BCC Minutes 08/31/1983 B ~""";'''''''''f»~;;''''~''';''''''';'''''''''.''''''''''''"'''''''''''"~'''~''""-.",, ,·¡·"""''''·'''''',·,,;''''','''....-·M_·__...._.......·,,_...~ ...-".' "-_.. . rm f Â:¿ Z56 bO~< Augus t 31, 1903 ;iESOLUTION 83-145 ADOPTING THE FY 1983-84 AME_NDED TENTATIVE BUDGET Legal noticv hüving b~en publiGh~d in tn~ Naples Daily News on Auyu~t 23, 1983, Ð~ ~vidcnccd by ^(Cidðvit of Publicntion filod with the ClerK, fJut.>lic h~.:'Irin'J Wi.l~ opcnt:d to con::>ldcr adopting th~ F'y 198)-810 lImenCJ~o tcrltòtive bucqeLo fitical Otficcr Gl1...,~ !>tùtcd that tll.... ~urf-'0se of this hCiirlng Is to rcc\.!lvc comments fro:'1 tIle °<jcllo!r,d pulillc <.Ina to ...nswcr qu~~tion3 on the proposed tc'l}( cn.]n,)t. <'Inu bUU< I..'l l-'rior to ti.lr.inq firHd ¿¡ction. He stllted thðt prior to the conclusion of tt11:i mcctinfJ, tne bOllrà ...·111 amend the tentlltlvc budge~, ðS it ti~u~ fit, lJn~ ðdo~t the lIncnded tcntðtivc budget, rccompuLl' it~ l,rO¡;05cc.; r,,¡ll.,'J(' rllt': drld putJ1icly ðnnOUnC(' th~ pllrCl'nt by which th.... rl~co:1'.¡;utC( propo50d rr,l1 IMJl' r,'te exceed~ the r 01 1 - tJ '" C.... comE' lJ t c rj t' U r ~; oj oJ r, t l 0 f 1 () r 1 cJ it ~ t " t u t '.' ~¡, i1(1 din g t h (') t t h ð t pf!rccnt ~ ld11 bt: cll"r"ClerIL\:l~ ,,!¡ trl'.' p('rc\:nt;"J' Irlcreil~e in property tðxcs t~ntðtlvely tlúoptt'C: III thl~, Q0VCrnln'} budy. h~ slntcd th~t th~ pcrct:n:. ¡,¡rl..'5t'ntl, ¡¡l.ln( ~, .11 ;'" C)'Jl.'[ IoIndl Ie, C""lleu tile roll-bllck rllte. He !ótðtcu t/¡at tr\(, cuL:,ul,,~ ItJr¡ vr till' l,1 (t.·~. 1~; :'ll0\oo'n on the second pðg(' of the h<'lnclout·, ùlh11nCj L/¡"l till' ¡M,P' !ollo\oilrq ttlðt is II sumØl~ry by mðjor cðte(~Qr!cs of tund~ of tilt.' ~,r0l'0:òeu tðX'~S tor 1983-84 as compared with 196~-eJ. He ~>l,'l('c.; lIli1l on tell' !ollowln< t\olO pages it <Jivt'ß Ð further IIH)ro! dct.'llt-d 'H'~<lÌ(:JO\oi11 tUI1U tJy tur¡J In order to :Ice each fund t h ð t IIlð" C 5 U 1-' trIC1 t :> t oJ 1 ¡¡ 0 tit: noted ttlùt {ollo\oiln'J thðt ilS II :JumolHY of th~ cstll;'1.:JteJ ceVttnU..,5 "r\~ olller :-"UIl:C:. o! IUild::. [or ttlù G"'ncrð1 fund which i10 \oItlt'11: thO' OO<lrd II":'> t.' (IH.'rlLncl·d t/¡t.' ejreðtf!8t need for It lax increase, ðdd1n'J tJllIl mucll at till.' L,IX InL're4l>c 1¡; dUe! to 4 sales tilX that WdS pð5~.èd" ye/lf ð<JO wlttl ('C\ 1.,H'lri'J dllo~ltd lo oftset neeaed · Appended. Page 2 ..~- -._- --- -- .- -- - August 31, 1903 Incr~ase5 in t~X~5. ale :.:;t.)t~d th.Jt th~ HOlird dId not usa It for the op.retlng budget but rdtnpr ~ledycd It for debt service on the jðil system which ...4S mùnt1..tl~cJ :"y th~ Stattf t1n~ whlcn 15 the main rellson for the -ax in~rcðs~. He noted that there drt! dlso (jr.,~h~ of millage. ðnd taxed that W..:re pr'J~ lJrtfd by the County Mðndgcr':; ofii..:e, .'Idding that he wo u 1 d 11 k e t 11 c s e <J r ð p n ~ u.( p L:Ji n cd;) t t hIs t 1 me. Mr. tiill :H..:.te'1 th.lt the tir3t OVCn1t;;'ð<1 display Is d recounting of ....hat IhlS 11"PPCI\~¡j oVI.'r the LIst IH years, from tile property cVlIluðtion and tt1e ::\ill"9c r.1t<15 In till' County, lie ~tdtcd thllt th~ tðx notices tll.:Jt property o....ncr~ r..:cco1v.. ,lnd the litX!)!> thðt they PdY i)rc <"Ill <J funçLlun of these two !dctars, tie :Jtdtcd ttlùt t,'valuðtion ls the value of one'" ¡)roperty In re).~tl(Jfì to ttlt.' f.'valuation b.:JH~(j on all property dnd tt1 pt m111ð<1c r.ltl! IB l~1e .:Jr.10urlt ot calli:; .)sst:5sed on property for tll~ vðr10us tiervlcc~ on\..' rct'('lvl':;. lie !il.Jtud trltlt depending on wh~re on..: live:; In tn.' 1.,'IJr1ty, ~uurltï-""( '! t"x\:s ~oill (h:flnILcly bu pðld ,)nd ttlure w111 .d~o tH' .1 v<lrh:t'r .J! unlncor¡,utl\t..u .Irèd ó1:,TU's "ncl spec!.:.l d1str 1ì.ts. rlu :it.lc.'r1 lnclt :,( I,U'.)" oo...r(: r-Il :.I,¡e!i dnJ Independont d1~tc1ct:> .Jre n(Jt Cuv"r.' ur, ;.'r c;,<' ,',Odr,J (¡( County Cor.lm!:";!J1oncr~ .HHJ will not ~)l.' dlscU'i5l'Ú. ¡'o, :'¡,Itl.'.j tlldt "V...lu.ltlon hdS Incre"lICC vC'ry dromc"ltic.:.lly Sine" I'Jf,to. ,)( <":IT1J t:ì.:Jt :'f1,~ ~¡':uH: ¡~ in b~ll1ons of doll¡'r~. (HIU II,)::> './')/1'.' f C'-,,, ~";I, C(J,';u/' "J ....J J 1.)\"" ;~,,' hill Ion j 011.\ r:¡ 1 n l'V.1 1" ,I l. ,;,. : ; l t . ¡ ~ T t " .' C ~-'.'-' :.jL'CUfl.; V\·I'r.)t.-',,~ I.Jlâpl.,y , .... de.sl~ .....Ittl , r,:veri, ( oW': ! 1 . t ~1 ~. . ; d 1." ~ , , ~ ,,)( t f1 ,J t :, ,-.:'; t'.J (~ .) " 31'Jrd!I,;<lnt ¡Ill'ul.'t ')II~. In t " . :1...· it d t t : ; I ,J t ,,v: 1 I :: reo u n t y d1d not r!'t:t!l',e ,.~ ,".;,';, .,. ': rlt.... ..J v V I' t l ¡,f- ~ ~ t '.., t: un :'1',.. dJ ""¡,IS o r 1 <j 1 n <3 11, " n t I _' I ,), It '.' I , ;i\..' ".l.;'-'~"'; t:ì"t .d;)~ )','"c ../ltOn totl,! LHJdy.,t wð. iI tì 0 J t l.' ( . t r. l! l: Ù U :\ t I "'-,J.t I ~. j! d I C . ,J :'1 ., t .1 t \,.1 . IIJ ~ 'J 1 :'¡...: 0 I i " r " t ,1 .In .u.tir'lhtc Ol , J . .~ I, I , 1 IUI, IJ! ,..J \' l i.....:u . ~ :." "... J t l' u: 1 \~ I ~ \ ~ '" tor tnu .dl~. ~ ¡ "1 tax, ,ldd¡n] U)<1t .Jlt...r l,l\! C,I..(: jet wda , (;()P~,~d, :! r' .,t.,ll.: of r'lort1ô ú ~:( C77 r;..., Z51 l'cig. ) --- _. - ---- .- -- -- bJ~~ (rn PACt 25B AU<Just 31, 1983 Cð/JIC out with ð rcvisco étmOUnL of $2.!J which Is the rCðfion lor the need to cut .crvicl:~. de stúted tt 11) t thi~ 1:.; II very sif]nillcðnt factor for revenues ðnd the ,1moun t of be! v.;lorur.1 tðXttt; that èlr~ needed to contr1bllt4t t:o sUtJport County Cjovcrnrr.cnt. III.' stiltr::! that the thhd overhead dls}JldY diGCU5t;t;!) for t,he Gl.'ncral ~'und where the monl"Y comes from and ~hcrl.! tlw money go-:I:... he stated thCl the pie chðrts thllt show where the money com~!¡ l:::>~1 lnt:\(:.;t('~ that U\\: "d ",,,lorem t..,xcs in l~8;¡-8J wc:r...' S<J\ ,\;)(1 1)1,_ 111 l'JdJ-d':; Intür');)v¡:rnm<.:rlt.:.l 6t In 1~ü2-6) .,nJ B\ in 19/j)-d4¡ ún¡J tC<1t,:.tt:'(L lU' In l~b"-bJ dnG 14\ in 1')8)-¿¡(. He SUIted th<H ttlt' oln..-r Pl., CIH.rtfi ~¡t¡o"" Io'hcr~: tilt' money rJOUS, in t~rms 01 what tne G.n~r<'ll fund buy:.;, tl1.. ~tll.'ritf'5 Division ht'ls Inc-r('ð5(:d froC! 3Y\ to 4~' due to till' J( ~>tl<:t.' l't'nt\..'r, ,HIllin'! ttl,lt tnf' rest-rver: hdV~ dropped troAI 10\ to i1\ ,H,d tll'- monlt'ti tlld.. the !lu<'Ird controls are also drop~lnq tro~ Jl\ to 27\. H~ !,t.'tel1 ttldt ttl('Sl' 1tcl"t. Wt'rf.' prescnled "a background 1ntormdtl0n ...nc tI", ~-:COIl1C!¡J cJny 'u~s~lon!> c:urinr¡ public comments'. County !"w1nð']cr ~ocm..,rl ~t<1tc(1 U¡..,t U,t- ~o...ru nrl"ds to take into consldc-rðtion tllft il4!'rõ\~ tI.ilt <lr.. 0r\ tht' me"")r"n~um dllted ^uqust 29, 1983, aOdln') UlcJt tllcru Is "II dddltlonðl ~jc,Hbl wIdell 1. n..ded to continue tilt: ,",ord :'I::>c"~f,¡n9 0t-'t'r.tlon on ttlc .~lDltI tJl'IIsla as in tho past. lie notl!!'O tl1.,t ti,l' ~t,'l\.' I.a;; e¡;: 0:1(;1\ on thc1r (undlnq tor tn~ 110Ølctl!\ðkerS Pr0l.JrcJr., ..:I1<.:tl llcJ~ <:.lutlt:d tl1C County to rl!commenc.: an increa.. In the locdl stl,.r\..' of ttl<J1 t1rol)riio. 111 ttlt' ðr.'OlJnt ,-.f $1:,314. "" atated that thcr b1<;yest ilem 1~ UI1\.' tt.cJt I!; c.lu¡,.ud by the lncc4t.,aeo coat of weltðre and soc1ðl service:. wtllctl ls..1o outqrowth of state ..ndalea wlth re9ðrd .!.. to whal the lounty la Obl1qðtwd to 00, ... w~ll .. pro9r.~. that tho bOcJrd wuuld want to cont1nu~ to accept r&aponalbl11ty to ..siat the 1ndlqont and tho.. who have no other atat. or tederal ~gencl.. to turn to, to meet tha1r critical health ~.eda. He atated P·ge . .~ .-.. '"- ..~- .~ - -- - - - --- .-- .'.- August 31, 198) lhðt the totdl ot thOSt! ~mount9 1u dn incrrdse in the Soclðl ~~rvlc.s budget of $70,OlJO whir,; } is ¡¡",de up of mðndðtod prOt Cdms. Ho stated that the boðrrl hðd ..alr~ddï ,}C ttJd upon JJ reduct Ion of $22,000 In the "'edical lxðminvr's uudyvt anJ the I'luseulZl L>iructor submitted her resl9natlon, ,1dd 1 nC] t h .!It n~ feels with tho curr~nt proble:ms thIs is ðn 4pproprlðtu t1me to »n1Ct tn~ County's mu~~um ~rogrdm to one that I\ðxlmizus tho ';50 oí volunt('~r5 ,JIHJ hc aUlJCJested th¡)t the position of 521,JC2 not L~ til:c,¡. jilt! tal low 1 n q p \..' 0 P it: :> I' 0 ~ <! ,J 8 I( 1 II Y f:) r H U p.-o r t to.) s" 1 tI tin 3 .-0 use dbusc, ¡-roll1Jc '~r,\erj.'ncy lo,:,pn'J tor :'UC:1 t'lopl~, prov1dtt II pðld pOt.~llon tor coordló1.\Un) t',ln~~'ort,Jllor. tor pl'oploJ to :;I¡C fðcll1ty, Itnd proV1dQ JðW entor,-'<.:m,'nt ..nrJ ::lent,'. 1 !¡p,',rLh tr,llnln'J: :"hurl ìlou:..tJn, r.Y"\·"~¡·.·.' I)\rl:'::.)( 1)1 ALn,;:¡.. C')un:;clinq , 'rrl!l!Itmont O~ Leu Count). Tom U n ~ wo ~ tI , ~., I'" ¡ J e r t (J: ,A, :-J u ~ (' 0 t " " f'l t' !" : n l: , K.1rcn f.:µpJ,., Act l¡f Ir,1;1()>l;'~I": Co;nr:11 ~¡ .. ¡ l)! It.' r ,. r lJ . : ~ ! ,I .~ " 'J :, I ~ 'HI',' , l'... j 1 ~: (., .J l :11 J íJ( oc) r ,jm 15 de 5 pc r .. t (' 1 ì' n (' " ~J..~; 'n " , I t ~ : j ~ ¡.o 1 ~j l , ~ !) tJ :)IVJ'~., t 1 :; ",0 t 1 'J rl t tnc\t t ta' r '.' I ~ :1<) L ,Jr1',' ~, '¡ t I: d t ,Ir, .Ij ; l .1,)/1(1 1 I"~ , v I ;.' t~' (".1 n t)..· .ld:':v<J un 1 l.·n:ò one I fI ':u t . :~ c .i t ,) : .' J t 1. d t 1 ii ) r : t" r t.() ,J J d ì t :. : I 1 :j :..J t J<:1'll' :. 15 It !Jt.1nds, 'W 1 t tl ,~l i \: u t·\ : . ..j~. .I : I _ t) f', r~ .'. I ,~ .., ..! ~ nd f J :' . " 1 :>:. I u:1 \..' r:.i ,. u 5 t II 0 t ~ 1 n t ilvor. C()untý ,~,trl";I'~ .'~f) r f~", n :~ t.l· t' ~ 1 1 U I -J,~ I , . ..' '\.. , \ ,..~":n:""t"od.ttt.: U¡C I n c r ~ ,) S o? S l:..1 t ,I r,' ~ ' . ;, j or:; :.~..Ì' ~lt:,,:. , '. i . \, t :h' ¡;o.)rd nlla .. - h-,d to r cduc;.: ~;1 1." r t' :." r .; " .j~,C ; " t : " t 1 ¡'I v~. t major p r \J II ¡ t . r.1 ~j ., r I :.(. . " '," ; , ~ ',: :: .. n J t10 fI <: t tl .. t no ~OA:n¿ ~;:Þlont.!r I- I :. l ,'I J t .J :.. l' . :, ..... l ) d,I:", ~ : I\. ;.~ C r \,' Y 0 t ... ,I t , " :'h«t St"t~, .J{;:~i,,, t:, t ,,:1../, l;I"., ,;...cr":,I:'.' l!.... 1.:Ol.;lt of :~on('y tll,,')' '-Jlv. the County, t:..: (¡"fit I :1,':- :,0 1;','" ~'_1 .:01'.' or :ut ~'-.rvlL"'~. ".r. Jo~n:.it')n, l,¿;' ...HI..:.... ;.Llt",,", Lt.,¡t Ill.' 1:0 ~ùrt-'l~\I'~ tt1l1l thCCtr Is nùt .lnyurH· t,) -'i":"" ,Iuout tn~ ¡ Il:Cl.'d:"U 1n t:\+.: ~u,L]"t. II\! st..to:ú é~:( G77:, ?I:n , ".( AA.I&:I Pa9· ~ G77 f^~.260 AUgU8t J 1, 1963 'D~~< that the natlonlll lnfl"lion r cl tl.! Is only Bt ðnd th~ County is going to r is! ae It above thc> nbtion.:d i I ¡ [ 1 ,. t i 0 r. r ù t..'. I ¡.... stlJtc::d thðt hI:! it; ðpµðll~d b~C"H.1St' of the lùck or pUblic intcfcst. Commlcsioncr Kru!>t: ~t.'Lc(~ lilt-t tlds County ~till enjoys one of the 1 0 we s t t ð X r c) t t: sin t n l' ~ l u l ,- 0 f F lor i d t'I lor ¿, lot 0 f n 1 c e tic f) . Cor.wiS!lioncr ¡'I:;tur lChJic.1tHI th.1t t', (t:.. Yt!.:Jr3 ù90' th.! State told tho County tlll:Y hold to build ð new jllll wtdl:h is bltlng buIlt on II'lone)o' that thl: County tl10~)I:t. t~I"l ....crl.· gO!r~.j to (]..:t.. he ~tll~cd th~t this is 5tr1ctly ~ullúin,) l/¡,' ),,11 ~,'\lC:-~' 'JOl:~ noL lllkt., into :.:onsich:rðtion tilt! Inetr" p~rhonnl.·l lrldL l~, ",.1nd"tl."'- ,Hid 1.1,,' ovcritll operûtlon CIne I\a i n t tHI ð n ceo f tl1 t.' bu I l din <J . Mr. hl11 In<Jlc.,t~·l! ~tl"t ...It:: a c!f·crCl'l!>... in revenuefi, the ad vðl(Jrttr.. ',axes t1ðVt,' lo t..lk,~ \I;' tilt" ~,l )CK, /':r. ldwdrd I où~t:r :.t.ll'·,~ t.tl,'t t.np pp.rc'·nllH1C ls Supposed to be held to 1~~ bUl Ill!> I,rol-u!i(",: tdJltt:!i :.110.. ð ~j\ inerelthC, addlny tllðt the r u ~ h 0 u 1 (~ be""",'!, t u " u ~ 'Il' r vie,,:. .J Iì ¡J not 1 ¡¡ crt' " .:; \..' t ð X fH. . ~ r. A. J. bJ roc e ð, r c r; ide n t 0 f Ii 1'1 ~ 1 t.' s, :oJ t " t C!' d t n a t h 1 a pro po . e d t ð X C !.ò n èI v (! i n ere,) :.i e d 0 v t.' r 2 J 'to éJ n 11 'i u t.' fo l 1 0 n t' d \01 Ii c r to t h ~ 1 n c r e II a ~ come a from, lo whIch Commissioner Vo:.;r. Sluted ~h.:Jl lh... tJullt of that Increase is dut., tu lhl! Ju:;,tic<. C':l\t~'[. ddt;ln..; trIal ttlt.: County has hcld bllc", on caplt.:.l t:xpcnsc5, tlll.[l' 1101:'; 01'....11 " I. Iring trt:c:c pul on, .:¡nd ttIC,rc 1.. ð ~, 1:I11xImw!', 1ncrc,'s~ In r,J!:'¡Cli. I..... ~Ljlt.'u tnllL evcrl'Udnq la bt:lnq done lhðt eðn be ('one to holLl Ju'to'n t'xtJt.'nStoä, uut lilt: {,1el UIIJl Ull )$11 has to be built ir> th.... ld'J lncrl.dst: ..:11,,':-' 11> ØIilndDtc:d by tile ~t..t~. Ml, baroCCð 6tl'ltttC lhDt h~ would rdther have leas scrv1ces and lo_or taxes, ðédlny In.:Jl more personnul ðnd 8orv1cv. could be cut. COlllOls&10ner Kruse statvd that th., jail has to b~ built and if it I. not, each nllJht the ::'hwr1U will havtI to empty tne jail of ita prlaoners which the realdents of thl~ County would not stand for. paq. 6 -- ...-- _.. -- ~ -.- - - -- ~.- - -~ --.. --~-- o\U'Just 31, 1983 COlUmls:ilon~r tlolldnd .3tdtud tt1c3t S\ lncrll"so la tho School BOc'lrd, which the County ~,.)s no control over, ;~ddin<J th!lt the numbur of employees thtt County to.:!.:> <It tllis time i::> 1000 wnlch Includes ðl1 th~ const.ltutloniil offielIrs <in" tt10SlI that ,Irtt mandated. Hft stùted that by ~tate Rlðndðt.e ovur ~o em¡.¡loYt!t!s 101111 hilvc to be added, dnd for every courtroom, tl1~ Sllur1tf ild:i to h,wc ¿) builiff ùnd tho.:re is no choice. !Ie notud thðt tIt: d i(~ not 11,,"1: tl11s ",ny butter thdn dnyone elbe tJnd the County 18 not. In control wl1UII t:1~ ~tdtt! mbnO¡)to!s certain itums. Comm1s~10nu( VO:.i:i Ind1cIJted t/¡,Jt û few yeðr::> ¿¡go th~ County had ð 5ur~J}U1.i ot: ovur :;S l~il11on <Hid, theretorc, tè!Xt.'S l1ld nut havf! to bt! rðised tll<Jt mucn ilnd tllu :iurl,lu~ W,'S bein<) used, "dding tnat with the JU:Jt1cu Cent.er ,Ind lrlo' t.IC~, ot cJ ~¡ur¡,lu~ tt1L. YCdr, tt1C tdXCS have to be ra1sed. ,,,\ r. !1 I II!; l -:J t '-' d 1I \, It : n : tl .. ~ I ,111 d () u t r:M t c r I ,1 1 I t :1110.... S " n i n c r c ð s e (J t: ~ 2 ,I, I~, 1 1 1 1 0 [¡ ~ 0 r :. tit· :) l.,: I" t "" II \ " : I t:1 d! 1[\0 ~; t ,d 1 c 1 1 r c -: t 1 Y reI <.I t t: 0 t 0 UH.' () ¡Jt! n i n 'J 0 t trì C J'" Il . ~i:;. wnr,,j "..t'¡'J\J:; :¡Llll".! tl¡,d tf,'_' COdntf I:" iJ(01lIdln'1 l.::.;s 5 u r III L: l::J t n 1 ~ Y L' Ù r ...; I 1 c·l. I" fJ I..,· IC:"':" c.J n l! I\: J ,I I ¡ LI rl C ~ (J.... d . She :Jtðtcd tilôt ulltll lilt! f-.~u~j\ \)1 t;II:¡ CU:'1I'~lJl1l~1 rL·...ll.:,.' tI,ut t:IU Count]' hll :¡ to ::Hlct till! needs 01 .j()Cl.d.t.·IIIILL':;, lilt: J, ll \ooi~: lit' f111t!d. ~l1e 8tðtod tll.:Jt :;iw t:¡lll,,"~¡ ~,u:~" :,:'UlJ.,; :H! 1,11.,,-,"; ¡H.,·L:"lI:;,~ :.>rlC 1:. ...111in<1 to pøy for tilt' peo¡;lu ...1;1.::1 I:. ~tl..l ,I ";':I:.Ul'[,l,"y .:'; 'I; ::1<: f)l!o¡...lu, '.Jy tl.1.' p ~ 0 .., 1 t.', .\ n oJ (,) r : II.., t' I' \) f , . ,':1': ,.\..t,·, ::",l '';,1' I... roi's'.ny two chl1drun, ¡Jay:.. 11\.'1 Lu;...:¡, ,dId '..rùr,," ~,)C ::11.' .,t,'l',· \oIIt:. only" 21 i n c r ~ a :; It tI .l ~ t ,. " I, , " I u : II j :. 1:,) L ., 1 ,~. .01; ':Jrl!~' ,J 1)"')0 :lor.: t¿;x.,:¡ to me~t the nL'~~S u1 1\.' L'()I~::1U¡'l:Y :01 :\t'r L::1il..;r~n to L>c Slit.! 'In the .s t. r (: 0 t J í) ...: I1 " v . ~ :., d ....1 ...' J i...) u ... . \ 1 1..: ..:' . Com. Is. loner Voss moved, sdconded by CommissIoner Holland and cðrr1dd 4/0, t.hat lh" public h"ðrlll1~ be closed. &::< rrn i ~~ 261 PaQ. 7 · --_.. -- .- ---- -- ..- - - '&U'~~ (rn fA:,2BZ AUtjutJt 31, 190) Fiøc<'Il Officl,r Giles 5tatIJd that on thu tJrcvloú~ items that County MAnðger Normðn mentioned, ottler tl1<in trh~ "'us~um and the Abuse program, they havt: been lncorpor...t_ù into thl.' budyct. tie noted thðt he would prefer to have the "'us~um µosltion hðnd1ed ~y budgüt am~ndrncnt after the budget has been adoptclJ. Comci..loner PiBtor moved, Beconded by Comct.stoner Vo.. and carried 4/0, that Resolution 83-145 adopting the FY 1983-84 a.ended tentative budqet be adopted. 'a98 8 .. ~ .~... .._ ._ .k_" _ _-....-.... -- -.- .- _.. bO:~ 077 F Â~¿ 264- flscðl Ufficer Giles sthtcd that th~ bo~rd ~p~roved thu tentative AU'Just 31, 11)83 . - - - - budyct this evenIng oJnd the public hcarin'j for the final buogct BOdrdroorn of b~11dins -f-. ð P ¡J r 0 VoJ lis S c 11 e d lJl e d lor 7: 0 u ~, . !'1 ., :., cpt c. r.1 b c r 1 3, 1 Y Ú 3 ,In the There b~ll1':l no flHthf:[ lJu.'Hrh:!>:'> tor th~ good of the County, the meeting WIIS ðd)ournc(J uy üroer of U1V Clwir - T1M1: ATT1:::>T: WILLIAM J,. '!tW1).Gl,to., CU:J<i, " : ~ /1/' - / , Th"at! m1 nutlJ'---,," µr J'o'cJ \4JY) t ,,0: prcsa:nteo /.,,/'/ / 8:05 P.M. liÜAI<!J UF CUUNTY CùMMI S:>IONl:;H~/I:WARD Of ZuNING ^PPlALS/EX OFFICIO GOV~RNING lH..',\H:;(::» OF SPI::CII\L DISTRICT~ UNDE~ IT COI-tTt<.OL ~b ~~ - M - N :"E LJ~L ()/,-4~ /~ /-.;:_", p~J liS u r ,):.. cor r ~ c t t! d 'ac¡- 9 --- . ..- -_.~ - -- - - --- - - ---