BCC Minutes 11/01/1983 R ,"1 .- -- - --. - - ---- - - --- - -- --- -- - - -- ------ ---:-:-:::: --""':'7'.~~¡~- CHAIHMAN: Mðry-Frances Kruse OeW id C. Brown .. . .., ,; ,"j~,:·_>",'I.ì·'L r~nplus, Flor1dd, NOVt:nlbQr,1,~,19,!tJ~!3!' .... .:~ ' , , LET IT fiE nEMEM8EHED, th~t tho BODrd of County Commløølo'nerrs' in,;" .. 1<. s- ",~..,,',.,('O:~,."; y -;':.:~-;';itr+1:~,~. '~/:~t't~ ðna for th. County ()f Collior, lInd Dlso lIctinq ,HI tho Board 'of}2or:-lng'; , ~·1~:~:.~ij~~}~~¢;þ..;'!r ", -.,j,¡.'........'.:.,..., I\ppo"ls nnd liS thu CJovorn1ng bOllrð(s) of such spech1 district. 'a8;h . >." .}';t t:t"~'~:?f~'~¥;.~~~ been created accord1ng to l~w nhd havinCJ conducted business herolni~mo ,-"~'~{-:, " ,~~~~;~~j;~~ on this dnte ðt ~:oo A.Î'1. in R09ulðr Session in BulleJin9 -F- o£'t~~i{~*? !. '·t, '_'J'-, ' Courthouøo Complox, ~DØt NJplcs, Florlðð, with tha followln~ membvr.~ present.z VICE CII^Inr~^N: ,! John A. Piator Frederick J. Voss c. c. -nod- lIollðnd ALSO PRESENTz William J. Re~9Dn, Clork; James C. Gi108, Fiscal Officer, "'aureen I\~nyon and Elinor ~klnncr (2100 P.M.), Deputy Clorks; C. Will1l1lR Horlnl'n, County '·\.3nnqur; Billy P. Ueckctt, Assi~tðnt County Manðger; Durt L. Saunders, County Attorney; Terry Vlrta, Community Development Administrator; Loo Layne, Zoning Director, Irving Berzon, Ut ill ties Admi nl atrc3tor; Knuto litH tman, PUblic Wo rks Administrator I Honry fll11, Admln1strëttor of Admlnistrðtivo S~rvicos; Chris Holloy, Administrative AHsistant, Ann Ob~[, Plhnnor, Graco Undør~ood, Administrative Aida to thc uoard; Dnd Dt:{>uty Chicf RlIymond BlIrnett, 8herlfC's Department. ;< ~ , '¡ " , .' '·"·L.,';I.", .-' .r~; ,", &ODK 078 rAIj\..w9 , I ~ ,'..^' -!; " "', '~;1r ~ )h{i.,~ ... - --- ~ ..- -..... - -- - - - .... - -- -..,:- ------ - - -.............. .....' f ""'1 ---,--""_.,;,--~,_....~"...,,,.~,,,.,,,,,.,,,--,,"._~...~,~.,,^. _.- -..- -. - --.- -.- ---- --- -- -------- -------~,- Nov~~bcr 1, l~~) ,'ÕOK 078rAr,r.414 2: 'rap. '1 . ·"It.. .1 ~:Ji;\':' AGENDA - APPROVED WITU CHANGES ):'~:'..., Commiosioner Drown moved, seconded by Commissioner Plstor and ¡ ¡ I I í ¡ l I \ I I , i ! , ¡ carried unanimously, that the Ðgonda be approvod with the following changeot D. Item 9C2 continued to 11/10/83. b. Item 17Cl moveð to Item 9E3, P~lmor Cablevision c. Item regarding Atty. Gon. opinion - Addod by County Attorney d. Discussion regardin9 policy - Added by Commissioner Holland e. Personnal matter - Added by Commissioner Holland f. Dlscusftion re ·Cypress- - Added by Commissioner Holland 9· Item 17B1 to bo discussed separately from consent agenda. ItoD '2 MINUTES OF 10/18/83 REGULAR MEETING - APPROVED Commissioner Brown moved, seconded by Commlssioner Voss and carried unanimously, that tho minutes of tho 10/18/03 regular meeting be approved as presented. Item '3 JIM MARGELIS, ELECTRICIAN, BUILDING MAINTENANCE DEPARTMENT RECOGNIZED AS EMPLOYEE OF THE MONTH FOR NOVEMBER, 1903 CommlHuloncr Kruse rend ~ letter ruco~nlzing Mr. MÐrgelis as Employee of the "',onth (or Novcr.\ber, 1983, lInd lhonked him for his hllró work ~nù decliCðllon to th~ County. It.. '4 PROCLAMATION DESIGNATING TilE WEEK OF NOVE1<\BER 6-12, 1983, AS KEY CLUB WEEK - ADOPTED CommJHsion~r holl~nd rp.ðd ðnd prc30nlcd ð proclðmDtlon to the !Iresldent o! the Koy Club, obscrviny the WOQ;" of Nov(lmbcr 6-12, 1903, as Key Club ~euk. Commisaionor Kruse movod, seconded by Commissioner Holland and carried unanimously, th~t the proc1ðmatlon be adopted. '--- ," ....,' ":- ~"~': ..~". '"- .,;~)-:".,~,,--; .;.. :.}~~(,.;[;,~~~ ',',,' pa9v': 2"''';: ._-~-- -- - -- - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - - - - ----~~'~t~~..~:~~~ ., "";.. ,"!~ - ,,' ' ;, , , ,,;:(~~i;1 ,.,:: '·::/:::7,'(; 0fK~i;' 'I"~'" . ...» .':,', , ~ :'~f, . ,N · . ---------------------~ÄT --------,------ , /!~;., IOOIt 078J1~!416 November 1, 19a3 It.. .5 PETITION ZO-03-11C, HUBSCHMAN & ASSOCIATES - CONTINUED TO 1J/15/83 Commiaslonor Holland movod, Hoconded by Commissioner Bröwn end carried unanimously, that Petition ZO-03-11C, Hubøchman , ^8soclate., be continued to 11/15/03. Itelft 16 FINAL ASSESSMENT ROLL - COCONUT CREEK, UNIT THREE, PAVING IMPROVEMENTS - SCHEDULED FOR 11/22/83 Commissioner Hollðnd moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown and carried unÐnlmously, that tho final assessment roll for Coconut Creek, Unit Throo, Paving Improvemp.nts be hoard 11/22/03. Item 17 RESOLUTION 83-193 RE PET. PU-OJ-17C, FLORIDA CONFERENCE UNITED CHURCtI _ ADOPTED, SUBJECT TO STIPULATIONS rldnn~c Obcr Indicnt~d th~t thin petition is for D provisionðl use (c) of A-2 to build c) churctl on the uast siåc of US-41, south of ~Zðbo's Nursery. She stated th~t ßt~ff an~ ðll county a9cncios have ruviewod this pet.ition Dna recommond approval Hubject to lhc stipul~tions outlined 1n tha ~xucutiv~ Summary dat9d 11/1/33. She ln~icoted that the Coostdl Arca PIÐnn1ng Commiss1onor and Staff recorn~undðtion is for ðpprovðl subject to the stipulntions. Commissioner Pistor moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown and carried unanimously, thðt Reso1tuion 83-193 ro Petition PU-83-17C, b. adopted subject to the stipulðtlons In tho Petitionor's A9reement and that the Finding of Fact be acceptedz '''¡ , ,.",; , ~ . '('- ~ti':~":'''' ~ ,~ .......~_..-._------------------------------------......... ~r ,?:t, ''ili'' ;'~' <:....- .,( .,.. \t . ~ ,,!, ,f: 4$,,,' ,I?,:' ~ f .~t {:' 4-,o:¡... \/l,: ~t~ '. ,~ J'~, ,I;~ ',1 ,"M ·"'k. ~...' -'1i :'tH;, ,ª!; ,: , -'};~~~ , 'o+'·-'t (, /,.1\ :~ -: " '~""f, .~~-; .,,' . "'';;'" ".,tf ~--------------------------------~.~~~~~~ Novembor 1, 1983 rccommondin9 th~t until au=tl ð di~trict Is approved, that the Utililles I Div1sion's stipulðtion~ npply. ;~i " . 'ÖO( 018 rAr.~ Itel\ '8 PETITION SMP-83-2C, PORT OF THE ISLAND, REQUESTING SUBDIVISION MASTER, PLAN APPRvVAL - APPROVED SUBJECT TO STIPULATIONS . LegÐl notice ht3viny been publ1shetJ in the Nc)µl~R DiJll~' N~WÐ on October 2, 1983, nn evld~ncod by ^ffidðvlt of PublJcatlon tiled with tho CI~rk, public h~dring WDS opened to consider petltion SMP-C3-2C, Port of the Island, rcquustin~ Subdiviaion Maotor rlan approval for 44.G acres at Port of the ls1llnd, 6 miles etlst. of CIt-!)2, South or US-(l. Planner Obc..r statf:d thðt thQ objuct.ivt: is to subdivide- c14.G acros into 37 slnglo-fnmily lots and two multi-fð~11y tr~cta, ðddJng that th~ Subdlvlo1on Hevhw (;onaulttcc rvviClwccJ this petition on October 5, 1!\f'2, Dnd recomm~ndud Dpprovöl subject to the ntlpul~tions ðS outlln.d In thu I::x~cutiv~ bummÐry o! 11/1/;;3. She nott~d tlll'lt the CIIPC hcld thoi r public hearing l)nd rccor.lI11t'ndl'd ,(orwilrdin'J this PIHition to the l~ollrc1 for lIpprovtd liut)joct to tht' ~ubdillision Review Commit-tel"s stipulotions. nile noted thðt the !Jctitionl:1r hlls stilted th~t. t.hoy are cons1dl:1rin~ forr.lint) .., Comr..unlty Dcve:lopmcnt District in accordanco with Chl.l1Jtcr 190 oí tht? floric ü ~tCltUlQt>. ~¡hr. ntated tlMt Staff is '·····,.'·I·:··:'·",,¡·'....'··· f,J . ,. " "t;1:\ .-~ . '... ,:.\;;, "#" WlJtc.'r Dnd SCWtt r &\10n9 wilh moayui to control, Attorney Guor'Jè VðrneilJOC, r(J¡;r~!:cl1tln<J t.he Port o( thfJ Iolflnd, ....'''. ~., , ,;: <\¡"~;,;~:",,, f':'/':: aubnt1tutu stipulation,; thllt. he would l1kl.' to sUCJ9cnt. Ho no.~~,~,;,~h.~,,:'~,t),: ~:.~~i.~;':~: ,; . 'c~!.. ~...'<',,', "~'r{t W . ;' ", . :'>:.':-:,:~~::\;j,:t~~'l~:;:~ ~:i;ij';~ljt.:;, , , ':'~~:;.~ð!:~:~. ::{<~ > --~.-._..... - .--. - .....--..,--. - - - - .... - - - - - - - - -.... ...... - ............~......'~~..........~ :~\;:W:~,~({:·i:\·:,.,~-,;~~;~:,{;;~t,~~.t,:~. ,,:'>,"1';· . .., I.f;.; stDt~d thnt h~ ia contam~l~t.lng forming n Chl'lptar l~C Community Devclo~1I1cnt:. t"S'Itrict. lie titlltod th.;¡t., lJ\.'c~US(! oJ: tho unique ntltufo ot Port or: tilt) lslnnd be ing somawhot 1110latvd ftor.¡ other dovoloprnent In Coll1er Count.y, thu devolop(~r is 1nvoßl1~ct1nlJ this as ð quasi-90vurnntent¿11 entity to handle tho bðS1c in(rDstructurcÐ 'Ðdd1tional sQcurlty. 110 Dtl\tud thc3t in thDt reC)or~ he IUHI Dom.·.,' ---_.._--"".",.,^'_..,-,."'...^.._,.....<'~.",.'"..."" '....~"."... _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ____._ -- - - -- --- - - -- - - .-......- ~.---- --- --"~J , -'.~. . . '.~ ~~~ the Bee h",a compluto diucrction a~ to whothur Novombar 1, 1983", , District would be ust.1bl1shud liS it would hlJVU to bo donn by Orrl1n,ð~ã ,;-/> ,', ;:';''t:~_~~j'~~,~;~:t ~,,-. He 1ndlcðted thðt tho ütipulðtlons ðre tho Dtðnd~rd thðt,høvobeen~ ;.,~ ,'~";~ ' ':lIi~ft4:> includod by tho Subdlvislon Uttviow COI!\mitttto with the incluS,i:on'.~t;:t, (.~.1ptor l~O hnqu/lgo. Zonin~ Pir~ctor Laynq stDtcd th~t thc~u acipulationa ~rQ 't. '- -, ?" (,-,~ Utl1itio~ AdminlasttDtor's stlpulùtions tlxcopt for tho lIddod Chapter':!9' ,,::':.ki.'.I'" , '~,:,~t p., , )~~ Mr. V~rn~doQ atntud that If tho l~O District la not cruuted, the~ ';.,:,~;~ "'1~ ;':':~t; '.~,);~ '-f',;; l^ngul1ge. stipulations still ~pply. Commissionor Brown moved, secondod by Commissioner Voss ~nd cðrried unanimously, that the public hearing be closod. '<;,,~ '~~,j ~ Commissioner Brown moved, secondod by Commissioner Voss and carried unanimously, thÐt Potltlon SMP-8J-2C, Port of tho ISland, requesting subdivision mastor plan approval for 44.6 acres et ~ort o!3 :;,\ the Island, G miles east of CR-92, south of US 41 be approved with the following stipulations. '" '}i.1 ..,to ".IJ ,,:~ ~~ 'j , 'j'. ~',' J <~ r~~ .:,): '/ " .. , ..~ , ",·''if ., .. IOU! (17B~':!~, ,,¡\,({,;.,:':~;ì~,~~~~~t; , . "..'. ',',..'.. "..,...·",'>..:':'.h",. ..~,~" ~--~---------------'-~~-~~-,-~~~~~ ",~,f,;,~~'.b2:j~'¡i~a:~"',ì;:,;·~'f:1;:'< " ," .~, .-".t~''1.f<):,'·~,,·flt'')¡''ìJ1.;,f\'L'-:'' "~~'~·T4;t, ' ;1-, ,~. :,"~ ':~ :~f,'t<.~: >. '~:ii7;; ,,~_~' C.. <~-'<::t;:,·~·t{.,{, .,,,.,",,"'~"~'"_'__'_"""",,,*,__"'" _ --_.",'._.,-_.."',....--._'.,''''-,---._-~,,-'''~., Nov~rnber 1, 1983 Ite. .9 CARNIVAL PERMIT 83-4 RE PETITION C-83-4C, ST. APPROVED SUBJECT TO STIPULATIONS . , '~ ' . i "~1,''i-~ ~onin9 l.Hroctor L.:1ync ntat<1d that thin ilJ Cor l\ carni....al permlt.,;:1i:'.;' ',;.,~;,.\ for Novomber 10-13, l~ßJ, locnt~d ~t thu chutch ~roperty in Goldon Gat~~ City, ~ùdin':J tht'lt ,oJll provbions of OrùinÐncn 75-11 h;:¡vQ be un met with tho oxcuption of th..: ~'),!jO(J oocurity bond. bhe f;t.:1ted thnt tho petitionor Is r«.:quíH.tin':l ;1 w.'\ iVtH duo to the f..'ct tT1étt thu loelation in on th~ church property ~nd th~y will bo rcaponaib10 for clQanin~ up th~ir property. She noted th.:1t it 18 rQcornmonùûd tho bond bo walvod and tho permit ðpprovod with the Gtlpul~tlon thðt tho cuildlng Dopl1rtme:nt will inspect the: premises prior to thu opunin9. Commissioner Brown moved, seconded by Commissioner Voss and carriftd unanimously, that Carnival Permit B3-4 re Potitlon C-83-4C, for St. Elizaboth S.ton Church be approved subject to the stipulation that the Buildln9 Department inspoct tho premises prior to the oponin9 and that tho bond be waived. aoOK . ~, ..," 2;ii/i~1 '. .. ,p' '.i. .,,~. ,.'.~<, ..,' , ""'II" :....'.' : I, - " .;, r .1J,¡:,,~., ,_<~~.\,1~ --- ---~-,.",{~ª~,!.]~".;. 0781'J,~425 ¡':¡tL: ,;o;t,¡ 'tf\~:,· !:ri~' t'; '7 ,1 ~. ' ............~..... -...... -...............- -- - - -- - - - - - -..... .: ' , ..·'.'I~·'· '.~ ..". . ~./ - ----- --- - -,- _._- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - ---- _.....'¡~ ',:.-Æ , ~----~---~~-------------------~----~~~-~~~ '.;...,#'." '</;;~, ¡, ~avcmbcr 1, lY8J " I tc.'ft\ U 0 PUDLIC HEARING SET FOR 1/17/84 R~ PETITION DRI-83-lC, GREEN HERON Coaudssloner Pistor moved, secondod by COlnm1ssioner Drown Gnd carried unanimously, that the public hearing be sot for January 17, 1984, for Potition DRI-G3-IC, Green Heron. Itdm '11 STAFF AUTHORIZED TO IMPLEMENT L~LY CANAL ','UDENING AND CLEAN-OUT PROJECT SOUTH OF US-41, ACQUIRE NECESSARY EASEMENTS, REALLOCATE MONIES BUDGETED FOR FY 1983-04, AND APPLY FOR NECESSARY PERMITS ~-¡;:.,. I",~l, :.....' ~, . ., {i~' ,:;),! ~; ~atur Mðnag~mcnt Diroctor ~olJt Gtðtod thflt thi~ is ~ roquoHt (or ðuthorizc.ttion for tho .....ilter mDnDgc:mcnt st¿¡(f to implement tho inturim project to .....1dun and clean out thû Laly C~nal ~outh of u.~. 41, to rCÐllocdtc tho monic~ within the Wntor ~~na9cmcnt CðpltDl Improv~mcnt ,,> Fund 325 ðnd to duthor1zc 5tðff to soak tho nucAaadry roqul~tory ;"., ,',::¡( t:~ pormits and th~ ol'laom~nt::; t.h; !: .,ro neC:oJ~H;¿lry 1:0 do t! (~ work. Ho Gtc)t'.ød that'. tht:! LcJly aruð üxpcr iencC'd !looùing ov~r t.hl1 L,)bor C.)y \~oekend similar to il lot or t.h~ llrl!t) In tlh~ Count/" 'HJùin\j th.)t j) long-torm 301ution to this is und~rwi1Y. :It! nt,,;¡tf~d that ..1 project oi ,) ÐlInllðr '"{", ;g ;~; '~¿rf :~}. \~,¡ " :'" '.i'i i; ,'if ~1 I~ .:..... , ' h·'" r"· noture WlIS propo:Jl'U savf>r"l YC.:Jr:J .1QO but, duo to tho high cost l1i\d tho lilnd £\cquisitlon, the ¡Irojcct Wll~ GCf(Hr~d. JI~ st..Hod thl1t. ho is wû1tinCJ for tho restudy of tbo H.1star Pl.:1n ot h';:lter fI'ilnë,gemont D1Rtrlct ~~ô, out of \wh1ch lH.1COI~IH. !I unifiC!d approilch Cor th4,) long-term solution of th.1t problom including rurth~r lri\FJrov<::~cnt:::; to the c£\nûl, s?rcndnr ,t "t:~ .:,¡~~ ~ .~" .' ~~: ,~I,",. ;1'(, *' , :"~ ;~ uwala ðnd instûllüt10n of a structur~. H4,) notod tnat in the meantime, Ire: proposcs to clewn out ij stretch ~400 fcot loncJ south of U.S. <I ~hlch would r~qulro some .;'\òd1t1oTlal cH 3cmcnts Lor tho loc,'1tlon of a trDvulway i1nd to :H.3intè.dn it <:.nc.J for tho òt:!l-osit.ion of the spolla. Uo' 6tated thê:it tho- ucop~ of thtl interim ¡;rojoct hlJt: becn purposuly 1i"it.d in ordor to cOio,¡..lotQ it durinCj the ùry se.1uon uo thût it will bo in ~. ,"",'. 'f ',' 'OOK 078",,' ,\ ~7 opøration for nuxt YCl~r l!:ö wet sellnon. Ih,! noted th¡)t the ost h:\ðtod 1'419,0 · . November .1, 1 9a:3 , iõ'o Q1~!~~1S pt'opo&od int<:r ~m project io $70,000. He notod this monuy Is not lIvðill1ule at this timo in the bud90t :".', conal aD such, but ho will prcpJrc c!ln ðpproprlDtc some less crlticðl projccto to toko care ot Loly. He noted that he .' 901ng to ap~roðch the BiQ CypruuG a~sin ~o~rd and ask thot thoy reconolder thoir policy lIbouL not coat Ghar inl) 1n theso typu of projects Ðnd ðsk that they pnrticipotc in the amount of one-third of ' the cost, add1n9 that if this is dontl the budCJct amf'!ndmcnt will not be as IDrCJc.!. lie utDttlè thllt £OITcU con&idur.'1tion hùN neon 9iven to set.ting Up a spec1dl DSOQSS~ont district but, because of tho size oC the project and th<: delays thiìt might LHJ Cl}uscd, it. WDS decmau not practical ,1l t.his timo, however, h~ would consid( r that for éJ long-tern solution. H~ stotcd th~t h~ ia a~kin9 for the boðrd's authority regarding this mntter. Com~18sioner ~rUSH quast10nctl thu problems of obt~lninl) o~scmcntG, to which WZltc:>r Mclnagcmtlnt Director Holdt st~tcd that t~l1s is D smaller project, lidding that he tl11nks the lÐndowncr is going to be open to the County's uuggostion~. Commissioner l:ru:.>u indicated thnt ther(~ \/tlß .'1 letter in favor or the! intClr1an project received from Ruth Culder of the: Lely Civic ASGocint1on, along with photogrbphn Mr. 5tuw~rt bohn, representing the L~ly Civic ^ssoci~tlon, addln9 that for s~veral yenrs he has ~ongt~ntly w~tched the water situðlion got \\,'C)rs«. lie rt!porto~ that the "'.:Iter us(!d to racedo within ,1 matter of hours ðftcr th~ rain Gtoppcd, but auriny the l~ct storm the water continued to rise for one dny Dfter the storm ~topped. He stated that , , " .' '-"Y , :'". . "",-,;,-;,.-' the cDnðl WtJ8 1-1/2 feet higher LhDn normDl, lidding that Lely Is at' the...-,;, ::::::!::~:c 9:::9 c::n::~ t:: ::::Ù c:::: :::::t ·::k:O::Y::::: ,~::!f;i~i:j;~¿' i ,,'"', ,~:r'f.):,~ðg.,¡:ØI, , . . . ' \.,: < . "i' 71i\' '; ",' """";¡. ¡h " (',," ,'",""i(,::,:,~;~~\ío)~4t -- - - - - - -- -'- -- - -._'__ ~~'::.:. <,~,.., ',"·.....'~,;;...r~ ~;'·~,fr!:":.::i1! ~:~ ~·.t,1r:,; "1' , " ;')};~;;,;{ ~;;)Z;~ ~"j..¡:t;:ì 1?~,:,;D:' "it,·.iIi~,~ '~', 'I, .'. 'It: '<, \, : ~1¡.",.'.'..'<':' , ~~:f ~ ,,': :1\;;,',:':;:" " ....:,~--------- 'fl\t::'j,: -.-....--...--,...."''''''''¿"....,,,.,,."'''',.''.. .,...,~"'"..,.."""'.,,,.,....~,. M .... l-.~ r! r,~\ , f.': ! ... t . ; i' ~"._-.. . . )' "'! , , t', . I , -' ,~ ~ " t .; I, ~ t.-J ;' 'I " ~ ¡i¡ ')d4 \""·1 ,. 'j f~ ~ iJ C~ \J . ~~i *1 il .. A :.) ,'... '\~ 'j ,¡ 1-' '>'j J ¡ ; i~ : l~ ~';; r ~ t .:~ . . ~ ~ ,~4 .,,'I'~i: >,,1 - -------------------.----------~~ -------- -, ~ ,rQ¡ j' OVl:rubt:c 1, 1903 ,.. '~~ 1ndicl1tj,)c,J th.U he '~ould liku t.:u: ~o¡¡rd to .)pprav~ th1u projuct, adding '$;¡.~ ";,~,: tn...t it is not.1n dnaw\:r Cor dll timc, but it \"i11 hp.lp the con<.Jitlon. Mr. lInrria:son l.ùnc "nd :-Ir. <,;.;¡rl l.;o:uh.ud :;te)tt:d thðt Mr. eohn covored thu maltor C'lnu ~"¡ey «r6 in !zlvor ot, tllc projf..ct. Mr. WilliQm barton of Wil~on, Millur, Barton, CoIl & reck, Inc. ".' :;.41"' "':<l :::1:; ··',·:~:,.'.I··, ' 1_,. ~ '.',4 :"'-,:-,,11' 'if J ',i~' '. '..~ ';,~~ ",t stated thct his !1rm has untgr~d into ~ contr~ct with th~ ~lq Cypress Daø1n Board to do the U!")C!lIt.O of the ht.lttJr ~;;.1nD~CmCl1t Di3trict tti plan. Ho stl1t.gd th£lt tht: Lldy outfall ciln{ll 15 l.l v~cy import,,"t. ¡iðrt of tho pl,)n becC)u~H~ it 1~ ttJE: rriml1fY outL,ll for t!1r1t ....rolJ. He r~port~d thnt ho 10 In fðvor of tho propoøod interim mðint~nnncu pl~n th,t h~s boon pr~sont"d, cAddioC) thllt ht! 8U~!J vIJry 1ittl~ dupliciltlon of -:Jol1nra. Iht notod that the c~n~l will rc~uir~ nddilion~l nnl~rgln? at tho time the PI.an 10 comploteu, .:Jddin!) th<.tt OVtH t:hc pc3~t 10 YOêlrs tho Luly outfðl1 c~nal h~s not b~cn maint~1ncd prop~rly è1nd has contlnuad to provide "'.' I~S8 dnd 1...S5 outfð.ll cupdbili ty. lie no t.~d tll.. t, ,".It tho ulImu time, II ::\~ '";~' .'.¡ ¡·,,;i :;.! c~~~ .,<Ii $j. ~, ~J' .:~~ ;'~~ :~ i~ , . -~~ {~ ,~ "~ ,,:,~~ :~1 :j """1""" ~:i :.", ~<, ' 4 upotroÐm nrc~s h~ve beon d~v~lo~~d which h....s c~uogd H qruðtor runoff dnd Lely has been the rocaivcr of th~se probl f.;:lns. lie concluded that he is in füvor of this ~lðn ~nd encourb~eß th~ ~ODr~ to go forwnrd with the ~xpcnditurc. Commissioner Pistor moved, seconded by Commissionor Brown and carried unanimously, thnt Stnff bo authorized to implemont an intorim widening and clean-out project of tho Lely Cðnal south of Uß-41, acquire tho neccosary oasements therefor, roallocato monies budgeted for FY 1983-84 in the Wðter Mana90ment-Capital Improvoment Projects Fund 325 '-o.d apply for nocessary regulatory IIgency permits. .. '. r ' .~ \' ~, 1 < . ' , :,.;"":- ,-',.. aoo~ 078,,¡:tA29 PJ'l90 9 i :' "I. t~}~ -.... -- - .-. '-. - ~ - - - - - r-- - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __..... _ _ __ -.--.'~ ' , ----_..^-,~....."",........,...,,--~~~_.~,,~',""""'""<~"""""-~. ----------------------------~ ~~~ --~~1~ao - - - - I'ombe r I, 19D J .:~ Tape C 2 \\ Item 112 810 1690, A",aULMJCE PURCHASE - ^WARDED TO fIRST RESPONSE, INC. L09·'11 noticé hl1vin9 boen published in the NlIlJlas DlIlly Newn on tioptombor 27, 19HJ, "'GI ovlcJoncmt by ^f(1e,,~vlt 0' ruhl1c^tlon fUod with th~ Clerk., bids for bid SCi!ìO, ^li1bulÐnC~ ¡JurcIH:loCl, \olore reccived until 2z3C P.M., October 12, 19~3. Publ1c Sc:lfcty Admlni:..;trlJt.or Dorrill st,H.(·<.,J thc':lt. he.: 10 rocomme:n( inCj thnt this bid lJü nw¿;¡rdeC1 to the lowest and mo"'t ruclJOnslblo bic1dur and that 80mu le~s~ o~tionD be purEu~d no the lump cum o~pendituro will not héwe to be mc:lùc thiH y~clr. Jlt' not"c! thc..t thi!:C is ê1 laase/purchc3so with ::;~ ':1 '~ :~(.~~ '-'fI':-' \~t D non-eJpproprioJtion clüù3~' th.:Jt is c(.'\¡UirC:d. Ita Gt<)tcd th.H it would '" ruplDca tUI) old(H~t unit in t.hl! fleet wldch 1a ðbout e or g yc~rs old, ,1;-) Ddc-Un\,) thDt thin \1111 ~~ c.I front line unit. Commissioner Brown moved, seconded by Commissioner Pistor and carried unanimously, that Hid '690, for one Modular Rescue Ambulance be awardod to Firat keaponsu, Inc., P. O. Box 2098, New Smyrna Beach, Florida, in the amount of $36,745.60 (after trado-in of a surplus 1975 Type II), as recommend~d by the Purchaulng Director to be the low bid and in the best interest of the County, 8nd that tho Chairman be authorizod to sign and the Clerk to attest the resulting agreement. 'f', ¡:'~j 'I ;~ ,~~ ~ \rît ''$,', , .; ~~ ""'..'1 ".. .13 C1IAIRMAN AUTnORIZED TO EXECUTE TELECOMMUNICATIONS WIRING CONTRACT WITH AT'T AND STAFF AUTHORIZED TO PURCHASE ADDITIONAL EXISTINC IN-PLACE WIRING FRO", UNITED TELEPHONE ,~~;~.~, ~;,-" ":: " '~~" , ~f~ ;~Ji , ... "Y,.<, ~.'¡~~":1', Adrninlstrator o! ^dr.1irdstflJtivl.' S~'rvlccs Jill1 sté1ted that this Item I:. a l1t:lc be:1ind scncc.Julc, IIdcHny that tll" delay was duo to chcckinCJ coat. He nol~J that it han been cutim6t~d th~t it would cost ~50,OOO, adding thcJt t.his includes money for the: Statc's Attorney's connuct ion to the syslolf'l. Commiasionor Holland movod, seconded by Commiøsionor Brown and P"go 10 ..-.---~---------------------,------------~-----........-..- ------- ----- -,- -- - - - -- - -- -'- ----..-- ----- _.--._.;.:;'. " -\ t~,:,<,t:~~~~~ ,',-' . ...".·:.",::{~\:~I?~'~": ' "' . j ~! ':;,1 ';~-;.;,:~ carried unanimously, thðt the Chairmðn be authorized to execute the~~Þ ;.: ~'-'~,,;~;¡<':¡;·"'~~f"¡, Talecommunicatlons Wi ring Contract wi th AT'T in the amount of $.~9900i' r " ' . Nov~~ber 1, 19A3 . and Staff be authorized to purchase an additional $5,500 '(approximately) of oxist1n9 In-place wi ring from Un! tad &01)( 018~1:'t431 ~" _,~__"""""~_..",_~.,,,,..._..,,,,_.,,,,,,.,_,,.,.....",e<..,,,..,.~^,""~,;''''"" . ,"",',:,- :..,;:;":'::::'1·~;~ ... ------------- ---- - -- --- ----- -----~..-..----...._--.---_.-~, " .,~':" ~~.:1·~;"t'l~~')if+'~'~~~:?:~¡1~~~:~~~'~~; " ; '~" ,-, 078PAr.~434: Commissioner Pi.tor moved, seoondod by Commissioner Novombor 1, 1983 carried unanimously, that the water Estates Subd1vision be aooøpted an~ Brown and fL~, " '¡~" ,I,~.); :,:..\';:~"~',.'~,/~1~~ And sewer facilUtes In Cape ,Cod ,I;:'r.",:: , ~'- I'!: 1".:-",::,.'.::';~.·· .-,~,.,j,:~ ;'.';~"~\' thnt the Chairman be authorS.ed tOjf ,', ,,',', 'iJ.' Út~; ,"',' ~(¡>-l..t'~" . "i:;'O:::S''':}:'~~~'''':;~f) 819ft the leasø. Note: Docuœnts not received :in Clerk of the ßoard office 89 of 1l/9/A3. ;/.... "II' ...~ a~_'____-"'-~"_'_"''''__'''''"__'''___''''''''''''''~'_'''''''''_''''''''''''-~'~'""...,'~;"",~,"''''''M''..';"''',,......'~,'". "'~' --------- - - -- - -- - - ----- - -- - - - - - - - - -- - -- ~,¡7'].:r~: ~! ';;" Novcmber 1, 190] :<:';:i~ Ite. '14 BID .678 FOR 1984 FORD LTC - AWARDED TO TAMIAMI FORD, INC. Legal notico having boan publish~d In the Naples D~lly N~ws on August 10, 1983, lId evld~flceù by Affidavit. of PubllclIt.1on filc'd with the Clark, ulùo w~ru recelvød for Bid '(,78, for Flo~t OpQr~tions V d h 1 c 1 0 ø , un t 11 2 z ;1 0 P. M., AtJ<] U ::¡ t 31, 1 9 a 3 . Adrnlnluttator of Admin1strbtive Services Hill atatoJ that thl, Itl!ln 1:1 for tho Aging l)rogrcJm Cor th~ disabled &'rnd tho elderly. 110 stðteù that he is recommending the 1984 Ford LTD. Com.is.loner Holland movod, seconded by Commissioner Brown and carried unanimously, that Bid 1678 for a 1984 Ford LTD In tho amount of $8,107.00 be awarded to Tamiami Ford, Inc., located at 4075 North Tamiaml Trail, Naples, Florida, being tho second lowosl bidder and in the bost into rest, of the County, and that the Chairman be authorized to , ,';~ ~~,: '~, ".~:'.~ '~ ',~,~~t, ~~~ , ~' :i: ,'); t,;" ". sign and th~ Clerk to atteøt the resulting agreement. i," Item '15 BID 1672, JUSTICE CENTER ROOFING - AWARDED TO CROWTHER, INC. 1.egal notice tlllving been pub115hed in the Hðples Daily News on 5uptember 7 , 14, 1993, ßnù tho Fort MYCfG News Pres~ on Septembl.tr 12, " . ;' ~-,'¡ ./~ ':l ;':,1 :)ctt; ,,-;,~ ' ~' ,:p, ,~t' ,~t '~~:~ .!": ~, I ",---'-. , 14, 1993, as ev1denced by ^ffidavltG of Publication filed with the Clerk, b1d~ woro ruccivco for bid :?72, Justico Centcr roofing until 2z00 P.M., 50ptcmuer 23, 19nJ. Adminintrator of ^dminiatrc'ltivc Sorvlc~s Hill stl!t~d that this item is ~ li~tlo ðbove budgut. \~ ~,r . over the program budgut for this bid p~ck by ~bout $7,000. Public ~ðfoty Administrator D~rri11 sl6toò th~t tho skylights will not be eliminatacJ, addinC) thc.lt moat 01: thü job Involvttti carpentry work whIch will bo removed from the int~rior finish bld p~ck ðnd plAced into thllJ bid PdCI<.. tie statocJ th/'lt thic partlcul,Qr budcJot will bo slightly \J" ~ ,J. m; 078~1·~435' " "''''>''^':- ~~'\ 'i:..,·,·,,~,,(~\·-":ç:\t --...............--.- ....-.------ - -.....-- -- - -- ----~..........,-~'...~.~".,~~~... ,:,;::; :';¡:¡~1:~,:~; , A, .... .... --,'_....''",...,~,''..,'...,'','''''''._-'~.....,;,_.,,-...,_....,'-',~.._--- _.._-""',...'---'''_....."~....,.,-.~,.'''''''........,,..,--,'q''~-'''''. I I ! i I ')-<1 .>~j'~>....,'. ,~ . . , , ,~.~, . - -----.---.-----------.....--- ----- -.-.-._-----------:~ ,·..t '" aoOt 07B r1'.~36 Hov~mbûr '1, 1~B3 Commissioner Brown movod, seconded by Commissioner Holland and carried unanimously, th~t Bid '672, Justice Centor roofing, to Crowther, Inc., 2510 Rockfill Road, Fort Myors, Florida, in ~he amount of $315,000 being the low biddor and in the best interost of County, ðnd that the Chairman be authorized to sign and the Clerk to attest the resulting agreoment. Iteln 116 CONCESSIONAIRE'S AGREEMENT BETIiEEN COUNTY AND CAN-AMERICAN S£AGAT£ CORPOR^TION RE CLAM PASS PARK - VOTE POSTPONED FOR ONE WEEK Public Scrv1c~ß ^dmini~trðtor Norton indicated th~t the history and bl.lckground of this item ia 'dQll known, adding that he would aumma r i zc tho maj or chðnges thd t havo buen proposed by the concesslonalre. Hu noted that the revised proposed ðgreemont no 10n90r requires tho assurances to provide Dlcoholic beverÐges at the beach facility. fie roported thdt the amount of tha fees to be detormined for parklnQ Ðnd pedestriùn access has been eliminated in terms of speciClc amounts, adding that the proposûl is that tIle concessionaire would recommend the fe08 to be chC1rgcd and the County would review Dnd then apþrove or disapprove of thoDe fees. He stated that thero has been a ,ct '. ;l: ~, .. ,; J;. ,~ j .,;~ U\ ~ , sliCJht change In the definition of gross revenue in terms of the fee schedule itself, because of the fact that tho fe08 w111 not be "~I .~~ ¡~i "/ti >:~ "Î~ ;·:'~1 .;.¡~:~~J~ :':;~~l , . '/:' .~'~ ",\~~~ . ,\;~ ¡;~ . t"; determined until the plìrk i~ open Cor ðCCOSS to tho public. Ho said that a provision has been maùe for the conveyanco of the two aCfQ parking lot ðnd il 20 foot eðßement from thðt parking lot to the docking facility. He noted th~t there hOD been clarification m~de in tho proposed agreement th~t the County cðn at any time add !ocilitles 8uch as picnic tabloG, barbecue grills, etc., addin~ th~t the concessionaire will bo roaponslblu for rnliintainln<J the creas around those facUlties that will be provided by th~ County. BII rcported that there I.s nothing', In thv ^l.Jreement that would preclude the County from considering ....--. ----------- --- - - -- - - ------ -----....~-------.--.......~. .~. -.,'. "; ;':. <:'. /,tf:i . --------------------------------~-----~- '. ,:-.." - >-'t ''C ~ ..' " " ~ ' -:; ).<';':,;.¿~:~;.~rc,·i;,:l::.:..;7! ..-,--.~-----_...-.-----------_..........~---~....--.._~----.............. ':+' " " , . ""s: ~>,;:!'.c ¿:~'~:ry~~¿(~:, . . -"~,.),,, ,'~ Wovcrnber 1, ID93 another type ot ßCccss to tho park such ðS a bOÐrdwð1k fdcl11tv or Dny other type of access. II'.) concludltd by !;t'.ðting that this Dummarizes tho: t:lajor changua Dnù Isu '~ould like Mr. Obloy fro In \\estin()houso Communities of Nðplos to mðk~ his prosuntatlon. Mr. Hoss Obl~y, represcnting Po1icDn Bny/~ußtin~houøc Communities of Naploo, Inc. ðnd a propoD~d hot~l concuGsionairu, Gtotad thÞt tho Pelican D~y Pl~nnod Unit DBv~lopment Or~inanco WÐS ~nDct.cd in April 1977 and it idantitie1J Group 4 propurty that it! suitl1blo for high-riso ;>¡ '.:~ ':i .,~ 'í'~ ':,~\¡ :~~ , 1>--~; ~',' ;t~ . t~ ",,:f,, '., condos and tor hotels. lie nottJù that accordingly 'o'ihothar the site can bl.! lor a hotel is on issuv, cIcJdln-) thðt thi.a iU:Juo W.:1IJ dC>'tormln"d by County Ordinonco øix Ylllllrs ago. II~ noted thc'!lt till.: PUJ.} ólGO st1pulðtoa that if a long serius of approvals wor~ t~cølvnd for tho northw~st portion of Pelican Bay th.1t the Developor ~-,,>ulù <lcud c.J 35 acre pod of '~~ ~A:: ,~,,',~; .' , 1~1 , \~~ ;~ 7~~t~ :5 \i~ J.-Já£, "'~ :'ì'1~ , .,~ I I··'·· .~~ ' :, {~*" ,,{~ Iij~~ ,~\~ lDnd adjacent tc Cl,)ln Pass to b~ u:Jod .)9 '" County public bC.Jch. He utated thðt th~ events prcc~dont were accomplished in lðto l~Ol Ðnd tho bsacn pod was doadud to tho County in 1982. lie notod thllt tho t'oUcan Bay devolopcr has ¡lad ~ KerioH of expcnsiva public commitments, ðddin9 t¡'"t I!ach onu has been nt:t or f])(cecdcd. He rCI,ortecJ th.:1t th~ PUJ.) 0150 r~qulrcd that the Developer doed two acros or unimproved lnnd lor the County to build ð pub11c pdrkin~ lot ~lon; the southern border ol Valican Doy if and when tno County constructed bc~ch access to Clùm p~$U Park. Ho not~d thÐt the only real potontiðl for rnnjor access to tho park was Gound1y de£e~tcd by the public 1n the Clam Pass Pðrk rc£orendum lc1st year. lIu Inúlcðtcd Chllt hotel interoat contuctod ..., ;. aoO( 078 f1'.l4S7 Pcllcðn bdY about the uite on tho oouthWdGt cornor of Polic~n Bny ~cross from Cl~m Pa~u, ~ud1n~ thût the uit~ was selected duo to the 1-75 Intorchange ûnù its dire, ~ ùCcoss via i~provod Pine Rldqo ~oad. Ho øtAtod th~t aCtúr ruvluw of thö !lotol p111na and dQslgno, the mutual acc..su iø»uCl wall brou-3ht b,,£oro ,tho Cl)unty last NovomlJer. lie stilted ~ í.. ...."._-"'-_.-......,'-"..,-'".~-"'''--''"'','-., -,--.tIt U18r~'~4.38 thðt ho propoHbd Bnd tho County Commission unanlmoualy ðpproved In November I, l~aJ -~------------------~-----_..-.----------- concept, .!II mutublly l!dVðntIU)COU~ proCJ ram, .p~c 1£ iClIlly, the conccøølonalru will improve Seðgate AODd, prcpare an Ðccens into tho',' hotel an~ tho beach, tðKU ovcr the County's obllglltion to improve a parking lot to high landscape r.tðndðrds, build ~ docK on each side of Outer ClDm Bðy, dovelop a typo of bo~t trðns~ort system lIcross tho bÐY, and build a lllc i 11 ty which will house beach use 1 toms, fooð, boverage, and rusldent fac11itiofi. He not.ed that all of this would be designed' and constructed to high Polican UlIY stnndards. H~ stated that the concensionaire would OPtH"tC dnd ml1intnln thl.! fi:ldliticB in ð first class mðnner Cor use by the public, ad~inq thot the daflnitlon of public clearly lnclucJus gueasts of the hotel. He reiterated that bðH~d u}Jon the County's approval, the hotel hlJß now sol1di!lcd its design, operation Dnd !1nancicll I,lnns, addin\,) t.h.:1t. ßome ottH.rr related opprovðls from thu County have been granted ann h~ hðs drDftod a concessionaire agreement with County stðf! based upon prior agreoments tho County haG in force. tie stðtt::d with rtlspect to th~ object.ions, ð month OCJO Ð proposed concessionaire ð9ro~ment wßa submitted for Board consl~erðtlon, addln9 that this agroement has been negotiated, drafted and te-drafteå with much dclibcr~tion and effort by the three pÐrt1es Involve~, tho County, tho hotol Dnd pelicon UDY. He stated that slnc& thðt time Borne com¡..l~)int.ß hðve arisen, ðddinCJ thDt those cornpll'lints tire . ..~,~ ~~ :~ '''t. "'~ ,''"'- ,:¡: . , , .1.f '~~ ,~ . '~,'t~;' ¡, ;,~,' , ~I¡~ ;~ ,~ ,., "t'l ð hotel on th~ site, ølcohol on tho bcach, beach DCCCSS and use, and a number of procedural issueD. JI~ statod thnt wi th reupcct to hotels on the site, it should not bo Cin issue, Ddding thZlt it h4s been approved' for this use c:lnd aubct.Dntiðl dallnrs havu b&on sp~nt. In support of this use. He reported there waG ð major outcry about ~lcohol, ~ddin9 that Ðny Ðnd all use of ülcohol or liquor 11con&es hdv~ now beon deleted. He noted that beaCh access has boen ð mðjor cry 1n Collier County, PðlCJO 15 ,",,~ ~' ~ ·,,·,..-1 . ',. ' ',' , ' ,'<' :~:;; -.--..... -...... - -...... - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -........ - ------ ~~~~~"'~'~0',t" . "'''::::':\~t' rZovcl:'IIJor 1, 1~133 'I ~?~ ~\ ~ - - - - - -"..... '..;,.-';","" h,.-, , ,;~, t'.'; ".J! ',Y ---------------------------------- ,.,.::"~,, adding that this will lJe onhðncod by this "'yr..tement. 110 stlltod thÐt ¡Jeoplc would CJot ;JCCfHiU wtHH~ n(')nc has axlstud l\nd any f.,cilitie4 th.)t will bo t!rQctod on tho County piHK will conaume ldSS than one of the 36 licros that WllS d·JedlJd. 11<1 noted t:\ot tho concussion f~cilitiu8 will be Ðvallðblo to IJll bUdch uaaru. lie stlJted thé.lt c'1nothor complaint was accoss and parking !~as, ~uuln~ tnat this l~sud h~s buen rcsolvod by deluting all refcrcnco of f~os nnd tlnve all porspective foes teviawed, approved, ,)nd or mod~riltQd by the County Ml'lnager line! then tho County Commission. He tJ tined thùt in refort!ncf> to the bO.:lrdwlJlk, if the, County should el~ct to bullù a boardwalk br-ttwettn th~ parking lot .'1nd the beach by a rolativnly diroct brirJC'J8 RyatC'm, WestintJhouRo will not object if tho County Is nblc to obtain the nec~ed permits, provided it ~eots technical c1nd aesthetic dcsi~n ntnndards ðnd environment~l concerns. 110 utðted th.:lt h~ would hùve no ol>jcctions to tho County proceeding 1n thl~ m.:lttcr and he will no stipulate. he ind1catod that tho conc~ss10nðire ~nd Westinghouno initi~lly considered thin type of system, but rejected it in favor of the bOi'1t system duo! to time, ',.'..fJ".·,'. ::'1 ;~~~ :!.,~1,' )~ ,.:f'~ ,,:<.411 ".'.'I'~I' " .1", ~f ~~.:~~ "'1'~ 0, ~I economics, and permit fuusl~ility. Ho ruportud th~t thure wore other concorns, liko if thu hotel WdS not undur con~truction within 3 rellsonablo lenCJth of tlm~, .:Idding that ho 1.:i willing to stipulcto thnt ndequ~tu acccøs for the public Crom Geagoto to the parkin~ lot site and from tho lot to the dock \oil 11 be set ùsidu. He stfJtud thl'St on behalf of the conc~sslonðiro ~nd ~estinghouse, h~ rospoctfully requests that \: \'~ ,ðIJOK '07B'n1i!439 this agr~ement be approved in its pr~sunt form with stipulations if nocessdry, ðddlng thðt the Collier County ~conomy will bo stimulated, th~ taxes pa1d from this worl~ famous hotel will be welcomed, important jobs will be created íor current and future r~Gldents, hotel facilities will be a source oL prid~ to the County, beach .:ICCQSS Ðnd the agroemont is an mutually beneficial now ~$ i~ w~s when tho \ .: ;/; ,......------------ -- --- ----- - --......- - -.~*7:7__:·::,7~70~i: ... .. ,,_..._,_...~'''-_...__.,,'-.'"'"-~'~--._,'~'''''''". Nnples Civic Association Goldan Gate Area Taxpayers Assoc. Royal lIarbor Assoc. Vlctorll1 Park I Association Collier County Civic Federation S~4 7 5hol tz St., "'~". "'J' Noorln9s Proporty Ownors As80C.tl:i"" Westlako C lvlc Association ðnd',/,~:',~~"" North Naplos Firo 'Reacuo';Dlst.~?~~~,\;'; 575 Pine Crave Lane,.'", , '::if:;\:,,!~~ ,:'':::~i;J;'~'r;~bt;:~;tlt ' \." ì)ð9.;'17,;r,~,. , ' :(-;·:."~;i.}i\;~:;.1/~~t;((,>" ~~--------~~-------------------~~-~~~~~ ,':~!', ' , ',:,~~,:/:'r.D;:2,:::;~~",:1.'·~}$." --.--- ------- -----,- - -----.- --.-....-----.-- '001t '078 rAr,~O ' Boðrd opprovÐd it in concept. Th~re was 9~nerol discusøion togordin9 Section 3.0~ of the Nevombet 1, 19B3 ;,.'. \ ' concesslonairc'ø Ð9rocmcnt with County ^ttornoy f:aundors that it Is hiu undorøtandin9 that the Concessionairo would be willing t.o change ~ection 3.04 to provide that thu County could immodlately construct th~ boe.rdwalk ðS long as tho County constructed the boardwalk In such c1 W6Y that the boatin9 system could be operating in conjunctiøn with ,thct. Mr. Obley stated that ho has no objection to that at all.' ..... Recessl 10110 A.M. - Reconvonod, 10z25 A.M. ..... The following ",colJle spoku in opposition of the concoBsiona!ro's Agroement citing be~ch accoss bocoming privat~ly controllod instoad of County controlled; hewing to PllY (Jé)rkin9 tQea; boat synter.l thllt will trDns~ort hotel residontu first; no access road to 9ct to the boach, dlsapprov~l o£ alcohol ~nd hotel on that situ; hotel residents that would use County beach p~rkinlJ lotI 50 YChr lCl1se; shallowness of Clam Pass ~y; additlon~l tr~ffic problems; Ðnd lack of flre protectionz Tape .3 David bcnn1ltt Jack ~1cKinney Mi ke Zewû lk Pork Shore Association, Inc. Golden Gate EstDtús Civic Aøsoc. North Nðples Civic Association Collier County Civic Asooclotlon Old Naples Association pine Ridgc Resident Tape 14 Tape '5 Goorgc Ku ller J::dwt'l rd ,.1cMahéan John VcnckÐmp Henry MilxÐnt Virginia Newm,;¡n SUtt "'.orro~ William urickman Elaine Luckhðrt David Numore Pino Ridge Civic Asøociðtlon Moorings property Owners Assoc. 622 ßinnQcle Drive Crnyton Road AGsocidtlon Crayton Road ^SSOciDtion ParK Shore Association Tapa 16 JJw 1 CJh t "111 hrns H. H. Kiockhefer Warren &chrnidl I:IGttio Gulacsik Carl f'. Gllzow ,.lDrshall ~"ebb Charles kctinbolt Frank Pcttengill Gilbort Weil 'I' '___'-<>''''___'''~'''''''.'_'~''''_'_.,ti''H''''-''' \ " "I;¡: ¡'r¡, ',~ /~ ~, J, ,'~r ,'4 "'{~ ,,"~ct· ~{ "1 ~-------------------------------------~~ Coamlsaloner Voss moved, seconded by CommissIoner Plator end carried 3/2, (Com~l.alonors Brown and Kruse opposed), that the yote tk1,,;,,':~~4'; . {.'; ':l ;":" . ". , ~i'":~:/';':)~"ì,I.::~{;;~,{~f .~:r.:'!":" ':',·1. aOOK 018rAr.t.f.t.1 .' , ", P.l o'13,,'::' .!t>,', ' , .'_";~·:')'I~:{{(~~!t:·;«>:'~·~;;:t-;f ~,........................_-.... -~ ......- ---- - - - - -- - -- - - - .......... -..... -- .....,~.........._~-". - ':~:~":'~~-':"¡'" ' .. . Po".' '''~.'' , l4ovc1mbcH 1, 1 ~8 3 Commlsø10n~r Kru&e indic~tod thnt tho following lott~rs were rucQivœd 1n oppos1tion to the concussionDiru's agrouments Garrott F. X. ~~yront Dðniel P. McMullen f.1ðry £. A. M. Ci.,1~wt'11 Hobert 80yl œ lIIotice SODgnte HeoiJQnt HOYt\l Harbor AssociatIon NtJphs Ho:tsident Naples Hosldent· ParK ühoro ADsociation, Inc. Mr. UÐrry Rothchild url.Jed the Comm1fSsionuro tQ think about the mattor boforo making ð dacinlon this data. Mr. Tom Archer, reprp.scnt1ng the Naples Aroa Chnmbor of Co,"merco, sðid that they support tho concept of 11 first-cllJss hotol proposed lit the ond of Pulic~n ~~y Proportios ~s ðn economic ~dvðntð9¥ to tho community and pr~sentud ð lQttpf Indlcðttng s~me to the Aoard, which "lso roquested that th~ ßoðrd review thc Ch"/IIbc,ll~ eOi1ch ^ccess Action Pr09ram ðS ð guldolinc tor bOùch ~C~CUR. Commissioner Voss ~ti.1tcd théJt moot of t.hu doubts th.3t he h3S hðd hðve been addressed satisfactorily, üdùing th~t thera wero ù few things brought up this ¡J"te that hu would 1 he to t.hink ubout end ho would liko to wait 11 week bofore ~ny vote Is taxen. Tape '7 Commissioner Piolor slatod th...t ttlore lJr(l 60::1e thin~ø th...t ho brouCJht to the .:¡ttc:ntion of tho ¡Ittornoy ot ~';eatinC]housu thðt hðVO not b~on chnn~~¡J 11ku the houru of oper~tlon, odding thðt he feols that the matter should lJe postponed for a week. Commisnloncr Holl~nd stðt~d th~t thura hl1ve bQen some v...11d points' brou9ht out liko firo protection ðnd thu low tiJes, adding thðt he would also like to w~it ~ woek beforo votin~. Mr. Obley st~ted th~t If thu Commiusionoru would liku to walt a w~~k, he h". no prob.1úm wi th thc"\t. "1 ',., ..., v' "'- '---''''---'''--'"''-''-'-''''-~'--''~~"''~''''-. "t~ "~~III' ";'f'~f .'''>·,t·,~ ",,,,' Ls! ·~.;rv "":"" , :':1~ <~vl" ",''', ' 1,:-1 'f,': ~~7 f¡- "I""":'" ''',-,'1, ,~ ~II lit " ~:·t -;'" Novornbor'.l, 1983 --- - -----·......----.........--.-7;", 'Õb( 078,,',~42 regarding tho Concesslonalr.'s ^greemønt botween the County and Can-American Soagðte Corporation be postponed for one week. ~, ~ '~ ****R&CESSI l2z30 I.H. RECONVENEDz 2z00 P.M. at which tlmo Deputy Clerk Skinnat replaced Doputy Clerk Kenyon.*... Ite. '17 DISCUSSION Rt RATE INCREASE DY PALMER CABLEVlS10N - NO ACTION TAKF.N Administro'1tive Asaistðnt Holley tJxplDined this item was the resu~t of c~rrospondenco ruccivaù from Pðlmar Cðblcvision idcntifyin~ Incre~sos in their rDtes ot ð 4.6\ increðDo In the basic cnble servicQ and D 15\ incrcase in the initlDtion, reconnect Dnd relocation char9~8. Commissionor Pistor s~lù }I~ has received telephone calls ftom people who do not undcrat£lnc.l, 11 thc)' haVe! pc)lc for ð ycar' 8 contrllct, why they 11ðVC ruc~lvcd ðnoth&r bill in th~ middle of th~ YUlIe b~cause of ft rata adjustrnClnt. lh.: !laid C.d.>lovision'u cont.ract. allows for thoir rate to bc modified at the time of the rat~ adjustmunt and he asked for ClIblevision pcrsonnel to stl1te thclt J>ouition. Respond1ng to Chðirmanl; Kruso, County Attorney 6aundcrs said that the Bce does not regulate Cablevision's rate. Mr. Urad Estes, M1.Inll':lt~r of Palmer CLlblcv1sion, said his company serves the ~roas of Naples ðnd M~rco Island, excluding Golden Gato and . NlIP]es P4rk. II~ said his company is luokinq for additional incom~ dUe to ðddltionol expenses ~ne , as ~ result of ouing abl~ to impose the rate incroaso during lh~ contract ye~r, the r4te increases con be tempered. lie sð1d t.he pr6viouI:I increasos h"vf? b~l.:n approximðtctly 3t a yoar. He said the sUb£cr1bcrs sign ð documont that says th~y are aware of the compuny's ability to modify tho rltt~s in the rniddlo of the yeðr. Ho said that the Dubscrioers have ~ rlCJ}lt to discontinue scrvice and rocoive a refund should they bocome unhappy with tho scrvice. Commis- sioner Pistor said that the contract still 8ðY» that th~ appropriate-; governMental authori ty establishus t.ho compt'lny's rotos which waø ..,' _'_'......_,'"'."....,.._,_...'......."...'..."....'..""'.-,.",.,o'._.,~..."",",'~........~,'p<~ ~.. ''''l' f"-"1i; ",,~~. h$; ,~ , ·~I,i:¡j, 'f~ ' ,~ I ''¡I',\~'' ;~1> ',;') ~~~. - ~-;:~,~~~. 1 ,:,~ .~' I ': ,I ¡; r'/ )(, ij '.t' -.. ::,:'=1 ~:~';1~~~ 'f:~ , '1. Novcmuer 1, 1~a3 --------------------------------------~~ --- _.- tt'linqulsht!d by th~ UCC ovor a year ¿¡qo. ,~ 'I' r~r. Es tOB KlIid tht1 t IItntomCtn t::<t , I shoul~ bu t~kon out of tho contr~ct und ho ~~ffiittod thðt h13 company did not 00 ~ vory ;ood job 1nforming thuir ~u~Hcribora rogardlng the rate lncro.,so wt1ich wi 11 be: hoJnd1ud. Item 118 WATER AND SEWER FACILITIES IN CAPE COD ESTATES SUBDIVISION - ACCEPTED, CHAIRMAN AUTHORIZED TO SIGN THE LEASE Utilities Admini~tr~tor Borzon Atatud for the rocord that no ¡'.,.., ( prosont or future sewur connfo'ctions from outuide the ~1i1l0u9hby Acrø. duvQlopm~nt wlll be ~llowud to conn~ct ðS 1a the case in th1c instance. He said that any future wðter connoction to tho wator systom, althouqh it is presently adcqu~tu to s~rvù some of thv ~rcaH, will be govetnod by the availability of watcr ðt the time o( the r~quoBt and thut the roquestB will bo only bpplicablo to the five acro pðrculs imrnedlðtcly to tho OÐHt or west or the Bubdivi3ion and only for single family r~sicJcnt.ial lots. tie sðieJ that thßo C..1pe Cod ~statos SUbdivision has paid fully for tho water ¿¡nd $~~C' £i1ci11tio~ they havo installed and, as a rosult, thuy do not imp~ct the ~illoughby ^crcs Subdiviuion. Ho 3aid thùt tho residentu hùvc pðld cornpÐrðbl~ Cundu that the property olmurs within \\-illoughby Acrcs hllV(l pc:¡ld tnrouqh their assessments. Ms. J.^. Hautio-Mitchcll, President of the Willoughby Acres ~ :", .l.... 'i¡:~ ,jJ '<'/ ~ .~ ,~ "\", "'r'." <~ ~ ~I'J~.~~ 1:.-'-, ,~'f .!r~. ,~ ',i~ ' "','<1 ::~ ::"¡ y,,"!!.. '.,~ d:;"I~ I"" "h . j¡,' l .'. ~-tI:. )!1f ; ~;. . HOMeowncrs AssociÐtJon, ~tdted thr'lt sho had .]sk~d Mr. Mcrzon to clðr1£y for the record what hdppencd to thll w~tct <.Ind sower fl)cilit1os In Cape Cod EStrH.OS ~ubcUvls10n. Sh~ Qt11d tn.:lt thc h'il1ouC¡hby Acr(:s Homoowners ÄS30cilltion, lit this point, feu 1 DO¡:H~what sntiaf1ed that their ayotem Is not baing bdvorsely im~DctQd nor could a cJevelopor, who did not pay, btJnttf1t from sornothin') for which all the property ownurs were ðssossed. Reøponding to Chairman Krusu, Mr. Berzon SðjcJ that tho ~illoU<Jhby AcrQs system 1s conn~cted to ~~wor DiQtrict WAW ðnd Dddod that tho H.wor linø' ðte dlGconn~ctud from anythin9 at this t1rnu. aool( 078raQ-443' . il:~ ' , ,,~~ " ' '::'~ij'} ,;,"" -----------------------... .., ---------~------- ¥~'~ ,~'çØ .'~ ["-. ,oo~ 078r"~r.4# It.. 119 , Novembur 1, 198J RESOLUTION 83-194 APPROVING AMENDMENT NO. 2 RE MARCO BEACH SUBDIVISION, , YNIT 2S IMPROVEMENTS - ADOPTED WITH STIPULATION ' ' County Attornoy Saunders said thiu is lIn addendum to lIn existing Ð9reement to providu Cor tho relü"uin9 or (unds as const.ructlon take. place at ~rco Boacn Subdivision unit 2S ð9 uxplllinod In his memorandum dated lO/2G/83, in the ð9~ndll ~~ckot. He sAid thðt the Enginaering Dopartment has requestod 10 days to incpcct the facilitios constructed by Dulton~ Corporation to mnko sure they Dro consistent with County ::1~' "~\:. ;~;~t11 :.\~ ~)'~~ \~,,:P- <~¡1i '-;""ij )\{;,~ tr'M , "'; iÌ :;:~ "\i;'¡ ',~ . ',2,~ 'J~~ ","\I ,;:~ ~'i,~ ,j~ ,! :.,.~,:íI, "1J r.i'. .'.\'-'1 .;'j{ ;'¡~~';; ~ ¡,. ,;i~ ;,;l;¡ ¡,,~ .,~,:,~; r09ulðtions, lInd added thDt tha a9reum~nt he ottDched to the Exocutive Summary provldeø for II 5 d~y period for this InÐpoction. He slIid Mr. Hinc~ley, represcntin1 the Deltona Corl~rÐtion, is prüscnt to reÐ~ond to any C!uost!ono. He sðid he head discussed the 10 dny inøpectlon poriod with Mr. Hinckl~y. Commisøioner Pistor movod, ø~conded by Commissioner Brown and carried unanimously, that Resolution 83-194 approving Am.nd~ent No. 2 to Agreement for Conøtruction and Maintenance of Subdivision Improve- ments and Improvement Escrow ^9reements, be adoptod with the stipulation that tho County Engineering Deportment has 10 days to inspect tho facilitios constructod by Deltona Corporation. , . ';~;:;';lf ~.- -' '~ ~,~ ; ·,<,,;,:~?;~;f;i~,f,~f'" '.... ,'. ,', '.go\'22'"" ______ _ _ _ _ ___ _____ _ _ __~ .:.:~ :·\;::~~;ttL,:,;~,r,;\.\ii< , . .>, J~"", ,'~ ~,.,~, _._-_...__.._....;,...~'''"..'"."---.".,."..-..,~..'"''.'''','''>'--"'''.,<, '~.:YF':; , ,,^¡. ',,,, . -- -_._----- --------..- --- - - - --.-- --- --.-..-.---'- -- '.;,,:~ '':~\~fm ;'<:t:ffk' Novenlbot 1, 1~n3 '....~ .', ,:oI.¡;¡i! ~~I¢,,~; " It.. 120 ROUTINE BILLS - AUTHORIZED FOR PAYMENT Pursuant to Resolutlon 81-150 th~ following checks were through October 2D, 1983, 1n p~y~vnt of routine billsl CHECK DESCRIPTION CHECK NO:). M10UNT Vondor l021G3-102415 $1,314,359.01 ItClm '21 BUDGET AMENDMENTS 8J-9GS AND ß3-9GG AND 84-49, 84-50, 84-53 THnOUGH 84-55 AND 84-58 - ADOPTED Commissioner Voss moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown and carried unanimously, that Budget Amendments 83-965 and 83-966 be .'" adopted. Commissioner Voss moved, seconded by Commissioner Holland and carried unanimously, that Budget Amendments 84-48, 84-50, 84-53 througl 84-55 and 84-50 be adoptod. ~.~: :i;~ ',;,"Ì\:' :/,¡,! , >,.;:. ~~ UIDK ~...~, .. .In,<;,,:~ .\ : uu U 1.0 rllilq ~ ":'~;k~ . pag e ':~2" , . , '. '(:;;~ '~--~~-~-~~~--~-~----~----~--~-----~-~~ . . ',·4:f.¥J. .,' 1,';':,.:(1:~ ,,,",-,...-,".,,,,,~,,,,",,,,,,,,,-,.-,,,,-, ," ':1;~~ ".)0... i" , ~.~~>* "';;'fIl),,'! '\~ -------------------------------------~~~ Nov~mbar 1, 1903 ";:c" antlci1Jatc that t<1X rovenues do not come in until November. Ito. 122 LOAN TO THE COLDEN CATE FIFU: DISTRICT - AUTIIORIZED UP TO $18,500 Fl~cal Officer Giles said that he has been informed thDt the County h~s ~ roquust by the Coldun Cùtc Indupendont Firo DIstrict for:~ {.¡ pre-typed checK in tho ~mount or ~18,~CO, for Octobor oxpensos, bOCdUS.~ thuy hove a payroll to ~c~t on 11/~/33, Jnd th~y do not have a budget for thls YlJllr. lilt sðid ho prcSum~d that the Firo District dId not to Ch~irmðn Krus~, Mr. CiluB recommonded, until the Staff can Inve8tl- 9ato further, that Duthority be 9r~ntcd to lODn up to $10,500 to the Colden Cðte Firo DIHtrict until thoir fin~ncos con b9 8tra19htened out. Commi8sioner Brown moved, seconded by Commissioner Voss and carried unanimously, that ð loan to the Colden Catø Fire District be ðuthor1zed up to $18,500. Itea '23 MOTI01~ TO AUTHORIZE TUB COUNTY ATTORNEY TO EXPRESS THE Bce' S CONCERN RE THE MARCO ISLAND YACHT CLUB PHOPOSAL AND TO ASK TnE CORPS OF ENCINEERS FO~ AN ADMINISTRATIVE HEARINC - D~NIED Commissioner P1stor axplðinod that the bCC haD roceived not1flcn- ; tlon that ~n ðppl1cðtion h~G bu~n mnde to the Corps of ~n9ineur8, the ~ D~R dnd DNH tor dradqing and othur improvements to the M~rco Island Ydcht Club. H~ r~L~rr~d to hi~ momor~ndum dðtod 10/24/B3, r09~tdln9 his concorn ¿¡bout thi:1 Pt"ojcct ðnd ho roquestud pormission for the County Att.orney to s"ncJ tho proper communicðtion to tho Corps o£ En91nudrs, the D~n and the DNn. Hp. said this aroa is not properly ';,¡:'~ ~ ;¿onod for ð rnotel/booJtel of GG roor.ls, in his ()pinlon. no 6ðid that drud91n~ and hðvin~ as many ðS GG bOdts In that baoin could CAuoe somo of thu pollution problema In Chc.!';tnut Canal th&1l Dultonð f'xptfrhnc:od whon th~ Ydcht Club W4G openo~ in 19G4-GS. Husp()ndln9 to Chairman Kruse, County Attornoy ~.]undori:a s"id thc]t reprosontntlve8 :~ ,{f1 ',,.'~ ,111, ,.,,~ , . " ." a"ooK078t'r::459 , .( . . ~ ..-...- ----- - - -- -------------------.-..__.-,1PI;1III ..,.....__.._...____..,__.~'~..'~"M" ,",.~""", ,..'"'_......~~~.,'".......~.",'."~"'....._'~". ~ ;,' 'f,( -~-~--------------~~------------~~þ~ ,oot 07B~lr.!~O November 1, HH~J ":,~,' o£ this project are present ðt this mueting. Commissioner Pistor 8ð1d that County t;nvironmontul1st Cr. Benodict hils 84:nt a lutter to tfio agencl"s 1ndlcatinf,;) tho concern of the potontial tor pollution if people will be living ðbo~rd the bODtS. Mr. ~aundors said it is his undcrst~ndin9 that the ownors havo applieu for various permits for tha droåging and filling of the mðrin~ portion of the projoct from the Corps of Engineers lInd the DEH. flo said that tho County, If it desires, cön intervene In the p~rmlttln9 process and request ~n ^dmin1strativo Ho~rin9 on tho issuancu of those permits if the ßCC fuuls that there is sufficient cause for concern in referenca to tho environmental impact of tho mðrina. Community ·,t'0~, ,;',~ .,~ '.;/iil .. "~ .-<5';) , ..,~ ,_;I,~\'~J ";~ ::~,~~ ,'\ Deve.Lopment Admi nlst rü to r Vi r t.ô:s Sf] id tha t Dr. Boned ict ind lcðted a concurn for pot~ntiðl ~ollutlon if thcr~ was going to bc people living ðboord ond not usin~ holdin~ t~nks or pump-out facilities. Mr. &aundors soid that Ute Corps nncJ thu CElt ",111 consldct envi ronmcntal iÞlp4cts prior to 1asudnco of tht1 p~rmit, however, thðt docs not prevent tho County from raque:;¡ting ðn ^dminintrðtive Hearing with t.h~ Dim of requeuting ð cJeu1ðl or the: perm! t and he addÐd thl1t the ace would havo to taka ð stand ðt some point in time, in the event that the BCC would wðnt to stop the permit. Responding to ChDirrn~n Krusc, Mr. ~ðunder. said thDt the 'juustion of whuther the owners would IHlve to como before the &CC for ðny ðpprovDlc Cor tho motol p.,rt of the project would have to bti resolvud. H~ Bald that ~a f~r ~u the marinD portion, in his opinion, there icn't ðnythiny tho owner~ n~ed from tho BCC. "a said ho 1s in contact with the owners' attorn~ys. ~r. VlrtD said that the owners would hltvCl to obt.LI1n County buildinCj pcrmLtÐ tor thu dockage facilities and ðd~ed that the bovtcl facilitios, 1£ they Dre constructed as part o! the YlIcllt Club, would requira sito plðn' approval. 110 said ttlat tho Zon1nc,¡ Diroctor has tho diacrot1on of - - - - - - - - - - '- -- - þ- ,- ,-- .,-- --- -- - ..-- '-- .--- .--.- - -,-~ .- ~- -- -__. __ .'___~ .~,__. _._ ~_ __ .__ _0'_- __ -"'...".._-_.._.."..,......--"-,.._,.......,"~~_."._",-"--,'~','"-',~.~.'....'-'.,'..--"..,' ""'i~ ,",.H; :\~.': \'~. ---- - ------ - - - -- - - - - - - -- - --- --- - -- - - -----~.....,.. , . f ~<. +, ~ :::r"~ _;. ~OOK 0'78r\'~461 ,P~9~,,},~~~:,. -----------------_._--------------------.......~ ~ NOVl.lmbc" 1, 1983 ',. ~ '/1'-· involving tho ditforent tcvi\Jw I.>oditts dS p.ut of thðt ðpproval, and he;,'T,;t , , 't. said it is the Zonin~ Diractor'ø intontlon, when the olto plðn approval 3~ . ' 10 tHud, to bring it uuforu tl1l.1 BCC 03U well ðS the C^PC. . . Ms. L.1ur1o Jonas s4id sho ðnd hor hush.:and lJru the ownerG ot: thu Hðrco Is1.:1n(\ 'il.1cht ClulJ ðnd ::laid that thuy rdcoqn1zc Commissioner Plstor's concerns bccDuae they lI.1vU th~ aùma conc.:erna. She sðid thuy havd mot with tha County ^ttorn~y ~nd the ~~~'f on numurous occasionø "":I,f' ';<:~(¡'~\' :;:It\~ )~I' ' ~'~...7 - , <:'":t .r:¡. ';~"H ..';~~~;~ '1M r ,,,~'j,.. L~:~;' w: .'..,:':'" ':"~. 1n ordor to acvolo~ a plan foe the 'i~cht Club that will ba In accor- danco with tha exi~tin9 zoning ~nd provlsion~l uses. She said they will continue to meet wlttl tho Stdf unt.il a proper plan for presenta- tion to thÐ acc has Ucon fln~llzQd. She requestod that the BCC' postpono any fur ther commont on tho :>tc'1 tc pormi ts for the YDcht' Club until that plan Is ðdequataly propared (or the UCC review. Ms. Jones said that tho Dcn hðs not fl1~d ~n Intent to IDSUQ a parmit nnd the rn~ttor will be left opon until thnt Intont in filed ðftcr thuy havQ sUbr:llttud 1111 the Inforl:\c'1tion t.h..! DE;H needs. Shc described the I ~ ':' '¡ff,; '~~ ,II!', .:?> , :'~:: ,f;~ '<':~r ,;¡'\ ~:' "Jr~ ."',," ,':1 :~ ;/û :'t<~ '.":r.,~Jt., "~ ~ ' ',,'~,~ .'.~~: ;:1~ . dredging needed for tho yacht basin f~cility. Mr. SQundurs said that there is a 45 day period Collow!n'.] th~ LtHter of lntr.nt bp.incJ issuod by the DER in which partias can intcrvene in tho p"rmittlng process. '1'ðpe '8 Chdlrman Kruso said she was concerno~ thðt tho SCC WOUld ba ~ctln9 upon someth!n') that the plIrty h.:1u not had an opportunity to pref:lont. Cornmissionur Plstor sc'11d ho haD a p~t1tion with avur 1S0 siqnnturos ð~ðinst thla project ðnù he haf:l hdd tolephonu c~lls from poople who object to the idoa because o( pollution. Ms. Jones sald thðt they have htJd peoplf.! frol:l tho Dim and the Corps tl.lkin9 samples of wElter for thG . r:.:,¡st fuw weeks working on thlu sltudt1on. Commisslonor Urown s.:aid the,' dCC ghould wait until thu pl~n is preBonted of£lclðlly. ~xprossed conCdrn bbout c1torin~ tho ßCC atondðrù procodure with no "" ....'_--.-..'".."'~"__,'"''',....'''',,,...,,~"'_,,,._..'~'_<..,.'~,'w..''','~, , \::p~ :;~ ~';".;¡: ~' -------.--------'....-..------........----. .. ' .-.------------- !",.,r,· '. """" ',~ -'~:z.:¡ "mr~ ;ÕO( 078 p~r.~62 knowledCJv of tho projoct. November 1, 190~ Roopondlny to Commissioner Voss, Mr. Saunders s~id th~t tho ~ublic comment process 1s currently ~o1nCJ on Ðnd he added that any lndlvldu~l who is ~!f~ctod t~ thiß project 1~ in ß position to intofvcnc in tho procas& nnd cðn øpeak ðt the Admlnistrb- tlve Hearin~ if one is held. He s~id such Q hooring would bo hold locðlly, howøver, uomeono has to file ~ £orm~l request. r¿'he followinl) persons spoke, in t.cvor of tho project z Mr. Jeromo F. Mr.YfJr, represonting the Morco Isll'lnd Homo Dulldora Association, rend d l~tter from tho Association which ha placed in tho rucord a~ Exhibit #1. Mr. J. Carl SI:tit:.h, III " '" Chbirm~n J<ruse bnked if thcrC:l It; ~nythinlJ to prevent Commissioner Pistor from forwardin9 the afotumuntionod potition and lotters undcr his name to thu Corpli indic,ning thnt. tho poople hÐve cont.acted him Dnd are concerned at.>out the ¡Jroj~ct? Commissioner Plstor said he would take it upon himsclf to Corwar~ thc luttcrs to thc Corps. Mt. Sounders øaid that Commissioner Piator, ðS on ~ffocted porty, 19 entitled to h* .'~. {: . request. l:In Administrtltlve lIollring on the issuC:t of the pL"rmits, howover, ~nly the acc can voto ö~ ~ body to havo the County request such ð hOArin9! Hr. Saundcro GU9~csted that he discuss the oltuation with Dr. Benedict ðnd tho Corps and DER to 8Q~ if they perceivo any environ- mental problems from tho D9~ncy nnd giv~ that informðtion to tho BCC at ð futuro dðte. It W.1a the consonsus of the Commissionera thðt Mr. ,'" Snundors proceed with his sugCJestion. ···Chalrmðn KtuSQ left the room at 2:40 P.M. Dnd returned ðt 2z50 P.M."'.- Th~ following PQrROn~ spoke In opposition to the project: Mr. William Moles, who placod Exhiblts ~l, '2, and .3 in tho ftlcord, 'a copy of tllu Public Notice of the Permit ApplicAtion No. 930-2031, ð mnp 01 the project area, and ð phot09rðph o! tho project. Mr. Rob~rt Sðrgoont Mr. Fred Nudis1ll ! ~. , -, , , , ,. , , : t.' " ~' i ~ ,~Ð9 ". ,'"":1' t - - - ~-i__ - - - - - ----- - - - - - - -'- - - --~- ~~ ~;Ä·,!:::ti~!if:'~.;,:¡:; _.-__'.B'·""""";...""',_..~,·''';;'~' ~~.,.,'"'.,.~,~.."--',_..~"._~--,, . ~::~ " .1" <;',~,~ Jó_':I:o.Q¡ -~---------------------------------~--~~~ 'TtffA'l Novcmb(:r 1, 1~8J:/:;~:~ Mr. Emilio M~ycr ~\r. r-1a x fJð ron Mr. Stdvon Kopp~l .**Chülrman ~rown l~ft thu roo~ öt 3:00 P.M. ~nd return~d lit 3:10 1'.:"1.*** Commissioner ristor moved, seconded by Commissioner Voss that the Bee authorize the County Attorney to expresß the BCC's concern regðrdin9 the Marco Island Yacht Club proposal and to ask for an Administrative Hearin9. Upon call for the question, the motion w~s deniod by a vote of 2/3, Commissioners Holland, Brown and Kruse opposed. Item '24 CLARIFICATION THAT COUNTY ATTORNEY SAUNDERS REQUEST ATTORNEY GENERAL OPINION RE LEGALITY OF VOTES PERTAINING TO ORDINANCE 80-77 ''¡'~ Commissioner Holland moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown, that Mr. Saunders' draft letter to the Attorney General include a request of a definition of Ordinance 80-77 as passed on 8/5/80, and clarify whether it is le9al for a 3/2 vote to impose a super-majority requiring a 4/1 vote, as well as if it is legal for a 3/2 vote to break an ordinance requiring 4/1 if it was not imposed by 4/1. Mr. Saunders relet· red to th~ second pngQ of the lotter in wnich on~ of tha yueotions he ask~d tho Attorney Gen~ral \~as "Cðn a simple . ,~~ , majority of tho ~ntiro ~embarship of the Board imposu ~ super-mQjorlty votin.J requi remont for f 1 r lng the County ('1ðnÐgur and for .;¡mendlng a spuciflc ordinancu?" He said ho attached a copy of Ordin~nce aO-77 to " tho letter. Commissioner Holland said he would like specific referonce ~~ ., ~æ1 i'-! mad~ to Ordinance ßO-77 when it was npprovud. . "..:: './',- j,~~ ,~ ,,'i~ '.'f¡~ .,~ ::,! , ,J. (,~, "y ,t~;'§J. ' ~' ~ "~ Upon call for the question, the motIon carried unanimously. [ ~, '00( 078,..Q463 ;r, ' .....................,----- ~ - .-.. -- - --- - ...... .--.- -- -.;....--.--.-- -- .-.---......... ---."".-,---_...,..._""--..""'_...,'-""'~~'";'~,.',..,..'.",..'- -, ";.j.<:'.-:'~'. ,'~'Pa9Q 2SÞ';""',<r~:; ';:::':;(:·'::'£":::1~!¥C, '~---------------------------------~---~~~ '-..' . ,. ,':' ~.:~", ';:;!. ~~ , ~jJ'¡:~ " ~ - "i/-'~' -,j ------------.-------' ',' . ~'- ,'J" . ------ iODK 078~r.~64 Item '25 THE POLICY THAT NO ONE CAN ADD ANYTHING AFTER THE AGENDA IS PUBLISHED EXCEPT IN AN EMERGENCY - APPROVED November 1, 1983 Commissioner lIolhnd said it WlIS his undorstaneJinCJ thðt the County Attorney, his nssistllnts and the County t,anagar ""ork at the direction of the acc, to which County Attorney Saunders a9reed. Commissioner Holland said that policy states if the BCC is to direct the County Attorney to draw ðn ordinance it should be Ð consensus voto of the Board, to which Mr. Saunders said it takes ß simple mðjority vote of the BCC to p~ss an ordinance and to direct him or his office to drßft an ordinance. Hcsponding to Commissionet HollaneJ, Mr. Saunders said that if a Commissioner requests thðt an ordinance be put on the Ðgcnda, he and his St~ff will drðft that ordinance ðS a request of a particular Commissioner. He snid hu Iws also drafted ordinances ùt the request of the County Munager'a office. He said that State Statutes require that thore be Q simple m~jority of the entire membership of the ~CC to pass an ordinünce and that thore is no County policy that dictates that the County Commission, by a simple m~jority vot~, must authorize tho drafting of an ordinance to be presented to tho SCC. Mr. Saunders referred to Commissioner hollûnd's roquest for an ordinûnce dealing with occupa~ion~l licenses and he said thot there was a discussion concerning that ordln~nc~ and that it was folt there mùY be some controversy involv~d in thùt ordinance. He said he suggested that Commissioner Hollðnd get the BCe to pass ð resolution directing him to draft the ordinance so he would not spend an excessive amount of time drafin9 on ordinance that may not be pâssed. Commissioner Holland said, in his opinion, if a resolution has boen passed directin9 the County Attorney's offic~ to dråw up ßn ordinûnc~ then thv time should bo taken to pursue that to its complotion. Mr. Saunders said that tho , . reason the occupÐtionol license ordinance has not been brought back to ,---------'~-~-~~--"'''-'~'''-'''',-,''--~''''.... ,,\';1 ,1141, -. P,,, 1'~ .~fJ: ,~,~., I' ",.¡ ";1/' ,\ .','î .. ,:..'~ ,<.I ;,J :,J ",I "~'I ,0,\ ,jiJ -n :.;:;,'," . }j, '.(!¡:I :..:ti :\1~,. ';¡; ,~ ):ç, ,;>~ --- -- - - - - -- - - - - -- -~ - -- - - - - - - - - - - --- ""'-- - -- --::~,:~ l~ovomb~r l, 1903 ~:/,'M H', " opinion, to which Mr. Gðund~ra agreed. the ace is because a lcgal qu~stion was raiaed by the ^ttornny General's office. Commissioner HollQnd said that the Attorney Gonerðl rp sðtd it took a majority vote by tho UCC fot him to issue Ð 1~9al '.,};', , '~' ":j¡¡ function lo maKo sur~ th~t ordinancQs that the ßCC pass nr~ lP.9~1 '~I: ordinllncus and when hcqetG ~ communicðtion from tho Attorney OenerÐl's~ " 'ù'~ office th4Jt indicates thùt è) propost!cJ ordin.:¡nco may not be It!9al, ho is f¿~ , .,,,,, ~ff, going to tnkt: the tir.HI to clo the rosu.!1rch .:Ind will ndviso the BCC liS to ,;~ ,. ~k~ ,~~' Mr. Snundcrs said it Is his that opinion nnd thu results of hiG rosonrch. Commissioner 1I01land Goid that hú made some cúlls r~9ðruing the Occupgtional lic~nøe ordinanco and thðt thtHQ Lire Oth.H counth~s in Florida that aro currontly opcr:éJting under such M\ oruinðnco. Commissionor Hollðnd moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown, that no one can add anything to tho BCC ð90ndð after it is published, except 1n an emergency. Mr. Saunders tillid thllt there is II St.1tUtl,) th.:;¡t pormits the BCC to ~ðSS emergency ordin~nco9 i£ theru Is a loyitimato omergency ond that ~-j¡: ~' 'B ''''.~ '~~ '::~ !::j '" .'~.. <~' ',,~ ðdd-ons to tho ~genda c~n bo cons1dorud crnerrycncy items. Mr. Saunders pointed out that tho St~tuto states if a subject involves tha public health, slIfcty and welfare of the County it ClJn bu iJddcd to the ðqendo. Upon call for the question the motion carried 4/1 with Chairman Kruse opposed. '\1 "1: , '.. , ' .4): ~ 'r ~ <;':~; :¡fI'; ·,i ...~,;: l~ ,d~ ,,~~~ , ,i~ .~ "~~ ,,~,~~ '<,1,4 . ~ ". Item 126 MOTION NOT TO FILL EXISTING VACANT POSITIONS - WITHDRAWN Commissioner Holland s~id, rcgarding tho curr9nt finDnciol aitudt.1on in thu County, that until the chðngo in rnontiqement is complete and the Pernonnel t~~artmont 1s sottled os well as the contract wi th I;,,, Union, in his oþinion, there should bo no furthur exomptlons from tho hirinq freeze. 'ÓOK 078",%4:65 Page ,::'" . -: , '. ;.. :------.-.....--.-.-........-.......,....-----------------~--.....-.- .....,~. ';,1' ---_...'-'",---'~,.~,'-,.~--'..,,'.~"~."...-".,,-".-'."'. PlIge 31 ',¡' ';J~';:f~:~' . '. , ' ';'¡'.'!';':,,':. ·---------------------------------~~~-~;4~ ~I··" , ~'~ }/ ',: ------------------------------~ Novembcr 1, 1983 ---- tr18~q'(66 Commissioner Holland movod, seconded by Commissioner Voss, that the Administrative Services existing VDcant positions listed on the agenda under Item 17B(1) not be filled until the evaluation is done and the Union contract is settled. ~espondin9 to Commissioner 8rown, Public Works AdminlstrQtor Hðr tman said that the Transportðtion Depllr tmcnt vacancios need to be filled in order to execute certain work that has been approved in his department. He said In sorne cases poople have been promoted and replacements ate n~edcd for those positions. Commissioner Holland s~ld thore ara enough people övnilablc to handle the work. Utl11tieo Administr6tor Dcrzon sald hQ was in th~ prnccss of hirin9 people for the 8ew~ge treatment and water pl~nts and Commissioner Holland said those positions are not under thu temporary hiring frecze. ^dministrator of Administrative Services Hill said the Staff was instructed to bring back all position!; when the hiring freeze was put in pl~ce and any position that bccbmc vacant. He said if the DCC wants to instruct otherwise the ~taff can make the freeze n permanent freeze and not brinCJ back any positions and he asked for instruction. Following further discussion, Commissioner Voss withdrew his second. Commissioner Holland withdrew his motion. Item .27 DISCUSSION RE LCU ·CYPRESS- - NO ACTION TAKEN Commissioner Holland sùid he would like the LCU "Cypresu" put under the control of ~ Board, appointed of qualified people, th~t the County can loase the LCU to for $1.00 a year Ðnd lot them furnish the insurance ~nð operation of it. Respondin~ to Commissioner Holland, Public horks Administrator Hartman said that Mr. ^bbott took tho rallinq out of tho "Cypress" and he w~s the person the BCC endorsed to take tho WÐot. pUin9 material to the ,.larco reef. He said the Staff " "j , ."~'- '.2' )i,; -"" _ ,Ii~ ~ Yf; t'~'l ..'~ "...th '> ";~ tit, I,., "'~.<' , '\; ." '>:~;I' ",", ---------------------------------------~:i Novembcr 1, 1983 '?¡~ has rccoivod D writt~n reply from the porson who did the original survoy o! the LCU in Ji1cksonvillo rO!J.1rding the effect of removlnl) the railing. Ho said th~t the holo in tho bottom of tho LCU was not discovcrud until thu boat h~d bc~n scrQPp~d in the shipyard Dnd partially roplacod in the water lInd tho bo~t w~s r~movod from tho water and the hole was repaired. H~spondlng to Commissioner ~oll~nd, Mr. Hartman said he will have ð report regarding his rccommendotions tor the oper~tion of the "Cypress" for tho BCC m~etlng nf 11/0/83. .-' Commi.ouioner Holland said he would like to disCUGS \lI1th the County Attorney the legi11ity of lensing this boat to a Board of qualifind peoplo and for them to furnish the insurance tlnd operate it. lie said he has been told th~ro is somu doubt in the possibility of using the barge for dredgo m.:Jtt!rial. Mr. Hðrtmûn sl1id that the County is not currently permitted to use t.he LCU for dreòying. lie said that II leðse has been propl1rud with the help of the County Attorn~y and the p~ople who want to lease the bo~t ~nd said t.hat information hûs bQ~n Bent to the State Department of Surplus proporty. Ho said he talked with Mr. Covington and he hAG forwlIrdcd thiu m¡.tcriûl to the Fec10rlll Cenerðl ~ervic~ Admlnistratlon OfficQ In ^tl~nta and that ~r. eovinqton h~9 recommend~d that the GS^ ûpprovo the County re4uest becaus~ it appears to benefit the public. nesponding to Cha1rrnlln Kru!>o, Hr. IliHtmsn said th~t the prop06ed lease lists the chðr~e üS being $200 a dðy plus the fuel. Chairman Kruse askod for Dn oxpl,1nation ÙS to ho\., thllt figure wss lIrrived at. ~he notud thllt no action would be taken at this time, since the Bee is waiting for tho! aforomention~(, report. Mr. Daniel Spina, Prusident of the öovo the Says ^ssoci~tlon, said thnt the LCU io nuodu~ to be us~d os ð drod~in9 tool by Scofield M4rine Construction. He said that thu ~ave thu Bays Associ~ti~n hðs ð ond ., . BOOK 018rAI.t46'7 Pt.U30 .32 , " ....-........-.............. - - - - ...... _ v- ----------------- ---- ------ ....--. , .~ . ~".. . ~'tL';' )t: :.~' '" .' "';' ------------------------..-.- , ',;ii¡; .._-----------*~ !,1.ÎI!i <"~.t.' < ',:. ~~O~ 07Bt!1'i!468 million dollar policy' to cov~r all pOBslble exposures thðt mi9ht come 'November I, 1903 about as a rusult of the dredging and that Scofiold Marine Construction has a similar policy. Chairman Kruse said that tho LCU Is beached temporarily until tho ~CC sees the management policy and procoduros for the continued operation of the boat. Mr. Spina said that tho LCU 1s needed for the:! eluctriclty to run tho drcdgin~ equipment Lind to be used to removo the sand that needs to be romovod from the operation. He sa id he approc 1a tas th3 t thu f'ubl1 C ho rks Adml n istrD tor is cooperating to havo the situation favor~bly hðndled in Tallahassee. Mr. George \\. Hðtcncldur, ~ 11ccns~d onyineoring contractor ðssociated with Scofi~ld M~rine Construction, gave his background expuriencc using an LCU ðnd expressed his hope that tho "Cypreso" clIn be used for the Save the Bays Association oporation. ",.f' He offered his ðssistance to Mr. Hartman. " .~; .~, ..','. . 'J.~ ,1"'... I'oJ ····The followin9 items were approved and/or adopted under tho Consent Agenda by motion of Commissioner Voss, seconded by Commissioner Pistor and carried unanimously.**-- Item 128 PETITION TR-83-9C, ROBERT ABEL RE TEMPORARY RESIDENCE PERMIT TO UTILIZE A TRAVEL TRAILER DURING CONSTRUCTION OF PRINCIPLE RESIDENCE, GOLDEN GATE ESTATES Item '29 PETITION TR-83-8C, JEREMY J. JULIER, RE ^ TEMPORARY RESIDENCE PERMIT TO UTILIZE ^ TRAVEL TRAILER DURING CONSTRUCTION OF ^ PRINCIPLE RESIDENCE, GOLDEN GATE ESTATES ItelD '30 THE FOLLOWING POSITIONS EXEMPT FROM HIRING FREEZEr /;¡ . <,'f4 , ;~i.1 ..Yfi- ,¡~ 't~ :'¡ ':~, :;j~~ ...¡~\ . ;',~i .<.,~!~ (a) Two truck drivers - Transportation D~pt. (b) Thteo ~~intenance horker l's - TrðnGport~tlon Dept. (c) Ono Maintenance korkor II (d) Librltry Clerk (f) Clark II ~osition and reclassification of Probation Officer to Probation Officer Assistant - Probation Dept. (9) Custodian - BuildinCJ MDlntenance ............. RECESS. 3z45 P.M.q~ ---------------------------------------- ._----------------~------~~------------- . ...~ '>iI,~ . .,;,.¡~ ~ ~'~. --.. ,,31.\ November 1, 19B3 The m~etin9 reconven~d at 7z00 r.M. with all Commissioners prçsont ðnd thu followin9 sta!fz Elinor M. Skinner, Daputy Clerk, Burt L~ Sdundors, County Attornoy, Terry Virtn, Community Developmont Administrator; Mike Kloehn, PIÐnning Director; Barbara Cacchione, Torry Clark and David McKim, Planners; Jeff Perry, M.P.O. Di,roctor, Nancy IøraulDon, Aùmlniotrativo 6~cretary to thu ßoûrd and Deputy Chief nðymond Barnett, Sheriff's Dopartll\t:nt. -' '~'t'~t~·: ,:J¿ "~!J'j "\1"\ .'~, " :' ~ ~,i >, ';f\ " t,~ ,,. ":/t: ¡',:~:~ ~~Ù , .~.. Tape 11 Item 131 GENERAL DISCUSSION RE THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN - HEARING CONTINUED TO 11/8/83 at 7:00 P.M. Community Dovelopmont ^ðministrator Virt~ asked that the Bce consider the Appendices <1S the first order of business. fie stated that . "'.'. the Land Use Element 8nd tho Naturul Rosources Elemont of the Comprehensive Plan aro to be con3id~red at this meeting. no said that the Comprehensivo,Plan beforu this h~arln9 has beon rccommended by the Collior County Plannin9 ^gency as well 3S Staff and deviatoD substantil1lly from thu Comprohcnsive Plün which was adopted in May 1979. He said that the current lðnd use plan is ~ replication of the Zoning OrdinancQ ~nd that in order for someonu to chðngo wh&t they would like to use his land for he must first chè;tr1'3~ the l~nd use plan and re-petition to chango the zonin9 on the land. "0 said that tho ~taff is trying to get lJway from tho nt30d for the dual change. 1'1llnnin9 Di ractor Hi kc Klouhn requosted that tl;o Staff bo allowed to make the presentation and then review tho Stato and Regional , " ,;.i:' , , ... FJ, ,'¡;'~ , ,,.:t;~ .;#' , "...-. . ~ ;.~: "i~~ ,!t .j:. ,~~. ""J;-:: \t . ~;,~¡ /'1 ,,r; . '::" , ,':,. -~.. :~ ~'i ~. comments thnt hûve boon rucaived. Tho Commissioners agreed. APPENDIX G Vldnner ùarbara Cacchionc rcferr~d to ^ppendlx ~, Page 270, the ~vðlu~tion and Appraisal Hdport and sð1d that tho Locðl Govornmont Comprohonøive Planning ^ct (LCCPA) stÐtus that the plannlnc¡¡ progum should be a contlnuin9 procoss which requires tho local planning agency &OO~ 078~~469 , .'.', ..--.....-----------.--.---.....-.----------------......- "'~'~~i ~------------~-------------~--~-~--,:~,' November I,. 19UJ ,:~1. tlÕm:tJJ1ß~~:\7.QriOÙiC reports evary fivu ya~rs ~n the Comprehenaive Phn ':~< to be sent to tho governing body. She said th8t the apecific guidelines atated in the Statute for tho proparation of the Evaluation Ðnd AppraisDI Report hav~ bacn mot in thiA report. She saicl that tho first portion of the report deals with changen that have occurred since the adopting of thd 1979 Plan. She saicl that tho population and growth of Collier County has occurred at a much higher rate than anticipated in the 1979 Plan hnd that projections for future population growth is' oxpected to be higher. She said thi1t lAnd usc changes that have occurrud arEl the approval of 57 Plllnncd Unit Developments with approximately 3G,308 units. She sóid that other unanticipated problems and ofJPortun1t.i~& sinct! t.he 1979 Plan tlrt:: t.he changtls in the economy I the higher interest rates; high unemployment the adoption of the Unified Zoning Ordinance, which consolidated the scparlJte ordinanco of Immokaleo and the coastal arva; thc completion of 1-75 to David C. Brown Highwé'lY, with t',.¡o additional changes at Pine JUdge and S. R. 95J and the designation of tho l~aO Census of Collier County as an urbðnizing aroa and the Metropolitan PlanninCJ Organization which coordinates transportation planning betwecn the City of Naples and Collier County. She sDld that tile Gtrongths of the 1979 Plan woro that it was a lcgally enfotceable document by which rezones could be evaluated for compliance with the Plðn and it collected housin9 and population data by sub-County arons known as work stuåles. She said that the w~aknessas war~ the site specific formAt of the Future Land Use ft\ap which necessitated 65 amendments to that map. She said that the information In tl t~ l!J79 Plan had becomu outdated. Sho Uated the ~,¡'" , ',\'I¡¡ ~{: '.;~ ',~ ',~ '.....J "_~,~J 'l,i :'5~ /f¡ '~ ;;;.~ ~ ,',~ " ""'~~~ 'll ,~ " . ~ :>, !,~ '~ .,'¡¡" ,,;'t. ;'¡' ~..~ ,. :í~ ,~ , :>, :·;t.f ",d! . th ,~~ ";~~ '-j'i '.~:;~ ';:~f~ .}~ ¡l,/' followin9 changes that Staff wðnts to m,]ke I 1. Pago 27C, chango the populntion proj~ctlons fro~ tho Unlverolty of Florida and update those to April 1, 1982. 2. Page 280, the numbur of Planned Unit Developments that havo boen improved needs to be updated. Page 35 .. . <, ':~¡ --------------------~----------~-~~~~~~~ , :" ",,~~ ,:::' :~,>i::;;;~~;"~,~ ~-...."-~"'.."-_...'..."">...."'^_.~._.'...<."',_.,'~"",,~....,, ,-' , 3~::~:~: ~--------------------------------------~~~ November 1, 1903 J. pego 202, 3rd par~9r~ph, remove tho extra "v" 1n David C. Brown lHghwQ y. Mo. CacchionQ said that tho Hogional comments roceivucJ, stateD' th~t while this »øction appoaro to meet tho requircmunt of tho Act it, could bo expðnded, for example, th~ dlucusulon of tho Strongthl and \O:oaknosses of tho existinq County P1l1n wns good but quite br1f4f. Commissioner Brown moved, seconded by Commissioner Voss and carried unanimously, that the BCC concurs with the aforementioned changes. APPENDIX H Ms. Cacchione roforrod to Appendix H on page 2~5 th~t duals with Collier County's population. She said this item begins with tho discussion of the Ilistoric SottlQment Patterns of thu County Qnd that Table I shows tho population <Jrowth and the perc~ntago of increase of population from 1930 to 1980 Cor Naples, Collier County, the St~te of Florida and th~ United States. ~ho s~i~ tho gronto$t ~opulatlon d~nslty Is shown along tho co~stlino with dQcr~~ain~ densitios further inland. She said the exco~tion has boon Immokðloe where the rapid population incroase is due to tho Dgriculturally uds~d economy. Sh" daid l'l<ip 1 illustrates the populütion density per squllre mila Cor Collier County and th~ surroun~in9 region ün~ that Tablo 2 pr.ovidas ð comparison between tho 1970 and 1!)80 con sua data on populi1tion, race ùnè sex. Sho said th<'lt 'fable 2 ind1ci'ltcs thùt ot!t\/ot.ln 1970 £and 19UO the County's population bucamu more hornogenious in t.ermø of raco with ðn incruase in tho proportion of \'I'hites and ð substantial c\ccrease in the proportion of ~nacks. ~ho said tht1t 'rÐble 3 indIcates that tho mt!dIan ago has consistently IncrQðs~d ~nd that the 1900 Census shows that the City of Naple~ has the old~st medion Dgo at 57.4 while ~~. 'OD~ 078t1~-&71 ,', ~ ,,' , . " .' . "-", ,--............ ------ - - - - .... - - -------- - - .....- - ..................~'-..'~-.!Í, ,,¡(,-;,-g¡ A'~ ,'.~:"?~ f'(~ - -.....-.....--- '.,~ ""'~,:,ø :':.~~ ~--------____________--..r...... Novomber 1, 1983 ~( 078ra~.~7.z Immokaleu h~s the youngest at 2(.9 ðnd the County has a median age of 38. She said thoro wero no changos in the clement and thoro were no comm.ntÐ from t~o Stata or ke9ion. APPENDIX I ,,·,\',';1 '.}, '~, t ",~ "~~t:;.';~ "~~ v' MS. Cacchione said thnt Appondix 1 beginning on Pð98 291 r.!ors to the County's Economy which is very dapend~nt upon tourism and related services such as construction, retail trade, and sorvlce employment, , . and that the agriculture sector is a sub~tantiùl part of the County's economy. Shu s~i~ T~blc 1 showu the civilian labor force onð percent of the totbl lJopultttion working for ColI ice County IJnd the State of Florida. She sùid tllüt tho unernploymunt ratos hilve followed tho sama patterns as tho ~tDto of llorid~ with the exccptlon of 1977, 1981 and lY82 when thu County expericnced a much higher unemployment rate than the Statu. She said this increase was caused by a downturn in the economy whlch affocted construction ðnd tourism and bad weather which affected the agriculture sector. ~h~ said thðt Tables 3 and 4 review the total employm~nt figurc for Collier County Ðnd the State of Florida for 1967 and 1979 and that Table G ropresents location quotients for Collier County compared to the Statc of Florida. She explained that a location quotient greater than ona indlcDtes tho importance of that activity to the local economy an comp~rod to the State. She said that this table illustrates tho importance of farming and construction to thtt local economy. She sDiù there is a review of personÐl income, and that earned incomu, total person~l income, per capita income, and incorna by pl~ce of work aru also analyzed. She said that the income information hits boon giv~n in absolut~ incomt.t, which has not beon adjusted for infl~tion and r~al incomo which has been adjustad for in!lation. She said there havo been no comments from the State or Re9ion on this Appendix. ......, ,:t Pago 37 '<'~.'~~ ".~~ -~------------------------------~--~~-~~~ ,',' :}~ ..__..,_...,--,--~,~"~""-,,..'-;.-'...~'-"";-~,."'''..~,.~~,,",..;,'," , . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ---..., ---------------------- ""':.ì.¡.}~: /; '.~~~ November 1, 1~03 ~'" ' .;/,-. ~rl/~. !~t;~; \,' " ~~..' , '.. W~1r,~-; ~.' " 1tý;:, ' ~~---........... ....---- -- ;¡,'A',,:" '^..,¡¡~ ~"r'" ,~/~, .' APPENDIX J MS. Cacchiono BDld tllt:lt .\pp..:ndix J, beginning on PÞge :104, rQfors to tho Communitios which reprosent ~ subst~ntiðl chún90 from tho 1979 Pldn which divldCld t.h~ County into suvon work study e:\rOI1S th~ bounclDrios of which were d~tQrmin~d by Townohlp nnd Han9Ð lines. aho s~id this method was n~t spI.:cif1c unough in det~rmlning futur~ housin9, population, and dovelo~ment tronds .cor opocific ureas in tho County. Sho said that the proposed Pl~n div1dcg th. unincorporbted County into eleven communities which lara North Naples, C~ntral NÐples, East Naplos, South Naplüs, Royal Fakap~lm Croek, Marco, Cold~n GñtO, Hur~l Estates, Corkscrow, 81g Cyprwss Ðnd Immokaleo. Sho said that tho boundÐrlos of these comrnunltios correspond with U. S. Ccnsus geography linos which will onðbltl the St"ff to u¡:x:!ato th~ in.cormlltion with Ðdditional census data nnd census datð could be pulled for diff~ront Ðrens. Sho said ~creðge for each zoning district w~s c~lculatdd for oach community and from th~c information the numbur of unl~Ð pur ðcru for each zoning district, the gross number of units ~nd nut numbcr of units wero cdlculated. She sald that the uSU of the zoning classification ~rovides a foundation for projecting the Intunsity of growth and >~~, I).: , ...;:: ~~":;f , ,',ç 't,:.i ,$'~~.~: :""'" "i "'1" u,,~'·;.J ,:i: ,! ~'"M1: j~' , ,:>~ duvulopment for uach community by land uso. She cxplüinad th~t the ~~ount of comm~rcial Dnd industrially zoned lands ware estimated by couununity and that the numbar of c1~velopad c.cros hlls been approximated. She said that the existing population of each community waG determined by a combination of IVSO Census Data as û base year and Updðt~d by the Cortificates of Occupancy issuod by tho Building Dopartm~nt for all rcsidontlal dovelopment. Sho said that tho projected population 10 b~scd on tho Universty'o£ Florida Bureau of ~usinoas and Economic H~sdßrch Population Projections. She said that Tablo 1 ll1ustrðtes population projactions for each community and that tho &OOK 078 PAr,t473 . \ ."., ,. ....----- - -....- - ---·--__...............___r T .......-"."'~",.,..-"''''-,.~ I_<O _'...,.,....._'''''';".....~,;...;,.''~'.._'....,."_''';...,,..·..,_''.'''''Õ''''''',''", ,....,~._,- -. - -,- - - -- - -' -... - -~ --' - - - - - 078~~474 November 1, 1983 . ' ac.. to update that table with April 1, 1982 University of FlorldÞ ". Population Projections. She 811id that there was one Re9ionlll that states -The delineation and mapping of thesø communities good in detail. Thio level of dQt~il adds to tho understanding ot the County with such a 1arge Ðr~d as Collier.- She said the comment also statod that Contrbl Naples will probably be confused by some with the incorporated City of Naples. FUTURE LAND USE ELEMENT , Mr. Klochn s~id thet th~ Comprehonsive Plan will n~t chonge the current zoning of ony p~rcel of lÐnd in Collier County. He said the Stuff Is not dusignllting lands with which nothing can be done. He said that th<: ötll!f hj)fj tak<.tn the stance thùt they roalize Collier County will grow with largo migrations from the North and it has been Staff's ~ttit~1e to try to vl~n for th~t. He said that the 1979 Plan zonin9 by site specific nÐture is cumbersoMe lInd its inflexibility requiros nee~I~8s duplication of effort for tho Staff, the Advlsory Boards, the BCC and the land dcvelopcr~. He said to rectify this situation tho Staff has tried to systematize the designation of the lllnd uses. He said that the number of land use designations have becn reduced from 10 to 7 by eliminating the Institutional, Recrebtion Open Space and Separate Residential Density designations from the old plan. He 8bid that the Environmental Sensitivity aesignation has been repleced by the Environmental Concern Overlay. Hc süid, in oròer to CJive the land USQS ð rational bðsis in th~ public services fõcllities, Ð point system has . ~... ~~' ,/¡;' ",.",'t>, 'fl'. ,"'!' , f¡"i~' :;,:i~, ,'.'~f ,:::'1 ;~):,,':' '-t,' "-Á">.~ boan inclucleò to determino th~ int~nGity of residenti~l, commercial and industrial land uses. ,.1r. Turry Clark, Plannar, refer rcd to the ¡"uture Land Uso Element map on ðn overhead board and Ms. Cacchlone indicðted tho boundaries of the Urb4n Area which Mr. Clark explain~d includes tho coastal Drea, ,'.J:"',.... ------~----------~~~---------~~ ----------- , , ....~ Novembor 1, 1903 Immnkalee aroa, the Copelðnd ~nd Chokoloskee arena. He øaid that the ~' , J, urban Arua 1s Int~nded to show gen6rðl areas of pri~arily resl~ent1Ðl~tDV " ':~;:¿?';'!.-I, . UDèlge with support servicos and addccJ that the rasidcnti.!ll dvnslty ar.¡;¿,';~:~~!, duf1ned throU9h a point system. lie said wI thin the Urblln Area thern are a numbor of support services, ot non-residential u8agua, which would be considurud in cornpli~ncQ with the Comprehensive Pllln ðnd most of tht!m would requirc provisional uno or rozoning ðpprov",l by the ace. Ho roferred to tha p~rmittud non-resid~nti~l l~nd uses listod on Page 8. Rospondln9 to Chairman Kruse, t'\t. Clark said that Port of tho Island was not d~si9nllted DS an Urban Area Dnd that it is considered in complianco with the Plan dnd it could bo rezoned nt an intensity equal to its curront ~onin9. lie said a developer could coma in with l) "PUD" if he wDnts to chango the bound~ries bnd be in cOJnpll~nce with the Plan. He review~d tho neighborhood cnmmerclnl land usos, explninud on ~~~ ,,~,,~ , fit ::~ :'J:~ y Pðge 13, and said there are six critorið which must be s~tinfip.d bofore a project would be considered in compliance with the ?lan. He said that earth mining and oil extraction f~cl1itlcs would be permittuu and travel trailer recrc~t10n vehicle parks would be permitted if they meot tho throe critor1u indicò:ltud on Pé1gc 13. tlo said there is CI cl,)uøe in the Plan s1roilor to the 5' rulu in the current Comprohen~ivc Plan whlch deals wi th commurcial uses wi thin PI,')nnud Uni t Developments which io , nOK 078,a~.t475 e~plainod in Table I on Page 14. ,.Ir. Cl"rk referred to the Vested Aroc:\ which is th~ Golden Gltt~ EstAtes areð and said thùt thoro ðre é1 number of permitted types of ~rovisionðl use, non-reaidentiùl us~s which ~rc listed on Pé1ge 14. Ue t1.1id that tho convenience/commercial lc)nd use has been included with 7 criteria that must be s~titified beforo such n rezono r~quest would be considerod in compliance with the Plnn. Mr. Clark explained th~t the Rural AreÐS are essentially the \: !:- r " ", ." .... ' . ,:,1:i;~'\~(~·';¡'·.'h~~/' .........-.--.-----------.------...-.--....-.____....~__.âl............._ . ..i:.~~~ .~"f,."!r .___.._. ,,,,,,... .."",þ,..""."'.....__..','.."'_,..""'~_.;.,";,.,=.....«''',~,,,.',,.,..,'''''''_M_,...'..__.".. ,'~._~"',.""..,,' "0' "._. lOOK tflBr.t:;¡ 476 ÐS the ðgricultural dosignÐtion on the \;:'~;~:~f~~. . ,,·:·,~~··/·'~:Ú,:~ curre.nt plary wi th tho p~ 1m. ry ,'\:'>,NfiO'Si' ::'.!~..;,~';:~tr ,,,<'r non-lIg r 1 cul tUfal' Novembor 1, 1983 uses being agriculturally relatød. Ho roferred to the usos that would bo pormitted listod on Pa~e 15. Nr. Clark reforred to the three Commercial d~si9n8tions the mQP with one being in tho UrbÐn Area, ono in the Vested Area tho ·PUCw commerciðl uso. He said thoro arc three Commorcial designations on, tho Comprehensive Plan with the first being tho Community Commercial Node and Ma. Cc!lcchione indicÐted the seven nodes ", listed on PÐ9c 17. Mr. Clark said there are two Commercial Nodes on Marco Island Ðnd two in the Immok~lee Area. H~ ex~18inÐð theso areas ar~ intended to provide areaÐ for community commurcial uses such as ' shopping centers in addltion to sm~ller commerciðl uses. Tape '2 lir. Cl~rk explðin~d thbt the thre~ critcrlÐ uued to determino the locations of tho Community Commercial Nodes wero the service area, servicE; popul ation, Ðnd .1C:ccss. 110 s.1id there is one Reg ional Commercial Node located at David C. 6ro\,," Highway and LJ.S. 41 located alon9 the east side of U.S. 41. He said that the Interchðn9Q Commercial Node is the third designation with ono boing at 1-75 and David C. Brown highwèJY, I-75 .end Pine Ridge Road Dnd C.R. 951 and 1-75. He explained thÐt the intent of the Interchange Commercl~l use Is to service members of the public trnvulln~ on 1-75 to ~voið any mix of" traffic which the Commcrcial centors could attract from the Urban Area. He said that the ~toff is sU99cstlng that. the development of the ,- r· "'<. Intorchango CommerciAl Nodes retain th~ character of Naples and Colli~~,'~ County. He said that there aro aesignationu of 150, 1GO and 240 acres respectively ðt the three sites. kespond1n9 to Chairman Rruue, Mr. Clark .aid that the concept of these nodes is to show an arca on the LancJ Use Map within which commorchl rezonin9 may tako place. , :, /.~,,:?,~r,. c', ___,iINI~ _,""i-$ I~"~_~,",,''''H'''-<I'''''''''_<'''''''''' ,""-,"",~""'k,,,,,"~",H,,,"___.,,,~,,,,,,.",'''",''''''·'''''~'4'''''' w' '. · <~ -' ---~. ---------------------------------~--~ PARKS AND PRESERVES Nov~mu~r 1, 1983 " '.,'," roforred to thd ðrGn oxplained on pagu 19 which is a the northweot corner of Airport Road IJnd rine Ridgo. 'He the one desi9nGtion on the ComprehensiVQ Plðn which docs the nodal concept and was designated as a rusult of hearings with the CCPA. Mr. Cl.::srk IJxplain~d that therø lire five Industrial arens that oimllnr to the inèuDtrial dasi~notions on tho current plan ~nd oro currently zoned industrlal. Dr. Benedict, County ~nvironmentalist, explainod th~ Vðrks and Preserve ddsignatlons. He s~id this cDtogory designatos all lands over '",.'.f:I...'·.'. .~~~ I', ii...~ ..';. .'IÞ' '" .' ;~ 2S ncres that are owned and mðna9cd for n~tural resource mGn~yoment. Ha said that those includo i'odoral lInd Stc1te Preserves <':IS well as County aroas and privata aroas designated os parks or presorves as listed on Pagos 21, 22, and 23. lie 6aid within a numbor of thesÐ designated areao there are privata in-holdings. He said that tho typo of le9islation designating the creation of these presorves influonces ··l{'~'\:' )'" ..~ l S~" '~'- '\..' .. the Ðmount of control they hüv,* over tllo in-holdings, howevor, in tormo of the Comprehensive Plan it is opeciflcally stated that thonu in-holdinc;¡s taka on th,* So3mp. loJnd use bS tho surrounding 4rl'Jt1S that are' not designated pärks ~nd pruserves. he oaid that Tiqortcil Park was luft out of this d~signðtion which is ovor 2S acrUB and would be ~dded i~ the BCC 89reoo. COASTAL RESOURCE MANAGEMENT AND RECREATION AREA Dr. Benedict explained tho Coast~l HesourcQ Mansgement 4nd Racra~tion Ara4 and said th~t thera are thousands of .ocreB of ,. ~. undisturbed coast"l barrlor.s, coastal bays, Ðnd wotlands. lie', 8Did' the', Grefts Ðrc lmport4nt In ter~8 of flood protection, :f~f1.horiQs rGoources and In tl.trms of ~bDK ....---.-.------.............- ........""'_...... 1..n~ff,.,.,~_.'_""',_.,._"'_.__.....__'''"'_"_þ'_'''''..,,',....,"','',''''","',~......""...,'.,_~""_'e~"'_','~,.'....·,',"""'Æ._,._'< --.-_~-~ , \,·~.",IW . ------......-.....-.........-. -.- - -~ -------....--....-.....--....~ 078",:: 478 November 1, 1~63 He 8aid the c~ðstal area io a distinct ðroð in terms of resourcol and regulations and tho Staff felt it WÐS nocessary to do!ino and these a8 a specific land use t~'¡.e. 1/e said this GrOG has two of resource protection and tho maintenance of tho recreational activitios that occur thero. Ho said that currently all areas within this desi9nation are designated "Al-ST" or "A2-ST" and that the "AI" and "A2" zoning dosignation dolineates 0 density of a maximum or one unit per five acres. He said that the "ST" designation, as listed In the Zonin9 Ordinance, states that activitlos aro allowable if they do not interfere with th~ ecological function of the system. HQ said these densities ðnd zonin9 restrictions aro appropriate for this land use cbte90ry Dnd thore iü no ~lan to change them. He said, however, within this area thero are u~l~nd areas that are suitable for somo type of develo~1ent and are potentially suitable for densities greater than one unit per five acres. AREAS OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONCERN OVERLAY Dr. beneclict said ther~ is no indication on the Land Use Map of the areðs where site conditIons h'ould constraln development or land use. He said that within the kural ~reð the map designates that ð cypress slough would have tho s~mo potontial land use as an upland pine area in the Rural area. He cited conditions that cause practical and regulatory constraints on tho use of the land. 110 soid i! an area is flooded six to eight months of the year thcro are a numbor of concerns such as havin9 Ð soptic tank not working and the cost to tho County to provide drDinago for that area. He said in terms of rugulatc:y constraints thure ~re a number of permits required in certain areas of envlronment~l constraint. He said bucause of these roasons he proposed' an onvironmenul overlay for the Land Use Map that ~ulð show where, wlthln,the land uso categories, there is Ð potential for r'l' ",,-,,,,,"">'__,,""~",.,,,,,,__,,,~__'_"~__"-_"""'_"'-"_="',,,_,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,~o, ,""",.'..,",..""<O,",,....,..,Y>~>~".._"""""",~',""_~','_'.-,.. . ~~, ., , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _.. ,j~--------- NovÐmbl!r I 1!)83 .,;;~;~ ~, .~ &OtlK n78n'~479 .. '<, . . . , : . "J ~:~:~~,;,~ -~7----------------------------~~-~-~~~1M. (:' ~·~3~ . ' l~nd use duo to site conditions. Ho said it i9 a small scale infor~ðtional overl~y dnd ahowa where further information ðnd ð 'detailed site inspection are n~oded prior to approval use that aroa. Ho said it doets not .:1ttl.!mpt to replace "e 8ðid thut tho overlay 1s ~ goneral, non-site specific overview of . the County, whereby th~ "51" syotem is a luq.:1l1y definwd, large Gcale, roguldtory ov.rlay tor thw zonin~ Or~inDnco. He explained how tho ovurlay map waG made and r.Ðid it takeg th~ hÐbitðt information described in detail in th~ ~aturbl Hesources El~ment and ovorlays thu Land Use Element !>Iap. Ifa said tho 1973 University of Florida Vegetation Map was used ßnd updated with the 1981 U. 5. Fish and Wlldli fe 50rvico \tie tli3nd t·ta ps and South Florida \\'a tor Manllgement District work maps. Planner twicKim <.IiutrilJuted /In upac1ted ovorlay. Dr. aone~ict said th~t by not hc1ving any kind of infor~ation that shows potential environmentcl constraints the County is putting itself in Ð pooition of letting poople build in ùn dred th~t ßoould not bo built in which could croate problems in the íuture. He s~id that thero is D , not~tion Oh the bottom of the tnvlronmentßl Concern overlay that stbtes this mðp is for information~l purposes only ond only shows areas wh~re site inspections are necessary. He said th~t the overldY WÐS n~ver intended to be used for rogul~tory purposes or tùx assessment. POINT SYSTEM , ,.; ~ ~i~ "...." Mr. Clark gaid that tho point aystom ðpplies to the Urban Area on 0~ '¡¡¡¡ the Land Use fwiðp and is intund~d to rOplDCQ the site specific n"-'ture of;]~~ the four resluenti.l lend uoe d..l~n.tlon. on the our rent comprehenSlv..M .' :..~,IJ Plan. He sltid the Staff lIttemptød to tie in tho relationship betweon '\:1~ lIvailablo services and facilities to the intlJnsity of devel0Fment on :h,$ . ,,~,~: I in~lvi~ual parcels. lie uaid the point system expl.:.nat1on bOÇJins onlll~) ")( Pùg\~ 27 and he expl.linod the seven prlmDry measures of avðllablo, ".~;,;;¿;j , " " .' ..''''."........,''..'''''......''"',''__....",""."......._·;0'.'-''"...-,...." ,'~",." ,~""·.."o.....,"'" ,'~__'"', ".'~"". ",,-, $., "',,,,-, -',. \\ ' . ,....,..,.'.'.".~¡,l.'.<¡.. , '.Ii,' ,:'t, , .~\ . -~---~------~~~~-~~-~ . .' ,/..J ""~'." "t:;ì'" ,,¡,' --- November 1, 1983 ";~K 07Rttq4Rn a~r~.. ~facillties that have beon identifiod. He sa id all the information is available on a map that Staff can consult in the Pla~~iny Department. Ho said that the maximum points for tho first sevcn itcDs equal 100 points and that items 8 ðnd 9 are worth 10 points oach, which essontially would add one unit per acro for any development which would qualify und~r the optional points. He explained that a developer could receive 10 points if he complied with the dedication .or payment-in-liou-thereof for ^ neighborhood park. He said that itom 9 is worth 10 points for ~ffordé1ble housing and that a project would receive 10 points If it hûG 20\ of the numbor of units of the proposed project offering affordable housing and that lO¡ would receive 5 points. He explüinp.d the Vensity Table on Page 29. Hesponding to Commissioner Voss, Mr. CIDrk said that the elemen- tary school locations Ðre tied more directly into the population of tho surrounding areas and that Staff is attempting to have a locational '.,cj'~~, ',4 ".'~ ~.;...~ '\~!~ "Ìi'~' ,~~~ :',':\l'~ .':::~ ,jo' 'i~ :~~Î :'J.f: ',,<) , .l' "r~ f:,!ItJ ,~ ,'" r"";:,~~ . ~:!\'\Ì %i.". '~',~! ""',,,- ,)~~1 measurement of whare the Urban devcloprnant is 90in9. Commissioner Plstor asked if points should not be given to a developer who says he is going to put in bikep~ths that connect to Improveù bikepaths,. or who says he will provide bikcpðths, as an incentive? Mr. Clark said that this could ba considered in the review of n petition. He said that conceptually the Staff has indicated the number of points which aro existing that a dQvolop~r could get according to the oxisting, on-ground improvements ûnd then ð density which would be detormined by additional thin9s which a developer would bo willing to put on site. Commissioner Pistor said he would like the tcrm affordable hous1n9 used In plDce of low and moderate income housing. Tape '3 ~' .'~' Commissioner Pist.or sc.tid 15 points iø a lot of weight to be givon- to proximity to Commercial Nodes. He said, in his opinion, tho " . .' 'to,~ ., f,'iI;/'" . .¡ . :.;~~~,£ , ' , pag.'45,'~:" ~~~~~~, >-? ~,";>',;~:~t~ ----------------~-------~~-~~~~ '"' -----""",_."-'-~..,_.~.--<--"'-"','¡.,~,'~~,.,''"~.....,.,..-_.~'..,"".,'.."..,,",~., ';t.W.. , 4 ---- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - -- - - - - - - - -,- ~:-;~ ' r~ovember 1, 1983v"""'H:';~: \, , ' ·';.J,',',-..,'··,,·;'!¡..i.' ,"..... ",':' ,;', .~.~~ J':;' Cummorcial Nod os should be spl1ccd wi thin a cer ta in distance from each :'{'¡,;; ; ,.'" ,;", ,~_1,:,'/'f,.., othor. He Dl1id t1U would plDco another Commerchl Node on C.R. 9S1:;.;\;¿Ì:':': }',¡,I '\':;~~ ,:;rl~.;~1t;~ where tho Golden Gato Estates mcota the upper part of tho Urban^rÐ~~' fie suggested the considorðtion of a Commercial Node on C.r.. Golden Gate Estatns arua to 9ive incentive for dovolopment. a devolopor is willing to put in ð highway that would give botter access to the arterial highway ho ohould be given credit for a certain numbor of points, so that tho density of the dovelopmcnt could be considered in the iJroper It!vel instead of tlfter-the-i:act. l'lr. Virta ..aid that part of tho work program íor the Plllnnin.) Departlnp.nt is an ovorall master plan for the Golden Gate Estates lIroa and that is the renson tho Staff has not gone into further detail in r~gards to what is prosently described as the Vested Aruü. A discussion followed regarding tho points ~iven within the proximity of an ambulance st.:1tlon. Cornmission~r lJolll''IOd compared tho points poasible within a tiro district to the points possible for ambulance protection and Dßid that the point spread on the ambulðnco protoction is out of balance when nothing othor than within 8 threo wile rÐdius is considetdd. Cornmisaion~r Piutor agrood. Chairman Kruse ð9r~ed that thero is ð typo or lop-nidodnosu bet\ieen the firo ðnd ambulance protection points. Mr. V1rt~ ðgrood th~t. Staff would look at the ambul ance protoction po in t dc :¡i\;3 n.:. t:.lons. Chði rmðn I\ruse said she was concerned obout the encouragement to forbid children in deyoloptltlnts. ****RECESSz 8115 P.M. RECONVENEDI 8127 P.M.***. Commissionnr Piator sU~gestcd th~t incentive points could be : , ~:" ~hereby a duveloper can offer to PðY, in lieu of a firCt st.atlon"l!\onoy.,:.',': '<"', ,;',: ""I::;-:>':r":~\Y tie Sð Id that It.' ä::,'>:~ > ,:,*.:,.,.~};.,:c;~r':"·'~': school is alroady built in an area it a duvelopctr 9ivC!s money in lieu ,t/;~t~:;¡ ",:;~ t , ',:1 '.-;.:~'~ " .',"~". I, J,5:;~,:,~:':;:~~'~~ '",' .';;c,;",;i "': r:,f~.~t1.;Pt'~.) ... tOOK {J78~I.l..f8i Pðgo'4&';:, ------ --:-~.ª~:~~ì!:i;'f;: to build a firo station in an ad~~cont doyelopmant. " I. .. .' , .' --..............~ - --.---..- . 1IIV-1v- ....-_,~_..""."'4..._','~"""''',., .'..'".-.."',..........,>";M,'_....._...,~",,"....._~..^,,_.-.,',· ,¡';/ "'/..1 ~"~~ :':¡1~ ";'", :~~l'~ .i~ :.:~" ,;i'. ' ' "'#1" ..'~.~~' ;".~ ' ~ , ;;~ o~ t-:t "J\' '~',t(f. ,,·r,~í .,:.~ '!j¥ '{'~i ."."~..""" '~·~11 -.-_-.-----------------------------------~--............. ':' ',:·~~ž:~. , '(.:t;.j~:,;~,;r'~ school thun'·;;. ¡'ÕÓK m81'A~~ 482 '"',,," developers m~ke sonle payment in lieu of " proposod school si te and ''''::.'~::<i ,"~"'"~. '0- . '.~", ~:=,:~~i'~~~á therefore, the footnote was added re9arding exemptin9 life care ~:~ .1: ',:~\'; ~ facilities and retirement conlnlunitios and c¡iving them 15 pOint.s.",.tj Commissioner Pi stor Sll id thoro is a CJro""i n9 ne(:d for 11 fe care centers ,'" :;¡~f,~ :.;:",:;~~~:: .. ::v ::: 8 f:::::: :::: :r ~ i ::::8 :::.:::~ O::ð .::9::::::.:::1:f c:: ::9.'S y:::;Jt' .. parcels of parkland sCðttered l.Ibout the County and he said thnt " '\:h '" 't" /,' '.:', "J:::"':¡ '~';'>:';,::tt presently mt.ny of these parculs ðra the rt.:oponsibil1 ty of horrie~~n~~~·:'~~~::{:;k::r, :,...',,' .~},: ~',;:t" .:; ',\';, ~ ,t '~'" . ,': ;..~·:f;.:,;:;~~;ti;\~ !~; '. ,;" ,;,: Þa90';'4 7,>" J>'¡I,~-:¡ ';,' ., ,I¡., '" ,~ .' ;¡'J.J,I\,,.. I ,'-I ~"r . '",' ""'"'',.''' ''I ';'~: ~~?' '. , ' " ,<·:~f;f:\f@::i;~t~~1#~ ~---------------------------------- ';~0'~,~i:~;' ' . ,,!,~,~:;:'~'~,~~,',~~4;·;;~~ November 1, 1983 " . ~t' .;""~ of a school and that money is earmarkod for repair of the the dovelopor should get credit. Mr. Virts oain 1f this made subjoct to the approvðl of the governin9 body, such fire disttict or the School Board, thun this sU9gestion thDt Staff could work wlth. Commissionor Uollonc1 said, in the entire point system should be re-workod. Chbirman Rruso asked where tho Ineasuremont is beinCJ tt'lkon from for the point systern Þnd Mr. Vlrta said it is based on tho geographlc centers ðnd rlldii from those canters. Chairman Kruse noted this should be designated in the plan. Mr. Virta said another ~ublic heÞring is scheduled for December 6, 1983, and thot tho DCC is not bein~ asked to odopt the Comprehensive PIDn this evening. Mr. ~dward Kant said, with rU93rd to access to nei9hborhood elementary schools, whon the proposc!ll for the point system was presented to the CCPA a ncl Ule dev(!lo~ent communi ty theto was a range of points from 15 to O. Be s~id that a proposed development that d1~ not moet any of the critoriß in this cato90ry then received no points. He said h& noted at those ~ublic h~arin9s that there arc presently three develo~\ents that probably could not have beon approved and yet had n~ relationship to schools, for instance Moorings Park, Lely Palms, and Bentley Village. lie sllid 1t would have been unfalr to make the ~_....__OI~___..____""".,.~~"'·"_"· ".''''.:.'.il·'·'··· ','-';;'f;' ~$,'!i' ;~~ ---------------------------------------~~ ~?i, Novombor 1, 1$)03 ' . ~;¡.; , Plan to which Mr. Virt~ responded that thure aro provisos for associ~tions to mnlntain and he said this is an unfair burden to placø . on the County to lal!VO l'IlI those parcels in tho futuro bocome County operations. Ho said, with tho lJrcsont County parks ptogram, the county/~ Is in ð bettor pouition to take care of ita own r~ther than to have to worry about getting crews to some of the "mini-slivers" of land. HQ asked \ihat provisions hlJva bean ,~ado for updating the Comprehonsivo amondr.\entB on ë:I six I':'lonth bosis. Ho saiò that comments rocaived from the R09ion Ðnd ~tdte were thöt this might be too of ton. He uald that roðllstlcë:llly tha Plan has to have DOMa typo of on-goin9 r~vi~w. . ,"'V;', ",t ~:.~¡" < ,'o¡I¡''*' "j,t ';"~~ , ,'-:.)~ Tape 14 " J Ms. Mðrian deForust, representin9 tho Leügu~ of Women Votors, said she could not find any roforence to the locations of tho County's drinkinl3 WElter supply. Sho reforred to the statement on Page 6 regarding the Urban Aroa being Domewhüt handicapped by the lack of a plan for public water ~nd sowor fðcilities which depicts future sorvice areas and s~id this seems to thu League to be ë:I Burioua handicap. She said that the Lca9UQ stron11y sup~ort~ the inclusion of ~n Environ- mental Over lay and added tha t 1 t should ,,1so show the outlin13 0 ( groundwater Sources such us the Coral Reef NJuifcr and th~ salinity line. She said that the League would liko to see tho Ucbdn Area reduced in size, delating the ~ello ftteade Drea, bnd the area a10n9 tho David C. Brown Highway and tho I-75 Interchange until more is known, about tho detailed study of the Belle Meade area and tho oxtant of the Coral Heel Aquifer. Sh13 silid tha LCEHJUO beliuvos that ð six month roviow poriod is too short and thoy recor.\n\und at l\:!ast one yonr. Sho Hðid they recommend th~t chan9~G in the Mastur Plan requira a 4/Sths,' voto. Shu asked that th~ HCC not separate land uae pl~nning from management planning. , ,'~.''-~ S~ I~'{; ';;g, ,:~ 1.- ",,:I: ''t- --,- ~,:"'~' aOOK 078 Nr.t48S' "'.. ; "":;^-"". P..,.,u " ,:" . ; , u~ .. ,,;j¡iÆf:L§t!',.., . ,.:',. ".... , ....,', " ."',',' , ......,., ',,". '.. . ~...........- -- ......... - - ....-...........-.- -. .........--.-...-.,..........------------ ·~:~;.r\ ... ,.,. .....--.. ,«t_ .,.,.. '''''"''_''''~_,"_ ,"~.,,_.,,_,,_,',~~..".....'_~_ ,.._....,'..~.', '."-",'."'_"',"",""" _,o,,~.,.,.~''''~'', ",~,"",- --, ~., .., --- ~ ;. ~..------------------------......_------ :aÔOK '~078"t';!'484 Novombor 1, 1983 Mrs. J.A. Uautio-I1itchell, represontinCJ thq League of ,,"omen Voters, ðgreed with Mo. del-·orost. "Ir. John \'1. VÐu~hn road a stAtt!ment entitled :.~ymbiosis Sctween Land and Human Mankind. lIu said he has attonded most of the meetings on thG Envlronmentðl OVorlay Ðnd that he does not like the validity of thu differunt maps used. He said it is unfair to put constraints on property owners and suggested that thp. Tax Assessor mùY say that. the ,_ land is unusablo until proven ðnd the land will have to be removed from tho tax roll. Ms. Ch~rlotta '';estman, rf:~rcsenting the Loague of Women Voters, said the LeaCjue is plcased wi th the ''lay the process fo r thi s Comprehensive ~IQn hðD Cjane on èlnd shu complimented the Staff. She spoke in favor of the Environmental Overlay Map and said it should be des19nated within the Lltnd Use Nap no developers will realize it exists. She spoke about the necesaity of controlling the quality of water and referred to thu CorÐl R~cf Aquifer and the need to maintain the quality of thin resource. She asked that the Bello Meade-Royal Palm Hammock area not be included in the Urban Area and re(orrod to a letter Slent by the BCBb to the BCC rocomlnendinCJ that the development line ond at C.R. 951 Ðnd u.s. 41. Chairman Kruse stated for the record that she did not remember a letter in which the aCBB took a position on the urban line. ',I Mr. George K~llcr, Presideht of the Collier County Civic Federation, asked Dr. ~onedict whllt a si te in.spection would accomplish? Dr. Benedict said if t\\"O projects camo up lit the samo time, the one within the ~nvironmental OVerlay would demand greator attention. Mr. Koller suggested that much of the ptoporty in. tho Environmental Overlay 18 already under the Army Corps of EnCjineors Ðnd that tho Heftlth " Department requiros a septic tÐnk permit lInd that thero " ~;/~' ~"',; ..,,' , _..__'_"".....""'._,__'..,'."'".......~."...,"''''''"''.__.",,,.,..._'.....'''~...,..._,,ø..<_o~"','"..,',,,...,......... ~ t'!'. }¡ ¿il -;~ , ',\'...,;,'.;,,~.~~. ..,\",;,~ . ..;¡~ , . .y) ,_,d ~'!J ""it! ,.11 . ~ '-"11' :.. :':"~~. :s~ ,./'i 'VJ~ , }';,~t~í \j, i~~b.~ ,.;~~i ···t~ .,.......~; .>~:_,J>~~ , ..'...,.,:;,'~"..4 ,.,\' .. , , ':'".,:,-: , ,..:~:~::;;~ 1,' .. t\,X' ~ Tape '5 :' , ,- >i~' , "" >,~';t{;.! ----------------------------------------~ '"C,.¥!!~í ""''''I~~ Novembor 1, 1983 :';;''';.'! . 't' ~ ''-'~'', I"',' ~ t ' " \r J;./"~ ; ordlnancos th~t ~rotect the County. r.~spondin~ to Mr. Kellar, Dr. aenudict said sln9le fðmily houses ~re basically exempt from every .nvironment~l ordinance in ~fføct. Mr. Virto oxplained that tho' density is controllod by the Zonln~ Ordinðnce ond thüt presently the h19hest density Dllowad und~r re~ulðr zonlnCJ 1s "RMF-IG" which allows 16 units PItt acro. Chl.drmÐn t<rU90 soicJ thot a dovelopment would havo to fit within ita zoning category. Chdirm~n Krua~ statud lor tho record that tho Environm.,ntal Overlùy is not ,:¡ problem to tho developor of a "PUD" because that project would hðve to 90 through the entire procoss ðnyway. Mr. Jay Bishop, ro~resenting the Naplus Area bo~rd of Realtors, read an opening sté1tement. lie sug~estcù Ðn ini tla1 stnternent in the beginning of the Land Use designation as follows z ItIt is the intent of the Board of County Commissioners that the "x~rcise of police PO\~EI r s conta Ined in the Comprehensive Pl~n be exorcised in 0 ml1nner thDt pro video a fair and proper bal~nc~ between tho ril)hts of individual property owners and the rights of the community, insuring thüt growth Is handleù in a reasonablo manner." County Attorney Gaundors commonted that tho GCC is undor c~rtain contraints in th~ ~xQrcis~ of Q police power anyway and that any comments regarding the exerciso of ð police po\~er \vould be som.ewhat rudundant. Ch"irm,)n Kruno said she had no problem with the statoment.. ¡-Ir. Sauneh:rs slIid he \'Iould talk with Nr. Virts ancJ Mr. Bishop ptior to the next public hearing and make a det~rmination as to whether this statement would have any negative impact on tho HCC's ðuthority. nosponding to Chairman Krusu, Mr. Kloahn said that Mr. Co!ding, Tax Assessor, mentionud that in lieu of having mO~Q site specific' information the ~nvlronment~l Ovorlay may t. used. He 8~ld he and Dr. ... .. . ~ , .( "',.... .. ' âÖQ( 'f178,.,~ . ,- \ ,:,1" - ....-.--...... - ------ --- -- - -- - ....-- -- -...... ~.-..-.-..-.........-.' 'If _.._......"..~"'«_' ",' .. ,,'. -,...'-"-,..-'...,.,...''"......".......'..-..."......,,....-~.,,~...~..;,~.,.',. ,~,'" , '~::~ '1,)1- , _',~,:f, -------------------"--... ,1,\.. ~-----_...-.-.----------- $,' ,,' .,.' J:' , ' Sl ii' " :~"'" '. Page . l;, ~~" ' .' ,'" , ' ,,',,' ;7~':'" .):~/:~.. , , '... ~,~f~·,L" _ ' , i ' ~(.,'~:;.,~tJ.{,'tf~~~, ~'~1 ;' 1~"~ ~~,'t:'~,.:,,?:~ . ". . , ' ,',', I. ~~\~~:~~.~,,}~:~~~: :~,I"~~,;::(~~t~~ ~~~----~---------------------~-~~~~~~~ ~, '.' .:, ",I i' n"; ,-..~"..~.,'" I " .' Novomber 1, lPC3 ~OO ( 078~,.r·~486 , . ".".,{"'~~~ i n!o rm/Í t ion ,:"t:j/ . "': .,' :-., <:~"~'i:~:;¡,:~? Chairman Kruso said that 1f"'r.'+~\f!:t,~,· .' ~"":: :,!,,:.', '/'- Coldin9 Ð~YH thnt the Environ~~ntal Overlay m~y b~ usod th~t neøds to ,; ", Benedict d iscusoed the prospect of CJtfttinq mort.:' spec 1£ lc such as aerials that would be usec.l. be clarifiod before the Ovorlay is adopted. Shu said that the ace noods to hÜðr from Mr. ColðinCJ on his stance about the Overlay. CommlGsion~r Voss suid, in his opinion, the BCC's actions aru not upon the tax implication of n rozoning. Ho sÐid this Overlðy is or paramount importance, 1D general anQ 1s not mandatory and only Days that prospective sellers or buyers should look lit the prolJerty. lie sÐid thQ ~CC snou1d stick wi th tl1C uvurl(lY. A d iocussion follo'i/od re9~rdin9 the need to hùvo Mr. Colding's input rogðrdin9 tho EnvironmentÐl üvcrlß~. ~r. Virt~ sðid u rü~~ons~ from Mr. Colding will ,t. ,\.,'.. , ,',...',:'..,~¡¥.~. :.'. , --~ " '!': ',,J "f1 "J.. ~¡, ':'11, ,;~~ ~'~~i >:;j ,"~.. be obtnined prior to the December G, 1983, public hearing. Mr. Bishop suggest~d th~t therc snoul~ bo ~ Commerci~l Nodo in the c1reo c1round C.f<. 951 and the David C. Drown tlighway intersoction. He 1.,¡j \";..' .;.:) P"~ .~~,~~ ",i'~.'~ ,,~', , :'~ :::Jf .~ ,:~~ >~~ ,;;:~ "~ ::ji ,:~~'~ ..,.1 ri.ct Bc1id that thu proposed COf!~prcl (:'nGivc Pliln 11:1 ð C~ntrlll Plllct! Theory Cont~1nmcnt Policy Plûn and th~ PIDn increases growth around the Commercilll Nodes. He s~id thio arel.l has just no much right to c;lrow as other areas in ttl~ County. ···.Chairman Kruse left tho room at 9:25 and returned at 9:35 P.M..... Mr. Vlrta said th~t dopendent uvon ~h~re the urb~n1zcd ~re~ line ul tlmÐtely lius ·..rould have ôn lmp~C:L on the neod or 1,'1ck theroof for a node at that point. Mr. l$fsholJ suygeste<.i tlu·t ~h~ wnrd "elementary" be remov( d and that the word "public" be U::iCc.I prior to 5chool:3 in Item 7, on Page 20 1n the point system. ho s111~ there ðre apµroximDtoly 7750 middle school and high school studonto whereas thl1rc are onlY,!i2UO elomentary stuùents in the County. he s.:Iiù thDt point systum dasignation is, allowable only in talking ðbout sidewalkn and bikepoths and tha~~6 .1.~1..____'....."'....~,'"'___""''"._'..._'"_._.,'._~'''''....."'_'''_<.~'_.,w.-.··"".._..,·oo'___><·, November 1, 1983 dvveloper 1s not boin9 given tho opportunity to put bikøpotho In furthor than a two mile poriod. Ue oatd bikepaths ðr,d sidewalks are used by all people of Collier County and not just students. fro said Pag~ 29 concurn1nCJ the points scored thoro are 0-5, ate. design~tions. He sU9gested th3t the 0 be removed and the words "not'more than" be UGQd, and Mr. Vlrt" said that is the intant. Mr. ~iDhop referreu to tho ~llocation to fire and ambulance protection on Page 23. He snid that the County is missing an opportunity to allow devulopers to pay for more of the items nec~ssary for tho County and said there should be an incenti\le program to allow .:s developer to do this. fie Daid if It developer were outside of the three mile area of the ambulanco servicø Ðnd he would liko to dedicoto lùnds that could b~ turned into monoy, or money, then he could rectlive 11 certain .::Jmount of points for that. 110 said if thero were three or four devtllopers in a thr~~ ot four year periou there wocld be money in a capital improvement pr09r~m fund which \~~ \'~,~ -":'11" .I'~ . ~v~ ,~¡" could be usad for an ambul~nc~ station and that the samo would apply to a fire atation, if in lieu of dedication of land, money was ùllowed. He explained he was talking about the density of 5 or 6 or below. COr.lmissloner Holland said lhðt point was well t.,k~n. Hu ¿¡greed th:tt the change from elementary school to public school should bo 9iven cðruful considerütion. Commissioner Vo~s said, in his opinion, a developer or the paople who move into nE.'W developiOonts should pay for whatever ndditional facilities havo to be provided. He naid it is unfair to oxpoct the current residents to support the facilitios to ,:~. , ,\ç, ,~. ,# . ,;~, ;'!!' ,\" A ~::'l ~t ".~~!I, "f t. :..~.t~. r; , ., i toka caro of a l~rge dovolopment that may come in, ln thtl future. Mr., Virta sDid that the Staff \/i11 revisit the whole aspect of the point system regarding the nmbulance and fire itoms. Mr. Bishop said that the NÐpl( B !3oðrd of Realtors would like to work with the Plðnning Department regardin9 the aforomuntioned incentive policy. Hr. aOOK 078""r.t.t87 ) \ , . . . .' ----------..---- - ~-"'_....,-_.,.._-'.-~_...~-""....,..,,' .._"',,'~..,..-.... ----~--...-. ." t ~,;t;r . ~~ j~~I"~ : ,t¿}: ----'-------------'--------~- November 1, 1963 ' '~'!:1_ .,.,....--.. ."f·\''-,~ '(',oJ- , " ,PQgo,S3 .:}?;, , ~;':~S~~ri~;::g~:~}i{~~ ," ---- - ---- -...... - ----- - - ------ - -..-- -- - --- - -~.............--'~.....~: : , , '>::1:;;,.:,.:\: r,oo~ 078w.:4:88 reviowed the dovelopment of the "ST" l1reQS and ·said that with the:' Environmental Overlay it seems liku tho County is regressing to the County was in 1976 and 1977. Commissioner Pistor SU9CJostod t:hðt tho points scored changed to 0-29, 30-39, 40-49 and so on because it basis when the points aro 6ddcd. Mr. ~Qfaa F. AssaÐd, repres~nting Agnolia, Assaad, Barber, Brundage and Shannon, Inc., said that in some instanc~s where large scale developments are concerned this is a long-rango type development with a 20 or 25 YUDr aosorpcion schedule. He said this type of development lends itsul!, usually, to qood planning and engineering and complies with the Int~nt of tho eomprnhonsivo PI~n in qenerbl. Ho said in the point syst~m m~ny of the points relate to existing facilities. He su.Jqested that for DHI I S or lllrgo SCll h developments bonus ot points should be allowed if a development commits to certain typos of improve- menta, knowin9 thl1t tht:: duvelo¡.:rn<Jnt will not be allowed beyond a certain density or li~it unloss those improvements are made. He said that the bonus ideð of allowing developers to contribute cash In lieu of, is a viable point. 110 said he would like to revisit these items wi th tho Sta ff and ro turn wi th suggested lanquago for the BCe' s consideration. Mr. Virta said this is worthy of considoration and needø further explcrðtion. , ":4. ";."\~) ~ ~~\J ".~"."!.:' ,":,'~ , '':*;.,- "A ',·,~¡'I.~'····,·····<Þi,~".. ./'}, , ,':;, " ~'i(,-. .) ~ ';::-t~~ ,,},-,{ .';f~t~. , ti ".- ,. ,~ 'r,'~, Yi'.: " ~ !ì¡ ,:':~' 'd~ " fl, h'f~ /~..\ ~, .,~ .,;~",~ ,'';11; ~'-,p-~ 1:,-"':1 [,~~~ '~I~'{ ;~:' :t, j':~..,,'~',~.:,'.' ~... , 14,' . <~;~~ ,~'¡!e . :~.',,'ìit '1:'*' ", -t ";!/I~' ·A!t, "?'f ,I,:it ),~" [',' i. ' :j,,,. '\r~ , ';.4~ :r~,"" STATE AND REGIONAL COMMENTS REGARDING LAND USE Mr. Kloehn referred to Attachmcnt B from the Depart~cnt of Community Affðirs, Pðgc 2 and road the general comments. He said conversatons wero held with the Stafl members involved with this review 8nd that they wanted clarlf1cðtion that there would not be approval"" given to zoning that would confl ict wi th the Comprehensive Plan. He said Staff will clarify this with the proper ~~róing. ______....,'''_''~,_W',"_·".,,,~_'"'*'_..''''·_·'·'..~b..' " ._--------------------------------------~~ Novp.mbtJr 1, 190) ':,~~~ .,': '~: Tape IG " Mr. Kloehn reforred to ^ttachmcnt C from the Regional plnnning Council, Pa90 3 that states th. Land Use Map in Figure 1 should more cloarly distinguish the Cities of NaploD and ~ver~lðdes from "nural- area. lie said another color will be used for those .uoas. HI! said second roconlundation Is "The ~xpðnsion of vonted areas outoidu tho Urb~n Area boundary (1.0., Colden Cnto Estates) should be "diDcouraged,· tather than "not be 9ncouroCJcd." It was tho conscnsus of tho Commissioners to make this chanCjo. He sc'\id tho Rogionnl Planning Council indicates that thore ðre too many Community Nodes. He said that Staff used the methodology of one nodo for every 20,000 to 30,000 pooplo. The Bee agrood with the Staff. He a)({Jl~ined thllt the fourth comment indicates there should not be a Co~mercial Nodo at Davis BoulovQrd and C.R. 951, howover the Bee i.1greod with tho Stnff. The ace also ðgreed that thcrc should be two Commercial Nodes for Marco Island .~ and Immokaloe. He soid that the sixth comml!nt questions the wisdom of ~taff's decision to leave the Regional Co~m~rcial Node due to the proximity to Bonita Day Mall and expnnded Spring9 Plaza in Lee County. ~he BCC a9reud with tho Staff. He said the soventh comment questions the sito at Pine Rid9t! ðnd Airport Hoad which io the only :lito specific COf¡,mercilll designation on the map. lie said that the CCP^ decided It was importc1nt enou9h to loavc in that "rea. CORlmisøionttr lIolland agreed with the ftegional Council. r1r. Virta sa1d this was a result ot tho property ownors comln9 forward ðnd øtatin9 thore 10 Industrial to the west and north of thtdr s1 to and they folt 1t would be appropriate tha t thlo ðrca be shown as cOlnmurcial. Mr. Sa undors Sð id tha t part of this proporty 10 currently zon~d commorciðl and part is zonod "grlcul tura. Ho s~id if tho COfi'~r.hen8iv. Plt1n io adoptod, as prosent~d by ~taff, therd iu a provision that tho only roasonðblo ~;'.' -~~ ;1) ~..'t. ' ¡.i'; ~> '~ '::\01 ',;;~ . ,'l.~ aDOK 078~~:!489 ':,,7, Page 54 ..~~.¡~'; , .' " :, I,~,. ~'(,. '. ......... ........ - ------ ,........-.. -- ,,*I -;~'.. " .....--------....--..---- ---~.-...........---.-.--.- ',"'~' ;¡. , , _____1.11f (' ~ 'y. ,~ J \",~.:ç ------------------------- -------------- . Novembor 1, 1903 . ' 'ODK 078,~·~400 desiynation would bu commurclal for the ontire tract, which would bo equivæ.lent to chllnging tho zoning if the landowner w~nted to come in and petition for a rezone on tho portion that is zoned 89riculturo, he, could rely on tho statdmunt that there is no other appropriate zoning :' d. :1', and get tno entiru tract zoned commercial, as recommended by Staff. He said that the Re9ional Council indicÐt~s that is inconsistent with the rest of tho plðn. . .' Commissioner Holland moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown and carried unanimously, that this site be designated as Commercial as the, Staff originally recommended. Mr. Kloehn said that the ei9hth comment roquesto that tho individual Parks and Proaerves should be locatod and identified on the l~nd usu map, wnich·th~ ECC agreed snould be done. Ho said that tho ninth commont refers to allo~in9 amcndm~nts to be made not more frequently than onco ~ year. ^ discussion was held regordin9 this item. Commissioners Holland, Pistor and Voss èlgreed that the plan should not be changed more often than once a year. Mr. Kloehn referrud to Attachment D, a letter from DER with ¡~; ~,~ : ~;}~ ,~f comments. ,(" ~'; j ¡. ~'-:~ , "') ,:}ííI <::i ''''t '<I ;(~ comment.' "'1 He said the second cori\n'ent asks thDt the term ·ST" be defined and it We'1S tho consensus of tho BCC to do so. It was the consensus of the BCC that Staff should match the footuote marks with the toxt in Pages 27-34. Mr. Kloohn referred to Attachment E, from the DNR with the that on Pa90 23 the Department of NDtural k~sources, Division of State Lands, as it pertains to tho mDnagement of Rookery Bay should b. changed to Department of Natural Resources, Division of Recreation and Parks, which he agreed to do. -----......--------------_......_--_......_--~ .. , ..'.... Mr. Kloohn said that the South Florida Water Managemont Distrl<:t·,;:, recommended that the County considor rovisin9 or amending the " ' ,.~..,.,',.,'''',~.-._''''''''''"....-.__.._'..'-_.._-- _.,¡¡¡'N___"',.___m__~_'''~,··'''..·''~,..,'''''~..,,·~I,''''"'_,''''''~"",,' ---------~-------------~-~-----------~- November 1, 1933 COffiprohansivÐ P1~n on an Ðnnu~l or a biennial basis. ****Commissioner Holland left tho room at 10.05 P.M. and returned at 10115 P.M.**** Mr. Stanley ¡Iole roforred to his lnomorDnduln to the BCC rCJC¡ælrdin9 Qubstance and ~tyle of the Comprehensive Plan. Hø reforred to page Paragraph 4 and sðid he did not think the toxtbook quote included should be in tho ComptahensivQ PIon bec~use it is inaccurato In some arelJS and hü askcù that it be rernovod. Hercfcrrod to rage 6 LInd ol:lld hø hl:ld a problem with the reforcnce to VUGtod Aroas committod to urban use because the only Vested Ar~ð is Goldon Gato EstÐtes. Ho s~ld urban use contemplatøs water, sower and othet fllcilitics and wh~t is proposed is to crGato In Golden Gattt ëstntos a community and life stylo thl:lt many pooplt! have gone th(>rc to escape from. tI~ ~aid ho \o/as not sure that it should be In~icatcd that thu County or public ia going to provide all the urban scrvlcus in that area. He said he did not think :·",'t~;.: >j~ ~"··I·,~··· ~.~ ,,"' 'r:'~¡ ~l;·· _:il>. '>.:'~··'I'..··.· ('Iv. ..·'h: " ,':.~: '';~ i'<. ': '~'.. ' ~~t,~ : ~,,'" it was appropri~te to identify Gold~n G3te EGtût~s as the future urban area of Collier County. He said that the! point system ties density. He said it is difficult for ~ dovelopmcnt to get ovur RO or 70 poin~s. He asked Staff to look carafully at the yield that the pointo produce and he asked them to consider inc~ntlvo points. He referrod to the Densi ty Table on t'lIge 29 and said in his opinion thoro ia Imblilance betwu~n tho 31-90 points being allowed up to 5 uni~s per acro Dnd the 91-100 points beinCJ the maximum allowed by the Zoninq ordinðnce. He said that Paragraph 5 on P~ge 13 iu a result of Staff's ~fforts to have. sand pits and rocks pits sh3pcd in such a way so that they will havo further use as dcvolo~ncnt of ameniti~s. He said hn is concetncd that the lan9uage could mean th~t tho pits will havo to bo fillad up and he aSked that langu~gu bo includod thn~ will eliminato that threat. He 9ave his views on tho ·PUD" commercial usagQ and saId areas are generally croat~d whøre thera 1s a market. He said the ", . :~;.;~;;~¡~-~- -: ,~,' '"OOK '078 ~·~491 ~ .~. 11" ,'~"""'·:~'¡~?¡:",'~"",.l.'; , ' ,:' Y',~' ': "' ~ ----- --......---____.................~.............. r"Wt ...¡;oq .J....................'...... .' . , \ ".". . " , :~ i!, ~ ~' II'"'<Y_"",~~.'_, ..,.__,...._. "",""~^,,,,",._,,,-,,,,.;o<__,,,",......____~.._,,,..·.._,,,,..';~'.m.'~.',,_~",""",..","',.m ~" ,.. ~"<~.¡. "'"¡} 4· ------ ........ ,.~...,.. ,~ , . ',"" " "','t.' ·r:...~t ."~".., -------.-.-------------------- , . ",?~, 'I' ",1t.! ')I' :'Lr,:; ,,<~ .,;i;:.. ,.-;,':?;;''',!: ;'i'. , ,; ·1~ :.:í:: aOOK 078,~I.~ 492 November 1, 1903 .. , :)1; '<;:i: .;'i'; . ~~~~: 'J:~-: :~¡ t;~ ,~~,~~ ,t-i' ·..¡,j't J 'fy;t ¡~ ,r:t'-~:{ "1-';;(" ,:_~~~ ',;¡:f ~' ':'Î' " )1ìf~ ..,~ '.'" '1l'l': ";~t~ ',(;.~ Jj ~. . . :;~;;:f .. ·v . Page S~:;"j ':,f . ,'.,' ..~".." ( , . ", .' " ,~ ~ : '" ", ',:,_,I>X\"':t1( ~-~-~---------------------~----~~-~~~~~~.:,' ~f>'·~" ; ~ ·:~Yi',..t~~~(( maximum permitted commercial area should be' broadened to provide for areas adjacent to the "PUD". He soid he has asked Staff for a mixod use ·PUD" that would provide for a number of options. He oxproosed hi. concern about the locations of the Commercial Nodes. He said ho agreed with provisions for payment instead of land. ~e said there should be an opportunity for Dn applicant who may have a desirable projoct to bo able to come in and ask for the modification of the Plan. He compli- mented the Staff and the CCPA for their work on the Comprohensive Plan. Tape 17 ^ttorncy Georgc Varnl1doc said he would l1ke there to bu tho opportunity to ml'ke simplc amondmenta to the land U81! dt!signation twice a year ðnd keep any substantive changes to thu Plan itself onco a year. He referred to ~ort of the Islands which is 170 plus acres of Agriculture land with vðrlous zoning. Ho said that by not designating that ~roa ðS part of the Urban Area it is mandated that a developer is ·stuck with what he'::; got". He expressed his concern Ðbout the restrictions that limits Ð developer's ability to develop a meanin9ful projoct In thÐt area. He Ðaid he Wc1S concerned with arcðs that are zoned for a purpose where the Comprehensive Plan would not show that use after the adoption of the Plðn, because the Florida Statutes state that any further lünd use decisions that the County makes after the adoption of ð Comprehensive Plan must be in compliance with that Plan. He said the Port of the Isl<3nds c1rea would be ~ non-conformin9 use. lie said thot by leaving this ¿¡fel.! rural ony chÐnce for expansion of Port of the Islands would be eliminated, blthough there are no plans to do so now. HØ saið in his opinion thu arca ahould be designated Urban so, a doveloper would have the opportunity to do a decent job of developnent, evon though it is a restric~ed situation. Commissioner Holland moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown '~.~~ . ~"'~~ . '~:l~ ~;;§j ---------------------------------------~~ ,...8 November 1, 1983 ."::~ , ~,hJe 58'!; , :' ; :" .....;\.. " . " , . .' .;. '.'. :~·¡,;t~):~' '.._~~......-.....--_....._--------- ---- --'..........;........---........:..............' "'" carried unanimously, that Port of the Islands be made an Urban, desIgnation. Mr. VDrnadoo complimuntad th~ St~ff~1 offorts on the ComvrehenslvG Plan. Ho said he h~d ~ problem with how density is truðted in the Urban ^rea. He rcferrud to Pa~o G und tho impllc~tion that thd availability of services doos not guarantee dc"~ity ~s well as PÐgd 27 whero this topic is addressed. iJ~ said t.hat the denuity will bo deturmined by tho point system and that the range of den3ity io 0 to whatever the maximum is allowed under tho Zonjng Ordihanco. Ho said there has to be a roaliutlc range of densities ~nd a landowncr has to have Dome ðPpraciation of approximately what he can do with his property. He said in his opinion 0 points for maximum density is not a 109ical place to start dnd he asked th~t Staff be directed to work on this area so that ground 0 is not the bog inning for evp.ry point systom. He said he has probl~ms with the Comm~rciðl Node desiCJnatlons. He suggested that thore should be criteria for dooignatlng Commercial areas instead of designating cortðin aroas as ~ucn. "0 asked that the me~surement situation in relation to the point system b~ spelled out .''.') '1;' .':,:\ , '.~ .." H puc i f Ic"lly. .<4, .i~ ~:;i 'J.'" ':';'~ : ,'j;, >1' ;y~1 .';'j :0tJ ,'~ <;!~,~ ,:] ,t(~ P'~';~ ,.... , ..../,' I.···'.·····.'·'.'f<',',t.~ ,"'1"', ;,~~, ,-."j¢ ,";¡t .\\¡,,,. 'jr .'..'~~~. :"~~ . Mr. Alan Ji~ynolds, ropresonting ~ilHon, Millur, B~rton, 5011 ðnd Peck, Inc., said that tho Commercial Node d~sign~t.lon docs create soma problum in tcrmu of I':If:!aSllrcments "nù how those! nodea c!.Ire ùof!nocJ. He said if the nodes are goin9 to be spelled out to the point of deflninq dcraa90s a lino needs to be drðwn ðnd stðncl by that line or cru6ta a ~oro equitc!.lblo system. He said thure will be a problem whero people will bo cOMing in with rC20ne petitions immediately upon adoption of the Plan if this Is not bet.ter definod. Ho said that at the inter- chan9(t of I-75 and Pinu Rldgu «OI:lÙ tho WD.Y the nodø Is currently deflned is ~ rDdi~1 distance and, using that method, almost half of BOOK 078rel493 ---,_..--..._...""._~....~""---.,._~.....',,~-"_........,~,,-,'---"'~.'''''' ',' : ~ .~ ,. .........-------- --- ------..... -----....... !OOK 078~ :\4~ Novomuer 1, 1983 '~j:<f1\'I; ."·~,¡'i i:,,:: , ~','(! : ~':'~r;~i~ ·...v;'v' ~\>~ ~1L~ ,;:l~~ }J' ~:~t,! .J acroago would be taken within the 1-75 right-of-way. lie said this. matter nouds dddition~l Staff review. Mr. Arndt M~eller, President of the Collier County Audubon Society, said chat the Society strongly endorses th~ ideo of an ~nvlronmøntäl Overlay 00 a warning device and a public servico to future homeowners or developers. lie sllid the Society endorses thu in the Natural Rosources Section that de~ls with ar~as of specific ;'·.,;,:i ,,(,,"...' :~\I map ""; environmental concern. He said the Society supports tho idea of indicllting the sources of the County's drlnking wDter. Ho supportud giving propor inc~ntlves to àøvelop~rc who add to the bikepath syst.em, and added tlwt he designed an outline bikuway pian in Collier County. "lr. Lawr~nco hürr.\on, representing sevcrðl lbndo"lnc!rs in the Copeland arell, said he would liku the small Urban Area expnnded to include the whol~ Copeland I.1rea. He reforred to Map 4 and slIid that th~ designated area does not. incluù~ the exi~t1n9 commercial area on " ,;'the east side of f).R. 29 Whcrt! t.lat! Post Offic~, c) store, a restaurant 1 f and numerous residences are. He said that Big Cypress has a central ...' water and sewor system and that 1:;vor9lades City has installed an 8 inch water main Ion the southern boundaries of the J:'ahkahatchee Strand which is s~rvin9 sElveral portions in the Ðre~. He sëddthat the State has specifically left out the CopelÐnd Ðreð from the Fahkahatchee boun- daries with their Eminont Domðin Bill. Following Ð short discussion, Mr. Virta said that Staff can look at this subject further and return " ! ,.¡, 0',' ') :: ';;1~ ".~ ~ :'\ "~; :f with a recommcnd~tlon. ~ .-~;, I'" Mr. Joseph E. Townsend said, 1n his opinion, the point system is theoretical and could not possibly work. Ho said he has Ð problem the ~nvironmentðl OvurlDY becÐuse ther~ hðv~ been so many changes in this regard. Ho sU9gested that a step by st~p approach in analyzing section by sect.ion should be done. , , . , ,; j', ..:. ~ '''~ ~---~----~-------------------------~-~~~. .,;L ~ ;~~< ''''''¡ ~A~';~~" ~,~:" ~:*) , , " ° :,~:;<: "~rÚ;.:) Responding to Commissioner Voss, Dr. Boncdict sl1ir! that mor.~:·.1t· ~.; ""·;'~?}~X(:^' 110 sa id mora detl1lled habi t3t ;.I{i';; Novembor 1, 19A3 significant information is need~d. , mðpplng could be done wit.h the help of an intern program. * * * * The meeting was l1djourned by order of the Chair l1t 10:55 P.M. until November a, 1?83, at 7:00 P.M. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERSI BOARD OF ZONING APP~ALS/EX OFFICIO COVERNING DOARD(3) O~ SPECI^L DISTRICTS UNDER ITS CONTROL ~~aï'Ã~, ~ ~REAGAN, CLERK ,...~~~r ~ ~.'2'.' ~~r~, '" Air ~ 1:-.. ~~.-J ~/Î /lÞ '. ~..r- .~ ~ '- ;. =... ~"'i~:1~,~~tei: approved by the ace on //~~/6; /;F ¡:>J ~ 1i.·~~o/e~~~"d ,...~... ~ or as corrected . I , "'~'''i,,,~'' as aDOK ff/8 Þ.r.t-4:95 H' ",."--"",~_""""",__~".,."....,..".".,,,,"....;,,__.., ;_,_c""'''''''','o"._",_ ,......._...,_-".. ~__..',._'~N_'_..,',.,_