BCC Minutes 08/16/1983 R III lilt IS .--- - -- - - -.. - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - --- ...... ' - Naple., 'lorid~, AUgust 1~, 1983 Lr.T IT BE R&M£M~ERED, thAt the DOArd or County Commiø.ion.r. in and for the County of Colli.r, and al.o acting as the Board of Zon1n9 Appe.l. and .. the qovorninq bo~rd(.) of .uch special di.trict. .. have been creAted according to law and having conduct.d busino.. horein, met on thi. date .t 910U A.M. in Regular Se..ion in Duilding -,- of the Courthou.e Complex, Last Naples, Florida, with the following lIIember. present I CHAIR/"IAN: VICt-CHAIRMAN: "'ary-Frances Kru.e Davld C. Brown John A. PI.tor Frederick J. vo.. C. C. -Hed- Hollend ALSO P"tStNTI WIllla. J. Hea<Jan, Clerlq JAme. C. Clle., Fi.cal Officer. l'IoIu{oon Kenyon, Deputy C)erlll C. william Norman, Co"nty I'IoInoger/ Hurt t.. Seunders, çounty ^ttorn~y, Terry VlrtA, Community Development ^o.lnletr~'or/ t..o L~yno, Plan. Implom.ntetlon Dlrector Irving Borloll, Utllltlua Adllllnll1trator/ Crlled Underwood, Adrdnl.tratlve Ald. to tho l.Ioerd end u.f'uty Chlot ~ðymono tI,ornlltt, 5h4lrllt'. Dep. r tllun t. .",..... ,. ,o~ 071 më 01 "ge 1 ---- - -- - - -- ~'.- - ~..- ...... .- -_. ...- -- ..~. ..... - -- -... ..- - - - ~,-~. -- ....- -- -... - - - - - - - - "--'-, - -- -- --- -- -- .-- --- -- --- - -- -- -- --- ------- ,o~~ rm fA:t œ ^uguat IG, 1983 Tape '1 It.. II AGENDA - APPROVED WITH THE FOLLOWING CHANCEl Co..la.loner Pl.tor aoved, .econded by Commi..ioner Brown and carried unanlaoualy, thet the Aqenda be approvòd with the followlnq chanqel a. IteD GBI, PetitIon 10-83-6C, WithdrAwn. It.. .:z "IMUTES or JULY 26, 1983 - APPROVED AS PReSENTeD Co..I..ioner rlator aoved, .econded by Co..i..ion-r Holland and carried unani.oualy, that the .lnute. of July 26, 1983, be approved a. pre.ented. It_ . J ~PLOYEE SERVICE A~AMDS PRESENTED Co..laaloner brown read and pre.ented to the following, ..ploye. .ervlc. awardal Oliver Curry - Hoad , Irldqe Ernestine Stephan - Utllltle. Clyde Sullen - Road' Irldge aorta Pylant - Election. 10 year. (.~.ent) 10 yesr. !Þ year. S year. It.. . 4 PETITION ZO-aJ-6C, HIDEANAY DEVELO'"£WT CORPORATION - MITHDRAWN ~l.n. ID~leDont~tlon Director L4yne atst4ld that ahe 1. roque.t1n9 that thia p.tlUolI bt' withdrawn, so( ln<, thet a d1tterent petition will be brought bAC~ 4t a later date. Co..l..loner Pl.tor DOved, .econ~ed by Co..l..lon.r Holland and carried unanl~u.ly, that Petition 10-83-6C, Hld.away Developaent Corporation be withdrawn. It_ IS oaDINAaCt '3-C!Þ k£ PETITION R-83-JC, POST, IOCKL~Y, ICHUH . JIRNI~, INC. REPReSENTING ITROMS , HARVEYI, REQUESTING ~EZ~INQ 'ROM C-l to ~D "9' 2 .- _.- - ....- - -- - -.- ~.~- -.. - - -- --- ----- ~.., ~ - r:;:m .......~ ··.....""'...___.w.",__~,.,""'_"..,,...'_,"'~"~'. ..,.... ,~.,ß_.'......"'~ð.,""~..,. .." -......."'."--- ,. II! ;;:;¡ --- -- ---_.- .-- -.. - -.-. - --- ..- -- -- - -- -- - --..--.- -- -, --..- - - -- - --- ^u<)uat 16, 1983 fOR kESTVIEW PLAZA - ADOPTED, SU8JECT TO PETITIONER'S AGREEMENT Loq.l notice havlnq bwon publlahed In tho ~ftpl.s Daily New. on July l~, 1983, a. evidenced by ^!fldavlt of publication fi1vd with th. Clerk, public he.rln~ was opened to conalder Petition R-8J-JC, flied by Po.t, Buckley Schuh. J.rnlqan, Inc. reprwsentlng Strom. , Harveys, requeatlnq rezoning of Approximataly 20.4 oeraa from C-l to PUD for We-.tvl.w Plaza loeet\ld oLf W..tvl.... Drive, weat ot Dollna Str.et, and north ot Call Boulevard. Planner Ober atated that thla 1. a ra4uwat tor a ruzone for W.atvl.w Plaze, addln< th.:lt thoy ar. propoalng to develop w..tvlow tE t'~ ... 004... ..~ A. ji. .8 at:: .!t .. ¡! J~ E' ,:-5,! "s::: !J~ ~~~ ¡.. ~ .. ..0 """" Plaza to .110'" com~erelal u.aa a. outlined in the PUD. She not.d that the .djac.nt property own.e. have bo.n contact.d and Statt and all count~ aqeneles have re~o~mendwd approval with the atlpulatlon that In the PUD docu....nt the landscape buner IIrOIl b.. the :11111" tho!t I. required In the Colll.r County lontn') ordln"n.:". :>"" c",..(Hted til.1t tho dev.lop.c'a lIywnt h.:I .qr.wù to conütru~t II .:u -d~-.lIc .t tho end ot heatvlv", Orlvot at /.x)"na :.trw"t. :'11" ¡,;o"clud"d by .tlttlll') that Staff I. r.co__noln'l ap",rov..l ...lth tho ._nò",."t to th~ PUD .nll thu construction ot tllO cul-r1.-a./lc. "r. J'lIry ':c...rd ..lth I'o.t, duc..lw)', :>C'huh ~ J'Hnl'l"n, "t"tur:l tn~t he ha. nel" ..111)' ono"tln'Ja ..Ill, "O)...:..nl rIOI;"rt)' \, wnt·r. to wor.. out" 1 I a t 0 L I' 0 c ;II I l t .. ¡J u. . a tr I.' t 1:1 .. ceo: .. t .01) I" 1 0 .Il I, ,...hI IIi-} t ".. t n.. t II Ink. thla h.a li"'n .c':OIJ JII..Illor<J. "ra. b.ttj" ~ul"¡;.I, ~~I~ ".rk.lllr~, at..tvu thJt ~~c 311 y conc.rn ...... Lh" cu -"',,-....: wIlIC:' "".. r...,,,,, t.....,n ~.c" ut. Mr. ßo!~'''O 1(1 tiel_.., ';uuU :;..11.11"0., at..t.:" tll.lt hla conc.:rn. "'_ev the buffor lie.... I'1r. lC'H'r¡J rO:I'<Ht.:d th..t tht! butter .IrOð ""oulø h.y. Around ~OO tr.,,1o "no ..111 be ¡>l.,nto:d In tn. n"Jlt ("" "'....a. It. noted th.t thor. Is .)n ."a...unt tlhHQ MIÒ ...lth th.. "1I1I....nt IInd lruft\lr, there &0:. G77 r"::t rn Pð9 e J - - -- -- -- - _. --.. -- -- ..- ...- - -... --- ...--- -- ~ ~l :::J - - - - - - _. - -- - . --- ---. -~ _. - . -- -- - ~-- - -- ^U')U!lt 16, 19B3 overhead ~ep, .tating th~t tho petition hAa I,05B nere. ðl well A!I . cO~lIIunlly .lArk whleh will b. do.deù to the County, muking the tot41 acreage 1,093. Sho .tated that th" property will hnve 4200 residential unit. at a gro.. don.!ty of 3.97 units pur Acre. She noted that there would be 42.~ ecroa ot co~morclAI ~. wwll a. recreational facilltie.. Sho roported thðt llda petition ha. beon revlowud by ät !f ond All county agenclen and reeo~~eno.d for approval aubjoct to the Itlpluatlona a. outlined In the [.ecutlve Su~mary dated 8/!6/83. She notod that tho CAPC did not agro41 with ono at the .tlpuletlon. of to ~3 u ÞOOo.. ..~ .-4. "'.-4 ..... ~. ,!i. .8 !II.... t;JI.. . .8 .. ¡~ i.: :I..... ¡:: ~..~ "8~ ~Š~ ~..¡: :;~.. ~..o . D. \.0 titaff, adding lhat Statt .nalyz.d tho problolll anJ la .till of tho o .llnlon that tho l~provo~nt ot banta aarbarba frow Hadlo HOld to Davl. 80ulevard ahould b. . conultlon of approvAl, but It ahould be roJucod to that of a J-Ian. local utrout with the dlfforence In co.t b.lng borne by tile Counly. :>h.. not...d thal It alao IIpµtIðra that thot µroject could b. redo.lqn"~ .0 lnat lno µotltIQn"r eould t.~. full ðdv4ntðqe or thl. IlIIprove..nt. ~h. .l~l~d tnat, additionally, .talt ,..cia LnAt blk....y./.l<1..."I~.. .""...ld bo Inltilll..d .lon') "adlo MUilU "n<J Jantil lIarbðrol bo,d.v.HIJ a. HUIII.I... tor In tl1. :.uIHJIYlllon M"'lu1..tlonl. :'ho conclurJod t.ly "l.Hln'J thAt ~t~tf I. ro~·o~..."n<lln~ aµIJfO'al lubjoct to th. .tl.....I..U.",~. Co...nty "lIQln"y v.."ndor.. ~l..t",; 1I1.d lIj~r~ I;} ..n ..cj.;ltl.H....l atl .lu!..tluII l:'"l nu "¡,o~o With tll" p"llll"r..., oItJuut, .."<lln. tll.ll It JOdI. .., tl. trlrJ ÿrvvl...1ur, ')iL ,Nl. 'ill ~,¡1.'~Qb 10 """ LU\-':1 ¡,;'ý¡..;t.on ..re.. on lhu .it..:. It" no l " <I Lt. " l U I 'J ,," t J t I... r '" r "oJ . .'.,¡' ,..." ,", .} ~ 01\0 I t Ion U [ th. 'l,..ntln') "I till.. ....¡;ruv.tI tu ¡;ruvlJ.. f'O!lln< ..l....·..¡, .... ....n.,.. n"C..Sd ry tJy tll" :''';,,,r ylllur "t &.l.n:t le-na .11hJ to .,roYI J" tl'\~t tru. provl.lon of tno... j>ollln..¡ "I..c..a would 1..0 blnJJIh un lll'" lIou.own.r. Ñuocl"tlun .111'" UH.fl' l.:ku ov...r o\o'rlo:rMhlp 01 ttJ.. cO'1l..or. 01'...... b~:~ en7 'A:.t œ L paq. S ,"," .... ...k....."""'__,_"""",__",···__·_·.._·"'_,,~__ ·--.-----.---- -- ,. - -.. -- - .- - - ~- -- -- - .- -.- ..- . ----- --- -- -. - ---------- ~~K rm PA~ 10 ^U')Ullt 16, 1983 Mr. Vlrta stðtcd thðt SÐntð Uarbar~ will be extended tc Aðdlo HOAd, adding th~t ~tÐf( 13 rceommenulng as f'Drt at thiS ~roject that Santa b4rbaro lJe Improved from Hlldlo HOÐd to U.¡vls Ulva. by th., De val 0 po r, tot h.. tor 1\ 10 ç ,11 :.: - lit n u r 0/1 (j,,-¡, Y iJ n d t h.. t t "I.: Co U n t y 1111111 Ullle tho coat o( what would be Involved In making that 2-1anc locol roao~~y on~-hlllt at ~ 4-1ano road~dY and ~ork with thv Develo~vr In term. of tha IInprovament. Ill' nut..J that ltlo; ¡-eUtfoll"r hl1R mlldc thc f'olnt that ~hls III not ne..dl'd dO¡ ~1I1 t at tilt! proJect, ,HJt.:íw¡ that 1>tðf( teela thAt to' '-0 0.. u "". ...... ... d'" ..... ,1:1. fä , .-4.6 t·... ~... ..8 .. i! J.: ...~ .-: .!'..~ "6~ !J~ .. u '- ... 0.. . ;~~ ~ ~o ø..... thu trA('lc movltmcnl within durkllhlrv will utilize the roadway and, therefor.., tile O"vltlof,,"1 IIlIoulð provld. a ~-lln" ro..dw"y. I'Ir. To \¡ Po a'" or 10'1111011, I'\lll.r, hllrton, soIl , "~I!k, Inc. otated that 1,41 la ropre.ellllllq I'Ir. ^'In.dJl. 1141 .tated that thl. ~a.ccl of land I. eo~~rlaed or alx parcclG at land alld arc loeated lIouth of Gold..n Gate City, lJounduJ on ttlo: /lor',/\ by trll' Golden Gat.. ClI,)òl1, Oil thw weat by the ~t. C1Alr bnor.. aulJdlvlulon, and on the aouthern border DAvis blvd. He not"d thal tn.. propurty la In alx parcal. becaua. of Interstate 7~ rlqht-ot-way, and aec... road tro. Lanta Þ4rbara to the ..at, and lh. ..tallslo/l ot :;~nta barbarll to tho a!Jutll. II. noted that the elevation I. tro~ 9 to 11-1/2 f..t above mean .el Ivvel and lho aoll. ar. tine aandy soil. with the ve?wtellon beln~ plnelanØ, pa1..tto and cabbaqo palma. He notord that lh.re arv a tew area. of cypr..a, aOIlO ot which _re uurnad out and Are deal' and non-rro,",ucllve end oth.r Areaa thal ar. allv. hove bven lJulll Into thr or.n aplca .roa. to preaerve thelia. H. retþOrted tholt th.. land ",.e. are .1n<jlo-ta.lly, lIIultl-tell\l!y with one, two, and three atory unit., and co...celal. H. Indlc.ted the .lta tor th" eo.u¡Ulllty p4Tk on an overll.au ..p .s _¡¡ .. tho Ie-hole I olf coura. and th.. clulJl\ouov ta\'llltl.u. Ho ..ld that the water ..nage..nt .ch.~e fOI the project I. ^ typical lake retention "90 6 ... -,~ .-- .-. _. -..- -- --- -- --- ~ c:!:] ~ L' centrAl .Anltery a.waqe colleetlon .yate. on .It.. He noted that thoro == =- .,. - - - - - - -- -' - . .- - --~ -- - - --- -- ----------------------------- Au': u»t 16, 1963 ayate. interconn.cto~, ~dding that ony dlschorge that la perDitted will overflow Into the ~olden Catv ayøtom. II" noted that south of RðOio Road, they are In a dlfforent weter.h.d .y.te~, addln9 th.t tho.. ;C~~U are Interconnected with alDoat 100\ ret.ntion. He stated that thoro ia A .lnor rll.eherqe allowwd and 90.. Into the drainage .yat~. alon9 StAte Road 64, addlnr,¡ thAt 01 eonc....tual wc'ltar Inðnar:¡omwnt permit ha. bean received troD bouth t"lorlcJoJ "'''t.r ~ani1': e_nt Dllltrlet. Tape 12 He .tated thAt thw utllltie. will hay. a cOl\plete wat.r dl.tributlon ..¡ o~ ...:: .,~ .... ~ ... ...., A. .... !S. .& ~J;: .!I .. i! i.. :- i.... ~fi~ "s;:: ! !f~ ...~u t.,ï: :;SI; ;2 t,- .yate. with the wat.r connecting to the County'. plAnt that i. nearing c:o.pl.tlon In the Col".n Cate Ac.a, .ddlnq that tho". would be A I. a blk.way .yet... tOott I" plannv( wltld" the pro)o..:t tnrough all of the ro.dwoty ,y.t.... H" .t,ltvd t"..t tile C04<1way .y.t.... 1. In Accord.nce with tUt ~~bdlv¡.lon ~.~ul.tlon... lie C4lpoC t.<.J that two ite_ th.t ..c. In tllo' It..ltt r0.-oct th.t IHO Ite",. o)l dl_cu..lon I_ the con.tcuctlon ul t..v (jl~"w..y. ..lon'l Ud<Jlu Uo~o ~n<.J tll. e.ton_lon ot Senta b4cb.rol boulv",..c", '<I.JI,,' tn..t n. lo.11I that the :iub<Jlvllllon H.~ul.tIQn. ¡nt.n~vo th~t ~I.vway. þ" built to Interconnect All the ¡>rop.ctle~ ""0 0.. ;),,¡It .110"'1 tn.. ,Ht.cloll roaUw..ye tt14lt _r. con.tcucto\1 oI' .1 µ..r!. o[ tn~ :"ubdlvlalol1, tUI tllvr notln'l tl'1..t 1\...:10 Ho..d Ie not ..ltlIlo t~.. ..IuO<JI"'I..lon I,OUIIÚ"Clou 01"", u,or.for., the' Dev.lo.,,,c ..¡¡Qui.! (lot """01 to thJ"r lIlO UurcoIll .)c eX J"n.....1 plACIII<J Þlkew4ya alun~ ~~Ø¡~ ~..~~. II,' "Lit,'.! In''t th.. olfler Il... of al.cu..lon 1. th. roaow..l)¡;. :,... ""t...n»luo ut :...nt.. lI.rO.ara bo¡"l.,vartJ fro" Rt'ldio !4oðd to 1./4vl. uoul"v..c.¡ I.. .d..,) ,\.1 ¡t..m that 1. not n"c4l...ly?r .. , .... w ¡ , ..... " l u ~ ~ : I ¿. ..... III 'It t.í " ..., .!V , . .d. w w t.: ~.~ to :. :a: ~',,: 0.0 ~ 1: ...' -::' :1 ~:J prtlvldecJ /In lnt"c Joc cO"~""Y "Yilt... tholt qo... throu.¡h t~I" lIouthern half &..r.~ L71 'Aroe 11 rA9 e 7 - - -..- --- - .. ..- - ~- -- -- - -.. ~'"L'; C :\.j'~',,/';': .-.'·...·'.»If'...·."..··.. ~ .'.": .... .." .-i,.. ,'; . .....~...., ..: _.~""-,;~.,'",..;......,....-_,._._- . ..- -- -- - .- -- - - -- -- .~-- .~- -- - - - _.- -- -- --- -.-------- &O~( 0'71 PACt 12 IIU<JUØt 16, 19( ) aection of the I'ropvrty tha~ provldv. tor trD!UC &Inti trDnøportatlon for thu poo¡..h within the 110 rkshl rc LÞ.lk..,. projuct 1í t./Iuy hllvo a dcsire to qo to t>avla blvu. Ho IItDtl:!(J tl.~ t the I:!xlunsion of ~¿nt~ Bðrbllra IIlvd. I. II comlnun! ty or County problom IIntl hISS not b~,," bcought about by beck.hlr. L4ke., but by thc enllre ~cowlng populøtlon o! tho County. He noted thðt lhe arterl~l ro~d"dY~ ayutll~ oC Collier Count.y hot A nved tor Itxpan.lon .:Ind i"'IHovl·m..,nt~, addlnq thilt thore Drc uomll rOAdway. th.t .r. tieing II1IJCOvcoc! loJ luur-lanln'} within tnu County through. bond I..u.. h... not..tI If .,t tile aOdltlonal qaøollne tax .,111 ue avallabl. Cor upqradlnq the Llrtorl,,1 roa~w/JY .y.t"", all ....11 1I!i ot/"" fun<u. He noted that trle u!J' cadlnq o( rU41{ wdY' or constructlnq adf1lt1on.l rotdwayl ·hat are ...dt of tn. ,octor lal .yater.. 1m thot It /III' tu u... . unlforll .qultabl. roqulr.~.nt ot ~I ~.opl. In .IMllar con~ttlon.. h. not.... . tntt n. .... tuld the CAN.: tn.t the. !Nv.,lo....c I. a...r.e.bler to pay hla fair Ihac. at th. tlllv, but tn. roadway. within ber..hlr. LAkeá are th.r. to ..rv4I tn. co_unity ot lI.r....hlr. L.'.. and tho.. p.ople can 9.t to Davl. blvd. without In. .xt.n.lon ot Santll Barbara. He atat.d that h. eoncuc. with tne CAPC r.co...ndttlon. .nd will ce.pond to any que.Uonli. T_p4 . 3 Coøal.~lon.c Vo.. .tat.f1 th.t h. aakeo btatt to undertake _ atudy reqardln': the tutur. dev.lop..nt. alon9 the Hadlo koad corridor In ord.r thAt .tch d.vclo....r poly hi. t.lr shor. a. h. d.velo.,. new land within th. ar.a. H. Itat.d thtt he roculv.d the ber....hlr. LAk.1 dClcu..ent late the ...r.vlou. day and .p.nt a Cew nour. 100"'ln9 It ov.r, addIng that, In 9.nec41, he thlnkl the pruj~ct looka pretty 900d but he would llk. to hav. ..or. tlm. to look Into a. thurv ar. a lot 01 qu..tlon. that art b.qlnnln... to rl... Ik atated ho would Ilk. the 'ago . .... - -- - - - - - - - - - - - .. r::::I ~ ~ ,. r= == - - - - - -.- -- ~- . _.- - -. - .~._...__...~~ - -- -- -~ - -. .- - - -- - - - - .-- _. -- - -- ^uqust 16, 1?83 project continu.d Cor one w.eK. "r. PO~K &tatwa that thorv w.re 32 cople. of the document fllad Qn Hove.Þ.r 30, 1982, and did not r'Allz. that the ßoard roceiv.d th.ir copy only tho prvvlou. day. downfAll of tho ~rojecl, but they would Ilk. to ~ov. CorwArd. II. nol.e thot one W"K would not bo tho Co~.laalon.r plator .tAt~a thAt thla 10 on41 ot the CI~.at develop.enta thAt hAa boon ~rea.nl.d In e t.w ye~r., adding that tho rOAdway syste. .òo~1d bo more d.Llnlte e. tor aa ~~ntð Bðrbara ßlvd. I. concern.d. He .tAtod that he do.. not f..l that there should b. any ~H u .... .,\.0 ... .-4.. ..., ~. rl . .-4.8 t·.. ,.." ..!« .. i~ a.e- !.... ~~..~ j&~ ..!~ ~.,. .. ::¡ .. .!:I.. 0 , jè Do'" blkopetha on an Arlerla! rOAd. Co..l..ion.r Brown DOv.d, ..conded by Co..l..loner Pi.tor And carri.d "/1, (Co_laalon.r Voa. oppeaed) th..t the public h.erlnCj b. clo..,d. Co..la.lon.r hull..II<.I ..,u.,.llon.,<J If d.""loF.rll would eontlb"te toward tne con..lcw.;:tlon 01 lIlOrou.¡nfare. In any AC'Aa, to which Mc. p.,e" re~llod dUlln.Uvc!j, "daln< tnðl .1 JOlley /lltl')ulcJ be .,atalJl1ahed Lor tò. I.pru".,_nt ut .rl-,r 1.1 ro.Hh..IY .yat.mo. ~. noted thAt wh.n . tll. Counly II... dv".lo....,J oJ 1.lIc ;i/l"ro tor I"~ro"...nt. ",It/dn tho .re.. 01 ¡'or..ullco 1..4...., Il woul,j b. ( Iaeua.od At thAt tl.e, aa ..... Aqr.ed, ðC":Oldln'J lu tn.' (;.,1"::' ..llj'ul..tlu,,:ò. ~o þ..I..lon"r i ruWfl 'H.-tv'! ll1.:¡t "".:r)ono In In,, C<.IUhly ..houl'" hllve to n..!¡. LJull.: lnv I"." ~ olio U." ";uunl1 I" ,,110/ ul.. ~'rQJ.'el bnll It ahoulcJ IJ. allAred. 'I<' IIt,ll,'<.I tolo1l thl~ I" 0.>11., of lI,,, bell"C .'roJ<tcta trl..t h.. ð y" c ..; u .:.~ u" L v (,' L. .. l.to r.J U ... ( \J . CO"_lo;Jlun.., ."..11 ..t.,l<,<J u,,'~ '1\, "... .¡u"atlona ..nd n" ..111 prob..biy ".". ..."r" \;1 t!,. ~I... II.. o"a (Inl..h..d rc"dlnq th. co.plot. ..roject, ..ddln'J t...lt ,:.. ..1<...... no~ lnln~ trIAL It 10 too fluer, 01 .. her'Janl~ on . ,..ro )oI":l lll"~ ..d. LJ.....n .,¡olnq on tor two yotlll a. &:J::' 017 rA;c 13 1'.Cj ' , - -- -- ~.- ~- - ..----, -- - - -. -- -. -- ~ -- ~. - . -. .~ ,- --- -- ,- - - - - - - - - -_. &a~K r.n7 PACe 14 AU'Ju&t It;, l!)eJ Co..S..ion.r Plstor ~ov.d, .econded by Co~~I..loner Vo.. and carri.d 4/1, (CoDllliø.ion.r Holland oppo.ed), that the public hoarSn9 b. reopened. Co..i..ioner Pl.tor Doved, .econded by Com~S..loner Vo.. and carri.d 4/1, (Comel..lon.r Holl.nd oppo.ed), lhat the publIc hearSn9 be conllnu.d for on. week. COII,rd...lon..r KrUhl In<.:lco'It"c t"...~ C:ool1Mlslllon..r brown woulu b.. on vAe~tlon Lor tn~ n~xt tew ......U~M ^nd would, thervLorc, not be In ~¡ O~ C,I þ~ .... M'" ..... ~. J§, .8 al:: ~!I "I! I,,: ....q. :as,!! "8~ ! !If ...,:tu ~..~ ~~~ . A."" atttlndane.. whleh would "'4k.. lJ tour mlrrncur boorú, acJ¡Jln'J thllt uaually rv&onali arc not brou'~ht b"toro a Lour m~rnf)~r board. ¡¡ho questlon.a If Hr. "tllrk would JrtlL." to t<lce! .. tour Intlmller bo.rd next week, hAve the Itelll vutvd on thl. (Int.., ur ',MIt untl] Co.,,,,I.nloner UrowI\ r.turn. troll vacat lon, to wnlch "'r. 1'0.... ut^t,,"; tnlll t,,· would ) III. . LII... ml nute. with hl. elle!nt.. ..... Rac...1 10100 ....M. - Reconvenedl 10/10 ....M. ..... Hr. Peell Indicated thet It I. hi. client'. deel.lon that the vote btl t.xun thl. dat.. Co..l..ion.r Holland DOY.d, .econded by Co..I..ion.r Brown .nd c.uied 4/1, (Co..I..loner Vo.. oppo..d), lh.t the public h.aring b. clo...d. Co..l..loner ~ollend .oyed, .econded by Co..l..lon.r Brovn, lh.t lh. Ordln.nce a. nuabered and entitled below be .dopt.d .nd .nler.d Inlo Ordin.nc. Boo~ No. 17, aubjecl lO lh. pelltion.r'. .9r....nt, ...nd..nl of th. 'UD docua.nt, and that th. petltSon.r provide on-.it. polling plac.. .. d....d n.c....ry by the SuperYl.or of 11.ction. .nd r!'~~I"· tt!·~ tt!~ S·!'.:..lIa.".. nt tho.e polllnq plac.. t¡.e blncUng on the Ho..ovn.r. AI.ocl.tlon When they take oyer own.r.hlp of the coaaon P.9 e 10 - - - - - - _... __ ._ ._ ._. - ..~>. .__ b__ _. . ... -_. ~..- .... .~- - -- .--.- - - -- -- - - - - ------- ~ eœ c:!O ~ c::1 ;;;;;1 ------------------------ - - .- - .- -- - .- - - - - - - - -~ - - - - -- August IG, 198J ar~a.. Upon roll call, the vote wa.. Co..i..ioner Holland Co..i..ioner Brown Co..i..10ner Pl.tor Co..i..10ner Vo.. Co..t..loner ~ru.e Ay. Ay. Aye Ney Aye ORDINANCE 83-46 to' ...0 0.. u .... "'-0 00'4. riOO'4 00'4" ~. !S. .8 ~I:: ..8 .. ¡~ i.: :I..... .c; ~..,! ""8\: JŠf ... u ... ... 0.. . ~S.. . k~ .... ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE 82-2 THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING RECULATIONS 'OR THE UNINCORPORATED AREA OF COLLIF.R COUNTY, 'LONIDA BY AMENDING THE ZONING ATLAS KAP NU"'BER 49-26-5 AND 49-26-8 BY CHANGING THt ZONING CLASSIFICATION 0' THE HEREIN DESCRIBED REAL PROPr.RTY 'ROM A-2 AND A-2ST TO -PUD" PLANNED UNIT D£VELO~ENT 'OR BERKSHIRE LA~£S LOCATED BETWEEN GOLDEN CAT I CITY AND DAVIS DOULEVARD 1-1/2 MILES WEST OF C-951 AND PROVIDING AN ErFECTIVE DATE' Ito. 18 DRI 8)-1 RI PETITION DRI-82-1C, JOHN J. ACNELLI REQUESTING APPROVA~ OF DlvtLO~ENT ORDER rOR A DEVELOPMENT OF RECIONAL IMPACT FOR BtR~GHIRE LAKES - ADOPTED L.qaJ notlco h"vlnq uovn ¡,uoJlsllvcj In tr,,, NilpJao IJ<1IJy ,..... on JuJ.y JJ, J.~C), .... "vIJ..ne.,J by A((I'¡"vll ...1 .'uIlIH':...llon (lIeu with the t:lerll., public h...rlnq ....u upcn..d to cunlolJ.H p.,tltlon IJld-ö;:-IC, IIJI/d u Y J 0 II" J. A, Ihtl 11 r v '1 u e.. t 111'1 "I' f' r u v.. J 0 L ¡,;...".. 1 0 ptt.1I rH \..r (HH r 0 r /I l>ovelof'l'l.nt 01 ".'llun,,: IlIIp~ct Lur J,ûjJ dcrclO tor th. proJ.ct known... D~r...anl,,, L"~II., J.u~..t...~ U"l~....n ~olJ~~ Cill~ Clly ~ J"vl~ UlvJ., 1-1/2 ;:d J..... ......t oC ';-'1) I. Co..l..loner dro...n .ove~, ftecond.~ by Co..I..lonor PI.tor and cerri.d unenlaoualy, thAt the public heArln9 b. clo.ed. Co.al..loner Bro...n .ovad, seconded by Com.le.lon.r HollAnd And cerrl.d 411, (Coa.l.aloner Vo.. oppo.ed), th4t DRI-8J-l re PetitIon DAI-82-1C, John J. ^9nelll r~qu~.tln9 epprovAl of develo~ent order for e developaent of re910nal IDf'Act for 1,093 Acre. for the project known a. aer~.hlre L4k.., be .dopted. &:~( ú71 F1:C 15 PA-ie II .-.- .-,. ... ..... -.,. --. -~ - ._. -- -... - - ..- - . ·,I:>J,~¡: , ,~,··.t,..,. oí(, r==I ~ ;::::::J .- - - - - - - - - - _.. -- .--- - - -- ..- ----. - . - ..- -- --- - - - August 16, 1983 \, i ;-, t . u þ~ .... .....-4 ..... ~. !S, .S ~I:: ..~ ., i! i.e- :1.-4100 ¡:: ~..~ ..S~ !E~ .-4 u \1 .-4 0.. . ~.. ~ .. 1000 Do'- It.. 19 BUD KIRK'~ NETLAMD AREAS or APPROXIMATELY 144,000 SQUARE 'EET TO BE DELETED 'ROM THE 'INAL ASSESSMENT ROLL 'OR COODLAND WATER SYSTE~, RISOLUTIOM CW 83-2 APPROVING THE PINAL ASSESSMENT ROLL 'OR GOODLAND ~ATER SYSTEM - ADOPTED WITH MODI'ICATIONS " .', (ì Legal notice having bwon publl.hud in tho Napleg Dolly News on June 21, 1963, 4S evidenced by Affidavit of Publleallon flied with the Clerk, pUblle hearing wa. eonllnuwd from July 12, 1983, And Au~ust 9, 1983, to eonslJer tho tine! aswv.sment roll tor Goodlond Water Sy.tom, Utllltlo. Admlnlötretor Ovrlon sloted lhllt this ~attur wa. brought down to the conclusion of Mr. Kirk beln'J oftered lhe of'tlon of having hi a .slIes_ent ar_o bulnq reduCvd to that ot the upl.nù. which wa. 42,000 .qu.re f.el .. eomp4r.d to the entIre parcel of Iftnd, but with lhe condltlon that he! øl')n an al lucment with thu County re<Jardlng ra.trlct n~ any lurthwr døvlllol~unt ot the le~~ln ng Innda. Hit .tllted that theru hll. not be"n .HI d'Jrcumwnt ru,1ch,z< III thl. point. Mr. Hayr.lol1d 11018S, r opruuent In') Mr. KI rk, stated thal Mr. ¡, I'1r s. Kin, .sr. nol wllll11' to ,",,,Iv., luturø rll./velofJ'ftenl rl'HlllI In r"turn for a reduced .........111. Jla r"l'ortuu tndt tho potontl.1l rJovolopau,nt ot thl. ploce ot propo/ty I~ vlltudl1y Impuus¡~¡v, ~~~ln~ ho,",ev~r, nu doe. not IInow .h.1t tnc tutur.. "Ill ¡¡uld In lUI.!"1 01 ..nvlIOl1f.''''ltl\I lIan81tlvltl... anJ lI.nt Im"l1t. III llll' """U!,,"-.I oil..,. ,)110.1 aur 10ulIoJln';/ I\r."8. Ii" noled th4t If lll" r.lrk'~ ~"Jrl llll» ..,¡r.·.."'..nl, lIluy r....y lhl ,¡Ivln'l up thou6dn.Js of tJoll.ns It t/I\'Y ':uuldj"t ..."v"¡O¡Al'''nl l,,,rml t;; III t~'1I futuro In r. t urn 10 r .1 ~ I ~ - I ] , II (, WI" <.I Ul: v U Wd t "r JIll ".11 air,.. It, ... U J l1h) t h..t t \11. 1. not l..lr. h. r~f')rt'HI lIldl ,Il lll¡;; lima, tllll pIOf-nlty c"nnot b" u..d. COlllllllaslonUI Kr"." notvU tll"t ¡'r. 114all 1. .:Ill.lply oI:,;,t1n.,¡ th4t It I. ¡"<)slll~l,, !~I~l II, UV" or ~...n Y""I~. tn.. ..:ounty eo"ld ."y lnet I'IoInqrovw. .:Irll hut IIU"u",J oI"yr"HI) Mlc!, therefor.., 1I10 f-rop..rty would be ~~ L77 FA=< ~ Paq" 12 -- --~ -- ---. L"',,"··'t'·,',"',,' ,.',)0;' ',;' "'ti , ~ ,þ", a: e- !i. .8 at:: .8 .. i! i.: ..... ~~,!! kS~ !!fI~ "':íU ~...~ ¡k oS .. ..0 ø.,,,, "._-----^_..,.."",.".,""._'"'-'"'~-;.,., ,,,' ,-",""-----, .,-, - - - - -- -~ - - - - --. - -.- ..- . -. -- ,- - ------.-------------.------ ~~:K (rn FA:t 30 ^uguPlt Hi, 1!/f.J v.luabl. [or A plllCII o[ w.t~rLront pro~erty. ~hu nOlcd the County ;~;¡ :ii ,~ ~:¡. ,~', cannot ask .o~conu Lo ~lvc u~ thulr rigntb IU or I~ YUdrM lrom now on thll ch.nc~ that It would b~ un[alr .t thnl tl~u. Glltl qualJtlon.d County Attorney bllun<.Jcra 1.1" tu IIOW hu fuuls o1UOUt ðUldll'J 80n.llonc t.o literally ol'lln away l11V11 r I'JIllS lo the future ..Itllout Ö IIpecl!l<: r.gulatlon or {.{ ;t ordinance, to \oIldeh County Alturn..y ål1undurø IItaled tnðl If that type of agreanulnt \old. uncJcr dure".:;, hI' w"ulel I ultlltlon till' l"CJtlllty of It .t . t u t u r" C! IIll' I 1 It"" 10 C: ,0.1 ¡ ¿ ,'" J l' J . II... IIl..lcr1 rr'o1t If tllc ..II4I..mllnt I. lowerr tor any f'artl.:ulllr propurly owner t>..c~u." oC lh" typu of property lh.l lI,uy u..n, tt,,, ":>I,.,II"".nl:. for thll oth"r I'roparly own.rs wIll have to Uo ralll..d to r"eoP.~ tllat dlffurellcc. Coaal..lon.r Holland ~v.d, .econded by Coaals.lon.r ßrown and c.rrl.d un.nlaou.ly, that the publl~ h.arlnq b. clo.ed. /'Ir. ¡wrlon .tatad tn.lt till' tot..¡ .rll~ 01 tn" ~1[~·. µroperty, lncludln<j lhe ....tlðnd .r".., III l~(".)J .~u.r. teel, eddlng that the upl"nd portion that can lie d"votlop....I I. 42,(,89 '''Iu.rv feet. lIe- not.d th.t thl. would le-ave .pproxl~tely 144,000 .~uar. fe-et that would be t.ken out of the ......IJ.e-nt. Ho nut4lQ thdt the total land .re., Including ti,e Kirk ~ro¡..rt)', 11\ ),4(;7,OG!> s~u.re te.t, and If the ....pro.lllat. 1'.,000 lI..¡uar., f"vl 1. "'"Juctat.l, the Ian<.l .re. would be 3,1~7,517 .quare teret with tn. re.ult1nq ........nt becollln9 13.07 c.nt. v.r.u. 12.6~ c:.nt. wIll e ~ I. coU<: hly 1/2 eent per foot Incr.... In the ........nt by d.1.tln9 the .ntlr.. "I r Ie ¡.roperty. Co_l..lon.r &rovn ~ved, ..conded by Co_l..loner Kolhnd .nd carri.d unanlaou.ly, th.t th. appro.l.-t. wetland ar.a of 144,000 .uqar. f..t be del.ted and only the upland .rea of 42,6" .quar. fe.t be .......d. paq. 13 - ,..- -..- - ~_.~ -_.. - .-- .-. -. .--. .....- - - - - - - - -- ~ tI!:2 f!!!!5 '>,d" :~":;::,', .,""j ...~ t~ ¡I'hl I .,- '" ::!j~ .,.,;4 .. ',ei ",!f . ~.6 .J J:: . ~8 ,,:," I.! , A ~:: :,fi~ jS~ ..~t t..i ~~~ if A\.o =n C'.J c:::J --------.--.- - ..---. .._- ---- -,..-..--- '.- - '~".~-'--- -..------------- ^uquøt 16, 1983 ~r. Berson .tated that tho overall ð.....~.nt would co~o out to "¡ . .. 13.068 cont., whir.h will be rounded off to 13.1 cent. por .quare foot. Co..i..lon.r Pl.t~r .ov.d, ..conded by Co..i..ion.r Vo.. and carri.d unanl.oualy, that Re.o1ution GW-83-2 for the final ......M.nt roll for Goodland Net.r Iy.t.. be adopted with the aodificati~~. of the , . " t~ ¿" i0 .1~, '1:.' ;1' \ t», previou. action. ~'; ~::~ L i1 r}.~ 3J. poq. 14 ..... - - -- - -. -..,. ---- .. - ._~- --. - - -.. ---, -... -.' - - -.. -_. - --- ·"""'_·_~__''''"''_'_'''''''".c__"_.""."",_._~·.___.....,..,,,,..,,."""""." ",c»' . &O~K rm PACt 34- August 16, 19113 ---- -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --- - - -:--.- - - - - -- ~ IU. 110 RISOLUTION B3-130 RE PETITION PU-B3-9C, ANTON MANNIK RZOUESTING PROVISIONAL USE (G) or RSF-3 IN THE SOUTHWIND ESTATES - ADOPTED, SUBJECT TO PETITIONER'S AGREEMENT AND FINDINc-or-FACT ...:, Planner Ober gave the generðl location of the property on an overh..ad NP, .t4ltinq thal t.he put it Ion ha. been revie",.d .nd reco..endvd for approvAl by Starf and All county Agoncles øubjoct to the atlpu1at.ion. .. outlined in tho ~xccutlv. Summary dated B/16/83. Co..i..ioner Pi.tor lIIoved, aeconded by COlllllli..loner Brovn and cerried un.nlaously, that Re.olutlon 83-130 re P.tition PU-G3-9C, Anton ," "-nnit ruque.tinq provlaiona1 u.e (q) of RS'-3 for cluster houaing for 3.2 .cre. in the Southweat corner of Southwind e.tat.. be .adopted, aubject to t.he p.titioner'. .gr....nt and finding-of-fact. \'!' I;; :'i .' " , 1'1~ "~f~: '.( .·.,""...·,"""."..,..,;0""'"',,·.,..'..'·""'111.....'''',";_,· ·;__IHI<__""I....'__...,,·._,",._,t,~_..j_...._.,,".n'..."~...;,,__.......""......,','~""'...L.'."" ......."""......".,___,".,"-",..".,," "'".,......,.""..'.".,~..""."""........,'_,="'_~..".""'".."''''".''''"''Þ,",,,,,",,...,.,,,..~.,;",,,,,_,>-, '!' --_._-"'.._--"'-,......_'"",.,~""""'''"....'''"''",...,...~..~.,,..--,... - ~ ~ ._---------------------------------------~- ^uguat 16, 1983 ptopoøed Red Cro.. faCility, K of C hall, 2 model homoa, and two 81n9l. hlllly homes. UI noted that thl propoaed uao i. a permlttld U.e 1n the low don.lty residential, adding thAt he urge. approval of the requo.t. The following people apoke in oppo.itlon of the petition clting increaaed traffic, incompatibility, health and aafoty, and decro.ae In property valu". Tapl 14 Dorothy L. Johnson P. t Edwa r da Ylrgil Cottonqin Co..i..loner Piator lIIoved, .econded by COIIINi.aloner Holland and Fred J. Edwards H. L. Alford carrled 4/1, (Co..iaaioner Brown oppoaed), that Petition PU-83-l5C, rlrn Terr,ce Lodge, be denied. It.. 112 PETITION PU-83-16C, JOSEPH' ELIZABETH "ORCAN - DENIED Planner Obor atatod th4t the aubject property II IOCAt"(, on hroca Avonue wIth /Celly Ho.d to the _It of the projoct. Sho notod that thl. 1. for 32 .dult. in II unitl, .ddlng th.t rocommendatlon I. for .pprova1 with the atlpul.tlon. aa outlined In tho txocutlve Uum~ary dated 8/16/83. Mr. I1or~an, petltlondr, IIto1tuù ttlo'lt tllla I. IIn e.<14tlnq bulldln9 and 20 po1rklng 'pOlC"» acu "v411ðblu "t LId. tImo. II. IntJlcet\ld that tnl. i. <In oApDrt/!111nt bu1.'r¡III':I IH. tne till. Ln..t il being rontod. ito atatod that th. N..plol Comlllunl ty Hoaplt4l end tiH~ ar~ willing to help hI. locAte ¡.eopl" tllol L w~holl U neeú till. tYjll of l1v 1 n'.J. CO_la.loner Yo.a .oved that petition PU-83-lGC, ~oaaph , Iliaabeth ~r9an, Þe approved. Motion died for lack of a aecond. Co..ia.loner HollAnd .oved, .econded by ~o..la.ion.r Brown and ~::( un fAC( ..u ..age 17 - - - - - - _ _... _ _ _... T_ _ _.. _ _ _ ._.. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.._ ._ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ ".,...,."~~..~~",,"",- "",-,""" '--'~""'"" ,"""." ~". "",.., ",.",,,,,,...,. - ·"."'.·~',."".....";.....ti..,,.._...........~.."'_..__.."'...';,.I!I,~'"'"'"..~~.·1IIII·1OI'.flQ<~__,._~__..__.....____;i__..,I;t<_._""...""'..__......_'""'~.....__,,___.""".,,,. "'.. :;f, .¡;";~.:~;, \A~'" ,". :"~;j.~'" ,.,;',... ,., :::!~~ !.:_(..Ii<.. ,:",>I'~~' ';~!~~ !·,'~t)~, _"".."..._,_.",.","_ _;''-_~''''~'''''"'';U''''''~'''''''~'"''''''. ."'.._~," __"·"_~·'h'".,,_·.. I",-··,··,-^"',,····""'-',~,"'·.......·_"'·_.........;;,"'_;,__,'W-'.;..""'.....__~___...._.., ... ". ..._..."v-___.,_,_"".......,..__."..._...._.....,..,." ".....", -".~",··"',"^,·,-...,,',~_'....._;....'..-htl_'·,'_...~,·_,,~"'''',,.. 1.......,...";"''''''',·-.,"''-Ø_,-''I>'.....'''''_'''.._,'''!Mj''~~..__.__.-"..._..,,....""".."_..,;.,.. _...."..,.,~'."..".._-".,,,"','..,...",.,"""...... ,~ . -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - _.- - - - - - - - - ---- &O~K rm PACt" 44 . . ^uCj úøt 16, ï~8J the exten.ion wIll make that data, Morch 6, 1904, ðddin9 that th~ i. no impoct on the County' a IIch6.1ul \. or coot relat.ing to tho boron, Crai9, , Schreck contrect or the jail (ocllity. He stotod thot the Juatice Center would be turnttd ovur to thu County on MilY 11, 1981\. Co..i.sioner Pi.tor lIIoved, .econded by Commi..ioner Vo.. and c.rrled uo.ni.ou.ly, that the Boerd receive the follow-up report on the continuing perforlllance abilIty of H. J. P.rtridge and tho contract be clo.ely monitored to enaure no further delaya that the the Board reco9nile a achedu1e exten.Ion of .even (7) veek. for Bor.n, Craig . Schreck (CDP-l/BP-6) for delaya not the fault nor rupon.i bill ty of the owner, and th.t the Bid Package av.rd for interior flni.he. (CDP-l/BP-II) be acc.lerated to capture an additional 3-4 week. of in.urance for the cOMpletion of the jail. a.. 114 RESOLUTION 83-131 ~ROVIDI~ 'OR TUE SALE 0' ANIMAL LICENSES BY.COLLIER COUNTY VETERINARIANS AND THE ESTABLISHMENT 0' AN ANIMAL ADOPTION PROORAM - ADOPTED Publlc tiafety Administrator Dorri1l .toted that this ro.o1ution i. to reviae .ni..: licensinq end adoption under the AnI.al Control Depart..nt, .ddlnq thet thi. proqr.. doe. ua.entially two things, it wIll, for the flrat time, allow pet ownera throughout the County to purcha.e their animal licen.e through e veterinarian .t the ti.e the .nilllA1 recelvea their ðnnuAl v.ccinetlon. He stAted th.t a re.ult of thi. it wIll enhance the anl.al. llcen.e end certify that they have been vaccin.ted a. well .a <JIvIng the County a much better control over tho illlpounded .tray .niula. He noted th.t direcUy related to this is a proqr.. thAt hv hope. wl1l lncreeso tho .~ount of enI.al. .dopted through the County owned .ho1ter. lie atated that a portlon of the P.g e 20 ~ :·,~:~~,~'i '. '~:~~;~'I~' : ~~ ~~-------------------_._----_._--------~~~~ , . '". ~"'. . , . - ... ~" ..,.'ó·.... ",.~,"".". -,~." ,"" '""" '"·.."'."........·~"'·,·,.·.'..,,,',",,;,.....,...·....,,"....,'.·"."'H.-.'.""-" ,~.,""""'~,,·"..,C"""'f.;,(.-.,,'''_<t ."" ~1I .. ~ t:::I - -- - -- - - - - -- - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - -- --- "'U;Ult 16, 1983 ani..l licen.. will b. taken tor the animal. that are non-noutuored non-Ipayed and, in addition, .ach vet will be provided of . 1icen.e that they .e11 for the County. He stated that the veta have a9reed to donato that $1 back to the County and there will ~ continue to be a .terllization COlt attached to each animal at the time ;~, M the ani.al il adopted, eddlng the co.bination of which will help )\ .ubaidize the ateriliution of that animal which i. required by Florida law. He noted thet ~ceuae of the feet that Animal. wll1 bo offered for adoption at a groatly reduced price and a fixed price in ter~ of the relmburaement for tho vet. thet ere goin9 to perform tho .terillzetlon that AnlÞal. available at the snelter would be more dealrable for tho aver.~e .lImbor of tho public that Is lookIng for 8 pet. Co..iaaioner Pl.tor aovwd, .econded by Co..i..loner Holland and carried unani.ou.1y, that R..olution 83-131 provldin9 tor the .al. of ani.a1 licenae. by Collier County veterinarian. and the eatab1iah.ent of an aniaal adoptIon proqra. be adopted. .:....-:;;.' 1\.'0':- ;:~ "~>'!I Pa9. 21..{;~. " '" " ¡' ;c',¿';:i:,:F~~:-- ,.......---...----......- - ------ -.--- ---- -----...----............ .. .. . '·';i~t &D~ G'Tl 'lei .f5 ,._"..".....'_"_,."".""'''''~...__""...,....-..'",,......._.....,,~...j..""'·"'_;~"'_I.~''''.I_...,~iR/;_",_,""__",,,¡,"· ,,·,,_....,.....-...___.._."""'_...I"","""'~._ "~...,..."_,_<..';.....""'~,~.".~_,,;.'".,,,.~ ,,'" ""..."'.'.;0;...."_""'.-",...'_..........._._.."_,,,.,.:..,,...,"____ _......."'._-,~,~._'"'".......,~..., ., .,.-...,.---"'-.,¡¡-..-"';--...--...,.,..."'''''''''....'''''....'''....;.... " --."_<-""'''''''''''=.~''..."...;.".",.~~.,.;,....... "..... 0,"''''''',.'''''''''''.' . - - - - - - - -. - - - - - -- - - - - - - -- - -- - ~ ~ -- - - -- - - - - -~. T~~; August IG, 1983 ,,/"~,; a~~' (rn 'A~' 50 '" :1W~,;' :),r~%/ .t.ted thati t "a. hi. opinion that tho Board took final action on th.'~: '~,,( franchiae by directln') tt,. Steff to consider tho purche.e of the '':-:,;', Utility, Ko .teted that "r. CAtlin, who i. ropre.entlnq the Utility, cal1.d hi. to a.~ what happ.ne~ with th~ frÞnchl.~, .ddln<J that he edvi.ed "r. Cetlin that th. !ranchiae laaue had been concluded es tho board had Øenillc1 the tranchl.o. 1141 atat'HI that Mr. Catlin waa concerned that tro. a procedural atAndpoint thero WAD nothinq on rocord to reflect e final Action on thw franchiso and ho roque.ted that ho put .o..thin9 on the aqende to te_e cere of thet procedural probl.., edding thet ho ha. pr.pared a re.olution den)'ln<¡ tho Cranchl.o which vould cone Iud. the Ntter In tho evont that the Utility de.lr.. to proceed further with the aatter. h. noted that the Crenehl.e that wa. d.llvered to the County on Au')uat 10, 196J, doe. not have a acheduled publ1c hoer In9. lie .tatvd that It the boerd wanta to con.ider II franchlae .gr....nt, it w111 have to edvertl.e ageln for. public hearin9 on the tranchl.e. Co..ia.lon.r ,i.tor aoved, .econded by Co..ia.ioner Brown, that Re.olutlon 1)-1'2 denying the petition by th. Ca.t Maple. Nat.r ay.te.., Inc. for a wet.r and .~wer utility franchl.e be adopted. Co..la.loner vo.. atated thet I' the Utility 1. wllllnq to aÞide by the County ordlnancea, the pr..ent s.rvlcw dl.trict can be expanded to Include ~lnter Perk, ea fer ea he ia concern.d, in .plt. of the fact that the County ha. aeld thot th.y are 90ing to und.rt.ke the purch... of the! t plan t. Upon call tor the qu..tlon, "r. Catlin atated that h. ha. not been heard on thl. .pplicetlon for a franchiae, adding that h. did not fini'h the hearing and he WI' not in attendance of the he.rinq and he .hould hav. an opportunity to b. heerd. .. - .. "'··'";"""""·'·''''''''''''''·''·'_··'_'··_''''W''·.''''.'''·""""""";'''''~'''.''_:.~I'''''''''~*:''''''_____,__",_" to' " .''ö~ " u i¡ ~:: í: ....~ ¡::= .. I ~I~ .' }:.! i · f' -! ',:¡ I.. Ii. i '¡<::' :.!I "j 1.1 " ~1:, .== ..', L;¡ ~:- fi ,!! . ~: . 'J '~'~ &~ 0:- t ~!i ; i~~ Ao'-o ,'""."'~...~~.... ........'"~,...."...., .,,-~...,; . ....... r= t:::J t::::J - -- - - - - - - - ..- - - _. - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- Auqu D t I 6, 1983 County Attorney ~aund.r. .tated that Mr. Gatlin reque.tod 4 continuAnce and wos edvl.od that the roquoat would be proaented to tho Boerd end the boord electod not to continue the matter. Mr. Gatlin Itoted thAt on ~y 10, 1~83, he tried to qet tho erenchl.e In writing betore the Board, adding that he wa~ told to have conference. wIth the Gto!! roqordlnq tho franchl.e. He Ita tad that the.. .eetlng. were continued or not held ot the requeat of the County .taff. lie atUed that h. wa. put oft s"vClral time. and at the lion .eotlng thot he appeared borore tho Hoard, thore wa. aome probl.. that the Sta!! we. havlnq in roeonclllnq tho provo.ed tranehl.o wlth the Stet! franchl.e, addlnq that ho volunt.ered on Auqu.t 2, 1983, for A one _ok'. contlnu4nee In order Cor tne County .teCr to 'lot tho franchl.e ready. H. ~Il.twd tholt h. ran Into probl.1IUI thet ...ould "ok. It l.po..lbl. Cur hi. to be ..l tr.e nllxt "'..tln,}, addln< that he requo.ted a contlnuanco or 01'10 ....It a..u..lnq tnat tne lIa_ court..y ...ould biI extended to 111.. II. .t.two tn..t ho hward tro. tho nowapaper that ne9~tlatlon. ~er" Þ~ln9 .tarted to purch... the t4.t Heple. ~etor Sy.t... ho notad lIl.:It till. II,.. notlllng to do wi th th.. franchiae. In oInllwer to C,,¡..I...I,,¡nwr K'''..'II .¡u..tlon 'oqar.Jln., whether" !ra',Chl... n"" to t.v h....ru lt tllO Uo..rJ ,loCld". not to qrant one, County Attorney &i.undora .tðt.d It 1. Ills opinion that the noard doca not have to .,rant .:I ~rltten tr~ncnl.w to tn. utility, v»pwclelly under the.e clrcuaatancll:I, wnoru tl,., UlIUl)i 11013 r"f'o.1twLlly At th.: l..lit !lau..nt provided tllo Count)' ..Ith n,¡,., 'Jra!t:l. II" notoo tnllt It 1. not thll obllqotlun ot thl. uoolru to ~r, nt .. .rltton erðnchl.. to . Utlllty It the i:IO..rd dO"lIIs tll..t 1 t 1. no\. In ll'w pullllc Int.r.at to <10 .0, Adding tnøt thl. Þo.r~ oot~rmlned on Au?uSt 9, IY8J, th~ ~ro~.r ~PPc04ch to d..lInq ,.,Itn tt,¡. Utll1ty ,.,aa to pure".;.;,¡ It AnIJ the purch¡u. of the f.::. L 17 fA:'; .:f1 Pe9. 2S ----------..-.-----..------------------.----------- ,"'._----~....,.._"'_,'....- T _."____..____."'"""'..".."..,,,,"___,', -----.."..-.................,.....,.,...... ._- ------- ----- - - - -- - - - --- -- -- ---- ---- ------ ac:> ( G7I fAe( Q2 ALÍg~l.t 16, hS3 Utility would be in the publlc inter..t and not to grant A franchi... Commissioner Holland .t,t.d that it his underltandlng that the public hearing wa. ,dv.rti.ed ~nd It wa. on th. egonda to be h.ara to di.cu.. tlu. (unchi.. for the eua now boing .erved by the Clade., "dding thet if there i. .uppoud to be a public !luring in ordor to hear the Iq ul:u,nt [or or agolnat. tne franchl.e, there .hould be ona adverti..d. Ho .tAted th~t thv County 1. obl190ted to the poopl. that are poylng the te.. [or .ewer ond water aorvice in tho aroo. now being .erved to heer a frlnel,la. a?re_~ent for th.lr protection I' well e. the County'.. County ...tt.orney ~eund.r. atøtod that In order to he.r a rr.nchl.e, Staf! would h.vo to b. directed to roedvertlse for a public h.arlng on the qu.atlon ot a [r.nchlae. he notod that tho roolon tor that 1. that I. at ....11 the IMttur wa. cOllcluded and not contlnu..d .IS e public he.:lng. Ta¡t41 . 6 Mr. 'rod ~e.d, repreaentln~ the Lallowood Civic .....ocl.tion, read Into the .inute. e letter fro. Col. John beebe In refer.nce to tho te.t "eple. hater 6y.toll., Inc., copy of which 1. fil.d in the Clerk'. o!!1ce. CO.III.aloner hollend quoatloned If granting e franchlae 1. ..tting polley or not, to which County ^ttorney 6aundur. th.t If the boerd grant. a !r.nchl.. It I. .ettlng policy e. well.. If a fr.nchi.e i. d.nied that 1. ello .ettln9 I diff.rent polley, adding thlt the aoard do.. not have to con.lder a denial of thl. franchl.. a. I polley deci.ion by the Board to not con.lder franchi.e. of .ny p~ll~ utility that .re privAtely owned within Colll.r County. He noted th.t the bo.rd ha. deter.in.d that beceu.. of the partlcul.r locltlon of thi. P.,e 26 . -- -- - --- - - -- ---- - - - - - - -- - --- -- - - -------- lIB ., "..."''''þ..,....'''...,....._~,_..,,'''''__'''I<'''''.'''',_,''~..',J..'*1Uo...~'',............;·,....,"''''''·..·,·.....'''",_.....'~'''At......_" _."..".....~_..."''-...'''''''·.;"..u;''''''''_'..I4I:''','''"''_.',.".._.",'''~..,·,,''c.".".............."""'..,..",·.."....,....-"",; ",. .'". ,"..o...,~·"",;",.,.,,_,_.'''·~_'''''''.''h'''''",',,~; ,,,,,,·.-,,,·,·,,,,·.,,,,..._,,,,og,¡,,O·"""""'''-'''''' ... ~ _.._...__ò>'_.___"''''...........,., ----------------------------------------~~ '.;... , ··'·",i .":',··'~~i:~ - :t;~>'~,: ~f'_ ~.;"í., . 1~:;;!~,' .~w ~.~~~¿;, ,;.,~:,. .'....Jy.' ~:) ( r.rn FAct 54- AU<j uat 16, 1983 to ..rvic. the Winter Park are. without going through a !oraa1 writt.n franchi.e agreement. H. noted that tho atipulntion. that .r. includ.d within the PUD ~eve to be (ollowed and in order to alter tho.. .tipulatlon. a public hUðrinq would be nece.sary, (or which the p.tltion.r would have to tile. Co..i..ioner Pi.tor .oved, .econded by Co~~i..lon.r Brown and c.rri.d un.ni.ou.ly, that a negotietion. co.mitte. b. .et up con.i.tin9 of County Attorney SAunder., Comal..ion.r Vo.., Clerk of Court. Reagan, and Uti1iti.. Kan.ger a.raon to negotiat. tho purcha.. of the Ea.t "apl.. W.ter By.te.., Inc. Utility.. fa.t a. po..ible /u (See Pllf,ell _L ..... R.a...1 12115 P.". - Reconven.dl 1145 P.M. ..... It.. 118 ROUTINE BILLS - APPROVED 'OR PAYMENT Puraulnt to Hvaolutlon öJ-150 the tollowlng checka ~r. l..ued throU<}h t'riday, Auguat 12, 19dJ, In pð)'lllent 01 routlnu blllal CHECK DESCHIPTION CHECK NOS. ^MOUNT Voucher Checka 99127-99409 $ 1,2)5,657.5' 246,H4.1<I Heguhr Peyroll 67)01-67953 It.. '19 PAYING AGENT AMD RICISTRAR ACREIMENT Rr.LATINC TO THE 1"2 PARKS BOND ISSUE - APPROVED Fl.c.l Offlc.r GIloa Indicated thA~ thl. i8 a pðyin9 agent .nd r.glatr.r .gr....nt on the 19D2 Par~. Bond I..ue, adding th.t tho contract i. for the Horth Carolina Netlonal 8an~ to ..rv. a. Rogi.trar on the bond. relatln<j to tnðt bond l..ue. Co..i..ion.r ,iator IIIOved, .econded by Co..l..ion.r Vo.. and carried unanlaoualy, that the p.ying agent .n~ regi.trar .gr....nt r.l.ting to the l~a2 'ark. Bond i..u. be .pproved. '.ge ....-------- -- - -- - - - - ----- -------------- .. .. '''··"'··,·,,·····,,"",''''''''~''"·..'_'''''''',''',.___,.h'''''·_'.....,_,'_''''~,.........."...",'......1>''"''';~~__''''''~__...._- ...-..,.._"'......""',-;,,,.,,',""."~.....""...~<...,..,,..,. ,-_.'," ".",",...;., "_·".._..,.......""'-"',·,"'""-''"''',....·....._.__o;'~_,'"~h'O;''..',......!4I_"".,_;"""'__'>I_____....___,__.._ ...I....__...-_;.._""'_...",.....M~"""".' ,.,..._,......""""......"'~,.".,,.... ,__, --'"-."',"-"..;"""','........_--"""'_..~.~,."'-,,";,., ','~~-',·..-,;,.........""_~'^,",.._'"..,_....U__,,"_,.,"_,..·,.-"".__H."'_,__'_I~__t i;M...I.._"""..__~.."',_".,_,.__..,...".,.._~_".....-, -,~..-,."..",.."",,...-","""'."-"_. .. 1:1 ~ ------------------------------------------- Auqu.t 16, 1983 ,~h ,,~! ~.\~11J. ,'",,~i~í ;Slf~ ;'~; )\:f~fi: {~r;, It.. 122 APPOINTftEWTS TO MARCO ISLAND CODI ENFORCEMENT BOARD AND APPOINTMENTS or CODE INSPECTORS 'OR MARCO ISLAND - APPROVED Co.aunity Development Ad.ini.trator Virta stated that MICA has .uqqested no.inee. to .erve on the Karco Island Code Enforcement Board a. well a. volunteer. to .erVe a. Code Inspoctors. He stated thlt the int.nt of hi. .emo wa. to a.k the Board that they not de.ignate any citizen. at this point in tIme .s Cod. Inspectors, that the Board In.teld Iccept the nomineo. from MICA and at such tlme a. they have proved the proficiency in the various ordinanc.s in which they would be involved in, lnc1udlng actual field experlence wlth the County per.onnel, they can be design.t~d aa Code Inapector.. Ho stated that durinq the interia, thet the board dealgnate. 01 providod ln the Ordlnance I. Code Inspector., th~ lS.v~ral atatt members froa tho Zoninq Department " llatold in the "''""0. The tollowlnq people IIf>okt' In favor of the MlIrco la1lo1nd Code Entorce_nt tk)"rd I T.pe 17 Edward :.ìlllth, rt' Jruaentin< tho çontraetors Association ot Collier county. Ann 11. Oyer, 145!Þ I'lrwood Ct., I'WIrco lslend Ceorqe Nlcnoløon, repre.entltl':l ~Iarco ¡.land Civic ^..ocietlon J. Arvld Jun.øon, rupr4la.ntln~ Marco ¡alana Civic Association Coaaissioner ~lstor aovld, .Iconded by Coaais.loner Brown and carried unani.ou.ly, thet the following people be appolnt.d to the "-rco I.land Code Enforce.ent Doardl HarÞert Ro..er Savage J. Carl S.ith III Rlch.rd J. U.berlin Tho... A. Ar9yri. "arvin ....dl.. Rob.rt U. Cotton C,or9. .. Nichol.on Architect Bu.ine.. Man Ceneral Contractor Sub-contr.ctor SUb.titute R.altor ",.ber at Llri' In9in..r Co..i..ioner Pi.tor .oved, .econded by Co..i..ioner Vo.. .nd ao:t 071,~ 79 ,age Jl ----------~--_. ....---.----.-.-------.----------- ---.."".~"'........>..~~._"'~...,,,'~"'-,-_.....;--"",._,.,';,.,,.. ,-,,, ,.-".,.".¡"'-,-~""'" ,.,'"''_·.''......9"''_'''.__'___0iiiI_,,:iU_,~__4II_......,....,';''~,.'''"*'_,_.~_«t...'_,_.......".."...,_.,'.._..."'.;,.....~_...,'~"'..,,......"''''._...,...:..,,"",~.."''''...;...........N''","'~,,',''''.,,''. ''','~" ","', ._-----------------------------------'---~~ ':"'~¡¡¡ "l.~~ : 1,l'~ AU<,jullt 1G, 198J ,~: 'O~K 077 ,.\~ 80 ' ''fNjJ. ,-~t:i)E' carried unlnl.oualy, thlt the following Zoning DepartIDont Stiff b. ' ',:?¢~;' <'·;'I·U; n...d .. Cod. In.pectora I:'t: Zoning DIrector Planner III 2 Zoning Techniclan. Zoning lnve.tiqetor Supervi.or 3 Zoning Inv..tlgltor. Co..l..ioner Pi.tor IIIOv.d, .econded by Co..l..ion.r Vo.. and clrried unaniMou.ly, that t~~ following people ~e appoint.d IS vo1unt.er code inapvctor. Ann Oyer Jack Eden Robert J. Borlnaon Jeck Wa.pler ..... Co..i..ioner Pl.tor .oved, .econded by Co..i..ioner vo.. and carrIed unanimou.ly, thet the following ite.. under the Con.ent Agend. be epproved and/or adopted ..... Ite. 123 PITITI~M TR-IJ-5C, RICI~RD JENNINCS, REQUESTINQ A TEMPORARY RESIDENCE PERMIT TO UTILIZE A MOTOR HOKE DURING THE CONSTRUCTION OF A PRINCIPLI RESIDENCE ON N 1/2 OF TRACT 74, UNIT 10, COLDEN GATE ESTATES It.. I H FINAL PLAT FOR PETITION FP-'J-JC, IMP~RIAL COLP ESTATES, UNIT IV, LOCATID IN THE SE CORHER OF IMPERIAL GOr~ ESTATES - SUBJECT TO STI'LUATION TKAT T81 FINAL PLAT NOT BI RECORDED UNTIL THE REQUIRED IMPROVEMINTS HAVE BEEN MADE OR UNTIL APPROVED SECURITY IS RECEIVED AND APPROVED It.. 125 VACANT POSITION or AQUATIC PLANT CONTROL SPRAYMMI IN WATER MANAGEME1fT DIPARTPttNT It.. 12' SOCIAL SERVICES CASE W-~'2l It.. 127 APPROVAL 0' CONTRACTS FOR 'NO LIBRARY ilRVICIS MID COMSTRUCTIOIC ACT PROCAAM CRAHTS, TOTALLING $9,000 AND CHAtRKAN AUTHORIZED TO EXECUTE S.. 'Ig.. is''''' ^ Pag. 3:2, ;,;~~ ---------------------------------~-~~~~~~-, - .. ~.·,...",.."','.,~......,·_~·.._...__."_......"'c,...,,,..........;c<...,""i.·...".~....._.._....,...4,...III..'~.__...·III_I_...'i....._·~....__"..q..,___...".'.""...__~__.._,___.."....",,_"~._~,...,~.,., (',";': aI c=J ~, ~ ----------------------------------------- Auquøt 16, 1983 It.. '2' CAMCILLATIOM or AKIMDKEHT TO SUBLtASE AOREEMENT BETWEEN BCC AND UNITED ITATIS POITAL SIRVICE RI SHERIFF'S MARCO SUB·STATION AND CHAIRMAN AUTHORIZED TO IXICUTI S.. '.g.. 13 t, ~ Ita. '2' RI'ORT AXD RICOMMEW~TION RI ORCAMIZATION CHANCE BY HEERY PROGRAM MANAG&HENT, INC. rOR CONTRACTS WITH THE COUNTY It.. 130 APPROVAL or LlASI AGRE&HINT BETWEEN BCC AXD COLLIER HEALTH SERVICES, IMC. 'OR THI HEALTH rACILITY IN IKMOXALfE UNTIL SEPTEMBER JO, 1984 AND AUTHORIZED 10 IOŒOJŒ SAI1!. S.. hq.. 91"-11 It.. 131 RISOLUTIOM 13-134 REAPPOINTING MR. CHARLES DURAY, JR. TO SERVE A 'OUR YEAR TIRM.ON THI ROUSINC FINANCE AUTIIORITY BOARD AND HAVING AN EXPIRATION DATE or AUGUST 5, 1987. Se. pag.. ~~ It.. 132 CERTI'ICATES 0' CORRECTION TO THt TAX ROLL AS PRESEN~ED BY Till PROPERTY APPRAISlR 1982 T"'X ROLL TANGIBLE P&RsONAL PROPERTY 1912-392 - 1982-399 7/29/83 - 8/3/83 Ite. 133 MISCELLANEOUS CORRE~POHD£NC& - 'IL£D AND/On REFERRED Thoro oolnq no objwction, tho Chulr ulrcetod thðt tho !0110win9 correspondonce b. fllod und/or rut..rl"d to tI,u varioua d\lpllrtlllonta A. indlc..toa b\lloWI I. ~tt.ra r\·c,l1v.o (roRl ,\ I\"rIO:ðn Cdnc.r ~ocloty, I..QclI1 topar talont of HRS, /lnd C¡;¡tllollc :;oc1.1 Sorvlce. In .upport of Continuing tho Colll.r County A.¡l '1q PrDgrlllll. XCI Mr. Norawn, "'rll. ;klnnor, Fli_d. ~~~ em tACè B1 Peg- 3J -".~.,.,-".<.."""....,.'-"'.-,""" ,. ^ "'~...... "...~..,-'.,....'..."',. '..,~ ,..", .", ., ..,~.~...,."~"'.,...,,.. ....·"'·~·"',..·-..·........"..P..,"~'"_~....·'I~,·'I''.''.."'..·''''''' ,.. ·......,·..'·I""~."'"~"r"""'_..'"...""'_'_...""'~__,,_..,'___....""',·._...~"""..._....'u"'·;"',"_"',..",,,·,',·,·._..,,,"...."ø.,,"'··,~"_...·,,·.,","".""'."",,., t: \40 . ,0"- ¡~' u t'~ la~ -~. , ~!I . 'rä1, '". & ~ .... , ...- If,"'~' .. S .' 100'8 .~;" . '~J "'.. ~l_ '" '} :!I = ',t,. fj ~ .,~,',.,,'!. s e ,. 0 ,. J" :':'8..- ~ ;,'...~ ,.s..~ , iè '" '"' 'l' . !i¡ (I:' ~". ,'. .<, ¡,~ .--------------------- --------------------- f¡ ~ f,' 6~ rm FAti B2 ^ugusl l(j, 19113 ~i, i""'\f !':' .1'.... 9·· '~'. ~;: .~. t. i/o~ 2. Notification Crom office of F~doral Coast4l progrAm rugardinq conference entitled -Florida's C04st-Chartln9 Our Course- planned for OCtober 16-18th on S~ni~ul Island. XCI Mr. Norman, Mr. Virta, Dr. Ollnod(ct, ~'iled, J. Lutter from Marco Island CivIc Asaoclation 8uggoating nomlnC!ea for tho ~lðrco Iii lend Cod", 1:nforcomcnt l3olHd. XCI ~Ir. Norlllon, Mr. Virtll, filed. '. 4. Lott.;r datod 8/1/6J from DIvision of Public ä/ltoty Planning' Aa.i.tance a. well aa notlllcatlon that Collior County I. pr..vntly using pursonnul service. of tho ätele'ø Department of Admlnl.tratlon öa en ullgiblllty requirement to recelve f1:MA funding of thu County's disaster prupðredncas orgðnlz~tlon GnJ thl. requirement 10 no long~r Appllcablu e. en eligibility royulrumont. XCI Mr. Normlln, rIled. ,,' 5, Copy of IC!ttors dated 7/20/63 from DNH to: Mr. Oruce Creen regarùlny cI .>proval of cu-oo, Franll t;,. V.lrglnla P. Nul..n, permit for eon.tructlon ,ollwllrd of tho CCCt, Mr. Bruce Creen rugardlnq øi'provlll ot CO-1:I2, Don..ld II. 'Ch6rlune 13. Keller, permit tor construction aOllward o( tho CCCL Mr. Samuel ~orrltt, Jr. r~qardlng apµroval ot Du~-83-57, Emerald Boach Condominium Apllrtment., permit tor eonstructlon soaward of tho mo~n hlqll walel line. xel [Jr. Benodlct, t'iled, ~. Lotter dilled 7/14/83 from LMSAC Chairman 1:qon 11111 rogardlnq au~uncuw ut Mr. U.vlu Cranllm al lIIuotln9D. xel Filed. 7. Memo uateu 1j/4/1J.3 from John II. ~t4: .>h.nll, t;nvlronm~ntal lIeelth Seetlon and Wlllldm .... Cox, M.O., lIe.lth Director, ettachin9 brlof ovorvl.w of le91.1.tion th.t outline. the ~.thod to be utilized by the lIeAlth o.pclrtllunt Cor enlorcelllent regardln9 OnUt~ .owage dl.poa.l 1eqlaIlltlon. ICC Hr. NorNn, Flied, 8. Agenda for 8/4/83 m.etin~ ot CApe .nd minute. of 7/21/83 lIIeetlng received fro. C^PC .Inute. received fro. 7/1S/83 .eeting of Park. . Rocreatlon ^dviaory bo.rd lIIinute. of meeting. of 6/28/83 .nd 7/26/83 receIved fro. Golden Cat. Community Canter Advllory Co.mlttee. XCI Filed. 9. Dep.rt.ental report. recelvod froln Collier County Social Service., ~/63 Collier County ~u.e~, 7/31/83/ Solid W.ate Division throuqh July, 1983/ .nd Veteran. Service., 7/83. XCI Flied. 10. Notice of lIonthly Agende lor .eetlnq 0' Augu.t IO, 198J, tor the Coordlneting Council on the Trenaportatlon Dl.advantlqed. XCI Hr. Perry, flleù. "9 e 34 ------------------------------------~--~~~ . ;/¡;:, it:;,';' ,'".:; J!;;~ ~~?:. l1li .. - ,,'.',.;k·"'_'"~...._._,"",...._~_""'''''''''"''~~"_''·.~i.._'..'''J__ n u ~ .1."__",,," r:I c:;:;1 r::='7".':'t ~ --------------------------------------- ^uguat 16, 1983 11. Letter dated 7/28/83 froN the DOT authortzlng expenditur.. up to $44,136 in redecal Section 112 (PL) fund. on 83/84 Unified Planning Work ProC)cUl. XCI Mr. Parry, FUed. . . . . . . . There being no further bu.ine.. for the good of the County, the .eetlnC) ~.. adjourned by Order of th~ Chair - Time 2100 P.M. BOARD or COUNTï COMMISSIONERS/BOARD or ZONING ^PPEALS/~X OFFICIO COVERNINC BOARO(S) 0' SP~CI^L DI~TRICTS UNDER ITS CONTROL ~~;:~:iþ~..tN by the BCC on September 6, 1983 x or lIa corroctod ,o~ em rAti sa ................-----........-------_---.._--...._------..._~~...........---... .:?:-:"<\< .>,~~.'} 1~1.."/ ..._......~_~"'__·__4,._'"~_;,,_"".,.."".....,,'_.'k";".__·" """'...'.'M,.'_"~,.".~"'...,_.._..."i____.J __..".___I_r...___~___,.__.._.___..____._..,"'.,.....,;..",''',.._....,......''''....-.."','";'~ .. .