BCC Minutes 09/20/1983 R .;1II;,"_~,:.r.4 ..¡..-,¡,....,...., ---------------------------.....-----------. Naple., Florida, ~~ptumber 20, 1983 LCT IT BE nEMEMB~ ~tD, that. tho board of Count.y Cor:udsslonors in ..t And for tho County of Collior, ~nd also ~ctin9 as the Board of Zonin~ Appeals and ða the qovdrnLn~ board(s) of ouch special districts ða have been cCQatcd according to law Ðnd having conductod businoss herein, mot on thin date at 9100 ^.M. in Regular S...ton in Buildin9 -F· of thG Courthou8o Complux, East Naplos, Florida, with th. rOl10winq membors ..", presontl CHAIRMANz Mary-Francos Kruso VICE-CH^IRMAtls Dayid C. Brown John A. Plator Frederick J. Voss C. C. -Red- Holland ALSO PRESENTs WIl1ie~ J. RO~9ðn, Clerk, Maur.en Kenyon and Elinor Skinnu (10.30 A.M.), Deputy Clerks, C. William Norman, County Mana90q 8111y P. Beckett, AaaIltant County KanAger, Burt L. Saundera, County Attornoy, Terry VIrtð, Community Devolopment Ad.iniatrðtor, Knuto 114Jctrnc3n, Public Works AdC11nllJtrl'ltorl Irving Dor%On, Utilities ^drnIniatrðtor, Don Norton, Public ~urvico. AdIDIniatrator, Miaay Ober, Plann." Haney lardulson, ^d~inlKt'~tiv. Socrotary, and Deputy Chief Ray 04rnott, Sheriff's D~pdrlmont. b~J~ 071 FAct SSZ P-9. 1 -------- -- - - ----- -....... --.-.-------------...--.'V 1. . .,..'f .'," ~ ~'r.: ..~' ,'" " ',:¡ . ,1'~: ---------------------------------------~3 . .* ' &C~K 077 fÅ~¿ 557 beptembv r 20, 1 983 P~'~' Tape U 1 te. 11 AGENDA - APPROVED WITH CHANGES Comai.sioner vo.. movod, .econded by Comml..ioner Plstor and carried unanløously, that tho 890nda be approved with the followln9 change.. ð. R~port on Asb~st05 to be Dd~~d ~o ItYM lOB b. ltern 12E, ^gr~cmcnt with Dcltonü, continued to 9/27/63 It.. '2 . . PROCLAMATIOH DESICNATING 9/22/83 -AMERICAN BUSINESS WOMEHS DAY--ADOPTED Com~lm.ioncr bro~n r~od ðnd pra5~ntcd ~ proclamation to JODn Van Dyke dcaignAt1n9 ,12~/UJ ð5 NMoricnn ~uslncos Womcns Dðy. Co.-iaaloner Pi.tor moved, .~conded by Coømi..ioner Vo.. and carried unon1œouoly, thðt tho proclamation be adopted. . . Page 2 ---------- ----.-- _ _ __ .i:'.··,'~It'~~;,. .,11 ---- - - ----- - --- - -'-- --....... <0 '~'~."."..,..""."*,_,..,..,._",,= ----:: , .:", Mlcrotllmer'l Nemo: The lfßibility of printing on thil page WI. un..tistactory for microfilm reproduction. " ...----. -----.--..... &~~r. On rAC¿ 559 "ï :I}I , . ~ ~ .. '" ,.. '1m- '.:J.'_ i;.~ .' :"!~ ,,, " -:j;(;.~ ":~4fì , ~?~ I~'- ,;.~'~~ 1"- .~~ ~.. .,~~:- ~crtcmbl:r '-a, l!,¡n:. Item 13 PLAQUE PRESEI~TED BY AnT IN APPRECl^TION OF TELEPIIONE aID ^WARD /'Ir. Hon I:c\"'emi:n, br'H\clI "'"n¡'(.1"r of ATr.T prf)::a..ntcd ð plDquc: to the bo~rd in è)?íHt'cilJtlon of ~ht: lI,ll.';Jhonlo bin tlll.t wô.!: ilW.1rch:d to them by the County. III." ~té'I:.(:''; tll..t Ill' L. looklnrj !úr\Jf.rd to doLnrJ bucincss ,1, with Colllur C~unt~. lte. 14 ORDINANCE 83-48 RL PET. ZO-83-eC, WESTINGHOUSE COMMUNITIES OF NAPLES, INC. REQUESTING AMENDMENT TO TilE PELICAN BAY PUD BY CHANGING ^ PORTION or GREEHTREE DR. TO ^ PRIVATE nOAD - ADOPTED ~UBJECT TO STIPULATIONS LU(J¿.l notice 1.,.vlrl'J I>'''.IÌ i'IILll~ ¡<:~; in thl: N¡;pl.~s Dr.ily Uews on Scpt.l'mb-.:r J, 1~t.:'" ,,1> l:',' r:':1t:"~~ by f.!fld..vit col ruhlicntlon (lh:d with the Clcr~, ¡albIie 1CoJnn¡; ....::; Qu,'nl:U Lo conaid,,'r Petition Za-G)-bC, ;,'CStlIHjì¡oUH" COPr"unltl'.'b of ì;.J~lt:~, Inc. rl.!qu~stln¡J ð~cnc1lng tht, "'tdlc.:dll L''''Y I'UV t)y ù/l1l.!n":!n'1 ~:)(tdblt. "c" (Glte pl/}n) by chlJOl, lnC) ,. I,ort.ion of C;[~~nlrl:t: í.,.[ Ivl. LO ... PC!Vtl\.t: rOIl~. Plðnncr 0b~c utnt~d thnt thls rcquuat will chðng~ a portion o! Grccntrl.''J {)tÍ\,\.' tu " i·(n','lL' ro"e, ",jr.lln':J thiJt tit...f! rccomme:ncJÐ approvül GUuj(;::L to tIlt: Lit.i,Ju!.:L1on:; in the LXl:cutlvc SUlIUllð'y dated 9/20/63. 5hl.: reI'Ottl~t.: tJ¡,:L th'~ C/'J'C <J1Lo rl.lcolI'IC'lcndod ap¡:.roval b~scd on tl1 ~ U t. i ~ u 1 in i 0 II ~> . Cowniti£iontlr Plr.tor :>~ötu-.J thûl h\.' 1h1~ conC('rns rog..rdlng 6Upulðt.lon hU;1t.H'r '), to ~tdc¡' l'l;;nru'r OLJ~!r IItllted th..'t whon the pUblic .: 1 r 1 v (.' :. () ~ till' 9 U t. r u ra 0 u;¡ .' .' 11'; ..~ -> no l \;! =- r ¡ toe n t. (' r, t h.e )' will h" v C .'I l1:Ie'v to t.utn t'1rQun", l,(\¡dnj t.I¡'t tllr(c will bl.! two gUArdhouses, one' on t:.,t:tI cn,:, bu L 0111 Y 011.. L'n": \.IJ ¡ 1 Ih.\'.. " cuI -c1,,-»..c illS the othc r t"nd I ¡; It p r 1 v Ate: r 0.., d ð n ( ... i ) 1 II U t n", ..' (! .., c u 1 -d ~' -. ~ c . Co.mi..ioner Vo.. moved, ..con~od by Coemiaaionor Brown and carriod unanimoualy, that the public heartng be cloa.d. ';;I"~:;;' /'~., ., .'- PA9c 3:",'; ,: -------- f . ---------------------____________ I ~;cpt()rnbtJr ::0,1931 ~ >t ..~ Commissioner Voss movod, seconded by Commissionor pistor and carried unanimously, that tha Ordinance as numberod and entitlod below be adoptod .nd entered Into Ordinance Book No. 17 with the stipulation that Collier County stÐndards governing roadway construction be atrictly adhored to for tho entire length of Groentr.. Drive, and that if a guardhouso or other traffic control facility is proposed at tho ',.J ~outhorly torlDlnous of the ·privata· roadway, a cul-de-sac Yhall bo con.tructed for the convenienco of all ·public- roadway us.rs. ORDIHANCE 83-48 AN ORDIH~HCE AMENDING ORDINANCE 77-la, THE PELICAN BAY P~HNtD UNIT D~VELOP"ENT DOCU"EHT, BY AMENDING THE PRESENT ¡;XIIIDIT "C" (SITE PLAN) TO REFLECT THAT THE MAIN RO^D (ROADWAY "D· or EXIJ18J:T "J" OF TilE PELICA" DAY PUD) THROUCII THAT AREA or THE PUD BOUNDED BY PELICAN BAY BOULEVARD (ROADWAY "A" or EXHIBIT -J- OF THE PELICAN BAY PUD) ON THE NORTU, U.s. 41 ON THE EAST, THE NORTH BOUNDARY OF THE PELICAN DAY UNIT rIVE PLAT ON THE SOUTU, AND THE CLUB AT PELICAN BAY GOW' COURSE ON TilE WE!>T IS INTENDED TO BE PRIVATE, AND BY pnOVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. It.. . 5 PETITIOH MP-83-4C, MR. , MR5. LANGLEY, REQUESTING VARIANCE FOR CONSTRUCTION OF POOL 014 LOT '27, NAPLES 8ATII , TEHNIS CLUB - APPROVED Pl.!lnnor 0!>o.:r :..ttltud tlhll. thû luc¡"'Oß~ o( this requ.st la to build a 1.001 ðnd dOCK 'W1!;,1I ..c.:rcl:rluu~n.:lo:.¡ur\! in th\! 15 fout pool retor yard :f\!tlJ..C.... ~tH: :a,H.::ú ll\dt :.:t..:Lt revi..>wco Lllis potlt.lon &1nd r~commctnded "ppro"',11, .h.l<.JlnJ :':',d. "':('o[-';~nJ to tile zoning ordln,'nc", tho BCC, upon tccor:lr.&\1nùatlon l'1 l:l.... I'¡..,¡ado'_) ":o:t¡m1=:>tlion, r.lI,Y (\~pr:>vu minor chAn.)... in tll<l loc"tlun, :11lirl'j..J1 h,'I'Jllt o( bul1dln,~u, atructurct:¡, Ilnd i:1\provt'- Ilh:ntu .\uthor ~;:....\! :"ï t:I': ,'duv':~'<J M,1:.itc:( ri"n or d~lJclopmt!nt for 4 JOSl'.Jn'Ht"1J pur> dL,trict. .,::.' rcporttld th^t. /'1r. L4fûdS, Vic" I:'rcr.ldl.tnt or Haplus B':lth to ;I.'nnl:' <.:lul> \c~ort, rcvlcwc.:d tills potlt.lon .1nd ,. :.. rcc::ommvndK th~t t.1I... 1I,lri.Jn..:u U'" 'Jr.,nt~lJ. ~¡hv notud thðt CAPC r.vio....d tho potl Lion IHHJ r"'l:o::If''IC;,n'J~ 'Jltnlal u.Hitld on thu C"'ct thðt lhu proposed ~::! rrn rA:,SO ¡I, ,.', ...:'.:~it ~ ~".¡ ;~',~},i "ago" ,J;' ,'/P,I "~~J ~' .- -- - _....---'......~.. ~ 'Z3~ ;,N.. _~I'f . ~ .. - - -. - - - ......'.' - ..~- ..--.- t Nlcrotl1.aer t. MeIlOI ".._ 1_&1b111t1 ot pr1nttne on thl. pee_ .a. un.at1.taâtor,r for .1~rotlla r_product1on. ' ,~#If~4\-~-'" ,- ......- ,.. ..,~ I~~"" JA1. 'aUf ",r , ,"~ ----------------------------------------~~~ :~4 "')¡",;;:' ,:,;'ø ','\J# P If. . :,..')~" A9." ".' v,'~ . ';;:;;~~; --- ---- .-.-...-,.- ..... --~. ¡:J,~~ :' v':¡ "V,,-' b:JK rrn pÂ~¿561 September 20, 19ß3 ~ool and scroen enclosure would extond to the property line, ~ncroDchng into tho full rear YArd octbhC~ "reu. Mr. Al Oswell, who is dolneJ the construction for the Lðn<)lcy's, lndlcðtbd thðt there is ~n open common area behind th~ property and no nel9hbors, IIddlncJ thot thurc hnve beon t:ive othor vðrillnces 9rðnted in Napl.. B~th , Tcnn1n Clu~. COll"lmLs:>1oncr l'l¡;tor Gtbtt,:G that there should be ð discusalon with Haplen ~th , 'Ccnni!c) Club or t~l(-' devuloper regardin') ð reor yðrd aetbðck alterl1t1on In (lC1ne"'~' to which Com~i.8ionf'r Kruse directed ata!! to htlndlt:, Co~.l.øioner VO.. Movod, seconded by Co..i.sloner Pi.tor and carried unanimously, that Petition MP-83-4C, Mr. , Mr.. Langley, requoatin9 vAciðnco for conmtruction of pool on Lot 27, Napl.. Oath, Tennis C,luu be approved. Ite. '6 COttTRACTUAL AGRE£MENT WITH MR. KARL PREDMORE AS It. SHIPS ""STER AMD SECTION SUfERVlS0R FOR THE RE!r AHD ""RINI DEVELOPMEHT PROGRAM or THE SOLID W-"STE DEPARTMENT - APPhOVtD Public \~rll.& Admlnist.rAtor II.HtlMn .tat.od that he hIt. received ..verDl ðppl!cDtlons tor thls posItIon ðnd hua baaed hi. recolftaondation on the tect thllt I'\r. Pr~dlnorct t¡ðS hDd his own poraonðl buuin..a expcriencv on1 can o~crAtc Dnd 1n~lntðIn th. aqu1µment and the ve..ol Anù 1. liclI:nsfJd ~o do tio. II" IndIcDteù thDt It 1. .. Cull time job and, Alao, thðt hIs rcconmcnd4tlon wan bðsed on ~r. Pradlnoro'ø phy.icðl conditIon. Cornmlaslonrr P15tor qUQGt1on~d how thl) agre.snent. would bo paid, to which I'Ir. Unrtmðn incHr:atcù thAt money would bo rcccdved (rom fe.., char9.s, and 9rAnta Cro~ ~h" Stitt.. land other work that the ship i. used fo r. I hit not~d ttHJt the u.~ ')! tho v.a.ol i. bolnt] incorporated tor ---------- -------------- '.' : ··t1·~!J.~ " .~---- - ---- - --- -- -- -- - -- - -- - - --- - -- ---.......... Uoptomb~r 20, l~OJ dreu91nq WI~qlns PadS. COl!\øli ..lon.r Yon. qutu¡tlonod it othor clllployee. would bo ne.ded, .' !;,.~; . I ~~ ~'.:J': :~ ò:~~ ~ , ,~~ ~f'~ ..~ :':~¿ ',", to which Mr. II.H troan stated that volunteers would be used and hG faIt thal thero would b. sufficient volunteers who Are quallf1eù, p4rticulorly tho flshlnq pdopl. ðS It will cnhðnco their lIvelihood. Co.-Ia.ioner Brown moved, .econded by Comml.sioner Plator and carried unan1.oualy, that the Contractual Agreement with Hr. Karl Pred.ore .. a Ship. Kaater and Section Supervi.or for the Re.f and 4. '. MArine Develop.ent progra. of the Sol1d Wa.te Department b. approY.d~ , " .; :; '~>'\ .).~,¡ ,.,.~, ··~·:~i . t~f~ ~~K rrn fACé561 raCJ. .G:,·!', .... .". . "', ----........... ------------ ~:'¡ ,.'..._~.,'.: -~--~~-~~~-~-------~-~~~~ .... :.~I/,l,):.>,).; ,."". .'} .' . ," .,t ,-' - "~ ':~; ~ _. _ W' III . 'T ______...~_... September 2~, 19B3 b~JK 0T1 f"Ci 569 ~~; 1 t.. 11" t,:, ,.\ f VACANCIES TO BE FILLED ^HD EXEMPT FROM THE HIRING rREEZE rOR EQUIPMENT ,'~~ OPERATOR III AT THE NAPLES LANDFILL AND ENGINEER III IN THE TRANSPORTA- TION DEPARTMENT APPROVED publ1c work" Admlnistrtllor IllIrtl!\c.\n stðted t.hðt ho 18 alSkin<] thAt a n r.q u 1 pen t? n t () per ð L 0 C 11 1 II t t h c: III ð P 1 c tJ L.J n d f 111 ð n d ant.: n gIn. If r 1 II the Trbnsportatlon DCpðrt~cnt ba oxum~t from the hirIng freozo. COIIUQi.sloner lIo11and 1D0ved, sQcondod by Comlllsaloner Vo.. and carried un~nimoualy, t.hnt the vðcðncleB to be filled and exempt fro. the hlrin9 freeze tor an ~quip~ent Operator III at tho Naplo. Landtlll and an Engineer 1 j [ in the Trnnsportðtion Copartllent: bit avproved. COr.1mlf1!doner lIollðfl(~ indiclItecl his concurn rogard1n9 auch a turnovc.rr lit the 11,'ples L.1nd!ll1 rcg",rdin9 poraonnrl ðnd requost.ed thAt a compl~tc ~ru~Kdnwn ot pcrhonncl turnover be prepðrod and brought tot h " bo lJ r .: . Com.ia81oner ~ruso directed that Mr. HArt.an propare . co.ploto breðkdo~n of personnel turnovor at tho Hapl.. Landfill and bring back to tho 8CC next week. Itell 18 BID t677, ELECTION BALLOT MACHINE6 - CONTINUED TO 9/27/83 COIIMis.ioner Krus. indicated that Staff 1. requ..tin9 that this item be continued to 9/27/83 ðnd, therofore, no action 1. n.eded. Tape 12 1 te. 19 ~:' ì: .' ~ORKSHOP FOR 9/27/83 TO DISCUSS THE C~UNITY P^RK SITE IN IM"OKALtE - APPROVED ~ubl1c Services Administrator Norton stated that Sit~ 13 which i. the B1te rccomm~núod by Commlwß10ncr brown in not fOAGiblft a. a cOr.uQunlty p..1ck bCC""U,(SCl It i. lo~-lyin'J' H~ etðted that hu looked at. t.wo alt~rn4tlvoa, IHJdin<j thðt on" ,)lt~rl\ðtiyo would bo dralnð90 of the Page 7 -_._- -------- -- --- - - ------.,-- ---------- "':'. !.. ",.~ ,- .:~;!. 0" " ~ -~,~i , ""'j''' i..:- ',...< ~cptcmbur 20, 19H3 pro(Jerty which would nHjuiro J1 long c~'Inðl to l.l)ko 'I'rc'lf!ord end the other alt~rn~tiv~ would bo to dig ð Jako and fillIng ð portion or the ,j ,. , , , ~~ ,i " \-~ property which ~\Julù 0" too èX(Jonalve. 110 noted that it would cost ',i'f approximðtuly $450,000 to got 24 ~cros of us~ful lAnd, addin9 thðt thero is (tho" CY¡HtlIU tHtad In the middle of thu property ðnd the park would nnù up In t.hroo sectlonK. COlumlaüionor lIolll'Jnd stated t.h..t hu was curious about Dr. Uenudlct'::! Input on this sltuation. lIu noteù that. the Commission should t1ðVO tbkcn a closer look at tho Avðlon site, rurther stating thilt ho hð8 lookod lOt thu North lIð(Jl~s site thðt Is being conZfidcrod, And thore i~ ð drðlnðge problem on both tnose ait.a. He notod that lru¡teðó of 'oo'Orryinl) dbout 1.ìt:R, thtl :;t,:¡f! Ghould he uaoeJ to their potentIal to determlnc what colin bo donu on thosa dlfforont park sitos. 1/11 atatu¡j thd t the Oo.u: \J la no t. beln/) cOlnph:tely Inforrned on t.ho nltulIt.lon and does not hðvo ðdol UQte Information In front of them to m.:lku ð dl'tcl:Jlon. lie st.1tcd thðl tflcr<.t tòflould lJu a rdport on conditions for all Lho p.HII. sltu:z, lncludlnq the ones thðt h<1VC ðlroðdy been purch.oscd, c1:J It'tlll as thtJ onu8 thfJt c1rc bulrH] propotiod Cor purchollo. tic st~tc~ th.!Jl I..., 14 In (evor or pðrir.A, but not In ("voe oC buyin'J a pioce ot property julot. to r....y tll.:JL there Is II cOI,rnur.lty pt1rk' ¡¡It.,;, purchMh:d Cor ~.1c11 ðr<JJ. ComrJlasion\lr Kruse b."Jl~ tI1"l :iho hila nu peolJlema wlth thf) Goldon G~t. .1t~, but thðt. she tJld IHlve Jrobl~aa \o'it.h chooalnq th. t\'J}tlon aite liven though alìu VQlul.l lor It. ~;h" nott.:tJ th...t \,'hc;:n it. Cl1m. b..foro t.he Hoard it wð.s c3 r.1dtt.H oL ..:üÞ<.in·J .1 'h,~llJlon yu1ckly clnd, at thl~ f-Olnt, uvorythlnq sllould UC 10oÞ<..d "t bldoru nnythlnq uloo i. purchl'Ged. <':Ot:lIl118l111ont.:r ....OStl lnJlcðtcd th.ol th~ ..choo! :lite th.ot h.2l1 been . ::0 ·;~r~.r~ ~" :.;: dl~cu..ed is ~djncunt lO J nlt~ th~t i~ now on school pro(Jurty and , '. :<~ &~:~ r:rn f A:i 570 ;'"~~7) ..'" , "A': ----------- P"U e 8 "..'~' ,t, ,i~>~ ! -":',. "}.-- ----....... ~,;~ I;':~~ '," f., ". ' ' ':>I' :..:~~" .;.'~:'.,: :~ '. Mlcrotllaer'. Me.oa The le.lbl11t, or ' pr1ntlnc on thl. pile WI' un..tl.tlotorl tor alcrotlla reproduction. i,. ~ 1 t - .,"'--.. r Ln ......' rill' 111 II' r 1IIlllUIIIJ "lIlIf mmnOfl Scptemb~r 20, 1983 b~~K 071 fA~¿ 511 being usod ðnd less money would be required for that sito, but would also snoke lIVDllllblc thc port.ion of the park that. Is lIlruðdy completed. H. alated that ðtò far aG 80m" of r.hiø propt!rr.y being under w,1ter, it is not justiCiod by lookIng ot thu prop~rty one time, as thore has been an exco&oivo eraount of r",ln. Ho ntaccù tltt,t tho School Uoðrd hc18 been very cooporotlve In rucent yo~ru. lie stOlcc] that thore Are facllitiea ad jacent to th~ I>cllool in Innoka 1 (,'0 one] not LIS much money would hAve to be .pent on th~ 8it~. COJnmisslon~r ilolll)nri 5t.lt<.:d t 1{lt th~ r~f.-Ort dl\tecl 9/20/83 Incticðtet,j qlLlt tlH..' r-ricL' fur t.!w Froperty in lmr.\okalve would be approxl~~tely ~J~~,C0a (ur ~O ncr"o, adding thot he has bv.n told that $17,000 ðn dC'[(.' 1:1 ""'1....It LILH ....rol":rty 100'111 8011 (or which will totlll $660,000. lie nllJtl.:d tlll)l tI (.'rf' ncedlS to be more facta and flc;urcB before t.nytlllng clHO ls pur<.:I'/H't'd or thero will not be enough money luLt to bull(! on dny ot thcu\I parI<. sit-::.;. lie noted that th_re lire ð lot or people In !Dvor of the ImmokAl.. .chool alte aa 100'011 a8 a lot of people thðt ore concernod wi th the amount of dollara being spent. He I5tlltud thoJt th~rc it; ð ple=cl: of prop.rty across the street that Is high and dry and why onu piece of property would take thðt lIuch priorIty ovor tlHr other lIr.\c'\ZI.IS l\h1. CommiÐulonor t\rust: .!Jtðt(:r1 tllnt Ilor lJu'J90ation would be to workshop t.hla ",otter ond IllIve photoC)rðpha, naps, tht: dollar ðllount of the surround1nCj lands, wh.3t the.: IHJjaccnt property i., and tho input of Dr. bvnedlct, tho County lnvlronrnontallst. COIDDløs10ncr Urown Ind1cat.d thnl hu wantod to hOAr cO~ID.nt. troQ Dr. aenedict ~nd would then m~kc II motion to work»hop the entiro lIðtter. CO.lDilsionur ~rown quest.ioned how Dr. ~onodict viewod tho .ovorðl proportle. in lm~ok.l.., 8tÐrtinq with the on~ down by the PA9* 9 ..-.-.-----.--.------------__..4>. -------.-...--....- ? -. - ::'1 -~':7 ' ~~~~ ; ;~~~:r .~t,~~,ii. ,',;§;¡ ,~"~ < ?"( - --~. ---. -"--_._- ._--þ-- - -- - ..------------------- ----- ---- S~ptcm~~r ~C, 1~a3 wa t", r . Dr. Uenvdict. ::¡t..Jlcd thdt ha wos in IClmokaloo yest\1rday ðnd ",,,lkod tho aron by tll0 ....lIter pli1nt, lidding th~t It has d sOð80nIJ1 pond in tho front, wlth d pinc/pt.ln:otto upl~nd ar\1a, and ð cyprosu atrilnd In tho bðCK. 11t~ rcportvd th.lt Lhe cyprt:ßs strand ....dS the only area wet At tho t lmo hu ",..tlK~Ù ttlÙ tli tt:. tic notud tnat It In oJ fIne natural site l1nd would be ~ood (or n pð5s1ve pnrK, not an actlvo onc. Ho st^tcd he 3~W no davelopmontal con5tr~lnts on tho other sItes as f~r as wctlðnds. Commlss1oner l:lrown statod thl1t ho is auqlJestlntJ tlllst both aitos be aQl~ct.d by tho Cor.\laisslon, nddlnq tnat one could bv used for working peoplu t.o h~vft plcnic arCðS, bðrb~cuø atnnds and some typo of ontert.11nment. He notod that thu Oth4H pllrk, 51 te could bu U3ecJ for ð bd IlL 1 e 1 d '. Comml:salonec Voaa lnc.llc.ltcd tthlt it would not ~~ pc~ctlcul to hðVU two perks, addln'J th.)t it ....:.¡ultJ b" butter to h...vc one )oocJ p.:.Irk. Mr. Norton ar.,'t~l t:1(lt <':oramlnlS1Qnor tHown lza rctorrlnq to Slto .J, plUG the lU ~cru~, ~nd ~J~o ~lt" .~. (;omr:lllluloner 11011.1110 'jUl'~.Liont.:J If till:.> propvcty iSdjoins th~ school, to ....hich .:Jr. i1t:rlt..'úict :Hntod thðt the school Is ndjacont to the property dnr! thu Lrc<1t!,Iunt j)l.'l\t 1~ 'IOUUI o( it. C0/'.1ml:ss10.\lH lIolland tHðted th.:Jt ttlvcc 1:.1 (urt~Jt:r 1,,(orl"".4t1on nuøded beforo nnythJn9 18 done. Co..iaaioner ~rown movod, secondod by Co~i..lon.r Vo.., that the laaok.le. Co~munlty park alte bo workshoppod on Tue.day, S.pteøber 27, 1983, fol10wln9 the re9ular board ..et1n9. /'Ir. :;tcphun i'rlco or 110) N. 11th St., IilIlI\o)(ðlua, requosted th.:1t the wrl<.ahop ~~ hetlJ In IlIunokaluu lUI tho public h.1. not h.td .sny Input In thIs h't,ttlJr ,1nd clJnntJt. delvo till t.ho WilY to l'\ðJ.lI.. dur1n9 tho døy '&~~K 071 PM,i572. PeCi- 10 ~ Mlcrotll...r'l ICelaOt '1'h. leatbl11tl ot' prtnt1n¡ on thl1 Pll' WII unl.ttltaotor,r tor .1cJ'otlla reproductton. . '-'-:'~~.!~ ,- -..............-.......-.....: , ..' ~....-... (. l\;~ :;.~1Þî ~ " ~j;:-, Ii' , ..)"',....;:f.i., 1'. '..'~~\ ','~¡*' ·",r ..~~:~ ,r,:·i'. -~-"""-----,,-- ··,...·_---""'..~~~.IIP- ...... " --... r-'lIII1.II" -1.IJ.IUØI~_IÞ.OIIJ) -<:j L -.. ~, ~ .~. - -. Se~t.mber 20, 1983 6~~X rrn fACe 573 for a Ø\eetln~. Com~l.Ðloncr Kruse Indicated thnl the public has not born Allowed to 9ive Input on ðny of the nltc ~cloctlon3, addin9 that the pUblic should have gIven their Input when th~ lint wa~ rn~d. to determine whðt would go Into the p~rkß. M:t.r (1 genurlll dlr.cu&&lon rcHJIH~lnc; holdlnCj the workshop in I~Okl:llco', It,wul cleterr.lÍn':ù thlll tho workshop ~ould be held in Naples in tho boardroom. Co..is.loner Brown eMended hi. motion Indtcatln9 that the worklhop be held in the bo~rdroo~. Upon call for the quo.tion, tho Ø\otion carried 4/1, (Col\JQllulonar Voss oppoøod). . . . . Rec..el 10115 ^.M. - Roconvenedr 10.30 A.". at which tl.a Deputy Clerk Kaure.n ~.nyon wal repl.ced by Deputy Clerk Elinor Skinnt'r. . . . e Ite. 110 ~ IG78 HE FLtET VEHICLES FOR FY 83/84 - AWARDED TO TAHIAMI F9RD, INC. I·~qðl notice having been published in tho Naple. Daily NeWlon ^uqUtit 10, 1983, os ~vloenc.J by Affidavit of Publication filad with tho Cl~r~, bids wero recoiv.d for 81d '678, for Fle.t Operations VOhlcles, untIl 2130 P.M. ~9uat 31, 1903. kcapondln9 Lo ComDls&loncr Uollðnd, Ad/lllnilltrlJltor oC ^d~ini.tr..- tlvv 5<:rvicuD 11111 e (JJl.~in.d thclt tho rucQmaend4tlon wau to acquire a ..don-r.yi'C' cl1r In wl11ch tour peoplo could ride cOl:lfortably. Hct .Aid thiø 10 .a rcpt cc~wcnt vc:hlclu whIch 1£ u4"d on an aD-nvol1Able basis. He sðid th..t Lila tord '.r:lpO 1. not tho alnDllost CIH, however, it 1. an oconomlcal Cðr. COl\lDlsøioner 1I01!And expressed the opInion that. it 1a lÆPOSDlblo [or tour adultG to lit in a s..llar car (or any length of tllDo ~lth any d~9roe of comfort an~ aafoty. Hu øa1d that tho aaCoty r"90 11 ~ '.. IIQI I ~- ~l"J n MlcrotU...r '. Meaoz The 1eClb111tlot ' pr1nt1nc on thl. pace ".., W18et1.tect0I7 for .1crot1la reprochact,1C1ft',,' . . ",,:, , . ( ~ .~': '¡:~,¡ ---- --- - --- - - - - - -- - ---- -- ---- - -- ------ - --- Uuptcmbur 20, 1~93 factor And down t lr.'\Q on ~ub-cQli\pl}ctu concorn h 1m. Mr. 11111 said thnt Staff W41a trying to ~ðilltíJ1n tlconomy ðn~ provIde for moru room than tho comtþAct car. III) UíJid It Iii not ussent1ðl to acqulre thi:J CAr dt th1s time, &1nd thðt ~t&1t:f C.1n ruvicw tho car purchastt. County Ml)nè1(~cr NorrTlðn :a.,tod ttJ"'t II Ford Tl:mpo would btt mðdct ~vldlðbl~ for tho Inspcctlon u! t~o Co;nml:ssloners at 12:00 Noon thin dðt\t. Co__laaioner Holland IDOvod, aeconded by Commi.aioner Brown and carrIed unanI.ouøly, that Bid 1678 lor one 1984 Ford Crown Victoria Station Wagon 1n the ..ount ot $IO,294.87 and two 1984 rord r-350 Crow Cab P1ck-Up Trucks In the amount of $IO,579 each, be awardod to TlImlami rorð, Inc., Naple., Florida, as recommended by the Purchaa1ng Director to be tho lo~eat reaponaible bid In the best intereat of tho County, and that the Chairman be ðuthorlz~d to 8ign and the Clerk to att.st the reaultlng ~gre~m.nt, and that actIon b. delayed on the 19Ð4 Ford T.~po Sedan in the ..ount of $7,768. Ite. '11 COUNTY ^TTOKH~Y AUTHORIZ~D TO PROCEtD WITH THE NECESSARY BOND RESOLU- TIONS AND OTHER DOCU~~NTATIÛH NECESSARY rOR ~OHD VALIDATION FOR MARCO t)&WER PHASE II Utl11LiUIi ,\unlr\l¡)tC¡¡lOr U",ro:on r...Lurr..'d Lo II!.. n'~C'lor.1nthJm d4t.cd 9/19/3J, r(l'l.Hd1n:j tn., :"~r..;u ;,'¡Iorcr í'hlUIV 11 t'inllncl.d :>tudy ðl:USOc:lðtud wlth tht' U:H: u! trcclt-:'<I ,-,C:lut:nt Cor ::¡¡;r.JY lrci'j,Jtí..HI. ¡¡oJ ScJíd tho consul t~n ta I1.1VC: J rH.! iç.. tud Ulcl t th., CO:il 0 LUlU :Jludy -oul d bet At lð,ðat ~)O,OOO .,nd th..1t 1I1o.!Y \htrU rc:lucttH)t to ¡Jroc-.'('d 'With th~ study, since thoy cJo not h.sv<t lh~' (:¡cpurtldlJ t/).!/) tlo. lie: cxplðlnca whon thu question oe UtC effcrct the untlr.' ',Jttcr would ~avo on D.,ltona Corpor"tlon(s ccovenUdlá by rtlr1ucirq tn') ,.,ot.al.ll. wðt.or C'of'lBuap:ion on I'\ðrco IGlðnd ~Inù SuU:H!.tULL."I'J tre.:t..:d ct!luont ðInd UIW w4ttttr, WhCfO necesAary, Wa. !irst. con~lJoJrlllJ :))' CO..,\1Q1:aslon\Jr 1'iator, t.he conaull.:antll b~:~ an rA~511r P69· 1: ~.,.,) ,- ~~ J'~ -~~~~--------_·_--~-----------------------~~S ---. - - -- - - - - -- - - -- - --- ----- --------.-------- ~~ ern f.\i.t575 S~pt.mber 20, 1983 Ðnd hlmøolf, tho impro.uuion he and Commissioner pl.tor had from the! con.ultnnts wenl t.hnt thCJ Doltona pco¡Jlc would not. objuct. He Judd that Dubocquently tho Deltona people ûid voice their conccrn becðuse they full i! the pro9rðm wer~ to go into offect they would seo a subatontlal reduction in the consumption of potðblu water, os well as ð substantial reduction in revonues. Hu reporled theH. VoltonD's opinion is that th. reduction In revonue will neod to be rn~du up from somo other source. 110 DAid th~HO' Aro c'lpproxlmllt..ly (our one! on~-hQlf r:lonths b~!ore the County will bo ruody t.o tókCf tll(: bIds on the sower conGtruction. He r_CofQmcndoJ, [athor tllan rl4l1ùy th.1t conatruction, thnt the BCC l.'Iuth- odzo thu County ^ttorntry to procctrd with bond validlltion ðS though the County were goIng with both proj\.'C'tG, thu øproy irriC)ðtlon syotcm liS wll aa the: SttWtn constru~tion. II" sidd that once the bonds .arc validated tho County iu not ob11gl\ted to <JO IIhOAd with 011 of the pro j Q C t, 4 n <.1 t II D t t. h c [1 C C c oS II C 1 i m 1 n ð t e t hat po r t1 0 no! tho pro j C1 c t thnt JUa)' be conlil<;r.rcd InlClðs1l>lc:, irnprllctical or unðccoptnblo. lie sal~ thls ~roc8duro would 4llow throe and one-holf to four ~ontha to look Into ther finoncl.d question ðnd seo if th"ro Ie validIty in D~ltona'8 ðr9um~nt. Chalrmðn Kru~u notud th..H thu prtce of wotac to an i.land i8 hi9h. ComlDi..ionor Plslor Iò.dd tllðt, 1n his opinion, It st.udy h.. to be ..de relJðrdin~ ttle .~ril)" .,!!lu~nt situation. lie rovhw.d hla conver.atlon with the conliultðnt~ wh~n he Wtld lold that QQltono'll i8 90in9 to hðve to er.l.HCJc thtr pot"bh Wðt.t:r ¡...lðnt in 1!J8~ or 1986 In order to t4ko care 01 tlu: growt.h on "'-"reo l1.lll,nf.ó. Co..i.aioner Piator movod, .econded by Co..t..loner Holland and carried unanlDoualy, that tho County Attorney b. authorizod to proce.d vlth the n.c....ry bond re.olution. .nd oth.r docu..ntatlon n.c....ry P.g!;l 1 J ~------------------------------- --.--.~- ~. . \"'-:. ---- ---- - - - -- - -- - - - ---- - -- - ---- -- - -- - - ----- ~~p~cmbur ~O, 1~~3 for bond vAlidation for Marco Sewor phase II. HCtapondln.; to ~or:\mi:l:llonltr Voss, Mr. Berzon :la1d thtlt It 1s ponsibl~ to m~t~r ~ffl~~nt. It.. 112 CUANGE ORD!H '4, TO BOYCE COMPANY R& TRANSMISSION MAINS FOR COUNTY REGlOHAL WAT~R TRANSMISSION SYSTEM - APPROVED Utll1ti&l!\ ~mlnllitrlltor bor:on .3.>lù thi_ ItttM conao1st:) of t~o Contracts, l) "G inch <1i<'H:lotltr tr.Jnsmls:¡ion line that <)OltS from tho plant down ~.k. 951, crossen U.J. 41 nnd ~0.5 onto Manntoe kond nnd ant"r ¡ Into thu Cðpri Plðnt, ....hleh w111 be tha t:\ðln t.ransm1ss10n Un" wllleh ....111 f.:cd tho entire ¡:"st Nðplus nrea, Dnd ft 12 Inch ""lIt~r line tCOIII ~.h. 951 thðt ~o.a IIlon:} K,ntllttJllo:lktt IIdt:4l!\ock HOi1d Cor ðpprox1- /I'I"tely 6,POO Coot w..tw..rd. 110 rcCorred lo tho Execut1ve ~ulIHnary thtltd 9/ 1 ~ / a J, ", II 1 ell. l n t " a t h.n t! v tot.. 1 b 1 d [> r1 c IJ 1 s jus tun tI u r 0 n CI ð n d ono-h31! /I'Il1110n dollðr~. /I,.: :;..l1u lhdt the Unld peteo on tho µrojuct ",Ith tl10 Chðn'll1 ÙtJ..'r:¡ pr~v10'J:¡ly .q;¡;CO"OC1 on(1 tnln tlnðl Chðnqo Orù"r "'oult! b~ ';l,GJÙ,J':G.JJ. lie.: :J.J1tJ t:l.Jl tll.:1t t'oo'O ~1I)or com~onø.nt.!I th,1t COl1lrU.hJtcJ to t:,,, IfI':tc)'iC ,.re lIn) úl(fctttnc(' betw,",un t.he ...timðtcd "lIIount .1n'j tilt! oc.:tu,Il .:.rr.ount "t ~":'" JùG.no Ulhld for Cc:rtl11zor and se.d .nd $4S,J'JG.Uú UbCÙ L-.)r roc... ·:¡(,c",\,.)Uon. I:" polnt~d out that this wa. " unit rrice c~ntr.ìct .1nJ tr1'll, ~1.ld tl.t, ,'~LLC'.lIt"d qU..1ntltloa bOftn lðc'}cn, U:v ùmolJ:\l to ~.. (-<'IIJ ....OU1d OJ·J clo~. to the tl:quft»tttd .t:'llount. 110 "&'lid tl¡.H ...it.") '" 1.)(,),-" qu.'ntlty :.:u~ r.ont'ðctor ~1tJht h.1ve con- aldcrc:d d :lli')llt r':duct!on ln hlå unit prlC'o. i~. 6ðld that tho ntlt offect to tll\J County ......)uld be :.Il1ghl. rhuq;onoln'J to Corll'll~~lonr.r Plr.tor, t-:r. b.HZon explainrJd thc1t or:i< U..,lly whun thu plðnu w.!t" prcpartl<J l\nd AubmlttOd to th~ ~or [or --- t.vl~w It ~ðS lnw Inl~ntlon 01 cro~sln~ the ro^d ðt the plnnt and qoln~ onto lho wat :)ldll u1 thu rO.)d ""ú Crolla thur.. heavo" Dfiur 'Wh1r-h would ~:t 071 rJ.~ 576 PÐ~. 1.. -- --- . ',~," ------------------------------------~-~~! ..~ ~ ____ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ -..a. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -~.. \/,:' September 20, 198J :'\\"i .~~ t~',~~.~ ";j ·Zi.'··' "I,; 't.:.··~ 6a;K fJT7 fÀ~ 5T7 scrve tho property to tho west, ot ð l03ter d^te. tic said that con- trðct~ were a~orded and the DOT I-75's coordInating engineer roscinded And then revi8~d the conditIons ol the permit And forced tho County to go onto thIS C1ðut Sil!C of the rood. lIu lHs1d thÐt ch,'nge resultec1 in two highway cro88in~ß under the of! rðmpa of tlH.! 1-75 construction with the " Instðllðtlon of cðslngn ~s w~ll ~n the plpus, which necesaltðted tho Brut Ch.:.l~<)c Ordor 1n thø Dmount of lIf'proximðtc::ly $42,000. lie SiJid the decision W~8 mðd~ not to ~ut thu spur in the ground with no roturn on tho i nvcu tmon L. For the r~cord, he R^id the 1: inch lIne wau not inst.allod nnd tllu JI\.:t cost of ChðnCjt! Oreler No.1 was ~l9,7GO ðlthouCJh it was lIuthorizt:r\ UI' to Z"2,5l0.30. /it' Gilid the line shIlts over to the west sloe &outll a! tJhl 1-75 conbtruction lIroa. *.*.Clw1rmtln ¡,rUtH: ll'ft thu room ðt 10:45 A.M. and returne<.l ùt l()::'~ ^.M.···· kCl6jJonùlrl'-) t.o l:ommlt1610nar Plator, Mr. Berzon said ð problom aroae in tilt: 1ntcr:1t:t:l!on of lJ.~.. 41 hnc1 ~.n. 951 bCC4U8~ there was unccrtalnty ðuout one ot the two Deltona pi~.llnes thoro. Ho .aid ð 14 Inch 11 :1.: WðU 10t:ðtcd, ðnd thðl ð week "c;¡o the 12 inch line was locðted. Bo tltd d thIS t "'.r . lIl11 (Hlrton, Project Engine.r lor the con- s t r uc t 1 0 n .:It u.s. < 1 lInd S.A. 951, advi8ød h ira 0 n 9/19/83 tha t, as a rosul t of hIs convlJrtSo1tion¡¡ wlth the porlllittin9 e'ngineor In Fort l..)U<.Icrdðle, -ey¡:rytldng In bilck on track-, and he deacr1bed tho plans to Instðl1 tlH: pipe .H th.:¡l Intcrnuctlon. Ho _aid that tho DOT chðnged ttìcir ponltion ..bout rcrsn1ttin~ ðpproxirMtely three tl&:\oa. Ho sðid th.Jt tlu.' Jlpw <jor.t> tJ.ICIo.. to the .:.:Jst in Approxil:\õltt!ly th. vicinily of thl¡; lnt.:r5CCLlon lIncJ IIv ú\.'f,;crlucd the: path o( tlu: 20 inch 11no a10n9 ~.H. ~:'1. Tap. '4 ,.,r. kenon ÐlIld the cont.clIctor will probt1bly Ask for an add1tional :.~ ;. ",J,j ':~ 'eg. l"<~ ~...."..". . .~... 1 <~,:-,,~ "', .~ 11'1"__ ,-".,;:¡ . : ')1,"> ,:f~ ~ . ~ '\;. ---- ---- -~------ ~~pt~~b9r 20, 1983 ., amount 0 r monoy Co r the de l..1y oxpu lanced by the DOT chanqlng thai r poaitlon. HQlJpondln'J to COClrnloaloner Plstor, Mr. Ucrzon aald tllat the altornðtivd tho County has ia to suu the DOT for the lnconvenlenco th~y h It V e c A U a 0 d 1 nth cpr 0 j 0 C t , lie 3 ð i d h u did ol B W!1 mi) r y <1 n 1 t h tt pro j e c t still i.lt untla[ th t buJqot .,uthorizfJd for thu con1Jtructlon IuS well a. the! aC"ju181tlon of tlh) 131c5 Co'! C..pd system lInd th~ ....lIttH trCllltment pl ð n t. a 1 t; . . Co_is.ioner Piator InOved, soconded by COnuDl..loner Holland and carried 4/0, with Chairman Kruse absent tro~ the room, that Chang. Order .. to Boyce Company lor final revi.ions to quantities and co.t. tor conatructlon of l2 inch and 20 inch transmi..ion mains tor the County Regional Water Trana.i..ion Syste. b. approyod tn the amount of $84,566.4J. Note: 01.11'1~ Order not r("Ccived in Clerk I s office as of 9/?3/R3. L~:x 071 F:..:..:578 Pag. lG ~ ~<..J.t;. ,'"J'.,_ :,/.'1, .,:t.<F' , ~~,:~;t. ':}:tr: . k~' " ~'I:~ , .,Wµ,,; "'-~~'~ ':¡~r :"'7:;' ··~tj ...... - - -' ,'. _ w:"" :'-\i.\f,'j\:' - --- - ---- - - - - -- - --- --- - ------------_.,õI..it .. '.' .~ , ,". '<" ,,,,' -, ". .. ~.;,~~..~:~J'.,' : " ,,\~{, ·,t\;t!~~ "';;~~~: ",' a.,.-¡., 4 _ _ '_.___._____________________________.... ,. ~:JX 077 U~ 579 Septcmbor 20, 1963 ·,it ~; .:{ ,~}.. ';.·~rfr pag. 17 ';.jg¥~ ~---------------------------------------~;~ tr!'i~ 1~f'~Mt ~" '-"~' ~t~~; It.. 113 CHAIRMN AUTHORIZED TO SIGN NOTICE TO PROCEED WITH TnE CONSTRUCTIOll OF THE REGIONAL WATER SYSTEM WELLFIELD FACILITIES Utilitios AdmlnlstrcHor 8or:zon 5"id that the bCC ap¡.rovod th" contract for thu County's Hvglonal Water System wcllfield faci11ties on AU9uat 6, 1983, to Florldð Munlcip~l Conntructlon Company. He sAid beC4uao o! the dol~y in ðw~rding this contract, the contrðctor requeatad en Incr~bsc o( ðprroxim~tcly CJ5,000 In the origlnðl bid price, \Which thl: UCC Ispproved subject to hIm !inlshing a dt!tllil~d list 0' tho itvma th~t ~ould ~~ ðefected by th~ increase. Ho rcfcrrod to the t: x tt cut 1 v ft 5 LJr.. ¡;¡.JC)I a ð t I] c1 :J 11 S 10 ) , \W h i c h con t ð 1 n D the con t r II c tor' 8 pr1ntout. IiI} Mdd tlll2t the.: contractor hðS submlttod st.ðtemcnt8 by hiD aubcontrllctorb lndlc.,Unr) tho ðmount thðt they will raiae the price to him. Ilu lidded ttl<H, \WI th the Incn"èlb'~, tt,p' project 10 atill wl t.hln the bwget. Co~m1a810ner Pi.tor aoved, aecondod by Co.-iaaloner Holla~d, that tho Chairman b. outhorized to sign the Hotlc. to Proc.ed vlth the construction of tho Re9ional Water Syøtem Wollfiold 'acllltl.s. COlllmiøsioner lIolll'nd rtico~ml:ndcJ that tho County Attornoy review the situation ðÐ [ðr ðS the dclðya c~uø~d by the POT and, it ho a... f1t, return to the ~CC tor ~ctlon to possibly recover part of the inCroA&ud cost of tIle fHO)ect. County I,ttorney Saunders aqrood to lnvont1Yðte the l~nu~s involvcct ðnd to report. back to the BCC. Upon call for tho qu.ation, tho aotlon carried 4/0, vlth Chairman ~ruse absent rroa tho roo~. ~- ;~~Æ: ... ""';ffÀ'\' , .~~,:~~~~) ,~: -.",,,~~ ...'i,tf' " iH"r. ,- ~:;t:.~ .' ~; ¡.: L:!~K rrn U~ 5Bl So~tomuor ~O, 1983 ------------.----------------------- ~( Ite. 114 RESOLUTION 83-170 RJ::AF1'IRI'1ING THE ESTADLISHM£NT 01' TilE COLLIER COUNTY TOURIST DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL - ADOPTED .~. " 't ~; , , ';:_"- A::' County Attorney S.')undcrs explained that the Touriot lJcvclopmtrnt. . "'. Council woa .ßtnblitih~d by OrdinancQ No. C)-2 by the uec on January 25, "'1:' ·.~i:; 1983. He 8ðid th~t Ch~ptcr 125 provldoø for tho ostðbliahmcnt of the Council by pðSGago of <'I ce~olution ðnd, therufocw, in his opinion it I. ':,,; npproprioto to rCðfflr~ the cstðbll~hment of the CouncIl by rosolution to eliminate any posslblu ~rqumunt ðS to the logallty or tho Tourl&t . 1J.velopm~nt Council. Com.i.slonor Pi.tor moved, soconded by Coacis.ioner Holland and carried 4/0, wIth Cholrmðn Krus. absent fro. the rOOM, that R.solution 83-170, roaffirmin9 tho e.tabllshlDont of the Collier County Tourist Development Council pursuant to Section 12~.OI04, r.s., be adoptod. ;. -J' I', :;~" ~ Page 18' . '~~,~ ;;. ---. ..?:'~;~~ --- - - - - - -- - - - - - - - -- - -- .................-___ ___ ' '.~'~"~'~.' 0.'. _..... _........... _...... ........._ . :-""r . :",';~":'~ . , ': < ''';)~OJ,' :',;"~~Š , "., . ::.i1 .'" '/ J,;:\:» "'.- -~ -,--- ~"-,- --- - - ~- - - . -- - - - - - St'!¡'tumber 20, 1983 ,..!~ .,~., ..~ .·t~.~~ :'.·/;I·~·.':··· p" . ;(., t~ ;~ 'cYj ", ,:~ "'~'.';¡ '(", , ,~;~ <:?:: , '.~ It.. IlS COUNTY ATTORMEY REPORT ON TUB ASoeSTOS SITUATION IN COUNTY BUILDING NO ACTION NEEDED County Attornuy Saun<,htra reportod thðt the County has ruceivQd the .urv~y groutJ's tJil1in') for Ph A IUt I of tho ðsbootoa project which is $l,JI0..20 dnd l\ roco:tlmendlltlon for Phas" II, which hils bean approved by the acc. lIu slIld whon he dlGCUH&lud Phðl!lO II with thl1 ijCC pruvlouoly, h. had indIcated it ~uld cost ðpproKimðtely $7,000 to conduct Ph~s. -.I, - ~" . .. t1 II. He KaId thu conaultJlnt hðS Inulcðtod tho cost should not oxceed $ 4 , 0 0 0 . II e II ¿d d hew 1 11 a d v i II 0 t II u con suI tan t top roc e u d, 1 In me d 1 ð tel y , with PhðHe II whIch consists of ðctudlly tðkIng samplos ðnd having the~ anðly~ed. He said he would rtlpoct b.:lck to tho CJC;C on this project ðnd that no ðction i. need~d, lit this tIme. Itelll 116 ROUTINE BILLS - APPROVED FOR P^YMENT Pucsuðnt to Rcuulution al-l~O, t.he !ollowing checKD wuro issued thcouqh Supt.vmbcr 1G, 190::, In pðymcnl of routine bl11s: C 1\ L C r< ú t.';.: t: nIP T tON Cìlf.CK NOS. AI~OUNT Voucher CtJOCl<ð lc.O..Je-lOOG70 $~90,016.96 Ito. 117 BUDGET ^MENDMENTS 83-070 THROUGH 83-884 - ADOPTED Co~.i..lon.r riator .oved, secondod by Commis.Jone, Holland .nd carried 4/0, with Chalrmðn Kruso absent from tho room, that Budget Aaaend.onts 8)-870 throu9h 83-884 be adopted. Microfilmer'. Memo: ~~e legibility of printing on this page wa. un.atilractory for microfilm reproduction. " >~~~t~ , ,t~, :",i ;.';~",~ ~'~~.' ~ , '\.)'1.' . . t~.J'i I; . '--,"1 '_."','---~.,.,................--._.... ,....,.~.... -.....,....-..,-... ~.... ~ rr..IUllUl ~~~ rJ17 F~ ö34 Pa9. 15r ----.--- --- --- ---- - -- ----- -- -----... ~--- ~Gptcmbdr 20, 1903 Ite.. 118 MR. ROBERT WAGNER, GOUTHKASTERH MUNICIPAL BONDS, INC. - APPOINTED AS FINANCIAL ADVISOR FOR PURCHASE OF EAST NAPLES WATER SYSTEMS, INC. County /.ttorncy Sðunders explðil\cd thtlt, following further invostigatlon into tho purchøDC or Eðst N~ples Water Systems, Inc., the coml1\ltluIIf ac:lcctod to no')otiote tllu purch,1So fculs that Lt. would be: a~viSðble to obtain thu scrvices of II finðnciol consultant who will be ablu to nit in on the ne90tl~tlona from tho outDot to a~31~t the County in dny finðnclo1 mdttcru that may ðrlu~ during tho ncgotiðtions. Ho said he hos spoken to v"riou3 flndllcidl consultðnta to lIeo whilt typa:. of ~rron9cments con be modo with th~m in refQr~ncc to paymont. He saId it is his under8tðndln~ thdt ðny fin~nciol consultant thnt the County hire. will worK with th" County on '" contingoncy foe b~sis, whIch l:'Ieana that It the: utl11ty is not purchnøcd nnd it bond~ ðrc not ~old for tho purch.3:u, tllorll ....111 !)¡: no (0:') to be p<.ild to whom'!vor Is sßluctcd as thu !In..ancl.l1 conoulL.lnt. lio !hdu, 1n /11:1 o~lnlon, d consultant lt~ neC-:8GcHy In order to mor\.: c!(lcluntly nU'Jol1oJtc the purchase of East Naples ....o'Jtt!r ~yst~ms, [nc. A ui::><.:us£lon (ollolocd c:urin'J wl i~h l"1r. ~!lunCJerG D",ld hu hðU s¡.>okon with Nr. Hobt!rr. ;"'.)I)nl:(, ot ~outh...cH.tur '"¡ Municl¡..al nonds, Inc., ~nd ¡)~c.:c.·d th<1t :11: II.J~ O\.·vn it1\1oivt'¡J \l1tÍl tl,e UIIltt, ÿurch.JKw and operèJtlon of W.ltur-s.:w~r utll1t:lu1.l. Clal1r :1IJn I\runo ré1isod t~o quustlon of Mr. David Fil:lchcr 01.'1n') tlhl <.:onsult.ant. Cor.ttoiu:Jioner Voas 6é,dd, In hi" opinion, onlï ~:r. ìHI'.)n\.:r It> nct:dcd <.IS'" cona,¡ultdnt. Me. Saundors .ald th.1t olt.hcr :-1r. F1s.:II·H'~' or Mr. I'h1CJnur'a firm 10 co)pc1blo of doinr¡ tho ,~ worK on uHlir uwn, IIltlJout ·...orki,.'1 ,JU ,1 joint tOllln. floG¡.>ondin9 to COl'lmlusionor IfolLlnd, I~r. ~')ulH':t"ra 8.11d tlhHC would bd no liability for . ..,..... . ~ ;..~ cost or for f~~ unl~s~ uonuo ~ru ~ctudlly 801d for tho purch4øo of the . , ut.llity. t: ',,~, ;î' /~ ,,:i~f, Pð9. 20 . '<\{~~~' , I'\u,' +' --------~I~ , ~ :,\,:~ " , , \~ ,~S~....!'.'I . ~. ; ":J 1 Co~~I~slonu( v~~. expr~d&~d tho opinion thdt tho ~.w.r people L~~~ rJ77 f":C Ee1 -~-----1 M1crot11Mrt. M.IIOI Th. l'a1bl11t7 ot. ,:" prtnttn¡ on thl. paa' w.. un..tl.t.ctor, tor a1crot11a r.produotlon. ' . . -..".. r ~1J1 J""" ~"""";'.- .........~' f~l.MI_ 1U1-.;JII........%I'~........ .~ L- r~~ . . .(plt . ~~~~t¡ ------- -----------,- -----------------------.......- . r.;.L ".pt.~ber 20. 1983 .·1 t:JJK fJ17 P.;, 603 '~ .?~ who sit do\.m in nogotiðtion t.he r:10fa chl'nce thccu 1s Cor un Dgreement, ~.~ ;~ ðnd th~t is the rø~~on h~ su~qO&l~d th~t one Cinðncial advisor Is ~ aufficient. oi'\: , ", ,:~ Clerk Roagan sai~, regðrdlø5ß of who thg BCC cho08oG, hti wonted to mako sure thnt lh~ fin~nci^l consultðnl'o (de Is not built into the '" ~: :4 . :~}~ . n\.IUbltr or, bono!> thet th~ County sella. !Ie said, in his opinion, II tlðt rate would bo prcblrðt"Jle. Mr. F<C.'IHJIJn saId 110 lJppointcd riscal Officor CilC.'s lit; l\ mCn1b~H at the ncgotLltin'J committco one! that, it Is hIs underatllnd1,,(), th.lt till' County Is looking for l) flnllnclÐl consultant to Assist In th.1 <.Jctcrr.dn.ltion o( thll co~t of tht' t.;ðØt Nðplus ~',ltcr Systerns, Inc. t,l.'lIl. II., Súil~ thl1t 1s much difforent than /SoIling bonds anù, In hit> o[Jin!ol1, w1111c: both prC.'viou:sly mentioned firms ere good, it nueda to I.HI vicw-.:d liB to wlletllcr Mr. h'ðlJncr ctnd Mr. f'1schcr hlJve ðctUldly ð5~lßt.co in tIll? \Jurcllð:hl of oJ ut1l1ty plant. Mr. Saunders 6alt1, 111 Ids view, t.h" finonciðl consultllnts would aaølut not ~nly wIth th_ flnonciol ðrrðngom~nt8 Cor the purchaso ot the actual atructure of tho bond laaue but ~ould ðltio ðSUJUt. in the negotiations to ðrrivG ðt a pric&: Cor the plc1nt. lie sul0 both Mr. fi.¥chcH ðn<.l Mr. Wð9nor have boen ""':,, Involvud In thCBC types o( nC90tlatlonø. Co~laalonor 8rown .oved, .econded by Comalaaloner Holland And cArried unðni.ou.ly, that Mr. Robert Wagner be appointed .a financial Advisor lor tho purch..e of Eaat NAplea Water Syatel", Inc. It... 119 HAPLES AIRPORT TRANSFER STATION LtAS£ - APPROVED FOR 6 MONTHS. LAMD LEASE rR~ HAPLES AIRPORT fOR HELICOPTER - ~PROVED fOR 1 YeAR. AUTHORIZATION CRANTED TO RECEIVE COMP£TITIVI BIDS rOR COUNTY OWNED PROPERTY ChalrlDån KrU!H,O r&:Ccrr.LI to a ,.~c:tln9 whicll CO/luni.aloner Holland 4ttondod In hor plDce regArding tho No"l.. Airport TrAnafor Stotlon leDa". ~h" aAid thw N"pl.. Mrporl ^uthorlty hðVO A9reod to extend the 1 c' .~;.¡ '~~.1~ ;,~f ..... .,~., , .~I~~·- (~.:~.r '~~. .""'\~ Page 21 --~---------------------~----------~-_v . --- - _. .. .__. -- -- - -----,---- - --_._- .-- - -------.. Sept~mbor 20, I~03 10"sl: (or () month:s ·"Ith Qn Incrcl1so in the runt to $l,O~J Fcr :"\onth. COIIII:lIss10ncr Holland aaId thdt ðt tho Sdmo mootln-) thO! ^lrport Authorlty tou" ðctlon on tho lucuo for the hulicoptcr situ with an incr~ø~. !roM ;;162.00 to $2()O.OO per mont..~ . COI:\Mi:1s1oncr HolLJnd ~.1id th~t II~ w,]~ In!or:n<H1 th.1t the CO\Jnty Is not using ..,11 of the ¡;¡pl1ce that h.1d b<:o:n 03lloC'.:1tQcI to tho County. I!~ aðlJ th<\t the ,\lrport Authorit:¡ rOGUuBta tfl<lt tho County uø" th" !SpllCO currently being uu"d, ho....over, tho <\~":ition<11 IHt.'ð ItS no 10flqt,'r c')vldL.lbl0 lor County uno lor tlltt Trana!C'c ~l..\t1on. lit' ønId theH thr1 Airport I,uthorlty 11'1 open lor diacuasIon ror ð 10n1-Lorm 1.,ð8o. R~spondln9 to Co~mi.5io".r Plstor, Ch~lrMðn Kru~e said th<1t thu prcsent lua..a explro September 30, 1983. Co..l.aioner Drown moved, ..condod by Comml.sloner Pi.tor and carrl.d unanimoualy, that tho Napl.. Airport Tranafor Station l.a.. be approved tor 6 lIonths. COIDJlllaalonttr Holland Dav.d, seconded by CODal.sion.r Brown and carried unðnlltoualy, that tho land 1.... from Hapl.. Airport for tho County Uolicoptor 0. approvod lor 1 year. C:'.11CI\..H\ I\ru~.. ::¡"1u, le¡ vi.}", t'( l!IO f,)c~ th...t the acc 1.. lll....It.tl- '.1ðt1n.¡ ;n.II"..:l\tùcy ~C...J1\ y1I.:KU¡J, trhJ County 0..r\:'J 1e ...crc/j by fno Animal Con~lo1 '~":~'H ~;'I\vnt, ..11-.1 ::orH: uU'J'JOllllou In.3t llle sItu b~ Invuar.ilotud to aoe I! 1~ Is ~Ull~Ll~ [oc ~ ~o~dl~Jv tr"n,Lur ~t~tlon .ilU. COllin 1 ð:i 1 0 n.: r I' 1 ;¡ t CI r .,.~ r C -I.) . 1\ ~ld':u.$alon ..,blt hell..; r\hJ.c.l1w~ dnothur ¡"';'-WCII ol County ownnd propttrty. rtct1ipomJlr\q lo Chalrr:,,'n I<rulJt'. ;':ounty I\t.torney SaunderIJ said thJ t ,Iur au..ant 1.0 I..'/J.:l¡..ter Ll~ thv 1.)(':<,: h.t ;J to Jdvc.:rtlsv for cOillpotltlvo :;)i¡Ja (or o:dc at run} ~ro¡JC'rty .:rHJ trlð l r.¡oney mu.t be r4turn.d to tn_ u..nc: tund lrom which it C<1mllt. <.:h..irlA.:)n t:rualll ..31d tho pro~rly could ,:.,) ¡;r~~' b. "uY&rtl~Cld wlth t:,w un.:J"rstðncJintJ \.11...t thQ r:¡lnbu.- occopt.Jble bid ".:t~¡ ~~ an ~604 P"9- 22,',;;.. " "~. , ..)1 - - - -- - - - - - -- -- - - - - -'- - - - - -- - - - - -- - --- -----..::.'~I:;; , . .' ,_:/~~;, . -').~~ " ',,;~:; ,~., " '.:.'. ~,' ,', ------ -- - - ---- - --'- -- ------- ':~I-~ ....;..... '1 \ ,. . . ------------------ ,,.:' " I~ ~ fJ77 fA:! 60S ~cp~ernbQr 20, 19B3 would bo whclt. th" County pl1ld for it, to whIch I':r. Sðundors "greed. Com~is.ion.r Voss .oved, seconded by Co~laaioner Brown and carried unanlmoualy, th~t a pioce ot County owned property in the Industrial Park be advertlaed tor compotitive bids. A discussion was h.tld rCII]ðrdinq th~ property by the Anlmðl Control Departln~n't.. ~'H;pondln(J to Comml.Gßionl!r tlo!lðnd, Public: Works .~~,: >, I.,W Ad..lnlat.rator H..rtl:\l)n s.ald thnt LI bl1rn; CAn be J.llðcc:d around tho transCQr situ thðt wIll he)p ~li~lnðtc thð odor thðt mIght arfect the neI9hborhooc1. tlr. 1\1'I1d thllt th~ plcturt"1I of the bor."a h, ho1s .ecIn are quito hll)h. Co_I..loner Holland lIIovod, aecond.d by Co..ls.lon.r Piator and carried unanlmoualy, that Stalt explore tho f.aaibility of using the aite adjacent to the Ani.al Control c.part.ent for" tranater atatton. . ~ ----------------------~------------~- '.ge 2 3 ;. -"':"'. '..'-.,' ,:~~:~, ----------------------------------------~i .!<'J" ,~: "~ ". ..'. .-l " " . .r, ,-.'J;2'~ '1':<'¡ , ':c .., ,'::~;:l " ,,~\,.. '.¡~': ,,~ },: "~(fJ , ::~,.\ , ~:~~¡ /\,:~ ;~) C,\t '>:A"'~ :"J~;;;'~ ----------------------------------------~~ ~oµta~bcr 20, 1983 It.. '20 COUNTY ATTORNEY DIRECTED TO DRAFT ORDINANCE TO ESTABLISH A DEPARTMENT ~E DUAL PURPOSE or IDSUING OCCUP^TIONAL LICENSES AND COMPETENCY CARDS UNDER THE JURISDICTION OF THE COUNTY MANACER County Attorney ~ðund~r. sDid the resolution ho dr~ftcd rcgðrding this ilom ....as not correct. Cor.H31lss1oncr Ilolll1nd expli'.dnud that. it '.JðS hls intention to r,l.H:C the lcDuðnco of Occupatlonðl Licensus 1.Ind Competency (;drC15 und~r the jurisdiction of tho BeC and (or the BCC to atðCC tlli~ o(Jl:cl1t1on with compdtcnt ðnd qUc.'Il1fiod enq)loyaos. HI'! sðid this dcpðrtmant would OOG1st ðnü cooµurntu ....ith thu Contrðctor'u t.x"lnlnln~ bOdrd ðrld tf1l' prOpf1( te:nlnlJ tlvtduatlon&¡ would issue and colJ.~ct COII'I¡Htt.oncy c.Hd (( 'Jd dnu occu1Jðtional llconou fQoa, would updat" the enforc.,¡¡1\:nt tor vlo1.ltiona of non-compllnnco of the com¡.otcncy c4rJ ðnt! oCCut'<1t1orldl l1ct'n:¡~ oruinllnclJs, with the: help of t t1 0 Co un t y /, t tor n I) Y ';J Q!f 1c 'J I ....0 u 1 ù u txJ d t " I) 1 1 Co u n t y 0 r din .s n C 0 S covorln'J comptitC:l1cy c..¡r"ä dn<J o~<':upðtLuni11 11conuinq rOl ulrr.:nl:nt~ .nj rC:JtrJction:¡ clod woulJ bú ûllowC:d to Lr...n~(fJr laonlcD fror.\ ott1.,r :)uJ~lJt. 5 -= t ð» 1 cJ t' for tile tl ~ U t: r II i ç ,) :ä . II" S ð 1 d he hit U :¡ µo k to? n .d t Ì'\ tnt' 7.))( Collector .1UOut t.:I!:.; .1nO :ll! In<JlI.:at/HJ that tn'l r"IC\joc p.,ct '=It tht: monoy he has ~Jrojt:ctcc..l 111 Itl:¡ buù'J~t .,oul..: /¡.:¡vo bc..,n colh'ct.e,d by th~ tI...Q thiu cil.Jn~u wou:J lot"... e(U:l;t in ..upt....mullr. lie: ~.:11. , in 111:1 o¡..inion, t h 1 s 0 p<.' r tI t1 0 n ¡ 1 ":.. nut ~ t: 'J II pro ¡.-. C 1 Y i'O 1 i c t.' dOl .J '_un J n 1 :J t <.' r ..: (j ..In d 1 f the operoltIf)n 13 t"k.t:n ,¡...t ot two or thr"'e 111 (Cer~nt :':cpðr tmcnta and pl.cod under on... utltJCl,/llu tn...r..: ..111 bo :stCi<:t':r control on till: »ubJ4:ct. Ihl roCcrc\)d to th<.l in;)jio.:.:tJIJn o! t.lxlcðo.!l unUl.'r oCl..:ur,.Hiolldl l1cun.os tJnd said thIs st.lrvl-=.: ':Ou.ld !h.. ')CC<)I~I:\OU.Jtcu In thl;., JUtJ.artr.utnt. CoC\;;iaoloncr PLHoe ,,·)rl.1\1d. /10 "'''keu it I.hl:J lhl¡.>:srtaont VII. creAted would thilJ c.:on!lh'totitl1 ~t.He lU'Jll:àl..tlon th.1t nJ(jt.t. 44Y tho T.x COllt:Clor tllJII to .:ollucc lhu tù.al iulo1atðnt tounty Attornoy C\.ylor ~~~ fJ77 r~ 610 P-9. 24 ;, .... '--'-- - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - -- ---- Pa90 2 S;çJr\ ~';t,t . '~~1~¡ -----------~-~~~----~~~~~~ . ;' I .~~ "t~':'; 6cptombvr 20, 1983 l~ 071;~ 6tl .taid thAt, AS !'H OS he kno'Ws, there in no statutory prohibition that would pruvunt thv TðX Collector from rellnqulshln~ thlu operation to tho acc. Ite .aid hu would Invústigllto t.hlt aituðt.ion, howover. Co.miasloner plst.or ~ovod, soconded by Cocmis.loner Holland, that the County Attorney be directed to draft on ordlnanc. to establish a dep.rtaent vith tho dUAl purpose of Issuing occupational licon..s and competoncy cards undor thn jurIsdiction of the County M4nag~r. Rospondlng to CO/':lnlaBlon~r vouu, Comrnløuloncr Hollðnc.l sbid that cur r. n 11 y t h I.: '1' (. x Co 11 \I C tor r ~ eel v 0 r. 1 5 \ 0 t tile tee II C 0 11 " C t e d . Co.mlssloner 1i..>llM1c Bl11ù, In Ids opinion, t.he lS\ would Qore thlln pay for the OptHðtlon of tilt! dttp,Ht/t)(!nt. Tape . 5 Upon call for tho quo.tlon, the action carried unanimously. ····Th. follow1n? Ite.. were ðdnpted and/or approved under the Cons.nt Aqonda by lDot10n of Co..is.lonor Piator, seconded by Co..la.loner Brown and carried unanl.ouely...· Ite. 121 CHAIRMAM AUTHORIZED TO SICH CERTIFICATES FOR CORRECTION TO THE'TAX ROLLS AS PRESENTED BY THE PROPERTY APPRAISER'S OrFICE 19b2 T",x H01l 697 9-2-83 T^HGlbLL PROPERTY TAX 19ò2-44J - 4~6 9-6 - 9-13-83 It.. 122 LAKE TRAffORD MEMORIAL CARDENS DEED NO. 362 ACCEPTED rOR RICORDATIOM 5e" pOgl' 'IY It.. '23 RESOLUTION 83-111 EXPRESSINC INTEREST IN OBTAINING TITLE TO ).249 ACRES or OLD U. S. 41 ROW FROM THt FLORIDA DOT Sue ~ge ~ $'"-' 1..7 .. --------.-- ----------- - - - - -- -- -- --,------------ --'- ---....-. > :~,·~~<t~1, ------,-------------------------_.~---~---~~ '.';,:,\~ i ::/':, S~ptcmbar 20, 19U3 Ite. .24 HIRING fREEZE EXEMPT FOR THE FOLLOWING POSITIONSa &Mß Co=munlcatlona Secretary/Dispatcher Adalniatratlyo A_slatant I - Community Developmont Four (4) Mðlntonanco Workers - Road , Brldge On. (1) fulltimo , On. (1) part-time custodian - Building MaintGnance Ito. 125 SOCIAL SERVICE CASES W-28 AND W-8429 It.. 126 MISCELLANEOUS CORRESPONDENCE - FILED AND/OR REFERRED ThUCtr being no objQction, thlt Chlllrm~n dlrltctou thllt t.he following cor rl.!spondunco be f 11 cd dnd/o r rc f ~ r r'!:d to tho v.a dous depa rtmonts liS lndic.ltodl 1. Copy of letter doJt<:d B/23/83, frorn n. ioIltll.scu Pac~, Ch1øf .Circult Juc.:,)a, to Mr. DonHld D. Conn, Statu Courl"lS Admln16t(~tor, 5t~tln~ Collior County's intention to continu~ the) ~dtnu:.1!) l",tJn,HJ",ml,nt Progr/1m now in effect. Fllod. 2. l)0IJ"rtlilcnt. rCIJ;)rL:J cucuivcd ðnd fil\Jùl II. Co111~r County ,J.u",c:um, AU'1U8t )1, l'JßJ u. V\JluC.JIlt> :'>lJrvlccd, Augulit 1~ß3 (:. Ú)ùth GU1.J..H¡CIt V01untutH £>co'Jr.,~, SQ~tcml1er 1, 193J J. LQtttH d.lt',ù 'J/lI/B) from Hol1drt. J. Conutðnt.1ntJ, Ph.D. :)1r.tr1ct A!Jr.!1nl.Jtr.'tor, HHr. to ChaIrman Krul5G st.,t1n~ he iJ[0l-0uca to r,:cu':\lHcnd JDn\l PolhoWKki, M.D., I'1.P.I ., t.o rl!¡..l,:,<.:u '..,ïlll,)n1 ,-. Cox, M.D. ..1:1 Director o( thtt Colli." County .'u!Jllc IIcllit/J Unit. )(C Mr. .iorr:lan. filèd. ~. C'.>¡JY of ^U'JI.o3t 31, 19~j ..HJl:nÒ" for monthly mc:"tin9 of CoorJll1,1tl¡)l Councl1 on the Trðnnr;ortðtlon DIKðdvðntðlJed on .....:H.lnuK.Jðy, :"c >tcnJbt.'r 14, 1933. J(~ Mr. Perry. Filed. ~. Copy at "'cmorûnJur.1 dialed 7/29/3), from John L. ~tokIJGbcrry, Pro'Jcilf,J ~tll[! :';ir~ctor, l\cJing Jnd M1ult ~vrviccs Proqrðm OLflcc 1<1 <.:oord1n.\taJ Transporl4l1un Cor tho Dinadvðnt..1<jed, Cllopt.t:r .j:''', r.~. Hled. b~~ 071 f~ 612 PaC). 26, "f...""'- ------------,------------------------------- ~:1~ UTI r~ 613 SoptembQr 20, l~D] G. Copy of minutoß of Napleo City Council for m~etin9 of ^"9U5t 17, 19ß3. fl1od. Thore bulng no furtn~rÞußlnesD for tho c;ood of tho County, the lIoetinlJ WAti ðdjournød by order o! tile Chð1r ðt 11:20 ^.~1. BOAHD or COUNTY COMMISSIONERS; nOAHD OF ZONlNC APPEALS/EX OFFICIO COVERNINC BOARD(S) OF sPt;CI....L DlSTHlCTS UNDER lTfi CONTHOL ~I~ t2. imm ~^H - 'HJ.N L~ KkU:'>t.:, tI^ H/'I^ ATTES';- : WI Ll.IMtlJ . R' CAI4,. ,,' ù"" / ./ "'" ~'~.~ October 4, lqR1 .or. n'!fO, ,Ii nut«:1i " . "" pr(!.~nt~d ;r-. . \,' 'V:~I".\·)' on or lHi corrected 'DV· .....-- ---.........- -----.~ ._-.._____________'_____.______ -4 , .~\'~y~,- '<ft . -"", "¡' '.; ,,:~~,, ..;,...,..J "'''':''" . í;f:: . , " ·,;1 "', " , "~~_","p _........~,.._".""~M,,,,'"