB~CRIBED OF . ! , ( . . 19~3. - l , ... .. NOTARY SEAL , OT:~'f tL'SliC SP·ff or FlO~;"~ .':.f ~... . ..... I}) I ::;:, 0.:-, ~n ~it : ; : ) :, __:...10 :~~<J"':: .H.""L '.·,~.A...\:.':i ~.'.;) . MY COt~ISSION EXPIRES: U.S. Home Corp See 0:I:d. 83-24 '&QIJK 075 PACE600 .- - _.. - - - - - - ...- _.. "-.- .- - - - .--. - -- - - - ~- -- ~...' ---~..,~......;.""';""'- ,~....."~_..>,._..... ;., ...-....--11. Pit']. 8 ...__._"..~' ------- --- - - - --- -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- ----- May '.n, 1~A3 lOOK 075 PACë_ It.. " Rn01.UTIOM 83-83 TO ABANDON AND VACATE '\"HE SOUTH PORTION or 'l'RAIL 80ULIV^RD · ADOPTE~ Legal notice havinq be~n publi.ho~ in th~ Naples Caily News on May 15, 1983 a. eviðenceð by Affidavit ~f Publicfttion ril_d with the Clerk, public hearing was opened to c~nÐi~er ~ resolution to ~bandon and vacate the south portion of Trail Roulevftrd in ~ectlon 10, TOwn.hip .9 South, RlInC' e '5 East. Public Work!! Mrnlnl..tr~tor II/lrt!'\~n C!'1(p.!.ainer1 that. on fl!8Y 3, 19"1 . the BCC entered Into ftn aqr.em~nt ~1th th.. Collier Develo~ent Corpor- ation which 1nclude3 t~is request. td abandon and vacat~ the south 15~ feet or Tro1.!. 80ul~vnrd In return for the riqht-of-~ay from the Cor- pOf"Uon. Hearing that no peraon. were reqiatered to apeak, Co.-isaioner Holland ~oved, .econded by C~mmi..ioner Voss and carried unaniDOualY, that the public he.ring be clo.ed. Co.-is.ioner Plator .oved, .econded by Co.-is.ioner Yosa and carried unani.ously, that Re.olution 83-83 abandonin9 and vacating the road ri9ht-of-way at the ~uth end of Trail Boulevard in Section 10. TOwnship 49 louth, Range 25 last, be adopted. PIge 9 .. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- -~. -.. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --- .. - - ---'-."'-~.,.,"',.....,,"~~,,.,'_._".~.,~. ·'¡ a --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - -- - - - - - ---~- May 31, 19"3 It.. II RIIOLUfIOM 83-14 IXCHAMGING THI ROAD R.O.W AT THE 10UTH END or TRAIL BOULIVARD rOA LAND NEEDED ~S RIGHT-OF-WAY 'OR THE 'INI RIDGI RO~D IMPROVIMEHT 'ROJECT - ADOPTED Leg.l notice havlnq þeen PUblished In t.he Naple. OIl1y Neva on ~ay 15, 1983 .. evidenced by ^ffldavlt of Publication filed with the Clerk, publle he.ring was oponed to consider a resolution to exchanqe the south end of Trail Boulevard for land needed as right-ot-way for the pine Aldge Road Improvement project. public Works Admlni.tr~tor Hartman explained this request Is a complnlon to the previously diacus.ed item. øear1n9 that there were no peraons reqlatered to speak, eo..la- .ioner Pl.tor moved, s.conded by Co~lssioner Brown and'carrled unani- mously, that the public hearln9 b. closed. Co..lsaioner Piator moved, aeconded by Comml..ioner Brown and carried unanlmoualY, that n.solutlon 83-84 to exchange the aouth end of Trail Boulevard for land needed as right-of-way for the Pine Ridge Road Improve.ent project be adopted. &O!)K 015 fACE. 'age f ,", -----------------------------------~~~." . . {:~~'Ai:>:·':;'- ~\,.. I"~ ,f1~'4..~', :: :i: ':"',},,: :~;""i>;':-~iif~: 'I -," ""~+'~~~:~~#1: ».; "."--' \ ',1°; ''\''-j' ·"x,~'r ...__,"""·V- .-...""."...'''''.~-_..--_...,,~"~--_..."'~-"'., ._'^_..~.- -------------------------------------------- OfJC. M20 May 31, 19ß3 &OO~ 1\1 'AtE~ Ite. 19 RISOLUTION '3-aS RI PETITION AV-83-004, RICHARD J. rINK, RI!: VACATION or A PORTION or THI CUL-DE-SAC A8 P&.A.TTEQ rOR PALM AVENUE, GOODLAND, rLORIDA - ADOPTED SUBJECT TO STIPU&.A.TIONI Le9al notice having been pUblished In the N~ples Dally News on May 15 aflt' 2", 1~"3 ..." .videnced by Affidavit tlf PublicAtion fUed with the Clerk, publl~ hearing w~ø opened to conøldor petition ~V-n3-004 filed by Richar~ J. Pink re vacation of a portion of the cul-de-sac .. platted for Palm Avenuo, Goodlanrt, Florida. Public \o.'orkø Mministrator Hartman exPlained that th1Ð request š. a re.ult of Mr. 'Ink'Q fence and certain other electrical wiring encroðchment~ on the rlqht-~t-WðY as platted In this area in Goodland. He .ald that the £nqineerin~ Oepartment asked Mr. Fink to apply for e right-of-way perMit which wa~ denied and that, rather than have a hearinq on that denial, the request waft continued until Mr. Pink could gather all the inform~tion needed tor a vacatinn of right-or-way. He h.. now done that, ~r. Hartman .xpl~ined, and he has satisfied all the requirements {or vðcatinq the right-ot-way and that the cul-de-sac on which Mr. Fink live. is blq~er than other cul-de-.acs In the .rea. He sAid that num~rou. letters supportinq this request have been received a. well as a few not supporting It. Responding to Commi..ioner Pi.tor, Mr. Hartman explained that Mr. rink i. petltionlnq on behalf of the owners of n$iqhborin9 five par- cels. Commls.loner Vo.. asked If the County hal any possible ua. for that land to which Mr. Hartman r.sponded that he did not know of any .uch use. Responding to Chairman ~ru.e, ~r. Hartman Raid that the other cul-rle-saca are (,0 f~et and the vacation would reduce the aubject cul-de-sðc to ~n feet ~ia~.ter. Mr. Richard J. Fink, petitioner, .xplained that he built hia hou.. In 1~71 and hi. wan the only houso In the ørea at that time and added '0ge 11 _ _ _.. _ ø_ _ _ _ _ _ _.. _ _ _ _ __ _ __.. r; \' EI!J .. - " '", _,___,_~"___.-,-'........." ._..w«. --------- --- ------- --- --------- --- --- - -- -~.: May :\1, I~A' that there wal A proble~ of ~otorcyeli.t. u.lnq hi. proporty aft a -race oour.... H. .ald that, sinc. his ftwale i8 40 fe.t wide ftS compar.d with oth.r swale. in the nr.a which were 15 fe.t to 2n fe.t, he looat.d . fenoe ju.t h.fore the ~.IDtin~ tre. 1in. in ord.r to conform with tbe other cul-de-sac. in Goodllln(\. He said that I)untlnf.' of thh County property adjac.nt to landowners Is not without precedonce .lnco record. show that a 'DO' by 30' strip ot land on roast Court in Goodland was donat.d to the chl.f complainant of this r.qu.st, the n'Connells, ." I.,·' lom.tille aqo. Mrs. Edna O'Connell and Mr. w. nonald All.n spoko in opposition to the r.qu.lt citing dralnlnq, parklnq, Iwal. probl.ms al well as prob- lellll with larq. vehicle. turnln~ around In the ar... Tape 12 Mr. Allen indicate~ on n map the location ot a f.nce which ~r. rink er.cted almost ten years ~qo which he .ald ·...m. to b. an effort to ho~e.t.ad· County prl)puty. Hit r.-ferrftd to " politlon of twenty- five property owners In th~ Goodland ðreft who ftre opposod to the request to -qlve ðW"Y County ~roperty-. Ife said that tho re" area on the map cOlllprises almost 4,~n~ øquare '~.t of property that hll' been, In .ffect, llle<Hllly fenct'rt. 'I. polnte" out tho area In "roen wh.re Mr. fink propose. to Dot a ~At. ^nrt to ~Ive the County ~~ploY.fts II key tor acce.S to the rtr^lnn~e fnc11lty ~nd ~rlded that the employ... would hay. to park In the midrtle of the cul-rte-øAc which woul~ r~ltrlct even more turn-Around of tr^ffic. He said that he n^rl request.d by letter that Commissioner rlstor eXCUBe himself from votinq on this item .ince h. Is . friend of tho potltion~r. Chðirm~n Uruno stated for the record that Commi..ioner r1stor i~ not ~llowe~ to ~~st~in from vot1nq. Commls.ioner Plntor 1ðid thðt It W~R hiB und.r.tlln~lnq that the County would not be qivinq the prop.rty away but would be paid tor It, '.,' ,. <Ü aaOK 075 PAcc824 ... - - - - - - .- - ...- ..... - _.- - ~- - -- "~~1, :t~.~ -. """, '"-j''' . . ;', ):..~ j',)¡ .--- -------..---------------.... ..'. ·,.,o;;M"p , ;""".'''; I.' >:t '~''\..'r . ' , , ,:.~,t. ·.:.t ~ raq. 12 ----- --- - --- - - - - -.- - -- - - - - - -- - - - - - - -- - ------- 075 PAtE&25 fII'Y 31, 1~ß3 to which Mr. Hartman .alð that the rounty Is not bftinq paid for the property under dlscu..ion. Re.ponding to Commis.ioner pistor, Mr. Allen .ald there have been numerous problema 'such a. proper drainage and that when the -No-Name ~tor~· hit, there.wøs ~ flood problem onto other property. Commissioner Voss asked for clarification regarding vehicl.. ~ftkin~ A turn with the present fence ftn~ ~r. ~llnn said that, if the ar.a i. reduced, there would be, in effect, . 30 foot cul-de- .ac. ~r. ~ink indicatod on thftt ~ft~ wherr. he.inetnlleð ft one foot drain in lq71-77 along with two other pi pee ~s well ft8 ft catch baain and another pipe, in case the ono foot drðin, which conforme~ to County specifications, would not hold the wftter durinq 8 storm and the over- f low would q(l (lve r . lie 1M 11 that the r. hllYfO been no d ra i n898 probl..s in the are. ftnd that the ~rain hal worked properly. He .ald that he has not had to clean the clltch baain 8ince he installed it. co~I..ioner vo.. moved, .econd.d by Co..i..lon.r pistor and crrSed unani.ou.ly, that the public hearSng be clo..d. Co..i..Son.r Brown mov.d, ..conded by Co.....lon.r Voss and carried 4/1, with Chairman ~ru.e oppo..d, that Re.olution 83-85 re Petition AV-83-00C, Richard J. rSnk, re vacatSon of a portion 01 the cul-de-.ac .. platted for palm Av.nue, Coodland, Florida, be adopted, 8ub'ect to the followinq stipulation.. 1. Mr. rink aqr... to r.locat. exi.tinq wat.r .etar. anð to pay all expen.e. incurred. 2. Mr. rink agre.. to in.tall a qlte and .upply PublSc Work. Road' Bridqe a k.y for acc... to the 12 foot oraSna98 Ea.e.ant and to complete all abov. .tipulation. by Auquat 1, 1983. 'lq8 13 - - - - - - - - - - - - _.- - - -- - - -- ..- -- - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - -.... --- - .. - -.........-.-"'. --.-~.";,,~..-......~,...,,.~,~"~,._..--. " ':;';!:~: 'I. ·"'''·r'l:'l~~, .r:. :~~r:r: , ,..", , '. . ' . . :" . ~ . ' ,.. ""', };:~~i~~r" .~!,~: '. ;'. ".'.\.; .....' . , " .', ~" .t.. . '. '" I ,,/,,·''''':;i~,}\~l~~. ~j'\'" ",.' ~ ,".. . ......... .....~............ - - -.. --........ - -- - -................ -.-,.... ..."......... ,~~iW~J7~;R7 - ~ ~ "':i':· ..y31. un :m;.i,r~~'~: '~Dî~McI'u-2s 'f0 PROVIDI rOR C01.1.IIR COUNTY 'AR'I'ICIPA'I'tOM i. ria... .'I'I01tAL A88OCIA'I'IOM or COUNTnl DEFERRID COMPlNSATIOtf PROOIWt .':;¡:.:n,:{ ......; ;:'~ÞO"'ID . ...,.,'....'r:,'!¡' .f'r'.":, . ·,t '. ¡;.h>'';l'<''<1.ec)'l notice h~vlnCJ be.n publllh.d In the Napll. CeUy NIwon.M.ý j~k:':",'l1f'1913 .1 .vld.nced by °MUdavlt of Publication filed Vith'thi"'~d.\~M)<\)", f ." ,.~ '. . .. ,. . ...t;~ '. ~8:::,' . , public hearinCJ VII opened to con.ider an ordlnanc. to provld. for ':;~;,. . t~: -: ., , ";;N,~ '~~i:;":' CoUier County participation In the National ^..oclatlon of Countil."~;¡· '''.' , Deferred COl'llpen.at Ion Pr09 ra.. "~~~~; ., ~ !:.1~ County Manaqer Norman e~plained that an Executive SUl'llmary on thll' k' it.. WII pre.ented to the ICC on ~ay J, l~RJ and the BCC unanlmoullY approved Itftff recoemendatlon that the enabling ordinance be advertl.ed and conlldered on the agenda thl. date. Rtarin9 that no personl Vlre reqiatlred to .pe.k, Co.-ilaioner 'iator .oved, .econded by Comml..ioner Brown and carried unanlmoualy, th.t the public h.arlng be cl0.ed. Co.-I.sioner pl.tor moved, .econded by Co..l.aioner Brown and carried unanl.ously, that the Ordinance a. nu.bered and entitled below be adopted and entered into Ordin.nce look No. 17. _'I.A.' n·.. AN ORDIN~NCI 18T~81.ISRING ~ DErERRED COMPIN8~TIOM PROGRAM POR THI OrrICERS AND IMP1.0YI18 or C01.1.IER COUVTY, FLORIDA, APPROVING ~ND ADOPTING THI NATION~1. ~SIOCIA'I'IONO' COUW'l'111 DErERRED COMPENS~TION PROGRAM, DESIGNA'I'INO 'l'R1 PUB1.IC EMP1.0YIES BENlrIT SERVICES CORPORATION TO ADMINISTER THE P1.A.N, AUTRORIUtfG THI COUNTY M~N~GIR OR III DISIOMAft '1'0 EN'I'ER INTO PAR'I'ICIPATION AGREEMENTS WITH COUNTY orrlCERS AND EMPLOYEE8, CRIATING A DErERRED COMPENSA'I'ION PROGRAM COMMI'I"I'II TO REVIIN P1.A.N PERrORM~NCE AND CONSIDER CLAIMS rOR HARDSHIP DISTRIBUTION, DESIGNATING SUCH COMMMITTII '1'0 MAKI DETERMINATIONS PURSUANT TO r1.0RIDA STATUTES, SIC'I'ION 112.215 (a) (b) AEOARDINO INCOME TAX AND RITIRIMIMT PROVISIONS or SUCR P1.A.N, AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATI. 'QIJ~ 075 ,ACE628 , ~.'.,\ ~,,..:?- '-.',\ .' ~(~;':/'tt \ ¡ ~1'" -t " ~, .,,~..: I t..'~«I~ ~~ ~ rl > I: '."., '. . ' I ~' . -¡ J, ·t:..'\ \(. \ ¡"\f. '\'d~.¡ .......... - -- ..... -- -,.... --... -- -- ..... .... ... ---- - .... -. ~'-- ~ --¡~~ 1 ".... -f J..' . . ." ~ " ~?í'~.' ~ If' .. '-1 ,~~", ',,;5,:~~ ,*" I~",' \ ~~ 'J,'\' ,;' \', ~ . ,.:.¥.\!~" :: 'fl~:d,: .~ . t{"'I~":'¡'~"~':~:-"';¡~ >f "\1 . ~ . .' ".~ . ,\,-",t. "f~,' .", l..<).¡\, ",}~'~'$\\'~'" l".¡';\t " ~ '~I,'. llo -' , ,~~.. '\1}'\'i,1' ..;,...¡\"\~,~....,...~~'~.,,.~"\~.J' /',,;'>' 1 "!' '~-¡~,:Ò1' ". .' .:"'JI "">J',!".).:, , .,j.,' ,\~.." "'~.."~I, t··'~'1 ,,:,1: '. 1 I \ 'í~'" <1;Y~ ¡:"I; ~: /!:\ ~ 'j. ~ '!'~¡l1,~~' ..' ",!, \' '\ J I ," ,/ P '. t\~'~I~ ¡ 'I:'<;.! ' ",,;~~'I~'~~ ", ,.¡¡I,:'f\"¡~' ~~'.v·'t.~ .'\'~ ,;r,<1o ~:(¡.:'~I'\' .11.; ;,". " . ":' I '.' I, ,I. ',_ >¡}'it'.. \¡,,. !j.¡"Æï:·'~. ..,1/.;." dl';¡¡'~"''.'\' "'_'I'~·W(ll'·...J\ I'..,¡+" .,S,:'" ""''I{.'i:I¡'=',;·,~.Ò ~~"\~', i (!ff,.fir.''';~·Iii~·' ¡ , ,,'" ,.' ....~I...,.. ,): "\' .' ~..,i'·"'.J .V...t'~~'1:.';~'·I'}, ,..,' ,~~.:,lh,I.t,¡¡,}\",~~:'~\~·~~· - - --. - --- - - - - - - -.- -. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - -... - - - ~.....;'" ~ . , . ' ,..' ','..;. ~lt. '.. " . ~ ", ' I" I ~ 1iM~~,IO-r ;;AGI'835 ' . May 31, UP3 , ",,', :....(, ~~ ~\ fi . I,' \. :,. ':, ! ["~'t¡:~1,"i" ~'i?!. i. '._, ',,\ ".,,,.'. . '. . I' $, ". "" in ,*111,,-·;> I.\"'~·r-:'.:'f¡,~:,"'.>.!;-.'.~,..~:jqj,..". 'f, y,.'~ I, ' r'rl~i"'~ þ..,;.,~.:~':,;'::"'~/;""I . . '.'. ,.. ' ,.'''''.' "·,''1c/'., roUI(C'Ift.'.'LOe^L'OPTION CAS 'I'~X'. þ£tCtEO~' ORDINAMCI 83·28 PRovtDllfOrOR }nultwo';CìN'f" LOCAL OnION CAS 'l'AX UPON IVlRY GALLON or' MOTOR rUII.' AIfD(,' ~"ICIAL~' PUl..·.OLD 1M COLLUR COUN'I"l '1'0 II IrrlC"lV1 IIPTIMln 1 Î un <~ "POR. ''0 MORI,'tIIAH rtVl YIARS AND PROVIDING 'OR COLLEC'I'10N AND ,DlSftIIU.., ;;~~::~~t::-:::1n9 bu. publhhod In th'. Napl.. nolly\.i~:'1:W~,1 \:,;/~·ir/,ì.~~i .i' e~l«1oncec' t,y MUdøvlt of Puhl1~II.tion fll.d with thi~i'e~;'t:'~i, ,::, : . ".i:~'df;\ 'j'" publlo h..rinq WIS openo1 to conlider IIn ordinance ImpolinCJ tht four ';<: ::i('l . " ,.~, f~. o.nt loc"l optløn q.. tnx upon every qallon of tnotor fuel and spechl ":,J,~,. fuel aold in Collier County to be effective September 1, 1~83 for no more than fivo y.ars ðnd rrovSdin~ for collection and distribution of t.x. County ~ttorn~y ~urt ~~under. referred to the copl.. of a r.port pr.p.r.d by ß0ger., woo~, Hill, ~t.rman , au. talon eone.rnlng the expenditure. of the County Itn.! the City eft Napln over the laat five years of tho Road .I"d arid". Funds. n. snll1 that pacre one contain. .n Indication of what. the perc..nuao spUt would be in the .v.nt that the loc.l option 9as tax Is puud thi. date. Itlt emphalhed thltt the und.rltandln~ between the County and the City i. that this r.port i. for infortnatlonal purpose. only and that neither .r. ~und by the determination, since further dlscus.Son will be needed If the tax ¡. p....d. Mr. Seundera .aid th.t Comml..loner Plltor had asked. qu..tlon concernlnq the taxation of 9asoho~ pursu.nt to the local option 9..0- Un. tax and he .tated that Chapter ,o~ eumptl ,uohol fro. the Urat I,;:i~' 10 four c.nta of the qenenl lute .,uol1ne tlX up until July 1, 1981 .t":"};~~ ~ :.i . ..,' . '':f I which point the first four cents of the atate tu b.cotn" effeotlve ont.,·~;t . ,J' ~':>.~1{';' quohol. He .dd that. there lit no expre.. determination a. to""tther:'.,\!1;~ . . 'J':: ;;,'~ ':(\. ,uohol 18 ex.mpt from the locø1 optiøn tax, howver, h. explained 'that '/tÙt' , . ',..-)ß~,:;~ h. would arque th.t, apparently from t.h. wording of Chapter 208 and t'ht"/\~i ' ,,:/<;~'~á:~/ti¡':;:(; . :,·."';'P.9~·~\i~ 'd. ' ." ,·;:r~·~Ñ~~ ~~~~----------------------------~-~~" f¡%;¡"N[\~iJ:,~,;,,~;,ßi';;'; ~;i,~¡ty(,i;~/;'::;;¡{;~~(i~{ii~~!~~\li'~'!::~ ..< 't.:.':.. ~,~;/':'" .....,".." ",;',.' ·..:,'.;·<:o;+S·;:¡':T·. . ,'.. .... . :.' :;¡','," I,.-r .(:'.,:,:, ,"}.' ''':.',['.:'. '. . "'''',i,,·h¡,\jf,. . '.', May.11, 1903. ".' .,' ·,...¡'~i '1;ir/..;':'t';'W'£:'.:/',:;:f .! . ". ';....,,,:·',';'n'. ..' :.'..., ....:'..,...,/"('J ."~¡r:'it.t.·:;.i~v.tJroVidin9..for\1.c:~1 ~:opt!on:~ q.... ¡taK , ',uohol.. could .~~.,t~~"~~~f;~:/' . ,,' ". , . ,¡"j'_"'.:. ," ^ .' ."".,1 '.' 'I ",,' ." .;',." ."..,. ..".,.' . ,.". '. ""11~1 'j, 'I" '". ..../. :~~!'(R.'~~·'~':i~ð:~'~~~.i:;·~~·;:;'~ii~~ ....' t't~~~';?~h;;'&~~tt~~~~r~ fr:'~ax~t t ori ~~1d;'~iò~~'iY":".':I· . ·.··~:;t~·~~f.t~m:rt:::;..r~ì;i\,'~~j; 0t"..··:\~a .td:~·.th~~',th." I~~'~i;~~~f~~~~;:i,~~i:' ;\:¡¡;;;~~~~~"ìt{ ~~~~~i~:~"";;,p"i";~ue~. ·~,W~'Ì.,t~.t:¡t~ij"lit~:t~ ,1: >:;,;,.:.?".:,·:·,::~\j,.:~,¡il.rl'¡¡ ",", ", ..";' " .'i , . " . ":,.' ',' . .. . . ,:,:,t~:':,::;..~~~~, . wô.o.nu 'ofthi loc.l,optlon 9;"UKcould ,be ,approv.d ,hy ~~:\.11IP1·'i "...,,: . . . . ' . .. "'" !,·,I.~f.".:.,. ~..,òr,hyvot. of the ßOard of County Commlllloneu but that,;the'i,'thlrd '>,' ,.'1\1. ¡ . , . f ,ß..'.nd fourth c.nts of the local option tJU tax would require a CoMMi..loner pi.tor .ald that he had recelv.d a telephone call from a qlntlem.n who was concern.d th.t, If thl. tax la p....d, ~any p.ople would take their bu.lnels to the conv.ni.nce .tor.. Who .pp.rently .r. the one. ..111nq qa.ohol. ne ..ked if g.lohol c.n definitely be t.xed Itartln9 now in.tead of beqinninq in 19871 AI .ald that he felt that would b. thl t.ire.t way and then the d.al.re would not h.v. the thr..t of . ~.jor diff.rence In price betwe.n their requirement. and the convenience .tore.. tI. .aid th.t he ha. ob..rved that there ia .pp.rlntly no uniformity of price tor g..ollne now and that in IOMe aro.. th.ro 18 a difference of four to nine cent. per q.Uon. commi..ioner arown olked if aqriculture u.e is extmpt in the local option qa. t.x? ~r. n.under. r.sponded that the definition of .otor fUll and lpecia. tuol. In the statute i. extrem.ly broad and that he h.. not. noted an nompt.1on for IIqrtcultural u...· In the Tax Statute. Commi..ionlr pIstor .aid that ho ~I' In T.llaha.... when the l.v wa. p....d And hi WAS undor tho i~presaion th.t A~rlcultural exemption continued but that II r.fund for q..oline on boat. and IIlrllnes va. continued. Th. following per.ons spoke in opposition to the local taxa """,)/¡,;,.,.:::,,\ /', ;";"',> ' f';i~:~r.,~~"::L·:, '~ ,'.". 'i',L.. ,"',1 ~í'," 'I ('tI'l I·~~'.',t~\ i"~'''''':¥: ;',\' , : . '..~ a., ¡~ ,.' "~'~'~j""" ,I,.' )~,~ I I' f"~'!''¡t ,9\.\d {, ·)IJ~I..·' , ';.' . \" 'I'~ ~.,P~ I,: 'f '·,'._t! ,,',;;j~' II . .. ¡ , ", -;' .t:\~f~ ¡"':~I;::~..1 /,J\ I,. ,:n ;.¡ ",'l' .IF'~\, t ..~, '''''f' .~s}. ','. ;', I \ " ".;':, ~"/r ~;"'.4I"~~t,'....~~t1,..".. I ,\,~..t4~"'" ';'..,.~':- ,,', , , I ,¡" I' t . II ~ .."~",,,;I1':'If.. ~-~----~~~-~~~~~~~~~-~-~~~~-~~~~-~ · . ""!j'/t Ö '·;'Y·,!,;I.:I" !:,,·c..:,.,:¡::~: ~)'~}¥',;'4;,,( .',' ':"»'i~;;¡'" .. :-. "'" .¡t'~I~I<.;. i''j}~':¡'''\;' ~1:¡¡¡..t¡t Þ~!1.i~Hd'.'~!::"~\"~·~'~':; '. 'i·,.,f/I·(·,·" ".," , i:, ie ."¡".!~:, .,1.., M· IY "1 l".'···:,¡'\;'l:,W\..·..;')i ,. <C.,'" 15, " '-J~ii" .J'&37... - ': ,::..~,l.~~~)~\:¡~J¡~Ü~,..:·1~"·~;'~;;': ·>',..t,~i:~,~~~,~;,~~,tÒ~:;;>¡~"~~ '. ~~";,oi ,},.}.{~,\,,',¡:~,'~ ':"-. fI',-, ~,~, .j. ,\,.:..,i("·' '{;,~gJ.~(;.r';"" ..~... .. ~. ~:I).,'.:,{(.....¡.c.¡r:..~.ß:f".i.~....'..·...'"',%..,,:OÌ!'¡c'G....iiY¡>:.:.,,':- ..··..:.,'.'.t~'o\ii...ß,.¡\k." ..' ,'..,,":.'~"i. .)1;,·';;'·1'..··: . rl ~~ 'j .)"f~ .~!'\~"'.!.¡' )J"'~¡'f ,...._,.', t¡~1j4:~{\· " '?>J~JI:¡' 11 h '-'. - '-':f~{" ¡~ir1.1', ~,Jtif'$;'~: \'";, ~~ r f ~ !:'~'." '~,;: I'"' ~ ~~" .-,.~ :-,~' '/, . ~..r. ' . Ceotge' weener, ,..',epre.tndnq ~';" 'ÒçÍ'<,');" ,.;"::':<'¡:I"'j,..ç:'~~îJ, '::."'J';;Cðl11er countyCivio ,.deraUon . '"',, ,:.::.';,. )~(":.:'~ ';¡. .,¡,"r,~, ',~a... ~.on th. ",;. .::: 'i", ~';<I'~~; 4):...;),~,':'...r~ e~rl r. CUIO'" , }~~ I:}:},:.;,'·,:'i/:. Mr.:, Hlnry W. fIIIlxAnt :!'~:~,::' ...;~Ii~':)(~.~;;;'í·;~:;. saunders ltated that. in tlnsw,.r to Commtuionor 8rown· I' "::/;'~j ,W'i:..:::,< )i, ~ '. '_,' ~.~; : þ ~ '~H 1'\1\' qu..Uon, "t hll c.1hoovltred that Section Mf;.f;4, r.n. ha. been been ,; >.. ..end.d hy the new Statute .1l0wlnq the .pplicatlon of theloeft1 option" 91' tax .nd that It doe. provtðe for tI full refund of taxe. col1.cted for fuol' for ft~rlcultural or oommereløl f,.~in~ purposes. ....RECESß. 10.12 A.M. - RECONVENED. 10.21 A.M.···· Followln~ the reoe.., the following rer.on. .poke ~n oppo.itlon to the 10c.l option 9a. tax. Mr. Red Jone. 'r. Mike Zewalk, repre..ntinq the North Naple. Clvio AI.n. M.. Bettle Culacsik Mr. tfarold "Hnler "Ipe 14 Mr. Stewart T. MacFarlane, repre.entln~ .ervice station operators Mr. ~enneth outault, repree.ntin1 independent service .tltion de.~erl in rloridø, who s.id thlt he h,1 Ittended ev.ry he.rin9 throuqhout the It.te on option.l 91D t.... Ind thlt., in Rlt hland ,County, whioh recently inltituteð . two c.nt tax, .' ~,.:¡ the County CollUfth.loneu are of the opinion that the tax. do.. 'r;'{t not cover 9uohol Ind that Polk County, which Inltituted ..~,~~ four cent 981 tn, h of the opinion that it do...· Me .ald . . re9udlnq alcohol that hh h911 .uU, oOlllprhed of ..ven "., Ittorney., h.. not be.n able to 9et . determination frolft th'·::(';~' the tax off loe .. to whether there 11 In e.emption for· 0'; '~'/,,!' at f Icul turo. " . ,{.¡!' .;: . .":/4 Mr. Frank Hall, repu..ntin9 the Cooonut River EstaU. At.n. ".' ;.~, Mr. W.de Schroeder ;" Mr. "'auhal1 Webb, repre..ntin9 Maple. "'araor Property Owner' ~" ~..ochtion and Collier County Civic· redeutlon Mr. OWen .....ur "Ipe t5 The fol1owin9 per.on. .poke in favor of the 10011 Mr. J.n. -J.ck- n~phrey, Vice-pre.ldent, Nlple. Ar.1 CoJDllluo. Rubert £. Howard, Jr., Chftirman, Ch.ftlb.r.,of,COIIII\.rc.... Tranlportatlon Committee . G. C. ·Chuck· Mohl k., member, Chamber of Co_Irce,I':';/- . 'l'ranlportatlon Coftlllll tt..' ' TOIII,p.ek ! Mr. Mr. ..r. ,~~,....,....__..."..¡"''"'1...'...';.,.........,~...'''",."~-'''''.-'''''"'.,.,,...,~'~'...n .".,_..,.~__...,____..,._...""""_.."''''''''._''''..-..,._,.-.'''......___. ·i,'·_·'''''''^'"·'''"~'-"'-'"'~-'''' ". . t· ~ Ik~~~};:::,:' :-:'.' '1 .,,:',>,~:' , / !: ',,' " . ' · ,/,;i:f .. "J.~'--"';';~"'.~,--:--',":';~-~-7":-,---~---------:--:-- -~-7fo.,¡¡¡ :~~rY~:T}~':L;,:: ;;,:,)i::;::S;:?;~I~:: \¡,).,\);~IÞ~r\/,·' ' , ,May 31, ,19Ø~,;.)~:r.¡")':,~,:í!~:~'~;:; 'j. ';.~" !,;~~~~¡~~;\~~~ ,,~~¡hl¡.!,!ri;' ~?{;~~1>;~'!' '" I, ,,',". ~', :,':'i<}:','·,\'\:, ,,;:i('I~£'?ì: '~i' ~')'''~~~).;:f..,I''·~/'r,:~~t.·~. _.,',t",;:,.../~,~'.~\~·;1t.~~/,'r;},(,;.:;·'-;. , ',<.~. . , . ';".. ,t,."';;'·'/;~,:N·:,;; ; ,)\of.~fi\:Co_S"'onttØoll.nd\.ov.d, , ..cond.d by Collllhllon.rÆ,'lItor ,,"- , (~~~,~:~~.~".' : ,:~I~>,~"'/~1~~:r~ 1;;,.,l:l~1 '.1 ,..~,.,..., ~';'_.' \'" . '_¡~ ¡ " . n.:;;':;, , ¡~' "''/, ....! . >4 '!oarrSe'd '.m.nIMallY; i"a'th. publio ".arin9 b. alo..d.~, ,,;'~;'~)(.t~\,!,; ;1 , ""'"..., to' ¡-. 11..:'-, J' " ., . ., I'., ;~: ,',(i;.., ; "\."/.'~" CONtllton.t Holland .lIId thlt h. w.. oppo..d to the local optJo" ~ 1~ltIi~: ~~',¡~"'/ '.. ' I " . ¡.~I.{"J:' i,!:f;~;,:L,9al:,.t'u and that he haa ...n the Federal and Sute 90Vtfnft'lentl'~~...,:;...~:"i" , i.;~\:\,":; ,,', taxes in tho immediate put Itnd that the Comml..lonefl have bien to1d,'.;;~fi! lif. .... :::. t:h:x:::l:n:I·:h:h:~::d::':":::. ':r:"::: ::~n:h:a u:::::, and' '~ ~?r, franchhe tax of which the majority Ie allocated for the malnt.n.nce{~ the .treet. In the City and, in his opinion, this i. double taxation on the people. He .ald that h. felt it was well pointed out that people who will benefit by the Improvement. that have been ll.ted are the developer. and landowner. rather than the ~eneral public. n. .aid that everybody In the County is .ervlced by thft .treet. In Collier COunty. Commissioner VOIS .ald that he I. In f.avor of thø tax becau.e automobile. use the roads and they should pay for thøm. n. .ald that, If the work that must b. done on the roadø iA not done, the County will be .trangled and that, In hi. opinion, It I~ much better to anticipate the need. and to got the roads built becaus. it will cOlt a qre.t d.al more if the County walt. to build the roads, .ddin9 that he did not ..e any other way to save the County ~oney In the lonq run than to hav. the tax. Chairman Kruse stat~d for the record there was a very good qrowth symposium the other day sponsored by the Urban Land Institute, Fort "yer. ~nd that one of the most Intere.tlng que.tion. .he heard was . member of the audience who until the last moment when walt on It and then act surprised that the road i. c.n't drive on it? Why do you walt .0 10n9?· She .ald p.r.on had been In the room todåy they would have known .,~,,,",,,",*"_,,,,,,__,.."._.__.,,",,,,,,.....~~,,,,,.,,,,_,,,____>;..~,,_"'.,_.....____4__.......__.u----·"'.·""'·...·"'.~ ,. .~~"""',..'.,,,.~~,,;,-"'~...,,"....~"'.."'>,~..'M "..""""'.."'''~. " ..., ~. '; ';~i~{ . .r~"'"I. ;: /.).:. ",~~~ \::'~.~~'':',;. . . - " " 1,(" . .:~ -I .,_.__.-:_~___ __....-._ __ _...._....__ ----- --- -------~~.~. ·i;¡,I.'./.-~;,~ ". i'_ ',' 'i'~« ;,,:,;,.,".:ll·'·~Y~ :i07S·;rA~.,' '.. May ~1, 1983 ",,::¡:,;;,;: ,u. ~~~;>b'~:"::! ,':-,! ,,_'-' ~. ,~.., ' , ,',;.'__'f \ba(quelUon.. . She agreed with C'ommillloner VOl I and added th.t~I'f:'>':i;L .~"~~·~'r:rit1v .CoUhr County hu the lowe.t ",UhCðe ute In the Rt.teÔ·!:'1/~S·~~ .. "." '".. . \ ft:~,/:~~;·,. I.':\:'.'i~rlda for' the .tandard of living .va ilable ..;:r·<:~} 1 '¡,:.'/~I., ' "I '. . :,':"<~; ~"r~' \",,;'.: . Respond Inq to Coll\1ll1uloner "'htor, ~'r. Norman exphlned thatth,J~¥~~'<' ~:itrf'>, ~~e~ for the Ro.d and Bridge Department co"'.. allllo.t entirely frollt,":~'·t;:~" ~'<,: ", 'tl':\ii ~,~,y:.~'" 9..oUne or fuol tuu I'Ind that thl. put year a portion of the lale1';5~:'~iíf" . ¡~, , , 'i"ir\~ tal revonue w.. applied to the Road and I'r ldqe Fund which Val one :';'d\ <~~:' ,-", , ,~; rea.on thero wore problema in that Fund and that tranøfers had to be ..de because the soles tax rnvenuel wrr~ short of the anticipated amount. 110 said thðt a very amall portion of the bulc Road and I'rldC)e Fund co~o. from property tax... p~ referr~~ to the .peclal taxlnq di.trlcts, mentioned by one speaker, which provide for .ome re.urfaclng by dl.trlct and that money is from ad valorem taxe., He .ald that he thought one point ha. been averlooked, notin9 that cOII\~enta have been .ade that qovernment i. reaponøiblo for Inflation, but that the proble. I. that qovernment has laqqed two or thre. y~ara behind the Infla- tionary apiral. He laid, in his opinion, that the reasona there are auch limited fund. for road purpole. nov I. that the County ha. been relylnq on a lixed tax of .0 many cents per 9allon It the .allle tl.e that hlqher price. for 9asollne have caused people to con.erve which ha. decrea.ed the number of 9allon. that are taxed. He .ald thlt the Inflation picture In road con.truction has be~n goln9 up at a lIuch ," higher rate than just tho cost of labor for malntainin9 conatructlon of . road.. Comml..loner pi.tor a.ked what the Norman recolve. fro~ citizen. with respect to .ervlces vanted Norman said that a larq~ percentage Is in re~ørd to road. and .19nal need.. ..,.,"',"; ~r. Saunders Raid that, re9ardln9 the que.tlons concerning tax.- tlon on gasohol and the aqrSculturðl exemption, that Mr. "}.'.{"'" ' .' ":'('i¢~ i{\:;'~:"~';': :'" .,'. , . . ,i':\'~I~ , '.'..;....~'~.... - -........ - ..... - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - -.... - -- - ~,-'- ~,...'.;,II , ····~~f\." '. ..,. ':':';'.~::fé ;,<, "., r«ay 31, I~ß3 ',,;,~V¡~¡· ~''i''í:'I'' ':"'. ' ,', '" ., . ", . ' . ','.' '. ;':',;;~}t ~íccutlt., when he {"c!tClted that the appUcation of the øtatuteh:a ,',:':~/,', '~'j:' ",.. ... ..' ' ' I': '%,'1,1'11' .):/::f, .,ìhUi:imc1íar'ind that the final determinAtion ,.. to whtthlt 'qllohol:::;.Ý:f¡\ , ' .... ' '. ,r.,'.'-". :./'/l¡l:f~11Y or 'partiallY ..npted will be lIIade bvthe cepar'tmeñt ·~'tt:'~':~ar . ",~..~~ ~"1,' f;' .,' . ",':/> :,¡~}" ':"', '-;';~:, :¡;:,\i\''''Í'I'¡,nûeand 'that th- .ame Ie true roqardlnq the aqrScuU.uul ex.mpt!orV.' f.,' ,_\.1' '., . ,·t',·f!: /,,-.1,:,1 -':':I~'i'/.. Mr. Norman rohrred to Mr. filcrarlano'. point rt9ardlnq the lII.ttlt¡,:·~~ of enforcemlnt and maklnq luro that th~ County colloct8 what should . collectod In the ~ay of 9a. taxes ~nd he .ald that thl. i. II matter County concern, however, this I. not anything that the County can addre.. becau.e the County I. solely ðependent u~on the State official. who monitor the program to make sure that the work 18 belnq done. H_ .,ld thlt . re.olutlon wa. pa..ed, which the BCC .upported at the la.t Stlte Aslocl.tlon o! County Co~mi..lon.rl' m"etlnq, that urged the Leql.lature to require that the records of the collection of tho.. taxe. be made available for ðu~lt 10 that the County can acco~pli.h what Sa necesauy.. Chairman Kru.. flUtod for thft record that the County has 10ne throu1h thift ftituation an~ that øhe has s.en the ma..lve correspondence bftcau.e ~r. ~~'arlane rai.ed the ~ue.tlon ~lth her two y.ars ð10 ønd that ift when she remembftro~ the matter øtarted. Co..I..loner plator moved, .econded by Com_I..ioner Vo.., that a four c.nt local option qa. tax on _otor fuel and .pecial fuel be adopted. Commll.loner l~lland liked tho Co~nty ^ttorney If tho County can .andate that ~asohol ftn~ rlle.el 011 h~ includftd to which Mr. Saunder~ responded neqatively and sðirl that the County would be con.trained by the term. of thft State Statute and the definition contained In th.t Statuto. Commiuioner rhtor uked If diesel fuel 11 Included in,th.t Statute to which ~r. Saunders r..pondeð afflr~atlv.ly ðnd laid that the aqrlculturðl oxemptlon i8 so"~thin1 he 'eðlø ift In th. ~tatute il another loqal que.tlon that would have to be roaolved, by DO OK 075 fACE610 . . . ,·tim:I.r·' ~»~t·\r't·_·· ... ..' . . "~",!,,~,'~""'-';~ ~~~lt:i"t::.' "".. '.. . .,,' . . ·"","i··':-:~t~, ._......~,~_a....; -. _ _,_ _ __ - _ __..... - - - - -... - - -.....- - --~ - ~_.....-~~. . ····O:;~~<·~1î)¡y\.;rl,'~;;.1,;,'·,.· .' . ',:', '. .'.,,'.,: ~.. May 31, 1983'; . ..;.... ß'.;,·,,:i:.~\\<r.~':% f . . 1iI;..r,,¡;c~,,~,tn~!h';..~: ';' ¡Þ' 'å'~" '1~~"è,'14":'~'~ ¡,...,I""·:it\d .. j' . .~.'~I,:i~,',#~~ "",.,}~,:~".~,,,,,:¡ "'¡ "I/~"'~..t¡,i""I-\¡~.',"':.r",\·~,I"",,.t\i,fx·;:' -,', ' ,J(i,·'1':'1i ,''J'-!''~I'/ , .~~ "1Jr(i'~ . I~ :~.'. ......1.;.\.. ..~':'."~"~? \~..'~i/"¡";8,.,~_.·~_·'.,tA"".\,¡¡;.;;". ',...........' ;. .. ". .. "...;$'.t/. '" I, ¡f ,. "."":'1" ·I..'~~ -\',,'1.>.. .,.plr_ln.. vli.~evenUtt. ¡ ,.:'. ".' ...¡,,':~,.,J'~ ':,","; . f.1';~,¡~1Iitl;~',:thl, QUI:.uon ",:,~h~"~Otlon ,ft U""·J/:I,..wi i~"~~~~ ~l{JY "l._"~;1t:')~'· ~'J.' J- ,\",.,"".~, :.",. ..' - . ,I 0,,1'1·.1Io111nd and Irown oppo..cS., '.~1' ··'''···''''" . . . ;'1V'.(.eo~I.llonervo.. Moved, ..conded by Co_I..loner Plltor. .nd",~,n~ ,"'~J 1.. " . ,-r(,¡¡ f"",I' ;.'olrrlecS 3/2, with Comml..10nen Holland Ind Brown oppo..d, that. r ,. ,!~";" ~ ~ ...I:,~;:. ~"':" ,,( OrdinancI .. entitled .nd numbered below b. Idopte4 and ent.red ,,-:::r' .,. ,:;J ' l:.';' , ,:,,·'V Ordinance Book No. 17. I;· "·"·'~' i',. , '··'!i l' ORDINANCE 83-26 ORDINANCE PURSUANT '0 SECTION 338.025, rLORIDA STATUTIS, PROVIDING rOR 'AE IMPOSITION or ~r. TWO CENT LOCAL OPTION GAS TAX UPON EVERY GALLON or MOTOR PUEL AND SPECIAL PUEL SOLD 1M COLLIER COUNTY AND 'AXED UNDER ~! PROVISIONS or CHAPTER 206, rLORIDA STATUTES, PROVIDING 'HAT SAID 'AX SHALL 8! ErrlCTIVI SEPTEMIER 1, 1983, POR A PlnlOD NOT TO EXCEED 'IVE YEARS, PROVIDING rOR COLLECTION AND DISTRIBUTION or THE TAX AND PROVIDING rOR USE or REVENUES, PROVtDINO SEVERABILITY AND IrlECTIVE DATE. . ,\ '~~ ···.R!CESS. 11.30 A.M. RECONVENED. 11.31 A.M..... It.. U 2 STArr DIRECTED TO REVIEW THE ELECTRICAL CODE DURING TAl SUlVfP MONTIII, MR. 30KN 3. KECK TO II INVITED TO PAR'ICIPATE IN THIS REVIEW Mr. John J. ~eck øtated that It ia hi. opinion the ecc I. un.w.re of the ~a9nltude of the BeC decl.ion loc.l electrical cod.. HI ..id that he recommend. that In Ilectrlcll ".:\' ~ . Code COIIIIIS tt.. b. .ppolnted by the BCC to uvh. the Electric Code Sn(I;\~o\".. "';'i{~'J':('< .uch a way.. to bring to COllier County a re.pon.lbl. electrical cod. . , re.pon.lble code Which would be a (:"', '~4 . .í.·;I.~~',. ':~;/'J;~æ ......:..!~.~.. '\ r;f!,:"& ".F~iÌ'. :1- authoritlea and that tho committee .houlð be commta.iC\ned to hive.. . .':,<~' .' < .,-,,; ":l~ ~~ Ù'~f l~l ready tor the Commhaion'. approval In .Ix IIOnth'~~~::~;!~:~j~¡,'''' '~,',~. I, ".:'::'.~" ,¡"\j-.~\~~ reaa~nab1e amount 0' time In light of al1 ttiitif..:'å'ftd'·· " ; .,.~ ~ ~:'.">~ ~~?,~. If. '.ald 'ti&~ co~unity who have .hown re.pon.ibilfty Sn t~e past concern1n9 the ., .nd that tho committe. ~hould be for~ed by lonq-ter. ~e~ber. of the electrical trade auch ee enqlneer., tradesmen, and In.pectlon . ":, ~ ,H effort that h.. been .pent In the peat on thl. project. .."'.....,.-,."....."""""'"'""."....,'.-.''''.,.......><;.......''''..-.--..--------_...'''''_.....,...-_...~"." ~,...-....."", ~"",," ""'""".,..,,,-, ,.."""...»"..<"..,~~",~""-,,, -,...~,"",.,~",.."... ....""...,."..- ,.,.."~".;.....,,'_.....,.."'""~"_."....."". , -- ~~}\:~,,~;i':i¡t;,r;~;T(:-:~'~F~r1:"'!":';;~~i:C'o~ ~;'2:~¡;~,-' =.~ - .- - - - ~ - - ~.~. 7..~.:.,: r'~.,~á· -""..~.~>".~"'\'~i,,;;¡'..L~:;¿.. i.. :'K..:jt'..i.""·' ..-:;'-:",..~,r.'·~;:"; '.:':!ili.'~.\'Vt' ,,,,.y31, .:;l?~)I"¡¡),\:~¡t,.~rr" fr·,,~ ,~f~~'''~\i'-'~-¡. .'l,~,~~!:':<~I';~4~·ff~·t"fr,.~;r.,'j'.'(;:;, ~""'/" -,," "', .,' ""1'.'':' .:1,' :','·"·:'J.¡.'i'i}:.r~'J{I,\r~-";'·~':'~~\,: .·\Üä,~WO'~.'.'b~ tlvt4t"y: ofth.\.,.r.om"'t...~on.fI, "I" .."'-r~ thl' '~~~V-~h.l: '_1~~4'é~!~i¡";!~,t; ·_f;t~;':(;"'1J:,!.\;';- ·",~,f,'!~ri"''''';· ·J";·~~,·~:'~\ì,u.:· ,*·.f,;l~~~;;~:t~~;~~¡t.lì~;~r, !~~.1~~~~. :#.J."I'~~~..,.~~;~~t;;,~,h,th.,,~. de. ,i~.t.. tt. .:C):n.~~. !(~'.\.~~<'! .. ..,!. . .t'it~~t~\'~".<i{~nðtvt.-hi if: t.h~..·, I.au..,,!'!'-'''.: to :,:,bl ~,add're!~I.~. " ,:-,- ~~t~f0~.~,.'í~:~',~"~~:rf:\~:j~.~:'~'¡'{:;Nf" i',"',""!~ . '-, .',' ,.; , ',- '.'. ..", r~i-:::~,:~,'~'~~,~,~\;~·'::1i:,' ..ponilbhI'tor,thr..9httft.nntr. R. slid, In hia,oplnlonft~'~'~~~',t~~ ,;.', t '. .' ~ '" t, ,'" . , .' , , . ;'., ' . .J:.!, ~.".-: -, ,.f'·· . " " . ¡:" ;.rJ. '~ii:'~h~'~Öd~n'~da t~ b. revS.w.d and mad. more of' an i~t'9·~a1j'~.~i!:"~Ï,'; ,'" ' " , "1. Jo~ " ~':'/ "'ii'I/' ;i:~':t.. ~,th. Cod. iUtU and that would !nc1u!!. 1!c.nalnq ftnd. SnIPtotto". 'wlt1( '... . ' ; .'. tj;:~I':;;','~'~j 'r..peot to who ia lalkift9 ehatrlcal Snltallations In ColU.r ,eounty.;~~,:,. Mr. ICtck .,id that ~urtnq the put .nerll yeau d.re9Ul.tl~n ~f",\Ò}~ . '1,,(,)).. i Sndu.trl.1 and trad'l have become a popular movem.nt for politician. to~, b.co.. akin to .nd that, when mOlt people think of rt<juhtSon, th.y ! thSnk of unn.c....ry rule. .nd requl.tSon. that are cOltly and cumb.r- .0.. and th.t many tim.. this i. the c.... ße r.f.rr.d to an artlale Sn May 30, 1983 S..u. of· -Bulin... We.k- .ntitl.d -A ~S-Partllan øwingb.ck to More Regulation- and ..I~ that tho rla.on før the 1'Ipe IS .vinqb~ck i. becau.. without r.~ul.tion inf.rior product. are put on the mark.t and in.tall.d by unqualified technlcianl thftt uøe thol. product. In unapprov.d ~pplic~tionø and h. cited, aa an .x.~pl., the , . . rec.nt tentative approval of rOIll.x wiring on a nurlln~ home job that we. permitted to the nurain~ home project but that the project VI' c.U.d "" apartll.nt building of throe Itorie. and le... n. .aid that'-. '.)". lince this 18 an open 8h~p community ~nd ...pecially with .oonomic conditions as they pr...ntly ðre It i. quit. tomptin9 to u.e ch.~per, 1e.. qualified help to make electrical lnøtallatlon.. Mo ..Id that without the inc.ntiv. of a stron~ code th~t 1. atronqly .nforc.d the ch.nee. incr....d m.ny tim.. ove~ .nd that this ta has mad. for Co1Uer County. n. tluqqltlted to combat that a r.vl.ed r.loctrical ~odo for Collier County bo &IroK 075,,,c£6f2 ,",".,.,..,.",..,..",.,---,---~--..._--;'"---'- ._.-.~-,~.^,-."._._,,,,,,,,--''''''_''''''-''''''''",,""~....~"...-.,, -~.,." "..... .,..,,,.,.,,;,,,,.,,~,..-.,,,,,,,,,.... ",",.""...< · . : I "./":h':ï~ ....', >,.;;'~ "'~r~{tli~i;¡;'iit,,; . ... .... ..' . ". '" .' . .. .......(;~,:!~~~ü ~J..;trt{f.:<:.I/;..,.r.Wh'..: ,,' .,' ., .,'.' " : . .,. ...,.'I;:",~,;;, ~"'f~ ,.~,,~.'\,,~~,~,.....:.... ____... __ ~........ _ __'............... - - - - --.... - ...'-....I;¡.¡.~· . '. '~¡1..i'f.\:@.tr:;;;:fíI,';':j;\0" ;,' .,' . '. ..,' ", '.' '·.,·~.'!i\'i '·iw&è4jl{~~':3;:.·, . May 31, 1983.>~.· :'.~y,~'> . :/~i·;~·,~~rJ.( ',' ,:,~'" "'¡.,'q'Õ'" ".' '. '. ,. "/'("" ,,¡¡¡,1.r ·:\'J.·,t'~,¥, ¡.~,;~\'ço.m".tön.r N..to~ a.teed that, whon th. 'uUdlnq co~! ~~.~~,,¿t«\,! "</ ì;~:?~";' ,;,' ': i! . . "'i ..t,.'" ,,::1 '.~,''''~ t~ _~l~'~.i V!, }\;~:, ".' ';,'~. ,r¡"lIta;f¡'lnolucUnCJ the electrical part ot it, was It not oonltdertd,bY;.". ;::"'..'_....\.".: ,,' . . "'..",:T,':·"f~:H~,·f.':y)\·:·¡·;. j'~.:'roup'·of knowhd~..ble peop1~ inclucHnq electrical contractor. t~':::~lf1~)' ·1)':;:' ':. .', ..,!¡:.);:~:~., ,. ""ioh County ~naqer Norman .a1~ it was hh undustandinc:t that a .eriel,P.:. ..,,~, ofconltteu upr..enting various trades fIlet with the l\uUding .;~~ c.part",ent per.~nnel øn~ worked on t~o ~ðtter for .everal ",onths before the Code was brou;ht ~efore the Board. ....Chair..n !ruse left the roo. at 11150 A.M. and returned at 11~5 P.M.···· CoIlUfl1asio ~.r f1011and .lIid thllt on" thing that bothers hili is Mr. ~eck'. mention of the nursing home rer.eivin1 a perllit to which Mr. !eck .aid that this is a tentative a~proval and that the applicant had aaked if rome. could be used in the nursing home and wa. told they could Sf they cho.e becaule of the fir. rated walls which were beln9 Sn.t.lled .nd that there were øtill nur.e-call station. Sn the roo.. and centr.l fire .lar. .y.te",. Included that would indiclI~e th.t this project w.. a nuralng home but It wa. called apartments. Re.pondlng to Co..Sa.loner Holland, Mr. !eck .aid that the project 1. not. com.ercial project .ince it ha. beon called apartment.. Commia.ioner Holland .aid that h. would be in f~vor of doin9 anything noce..ary to ch.nqe that part of the Code without .ny he.ltation. Comml.sloner Vo.. .ald that, In hi. opinion, rOmex with copper conductors i. aafer than pipe and wire bocause there S. a po.itive q round. Community Development Adminiatrator Virta atated that will b. reviewed for update i. durln9 the .ummer months and that the with tho trade people and would be happy coun.el at tho.e ....ion.. "~, _._..~._."_.~._~."_,,,,,,_,,,",,,"_,,,,,""i>_"'_'h_""""__·'__-'··'·"'"" . "'1 .~. > . /"~, "~,,' f.' ....' ~... /. ,..... ~:' ( "':'. '~'.. :'.. " ~i·,:J·:·; ~'t: 1~"~:'/ .!f¡f....:\~1 ": ,;I,:-:J':~ij."" ,..r'·?t~í.\ '.;f\.. ' 'r, ;>', '~."I:¡~ ",' ~,.~~ 1~'; /f ~,~,¡"·r->;<;I"..i. !o....i'.~\+...".tf'/·' ' .' ~ ~ '. ' ,t· .,1 ~'t :"'" ~)¡.;. '~'( :J(" ~ ,".t ~J.II" ,:".J;..\ 'i":a, , ~4 (\,;-A ._~ 1.;¡.." ~, f ..~ " ' I '" ,J;tt"r~'~~ ,':i~".r:, . . ::( I¡'i': .) '\' Jf(~' ',¡:.' ,.', í : ' ~ . ~ ~.' ! ,fJ~' ~" ~ . '. 'f 't.: -"ì,~ r~, ;:\' ;"!"~~ .~ ~~~~~I~_~~~~_~~~~~_~_~~_~~--~~~~W~, :b{:'~ì.,' ~,~j;;~':':',:~;r~~;J;·:/:;\:~;,~';'t~\;,'.,:,: ,:)\:y;/.!:~·,'·, ".:., .!" : .' ' . ":i;;.:'i'/;;<..tr/.;~:;!;\~, ' r~~I..¡iIJ".,.,.i(;:i\"¡: ;, '",',¡j1,\ ,.,.", ": .. .". '" May" 31 ",,198 ~.,IY'¡:¡:i!t~(¡I;¡., ~C', ..~ O;¡¡~)<;j,ú;.~. "":~ f;ì:¡ '~".~~:/:':" :f..'~'.1¡;:;:~; " t t í' ~';¡.':"i~" ,y".',; ,~,'~ ~.: I" ;"r, ~,~~.. ',;f If! 1?-~.. I ,,',~{'!:1ð;: '.¥;'.Þ'¡",_~;,.\.,.~.',.oIt"~...)rlt-".~ÍÍ"'.,..~ .1. _ .'. ,. ...1 ;.",:",,'~p'~r·'f.,:· .' ,.¿,l,I.)¡~.I~~,~,.,,:~':,'~~"~~l~: O!..,~~,~lt:: tYP!:1\~~~'~~!I~~.~n'J~~~nd :':"'fÎ'< !r ,:¡~~tr;;~ft~~~$:t:'Cf\;~;f~~;';;:r'dO~~ "In f ~ittn~' '~~~,:~~;~·t~¡âric~.,.~. ".f . :,;¡i~11~~':i:j'\::j"'.,~::p.h',V~;,,,¡,I'. ,;, :"". , "," , :'r",,:.~,:(; '>':,;:l':::t:dh-, ,1Ctèk" 'lid that' the haue came to the ACe ... a Cod. b.c.U.~·,~~~~~.;~ t ~.. ·~.~;:·>~,'.'j~;1f,S;:>~ ,,',:t' ,:,', r.j.,. "'¡,,,':f', ..'~,;~,'~~.'.. ';" .' ", "·r.' I, _ ·,":~{'.II,(:;-',,-:»,,:~r ôf fton-1ll.talUa cable blcau.u' lomebody wanted to u.. it tn's condom!.n" , ,','. \'; ',·..,I:·J:¡~~~r;~: Mr. vlru aqrud. IIIfr. Keck said that there 18 It revheCt:~:'{;.~~:. . ,.: ,:h"''i,,'';,' ::<~~o; County Eloctrlc Co~e now anrl it will take Awhlle to qet anoth.r~ . .¡ .A '.t,t! that, if nothinq 1. atarted until January, It will be at l.aat one and one-half years fro~ the time the lalt one was adopted. i, ~ ; Relpondlng to Commis.ioner Holland, Mr. Virta said that the first Bce .eetinq in January 1984 will be the target data for the r.vlsed Code. Co.-l..loner Holland .ald he would like to .ee .everal of the local electricel co~p.nl.. repro..nted In the rliøcus.Ion. for the change. and Mr. Virte .ald that any electricel contractor who wlshe. to participate ·oan ~o 10 and they c~n b~ nDtified. been notified. ~r. r.eck s8id that hi. co~pany h.. (, '. ~ ne. U 3 PRESENTATION or PETITION 'ROM COMMITTEI 'OR THE SUNSHINI SnU"LERI SQUARE DANCI CLUB AS~INa rOR ADDITION or A COMMUNITY CENTER BUILDING SUITABLI rOR THIIR USI TO BE ADDED TO THE COMMUNITY (BOND ISSUI) PARK PROORA"· , Mrs. ~nna Fiala, pre.ident, Gun.hln. Shuffl.r., asked the m.~b.r. of the group to stand and ftd~.d that they were preøent to pr...nt a petition a.klnq tor the ~llocatlon or some of the run~. 'rom the S,8,OOO,000 recreation bond fund to be f)ut a.ide for e cOlntllu"'lty c.nter "::\ . .. ",.. in ColUer County. She.ft id thllt it t!l her und.ntancUnlJ that~~ù.¡'~:'f¡¡~ ....., '.o!"" "r.'~ ~1~ dancing 18 now considered the dance of the Country and that the £un~";": . ',f~,,1 ahlne Shufflou would .,'; qroup but for varlou. community.. wolle Ghe said that and Collier County has none. ,S~e Slnior Citixena to ~eet toqether. BOœ 075 ' ,Cë64f ,,: centor ,.,.. ""~'.'d~"",.....~_~......,,;,",_'_I""¡__·'__''''H''''''.'"' ....,~,"'"., ,..",,,,,..,_""·"d ,.,._"<_,.._~..~.",_..,;..._." . '''', " ",'," .... .;.f' ,I;'}.~~ '^':',¡.'" <.: :", .~" ¡to. .' >:, ". ' " .. ",- . ,': ,~;'.~?::\\. ~~-~-~-~-~~~~-~-~-~-~~-------~----~~~. "I' ~ . :._'., . I' :,.,':;~'~:";~~'~i~" May 31, 1!HI3,':,',." . !".j),,~. ~:(j'15'iÀct845'f''''' ' '. '. . . .:'\'''''''\-' J~~i,~ìþÒnci~n( tò¿o~b.Jonar' Vo..;' County ll an"ger'tloriftan¡'áâii'tthl'tj; ~]r~~.,:·),':r:(·hi; ·.;t"", ',' " "',; _ , ,'''''j.'':''" ,.",:'1'"lv.·':~~ ;¡;': the "conc.pt; that WI" developed and ultd durin" the pUblic pu..ftt't.lo~.; i(:;:;,~~;~he:bond: hS,u. prJor to the referendum did not Jnclude th.i~~lq't:~~~~."., ~,~, ",;. , ' :'.,' ,."t ,j:X:atructlon or II cOllllllunlty center In IIny of tho five park.. th.t wu' ~\~iY . . approved. He ..Id that It W'I Inðlcate~ that th.ro would be sp.ce a community contor, howevor, the probl.~ is that the amount of ~on.y that I. n..ded to acqulro the l.nd to construct the oth.r 1,.. Jnt.n. Ilv. .n~ expensive f.cilitl.s do.. not lellv. funds tor a .ln9l. com- munity center which would ..rve thft n.ed. of the .ntlr. County a. I. propoled. ,Ie said that there h.. community center in Goldin Cate which wa. paid for by the taxpayers in thAt dlltriet. Áe .ald th.t It i. hi. under.tandtn9 that thero 1s ðn activ~'dilcu'llon thlt part of the bond i.sue funda to b. allocated to MArco XSland .hould b. u..d for a ~om~unlty centor for that IIrea and that he did not know If th.t would ~.ter1.l1.e. He .ald that the concept of community park. I. that they .r. d.li9ned to ..rve the people within each of the five ar.a. th.t wert Id.ntifi.d and th.t h. did not .e. .ny w.y that fund. could b, diverted from th.t conc.pt to provide a slnqle community c.nt.r which would .erv. the .ntir. County. Comml..ioner Holland said that It w.. hi. und.r.tandlng, fro. hi. <,~.;.,' ,:'M , ),.~ '(¡,t., t~ ~',~~4, ".,:~t. '. .~ /(;', , .....~, .'.i;~t "::i#~ :1},'jf ~.,~ ' ,. ~".If" ,J,:'tê: ! ~, i~:' .",;,;~!~). \,,,\ ;;~ .:"'~'I~ ,>.~, 1 " dhcuuion. with County Mtorn.y Saunders, that it II po..lb1e to build "':ì'/ , "~'I almoat anythlnq within the park site the way the ordin.nce Is wrltten':Y':';i;~ however, he .U99..Ud that th!a 9roUf' become Involved In the dUf.rent'1~~:~ . .'.,"~ <:q communitl.. beclu.e th~t i. where tho input ~ll com. from .. to what i. n.eded In the pftrticulðr ar.... Mr.. riala a.k.d if . donation of land for the community w.. obtained would It then bo possible to bulld1n9 to which Co~i..ion.r Brown ..id r....rch.d by the County Attorn.y. ~r. Norman ._---,...~._.~.,.'""-._,,--"'---,¡---,,_.""""._','~ -,~,_.,,,..-....,------_.,...__...._~_._.*..,,,,,.,_.,";" , .'" .,", .' . ·...l·~' .," e~.,·:¡"),,.··.Li:"".'."..~'>';">í'oÌ; ~,,~~~~~¡,J.Ib~·'·,'...,,¡,r ...... t~~"; ~"'-,r.l~·;"~.·" tI1:::·~\'·"'~~;J '.·:,..',r:,\t."I'1 "~:t";:'" f,~'\:I'''.;;t~I.'Þ~'f>('~~~j~.;'':~ ._. '\;~ ì\V ·<1".~~('I...iI'i···'Ø¡,":;-",~Á~..·~r1.·........1. .""~',~iÞ;~ ~ IÞ-·J.'rT~·"~,'~.<1~~..,,,·,~,+v ·jtt~"/·';'''{<i' ,f t.~·tli~.\. 'j., '11""""'. ~"', "4"~'.)J ,,¡, ~,. J . ., '. ;"~" ',. '\'; ' . ,r ~"'I. ! . ~U' '}1\'t¡'(.,f'~~~{f.~,·~(.~'i·'·;,}Ž('\~~·':'''í·;'· '\,'<""'~ ..' " ";'{>,~,ì . :': ,\.' ,;~:'..\.. .:,\:' "~li:i~'A~"";g , :·"";~:~;i':];~~~;;~,0"Ë$~~Þ't:tJçt:.r~,37;Ttt}0'tI·~':~.., "·.:¡~)\I~:<.~t;¡;.:¡·i""J,\¡,,~,',1,':;W,:,:.·Mtly \ 31" 1903 i'!!'/'i":,\I;~' I ·...'~: ~\\,~v"+l,,-,·~,,.~,,/, ,,i\·',·:-t ~'.¡\"'\.·,'.". ,i:" ~... ,r. -,' . ~~( ·r~)1 :. {<;.i'~':.<·r:>I~. "'. '.'~Yjf:,.';"'{·I'~~,r:'+"·:!II;7'1:~.í:d~·~'J;'o:.~'i\tj."'F. .~ . . "u.., , . GKïh1n"':~nù'! 11.rìf~tô:.~i'n"t"~\t~t ;' , . 'M.'~~"- ~'b " j&i~),'~~"~;"~':~~~-";"øv~, ";~'¡"'~'" .::'.;¡¡I...." ...¡ ': ;r¡.,~'¡;'~~ 1 (.,t,' ,(.."~~ 11 1.'" t ,~,\Wj ';t~ .',~·f...f~~~~:)\,¡ '·'··¡,.Aif:~t 14.''''~V. .1,\ .~ '.-"', ~.~"': 1~''r .{tt)'~'"f,_I',,~"' :<:' '1" .' . t ' .¡""'~ rd ,; 1 ~ t., ,<, '-/ . j" '..' ~'~ ~I¡ , ~l 1~' f ~ . Y 10 "o' pg . ¡ ....~.,\. " " ,;,!ï".~"~"·¡'::''I\I''¡I~t· f,"A ~t.)íÏi~~;í(\~,; l?~ I" .i "¡Ç'~. ", 'r:: ' ".. .. "',' ,", ,", , I I~.· .11.' I.',~.;~,;,}.-~ ,."."lci'Îiw'~)ítf'O'! ·'·~M¡\ .' .;( ,'I;' ','':.,' "ICoMVIMIÞ.'¡:,",:'l. . I/>':.It Which': u.. Deputy Cllrk K.nyon r.pllc.eS Deputy,Cler. ,~~r':'~~~lklnn.r..... . ~ , . . ,'.;~';, ::¡ :. ,;".'.\~.:...'j,I'A '...' .};:S~::~;,~,:');·:~';A:':i;\A:'A'" . ," 'i"i¡'*¡"~r~~~~>Y:'[':Y~f>~i:/;t:~~~\~~3¡' ~:J'~'I!:ry't;.: ~.. . ' ' . . ".' (~,} h ì'r.80LV'tIOM n-IS Itl PI'1'I'ftON PU-82-13C, acc, "zaUISTINO A·OtfIYlMr.. PROVISIONAL USI ZX'I'!KSION rOR A rlRI STATION IN aOLt>EN CA'I'Z.'At>OPTI ).i;"·:'Phnner nber Indioated that thi. 11 I uquut for I pr~Yl.lon~.ü*'.tj ,-,"1" ,. ;,' i~:{'~~~ ',.;J', ',<i' ;,!;,,\~).:;: " u.. ..t.ndon for I Uu' lUtton, add in/] that the Board oe tonin9,>t< t,.;.;~ ". ~ .[;,1\ ~~I ''':', 'ï,".~~ Appeal. .pprov.d thll provhional u.. on May 2!', 191'2. flhe tncHoated;,p:\t, that the Board may qrlnt ~n extenlton ot . on. year time pertod tor a provtalonlt u.e, adding that the recommendation I. that the one ye.r e.tenalon be 1ranted until ~ay 25, 19~A. Co~l..loner Holl~nd moved, aeconded by Co.ml.atoner Voa. aneS carried un.ntmoualy, that ne.olutlon 83-88 re Petition PU-82-13C, BCC, requutlnCJ lone y.It provhionftl u.. nUnalon for I Ur. IUtlon ':'};" 2-1/2 .Ile. ea.t of CR-951 on the south .1\j~ of Golden Oate Bouley.reS be adopted. <\ :~1,; f¡~'" , ~~~: ' ~~"; .~/':' 1 -h·,' \ . 1.;.', ~); ~<,~, . ·,l~·.,\·, ~~.. ' ~~,~}L( . j ,\..:.,'," ~~f<' , ~~;J/. ....'A··.~ '.t:t· :\~~.~.~ ~\:;. . , 'i, aCCK 075 rAcE6IJ _'M...~..........."_____--~,-"",_··_'-,,,"III- --"~"""",,,,,.,,,-,, ~.,-",~"",-",;,,,.._,~,,,,,,~,,",,,_._._.,,,,,,.,,,,,,.,,,.,-,,,,.,,,,.~-,~.~ , ",:I{'('f . ··'·li,!1. .1* . 1~ ", '~:r~I}.":' . "'," . . 'I, ,,\!.\:;,:~,.:,:/"'> ;)"''':\'' ': , " .', , '. '.,:. f,',.",:.~,~t: '~f\~t·I'i\:.W'~:· ,~f!.',~ " 'I ,\ :,.,.r "',' ',"!~, l.' :,",:,:,.'¡/ ·\..t~\'r", ", ,"'~ . , .¡,'\\:.trl~~ ~ ~~!'I' I.. ~~.I"" '. I. t· ',~ ~ t; ,. . , ,~. ¡'v,.. ç"~ ¡ ..,"t/','¡:..,,;'¡·, ,'\ ',. , .', ',.I', "",:, " ., '-, '.., ,),::,y,:'/~' .~~~~~~~--~~~---~-~-~--~~~-~~~~ \ ~'(.:;: '~:~·.'''~:·!;i:':' .. ',',' ',". '. '.'~': ',:. ."', ' ' ,;,', ,..' . ' "",::':-:'" ,,' ,,,-" \ ~" ,It,' """." '¡"~'¡':'''' ',..~' '''a'l 31 1"'83' ¡,I "j" '" r .' ~.. ", <, ~ '",' 1.' .1 . " ..., ;;1 ..,,~ 'fIò-' I'· .":1.:, 1 ' '1.:. I' '. ,. . '\ ,', ,r ~~ ~~~ ~ J',.....,'..... ,.~':~,:,;,it . ,,~I.. /j"!; ~~4'" .¡",.~:I.; "·,·,í,',1:·::....··"..';" f>.l\ . ,',"¡,:r.'", .I¡Ji' '!;.~\ "If,;~:tt..~,,!>,,~~...· '~".:.¡ \. '. . . .... It 'j' .~~~1'~:~; ~'¡""",.I.- '~"";!' ',: ~ I. I . ..~, ~.. :(or'4J'.' r~'J" ,J ,'t4....¡~ i'rZ'IOH. PU-u.....e. UNln MrIStON~RY CHURCH R£OUISTINQ PROVISIONAL ¡U8~) eA- or II'I'A'I'I8 ZONINa rOR A CHURCH - DENIED, . I,,' ~"I; '~'f !j,\.;~ '. "r~~;~~~: "/'piinner Obet stated that thll h a roquut tor provhloní1;d.~¡;:.'~t¡ri' '~;\'~~.'t"t'h. ~'Untty' "'h.lon~r'l Chtn'ch, addln!) that thb petition was cont~~~~J'¡-;:~;~: ' J'"v"",!. .. '."""..".', '-OJ ;., from Ma'l 17, 1983. She sUted that the ohject1v. is to huUd . chut,c~~i\ . ,;~, ;¡.' ..:;' ..:. , . "for Ita lIelllbeu. She Indicated that the petition has been revleweðby' . ". , .11 County 'gencle. In their are.. of concern and rocelved no objection lubject to two .tlpulatlon.. She noted that the CAPC held their public 'he.rlnq on May 5, 19ft] and recommended approval. ~3 .lqned petltlont and 13 letter. were received In oppo.ltlon of the provisional u.e. One letter from the Unltftrlan Unlvftrsall.t Con~reqltlon of Creater Naple. wa. received in favor of the pravl.ion~l ule. Mr. Matthew ~avls, ~ont tor unity ~llalonary "~ptiøt Church, .tated that hi. purpoøe Is to ask lor a prðvlslonal ule to build a church. Re noted that all neiqhhors waul~ he welcomed and Is asklnq tor approval. Reverend Çriffin, Pastor of th~ l~lty ~ission.ry Baptist Church Itated that It I. their Intention to build on the property. church that would be comp~tlble to the are~ and promote rellglou. education. ..,),:,,., (." ,', "-i'r Mr. Ronald trenderson, 21"4 55th Street B.'''., .Uted that the C^PC ,,::~:\' ,'..' ~ \ ,,~tJi reç:olllllended approvd of this provhlonal use, IIddln1 that thh land h:~~~~' > ';t ;~:'-,,',: b.cked up to 1-75 and a church would be a 900d use for this land ~nd' .,:·6~L) would no t deprec: La te prnper ty val ue .,'¿':l:;J"~( '!'ape 17 , , . ." I~~':~ ¡ -,: ": ;~"~ '~~'1'~~~'~::"~ Mr. Joe nice, a con.ultlnq enqlneor In ~illln'i, stilted that he "'.~':,:;'''''" ,,:,!,.~\\,.~i hired by Mr. John Pa.,ldollo to invoatl/Jate the IIIIPICt on thb IICUOr.. .' .~~',<.~'.. :,ç."" ~,/:;t/' that the ðreft has only one entrðne.~~~ for tho additional traffic crÎ.t·~'~~fG'~..~:' .:' ',;( " r' '. ,.,~:'::"'¡,~~>:<r~1~~ri membership. ne noted thAt t:here ",ro":n r"I~enta..ln.t of ~~ld.n Oate Estate., addtn9 exit and would not b. aultabl. ~"--,~_..._.._--_.._"..».,._-;*;_....,,........~.... , ,. ,._"c"""."'...____,......""_"...,"_~_"·'''_''''····'''·..,·,,_,,· ..-,..,.,....".;........."""'""".,..;,, ~4·.;¡';""'" ,~",.,'" '. ,'.>,~, ' . .., " ,,~¡,;' .L·, I"" ',' . " ... "~~""'''''';.''':~~'!J.!.' "" \ ,}/'{\'¡!, '!.,~¡.;,t".... 'r:·'. '.1" "ì'( f'or', . '*~\"1i<.W~r.'··I' . " . ''Y{ .·;;·1·~~::v·',,'· ¡..... .., "':'.,. " .~. \' . '.~':. ~~~~~~~~-----~~-~-------------------~-: f': .;,.: :,'t~ðAti :, ,I,'"" ",':'" ' .' :<, . J {4.",,-,'Ak~~~~~;t~:!<~f!'~é}~,:;,<:.:.~!;"r.' :.. .",ay 31, 1~A3 ., ,/, ,,::~;,V';/:~~~~;,l . ~:rid:;~~i;:·~~t\.i' t,,~:',.t~.~~thi. church~' idcUncjttult: all' '';~lab'~~~~lp~ ~~I~,....,'~.i" ",:,;,:"., .'.. ',.. . ,', '/', ,::'Y:'1:/\> :¡ih.':;~hut'~h' would: "av. to' tuvl1 into the area. ft. noted th.t,' ',' ';,:, '~~t~;~~~..'·b.~la.Uy...rY dlY' U "".p I U~I ahurah In ap.~~~'¡an~ ,v','I"" ,;.,: .' ./:.' 'J ¡,IIf.,'~," . ,,::'p~,...nt.d . report of hi. nuc1y to the Rðard, for the recòrd, ,.~d. . :';;:",f,.':'" . :".:,'1/0;- 'àôncluded by .utinc] that !t h not in th. b..t interest ";:",,; 1',1, . fl·..·' ", nei9hborhood to build a church In this loc"tlon. ,.; "~~<Ih>' . t. ' .A'.:(¡ The fol1owin9 p.oph spoke in oppodtlon to the provisional citin9 depreciation of. property values, chil~ren·. safety, traffic proble~., inerea.a In noil~ and ~uto pollution, dot.rtnratlon of ro.d., and inco~patlbility with ~ re8td~nttnl ørelt Marilyn Knohlauqh He10n Nagel To", Robert.on Harriet Field John &IICCO Dorothy Johnson Jack Thompson Mr.. Donald th.r.bach Kathryn M,..lng David Stunt Mele RoberUon Gn ry Lewi. l1en. Squillace ftpe ,a Jos. aonn.ss 'rank Zencuch IIden Ehrman Goorqo ......in9 G.orge Keller Harold Cravell K.thl.en p...idomo fl'ary Stuart Mr. Willie Anthony, 5~9 14th t.tr.et, stated that he wa' for the provl.lon.l u.. and notod th.t tho County doe. not have de.i9n.tod'~ ~ .rea. for church.. or .chool., but do.. rec09nil. the need for variance.. He que.tioned if the County doe. not have .peclfic for churcho., i. there . moratorium beln9 declared on churches thore c;olnq to be a .pecHlc aua creatod for church..? ... .tated. that .., it i. proper for this qroup to COmO before the Coml",..ion to requ.It:"~~:':,:'/';' ,s/>,'t:',::,~."" rrovhional u.e. He noted that provisional u... .hould be handled ",:¡',. ,",,~ . " ,:(~. appropriately u9ardtnq this church as tt\h plfticular petitioner hi. í ,\··,:.h. ,..w', -~. ,;~" r., ~ ::<,'~' adhered to all the ruleø and requlatlona .ot by the County. He .tated', ,,+!,i ,,::.~;.'. ~:. '~i'ø.¡~~<,\',:<' that the Ioard needs to .ak. a dltc!aion U there 1a . 1I0ratoriUII be!n,:,':;)'::·; ~' l~' ,;~' tðt ~~~r decl.red on churche. and H thoro Is not, whltre In CoUier County cln.,.'ii+~~,i>:· : ·'J,:'f' church be built with ~ provillonal u... , ~,> ", .' , ",'¿ u¡~J~I~_"'·:;'_.''''''''' ~ __ .........'-_ ~~.___ -- - - -- - - -- - - - - --- - - -----~~ "~4i;,:;;:r: ",' ,,;', ':,,"', I'4l.\y H, 19":\ ·.i'.;':".:~tl,}t . " :".':~,.;:~{ ;': " ' , , .;.;" :i;;:<~::i.:."Co_I..lon.r ,..nor .ovid. ..cond.d by COlmd..lon.r vo.. .nd " ,¡;.:.:.'\.:-.~."'~~. ~~¡,.,;~:", t.,.:,:::_'I;· "" ' ' :"~.'; !;. f'carded un'nhlou.1Y, thlt ,.t.It!on PU-U-4C, unity ......lonary~'"t1.t,;:;.r~ , . :,'" \"'." '.,_'. .' " . ,'_ '. " ."; ~'''''''I'(,'''''',~·ttll' ,> Cl\ù~ch~:~~èÌu.'.Un', p~oYlllona1 u.. .~. of I.tat.. lonln,"ot: ä;,~~"rc~.'t :i¡?::'¡!>;~,1t{1J' ~(~ ,'",,). " . ' , ' ..( \',: ,"'" ); ',~~ , ~~;:~.1(~;:'!:\1~~t~.cf b.twe.n 8011 Stre.t and 1-75, North of 6th ~venu, ø. W.' b. '.':)·he" ,", d.nled. Co.-iaalon.r I~lland .t.te~ thnt bofor. the Comprøhenatv. Plan adopt.d, Mr. Anthony'a r.~lrka r01ar~inq d..iqnated ftr.aa for provi.lonal u..s ahould h. t~ken into consideration, to which th.r. a ,.neral consonus. ..... R.c.... 2.5' P.M. - R.conv.n.d. 3.10 P.M. ..... Upon r.conv.nin" Co..S..Son.r Kru.. va. not pr...nt. It.. '18 RESOLUTION 13-87 RE AN ArTER-TME-'ACT ONE YEAR EXTENSION 0' PROVISIONAL USI 'U-12.1C, NAZARINI CnURCR, LOCATED ON BAILEY LANP. - ADOPTED. PETITIONERS or PROVISIONAL USES TO 8E NOTI'IED 30 DAYS PRIOR TO EXPIRATION 0' SAID PROVISI0N~L USE. Plan. Impl.mentatlon Director Layne statød that tho objective of the petitioner i. to start conatructlon of ft church, ~ddlnq that on April 13, 1982, the BOArd granted a provSsional use for the First Church of the Nazarene. ~he ~tnted that on April "R, 19A3, the church applied for ~ bul1dSn~ porn it, nottnq that tho applicant was Informed that the provl110nll u.. ran out on April 13, 1~~3. Sho stated that the p.tltion.r i. requestlnq ~n aft.r-tho-fact extension .0 that they can pick up their bulldlnq permit, ~ddlnq that the petltlonør wa. Informed that they coul~ not ~pplY tor ~n extenalnn since they no lonqer had a provisional us. to extend. ~h. noted that the petltlonor contacted the County ^ttornoy's nftico nnrl WA. tolrl to ~pply tor the' .xt.nsion so the docision could be mAde by the Poard. ~he concluded that the County MtorneY'1I111 IIdviGG the ~oard u to thl) hqaltty of grlntlnq ~n oxtonsion ot ~ provisional u.e thAt hAS expired And that Rtaff recommendation is th~t the Poard acc.pt the County ~.' 1'.\" :.;~ iJ,~ '~ ' ,J ,','" '~~~; >'¡."'.' ",II .iI,t..:;¡ ;.~ '.\,\,.::a¡ " .~. , ^'.~~; eOOK 075 fACë 650 '·~~;tô?f;¡if:-'" - --~ - --- - - --- ---- - - - - - - - ---' .1,;",' "'J' MIy31, 19t13 ~~:~f~'lt~:~~~;\I~J:~. ;~;\'~f.)~; ,f':: ~\" :t"':'¡'~'/Þr..: ':';'",ir;',',r;':t,:,r:\_,::, colllllÎend.tlo".';,:..;::. " ,~,> ';,.;,.",;" " ~'r"")" {(,I.f1' ...! 'I. Ir"",... . - ',', . '. ~_. " ,. < ' I.' ~~i~~t~·~:t~:~~~~i~.· .~.Ù~d,.~~~;~,~.~~~~i~'t·. ~('iar ,ftI the 9ren~.i~!.t:.~" th .\þ,iÎ,~'I.' . tbiïitÌ" art'.'¡,y1InitlìiOtó" iII1it(: u' '. II...I t ..pi r..' ~rl!,tt, ",:~"~t.hln9 of an ed.ndon of it, th.body ",ay not be .bhto ··.xt~í(d!, l'i'r:.dcUftt thllt In tho.. Inn.nc... the orc1ll'1~nCl' or .utute thft't ~.~i¡ ',~'ì.~i~.. :. ' ':"¡,,t,;, .,.(up'th'at procedure provldu for that. P. stated that In the Count'y~'á'\ '. . .''''''''''''''iJ ,tt;:·.:,~itu.t1on, the ordlnanco provlcHn9 for e~ten"lon. do.. not .ay th.t;'tf.\;-;~f1. '" . . '. .":'\.' th.penon h"vlnet tho I'ormit do.. not apI'ly for an uunl10n btfor"f.t'~R*:~' expir.. that they c.nnot apply for It. Ke .uted that b.lld on the ·'\:ft.~.¡~~r.~:~ f.ct. it 1. hi. opinion th~t ftn ftfter-the-fftct .~ten.ion can b. 9ranted which would be b"ckdaterl to th. time the ori"lft11l permit e~pluð. Co.-I..loner ,i.tor ~ov.d, .econded by Co.-I..ioner vo.. and carried 4/0, (Conalsaioner ~rua. out of the room) that Staff be dlrect.d to ..t up . .yst.m whereby the petitioner of . prcvl.lonal UI' II notified 30 d.y. prior to .xpiratlon th.t 1.ld provl.lon.l u.e S. . .bout to expire. Co.-I..loner ,i.tor ~oved, .Iconded by Co.-I,.loner Vo" and c.rried 4/0, (Co..i..ioner ~ru.e out of the roo.) that Re.olutlon re .n .fter-thl-fact one year exten.lon of provl.ional u.. PU-12-1C, Na.arene Church, located on 'alley Lane be .d~pted. ,', . ., ,_ ~ .. .,~.; .' ;", ,'" .t',';, .;j,.JJ,j", ~----------------------~-~~~~~~~ ,> ...."'~.,,"'''',....._,__~,....._'"'''''''''I\fIIIItI,_.,,_........_..''_I__.----_._~'I...-..........~...""_._.;".,-<~ ""~."...,"'"'^o,."."<'''''..,..";·,....,,..,,,,·..·"'·-=_·_''.....~,··,.u''''.'' '''~..........,_......,"._".-~.,.- - ,';i:;:r::-<". '. '3'~ , /.t.~._~ __ __ _ _ _'_ _ _ --- ----- - ------ -- -- - - -- ---'.~: '''.~,;,,;.,~, ". ., ~~:';~1 r,óoì\( 075 rAè£e59 . May 31, 19" 3 ..~}t t~'¡t~;Si;;~;~\P' .,. . !~~~r , -aBSOLUTION 83-89 1'1 PI1'I'10N pu-n-SC, Dr.. ROBERT J. LANDY, RIOUES'INCJ.,'.r:;:-I· /'ROVI810NAL USE .C. or RMF-12 rOR A PRE-SCHOO1. CHI1.D CARE CENTER,,!N" ,~t. i,;a.01.ÞIM;CATI -ADO".ID 8U831CT '0 STIPULATIONS. ..' . ..":'!i;)\~)':'f~" :;'i·:{¡i,~:~..Pl.nner Obetstatoð that this ".tltlon..r. 18 requtltin9 .PtoY!lSon'.l}~j " ,',>' ,; -' . "'.' ',~.: :-~u.~'for . pu-echool child care center, 10cAUc1 on the north .Ideo,". ':¡,S~_J¡~ ;;~" .' ,···V;\rl~ :.,\:'Colden nau parkway off Santa BIIrbatlt Soulevard. ,flhe noted that the':~'·:\ ' c.'.;',,.' ····....':1;11 ~,:,<.H. ncolllmendatlon 18 for ""prov.,l IInhject to thn followinCJ .tiPul"tlon'I,'::<~.i~: ,...;--,'/ '" . :~'J~' :-....,. . F';~ :Vi ,:~~ . '. ~',n . ~. '~J( I \ '.~;~. ^. Detailod alte drainago plane be submitted to the county r.nqlne.r for revlow In accordance with the attached wat.r management quid8l1nes. No construction permits shall b. l.aue«1 unless anc1 until "pproval or the permit. of the propo.ed construction In Accordanco with the .uhmltted pl,ns 10 9rAnted bY th. County En~ln.~r. B. Driv.way qeometriea .hAll be In accord.nce with the attached marked-up lite rlan. c. pl"cement of ft sultabl~ hed9. of approximately six (~) feet h19h on th. rear lot l1no. ~r.. P,mela Landy, potltlonor, .tated that Khe "eel_ there i. · need for a good pre-.chool child day care center in Gold.n Gate, .ûdin9 that sho h.. had many ye.rs in eðucfttlon. Co~S.sSoner Holland .oved, seconded by Co..i..ioner Vo.. .nd carried 4/0, (Co..Ss.ioner Kruse out of the room), that RelOlutlon 83-89 re Petition PU-13-8C, Dr. Robert J. Landy, reque.tlnt prowl.lonal u.e .C· of RM'-12 for a pre-.chool chSld care c.nter, loc.ted on the north .ide of Golden G.te parkway .pproxS.at.ly 3/4 .Ile ...t oe Santi Barbara Boulevard be adopted subject to the above .tlpul.tlon. .nd the rind!n9 of 'act and the p.tition.r's Aqr....nt be .ccepteð. .__._______.... 4_ ""_____...._._..._...._,.."",.-..~..... ' '.,_,~,..""",...""',.~_;oo'"'..,'..,~",....,..,"'"",,,'4' .."...,...'"....~,..'..,";..."..^',-,..,-,,..-_.."'-,,.,»...."'''.,+.,.. ,. ... '. ',~ï, " ..,.,\~ ~ .,~I ;;-. . ':,t~~ ; ~ 1 "~\'~ " ¡ :i 1.... .:;!;,~~f' j,;;:.~~.~;,~ ~~~?t ,r(:" . . '. .' ,····'.V~:. . ~~---------------------------------~~~ ;"¡.J,.;.~~.~..t'~,. ,;.'~ , :, ,....:1:'1;·,~~'7! .r 1!tI. ...1;'.1'.' '.' y .'.\ ;)1. Ii. .œtÒ' 5'IIt6B9 M'Y 31. 19Ø3 ':;!!:f ,\-.,:yt.. 120 ' !~;i¡.", ';~¡k'" . ':., "/""". ~;\~;.; Pft. R-83..2C RI REZONING or Utter. AVALON TO Br. RECONSIDBRED ON .1ut..Y 2S"':~ "if·" , ~~.';;i . '.11" ";!Jn~ "",. ~. ' ; County Manaq.r Nor~an stated that the Lake Avalon project vaa denied and tho petitioner 18 requestin~ reconsideration of this Item .ccordln~ to the ~oard's polley. ~r. Tom Peek, representin9 the petitioner for the Lake ~valon pro'ect, statod thftt åt the time this it.m was turnød down there vere a . number of complaints fro~ the r..ident. of the are.. H. stat.d that .ince the time this ite~ wal turneð down, member. of th~ community have been m.t with and r.h.n~es hav~ h.~n dlscusled as well al their complalnU. .1. noUd thnt one i tit" vas the height of the buUdln9, adding that the buildin9 wnuld be three stori.s Instead of .1. atorie. and the dwol11n~ unitR would h. lower.d from ~10 to ~~o. H. noted that there are other itemB that details .till need to be worked out, but h. ia trying to work with the neiqhbor. of the cODmunity. He conclud.d that he i. roquestin9 a date for reconaideration in July. Mr. Ben Jone., .014 Outer Drive, atated that he did .eet vith Mr. Peek, addSnq that ho thou1ht that when the petition had been turned down, It could not be brouqht back. He Itated that he doe. not ~nov what the plans are, add1n~ that he II not .upportin9 the develo~ent. ComaS.aloner vo.a eoved, ..~ond.d by Co..i..ion.r 'Iator and carried unanteouIly, that the reque.t by the ~tltlon.r for reconaideratlon of action re donlal of Petition A..83-2C, propo.ed resonin9 of Lake Avalon from A..2. C-2 , RMF-' to PUn be Ipproved to r.heard on July 26 and the petitioner bear the e.pen.. of re-Idverthin9. . ,/ .__'mu'_.__""_,«o_""".........~-...·Wt-,~"'-_...."',......·~-,·"_,·I~'..'.."'-".'."."-"'~ ,..w., ..,..__,....._."_._...,;,....-,....,""""""~'~."..~-'.,'o,,...""".._..."".. ' ,.,.....'-_....-.,~-,-~..~ .,-~ ~~i.1\~ <'~':;'.i~~>o~".t1~~,,:.".f.4~;':i/~: ~~;~:f;~;~~~~:':3~~~;:,i.:i::~~¡e;, '; ;~i '1;'· . " 'iíjí!~)Jif..~¡~.~.'qit¡/./'~!;:,,¡),\\'·")':;i·:: !~~\':':¡~·¡'ìj,¡,.Í,(~.;\:~·~I,""'.,· '." . '~'k' ~-:?_~:,;t ·~;,~/;,~:f.~~~;~:~~.:~·"i~:: :». '!:'i;~y",; .. ~I' " ',- ~,::«~.:~;};.~.,~'~~'::.',;~::~ ':;:(',~~,~:~_r~:: I .' ; "\~¡fk..!,~........,~.\'i~~.;.·,. :·i""4·""·lc·P~:~"'··:·" ..,' . ;:~~~~~~~~~~~~~¥~'~¿--~'~~07~~~:¥J~t ·.t1.q, J'f.:~ i:I~'1f:..; i¡$ r,·,,~ ,(",~., ) "t..}> ~ ,:f.....,>,;,~, i..:,'" '·!-":)),'\·;;l'~I~::;~';."~" 'J;¡{¡~I.'1'i~.I1Qi,';\\~.r:" ~i/~·.fw.~~·"!'¡t·...,..; r ,~¡,:,\:" " . M.y' 3 1',':'1 ~"3 '.. \,' ;'./;';'1,,; ·:;,.:·~~<t;~~'.;.,~i:'~~i:t::::,:(':!;j :1~:;tlß',':\ :;:~ .'".. ·'!··';·:·C':;\;;,:-~;;ìJ'~!.:.:;l:~:\.¡~?';/; , M';tR~~6·,~"'·~i!î·'t:~~i~:~~~~~S WtTtl'··.··~~~~;<¡~~~;tð~iO"·, 'óèiÄM MAttAClMlwrt~IMC.,:',Rla~"DINa; 'fHI·STUDY 0. 8EWER,ARIA -.. :AI WELLAI\f, .bn.IMIMtMCa':''l'R1 'IMA1fCIAt. 11'.UA'f10N 0.. 'l'R~.". DI.'TRIC~; ". N.D. 1'O.../,~..EPO..I\"..'~! to ;'"'1' lCO; ftl '1"1" "11'I'INO 1M tn."" ,'" ,.;, ; e',: ,¡t~~.~!i.í·.~}I~¡ ,:~i;;eco'ûn~y ",an'fle, Norman atatlt' that he hu initiatod' dhcU~~f~~;~~ . " .. .,' .. F..' .' .. ., ,".: >'i';'¡~; ,;,::{'~'~ltht1e.ry ~ana9.ment, 'drHn~ that he la satisfiod that thycouid;'\t:~ . ,¡'~',/'<~" . .',.::"~.\, !t:I;;..i,:· provide a valuable construction pro9f1tlll manll"ement aervlce In much)h .,;¡j,J~ ~'. " ;. ':; "'''',\'>~ :",' 1'lIIe ".nner .. they did In helping to C!et the Justlco Center pro1ect} off the qround and on schedule and within budget. He stated that he'. ...'....,'t" not lee thl. a. belnlJ lncomp.tlblt with the orlJanilatlon.1 pr09r~.' . ',' .;.~ " that the Board hn puv!oul1y dhcu...d, .ddlnq that th1l Ja I w'Y òf."':'1.·}" .~ launchinq an urqent nee". fI, stated thllt a contract would be drawn up , in .uch a way 10 that It could he terminated hy phaslnq the of tort I fro. the conlultant. lovel to the Rtaff level at luch time th5t .t.ff I 11 .b1e to t"ke it over. ".. ntatod thAt he 10 a.kin9 for the Aoard'. concurrence tor Stlltf to ~rocð~d with .omftthlnq that can be re.dy in July. Commilllioner I(rule atl'ltod thllt ..he likes the ballc idea and questioned the financinq of the mlttor, to ~hlch County Manaqer Norman .tate~ that he i. waltlnq tor the ßoard'. approv.l b.fore 8pendin~ . lot of tl.e on the matter. Comm18aloner Voss ..tlttel1 that l'Iuqmentinq th. stAU discussed, notinq that the Doard has be.n tðlklnq l'Ibout . - ,.·~i· .~" . Eact Naple. Sewer Ault -1\- for yurt and ntaft hft. not had the time to;:.:': ,i''',t:) .ddr... or ruolve the rroblolT's. II.., nAted that the question 11 U;, 101ll10n. from th. outside can ~IJ""'tnt the .uff'. work hy. . .tudy and cominq in with broltd r.eo",IIIDnd~tionl. Co..I..ton.r Vo.. ~oved, ..conded .. _...._-_........""""'-"',....~"_......_,~-".._._.~....,._. "'....-_..M"....."'.",_;¡,.,,:..OI+f,..__..~····,,·...'"=,,'"·'''...,~,,·..'''",'''"".,,'.,",. '" ,-,......""""'.,~,,,._.,,,,...~.'"..,,,..,.,~.,,,...,"..'" . , ' . (,..,,'f \ "." '/ ,I 1f7·j~:;:~~r~;'i,,/~::·.,i,...~',::.«'':..;,1 ·:<:i",.'.:, ",;, ;. " . ..'I"¡'( e, ;f ,;,~..ì.:¡,l.~I~~:I'i';::?\..,.~p.f:;':'::.'..;' ,;'" ,:,\,<,,\/"':<'~"'~"'\;: ,':"i';.'';' ,.'" ' ., ,.~. ';':":";'.~.~~. '~œ~~~~'~~~'~~{~ ~,.~~'.'~.~ ~.~',---'--- - - --- -- ~--.......~ ~:t;,~t!f..~( !J~..<r,'~-.~"~;¡r..{:ï,r~'~~;'::·, ; ·"1 ~ . , :~,<. ," ,.' \,'." ~'~ .J..l~ t "'1.)". ., t, ... '.'." ''-1 ..j{.' .'. .' <, . ' '. " 1-, ":~O'\_~~:~ILWt1 ;i/;,' . ,.: " ," ,.'." May 31, un ,,' ' i.' ;:...:~: ~~:~,r:~ft':-~~7~h R.ery. ~n.~ruotIÒni".'rÒ9ti"):M.n.q...nt, Ino.·6C;':·: :~~1{,t; . . ·irc..díh.\'.~.·i~'.·:(~.~.. .1r~. ¡~.;f..~~of. h.\"..'~ A.f...a :..å·~:~~~·::~.'i'~.it;r~~·:.d. ...t.~~În. t.·.n.i.'· '~.'.:\.·:;.;:.~..·.!.J...;~f...i~t' , ~t"~)f.u.,'lr\·jl...¡ '';' ~'':,: ;:Y~""è ..': ,,;Ii,'·· ;.' "..,.".\...,","'.;:,"<f "1'1!.~ '.' ;:~~,!~. iì:'~,,!\.lt.~u..'.~¥Æ?~"C»I..~ ~.,:~~~i\,41..~.r ~IO.. t"and ~t~;~ ~~po~~,!-b~Ok~;,~.,.,. ~..:. i-.t~~.~\::..;,.:~ê": t -.; . .~~t"~~~~';"ft~.l~:.; " '. '. '.' '." · ·······,;}':;rt , .;í22I~·I,(~~,'r";'''·:i''''~('>\''''r ,.,.., "i"o",i.>'\.;' q " ':I/"d~.j ,¡~ :''''j;,:,'.:-'';':~'';. 'Ú~t:,.¡,:,1~~h·.:,'·.;,~"l4i,~\,.,>;f:·~"¡,:l·~, '~'-' .', -;;',1\; _ ,.r.' ,~::-..ioÄRD POLICY IttOARDINC ACOUrRIHG PRIVATELY Otnfr.D UTILI'!'n! ~ 1.00".11) .',.. '~:':.";'\'" . ~ .' ,. " COlllldllloner VO.. road hh polley u9ardin9 Icqulrlnq ,i ;' owne!! utU1tl.. into the record .H·,;:)- Commi.sloner Plator tndic~ted that he 11k.d the polley with the exception of the hat. parfltJr"ph regardtn!) the replacement value. Comaissloner VOSR Itftt.~ that the lalt ~raqraph could bo deleted, addl"9 that he would like the re.t of the pOlicy .rl~pted. Co.-issloner Voss ~oved, .econded by Coftmi..ioner Brown and carried un.nlmoully, that the board pOlicy regarding acquiring privately owned utl1itie. be adopted with the last paragr.ph being deleted. Mr. c.orge Keller and Mr. Jim Spade spoke In favor of the policy with the la.t paragraph beln9 deleted. Mrs. J. A. Rautio-Mitchell, repre.entlng th. League of Wo.en Voter., .tated that the impact of 9rowth on public .ervlce. will .Ike difference on how the County will grow, addinCJ that .ho .upport. a careful planned approach to unitary .ewer expan.ion In the County and 'i~,t:'} .upportl the policy. ,. ....,-, ' -_...~,._~.~-,...."..-__.._j Þ'--_.:~,....-----"'''''^.,. -_.,_.".",...<,._...,~_..."_'III.''''''~.'-''-"'' "'...,.._."."',."......."',..""',.~"",',,.,,,,........-"",......-...,-""""""~., , , \ 1/\ "', ·:·~i.J 'J: ,. :þ'r, '.':'\:'il: ,';.,~; , <'Ii'! . ^\~:, 1 '..,I'.'.f~".,- .. "" .,; ,i': , i'7~' : , ..... l' þ: ~' í ,r>~I. . ,~ :'~ J ',:",¿ rrtoC' " "r,f, .,~ lUna 125 .:,,:(,:,' " , '" '.;':; ',',,:-,,1~$-,~ PETITION TR-t!I2-22C, JANN~ SMALt..WOOD NEAL REQUESTINO A 3 MONTH IXTINlIOIi: ';:'.~~\, rOR A TEMPORARY R!SIDEWCE PERMIT IN UNIT 8 , COLDIN CATI EST. - APPROVIDJ~M: ,; ..¡ .,,1,' ":, ~ ,; .!:.~,:'''' Co..hl1oner ,iltor .oved, ..conded bV Co_hlionlr RoUandand:>7,?': ,;"'.'/ f;~.:i:~~:),i'" . ,PI9->" .1<·~~0.:~~~:~_!t·· -:--"- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- -..... ......~~...... '.... ,·.o!l~. '1 ,t "'~~(';<.""''.''. j.:t~.;.::..~':;""_ _ __ ____ _ _ - -- - - --- - ----.-.--- ----- . <JK;:"Uns 'Act813 fo1ay 31, 1~e3 ;'~::\:::\;':~2Y··3 ' ' ~:!I-l.'.·· . ~w.'" , IPORT OlvtM IY COUNTY MANACIR NORMAN REO~RDtNa MR. HERI LUNTZ' ~INTØustABM or THE VETERANS HOSPITAL TASK rORCr. 'INDINas ~:;j'<~~'f, county Man_f),r Nornaan stated that IIr. LunU il very .nthudÎ~~'ìê~{ ,,~.,i,:;~,;l;',,-,~~, " . ",'." ""_',f;r~",~j :}ith.t the 'Work of the task force on the Veteran. HOlp1 td In Cape Cotat '}p..:;". "',.:~.: ~~,~.S:;;,h proguuinCJ ,",11. HÒ noted that them 1ø support from all she ,\ ~;;". . ooun tin tho t or- Inv.l v.o. .dOI ng t h. t c. n9 i. ....n .oc k . nd "'''11 ~:1~:' ",eetine} thh wuk with till the congreuional t1el'CJ~t1on" In Florida to, encourage the~ to support the reconllderation of tha policy that has been mado by th~ Arlmlniøtrfttlon. Itell f2 4 STArr AUTHORIZED TO rORW~RD TAE DR~rT UPDATE or THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN TO DCA. SWFRpC AND ADJACENT MUNICIPALITIES AND COUNTIES Community Development Administrator Virta stated that Staff ha. been involved for the past two years in thft update of the Co~prehen.ive rlan and it hal been revi.wod by the rlanninq ^gency for approximately one year durlnq which time they have hold ,~ public work.hop. and/or public hoarinqa. ~ stated that h~ now needa approval for the plan to be referred to the State (Dept. of Community Affairs). the Re9iona1 Plannlnq Commlsøion, .n~ the lurroundinq and adjacent lIunicipalitie. for their review and comment and that it be reco9niled that the Plannlnq Agency has held their pUblic hearlnq.. Co.-i.. loner pt.tor lIoved, .econded by Co..-i.sloner Yo.' and be authorl.ed to forward the draft carried unanimou.1V. that It.ff update of the C~prehen.lve plan .unlclpalitSe. and counties, and to DC~. swrRpC, and the ad,acent that it ha. been deter.ined that tbe cePA haa held public hearin9s on the Plan with due public notice. , ~~l.;':~"'"' : ,","" ~("h'·:' ~~,." .- ~~..- ",' ( \ ~·!.,...;t·~1 , ~~,i;';:, ' , '. ,,, \ " .':·:~'~",.~~\~.:,::4: :~\.' _:":,~(,i ':':i~ <, , - ",...~""-__.,~__,,,"",'_·4~.""""''''''''''''''-'·'·'····- ."c.,...,.-,....,~''''''__,___-_..»_......-_..~_.".'"...'''''"".·_,..·''.·..-..;0.....'. '. ! I ~-¡;'. ¡~ '.~ ;::'/~;~~ ..1;,,*,1' , f}',;io:.\>1 : ~í :':',~i~N: "!~) !"?¥~~:~' ··t.'· ,!. ~":I;.~~'· "'".,.....'~.,.......,""u~....".""....__,·" :, _.,~~".".,.""""'..,-_.......__......-~., ¡~I'''~-~''''·'"'''"-_·····"'··· ., ,="'. ",...""",., '4~"-'''' "".~"",,,W"·I"_<'''''"' . ""...._-"'.« "_~,.-"""',>..<;''',.~"' '.'~."~~"""";."'."..'.'''_ ''-'-_·'.,,0. ,"~,,, ,.." ,- .... -~.....-"...--- · ---..-...--.........---......."',;--""....'........". '"~.........~------..... ",. -.-.._.."",..,' I ,.f.'" \...' ~ "( '. . I: \~~\' ' ,..:' ~, " T' ..,,....... "'1/'!: I",;y j.': '~,"'''~',\<t~ (:)·~!1.1{"l:: "r..~~¡/ Î.~..<1I If f. t ,,' ': ,".r,,/'/' ..' ,,' , ~ ~\ ~ .... ,¡¡. r~ ¡'ll!fl..,)~\ "I' ..'I ,...1.... " '''~~1Jio!. . 1 ~ Ii' ¡~~;~~'1~j;-.:j~ ;{. ~:\; .:~:~)~~,.~~.~1f~7~: ;JI: ~.~,'.i. ~l(I,~'f:~ \ ',rx l..~: '\, '.:', ~I I~¡' " :'}~{\:~!J".'",~"t:";¡~:~).¡I\.'1:/;'(t~~:~\~ ,) ,, r~\>4~rJ~,\.~:';·;~'./'" \ I , '~!:fr~~~~\'ff"t' 1 .t'...,''''\....t;~"I: J"- ""'1t' .',' t),\1/~". '·I·;;~;,;}.' I ( , '1!...\'~.1' J \ I."~ I. 'ð ¡-J ,~..~, ~ I, It -"\ .~< \ . ~f"~"'!~"/'ì ~,"ï~~;"f"~" I, ''''I, '¢'.(" ., '. ft,-I't I '.~', .,'~~~;~:h~(-.'.\:.:\,>,.:':,þ··,:~':".:.·;.. ' :::;'':':'Jr;</,.,:,;. ,~. '.:'),,'.'" ' .' "". :.>~., ':>'), if5~..(,:, .,'r,r,..,< ','t,"'," ,'l',,', ,,,.'.0\,'" ¡,~'l', t" 0' ". ,. ' "'. .... ".,~,"" "\., ,.~,t :~_....:; ~~~."_:~ _....... __::..:.¡~~r~.~...~..... ~~... -- ~ ~ - - ~~ -- ~....,~~ ~f'M\' 'ò.'I~~~X '~i""(!'¡'Ìh~\:,- /,; ",.', ·::,I',;,":t~,.~,"",!ot,:\~:¡~,\;',;/1: ,'.,\',.",,; '·L·'·,';··' \", ,t~:~\~,f~VI{:(,"~ ,~(~ 1,,;/,(( .'1')¡,,:I't~··;,·:I; "....\,t¡~I.::\t."', \¡;;.",,,'''~'':' ',. ,I. "-y .1 ·1"·"·1:"::·:"':~~1'~·· '/: ~<tj .....l' ,fI'¡.~ ..'J I ~"',1¡''''"1:.\t '>.1." . ,I. .' '",~ ~, ·J""'í~~Jf.'¡( '~J~~" 1Í Jo~\ t.:~.".~ ~''¥1\11",1~ ',~(ì...l:f'l'..\·'" r,·P¡·f" ,'\, t. ,.' '~""f'I""" ,....¡!~,"'~ { P...·" . "0" I '; ",..1", ;'1'.:' 1 .. . .,', ,,' , ,. " '. ,¡ \¡'.~\..;¡t..11t~"" í'" à,t 'r,::r;:;'1 ;':;""::;".,:. "': ':';' .: :::.~.,~; :',,'; . ',;.,': ' . ;;:i'..:·...(\·~·~1P..r: , .11;""1'0', '~\' i If" . I' ~ .J" ¡~I , . "'., ,¡ "I. "¡, ~ J .t";~'_ ,i! 0:- ¡'iJi.,>~jt: ..,":'" "" .':"; ::,'''' " .,.', ," ,. ,....l,ffi.,'ì:·:. IÞ"'SsO"OR "'I PtmClfAl1 or A 1983 PORD MODIL P-100 rU!L.TRUCK,~~/., A,",RDID 41'0 If MIAMI , rORD, INC., ". '. ...,. ;":t~.,..~\¡.\~. ~ . '., ,-'. ~ (,. ,"~'.;': 1,~1;\"ì:';",::·tÄ~.1 nottc. hav!nq' been publhhe~ In the Napl" r.nY;N.w,òrC~ÞI& tF.;", , .' . '" ',",' ',',J <'. ,S, 1983, a. evidenced by MUdavl t of PubUclttlon Hhd wlth'tht"é:l:'~fc',t , bid. were received for eld ":5(1 for a full truck untU 2.30 19, 1983. , Co..lllioner 8rown ~oved, .econded by Co~i..loner Pi.tor .nd c.rried unanimously, that Bid t~50 for the purchase of . 1983 rord Model r-100 ruel Truck be awarded to Tamlaml Ford, Inc. In the amount of .19,652.88, beln9 a competitively low bid and In the be.t Intere.t of the County and that the Chairman be authorlled to .Iqn end the Cler~ to atte.t the re.ultln; .qr....nt. TlpelU Ite. 131 CftAIRMAN DIRECTED TO MA~! THE NECESSARY APPOINTMENTS TO THI rRIVATI INDUSTRY COUNCIL SO THEY CAN BE SUBMITTED TO THI COVIRNOR FOR CERTlrICATION. NO VOTE NECESSS~RY Public Service niroctor ~orton øtated that one of the mOlt I~port.nt actions in the transition from the n.w ,1TP~ 18 the e.tablhhment of a Pr1vðtlt Industry Council. l1e noted that It h.. to be e.tabl1ahed in accordance with the ~ct and the re~ulatlon.. stated that the nominee. were provldorl hy the Ch~mber of Co~m.rce e.ch of the countlos, øddlnq that it would be ~ 19 member council. atated that he does not n..d Chltlrman'. signature, to which Chairman ,:use indicat4d that execute the necessary document. Ite. 132 "_.W'·'.~"_~~ ,"",.",;, ',",,"'_"'""""_._"~""""."""'-'*'"''-'"''''''~''."'-'__''_''·'.'.''''.H'''"". _,,_..._~__..._''''''.._.......,.._""''~'''~'_ ,""";~'''.J....t...,_.'''L'''''''_'''''' ~\~~~~;~,:," " ..' ,', . ., ..~~.,' .. ..... .. .' , y ."""",_..--.0.;.;....;.:.;.;....;.. ..,......";" - - -.... - ---...; - - -- -- - -- - - --~ -_.....~., L"'tt.~.<,; d1',',' ;.' . . '/.. . . .." q "', l:, ~,~ ~~!\.¡"ðåta :'.' ". .'.. '1':'1' <¡. ' 015..,ACt~,d~, \:, ': :. '.' . ',,, \~)' ;,~~~y, 31, U83;/i.!{\' ¡t¿iI·i,'t~ .rt~i~h\~ì¿. ¡~'.fi:',",rlÍ.pà opo rt 10. òFlíh. ¡ ,;' .dd I ftC tho t It wo'¡ld~~r:"i; ,,' I '. .·f"""· ....1"." . ''I .", '. ,..; , . ." ...... '" " ' , , .' :ttlif.r;j¡W¡,'1#~íl~t¡'~l'¡f~'¡ .'¡~t¡¡~,~i¡i.; rt · ~t!ìlJlf¡i'i~'-W . " "*ii~}~å~i~~~V'¡¡¡i.ið 'thï ,',t. Ù" ,. )ut~~~ í Ud 'tf·'¡~îí.'id¡'(ii(t:.) "¡:~i~~t?ri~~+JÍ';¡~;~;~Ô.~ !~~¡O~ÜŸ~;~~ld;~;~I~~,to SI;;¡"â1$' , ""j,,;j¡íì\"'\:">~f,' ~'.~'!' ..' . ,. ',"' ." ,!".,"":':, "It:(.; o1nbtnít.Son òf Si to n ltnd fU un. ' ' ;' '. '. ",'-J~\!i~ ~'!':Þ .\" , .Il'." '. co.S..loner vo.. "ovid, IIcondld by cont..ioner .Sator Jl,~.~{:t~~~j'/~"·;' .'"11 "olrrhd unanSllloul1Y, that the recomM.ndation to puuu, '.;,;/~t';"~·: '.if, " ?~r..St.e It for the North Napl'. COllUlluntty ~"'f':"', ,J,..,?;' t'~'9,lv.n .0..' prior Sty b. approv.ð. ¡,.: ' - ':.t ,;)\'_"',1 .' j.: .':~llt.. '33 ;ì1~';~"i·;~·"f. ' '~î~C.'. ~CRIEMENT WIT" COLLUR ENTERPRJSES POR ACQUJS'ITION or ~ COMMUNITY 'ARK , .. 111'1 IN EAST NA'!..r:s AND WAJVER REQUIREMENTS ON REQUESTJNC LAND rOR COMMUNITY 'ARKS WITHJN THE 'ROpaRED COL!..!I" ENTERPRISE D£VILO,MEWT ~""OVED Co.-i..ion.r VO.' .oved, .econd.d by Commi..Son.r .s.tor and carri.d unant.ou.ly, that the 8gr....nt wSth collS.r Ent.rpri... for acquS.itton of a community park .lte in Ealt Napl.' for t615,OOO, t15,OOO per acre, and waiver r.quire.ent. on requ..tlng land for co..unity park. within the propo.ed Collier Ent.rprl.. o.v.lopaent be approv.d. . ~ ", ¡:~:.:~{::<"\ ' " ~~~1~,t¡~:'::'(.\ .. iii'; ~~,..~:....~.., ,,~ ..'~, ~,I¡,'," '.'.' " " -----_..~ ",.. ..~..., ;",,,",,_,,,,,,,;;,*.~"_,_.,,,~"'''-'II,,#<,~,,,,,,,,,"'I<!\II''''';OI__''''''''-'''-''~··'··" ~_fl.'~...__._""'-'---'·""'·'""''''~"·_·""'··'''-''-'·'''''''· '!~":" «q '\I )1;.!'IIo.'¡'o(.I\!' ~¡t.~'¡f¡'ðA~~íI!rNPl\ðt,¡~. ..." .).:~..,,~ 1:1..' ~, ~~ ','t.. '. 1 :-!\:¡":'~;'~11'i!:C;~~~'."'f'l~Tl~~~r~~: ",:,,' ,.. , ' ',: .'; ~~Y,i',";;~'" I,. " f.~.. ,'! '¡"" 1('1~\.,q:t'''l,YfH,,~~,~1;.1,~.,.....\.,~.,. ..'.:,.';~"'r·i",l\ .lt~I'¡1~ .,,,\.f:::, \ . ....,:j...':.~ _ 'IF~'':'" '," 'V, ''J:~h'ì/'"'' .';: ,<~'¡t·;~~:) ,,~': . .". ;:~' /., ," .... ¡ :.i.!'~ ' ,j.,.~~I· ''',\f.}' \, ..,:;t':-,',:,¡',; '.~;z ;. .' '. ,.¡.¡l'ta""'."~~"1.,¡"lfI ' \ t. ,'*ttJ.~)) dl')'",.l/"" ~ ",!.,/,.,,(,-,/.,p'hi" 'J~'\(. '.";:";:'!I1f'!t~· '.~':{l';, f, , i;t . /".' , , .'w·...·;ì.';;,:.:::.·,~:·::I!·~,tt;·O, 1111 ')~~"':.A.t"'~I¡.(; '\'1~' ,I /~~~Î" '" \ ~ ¡¡.;'...·L-i:I1""t .' ^' 'Ij'~ ". " ~ '<I,' 1')1 '1"';'¡f \. "'\IZ' ., . '.': ..,.:'" , ,<,.. ',., "." r{It"'f~.~:' ')~:,>~«l~,:.rt.J'\: ~: ,...~~ ,.".il.~;,,,,,' . '. ,;',: ""," ',~\ ',,;'.,;'';,:\ ~'I'í,' ;¡/,IIo>~...¡:rl... ~~.~~~~~~~-~~~-~---~~~-~~~'~~~ ·r~\~i:it~~:el::::,~.:¡:!":,':ffi,t'·:ì\1\~;~:~?;;!.' " ·~'.:':~Y' ',' '¡J<:;'~;':';i/':t/~~~.;~~t1~(" .'. . .~t~.:/rJ~ '..~.,; ~\."'~,;'" .'~~.:",~r t;:"-".~i!>y: .:/'~;{~";~,;' ,.\"'-.' .,' , ,_ ..,., _'.' "..' _, . ~,.t,( ~ \0'W).f;~:j~VU::>{';:k?';.';':~;M~:;}p¡;~~,r,.:,:, i. .1, '~ ..,. .::;f;?!~!;:;~r.{~t . ,~,:~. '~~.' .;ì..I}. Î::(k.,·ti1!{I'I'il\',~~.~~,.. "itì....:.jt¡:~·1.·;;;:,,1t.I'~;-øi;..'~,·~·:~:, .,~~.~,~..,,~''''''r,r''r.,....,Frp~Æ....'1' "d" , " ' ;, . ',t., l'~' r·, '"",.' " .,n:,'!f"¡ I. . AUTØORUiNC "ftl ACelP'l'KNCI',:/t ~'.. 'LoRll)Å;:: '£Cltr.A , IVlLOPMøf,rA'.lÎ'I'ANCI .PROCRM, CRAN'I':,AND .'ml IXICUTIOMOt:~M;.."CRIIM kl'1'R,'".I·· 'LORIDA: DI'AR""IN'I' 0' IIA'l'UMLRI80URCII ItIOARDINÒ'~,",I,·. . IVlLOPMIM'I' or ,ftl UK' 4fRA"ORD lOA,. It"",p 'ISRINO ,IER- 'Atx)P'r Þ, ~t+,\I:':'¡\1.¡.\i"\~''''t'1.', ,."...:..\ ,'. ".:' ..,". ''0.,1:' ".:,.[1..":'''1. ~'!::'.'!.\ . l~:~Co_ti.lon.t .ro,",\"ov."', .."ond.d by'.eoaJ..Sorì.t,vo..:ancS.. ii, '.' "....,...:.'... . ,'. , '., ' , . ", . .·.f ",7:('",:i~1" . ,:aar,rJ.cS, unanIJlOu.ly, that ""olution 13-91 .uthorldn9 thi eccePt.~o.'!¿ '~J'" .. " ". .. c' .',I:.:~J"':'!;' ';:)};~;,Of .rlodda ...creation Dev.lopm.nt '"..htane. pro9f.1I Crant anI! ·th~.\·:':: i:Þ'i~:',)'· . ~t!~""...autlon of an '9t1.III.nt with the ,lorld. Depart.ent of ".turel ,"j,~ ' . >~:~~,.: Reaourall 're9lfdln9 the developm.nt of the Lake "uUord Bolt 'i..' ~~~ ' ~.p/'l.hlft9 ,llr be .doptld. f¿t.t;: " ,;.~~,;,,, :' !::;~r:i~:':- . ;', ~,.. -, 1;·, t~\{i~'t,.;>... . .. ... . . .... . . . 'c¥'?v.,;.;i¡Ú~~$:~~ ,\,:\,.,' ",' .,. .. '. . ' &O~~'.015. rACê69f;,!<.: '1~,>;J' ~~~~~fj~~~~~*~~~;i~~§;!'~~~Vt >".~~.'; ~;·'~:~~~~·'·::{ìÎ1~,¡~,~f,\(·i~1I):\~, '\:iY' \,'~ ..'i.,;,··:· .?,:;.':', :·,::~~J';:,;!...;;·\,:';,:Ft;; · :~;~ ~:,~~~;:'" ""!'I'¡'}"'''_;'''l.,,(t~ ''y'I' !:·~:ti:<~~:':_'I~'.',' .'l. '~0 "~' '!'''' , ...ß~~~:v _ .~.._.w___....__"__;..~·,_·..·-,~"·"·ä"'.' .,~..,,.'e,,,,,,,,,~,__,,,,,,,,,,·,,,,,,,,,_,,<_,,,_"__ili;o-,,,·,-,,,,,,-,,-,--""......_...""'-"",...'..-..",,., ;~~Q,,¡. .'f. ': .r~'-·~'~::~~/\."":" ',"" :.i,~i'!~~?!:.~Vltii:,!iiÎ"'."i!:j~~'.t\':'r~~.' ;. '.' ':'!{\~{~~!;,;ë-FJ' '. . '~. ¡;i'ìr;':~'··:'1f\'··;i;:'r~;J¡¡:,~~:tlr~.,.,¡..t:,,;: ~ :;t~(.:tt;~:~ :-, ':",' ),':.. '!,;~:~/.,.;';(:,'~~"~;: :~¡,.~~, .:¡~,;':,/~\'~' r:';:t"f~~j;~i": .:~:,:.;;: .;' ,.',' '. t(t'I"','¡'~ ~:. jr·'t",,,t·,:·¡ft..,, '\~"'; ."~1'')';l<lJ'~\'.:' r" ;;: .:,'" ,.). \,,?,:jf/~" ",-')1 ¡~,' ., ." :' ¡, 'ofF' '(('.'11,~.;~"" ""f'.lt,:,,'- . I \ I . ¡ " ~' ;;;(" ; . ~ ',' \,' . ..,....'. ,"" ,I:".,.... ' " 'l~ _...._........._ _ _ __ ...__..... _ ________ - - -,--- -----~~~., .,,~r , 'i,'. . .... ~·Y .' ..,~4;!~i;;:i)ii"M! fI!:"rtt""."f.l;" ..:'1' ;'p . " " ::,;j?;"~j,,_~ ,j' ;'./ , ï,Ar,:'AUTRORXlID,.O COtft'IMUI I1fVIS'I'ICM'IHO P088181.1 rUHÐINO RISOURCZI";';'{' ~ND ,'1'0. MAlel ~PPLICA'I'10NB rOR ORAMT rUNDS TO VARIOUS STATE AND rEDIRAL',.:;~;~ ~CJENCIII. UNDER '!'HI IM!RCENCY "08 8 ILLS . .'. '.., \:;/ '~h'. !~ ! ' , . . . .. . .~, ,,':!II:;'.":;·:·~~~~ .' Aðmlnhtrative Asslltant Uolley ltated that this report 11 on:·,;/;Ç;::,qf :actlvltl.. that StllU has boen unt1.rtllklnl] f~r the ll11Rt month., addl"~."<:":;' that a r.deral Jobø BUl cllmt' out with a IlIblltanthl amount of "on.y. Re not.d that appllcAtionø f~r the funds must h. In by July 1, addln9 that .Inc. tha ~oard will h. "bs~nt In June, he II aaking that th. Chairman b. allowe~ to Aiqn thele applications during the month of Jun.. Commlllioner Voss moved, .econded by Commls.loner pl.tor and carrl.d unanimously, that staff be authorlled to continue Investlqatlnq po..ible funding re.ource. and to make application. for 9rant fundI to varlou. .tate and f.deral aq.ncl'l under the emerq.ncy job bill. and that the Chairman be authorlled to 81gn during the Board·. ab.ence In Jun.. It.. . 31 LSCA CONSTRUCTION CRANT APPLICATION FOR THE ADDITION TO THE "~RCO ISLAND 8RANCH LIBRARY - APPROVED. CRAIRM~N AUTHORIZED TO SIaN -NOTlrICATION or INTENT TO APPLY FOR LIBRARy'IIRVICB AND CONSTRUCTION ACT. ~I~LB II (PUBLIC LIBRARY CONSTRUCTION. ry '3' FUNDS- Co..i..lon.r ,lltor Moved, .econded by co.-I..toner Rolland and carried unanlaoualy, that .tlff proceed with LSCA (Library servlc.. a"d Conltructlon Act) Construction Crant Application for the addition to the Marco Ieland Branch Llbrlry and that the Ct,,::aan be authorized to· .ign -Notification of Intent to Apply for Library service and Conatructlon Act, Title II (Public Library Conatructlon, rY 83) Fund.-. . .~. ; r 1, \' ~;',~~·ri; . . . . .' ,;;:'4;¡~r~ ;~ti';'. .' ào~K 015 'A~ ..' , ",'·.;;'''~''o~\!i ¡1;'C/:Y., " .:~ '.'< . >:",:,}'¡.;ik::N{;(t' '~~'d-""- - -~- - - -:- - --- -,-- - --,~........,~.;...;.,.....,....""",,:I""": ' ¡*~'H:J;r,;' '<J~';;~~; '", ;.;. '[)::.~;.:'~'\;j}·~.·,t:'~:::{,i,:.,·;\~"'%L.'Jt~~~;/~~;;~~;f¿;;" (, ,I. , ,...,.~ {,\~. .·Ikf,' i",.~,.~,~~" ,':. "',~..., ." ;:LiI<"\~Þ~_"h'<'¡-"'.' ,·"r.... '<" ·~~.I:~¡tf~:1t;:tJt~~~~;~r7~1~(~~, -.., -,-~.~~---_._".,;,;..""",*,, . ;'~i;1 ..- ,)ß: :, t· ',:.'(.\..' ..., " '~:,;:.'!~ . "r. '~"" .,. . ' '-':::'i,' , ·;t'.~¡~ '" ·"k· :";'I~I.~ .....;. ."~...!... '}~,:,' # n~,.' ~, ;,~ .? ":.: ,i'.' ,; ;~(. .,~ '.:."'~ ·:v~, ~,f;,m ',",'.. \:,;':,';"':)i~'",. ,,;r~ " ~. "- ~ ,'\·tf_t,: ',:O<I'~:ï¡ " " ,/t:'~ ~r\ r"';Ij('~ o'¡. . '.." :. ticbf:¡' .' , . ',!~i/t~"" ".¡.:" . ' '. ' "",,1,I>:~' J "'...., _.,',,1,' J' I' '('lr'.' J ~'_":" __... _ _ _.....; _ _..... _ ..... .... .... ~ _ ... _ .-- _ __ _ _ - - - - - ..........'-- - _.--~ i~,."i..~ [~;~; .c:.'::';"". '. ,,:\..;' ';",' , . . '(., ..~::-:~;;:i)',..,.~::.~,:;;·" . fl~..'J ~4\. -,If'.{ ,_ J. ;'(.. ',.' ',.~ .."', . ' ,'.." .. tl:/:."..". ,.','.M~' . .' ~~t;)'~:'!' '.'" '..(("""''J»' I "';'''r';'_~!', . 19ft' . ,~,/,~~,.;'I\',~'.'~"¡~;,~.J\~ . "jø''';, 4.1'1:1".';-':'" ...',.¡....,/... ...." ,WA)t¡.. ',;., ",..~IW5"'" ,'; :,:.;':_,:":i,', " .,' .. :.'3'''\ll~~~,·, (',::,é ;.. '.' .';,'\ÿ', ·,:'}r.~J;t(;.!:..;;·~" r,-""/ ,;,/:,.~~::,I,~\. ,; .~F'.',·::' ,~',' rt8e~L:Or'ICtR DtRIC!lD~DRAW UPON ~I CONSTRUC'ION rUMÐ !O'Mlrt, AC'I'UAL.~1)lrICII'NCII' ·IM 8AUI 'l'AX RIVlNUrS. AS REQUIRED '1'0 MU'I'. JUS'I .c:I1ft'IR~IOND 011'1'; anvIcl NElDS,rO'R 1982"'83, AND 1983-84....UÞ,1O,!,,,,:··~..·'. . ,'ÞlAXIMtJIII or '123 aoo .. APPROVED" ,. ' . . . . .. .,~~ï." '~:t ,,:i\;·..... ',. .. . . .·.,,;.·~~·~.f··;',::,,¡.jo·\" i;.~j)·.,~,.r,"~~:county Minl'Jlf Nortaln Itatod that the 'Board hn .ntic!plttd':ültn9, ,~~tY' lurpluÎ fundi from the .7Ult.!C. C.nter· proj.ct to meet th~·d.~~:~fJi~¡~:;: .~i' 'COlt, .ddtn9 th.t rath., than tranlhrring mon.y frolll the conltr~~t't'~~": " ';" {-r:;'f''''':':'\'~Ì1'''; -,I ~ ,\ fundi at tMI tSme the rhell MUeu .houl" be dSreetedto dra" upon':':::' " . .., r', j'.'~l!(("[i: the eon.truetSon fund, 01. n.e....ry, to meet actual d.Uel.net.... '~\~:.:~~.." . , (:,.'{t ',.,(;~ !. ....>.'~ . 'J~' '::~i: ,.~\ ,·~}t ('.::ø . ,.~~ ·'f~. ,A~~ 'fli~ J,I\,t,,"r ';i~ ~, ~ Co.-I..Son.r VOl' .oved, ..conde" by Commi.ISoner Pl.tor and c.~rl.d unanS.ou.ly, that thl rl.cal Otfic.r b. dSrected to draw upon the con.truction fund to ...t actual detSci.nc.. in ..1.. t.x r.venu... .. r.qulred to .e.t .'Jultlc. C.nter Þond Debt ServSc. n..d. for 1982-~3 and 1983-'., up to . .axlmu. of $823,000. ..... R.c.... 4.30 P.M. - R.conven.d. 4135 P.M. ..... Ite. t 39 PUBLIC HEARING SET rOR JULY 12, 1983, AI ADOPTION or rINAL ASSISSMENT rOR OOODLAND WATER SYSTEM - APPROV!D Com.S..loner pl.tor mov.d, ..conded by Com.I..ioner vo.. and c.rrl.d un.nl~ou.lY, that the publl0 hearlnq b. ..t for .'July 12. 1983, r. the .doptlon of the flr.al ....s...nt for Goodland Mat.r By.te.. Ite. '40 REGIONAL WATER SYSTEM - WELL FIELD CONSTRUCTION, - CHAIRMAN AUTHORIZED TO SION CONTRACT TO BI AWAADED TO rLORIDA MUNICIPAL MACHINERY ONLY ArTER THE NECESSARY PERMITS AND THE EASEMENTS rOR THI PUMP HOUSES ftAVI I'IIN OBTAINED Commis.ioner ~ruse Indicatod that the next t.w it.ms are all ba.Scally wound toqether, ~ddSnq that tho Board that there was an unulud øStuation and prDhl.m that came up. . Sh·.·.¡t·\.:.:/S'X~ .tated thftt she wu presented just before lunch wSth the OfUc!.l':<ß'~/·';· Statem.nt tor the refunding of the waui nonds, addln9 that: ·wfth~."'r>s~~¡ Statement sh. hit" to swear th"t 'She kn.w of anything that had;.~:;.:'It~~. . ,:, .", . ; ~¡ ~i;",..,1· I',· . d.'" '~Î:~i ,~~%,¡i~.ì,i:)"'?:"';';'::'!:¡,.~::¡i;1: . ., ' " · '. .' ' .' '..' ,"":;'. 'fttf': ~~~~-'~-~~~'--~---~~-~~~-~--~--~~~-~~ ;;~~±;~~@;:~~~~~f!jj,{,d¡"Î.':;,d,:;;'.,,; " ~'Y 31 1983;", ,., . ' ,'; ~1'i!t~'I'Vi;<,kln~~;t~I'.;väl(~ôt'it'ru.'or would de1.~y,t".,~ .t~'~~În J;~at{~~¡i~'t~~~'.:~~~¡~~~;~~~f·~~w.'rd . j'Pöt )".è'¡~~~:~Þ'§<~~di~·¡~t~:#\~{. .'" l..," "",/)1''.1/",":;''':1';,:,1"")";",,,,,,;,1':"''''''; '.' ..' .,," , , ,,' . .,. , ,l" ~",,'.'f::w-':"""'" ~'~¡mí'ð·¡1r;~t~i'~õ~/:t~j}~h.,' eo~n t~', 'do.' .,~hot:':.'ha~.;;'~h~ ~!t':¡;~'r¡; ~,~~f' ' , '. . ,ij~~~~~f~;;\¡it~~~jW:J~;iii'f'Ðt ;tr .t':il~tN~~rt~'~~~~~.. ì1tÞií.'.' ~;~I hÔ.~~ I ;"ìOii~' ~ò uðth. tlh. ...Ið n.t~ 19';" t~;>Í\~i~ , ':;';"";"'. . .' .' ".:"f\!',. .',....~ ' stat"m.nt without COllltllttUnq perjury, ac1ðlnq that the hond.tlUmlnt:.., belft9 rewritten .~y the Bond Counlel, the County T\ttorn.Ÿ~; a~l t'h:::';¡~~l~" .' ' ~""',~~;'''''''~,;~'~~'~~',:.''',..~.{., Vôrk people to roelect that potential so that theu 18 noquntlon: ~n ;ff,\ "', .' ,,,:':''''./' "t~~ part of the bond hol"eu or anyone elle that the county.!....',~'V~t"~!'~:":"" It at th!l point. ~h" luted that Ihe hopu It does not s.rlously ., '''F'!',~' entire bond 1.lue. County ^ttorney ~aunder. statod that h. hal beon i~ contaet with ' the Underwriters Coun.el and some language ie belnq drafted to disclose the .Ituatlon dealing with the permits, adding that It II not anticipated that therft will be any delay on the clolln9 of the bond tasue. Commlslioner ~rUAe ItGted that these Iteml coming up ~ay have to be handled within the noxt ~onth while the ßoard i. on vacation, addin9 that another problem is that the Enqlneer from CH2M Hill WI' convinced that thttre wu 1nno feet or more between the propoled lite. and the" 'h,~' r·:.;'~::~,i '.'. ,"~:.::>:(~ quarry which Is to the south of It, notlnt;¡ that theu hi about 3S0felt;-I;. from on. end to the other. She atattd thAt It all the oU Ictal "::j'\~~'!;~ ;;~,: Statement. are .tral~ht.n.d so that they can have to authoriae ataff on how to hand]~ the month. County ^ttorney ~aunders øt.ted that the Official provide that there may bo some problem with the liting of the well' and It may be neces.ary to fin~ an for the will. which will b. a dllclolure polnt~ - ..._~_-..--_-_..,.,>~_...._~.,"~';¡.".'-"_.""""''' ,..,..",,."""".._....,,.."""",._r&,>~..¡"~,,......;..........._-,...;"'''~;.",..", . .. ,~'/I~..,t1-~\.[ .. ""~o(;!\'l!t,:::; ~·.~'..(il{'¡:~· " '~',; .~j¡'!I" ,".:~~.. ;,.. ""'/i it('"t,¡....,.',· ,4! \o.tr';' ~ ,. ow -/,1."";;,," 1'", .,,/. '!\~'~'1 '1,~.~r ~ \t.;";)~.~,'¿t::':\:':f!:~~'~,A':,\ ·'·i'.:·~f';.",: : H;..~·: '.'~:'.' .,;'. '" .,' ' 1I'~w.\:...t~ h~Ü:~~'~ i:~..t....,;~~~~ .., ~\~~:~/~ì:}'~~¡:~\~'."~'~· r.::,l¡\-~'~' ,\¡" ',' ~'._~,,' . I ....~'\'~( Þ;;~\~"~+\';"t¡ìÐn,.!.\<~.~VU:~~:\'''~ t.¿~.~'~' .~ "~ I ¡ i'~ . '.,,,.,W\¡'~'1I1I:W\·I~ ,t'i'," ,\t.~ '¡:.<. ",1',-,,: .' . .) ,C:,...¡.".~,:.~..,:"...,..,",,\. ·\..,JU: 1.'1', " . ., ~ ......, " .___~__._"",:,,-----------------. --,4,,, . , ,j.\;- I '.'1,'(" ~.: \'íItI-!i :I.,,"::", I ",:" '. ~." . " ;<"t.~¡ I r~,1t ~,'f'I'.(~""í¡¡"""" " ' "..,..,.\1 .'r~~.11t ~1¡'" ~" ¡:' '~r~' I 'r' " M 31 1''1\'3 ,¡ ;r!, 1 ~~~..~I;,~f. ..~.!' "¡¡iJ/~i\~1 'f:IÇ,í~~ ,:"'-,..,,,,' . . ay , T0J I .,,,.,.\,,.~.' " , frnK, ;,.¡.j¥. ':..,..~.'I(, "" '" : ",,!,'~~' ,. 'f' 1~<f.I¡,', .,";;t"">: :,'.'1'" ,,',,, . t." : c:ount'lna9or : Norm."; luted ,that h., would, recommtnd. thlt¡,th~: ", . .~~~~~¥~r~;;~~~l~)"~I~·d~!: .,~t.r:",~~i~~:O~è~...~~~~é~~~{ ~: I¡rBI~*¡~~h~\ïr!b¡.n:;ðbta!n.d·."~·:!".· Itátett' ··thati"tn'\'ol't1.r~:tl~J' " f.~~~~~t'.1~f.}~"'!,v:!~~,:,;:':'f~:~:>;\"". :'...."..' .·d .....'.' '. .': '¡".'!:'t;';~,~i.~:~·i{~;~'-?'i~..i~~~~, .....iftt.ì">in':~åppr~I.·..t' II noedtd,.ddin!] tt\at th.n''lCtttt''~~vnî\~'ta. )~~IM/;.~t1t~;"A¡:,I!'?, ¡,~ "!f.~"'\';,'· ':' ,': ;..', " .\'.. .,..., .,:.:;:..;/....¡i:·\,'..··~,·· ' ï'\l.-1!:tfiÕ' .'.'t,IOI' ",.., t .'. ".' " ,... ,'. " .. " " '.. ,.. . '. _"I" r,.~ :'.~.' ~~. ro'.' Ii' II ... t.r.· .."" . ,\·r...·'·.I..".\i)'" .¡:J¡,a,~ ".\ ". .', , t . .,.' ,,' ,; '¡Î"~,,,"~~&yr~¡li~: \:t:·:,,:.~\eo_l.etoner Vo.. ..oved, uconded by Commhslonor. 'Pbt~~r:)lìhd·;t:~ ~~'!' . ,':' ..' . . '." .:1/:" '.~ .,:;:crlrrhd una"llIOul1y, that. the Re9iona1 Water sy.tt.. Wen 'i.14·:;¡':t·:,i'.;·.'U·;M;·,i,',. , , .. .... "','?'kwt,;' eonatruction b. awarded to 'lorldl Municipal Machintry onlY .I.fur· the,',;,,;',' . .. " ,.""'''''~. n.c...ary p.ral u and the ......nU for the PU1ftP floUles have b.~n . :'.~}:?<;. ,.,~ obtained and the Chalrlllan b. authoriud to .lgn in the Inurl. prior to i:.;::t~ ~',,~'~;-¡" .7uly In .. .xpeditlou. . way II polllble, but in .uch a way .1 'not ~~;'~.(~·:·7~. .' ,';..,;:~" ,eopardh. the county In .pendlng mon.y when not all the record. hav.'" .,': b.en obtained. IUa '41 APPRAISAL COMTI'ACT RI '!'ft! rlV! UTILITY EAS!M!NTS 'OR Tftl REOIOMAL WATZR;', ' SYSTEM _ CØ1.IRMAN AUTfIORIZED '1'0 SIGN CON'I'AACT PRIOR TO JULY WHICH IS TO ,,:~'t;! 81 "WARDED '1'0 J. E. C"RROL.L ':'" ~i:' . 'r'~ Co_illloner VOII _ov.d, .econded by Com.illioner plltor and" ,,\.' .:.).( '. . ''''~ carried unant.ou.ly, that the appratlal contract r. the flv. utility .~ ......nt. for the R.qional Water sy.te~ be award.d to J. !. Carroll in .n a.ount not "to exceed S2,~00 and delivery within 20 day' of Notlc. to Co...ne. and that the Ch.irman be authorlz.d to .iqn .aid contract prior to July. , .' ~~., ;}~,;,>-,.' ' ;) . -."--"---....-.-...-..............,..-;"'" -, . ~,..,"._------"'."'"'.,.".,,-~._..".....-....,~......-"'._._.._',."'.,,.-"...<....,"""-'~«. .., ~"~, ~I&:'!t.". ~~."~,, !:'~, t~~:·;.:.~'·;,., '~~~J.1" ~~~l~;"!\~f\ ~r'" ;(i.,." ;, "c1j¡¡ L¡~~::!':>: q ....~, ,~(~;(:.,..t..:;, , . Ii) .~'.;/ "" ~~;,..,. ..... .'?" ¡,. ~::~;J.1L\..~.r;, ";. . . .' .'?' ~(:;':'; ¡ '.\J\.:. ,{. .' ';i'", ''''i '·W·'~·.I·' . . .... .~~,-------_._-------------------------- "'i'(\'" '1..;1 . ....: " '~';':;!:~~:;'r May 31, 1983 1~;..y',::J':~" . t'~' '~""~ !,o~:.": It.. 14 2 ·\rl,.I~ ,; ,-~, ,'~'" ,,' ::;~:i;::', t"'èMNCI ORDZR n TO eoyè£ CO. EXTENDINC THE COMPLETION D~T£ rOR "l'HK RAW ~.(f>:,: .~.' WATER 'l'RANS"ISSION LINE rOR THE COUNTY REGIONAL WI\'l'ER SYSTZ" rROM MAY ~.\ 5, 1983, TO JUNE 18, 1983 - APPROVED. POST, BUC!LEY, SCRUH ¡JERNIGAN, TO CONTINUI TO PROVIDE ON-SIT~ INSPECTION DURING THE EXTENDED PERIOD., Utilitioø nirector Aerzon Itated that for the record, h. did know that the permits were not i..ued and that th~y would be 1..ued barrift9 .ome unusual ohjection to the South Florid~ Wot.r ~~na~ement ~istrlct on June ~, i9A). He Þdde~ that there is nø re~son to bell.vo that the permits will not be i.sued. He stated thnt as far as the .it. that i. clo.e to the quarry, ther. are .even sites and If that .lte prove. a problem, it will nðt hold up the proqres. ot·th~ project in any way. He stated that the well. ar~ down at 100 foot levels, they are c... wells and if the quarry operntion i. in any w~y goinq to jeopardi.e those well., ther. must bo something wron9 with the quarry operation. He .tated th.t thero has been no information withheld and nothing done with knowledge of what ha. taken place. He stated that the peralt. have been in procesa tor over four months and all problema have been re.olved and the Rtaft i. prepared to recommend to the Board of Covernor'., i.suance of thale permits. He stateð that the ......nt. involved in thl. matter were thought to be in the public right-of-way, adding that it waR th~ County'. le9al staff that questioned it, not the Enl]ineer.. Co.aiaaloner Vosa moved, aeconded by Co~mi.aloner piator and carried unanimou.ly, that Change Order '3 from Boyce Co. reque.tlnv '¥ 'I·~~~ ".'; . :~í.. :. '..':)~.'. ·..·······I·:¡~.···'····.··:. ",...., .~ . ~..r- ·;f 'r'.~, , ~'.,~ ... }, ~ , ..... :.1, that the completion date for the Raw Water Tran..i..lon Line for the County Regional Water syatem be extended froa May 5, 1983, to 3Un. 18, ,~ 1983, a total of up to 45 days, be approved, that Polt, BuckleY,' 8chutL\\j¡" , . ~~}."-;í',~.{~ , Jernigan, continu. to provide on-.lte inspection durift9 the exterídeð';;:,i":;i' period, that cOllpena.tion to the Engineer be fro" Uquld.tedd:n;~.}~~:'~~~;~' '. .,}. ,;. ,:.~..:",\,~.,.,~tfJ1~t/ , ,~......t4a,9'in~~:,.t~e contractor, and ~~~t:'~~,~'::7;:.;~,;;.,~!""~~~~;'~~lf~ n' '. .ff":"" rt-Iat' '"'''''t'-;'f'"..~;.,,r..~.~,_,\ .t ',.:. . ., ..'.\'oJ", . , ..O~ u 1~'Aéë ¡Z2Æ~';;,~~';'V~W~ rf ~..... -- - - .. _. ~-- - - - '---;T~È'¡.¡~~~~~~~~ê~~~'~~ ~ _ . -..",.", '..' ..,/.",~~:;~,.~,('.(tJ'.!:,:' -_..~-~ ,'. ("~ + 'r- ' . ~:K¡:2' ;'t.'·, :, ..:: : .~." ,'". \ ' ----- -- -. _ _ -- -- _ _ _ ,- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -- -- _ _ -- ----.-..¡, '. '~~i~"";;';:'¡i"WS;:i" . . 31.' un ;!,(:~i.:~?;;{:i\~~¡::.;Æ~\i~; t 4 ~. .'\.~;:.'{Ïr.... '~." 't¿'J:~,¥~.:",", .~, '1. ....1. .t~..( 'I , " . ''''/.''.~ ,,: I¡ !.i.~"_~'~ _1'!~"'n'~.·." .'~:( :,1 f";'\¡:IÓ,i:v~i;';~/;"":;'" ,.y, . ;. ,"'~i":·i;..:'¡',J("~) r· . ,.' ( O~UtlÖÏt'. "3;;;,iimORIUNòns· CHURHAN ,or 'J'RI 80ARD Ïfo IXICÙTI~'~. ,,.ORIIMINti.,il'IWIIM¡8ARRON COLLIER COM'ANY,"'ANATEI rAUXT COMPANYì'::ANJ)~!iI;~1 .'COLt.IIR~ COUNTY Î,'L01'lDAì ·'IXCHANCINO tANDS TO 'ACILITATE CONSTRUC1'J01t 'OJ:' '1'RltNORtR;NA'LII: IIWAOIIfRIATMEN'I' rActLI'I'!ES - ADOPTED ',¡',j,; ;¢,!:,\t:;/;~jf.tr:;~I,;, ;1ffi~~~\f~ÔU~~Y'''tt~r¡'~Ÿ~ siunc!.ï··.· .utoc1 thài thhruoiutiòn ·Pf~vid.iftW '. l~'::""';/\':'" ,.', ' '.' ";';"':·(:f:.:'Ii'':':~· ;:;¡:'i,th., è:hi1nn.n c.n .19n any .C]uemønt dur1n9 the month øf.1une if 'it ;'11\ .,{ ': '" ..:'<1 ",,:~~~:'J.' .:;;.Jl:/ hna1hed ,add1n9 that if It Is not Unl1l1.ð durin9 the ,"onth of 3u,ft";Î:~i¡ :,,¿::~ , It "Ill bo bro\l<lht bO.' bolo.. tho Boord In .uly. Y"\(%\, ~;~G ' . co..1..ioner vo.. moved, ..cond.d by COllUDlllh.ioner 8rown .nd ", ~::.::'~ I¡:¡¡"'":"arrlod unonl..uo1Y. thot ...oluUon 13-92 authorlslng tho Cbd...on of . ,,'rIP:,,~' " j;,\,,: the Ioard to execute an '9r...,ent betwen Barron Collier COmpany, "[.',.'.' ': .' , M.natee rruit Company; and Collier County, Florida, exch.ng1n9 land' to facllit.t. con.truction of the North M.ple. Sew'ge ~e.tll.nt f.c1llt1e. be .dopted. ~OQX (i'5 PACê 7.æ ..,~,..,----~.. ::;¡"~ .:.. ".p , i'" , . ~J,', ' AN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE AMEN~ING ORDINANCE. NO. 82-46, AMENDING, AND EXPANDING, TAE BOUNDARY OF THE COLLlfR MOSOUITO COtITROL DISTRICT TO INCLUDE TIle FOLLOWING. -I'LL UNPLI'TTED LANDS LYINO EAST OF THE WESTERLY, NORTn-SOUTR SECTION LINE or Sr.CTI0NS 1ft AND 19, TOWNSHIP 52 SOUTH, RANOE 27 EAST AND THE PLATTED LANDS LYINO IN OOODLAND ISLES, TH! rIRST ADDITION AND THE SECOND ADDITION 1'8 RECORDED IN PLAT BOO~ 6, PAOE 7, PLI'T BOO~ 8, PAGES 1 AND 2, AND PLAT BOO~ 8, P~OE 19, RESPEC- TIVELY, AND ALL Ll'NDS LYING IN aOODLAND AEIOHTS AMENDED I'ND rlRST ADDITION AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 1, PAGS 85, AND PLI'T BOO~ 4, PAGE 18, RESPECTIVELY, AND ALL LANDS LYINO IN PETTIT SUBDIVISION AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 2, PAGI 88 or THI PUBLIC RECORDS or COLLIIR COUNTY, FLORIDA, ALL COMMONLY KNOWN AI GOODLAND-, AND PROVIDINO AN ErFECTIVE DATE. 1 :'.'¡' ..',r: ~~>/.; . . '. )~';i', '~~~:)'" '¡" :'Þi '~:"i'l i"h'; .' )~!,~ ,. ".,.. ,.' ''''I 1· ,j.';"" ,. . . (~ I~:.L _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ---- ---- ------ ----.;,¡ . . "i~t:~: ";~,, ~'Y ~ I, 19 R 3 ¡ ,.¡' ¡."\;,ji:t : ",~:¡'I;.,." " . ,.r,):) ;;i~'¡~':'.' ~ .. :h¿\~:;:rM~' .;(~ c,. .: f·""..,'·;:·":;' ".. ..NY·': ÞnclNcy DECLI'RED 1'1 COLLtlR MOSOUITO COMTROL Dts'I'RICT. ORDIMAIICI:;(I'l\.,J ~;~..,.: .' 13-2'7 I'MENDINO ORDINI'NCE' 82-4S BY 'UMNDINC TH! BOUNDARY"' THt COLLtlR :::. t;.¿/\:, " MOIQUITO CONTROL DISTP.I~ TO INCLUDE Tn" "RP.:A. or GOODLAND - ADOPTED . ",! '7'. .J' COl\1l\h.l.oner pi.tor IIIoved, aeeonded by Comml...loner RoUand and carried unanimously, that an emergency be declared re the Collier County MOsquito Control District. Co~missloner pi.tor ~oved, .econded by coDlfttssloner Holland and carried un.nimou.ly, that the Ordinance a. numbered and entitled below be adopted and entered into Ordinance Book No. 17. ORDINANCE ft3-27 It.. '46 COUNTY AUDITOR'S REPORT ACCEPTED AND HIS rlCUREI TO IE USED AI A IAlII rOR DISTRIBUTINO THE 2 CENT SPECIAL FUEL LOCAL OPTION TAX - APPROVlD , , , .~J ''''.' .:.. 'I";'" ~',("~- , ,~ ,',\: ............'....... " "í .. ..I~ . County Auditor Wood reported thftt he ha.e~ his report on populfttlon and the u.. of roada which would l~dlc.te a percenta91 of the , cent .pecial fuel local option tax of 7R.r.\ for the County and '1.3' for the City. He .toted that he ðld nðt add res. the City of Everglade., addln9 that he would defor this to the Board. Co.-l.sioner vo.. ~oved, seconded by Commi..toner Brown .nd carried unanlmoully, that the County Auditor'. report be accepted..~·: hl.8 U9ur.. be uud a. . bus.a for diatrlbutil\9 the 2 cent. .pedal fud.·/S;,*, 10..1 op.lon .... \oOJ G'15 Pit< '1(() " "'if.~i,~JJ:; ~" ,\\.l ,:¡,'¡:,",,'/~':,;·:.,;'~F/.. i~i: ,,'- _ _ _ _ _ _ _:-- _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -- -;ÇF;:,T~[(tri)l'foi~~t ' "1" < '",'.1., ,......~, .._ "'·,;,"'~,:[¡'Ta.~~~~., , .. ",::":,\¡,~;;;,~·,·,~\:v~~ 1,' __,__~,........,_;"lIIit""''',_·''i·...'IJ';'·..,'''"',''··' .,.~"',".., .,,,,.,,,,, '"......-. . '.j , ".-.' /..: '. 1<:'. . ;'1·.'.." . ~ .....' _f. ,J.,~,~ \,'.' > ~ .. <" puuuant to Rnolution tfo. 81-15(1 the foUowin9 check. were , throu9h Friday, May 77, 19Ø3, in pftym.nt of routine hSlls. CRECK Ð!SCRtPTION CRtCK Nn~. AMOUNT Voucher Checks 9"431 - 9",nR t ~20,46a.3' BUDGET AMENDMENT 83-553 - ADOPTED eo..SI.ioner pi.tor moved, .econdeð by CommS..ioner Rolland and carrSed unanlmou.ly, that Budqet Amendment 83-553 be adopted al pre.ented. lUll 150 BUDGET AMENDMENTS A3-554 ^ND 83-555 - ADOPTED COlIIIs..Soner pS.tor moved, .econded by Co.-S..Soner Holl.nd and carried unanSllou.ly, that Budqet ~endment. 83-554 and 13-555 be adopted a. pre.ented. Ite. 151 BUDGET AMENDMENTS 83-558 TRROUGH 83-5~3 - ADOPTED Co..i..Soner ,S.tor .oved, .econded by Coø.s..Soner Brown and carried unanIMou.1Y, that Budget AIIend.ent. 83-558 through "-51' be adopted a. pr..ented. ~_ ~_.._.~,..,..,......."__M""-I<__·""·_""II84-"''''''''"''''''~~ ~, ,i":r f.', :~."'.'Š' ;~ ~ :,~ ,,:~: ¡~ .~~. );)~'", , .';~~~ I";W-~ ,,:,~ '~I:!"I 'i'f ~..'~1i'" ' ¡,('~ \,/, II; ''ô., V"¡,, , " " " ' " ' :,i,¡'iÎ'¿i'i£E ~.- - -'- .....- ~.;;... - ':"'''':''';'''';'''- - - - -....;.- - .....;._-_....;....;.-;....--...;......;...;. " , :Cttli~,i. :,;,:,'~~t;:,.\.":V :)(:,';~¡;~~~H;;r/.\.'::\:,;¡" ,:./:' :,::, ' . 9<;,',~¡.,:,<, I': ,'.·1,:)t:t<;~¡;~;¡·:~~',li~~~I,f¡,;¡~'?!rh{ '}I' ;..,' "~"!'i"ffl...t ", '" ,." i'\"", '·M '1" "1'83· ".( ''''~'''~~T''') ":~"~.\:' i.<.' '.",', . . ,;'Y " .. ··..;;·:/H~·:;¡~~,{· . ,,\, '·;¡,i'~'\'.:~"ì.~ì 1811'S. IOVtF.R, ICOLFLAT.. OATES, leISER, AND MONTES APPOINTED TO TRI',i,:;,if COLLUR COUNTY UTILITIES RATE REOULATION BOARD ... I' ".+'::;.:: !bl folloYln9 IppotntmenU were made, .econded .nd carried :. ·:':::Z1t~~}~¡~. : ",." .\',~>';",~ í\ll~~\ rj.l¡~ unlnlmou.ly to thl Collier County utlUUe. Rate Requlatlon Boud ...,.ì',;,:1.'¡+i~I;Ò~ I. .; ,~\..¡.. tncHelted belov' '.' .'i,·:'/. .. ,{. i I\'~" ,;tî \ fl, ~~,~ , . co~t..ioner Pl.tor/Comml..toner VO." Co..i..Soner Vo../Comml..loner Pt.tofs coemS..SonerKrute/Co ft fts..toner Browns Co~lstlon.r Holland/Commlttloner Browns Commi..loner Brown/Commi..loner Hollands Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr, Ralph 80vSer Tor Ko1fllt Edward 3. OftU" Craie) letter serg So Monti. ..... COMMISSIONER BROWN MOVED, SECONDED !Y COMMMISSIONER PISTOR AND CARRIEn UNANIMOUBLY, THAT TAl rOLLOWINO ITIMS BI APPROVED AND/OR ADOPTED UNDER THE CONSENT AOENDA ..... Ite. '53 PETITION TR-83-2C, ROBERTO CONZ~LEZ R!OUESTINO A TEMPORARY RESIDENCE PERMIT ON TRACT 75, UNIT 49, COLDEN C~TE ESTATtS Item . 54 SIDEWALK, TURN LANE, AND CONSTRUCTION EASEMENTS ACCEPTED TO rOUR-LANE PINE RIDGE ROAD AND CLER~ DIRECTEO TO RECORD SAME S.. P1ge. 761)-781) Ite. 155 EASEMENT rOR INSTALLATION or WATER LINE ACROSS THE COUNTY'S DOMESTIC ~VENUI PROPERTY APPROVED AND EXECUTION or SAID EASEMENT ~UTRORIIID Se. ,age 786 Ite. . Sfi PUBLIC HEARINO rOR THE EAST NAPLES rlRE HYDRANT ASSESSMENT DISTRICt CONTINUED TO A LATER DATE YET TO SE DETERMINED It.. 157 CHAIRMAN AUTHORIZED TO EXECUTE THE CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE ~GREEM!NT OF SUBDIVISION IMPROVEMENTS FOR ~INOS LA~E UNIT FOUR se. P89" 787-790 Ite. 158 ,. ':." ~OREIMEN~ WITH TftE UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA TO PROVIÐI BONNIE FAULlWITR' TftE TITU ADJUNCT ACENT 1 IN 'I'1fE .4-R ROME ECONOMICS POSITION' ,. .,;..'."\ , ... ,a!l" 791-792, , , '. ',' ..,j,:;":~~'" , .' 075 PAtë756",·,·:!,¡"·,, Ai~¡;'r. "'". " , , ' ' " .i i.;h¡~~i¡;!&:X~?'\!:ø.:§¡f'~.[~i&¡\?~F¡;;1¡j . _. ....r..._._ _ _ __......._ .,...'..... ....'__...·~,Wl ,; ............)IIÌti¡(~:...~ ~,,!¡~;~: ., _' " , ' ':;':~~ÿ!~~;"%~j'~¡~Fr.)r¡'~~~b'"'' ..._,_.,.,...".",..,,,,~.,,,-, ",'." ;..¡W,·.,.-.-. 'Ir~H"I"..,-··*·,,,,,--¡"'''·''_I",,,-'''-'''''''';''''·'"~ ,_ø"'.."~"""""__";"'''''·'''·' "."'._~ ~r. "/~": : '~I'l:: 'J.: d'.') ! f. . ;1~i1f"",' 'I I ~'J .~ .'-,;.'1 . \. ... . '~¡ :,'l'.-j1'\ , ,~<t ;,~~ ,~~ , :~~'.~:->' ( It.. IS1 BUDGET AMENDMENT ~PPROVED TO PURCHASE PHOTOCOPIER IN,THI ~OUNT or 111000 rOR THE AGRICULTURE CENTER IN IMMO~ALEI xu. In MEDICAL EXAMINER'S AGREEMENT APPROVED IN THE AMOUNT or .12,531 WITH THI rLORIDA DEPARTMENT or L^W ENFORCEMENT ~ , See ,a9" 796 IU. 1tS3 TWO VACANT CUSTODIAL POSITIONS APPROVED IN THE BUILDING MAINTENANCE DEPARTMENT 1 UII . U CHAIRMAN AUTHORIZED TO SIGN CERTIFICATES POR CORnECTION TO THE TAX ROLLS 1991 TMC ROLL 619 5/20/S3 19R2 TAX R;:)LL 1;18-6'6 5/11/ft3 - 5/28/83 1QS1. TAX ROLL TANGIBLE PERSONAL PROPERTY 1982-333 - 19A2-3.1 5/12/93 - 5/23/83 lUll lfi5 EXTRA GAIN TIME FOR INMATE NUMBER 40391 - APPROVED lUll 1f:6 LETTER or nESIGNATION ACCEPTED rROM MR. NORMAN A. HERREN, INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY ~ND ~DV!RTISEMP.NT or V^C~NCY AUTHORIZED ";' .-.-""",-,.",.--." ,_..,...,_.,~ '..'~ .,,,,,_.~,,..,.;."" ..:r, : "\¡ ',,),. ,,/, ;'1. , -,;:' .{; , '::',,~ ..... :.11 ~ ,:¡ c. Letter datod 5/13/~3 from ~leh"ol n. Smith, Grant. ~p.ciali.t, ARC, enelosin~ Ð copy of District Eight'. . estimation of total a~pendit~res for transportation .ervlce. for 191'3..1\01 ry. ('-PO) ~flt.erreð to ,.,r. perry. XCI rUed. 9. LAtter dateð ~/1~/e3 from Aarrett Borg~ann, Little Hickory Shores, reqardinq a problem with the cul-de-.ac after .ewer replvlng. Referred to ~r. Norman and Mr. Hartman. XCI rUod. In. petition, post cards, I\nd newspaper clippings In opposition . to south Naples Shores, Inc. developnlent. (Lake p-valon) .,' XCI 'I.:;'· rUed. . ' : ,,-'r)' Þr' , ". " ,'ii'" " ' ' '~ ;,;.-- - - --- - - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - .- - - ---- ---------""'" 'j, , '. ,f. ,~, ¡ , . '~.¡;, ,.,.y 31, 1983 '<..!~. IU- IS7 MISCELLANEOUS CORRESPONDENCE - rILED ~ND OR RE'ERRED Thore being no ohjection, tho Chair directed that th. following correspondonce be filed ~nd/or referred to the various ðepart~ent. as i nctiea tad be low I 1. nopartmental reportß received from Plan Implementation Inve.tiqations for ~prl1, 1983, an~ County rarks , Recreation for ~pril, I~A3. ~cs Filed. ~ott.r dated ~/lO/P,3 fro~ "epr..ftnt~tiv. Bert ~. Harris, Jr. rfl cune rrotection proj.ct and ac~nowledgin9 receipt of Collier County's ~e.olution ~3-~5 and stating that he will lend hin support for funding of this project. neferred to ~r. Norman, or. Benedict, IInd "'r. virta. XCI' rUed. 2. 3. Letter dated 5/10/A3 from nEn ra notification of review of Pioloqlcal Com~entø for Collier County Fila No. llO~9"5n5, Seawall w/Riprap (1~"3 eelair Court.' Referred to Mr. Norman, ~r. virta an~ Dr. Benedict. XCI Filed. I. Five letters roceiv.~ in oppoøition to the proposed rezoning of land for the Ford Test Track (CP-R3-2C). Referred to Mr. Norman And ~r. virta. XCI Filed. 5. Letter dated 5/13/83 from Collier County Civic Federation, Inc. opposin1 proposed gas tax. Roferred to Mr. Norman, Mr. Hartman, and Mr. Saunders. XCI Filed. ß. Letter dated 5/17/83 from Golden Gate tstate. Civic As.oeiation opposing mandatory garbage collection. Referred to Mr. Norman and Mr. Hartman. XCI Filed. 7. Letter dated 5/9/~3 from Repre.entatlve Bert J. Marrl., ~r. ' r.9~rdin~ receipt of Collier Countys- resolution 83-71 oppoatng the elol1nq of 10.. G. Holley State Hospital. Referre~ to Mr. Horman. ~Ct Filed. 11. Minut.. of CAPe 5/5/"1 en~ ð~.nd~ for 5/l~/R3 and Council 5/~/R3. XCI Filed. 'O!)~ 9"6 rACë a, >:;:.~~i~: ,. ;',Jj'J .;:>~~j, . n· ,jf~~ '.~'~~;~! :.<,1{ '::~~~i , :~}t 'llj¡! ::.~,~ ,.".~'. '\~~~I:: "-.,..-'"....,.....,.-.<....-. ~,~V.:i;~~,~"~~;;'.}§:;~i';i,".;,,i:~:;S:'i· < ,;,,",' " ' "i '''' ,:,:,:.:,:;7;"~;,:lf;,\'4¡";i':,"~J4:;i;..,,,:1"!t\,!,:::,,;',.',I';:"l) ." " . " . ,':., -,.-:--.;.I.;~:""-,.~.,~---~,-.",, - ----- --- -------------' ,'1"i:. :~.;'"I _. '''''J' , ,("I'';' '.,\ .;,..' "Ii" ;. '.1, '" ' . ,. hr· . '\..1.~~;~j¡'t'!. .~~..'g('~~.¡fI'>J"!'..,>..'.,"..,'r.¡':'".'.. i';·C . '~,,¡(":' «'~''II'!,..". I>...,(..,,!.,....~'. ",.". '."""~ '.~r'''''' .".~:I¡,"...'t";'~.'ii ,'.;~' ¡-"," fAay 31, 1~g3"""" b'," ,'.V".;·'·· :::i,\\;,j.;.:i,.., ;'~: .::},~~t~.¡ "ÐIZ,''!,''''''<:;.'''P'R'~'''' ' , ' .' '..', ,'J if~:¡¡t;?ìi'~d~.'ci!ìì l/1Í3 I ,om, s.n".' i Law,.n ,chU..' ~e9.r¡ n<Î;\!' )~"",<¡:?....I p,.1 è4 U I., cOun 'Y ¡." nu.! u.\on' .uoo.' U 1\9 .. ,he Sta ,<i". . :.';:..(..:;II"Y,f~)'.O! 'lorid.-. .Uorta topttyftnti .the leuinCJ' öf certai.n··"·:::~:';; .¡"þ~ ....."..nvironll.nt.Uy ..ndtivttuctlof,the cout' for 011 andqa )t". '.:< ,',<:.' uploradon and the cornmtiliont.·,lupport for.:,oellnll\1'Pact;;~I'~,' .i_.> ,:" <. ........n' ., ud 10.. n.l.. rod,,' t. "'~'.'" No ,..n I,~',': ~!r" .n,,~. , . , , .:'!i(I.:¡Y: , Dr. D.n.d I.'. ... , U.d. ", " .,: . ""'" "" :.":,,,:', /. ~ \':)i", i.!'('" ." .. .., ' .. ; . . ' . , . " ,.... '.,'. i' . ./;:(\' .' 13.' Three leturs fro", ruic.1tntl upreøsinq oppositIon to·; . . \:ti,"" Petition PU-U-4C f.or Unity Ji4hø!onaty Baptilt church. . . II{:'::;¡""'" Rdlrndto Mr. Norman and "'r. viru. ICct FUld. t. ~, 7"'~:'" ~~f.' ..:~". ~Jr.),\' :!k' 1"11 ,t., ., 101. copy of ttllolut.10n B3-1Ii3, St. Lucie County supporting "8-115' and B8 ~23, Utility Compeny ~ete tncre.sos, ftnd no solution 83-~. lupportlnq itA 2M and Sp. 583 I'Uroetinq the PSC to promu19ate In olectrical ftnorqy conservation rosidential rate Itructure. Referrod to ~r. Norman and Mr. Raundert. XCI rUed. 15. Copy of Colliftr County'ß financial position at portion of Secondary Trust Fund (2nd Gas Ta~ - Cent), from the tepartment of Transportation. f'1r. Normen, ":t. CUes, and f'1r. nartman. ~CI 01/31:'/"3 on AO' ~th and ~th Peterred to FUed. 1~. Copy of Collier County's flnftnciftl PQsltion at o1/~O/A3 on Collier r.ounty'ø Trust and ~.ncy Fun~s (Bond Funds) from the Dlpartment ot Transportation. netarred to ~r. Norman, Mr. lIertmen, and Mr. C:Ues. XCI Filed. . There heing no further businesS for the qood of the County, the meetin1 wal ad10urned by Order of the Chair - Time ~Il0 r.M. nO~RD or COUNTY COMMIRSION!RR/ßO~1tD or ZONING ^prr.^L~/r.~ OFFICIO r.OVE~NINn nO~RD(S) OF sr&CI^L DISTnlCT9 UNDtRS ITS S;-~~Jþ:: . . . . . . . ~TTESTI ... '~U""',~~~,',Jt R~^GMI, CL.&Rf< /';: ~"_d f~·t/;·:,.;·\ ~J .. ; . ~tlfPi'1/? "'7 ~ /n~ ;,,\,~.l ml".u,~~~:JoP,ov.. by ,ho BCC on #7~ ~'J pre~n~.d' ~ or ðS corrected ...' . _..___",_."o¡; ;,,,",_."'".'~"'<>