BCC Minutes 10/18/1983 R ,~ ':J ., I ------.....-----------------.--- .'7'í --- --......; I ,.;fli:~ ',1t <,.:4~*¡~ ":,·l'Aif ':,;/ . Florida, October'IO, 1983 L~'r 1 T UE IH:MI::~IBEI1EIJ, th.H· th;aoard .of C;)un ~y CÒlnmi as ion~rs in bnd for the County of Colliur, and also ~ctln9 as the Board ,of Zoning ^pp~~ls Qnd as tho gov¡:rning board(s) of such £p~cl~l districts ~s höve bocn creDt~d nccordln~ to lðw Ðnd hovin9 conductod business hdrain, met thla d~to ~t 9:00 A.H. In Regulðr Sossion In Building "F" of the Courthou~c Complex, EùDt N~plea, floriùn, with thu fOllowing mambors prl.'SI~nt : CIMmr-;AIJ: Mðry-rr~nca5 ~rus~ VIcr;-CH^IR~ ^r : D.w 1 d C. ßro~1n John ^. Plstor Frederick J. Voss C. c. "nod" Hol1ùnd ^t.UO rnl;~H;NTI ~i111Lsm J. 1«14<;1tln, C1ork .Jl'lmuu C. 011011, FioeD1 Officer; Elinor 1'1. Skinner ùn<.l t'ldl1rl!en I<cnyon (1:30 P.M.), Deputy Clerks; C. Willi~m Nor~¡)n, CountY.~ðnn90r; Billy P. Uockatt, ^~~i9tðnt 't... ... County M~nn~er1 Ourt L. Gnunduru, County AttornqY1 ~~rry Vlrtn, <:omr.\unity D( v(dol~~cnt A<.!minlst.rcHol' L~11 Ltlyn~, Zoning LHruC':tor; Irvinl) û~rzon, Uti1!tles AdminLstr"tor; ^nn Obc:r, Plûnncr; tJcll Dorrill, Public S.:1l'HY Adrninistrûtor¡ Henry lUll, Admlni:Jtrt1tor of ,\d¡nlniHtr;JtÍ'lt: ci(HVic~s; Chri.15 lJoll~y, ^ùmlnlstr<'¡tivo Aßsl.st,1nt; Gr¿ce IJrH.J~rwoo,J, ^drninißtréttivo Aid!: to tho bOdrd, ùnù Deputy Chicf nðy:nond ~,)'n:~t::, :'>hurlIr's Dcpc'Htmcnt. ¡ t. ~ , BO'X 078 PACE 1 n ,:1' Pagc 1 . -- - -.-- - - - - --- - - -- ----....... .....................'~'"_......_---- .............- - -.. -............ -- , i: '.,"*,~....,·,·.,'.·.'w·"_*"..._'...._·"', ,!·.·.',.,¥"'..··~"·'·~i~".. ~~.{- ..j .-.t ~' n ~~ItP; ~ .'~ . t. , "::..' .,.<.,,' .W.~.'.i ," > ~- ~~'!~" .: '.I··~" , ..~j, . , r $"'" ~J'1·1.~ :[1;, ; :w: I "~ ~, aOOK 078 PACE 177 Octobor Jù, 1903 _._--- - - - - --- ---- - -.--...-..- -- -- - - - - - - - - -- - - - - -- Tðpe .1 Item U -'GEND^ - .".!'PHC'.'E:J t·::.!: FCL.LCi;¡Na J.1oiENDMEWrs Commissioner Plstor movtd, scconded by Commissioncr lIollllnd nnd c4rried unonimoualy, that the agendA be approvod ðS follows: A. It~m 6C(2) - Stðf£ requcsted contlnuDnec to 11/1/03; CAPC has not hcl.....c.I p~tition. D. 9E(1) - Agreement between County ðnd C~n-^m~ricnn SCD9~t~ Corp. _ Continu~d until 1]/1/D3. c. 9F(I) Reconui<.lardtion of prior decision on gancral w~~e adjust~cnt - Adduci at County Mðnllgcr's requ~st. D. 9F(2) - Additional consid~rDtion of personnel clhssificðtlon study - ^ùclod ðt County MðnD9~rls rcquu3t. ë. Rcsi9n~tion of County Man~9Qr. f. 13U - Ch~ng~ I~mûtc No. ^42~32 to 41~29. G. lJC - Di::icu.ssion of PDrk:.¡ ûitul.tion - Added by COr.1mls::;ionc.'r Pi::oto'r. H. 13D - ConRidur~tion or n formur Dgrecmcnt entered into with Fisctlcr, Johnson', ^lll)n, nnd lturko in conjunction with SoutlwDsturn /",unicipiJl fJondD over the south 1/2 of Sewer ArcD liB" - ^ddcd by Chðirmnn Krufic. 1. LiE - ^ pùn.onncl HhHt(;r - ^dl:CÙ b)' COr.1mÍf,sioner Voss. ; ~ " Itoll'l 12 MINUTES or PA^B - 9/26/03 & Bce REGULAR MEETINGS 9/27/ & 10/4/83 _ APPROVED Commissioner Pistor moved, secondod by Commissioner floll.,nd and carried unanimously, that the minutes of the Property Apprðlsa1 Adjustment ßo~rd of 9/26/03 and the BCC Rcgular Mcetings of 9/27 and 10/4/83, bo approvad DS presented. Item t3 ". " PETITION R-83-17C, COLLIEH ENTERPRISES REQUESTING REZONING FROM "A-2" TO "PUD" FOR 530.37 ACHES - FOHD NOTOR CO. VEHICLE EVALUATION CENTER _ DENIED LC9~1 notice having buen published in the N~pl~s Daily NeW5 on SuptembL.'r 2, l!H33, {IS evidenced by Affidavit of Publication fil"d \olÍth .};';~ , ,~t':~ thv Clerk, publ ic hC'.1ring (which wao deterred from 10/4/03) Wf:::J opened '~'1~ :7',..,.;7 to consider Petition H-03-l7C, flIed by Collier [~ntcrprisc:; rc:qu~sting2i~~ '.,' , ' , ;,'vj¡ rezoning from "A-]" to "PUD" for 530.37 Derco for the Ford Motor I'~¡ '2, -', '."'1 " PlIgc 2 ";' 4~,#." - - - - - -- - - --- - - - - -- ----- -- -- - - -- ---------~····;-I·....···· ", <. ",o¡, ' ',::~;, .0; ''''''''-'''''_~~'''''''''''~'''''''''."~-,..........._.....,.._.-....._,..~..-"',....,,··_,......_._..____..._,;·...""...."'·w,...,H·....'j"~h'"'''·k"·'''',.1-4< III~",'."·""""·' IO'ii.... ~#u;,~."'''''.."".."...-_'...;..~",.," ,.",...."...."..,...',._..,.... I,í>, ': !J. ' ~1' .. ,.1,., 'J' . " 1"" 'Stþ . --- - - - -- - - - - - - - -- - -- -,- ~,- ::: :1: .-I~H~ - - - - - - -I "."~~.~ ~r~ 'ip j~ '~I·.'.·.' .:t/~~~ . :'~!m Comp~ny ,VQhicle Evaluùtion Contcr locnt&cl in úuctionß 22, 27, ~nd 34, T49S, R28E, north of A11!g~tor ^llcy nnd UBct of Çoldcn Gate E9tatos. Plnnner Ann Obor explained th~t tho Utðff and all County Agcncies hc3VO rcvic\Ÿt!d thi!J project. ~h( SlI i d thð t the !:l\C m(Jdt~ no rccomrncnc)iJ- . tion baCJUGD of a IJck 0' conscnSUQ nndthat ^ll other ~9uncies ,!;~' "",-:If~ '(r~ rccor~monùcd iJpprov.Jl suuJl,;ct to th~ "PUt)" rlocUl:'\cnt. ~.hc :wiú th.:¡t the ,i:\..;. t' 'f, "'';'; CAPe IIdd thl'ir (Jubl1c /1(~arinl) on !.icptcmbcr l~, 190J; ;!] l\1ttc.:rs h"vl! .. '-'f ,',." be<.ln r~~ccivcd ft'o ~ ddjélc~nt propurty owner ) oPPo~ling thr) project for ',' ;" , ~:, th,· rClIsons l1Gtcd in the Exacutiva f,ummðry, d.,tod 9/21/~3; '2 lotters hllvo becn rccolvucl 3upportin'j tho projt)ct; ono pelson spoko [or (Jne ono i n 0 p po 3 i t ion tot h C P (1 tit ion 1.'1 t t h Q C )\ PC P \J b 11 c h C J r: i n (J, (.1 u C! t 0 conCIHn (or the lO£;3 of th'1 Floridù pfjntll~r Jlllblt.'t. f;h~ s"id th<tt O:'l~ lIdclitioncJl lett~r hù5 bocn rl:Ct~iVC1d In opro:,;ition for lho Siimc r~"50n .' .3~ wt!ll <IS cnvironr:\(:nt.1l .:;onccrn~. ~jhc a"id ttHlt Lhu C/\p<; un;jnir.1ou~ly recommended forw.)cdinCj till:> ¡J(~tition to tho ÚCC for ilpprOvtll subject to nm\!ndl:1ent o[ tho "PUD" documont. Chl\i1JM/\ ~;rusc indic.1ted Cor the record that vtlrious phone cðlls, tcl~CJrlll:H', pil?c\!s of corrcnponcJcncl!, ~nd Ð petition hiJvu been recoived from 44 mn~b~rz of the public in i,.. oppo~ltion to thla petition. Mr. ~ill 1.\ùrton of ¡"<il~ol\, Miller, ¡jürton, :;011 F. f't~ùk, Inc., rùµrcsontinC) the petitioner, placed lIxhilJits on tho ovcrho3d boûrd. He introducer! th<.! project teõr:1 (IS follo....s: from CMC DeveloFment Corpor.:.a- tlon: MeÐzrs. noy Cawley, Clifford l1ðrksc1"l(!, i)nd Hlcharù flf!nùerlonCJl from Ford Motor Company: Mr. floWdrd Freas, Chic! Engineer, Test Oper.~tion f.lnd EnlJinoJering ~;C!rv1cU5, f>1r. Fred C.1pulbo, r.xecutlvc t.:nql- ncce, Mr. Dave Cornðn, ~u~ervißor, PcrformÐncc ot ~~sting EnlJinuar3, i1nd Mr. ~ill ~tðfford, M/)n~gcr of ~nvlronmcnt~l Labor~toriÐS; from Troplci11 . ßlo¡n~ustrlcs: Dr. Durbin T~bb, ~hu Envlronmcntðl Advluor of the . ... 60aK 078 PAtt178 .. ~ ~f. ..):. " , ¡.r, :.~::." ~' . - - - - -- - - - -....... -- -,.....- - - ....-.-.,....;.....;.. ---..-. -'-..-r- - ....-.--..;¡. - -- _ ___.-..-.. __......_ " ~;' :" ],~~:)y,~ J , ~ \-,;~', PCHJ& J ~~'~ ~jJ'" 'l< ,. ~~ B ~' ft : '"~; r!'~å~ ~ } ;~i i~f: f "":~f'~.'t.,"'l ¡ j ~,: ;;f,' >f'.' ~. .~ ~ ~ I ;~\! . ¡.~\; ~;:; '!';; :~~.. /'!' I;;~; ':;:{i ,;'1.- .", /,i: ! ,iV ------.------- - --- ---------- ----------- óOa1< 018 PAt£179 October 10, 19UJ ~...,......\^,....... ~.....,.!_~V, end Dr. Willi om Johnson, from Wilson, Miller, Bbrton, 5011 , Peck, Inc. Nr. H~rton outlined the propo5i'\1. tolr. 8l1rksdtlla gave n l:ihort history of the project. He Gðid thðt CMC Dovolopmcnt Corporation first lnðrnod of the project through the Florida Dcpnrtmcnt of CommorCD who had been Scðcching for éI site for the Ford ~otor Company to do this ¡-.'" tc~ting since 11)79. !Jù sdct hit; firm \lûB <,sk(!d to loclIte c.uc.:¡' iJ project in Colll~r County bCCi)U$~ of its la.rg~ l~nd holding!> tlnd thr,! I .;I r 9 c: <n IHI r e qui r (.! d for t h 0 t t1 5 t s J t c . H (! 5 i1i d t his pro j c r. tis c 1 c r. n , high-tech, light indllstry which ....ould provide ,J zt.,blc economy ....Idch ....ould not bQ subject to t.lll' fluct.uation of the conr.truction industry, primarily. I/û said fiv/:' sites wure cv¿'tlu,1tcc.! in Collier County ûne! m~r...bcr~ of hi~ (in) r'l~t". with cnvironr.tcntøl Dgcncie5 llnÙ this sitl:' W.1fi chos~n, bCCDUßC it \0/,15 con!;idClr~d to hðVC the lci.lf!t impùct on tit\:! envi ronl1lc'nt. 111~ ~dñ thilt tho site ....l\$ bollcwed to be pcrmittùbh" lie sðicJ thJt, ût that time, the issue of the Florida Pi'lnthcr WlIS riot kno....n Ðnd did not nrisu until thû pntition wno into tho permitting prOCPQs. lie srdd his firm so10ctcc1 thQ site to meet the nClJds of tho ptttitionor W i L h the Il!':¡ 5 t imp (1 :: ton the <'I r e ¿'\, t h lJ t \'/0 U 1 d b rl n 9 ð C c cpt ¡) b Ie i n d 1J S try i n tot he,. r e cl . " Mr. Ut1rton r\!l¡Jted whûL his firm has dct<:rmincc! to be the currcnt ist;;UfJS of the projcct ~uch liS the ....ater mðn119amcnt. aspects, tht.' tr"ffic g~ncrtltion, the cnvironmont.)l 'IDp~cts ûnd ttl(! pt.:rmitting process "5 it . !.-' .;:r F~' will aCfect the project ðD it goes ¿¡lone) ita W.1y. II~ SQid his firm ",,:,..: would like! to di!>cu~$ the It1nd UIJC \-/hich should be òn , .~ ,9 i ~¡!;Ul.' in ,)ny ,.,;>~ ,,¡; )1Ì' }~ ,j1g ~'~ ·,::i:~ " ~~'~.~~¡~ \1 ~'_'" ;;~~ Pð9- 4;t;~ . ,1~rl, -------.---------------~-~---~-----------~~~ ~ ~\::~~i *:,,~,.)t~~ rezoning p~tition, Ð~ w~ll ~s the comp~tib11ity to ðdjðccnt properti~s. II~ said that, rClC,}arding hnù US~ lInd compc':ltlbil1ty, this project is l\ 530 ðcre purcel of land ....hich 1s intcndcc] uncJer the "PUDlO to bo 1I . '. .. ...... ,_._"'..;;,.;'""""_"""_t;,~,""'..,,,....,,,.,,',,...,.,,'" ptJ ,ß J), ::1 ,'.ø )¡- .j ~ ~.~ .<. t 'j< - --- - - - - - - - - -- - - - - -.- - - _.. _. _..... - - - - - -- - - - - - - - -.-- .;', ~.,i· :)ct:ob~r 13, 19S.3 I';; J:/ ··:·.\·.;~·:.·t . .;' ~ ,.. ,:..~ . singlu ~urposa, uxtrcmely restricted In its USCG. H'.! r f! fer r (] c! tot II c "PUC" (~ocur.h¡nt.:Jtion, Gopi~s of which the.: COmmi!.iDion~rs h,. v(~, .....111.:1) provldefl only ouv~n u~o~ thnt enn be placed on the project. He r~vluwcd the rcasons [or s~l<:ctinf~ th\.! Site! ,H1d ';'Gd..)rJ the ~ltr.: i~¡ Jpproxi/nc3tcly 22 in tho ordor of situs t.h.)!: \('~rt1 rcvitJ\OI\1(! In South FloriJa by tho ¡;'(~p;)rtr.1':'nt of comlncrco .)n:.i lh::- fifth :dtc ruvl,~wl~d in Collier County by C¡.,C <lncJ thl'ir VlHioulj holdin,<.~~. !: P. i n d i ç ù t <:' d t ~1 '1 locùtlon of the Site on the.' oVürhClll1 bOule! l:nd I1Ut.tHJ that on the westc:rn boundary to tlH: nort~ ¿HC till) Golden GdtC £$tûtcs prcperti!.:3. H~ saId tl113 project lL.!~ t!ilät of th!.! u£!stern most 11110 o[ Goldlm Gütu t;5tðtl~$. I!o sùid th.lt /lllirJl1tor Illlcy runs Qn the immorlidtl? southern bound.:¡ry of tile project ..I11<.l Lh.1t Cold'H1 G..,t~ Efitiltcs runs ~l1r0r.:tly !Jouth. i! () s , i d the rei:. t~ x t ~ n:.i j V ~ (I r.J r i cuI t u r Q i1 r c: ,) s tot Ì1 ('! nor t II . lIe 5¿¡id tld:.; is 3 sit...' I:h,1L 1:.; ~i'Jniíir.:dntly :Jl:.>rupt.:d on t~ì<..' norUìl<,'e~~;t ,1nd south of UII: projl~ct. Hi.) ::;aid thir; hi1S put the ::;1 te unr~cr r.:1thcr severe !.OLr'.H;S lJn~Jl:r "ndtlJrld conditions", .....nich 1¡; iJ prl::l,:¡ry rC~ ¡;l)n t 11 cJ t t 11 e sit e 10.',1\ s ~ I: 1 e t.: t t: d . Ht": sa ill t h {I t lJ 2 r.1 i 1 (: ~ t r <d q h t l) \~3 Y '..·d r. n~L'do.Jd .:.nù trl\~ t'L't.ltion·.'r own~ prop(:rty to üGCOr,1n10U.:.¡t.:.: till:; length. HI.! 5r1icJ thot seven LH:rc:s ot \1<Jtl,:¡nds will be! l.Ji:HUpr-.'Jd ....hich rcprest'nts 1. J't\ of ttle LInd I~<:d;:'> rH.:,) in th~' pro}..!ct. i~r. thJrton ::>~ld th,lt the pp.titioner lIél:1 cO"lmittcd to two different bu[[.,H zont.Js in tl1(! project, t!lt.: flr:n b~ing tI 400 foot buffcr .....ith c1 minimu:n of JUO [~ct oE nùtur.'1l vf:getDtion left ':¡long the cntir~ wustern bOllnr.dry of LhQ proj,:ct, immcuiòtcly f1(lj.,::ccnt to (jold'~n Gilte EGt<ltO!i. he s.11d tll~ ot!1cr buiEct' i$ tc:rmed ðn cnviron!:1t'nt"~l or con:.it>rvat!on ~bS":I.\l!nt in tlw bül.:\ncc of till! ~Hlction of 1,ìnú. I IJ !ndlc..:tcu the loc,ltion on the mtlp ttwt is intl.!nù~d to b~ cJt?dicatt.:ù iH; 1I consarvðt!on " 1).1 scrnL' n t. 11.:1 !:),'11d tt'lùt tile priM Dry rCcJ!.on in to cn.\1UrC' t./wt c:~vl'lojJ- . . ".. ßOOK 078 PACE 180 , < ~ ,. ., . . P.:Jge 5 .. -- --- - - - - -- - --- ---- ----- --- - - -- --.- -- - - - - --- '·i'lt. ""..~; -------- -- --.- - - - -._---- --.----- - ------.--- --- , t,:~t.·, :¡; ~. ti l i It' ,~ ,~~, f~· ;'; 1\ it ~ ~ j,j,- ~;J, ~,. ~J¡r' ¡~ ...'\~ "~'. ~ ~~:' !'L :~¡t ;¡-.'~ ,) ~'-" tl ) ,;. ;h " :'~~ ' ~~Ü; .;I-t '1,-'\ ;t~· ;::" ':~~ ,,;t <~; " ~~'~ ~~~., " ~~-;~~ k 'ir:'~" ~,~: ~t ~:~:' ~j k{' :41', . . " BOOK 078 PACElBf October Ie, 19B3 ment uð~tward of the project Cünnot Dnd will not occur. He pointed out tb:Àt b-::yo;..::: tt'I\: con;;¡,;rv(itiûi1 ~t1:;.:mu..t it; t:10 Drc¿; :~:1C'n";; ....,. ..,.... ,.-....., """'.~ - ,,",u..,(... J Strand", whlctl is n deep strand ~nd one in which devolopment 15 virtu- ., II Y I T:1 po ~ ~ il; 1 t' . Ih.' !Hdù tJwt "pproximtltC'ly 00% of the 530 l1crcs or approximately (20 ~crcs, is Ihtcndcd to be left in its nðturðl GtDte. lie s.1ld thcr\;~ \\'il1 be no otl¡çr clc.:Irlng on thi:t portion and no othfH 'tIOrk~ within it which lr:ðves ;¡ bl!lnnct.! of Dbout 110 úcres which will mðkc U!J the: prajl)ct portion. II c g 11 i c; t h ð t r cpr C 5 ~ n t Slip pro x i ro lJ t C 1 Y 2 0 ~, of the aite that will be ~ltcruG. "ir. Di1rton ::;ldd tll/lt thIs ia £in ex l «11;1 td y 1 i y 11 tIn ten ~ i t Y u r.¡.! !. 0 r .) pc 0 j c c t 0 [ t h i ~ t Y ¡:: c . B~ sidd that th~ project \\'ill bo.· £I.!nced t!Houghout: ita t:.rel) nnd, in dotcrr:lÍning the ht.:i9ht .:Jnd locDtlrJO, tilL' !Jc:tit.loncr lIits cOI:lmittc<.! to cOï.1ply with the rcyuest of the pccmlttlnQ ngencics as the permittin~ proc~~a procQ~d~. r·~r. L1::.rLor. 1~:<I·'l"'in,~cJ U:'J W:J~('r ~wr":ql.'T:1cnt IISp(!r;t~. II~ rttd ~ t h,lt the goðl Wüs to Crl.!Ðtc ~ condition wher~ tho post-development Gtor~- wilter would bc preclst.!ly Lt¡C saint.: .;I:'; ttlC PCt.!-dt!vclopm€'nt ::;torm\~ðtcr. 110 Froc<:eded to thè 1;lðp lJn~ in(~icüteè tht: conccptu1.11 w,1tcr m.Jnllgcment pl~n Dnd described it. ¡II;' In( icÐted part of the wet!ë,nd DrCe) thÐt mUGt be crossed in thd 2 milu ~trni9htnwny. "" snid that fifteen 15 inch stormdrùin pipes ,ICC to bL' Inc1ll(Jed in thu tHOIl so th'1t the water m(' y run C.:Ist or wc:.;t, whichevur n"turt~ prt.:ícrs. HI1 si'\id that the flow will continut,) after tht: project i:.; fini::;iH!G lIG It die.! prior to d\wl:lopm(.'nL Iff.' described Lt (· comr.1Ítr.lcnt to clcL!n Dn t.':datlng ditch IIlong tht: wcct lin!! of the project .JOO to brc.:.ch i) current. dike to help corrcct. i) problem oC Curr(!nt flooding tl 8t hlH !1rm believer. rosults from pumping from fðrm ficIda. lit! ti.:dd thi.tt the brcilch will r(~-cGtabli!ìh the natural £1o\'" of \¥iJtcr to the CII!3t. Hc explained th¡1t ttlcir go.11 is for tht! llUulity of the \¥ilt<.'r thal lCLI\lffs t'h~ site: to b~ slmilllr to the P:.ge G . . -----.------------ .--------------- ----------- ··...å ~ O· . ~r.è ' i'~JI:":' '~ ..J a'f f· e Ii· ] . ~ j . , ./. - -- - - - -_. - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - --- Octobar l~, 1983 qUiJlity of water th¿¡t enters the sit~, currently. lie '~mphM' i ZI.;'d thi} t the operution pvriorJ ot thu project Is int/Jnc1é(J to bo Crom NO'/t'!mucr through I"Îðy annually, which is gcnoJriJlly th~ dry Scùson. ,.Ie. 8¿ fton vx¡..>l.1incd ttl,1t tlll~ trl1ffic g(:ncrùtion wIll b.... dprroxi- mately ?SO vc:hlcle tril_S pur diJY, tnu i}m::>unt t!1ëlt could bv :,:xpl:ctcd froM 20 to 30 uin':J1c [M:dly rcsidl..'nccs ilt Î to a vctd::ll! trip:.; p....r day pcr residence. Ii:.: ~; iI 1 d i [ the no' we r c J C rot> i (k nee ~ 0 n S i:I crt.: t r iJ C t ~; , the à(J"~lopur waul,,' uLili:'::è ;'50 ,1(:rc::; of ].)nd [or tl1ifi .lmount of traffic. I/o uüld this project "l,proxir.1Dtoly will genc:r.lt~ tile Sðr.1(.' ðmount of traffic, however, 530 nercs of land will b" uged. Mr. Harton Ðddr....~scd th~ cnvironm~nt~l aspocts of the project. He s.:.aiù t!)C develop.;:r reco,)n1;:<':5 that the b¿lsic 9in910 conC.:2rn 15 th~ iJr~:>cnr:c of thú florid.) Pl'nthcr. !/o sllIrl thu rrojf!ct ::¡u~;t <]0 throu')h " pcrmi ttil1CJ procedure ilt whIch ti:'11..' tilP. t:¡::rl')iir t.o th.~ p,HìtiH.'r \oJ! J 1 b,~ diSCUS~tH by those peoplc who Dre ChilrC)(.'d to addres5 ::hi~> Dubject. 110 sug9cstCG tl1~t tlw [;CC '.lill not :)/JVL' .1t it~ ditipo5.Jl Ule :-'in<..l of indcpth st ucJy th.3t tho~e other .HJcncio5 wi 11 hilVC. Dr. Durbin 'rùbl> s"id 110 .;.13 ant' 01 tllr(..~ !>iolo')i!.Ac:> tlI,1L worr.~t1 for tho ðpplicùnt. 110 said. the other t\..o ...·(.rl.. Cr. T..))'lor ,....lexùn(~cr, aot,:¡ni~t: .:1nd Cr. I::ric ! 'Jälè, notr..'d ....otl.·md :;{J(..'c.:i<JJ lilt. IIr..' sdld th~ir result:> 1},lve bO'ltn pruüE.'ntco Co tlw lice in 11 form.1] f:lshian ,HI iln i::I:;. He sIIid then the cJr.1in'lgc IJYStUr.1, of which thl.! ðpplic.:\nt':> project is part, hù~ t;t:~n scv(.'rl..'ly imµL1ctcd ovcr ù p~riocl at yeilrs fro:a l~.~O ,)nd t 11.-1 t !;. h c sit t: 1.:> not (j vir gin p i ,~c () o! pro [J l! r t y . I j 0 S û I d t h (J imp ð c t has bo( n scvt.!rc from tho ßtùnc.:point of lOlo/Crill!) tLt: ',,/,)tC'rtDblc. w :3aid, for tho record, tllld; the <:urrcnt. condItion ot tiH.! proí.."'rty is ., heðvily i~[Jhctcd ~ror~rty Durroundcd by othor dcvulop~(1 land& on the nor t h \010 H t .1 n d :; 0 U t h . . lie,)' :Jûid t.htlt tllo propt'rty hólH b'~cn overdrninl;cl on BOOK 078 ~ 181 PM}~ "7 . . -- -- -. -.-- - - - -... - - - ---- ----- - - - - - - -- - -.- - - - -.- - --.... I I ..1 11 ~ :~ --- -_._------ -- -- - - - - - -. - - - - -:- -.- -- - --- - --- - --: '>1'; :;~: ,}i; ~~. ~~. :~ ¡¡:. ;;.; ~ '\(t: ~. BOOK '078 PACE 183 O¿too~r 18, 1983 the cafjt Sf) ttl.1t the r'1i!plcr. In the L.ucky L.akes Stre)ncl, common in other Ð rl!!.lS, twvc f~ll~d to ~~rmin~t~. ChlJirml1n Krusú z<dd th,1t Tro~¡{clJl 810Indu5tri~s did the majority of tho \-/ork on the previous Golden G.1tc Estates rudevclo~nunt study. She D9KCd If Dr. Tcbb'z conclusions nnd rucomr.1<.:ndl:ltlons for the use of the llJnè on this piece of property mi::tch the conclusion!; (lnè rt·comr,¡cndlltions for the l1foramcntioncd d~vc]orment SLudy, 1'H1d Dr. Taub s¡¡{d thüt gOllcri'l11y thay f:'1éltch. Dr. bill Johnson, reprc~cntinq Wilson, Mil]cr, 8.1rton, SolI' Peek, Int:., gllVCt [I brief oV('rvl~w of the permitting th(1t is requirC'd for this projcr:t.. lie siJil1 lhl: florldr. G.lml? .;Jnd fr()Gh \':atur ris!. Com In i ~ s ion, <Ì t t h I~ ~ t () t (: 1 C V iJ l, and t! cU. G. f i ~ h l! n d '"" i 1 d 11 f (! ~~rvic\:, ,H th(! Fc:c.Jl:rid Ittvcl, £Irt~ c:hl.Hged \o,'ith t/1U r.1útter of tlte F lor i d û p.l nth cr. TðP& '2 Dr. John~on ~.::id th[!L un(J'.'r Fcdl!rðl law ttll..' U. S. fish llnd "ïJdllfc Servicc' htls toe opportunity, under tllc Endangered :.ìpeclcs ^ct, to rcyuc~t of the.' Corp~; <I consultiltion period. lie sðid durinq thDt period the Corps i~ r0spon$lblc for producing ðn Environmental ^sscss- m~nt, ð fcctuel st~tcmcnt, ~9 to th~ pot~nti~l j~opÐrdy of Dny end.:: n 9 c: [ c cJ G P '.' c i t::;, 5 P '': C i f i c 111 l)' the i r D t ten ti 0 n i f; foe use don tho floridò pùntl1t:r. ¡Ie :jèJi<.J U,,")t ûctivity is going on, currently, \Io'ith the Corpz nCtHiny completion of tho prepùrðtlon of th~t l.:nvironr.1entlll ^5SC:S~fi'lL'nt. I!~ elùbordtt'G on LIH~:;;Q orCjbllizðtIons bnd their coopcrðt.1on in visiting the sitn Ðfld thc c:ofltlnu.::ncc or jOlnl conference regllrding the P,Jntht..'r. Ii\: 5hid th<'1t ultir!i[.tt-ly ttlC DEli. lIncJ t.he Corps will hllv(! to consolidL\tc the comments of their respective ð<Jcnclc2 LInd drðw concluuions ðnu prescnt a finlll position. Un slIiù l) decision Clsn be made, by each ðgcncYI ~hðt ~ public hCDrlng ~ill be held, if tho ... PðC;C C -------------------------------------------- ~ ..;¡ .. ~ .'1 <:> :, ~:~.s r¡1~ 1 ~ "f'R ~¡ ! 8,' J ~,. . ',I -------------------------.--.------------- 0ctour:r 113, E}i!3 A, .~~ ::-\ sltur:ltlon W¿lrrant1> .....ltn ,1 mo;!c ¡dnibJ~ for é) joint ?LJblic :lccHin'J if ~,H aqcncy feels the noed [or ultimatu ðction. Chair~~n Kru~~ rc[crrr.d <1 letter to the COr.'linission, UndtH ,) COV'3r lûtter (rom tlw Floriu<, Audubon :Jocic!:ì', f~om th~ Florid,) G.Jmu nnd F'rr::::;h ·.\,)t(~r {-'II;/) Co~!ml!j$i( saying tlwt thùt .:Jg·:mcy finds tl¡o test trdck dn Inl1 Jpropri'1t'.: l¿:nd UE for the propurty. ko;!sponuln'J to Ch¡drmi:ln ¡:rus<:, Dr. .jo~ln:;on [':~1C ttl': b ¿Hd c ù 11 y t h ü t 1 <.; t tor ð n U 0 t h ~ r ~ [r 01:1 t It I.! 1-'1 1.> h .1 n d \..1 1 d 11 f 0 ~.:: r vie Q h.:1VO CjQnQr.Hud activity to j,:vtdo¡; in[or¡:1<Jtiol) th.1t \'/ould !;i1(;( additional light on tho r¡¡.)ttcr. IIcsponuing to Ch.Jirman Kru¡;(~I Dr. Jonn~on saId ttll1t tllu fisc! .:Jnd hlltl1ifu ~crvicu h.::ave rc~pondu( .....itll ( oEfic1ùl letter ot thdr ti~ld inspection::;, ilnd th.H ß.:Jme lctt0r requested <1 cOl\sult.Jtion plH'iod wit/¡ till.! Corps, .....tlich trip:; th¡' t:ntir prOCCS:3 of devclopin') tht-:! En'Ji ronr,H.'nta 1 l.S5~Ssm....nt. V, r. L~.1 r ::. 0 n :..i i) 1 d tt!C ~f^'I'm h,lVt: (Jlven i'I stjf[ r~·fJ,.,rt \/h1cll 1::; nr)ith(:r <1 r'~C'olflr:\'~n(j¿'tion for ...pprov.11 or " den!.:!!. Ii ~ ::; " i d t h é1 t t: 1 E' 5 t ù f ( h <J V ~~ CI~ C () ¡.,:;¡ t: n d cd t ':) the 5F::/l·\D UOdreJ th.Jt ~h15 is ,) Folicy IS£ut~ ....itli ''''hlc~ the ~jOiHa I!'.U$t dl'iJl. lIe rûfcrred to th<H rr.:port <,nd re.:ld th~ SFI':,...,;) Stnt'[ ::or,Hilt:nts wiU¡ rcspl;!ct to \Jè1t\?r '1ú.1r:tity ,HHJ t U.dity, .13 ttwy .:1(f~ct th,.. runoff of th~ I'roject ü:'; follo.....s: "Ttw üllo\ol<1b1~ runoff of. this ~;iL'.: i:.; h'l:3e, on prr.: v..:rsu:.; pOGt d(!ve1o¡..t;1cnt con~ltion5. ~incc the d~v01o~mwnt sit i~ only i:å imperviou:3, tlì'~ n.,tur,1l dr.dn,vJ"~ Ihlttl.'rn of t:~.... sitl~ ::.houlc not be "([ected". nt~spondinSl to Chðirr.1l1n Krusl::, .'lr. BtHton IHdd tli<1t no purr.lit:.; l!ùvl~ beC!n i~:3ul.:d for th1s proj.:ct, .It tl1i¡; point. 110 said 11.: h.)~ b..:tm in(orr.ìud tll~t ~F""~~[) 1.:; reticent to i:;f,'J';! ., fJ.::rmi t llntil tl proj.)ct i:; E-ropcrly zoned. ¡-¡r. BiHton rl.:.1d tl¡e CO~Inl:nt:3 fro:n thü SF~~ ~;'...Jt.f C0purt stdtiny tÌl.Jt thl..' best r.1':lnü(jt:'m·.:rlt. rrj:ctlr:~s ::0 '.:n:;u['l! ',Mt~ gU<.'I:'ity of storm.....,lt, r runoff h~)V~ ,bacn incor~ori.ltcçJ into tht: proponcd ·...."ter n,,¡n.H)Cmcnt nyutVr:1, Inc:lur1!nrj U:3C of r<::>.:Idui(:.: :.",.'(11\.'5 for .)ll . óOOK ()78 ~AC£18t P.,CjU . . -- - --- - --- - -- -. --- - --.....- - --- --~- - - - - - - -- -- , . 1 :~ - - - - - - - - -.- - - - ---_.- - -- -- - - - -- - - -..- -- - - - - - - --. , " bOOK 078 PAcE185, Octob/,H lù, 19G3 ð 11 0....0 cJ i n r i 1 t r Ð t. ion, pre s c r v I) t ion 0 ! tho )¡ i s tor i c ::; h c c t f low d r ù i n iI 'J e pilttern .1nd attention of th~ first inch or tho ßtorm\oJüt.~r runoff in tlw I .~ J developed élrCiI. HH cltJrifil~() thÐt. tÏJe: SF.''¡·jD SLclU dCé]z :........c: ¡;:-cblf.':::::': with this project thbt .He.' not CJcn()rùt'~d by wêltcr r.illné'HJamcnt. lIe s"icJ there ðrc other µrobl CI;I~ ðnt~ thêlt if> the r<.'<150n they IHlVC n:::lt given ¡) rocommt!ndðtlon to tt1Clr I.:oûrd. He: said they referred to II pollcy th.\t the SFWMD bo,lrd ....ill hlJve to dlt<.:icc>, however, that i£zuc WDS not id<Jntific0. Hc::;pondlng to COh:~ist.òlor1L'r Plstor, /"r. I..;,1cton discussC'd th,~ diffcrenc<.: butwl!nn ¡,,~nthcr h.10i t,1t M1d r.:lnCJc, notin<J there hù5 been 110 uVide;¡cc, by cJny purr:1ittin<j lIgency or his cnvironmental consultllnts ,",'hich would in~jicê1tc tfl,H tlliG property is a ponthlH h,'hitat. fie SiJid the.' ::;it¡: doc:; t,dl within th<.' r,in')!! of one or nlore pdnthcrs. Co~misHionc: Vas!; $,,1d, ~;incl.' this property i!> zoned lJgriculturòl, i ( the o'Wnen, c:hot)~ to ~Jo :';0 they could !>trip the l.:Jnd, ditch .1nd dlk~ it and grow crops, to w/dch "ir. [;s;Jrton sðid, from d leg,)l stcncJpolnt the o'Wner could. Re~pondlng to CommiuGioner Voss, Mr. 8ðrton sðid that fro In the uevclopcr':;; point of vie',ý thðt. land use 'Would be i} grcat deDI morc disruptive (01 tile p,:¡nthe:r .:Inti the ~n...iconm~nt by cr~l1tlng introduction of fertilizers into the area and to 'sic;nificlJntly begin to illtL'r ....ater[lows, tdnc., C':rop~ h..')ve to be de....t:t<:rc:d in tile wet se.u:on .) n d i r rig ..'I t (: din the c: r y seD ~ 0 r. . ****RECES5: 9:3S ^.M. RECONVENED: 9:50 A.M.**** C!¡airr.1l1n KrLlf:ic ~;tatcd (J thiH letter 'W<'I!,; just received from the Florid~ State DcparLre<.'nt of Commerce or(~ring strong ~upport 6nd any l1SSiStùllce they cðn in ~uµport of the ford tt!st trllck. fihc sl;icl that during the reces!: shl: 'W'\D IIi1ndcd mcssð'Jct;, telephone cill1!i, (] lcttt!r and n tclagrnm from e:ight peraonB rcglDtcring opposition to t/lin PlIgc 10 '. < -- -.- - - - - - - - - - - - - - --.....:--- - - - - - - - 4- __ __ ___ _ _ __-.. ''U " .':1 ':~ ~..!! "} ~1 tl] ,I ~ "- - --- - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ _ L. Octobur 1&, 10U3 petition, lInd shu entered thos~ intc') tlw r~corcl. ~hc: ilskoù U¡U County l\ttorn0Y for cldrlficùtion rCH]lIrdln9 tho con3icJcr.Hion of tllo pðnthür in the UCC chd ibuultions? :-1r. £3l!rton ::ïtlltn.d th.Jt h13 .....ordS \'I~re tlh\t in tho :J~voloper'~ opinion the nec i!J not the proper fan..,:! [or ,:¡ long dúb,'te on the panther, th.:Jt it is Of1\) of t.he iS$ut,:) blJt t:).:.t LhlJ tit~Jtf) t3nd fcdorlll IHHmittinrJ ¿:.rJcncy .....ho:;Q t..:¡zk .1nd as:d']nf?1t.'nt: i::; z¡;'~r::iEicIÜly (~nViron:Twnt :::t;,·C ¡H.1 r.o be ".morc ðppropri.:\tc forw::. Co u n t y 1\ t. t '.H n ~ y ::~üun(.h)rfi :><110 tl\11t, in consid~:r(Jtion of t!1U I1nvironml.:nt, the p~nt!wr issue is ð valid point thùt tho I3CC ~hould cor.~id~r. ¡:e rCilJ tl ~ following sentence from the "^-l" ^~riculturû Uistrict Zaninq: "The rccJulations from tl:is district ¿)rc intended t.o pcrr:\lt ,;1 r ~t18on.:Jble lJ5C or t/w property \,hilu IJt tr.~ :.liJme time prCvènt t!IU ct\H,tion of cor,dit1on3 .....hich 'riould seriously cncJðnrJtH, c!.:,¡r,IJ9C or \·~..:~)troy tl)!~ iHJr icul ~urùl bèJ$t: ot tllc County or cnv! ronr:\('nttd r("~~ûurC'~5 o[ CoIl icr County, the potùl>lt1 ~·.)lcr supply or the wildlife rnsolJrccs of the County". lie GDid thilt tile oxisting zoninrJ do!'!!; rlJfl:r to the l:nvironm~nt,Jl iJSp\.!cts o[ '-110 (J{opcrty. Ilu fi<lit;, in ~~t.'ction Ilj.oí of the Lonin:¡ Coda, Qne oi thL: i~suc~ to be considcrod it:; tile èxisc.inf.j land usa p~ttcrn which 13 b~Dic~11y the compatibility or tha project with th~ surroundilHJ n'-,i'Jl1bor/'J()ocJ. Cntl i rm.:1n Kru~o ,)M:..'cJ 1 f the SF¡.;r·1D 11,'1:; boen ~;no""n to ')rdnt conceptual ,)pprovdl of ;'1 petition prior to Q zoning chÐng~, to which .'Ir. t1ürton said tlJ;1t .....as c.:orrect. 1J0...·cvcr, Iw u:11<.1 th(lt ttH.~ PQtitioi1~r had submitted construction .Jpprov~l. Thu following p~r~ons ßpoko in support of Patillon H-83-17C: Mr. F~~d Frðnklðnd, r }pr~::;cntin<J tilt) f'loridc1 DetJitrtr.lent of COIOr.wrCt!, ü...id his org¡lni~¿)tion':.¡ ChdL JC Is t.o produce job~ for the vnti(\.! !.;t.,t~ of Florid.,. lie Gilid thia petition repn~scnt~ low dcn~fi~y o ! t h I.: pro j e ct. I j c s (, i d if" [J pro v u d t h co f L) C t t h ë.I t Co 111 (: r C t) U n t y 10.'0 U 1 d 10ccJtc d to'ortune ~OO CQmp.Jny hero would holp, in tho 10lH] riln'.Jo, tt) (,ttost to tllo BCC'!) rr.:.:.:ctlon (,nu pos!t1v~ support of new joh~ in th~ , òOOK 078 PAttl86 Pl1go 11 . . ," . - - - - -- - -- -- -- --.--- ----- -- - -- - - --- -- - -- ----.... I >: I> ..1 11 I~ >~I t\~,.. - ------_.- - - - - ---,- -------._- ---~-- -- - - ----... ~~ 018 rm1B7 . Oc to b c r 1 8, 1 9 (J 3 commun.lty. lie S.::il1 thl!i project hûs zero impc:\ct DS far as scl1ool~, houzing, .!:iC\o,'.:.'r or wlltQr ~tJi~h would be cOI:1mltr:1cnt.s th(: community Hould normally hQv~ to provide to attrðct indu~try. Mr. Fred J. Stevens, reprcGenting the FloridÐ Dept. of Commerce. Mr. William J. H.)rpcr, Jr., rcprc£j~nting the t:conordc Dr!vclopmcnt Council at Collier County. . Mr. Al Perkins Mr. D~vid Grðham Mr. Jack Humphrey, Vice-President, Naples Cha~bcr of Commerce. Hr. George Facconc, in b~hðlr of Mr. Jay Bishop, representing th" iiùf.>l(·s ^rcð bOllrd at IIccJltor:;. Tnt.: (ollo',iÍrH] person:> spoke in oµpoGition to thl~ pcti::ion citin<) negòtivc inpûct on till.: L'l1vironr:wnt du<~ to tho prcsence or the florid" Panther, Ðnd ~nd~nqcrù~ ~pccicß, other rar~ plantu and ùnim~tc, the possiblE: (Ji~rupt1on of dr~¿¡ ~/.Jterflow éJnd noise pollution: Mr. Jðmcs "lcMull en, I'H'ß i CJcn t, l-:nd ~nCJ t:: rcd 5pc.·c 1 C:S P.~SCê. r ch Foun<!i1tion. J'.\<.:sponciing to Cnldfl'wn Kruse he! bas btJcn c111led upon by i't Fedurðl Ju~jS"\ in I',i'.r,oi to tedk in b(:hcl£ of: tht: floridð pónthcr In Conscrviltlof¡ flrl.!d J ¡jn~ I, o[ WhuUH,.'r or not c:I fJiu\ttlcr e.:dstcd t!,crc c)ncJ ....0)::; DCCcptcd uy th~ l'eGl:r,11 Court!: ....lth hia testimony. ncsponding to Chc1irrnðn Kru!>!.:, Ill' 5i.id ... iJr.nthur can jump ovor ð r'..!gulilr fc3rm fence thilt 1!.5 three to iour fUl:t h11.J11. ¡Ie rc:liJtceJ h1:.I experiences invcstiga- tin 'j p 1I n t ¡ t~ r nth II t II a v e be t' n I< 111 cd 0 n H 0 ute 2 S . Mr. Paul Kruse, Pre~idt.'nl, Golùt>n Gilte 1::ztr!tcz Rcsldcnt5 lInd bup~orters ^~50cintion, ru~o D ~tntcm~nt opPo51n~ th1s petition on the grounds of vdrloLJ¡~ 1.'l1vicunmcnttd concerns. Tðpe 13 Mr. J. ^. McMillion Mr. U 0 y d 5 ð r t y, r u ¡; r t: S C n tin y the Con 5 e l' v él n c y, reD d ð 1 c t t e r. written by Mr. Nc~ Putz~ll, opposing this petitlon. (- Letter not ~ubmittcd for UIL' re:::ord) C )ilirl:1<'ln Kru:><: l1:.;kcd wh¿¡t hi1s r..l)dc tlH! Conscrvðncy revl..!rsc tllcir po!:ition, contrary to 'I letter rcceived by the 5CC, which &h~ ~c]lev~d w~:.; signed by Mr. Putz<:11? Mr. S~rty looked throuo)h th~ (11(: {Ind iw did not Dce ¡)ny l('ttc:r of thilt :>ort. ChJirmiln Kruse sðlè, ·...ith tnu plClJ5Ur~ of tllt,- UC\:, nhc would c.111 Nr. 5Drty bùck to the microphone whon thu letter is proouccd. Mr. John Roboski, PllntJll~r Hcue.!:rc:h Biologist, f'loridll G¡:I(:1C ðnu fish Cot:101iü::>ion. Mr. Robert O. Taunt ¡II Pilgc 12 - -- --- - - - -. - -- - - - - - ---------- -- ------------- ~1 ---------------------------_______________ ^'.~". \í,';: ..'" ~"[;, , ~~~: ,';', ~~~ -~~ If; .~. ,-i. , ' f:- .~, . :1 .,1 ;:J . Uc to b I.! r 1 0, 1 9 8 3 Mr. Arndt Mueller Mr. Franklin Adðms, preuldunt, Cypruss ChÐ~tcr, IZbak ~~lton Lu~~uc u[ Amuricn, on behalf of Frienda oE the ~verglna~s. Mr. Richard Drenner, rc.:lJd £I 3ccond l<:.:ttcr he 5ent Gov. Grt1hM.I. Mr. Charles Lee, re~re~entinq the florldn Audubon Soci~ty. TDpe 14 Hcsponding to Chidrl;,;']n Kr'.Jsf.', r'1r. Lc\.? !';:,\i(! lw hcJ~ b0ùn ',11th tt'.t': Floridð ^udu~on ~ocioty Ðincc 1972. ::;hc (.l~k~d lIim if h ~ ',"",lS i)W"r/! or the :1ubj\.?ct IfI.:Jtt'.H of th..: r-7~ "And S.H. 29 intl~rcll,'n'j(!, ;.Jrtd ht: r;itÍd hu WÐS to Some extant. ~ ¡c "r.¡kcd him to aummar1zc why th~ra i3 no intcr- ch.JngC! dt th,'!t point, c~nd hi! uxplaincd that tho issue drOSf: with r~!9.1rd to the ùU3iqn of 1-7S in thu 1:.15 pruccs:.i. lie s,'dd that th~ florià,1 Audubon Society ,1nJ otl,cr groups warl.' conc{')rncd t~lùt dn Intcr3tatc higtl\o/.JY, witl1 iHI int~rchüngl1 loc"tcd ilt S.H. 29, ·"ot.l.J spur dcvclopl:1Cnt { ctivity in thdt ,HCr in 5ur.h II r.llInn0r <113 to ~':' ir)l;or.lp,Hibl ~ ·,.JILI! the fragil\! reSOL:rcc:~ thurc. liE..' sc1id th,)t thi::> occurred ,1t.;¡ tirr..:! prior to the current dl!t~iled knowlt!o<Je his Or(jilniz.:It!orl h.J~1 oIbout tllC Florid,' Pù'1thcr r.1n'3\1. follo~lng continuud di~cu13~lon, Ch~irm~n Kruzu ask~d iE t1is (jroup I.'ould lH~ willinfj to rco Jl.'n t.!w ßubjl'ct of. t!&i'lt Intcrch.¡nfjc bJ!:wd ur:on hi~ r;t..steù uclicL thDt tl1C (~cc:i!3ion of W:1.1t h<:pP',ms to tl1ùt Int(!rchilnga ~hoult! rcm.:¡in loc<llly:> 1>1r. L.:c z':lid t~H.'r(~ ¿:rc ,I nur.1hcr of COr:1plic,1tcd ft.\ctor:> ....ith that inl;erc:wn.;;c. Be ::><1id with the p,lnther l::¡slIt.1 lInd tho µLln::> ot tlw ~tdtc of Floriùa for lörh.J .1cqu1!>Ìtion in thi::-. iJr\.:('. .Jrc Incomplutt~, ,lncl he would l)u un,dllin'.J to CJiv~ ù blanket :,H,:¡tcr.tent that hi.:> or'],ml:':c']tion I/ould be In f.-war ()r rcop(min<) th;:t ducision. lie st1iù trl~ is:$uc is tlvo-fcld '.,rith the prlr,¡,1t'y i,:.>uc the Gusi.}n mcmOritnd.l of {--¡5, ,1~ thl: hi(jhw"y Wi}nt througl) the unviron.:lcntùl prOCC&B circa 1~74-75. If C S II 1 d b ~ c " use 0 ( t h (: r c: d ~ rill 1... I:J t h II t r c 1 iJ t c to hi·jll'....ly dc~I(]n ¡:1~r.'or.:¡nG.:1 .Jnd thv (,vail;)bility (or F~d..:r,11 funrl~ for óO~J( 078 rml88 P"gl! 1 J '"' - - -~ - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - -- - --.- -- - - - - - -. - - - - - -- ~.........-_. t' r, ..'~. '.... ~t ~ ,~;~~ {11~ .... t~!~ 'lJY' 1'"~ " '~-\( :1<, ~: ~~( ~', t l Jr ~, i ';f-: l~', j1," ,~,' ~''.!: ~~, ,¥,> l f' .~¡t Il'r .~, k "'I, ---- ----.- - - -- -------- - -- ----- -- --.- -- - - ---- bOOK 078 PACE 189 Octobc-r Ie, 1%3 suc:h highvwy!>, t}l~ belie! of the Florid() ùnd Fcc1crùJ DOT'S, .:It this tillie, ia th,'t {)ny effort to reopen t:hllt decialon ....oulcJ, b"sicðl1y, télkc the¡ :~¿¡~le~ tv lürL LùüJ\?rdúle: 1(:9 of 1-7J out or tilt:! fur/I'Ii;,':) r ,. I.VL Li.\: money, which n..u:¡ b(~comc .:1vèdlcjble b~cl.u5e of thE: Feder,,-J gal> luX incrCd~C, for the nc~r !uturu. CIHd rm<l!\ ,:r use Sè\ id she had ð problof:! .....ith thla ¿¡r'.Jumcnt b(,!c.:lus~ of hi!: éldmisslon that locûl l.:Jnd use Ðt the intcrc/wnga under diBcusr.ion is b(,!st loft to the BCC, émd yet lO r.ìllc!; " further oul the lùnd us!:.' i!.i bt:~t h·ft to fI,r. Lee. He cddcd th¡lt the most interest tnùt the Floridù f\udubon Society h,1s rl:.'ccived hê!s been D coupl!:: of dozr!n l(!tt~rs .....ritten by p(!rson::¡ in Collier County concurned about this propo!;(!(] intêrchûnC)e. lie slIld the b¿H;ic int~rest is in tht' lmmokùlec M·cñ frot~ thosL' int'HL':3ts who desire to U!;') I1n interc!Jz,nge lit S.H. 29 and fllli<]iltor Alley ùS û flHr.1 to m.:1rkct route to ti.\KC.' crops to t:'I ù r k c t 0 f1 Uì t.: t.: (\ !.i t co iJ ~ t . tit:' ~ti~t(;)tJ hb: or';38nlzdtion I);'\s discu:;se:d with the Floridd OUT the ðvùi1ùbility of ùn ûltcrnatc route thnt y,'ould provido ðCC~SS to I-7S In éln eûsterly direction, by w~y o! tho Indinn He&crvl\tion roads llnd tho exi~tlng state lInd county ro()d systems thllt run eilst [rom Immokalca. HI? said his orgûniziltlon hilS sug9cste:d that the CUI conuidcr addressing legitimatc trðnsportntion n~~d~, prit:'l.:lrily oft h (~ f d r m com 1:1 u ) i L Y i n tr I C I :n rn u k .11 c e ú r c ¿¡ by con sId e r i n 9 the u p'J r ð d _ i n <] 0 f t h (1 t r Q.' d s .Y :.; t t: r:" \ý n i ell \d 11 con nee t to lJ P l¿.III n e din t ere II a n'J Co' û t S.R. 2C Dt tlw IncJl<1n RCSf)cviltion rOM] onù 1-75. f c s.:lid the Audubon Society hù1J not rl.:c(,:ivL'd ~iCJni!ic<Jnt corrcspond',mce from othcr affected pi:lrties, tlnd If th.'t is tilt': ro....l iDSUI.', he said the Audubon Socictj' would lJe prc¡>cîrccl to work fur ùnd purGuc ùny kind of measures thèlt would l-'rovicJt: for t)w u )'Jr,'dinIJ of tile c:d3tlng rO.;Jd systeJ:\ ClIst of I/fImokùlcu to proviJc t, conll\:!ctlon to 1-75 at an eðstcrly Inturchllnge blready planned. County MÐn~ycr Normlln 8l1id th~t th~ ~CC h~G ðdoptcd ,~ P;HJC 14 - -- - - - - - -- - -- -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _. - -- if J Sf oTJ ~. ~ ~1. 1 i;~ ;t",,~ ... ~' .~ ; f f' t "~I ',I ~ ;'. i~1 . - - -- - - - - - -.- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -.- - _. - .-.. - - - - - - -- Uc to b c r ~ ~, 1 ? U 3 Ll1r~Q rcsolutior\a in this matter. HI: uald th.)t the County hlls gr<1vt> conccrns r~CJ.Hcfin'3 the public silft..'t~' of puoplt: u:;in::¡ Allig.Jtor ^ll\.!y ûnd the bòrrier tl"H tl1Q llllay 'rIill IJonf::r¿:tc in tnrr.15 of the CountY'~3 d b i 11 t Y to I? r 0 v i d C! pub li c S <I [ c t y, :; u c h ù 5 fi r c, po 11 C 0 i\ n d it m b u LH'I C 0 vehicles, in this part o( thQ County, which will bl~ SepiH<1tcd if the only entrancû i~ fro~ Hclpl~s. lie !Hl1a th\H~ ",r~ mé!ny oth\H propl:rty owners in tho ,1(CfJ W!10 will btJ dc:nicd Llceo:;s to the property by "'Iny ml..:ùn3 it: thu 1ntl.:rch¿)ns~ !.--; not. built. County Attorney Saunders SJid ho had cl letter dnted lO/~/ß3 to Conlmi~5ionur Voss from Putcr fìho¿Hh:s Î'1ott, Prt..':..;idcnt, florid,:¡ I\uèllbon Society with dttðchcd Stùft Huport for this project ùnd vnrious other l\.!ttrHS Llnù r.\cmorcllid<.J, tl1<.1t l'1r. Leo rl:qu(.!fitcd be (:::nt~ri~d into tl10 r ceo r d, ;'1 n d 11 r. Lee ' 5 Lx h i bit 1. ,.., r. Hc) r t () n (J .:J V \.! h 1 s fin <11 S L:;n m..: t 1 0 11 . Iii: r\:1.'0rrl,~U to :-lr. Lee's 5tl1tl..!mont that l1is firm 11M3 \¡_~ittcn to ¡} nLl~:1b0r ot "HJcnclc~ in Floridð dnù indic.:Jtcd to thelO tllùt li1nd US0. mùtt(:r~ zl1ûuld be ¡) r:1éItt~r ot the Colli~r County Commiscion. II e 5 a 1 d hi:::; (i r IõI !1 ¡J S don ú ::. h ò t, .1 n c.J h c :;tr,~s[¡ecJ 'chat IDnd US(~ ~hould be {j Jrero()¡1tlvc of loc,)l ')OVtHnr.H:nt i1nd not of tho State of florid~. "''''''''''RECESS: 11:05 A.M. RECONVENED: 11:15 A.M."''''.''' fo11owin'] the reces:::; Hr. William H. ~10rso 5pokt~ Iii Support of tl'li:::; petition. Mr. Carton continul.:d hl~ sumll1oJtlon, !.it.JtiMJ thé.1L pl.H~ittinCJ o[ this project rcst:3 in the hdnds of a nurnbor of Stôt<: llnd f\.1uorðl àCJcnc:icu nnd his firm uül1~vu~ tI)ùt t.1113 p...:rmitting 5hould be cilrri~d out.: by tho s t: per r:11 t tin CJ <j yen C i (! ~ . II c s.1i d, in II i sop I n ion, the r e ::1.:: y bú :JomQ confusion in this GlSCU~1sion bct\·wen th.~ !Jcrli\i ttinl) proc(>s~; ,:¡neJ the lúncJ lJ:.)l..!. MOX 078 PAt:£19O P/\gc 15 ," --- -- - -- --'- --- ---- ---- - ----- -- --- -- -- - - - - --. ... II ~: ", ;'{'.I 10 1:1. .,Þ V!: I ~'.EI ;':: '1 .. 1 . ~ t i li: c " rJ j j¿.. ,.1 ~f '''[~ ~ Ç" ,t '¥."c. ,~ "~:' :'1 it., 'i~t' ·,~~i,' ",;t): ( ~( \.~.., {, ' -------- - _.- - - ----- --- -- - -- -.- - -- - -- - -- - --- BOOK 078 PACE 191 Octoher l3, 1983 Tapo '5 Mr. Hi'lrt0n pr'>1~0nt:~'.i h¡~ er':JWr.1'.:nts O'..lp¡'orti:ï'J ~I!!~ p0Gltiop th;;t hr. Lee ~ccm~ to tùke th.1t this proµcrty 1s not conducive for ùgricul- tur~. lie sU<J<Jcst<:d, th'::r~forl.?, thùt this property is inðpproprJ¡)tely zoned ùnd sl10uld !J(! zoned to n more! ùPLJropr1.1te zoning. Ue SL\id hi~ firm believes the propcrty should be ~oned for uses set forth in this petition. He sl1id the proje:ct 11<19 ,") pOHltiv(~ cost b(!ncflt r¡JUo for the Co u n t y . (I (: s " i d t!) (: f(,' ¿¡ r e: m i n i m ¿¡ 1 i r.l p oJ c t !.3 0 l\ the lJ t i Ii tie Z D n cI sar'Jicez of Collier County, hOIor'c:vcr, tlJB projoct \<dll bring signifIcant rev~nuc into thl: County. lie sðld the project is in cO!:1pli{)nc~ Ior'ith the stùted gOltl~; ë'ind Objf~CtiVCS ¡JS ~1Qt forth in the Collier County Cor:<prchenzivc: Pl.::n, in p.1fticul'Hly the industriid lðnd use des i g n a t Ion. H t; S ò i d i t 1!.j c.'I 5 i n (J 1 c pur po 5 e, h i <] h 1 y reG t r 1 c t e d u ~1 C thi1t Idl1 not 6t.:t pr<:cec!ent, t,ir1c{! only tr,(., I3Cr.: CMI determine wh(!th~r or not <I property should Sl7:t ¡Jrcccacnt in ð 'livcn lìrC<l. Be submitted that Ior'hcn the proj~ct 15 opcr"tin9 it \.Jill not bc hcard, si<JnificlJntly. he described lit length th~ dcsiCjn!:ò his firm have complêtcd to minImize: <.Ji~,;ruption of: the Git:\:!. lit: strczseJ the deslrt\bility of ùlvcrs1flcéJ- tion of the economy to h~l~ r~11cvø Collier County's high unemployment rútc, pC¿ddncJ ùurinf;; thi::; lQ~t: rcccusion lit., r,'tc of 9.6'L He plDcc~ ù m..Jp of Colli{Jr County on tho oVt.:rl1c:¿cj bOlHd iJnd identifiecJ t.he ar~('s knovlf'l ~G the t.;ig CyprL's:,> l'rr~s(:rv~ lJncl thl! FDkûh¡;¡tchcr: Strl1nd. He sðld thdt thE:! oran']c lil1~ InlJicl;tcc. the tHC') of Critical ~tDt.e Concern. lie said the prcvioualy identi[icd ~rCéls ~ncompÐss SOt of Collier County's property tod¿IY. ¡Ie s.:.lc: tl¡.1t in exc~ss of one million .::Jeres of propurty in Florida h~v~ been sct D~id« for the pr~serv~tion of the Florid,) Pl1nther and the other cndë.:ngcrccl tipccicz mentloned this date. Hc complHcd the 530 acrt?s tllis proj~ct compr1$e&, outuidC! of th~ lHe:o':l .. rago 1 G - - -- - --- - -- - -- - - - - - - -- - - --- - - - - - - - - - - - - ---- ,- : I "0 :~ . ~. , t' ..J! '. ~ lH J I ~ - - - - -"- - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - -, - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --. (;C to b f·.ir 1 e, 1 ~ D J of Crltic.:Il State Conc~rn, which :;pClII\S to tl1.)t iSSUQ. 1-lr. Uðrton ü$KE:Ù t4r. l10y Cnwlcy, ",ho hag hl1d tho opportunity to s:~~ it. wit,h negotiations .,lith tl1t: StiJt:Q of rlori~ë1 rúgardinr.; the pun:!I.:IGc of Collier propcrtius that :Jrl.' cO:1sidc:red by t~10 StiHt.: to h(? prcs..:-r...3tlon n C C C 5 G 1 t Y pro po r t i [J!3, t 11 r1 t t h cSt in c 1 c ''¡ 11 1 1 n y top u r c IléJ S e . Fir. C.:",..luy, ~¡¡id h.:! rt:pre:¡~ntG C~'iC r:cvclorm\~nt Corrori'lt.ion üt the StiJte ("\nd f(Jdcrdl l':'!v~ls r~l,)tiv\.! to t:¡rèêl~ of l"nCJ L.cqulsi::.ion. iI,:: related his rt'sponsi~ilit!\.!s to nl~l:Joti.Jt~ I~itl\ the St..,tc ùn-j FIJder.Jl ðgenclcs as to what l~nds they hJVO intorost in purcha3ing. lie St1id t}1lJt, ðt this point in time, on no occ"J!!ion~ hDVO .1ny oC t.it'-. ~t¡¡tc Dnd t'edcrl1l ðganctcs CO!:1I.J to hIs firm to clzk th<:m to ..:nter into negotiations to 1.ii:ll ttds pt1rcul of lc'nd bCC'-Ju5e tl)úse ;HJelH:les [ell the proporty w~s critical and th.:lt they weru willing to acquiru it dnd ¡J U t the 1 ù n din to OhT, tH :.;:, i p::> t h " t wo u 1 d P r IJ !¡ c r vel t . lie r~[l,)rr0d to 111~ P<1zt cX Jcrienc.:!1 llitl! thc~t~ ':HJ..:ncl\.!~ rcY,HdincJ conc(:r:!" \.'lth léJnù5 t ¡:jt Ghould bt~ I-'r~::icrvcù. If~ ¡HdJ thtlt no ng'.:ncic~, ;.Ii th h'hi',,:!¡ he lIð::> he 1 d con v e r 1.,; ¡) t Ion:>, II il v.~ S LI i d t h ,I t t h i ~ ..3 r co ð i!; c r 1 t 1 C ¿) 1 tOll II! ¡- hll 1 J tl P.Jntl1cr, how~vcr, hi:.; fIrm has R,'lù it i::: Hilling to look ,)t thi!:> concern. l'\r. b':lrton ':onc:lu(]',:c! Ida pru~"'!lItlltloI1 by i' ~)k!n) If Lld:¡ r.~t1tion is not ,1pprovchJ, wh.Jt projl~ct wr)ul~1 not disrupt thiG property? I:'~ ~'JicJ i tis e , ~ y for ¡:. U 0 P let 0 S (I Y tho pro P'J{ t Y 0 t 0 Ul .:1 r 5 r;'; U ¡J t b I:' P r I~ .5 C r v cd. ¡;o;J sub::\itted thùt tIlls type of proje:ct will h,wc oppo3ition wherever It would be placed in Collier County. flu strcz:"(JU this 1~¡ ,In oc:portunity to dccld~ tl1.Jt the p,;nthcr Is prct~t:t~d in Colli..:r <.:ounty ¡;inct: nC<1rly (jO~ h.J::i bc~n 5Ct d~lc::..· in prl.·J.,;t.Jrv<1tion tlr~.,s ¡wel t/¡ùt tld:> ~C'titi()n is .l r.. '3on,1lJle UGH Cor t111s ldnd. Commlssionor Voss moved, soconded by Commissioner Piator nnd ÐOOK 078 aœi92 .\: PM)'! 17 ..- - -- -..- - --- - -- - - --- - - -- -- -- ------ --- - - - - - ----- ÞOOK 078 fA&E193 ;~~ ----- -- - - - -- - - - - -.-- - ----- -- --- - - - - - - -- - - - -- -- '..~ i,.t i''';' ~; 1/. 4':i' ,!\~ .~~. ~. .... .~. '¡¡ Jt' ~. t'!. f ~~'; ~. rJ_ ,t~ l '~t··:' ~ ·~f' . ,,'1- ~l \':, :'~ ~¡ h .\ " ¡,t Octobcr 18, 19G3 l carried unðnl~ously, thDt the public hc~rln9 be closed. COr:\miS5ionE'f Voss commC'nt<:d that thiu land is zonc-d iHJriculturc - . and th.Jt thcrc ¿¡ro 11.)ny thlnga permitted with such zoned lDnc.! oth(!r th.Jn to rDisc crops or cows. lie tW i d, for t' x ù:n p 1 C, (') sm ü II ml rJ r .'I n t cDmp could bl) pl,'1ct~(¡ on thu property, or .:I house (or ~vfi:ry 51lcrt:s which would CqUDtc to dpproxir.ldtély 100 hou::>cs. He slIid, in his opinion, the pro~)oSt~d u~L' is better thiJn ÍlI¡ving it remi'lin liS ðgcicul tUrl:. lit: rt:.b.Hrt:C1 to tlH: noise concern ~nd sùid the project I:.; not.:¡ rlJ\:0 tUlcK, r"ltllt:r 11 pl..lCI.: to test vr~hiclcg thClt Dr ! driven on h i 9 h WI'J Y 5 . w :.; ,Ii d t t Il~ 5 3 (J ,H; r c::) C.1 n not bet h u ..!; t r ù \..¡ l h ¿:¡ t iH': ¡I k s the cðmel's b,1Ct;" bCC.:.U!3C: th~ Hie] CyprCGS, f'ùkë:lhDtchc~ Stcùnd, .1nd the £vcr'Jli~rjC's <Ir(.' cL\:rIH,lly prL'!.il~rv(:(: for n¡lturl~ .:Incl for DnimiJl~. lie ~¿¡ i d the eec last t'l.:JY, whcn thL'Y considcred the lllnd unùcr the eornprehcnsivc Pllln change votu": un':IIlinously to i1i'prov( the.' comprchenfilvc (Jli1n ch.:Jngl' w 111 c h wo U 1 u e rJi bod Y t h 1 spa r tic U LH d eve 1 0 pm c n t . lie sòid th<Jt the reprcsentùtivt'!.i [rain th~ Ford r-!otor Compë:lny, CMC Dcvolopmcnt .1nd Collier lnturpriscL CM:1c to t:IC LiCC 1'IIId cX(Jlalncd the: project and, in hi:> opinion, thl.' Bce:1t tM\t tirna 'JClVf: tacit approvel to th1ø particular project. lie :wid at thi~ point the BCC is only concerned ....ith th(! physic~l l.::yout oí tIll: "PUD- bnd he did not See how the Bce could turn thu project .lOlom. ChiJirmol1 Krusu ùtd<.l Sill,' would lIot ·...¿1nt to lClIVE: tIll.: imprc:>sion in th~ audience :ninth; thilt tlU:,'C0 ia no diffcrcnti~l bctwc<.In Comprehensive PIlJn Uses ¿nd bct""cC'(I Zor.in:]. ~hc s¿~id thL'rc ia, indeed, ù gr~at aif[~renti~l or Ð propurLy would not be require~ to be voted upon twi Ce. County ^ttorney S6undcrø atðt~d that Mr. Darton ho~ just handed him thrce documents [rom ....rdch hI) testified clIrlicr ðnd asked thùt they PDge 1 a IO~ ~.a^,. ., ~ 1 .. , th ....> " ., i:ä . ui~ .. - - - -- - -- - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- -.. o c ~ 0 b l! r 1 ¡J, 1 ~hì J bu in~roduc~d M' to\r. B!lrtonfu Exhibit:; 1, 2, "nù J. COlilmlb~lunul' VÙ"'l> ,J,]rl:\.:d th.:1t C'jr.\prd'l'r1!~ivo PI ¡In lIs~ .1nd Zoninq "r~ two !;CP¿!['utc it~;iIS. II~ said hi;:¡ point Wê1~ th¡:¡t the BCC knew Wh.1t wa::i to ']0 on tllDt riHc.:(.'1 ~Jhcn It votod unt1nimou51y to c:¡¿¡n,.j~ the ComprelH!nsiv~ P1..1I1. Chairr.¡t1n KrlJHC t,;,dd, uuc to the: l!~!).:tlity of this h(!üring, ~III} ~ou1d not comment. Commissioner Voss movod, seconded by Commission~r Pistor th~t Petition R-83-17C, Col~lor Enterprises, rcquesting rezoning from "A-I- to ·PUDR for 530.37 ~cres for the Ford Motor Company Vehicle ~vDluation Center locDted in Sections 22, 27, and 34, T49S, R20E, north of Alligator Alley and e~Bt of Golden Gðte Est~tes, be approved. AS rcquesteq by the Chðirmün, Fiscal Officer Giles called tho roll: Commissioner Voss Yea Commissioner Pistor Yes Com~lssloncr Holl~nd Yes Commissionor Brown No Chairman KruGe No Tho motion fðilcd 3/2. Ch¡.l!rr:1i1n t\ruse :3¡.>okc porsonlJlly to the: rt~¡.>re:"¡l.·nt.:Jtivc~ ot the Ci'IC Í)evulor.¡l!nt Corpori)tion ¿¡flU thu Ford I'¡otor CUiï.¡'>lJny .:Ind zc1id thdt she did not Objl~ct to their prl.:H'lnce in Collier County. iJO..JU/l.r, :.:;:w ~h'1id she would liKe thc·m to b.~;1 IJoad noighbor to the cOi.lr:1unity. ~h(,; ~Llid she woulù lI!.wi:3t thcr.1 µ0r:;oni1lly in lIny way po:.¡!)lb),~ to find U1e propC'r loc.:Ition th~t will do that, ~nd Ðddcd that, as one CommlsDioner, she would bf¡ w1111n9 to h111p 1I(~at tr"ck" thn projC'ct t!HOUrJl\ tho '>yt~';n, should the BCC ¿¡"'J the CorpofDtion3 bt.: ;'1vùlLJblc to nrrivc i'lt tha~ location. (;ommisslo!1'H brown 5~id hù wou1\.1 b'1 I^.,q;py to Collow throu'Jh in like mtlnol,)[' .Jnd Íle Si)itJ Ch.1ifln.1n Krufiu'~; r;osition i:> Ids position, <'\1:>0. Ill! U.Jid ¡HI W,1t.. rl.·ch.)' to St.':Ht tomorrow if the ruprnscnt,1tivc:J wDnt to =onclnuo. BOQK 078 PACE 194- ). PtH) <.: 19 . - - - --- - --- - - - -----....-.------ -------- ---'- - ---.: ~~ ' I I!I " ~~ > ;t-l r 11 Ii ~. J I ~ - --- - ----.-- - - - - -- -- -- - - - -_.- -- - --- --- - --- 'I: .~~I: .~~ if ~. .¥ ,t ]5'1 ~r· .\",'~ ø;, '~.::.' .~. .>1 ,(, ~i'. ~I,i' I(~.. ':~"" bO!1K 018 lml95 Octob~r 18, 19U~ Itom '4 ORDINANCE AMENDINC ORD. NO. 79-103 RE CONSTRUCTION Of ^ SEWAGE COLLECTION SYSTEM WITHIN BOUND!\RI ES OF SEWER ARE^ "B" SOUTH HALF - CONTINU~n Tn lO/~5/83 Commissioner Bro~n moved, seconded by Commissioner pis tor Dnd carried unanimouuly, that the public hearing regording the ordinance amending Ordinance No. 79-103 for the construction of a sewage collection systom within the boundaries of Sower Area "D" South Half be continued to October 25, 19U3. Itom 15 PETITION SMP-83-2C, POnT OF THE ISLANDS RE SUDDIVISION M^STER PLAN APPROV^L - CONTINUED TO 11/1/03 Commlsülonor Brown moveò, aucondod by commls3ioner Pistor Dnd carried unanimously, that the public hearing for petition SMP-03-2C, Port of the Ishnd ro the Subdivision MaGter Plan approval for 44.6 acres, consisting of 37 lots ðnò 2 tracts of l~nd south of U. S. 41 at Port of the Islðnds, be continued to Novembor 1, 1983. Item ,G RESOLUTION C3-104 RE P^SS-TIIHOUGIJ OF RATE REVIEW EXPENSES AND PAS'!' DUE REGULATORY FEES TO CUSTOMERS OF E^ST NAPLES WATER SYSTEMS, INC. _ ADOPTBD Leg.,l notice hiJ'¡lnS bCt'11 published in the Ni)pll!s DÐl1y News on October 2 and l~, 1983, a~ €v!denc~d by Affldbvit of Publication filed \o,'ith the, Clerk, public hc.;ring was opcncd to consicJ.H th~ µ<1s:;-through of LJIU rùt~ rl:vl<,w f:xp<.:n~;c~ (Jnd thl,;' P,B,:' duo rU<Julûtory fcr.:s to custom~rs of thc t:i1~t ;'j¿lplc:J L'''i1tt~r ~ystCr.1~, Inc., ("GLades"). County Attorney Saunders Si1!d tlh't he (-1.1C(~d this item on the Dgcnda, which i~ ~ !orm~lity, sfncø lh~ BCC hna nlrcady ðpproved the pas:;-through of rl.ltc rùvi~w!) in the bmount of ~30,392 and vðrlous oth~rf; fees, Inclujing the 2.... rcgul.atory !lte, to bo .assessed lIgðlnst the.: L:n:>t Ncsplc.!S \'later ::;YSL~"I:", Inc. Ik'sùlcJ thllt the St,'1ff has worked . out .aTl lIrr"nqemttnt to jJrovlde thio pél8f.j-tllro~h ô1nd this la D rcsolu- ....- ------- ------------------------------------ 'I¡ .,.. ,;:' :~~ Octobur ie, 1983 tion to lortn.:1l1y .\pprovc thc pDsa-through with the c¡Jlcu1ðtions to indicùto ...11lI1:. thù propoueod r.:Jtos ~'ould be. CommiS91oner Voss moved, ~econdcd by C0mml~slcn~r n. ............. ........... & .. ~ """"" a. ......\",t, carricd unanimoualy, that tho public heðring be closed. it<. ", ,<r¡: .~ :~ :Þ';' 'Î/,' :1 ~:;: -J.. ,. <~ ':J " Commissioner Voss movod, seconded by Commissioner ~olland, to adopt Rosolutlon 83-104 authorizing the pass-through of $34,388.01 for rate rovicw expanses and past due rcgulatory fees to customers of tho f \'. EDst NDplos Water Bystoms, Inc. Utilities ¡ldr:1Ínistrlltor Borzan st.:ltcd Cor t.he record thQt th~ Executive :';urnm'HY dilt<::d Octobcr 7, 1983, hils his n('lmc ty?ed that indicatcù hoJ ilp?coved this pass-through, IJnd he cO::lrTicntcd thðt hû did not .1{JprovH it. Kcsponding to Chili rmðn Kru:.;c, he s.1Ïd he did not h<lve ':-," ~ particul.:¡r ~roblcm with the iteo~ but wðntud it noted thnt he did not 1 ,\ "/1. .;¡c :~~ ~ign th~ Executive Summ~ry. "'. ( CO(;1mi~¡sioner Pl!:itor com :lento~ thùt htJ could ~l)(! \ihy it mi'Jht b ~ in ..~~ . :'1'..' articr for the utility to ch.Jr(Je the cu~to:n~rs ov~r ù six-month period ". 1~ :~;; ,~~ ':.,¡; ~, , ,¡'. 1; u ;~: ~~: . of time, ho.....cvcr, he could not ~ee wny the BCC hù5 to (Jive thù ~(Jst :I/aplcs hdLúr Sy:.>t~!~5, Inc. thût ,1ddI~ionül t1:11(1 to ¡'MY P(\Dt-~un fucs, due ^µril thrOUI)h I\U<JU~t, 1983. He said till] utility sl10uld ?ilY tht! County wtwt th~y O·.H~ .Jnd chllrCJt.! ttll,) CU:3tom~rg ovt.!r () !31x-rnonth period . , ¡. ·'t..' ¡. ~~ , (- of time, since the County is not rcs~onsiblu bQc~uSQ the utility ut.!löyed the pðymt.!nt. Mr. Sðundars s~id this Is an arrangment he hðS ", 'f. :y1 ¢~ ,:tt ~t> ':~ workQù out with the customer ónd It is not binding, if the lICC d~8irus to follow Commissionor Pistor's recommendðtion nnd chDrgc the utIlity t/1C full oJli,ount no·.... ¡¡~ ::¡,Jid th<3t thf.' resolution CDn be ch;,nged to rc[1cct thùt. t!c ~;ùit1 this 1$ hiß rltt:or:\mendcd t:lolution to c) complex problcm. il'~ ûqrcud '.lith Commlt>~loncr J>lstor tt'om ,) principlù :;;tórldpolnt. Cliùirm~ln i\rU:3é! c1:Jkcd <.'ornmIt£sioncr::; VOU3 nnd lIoll.1nd If ~oo~ 078 ~CE 100 P,)yu 21 .. - -- - -- - - - - ~ -.---------- - ...- -.--.-'-- - -'''- --- -- --- ~.,..-- !...' ò:;J 1.~~ It\ "r.f' ",' .'~.' ~~ - _._- --- --- - ---- - - ------ - -- ---- - --. -------- ~ It..; I .~~ t,~,-~ '!!tt: .~. ,~~ ~'~ ~~~ ~t; \þ~, ·~f ".'1 '¡"J ,. -\, ~:; '\" :? ,~t ~ ,~ ~ 9: "r- I ~.~;, ~~~, ~ f ¡;..\: .¡tiJ Jt1: 1;!; 'I ~,~ &OOK 078 PACE 197 uctobcr Ie, 1983 they wiahcd to Dmcnd their motion Ðnd s~cond, in light of Commissioner Pistor's comments? COm~iDGioncr Holl~nd sai~ hifi accond ~tðnds, in ~s much as Mr. Stlundcrs' h~d; romindHd the Dee theH thic >i)sa-through h¡¡d been approvod nntl is com~atiblc with the pIDn. Commissioncr Voss said his motion stands. Chairman Kruse called for the question ðnd the motion carried unanimously. Pð9C 22 ------------------------------------------ ._-----------------------------------_.~---- ~)c t 0 b~ r 1:3, 1 n 2 itelD t7 RESOLUTION 03-105 RE PETITION V-83-aC, THOMAS JAHN , R~YMOND J^HN RE VARIANCE ON SOLI.. STREET & 6TH AVENUE, S.W. - ADOPTED SUBJECT TO STIPULATION Ll!I" I¡) notic\.! h'Jvin.j bc~n publiß!I,)(] in Lilo ~J(1plcs DiJily :-i/:\JS on LJ c to b e r 2, 1 ~\ a 3, ù~; e v i d L' n c ~ d by ,\ f f i ú a v i t 0 f Pub 11 C" t ion f11 ~ (j \oJ it: \ tÌJe Clerk, the ~ubli:.; ht.:, ring WlI.:i op\!ncd to consider Petilion V-8J':'¿¡C, [iled by 'I'horli'1s J,111n ¿ H"y:nvnd Jùhn ruquu£tin':l ,'1 vLJrir..lnco to C'rCctLt! two 1-1/2 ~cru trdC'ts inst0~a oC one J/~ dcr~ tract ~nd on~ ~-1/1 ~crc tr~ct on :';011 ~tr~0t dnd (,th ^VI!IIUa, .. " ..... ."1 . Zoning Director Ldync s~id that the pctitioncr9 own two lots, onc tt'ilt ûlJut~ ~o11 :~trc(}t .Jnd ont] UhH, ,1butl5 r-7~. !:~hc (·.:f-:.'rtL'd to the Ex~C'utiv'': Su¡nm,lry (J,lted 1(j/~/ß3, not in'] tl1ùt ð ['ortion or tho Jot .:1 but ti n g .! - 7 ~ 'h1:~ ¡; u r r. 11~ s ''': U [ 0 r tI) ceo 11 ~ t r u:= t ion 0 f I - 7 5, 1 ..: i1V i n 'J C') 5 0 I ~y 6GO' lot of J/~th~ at ~n acre. ~hc 9aid the lot ~buttlnq Soil ~tr~'et :~,C(Jts tlte ::-l/·~ .Jcrt: l.1in~I:,ulT1 rl:l uirl..'n'~'nt uf tip,: ..~;" ¡:$ti1tc::; District. Shl! 5ùid t)1.Jt t.1~ pctltiol1\Jr i~ propo~in'J to combine th'J t...;o lot:.> <1nù spll t tIH.'[;1 CilGt ¡.n,j ....eSt crl.'<1tin'J 1-1/;: .H:r:.: tr;Jct~;. She s:ild thl: Sta[[ i5 rcC'o::H;'l.'n~inrJ ,'ppro'¡.11 wltt tIlt: 1>tiI'1I1,'Itlon etHlt the ¡.:etitioner:.; provi:J1I "tilt! t.:oplc:.ï o( tho nO\l dt:(.'d::>. COlflr.11:.;siorit:r 'Jo'.::.s , ~kr:d if the f.1ct tn,lt thl.' p,"ti l1on~[ !\.1d ,11) un$,'11eiJb11..' portion 1<:(t O'J.:r '.Iil:; not conuid,.-r,:d HhL.)n thl..' :5t¡)tl.: ~ought the ~;ro¡"t;rty, ':0 ...hich t'1;'¡. Ldyr.c s,dd the lot 1:> not. un:::c11cl)bll1 and the ¡.¡ctlt1ont:r coul:..l bui III on LlI"t lot. :"'h~ :,;.:l1ö this wOllld crp','te .1 10nC), n.:lreow lot. S!w :.¡.dd thiH consiucr.'tion W(¡S not incluJed in tho price of t!~c propurty, and th.=t tIll! situJtion Wt1:.ï left to t:lI: petitlont.!r to o~t~ln ~ v~ridnCQ. :';/1'': ~.;,.d~ ttlt'!t tht! judge ...'ould hold juri:.diction O'J(!r I ,03~ lot;.; until,) ::'.'ci!.>!nn ',Ji'lU (l1.Hlc. Shl! .siJid IÎ houst' could be tJl.::.ccd on tllC lot, :low~\lCr, :¡t~f[ Celt th<'lt ð r:1l'1jority of lh.~ lot5 in bO~ 078 ~200 PJg~ 23 -- - -..... - -- - - - - - -- --- - -- ------ --- ----- -- - --- ---.- r ~,'" ..s '." , ~.. .. "0 '.... ',< , :I" p ,-" L Jr<:', ¡ 1 ~·f.J ,. .". " ;; '·,r ,.' ~-"'.'. 'I" ~~ ,r,J ':;1t, "II' :<\', t· ~'. ..~: ;,,/ ~ V 1 .~' ~,.' ~; .l1I' !Ç'!, J; ~, ~~' ~~- t' ~~: K "ill ~ f, --.---------------~.-------~----------_._----- ôO~~ 078 PACE201 Octobcr lû, 19U3 Golden Gbt~ ~r~ 1-1/2 acre trDct~ ðnu thi~ v~riÐnca would not b~ crcdting ~ontf;!thing diff..:rent.. County Mannger ~ orr:1lIn ~~id thcr~ Wü!3 an DttcrnpL hy the St(ltc åuring t.hdl ~t:l¡UÙ Lü got thu County- to gr¿::1t tJl~n~ct prcviuicn!:l u~c~ to oxempt p~rcDIG like this property and Sta!f decided it is butter to handle the parcels one Dt ~ time. Mr. Gaor<je 1:<21]<.)[ ::;;:lÍd JH~ c1iù not undl'rst,'ncJ W~}ï this is ¿¡ buildélblu lot, ~incc: it Wt1S his undurstònding tt}út all lots in the E!3tl.ltC:5 \.¡er<: plottt:'d b/llot\.: till! oruinllnee WlIS eh¡)ng..:d to require 2-1/2 l1crus. He iJCJr(!ed ....it!\ Cor.lr7\is~ioner Voss. fIe spoke in opposition of tlH.: petlt.ion. ^t CJldirr.I.~n i\rll~el::> rC<¡lIc~t, Ms. Layne cxplLdncd to I'd. KtJ 11 U l' t il a t till:.; W.1 S .) 1 ~ (Jill, co n for In i n9 lot be tor c the S t ù t. c:: b 0 lit] h t a portion o[ it. She s~i~ the Zoning Ordinance provides if any ~gQncy, W!lctll<.ir it be County, ::>tat.:-, or rath~rL¡J, otJt¿JÍns nueh ð lot for ðny purpo!>t., Hh<.!t!H;r :;y tJLI>'inS, dcdieùtin0, or condemning, tllilt doú~ not mbkú Lht: lot non-conforming. Cor.If!lissioncr Jioll¿¡nd i1skcd whlJt the size of the !:>mùll lot would be, to which M~. Layne: respondod SO' by G60' on the very southern end. She sDid th~t th~ top portion iR ap~roximQtely 54' Dnd t~QrQ is bn existing eonfor~in9 lot of 2-1/4 Deros. Commissioner Voss moved, scconded by Commissioner Pistor and cÐrried un~nimously, that the public hearing be closed. Commissioner Holland moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown and c~rr¡cd unanmiously, that Resolution 83-105 ro Petition V-03-8C, Thomas Jahn & Raymond Jðhn, be adopted subject to the stipulation that the potitionors provide Staff copies of tho new deods. ~ PaC] c 24 ---------~-------------------------------, I· '!'; ',~:: 1; . ;'.'" ,:J¡,¡., ,,:..) ;1J!f ;;r ~,~<. .;~[ ~ S ,,' !'I' HI n I ~','.'. ~ :-e Ii '¡:, $,1 \\~ r 'It' " 'n --------------------------~--------------- Cctobor 1(:, l~fD Tape t6 Itom '8 RESOLUTION 83-186 nE PETITION PU-93-20C, JOS~PH ~ M^R~ SCHLOSS REQUESTING PROVISIONAL USE (G) OF THE RC-4" ZONE FOR LOTS 48 , 49, OFF C. R. 951 - ADOPTED SUBJECT TO STIPULATla~' INCLUDING FENCING BUFFER PlMtnlJr ¡,nn ()b~r said thia 1s a lJotitlon to put <1 u~ed c,::¡r lot on t!l~ property. Shu ~.:d(j the St.)!r .::nd all County "<Jencic:$ hl1vc;: rcvlcw~d thIs Petit.ion ùnd rccommend~d .:1pproval ~ubjcct to the ~tipulc)tions 1 i5tcd in tho I.:::';t.)cutive Summary dotud lO/7/~U. ~~III~ said th<lt t!:c C^PC held their public J¡<.!ùr1ng on October 6, 19ô3, c.nd thùt three peoplo ~pokc for the petition, two who w111 be opcHilting th~ used CiJr lot <"nd one who thought the property would look better t.han it docs now. She 5ùid that three per50n~ spoke ð.')é.1inst the peti tion for the rL'éISOnB outlined on the Executive Summary, with one person requesting a buffer bet we en the r C 1> i cJ e n t 1 ,1 1 . ¡ r tW tJ n ú the "u b j (! C t pro r e r t y .J n d t h ,') t oJ b u 1 1 d1n:.J ·....i t h r c ä t r (,) 0 on r., c 1 lIt i ~ s b t! pro v ide d . :;OJ h .) tj" i d t h;¡ t l h u C ,\ PC recommended forwðrdilì1 th~ potition to thl;! Lce, for df-pro'l')} subject to stùrr stipul.:ttion!J \oiÍth t!1f! "claition th,)t tlh) stlpuliltcd Ecnce be (I G foot hi(Jh '..'Qorlen [encl'. ^ di5CUsGion follo""~t durin'] which Cor;'II:ìiääion~r Pi3tor r.:dsed the quustion of .:I nee(~ for ri:!~troo:r. fo'Jciliti~s, to .¡hich I~ S. Cbcr rcsf.iond~d that tlh! p(:titiun'~r:.> .HI.:' not í,l,lnnin'J DflY build in',]. t\ttorn'..!y Bill Sch....tdkh,1rdt, representing the pct1tlon~r, oxpl¿¡lnûd t~1iJt thu rcoson b<!hind thl] decision not to c:onatruct c'I builuinÇJ is ù finðnciid one. He :.aid tlwt the µetitiol1urs arc going to bo rentin') the property to the indiviaual~ ....ho will be o~uri Ling thu car lot. ;!e :.ðid thE.' t·...o young Col~un Cat~ re$id~ntä dcäire to go into buaincss, ònù they would have to 'Jo t~ rou'.1h "úditiolì..1l !I~ùrings Hnù provil.!c: .¡¡Jter ,1nå scW'cr f.-Iclll- tics on th~ ::;itc, if ,) builúing wùro constructed, which th.!y arc not finunclðl1y .:Iblu to c.JO ,1t thl~ tirac. liu s<1iù ttley hope to Qvontuldly ßODK 018 ar;r3)(. Pilgo 25 ..--..---- - -- - - - -- - - - - - ----- -- - - --- -- - --- - --- ,.. i .',. " ·::~.;9 .. ~.i .' ¡~¡ - - .. . ~ f r-~- 0,.,,< . ~~:J ': '.. \~ .!Ì . ;r1 .j ·1'" " J 'I . -_._------ --- ---------- ----- - - - .--- _._----- BoaK 078 PACE205 Octobur 13, 1933 construct b building, bnd go ~hrough the procedure when thu funda arc t'lVdiL"blc,. HÐsponding tQ UII:drr:1t1n krusu, Zoning L':ircctot L.tJ}'I1t.: CltH1!:icd thf.¡t the indlvlc1uí\ls could crt'ct n building undcr th€:' permitted principIt.' u¡;es. 5hu :;c!d if they wilnted 11 building smal!er than lOOO ~qu~rc feet, they would have to comQ back for ð provl~lonù) usa (or that bul1din9. "'r. ^l Pcrkinß, resident of 1961 40th 'fürri.1CI:, ~.I':., Gold~n GDtC' r cpr c s e n tIn 9 Uw r l: ::> i ù f: nee 0 f t h.) t 5 t r c c t, 5 poi; c. 1 n 0 p po ::; i t:i 0 n tot his pt!titlon on t.ht.' ')roundtl th£¡\;. the situ,ltion will crcðtc execs::; trtJff!c, incrcasud iJecur:iulèJlion of unsi<JhtIy tr¿H¡tl, F.lnd th~t th'~ plot pl,)n sho....s no toilet facility. Commlusionur VOS5 asked if the ordinanc~ rcquires toi.let fèlcilltius, to ....hich 1'1$. Ob~r responded that it èOl'S not, liS long ¡;.s then.' {Jrc (aciIitiu!> n.:ûrby, ....hich there arc. Comndssioncr Holland regucBtc.:d cl.aification rl:tJcHc.ling the CAPC'a rccornmcndlltion [or a fence, to \.¡!,ich Ms. O~cr sûid that ttJC 6 toot funce is ft.!commcndcd £dong the buek side of the property, because thc propc:rty to the north cJnd south is cornmcrciül. Cor.:missioncr lIolléJnd said he thought the nciCJhborhood ....ould be enhancod if t/Jcrc lire peoplc ...·ho desire to m¡:¡ke 11 business prosper. Be s,dd he could 'Jppn~clDt(· tt~c overhead fDctor and he would go è1loll<) ....,lt11 ttH: Stû!f recommcndût1on, ð5 lcng .15 ð ....ooden fence.: is Cjoin:j to be erf:ctl.'d along the b,)ck Dnd the propcrty is b~twecn two cxl~ting cornmurci~l operations. Commissioner Holland moved, seconded by Commissioner 8rown and carried unanimously, that Resolution 03-186 re petition PU-83-20C, Joseph & Mary Schloss, be approved subject to tho stipulations including the added fenced buffer, ðnd that the petitioners' agrQement be accepted. f P"'9C: 2G - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --- ---- I I . I -.' - . " [) ,.' ~.:- ~, -2; ,~-: : ,., 1>i '.:~' .t1; I ~ '3' -'" ~ li.it...· ,~ i ~- ~n {.,\.'. ,,~~ .:;i. ~ -" ~':( - --..- - - - - - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - -- - -- - - - - - - - -- - - -.-- &O~K 078 PACE ZOO October IP, 1903 Itell'l .9 CONCESSIONAIRE'S AGREEMENT BETWEEN ~OUNTY AND CAN-AMERICAN SEAGATE CORP. FOR DEVELOPMENT/OPERATION OF CLAM PASS PARK - CaNT. TO 11/1/83 ~, Commissioner Pistor moved, seconded by Commissioner Voss' Ðnd carried unanimously, that the presentation of the proposed conces- sionairo·s Agreement betwoen the County ðnd the Cðn-Amorican Se~gate Corporation for the development/oporation of the Clam PaGS Pork be continued to Novcmb~r 1, 1983, At the petitioner's request. -**** Rcccsn: 11:SS A.M. - Reconvened: 1:30 P.M. at which time Doputy Clerk Kenyon replaced Deputy Clork Skinner ***** Item 110 PUBLIC ¡lEAnING 1/3/04 fOR PETITION DRI-83-2C, TOLL CATE COMMERCIAL CTR. Corr.n;unitj' Dl'vl~lo¡Jr.Ic:nt AcJr:11nißtrlltor VirtlJ st;Jtcd thnt the DIU ùppliclItion for T()11 (.jIJtc Comr.lC'rclDl ClHlttH hlJr. b"cn ruvll!....ed by Staff êJnd lb,.. ~;outJ¡w~:;t florid., i\c-JicHìðl Pl<!1nninC) Council. He stated that in the !::xcculiv\1 t;Ur:1i\I'~(Y d,1teu lO/llJ/ôJ tlwre ¿¡(~ !3ornc of the st.:Jtutory rcqulr<:mcnts rdatin'] to DHl revic....g, D:Jdin'J that he is ilsking that t!1C I3CC set ð public h~¿:r1ng dene of 1/.1/134 for PI.1t1tion DnI-U3-2C. /It.! notud thc)t it is [or ttlC triun'Jular piece of 11111d ttlðt is bounùed by 951, ^111yator ^11~y Ðnd I-7~. Co~~issloner VOSß moved, seconded by Commissioner Piator nnd carried unanimously, thùt ð public hoaring bo set for 1/4/~4 for Petition DRI-DJ-2C, Toll Gatc Commercial Center. Item III RESOLUTION 83-187 AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF AN AMENDED EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT DETWEEN COLLIER COUNTY AND MAURA E. CURRAN - ADOPTED Conllnissioner Drown Inovod, svconded by CommIssioner PIstoC' and cnrriod unanimously, that Resolution 83-187 authorizing the execution of Dn amundod employment agreement betwoen Collier County and Mðurð t. Curran be adopted. 1'''90 27 ---- --- - ------ --..- - - -------- --- ------------_. '.~\ f ;.(~: it, ':If. ..:¡- 'f, r I ' , < .. '~ ~.' , , :ì.,' " ! ~. ~, " I ! ~. ,,' ~: ! ------------_.------------------------------ (ic t ,) bl..' r 1 Ö, 1 ~ ().~ Item il2 EXCAVATION PERMIT NO. 59.172, FORD VEHICLE EVALUATION CENTER - APPROVED SUBJECT TO STIPULATIONS Commissioner Pistor movod, seconded by Commlssionor Voss th~t Excðvation parmit No. 5~.172, Ford Vehicle EVQluation Centor, be QPprovod. Co ~ml[ slo(h!r l<ru:.;e :Hi)t(:cI th.:.lt 5tipulðti()n ~'1 of th\.! :';xccutl'Jc Summary indic(HcB tll.:.lt .!!rpCOVé11 is subj~ct to the ..1pproviJl by the.> ~CC of Hc:¿onc Petition 1~-UJ-17C. County ^ttorncy SaunderG ztlltL'd thëH the (1pplic;~tion for excavðtion i~ ~ scp¡)r~te ~ermit but is tiod into the rczonu petition. He noted th,~t thcn,' i:; ün ;,ctive- permit rnqucst. on ttlf'! .:tgund.'3 '.lnd th(! Board n~cd$ to tdk~ 50mt! .Jction to ùpprovc it with 5tilJu1ation~j or to dcny it. Commission~r Pistor stated that hi9 motion is excluding Item ~4 and Commlusloner Voss stðtcd that hiD second still stðnds. County I\ttorney S.1unr:.:urs stùteu thdt if tt:c motion pi1sses, ~t \oiÍll give.:Jn uxc.:Jv.:¡tion pl.1rr;¡Ì\: for thé)t particu1.1r !31t~ .....itt1 ::>tipuL1tio:1s 1-3, .1ddin<j tlwt W'hctl1cr the rJetitlonf'r will opcrðtc wit:¡ tl115 Cxcilvðtion p\Hl11it b; é1 different qUf!!)tion, i'dding th.)t it i~; ,. v,11id permit applicutlon. Upon call for the question, the motion carried 3/2, (Commissioners Brown and Kruse opposed) with the following stipulations: 1. A permit shall be required in accordanco with Collier County Ordinance No. 74-50 for any off-site discharge of groundwater during construction. 2. All excavated mðterlal shall remain on the sIte. 3. The dopth of the excavation shall be limited to 14 feet celow existing average ground. ßO~K 078 rm21.4 P"CJC 20 . -- - - - - -- - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - ------- -- - - - -- :' :tj';'¡' fl; i"'.; iJ~' IfU ---------------------------------------- MaK 078 PACE2:15 , Oc to tH.! rIG, 1 9 U 3 Item 113 CONTRACTUAL ^CR~E~IENT TO OBT^IN ^ DECK HAND/ASSISTANT ENCINEER FOR R2~F , MARINE DI::VELOP¡'IENT PROGRAM OF 1'IJE SOLID WASTE DEPT. - CaNT. ONE WEE:K Public ¡":orkl:> ^dmini&tro1tor 1I.:Htm.:ln stðtcd that thin money Is in the bUd':Jot for the <:omint) yelH for tho roquc;:>tcd posit1øn. He noted thl1t the gentlem,1n he it: rp.cor.lm~nding is Hobert Rûi::;~r. Commissioner PIstor moved, seconded by Commissioner Voss that tho Contractual agreement to obtain a deck hðnd/~s6istunt engineer for the Reef & Marine Development Program of the Solid Waste Dept. be ap~rovcd. County Attorney ~~undcr~ stated thðt there wau G quuDLion rðised ð s tow hot her t I'ì C' tH' G i !i t ù n t wo u 1 d h a v (: to h a ve (J 1 ice n !; c too per" t c i n the ûVl.'nt tlwt the C,1ptûin iG off. the vct>SQl. He 5t,"1ted that it i3prJl!cHS tl1.:.:t It something should happen th~rc \o,'ould IH)VC to be: someone: on boðrd properly 11cwnscd. He stðted that ho hÐD not been able to look into the COlJst Gu,¡rd rcgulfltlons and would :.>uggcst that this item be p05tpon~d for one week. Cor'lzoi!i::doncr Kruse £t.:!tod that it is of import¿,\Tlcf.! thétt the County mUDt tho Coaut CUdrd criturið. Cornr:.b:sioner lIoJland stútcd that he hiH:; nome scriou5 reservations about tho handling of tlw vesscl and some of the things thüt have been done. H~ st~t(:ù th.;¡t Iw ""auld like to 8tH: fI cilrc(u1 cVlalu<1tion and £I dl!tl1iJc:cJ report t>eiorc <1nytlling else is done in ttll' ~Jüy of ch.::ngcs to thi::> VL'lIGcl. He nott~ci th.:Jt there have bt:t.!n c1wn9cS on the mil in stru::turl' oi the v(.!~s.:l, ildrJing th£lt thert: lu Ð Ilolu In one side of the ship W'hich W¿¡:¡ mÐd~ with D cutting torcl¡. Ik 5thtC<1 thlJt lie would like to húve:: aome c'H1J::wcrs buforc Ðnythlng else it) done. Commissioner VOS3 withdrew his second ðnd Commissioner Pistor withdrew his motion. Commissioner Pistor moved, seconded by Commlaslonor Brown and cðrrled unanimously, thllt this item be continued ono week p~ndlng further informðtion. PÙ9l' 2!> ------- - --- -- -- - - - --- ---.. - - -- --- - - -- ---- fJ"' c .. r . ~:I L.s' ~ J'~ f¡l, . j J . - - - --- - - - -.- --- - - ---- --- - - ---.- --- - - - --- - --- ()c:tol)(:( leI, 1()!J:I Commi~:.ionl~r Krusc dlrccttld County :-1ùn¡l<;cr :ior:nc.:n to ti.lkc ¿¡ closer look ilt the cntiro op",rntion, includir.g !:;upurvlzory rt.'portin:], r1nrJ tl~o structurùl .ISpl'CtS o( the vt:~sol. Item .14 LEASE AGREEMENT HETWEEN NAPLES COMMUNITY HOSPITAL AND THE ßCC FOR AN EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVIC8S SUBSTATION ON 110SPIT^L PROPERTY - APPROVED Public SLlfc·ty Admini::;tr,;¡tor Dorrill :n:i.ttccJ that \dth tt-.c !lclµ of Coramission~r 1I011,"n<1, h(.! h¡IS bean able to n(''Jotiilte .:J v..'ry 'JrDcious offering by the ho!>pit.Jl to ro10cðte the Clt.:y E~!3 ~ub~.;t,'tion fror.¡ it:J current location Dt F~.r0 ~t~tion 01 to property owned Ly N~plo9 Comr.,unity iIospit<11 thùt .vill bu provided to the County r~'nt frc!.!. !I(! st.;¡tcù that th~ only condition ûssoci.:Jtcd \,rith this, is t!1,1t the facility thût EMS ~ill be occu~yin~ 1s the 3am& facility ~rom wlli~h the hospItal runs its \\:ollllù~H Proyr¿¡rn. He notf~d th¿tt tI'I'':: t1o:~pit()l h.:l~; d:3ked t~1.cJt in th~: 0V(.'nt thùt one oC th~lr c;\Hr.i(i,-,<.J t-~rLici¡J;Ii\ts in ttlC w~11nC5!J progu]m do!:s n(!tH1 thl3 UUQ of dl\ dr.1bul<1nce l:Ì1éJt it '"ill be provided in no cost to t!1dt pðrtlcip.1nt. ¡¡to! nOLt.:J tllilt Lilt: [,1cility is only one bluck from the cmar~cncy room. Commissioner Brown movaù, seconded by Commissioner Pistor bnd carried unÐnimously, that the Lease l\greement between N~plcs Community Hospital and the Dce for an emargency medical services substntion on hospital property be ðpprov~d. BOOK 078 ~ 21.6 ">- P<1lJ 0 JO .. ---- - - --- - - - - - - - -- - --- --- ----- - -- - --- -- --- ~oa~' (}'7~ r~GE'~ f~ ..j,/ ~, >~t' ~ ------~~-------------------~-------------~ /~, ~~: '~Ì'. "" ~. \::",', :~ ?;:. .~ if~ ¡; j ~. ~ ',1(/ f,\ ~, "f ~~; :t¡.' ~f ~ J\1; .!~: :{~ ¡Ii, ,~,~~ ~'';>' ., ,.': ':.\ ~ ~. ';" ~ ~., 'll ",;" .' . f~J ~; >'" ::t October 18, 19&3 . . Item U5 BID '612, JUSTICE CENTER MEDIC^L , LAUNDRY EQUIPMENT - AWARDED TO B , I CONTRACTORS Lth)lIl notice twvin'] been publiohcd in tho NlIp1es Daily News on Auglls t Ð l!nd 15, 1983, ¡,) s cvidencE:d by ^ffid.)vit of Publication filed with thl: Cle:rk, bid::.; we rc rccl:ivcd Cor Bid 1612 for the Justice Center Medicb.'. (. L<1 und ry Eq u i pm (: n t until 2:00 P.M. , August 31, 1983. Commissioner Brown moved, f:loconded by Commissioner Holland and carried unanimously, that Bid '612, Justico Center Medical & Laundry Equipment b~ ðwarded to ß & I Contractors 1n the ðmount of $67,885.00 as being recommended by the- Purchllsing Director to bo tho low bidder lInd 1n the best interest of the County, ðnd that the Chðirmlln be authorized to sign and the Clerk to attest the resulting lIgreement. Item IlG PERSONNEL DIRECTOH POSITION EXEMPT FROM THE HIRING FREEZE ^dministrùtor of l\rlr.1ini~trðtivc ~crvices Ilill stated thi1t he is requesting trlLlt thE: position o[ Pcrsonnel Dircctor b~ exempt from the hiring fr~czc dne!, ðlso, that ,.1r. Pdul Dant, PerGonncl TechniciJn, be recommended to fill tho positlol1 temporarily until D n~w Pcr~onnel Director i~ hired. Comrnis~ioncr Pistar moved, seconded by Commissioner Voss and carried unùnlmously, thðt the Personnel Director position be exempt from the hiring freeze. COi\l:nis"ion~r Kruse !>tl\tcå thdt it if> thf1 con!:icnsus of the Board thi'lt hr. D¡¡nt fill t~1~ vacðnt position in the intcri :¡. Mr. Jill thðnkc~ Mr. Huth for th~ fIne job he hEl5 done (or the County. --- - . -- --- -- - - ---.- ---.,- - - -------- ------ -------- P~HJ I.' 31 r: :è( :,t, :"!$ A,~~j ,'~': _,of:~\' "'.' ~: ~t :;f, ...,....' ~!i ..~.".~. .~, ,r¡ :t ~j:¥ ",. .~ ~"; ~ \~. ,~, .'? .'~ ~,( ~~> ~;'. <" ·t' · f· .~.: ~:~; · .~ '.:.,j :~. · , '~ '. ....¡, ."., '.,~ J~: :,~'ii."::' 11" ,'I ~'~ ¡~ ~, ,,,', " '~:;J . ';"~ .':h.ì ~~' {.;.. ,;~.. ~~':. ',. ,v 'J" \~~ ¡,J:;:; :¿', ~?,r; ,w:. .~~:, $il ~t ..------------------ -- -- - - - --- - ----- -- -- - -. - - --- Octobl~r 1:3, 1)03 Item 117 PREVIOUS ACTION REGAHDING WAGE ADJUSTMENT RESCINDED AND ALL £MPLOYEES TO RECEIV~ ^ 5\ GENERAL WAGE ADJUSTMENT EFFECTIVE 10/1/83; MERIT SYSTEM TO BECOME EFFECTIVE 4/1/84 Assi.st.::1nt County t~Llnaqur tJt.:ck~tt Stc1tCcJ th.:¡c r0considl?ration of the gcnurt11 wdge .:Jdju:3tfò'1cnt rH~cus to bo diDClIssürJ, ô<.ìdin.':J tll,1t ~~t;)[f W.:IS dircctc-.J to provia.:! ð 2-l/2~ iJcros.G-tho-bo¡lrrJ ',..,1!)C r.J\:Jju~afò'1cnt .,nd to formulc1tc 03 merit pL1n. i¡ú ~l:dt.l~d th.¡t in duv()lopinq th";! f.1t.!rit system it could have an n~v~rDc ð(!Qct on cm~loyu~s that havu a1rcðdy bean cV<1luðtl,)d. It\.! r~ftHrl1J to ,'n evaluation form t:léJt i~ 1).:.J~j(.:d on point f<1ctor~, whcreby the 5upervisor and ernployuv sit down dnd th~ employee gets ~ ¡.Joint V<11ul.? b.:ls(~d un p(~rforl:\.'1r1cC. I If.: p.:portw:J thüt the impact o~ the tYf)i~~l ~mployce o[ n 2-l/2i W<1'JD ðdjustmcnt combined \o,'itt1 the increase of in~~Ur<1rlCe woult! rr.~,ln ¡: l03f>. lIe.: ~;t,lte(J th,'t tho.:.' cost of living figure from ~ðY to ~~y wns 3-1/2\, addin] that th~ mcdiun :,wliJry ot: employees is ::'12,~nG \/ldch would r()sLJlt in ð los:.; or $63 a j'·.!ùr to th~ om¡;loyce with.) 2-1/211 wa'3c increase .:In\.! t!l\.! ßdditlonal co~t. of inDurnnce. 110 !)t:iHùJ tl1"t t:)(~ ilVt!Cl'JC £:r.iploycc makes ~15,OOO a YU\Jr .,nu would J¡r'wu'" nùt los!.> of $21.) Yl.'ðr. Ho st<1tcd th.,t there ,'r~ .:d::;o i1 nUJ:lt,cr of I'1mployce:; irl titt.: SIQ-ll, 000 r~n~1,) which would ~~~n <1 net loss of $121 n yeðr ~nd could cr~dtc Ð hLHclshifJ for th~ employeo. ¡iü :>t:,i3tcd th.Jt he recomr.wn'JS thilt .:Ill (:mployeo~ receivo a 51 l.)encrù1 wage <ldju5tmcnt "nd tl1.lt st.)ff be directed to comu up with n ~urit systam c[!cctivc ~/1/n1 nnd to uac it as ù bü:.;i5 of mùkin1 sð1drj adjustments for next Y~d'. Commiasloner Brown moved, seconded by Commicsloner Pistor ðnd carried unDnirnously, that the previous ðctlon regarding wðge adjustment MOK 078 t'A'Œ222 - . Pa9~ .32 . - - - - - --...- -... - - - - - - - _. - -- - - - - - - -.- - - --... - - - -- - - - -- ~;t.. ;¡i"è ~;j~, ~;. j ~~~. ;:'~ ",,".' '...¡ . ,,¿.! Octobcr 10, 198) BoaK 078 PAGE 223 . . be rcscinded and that all cn\ployees rccoive a 5' gcneral WÐgC edjustmcnt effective Octobar 1, 1963, Dnd that tho murit system become " ~ ~. cffa~tive 4/1/84. TðpO 17 Item U8 ALTERN^TIVE -a" OF TilE CODY CLASSIFIC^TION PLAN RETROACTIVE TO 10/1/83 Com~issloncr Pistor moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown and ï ~ " carriod unðnimously, thet Altarnðtivc -S" of the Cody Classification Plan retroactive to October 1, 1983, bo approved. Item U 9 RESIGNATION OF COUNT1 MANAGER ACCEPTED 11.5 OUTLINED IN HIS MEMO DATED 10118/83 Commissioner Kruse indicclt~d that County Manager Norman's rC5ignùtion I);::.: prop0!jt.:d I¡ !:3cpar.,tt.: items concerning his finD! p.:,y ¡HI( '.' t;~ t, "- if- ~f !': ~. ~ ij~,: ~;..,,-. ~!, ~:;' L/, I I~' ~> " ;., vcJcötion, ()ddiT1iJ tlliJt 5:10 i~ in lJ(Jrt.:c~cnt ~tit!\ them. Commissioner Vo~s movod, seconded by Commisnioner Brown and carriud unanimously, that the resignation of County Managcr Normðn be ðccepted as outlined in his mcmo dðted 10/1B/83. Item 120 COUNTY PARK AND DRAINAGE EASEMENTS DELETED FROM THE ASSESSABLE PORTION OF THE W^TER SERVICE AND FIRE HYDRANT DISTRICT FOR PALM SPRING3 SUBDIVISIONS AND AUTHORIZATION GRANTED YOR THE SELECTION OF AN ENGINEER TO DESIGN TilE Sì'£>TEM Utilit1l!s Adr,1ini:';Lr(¡tur ue:rzon stütcd thüt in Nov('mbcr of 1982, the Pülm Gµrings :';ubdivir.ion5 petitioncd tll,H they bE': providt:d ....ith ¿ \oo'ctcr SY5t~m tÌ1tJt would tDµ into tile County's nC\o1 ....iltcr lino DloncJ HI.1dio £(0.:.:1. lie notl~(1 that la~t year the Boon] creòted the DIGtrict, ðddin9 thi.1t th~ only thin<:J left undefined LJt the time 101,1$ the l1ctuðl ðrtJlIS of the Diatrict which drc to bu excluded; speciflClllly, therc w~s 8 concern aboUL r. county-o\m~d park sit~ ....ltldn thl! northern po:-tion of th¿¡t property éJnd sot.\c dr"in¿IlJc ~r.sc;ncnts \.'!licl) were in qUß6tion PIHJC 33 -- -- - - - --- _.- --- - - - - -- - ---- ...--- -- -.--...-- --...- - ------- ~...~ ....;.. -,i1' . ___ _ _.___ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ ___ __.___ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ ~j; .- " :~!> ,,". t' " , 11 ;1 ~ íJctobur 13, 1983 bee a Wi I.: :; 0 m U 0 1: t 11 l' pro p \) r t y 0 'tin C r s r ¡¡ 1 !.i cd ¿i 11 U c :; t ion tJ .5 tow h P. t h (: r ttwy .3hould be ~$k.::d to pay far iJ~3t!ssmcnt Cor M\ CðSIJ:I1cnL n¡;- ~tðtcd tha\: ,:¡nothur i~HI\1~ thdt I' 'S not cO/;\plct~d 'rI¡.W tlH~ :;clcctian oC .:'I consultlny ~ngineer to prep~rc the pldn~ anJ speciCicðtlon~ for the projlJct. Hu reported th,Jt. sinco thi'lt time notl\1ng Iws been dorw .1n": Uwrc hðV~ b~cn.) lllòt:lbur ot p!10nt~ r,:.dls inquirlnl] i.J$ to \/hiH is h<.:lng don C t') b 0 U t. i to I ¡ ù s t.J t e d t h d t 11 C P II t t his 0 nth () ¿¡ 'd I.: [ (J ,,; Iii UI the re:commendðtion th.'1t th,c County's F.:Irk property b~ delo.::tecJ .1nc.! ð11:;0 $omc af the drÐinðge e~~cmunts in the are~. ¡¡e stðt~d th~t if ~ll th~ lands ....ere includt:d tho '::Z~;cssmt:nt (ltH front foot (or Pùlm Sprint)!> t:5t,jtt.~, Unit 1, would bu $11.08 ðnd without the park ~nd drnin~sc C~!.iumunts it \oIould be ,$12.81 pcr Cront root. Commissioner Voss movod, seconded by Commissioner Pistor and carried unanimously, that the County Park and drainage ~bsuments bo deleted from the lISSoß5ðble portions of tho Water ~ervice and Fire liydrant District for Palm Spring3 Subdivisions ðnd authorization be grantod for the s~lcctlon ot an Engineor to dosign the syatem. Itell!. 121 RESOLUTION 8J-laG ACCEPTING ^ WARRANTY DEED CONVEYING CERTAIN LANDS OWNED BY CARUSCAN OF ^MERICA, INC. TO COLLIER COUNTY, EX-OFFICIO THE GOVERNING BOARD OF THE COUNTY WATER-SEWER DISTRICT - ADOPTED Commissioner Pistor moved, socondod by Commissioner Voss and carricd unanimously, that Roaolution B3-lßD accepting a Warranty Doed conveying certain lands owned by Caruscon of America, Inc. to Collier County, Ex-Officio the Govorning Board of the County Water-Sower District be lIdoptcd. BO~K 078 m£Z24 '..' P~g It J 4 ------------------------------------------ -------------~-----------~-----~---------, ß09K 078 PACE227 October lu, 1983 Item '22 RESOLUTION 63-189 AUTHORIZING TUE EXECUTION OF A QUIT CLAIM DEED TO EXCHANGE PROPERT'i FOH PROPJ::RTY DEEDED TO COLLIER COUNTY FOR THE EXPANSION OF THE NORTH NAPLES WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT - ADOPTED Commlaslonor Plstor movod, seconded by CommIssIoner Brown and carried unanImously, thðt ResolutIon 83-189 Ðuthorlz1ng the execution of ð Quit Claim Poed to exchange property for property deeded to Collier County for the expûnsIon of the North Nûplcs Wastewater Treatment Plant be adopted. . . ~ II' P~hJl' 35 - - - - -- -- -- --- -----.- --- -.- -- ----- -- ----- -. ---- --..--- -- "'~"'5'" ¡.' ~. . 8';11 ,1:1' c 'WI 'C ;~ ~,,"'CI , ~/.'.' ~ :., ¡~l~: ht1 ~¡1 ~'~It ----------- -- - -- -'~----_._---.- - -- _.- - ----- BoaK 078 PACE23f October Ie, I~DJ Itern '23 ROUTINE BILLS - APPROVED FOR PAYMENT PurSUllnt to Hcsolution 33-150 the follo\Jin~ checks W\;!fe issued through Frid.:)y, Octobcr 14,1903, in pdymcnt of routine bills: CHECK DESCRIPTION CHECf, NOS. AMOUNT Vendor 101469 - 101710 $ 2,087,500.53 Item '24 BlHXìl::T AMENDMENTS B 3-950 THROUGH 83-960; 84-17 THROUGH 84-21; 84-23 THROUGH 84-33, D~-3G, AND 84-42 THROUGH 84-44 _ ADOPTED Commissionor Pißtor moved, seconded by Commissioner Voss ðnd cðrr1ed unanimously, that Budget Amendments 83-950 through 83-960; 84-17 through 04-21, 01-23 through 84-33, 84-36, ðnd 84-42 through 84-44 be adopted. P~9 e J G ----------~----------------------------- !l .:., ------------ ~------------------~----~---- ] actobcr 1D, 1983 Item 125 nOARD POLICY RECAltDING RICIIT-OF-\'/AY VACATIONS TO DE REVERSED D^CK TO ENGINEERING DEPT. AND REMAINDER OF POLICY TO YTA~THE SAME COl1\l:¡issioncr Hollùnd st<1toé th.1t this iter.'! was t.<1k<:n out of the Engineering DCpiHtment ¿Irld put into Community !.)c:vcIopmcnt for unkno.....n reasons, iJddinq tll<1I;, h~ \·:ould likû to S~}O tho ricJht-of-w.JY vac.;¡tions r~turn to EnginfJcr inc:¡ GO thùt survoyors do not hilV'~ to go through v()riou~) dCpDrtnH.:nr.:.i. lie noted th,)t it would mDkc II :JInoothcr op(;'rùtion. Commi~sjon~r KrU3t1 :aiHcd th.:Jt the: rccJcon. it ·.m~ moved to Community DcvcloFmcnt ""ù5 due to ðltcrlltion5 ttwt would DIlo\'.· additional incrca~cs in density. County ~1{ n("ger Norman Btllted tl1ùt hoth d<:p<1rcments could coordlnrlto tllcslJ 13:JU\J:.:I Dnd it would not mDttC'r \Jtl(HtJ it ut"rtu or ondG. Cornr.-.is$ioncl' I<ruso st.Jted tl1l.lt d~v(:lor;m(:nt¿¡l Intl!rcsts ,lre normDlly known sbon~r in th~ Community Duvuloµmcnt Cepnrtmcnt than they ,HI.! in the Engineering Dt:piJftmcnt DncJ if they (Jo too f.H throurJh En~incerlng in thu wrong direction, it would Ð[Ccct tha dcvulo~ment~l potcnti~ls for the lands thÐt are involv~d. C0I1II:\lss10ner Kruse sLaLed th.~t :3110 is comfortt3blu with the .....ü.y the situation is no~. Commissionor IIollðnd movod, øoconùod by Commissioner Plator IInd c~rriod 4/1, (Commissioner Kruse oPPoGod), that tho Board policy regarding the right-of-way vðcations be reverscd back to the Engineering Departmont and the remainder of the policy stay the same. ßóaK 078 PACE264.- P<Jg~ 37 .- --.'. ._. - ~ .~ - ..-. - -- - . ~-,. -- -.- -- -- -- -- --" ---- ~-- _...- -- -_. - -~ -- ._-- _. --- -- ~ -- -- 1 J .~ 'I - ---- - --- --._- - - - - - - -- - - --- - -- -:-.- - - --- - -----:- -- -- 'I " ;j ißO!!K U18 ~A'Q£:æ5 Item 126' Oc t 0 bur 1 II, 1 9 G 3 EXTRA GAIN TIME FOR INMATE NO. 42932 AND 41629 - APPROVED CO:I~lss10ner Pistor moved, secondod by Commmissloner Hollnnd ðnd carried unanimously, that cxtrð gðin time for Inmato No. 42932 and 41629 bo approvod. Item '27 AUTHORIZATION FUR STAFF TO MAKE FORMAL REQUEST TO THE SCHOOL BOARD REGARDING THEIR INTENTIONS ON TRANSFERRING PARK SITE 14 IN IM,.,OKALEE TO THE COUNTY FOR ANOTHER PARK SITE - DE~IED .. Commissioner Pistor At~tcd that hø would like to suggest that Ð fOrr.h:d r~quent lH: ~I(Jdo to th0 ~)chool Uoðrd Cor transferring the Number 4 pllrk ::.ite in Immokidcc to the County. Hu GtiJtcd that they could possibly triJns[Ct it or charge thr:: County whiJt they p¿lid. /Ie noted that thi£ could be Cln ùddltionéll p.:lrk sit~, besides tilt: Ilaath/nobcrt1; pro pc r t y. Commissioner Pistor moved, seconded by Commissioner VODB, that Stð!f be requested to mako iJ formal requÐst to the School Board regarding their intentions on transferring park site '4 in Immokalee to the County for another pDrk site. Cornmis:.>ioncr Hro\,," Inùicùtc:d that he would not buy the property DS tho County hûs £IlrtH)(jy pnld for ð site. Commissioner Holl,:¡nd stilteù thiH Stnff hðs bocn directed to negotiate on property that would provide for the needs of the people of ImmokDlcc. He !:>t~ted tlJc1t there is no neuù [or ùnotlHH ßitc. Upon call for the question, the motion failod 2/3, (Commissioners Hollunù, Brown, and Kruse opposed). ." 1'(1gC 38 -- - - - - - - --- ---- - - -- - - - ----- -- -- ------ -- -- - -- ;, ~I :' , , I "'II:' I" ~:I l.s ' 4' 1 lIi1 i· j ~ . - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - '- -.- -- O-.:tobcr 1:.::, 11)03 Tape 18 Item '28 FINANCIAL CONSULTANTS FISCHER, JOHNSON, ALLEN, & BURKE, INC. ^ND SOUTHE',STERN MUNICIPAL BONDS, INC. TO REMAIN AS JOINT TEAM FOR SEWER AR~A ß SOUTH HALF AND COUNTY ATTORWEY TO REDRAFT CONTRACT - APPROVED Comr.1ission\.H Kru!Je :.>t(1ted th.::.t this i!J i1 sower ':h~ruemt.:nt ttHlt she ~ddod to thu ðg~nd~1 ~s therc WðS a miHund~r~t~nding conccrning the su1~ction of a fin&ncial adviaor for the ~auth hi11f of Suwer ^rað "nH. ~ho stðt~'d thAt r:.t thIJ time th(!rc WlJS c!i:.;cu~Jsi()n r~Y,1rdinCJ Bob (,ðCJncr with Southeùstern .:1nd ,Fischer Johnson wcre briefly r.1f1ntioned. She stDtcd U1at she (lu~~tlonc:d County Attorney Saunders...~ to ',¡h·~thor t!1Qre wt\~ II pruvious c1grùcr:\ont ent~rcd into, adding ttlilt h\.1 did not h¿we 01 copy in front of hir;) ðt that time. She rCf!Hrcd to t.he ngrocment, noting that it \...15 I.'!ntC!r~d into on Jûnuary 20, 1980. Sh:- stlltcd that it Wc1S tho joint tc~m. Sh~ statud that the County is not r<:tluired by li'lw c'lt this timo tQ honor the! agrøerncnt, lIddinrJ tht'Jt ~hr. h.::s no prolJ1cr.1 with thc joint team. County Attorney SZJundùrs stJt,,=d tlHJt thi~ ,'!grcclr:\Qnt dol:'s provide for tcrJ71inðtion .....ith 30 ddYS notice by either p.:Jrty, ddding Uwt he .....ould r.~cummQnd that th~ contcdct bu rc-draftcd if til'l t!oûrd wish!.'!) to kQCp tl)\.! joint t-:-~m. Cor.uni!Jsioner Bro.....n stdt~!d thut he would like to stdY vliu¡ tht1 team thût noW' uxist~. COI:Hni:<.Hduncr Pi~:;tor stlltcd thùt he dO~5 not IH;tj thp. tC¿1m idclI nnd the County Bhou1d 00 out for bid. Commissioner Holland moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown and carried 4/1, (Commissioner Pistor opposod), that tho financl~l consultants, Fischer, Jot 'son, Allen, Burko, Inc. ðnd Southeastern Municipal Bonds, Inc. remain as the joint team for Sewer Area "B" South Hðlf and thðt the County Attornoy redraft the contract. Boax 018 PACE266 Pl.Iqa 39 -- --~-- -, - - - - - - ..-......- - - - -- - - --- - - --- -- - _.- -- - - --- 1__,_'···_·...... Pl1l1e 40 ---- - - - -- -- - -.--.----.- - _.- - ---- - ---- -- -- --- - --- Octobcr lU, 1ge3 N)~ 07811JÆ2f11 Itesn 129 REQUEST TO GIVE COUNTY MANAGER RESPONSIBILITY TO HIRE OR FIRE HIS ~DMINISTR^TIV£ STAFF ^ND REPEAL PREVIOUS ORDINANCE - DENtED Cornmisuioncr Vos~ ÐtDt~d that under the present ordin~nce rc:glHding cr.1ploycus, the IJCC cùn fire the Mr'ln¡:¡gor as well as De¡">ùrtmcnt ,I f: t t f ~ . Heads Bntl Division 1If!c'lds by ëJ môjority vote. lIe !>tated that in order to CJ(jt the bent l'iùn,1qcr po[;sible for thp. job, he thinks that the 11ðnðger stJould hl1vC tilt: l'~::>por,~i/.,)ility to hirQ or fire Ills ð d m in i s t r i"\ t 1 v tl :;t ,I f ( . II \! s t ë¡ t (1 d t h ¿¡ t the Ho a r cJ I S fun c t ion i s to est()blish pel icy i:nd not to l un tho: Stl\ff. lie stated thl1t the present ordinance should be repealed ~n(] the responsibility should be given to tho Mil na<JlH. Commissioner Voss moved, seconded by Commissioner Pistor that the County Manager be responsible to hiro or fire his Ðdministrativc Gtaff and the previous ordinance be repealod. Commb.sioncr HollMld stL'ltcd thëlt he would go c110ng with the exclusion of DepÐrtr:lCnl hc,1d:.; but not Division hei'lds, addin'] that the H C C nee d 5 to h cwe con t r 0 1 0 vcr tile D i v i 5 ion He is d san c.J the Mð n D 9 cr. Upon call for the question, the motion failed 2/3, (Commissioners Holland, Brown, and Kruse opp03cd). Item '30 PRECINCT POLLING PLACES FOR COLLIER COUNTY - ACCEPTED FOR THE RECORD Commissioner Plstor moved, seconded by Commissioner Hollnnd and , carried un,)nimously, that the list of precinct polling plðces for Collier County be accepted for tho record. - - -- -~ -- --- -- - -.-. --.~.- _.--- _. _..- --. -.- - .- "-_. ...- -- ._~.. -_.. -- -, - .- -- - -- _.- -- -- - .- - - -- - - - - ~j"': ,'~'. , t'C . :I.e.>' U, . J,~,' :i. " .1>; ~'" ~·tr.;iI ['·t.s> ¡~ ~1· I·D 1 e !;1~ -----------~----------------------------- October lC, 1983 ~Im« 018 wiZ11 ItelD .31 WILLIAM ERICKSON APPOINTED TO EMSAC WITH AN EXPIRATION D^TE OF 8/31/86 Comr.ti5siòncr Pi!jtor stüt.cd t.hat he would liKe to recommend a Mr!). Slni th for the EMSAC .:IS she is quð 11 !led .!.Ind he woul d 1 i k~ to see ð woman on th(! EI'\SAC. Comaissioner Pistor moved that Mrs. Smith be appointed to the EMSAC. Motion died for Ð lack of second. Comr.tlS5ionc:r !'rU5t.: t;t:ltcd that she rec:oI:\r:\cndcd Il,c. C::rickoon for tht! £M~'^C.::IS this in hcr dit>trict itnd h(! I11H1 the befit 'IUdlifici3tion5 in her opinion. Commissioner Brown moved, seconded by Comml~sioncr Holland and carried 4/l, (Commissioner pistor opposed), that William Erickson be appointed to EMSAC with ðn expiration date of 8/31/86. ***** Commissioner ristor moved, scconded by Commissioner Hollzmd and cðrried unllnimously, that the following items be approved and/or adopted under the conscnt agenda t ***** Item '32 TWO COPIERS FOR BUILDINGS -D- AND -F- UPGRADED Item .33 MR. ROBERT HENDRICKS APPOINTED AS THE ALTERNATE ~EMHER OF THE MARCO ISLAND BEAUTIFICATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE FOR A TWO-YEAR PERIOD Item 134 CEHTIFICATE OF CORRECTION TO THE TAX ROLL AS PRESENTED BY THE PROPERTY APPRAISBR 1970 TAX ROLL 607 9/29/83 Item 135 EXTRA GAIN TIME FOR INMATE NO. A-29317 , PagC' <1 ------ ----- - -- - - -- ----- --- -- --.----- - --. "'-\---- ---------------------------------- --------- üctou~C' ID, 1~~)J Hom tJG LAKE TRAFFORD MEMORIAL GARDENS CEMETERY DEED HO. 365 ~oo PaC] 0 ;¿ 17 Item '37 < " MISCELL^NEOUS CORRESPONDENCE FILED ^ND/OR REFERRED Th \!' r e l> IJ i li'J Ii 0 0 tJ j c:: c tl 0 n , the C h ,) r C' d i r I:! c t Et d t h i) t the ( 0 1 1 0'.... i Ii (J mi:.;c~lll\IiUOu~ c()rrc!òpo!\d(.'nc~ b<:, filed ¿¡nd/or rctr:rred to th'~ v,JCiou:; dOpðrtmcnt5 ¿w indic.1t'~d bu10W: 1. Lutt.:!r (i,ìtwd ~)/27/8J from I·\r. Pt!ul :;mith of. L0c County ~nnounclnq 3cminar ror Uicyclu facilitics Planning ~n0 C~sisn o n 1 U /1 U / 13 3 . x ç : I,' r . No r r:1 L1 n, ~, r. Ii ¡) r t r;'..¡ Ii , f i 11..' d . 2. Letter dated 9/27/0) from Ccpartmont of Community Affi)ir~ in follow uµ to SecrctÐry DeGrovc'g lotter o[ 9/6/83, cnclo~in~ ~r~ft ù~t~bIi9hln~ procúdurøs for r~vidw dnd ~pprovDI of 1 0 c .,1 c 0 I:, pre tl C n 5 i v l' pI ð n G . xc: 1'1 r. Nor r:1':, n, j': r. Vir t':l , Filed. ': ,,·1 J. L.;)c.t~r d.1t<:d 9/30/03 fro!:1 Lou!!: hainwright, Dcpt. of Corrections, requesting comment on uliclo~cd draft with suggcsted sitinJ (~ctors when ~ites arc reviewed (or m~jor institutions, community facilitics or rc~ional centers. xc: ~hcrift R~qer9, filed. } " :~ 4. MC/t1ori1ndum dateLl ~/JO/a3 frorn Victor!.) Tschinkel, {)e:rt. 0:: Environm~ntal Rcgulntion9, ragi1rdinq IG9UC Papar on Executive Ordcr ai-IOS .1Ild public workshop on la/lO/G3. xc: ,"If. Norm¿¡n, il¡r. VirtCl, Filed. " '~ VJ .tc) .-;:." c"' 1,~' " ',i 5. Collier County "uneurn Cep(jrtr.\cnti!l rl?port, !3cr)t(·~,bcr, 1983. xc: fil(,!d. ( 6. Letter dat~d 9/30/83 from ~ðynQ D~ltry, ~oUthwc9t flori~n Regional Pli1nning Council concarnlng Toll Gate Commuricdl Ccnt~r ap(Jlic<'1tion for d(:vc:lol-m'~nt. .'pprov.'\l, Ct:¡ ~7-!32ü3-2D. xc: Mr. ~orman, filud. ;.~ " ~: ~~, ,c d.. ,J: 7. Fire Activity report from Dept. of ^1riculturc & Consumer Services tor Fiscal Yu~r 1982-83 for Colliar County. xc: ,''I r. No r r.¡.J n , Mr. Do r rIll, F i led. 8. LettQr d¿¡toù 9/20/8) from Nilncy Mott objtJcting to propo:;cù locðtlon of Ford Test Tr~ck. xc: Mr. Norman, Mr. Virt~, Filud. 3. Letter datud 9/2J/CJ [rom Ul~trict ALlministrntor, Dr. Conctontlnc, Copt. of I!Clllth £. nQhiJbil1t.!\tiv~ Bcrviccs, :ðÒÒK {JiB ff'At£2l2 P"'glJ 42 ----------------------------.-------------- '1" ;".:!" ." I " ; :1 ", ".\' (:I';': ,. .' r ' ~.I i' i rll ;,t J ! I . ------------------~----------------------_. . M~ 078 fACEZ13 October 10, 1933 r~commcnding Dr. Jane polkowski be 8pp~lnted ~lanll(Jement Service System upon ðssumption of Director, Collicr County Public IIcLllth Unit. Norm,1n, filed. Into the Senior position of xc: to\r. ~ ~: 10. Letter dlltcd 9/23/63 from Jim Shore of Seminole Trihc o! floridd supportiny the ðcquiuition of the 50 ðcres in lrnmok¿lCè DB ð p.-.rl: Ðite that served <IS Seminole liorrH:~ite. xc: to\r. Norman, ~',r. Hðrtmi"Jn, Filed. 11. Letter dllted lO/I¡/ß3 from Max !laS!1e " Prosiuont of Golden Gòtc Civic ^USOCilJtion, expressing support oC the Im~okDlc'l citi:lcn's po~ition ot tIlL' plirk site. xc: ~\r. Normôn, Mr. H.:1 r tm,l n, Fil û cI . 12. Leltar aatcd 10/5/83 from Chris A. Blunt of Marco Island rcqu~::;tlng thilt tl:l~ BOl'Jrd not purch¡)se Ði tcs c1iscuss~d for perko ð~ they do not ...;u,lllfy ðü community p110:z. xc: Mr. Horm,ln, Mr. Hicu, filed. 13. Lett.er d.'tcd !J/]O/U3 from Governor GrlJhllrl1 notifying t!1éJt Collier County'~ Jo~ Tr~ininq Plan is consistent with the provlr;ion$ of tÌJ'.: J1'F/\ and pI;:n approved effective 10/1/83. xc: FilL'.:.!. 14. Minutc~ of C^PC rn~~ting of 9/15/83 meeting and bgenó~ for 1D/G/D3 bod minutc~ of City of Núplcs meeting of 9/7/83 lInd 9/21/03. xc: filed. 15. Lelter d~ted ~/2G/a3 fro~ Nalson Construction cxpreG~ing intcrunt in pc.rforminC) \o,'ork on the 1'igertai1 parking lot cxp.'\nslon. xc: i'ir. Norman, fo\r. Norton, Filed. ***** Recess: 2:45 P.M. - Reconvened: 7:00 P.M. ***** Tðpe U Item '38 GENERAL DISCUSSION OF THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN - NEXT MEETING ON 11/1/03 Mr. Virt" stðtL'd t!1,1t he plannc:d to go through the Comprehensive Plan, (dement by clement. /Ie stðtcd th<3t he i5 rcqucsting thr.t the second public hl:ur Int;; bl: held Novcr;¡ber I, 19é.i3, nt which time he i)nticip,Jtc~ com¡,lt·tin'J trio: first pass-through of the Plan. lie stÐtcd t!1tat bCCðU:ÞC of chilngcs frvnl the Comr.\!scioner:; or tlw public, th,'t there ~ðY be ~ ncud to rcdr~ft portions of the plan Dnd it will necessitate Ð third publi(; heoring. He indic.Jtl·d that In I"...1y, 1979, the IJOiHù of County Commi~::>ioncrH ðdoptcd [I Comprchcn~ivc 1'1¡111 pursut1nt to Legislation which mðndDtcd n plan whIch WlI!'.o ðdopted by th~ florid\! P,:)CJI] ~J ---"-- - -- -- -- -- -..--- - - - -- - ----... -- - --- ---------. I" '¡ \\ ." ~, " i 1 t: -(:1 1 .,:; .;;; ¡ ~ ~, " - --- -- -- --- - - - - -------- - - ----- - - - - -..- --- -- - -- Oc to b Q r 1 Ü, 1 913 :J Lo';!slðturo in l~"~ knO\.'n .)$ tl4~ Locnl Govornr"cnt Comprl,)hcnsivl} Plûnnin'J Act. lie notttd tCHlt ðt th~ time of the .:sdoption, th~ r'OiHd of Co un t y Co r:1 m i 5 S ion \.' r s ù 1 r c c t c d ~ t ,I f f to u ¡xl i' t c t h '-J t r 1 anI n t ""0 Y t~ ,H [ì , dcJding tht.1t th<! Up<.1i1t41 proçcus hcJS tûkon 10ng(.'r trlün the tHO YC(H$ thót W.:1S oriqinl.ll1y tlw requct>t of the Goarù. He stated th.:1t tile pue::' Y'.H1r ilnd ð nlllf, ntllff hc)(} bCl.:n lJct.iv<:ly Involvuc.J µublicly ¿Ind ',;l::'h 'JilrioU3 interest CJrou¡.J~ 1n UpdðtlnCj the plan from the 5t.1ndpoint of lookin:.] ilt ~IO'" thQ plün i!.Þ forr:wlrJtl.'d .'}nd to ct:i1ngos th..1(; ~1iJ'JC t.1K(!n pl..1cl! 'nil thin the com~unlty, rccognizIn~ th~ fact. th~t since 1920 tho populðtlon has incrCð5cd in cxce~s of 2G,OOO. 111.1 3ta ted the) t thc pI an concupt i:> one of tryin~ to ~~t ùWdY from th<! currcnt format which l~ very sit~ specific ,1nd in fnct rcplic.Hc~ the zoninf) ordin<:lnce to tIll! point thilt there i~·o.1 pl.Jn th.)t. appcùr:3 to be ù zonln') ordinance in tt;~ s-.:nse o( l~nd use .1& well ~s ð zoning ordln~nce. HI: stated t)).:Jt working \11 t/1 s~vdrùl ~c~~rtment5, scv~ral elu~cnt~ in the plan were prcp~red ~nlj p.1r,SCU on to the Collh'r County Pl.)nlling ^gency, (,udinq th~t they he ILl 2G public he¡Hinq~ 1l~a~n1ng to .311 [ðctor:3 of t.he cOnlr.1unity dnd thuir concerns in the plðn. He r~rortcd tni.Jt it \1':'8 then p.:ls51:d on to the BCC at whic~ tlm~ ~tðff W~H given the authority to pass it on to th~ :;to.1tc ëlnu Hcgiolì<'ll MjCnc!ut: for tlHdr rcvi<.:w .1:1:1 cor.H:1ent. i ¡ c not c :! ttldt th0ir review ..1l\cJ comment!! on th~ plan c1rU ,'tt~cht~d to UP.' r.wmolðlHlum which hl\s been di:Jtrfbutud. He rQPorte:d th.:1t, sInce.! the document w~s pðs~~d (rom thu ColliQr County Plðnning ^~cncy to the öO.3rd of County Coml:1i:Js1on~rf>, tlhHt! havc bDl'n ::¡e'lcr~l typo:.¡raphic.11 I!rror.!> tholt nQV(.! h~l.!n found ,)3 "",,oIl .:IS Somo (Jrdmm,'}tici11 corr.:ctions, .'} ,: J i n'J t h if t 11 ~ 'ooJQ U 1 d 11 k c t. 0 5 t ð r t t h t:! P r uSe n t <:J t i 0;) 'oJ i t h ., rev i to! W 0 f thoso r.Ünor ch.,nIJus thi)t st ulù bo c:orrcctcd. Mike Kloehn, Pl.1nnin~ Direct.or, ~t~tc~ thÐt th~ cJitorlð1 ch~n~c~ ßO~ fJ7B PACE Z74 . . . ..... --- PlhJC 44 ------------------------------------------ - -- ------------1 ------------------------ - --- . --- - -- - -- ---- - - - -- - ---- ----- - -- - - - - -- --- --- ...J::., ,;'. ,.¡;.. ':or, ~tJ ;;~ >.,. ~~ ]'. ~.::. /$: ", \J >~. ;, l; ~L ':~~ tom: 078 reAGrZ'15 October IC, 1983 <'\re IItt.1chmcnt "A~, ttdcling thllt thcra were nur.aHOUS misspellings, grllmr.\lH errors LInd i)~lk\'«Hd wording. lIe stilted th,1t he tried to put them nll in one document in ordcr for the Commiszion to have ~n opportunity to review them ðnd approve them so th~t the tim~ may be 6pcnt on itnma thêlt Drc morc.: substê3ncc in n<1turc. lIe noted that hQ has discul.>sed tlH.!$O chc1nrJcs \lith County Attorney fiùundc:rs who ðgrecs thÐt they lIrc: non-~ubstDntivu n¿ turc ~nd he sees no problem with them. tl!! noted ttl<1t cople:> of the mcrnor¿:¡ndurn helVO boen ~i(.'nt to th!.! people on tho mDilin~ li~t Dnd thu cgcnclc9. County Attorney SDund~r6 st~t~(1 these chDnge~ arc mostly of an editor1.:d n;:¡turù, ûdding tlIDt there drc no 5ubstDnti~1 chÕJnges. There was a general consensus of the Board that the ed1toriðl changes be mad e. OVEHVIEW Plannlnl.j r.llructor Kloehn !3t,jt<:ù thÐt Cè)c!1 elumcnt, will bf> summÐrized by ð member of staff and how It diffors from the 1979 Plan, ðddilVJ th¿¡t tllc £orr:1<11 11tlJte tlnd rC9ionlll comr.wntD will be introduced and tlll~:1 Uourù direction will he sockud ðß to w!JQtt!c.-r or not the sl.I<.:!yest10n::> or coml,lcnts should be inserted. lie rcportQd thêlt thc first clerocnt 1s the overvic'v¡, which basiclllly serves il5 II prcfðcc by e x p 1<11 n i n'J tile s t cpoS t 11<1 t 5 t a f f Wt' n t t h r 0 ug h wit h the Co 11 1 ere 0 un t y 1'1dnning A(J(.·ncy 1n Ule U X1¿1tC of the r;llln. lie 8tdtcd thût it introduc<:s ttw Lorm.:1t tll.;¡t i5 utilized in the no\<" plan, lIddinCJ thiit ttlC formilt h,JS tour BepÕJri.'ltc clèJiltints .,¡hictl lire the introùuction where the c1crH~nt fJurposc is cJct;cril>tzd¡ the Dottin') M1d problum stlltcment wherl.: existing conditionu in the County aro dcscrlbcd¡ the implementlltion strLJtc!JY which 1s basic.llly LIH: rccommcndeH:lon~¡ l1nd thc gOills, o b j 0 C t i v 0 3 1I n d po 1 i c i c :; . II C 6 t .) t E: d t h 1I t the y did not r c c c i \' C ð n y \. Pll9~ 45 , . :~ ;1 IJ I ~ ------ - -- _.- - -- -- - - - - -----.-- - -- - - -- - -- - -- - - -- Oc to (H: r 1 ,1, 1 ~ :! :1 f'ormÐl cornl.1entz trOi:1 the StL1ta or Hcglon on w/1cthcr or not thu StDtuLa was met on the ov~rvicw. I"ÏÔ. J./\. HDutio-t'lltchcll, rupr<,HiOnLing th,..! LO':lgllO of ~'j·Or.ìon Votl.:rs, s t iJ Co e d t j¡ n t r Ù IJ res c: n t ¿I t 1 \/ I) S ¡ .:J V Ú c.I t.: t: end cd ð 11 2 (¡ wo r k s h 0 µ $ () n t Iii :> proposed pllln, ùddin<J thüt thQ Leagu'J \.¡oulli li~() to ï-ub1icly thðnk UH~ County staff for thair dedicQtion to the raviaion ~n~ uJdJtin~ of thic Plan. S h 0 S t (1 t e d t h CJ t z h C '....0 u I d i:\ 1 so 11 k (! tot h an"'. t 11 ~ Co 111 ü reo u n t y PlðnniT1'j ^'::IC¡H:Y. ~I1;) noted that dúv~lopr.ìant ilnd CJro\~tj¡ mU!3t ba Vi.:h·t~d as c3n Intcr-rclatt;!d proccs:.;, add in!] thrJt the 11 olclOcnt::; ;)ne~ th.: materiðls included in the 10 .:.1ppcndiccH3 must be vic,....cd to']cther. S!w st¿lted thüt one Io'eðkncss U,ùt the Le,1guc notices i~ the lùck of ,1/1 overall ôt~tement thJt ticy all olumunts together. S 11 ere po r t cd t h n t signiEic.:¡nt i)rnOunts of inforr:ìðtion étrC provlelcd, <]odl~, obj{!ctiv~s é1nd pol1ciO!:i .....hich ilre tl1e backbone oC else plùn Cor <..!ùch iTHjiviJu~l el(;:~lcnt arc fDirly clcarly ~tiJtcd but iJS ¿¡ 10nCJ-r"nCJ{] planrliTlC) tool, th(! Pldl1 ap¡:,e(1r.!J to l..::ck ,'m overall st:.:Jtcment of philo~opl1y '....hicl1 p~rh,)pz the Board of County Com:nis::;lon(.!r~ ....ill ,no'Jidc as t/'w input [rom this ,In(~ other pUblic l1\úctin1js Is r·.Jvic\.¡cd, ùiCJestc( .::nù :;ulilm.1rizcd. She notcd t h J t 9 û n e r u 1 po 1 icy con s i å to![ c.I t ion s ð n d s t.:t t em ¿ n t Ii 0 nth (.! û I,! (1 Il iI b i 1 i t Y of urbi'ln services, ~spccilJlly potflblc water ¿¡lid sðniti'lry :1~~¡cr :';Y5t(.'r.1S to new duvclo¡~cnts dD wall Cg existing dcvclo~mcnt Drcas n~¡:d Ðttention, addiny thot ð strong commitmcnt to insuring Ðn adequate supply of fresh drinking W<stcr ilnd prott:ction of our sources of drinking wùter could bu stated. Shu atùtcd tlHlt th!Jse issues arc in thu Plùn in Some form or another, but t.rlO Le"<Ju~~ urges " c,'lrcful 100;': ,H3 to liow to tic the v,.rlouD 1.!11~ T\ents of thl] Plan together ,1nd how to address the tou';3h decisionu to hðndllJ (utur(1 .Jro....r.h and its impact on tho 4u~lity of life in Colliur County. She no ted thð t I::dch 0 f the M~ 078~Z16 Pi1ge t.G . ..... -- - - -- - - ------- -- ------ ---- -- -- --- -- -- - ---.. ,. ·1 :1 I~ - - -- - ~- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ---'\-- ßO~~ 078 PACE277 Oc t 0 b c r 1 S, 1 9 a 3 ~ll'¡r¡cnts contain l1 ccction thðt providcÐ the r(¡t\d~r with on ov(:rllll picturc of how the County would like to dcvelop, ~dding thDL, p~rhDps the Plan could contain D 5um~àry of ~ûch clement plctur~ which ties the Plan together. INTERGOVERNMENTAL COORDINATION ELEMENT Planning Dir0ctor l'.lochn indicDtl:!d thût thb1 C'Jlcr:\ent Is found on Page 168 of the drc[t copy of the Comprehensive Pli.'ln, Qòding thi3t the pur~ou~ of the ~lem~nt Is the ðccomplishm~nt of coordiri~tion of the lIdoptt.:d COln¡nl,JiH,I\!>ivc Pl.1n wi tl1 tilt! plDn.!> 0.( GCf!ool boùreje ònd other local units of 90vE1rnm~nt$, aciding thi\t the clement is to delnonstrùte the pIù!):; effect on ãdjiJcent counti(:~, tlw region or the Dtùtc Comprehonsive PIilll. Hu noted thüt this clement hùB not chDnged con 5 ide r ð b 1 y fro 1;) the I ~ 7 ~ P Il1 n . H Q r E: po r t c d t II lJ tit i n c 1 u des " 11!;; t of '-::t.jcnciC1~; ....'itÌ1 '..·;¡ich coordin.1tion it.; nt::ccssary, ðddin<J th¿¡t these al.jencler:; lrlclud~ thL:' Citic::; of :-Iùples Dnd Evr.H<Jl,JdeB, the Scbool Board, the South i'lor id., ~';ðtc:r /"¡¿¡nðCJem~nt District, th~ Big Cypress Bðsin Bo~rd, the Fire Control Districts, Mosquito Control Di~trict, Dnd the Southwest florid.:: Eeyional Plnnning Council. lie noted that to the 19133 rcvi~ion of tJ¡~ pIt.:n, thl.! r'J~tropolitlln Pll1nning OrganizlJtion has also bl:)en .1dded. Hl' rerJortcd tl1ùt to help explain how this µlðn rcIlltes to these other iJ<)c:¡cl..::s, the rnütrix t\ùJ3 ùlso been included \ihlch clln be found on PiJ';jc:' 1'1]-177 of tllc Plùn, lJdding thðt the elements hðVC been indiclJted th;:.t ',.,..::r\1 r\~viewl.:C by those é)g.::nclo~ and which should continue to be included in t110se urci.ls. He stl1tcd thJt in the irnplcmontùtion str.Jtcgy of tlw cltmcnt, the ~ost common methods are Identified th~t the County zhould use in coordinðtlng planning efforts. He sDid that legal advcrti5in~, IDnd USe chvn~e&, multi-juriGdictional rezonc process, revi~w of adjacent juriödlctions comprehonsive plðn~, Pbg C 4., -- - - - - - -- -- - - - -- - - -- ---.- - -- - --... - -- -- -------- ..,.'"...)1 ----.----.---------------------------------- " c~ to b'.'C t:::, 1 ~ 8 3 ùnd tho t.:ooperùtion with ~¡t.:lt'J, fe:duri\l, ;'ncJ rcgionÐl .1C]encios <1re ~ i ! idcntifiud. ¡.J~ rnportuù tt1~t no form.11 comr..cnt~ (.>n thi:; cll:r.1ent w\.>rc~ , ,i, '¡ ruceiv~d (rom either i:.he !it:H3ion or the Sté:\te. <, UTILITY ELEMENT Pltlnning Dlro:;ctor Kloehn statf.;!d thDL this clement CJn lH! found on P ä 9 (: 1 COo ( the P L.H) ,') n d 1 t s pur po s c i 5 to c1 0 c U r.1 C n t t hi..! t: :d !¡ tin <J I,df.:!ctril:òl µow~'r $ourccs and to provide ,1n ovcrvi(~w of tlw futurp. ulectrit.:nl servicû nceùs. He stðtud that this 11ðoJ b(H~n cxp.1n:.Jcr! :-:;incc t 11 c 1 979 PI ël n , t) J cJ i n'J 't h ¿;¡ ton P CI 9 0.3 I 81-1 :3 1\ 0 f t 11 (.' r 1 {I n, map!3 h ù V i~ b c ~ n includ~d to illu:::;tr¿¡te the service ¿H~ðS for both florid,' Power û:ìG LiCJht and Leo County i:.:lcctrlc Coopor,ltivu ÙS well ,11. thL' number of connections. (in noted th¿¡t the cll.!r.1ent ü130 identifies the re'311lations ....!lich n!(cct elt:ctcic pow(~r, spoci!1c!:llly idl:ntifiud in the zon1ng ordinùnce, ::>ubcJivizion (cgul.:ltions, and th~ County'::; unforr:(~r.\«.:nt of: the Florida Model ~n0rgy Code. 1/0 ßtùtcd th,lt there wurt.? no (orw,,l comments ru(;úivùd from the Stùte or tite Kc\)ion. Ms. J. A. R~utio-Mitcholl, rcpr0suntins the Le~0ue of ~omen Vuters stðtt!Ù tl1é\t they SU<JIJc:::.t that the titl~ be> c:hùnqcd to 1;1e,:ctric,3l Utilitil.'~ to ¿¡void con(u~ion lJnù [or .J ¡:.oil1l: of cl.HiEicútlon. It was tho general consensus of tho ßoðrd that the Utility olomcnt be chang cd to read Electrical Utilities. SAFETY ELEMENT Plilnnin<j Diructor :<lochn ;H,"\ted th,¡t thi:i element is on Pih)!.: 209 of tht: 1'1.:1n ¿Ind is one ....hich the Iii.... docs not require but W,IS included wIthin tho 197';1 1>1.)n ùnJ it has been Uµd.ltud. He ::¡t.1tccJ thðt the olcmcnt idcntifiu~ tho ~~cncics involveo in Collier ~ounty's cmcrse:ìcy oper.:1tions on a locDI Icv01, ùdding the mo~t notublc iu tho County'::; div1::>ion of public S¿¡(cty, th~ indcp~ndcnt fire district::> .:Inc1 tho M~ 07B ~~EZlB 1'.1g 0 <1 {3 ------------0;:------------------------------ , " '. ~ I " J ~ i .. --------------------------------------------- ~WK 078 f1?ADEZl9 October lU, 1903 Sheriff's Dcp~rt~ent. He noted thût th~ elE:lrlcnt also identifies the ", Stato Bure~u of Uisðstcr Prcparc~~cns and thcrc has Ðl~o been ~ note mûdc of the Souttl.....cst. florldù Hcgion.1l Pl.:lnnin~ Council's hurricane eVl'lculJtion plûn <.IncJ hurrlcMIO l();,¡ study. Ho indicJtcd thðt the clement identlfil.!s implementing County plans outside the cl~mcnt and includes the Collier County basic emergency opcrttions plðn nnd the Collier County ntlturðl ~is()stcr plDn. lie noted th8t Pi'!<jcs 213-215, TlIbleG I c!)nd II idcntify tfH.: ð<JencIe~ and the £\r<-:ðs \·¡hich ,He involved .i!th illl the plún$. ¡ie rcportct.! ttlnt this ~lemE:nt ....ð5 done with the 1l:::;sist,1nCQ o f N t! 11 Do r r i 11, DIll 1 S Ion 0 ( I' u b 11 c S ð [ c t Y . H t! i n die ù t e d t!HI the receIved ~ c.:ornnlcnL fror.1 th~ heyion undt:r ^ttDchmcnt "C" on PèlCJC 7. H~ Htl1ted th,'t Lhcy hi:Ù three cor:\m~nts, onc bcin'J Ð reference to the (,1ct thðt it is not requIred by 1<.1....., the second comment bsks that ~n iHlditionül pol1<;y "E" b0 lJåd0d that Collier County r,!HJll pcriodicùlly u¡xJl1te its lJnsic e;nerg(~ncy operëltion::; plan lInù naturù1 disaster plòn aD necessùry, il1)(\ tllt~ third comm~nt ig thÐt Policy "C" !>hould be ,changed to read that Collier County shòll coordinÐte its disÐstcr prcpRrcdness P 1 û n ~ wit h t 11 ~ ,) c: j ,1 C co n t (; 0 U n ti c s a s we 11 II 5 ....1 t h the s t () t e éI n d r c C) ion a 1 pll1n s. Commissioner Brown moved, seconded by Commfijsioner Voss and cðrricd unðnimously, thl\t tho ðbove Items be ðdded to the Comprohensive Plan. SOLID ~^STE ELEMENT PliJnning Uirëctor I;loeh;) indicCotE;:d thnt this clement could be found on Pi1'.J(~ GlJ o( the P1Dn, ~d<:.Jinr:3 thût the function of this clement is to provide tho most efflci.:-nt, economical I1nd cnvironmentlllly ~ound collectIon disposill Sy::>tCfll for the County. He noted thðt the 1979 Pliln has been upd.:Jtcd ¡!nd he hù5 bro_ldly ch:Cinf:d ~olid WDstc 'in the rlùn liS PlICJC .,9 -----------.------------------------------- ~.... .... ~ \0<' t;: a" d '." '" Uil ~. "~':J" :>, '~~ ~,. . ..'.1:1 "j/ ... ,¡.;. ~~ ! ,!t~ ~~ ,,~... .! Î 1 .il' J .. . --- - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -.- -- - - -- -- - - - - - - - - - -- O.:tobor 13, BiJJ any non-l1~!uiù di3ciHdcd by "man" .....hich \dll be c!MnljC<.1 to rJiSCiHdt~d by "humõn". lie notr>d thiH on Pil<JC G9 of the Fl.:!n is b recortj from t!w Naple3 S~nitary Landfill which illl1strðtos thœ type9 of solid wast~ that 13 beine; (jc:nuratcù in thu County ûnd IJdvù rcslJon!;ibility foe disposal. I ~ reportl.:cI thllt Pi}CJ~ 71 indicðtc~ the l<1l1df11l :3it~s (or 1mmokalco, Golden G.:Jtc, ùnd the theee trCins[c,c st,1tion~; Carnc3town, ~J.:lpll!S ûod I'larco 1::>1.300. ¡ic 3t£ltcd thut the (~10I11cnt!j of tho landfill::; !¡i:1V~ a li[o exp~ctiH\CY of approxi/:\'1tcly 10 y~úr~;, the element iJl~~ reports Soma .:slteeniltfvcs thl1t the Solid "':ast€' Division is invcstigating which include rC'Jlond1 \.·ûst(: energy facility, l:h,~ reef construction .:snd thü conv(~r:.ion to ahred fill. JlI:) stilted tl1è..t this t:lcrnl~nt lIas done r.ìostly uy ¡"r. F;1hey. /lOUSING ELEMENT Planner Cûr.:::hiont· stated tl1.1t thi~ ol.~nll~nt could b~~ found on P'lge 138 in th~ Plan, ûdding that tho lnLormation from tho 1979 Plan has b<.:cn Ur:Jðtcd with tll~ 1980 C(H1~US date .?tnll ld50 c1ny l.:.te:,r dùt<1 t[ldt the Planning Dùpar tmcnt h~}(1 .:lCC<:SS to. ~}he stated that th(~ Jluusin'J inforr.\ûtion W.::lS found in two sourcl?s, thl! liou~in'j Elcrn(~nt it~;(!lf ,)no:l in the technic.;!l r~port, ðddin<:¡ th,H thüy Wêrc consol!ùc1tl!(! into this Plùn. ~h~ nOl:~d that the hous!n\) clL'mt~nt. hcgins ,...ith iLn inc:roduction dCDcribing thu toc.;)l Government COr.1pr(!hl!nsiv,~ 1>lùnninq ^ct requircr.1onts. She 5t~ted thût it also hðs ~ setting dnd problem stútcl11ent whi-:;~: ']ivDD the housin':1 inventor)', the nlJI:':ber of. units in the County émd tho ò~j^cl;)nt citif,:s ûnd providl~~ for projc!ction!; to the yoar 2000, as well ~G vnrious brcokdowns on thu ty~us of unit~. Shc noted that it discus~es tlH) vAcancy CIHH..~ct.cristic in the County ùnå how it. is influenced by Docond homco'...r1lH::>hip .:Ind 50,150n"1 fluctuations. Sh~ a t Q t c ù t h c1 tit d C ::1 C r1 be 1J the h 0 U:3 in') c ~) n d 1 t ion s, t h U .'\ 9 e 0 f h 0 u~. 1 n I) " ~O~ 078 IFAtE 2BO Pdg.;.· so ._-----------------------------------~~--. - - -- - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - -- - --- - - - -- -- -- -- --- -- ~ # ]DDK _ f!78 i~A£E.æl' October 18, 1983 unlt~, ond thu nLL'1\ber of Gubst.:lndélrd unit!! in tho County. ßlH~ stated that It di~~usGes houHing cost, the increðDc of the cost in the County and the proble~ or findIng ~n nfCordabl0 homo, ðS well as the housing needs, the rcdcvQloI~cnt nrC~G in the County, mDlntenftnce areas "nd rchllbllitlJtlon ê\rt:l\~. StlC atðtf!d thl.lt tho third portion of the lIousing £lcmcnL deals with implementation strntcgi0G to meet the hou51ng needs of the CounLy, ðddin9 thi)t these ðce lH\slcûlly lJsslstcd housing progrlJCf1S. Sht'l noted ttwt thur~ is lJlGO () doncription in the f:lement of the In(lucncè o[ :.:on1ns¡ rcgul<1tion~ and the lûnd U!:iC pl",n ùD wull as thn cost íJn,: SUPI"ly of housing. Tape 12 Plé.1nncr Cé\cchionc r<:¡"ortcd that the gOLd!;, objcctiv£:5, and policies Collow iJt the end of the elemcnt, adding th<lt the goal Is to provide ftCcc~tÐble, 9~(e, fiðniLÐry housing for nll curront ùnd futuro rc~idcnt5 of Collicr County. She stûted thllt r.he /1,15 recclvetJ comments [ronl tIp! St.jtu, ct)t! f{l!lJlon, lInd tht: Oop,Htmcnt o[ !leLllth Ðnd RchilbllitbLive ~;crviccs. S ¡~ noted thut the State Department of COI:)munity !,[fllir:¡, tile South....cst floridt1 Hcgionðl Planning Council, and the Licpartment of I!RS D11 commented as indicated in Item 11, Pð'JC? 7 of ^ttaclvncnt NC", \Jhicl1 notcu thût the 1900 legisl.:tlve ché:lngc rt:l uircs the Inclusion of group homúD bnd ío~t0r core facilities in the ¡lousing £::lcl\1('nl r~qtJirccJ by tht' Locl11 Govcrn/:¡cnt Cor.,prchcnHivl: PI,)On1nIJ ^ct. ~ho noted th,:¡t it further stato:!> th.:¡t the provision of ..,duqUðtC !iitcs for futurû housing, inC'ludintj housin<) for low tJnd ;)oa~r.:Jte Income familica, mo~ilu homu6, Dnd qroup hom~ facilities ûnd [oster cûrc [acilities, ....·itll supporting in(rðstructurc l.Ind community facIlitIes, ðnd th.Jt ¿¡lthou'J1) this iH5Ut! is (I(:JcJrQsscd In U¡i;,! Qlem(~nt, thl! .,..:>rding above should be in con(orl1¡tlnc(J ....'ith thù l1rncndud wording in the Act. .. ." ~ PðCJ t: S 1 -- --- -- ---- -- --- -- - -~ --_._-- ---.-- -- -------- P.1ge 52 ( r~ , ------------------------------------------- Oc to bo r 1 ~, 19 Q 3 " 5 ~ho noted tt1.:1t the ~cc::ond comm<..:nt by the HogionCll rl<lnning Council hðd i :.I l: to do .....i:..h tho..! nlJcc.1tive on the bott.om of P':HJO 139 \/hich ~t,ltCS t.hùt th~ County should prob..1bly point out th.Jt the growth in thc number of , "/ .~ ~ hou$ing units by the YèLlr 2:)00 \Nill bu ilt ð muc!'. rr.or~ rupid rmce th.Jn ,. avon the County's r.:tpic fJopuldt.ion increases ilnd ~lill requira tl\i'lt " >' " 3crvice~ for thcs'J homes will be strvsscd morè tl1i1n thu poµuLHion inCrC<1~h~ (llonc would indic£ltc. ~!lO stùtcd th.,t tho Hcgion also hiJd ð ::orn:;wnt on P"~ge 143, Tùblo 7, $ttJtinl) thtJt it should note thùt Gor:w unit~ mlJY overl.;¡p ùndbo both overcrowded ¿¡nd lûcking toll<tt fðcilitieu. She concluded by utðting thnt the Region indicated thðt there i.G ,1 good discussion of housing ir:1plcmcntation 5tro:Jtegles found i nth 1.5 c.! 1 Ú 1:1..: n t . Com~iBsioner Voss moved, seconded by Commissioner Pistor and carried unanimously, that Item ~l on P~ge 7 of ^ttðchment "C" be ¡, ~, t ~" ~' t: ~< " ~:.- " "'j jr', '" ~~ íí: Þ¡' h ~.. ,.,< includod in the Pl~n. CommissIoner Brown moved, ceconded by CommissIoner Voss and carried unanImously, that Item '2 on Page 7 of ^ttachment "C" be Included In the Plan. Commissioner Voss moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown dnd carricd unanimously, that Itom '3 on Pago 7 of ^ttachment "C" be included in the Plan. I ~ " ~' I', !'" (~~. ,.,. 1;-:' SANITARY SEWER, POTABLE WATER AND SURFACE WATEH MANAGEMENT ELEMENT Pl¿¡nnlng Diroctor i:lochn stilted that this clement Is on Pag\) 190 of thu ¡..lan ()nd wùs cùllcd the ~'ìðt\)r Hcsourccs 1::1umcnt In the 1979 P1ùn. lie st.:1tcd th.:Jt the e1 cmcnt ia probðbly the closest to tho 1979 P1.:ln \w1th zt.rlct updùto of tj¡a recommendationG, nddin9 th<1t rage~ 196 lInd 197 0:: tho Pl",n includo ,)n u~dðte of tho 1979 plans racOr.1mCndðtion for thè five sC,,-"t!r ~crvlcc IHcas defined 1n tho 208 rlun. 110 stilted ~.,;~ 078 ÐI"~ ifjOlf ,",1,1.).\ . n".. I/I:J '- ----~-----~-~--------------------------~~-- ! i"./ C BO~K (("/8 PA:f283 t' ---- -----.- - ,----- ---------------------- ,------ Ii . . ~ Oc to b ~H I!!, 1 9 3 3 th()t~ Pag~ 200 lncludc:s potðulo ....ðter rocomm~ndc_:.tion updiltcs fron the 197~ pl.:!n, ßdding that thIs portion of the clement WI1S primlally cJonê with the Utilities Administrc1tor's help. Commiut;ioncr V01jD stl3tt)d that au fer ¿¡3 thlu clement !1C)!3 gona it is good, but it should be more zpoclfic ~s fnr ~s the lon~-rðnge outlook of collection systems, the 10cc'Hion of tho newðCJ~ collection systems, the generC)l llreð!> or where truôtr:1ent plants will be, what in expected from developers regarding ßquif~rs, how to protect the ,-:-, -~ " . wullfleld9, and where future locntionn or woter lines will ba and deep .' we 1 1 i n j c c t1 0 n s . 11 c not ~ d UJ d tit. i G D vcr y CJ 00 d pi D n, but I t n E.' cds to .'" be more npcc1fic like whorc In the general brea would thu pl/Jntf> llnd lines b~ located. Utilltic9 ^dministr~tor Ucr~on statud thÐt there is Ð middle ~', ~. ~. Þ f~" j: fe' ~ ~ i,,). ~ { ~¡. ~. ~j ~; ~;, ~; f: ", ground somcI·¡lwrc, ùcidin') tll,:1t it \ow,)D hi:; understanding thùt thi~ .....i1S .:1 bro<Jd outlinù of the:: ObjL'ctlvt:~ thðt thl..! County wl.nlH:3 to nccorn¡.rli5h, adding thQt if the board wclnt~ to get mora specific it could be done .....ithin Ð matter of ð f<:w dnY9 Bitting down and identifying gcncrðl ûreo1~ .....hore .Jt this time, ccrtC)in types of fðcil1tieG would be fCJCjuircd in all likelihood. Com~issionar Voss moved, scconded by Commisdionor Plstor and carriod 4/1, (Comml~sloner Kruse oppos~d), thðt the plðn be enlargcd to encompaSG other methods includIng deop-well injection In greater detðll as fDr as tho general routing of force mains, the genorðl location of treatment plðnts, ðnd the gcnoral means of disposing of excessive effluent. /1s. ,,",i t(;hcll ~t¿¡tL'd tlhlt thl' Lcnguo of h'om('n Votcr1õ is in sU¡Jport of dC~11-\<J,:l1 injection. ~hc stated that tho l.eaCJu~ supports ð County Hegional 5anitðry Su.....cr ßyst~rn µublicly owned Dnd mDnag~d. Sh~ slated PlIgc 5J .-----. - - - -.--- - - ---- - - ---- ---- --.-.------- ------- ~ ,- - -- - -- -- -- ~- - - - ------ - - --- --- ------- ----, ~::.I - - -.. ì I ~ . ¡ 1 , ,. . ~ ï ~ ,I -- -- - -_..--- - -- - -- - -- - - _.- -.--- -- -- -- - --- -- - -'- --- Oc l I) b c r 1:), E¡ e J " thdt tl1f.)Y ...·oulù iik!! ð ~trong commitment (ror:"l this docur.1ent i1nc.! thp. Cor.\r.1i!Js1on thl:lt the County is c.omm1·tt~d to thE: (~li,rdni1tion of !3rn(11l troatmcnt pIenta dnd to try and stop prolifcr~tion in arMor thbt there be ðn ovcr~¡1 County ~l~n tor Ððnitury saw~r~. ~hu ref~rrud to tho m~p on P.:Jgc 1)2 in tile Pll1n, MJding thùt those cli¡:;tricts ,:;houlcJ be looked Lit "y¡dn û::; some oC ti1(~ boundüriou could be moved. ~11C ~3tdtt~d th,:¡t ::;OICIQ of th~ in[ormùtion th¿¡t the Haury Study 1'1111 11.!JVt:? ~;11oLJlc1 be irnplt,muntuu into this !'lün. Mr. Dûvid Gr~hÐm, r3presentlng Golden Gate Bu~Jncu~ ^~~ocl~tion, stðtcd thùt he is interested in the Coldun GlIt~ ^U1D, ,'dcJir.:) that he would like to StHl some di.-do<juc tIS to wh¿¡t tho plans Jrt.' for tlw l]r'~3 in tIll.: futuru .'JlH.1 possibly nome typc of ¿, timctable. I/~ st.}ttld thilt th<:rc <lrt) problems out thera <1nd ther!.! \01111 be more .s~VtHe jJrobloms "nd h~ wouléJ lik,~ to :.ce fior;wth1n'J done no..... ~ ::>t.Jtoc1 thilt Iw \,.oLl1d like to S ~ 0 i tin the P 1 ù n t 11':-1 t the Uti 1 i t Y ::; Y s t c m \,'0 u 1 d be r u r c n CI sed ù n d :;öid t!1/}t there would be i' lot of :3Upport in Goldl)n G<itc tor ,1 r c [ ere n d u ~ for t J¡ "t i f t tH.1 Co U n t y co u 1 ci not. pur c h.:J :; ~ 1 t . TDpe 13 CommIssioner KruGc stùtcd thðt thcr~ doou nced to be addltionDl stud i C $ don Po 0 n t J¡ eGo 1 den G i) t e { r a i} l} n d it'", i 11 b C1 don c . Commissioner Plator movod, seconded by Commissioner VOSÐ and carried unðnimously, thilt thet Comprehensive Plùn includo something to tho effect that the goal of the County is to provide sewage trcatment facilities throughout the County in due timo and that the County Attorney be authorized to dr~ft tho proper languðgc and bring it back to tha Dee for a final vote. County Attorney Saunders ~tùtcd that ho would draft languDge to indicßto thùt it is the du~ira of the County to providc a c~ntrùl Wilter &O~ 078 ~œ2S( pnge 5~ J ð §': ø D' .s il 11. --------------------------~--------------~ :ßO~K U78 :p.~E285 Oc: t 0 b cr. 1 Ó, 19 a 3 , and sc'....cr syster.\ and to élcquirc the privately owned systems, when Dncl if it is f~lJziblc: ior tl)e County to do :30, {Ine lcavu it open so tlwt the County Cornmi6r.ion could mr)KC D determination llS to when It Is fCð.!1iblo. ***** Recess: B:15 P.M. - Reconvened: 0:30 P.M. ***** Commi!>sloncr l~ru5c stùted that the BO<'Jrd "'ould go through elcnlCnt flO, which is thL' 'l'riJnsporiJtion El(;!mcnt, (1c.\ding thllt tl1, Nl't.urûl He:.wurccs ~;ler\,~nt, ûnù n2, Future Lbnd Usa I::lt!mcnt, will be h,'ndled November 1, l~dJ. P1¿¡nninq Director f.loûhn st;)t~d thllt thtJ South Florida "'òter ManiJl)cment District héJd t....·o recornn1ond,1tlons rC<J"Hding WlJstcwoter, addinCJ thút tIle)' recoITimcnûcò that on Pt1rJe 20G, Policy .W', it should be rt:'worded ¡:¡s follo"I~: "cncollrl:gc:d rcu::H:s of Wiwtowâtcr ðf3 In.," ùnd golf cour~~:.> irri'.J¿ Liorl l3ujJ Jly thUiJ rccJucin'] dt.:mands on potable wat!:r supply. tic not<.:ù t!lcit thl.: second recommendation WiJS on Page 2CG, Objective 4, ~t(Jting th<.1t the policy !Jhould rClId: "recognize renovlItcd ....ostc\lùtor iJnd rurl-o[f ~s ð comFoncnt for the rC Jloni~hmcnt of w¡,tcr resources. It was the general consensus that thcSQ two comments be inserted into the Pllln. Mr. Hieh l1enÖcrlong 5t<Jt..:U thdt Oil the m<lp on Page: 19:) which is the sewer ~iutrict 5ervice map, District a is incorrect due to chðngcs the Ci ty hÔ5 I;¡¿,(ÌI.:. Mr. J::Jw.::rcJ ~:IJnt :.;t.ìt<.:u th.:.t District ß h,:)s been clJùngcd by the City, noting the.t only the City boundllricG ond sr~nsor trllcts 102 lInù 103 ¿He Incluucú in tlw non,nc-rn pDrt of Sewer District B. lie notod thot he hoa 0 copy of th~ map which he will forwðrd to Stðí(. Commissionor Kruso directeù that Mr. 8erzon and County Attorney Sðundcrs work togother on the corrÐct district lines for Sowcr District PJgc 5~ --- -..-- -- -- --- --'- -- - --.-- ---- --------------- ~,I I ! !I i1 1~ - --.- - - - - - - - - -... - - - - - - -- - -- - - - -_.- - - - - - - - - - - -- Gc t 0 b c: r 1 n, 1 «; 13 3 " -B" ðnd the ðrbitr~ry boundûrles b~ Inserted into tho Plðn. Pl.: nnin'J Director nochn st,'1l<.:ú thùt t.h~ì' updl.Jt'.:d t.h~ 19ï5l Pli'ln ""ith ti1l.: Utilities ^ùr:\ini:Hrator's ,)ssi!3tùnc~, ,1<lùing thi.t there \iDB ~ Cor:H¡),:nt (ror.l Uw CiGtricl on the boltor.1 or P,1'J(~ 2 rC'JarcJin(J tllC wallficld's ~rolcction. C;or:iJniD~ioncr i<rusc '1uCJslion~<.I if County I\ttornuy Sùundl!r~ lwd [¡ chanc\) to ravitJ'n' their ff.:quost, to which ho replied ne<Jðtivl~ly. Commissioner V0SS movod, seconded by Commissioner BrOHn ùnd c~rrled unðnimously, that the County Attorney chock tho lcgðl ImplicDtions of inscrtion and make sure that there will be no Intorgovarnmontðl problems ùnd to work with th~ suggostion ðnd come back to the BCC. CO~~i55ioner Kruse 5l~t~d thDt the Bonrd ~ould awn it the County Attorneyl3 input before t<)).:in1 l1ny "ction ,,5 to 'flll(,'thûr to lnclurlu this in thü Pidn or not. I'lr. David Grdh~Hn, rt!prc:scntlng Golden Gr.lt,} ßU::3inos:3 I\S50ci.1tion, stat¿d that the biSqù~t tt\orn in tht.t populéJtlon of Goldc:n GùtQ i5 to sct: ðll the \,,1t~r linl:s ru:mirHJ from the t::3UJtt~::; and not bein'J übl~ to Ilook into it. He ~tdted that hù .....oulcJ lir.0 to 3ec 50<:12 lùnguuge th.:Jt :3 0 <:1 e t i If, C i nth (' f u t u r c t h <.' Y ..... i JIb e ~ b 1 c to h c.' 0 k up toe i t y \.¡,) t cr. I t was tho gencr~1 consenSUD that the Uoard racognlzcs that the problem exists ðnd tho County will do whðt thuy can within the clements of the lð.-. CO~j¡'1iszioncr pistor stilted tllclt t!)(.:r~ should bc SOliHHhing in t!1C plan thdt wIll ~tdtu that t:\~ County will try and gut Golden C~tc ~nd Colden C~tc Cstatùs on ü centr~l uY3tum. Co~~is8ioner Kruse ~tdtud LlI <I t .i t s t c1 t c sin t ~. I.! r 1 ð nth 11 t t h u f u t u r '1 0 U t 1 00 K for tit t!I tis by 1 9 9 0 . bO~K 078 ~2B6 P.1gC S/í -- -- --- - - - -- - - --,- - ----- - -- - - - ------ --- -- -~- t tJ '" 5 .:~' r i '<.' :. .) I "I:I"~: " ,,,...c. ~". . . II ',' 3 d ' ~.R 1 ,,11 ~. J ~ JI - --- - - - - - - - -- -,-- - - - - - - --- ------- ---..- - - -- ...- BO~K 078 FAGf287 October 18, 1903 Tðpe 14 MrG. t-iitchcl1 stéJtt:d tlwt the Inðp on PðgQ 199 identifies \{,¡tcr örCllf;, udding ::hDt. t!1iJ.> mðp !;i10ulù giv~ future lociltions for wat~r treatment plnnts. S¡H~ 81,,0 noted th'lt thcrc is no place thilt Identifies where the nourcc of drinking water comes from, adding thDt t~c Pl~n !;hould give speciLic information to identify the aquifers and tht' rechllr<)1: l1r(!l''IS lIG thc'ì' .st1ould be protected frorn pollution Dnd no\{ dovclopr;,ent ù~ v,'0l1 (\1; corar,1cn:iL.il Dnd inrlu~trlBl usc::;. Mr. fr~d Vidze5, Exc~utivc Director of the 8ig Cyprcss Uasin DotHd, st£ltCcJ ttli'lt tl~i~ ¡:;tudy is unùcC\<¡¡\y ¿)nd when comp1etod it can be implem~ntecJ into thu PIcHI. lie st{1tcd thi'H hL' is in .:\ position to IMk:.:: tt¡ c r I.' c ooww n d 1I t i () n :) t 0 i C l! n t i [y <Î n d pro t c c t t Iìl! ð r C éJ .5, é] d din CJ t h.1 the will c:ontinulJ in thi~ .::rc...l iJnd hop~[ully within the next ß monthG, it ~ill b0 co~plvtud. Pll\nnin<] Dir",ctot J':loeho st,1t~~d th.:..t th.~ Surface Water MéJndCJ~ml'nt Element WÐ5 tùkcn ðl~o$t directly from the 1979 Plnn, adding thðt slJmeonc from Public h'orks did incorpordtl: ðn ul%1ðtl: on thè County proc.:edurll5 (or \'iùtcr ('îQ/)atjCt:1Cnl in ?r<:viously developed "HelJ~ lInJ nr.v,'I~' d eve 1 0 pc Ù II reD S w 111 chi::; 0 n P ':1 9 e 2 0 ,~ . Mr. JJüvlcJ GrtJhi'Jra, rcprcuentinl) the Goldé'n C,ltc Bu~ine5:; AS:::;ocilltion, !3tnted ttL'Jt $urfilcc wùt~r run-off I::> .i bilG iGSUC with pco~le in Colden Goto. He sLðtt:d th¿lt ht? would like somctldng In the Pliln thnt Im.:icùtcs Ulat there: would hc one ðgt!ncy tlwt Hould ovcrse<: tile: ot.he:rs ~n~! possibly tloId L1 workGhop once: or twice éJ yc{ r to review .:ane] di~;~us~ .....lhìL lIDs bCt!/) done or whoJt is going to be c!onc. COI:ì~iS5io/)er }:rusc: stl.:ted ttwt WilS the:: intent of the ßO<lrd in eGtDblishing ù npcclfi~ I\üt(;r f'ic)nðgcmcnt Dep':Htmcnt find hirinrJ" l~lIn to do aXilC t ly tocl t. She.' stlltcd th"t she is hopf~ful thüt t~r. t>oldt's ,-" P.)g¡; :"7 -- -- -- - - - - - - - --'- - - --- - ------- -.----- ---....-.- ---- , w ~ .S i1 1~ . ------ -- --- - -- ~- -'-'- ---- --- - - - - - - -- - -_. -- -- -- --., ~-,.'.' -_. -- -- -~ Cctou,:r l;~, 19U3 department wil1 be the c~ntrMl 50UrCQ of inform~tion for what is häppcnin'J ¡¡t t!H~ tiw!. It was the gcnorðl consensus thðt tho Water MnnDgcmont Director hðvc ß workshop onc~ or twice a yeðr regarding wator problems and concerns of the public regarding the surfðce wÐtcr mûnÐgcmcnt clement. PI.1nning Dir<!ctor Xlochn ::;t.)tôd tll!lt t~hlr() ....dS on~~ ~omrnc:nt from the :jouthl;¡ezt. florid,) ~~i\tl':r ¡'¡i1r.a9,·r.\cnt District I,idch 1:3 reterenced to on Pt1l)t! 200 of th.... Plein, Objective tI, Policy "F", ':lrl,j n:'<':O~IT,0nut) thòt it should be rüstÐted ~~: "insuro wat.er quality through prop\:'r disposðl and manitorinl) of solid toxic ùnd hllZIHdou:.> w,lßtC." Commissioner Voss moved, seconded by Commissioner Pistor ùnd cðrricd unanimously, thnt the ~bova-rcfcrcnccd wording bo included. PARKS, Ré.:CIŒATION AND OPEN SPACk:: ELEMENT PI.!JnrHH Terry Clark stùtcd tlwt till::; cl(:j:\únt i~ found 0n P"gc 112 of t!1e Pl,Jn ðnd i5 :3irniLH to the 1979 µL.ln. He noted t!wt It \'/¿15 updùtcd from ~;tùto ;¡nd ot!hH r~creðtlon sourc~s, adding thnt the o1emcnt i:; brok~'n into U",rve section:J; p~cr~.1tion :Jtl:ndiHÙS ""hi,:!) '...ere t¡¡k~n from the :~ti.ltl! rp.coli\mondatlon plðn; existin:") r,):.;r;)urco::>, iH\d facilities cJnd needs .):;seSSllìl:!nts. He s t.:l t,; IJ d t 11 a t t h ~ r I~ ere :J t 1 0 n stilnd,Hds h(1ve thr~\;) types; rvsourcc bil£Ù, user oricnu:d, clnd out.door comr.\unity wi¡lch arc revlc\.¡co in thL' T.1Ul...:::; on P,,')es 111j-117. HI':' st.:¡t~tI thi1t existing resources Dnd flicilitics begin on P/lgc 1.18 o( the Plðn, adding that it brci)~s do',m the f[ cilitlu~; th¿¡t ,Irc m'1int.:lined by tho County ùnd those thðt ðrC not in terms of neighborhood and community f¿)dl1ties. Ii u i n ù i c i.I t ~ d t hat 0 n P ú 9 c 11 Gis tl 1 ~; 0 t h I:! 11 C L! Ù S d 5 U u ssm c n t of the County vl!dch WrlS ,¡rrived at by applying the zt!!ndarus of the St¡¡te against the ~xistinJ facilities and uslnc] popul.:ltion IHojt:cts from th~ University of Florida. He stðtcd th.1t the 9üQch Access M'~ 078 mE. ,.¡ Pdq~ 5f3 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -..- - - - - - - - - - - -- ,1, PaCje 59 ------ -- _ _ ---- _ _ --.J__ _ -..._ ________ __._ _ _0_ ________ ißDDK 078 II'AtE 289 October 18, 19ü) section haD bccn exp¿ndcd upon offering nu~crous pðges of bQÐCl1 ~cceGS sites in the.· County which bCCjins on P'ì'JC l20 of thl.! Pl~n. tlo stated thllt the review of the nt.>eds ,1aSO::¡ZrTI<.'nt in terms of 1111n1 and n\:ighborhood fJtHks indIc.1t~ th..u thcre i:.o " deficIt in th~ County of approximðtcly 27 sitcs or 137 acr~s. tic stated th.:lt the community parka hav~ been adoquutcly t~kcn care of through the Dond Issue and the urb¡¡n, di~trI~t, ilnù rcgiontil pcrkG .:Ire DdcqUDtcly t£lken car" of lIG well. He Gté.Jtud th,'t in tGrlllS of implemcntDtlon, the midn e~pllðsis w¡~s put on tll<': mini .!Ind noi<Jhborllood p/lrkf3. tic stated thðt in the point systefTl of the Innd use clèlnûnt (H) incentive is being offc.'red to d eve 1 0 per s [ 0 r ,1 n c i 9 h b 0 rho 0 d P l! r kin t h td r d eve 1 0 pm c n t . Ii cst cJ t c d r ~ ~ I r I' :" that hc received no for~ðl comm~nts from the StDte but did receive Some from the South....·est Floriò<:: ri(.'gional Planning Council ~¡hich lIrc on P.Jge " [,. ,~. (, of their l1é1ndout. He ~t~Ll~cJ thiJt two of the comments rl~fcr to Pages " " f: £" 1.\ t,.. f:- 133 é:nù 13~ of the Pl¡;n, ùdJinl) that éI CJun(.'CÐl comment referred to the Capit~l Improvement Progr~m In ùn attempt to tic in the requested improvemt!nts to thë C.1pitul lli1provom~nt Program and the County. He stDtcd that the first commúnt they mlJdc was that there is no discussion of season~l popul~tion in the needs DGZCSsmcnt and the 50cond comment " ~ was thùt th~rc is .i nl:p.:.! to det.ail beach ilccess strdtp.gics, adding th.1t -.(. ~ ~ ! ( t/10 fin"l COr.1ment Gt¡ltU] tÌl~t somù emphasis ~.hould be 'Jiven to intE:!r-governl:H:ntðl ~oortJ1n"tiul1 in f¿¡cUlties plDnning <"Ind pro':irélITuning. Plnnnin'] Director Inochn ztatcd théJt thcrc could be some type of " st.;¡tcrncnt ~Jithll1 the Plan théJt indiciltes t ¡~ figurcs are much higher during sC¿H;on, dddintJ tl1ût mi'lybc thorn could be figures foune! that would indicate cxactl~' how much higher. Commissioner Kruse st~tcd that it nu~ds to be established if there Is ù Dl(jnificnnt impllct during SCd~jOn ver!:>us tlH! rcst o[ tlw yct.r. -.- -- -- - - - --- ---- - - ---- - - -----.----- - --- - - --.--- - ---.-- - - - - -_.- - - - - - -- - -- - - - - - -- - - - - - - - -- - - - -. üC t U tHH 1 D, 1 9:J J ¡. Commissioner lIolland moved, secondod by Commissioner Voss ðnd carried unanimously, that Staff be directod to taka ð look at the impact in recreational planning during the season and bring a report bnck to tho BCC ðnd to koop thu Tourint Dovolopment Council informed. Community Development Virto stated th~t in rQf~rance to the comrncnt about th~ C.\pitùl Ir.\provc.:mont fund:.>, th.~ funds (1r~ only those '....hictl arc known to the County, tnc bond!J being the r;\ost .siCjroificlInt amount oE money \...hlch ¡lr.J udrmarked for the Coml;\unity park:J, addin<) th.n ùt this point there is no source to CUrlnlIrK £tnything b\1yond t.hilt. Ho stated that there i~ very Ilttl~ that can be cOr.\mcntcd on at this time. He reported thùt, with reference to thu Ucach ^ccess comment, therc is ( study being donI} \o,'hich will bu comini) up n<:xt Y(~(H ðnd \,¡ill be far mora detJiled than whùt woulJ be cxpectud in thu PIQn. Mr. I::d'....òrd KlJnt refcrred tQ tht.' l:J!Jt 5'H:tenCI! on P'ICJ(! 133 of the Pl.:.n, stêltine) th<.1t it refers t.o tl)/.! pðymt:nt in-lit!u .:Ind on P¿tCJe 137, Objective 2, Policy "C", st~l~s tha~ dn ordln~ncd Dhould be ndopt~ct thllt I'1.:<.Juirus dov·Jlopurn to providu .1 proportiOTlrlto sh..)(o or 1.1nd or r.\oncy. HE: st.:Jt~<.J thût whcn thorc i!.ò dil:a:u3fJlon on t!1O lnnd U5P. t!lement, it will be noted that thore is a forrnul~ under the lend usa cl!.:ment, "ddlng t!l<1t If tt1C ldnd u~f.! clcl:](!nt Is l.doptC!d it will t..kc c.Jre of that Objcctiv~ in nHiu1ring pl.lym()nt.5 in-lieu .1nd/or l<1nd donðtions. He Gt,1ted thùt if thcrp. are mini pllrks, t.he qU~!jtion comes u p 1I S tow h e the r t II ~ Co u n t y W ù n t s tot ð k t! r ~ 13 IJO n sib i 11 t Y 0 í ma i n t f.! n ¿¡ n c ~ and upkeep of sm~ll sllvcr3 of property. Pl.~niling Oiructor l\lol1hn stilted thnt ho tliJS spokp.n with Mr. Rico ,1nd he hùs IJc~n working on 50r,)(1 1.""'JU.h1C tll.)t would tlxcludE: mini p.:1rks. COr:lr:ll:H¡!onér lIoll¿¡nd st03tcd that the County tl1kcs caro of more t.!1.3n 30 µðrk3 tlOW, ddt.J1n'J tll.)t Ie tho duvuloplH don<1t'JS two or threu BÒQK '0'18 fPAtEZ90 Pð{JO GO - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - ----- ~:I ~;d !.~ --------------------------------------'----_. . -:" . :;' iI" i 1 J ~ BoaK 078 PAcE291 : October lO, 1903 " acre!; of lðnd thÐt is the end or their reDponsibility "nd the County has to tðkc over nnd maintuin the proporty. Ho %3t.:1t~d thé1t thera could .' be ð bettcr plðn. Commiasioner Vos~ indicot~d that there should be ð mlnl~um ðnd ftll'lximum size indicated in the! Phn. Commi~slonor Holland moved, seconded by Commissioner Voss and carr~cd unanimously, that Stnff bo dirocted to go back ðnd review the pol~cy on neighborhood parks and mini parks and come back to the DCC with Q better concopt. CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM Plbnning Director Kloehn stDtcd thl:lt this item will still be upjdted during the next few WCCKS, ë:ldding thcJt the r<H1son it WlJS includ(!d in the PIon Wü5 to meet Ðn LCCPA requircmunt that the Plan be tJconomic.:tdly f~ð~iblt~. 110 stûtt:j thé'lt he triÐd to cstiml1tc the cost Dnd cVdluatc potcntiül ~ource~ o( funding for the Cðpital Improvements. Ben 0 t c d t 11 ð the wo u 1 d be b ð c k \./ i t h u pd ð t Q d fig u res. Tape i5 Plllnning Director Kloehn st~tCI'J that he recc:!Íved on~ formal comment fror.! the úcpllrtr.lCnt of Community Affaire. ,that l1sked the Count:! to includ~ the cûpit,ll imFJrove",cnt for both tho sewer and potable w.)tcr, cHId in,] th...t this information will be included. He! noted that County Attorney ::)e,]undcrl:l rccor.\mC!ncJcd that somt.1 language bll included thilt ".ould 'Jive it mor(t flexibility so that if the CX.:1ct amount Is not spent, it could not be s<Jid tl1ðt the County 19 not In conformllnce with the ('lðO. IIv st.:'ltcd that the lûnguûga rucommcndc~ by County Attorney Sðundurs is thðt the plan "recognlzu that the Capital Improvemcnts provid~d for heroin, constitute the recommended c~pital improv~mcnts ilnd as dovl.:lo¡:~Tlcnt progresses throu'Jhout tho County, project::; In .' PðgO Gl --.-------.----------------------......-.------- ---..... ,"'..""..,.,-,........--.--....-.,-. "'.' ,~ ~ 'C ~ .~ ooø :~ .. .1 ',.ii '9 ;'~.!! ' I~ ~1 I.t 1'~ ! ';1! I "'ð ~ ------ - - -- - - -- - - -- -.---- - - - - - ----- -,-- - ---- Cctobcr 13, 1983 ~lddition to thr: onc~ cont¿¡inud herein, mc!:y búcol!1c ncc<:::;silry in order to meet conditions th<1t ~~Iay uxI!3t in tho tuturc." It was the general consensus thðt County Attorney 5Ðunders' languago be included in tho Plan. Pl.;¡nnintj Dir<Jctor l\1oohn ::;t,;,tod tl1;::t he would r~turn "it:1 th'~ recofìllnond,ìtions incorporllted frolii the :;tata ûnd tile County Attorney. TRANSPORTATION ELEMENT ,"'1PO Dir0.C'tor Purry !3t.<.1tc:d that tlì~ ex in tInt] ~ltui1ünts in t~H.' 1979 Pl.:tn ....ere cont,11l1Gd in two scpardtc~ volumt.!:3, on~ in the body of t:)Ú Co ¡;1 pre !J en:.; i v c P 1 <1 n a n (J 0 n () i n ¿) c 0 r.1 P ã n ion t l! C !J n i c a 1 r c po r t . lic ::;t.::ted tht1t Lt.u Tr.:1ns¡:.orti)tion clement hi1S becn cQlnbinccJ into one ::;in<:Jle do.:.:urn\~nt which is cssenlinlly tvlO pl\ù:";03; onn, ,] trDfflc circul,'tion ph¿¡sc which docur.1<.'nts cxIntinlj f:Jciliti<:s ,'nd; two, those projcct~d fùcilitics thòt would be nccdud ùfLr.:r tho YCtH 2COO "/hiGh arc covar~cJ in th..:: i:nplcmcntntion strat~gy. He .r.;tûtcd thùt the diffcroncc bet.....een the 1979 iJnd the 1~3J Pl~ln i3 ilir.lµly upct.:Jtlng Ero~ th~ old requircr.wnts to tllos~ th.Jt have bt.:cn t'!nhanccd. He ~tdted th()t in the exi:>tinq tri)fflc circuliJtlon ph"s<:, there l~ ttv..! ;nbjor y<.:nertltor::; which include: tho$û yovcrnment~l, institutional ~nd rccrcationûl f~cllitlcs ~9 well ,) z the p r i n c 1 P 1 ~ ;, t r ..: \H S ì'~) tern i n de t iJ i I, " c c i ù en t £; t il t i 1.> tic f;, ,H; we 11 <19 contraintn to tr~f(lc ;novcm~nt. 11<3 stfltcd tl1¿lt th~ cxlstinq roadway maintenance facilltics th.1t the County IH1B is duti\ilcd as to whùt tlw County i:; responsible for .Jnt! wl..'Jt the St.:'Jte Is rf~Dpon!;i!.Jle for. lie stûted thùt in the imj..ilomc/lti.ll:ion :H'1tClJY ph.1::;c, th05'~ improvements in thu f.iystCr.I h.wo bf.:en detailucJ in two differ!.!n!:. (In,Jscs, onlo' to the year 1~9{) and the 5econd ph.;1sC from t!1\) YI'UH 1~91-2000. lit! 5tû tcd th:¡ t those improvements hûve bean dct.:1llcd in (our pbrtlculür catcgorh; which arc thu rccolltitruc;tion of cxi~tinlJ cO.1dw.1Ys ("\nù .:I t\t'o-1l1nc lB'OOK 018 rrAU!292 p,:¡g c G 2 .. -- -- ---- --- ----. - ------ ------------.....-...-r---_._~. ''t 'h .. ________J...,.j. --------------------------------- M~ 078 fÀ~t 2.93 Oct.ober 18, 19<;3 fDcllity remoining as two-lane, the now construction of future two-ldne roads thnt presently do not CXi:H, reconstru:;~,ion of t\oJo-lélnc roðds to Lour-lane cðpdcity clnd t!1~ nCvl cOl1struction of: four-lone hll)hw.JYs. He ztðted thin he Ih1:; cx..'r:llncd di[tvrent fundinr} that is l\vzlllllble prasently to thl: CouI1ty L1nd those th,1t r.1iCJht be Implementcd In the future. He stutud thnt Iw has detðil~d ñ municipol service taxing dißt:.rict for~ul~. lie rcportccJ th¿)t lnnguli<'Jc Jws bcon added concerning t h t: r c: c C! n t 1 y ere <l t I..' c.J I'ì e to r 0 po 1 it.:: n PI ü n n i n <J 0 r 9 .) n 1 ~ ¿¡ t Ion (J n d how 1 t l1ffcct5 tht2 transportution pliJnning procce!). He s tll ted tht') t thc rc Is incluuecj ù ciO(:u;.lcnt.1t!0I1 of iìvi¿Jt!on, port UH.:ilitlcs, r-,il service or ¿) lðck tl)IHCO(, bikew"y zy:>tcrrl:1 .1ncf " future m,1¡3!3 trllnrdt f.:lcility. He 5 t ù t c d t h ü t t n (: r c h c) 5 ð 1 sob c c n i n c 1 u d cd go 11 1 6, 0 b j c c t 1 v C 5, £1 n d policic:s. lie IndiC:.ì\:,\"·:! thnt thcrc ,He !3pcciCic COr:lmcnts in the documt'rìt ttwt will tl~'ve to b'..: correct(:d becùu5c of changes that IHlve t.:lKc:n plCJcc likt: t:lll~ fJb£; tùx which hl\::i novI ùctuùlly been implemented. Hc :5tðtecJ thêt 111-' would be coming bac~: to the ßCC .....ith the ðctual specific l~n13uiJg(~ for all thest..' chðngcH. H( stated that the Southwest floridÞ H~gionùl Pl&nning Council has made Dcveral sU99cstlons, llddlng thðt he has revi~wcd the~ nnd is prc~~rcd to tùke direction from the Uoord rcgarding these 9uggustionu. lie r~fl.:rrcd to p¿ (Jc 4, Item II, of ^ttùchm!..:nt "C", ¿¡dQin.J tl1<lt he I1dS cx.:.~incd tlw north-south traffic :7:0VCnICnt, ¡md thi:t tit.' die; not fil1( that t!1Cr(! is .J zubst.':tnti£ll ûmount of north-:.wuth ob.Gtruction to fu~urc .'1rtúrilllz dnd collt:ct.ivca. lie t>tðtt..'(j UI:Jt Dt ¡.>rC1.il!nt hu doeu not. see the neeù to llc.!drcss this matter. It was the general conSenSUG th.:lt this item not be included in the Plan. Ref err 1 n cJ L 0 1 t\.: Ir, ~ 2, 1'1 r. Per r y 0 t oJ t c d t h oJ tin the e xis tin 9 1 9 7 9 Pliln, the extClnsion of ^ir¡:ort Road Wi"\::. ¡.¡lùnncd to ']0 to thc Lee County P.!19 c 63 -- --- - -.- - - - - -- ---... -- - --- -- -----,- ------ " ~ \f, t ' ",..",1 I ; 1 ~ ----- -_..- - ----..- -- ----- - -_.- --- - - - -- - -- - - _. - - -.-- Oc t 0 b~ r 1 ö, 19 r. 3 linu dnù, tlopuiully, continue on into Loa County. 110 ct~'tcd thi'1t 11::i i1 result of ~ pur; t!1ù t h11:.! been "prrovcd, the north-south ¿¡liqnt:'lL'nt ......) s moved ov~r one milt,) to C\ north~rly (! x ton::;! on to I,.¡f at 1!1 known t1 [) L1 v i ngs ton Roôd .:1nd \'/0 ul d 11nl.l up wltll Imparl'11 Hlvd., o1ddin<) tiHJt it .....ûs zimply û str.:ltC:':jic loovl2mcnt ann mil,:! (urthor to the oût;t. Ha stated thðt thero Is not any need for another alignmont In that location ùnd simply ûddressing the item would take care of it. lIe reportod thi:lt liS far /11) Item 13 1~ concerned, thore !:.:; brief language concerning the federal'increaso in gas tax revenues and tho 5 cent and 2 cent géls tax l'109U&190 needs to ba addod which will be taken CDro of. fie stated that as fClr as I t Of" ~4 iz concerned, this is l1 I:\CC j?olicy ,1nd nceds to be ~ddrossed directly by the Doard, adding thr1t he prcsuntly does not n,)vc :<>uch oJ rolicy. He stated thùt Sté1f[ has looked nt th') possibility oE obtainin~ at luast ra3crvDtion~ for future nced~ or nortt1-south ùs well dB l.!ast-W~!3t movements. H:J ctiltcd thòt 110 did not know if it nccd~d to bo tied do.....n to every section or 11<.\lf sl:r;':ion lIne. County Attorney ::Ji\undor;. :3t.ltecJ that r.ldny of the rO<JI..h-/.IYs li~ .:Jlon':1 suction linea, but ttwrt) Is no mðnÖùtory :;t.:Jtut,-, t!i.1t would provide for it automatic/Illy, dddin!) thi'lt this ·...-ould h,1Vl.' to bo done by Ordin.:tnc~. CO;:1tni::¡s ionc r Kr USIJ que at ioned whc thc r th~ l'o.:! rd member::1 had any problems with Staff looking into mandatory dedlc~tion of suction linus. COI~j,Jif..sionûr Pistor £tatcd thnt ::it.1ff coulu look at it, but ðddcd tllclt ho folt it would be gcttin'J too involvod. Commissioner Urown inuicat~d th~t hd w~s not in f~vor of spliting up l.Jnd for such ð purpo5tJ. Cot.lmissionur I!oll~nd sLutud tllt't:. there could bo ,tn ordinc1nco that ~BOOK 1018 1J'Att& P.1qU 64 --------~--------------------------------~ _.~._.._..'-_..._""_..._'*'.. I i~ II L.,'; ~. ~ . [:s ,.··.11 ; 'it ~. ----------------------------------~------ ~' ,~ " ~ :~~ " ~~. ", f' .i tß!)DK Ü'18 IPA~2!) October lR, 1903 would cover l:I p.' posed development thùt: would tðkc in the section lincs on undeveloped lund. Commissioncr Vo~u stùtcd thct the commcnt could r~~d that consideration zhould be 9ivún to ù mand~tory dcdicãtion of ri9ht-of-wÐY along section and h~If s~~tion lines, at: time of development. County Manager Norm8n st~tcd thut this should not be ßn ordinance but. II stutt:mcnt or policy \Jhich '.;ould héJVC to be c1/:\cndod ond l1djustcd lit the time of devl..'lo¡,mwnt. Nr. td Oat.t~~, Ch:drmlln of tht¡ Collier County Plnnning Agency, stated that in the rcvi~w of the PUD liS for l1S Berkshire Lakes is ~ concerned, thbrc Wbfi no policy dnó the dev~lopor did not really object to giving the prop(:rty, adding thet the dcvelopl!r ~nd the Planning llgency felt th.:lt tht:r~ nhould be J f-ol1cy. It was the goneral consensus that County Attornoy Saunders meet with Community Development Administrator Virta to work out the proper language concerning right-of-way at the time of development. Referring to Item 15, Mr. Perry indicated that he had no problem with this item ðnd It was the general consonsus that It be included 1n tho Plan. h'ith rtffurùnce to It.on ~c., Nr. porry stLllcd that tho Comprohensive Plðn I!:'> not. nE:cossorily th~ best plÐce lo put requircments that may be chang~d Dnd would possibly be b~Ðt left in ð supporting document such DD th~ Zoning Crdinance or Subdivision Regulations. Commissionor Kruse indicated that ho could look at this item and Itom '7 as far as being more specific ðnd return to the Board. Mr. Hoyd Cnrmcn st~t.cd that hI! would like! to St:O something 1n the Plan that 1nd1clltes lh~ position on the lnterchllnge at Stlltu r<oðd 29 and I-75. ;.t . PDCJO 6S --.-- - - - - - -- -- -.-- - - -- - ------- --- -- ----..----..-- .... "_.....,'-,-,-""--;--,~.,'"-'",....,'"....."".",,.._~,.I<-..,""~.,....,,",.'''',"','"'',.,"''''"_.~..__._''''''',,.,'''''~__.".,." - -- - - - - - -- - -- --- - -- -- ----- -:_- - --- - -.- - - - -------; Uctober lû, :?eJ I Coml:lis:Jloncr Urown Incllcðtl.!d that he h£l3 an ~ppolnt!.,ant \o/lth Mr. '/ Lee, adding ~hðt ,'ofr. L~a knows he I1dS " vc.111t1 and ju::;t point rC'1ÐreJing tho lntarc~~nge ðt State Road 29 ðnd 1-75. Planning Director Kloenn stated that on Pd9~ 64 of the Plðn tharc is Ðn objectlv~ that covers State RODd 2~ ~nd 1-7~ lnterch~n10. * * * . III III III Therl) baing no further bu~inu( s, tho lt1uctinlJ WûS adjourned by Orelor of tho Chair at 9:40 P.M. until NovumbfJr 1, 19B3, lit 7:00 P.M. BOMW OF COUN'I'Y CO,'IMISSIONERS/ßOAHD OF ZONING ^PPE^LS/CX OFFICIO COVERNING BOARD (f,) OF SP~CIAL DISTRICTU UNDER ITS CONTROL C II^ 1 H~\^N AT'fEST: WILLIAM J. REAGAN, CLERK ~jo·Ò~,..:~~ .oC. " ..' ',. ,.... "':~"~·~\.~/l1;u,~approvad by the 8CC on ;y'~ ~ /?f'J I\S :: :''-·~·ær''~'·,,¡· ("" ~ . ~ :. : ~ç,"?s:en.~,~dio. : ~ or as correctod ... ',; f,ÌI'", "d:'·j,, - ,. ", ,.'J.IJ',f:. "'~"~ ",: ,..., ...... ,.~",~..\¡;\\'J" ' t:'-, " ..."" '. .'; '" "-J. ~. '.... .A '.' -. .. , ' '" <rl "" .,' ~, 5'N:)\t\\\') "-, . !II,. ,J¡:' ~t~",.'" ~,;~,:, ';.i.:\ ~;' E800K Uil8 fJ'Œ. ,;." ,.\~.·4:~ .'.. ". .' . ,., ",''"''''',..,...,.,''',....",<;_'''''''''_''_''',~~"..-_t.Al<....'_'....o1.._ _,'''''''''.,,''''......."W!<·,_·..,.''',·''''"'';,'''iItI_'''''''. ~~H.;''I'.Q>w~,~''''''''"..' ,.,'j_,.,·.,,.""'~,h."""'''''''~''H,,,·,,,,,·,,,,,'."'''>i ",,,,,,,.,..,,*,,,,.,,.,,,,,,, "'.'~'...",,,,.'i<_..,.,.,.-._.,".,,"...~..'~'"''''''''''''''''_''''' ..'~"';","""--'~-