BCC Minutes 07/25/1983 B -,""""--"",._,,,,- -,,'.._-,.---- eO~K 078 ~AC£ 434- July 2!1, 1 !i¡)J ahould be looked ðt lnatw.a of tho dtt.lled it.m~. He atðt.d that bottom linv haa to ~~ wlth the COlculotion of thu .99regltt rollbl~k~' 1ft! l1'IJII .nu t...I(.... ....111 CII wal d lacuII.d la. t '!'ulllday ana, wi th a 4/1 or 15\ lner....,.. In till! rol1bllck mlllll'l~, It WOUld n"c.I.ltat. a roduct.fon in lJucJ<Jlta of $1,167,224. 111.1 notl.ld thaI; durIn/) the 1II1t. ......k h. IIbl dono./ ., cAlculation of tll" nut aujuat.OIid C:ounty bud9ut and alllo 1'.III Ilarl.1 oC IiIljor fund IIcouP. '0 that. .ðch C;omml...lonwr cðn a.o tho broAd lire.. ðnd t.n.n mOVk to thll rnor~ d.t.ul10d Qr".a. H. Itatllø that the calcullltlon oC tll. nH atJjualud «':ounty bucJqllt la GGG,317,OOO whLch do... not IncludCl the Utillt.lc&. Coaunll»lon.r "ru.. It.ltf/tJ t/wt. onclI thlt budgot 18 ..,ubll./led, th" Coun t.y 1. obI lei/. tud to t/ /lt OUl'ge t ðnd Clonno t IIdd to 1 t, but can dllcr.... It., "dding thDt., t.1I.:r&1or", III lealt $1.167,224 ha. to be found this tJ4It.. Fi.cal Of!lcllr C.U..II ..tlot.va t.h..t tho m.ln ¡JurlJOle ot this ..eetlng 1. the July )U, 19bJ de4dllno to ~ertlfy to the Property Appral.er the propo.wd m1116g" r6te ðnd taxua. He noted thðt after the 30th of JUly aeveral dlLferent dlrOctlona Cdn ~e taken, but n.ver upward for the propo.eo ailla9u rllt... Ch..lrlll.n KruGo stDted thðt hllr .u990ltion la to concentrate on ctndlnq $1,lli7,:!H, II» t/lll ~ud90t hila to IJII publl.hed by the 30th of July. tiher1lf ÄIUtr!tf I<og...ra¡ ..t."ted tI"t. h. 1. f¡¡cwtJ with tl,. Jubl.lc .afety of cltlzwna¡ ~n~ c.lt~ln s.rvtc~u n.v~ to bll ~rgvld.d. I'll. lIuntwr »t.at..,ù that h~ JHIII IIdjulltvu lllu or 191nol ÞUdCJQt, whlch wa. $11,l~~,~64 Gnd wltn a sdlary deductIon froL 7, to 5\ will now reflect a total bUd~ot of $11,000,627, a ruduct.lon of $155,337. ~e ----------..- '-~-, fag. :l ...,---- .. .. - '.,'*""'""'..''''"'';,..'''''''''-''''-''-............'........'-''-'''"_..~,-_.",.... "....",.,,'-~..~;"'-~""-_--.~..._.- . "-"''"Y'"~_"<'',,,,__o>=,,,,,,,^''_,,, .~;.. .;. " ";.,'.;'¡, -------------------~::25:::------------.~~ 076 IAtE436;~, tho ...t... ... ..cu.... by 03,000, in ..t. P,oc...1nO tho oP·""on. '.;(4f.:' budget W.. d.cr..I.d by $3,000, the d.volo~.nt part of It by $1,000, .nd dtl.te tht ule of the Uellcopt.r whIch i. $1,000. To Comml..lon.r Vo..' queltlon reg4lrdLng po.tag., Mrs. Horgan .tat·ed th.t· the County pays postag., how.ver, the law dO.1 not rtquLr. th.t the County pay the post.g. and each p.rson could be .sk.d to pay :'~ . for it; , .., ' , ,,' ~ (~~~\:' t rif;~ ·1'" ,..H,.. ~ ~', ...~. '(.. ~ '-'.., "~., f' -'" 'J" Mrl. Morg.n Itatad that thoro II about $5,000 on the ')~_~I:oI. r'''''t .."....."!. :.~. :.Vj· ,,,'; 'Il; .~... -J'.. ' "...·~~11 cut do,,", on the Amount of oHLce equipment and minor oHice equipment,. . "~iJ.if .ddlng that Ihe will r.duc. on the 4Idminhtr.t1v. aide anoth.r $500 out. '., ";(.'\y. of oHlc. equlplllent, $500 lor lIinor ofllce .quipm.nt, $1000 for work b~{'<.~~~~:¡ .'''n outllde vendor and $3000 lor POltage'E'(~~;t. ~. ~. .. ,., ''''''.1' .,' .' *i ~, if, ~I ..t.' T.x Coll.ctor .'ò ,i:t~i' ~'¡' ,,:...~..,.... Mr. Cuy Carlton, Tax COllector, at4lted th.t he will h.v. hl~t';::"':i:-1~{L;,Æt :.::: b';'¡'.' pu po<.. ... . ub.1 .... by Th u <a..y, J ul y 2;,' 1"'''';h 1 ~h :!.~~',~.í j¡j: ~.~: lik.. 1 .., . ).).1' ". ,: I' ~~~: .. ~, :: ¡', J:o:¡. 4' ncr..... l "'. fl... .' .:'11'.' '..; " _ I ' - ;" ';:~ \...,?" I ~J+.~;!.; . ".,,:~ ' : . " '1~c.l OUl~~~ Cll.. indlc.t.d that the Tax Colltctor'. budget h:.. .~. .. :tl. .:.' "",'. ~v".t,·.."..;. .'h'~'iI'tI....., ,', \~.\t.~",;d.L" T '.",j. not required to b. r.vl.~d or approv.d by the CO..I"lun.u.":"~Ir)~, J" $' ~. "0"". AP~"I... '. ". ',.' :'~'4í&.:::~;,. fI~ ,·~i; '~rl\o.":", . ~E',L'lIiH.\:... ' bon. ::;:;: t :::::: :::' .:: 1:: n:.:. :::.. ':::1:: :::,:: ::::: 1~:01:::';:I::.' { :; " two y..rl. He not.d th.t he did not put anything in hh budg.t to co.. '" " \:,~",,' "'.:I.~ h' .' ,~~~ ~. :::.:n. cu. out .n., 'h".fo.., h. c.n b. of no ..:....;nc. to . ~ .,..;.: , :f,;t~':~'~ ":.'¡'~''''. " f' . '. ,J;. _,,:-;:" " "", : . . "r'f.~r .:,'::!., 'ag. 4 .,,-!\it.¡ ,.,~. ' A..' ~.:t'j'. . " .,filJ2' $18,000. Id.inl.tratlv. aide that could b. sAved, lor .n ov.r4lll rtductLon of She Itated that wh.n ahe prepared the rogu14lr budget Ih. h.d Clerk - Clerk of Court. Reag.n .t.ted thAt h. could d,crellft the budget " ,- lli--~-----~-----_____________________ t~1 ¡": "t . ~~'< ~,...., ~ ~ ~ ŒtI .."'-..-_,--"-- ..-..'"--- ",,--,,-- ':~i'¿ . .\~~-~------------------------------- ...,.I'~'!IJ.'·'!.I'W'''.· '~\'~, 'oi~: .f~;~~'"": aoox 076 PACt438 ,.~~,,'t'~'i~ County Man.ger Norman Indlcot.d th.t þ ll t.rlod not to exceed a tivo:~;:l~;~f~ percent Lncr.... in hi. bUdgot, adding thot without cutb.ck. ho do.. ,:'¡;;' ",1, .- July 25, 1983 not havt ~uch to offer. He .tatod that durlng tho paat ......k he prepared · budgtt m...4Ige to .s.l.t tht Board in understanding how tho .' ·porpo.td budget dLffor. to tho.. rece Ived in the put, addIng that h. ,J:, ha. ~ li.t of iteml that Mr. Hll1 has preparod to b. conald.red for reduction In an amount of '$330,000 which are cutback. In talC levit. that are In excels trom prior year.. Ht stated tllat ho is augg.ltlng tax l.vy for the c.rrylng forward of tho work in Sew.r Area -S- for ,.: , ;~ > t~ ' $150,000 on the propertle. in that di.trlct whlch i. tho minlmu. th.t ' " ,~'~,.. 1:,'3: would bo required .t thh time. H. noted that this goe. .ga1nllt the ...:~,'" "", budg.t and Lf this 11 approved, It would b. an additlonal .mount of " 'f' ¡' k-~( ~':A,~;, "I "" M.n.gement Analyat 11111 .tated th.t the li.t thlt ho pr.parod.wa. tho ealler It.1IIS to g.t .t, liddIng that in I'\STD I th.re w.. a ::t{\ .ignificant incro4l.e ln plann.d .ctlvltlt. and. n.ed for ad v.lor.. , ',;>J. "J " '~'. taxe.. He .t.ted th.t he .U9g..t.d to the Ro.d and Bridge Dtpart.ent ~/t that they b4lck down froll the origlnd propoaal ....hlch wu, th~·t.r.1 e 'l~VY i:<) , "-!t~ iij~,.. ~~ lncreuod by $60,000. He I:a,t~d ,"~T~ 2 h.. ~ p,rojtct. ,~~.~~. bO,on .: ~b~Ck.d ......y. fro.~ and Pino Ridgo Indu,.trial Park had a .1gnlU,:.~.".." ¡f.·1.~."" , ,. , J.'{,(dÞ~.)·~ ,~:~r incr.... in that dhtrict to fin.ILl. tho onginooring, adding, th.t.", it;.' t...·,¡,¡..\ " ;..;.. .. ~~ ~ ,. ~..}. recomllended that thh b. lookod .t a little clo..r .n~, ~,~~t~.;.;thi.' ;,t'~ tint year. He atated th4lt Funds 303 and 304 1a adcHtiond lIonl.. that Ji! 'I. In ro..rve. In those fund., .duing '1Ò~1 'i, ' fund. could be tran.ferrtd Into the Unincorpor.ted Ar.. aeneral "J'~,~ lIoney th.t ....ould have to be con.ldured in the over.ll budget. 'ape 4 j,1::~' Tunlportltlon Director Archibald Hated that ht phn. .':','~ .0" re.urfacing on Klrco I.l.nd 4nd ao~e In E..t Hlple., .ddlng ~. .,¡..~. t "~~lh ~ ~:~;"·'I' , , ., . ,. . . --------------------------- I(¡.·~'~: . . . .. . \. .1"::. . ;, ~, 1'". f\~ " . ,"-. , " ~ ~ ~ c;z;:¡ "'''~,.''----" -. ....',.~"'.'_. ""'_"~'O<~"~'_""" -" ,~~""",;,",-~..._..,,"-;,.,.......,,~..._ ,." ".,'" .." '"."",,,,,.,,,,_,<-~"~_,,,,,,,,,,,,,,....,,,,;,.",,<,,,,;.;..,,,,,,,,,,,,~,".. "',......'"'__..'M;~,',,""'..4I,~.... ",'" ,_...'........u........"''"""'"",¡u..,,..,,", ' "'-';"I-"~ ,""',',.''"'',..,'''''..,....,,_....''''.