BCC Minutes 07/19/1983 W "...."....,"~..........."_.,,.~" ....-......-- ""'..-------- ",~ ------- -- - -- -- - ----------------'----- July 19, 1903 'àåoK 076 PACE423 th.t, follov1ng thlt pr...nt.t10n, h. .nt1c1pat.. that the BCC v111 b. abl. to g1v. St.fl d1rect1on, 1l a final d.cl.1on 1. not r.ached. Mr. Ruth .tlrted by tak1ng the BCC through the aa~. .tep. done by ~1. d.par~ent to arr1ve at any propo.al, and that 1. to b.~1n v1th · ..l.ry .urvey. He d1atr1buted a handout to the BCC contl1nlng .o.e of the Infor~.tion he would pre.on~. He gave . tran.par.ncy pre.entation th.t co.p.red Colller County employeea' .alarle. in re.pect to .Il.rle. In co~parable countle., citio. and the private .ector. He u1d that hi. dep.rtment looked at the 1982 florlda prlce Indftx Charge to the ConlUlller .nd dilcovered that Collier County 11 the 5th IIOlt expen.ive county in which to 11ve In Florld.. de.cribed the .re.. to be .urveyed. With this foct Ln ~lnd, he ~e said th. lurvey re.ulted In over.ll categorle. comp.rlng Colllor County ..l.rle. on co.parable Re.ponding to Co.~ll.loner Vo.., prole..ion.l .nd technic.l level.. '.it t Mr. Ruth lald hi. dep.rt~.nt 11.tad 550 amployee. O¡.,.,' directly under the ",' ._'. "'t. . , I.ld th.t the totsl nUllber of Collier County e.ploy.e. th.t: < I '\"- . .:.h.~?j· , .re included In the in.ur.nce f.ctor. 1. 1000. ~o .:i:J... Re.pondlng to Chalr...n Kru.. Clgardlng co.plChon vlth other "":: .' . I ~'r" ' ~~ount1e~, Mr. Ruth explaineð t.he nUllber. .hown .r. t.ot..l.,. .nd ~~u~:.". " .-)t.~, include m..t>eU not. Included in Collier County. . :~ '-".' M'~ Ruth .howed the Collier County Secret.rial/Clerlc.l co.p.red to priv.te .ector ellploy.e. .uch .. 'lr.t M.pla. B.nk, ,,-.~' co..unlty Ho.plt.l, .nd N.ple. 'eder.l s.ving. .nd L4.n. He referred to the thlrd p.ge of t.he h.ndout. whlch t.rgeted 71 bench..rk po.ltlon. vithin the County .nd compared tho. t.o the 14 Counties e.rli., noted. be ..id one column 1. . .al.ry .ver.ge of .11 14 .nd th.t the .econd colu.n 1. the South Florid. .ver.ge In co~paf.ble ..l.ry Iver.g... Ke , .,id that colu.n .hov. there afe lour counties hlgher thin Collier I 1f: . I -------------------------------- '''.'' [=:J r--1 - r ':] L · I ..... ~ ~.;~.: , . "',," . J, I \,)~~i' · .."~'''. j,:~¡';~\ ~ .', ~ ,ri: fila ",-: 4'1'~ '0'..' ..;;,.;.,' ". '1'~.. oir~'~."I .. t .t'r.'· L ~.~ · .'-1 · I, . .~, ·.1 t\·,'..... . 14,': ~," ·I····~~ . ,'.'~'" .' ~', ~ . ~';,'JI'C'. '.",b,¥1f ·'t:-,t"ji' 14 ." ,.' " f ~. ,_·:1t~t:·r' ~ .~ rag- 2 .I\'t~":^- '. "'~¡.".'.' ~ ';'i~~~;i \ '.:..:...'>,)1 \ "";1 ","j'" . ';". ,.... ",' " ... ~ . , ,....: if. ; . ··;t. ,--_..,,,,.,.,.,,--- ~,... ,'. ¡--I , ,1&', ~,b' c:;::J ~;8 @.:EJ 'it' ------------------------------------------ July 19, 1983 Øo ..id th.t the third colu.n i. Coll1o, County'. ..l.,y and, . 10c.l p.r.p.ctiv., . column i. add.d r. tho Clty of M.pl.., 'ob.. KG ..ld th.t t.ho 1..t column 1. p.fc~ntag. of Colli., County to tho South Florid' Iv.rag. which, in . d.plf~nt'. opinion, i. 1n tha -b.llp.rk- wlth tho.. four K. di.tribut.d the ch.,t to the Co..I..ion.r.. 1\:-, . "f.::" ...,0 ..,. 'Oat. 0" o. '0' 71 ..,." on' · ",v.y... Co '",, County I. low.r In approxi.at.ly 21 po.ition. by .ora than 5\ for .ny "1 (.:.,.,'., . fOaitìon. that ahould be co.p.red. H. .ald that Mr. c.orge Cody or191- '" .~~ ' n~liy i.ple..nt.d the Collier County plan in 1979. K. ..ld Mr. Cody 1. ,1 ,I, ~ r ';;,ooln. . ,bl-.nnvo1 ,"vi.. o. 'h. c.".n' p'Y plan on. · cl...Wcat10n ~t"'Y ~ ,~'.. ........ to th' ''"..~ of .11 .,...W" ,Ion' ,hat h.. b'on '" 1n .ff.ct før'l..t y.ar. H. ..id hi. dapart.ant want. Mr. CodY to look at the t.fget.d po.itlon. vhlch .f. under the South rlorld. averlg. .nd . to Id.ntify tho.e po.ltlon. that .hould hove clo.or r.vlew for focll.- ",.' r., ~:,~ .iflc.tion. '\:,,' . \' ',Mr. Ruth .,id that t.h. inher.nt problem wlth ..lacy .urvey. is f that th.r. 1. .n Irtiflclll, infl.tionary foetor becau.e when co.pAri.on. .r. .,de yelr .ft.r y.'f. looking .t av.r.ge., the a.ount .tart.. -bUUdin9 up-. tI. .oid t.hl. in!orlllat10n can only ba r.vLlwd .. on. flctor vhen the Dee i. looking at merit plan. .nd pay incr.,.··· , .~ ~~ H. .Iid that i. the pur po.. for I con.ultant, r.viewin9 thl. " " infof.ation, to co.par. all po.itlons In florida .nd .xplaln tho.. Colli.r County po.ltion. that are -t.ruly out of lin.-, fro~ the Collier County .UfV.Y. Re.pondln') to Chalrman Kru... CO.llli..ionur Kolland .aid . ", . , ,~' ,~\l''\~', I, '. ,,;(" i ,·~::¡;;.\Gl:>. ~ ,.j',:;;,i~i,' ,. ":"Ç'ft',I'.'; tt,~~~'" . .-"¡',' ',"'j (,,' :i,i;/,It . ',: /' 1, ,"" . ~'I . ',. . ",4t.. -. ·L~: ,. '..... , ¡~ ~Â ,-" '>\ è( t \ ,~' th.t the City of HIVle. hoe approximataly 300 ..ploY···· Mr. Ruth ..pl.lnad thlt, in .om. of the prof...ional l.vel po.i- tion.. thl tUfnover rocord h.. b..n reduced from 40\. two ye.'. IgO, to . -t ----------------------------------------~ :~-~ .~I~\' .1:.."'/:' ::1~,::; I~~~' , , ..... ~ ."'. ,<. , "I~ , it .. :,.<':r:~:~ ~o~.,. 076 PACE 4Z4 Pa9 e 3 , , -._.._-,'-,~,',';.., .' ";' t the .x.cutive .ecr.t.ry lev.l., colller County 1. hLgh.r thlnL :,,~, COOP' ",.. e. "." ,... ..." din. e ,.. 'cd 1 ov.... .,. .u th .d d ,.ot ì;; ,~...., . ¡ to.. ~,Colll~'. Coun'y I. 01.'" " puay .a. tho 10 eou"Y. cay ond. ~:~:.,~:.~, ,.' -, ~;., ..ctOf of9.nllatlon. lnv..t19at.d. ' " '* . 'I ',' ' . ' , . ). If.. , : ; ':M;. ""'" .., d·... nu' ot. P ... " "V," ..., Y' u " po u~nd;i' ,.. ";" . '. ~\.o<"y, '"~' ",u"od In . p<opo"'. no ..p..lnod '~ot thou I. ._,",~n~ .'f~,~ ¡,.,OO ..., Y"" .0.. Id tho< 'n "" th." _u Coll I.. Coun'Y ..n..".~~! . · .~I' ~.g,e Adju.~enu th.t were hlghar Ind ..r1t Incr..... .Ughtly 10_r.~ ì.~~¡'> II. ..id the total C.neral wage Mju.t..nt ln 1982 wn ~,. tie explained .~> ',.; : · · , ""...' i\~'> H. .aid th.t ~rt of ,..' , ;,.~ * , P.... ,:;¡. , ' . J _------- ",,:o:i:¡ ~----------------------------- ' ;,.:,'~': ,_ ''l1li" ,~.' .:. H.;~'V~ ~, - , .J' I 't;o¡,- --------------------------------- , &O'J~ 076 ,~cE·42S July 19, 1983 .', . , 18' to 20', curfently. H. .ald thlt ~o.t of th.t 1. duo to the functLon of the .conomy. H. ..1d 1t 1. now eð,l.r to attract and r.tlln c.ndldat.., at t.he pros.nt tlm., ln thls l.vol. ke .ald that a 'numb.f of prof.o.lonal are. cat.90r1'. .hould b. rev1.wed for salary ,.cl...~flcåt10n, .nd thl. 1. cUfrontly b.lng don.. Kr. Ruth expl.lned the Oecret.rlal/Cloric.l .tudy trln.p.r.ncy co~p.rlng the 10 c.t.~orle., Roapondlng to Com~l..ion.r Vo.., h. .xpl.lned thlt .0.. of thl. lnformatlon 1. not contaln.d ln the BCC h.ndout. H. .ald the dlacov.ry wal made that Col11.r County is clo.er, at the lover l.vel' of cl.rical poaltlon. than the Count.y 1. in .ony of ,,'t .~ " the prof...lon.l Ir...· He .Ald re hl'iJh.r .ecretorl.l 1.v.l" Col11.r County 1., at lea.t, compotlt1v.. II. ..1d th.t, ln .o..e ca... .uch I. thlt 2' va. the .erit lncr....' .nd t.h.t thare wa. · tot.l of 6.9' averlg. ..l.ry lncr..... for ll.t yair. Mf. Rut.h rof.rr.d to thl. y.ar'. propo.al .nd .aid t.here 1. a ,t,.n~ _ tha Cener.l ~'9. Adju.tm.nt ¡. ~rw~~lng do,,". and the ..rit incr.... .ide i. Incr...ing. H. .aid this fe.ult. In Collier County , IIOvin9 [roil' propo.ed ~\ to . pfopo..d 4.3\ Cen.r.l Wag. Adju.t..nt 'and up to propoud 3t (2\) ln the .arit Incr..... "\ ~,~ ~ t:::J E:J .,\- \1 L, .:f "..,. , ,\,¡ · .....J ~ ~ , ,j 1 ,.~ ., , , " , . , '" ,.d· , ''1 J" ,~' .. , . .,' Jo, . I", .. ~ J " i , ,':1..' _ ,"'!'{" I'...;. . ,;' ~,. : '",,'" ----",'..'.-.'" , ~:' '-, \~ ^.',:".', j/:' r:::=I . , Cfi.~ ~~~ ----- - -- - -- - -- - - - - - -------- - - -- - - - -- --.... -'" ~'::::,..~i ;,:'~;¡~î;:t ,},'-?'<>f ~ . ~ ~\~~, , !, ,. the r...on for thl. re.ult 11 tnat the Conlumor prlca Inde. h.. droppedj!~ :',91 r ~ . ' . July 19, 1983 . '''' \ ' fro. 7.1' to .bout h.lf, or 3.~' In June. '.'", " '\ ;~olcon..n.u. of J. ': '1'-, ¡' , ," cur,'ent~Y, .uppoft . ..rit Increo l.. K. ..id th.t the general the cltl0. .nd countlo. that hl. depart.ent ha. cont.ctad, M'. Ruth r.ferred to Exhlblt ·C· .ntitled COLLIBR COUNTY ~aOVERHMENT PAY INCREASE PROPOSALS - 1983-84. Th1. ll.t contllnl .' ;'propo.,l .A. through ·H-, h. laid, t.hat Iro poIslbll1tle. in .n ," ...uaption th.t the BCC vll1 go vlth the ..m. Incr.... of l.st yo.r'. ~" ' . .~,. "'~H. de.crib.d aU tho.e propo.als. H. ..i4 the per.onn.l 'f c.plrt..nt hi. be.n .ovln<) the p,y plan upward to achlevo ~n lncr.... ,/... . ,', in .al.ry .nd t.hat r.sult. in Ittucttn9 p.ople .t .ntry level s.llry. ,~ Hov.vef, h. ..1d, thl. c.u.e. people to'freeze at. .n .arly .tag. in \ , th~if p.Y9r.ðe .t.ructure.. He .ald there are 14 .tep. ln the PlY plan, .nd noted t.h.t t.herl are ..ny ..ployee. who .fO .tl11 .t 1 through ~ I \- ~1~ .tepI, beclu.e the Per.onnel Daplrt..ent .oved up the .ntlr. pay r.n<).. ~J: Mr. Ruth .xplllned th.t la.t y.af hl. d.partmont put ln · nev p.rfo,..nce, cradlo ayat.. vhlch forced' botter dl.trlbutlon. Ho co.pared thl. wlth . for..r .y.te~. H. aald the dlacovery w.. ..de that t.her. Ir. .any good people worklng for Colllar county, that the County ~. in . b.tt.r po.ltlon of rocOØlm.mJ1n<, IUHlt lno::r.....' ba..d on .ct.ual p.rfor..nce, than In the p..t. Ho referred tn "r. Cody'. bl-lnnull revl.w and .aLd t.hat, ln Mr. Cody'. oplnloll, the County'. pay plan i. aolld, ln that the 30Þ. Ire rea.onably cl..alfled. Mr. Ruth .,1d th.t there .ay ba a !.w 1.o1atoO P08ltLon. that n..d to b. r.-.valuated. Ho .ald, over.ll, Sta!! recomm.nd. t.hot the p,y pl.n ahould at.y vh.r. lt la and that poopl. .hould b. lIovod along In the \ , .t.p.. He rof.rred to the pago information that .how. the dl.tflbUtion of rlting. two yeora .qo compared tu lalt year. Ho .xplalned the ~O~K 076 PAC£:uB "ge ~ ------------------------------------- -~",-_..,.~"-~ , :;,'4, 'I· , ':~ .' . "",.. .. " '¡-it" ' ,.~ , . ," . , J J " . " ' (.À·· :'.~,. ,-------------------------------- ~'.., July 19, 1983 ~O~K m6 PAtE 4Z1 -bel1-.hap.d curv.- in pl.c., currontly. ne uferrad to tlthibit -I- (1) .nd -K- (2), wi th toC Ud to the pay incr..... on the anniveraary diU of hi,. fOf the e~ploy.e. He not.d t.hat pago li.tS thl advantag.. and ~l.advantlg.. of thl. plan. H. .ald that the p.r.onn.l Dep.rt.ment would like to bwllov. that this plan recognize. the .~ploye. havlng r..ch.d . ~11..ton., a. h.' ~ov.. along In hl. caro.r, that the ..ploy.. ahould b. reword.d at. that. point, rather th.n have the hlgh.r plyroll apPf.l..d. H. ..id thlt thl. plan vould .ave ~on.y, at the .a.. tia.. H. .U99..t.d this 1. . topic fOf BCC dl.cu..lon. A lengthy dl.cu..lon follow.d. Comml..lonef vo.. ..id, in hi. oplnlon, on. proble. of havlng .v.ry employ.. recelve · p'Y f.l.. on the .a.. day 1. the t.ndency of .mploy... co~parlng rai.... , '. Co.mi..lon.r pl.tor .ald, ln hl. opinlon, he wa. not. in f.vor of ".ñ .nniv.f..ry d.u ral... H. .ald thl. type of .y.te. VI. u..d · fev .'. ,;. ,,".,,:.J ;.r ye.ra Igo, th.t puctlcallY .v.ryone rec.iveeS .n incr.... on ~ \., .nniv.r.'fY d.t., .neS th.re wa. . tend.ncy for the ..ploy... H. .,id thlt the plan f.ally do.. . ' I th.lr .. to u~~'ct ~ .1,\;~,'1~.';. , 1""~'..4r.~~~. not ..ount· '~f', .n incf.... on th.t date. ~. ~ to . ..,it lncr....' In hl. oplnlon. 8. ..1eS h. .gre.. wlt.h the . .. ~. I' OCtobe, l.t d.t. for pay adju.tm.nt on .n hourly b..i. and th.t the 1. .t a polnt where . ~.rlt incr.... 1. In l.port.nt con.ld.f.- He .,ld th.t giv.. oth.r ..ploye.. In Incentiv. to do · good H. .xplalned why h. 1. not ln favor of . cl.h bonus of $100, UOO, or $300. " I ~',:: .,' M'. Moraan r.ferr.d to St.ff r.vl.wlng the .ntir. cll..iflc.tion , pay pl.n for .aploy.o. three y..r. .go, It vhich tl.. &t.ff point.d out ~J' ;, th.t the probl.~ WI. that Colli.r County V,. lag9in9 in ju.t lbout ..l.ry. H. a.id t.h.t the difflculty vith the curf.nt. ..... ,~...v.ry cat.gory r. ¡;~t~· , situ.tion ia thlt 11' ' ,~~, , ,~j..~ r...... ~,... {~~,~.',..' _.......----- - aeny .Ki.t.ing ..ploy... .r. below the .ver.g. a.llry ¡, f~" !'r.....' ~ ,,!~.;t~, ,.~' i'i~'·~' '" ",.;~'~, "~'i, ~~'~ ,(J, '~~'. '~ l' '. ../ :r.. ',' .\' '.: ' ,,."Ü ~J1" , r' "" .....: ;,J.;-¡ ';' ~ I l' '"",' '. ,.' '.... 't.,;, .al¡).' .i\.,.... '''''~Il' , ,,0\0. ,4. p --"'~- - - - - - - - - - - - - ---- - ---- --~---,,---..... " \ ~ ~ c=J [~ L ____~..m""..'>"'-'''··,·~'''' . ~~·t\..; j f-\:' ,.<-' "r: ~ ~,~.,,~,., ~..:J ~:a ----------.- --- - - --- -- -- -- - -- --- ---- ------. ,.¡'" July 19, 1983 .þ¡:' ,;.(;~ .....·~lf'v;.' )~:'~'~ ., ":' ~.;, ~¡;.-:':'../),'j );Jfc ~..',:' ,,~f \~1'! . ~., .. 'ì1,¡,;!" -t. ' ~\~, in th.ir cate90ri.., becaU.. of the ~ove..nt when the p,y plan in.t1gated. He ..id, in hl. opinion, It i. impo'tant to continue plan .tlrt.ð l..t. ye.f, whlch ~aa to Incofpor.te · portion of the ad,u.teent into .ovlng people' .top withln th.lr P'Y p.rlod. Co..la.ionef Pi.tor agreed with ~r. Hor~an'. point of ·,d,u.tin9 9f.d.. Ko~ever, he .ald that., in hi. oplnlon, a be 9iven tho.o e~ployeea who .r. 91vin9 better than ~V~~lge'.ffoft, to .dd inc.ntive. Mr. Ruth reiterated that Coll1er . <.ì¡Vi ' . ,.; ,County hi' re.ched cOllpetitive, entry-level aallry range.. ,~~ :". :\ê~.~l.a1onor Holland a.ked for clarif.1catlon re9udlnc¡ the f19UU. ;, "'.;~~""~ '., :" .~~"" '~'" . '. prev,loualY .en':loned. Mr. Horlllln .xplalned th~t the .tatl.tlc. pre- ~: ~ented ,e C~~ller County havlng t.he ~th hlghe.t co.t of llvlng refer. to the St.te ol Florida. He said th.t the flguro raferflng to · " 3\-plu. cost of llvlng ln Colller County refer. to I nat.lonal figure. ........ county .nd the n~ber of e.plo~.e. .re ll1portant to the 1..ue .nd Co..l..10ner Holland ..1d thlt, In his oplnlon, the .1te of the ........ : ~{' clnnot be co~plred e..lly ~lth count Ie. of dlfferont alte. .nd nuaber. of e~ploy.e.. He roferr.d to tho lIoral. .1tultlon whlch aay .ri.. .nd gave hl. vlews. He sald that, In hls oplnlon, tho öCC should not t.ke into conslder.tlon tho 3\ or 3.7\ fIgure, ~hon tho actual coat of 11vlng h..n't Increased .. ~uch as It ha. In Colller County. ~r. Moraan .xplalned that Collier County'. relatlvu pO.1tlon In the St.te 1. e.t.bll.had by . survey of a ~t.tc a90ncy th.t each ye.r t..ke. a ..rket b..ket exp~n8. check for varlouD ltdm» and d.termine. the ~ .ver.ge coat. Mr. Horman .aid, ln hi. oplnlon, Collier County'. rel.tive po.1tlon has not re.lly changed .ubstantlblly. Co..l.alonar vo.. .aid that the Bee dapend. upon the local I14rket for their e.ploye.a and that, in hl. opinlon, t.h.~ lIar~et i. Ithere the , , ~;"''''' ' ------------------------------------------ &OOX 076 PACt 428 "9 e 7 -...~~",-- ,:.. I.,.., . '. , , .~ ..' ------'----- ----------------------------' July 19, 1983 o;'t, '.11')9 iO'Ot 016 PACE '!Ao . ICC should co~p.re .alari... "e sald he was not too concerned .bout what other countle. p~y .xcept In the case. of t.chnlcal peopl., for In.tlnce. He .ald he wa. not in favor of . co.t ol llving rai.e. Ch.if.,n Kru.e polnted out the co~parl.on between Collilr County and' the City of N.ple. pay r.nge.. Re.pondln9 to Com~1..1oner Vo.., "r. Ruth .aid th.t, regafding the av.ra9' .ocr.tary .,l.ry, the Collier Count.y .alley i. below the lower, .tralght .alary a. co~p.rod to the Clty of N.pl.. and the .... po.ltion. Co..i..loner vo.. a.ked If frlnge. are includ.d, to which Mr. re.ponded n.g.tively. gre.t fringe. .nd Comal..1oner. Holland and Kru., a9r.ed. Mf. Ruth ..id colli.r County 9lv.. better thin the .verage frlnge.. Co~.l.- .~ .10ne' Holland point.d out that the Naple. Com.unlty Ho.pital i. . fi. vorking under a completely t~~nde' di.cu..ion. He .ald vould b. t.o lnv..t19.te larg.r prlvat. conc.rna in the Naple. Tåpe II . ~': A ~l.cu..ion continued reglrdlng t.urnover. ln per.onnel. "r~ .xplained th.t .o.t of th.t rellte. to t.dlou. job.. Hr. Ruth , " ;~~~hat the p.r.onnel D.p.rt.ent exp.rlence. I lot of ·w.lk-ln.-. ~Co_.l..ion.r Holland ..ked if the Con.tltutlon.l Offic.r. and the ~~: .~, per.onnel Dlpartaont dl.cu..ed the .1tuatlon? ~~J' ~. þeen . .,l,ry freele for tho.e of[lcer. or If in ,.co_.nded S\? Mr. Ruth .,ld he dld not. know, however, Mr. Cody h..",' ~ I w...., '." .. Poken, to hi- Ind the County ",.naðu .nd thlt the conati tutlonal f~i;:,' ~', .,', ;,~~ .. ,~,on'~ '~~"'e... haY. ..p,..... tho hop. th.t tho oce ....,. ...p thol, ..,.""," '," ~,~. th,. pie. c., ". tl, ..... b.e.... tho oce·. p., p'.. Ie · bo.t. ,', ~..." 't".-./,¡ to . " to.,. .bo'. Co."".,, 0...... oW c... ,..,.. Co_I." 0.. ;",~~ off . ,;"1 .. ,,',' ,,_~~:,,",;t, ...~~' ,.:,~; , , , ___________ ,I ------------------~---~--~-~~~~ ':- ':.i:,-:,~."" '~ ',~":; . ~.r:~~~r: ' ,'" ' ' P'ge . '" c=D ~ ~ ~ ~ . ~'''''"'''~__,_"..'''~,_,~'_''~,'''..'''__"...''" ",e"" ,.~_ " ;'1,:, ~'~:' , , :~'; ~ , œi':'J ~ -.;;- --- - - -:- - -- - - -- - - - - - -- -- -- - - -- - -.~ - ---~ ~' " .,~.*'.(., :,:' .. July 19, 1983 ~¡.. i ' ~,y ~i ,', ,'(,,% , ..:~,) 'lI:""ua.,' ;~a.~,~, ths. tho Cona....do.al 0"'.... oa.a .p a.o.t .., o' 'ha::~t :\County ..ploy.... Rupond1n9 to Cbal,..n !tru", Deputy Chief Barn.tt ,O;,.p, 1tt'l:~t~~1"'·.c ~~pllined th.t the ShOflef'. Dept. normally .tay. vith tho County pay , ¡.' I:, I~.;. ., How.v.r, h. ..id that the .ecfetlrial pay 1. tied Into the lighw.y Pltrol cla..if1clt1on ..x1~U. .nd .1n1.u. p,y rln9" Øe ..1d . , that Ih.r1fl Roger. would h.v, to explain the .ntire p.y pl.n. {\': "Clerk Reag.n .aid thlt hi. office is .t.lyin9 wlth the 5' rang.. . ~. .aid th.t h.t year hi a oUlce .topped 91v1n9 I coat of l1vln9 ~I.' ;, ....r.:¡' ' . ."oIaa:.;,~~ ...ploln~' hi 0 poll.y and tho tYpo o' a.'" nUa In.......d ~..Vit.h ~~~ plln. R..pondlng to Co..l..lon.r Holl.nd, "r. Re'9,n .aid ,~ th.t hl. offic. a.l.rie. If' I little under the 8Ce'., how.ver, the -~... ':f' r.n9.. are t.he ..... ':,. ._~~';~"',.. 'one ..ploy..-th.t did not 9.t any ..clt ral.e could .nothe' ..ploye. Co..l..loner Holland leked Mr. Reagin if he h.. conceivably r.c.iv. . 10\ rll.e, t.o which ~r. R.a9.n re.ponded \ ' ft' aUlr..tivalY· ,~,':" R..pond1n9 to Chalrun !tru.e, Cuy Clrlton, T.X Collector, ~i. .xplaln.d that he h.d the Cody .....ocl.t.. revlew hl. altuatlon .nd they . ),\ .re, In hi. oplnlon, the b..t in the State. He ..ld thGY co.e in .v.ry other yelr .nd that hl. dep.rt..nt l. usln9 thelr guldelln.. ond ..rit " . . i. pay ba..d on .valuatlon. He .ald there wlll b. .0.0 Acro.. the bo.rd 3\ or 4\ .nd .0.. 3\ .nd ..erit. HI .ald .0.. .mployeo. .ay not rec.lve .erit pay. .' CO.llll0.Lon.r VO.. .old thlt, In hll11 oVlnlon; mlllrlt pay i. the w,y the BCC .hould 90, becau.. e.ploye.. are not all e4ua1. He agr.ed vith .". Rut' that the p.y plan .hould re.aln a. curcuntly .tructured, .ince th.r. i. plenty of fOOD to lIIove wlthln tho.e 9rod... II. .,id, in hi. oplnion, to .ovo w1thln tho.' p,y grade. on tho b..la,of ..rit, productivity will be i_Vroved. He polnt.d out the other flctor. to &O~K 076 PACE 430 P09' , ' , ,t~ _._____ __ ____ _ _ _____ ___ _ _ _ __ _____-- _____.;;;~,'4 , ::-,'1,; ""',o,',.~..._,...,"""'~~""-~,,''',·''-'- '"".~~..-... "" ---_.""-"~'.'..-'~,."",-">"."'-' ---,-"",,-..0'