BCC Minutes 07/26/1983 W ~ ~ ~jj Nðpleo, Florida, July 2G, lY83 , ,>.I" , ~ ,,¡': ----~-----------------------------------~ L£T IT ~~ H~M~M~tRtD, thAt tnu board of County Commi..ionor. in and lor lno County ot Cullier, end ðlao ðcting ~. the board of Zoning "Ppu.l. 4Ind 4111 t.llo 'JovlHnin'J bOilrd (II) o( oucn dpolci.l district. ... h4lva be.n crealed ~ccordin9 to l~w and h.:¡vin~ conducted bUMine.a horein, met on this d4t~ ot JIOO r.M. in WORK~HOP SESSION in building -,- of tho Courthou.e Co~plvx. E..t Napluft, FloridA, with lh4 (ollowing member. prell.ntl CII^IAA^NI Mary-Franco. Kru.e VICE CHAIRMAN: D~vid C. 8ro\oln John A. Pi.to r F r o, ue r I cl< J. Vo.. C. C. -¡¡lid- lIollond At.:;O PH¡';~¡;N1' I '..¡l!lolm J. ""'hJ.H', CIIIO./ ^ubr~y Rogers, tihllrl!r, "'Ar)' I'IOr'}4ro, :>ulJ(,rvlwOI of I.Jccll0nlq C. 'dlli.:oftl Norm..n, County M.tnogorl burt t.. .;.IUII(,Il:rß. <.:ount.y I'~lornlly/ "'HI Grac.. Undurwood ^d III rd . l I .. II V" .\1 '.I " ~,) ~ ¡ ". Uo oJ I,: . Agenda ~..\dc.. UII ..L.lluli oJt "':11'I.,yuc l¡u.llll! 1,\;lur<ln.:" tiro. I..,n. REVI£'toI OH ~TATU~ or ItMPt.OYI:¡'; IIt:At.'fH INSURANCE PAOCR^,,1 _ COUNTY MANAGER TO AN^l.Yzt: SAME AND RtTURN 'ru TilE bC_C :'Ir. .... ...... ..,Svvc ut :.,.r"..·t .. ':\dH~-:.l')LlJ:'¡, lrH':. <oJx..-ld,L',,-"I' tn..:JL tho ¡.truR,iul.'\U I'"r ,~or'''1 ""I ~ I" tHlI¡;.luy.." '¡¡;'¡UI..r,.;~ 1,..11 l)"un ",bout ~9Q,OOO wni-:h tul..,h¡ ~wIJJ,(.~¡, :..c .1 11,11,' /..U.Il,; I."r"h 'COlft 11./1/11.1 tu 7/i/8J, "d cJ 1 n~ t 1M L l r. .. J"'¡ (1 -: 1 .. I,r,':¡ .1.. .....; ..... C L.. II b u l lOt.1 I ~ 9 5 2 , 00 0 ( 0 r t h. 8. m. IIln" IdOlll~,... 'IV :.iL.,~uc ~I'dl t:lI! UJ<.:"rl"nt:(; r;'l,'u t.:lDl,,,. "';lk"8 aÞout $l,O¡¡O,OOO In ..:l..H,.. II<!I.¡U!> ll'" ~LI;¡(I.uCO In Jc...rniuC1l1. !Ie notCld thnt .:It tile cloa.. 01 LIla .tl-tl~ )",..r t!l..r.. W"H ;¡.JUO,OCO In .uq.lu.. lunda whicn h.. now b..un oro".ttJ to ';IJ!I,ooO. IIv at"t"d tholt II., .ttC'lIpt"d to r.-rðle th~ C4.. .nd ~~me u~ WiLft ~n locrod." of 61.2\. lic r"portQa ao~ 076 PACE 585 Page 1 ·jæ'1.;··"\'~ '~J::~' !~~, \ " "~~'f:,:::!: ~~~:j ~~~ ':(h/{(~jJ:."...,,~,~..~ ,.",'JiI,. """'\':~ .t;, ,~, ·t·...:' ;!~~rt:~',: -. ~;_:~.,' ç rt)J:t;:-~'i :.;;,A~(r:~~t;~:?::}'~ì;:~·f?:· "., , ----_. """-""~--- "'-"'''''''"'''''''''-'~~''''"^''''''<-''-'_.'' .,., <'- ...'~,,~,.~ ,--- ~--->--_._",--~~....~ -~"-.",.,,,,- "-,- ..n..""".",,,,- .".... 'O~K 076 PACt: 588 July 26, 1983 C .' ~ . \ ..... . "",..'... Clork Rugon I. ue.tlonrrd 1l tltu IIrnploYl/utl pLli¡J !JO\ of t/'II dovendllnL coveroge would Coll1ur County otl11 I:t.: co'~r>ctltiv..: wItlt t.he real of tit., IIr.a, to which hr. Giver rupllc~ ð!!lrmdtlv~ly. !:iller!!C ko~or:¡ .tAtt/å t.1I11:' it aomnttdn'J l ~ -JoIn') lO he' tllkcn ewey lrom the employecD lnure l~ qoln~ to b~ ~orðl Fro~lo~c ð~ ~ull AD pC/oplo lookln'. tor ol.her jOuu. IHJëin,¡ tll¡.t oy <Jlvlr.,; iI ) crnpJoYI/C II rai.1I Ðnd tlll!n chllr~ln\l tllc,o lor 5U" o( thulr u!I¡..:ncJ.:nt COV.HA'Jt.: monns tn.y hav" not g01noú I' tidllC . :tc r,ot.~'cJ I.:I..~ II(. wOul(; 9() out. (or !.lId. 011 lhu I>IIIIIriff'& DIII JÙrtltICHII. bi ¡,if"th:!!. t.:ounty ~Ian..ycr NorrJ..n lndlclIl...c: th..L till: (.'1;,plo)'~(:G Cúulu b..: glvdn the o(Jllon of tho:: t.:ounty p.)~l¡¡'J [or lW' l·,~,pl:¡yu'" CJljJondl:nl covr:r/lqc and tIll' ftn...loYl:ù not r..culvln'J h II&lH., or lIll 1:~,r¡OY"l p..,~ln,: for lll...lr Qwn dwpt.:nd"nt covcra~b anJ rocclvln~ II rMtUc. COhll1\l.slon..r KrulI«; st./lto.:o I.hl11.: wlLJ. t.1,c llnrncl.:11 sttulJtlon o! tne ':OUllty, ~Itlltrr tIll t.:ounty Incr(:i"';u~ t.11.. lIt:(H.::tItJl... Jlna t.h., 1"II1ployucD ....Y for CJe"unoent eovl/r..'Iu. OC there ",r" 100 II\Cre"GuIJ Whlll.llo..vcr Lor II n>·on'J. COIl1~o1..:dor.er VOIlIo ta~t<:u I.h..L r.L lllou<Jllt I.;<:¡ (-lru.urClnc" IIhould bu rusell rcru:..;. COII.1I11ulolonor KruI. Inulcatcd that It th...ro: 111 "II \1ption o! wholhor \.U tllAI: tl,,' r.dSe or not. t./lII ..In.,¡lo.: ""rllor. wIll tllku tho: rills.. whIle \,111. IUHrl¡,ú ..rn,..Ioyuo: 111 t,..: on... tho1t woulcJ hevu to lI:aAe th.. decIllion. Mc. :.dvl.'r IItðtt'd tll...l lC tile umi'loY""1I wep. glv..n the option of th.. r61tH. 01' ",'YII...; tlll1r own Inbur.JI1C.., tnt: 1ncru..Io"u InsurAnce would b. $!l1J.2~ Jur r"ol1tn on .. SUA-5tH. I.o.sls. II.. noted ttldt tni. figure .,ould Ow 1J1J....u on I.he \dc1btlny oO<luctlLJl" .nd llH: uxla¡t.ln<j wlllver, ad.Jin~ tl,lIt lbl.' ~2, Iner""'h,, l:¡ midnly <JUt.' to the Id911 ell. Ikui from Pa90 .. . .-.. .-. - - -~ --. --- -_.. .__ _._ ._.~ __ - "_ _0 __ ._ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ -...____ .. - .. -,,-,,'- ,- <i.-"j y',' . . ~~{J~\ :~I')Y~ ·_'~~}t .. . 44, , ".( ~:,:'~ '··"'.~·"W~·"',""'"·^····'·····_·· --",,,-~,,-,~-----,,,"-'"'''--''' "~ '.~"~~"~"-~ >.'''''',',.