BCC Minutes 07/12/1983 R -,..."-*,.._,.",,,.,,~,, "."," .'" .._~"",--"."",.,",."._,,,,.,. "~ ¡ WlIplou, Florida, July 12, un" LET IT BE M£M£MBKRCD, that tho Board o~ County Comml..ion.ra in and tot tho County o~ Collier, lIna also acting da the Boørd of %onin9 App.al. ånd ða the 'jovecnlng board .of such apacial diatrlct. .. hey. . ., b.en cr..t'd according to law and h.vln9 conductod bualn~.. hor.Sn, m.t on this dot. at ~IOO A.M. In REGULAR SESSION In Bul1dln9 -,- of th." Collior ~ounty Courthou.. Compl.x, E..at N<1 Jha, t'J.orlda, with the followln9 m.mbura pru..ntl ;" "'';:/,,. ". ,'i~' " "I,~'~' . ~:~.r};.~ '. ';'11.: <ì~'~\ - ','''j4:J ~.~, .'.....~ CIIAIRMANI Mary-Franc.. Kru.. VIC~-CUAIRMANI Uavld C. ~rown '. ." "~. John A. Pl.tor Fr.ulrlck J. YÞ.. C. C. -R.d- Holland ALba Pk~S£NTI W1111ðm J. ked90n, Cl.rk, Jðm.. C. all.., 'i.c~l Offlcorl Vl~9ini.. M41rl, ~llnor ~~lnnor (11120 A.M.) .nd Maur..n Kenyon tllJO f.M.) Deputy Cl.rk., C. hll1iðm Norman, County Manag.r, Burt L. ','1.,. \'Ϋ' ""t n" ~wun~or., (;ourlty AttornuYI Torry Vlr~ð, Community uevwlopmont Admini- atrdtor, ~drbaro C~cchionu, Plãnn.c, L.g L~ync, Pl~ns Implementotion Dir.ctorl I:;rn\1dtln<.t ::.to~hon3, Admlni.lltrlltlvCl ^aal:¡tllntl c.;rac. ~~~ul~ln~, ~omlnl~tr~tlvv ~1Ju Lo the Þo~rd ~nJ D.~uty Chl~f Ray~ond IS.. rn"tt, o;ho c ¡ t.C. a Uwpac Lmtfnt.. , ~ .' .~;. ',,-', f~: (';:; \,f'" ,,~~ ",. aOOK 076 PAœl77 . paq. 1 ,.. - - - - - - - - -,." ...,- ",/: i'... .- -. - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - -- -...; -.'":7-~,4:; 'f ; " ," ~ . """"~-""~,,,=,,,,,,,,,,",.,;;,........,,,-,,,,,_....,,,....,~,_....,,,,,,,,,....~,,,,,,..,.;-",' , !\¿;;~. --- ---- - - - - -..... - - - - - --- --- - - ---- --,- - - - --:----,--~~-, " . July 12, 1983 'ape 11 ',lto. U " ' ;",-'" ~ :r!'," ;' ... , ;.!,~ì.::; MDDI. APPROVED WITa CHANOIS <I, ~",~ ~.~ f""-t- !o ~ ,-. ., ,:\~~:,.", , ' ': Co_is.lon.r ,htor .0Ye~, ..con~.~ by Co_is.lo~.r Vo.. and ~f1~~~-,.ø'" ·r';oarrl.d unani.ou.ly, that the .~end. be .pprov.~ with the fol1ow1n9 . ~'~~9'" ·I.'-I:~,?:'p-" (a) J1 ~~.i:~, : ~4:t (b) " ',:~, . . ',~, l2A - Sludge disposal area north of Victoria Park - Adde~' 68(1) - Petition. R-83-4C , R-83-~C, Av.tar prop.rtl.s, continued until 10/ll/a3. (c) 61(2) - p.tition. DRI-al-1C and R-83-lC, John Agn.lll - .erk.hir. Lak.., continued to 8/16/83. (d) 90(1) - R.co...nd.tion to cre.t. . .p.clal ........nt di.trict in tho County Barn .nd Whitak.r Ro.d .r.a - Continu.d on. we.k. It.. 12 * 4",....... ':¡~ ORDIKA»C1 83-31 RI PETITION CP-83-6C, IMMOKALII ROAD PARTMERSBIP ~ GREa CAlIMISS - ADOPTED .~ L.gal notice having b.en publi.h.d In the N.ple. D.ily N.vs on j . 'y. Jun. 3, 1983 .. evldenc.d by Affidavit of Publictation fil.d with the 'Cl.rk, public heating was op.ned to consider Petition CP-83-6C fil.d by G.org. Varn.do., r.pre..ntin~ Immokal.. Road partn.r.hip and Or.g C.bin.... Pl.nner C.cchion. .aid th.t the r.que.t is for . land u.. ;p ~,;f. a..nd..nt tro. agricultural to r..identlal low ..diu. d.nsity (0-4 .... unit. par gro.. .cr.) for approximat.ly 480 Acre. locat.d 1-1/4 .il.. ..st of the 1-75 and DAvid C. Brown Highway Int.rch.ng.. She .aid that tho proposed u.. i. for a Pldnned Unit Dev.lopment containing approxl- ..t.ly 1401 dwolling unit.. Mrs. Cacchiono said that on June 2, 1983 the Colli.r County Plannin9 Agency vot.d to Approv. .gricultur.l to lov ..diu. d.nsity by a vote ot 4/l, howev.r, they would like to ... It ...n~.d to no øor. than 3 unit. por gto.s acr.. Sh. .aid that tho W~; '076 ...~~183 Page 2 , ~ 1i:;~.-q} ,.::~ "'J&,~~7': ~~":.:I.,J!. .:-i{t;'!~:. i.1:¡j¡·éE· ~',~~f~ .:·~0~ ;~~ .,~".'.j.,. ·.·~~:·t.": - "'JI!ll.' ,......' .", :\'.,.~~ '~.'~ -··.'..~""!,;1.. ;'. ~~ ":~~ij JY:~ ~~J' r.' ;:J. ~ I: .' ,Ii "",';,.~:, ".~ .:.. .~' ;~ ..::.1,;....'. .. '(j ...~. '.-- . ·...1' )" .... .~. :.\ .~i: "" ,.¡' ...{~ ~, ~:, ,:;'(11, .. ,....",~'. -----------------------------------~~~ ,. if; _,~""''',..,'''"'_''.,'''''',''"'_''''',.'''~.......,'_,."..,'"........~...__*__.,.__,..~ow.äI_,,'__,_""....,_~...._.,....... II "'_....._'''''--"'..--'..._---'''',--'-~......-''"-_.,."._,." ,.";,,.- .. "J:./, .. :t' ~,it: .}.... :_----------------------------------~----~ ".",\,'''-: ,~œ. 016 rAC£184 July 12, 1983 Staff recomm.nd. denial. She .aid that on. 1.tter wa. r.ceived frea Qual1 Croek d.volopm.nt .tatlng that they are oppo.ed to ~our unit. p.r acre a. it would be incompatible with th.lr development of two unit. p.r acr.. Attorn.y Oeorge Varnado. .ald that th.y di.agr.e with .taff and agr.e with the CCPA. .' , '~'. ~. H. .aid that they gave particular attention to .' wh.r. d.velopm.nt should and should not b. in Col1!.r County and that th.ir plan 1. cONptatlble with the existing Compr.h.nslv. plan and the . . pew Compr.hensiv. Plan that ha. b..n submitted to the Board. H. ..id th.t Mr. K.vin Irwin, Ecologist and Mr. Stanley Hole, Engin..r, would addr... the water mana~.m.nt aspect and the Coral R..f Aquif.r, and ~·that Mr. Julian Bryon, Urban Plann.r, wa. also pr..ent. .:> , '"r.Varnado. ask.d for thr.e unlt. per .cu, which he said h. co_ltted ~'l. .: to the CCPA. H. submltted for the r.cord a l.tt.r fro. Catalano, Myers .:~: , rish.r, 1.g_1 coun.el for the _joinlng prop~rty own.r., indicating Nt~that th.y.support the co.pr'h~nslve plan .mend.ent and will coop.r.t. ~Wi ~h the potl tlon.u on a ...ur ~.t.r plan to add us. the .nviron~ ;;; , .';",,~\..: ~~.ntal1Y ..nsitive ar.... ~. 'H. Irwtn .a id that h. .p.nt a lot of thae on the property Wi th .-w' - I ~. the DER and the Army Corps of £ngin.er. and Dr. B.nedict. H. dl.play.d " ~~-.n a.rial photo outlinln9 the -ST- acea. and sald that h. has ~. ~.. . . ,. ·d~.ßgnat.d the ar.a which cONprls. the wat.rsh.d for the prop.rty. Mr. Bryan display.d a photo ot the propo..d ...t.r plan and s.id that h. w.s r.tained by the p.tltlon.r to look at the property fro. the high.st and b..t us.. H. .aid that thoy look.d at utilitl.. and how .,1"" ~~ . ,",' " .. ': ,~, >' "'.;'~:"i >\;0';\' "':.oJ(.¡.. , ~ ~ ~ I ' ,~ ", ',t>~~~~,; "'~' ";"'~ ~~" · 'r""" -,. ""',,,", /1 . ... . ~ . (. " · · :' · f ~ iP , , . ....' I" ,..' and wh.re they would be provided to the property. Al.o, they looked at ~l ~J acc..s and h. reported th.t there are thr.e point. of acc... on one ..rl/ /,'..... . ',f ' .ag. 3 -----------~-------------------------- ami ~,.,' ~ - " , I"'~ ,f', ", , ~:;\b , '.~~ ...~~ -I ".:''''~ , '. "~.. , " t' :' ~ ,',~ :.rÇ.:'·'f." ,,,,f', .._"'-------'---,.,.""~..""~,'. ----------------------------------------~~ July 12, 1983 ail. of frontage on David C. Brown Highway, on. .11. east of 1-75 int.rchang.. He .aid that thr.e dwelling unit. per acr' .e.ts the '" d...nda of CoUier County and of hh clhnt. COlllliuiontr Phtot qu.st1on.d why, 1f the d.velopm.nt. on eith.r .ld. of the prop.rty ar. , ..'~ , 0-2 d.naity, th.y hay. to 90 0-37 Mr. Bryant r..pond.d that it La economica and that th.re 1.'a demand for ..dlum prlced housing. R. aaid that they hop. to have golf cour.es .nd open spac. so that they would be a -good n.ighbor- to the .urrounding d.v.lopment.. leoaal.sion.r Vo.. que.tion.d -..diUIII pric.- and Mr. Bryant said that 1~;th.y hope to bring in a packal)' within the ranI). of und.... $100,000. I' ;~,eoaai..ion.r Vo.. ref.r.d to property owned by Mr. Kojra and s~id that ~1~~h~~ would be legally obligat.d to provld. him ace... to hi. property. Mr. Hole said that they de.tgn.d the exi.ting water ..nage..nt H. said it the Coral Re.f ..' ,t . I facilitl.. and it i. a good solid plan. Aquifer underli.. the .r.a it would b. v.ry good but, if it do.. not, the d..ign is compatible with r,charg. pot.ntial and th.r. app.ar. to " .. b. plenty of water .uppli.s and opportunity for sewo9' treatment and , ',r.ch.rge. H. said that the ..wor location i. .Qutherly so that if the ..... , ~ county put. in a .yat.. there It could be ...lly connected, if not, " f th.y can b. s.lf-contained. Chairman Kru.. noted that this ar.a do.s ,~ have di.charg. probl... and a.ked, if this project 90'., would it h.lp the n.ighbors? Mr. Hole s.id that lt would b. advantagoous to the neighbors. Mr. Jack Conroy said that he i. not involved in the proj.ct, how.ver, he wa. .sk.d to t.~. a look at it. H. said that the major impact 1. to d.velop and make it .conomically f.asibl. and al.o r.taln tho.. thing. that b.n.fit the County a. . whol.. He said the main is.u. ..... to be two units p.r acr' or three units per acr' and called aOOK 076 ~ 185 . 411 .. '.. Page 4 ---- --------------------------_.-.-,.--, ~ ,--'''"'''''''~,~'~-- .~(- . . 'I,. '.., ----'-----------------------~,.. ____---------- ,P,t! 'ì~~ 076 rAtE186 . ' July 12, 1~83 ' J;, ,., . carri.d unani.oully, that the public h.aring be cl0..d. Co_i.sion.r Holl.nd .oved to .cc.pt the CCPA uco..endation and. '. .'·.:~"~I" '.,:.:;.' - ',"'''1 ""1: approve the petition with' duignation of 0-4 unite per acr.. Mr. ,'J.' ;', ¡i \ ... ¡ '( --.." . " .' tf¥4 ' Vo.. I.conded the .otion which c.rried un.nl.oualy, wh.reupon the ;::"" ~;'!I:~ , ',r . -' '" ...'.... . " ; :~' , ,~~,!, . I, . -. ':'. ".. ..'.~ ì.L1~~ ,.;;'., . ',I'''''." " ' 'IV. iI "!'.n~ (~ -~~--------------~---------------------~~~ , . . ,:,';':¡-4 ....:'-'~~. , .. :'~jœi "I"{-N;' ,,,;/J..i¡~i """,'{''it.¡¡' :'~"~,;t'.. "~\:~;,~~l ''',' .r:":"} the Bo.rd'8 attention to the Napl.. Bath' T.nnl. Club, which 1. dev.10ped at four unitl per acr., and laid that i. not a d.n.. develoreent. He .ald In ord.r to g.t the b.nefit. of the pre.ervation of cypre.. and water th.r. h.. to b. .ome inc.ntlv. for the dev.lop.r. Col. Kut.chora .aid that he i. the own.r of the 40 acre parc.l that i. contiguous to the I~mokal.. Road Partn.rship prop.rty and .aid that h. i. in agr..m.nt wlth the plan. H. .aid th.t h. hop.. hl. property wl11 b. d.v.loped in the .am. mann.r .nd thank.d Mr. Varnado. for the a..urance that he will be provid.d with ro.d .cc.... Co~l..ion.r Vo.. moved, .econd.d by Co~.l..lon.r ,l.tor and ordinance a. nuab.r.d and tit1.d below wa. .dopt.d and enter.d into Ordinanc. look 117. ;.~.., 'I' <- I" " "t:· ~" " ,\'!~'~. , ." ~, .~, ~:., .. ~ il!..~ ' .. ,. '.. ' .. ' . . "~.I'. , ORDINANCI 13-31 ......:... . . AN ORDINANCI AMENDING ORDINANCE 79-32, T~I COMPRIHEMSIVI PLAM fOR COLLIIR COUNTY, fLORIDA, IY AMENDING THI WORK STUDY ARIA MAP 12 fROM AGRICULTURAL TO RISIDENTIAL LOW-MIDIUM DENSITY (0-4 UNITS PIR OROl8 ACRI) ON TKI rOLLOWIMa DESCRIBED PROPERTY, APPROXIMATELY 480 ACRES IN SICTION 21, TOWNSHIP 48, SOUTH, RAHOE 26 lAST, COLLIER COUNTY, 'LORI~, "ORE PARTICULARLY DISCRIBED HEREIN, AND PROVIDING AH EfFECTIVE DATI. .... . - PITITION8 R-8)-4C . R-13-5C AVATAR PROPERTIE8 CONTINUED TO 10 11 .3 Co..l..ion.r pistor moved, ..cond.d by co..is.ioner Holland and cerrl.d unani.ou.ly, that Petition. R-83-4C . R-I3-5C, A~.tlr .ropertl.." be continu.d until 10/11/83. ~./,' i .~,. - - .. --...-""..'''."'-,...,,--..- 1"'...--·-.... ".. ""j ~"!... ~ ~ , . :l'~ " ------------------------------------------ ",uly 12, 1983 It.. I. .1~1'10NS DRI-12-1C AMD R-13-1C, ",OHN AQNBLLI/BIRKSHIRI LAKES CONTIHUBD '0 1/16/83 Co.-ls.ioner ,1.tor .ov.d, s.cond.d by Commi..lon~r Bolland and , . !.f,: . ~' carried unanl.oully, that Petition. DRI-82-1C and R-83-1C, "~hn .,~ Agndll/Btrk.hlre'lAk..,·' be continued until 1/16183. '~ 1.,1'j" It.. IS '~: ORDINANCE 83-32 RE PETITIOM R-80-3C, HUBSCRMAN ASSOCIATES, REQUESTING ~ REZONING fROM A-2 . RMF-6 to ,UD - ADOPTED SUBJECT TO STIPULATIONS :\~:i Legal notic. hevlng bun publish.d in the Naples Dally N.ws on ls '~.uno 10, 1'83 .0 o.ldon.od by Alfld..lt of 'ubll."lon fllod wl'h tho ~;Fl.rk, public h.aring was op.ned to con~id.r Petition R-80-3C filed by " Hub.chman Assoclat.s, requ.st1ng rezoning fro~ A-2 . RMP-6 to ·PUD- for " ß 48.7 acres located on the .outh sid. ot Davis Blvd. ea.t of Scotty'..'· , ' As backgrouhd, Me. Layne r.ported that public h.arings w.r. held In 1981 and th.n withdrawn to b. r.adv.rti.ed. She .ald that on Dec.mb.r 17, 1981 the CCPA recomm_nd.d approval of the petition subject to stipulation. A through J and L through N In the staff report, whlch conc.rn.d drainage, water and .ewer utility sy.t.ms, road conn.ctlon. and left .nd right turn storage l.n... She laid that the d.v.lop.r agr.ed to the .tipulations with the exc.ptlon of r, a, H. I , J which concern.d the utility »ystem. Attorn.y Clark Nichols, reprosenting the petitioner, said that th.y have been applying tor ~ utility franchls. to s.rve this ar.a and others that the utility Is currently s.rvlng. He suggested that the r.zoning be approved, elimlnatin9 stipulations E through J, and putting In a provision that tho zoning would not become .!t.ctlve until th.y have a franchi.. agr..ment satisfactorily work.d out tor the s.rvlce of this whol. ar.a. He said lhi. would give th.. their PUD zoning whll. they are progr...ing toward the creation of . franchi... H. noted that aOOK 076 rACl1B7 Page , ~~-------------------------------- ~, 'I+:~~ij,; "·.i 't .~. -!-."t:~.f.¡ . ~~~~¡í:~~..~.. ~ '~ Or. "'~~ .... "" ... ,0..,. , ..:~ }" 1 . '¡' ""~~; r"-- """.",''',' "4' ..':/ ,\'.1 , '" ·~i·~ '.' "'\~{ ,;,' ';1,,' ,.," j , ~. :, ~. ··l,~,~ ~~'- ..~.' ~-~~----------------------------------- áOOK 016 mE 188 . July 12, 1983 the r...inder of the it... are totally acceptable to the petitioner. County Attorney Saunder. .aid that a public hearing i. .chedUl.d for ~uly 26, 1983 wherein the Board will con.id.r a franchi.. for the utilitf. AS far .a conditioning the iasuanc. of building permit., he .aid that if the d.v.loper .ign. an agr..mont to that effect, whiob would be .nforcoobl., th.y could approve the rezoning. Mr. Nichol. .aid that th.y would .ign. Commislion~r pis tor suggested that they of wait until the franchi.. II .gre.d upon b.for. makln9 any zcning Mr. Saund.ra .aid that the Board could d.lay this two w.ek' if, change.. , '1" "t ,. County Manag.r Norman aaid that i. is H. said that the or ..k. th.ir d.cilion today. putting off the in.vitabl. to d.lay this petition. p.tition.r has to comply with the Subdlviaion R'9ulation. and that the mo.t difficult issue faced ia wheth.r or not the Bo.rd is going to inslat on com~lianc. with Subdivision Regulationa. Commiaaion.r Voas .aid that there 11 no way h. would approve a chang. in zoning in which ,,,. , ~ ~..',~.. ti~: th.r. was no agreem.nt saying that the distribution of collection ï, , -'faciliti.. b.longs to the County. ,... ..., . '~, ' r and growth .hould pay for growth. ~ I.·' ' r R~~1th.r dedicote the lines to the County or forg.t it. COlllli.aion..... W" Pi.tor and B[own concurred. .1>::, -~~, He laid that i. the County pøllcy J~t u. said that the petitioner .hould 9145 A.M. - Co..i..ioner Vo.. l.tt the roo. COllm1s.ioner Brown .aid that he 'is in tavor of donating the lin.. .... ... : ' tò,~he County and h. is in favor of granting ther.que.t for r.zoning- ~om.i.lioner Pistor said that he would not vote for it until the franchi.. is compl.ted and the lin.. ar. dedic.t.d to the County. Chairaan Kru.. r.call.d that the previous Board said that if the lln.. '," were put in b:.' the dev.lop.r th.y would be dedicat.d to the County and , if they wert put in by the utility th.y would b.lonC,) to the utility. .County Attorney Saund.rs advised that the Cod. requir.s the develop.r '19. 7 ,t:I I "'r":~¡ ~~,,;~:' . ,~ ~;.'Jt L~ " ."\~' , \~~t '~}t~·(' , '··r". ...' ~ .... '. , .1 , .',:~, t . í .' ' "..: :' ~ . .. ~ ~ .~~ ------------~---~----------------~-------~' 1& .. - . ,'·:¡;~f~~1i.~ '''- .~.'iy. , ~'" ~:" ':1 ~ .,J'c'ri. ~,!.;¡ ".... .:"" IA~\" '~:'f~ ~·ó¡~~~...y...i..~ '.~ ,¡ ~¡¡.t< '/1!(}~a.<l~·,; "'~"".~;~""f:,:,: ' ,;'c'.:,:Ù'I~~",,;,,"!~'fv;,~, , ,;,·"';:\:""...C"',·,'"j,·,""·, ",""'", ",,1>1',\,'\.,...,'1''1; -----~ --""""'''''''-'-'' -.,----..'..." ------------------------------------------ July 12, 1983 to de.d lin.a to the County. He aaid that the,i~sua of a tranchls.' II ~~. " ;~~\,,:, a a.parate ite.. H. add that the poaltlon of the Board ..... to be,) . \; . that the l1ne. b. dedicated before the zoning i. approv.d. ,.50 A.M. _ Co..i.sion.r Vo.. r.turn.d t~ the roo. Co..ia.ioner ,i.tor a.k.d If the Board pa.... the loning today the applioant would have to agr.. to the atipulation. A through J and L v, .~ I -: through N1 "r. Saunders replied tha t if the Board conditions the ~... granting of the PUD th.y cannot change it at a public h.aring on anoth.r it.... Qarry 8.yr.nt, fro. Hubschaan A.sociat.., said .inc. 1976 the '~'County has gr.nted five 'UD'. vithout develop.r. turning ov.r ~helr ~ .., , utllity lines and said that tþ'y .r. in a discri.inatory position. Co..halon.r Pi.tor replied that two of th.m au in the City and that i,·/~ World T.nni. ha. dedicated their lin.. and that La~.wood line» art being d.dicated to the County. Col. John 8.eb., sp.a~ln9 on b.half ot the Lak.wood Civic Associa- tion said th.t lt would b. the very worst kind of polley to make exception. to the County ordinanc. because everyone 1. in doubt .s to vh.ther lt would b. .nforced. H. ftJid that it would de~.at the polley of gro~th h.1VLnq to pay for growth and that it would u. detrim.ntal to ), the taxpay.rs and rato payers of colli.r County. He .aid at som. ti.. ,~ th.y would b. obli9ated to pay for th... facilitle. that, by law, should b. d.dicated to the County. H. r.qu.st.d tnat the rezoning be d.nied until the d.v"lo~r cOlllplh. wlth the ordlnanc.. II. .aid that sewer lin.s in Lak.waod Units 5 , 6 v.re d.dicated to the County and that Units 2, J , 4 w.r. also approved. H. said that h. discovered in MArch that I..t Napl.s Water syst.. cont.nded that th.y owned the utl1ity line. in Lakewood and h. found a Quit Claim Deed, dated Dec..bee, 1981, whereby, for conllderatlon of $10.00, US Ho.. ~~~ 076 r~r.~lB9 ~----------------------------- 'ag. 8 --._- ";¡;.. . " , , . -....- - -- - - -..... - - - - - -..... -- - - -- - - - - - ---- - - --....----- aoOK 076 PAGE 190 July 12, 1983 Corporation conveyed all right., title and int.r..t In gravity .aln., ..nhole lat.ral connection., pump stations and fore. ~aln. loc.t.d in , . the platt.d right.-of-way and .a.ements of Lakewood Subdlvi.ion to The alad.., Inc. He said that this hes cast a cloud over the County title to that land and that th.y have be.n advised by their counsel that the other areas au in the public domain and should not have the r19nt to be bought or .01d. Col. b..be .u9geated that the Hub.ehman's r.convey by another ouit Claim De.d Lak.wood'. linv. to Collier County and cl.ar th.t title and .p.r. the taxpayer. .dditlon.1 time and .xpen.. and effort in fighting another c.... There b.ing no other r.glDtered .peak.rs, Co..i.sioner Vo.. .oved, . ...t, ," .II" ~ 4,:.,~~-; ..- .".." It .econd.d by Co..la.ion.r Brown and earri.d unanl.oualy, that the public " 4 -. .' hearin9 be c10.ed. Co..lssioner Holland mov.d to approve the petition .ubject to .11 ot the Subdivision Regulation., and acc.pt suU reco...ndatlon.. Co~miss1oner Brown s.conded the .otlon. County .... Attorn.y Saund.r. said th.t if this S. .pproved with the exception of .,~ Ite. IKI, ~~:. }~..:' chang. In '''1':'''' ~'): vh.reupon " it the dev.loper does not agree to that, th.y do not have · ~1f;t.~~'" ~ &0'\ln9· r .'. Upon call tor the qu.stion the .otion c.rrled 5-0. the ordinance a. nu~b.red and tit1.d b.low va. adopt.d and Into Ordinance Book '171 -, ORDINANCE 83-32 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE 82-2, THI COftPREHENSIVI ZONING REGULATIOHS FOR TBI UNINCORPORATED AREA OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORl~, IY AMENDING THI ZONING ATLAS MAP NUMBIR 50-25-1 BY CHANGING THI 10NIHG CLASSIFICATION OF THE BIRIIN DISCRIIID RIAL PROPIRn rROfII IAI-21 AGRICULTURAL, IAMF-'- SINGLI AND MULTI-FAMILY TO -PUD- PLANNID UNIT DIVELOPMENT rOR PROPERTY KNDMN AI VINTIRPARK. PART OF SICTION 12, TOIIßtSIIP 50 SOUTS, RAHGI 25 IABT. AND PROVIDING AI IrrlCTIVI ~TI. ¥ ,'!.1!",,' <t" '~.~"'~1' \. r:~ .....R.c... 10.00 .... to 10.10 ......... "91 , ~---------~------------------~-~----- - - - ".;. .. ." '-it.(.; .1 tr'~ '.,*' ~~~, ,( 'Í ~.. ,~ ----- -- --- - - - - - -- - - - - - - - ------------- -----:~ "uly 12, 1983 It.. ., ItUOLU'I'IOII 13-1t Itl ,n!TIOII AV-I3-U, TILCO COR'. RIQUISTIIG VACAt'1011 .::' or t.O'I' LItel1 III 1.01 '11101 IUBDIVIIIOII rOR WDlDY'I RISTAURAIIT - ADQrrlD ';~, (' ',:.~ Lec¡d '~otic. having be~n publhh.cS In the Haple. Dany H.v. on ", ..r,,'" June 2' and July 3, 1983 a. .vld.nc.d by Affidavit of Publication filed vlth the Clerk, public hearinc¡ va. opened to oon.lder Petition AV-13-l1 fl1.d by T.lco Corp. r.qu..ting vacation of int.rlor lot lin.. of Lot. 2-' and Lota 30 , 31, Block A, Loa Plno. Subdivision, to build a Wendy'. R..tauran t. aeorge Archibald, Transportation Dir.ctor .aid th.t the lot. art non-contoraln9 and the vacation 1. n.~...ary in ord.r to ø.et zoning ,r. r.qulr.a.nts and to obtain building peralt.. County Attorn.y Saunders advi..d that this "a. betor. the Board a coupl. of wee~. ago and it 1. ba.ically .oaethlng that ha. a1r.ady been approv.d. Ther. bëlng no r.gist.r.d .pe.kerl, Co..ilslon.r plstor .ov.d, s.conded by Co.-Is. loner Voss and carried unanl.ou.ly, that the public b.arlng be c10.ed. Co..l..ioner Pistor aov.d, second.d by Co..ls.lon.r Vo.s and carried unaniaou.1y that R.so1utlon 13-99 re Petition AV-13-ll' be adopted. aool( 076 ~AC[ 191 Page 10 ~-----------------~-----------~~--~- July 1~, 1903 It.. 17 OkDIKANC£ AMENDING rIRE PR~VENTIO~ ORDINANCE NO. 83-14 - TABLED UNTIL 0/2/83. ORDINANCE R£SCINDINO LIFE SAFETY CODE 10l AUTHORIZED FOR PUbLIC HEARIHO 8/2/83. ~U9~1 noticu wòS advertl~~~ in 'n~ N~p!OB DDily NOWS on Junv 22, l~t.~, as &/vl<hlncuc.l b)' Aff1l.1~v1t ot l'ubl1cðtiol\ filuu witll t.nt: Clerk. çom~unltY ~uvulo~~ent. AdminiDtrdtur Virt.. saiu that hu would like to h"Vft tn10 l:cl.' cOlll1I1U..IIJ, .utt.er rtuc.t ~n'J frol" tlllt r"'JiutccCó øvaakers, 1n Of~Ur to ðllo~ atc.!f tu wor~ out tllu ~coblQm~. Hu aald that. they ðr(, j,oor.ill~ o.It CII"nlJ.tII tu tIle L.lfu baLut)' Code whll.:h rtlqu1t..G hii h.r s,,¡uoJrv footc.yu rlt~ul '''Ir,o nLC Lllld hl'3hut ataU requlremonts than the cur relit .:it.\.., r..-.", 1 r..r.u:I1I.C thðt n~vo buen entofced lJy the HRS. He aaid that stdt:( iro rucommt.lnUll\CJ tnal tltoae pcuvldlons bd stricken from the co~c. Ilu .,..1u to...t 1.11,;) tlre M.:!rlihal'b l\stloc1utlon wl11 go "lony with tt1is If tilt: Loun\.)' 1nl>ll'; lIl."'Ø tIle ¡.rovls10n for :!vrlnk11ng. There was ao~~ dificu.~lon AS to Wl1uthel or not thi!! ~&ltltion ~nould be he4rd at this t III1U (0110",1119 ",hlch COII.is.lon.r Holland !lov.d, a.cond.d by Comaia.ioner Pistor and carri.d unonlaoualy, that the public h.orin9 be op.ned. ,..f. Jlr., L.uulu, r.vc&lölflltlI19 tile (;01l1C1r Coul1ty t.:#.Irly Childhood .....oci.lion, 1ó...1~ 1./1..1. II" me I. with thu t11e departnlunts o.cau". hRS and tlh: tirt' ('h.¡.tlltm.H,l" oot,l lI<Jrlilul.o t:114t 1l.il ......to ullreðllunðbl". He .aid thàt tn' :>tlltt: IH..0tJluU L.ittl ~atut)' Cod", 101 but witl. tWO .,xclilptlons, child C"C\: cun::",rli 010" public IICho01b, wlllell were: to rtfma1n under 41\-J". hu alili~ 1.11..1. th~y tlav~ flro ..xits, pull ..lorma, fire drill., ctc. ri~ cutJortec tllt~ most day caro c~nt"rÐ ðE~ on. atory ~tructur.. W ilt\ l:IuJ.t1~le exl\.... he IllIld that. tllu)' au w1ll1n..¡¡ to refln. what they have uut th.. pouilJll1tY ot Ð tire 1. .....mot.. end he 1s ol'po..d to tho r'(¡\.Iir'Dlnt of a spd nkllnCJ .ystom. u. aald that thoro hos be.n no r....rCH or stðtiatlc:I to worunt iJut.tin<j a G...r1nkl1ng system ln day .'~, \ \" ".'r"" '.90' ·,Ü' ---..,...------ ---------------.........--......... .. - - -------------------------------------~. - _--:-_ 'I July 12, 1983 car. c.nter.. Al.o, h. said that the n.w r.tio would b. thr.. full time people for .ight..n childr.n and the square footage h.. b..n .;.,;, "" ,. :".,¡, ...,....'~.~~:.,-~ . ~ incr....d fCo. 20 .quare r.et to 35 square fe.t p.r child. He s.id ,""',W.~.:~ '~:i., ";; ,,' '} ,1,:':"that they were workablo under the puvious ratios. ~,) ~ ~~: . :~¡" "' ';', they have pa..ed fro. the sl\ok. d.t.ctor to other Uu d.vicu. H. Jerry H..t.r, pr..ldent, South rlorldø rir. Safe, Inc., .aid that .aid th.t th.r. is . syst.. that has be.n d.v.lop.d rec.ntly and , l..t we.k It wa. .warded elas. A rating. H. .aid that it gives .. ~t'-:1 . ' .xc.llent Ur. prot.ection alternative to the .prinkl.r .yst... H. that the co.t 1. les. than $3~.00 p.r 100 square f.et and that it .ay /) b'~ the ';o'ï~tion or co.pro.i.. that the Board 18 looking r~r. !hPi,',.~'..., l' .. i' . ·,i·~ , ... ' Ga11 Ril.y, repr...nting"'i rst M.thod18t School, St. Andrew. 'l pre.byterhn School and Mooring. presbyt.rian School said that th.y ar. 1\.: non-proB t and it t.hey have to in.tall .pr inkler .yst.ms they would . ' . hav. to clo... Tape 14 .." f" Wend.ll Rol1ason, Ex.cutive Dir.ctor of the R.dlands Chri.tian Mlgrant A.8.ociatlon .~id that th.y op.rate 33 child care c.nter. and they are federally fund.d. H. .aid that th.y have federal fund. to draw on to ..et the cod. r.gard~ng sprinklers but what is hurting th.m is the .quare tootaC)w which will cut down on the n~b.r of children th.t th'y can serve. DoU91as Kay, Director of First Li9ht Day School in Gold.n Gat., .ald that the n.w r.qulre..nts ar. not f.a.ible and th.t th.re 1. no evid.nc. to .upport tho ne.d of .prlnkler sy.t.m.. Mr. Virta said that he h.. nothing in writing but, to his knowledg., the State haa gon. back to 4A-36. Comel.sion.r Voss .!Cpre.ed hi. opinion that h. thought the .prlnklers w.r. an altornative to the nu.Þ.r of ..npow.r provid.d. ~OK 076 rACt 195 Pave 12 . :;;-- -_:... - - - - - - - -'- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - --.~ r---' ... ,-...,........,1,... :"oox 076 rACE196 ' i~t July 12, 1983f':'i" , 1:,;i;~~:; ~,:.,~-: r, ~,t ' ~"~'~;; , ,-j; A! 4,") ,^!./~,~,,,¡ , ,;,;l' ,',~::,;:--~~~ Jack Thomp.6n and Bob plstor, r.pr.santln~ the Collier County r1re _ Marshal's Msochtion, laid that they conduct.d extenslv., drill. of day ";,,' car. c.nt.rs and In on. in.tance th.y found 28 children attend.d by one p.r.on. Mr. ThoDpson .ald that they cannot Inspect every day but th.y f..l with a sprinkl.r .ystem It will hold the f1r. until the children can be evacuated. H. I.ld that th.y feel the staffing and square footage r.quir'D.nts .re justifi.d. Mr. Bob plstor displayed a chart of statistics pertaining to the one time cost of install1nq a sprinkling systeD, noting that the COlt Is 19 cents por charg.. It was noted that the pr.viously D.ntion.d :: fir. retardant spray has to be reappllod and ~ould be an on-going co.t. ~, Mr. Tho.pson request.d the Board to support the propos.d a.end..nt. .1,';' Or.; Sp..rs, Co-owner of Doubl. Loving Care, said that they have ; t :',p.riodlc fir. Insp.ctlons, fire extinguish.ra, .xit aigns, etc. and are {. .~ ¡,. . ..~ und.r .xtr... scrutiny froD HRS, Health DtpattD.nt, fi rt d.partD.ntl and Highway Patrol. I . 'Marjorl. BurnhaD, Kiddie Gard.n pr.school, said that sh. beli.ves She noted that publio .chools dO~~, have ~prinklin1 syst.m. and their ratio Is Duch hI9h.r. ..~. ~ :í ¡, ' I .' , " Co..lssioner Brown Dov.d, ..conded by Co..lssioner Pl.tor and ",.. .',~r .. ',[, tfi· ", ")1 . ' ~It" Commiuloner .', .' ."t, '....:.. .,"'..: I¿.,., carri.d un.niDously, that the public he.rin; be closed. :~ pl.tor a.ked Attorney Saunder. If he -.:..;..:, '·LJh safety Cod. 101 and 4A-36? -., has any poaltive inforutlon about I" ,.., 'c ''4 :I. ,.' Mr. Saund.r. .a id that he 18 not that:· ", "';'\ faD11iar with thol. docum.nts. Chairman Krus. said, as . matter of record, ,that she did not know wh.n the ordinance was adopt.d that she 'w was .doptlng a code th.t w.s strict.r than Itate law. Dav. Dav.nport, Code CODpllanc. Department, said that 10M12 i. the law by the HRS which cODbln.. and refer.nce. ~A~36 a. the fir. . 'I. r.qulreDent. und.r th.t law. H. s.ld that it do.. not r.qulr. .. P.;. ------------------------------ '.. .. ... ... .~ " . ' 1';: It' , ,'(" '¡" ."!;,, t;t'~; .. ......,~. "; '.. ," ',",-\ . ,"' 13" ... , " +; .¡ .:~ .It 'J . w."..,.'..~"'''''''--"'·,''''';. ¡¡!'~·-1\tIIO _.....,"~,..~--,'""..........~...,-";.. ..,",. . ~ "·1 .';-0' -------------~--------------------------~. July 12, 1983 aprinkl.r. and retalna the old ratl0. H. aald right now the und.r that law and al.o Lif. Safety Cod. 101 which ..an. that County go.. with the .or. .trlftgent Co..I..loner Bolland .ov.d, .econd.d by Coaai..I~n.r Brown and carried 3/2 (co..I..lon.r Piator and Vo.. oppo.ed) that the propo..d a..n4.ent to rir. Pr.v.ntion Ordinanc. 83-1~ b. tabl.d until 8/2/83. Co.-i..ion.r Rolland .oved, ..cond.d by Co.-i.sloner Brown and' carried 3/2 (Coaai..ioner pi.tor and Voss oppo..d) that .tarr be dir.cted to pr.pare an ordinanc. for public h.aring 8/2/83 r.scinding Life Saf.ty Code 101 and returning the County to tho Stat. . .. Reljlulationl. ........ Recesl 11.20 A.M. to ll.30 A.~. at which tl.. Deputy Cl.rk Maljlrl was replac.d by Deputy Clerk Skinner. ........ "'ap. IS It.. II fINAL ASSISSMEMT ROLL rOR QOODLAND WATER SYSTEM - CONTINUED TO AUGUST " 1983 Legal notic. h~vlng be.n publlsh.~ In the Napl.. Daily N.ws on ~un. 21, 1983, a. evid.nc.d by Affidavit of Publication filed with the ~ ' Cl.rk, public hearing wa. op.nod to conaid.r the confirmation of the Goodl.nd Water Di.trict pr.limin.ry A.....m.nt Roll. Utilities Admlnlstratlvo A..I.tant Erne.tine St.phan explain.d that, in 1981, the ace award.d the contract for tho con.truction of the .' pot.bl. wat.r .y»tem and .tora~. tank to a.rv. the Goodland Ar.a. She ..id chat the proj.ct was .ubstantially comploted on Octob.r 1, 1982 and the connections hav. be.n madM for all of the .xilting re.id.nt. and buildings, within the area of Goodland. She .tated that the total proj.ct co.t ha. be.n det.rmined at'$1,271,102.00. Of that amount, .h. .aid, th.r. II only $425,6~U.00 ot that proj.ct co.t a.....abl. to all aOOK 076 PACE 197 P.g. 14 --------- - -- - ----- ----------- -----~--~~~' . ' .~ ----'1 -"\ "'f.!:" . . ", .~ }.. , . .~-~~----~---------~-----------~-----~ 'eOOK 076 PACEl98 July l2, 1983 the p.opl. vithin the Goodland au., who veu diuctly b.nefited frOll " the Installation of the distribution .Ylt.m and the tun.mission JIlin.. Ma. Stephan explalned thAt the a.....m.nt roll has b..n pr.p.red and 1. on ~11e vith the Clerk ba.ed on .qu.r. footage, which the BCC dlrect.d in 1982. She .xplain.d that the $425,698.00 ........nt vi11 b. u..d to repay the FDHA bond. which were .old In S.pt.mber, 1982. She .aid that this mon.y, coll.ct.d ov.r twenty y.or. at an lnter..t rate o( 8t, will b. put in .pecial fund. to h.lp r.tire tho.e bonds. She ..k.d for any que.tion. from the Comml.sion.ra. Ch.irman Krua. .aid that the final ........nt 1. $O.l26S31 p.r aqu.r. foot of prop.rty. She asked what the original ..timate va.? M.. Stephan said that the or19inal e.tim.t. was approximat.ly $O.l24 ·p.r .qu.re foo t. County Man.g.r Norman .aid that the point of i.sue b.for. the today i. not wh.ther or not the property i. ind..d a......d, but 4I(.~,.. wh.ther 1~ was .......d accurately and .qultably. ChId rman P;r~~e it" it the BCC could not a..u.. th.t the prop.rty was a......d In the mann.r that the BCe direct.d, to which Mr. Noraan agr.ed. I@' .a1d th.t the is.u. is that the .y.t.. h.. to b. paid for by the f; ~\ I # ~~ ben.fited. Di.cu..ion continued during which Ma. St.ph.n rai..d the .~ ~~.~int that .0.. p.opl. may obj.ct to the method of calculation ot the ,'7.quar. foot'9'. She s.id that conc.rn should be .ddr....d to the BCC. -, .Ho~v.r, .h. explaln.d that CH2M Hill, the con.ultin9 en9in..r. on the project¡ who pr.pared the tentative apportlonm.nt In 1980-81 were pr...nt to d.fend the .quare tootag... She .xplain.d that the Utlll- tie. Divi.ion pr.par.d the roll, howev.r, the .qu.r. tootage r...in.d the .aa.. Mr. Rayaond L. ...., Jr., .pp.ared on behalf of Cood1an4, Inc. and '. Dud . Kathy Kirk. H. pr...nt.4 a p.tltlon, which h. r.a4 into the ------------------------------ - - : i.":~~' t!' \ ;ft.~ i'if>f1 ,.,'ii /I'~: "',{ " : Î;1.' , ,"4"~.~ ê'oð;. .. '~í!l ···I',.·~,"':·· ." ~', , ' , , , ,~~ \: :1: :"k¡ . ,.~~ ,~ ., '19- 15 ------ -------- - ---......-- - -- - ---------------.; July 12, 1983 record, reque.tlnc¡ that the Bee turth.r r.vi.w and analyze the pr~po.ed ~~; \wat.r ........nt .nd ..thod. u.ed In arriving at .am. for the Coodl.nd ~t\·~'t~t;: :~'í; t. "." .,.~'... .' . "'..';.:"'f "~,. Ba.. cont.nd.d that the p.opl. who own unimproved property au .. not voln9 to b. uaing the water, cannot us. the water and receive no -t~" II, ",í. if dir.ct ben.fit at this time. '.~~'. Co..i..ioner Vo.. .sked 1t Hr. Ba.. wa. .aying that thia uni.- ¡"" , ,~,.", ! rov.d, und.v.lop.d property will nev.r b. d.veloped and that no hou.e prop.rty, to which Hr. Ba.. rupond.d that he at this ti... He gav. Bud and Kathy It! rk a. an exá.Plt, .' . It" 5 acre plec. of prop'.rty on Ooodland, zoned -ST-. He said cannot vet a building p.nlit tor that property. ·H. said that ·~·th.ir a....~..nt i. $18,000. .~ . , R.eponding to Co..i.sion.r Voss, Hr. Virta .aid that h. did not ....¡.' , ~tkn~w the .xact sp.cifics of the property, howev.r, in -ST- a prop.rty owner c.n lnd..d obtain building p.rmits. H. said there has to be a ,,: . , .lte dev.lopm.nt plon approv.d by the County. Hr. Bass .xplain.d that ~~¡'4':' t(..obuinin9 building p.r.it. for -ST- prop.rty 1a rath.r difficult. :~'eo..isaion.r Vo.. aaked if the fact that wat.r i. available to the '~ prop.rty would enhance the value of the property, to which Hr. Ba.. .aid that it adds to tho cost of th. property, how.v.r, h. waD not .ure It add a to the value of the property. He said that is a .peculative, future b.n.fit which should co.e along later on, and not b. a......d to roperty owners now. He poi~ted out that the policy wa. to provIde fir. prot.ction and drinking wator. Co..i..ioner Vos. rai..d the pos.ibility of a brulh tire on the property, to which Mr. O..s explained that the prop.rty con.ist. of ba.ically .an9rov... H. agre.d th.r. could b. . brush fire. Mr. Kirk dhagreed. aoOK 076 rACE 199 'ag. 11 --------------------------------- .-,1. ...', ~ ir~ .,'...;~ ,.... :' .';rc.. . ,,·;î(1 ," '.. :.~j.~ . '...Jlt!-' ~: ,. ',;,'/,,' ) ~\ < , ", , ;~~ "','M.· " ··a J'~ ./ #~ . "":.:. , ~-' ~ ~; , '".. (. f , , ,f, ~'ì 'f~ / .. ~....I' ., ,g.>' , . . - ~ , ' ; ~ ....... ' )!' , .~ ~----------------------- - -.....-.-------------- . ~-,(.,,:.;..:...,,"':' 076 rAc£200 . July 12, 1983 Commls.1on.r Vo.. .ald, It would ...m to him, that the a.......nt would take Into con.ld.ration tho.. Item., how.v.r, h. a.k.d if aangrov. prop.rty 1. worth v.ry auch, to which Hr. Ba.. .aid thl. 1. 5 acr.. of prop.rty with an $18,000 ......m.nt. Mr. Ba.. .tat.d thAt Goodland, Inc. ha. an a.....m.nt of $100,000 for prop.rty that 1. not ,;.. , :l~:.";' ':'\Jt . '!:~¡~·t: d.v.lop.d, with no wat.r and no tiro protection. .hould b. di.tribut.d to u..r.. He .aid th.t the co.t ' " Ch.ira.n Kru.. ..ked If the BCC has .v.r a......d on a .quar. footage b.for.? Fi.c41 Officer all.. said that on on. timo proj.ct., u.ually capital Improv.ment. .uch as roads, the BCC policy has b..n on a co.t foot ba.i.. During the .n.uing dl.cu..ion, Mr. Norman and M.. St.phan r.ferred to oth.r .xampl.. of a.....m.nt .uch a. Marco I.land, wh.r. it wa. on a common lot lin., becau.. of the irr.gul.r .hap.d " ·lot.. 1'18. St.phan referred to l5I74-7!1 and a public hearing regarding '."..:.t l~' fill , the Immok.h. .ewer proj.ct which was anticip.t.d on a .quar. toot.g. ,,'1.\" . ba.i., .1.0. Mr. Nor.an agr..d. H. explain.d that lrr.gular lot. n..d $;;..oml 'c:on..ider.tlon regarding the d.pth of the lot. becau.. ot ~~. whole #, ar.a,th.t can b. develop.d. H. .xplalned the que.tion 18 b.yond th~~~~, ':w' ~ront toot.g. due to the depth beyond that front lot Un.. ~ ' ~, A discu.sion ." ~ ¡ t, ~: the ¡ ,t~ logical to a..... on 'the upl.nd .rea? Mr. Norman said th.t the BCC'. ~...- t·,·" i'j.··'~ning poUcy dou el10w the .ntire -ST- area to be tak.n into cona1d- . . .n.u.d which re.ul ted in var Iou. detail. regardinli""'" .e', ',}~ ?~ " ~'j - . , dev.loplDtnt ri9ht., and Commhalon.r Vo.. a.ked it it would' b. ~~rr~,' ,..., , . '~~ "* '\1 . , ...., .ration for d.t.rmining donslty. -W' .. County Attorn.y Saund.r. .xplained that the zoning cod. r.f.r. to. ...., , ¡' gro.. acre.g. d..Ung with den.ity which would inc1ud. the aan9roy. ' . .0 . ar.a. Mr. Morman admitted that Mr. Kirk'. situation i. .ntir.ly contrary to all hi.tory of .p.cial ........nt., to hi. und.r.tandl"9_ " Co_halon.... lIol!and rah.d the qu..tion of ..ngrov... RuponcHn9 to " ,- ~ Pail 17 ~ , "4- ~ ~----,- --.- ------ ---------- ---~ ~.¡;.I."'. ~.::~:.. ---...........,. , ~ ; :' '".' ~ ."., ~j .~;.>~-:~,,~i "~,.,, ,.::;<1'" , r!Em .. .. --------"--_._----------------------------~~ July l2, 1983 Co..i..lon.r Holland, Mr. Saund.r. .xplaln.d that It 1s 111.g.1 to r.mov. I ..ngrov. without I Corps of Engin..r. p.rmit and. DER p.t.lt. Mr. Virta ..1d that Colli.r County r.gulat.s prot.cting eangroY.~ wh1ch hi. d.parba.nt .nforc... ~ ' Co..ission.r Vo.. .xpr....d hi. opinlon that an ......m.nt cannot b. ba..d on the ba.i. of the valu. of the prop.rty for obvlou. r.asons. Mr. lass disagr..d. H. said It i. r.asonabl. to .pr.ad that cost o~ I u..d ba.is. Commi..ion.r. Vo.., Pl.tor and Holland di.agr..d with Mr. aa.s' .rgum.nt. Commls.lon.r Holland .aid h. had sympathy b.caus. of the portion of Mr. Kirk'. prop.rty b.ing covor.d with mangrov... :...,,' Chalr..n Kru.. dh.gre.d, tor the record, .nd .tat.dthat", if the " pav...nt go.s down h.r str..t, If .h. liv.. th.r. and the prop.rty own.r n.xt door do.. not liv. ther., in h.r opinlon, that prop.rty own.r .till p.y. the .ame tront footage that all the r..idents on the str..t pay.. She .aid that . house doe. not make thv differ.nc. .nd rai.ed the point that th.re 1s a b.neflt to the prop.rty own.r it h. .old the property. Mr. Rog.r Ang.l, r.pr...nting CU2M Hill, .xplained that the r..son .quar. footag. was us.d was becau.. of the irregularly .hap.d lot., addin9 th.t hi. firm f.lt that was the most .conomical, fair..t way to go. He .aid hi. firm us.d the platt.d information to compute the .quar. tootag. of the various lots. An unid.ntifi.d person rai..d the point of Marco I.land. Chairman Krus. not.d that Wil.on, Mill.r, Barton, 5011 .nd Pvek, Inc. did that work based on s.w.r lin.s. Mr. Nor~n pointed out that Karco is a platted .ubdiviaion and the lot. art much more r.gular. Mr. ,Nick K..lov, property ownvr in <ioodhntl, .tated that h. receivvd his a...asments, totallod the aquar. footage and said ht i. &oOK 016 ~AIìE.2Of pag. 11 " ,'I '\'~~ :: .-.' .... ,.·-t· o .~ ---- - - - - - - - - - -.. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - ----.....-. " ~.~iti; .' ~\.~ .:~r~ .'",)t~: "~<t~~;';' . ',', .I_~:~^ \, '. . . , ~--------- -- -- -- - - -- - -- ----------------7~.: 'j" ",.~. ···,~"t, t t,,~~Ì} ',Jilf" i .1- " ",' :-1 , '¡~I!} ',"'¡i ;: ' ~" ·}~t:':" .~,(t~ ' Io'~~\ '..~ ,,:J ·;~t' , 076 PACE 202 . July l2, 1983 being .......d at 29,758 .q. ft. He pr...nted . .urv.y by Wilson, Mll1.r, Barton, SoIl & P..k, Inc. which .hows 23,958 sq. ft., the dlff.r.nc. of approximat.ly 6,000 square feet. H. uid h. tak.. .xc.ption to thu .....sment. Chairman Kruae agrwed and ask.d that the square footage b. ch.ck.d. Ma. Stoph.n. explaln.d the basi. for asse..ment waa the plattod, .ubdivi.lon plot. to determine the .quare footage for each indlvidu.l lot and property. She said the Mr. Ke.lov has an individual .urv.y which may not be the .ame as the plat becauae, in Ooodland, Moth.r Nature could have tak.n .om. land away. She ..k.d tor dir.ction fro. the ace a. to wheth.r the UtllItIe. Divl.ion is to us. individual . .urv.y. or the plat propwrty lin.? Commisslon.r. Voss and ~ru.. .aid the whole i.land would have to b. survey.d. Ms. St.phan agr..d and .xplained that i. the rea.on that the platted, property was u..d .nd not .urveys. Mr. K.slov aaid hi. property i. on water and h. has not lo.t ßny property to his knowledg.. He .aid that Wilson, Ml11.r, Barto~Soll . P.ek, Inc. w.nt by the parc.l d.scription. He r.il.w.d PO' ".¡..\ hi. paa~ hi.tory rogarding work h. performed on hi. property. /î'. Mr. S.under. said that the proc.dure that .taU utilized would be ~th. ...,..,I,t. .,o..d.,.. H. aald If tho Individual l..d....' .a. ·~~rove that th.r. 1. so~.thing incorrect in the r.cord.d In.trum.nt., .- . ~~e a.....m.nt could b. lower.d, based on those fact., on an individual ~~ þi..ls. H. confirm~d th.t the overall a.se..~.nt procedure u..d by 'Btaft wa. the moat appropriat.. Mr. Norman not.d that what.ver adju.tm.nt any individual r.c.iv.., it would .ft.ct ev.ryon. In the surrounding prop.rty. Chairman Kru.e agr..d and .u9ge.ted that Mr. Xeslov ...t with ~. St.phan. ,i -, 1:,' lftt,~ ~. B.tty Bruno, spoke for her family .nd h.r own int.r..t In .Goodland, in oppo.ition to the a.......nt. ~ ,,' , 'IV. U ';,>,i;, ' . ~~~+.};~ - -------------.---------------------~~;r¡. ,'~" .;~:: '.~~" ':;; .~ 'I, œsa all - .',::',/,;;.', ,~~,~~;,.......',i.·.if.:l.·\~ ."~'.:.':, 7"-. ..._-"...."""'''''' '::", -------------- - - -- -- - ---_._---------.....-----~ " ,."'IfU"·;l< ,,;-;..:~; July 12, 1983 ' ~"". , Mr. Nor..n .xpl.in.d that, in hi. opinion, the BCC vill vant a ~ . ~ r.port on the coapl.int. that ar. g.nerat.d at thl. h.aring. He ..id '. tt vl11 be Incumb.nt upon property owner. to obt~'n øtatl.tlc. In b, writing a. to their coaplaint., for I aor. thorough r.port vh.n the before the BCC. Co~i..loner Pi.tor .aid, b.caus. of the nature ot Ooodland, the County wa. giv.n a grant from r.HA for $614,900 to h.lp pay tor that I" ,vat.r .y.t.., which i. approximat.ly 1/2 the coat. H. .aid that was I ",,:' at the tim., the matt.r wa. thoroughly t..,J'..',j·.. ,~, 11 ,.(t.,(f_':.(4 dl.cu...d. H. r.call.d that the p.opl. laid that the vat.t ta~.d tank .iz. was qu..tioned, how.ver, the .ngine.r. .ald .. that tank .iz. wa. nec...ary. ~,' .. ~t ' j" .... Kar' D.Martino rai..d qu..tion.. r.garding the a.......nt.' " , co.pared the l.mokal.e ar.a a. b.ing .conomically comparable, .nd .poke In oppo.ition bec.u.. that ar.a i8 b.ing a......d 6 c.nt. for wat.r and ¡ð, . .~). '"'. a.wer. She a.ked for clarification. She aho rehrr.d to hhtorical ''oJ,' , '~1nfor..tion .h. obt.in.d re the Kirkland-Goodland Wat.r Company with , ." ;~~. the wat.r con.umvtion ~ igur.. in 1980, and that the wat.r being brought i\r¡., in wa. four tim.. the figur.. of voter con.umption figur.. in Ooodland. 'Sh. .aid that the community of Coodland i. approximately on. ail. by on. all. that i. probably 80' d.volop.d. M.. Stephan r.vi.wed the original YmHA loan and .xplain.d that the 9rant wa. only $398,000 for Ooodland. She .aid Statt return.d to ,.KA and a.k.d for additional money, whicn the County r.ceiv.d, which r.l..d the .aount to $614,~OO which was the maximum that wa. allowable to Goodland. She r.vl.wed the 'mHA requirement. .uch a. income of p.opl. in the .r.a, numb.r of peopl., type of hou.ing, .tc. and ..id that this il the ba.i. for the d.t.rmination of the maximum ..ount of the grant. Continu.d di.cu..ion re.ult.d in compari.on to .ewer and wat.r grant. '.9' 20 ,..~ '!if :r'. . \ .., .!. ,,~,..., .~" ---------------------------------------~~ .. '"I';.'.' 1J~" ~' <..~It,~~.: ,;¡,'..... t~' ,~, , '~:¡ (,:;:.- , '1 l,',', i.~', ~ ..,.,~~ ~ ... ' ". ,/,:.1:1" . 076 rACE 204 July 12, 19UJ , ¡' '- '. ~ ;:.., ".:,jj: ~.~;.~ .' , , '(/ , '..'~f'" '''þ , , ,,., ".-:";,, ,0- f,4- ' Mr. "'"run ref.rred to former public h.aring. regarding this subj.ct }',j;, ;::~ wh.n 'a~l.~he co.t of the actuol figur.. w.re ulaed. ~ ~ ,_,', ,,~i~' t't' A: dhcuuion, wu h.ld ....gudinq continuation of thh proj.ct'~·' ..,;f¡,;~:~;, ';¡N,Chairlllan Kru.e noted that the public h.arlng ,,!111 not b. closed. Mr. ;~¡" 'ÑéiÞ ,) Ion;. NorlDltn .aid, for the ben.fit of tho.. p.opl. who hað to leav., th.t th.': ., "_.: County will eumin. .ny ap.cific facta, in writing, r.garding Indivi- " ~,;¡¡.' ~~~ual situation.. H. .ald tho.. .hould b. ..il.d to the Utility ,Dlvision, 5th Floor, Building -r-. H. r.it.rAt.d that this .y.t.. has and with the t.rrain att.ct.d by tide. In the Coodland area. Cha 1 run " ~: . :I'~; >(', ..~ :' t:: ~ : ,*' '''''';~' I .""~ ' , '·9' 21 ' ;~:~';;i ...- - - - - - - --- -.. - - ---- --- --------------'~------~~~ ,"~~',t~ ',.:,,¡¡l~', } .'~'~~+ '~". , l1\l8I .. I8J ',;i;~, Kru.. .aid that the bill would have been higher If .11 those factors wort Involv.d in the original qrant application. Mr. Norman noteð that 1..okalee ha. had w.ter for a numb.r of y.ar.. M.. D.Martino reque.ted a certiCied .tatement on monies sp.nt and wh.re th.y were appl1.d for .11 or tho Ooodland District. Mr. Norm.n explain.d that Mr. aile. will bo obtaining thia information. M.. Ir.n. H.b.rmehl .pok. in oppo.ition to tho co.t and a.....m.nt of this .y.t'lI. Cl.rk R.agan ..id ho ..k.d F18cal OCficer ail.., a C.P.A., to make a copy of an audit.d .tat.m.nt for Fi.cal Y.ar 1982-83 for the Ooodl.nd W.ter Di.trict, and a copy ot tho independvnt oudlted financial r.port, ".ftectiv. May 31, 1983 for tho Ooodland Water/Sewer Di.trict. H. .ald Mr. ail.. can .xplain how the money wa. .p.nt but not n.c....rily why. ',' ., be.n built and has to be paid for. M.. Clara Brl..on, owner in Goodland, ..k.d that the subject b. postponed 6 we.k.. She said the a..e..m.nt on .quare footage i. untalr. She pointed out that th.r. are p.opl. who have l.ft tho ar.a ","I . ..~ : and who are not even .war. of the a.....m.nt and who have not r.ceived " the notice.. COUlis.ioner Voss asked for und.r.tanding of the fact . .~" that th18 amount of mon.y haa to b. paid. H. add th.re 18 no "'~.Ü'"~'F¡~,".'''''_,'''__,_____r 'u" j " ". ,"'.."'. I ~'~ 111<'. 'I>'.,'I""'_"_''''''',.___....--'''_~"_.....-- .._ _.._'______.""~._"',w,."..._~_"'".._">'_·"' , July l2, 1983 - -----~-----------------~-.; ~--------7------ ,~'~ '.' " 1. &ÒOX 076 fACE 206 . It.. f9 ACQUISITION or SITS '9 rOR THI GOLDEN GATS COMMUNITY PARK SITE - APPROVED .,. 'l~ ,:';~..;\ II -,~;~;. ~, .",.)\} " ; ~ ;;' i', , f' ,';,~'~ ' ,f,1 , ,...,. '.~;~' Mr. O.orge Archibald, Transportation Director, 8tated that sit. '9 of the report tor the Oold.n Oate Community Park sit. 1s the one b.lng , recom.end.d for acqul.ltion. He statod thAt SIte 19 1. b.ing con.ider.d ba..d upon an agre.mont that ha. b.en prepared. He noted that the agr..m.nt .tat.s that Barnett Bank Trust will b. selling 35 acres which repr...nt. parc.l 19 at a por acre price of $17,500, adding 'J, . that the ~ell.r ha. also made a commitment to contrlbut. $50,000 to the County to enhance the park facility. Ho noted that one r.striction that the 5.ller 1. placin9 u~on the sale is that the County u.e the land tor a community parK only. He stat.d that there i. a road shown 'going .asterly off Santo Barbara boul.vard, statln9 that it i. propos.d that the Seller, at his axpons., realign the road so that Sit. 19 contains 35 acr... H. noted that if for some reason the r.a119nm.nt doe. not take place or the Board considers purchasing only the parc.l 'above the .xistln9 (oad, the pric. will r.main the .am., but the Sell.r v11l not b. re.ponsIble to r.lmburse the County tor the co.t ot not , relocating the road. H. not.d that the initial Agr..ment r.quir.d the '>' 1 S.ller to refoc.t. the road at hi. .xpen.., adding that if h. did not , ~ 1elocate the road, than the Seller wa. to pay the County the cost ot '-~ ··rèlocatio,,_ He stated that this twrm ls one thot the S.ll.r h '" 'reque~ting to b. d.leted from the agr.ement, adding that h. has no objection. to Lt. He noted that oth.r t.rms of the a9r..lMnt state that the County .hall have the option to connect to a wastevat.r tr.a~.nt plant should one bo provld.d for the adjac.nt dev.lo~ent vhich vill b. known a. Øerk.hir. Lakes, adding that th.r. vill b. no t tit-In he. He report.d that in the agr.em.nt th.re 1. . r.que.t to ''- ·clo.e on the prop.rty within 60 days. ".....1' ~ ',' ~ .;;~'. - ~,fµ--:" 1 rf";{~r;1!-" I ~___________________________________~_~~_ 1 ~~~:'j ~i' f: ,.'~~ ' ,~.. ~~ /., ~.."(:~ ....~ _í.~\·ë/.. ;' '.j. '1 pe,.e 23 riIII .. .1 I&t ---------- -- - -..- - - - - - - - - - -- - ----- -- -------.-.~ .' contract would b. or no .ff.ct. H. not.d that thl. provision could b. worked into thft agrwement, adding thot there ar. oth.r chang.s that ne.d to be discuss.d. He noted that the donation of the $50,000 states in the agreem.nt that the Seller will provide $50,000 to the County and , July l2, 1983 Mr. Aqnelli, repr.s.ntin~ the prop.rty owner, .tat.d that there .re SO .cr.. th.r. and the County can purcha.e a. much a. they want, i.,lddln9 that if the County want. only 35 and decide. to 'real19n the " , .' " "~·ro.d, the County will do the engln..rlng and h. will pay the hard co.t ,:"'\ of realigning the rOld. He stated that the chang. that has b.en mad. Is that it the road is not r.aligned, he does not want to have to pay .nd be penaliz.d because the road is not going to be r.allgned. j ~ County Man.ger Horman st.ted that this should b. noted In the contract. 4"~·,. .' I, ,~ cou~ty Attorn.y Saund.r. stat.d that as a provision ot the- ".9r....nt, the County be 9iv.~ the option to r.quire the r.alignm.nt of ~,' .' the road and it the County .lects to do 10, that the S.ller would pay .' the Incr.ased construction coat and the County would pay the engin.ering coat. Th. County would at that tim., have to contact the Stat. DOT to make a d.t.rminatlon as to wh.th.r this can b. don., " noting that If the State DOT r.plles negatively, that provision of the ,~ ~ the County will co-mingle that with the Parks' Recreation Trust Fund. ~e noted that th.r. Is . chang. which stat.. that the $50,000 will b. h.ld In .scrow by an ..crow agent agroeable to the County ond the B.ll.r and that all Interest eornwd on thv.. funds would b. paid to the B.ll.r not the County, adding that, in addition, b.foro the County could utilize those fun~s the County would have to show to the S.ll.r thlt the us. of the funda is for a portion of the proj.ct that is In .ddition to what would ordinarily have been don., and alao that the aoOK 076 PACf2JJ7 "9' 24 . , ,I ~ ,~:¡.> 4~fj,· ,~ ..,;.:¡,~I.t, , ,. ',t;Î.t2~,·.~: . I ,.ft.', ·"~'I "j,': :~?~ ,: r~:~ ¡~f~~ ~ ·,!'1:.iíI, ".. . tl"l,~,., ,.' "',' . , ~ ¡ . .. ."'-: . ,.~.;,~',:' ,.' . .... . ..',~.: , < . L' ,,;.;~ ::~:¡t.., ------- -- -- - --- - - -- - -- -----------------......-.-.. :.':i\~,.': :",~~i;\: ~ "'.' ,,,;,, , 'r , 4' :t. ~ "".' -:~~!f~~.,.; . " ,·~.¡~.;¿.;r.,:;;$~/t..;y. , , ",0" ,',' '.', ,,IN!"4"''' ""';Ì'J¡'~,"',;, , ,'~~\,',.",,'.;..<,.,','" ,.,'.,.' .._"..._.",.-~" "-"';"-""-'.""-"."-",,,,,~ '_~"'~_""IOIIj "'''_''. .~- aoOK 076 PACE 208 . July 12, 1983 Seller would have the ability to tell the County what goe. In th.r. for that *50,000. Co..i.sioner Kru.. .tated that she could not go along with the County being told what 1. put in the park, adding that she ha. no obj.ction to the .oney being put into thia type of an ..crow account a. the .on.y i. b.ing don.ted. County Attorn.y Saund.r. stated that th.r. n.ed. to be a c.rtaln ..ount o~ tru.t in each party, adding that In the agreement it could be atat.d that the $50,000 would be used only in the park ait. for which it i. b.ing donated and that the fund. would b. used for some .xpenditur. over .nd .bov. what would ordin.rily b. spent to .qulp such . pa r k . Mr. Agnelli stat.d that the attorney can work it out, adding that hls'int.nt for the $50,000 i. .xactly what Mr. Saund.rs d.scribed, adding that It would not b. pool.d 1n and us.d in other parks. H. stated that h. is loold ng to .nhanc. the Oolden Oat. park above and b.yond the oth.t park. by the us. of this $50,000. M.. ht Carroll, £n91 n.. r, sdd that sh. has contact.d the DOT 9); regarding the realignm.nt of the ro.d, noting "that the DOT will work ~: with the Couoty a. long as th.r. is no additional .xp.ns. to the 'tat., ",.7 ."'J, ' ~f." add ing that . . ........ . ,-~th.. within .... .... .h. should b. able to r.c.ive .0.. type of commlt..nt fro. 60 days. She noted that the 6.11er has indicated that Vh.~.v.r th. alignment 1. plac.d, th.y will d.ed the right-at-way to 'th.' County which can b. placed on r.cord immediat.ly. She not.d that the only oth.r it.. sh. had concern about i. the utility charge, adding that sh. would like to b. sur. that if the us. of a packag. plant 1. 'av. 2S .....---- --- --- ---------------------......--...-_~-- - - - ",,,.,,,...,,"',.'"'~__.._____'''"'_..,....'''''__''"',',+_;....,'...,_,'_.'''"'_._..,_~_....<__"'~__..,___,','___,___~'"_"'_".,,-,....w ,1'" ,,1,; , f'- "..'11 .~" ~ , . , þ ~~ - ~. ,:.r: ..' .. . .a:.Jt' ..q,~.:" ,\it: 'it" f t· ,h.' .', :'.4,f I".,. , ,tI.'.i; ; !.i¡I~' .. --- - --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ---- - - - - - - - - - - - - .....-..... . ':'"ii '"\ '/,- ; July 12, 1983 , , n.eded, that the County will not be charg.d .xcesslvely tOf th.ir by Itrk.hire Lake.. Co..I..loner Vo.. stat.d that th.r. .hould b. an .scap. clau.. In the contract, to which County Attorn.y Saund.r. atat.d that thl. would be cov.r.d. '. '~ ',~ --:,1,tI ;,;¡..'. ~:: ~, ~,;1" '. ,~. , .~ t! I .. " ''',''*1 , .~~?d7'. '.__.,'::itl~~>j "ie 26 .,..,>;~;~,~~\ --______________________________~_~~~_~~w Co..is.ioner Vo.. .oved, ..cond.d by Coui..ioner .i.tor and carri.d unani.ou.ly, th.t the t.r.. ot the .gr....nt with Barnett lank "ru.t for acqu1stion of 81 t. U for the Oolden Oat. Couunity 'ark be approv.d with the .bov. ret.r.nc.d chang.. and that the Ch.iraan be authoril.4 to .x.cut. ..id .ir....nt. .. Note: Agt'eo:.unt not recei....d in office of elm of the Board .. of 7/22.'0,3, . .'.. . 1 aoOK 078 PACE 209 ."...,~""__,~,.,",,..""',._"",......~'''.._''''~I'''_"';__,,~'''"'..~'_''''','........___.,,_.......,... '_""'<If f, ,...___.>H."._,.......".....'"____..""""''''''''".,''''''''''','_,'...,..__."..._-......"_"',,o~,_,'"'.~..,,·.__'" "_,~"'''''''~ft',_..",_",,,___, ___ ,..._....,.......,.., "',',11' l . ....... .,' , ...; ~-----_·_-----------------------------_~_~I . .','I"! &OOK 076 PACE 210 It.. 110 IMalNllRINa D!PARTMIMT INSTRUCTED TO APPLY rOR PERMITS TO BRINa THI HIMD£RSON CREEK WEIR TO 3.5' AND OBTAIN NECESSARY BIDS AS SOON AS POSSIBLE ;: ~; July l2, 1983 i,1! :_.~';,'; "...;ti .....11~ ,.,;:~: r/:\í1 ';i Mr. Archibald indic.ted that this it.m ia to appoint memb.r. to a s.l.ction committ.. to dev.lop a Ihort liMt of the most qualifi.d con.ult.nt. that have .ubmittod propolals for the Hend.rlon Cr..k ,. ~!I; r l J ~, ~ ,0 drainage .tudy. H. noted that the locond item i, to authorize the Staff to undertake lome pr.planning activities for the development of . topogrophic map that will cover the Helle Meode ar.a. He atated that 11 consultants have lubmitt.d qualifications to be con.ider.d tor the H.nderaon Creek Itudy which are in accordance with the Board's dir.ctive. of May 17, 1983. H. report.d that as far .1 the mapping .~ 1ff~ ,~ ... . .,~~ ~'.¡" Jy ." ......, . r. , .:f ' ;';¡:' 7' _\, requirements for the Sell. Meade area, thwr. il an immediate ne.d and a long term ne.d for a topographic survey and on. foot contour mapping for the belle Meade area, adding that thi8 study Ihould be und.rtak.n jointly wi th the 819 Cypre.. Buin Board. H. not.d that the ea~ll\1ted cost ot the mapping servic. Is b.twe.n $90,000-110,000 which i. b.in9 ,~ con.id.red in the budget fl)r the upcoming y.a~, addin\J that th.n 18 . certain amount of contin9.ncy fundI in the Wat.r Manag.m.nt District. , M.:I . -.. ~"'~I"" 'tto :1'¥'~~ ,.,~': '~( 18 ~s. Carol. Curlin, repr.s.ntin9 the Pacific L.gal Foundation, '.i.ted that. better course of action would be for the Board to 't , '. ., , imm.diat.ly modify the Honderson Creek Itructuro HCC-3 and HC, inlteld ot doinC mort .tudies. She noted that this would .av. the County money Ind would reli.ve the re.iðents concerns .s w.ll a. r.lieving the probl... She atat.d that the main w.lr Ihould b. modified 80 lineal f..t 3.5' ..an ..a l.vel crest .l.vation for dilcharg. into the .ain chlnn.l and moditying the HC weir to provide 63 lin..l f..t of cre.t at t" t::~ ; , :;,\; ¡¡,. (¡"'~;\I .¡~' :\~ ,_I..., ....,::- , . the .... .l.v.tion of 3.S' ...n a'A levol. She not.~ that Pa9. 27 ..--.....--------------------------------------........ Ji.\ !.:' ,';0: , ~. ,.~: 1~f~ , \ 1111 .. .. i"',"',~.',~·"·,,,:·,' ~iti~£lJ~~.~ ~'''''.¡__'-\--,,'',',.---'w,,----'''- ~---------------------~----------------~~~. July 12, 1983 approximately 2000 l1n'll feet of downstr.am channel cl..rln9 of HC would b. requIred Ind the enllrge..nt o~ the cro.. .ection to 240 square fe.t with I " average d.pth would al.o b. r.qulred IS vell .. laprovln9 the chann.l. for the two box culv.rt.. She 'not.d th.t th... .t.p. will provide full protection during minor 5-10 flood occurrenc... She Itat.d that th..e improve..nt. would al.o prevent salt vat.r 1\ tntru.Son, lid In fr..h vater .tora~., and r...tablJlh .h..t flow to ;~, - part. o~ the marsh. She not.d that th..e modifications would coat '~·~pproxlmat'lY $81,500 and $35,000 of thla has alr.ady b..n used for it' >i'/'" , :.:~~~ann'l i.prov...ntl by the County, adding that the remaI~ing ',~:.~~i~icationa would coat the County $40,000. She stat.d that the ,~-t",. r.co...ndation by th.lr en9ine.r. appear. to b. the most .conomical ", t\ . lolution and moat f.a.ibl.. .. 'If' J. .....·t.;'i......, ~., ~J.tr.a. Improvem.nt. will cau.~ flooding. F_:.,. .:l~ .~ .,~, -··:,:~fù ~ ~' ":',"'~,Œ, .~:.... ,I "~ , I: S'~~' ~. '~" . ,..~ ",' She noted that the Army Corps, ,.:'\{, ~..1 " ':~1t ...'., .'>";1, , ,....t\:.,. 7--- -- -- - - -- - - - - -- - - --------- ---------~~,:' ,....~~.:~:(,..! :~~,t!f "'h< t ,';.' Sh. not.d that building v.ir. without , of Inglneer. agr... that the siz. of the baAin was incorr.ctly ~formulat.d for the w.ir, adding that it'. size waa und.r.sti.at.d. She ,oj....', '; Itat.d that it would be the Pacific Legal Foundation'. r.comm.ndation to improve the channels and lowar the weir. as soon as po.sibl.. Com.ission.r Holland atated that ho does not know who mad. .iatak.. but ~oplft are b.ing flooded, adding that it is tim. for posltlv. .ction and he would vote to r.move a portion of the weir to pr.vent any furth.r flooding_ Com.i.sioner Vo.s noted that there are two conflicting r.porta, adding that h. is not convinced that th. weir is wron~, but the County n..d.t.o know b..for. anythln~ 1. don.. Co..i.sion.r Xru.e ~uostioned if th~ 3.5' waa b..ed on on. .n91ne.r or mor., to which Ms. Currin re~ll.d two .ngine.ra but only one report. Mr. Ha~111, 281 Pine K.y Lan., ent.red a lett.r into the record in ~I &oOK 016 PACE 211' Page 21 ~ ---,--"'-,,--'""="'~"" ,~,";..",,";,_._UMl" I ","'; r 1 '... :.,. In D.c.mb.r of l!ll82 to gain .nhanc." knowl.dge of the !MS ayate. and I.,":" Ii' .,-" ' - . ' ~ 1;'''4, :,J, .i uk. ucom..ndatlon. for improvellents regarding aa... He not.d thatl,Ã,C,:.: POt ,,'-Q-lRfr . ~; tho .::::: ~:; o:::~::o~ n: :::::. t ::: :::";:::0: :.:::::::::: 1 ::0: .' .' ~M'dlcal Monitoring Committ.., adding that she h..itate. on ..ttlng up ~t· ~,~ any furth.r co..itt.... ......... . ~~~þ'luctor is b.ing P4Ild for and th.r. 1. no problell with hi. behavior., '.' '-., Com.hsion.r Voss stated that Dr. Tob.r doe. an excell.nt job, ~--'''' ~,~.... ,. -, -_...:.- -- - - - - - - - - - ---... - - - - - - - - - - - - -- --- --..- ~OOK 078 ~CE212 July 12, 1983 .', .., ~ ~t· ,'. .. '. 1;;' .. '\ ,"\ ~~. and the cost ~..:,J' , Co..l..10ner . ,~, t " . Th.r. was g.n.ral di.cus.ion r.garding the continuing education , '\~ ;';~i1-:_\' .. well .. the tillle Involv.d and the over till., to "hlch·:r·;~:' " . .......:... .. - - favor of taking ll1l1ediat. action on the weir. He al.o .poke in favor of having the weir lower.d a. aoon a. pos.ibl.. COllml.sion.r Kru.e .tat.d that .he agr..d with Commi..ion.r Holland and .om.thing n.eds to b. done with the w.ir imm.dlat.ly and .h. ha. no probl.. with the 3.5' el.vation. She stated that lIoney 1. con.tantly boing .p.nt and th.y 011" no further anead. Co..i..lon.r Holland lIov.d, .econded by Co..l..ion.r Brown and carried 3/2, (Collai..loner PI.tor and COlllli..ion.r Voss oppo..d), th.t the Engln..ring Departll.nt be in.tructed to apply tor the p.rlllt to bring the Hend.r.on Cr..k w.ir to a 3.5' lev.l and, if n.c....ry, to obtain bid. troll the outside and to do so a. .oon a. po..ible. ..... R.c.... 2.50 P.M. - N.conv.n.d. 3,00 P.M. ..... It_ III '. VARIOUS ACTION TA~EN RE EMS TAS~ 'aRC! REPORT Mr. Hill, EMSAC Chairman, stat.d that the Task Fore. wa. cr.at.d She .tat.d that this is what the M.dic.l adding that a commltt.. should not supers.d. hill. II .i Holland stat.d that the continuing education 1. going " .b.yond the St.t. r.quire..nt.. ., .", .;. ".', .1 , ~.u ~ -'---- -- ------------------ -- -------_......_....._--~.,' '!",'i't'· <~;,:;,Y,¡"i;1, ~ ."~'"' 1 .,~\NW~.:' '., ,;..' "'~ t:"" \,~"", ¡",:;,y'. l· ' '_......11"'.....-.-_.,'"'__._ 1''1>''''''_ '''''..øliO...._..._ '~ ,""'- ."',-'. ......,_.~.'>"_"""~,,__"..~"",___.'~,,-..... L_~ . ~ ': ~'.; ------------------------------------~~~n~~ ,.."!,¡,";,j,'j .,~:?'~ ;'~!~:~ I'l.¡" 1\;i :'~;~1 .ffj , "'~. ,Ii;" July 12, 1983 Co.mi..lon.r Vo.. .tat.d that h. fe.l. the tralning ....ion. ar. valUAble and .hould be k.pt up. Com.ls.ion.r ~ru.o stat.d that th... it... ahould be .eparat.d into tvo part.. Co_i..ioner ,i.tor aoyed, ..cond.d by CODai..lon.r Yo.. and carri.d unanimoualy, that th.re be no M.dical Monitoring Co..ltt.. '\ ,\ form.d. Co.-iasloner Brown aoyod, ..conded by Co.-i..ion.r Vo.. .nd i ''; t carried unanimously, that the ai-W.ekly training be continu.d. . .I Co_l..1oner Bolland dlr.cted Sta~f to obtain Stlt. r.qui!...nt. and co.p.rlaon. of oth.r counti.. a. far a. bl-weekly training i~ I conc.rnod. . Co..i..ion.r ~ru.o stated that the n.xt it.m i. the 24-Hour MedicAl Clinic in I..ok.l.e which is recommended by ataff. Mr. Dorrill .tat.d that the County has an obli9ation of a lev.l of capability in Iamokal.., addinq that a 24-hour ..dical clinic in l_okal.. would reduce tranaports to Napl.s by 20'. Ther. was no action tak.n on the 24-hour ..dical clinic in X_ota1... Co..i.sloner Kruso stated the n.xt it.. ia a Financial Montoring COII.itt... Mr. Hill atated thAt thia It.m Is for tho purpose of monitoring all EMS .xp.nditure. and r.vunu~s to make recomm.ndations to the 8CC. Ho stat.d tllat h. is recolIIII.nding th.t a r.tirod accountant b. us.d ~or volunte.r work to go ov.r .xpunditur.. once A month, making .ugg..tions that could pos_ibly save lIonQY. He not.d that by bringing this to the attention of the prop.r authorltl.s sOllie money lIay be able to b. .Aved or .o.e thi~~s vliminat.d. Co_is.ioner Vo.s moved, .econd.d by CODaI..ion.r ,Iator and aOOK 076 PAct:213 ,ag. 30 ---------------------- ---------------- -ij.~-~-',,..,"'- . . ~~' ;~;> ,,; - "t,t(1.;. : ""') . ·~~~*f" . ,,. ~'..r~ . ....1....;jM .. ' .t ~Þ!!~ ',;'? ,.1.': -. . . .~'~ l: , ";,~ 't ~ .~ ~,; . ''"-J-. 1I"),~~,·~,,,t ~, 1\' .: "·IJ~r'~~j. i,'I'""',I, ,~"t~~; y\~, . tlt'i'l, 110 '\ . ":I~.!J' ..~: ...~..;.., -~~----~-------------- eÒOK 076 rACE 214 July l2, 1983 curled 3/2, (Co..mha1on.r Kru.. and Comml..10ner Brown oppo..d), thlt . r.tir.d CPA ov.rlook the operation. of EMS anð the books one. I aonth in In unofficial cDpacity and report to the chair.an of IMSAC, at no coat to the County. Co~ission.r Kruse indicat.d that the Life Lin. Charg.s is the next it.., with the g.neral cons.nau. being in ICJuemant and no further i", .} j Ictlon n.c.s.ary. .', "ape 110 Com.lssioner Krus. stat.d the n.xt it.. i. Volunt.era, to which Mr. Dorrill stated that this is for volunt..r., which ha. work.d out v.ry well in Melbourn., Florida, which is an exa~ple of this syst... Com.is.ion.r Holland stated that with on. EMT and on. volunt..r, '..the nor.al transport could be handl.d, adding that h. would lik. to s.. this .xplor.d as to the possibiliti.a of finding .nough volunt.er. so that half the units could b. manned by volunt.era durin9 the daylight hour.. Mr. Or..nfi.ld stated that the total amount ot non-e.erg.ncy,::, ~ transport f.. r.venu. waD $58,000, adding that It anything is done a. a ,~ .yst.., havlnfiJ anoth.r C roup of p.ople fro. the atre.t tunsporting ': Ir' , .._' patients without charging lI.ans $58,000 le.s at the end of the y.ar. , Coaml..ion.r Holland atated that h. ia talking .bout uaing the ~~bulanc.a and on. £MT and to charCJo the sam. rat.s a. have be.n ..... chl~ed, but aimply u.ing on. volunt.er to ~ork with th.t one IMT, adding that h. would like the aatter ch.ck.d into as it could aav. I.,i'·' ,~' money. Mr. Ore.nfield atat.d that this cou'ld be done and he would check Into the aatter. Th.r. waa no furth.r action tak.n on thi. ,:. , .att.r. " ;'~ ~~.... ' C...h,s1oner Krus. indicated that the n.xt ite. Is the H.licopter " Whløh .ncourages stricter us.. Mr. DoreUl stated that the h.licopter .'. "_...,-""'_""""...""_".......-_,.....J.""""'_*$...._,,.-',,__"~__.,,"~__..._,.;,-~---,-"-_."----"_..-.,-'_..""""-"""'-' , ~' }, '.;r- 1) . t. . ~ " . I'. ",~ ~;, ,M!, '.. :~,.~: .v,t' ""1'" ..-"_.._-~.._,..-" ---- --- -.---- - - - - -- -- - --- -- ------- ------~,~ , '~.r ,.g. 32 ';:~~..~, .",. ':,~ j , ;..'110"':' -----. ........iIIIf\ . ( :1tt~c " . .';""'~~~:~:, ,.,' ,:~~i1.;\ ~(~~~~~. July 12, 1983 hI. .nhanc.d ...eg.nay call., Idding that the EMS .hlft .up.rvi.or 1s the on. that ..k.. the d.e1.ion at the till', .xcept for n1ght tl.. us., ;f' , :,,', w.k.nd u.., or inel...nt wath.r, wh.n it mu.t be aut,horlzed by ~i ' 'J~ hi..elt. H. noted that 70. of the u.. of the h.licopt.r h for '\1<'" 1/ ..~,\". , ....rg.ncy u... H. .tated that fro. year to dat., there ha. b..n 49 .' ". 'h , .', tran.port. thl. year with a proj.ct.d figure of 67. Co..is.ion.r Holland que.tioned whether anyone check.d into ~,~ontr.ct rental, to wh1ch Mr. Ore.nfield stated that the co.t is i î:.pproximat.ly '200,000 and it i. l.s. expen.ive to op.rat. the ". h.licopter than it could be to opon another sub-station. 'Th.re VI' no :, .etion t.k.n on the h.licopter. "it ,." co..I,,'onor ",u.. not.; th.t tho nut It.. .. BuppU.. vhlch .. ,:~~~at .11 sup~li.. ov.r $100.00 b. lIad. through C.ntral purchasing. ¡, Tb.re wa. no .ction t.k.n on suppli... :l."\..' ',' Co..ha1on.r Krus. reported that the 24-hour shUt i. n.xt Ind no ~1l}.ction was t.ken on this matt.r. )'1..;" ~": Chai rman ICrus. stat.d that the last i tell! under the EMS Task torce ,., report is Pr ivat. Ambulance Service. .. Comai.slon.r Holland stated that th.r. are not a lot of private enterpri... that run ambulanc.., adding that a lot of ambul.nc.s .r. run f~oll fir. dvpartm.nt.. He noted that if ambulance. can be run out ot tire d.partment. ~rom other countlws, Collier County could look into thh INtt.r. ,Com.i..ioner Kru.e stat.d that the ambulanc. sorvic. will b. run Iccording to the way the Board direct. and not.d for the record that .be like. contr_cting out .. much ..rvic.. aa pos.ible that ar. not l1f.-.upporting .y.tem., adding that sha i. not happy but ha. learn.d to liv. with the fact th.t the fire district. art .pllntered into diff.r.nt di.trict.. She stated th.t .h. i. and will cont1nue to b. aooK 076 PACt: 215 ----- - - --- -- -- -.- - -- - ---------- -, 'r·," " 'II, , \ ., ,~. , , ..~... ~ ·,,'t, ¡"}J , ; , .,~ .~ .. -f~'t,: 'í/. .' "'<, .," " , , . .: , d ,. ',~, \J~:·~·;r,~~~·:~tt.{'I'~'t :..~;. ....,~ };·~JJ'L;?:'··_..~...:~,,\,~. ,-_......,-,._~..,.....,- ,,",,;._,------- ,_",,,,,,__K_"......"","'·_""~ ~t~ ,.1' 076 PACE 218 '....--.-..:...---- -- - - - ---- ..- -- ----- -------------~t~ -'I','" , ,~' "/ "l , 'aca. 33 "~,J",, ,'I' " , '·::~[1;k{ ...------ -- ---- - -,- - - - --- -- - - - -- - -- ---...... --......-..............~¡~ , ~)S.~~ ;~tl";~:,¡ ,,'.,~,.~~-;/'.t " \fd"ï'~'" :::. 1~-..~;,,;,;~ . ..~ ~. ;"" f July 12, 1983 oppo.ed to any ....ntlal .erYlc. b.ing spllnter.d out.id. the control of the Board of County CODmillioner.. Co.mi..loner Vo.. agreed with CODmi.,ioner Kru.., Itatlng that th.. health and .afety of the p.opl. I. the main conc~rn. It.. 111 COD.i..ion.r Krus. stat.d that there woa a recvnt newspaper article that .hould be .xplorod, adding that if the Board Is able to rai.. taxe. this y.ar, the poaslbI11ty of running the ambulance I.rvice based on ad valor.m tax.. that come in with a minimuD charg. of one type or anoth.r to .ach individual hou.ehold without .xc..ding $15 or $20 p.r year which could b. consldered an Insuranco policy. Co.mi..ioner lIolland stated that he would vote for that !latter this ,date. Commissloner Krus. directed that Fiscal Offic.r ail.. and County ~: .;.",~,,~, M.nager Norman obtain the figurea that would b. necossary to add to the "'1<. Jt tax.. ba..d on the av.ra9' housohold. It.. 112 -.. - . ,~. RECLASSIfICATION or PRESENT EMS STArrING PATTBRH TO ACCOMMODATE SHORT ;~ AND LONG TERM OVERTIME ECONOMIES - APPROVED A:., Co_isdoner Pistor .oved, ..cond.d by Co_issioner Voss and ~..'" ,~ carrl.d unanl.oully, that the r.cla..ification ot the pre.ent EMS ",..":' .ta!tinca pattern to acco_odat. .hort and 10n9 ~,þ. approv.d. -.,,"" ......", ... .. - ~ !~.,:::-, (,."", ~,J~~¿~: ~~,. "ë~¡'~' .":"'.,' '\'~~' :1" 'f' Il , to'" l,~.: . .r~. .", }i,~. ", , .t;f , .,,;~, ,,':... , r .; '\'" ~,)(;., .. ¡.'J" '.,'" ·T\·'t~. " '· ~·loI'tItt"'" ~'."~~~" ;.....'·,'~:t~ t' "t, .. . "",to' ~ . ~ .,:. ¡r j' IIr' . .' ~ .. /,~i}: . .",\.:,,-1'~" '?~;.~:¡ ';:, r.~'f.,í,. " ,.,,~,.~.....--...,-~_... '___."""___',~'","'<F""" "~"""",., ,_"'","_~'M July 12, 1983 ~---------------------------------------_. Ite. 113 PRESEHTATIOM or CONSULTAMTS' REPORT ON THE WORD PROCESSIHG CENTER - CONTINUED TO JULY 26, 1983 Co..i..ioner Voss .ov.d, seconded by Co..is.lon.r Holland and carri.d unani.ously, that the pr...ntation of consultant.- r.port on tho Word proc...ing C.nt.r be continu.d to July 26, 1983. It.. 114 lID 1656 fOR IMPROVEMENTS TO HORIZON WAY BEACH ACCESS AWARDED TO IMPERIAL RIVER LANDSCAPING, INC. IN THE AMOUNT or $6,861 Legal notic. having b.en publiahed in the Napl.s Daily N.w. on ,~ June 7, 1983, as .vid.nced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the .. , :!"Chrk, bid. wre receiv.d for Bid 1656 for 1.prov.llent. to Horizon Way }J~L ,,' a.ach Acc..s until 2130 P.M.,. Juno 29,1983. Co..is.ion.r Holland .ov.d, ..cond.d by COllats.lon.r Voss and carried una~~.ously, that Bid 1656 tor l.prove.ents to Horizon Way Beach Acce.. be award.d to I.p.rial River ~ndscapin9, Inc. In the aaount of $6,861, b.ing the low.at acc.ptabl. bid and in the be.t int.re.t of the County, and the Chairman b. authoriz.d to .lgn and the . .,' C1.rk to att.st the r..ulting agr....nt. Ite. 115 REPORT ACCEPTED ON COU~TY CONTRACT RE ARA VEIIICLE MAINTENANCE SERVICES To COlllmlsaioner Plator's question rogardin9 downthlt, Mr. W.nd.ll Ch..tain, Regional Manager for ARA Services, stated that the downti.e .xp.rience has bltgun to improvo with the County n.et. H. stat.d that b.twe.n ARA and the County th.ru ha. bo.n lomo communications, adding that hopefully In the future th.s. ar.a. will bo straight.n.d out. ø. .tat.d that there is now 0 manuol that has be.n approved to alleviat. th... probl.ms. Co.missioner Brown atated that the downtime figur.s do not .e.. accurat. and h. would like to have the matter look.d Into. Comlli.- ~: : ',,1,,/" ...!"~~: .. ',). !~, . ,. f '.~-~ ~.~ , . ''', . ... \, ,'.. ~'L_# '..:.. , .: ",. ,,1!0 ' ..,.--- i:~'" ~ .~¡.'" , '~I'.:¡ ":'t -' .1 ,~ ~/. ''f~ ."). " ..o(~ ...._,~l\. t &OOK 076 PAtE211 'ag. 34 ________________________________~______~Æ~ , .~" f; ~ "q " . , "~ '..,:'~,..' ;..,.".' ~;. , ':t.',' " " ,,.,' 1 I '" "'~'\' . :J"l~i~·~,~'\;X~':~,\\·;~\\t.~;~Ù~··"~t '~. '::~,;·d\.'·:;~,~;~~,#\' ¡. ·t" ..,·'·':".r'llw \'_ ',.Jrr.'.......J.,'" ~ -- \.;I,,~ ',: .~,) \¡11'_'",,";I;~-~.~ .....!. ~lf'¡r/Iì¥:t~':1,' '1;~\"'J'(,"t"1 ~·\¡:'·~)·'i~. ':" ':} ,,';.. ',\ " \d~,:f:>.. ~ """".-.--,",," _'.;0;'_..'...."'.._""""..__,_______ \~~:.;. . ,- ---------_._---------------------------~ &OOK 076 PACE218 July 12, 1983 810ner Pi.tor a9r..d wlth Commi..ioner Brown. Mr. Chaatain atüted that h. would make a roport on Immokal.. and Marco Island Transfer Station for downtime and would report back to the County Manag.r in two we.k.. ..... Rece.., 4.30 A.M. - R.conven.dl 4:35 P.M. at which tl.. Comai..lon.r Kruse was not pre..nt ..... It.. III PROJECT AORI'~INT AND RESOLUTION 83-l0a WITH STATE or rLORIDA rOR THE PURPOSE or IXPANDINO AN ARTlrlCIAL rISHINO REEr IN THE GULF or MEXICO APPROVED County Manag.r Norman atated that this is an agreem.nt to cov.r the work on the artificial re~fa for the grant that has been awarded to the County. H. stated that he 1. r.com~.nding that this agre.m.nt b. approved but Staff w1ll still hove to go back to the Stat. to g.t a r.vi.lon to this agro.~nt. Co.-i.aion.r Holland mov.d, aecond.d by Co..is.ioner Vo.. and c.rrl.d 4/0, (Comaia.ion.r Kruse out o~ the roo.), that the proj.ct .gr....nt,be approv.d and that R..olutlon 83-100 with the State of t, Florida tor the purpo.. of expanding .n artiticl_l tlahing r.ef in the Qulf of Mexico b. adopted. " ¢I"l' " , .'~ . .. ~- .. '., ... .~ ~" . P-ca. 35 -........-----.....---------------------------- .. .. - .. " '. ~\. " \~ "" .- ~ ;..J~~¡;,~ ; ,'...,¡., ''''fI' ,;¡~;,: Ij}:¡~ ;I,~~'~.~', " . 'Í , ;' .'. , '.. ' ¡ ì. ,. ~ '. ~' I~ .:{ .\~\~ . ,\.i. þ~ ,\ . ..' .i.~, r 'f " '~' ,: ' t·,· ";' . . " /:.;....~.&u- . ,_ 1,'Y/:'5 . ~ " :1:'" ,~ : " , "f,: , '""", ',J' ..,;~~:...~' ',t ~ ,"\ , ~ .~.~:( 'J , : '~ ~.J . ~ '.~ :-- l, " , " , ,..' ~ , ..\11',) --4 /:~ , '<- ,,' ~'~ ">' 't··¡'t4'¥.¡~~~·wtjJ'¥ ...... .~, "~:'t1,.:,,~Y...~, I"""" j .. ," ". ~....,.:, i:, , .....1. ,J;t.; ',"" , '." ~,""'...:-- ' "~J'_"" " ~~,~,'''';' . ('. ---~-----.------------------------------ . tOI',:, : '(\1. . :¡.....':,' i, 1. ~., ~ , ~:: -:' , ",¡t.< r~'f'''; , ....../ , \i'~.:"< .,. .. ' ..'; L' ~ *~ i..J',.,,' , ~~~:~ , ,J:¡, " .. 'i', . . , t, , 'oij " \001( 076 PACE 2æ It.. 117 July l2, 19B3 :¡ , I.'" lIinute agricultural w.ll which is only 400 f.et from the County'. 'J!: ',~. neare.t wwll, addin9 that becaus. of the type of pUllp that the ,Kru.e',~.~f4.~J:. u.ed, th.re 1. a minor drawdown to the aquifer by the County'. well can·,.""~ , ), I ~ and' will cau.. a !ailure in the Kruse'. w.ll. H. stated tha~ d~rlng ,'.. . .' -t' . ... . ~¡,.,.-..", ,<'1.,«.:..., . '1';', the ~o~rd's vacation, h. hired an independ.nt consultant to ex..in. /~, ',. ~ , \.1;.' . . . ..tter and his report indicate. that the action of the County's.-i.,:,. ,II '~;.")·withdrawal fro.. the ðcquihr, .t such tilD. that it r.duc.. the1.~~1·~f ;"-t:¡ , ";~ ," ,....\ "::f ....~. the water fro. the Kru..'. w.ll by one-half foot, would lDak. theIr well, ~.' ,~ " ~'1' 2' ,~'~.~I ...,.::.~would b.colD. inop.rative. H. stated that the con.ultant conf1r.ed th.:·~·,;,:\I;¡. ·q~..tions of the SP'WMD. He not.d that the County would have to take "J.~l "I' '"", 0 /;" ' ~ctJon to IIltigat. or off.~~ the consequenc.. of dallage that the County "q ',',;.,,"'., ~,., , , .~, H. st.t.d that the well per.i~ w111 ' AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE BCC AND MR. , MRS. PAUL KRUSE RECARDING 1HI REPLACEMENT or A PUMP DUE TO THB FINDINCS or THE SFWMD IN CONNECTION WITH THE COUNTY REGIONAL WATER SYSTEM - APPROVED County Manag.r Norllan st.t.d th.t the SFWMD ..nt notices to prop.rty own.rs r.gardIng the propos.l of the County'. application to r.coiv. a perllit for well fields, adding that at that t1l1e, it was dlacov.rod th.t there w.. a potential Cor an .dvers. impact on at l..st one adjoining woll which is owned by Mr. , Mrs. Paul Krus.. He not.d that previously permitted w.lls have precedence over sub.equent w.lls , I ~~ that may have an adver.. impact on th_m. .~~;.. ... , .. , " County M.nage, Normon .tatod that th.ir well is a 1200 g.llon a , ' w.ll would caus. the Kru.. well. come before the SFWMD on July 14, 19B3, adding that it is lllportant . "¿',~ that the County r.c.iv. from the Board the n.c....ry a..uranc.s that ,'\.'4.t. 11'.'., b. taken to avoid any delaying of t~. ~.' 'o,..;JI.', He stat.d th.t h. Is r,collm.nding the award of . the agree~ent or so.. action :, . :- p.r.i t t rOID SFWMD. -r' "'tI~^. ." pump for the Krus.' swell. ~.. ..' ,~, 1',"I't', ., .'~A, Page 36 ..-----,-- ------------- ------------- ~. ~I Œ.m} I!!!! ..?~ . ,t'" it ~ ,~. ""'A.~..""'~" .,.""[ftII At· ;.. ;'fI 'j".,}I'''', ~ ,;"~,"';'4i~-"., ,w" r" L;-':5'I~X' ,,'(;,,'~;¡{~':~.ni{iJ:t.,>,+0'·~'" o~' , ------ ._------ - -- - - ---- - -- --- - -------- -- --------' July l2, 1983 County Attorn.y Saundorl stated that the agr.ement that has b..n reached with Mr. , Mra. Paul KruI. r.quIre. the County to r.plac. the pump within lix month. of the date of the agreement, adding that. the pump will have a similar pr~.sure, capacIty and fu.l conlumptlon. County Manager Norman stat.d th.t the pump will co.t approxlmat.ly .',000, the ..tting will b. $aOO, $1,000 ~or tho clutch, and $500 for the foundation, which mak.s a total ot approximately $8,300 and th" Kru..'s will giv. the County th.lr .xi.tlng pump. H. not.d that th.ir ': . .,. 1fh. pump i. a centri tical pump and the new one will b. a turbine pump. He ·~,..i.~' 1.;, noted that th.r. may b. a turbine pump that i. available that wlll fit .. .. .............. ~;.," the casing on the Xruse'a pump, .dding that If the n.w pu~p do.. not ~ '~;i~~ the ca.ing, a new well will have to b. drill.d which will cost an ~J.. ..., :.:,·:,addltiona1 $1,500-$2,500 lIIaklñg the cost of the pump and well ranging 4,' '''I , :à:hO. ~8300 to $12,000. , "~1''f!!'1'' '~, "~" .~) -'ColIlDi.aloner Pistor question.d why a pUlllp could not be found that ' ", would fit th.ir well? County Manag.r Norman stated that they happen.d \~,to find this particular on., notin9 that aecordln9 to the report th..... . '".::. :.' . ',ts no~ a pump avallabl. for this .iz. well. . ",' Commissioner Holldnd questioned if th.re ar. any other w.ll~ in this aCta that may bel aHeeted, to whIch County Manager Norman ltated that h. ha. bo~n a.sured not, adding thot other well a in tho aroa ar. domestic w.lla which should not be affected. Commissl~ner Holland qu.stIoned if tho Boord had any othor choice, to which County Attorney Saunders stated that the County would be respon6ibl. for any d4ma~ea to thd well, addiny that this new pump would eliminate any future liability once It was replaced. Commissionor Piator qu_ationed the coat of puttin~ in a monitoring well to s.. what tho drawdown would be, to which County Manag.r Norman atat.d that tho cost would b. .ubstantially l.ss but the di~ficu1ty ~OOK 076 rACE231 Page 37 --.- - - - - - - - - - -- - - - -- - - - - - - - - - -- -- -- - - - - - ----- ". ''':'''~ .~- If I: '" i t I ! Jf" Iln .---------- ------ ----------- ----------:~:7,:~ , ó,,, I, 'J "'~~,. .{' ', ~~.f·~"itf-; \·.1..'·,'. . " ~':.A" <1-~ '~,1, "~ w.7 ".:-I~~'" ~;~ '. , . r , fr..zing condition. which i. a time when the Kru.e'. rely on the well ,~ , 'OOK 076 PACE 232 ' would b. that if the County veIl go.s into operation In January and July 12, 1983 .. . , ..x1aua dr.wdown Is In March, that i. wh.n It 1. most llk.ly fo( , , ~ the ao.t. Øe .tated that It th.ir well failed during that time, the t'. County would aho b.. liebl. for tropical plants that were lo.t and th." , not like to se. individuals havin9 problems with . ',',I' p'roj.ct., '"" , 90n. this ...., '... ". "',p'erl\i tted well. in the areo. ...... ",J,\o ,', See Pages ;l. 91 - 30.3 It_ UI , '. ' .'.': ... . , ~.: , '''''.1' , nev pUl\p. ~.1'>' ,.,"1 ':~. Coul..loner Voss .ov.d, .econd.d by Commis.loner Holland and .:,~ ~;/c.~rl'd 3/1, (Co.-l..lon.r Plstor oppos~d and Commi..ioner Kru.e out of .;¡~ ~,' -t' ~._ .,-t.' 'the room) that the agu'l\.nt between th'e BCC and Hr. , Hrs. Paul Krus. ,'.~:o.~ ,;.r'regardlng the replace..nt of a pump due to the findings ~f the_ Sl'WMD in .jß.'~ ~:kC~~~~tl0~· ~ith the County R'910nal Wat~'~' S'y;t~~ be approv.d. ..' ',"i!'i ....,., Ms. JOYcunna Rautio-Mitch.ll, repruenting the Leagu. at wo"en.'· ,';'~1: ,i.····.".,...·. . ·.··'vl' ':':~ ~~~¡.~:~', r~:~~nt'd a ruolution indlcati_n9 what are.. sh. 1~ qUall.!~e~ ,;¿J'/~ }. to .peak on and area. on which the League of Women Voters wish tó 'have ".:. .!:.,... \;, . t, ..~:f;;,. her 'repr.s.nt them. She stated that the League of Women Vot.r. doe. ".':t' r··~;'~: . . -. . :.:r.,,· - "'. . il:'-'" , .... boyO '; "1 ... .',. , .' major government adding that she did not under.tand how the County could far without noticln9 that there may b. a problem with 8TATUS REPORT ON FLORIDA BOATINO IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 'UNDS - MO ACTION TAKEN .. ,. Chris Hollwy statod that this is a roport on the boating ,ll1prove- "f. .' ..nt progr.m tunds, addin9 that the r.port indicat.s what funds will b. used and what the unobli9ft~Qd bðlðnce will be for the end of the y.ar. H. repor~.d that this I. . companion item to the Wiggin. f... projoct. ..... COI\ØlI.s10n.r ~rus. r.turned to the roo. at 5115 P.M. ..... . . . . i 1 .' .¡ Pog. 31 ....' .~) . ~~~ 1 --- .. &II .. ,"--~.........""".._",....._.~,-",..,,"-,, --,-,-"","'" ,,',-,'""-,""-~""~-"-,....,..,.--- " I ----~----------------------------~~~--~~~ II "ToOt"".., . ;~~..~,'. ~ t', . ~ "j.- '~':'~'. . July 12, 1983 ~(.;.,:.:, 1ft \.,..." . . ~Jt~'; '.r' I,."..;' I, ,,;., ,'or;.;~¡' It.. 11' '1~~~\ft1r,~,~~,,~~,fi , . 1o.ot:JJr....". '.' ~~·8TArf AUTHORIZED TO 'ROCIID WITH THI WIGGIMS PASS NAVIGATIONAL PROJICT.~ ' RESOLUTION '3-101 AUTHORIZING TRI USE or fLORIDA BOATING IMPROVIMIMT .~, PROGRAM rUIID8 AS MATeRnG fUMDS rOR THI WIooIIS 'ASS MAVIGATIOIIAL~':"¡'I ,ROJECT _ ADOPTID ' " J the or trying to Improve Capital Improv...nt if there wa. .nou9h to tund this proj.ct from clpltal He stat.d that at that ti.e, the County was still In the but all p.rmit. have now b..n obtained for thl. '''u' " . ,....:.;:\.{. ... '" "',t~' ~:.... -~, t ;':~- '. ....... t~,(, ~~".~. ,~ Wiggin. PI" con.ervancy ...... . , Ind ~h.r. i. I n.ed to n'90tiate In ',' .~ ".' '; "~"';1,.. hu givitn thith ,,,".., " .~ .'. ':'~'i agu~..nt ""~ct. , r" " .... ot co.t for I.prov..ent Fund. which would be the unobligated balanc. fro. . .. . ~thl. y.ar and n.xt year's Illot..nt which would cov.r the co.t o~ the :..~, I County'. ~O, of construction. '{..~" .;, Mr. Loun Bullard ot the U. S. Coast Ouard .poke in favor ot the tI" " ,J~r..olution. t'M~. t~." Co_l.don.r 'fo.. .oved, s.cond.d by Commis.ion.r Plltor and '~~~~rrl'd unanl.ously, that Staff b. authorla.d to proc..d with the ~' ~: W1991ns P.s. Navig.tional proj.ct and that R..olution 83-101 ~..''',.,'.,., ~,. luthorla1ng the u.. ot Florida Boating hlprov...nt PrograM rund. II ~'" : ..:: aatcblng funds tor the Wiggin. pa.s NAvigational proj.ct be adopt.d. ,.\. .. ,', ' .., . " . ..' .,~. ,... ," &001( 076 rAc£233 '..4~. ,,~~ . '.,"',',.~~" .::. ".~, ) , ... . i . Page 31 'J?~:'~: , -, ¡';·-·'f -..~.'. :,l:"':"'1"'~~-;'\ /:~~" ',.,'~~~~. . '.' ...,'."~:::¡¿... , .....,. ,"" .' ... " t"" ~~~~--~------~-----~---------------- '0...""',_____ <--~,..."~-,--~"."".'" ~.: i;; ______,________________ , ~~---------::------ . ',<t ~';¡,'~" '¡\o:. "~.~. "r .¡" ' ~R~:' July 12, 1983 .. ".',' t ' '-,kl/. ,t' ~~ "'~ . ,(_.t,' , BY U. S. BUREAU or THI CIMSUS'· ',' that the C.n.u. Bur.au will ba.. as of 1982. It 1. project at l.a.t g.t .tarted with the $75 payaent pot.ntial benefit. would be obtaln.d. .ov.d, ..conded by Co~ls.ion.r Brown .nð ; f' ..~'... that the Board authorla. the paya.nt of .75 for. .<, . of Collier County'by U. S. Bur.au of the CensuI. .' ... ,-# ,'" '" ,"I j' I . ~". . . ......".,.,,'l" ..~,." .'. '. I'·C,', Co..iaaloner Pistor .ov.d, s.cond.d by Co.-l..1oner VOSI .n~- . :,, ,l.4,If:_", Chalr.an b. authorized to Ilgn the Parka Dtv.lopa.nt Program Agr....nt and Its attach..ntl ~o S.a1l Bu.in.ss Ad.ini.tratlon Or.nt Fundi. Itat.d that any proj.ct th.t was to be compl.t.d this involved in the tunding, adding thot Horizon Way .i.prove..nts would have to b. d.l.ted from the li.t. . "". ~¡ '",=,. ,: ~. Co.-i.sioner Holland .ov.d, s.cond.d by Co..II,ioner Pi.tor and .t.ff b. dir.ct.d to proc..d with dev.lop1n9 landlcaping proj.cts Id.ntlti.d a. Courthoul. Ground., Park, and Pi.d.ont Circle Park by using the S.all BUlin... \.~.inhtratlon Grant Fund.. ~~': . ...., .ø.:' """ : '...tt.. . . , :.,~ aOOK 076 'ACE 251 ~I'\r t·,· ~,;: " :1',. .-.......--------------------------------------- -- p&g. 40 +~, :;'i~ ,~" I ..fi7': . .:!'\";:'~ ~ "...... p , ~..."".,j . I .;;: ..!.. . . .I " .~I ..~. "*,\~....,,;;/ ",II'/d't":H" ,""" {?~},1.~·~':~:~,.i:S,i, L:':::'·~".~: ,':,"'-:.:'" -""....-.,,,,",",,,., ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,",",,,..-,,,..,,, , .' , .,~'I"';\ ,¡r"F4: . "~-~:'~:'" ~~4' "':) .. 'a ~ ' ' " l'\" .' ..' ,I . ~ ,,J.. :~',;:'.:~''t . : _____.....----.---..:---------------....,-;..;..-------- e. ---- . )i\i;~, ,.(. ¡ :'. .:1' ',oòJè 076 rAc£262 July 12, 1983 :~~ ~'~ It.. 122 '~~ÀaREIMINT WITH THI DEVELOPER 0' NAPLES BUSINESS CENTER REGARDING THI ;.....: WATER AIID SEWER FACILITIES TO BE CONSTRUCTED WITHIN THE PROJECT - "', APPROVED ' , . . ",.",~~~- '.'~ :" ' Co_laslon.r Pistor .oved, seconded by Couhaioner Brown and '.~"'..I ¡·,t'c~rrhd unanl.ou.ly, that the BCC enter Into the A9n..ent with the 1 D.veloper of Naples 8uain... C.nter n( ardln( the water and ..wer ......~. , .! ~\-", ' " . '~ facl1itie. to b. con.truct.d within the proj.ct and that the docua.nt ,~'~bt 'r.cord.d in the Ofticial r.cord. of Colli.r County. '-'1. . ~~ r~.J' , ~'I:',' tJftH' " '-#J"'\ . t,:" ,'Þf~~':'~' ' ..~ .... ..y...... ~~~' ;,¡;.{ ! ;~:: ' , .,~,:,~.. ~,~1~;;. " .~~);~ -t, '. "'f"'1Ρ$...~..f "~.' \, .. "1'),'111.:'(, ;,¡; ,~, r ..,:';;'·M. . . ,.' ~,'" ,¡.~,~~~...", . ~. _j,..'¡, ~~t~ ~ ., '1."~' ,'... 'IL",....·,- , ..~, 'h~" ,.a:'I VII"" · '(1: ...d'~ I, ~.. '~,' ,:6 r.;''f ~~ :.{ '¥t " '.'. ~', ¡ J ":, "~I . , -.. ~ . '. q i- t ~ . .. ." . ...tt,. , ". "14,'" 'I\\i J\ I)'...,.:J '\ - .. I,;~\\·..'t"'... .'.. è ,1\4 ..:' f,;' ," ~~ ¡iI., ,,;.. ., ,-:j; .' ..... , ''.'-. ~J.. ~,t , ':~ ~: ,:,'," ': ',\};;¿!¡ , .... " ; ~, jlr\,. \.' .: " . 1.-~"·." ~~~;-¡t..;:~ ", '.'.'" . :,' >r':'" ~~}¡J,. .':>;'¡ ::, :~I'_~ "'~):;~'/jlt' '~:'J·:,~;.'~'i . ',;," ,''', ~1~: ~ ."'(\" rl: ;' " -1 ,..: '~'!t'l ;'.: '~,:.~ ~ ' . .,.;~~ 'l:'':{;\I , ~'... " ",'" _. ,_ ,'::''- , - I'" , ',.'~",~. Pac¡e 41' :\~ _-i...:.-_-___-...:.--...:.--------------------'. ", . . \'", ~I,' (:~¡ '¡~~', 2iI1 .. .. 'v.~·)"ft~:,'~,,;· '" , "f\~t1~~~%'.~;~~ . " ~. . t .. . t", " . . ., -,_.....--......._~_...~..,,~."-',','- ""',''''''<',.,.........-...'....- ., .....--. ',",') . , ".~..". .~.,;;~ ,,~ --------------------------------------~~~~ , ""I ¡, "'...: ~,·..'.rtj';IJ..'#' ..\-.,' ( (1"';\f ; "It... . ".fJ; , "'¡'~ )' ~:..,~!4 " .'""}. 'Ii!: ,.,,',~J; ,,;,;~ 1;, ''fl' July 12, l!iD3 .; It.. 123 CONTRACT HO. 2 lOR WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT/SEWER SERVICE AREA -A- TO WIDELL ASSOCIATES, INC. IN THE AMOUNT 0' $1,895,000 - APPROVED Commls.1on.r Holland mov.d, .econd.d by Co.-l.slon.r 'istor and aarried unaniaously, that Contract No. 2 for the 1.0 MCD Waatevat.r Tr.atment Plant for S.var S.rvice Ar.a -A- b. awarded to Wldell Aa.oclat.., Inc. in the amount ot $1,895,000. Note: Contract not received in office of Clerk of the Boord as of 7/22/83, 'alie 42 , ' ~ ..~; . - - .' :' '. ~~~~~--------------------------------~~ Z~· "I' , .. ~~ ~\::";. ., "'~'.~.'" :~.,; 'ì - - .. ... - - - - - - -- .- - ,-- -.. ._ _ ._ _ _ _.. _ _ __ _ a_ _ _. -- - - - -- ---- -- - --.....,....., , July 12, 1983 ¡t.. 124 RESOLUTION 83-32 REQUIRING THE BUILDING CODE COMPLIANCE DEPARTMENT TO PROVIDE DEVELOPERS IN WATER-SEWER SERVICE AREA -A- NOTIFICATION THAT THEY MAY BE DEI.AY~D IN 08T^ININO SEWER CONNECTION - RESCINDED Comals.loner Piator moved, a.conded by Commis.ion.r Voss and carried unanimoualy, that Re.olution 83-32 requiring the Building Cod. Compllanc. Department to provide dovelop.r. in vater-sewer service ar.. .A. notl£lcation that th.y .ay b. delayod in obtaining sower conn.ction b. r.acinded. Xte. US COfVIITMEHT '1'0 CONSTRUCT THE ACCESS ROAD AS PART or THI:: NORTlI/SOUTH ARTERIAL CONSTRUCTION COST RE THE NORTH NAPLES WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLAHT - APPROVED. CHAIRMAN AUTHORIZED TO SIGN THE THREE-WAY LETTER or INTENT BETWEEN THE COUNTY, THE BARRON COLLIER COMPANY, AND MANATEE fRUIT COMPANY TO ALLOW FOR UNINTERRUPTED CONSTRUCTION or TIIB PERCOLATION PONDS RE THE NORTH NAPLES WASTEWATER TREATMENT P~ANT - Co.-l.sioner Holland moved, s.conded by Commis.ion.r Pl.tor and carried unanimoualy, that the commltmont to construct the accosS road a. p.rt o£ the north/south arterial construction cost re the North NAple. wastowater Tr.at.ent Plant be approv~d and that the Chairman b. authoriaed to sign the ,hr..-~ay l.tt~r of intent b.tw.en the County, the Barron Collier Company, ond Manate. Fruit Company to allo~ for uninterrupt.d constructiun of the percolation ponds ro the North Naplo. Waat.wat.r Tr.atment Plant. 1 te. 126 REQUESTED BUILDINO MORITORIUM IN üIG CYVRESS PRES~RVE AREA - NO ACTION TAKEN County Attorn.!y .;iYUn.J.:!r:J utilt,er) thilt thl:.> [c:\. uuat otoulù not h.' wntorcltabl\t lInd h.J:'>, tlluu:for..:, biJun dl~mlu:J'~d. &O()K 076 r~CE2B9 Pa9' 43 .-- - - ..~- - -... -... - ...~-. -,- -. .~. ,. - .',".' ~. - -- .~.. -- - - -.. - - - -.--.. '" .' _.,_'..-.....,_,~_...-...","""_..'~=_~..""~,'_""'.___,..',_.......__ r "! ...-.------, ..... .....~___,'_.,"'_~'^~"',""". n'''~'''''''·'''·'· ,___,.,_"__<,,",,,. .'~'~ ,1,- ;:,;'," "'!'lr ".~~t1 , ,~ ( fiIi,' __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ - ----.. "',.-r~.;" '..,.;:;, -y~~~ .' ;'.¡ )OK 076 PACE Z70 July 12, 191J3 It.. 127 BUDGET AMENDMENTS 83-618 THROUGH 83-633 - ADOPTED commhll1oner Krus" IncUcðtod that the budgot heorlnt,J8 for th. Sheriff, tn. Clur~, and Courta,¡ and rdhte-ù oge-nci". would be at tho conclusion of the scheduled worK.hop or, Wednesday, July 13, 19&3. Co~i.sioner Holland moved, soconded by Commlssion.r Pistor and carri.d unanimously, that Budgot Amendments 83-6l8 through 83-628 b. adopted .. pr..ented. Co.-i..lon.r pistor mov.d, s.conded by Commis.ioner Holland and carried unan¡Qou.ly, that Budget Amondments 83-629 through 83-63l be adopted as pr...nt.d. Commis.ion.r Voss mov.d, seconded by Commis.ioner Plstor and carri.d unanimously, that BUd~et Am.ndments 83-632 and 83-633 b. adopted .. pr.s.nt.d. - - - -"'----,', .' Page 44 -----------------------------------------~~ " "','i'~ , ;;,~.~,ii' '.~' ~"~I'~ ,,:p(' , \~j.:"~ ,.;:,.;1' ""~( , ~"'" ¡ ~, July 12, 19$3 It.. 127A ROUTINE SILLS - APPROVED FOR PAYMENT Purauant to R.solution 81-150 the following ch.cks wert is.ued through Friday, July 8, 1983, in p.y~.nt of routine bill. I CHECK DESCRIPTION CHECK NOS. AMOUNT Voucher Check. 97927 - 98139 $1,558,591.82 ¡tea 128 DR. COX AUTHORIZED TO SECURE FIVE SAMPLES OF SLUDGE FROM VICTORIA PARK TO SEND TO THE STAT! FOR RESULTS Co~mi..londr Voss statou that he h~. had calla from PQopl~ livin9 in Victorl0 Park complnlnlng about tho ar.a north of ~h.m whore the Cit)' of Ndi'l~s ha. b.:an dumplnC) .lud<je. 110 r\J4uII.toa that Cr. Cox b. direct.d to socuro five samples of sludge from thQ ~rOð ~nd Bond it to the Stat.. for c1nalysl» of bactorlûlul lcdl or vlrul contllnt o1neJ report bock to the l.1oard, tlduing th.1t tldn will coat ..I¡Ji'roxlmðtuly $500. Commis.ioner Plator lIoved, a.condyd by Commie.1on.r Ðrown and carried unanimously, that Dr. Cox bv authorized to s.cur. five s.mpl.. of .lu~g. fro~ the Victoria Park Ar.a to be sent to the s:at. for analysis. . . * ,) * Prior to tho vote for the cona.nt a9.nda, Co~.I.a1on.r Krus. thank.d the Board for approving the ðgreement r.garding her v.ll, and add.d for the r.cord that the agr.um.nt will still coat annually b.tween $125-500 In 1ncreas.d fuel coat because the turb1no pump will not op.rate at the aamo fuol conaumption sh. i. now receiving fro~ h.r exlatlng pump. * * * * * MOX 076 PAc£295 Page 45 .,.( . , I .. ~ - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - ...- -- -..-..- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - :,~,; , ,'/:;t .4.": '\~;f :~~~r· :~ ;~~: ;\~f¡ July 12, 1983 aOOK 016 PACE296 . . . . . Commi..ion.r Holland mov.d, s.conded by commis.ion.r Voss and carried unanimously, that the following items be adopt.d and/or approved und.r the cons.nt ag.ndas * . . . . It.. 129 PETITION TR-82-18-C, LEON PRINCE, TEMPORARY R~SIDENCE PERMIT R£ A PRINCIPLE RESIDENCE ON TRACT 2l, UNIT 102, OOLDEN OATE ESTATES. It.. '30 PETITION TR-S3-4C, DONALD p~RKINa, TEMPORARY R£SID£HC£ RE A PRINCIPLE RESID~NCt ON TRACT 75, UNIT 61, OOLDEN OATE ESTATES. It.. '31 CHAIRMAN AUTHORIZED TO tXECUTE THE INTERLOCAL AOREEMENT WITH THE LITTLE HICKOHY/HONITA SHOHES FIRE CONTROL DISTRICT. Se. PaCj U 30 I/- - 3 II It.. 132 CONDITIO~AL TRANSFER DOCUMENT TO ACQUIRE THE LCU -CYPRESS· S.. Pag.. 3/'" - .3/ t It.. '33 CONTRACT AMtNDMENT fORM DKTAILIHO MODIFICATION TO THE PROJECT AGREEMINT FOR STATE AQUATIC PLANT CONTROL FUNDS Su PaCj " 3/9 - 3 J.. 7 It.. . 34 IQUIPMENT OPERATOR III AND SECRETARY III fOR THE TRANSPORTATION DEPARTMENT OROUNDSKEEPEk 'OR THE PARKö , RECRE~TION DEPAkTMEHT It.a '36 WORKSHOP ON PAY ADJUSTMENT POLICIES rOR BOARD EMPLOYEES - POSTPONED TO TUESDAY, JULY 19, 1983. Commission.r Pl.tor mov.d, .econd.d by Commls.ion.r Vo.. and carried un.nlmously, that the workshop on pay adjust.ent policie. tor Board ..p1oye.s be postpon.d to Tu..day, July 19, 1983. Page 46'~'/~~ , , ,,'.;"~,' .....--------..- - -- ---- -,.- ~-- -- ------- ..._- - ----- --- ----.....-....---.,.¡¡¡¡. '" ' ~.oI(,,,,:-r. ".,.,;;f&~ ,,/~t~·~ ~:.J\~t. ,:,',':t'j lIB - .. ,---,..-,;<---""""~-."...-......~",,,,._,,*..,_.,-~>_.,,,,,,,"' "-,-,_..~,.,._",,,~- -------- , "'f~'> . f ' ,~ _ _ __ ... _ _ ,'. __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ,_, _ _ _ _ _ _ _._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _,,w., - - - ,- - .- ,,- - ' :, .¡,~,;':' "~'I·...l\: July 12, 1983 ' ""':iH~ . . . . . . . , .":~ ".' ¡'¡ There bwin~ no !~rtnor bu.1n._B for th. qood ot the countyp ."etinr,¡ was adjourned by order of the ChAir - TImes 5s40 P.M. IiOA~D OF COUNT' { COMMIS310N£RS/BOARDOP", ZONINO APPEALS/£X OFFICIO OOVERNING bUAKD(S) Of SPECIA~ DISTRICTS UNU~R ITS CONTHOL '7?1..,,%-~~ ~. - - K'i-I:'RANCl:;ti KHU' " CHA1tU\AN " fjJAF./j ^~~tÞT 1 (), ~~C.}oIM.,.f(,R~AN, CLl:;ñK ~':' "¡¿'" r" - . " . . ~- ~' .. ... ..,,---,,¿ L"'Î ,rv ( ~,.- J ", --':'}.~ ~,c. , ',' "I~' 77 .",... min(¡to. approytfd by the, 8CC on pr'...ntflð ~/ ~.ð~'<' /}ÞP..3 or l.Ia corr"cted oa &OOx 076 ~ACE2S1 ~ ,,' . -\ :'i,~"""--"""- - - -'..- .... .-..- - --- -- --...- ,..-'»'