BCC Minutes 11/22/1983 R -- Haploø, ',it'" " ,i ~,<1;':":j~~~:~~~ that tht,) Goard of: C:,oun ty" ¢om~i" tho County of Colli or, c1nd 4t'lØO .,~dt l:n~" :~;"t'~~;~~~r,d:"'~.'Z'ð , ' . " ,': :~:'..iÏ't;;~':'"'\ and os the Cjovorninq board(s) or duch .peclaì dtøtr~è::'t " ~"-;';"¡;.¡"~i:i·'1~';~:", . bllen c:ro",tvd according to law dncJ hc1vlng coniJuctCld buslnesø"¡'¡o"to , ~'; ~,~~;:t:.: '~~ {'::'>1; on this c.J3tO Dt 9,00 A.M. in Regullu' Session in rJuUdLn'J "F" of thó,~: -' '. ': :',¡:\~l~-:~~,?: CourthoUB\i Complux, £~lIt N,lplas, l:'lor1t.!a, wi th tho followln9 mem'borlS","'jJ present' CU,'lHMAN: V ICE CI/AIHMMh Dnv1d C. ärown C. C. "I~~d· Holland John A. Vlstor Fredorick J. Voøø Mory-Frances Kruøe AL:;O PRtSENT, \oiilliðln J. ICeðgðn, Clorlq Jomo:J C. CUos, Fiscal OC(icerl ~llnor M. ~klnnur, Cðputy Clurkl C. Wl111~m Norman, County ~anð90rl ßrucc Anderson, County AttornoYI Terry VlrtD, Community D~voloptnon t JI.drnl n l:1t r.:J to r, 1 rv 1 ng Bet rzo n, Ut 111 t i 11& Admi n 1 st r.1 toc iinuto HlIrtman, J'ublic ~/ork8 ^dministratorl LIJU L.3yno, Zonin9 Dlr"ctor, Nail Dorrl11, Public :;"foty Administrc1tor; '=ìrace Undor'/iood, ,\dmln1- stcativc Aide to the Þoaro; .:Jnd W1111ðm McNulty, ZhlJriff's Døpartmpnt. . . 1 '~ , \ f 4:_.;":," Y 1001t ..079'ACC., 01 .> ""," ""',, . , "",.',':, " ,,~ ~"","",<~,,,,,","..,,,,,,~__,,,,,.,,~,,.,,,,,,,,"""""".''''''~~,...._.""'"'_""'_''''"__.,_.._'''...,,~,____.<,,_M ,.,,,,,,,,,""""'.. ,_. i y, ·'1" í .,. ~ ''·''-'r;:'-r,' ::fl.¡, .'Yi:f1· " \~.J' ,,",,':' . ~ ~','" , ,:',",~~- "", Z<::t:~. f >!~~: ,,~,:~, " ~ (,"~ "" , ;.,.., ,,--- ~" t':;~' .: r. -"-*~i;;/j . :I:"~' t \¡';. . "';\';' "",~ ,..' :,'~;;i!'~'- , ' ':?,f¡~, ';:I;I"¡~~ ··,t ': '.!,~...; ';''i~. '.;;\1~~(, , ';} .,"-- :----~- . ~ ~-'.' ......'1 "..;}. -------~---~-~~------~---~-~~~ , "'.:,'~ti:f~t{~ " November 22~ 19~3 ,,~~,;~t~,¡~r ,"\' ·'Ie>' , ...~.~..f···'I:·'.: "~ ';;.'~I·· . ":t.. . .,:~ ';¡:~~ ';~ ,,~ '~~~ ,'~ ,. '·c~ ",.I,.. . ", ". '::¿;J~'« ;' j, '(.;,1) ,.' \f4;';~j~~&~,· 06 '.~ '.;;U.,"'te ~ :'1 ."\c,"'. 't1 t ,1 ',~ ,," ; ,,.ape' 11 It.. I~ l~',~; ,F,' , ;. 'li';"7/'S, '.~·A' AGINDA - APPROVED AS AMENDED ;'~~'I.: ~ ,~ÿ,. ,;,'" Coulssloner Kruse moved, i ¡~>::"(\'-~~~" seconded by Coøunls.loner Pistor, and "'.~':<>,~ - :}'. carried unanimously, that the agenda bo approved with the following a..ndDonts, 1. Item 9F(1) - Modification to CoðØt Cuðrd AUKi1iary Lease _ Withdrawn as requestod by Mr. Norman. 2. Item 17C(1) - Re ~rant revisions in the Community Caro for tho Elderly Program - Hemoved from Consent A9~nda and mado Item 9E(2) as rcqueDtcd by Mr. Norm~n. Ite. .2 MINUTES OF NOVEMBER 8, 1983 - APPROVED COMmisaioner Kruse Doved, seconded by Commissioner Voss and carried unanimously, that the minutes of November 8, 1983, be approved. Ite. .3 EMPLOYEE SERVICE AWARDS - PRESENTED TO ERNEST BRYANT - SOLID WASTE, ROBERT GRILL AND MARTA MARRUZ _ . The following Employe~ Service ^wðrda wore presontedr ~rne8t 8ryant - Solid Waste Robert Grll1 - JTPA Marta Mðrruz - JTPA 5 years S ycarli 5 years """"1 Ite. '4 PROCLAMATION DESICNATINC WEEK OF NOVEMBER 27 THROUGH DECEMBER 3, 1983, AS HOSPICE OF NAPLES WEEK - ADOPTED . , Commissionor Voas movad, seconded by Commissioner Cruse and carried unanimously, that the Proclamation designating the week of ~oY.mber 27 through December 3, 1983, as Hospice of Naples We.k be adopted. ,. ~~·;;i;:~".·~.: ,'r ~ .} .'.',f, ._ ~fJr.·;-:'"'M~".~:,' ,q;¡ :",~, . ("f;'/.~~,~____,___ .,".,;'.":"" ~ -- ., ;.. . , , '\. >," .1,,: '):\~~:'~'<?,,:;, . ':, , :;;;,:i(Ü~:;~.~~}t~-¡;~:;~V!~~'· " - ....;.,.............. ...............'~ 'b- b. ~. . ....,.:. . .. ... ···~");'{;f:,;f1]~¡;\:¡]~1.ïfz~; ",::,.:('it.. "u: f<"¡:-J:,¡:' ' '~"':"'\¡, t;,:,.~'¡¡'· ·'~;".'1r- t'.r,')::r¡;t.-~~"i.~,'WIt,~.,J ~~~~ '.' "., \' '.- '~" _.",....",',~,.._,-'.'_,__..'..~"..,..'''..._'..."'',,,..".....~.',''';,,''''''<I..,'"....."'..,_""''''''',__"_~,_~"q>(_;_~;,*",'_#òIII4'"_,,.,'''~:~,,...,....'""'n''''',_'.,,'''''....~,1... "'_"",. _.. .....~ì:"7 ::,.;;,,/:¡,~,'i~-:: '~ .._~~.~:~:;,~:,,;1J:\:~";~ t¡,(.,~,\. ',., , ", ~/. ,'. ..' },~: mÐ~,. 08 ,::..'¡~~:. \r~~i;I1:~:·, . ~. ' , . "It.....r;;'.:"., v I,); ~, ',>,', . ,~".,! )~X" o;,r. '¡:, :: '," ,,~': ,). ~\ "", ,,;f,.;""\7' , ."..,d.....'t...t..~.~".,';:iifi·..·'· ,"04' ::s;"..~~.T~ ;,~,,;..;1']'X,'i·~r--';>?t:!· ~ '.' "'''', ~·,'f""L!~'I{··\ nóèLAM'fXOM DESIGNATING WEEK or NOVEMBER 20 THROUOH'26,1983, ARMWORKERS' WEEK - ADOPTED' ~ . :', """ , . .' . ,"~ Coai..loner Brown moved, leconðed by Commillloner' KfU::\-iri'ä?' . ' ~;;Ù:1J"~"'~'(~::>1't~,~~ carried u~anlllou.ly, that tho Proclamation designating tho 'wek ò!:f;:~",: ....._~---._-- .....-- --- -----_....-.--_~",', '...:' ,';~..~¡A:\$; . ',t: ;.¡::.¡; . ,:~¡¡.,~, ':~'V I, ,~ NOVQmbot 22, 1983 ..., '. ", Move.ber 20 through 26, 1983, aa rarmwotkers' Weok bo adopted. Agriculture Director R099ic ~rown acceptod the Proclamation. , . 1'(-:" .... . ./~~,:; ':',:~}~~:j."::'<";';':;:. .." ' ...: ¡,'. , . ". ~~ ....~ _...~...... --..... -- -.,-.... -- --'~ :;f:II~:;vtfi,!;! . '. ... f};~;~i~~~\:¡{" . '/.',,{" 1'··'f::I/if.. , ':,; ,'~~~:^~" "1!i~' ";1;,",.. " ,,~.i~;"" :~ . ,,:t~~:I~ ..~"'" ~:I;~'.TJ:1":, :J", O1Ðpt~ ' 10 " " Novembor 22, 1983 It.. 16 , :', ';'",. " J, ,-. . :~~ ;~~',\:;i:.. ::',~. ""':~,J, ~:~7L:' "RaOLUTION 83-209 R£ FINAL ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR COCONUT CR£EK'UNI'I';r':JP:,~.' 'J'HRE£ PAVING IMPROVEMENTS - ADOPTED ,;. ' Legel notice having been publ1shod in th~ Noples DAily Nows on',' Novembor 6 and l3, 1983, as evidenced by Af!idavit of Publication with the Clerk, public huarlng was op~ned to consider the finol as.essmont roll ðnd establish tho payback poriod and interest rate for Coconut Creak, Unit Thr~e Paving Improvements. PUblic Works Admlnlctrator H~rtmðn referrod to tho Executive Summary dated 10/3/83, dcucrlbing th~ rocommendation to approve this item. He said that work wac able to be performed for 6353.78 per lot less than tho prolimlnary oasoasmont. He soid that th~ cost for each lot Is ~709.02. Hocdl Officer GlleH said that the! payback period is five yearH oJl 8\ 1nteruot. Commissioner Pistor movod, seconded by Commissioner Kruse and carried unanimously, that the public hearing bo close~. Comaissioner Pistor moved, seconded by Commis.ioner Kruse and carried unanimously, that Resolution 83-209 re the final a..e..m.nt roll for Coconut Creek and establi.hing the payback period and interest rato be adopted and thðt the Chairman be authorized to execute ..me. <. ~1 ,!, " ~'~'; "[I .,(. ,1-..: ... ~~\ ':~~~f~,; " ': ';, ß\: "',' . ", " ¡ff;f:l>,~::".",' . ~",' ....".' ~~i'.L~___~ 'f::'i 0i/l.'.;~·~,;,·:,~1," ;::'t,¡..~~("'1 ~;{t'1'ii' \1,';.'" . ",.' , ",,' -' ,.'(~ ',,1', --'-'..-_"-...-.--...~....'......."'_, '''''''m;'~''.~,~, ,~,__".4r...."_..~.__""",,,.,,.,' ~">,,'"..._,,.,._...___....'....''''''',''__.''''___'"",___Æ;.....'.._''...,_..'''''_''',....__',.,,, ^_.~..""~,~..._"""""'----,"-"'""..--,.._"'...._,---,~,,"",._.,..._....."'..._._.....,''''-''''"'''''''~-'''''- ,,'"""..'. .'" -..-.-...----- ---- - ------------ -'---.-------- "" :~};'f " . November 22, 19C3 .. ,.".-A.. , " '. . mg,.,.a 12"·,~,,/~f' '~ :~j . ;~~ .:\~~ " '1" , ~. , . ,)¡, '<'~ ' ",","',~, ",~.,~,", , .::~~ ··:~:."i" ::' ~.!\\~%~',. ., :'~I1!1,~,~t':d' ",' '~~~/~r' RESOLUTION 83-210 R! PETITION AV-83-029, BILL TRUPIANO, AGENT, :~i~\' . ING VACATION OF SIX FOOT SIDE E"SEMENTS ON LOTS 13 , 14, BLOCK fi:?, ' , GOLDEN 0"'1'£ CITY UNIT 3 - ADOPTED ;,Jd..f: .... ",).~~;, Legal notice having boon published 1n the Nl'ples Daily News on November 6 and 13, 1983, DS evidenced by Affidavit or PUblication with tho Clork, public hearing WðS opf!nod t.o consider petition AV-83-029 filed by Bill Trupiano, as agent for the owner, requesting vAcation or tho six foot aide easomcnts on Lots 13 and 14, Block 81, Golden Gate City, Unit J. Public Workti AdminlstCðtor IIl1rtman rotcrrud to tho Exocutivo Summary dated 10/24/63, and soid that the potitioner intends to build a four-plex on thin property and thðt the curr"nt zoning for the alte 1s . ,'1~ '. -RJ-IF-l2- . " Commissioner Kruse moved, seconded by Comml.stoner Holland and carried unanimously, that the publLc hearing be closed. Commi8.loner Kruse moved, seconded by CommLs8ioner Holland and carried unanimously, that ~esolutlon 83-210 re Petition AV-83-029 be adopted. ,.:. :',,'. :;;", "",-"~' ..'" . t '!I~ ~;. -~--~------~-------------------------~~ ,,':. ., . ' " "',':·,:~t~: ~,fa.ec 1J' gmit 11 Novambo r 22, 1983 ¿::i~ \~,..It.. '8 .<t ~'~t:h' , " '.'~~".f., RESOLUTION 83-211 ESTABLISHING THE EAST HAMILTON ROAD PAVING ASSESSMENT DISTRICT - ADOPTED " ' ~' . Legal notice havin9 been publishod in tho Haples Daily Haws on November 1, 1983, ð8 evidenced by Affidnvit of Publication filed the Clerk, public hearln9 wns openod to considor creating tho East. Hamilton koad Paving Assessment DIstrict. Public Works Admlnlslrotor Hartmnn r~ferred to the £xecutive Summary dated 11/1/83, that Indlcðtes a mistake WilD mado in not bringing this item boJck to tho BCC lor ð preliminary hearing. He said that the work hos b~cn Ðccompllshed and thl.lt the County Attorney adv1sod that thls prellmln~ry hearing be conducted after-tho-fact to let tho public bo hoard. There being no one registered to speak, Commissionor Kruse moved, .econded by Commissioner Pistor and carried unanimously, that the pUblic hearing be cl08ed. Commissioner Kruso moved, seconded by Commissioner Holland and carried unanimously, that Resolution 83-211 creating the East Hamilton Road Paving Assessment District be adopted. ¡.' " :./t' ,;1.~ ", \':~ ;~';'] ;",,> " ';'.< ':i~ .+,~~j " "I:~ .', ,)¡¡ :i?:~ ".;~ """~' ''l;~ , .'\ , . . -.. ' 'r" ';.... :,.'. -"'..''-____-'",..,,..""''''" "<.~,';,"'~' .~- ,',".....,__", .."".." ,."",~,,,,,..,,,,,,"..,,,,,,,,_,,,,,_,,,....,,,,,,,,,~.....__..._,.,,~,____..__,,,,,....,........_.....",M~.... ,~_,_,ø...,"_._.. n Noy ombe r..~2 , , \f~:~~·t~t,.. '9 ':Ú\>~'j/~ ~"í1\".,,,,,,, 'I, , ",¡~,l.:""":( ; ~!'\~'~'~<Y,';r, RESOLUTION 83-212 CORRECTING ERRORS IN LECAL DESCRIPTION FOR THE ':SOUTH', ',' PORTION 0' TRAIL SOULEVARD - ADOPTED, RESOLUTION 83-212-1\ AUTHORIZING ;,", QUIT-CLAIM DIED AND AGREEMENT BETWEEN COLLIER COUNTY AND COLLIER \{~lH! DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION - ADOPTED ~;,;;.:, Legal notice having bot:n published in tho Nnplos DISHy Nows on, November 7, and 14, 19B3, dS ovidonced by Affidavit of rublicatlon filed with the Clork, public hearing was opuned to consider a proposed resolution corroctlng Scrivner's errors in the legal description for tho south portion of Trall tioulovðrd, wldcn cJppedrs in Rosolution 83-83, Resolution 83-a4, D Quit-Claim Coad for Tr3il Boulovard, 8nd an ^groement botween Collior County dnd Collier Dovelopment Corporation. Public Workø AdmlnLstrator Hartman said this is a recommendðtion to corroct Scrlvner'o errors ~ðdo in the legal descriptions In the documents a~ tho time thDt the County vncated the south end of Trail Doul eVlJrd. Commissioner Kruse moved, seconded by Comml8s10nor Pistor and cArried unanimously, thðt the public hOðting be closed. Coaøis810ner Voss ~ovod, seconded by Comml8sloner Kruse and carried unanimously, that Resolution 83-212 correcting Scrivner's errors in the legal description for the south portion of Trail Boulovard, appoarlng In Resolutions 83-83 and 83-04 be adopted and that Resolution 2l2-A, authorizing the Chairman to executo a Quit-Clai. Deod and Agreement between Collier County and Collier Development Corpora- tion be adopted. ,', ',I' < ,:,)<:!t;:~}:, ": .~;:~~ ~" 019.-..-t 17 ',)';;~ " ,paCJ."t~~~ , " .'~.'~_;Y: ,:::,;&~~:i' ~-.-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - --'- - ~'-' ¡ ""~',"'--"'''--'''''''''''''''~' --,-;*"..',"-",................,....",<--,~-,*,"~ ""","'--'" '.' , '::~ '.::..~;>' I.,,'(j ~~' !It . (\1 ' "y, -----------------------------------~-~ Novomber 22, 1983 ¡tOil '10 , '. ,::'~ ; '; .. ~ rl RESOLUTION 83-213 RE PETITION V-83-9C, WILLI^M , GERTRUDE CUNN, RE~:A}., VARTANC& TO SPLIT A 7-1/2 ACRE TRACT INTO ONE 5 ACRE AND ON! 2-1/2 ACRIJ TRA(."1'S FOR PROPERTY LOCATED orF MOULDER ROAD SOUTH or DAVID C. BROWN!.J"¡;k HIGHWAY - ADOPTED "!:.';~~ Lvqal notlco having boon publishod in the NlIples DaUy News on ...."','~ ':\;~i f'¡.J'" November G, 1903, as evidencod by Affitlllvit of PublJclJtion fUed with"" ,. the Clerk, ~ub¡ic hoarlng was oponcd to consldur Potltion V-83-9C, tllÐd by William ~nd Cortrudo Uunn, ruquustlnq ð vdriance to split a 7-1/2 acre tract into one S nero ~nd ono 2-1/2 acto trllct3 Cor proporty in lIn -A-2- District locatod off Mould~r ~ond ~outh of David C. Brown Highway. Zoning Director Laynu r~f~rr~u'to the Exocutive Summary ~atod 11/19/83 and explninod that when tho petitioner purchased this proporty in 1973 the proporty waa in the Imrnokalee ^rc~ Pl~nnln~ District ðnd wa~ zoned -I-A-I- which hlld no minimum ðcrea9~ r~quirement. She said that tho property Is now in thu "A-2" zoning district which requires ~ minimum of S acros c:lnd th4t tho petitioner clJnnot break tho 7-1/2 acros Into tho 5 ,)cre and 2-l/¿ dcro·trl.lct!J !Jincu thu .2-1/2 acre tract would be non-con!ormlng. She !Jðld thðt baGcd on tho ~CC's guidolin~s StQff h~s had to rocomm~nd d~n1~1 ot tho petiLion. Mr. william Cunn, rot.it.iorll'r, t;;xpl.:dn'!J th;~t IIta ~on pr'.)ponos to build 4 house on tho 2-1/2 dcro lot, ~nd that hd Is unable to afford to' buy other property due to the real estato costs. Hesponding to Commissioner Holland, Mr. Dunn sOlid that there IJCV other 2-1/2 acro tracts In the immodiüte aroa. Ms. Layno said th~t Sovoral 2-1/2 acee tracts wero croateú beLora thu ordln,mce was chllnqed in 19B2. Commissioner Holland said under the ~ircumstancos ho could not see \, stopping a young ~urøon from building a home sinco granting tho var1anco would not chanqe the chnrncter of tho neighborhood.'· '-' . . ....'...,,,t. ,. 0791'41 23 "f' .'~ .. ,"---".""',____~....._""'__""_,_,'"'._','.."""..."'_"~,_"_,"',,~"'_,,,_..'~'""_"'".''"''','.."".,..'._~'',,,'v''' "."...,,. '~~' ", J'..' t.\ ~ ;~" , \ .~..,~ . '.~ I"~: ",.,' ".,.. ,~~ ----,..¡.~--........-, -.-.---.......- ,~,;,.,..: f' ;~: ~/~ _,'" ~~1f.~~}'1. 1riD,¡g: 2& ~~,11"'I':)lj ",...,. . ~ ;:~:i'41'~ , ~..:, ~'J~. ~ ~frf,.,~~'!: ,; ~'.'~ ".. :~~" ' .,",,:,.: . ';Coal.afoner Holland moved, ;,',., ::"\.-' .',' , t~¥;~~;;:~~rrl.4',unanh,oU.1Y, that tho public ,<,t'.,''<''. '.';ColIlDlaaloner Holland moved, .eeonded ' ~, ~ carried 4/1, (Commi..ioner Pi.tor oppo.ed) that Resolution 'otition V-S3-9C, be adopted. . ""~ I;:\~ ·<Jili~ ·'.·,'~K~ ,/:~~.'1 ':. ,,,t.: ""~ '!2 }:h ".$; :~::~111 ~: "",::: :>~J "".'.4!f: " ",:'I~~~' : ,'Ij "¡' .". , ' ")',;., .__f --'_.- '...-.,-~.,-,_.""""'-_..,.""_.._--_..,--;,_..,~,"""_. ~~'\,,:'" ~~ 28 :;~f~~¡;r· ' November 22, l~83 t¡ ~ It.. ,,~ .' ~'.:.' . l>,:/" 111 RESOLUTION 83-216 APPROVING USE AG~EEMENT WITH SCOFIELD MARINE CON- STRUCTION, INC. FOR LCU ·CYPRESS· - ADOPTED, AGREEMENT CIlANGED SUBJECT ,;':c .i'r . TO STIPULATION . ':" Mr. tlarold Uall, member: of the Collier County Vessel LCU "Cypress· Authority said thðt thoy mc:t on Novomber 21, 1983, working with the Staff, Save Tho BðyS Association ðnd Scofielð Marine Construction, Inc. representativos and reachod conclusions on chðnges to the agreement t,4hl\:' \f(;CC üccc¡~t¿;.L11.I to c:ll lJ~r~ons ~t. t:1~ meoting. He sl.Ild t111.~ changos r~gardln9 the agreement with Scofield Marine Construction, Inc. arc ð8 follows: '" 1 . Chango from ~ Lease A;reemont to ð UDO Agreement in keeping with tho Intent of tho Surplus Propcrtles Divlaion and their admln1ulroJt10n ot tho proportluø that have boon sold to Collier County. 2. Minor changes in the insurance stating thero will be a Hold Hðrmlo8s clause ðnd that copies of Insurance will b~ provided lJnd that thf.r County will be nðmed as Co-IntSurcd. ';,' J. Paragraph 13 to be changed to read, Whon thoro are da~ðgoa or repblrs to the vensel, ð determination of th~ damago or necessary ropairs of $200 or less will bo made by the user with tho concurronCÐ of tho BCe Ship's Master, who will bo on the ship at all time. Any ropalrs or dðmages over: $200 must be authorized by tho PUbl1c Works Administrator or his dosll)noe. ~ 1 f'",. 'J ,\.J",: be authorized, following rccuipt of written approvnl from the Støte to Mr. Hall explained that th-' Use Agreement provido& a reimbursoment 0' $200 a day to covor tho acc's fixed cost which ðre tho Ship'. Maator's pay, thu insurance and the Environmontal Intern, basod on normal use of thu v~ss~l. He said that the conuurnðble8, the fuels, oils' and other oporat1ng exponses, ~ill be paid cntiroly by the usor. Hu sðid that th~ Cyprcs~ Authority, with the concurrence of the Staff, reconunendR that the BCC IIccept this Use ^greument .)nd that tho Chairman , ',. ~',' , use this vessel for drodg ing Doctors poss, to sign tho Use Agreement ,~:.;¿t ~., , ~,·;,~",~:.í,l. ,.' ~ ';'.~!~~ ': ." ...) ,~i:~~~'i\·;~,;<~;~~;.~;j':t·~{' , ' ". "\:;;..::..):,,,:}":'::~'·:·~:t~;¡,>~;~l~'}~~ ' , , ,: 'i.'jf:i:ï.&:~;if-', .".x:~~9!:::;16:".r~, , , ,.":','''!J''''''. ~'j'¡\'!1', "':I:';'~, 0;-< ,....,''iJ". . ,'. "", , '. ,t,~,·,?..~(tt~:~>'f~!';'·"'~' ;"',ìt~,~J.::,,~~,/,,:,:-·¡'Jl>~ . ------ ..... ~ ~ ..., ~-~...... -,.. --. --. ........- ........--~ -- ...... .......-.-........-.-................... '~' . , . /" t, '>" .'~'\:;'."~~"'~··'·~¡':'·;~;'-,~'-'·¡,·::~>·~:'~~~~)~:·E'~;};~,~ ~ , '" ''¡''Y·./'I~'''''·r!',' """~;:'J"''.:l;y,~"'j,,'l~ ,. :;';:t;,¡1,Ji,,::;~:¥i§~~~~; with Scofield Marino Construction, Inc. " "" ~";,,,-,~--,,,,,,",,,,,.,,,~...,,,,,,,,,,,.,,,",,,~,,,,,...,._,__ -qr r Nov~mbor 22, 1983 CommLøsionor Voss roferred to Parngroph , ðnd 12 which Mr. Coorgo Datchelder as the Projoct M~na9.r ,named in thft Agreement. Assistant County ^ttornoy Anderøon ScoUuld Mðr1no Construction, Inc. '~uld n.,me a replRc\9ment in tho' . dvent that Domothin9 happoncd to Mr. u~tchQlduf. Commissioner Kruse 0U9<J0sted that thß first fJ~ntenCtt in P.Hùgri\ph 7 could fetid -Tho Lesøor will provide ð l1cunsen C.)ptc1in who will opori2to tho LCU in cooperation with the Projoct Mðnagor o! Les90~." It wns the conu~nsus of tho &CC nnd thu Aaølstllnt County l\ttornoy that thiD would be aatisfllctory. Commissioner ~ru.e moved, seconded by Commissionor Holland, that Resolution 03-216 approving the Use Agreement with Scofield Marine Construction, Inc. for the LeU ·Cypross· be adopted with the atoromen- tloned changes in the Agroement as rocommended by tho St~lf and tho ·Cypress· Authority and subject to the stipulation that tho Use Agroemont will not be signed until tho County has in-hand written approval from the appropriate State and Foderal ðgoncies for the Doctors PaBs Dredging Project. Mr. C~orgu l~ol1"r, Prouicent, Coll iur County Civic !"odorlltion, ,§, ~' ::a: "~ ,~~~, ,"j ~:.¡t ! ~..,:ij :...'~, '~t:? .' 3U99usted that -normal wear ðnd tellr" bo includod In the Usa Agreement rdatlve to the $200 limitation. Tape 12 Mr. Koller rC4d Into the rocord ~ lotter from him to tho BCC including SU990stions of tho Civic fodor~tion regardin9 tho operatIon of thu -Cypross-. Mr. Andorßon Sðld that undor tho terms ~nd conditions of the Use ^grooment the m~ttQr of thQ rosponoibl11ty tor any damago will b~ determined dt ~ lðtur dat~ by r~proGentðtlv~~ . acc ðnd of Scofield Marino Construction, Inc. Cðpt. F. H. White, Jr., Vice-President, Save tho . , .-"\~ UDk ~', 2J J 'O""_'~_""_'_'''_''''''''_;''____r~____,....,_"__~_".___.._...,",...,,.'____,'',,,,_,,,,..., If~'...','_"'''''''"'H-'',,'.,"'_ "" '",~"',",...'~",.',,"..."','_"""IW"'" '" , ',' ^,"!: ~~~~---~-----------~~-~----~~----~-~~- ?ä-~:~i~f;:~::,,: '",','" 'November 22, 1983":,';::';',:;~,·.:,,~,·;.',·,:,/:!,,','.,;.:,t.~,îf ~, ~~;~,"~ri-M," "'" . .. ';. ...:_ r ~ f ~~it 30 ;. , " .,:;~:~:;J.:v.k*" ?;?' "~:);,::/,,~~~;,:'., .A'.,i;i~·'· :' ;,·,,·,thankeð the ace for the holp they have given In the Doctors, ,PÐSlf:~~~;.. . .J: i~:< "i\,:~,' . " , f . ; ',I ~':','j~ '~. "~~\:, Dreðglng Project. Mr. £. D. Spina, rrasldont, Shvo tho Bays BCC for tholr assistanco in installing appropriDte management o£ ·Cypress· and for th~ cooperation on the Savo tho aays Project. Upon call for the question, the motion carried unanimously. Mr. Hall oxplninod that the ·Cypross· Authority would prosont list ot recommendations ðt ð later dato to tho DCe concernln(j the uso ond cost of tho veøsel. Mr. Hðttmftn said that the next meeting of the ·Cypress- Authority will bo Novembor 30, 1983, at 3130 P.M. and that the public 15 welcome to ottetnd thðt me~ting. ReÐponding to Commis- sioner Holland, Mr. .iartmðn explained that the debris has not beon romovod from tho aCCJð on MJsrco IsIDnd due to problems with the clutch on tho crane that WðS loa nod to tho County. Following 0 short dis- cussion, it WaD the consensus of the HCC thbt Mr. Hartmðn contact the SCðte and requost an oxtonsion of tlmu to romove the debris or uso 'f:~' '1~ '1:'" , , ~iI1(: ;',:". . ,~~ '.(f'! .~. .~ ,. :,";t:; ~.-"'" .)ý :~rJ< ,~~ ~Jf , 'i:1 ~~:,L anothor crðno to movo lhc matur1al abovo moðn high tide. " ",\ 1,"': <.~J\ '. ," ·'~;~'~;4J·~~'~å:!f':~ .. f, ~~~=:¿:.,!i:'':''~~''';:'z:' ''''''4i~ ::t:~~~~~0!, .~ "; \~\:,~~~~tl '~-, '.'i/" .' . " " .:;.~:; ;\1. Y.,(";ftá-:'\·"ti;~7": ~, '~ ' '. " .,' ".r'·.~~'~'~I·~~'~~ , ",\~.1r" 9- ~ ."1,\_'.,' :,':' ;::;'t:.;r~;~·:.~':{:·:~'~~~)l.i.:"." ;:,tt~}:;;,~{:,;~l~~~ lt~,~;~(" ( ," ',~" '\ "l'\",' ~'~.' "i--;':¡';'''~;''''''.('~'''I·~:/-;''~'''~ ·';.I"'~'~{.,'~~~tÌi~ ----~---------""'"" ""1,'t~~;""2, !'/:',: ~~.;;,;t':·~:~~~¿.."."..., ........"~..'_" ~,~ ,'-,h, """",.",_.~."""",,,,,,,,,,___.____,,,,,,-,""",",,,,__.__ 'Jil' " _-.......... ""'''"..'.'"'',N.''',....'''_...._......_.......,.'''''...,._.-,,,,.,,,.,'.,...._,'~,'~".,.....';'".."",'..,.",'~...'_",.,"'"...""_.,"_<O;"",,,',,,;","__,,'"'".-'>-"", -- --,~- -- ---- ---- --- ----- _._---------- ,.. Novomb~r 22, 1983 '12 '.. ,;, REMOVAL or RADIO COMMUNICATIONS EQUIPMENT FROM INTERIOR FINISHES BID;;:\. PACKAGE or JUSTICE CENTER EXPANSION - APPROVED Public Safoty ^dmini~trlltor Dorr111 "'xpl::1inou thDt as part of tho:'; "i'Ji\ Just1co Contur I::xpnnølon progrllm thuru was å budgot.uy item for radio' ;\~¡>~j~ communlcðtlons oc.:¡ui pmunt ldont.i fh:d ainco tho inception of tho project. !:,:~ ,-:'~~"~ 110 sðid thðt tho etc.:¡ul pf1'lent wUl pr imðr i 1;, and ~)Ccluslvoly go into the .. Shor1CC's Dispatch "ncJ CommunlcQt.lonn (lrea and fa not for thll solo uso of tho SherlU's Department. Ho said the equipmont will bl! Cor tho uso of all emergcncy communicDtions' traffic in the County to include EMS ðnd various fi ro depa r tmonts throughout tho County to ut 11 i zo the Emergency Control frequ~ncy. Ho s~id that tn~ Qquil~ont 18 Dvailble throulJh State contract .1nd Fod.Hc11 GU^ (JurChaGI!8. 110 racommendod that the oquipment be obtalnud con~itionud upon tne County Attorney's . \ ,1pprovðl of tho contr.:Jcts when they ara recc ivcd. lie roquestad th,:¡t this Item in an .:Jmount not to uxc~ed $250,000 UÐ duletod from the intdrlor finishes üld P~ckn~e to dccommoùato tho expudltious ncqulrlng of this [.:»dio oqui JmQnt. lie !icdd hiu cocommandðtion Is condlt10nod on architectural certIfIcation thðt tho 140' radio tower CDn structurally be placed Dtop BuU~inC) -J" dnd 11:: t.nat 1s not the case tho tower would .. .Y hwo to bo 10cl1 tod on CJ round 1 uVC 1 ~na thiJ t some thoIJl)ht be 11vcn to t' ,. .' best uso of the current communic~tlon equipment currcntly within . ~'::- :~ the J.:Jll o1nd r.herUf's Depðrtn\ent. He saiù that this equlpmont could bo used in tho County's Emer9uncy Opuratlonu' Center or the EMS building or it could be di~poGud of to tho County's ðdvantðge if itn US\i is no longor rcqulrud ~s ~ rUDult of tho purchdsu of the rocommended equipment. ''''! .',,,. >-1;1'1 ;:;~ "')~ ""~ ,. '; ~ ,1' \ "'i,¡,: Respondinl) to Comml ssioner Hollllnd, Mr. Doer ill said this is .. . f~ ' " \, an addltlonðl &1mount but is an intoc¡rðl part of the Rid PackDge thati's': . , ¡ ",.;~,.-t .......... ~ '. ' '. -" , ,,.; ',' . . too« U'1S~~ 33·, , ,,'" '::;;Pâge:'i3:g ~~_~- - --- - - - -- - - - - ~ ~-_::!;:_;:.."""'.:._ ...:~...:,..)5;:.:¿t:::?2Y_" ' . ' , " "'.:,(.: :.",)~t:;:. ,_ '~""4"'d'^,'-'_'.___''''__'"''_'''''-'''''''''''''''''_'''''''''-'_'''''''''"'-'''_'''"''''~_''''-''',~,,,,,-,,,,,,__,,,,,,,,,,,,'_"""'_""'''''''' " ..... - - .., ..... - - .....- - -- - - - - - ..... .....,. - -- - - - :--- .... .... - .... --. - -- - - - ..... -- -- ~.- , ~I' " ,. 019~ 31 Novembor 22, 1983 yot to b. awarded. Mr. DorrLl1 øaid that his analysis required the Construction Manngor assura him that tho proliminary e.t imates on inter lor f inishos, ð contractual obl1gat.1on ,þ ,,"', ~',: and final ~o,~,~'?~' . ·,'J""',~.:i~.~!,~ of Hoery, ':'i" \, ::",.1 tnc., would not ba short on tho intorior finishos packßge i£ this equipment is delated from thÅ“ Interior finishes. flo said the Construction MDnager has assured hirn that the County can still bid Dnd award interior finishes without joopardizing the communication purchQs~ thðt was recommended. Htt Sð Id that this requost includes the 140' rlldio tower .!Ind hl13 nothing to do with reyuusts thDt the Sherif! made last summer, in tdu budgc:t. Commissioner Kruse moved, seconded by Commissioner Pistor, that the radio communications equipment be removed from the interior finishes Bid Pðcknge of the JUGtico Center Expansion to be acquired independently in ðn amount not to exc.ed $250,000, subject to the County Attorney'. rovlew of tho State and Federal Contractø with Motorola and conditioned on architectural certification related to atructural integrity of the plan to accommodate ~ounting of the 140' radio tower atop Building -J-. Mr. Miko Zuwðlk asked 1( this money could bo takon from the funds that the Sheriff gets from confiscated items to which Mr. Dorrill said that tho original budgut identified this item os a normal cost in building a now bu1lding .1nd thðt th~ Sheriff Dhould reservo the r19ht. to use his funds as hu seos fit with the approval of the acc for "'~"... .'}', ',11" ',' , , ... .,., )f!, ¡'f!; '_,'.",4, }:t~~~ · ',; ¡f "'''''j ,}~ , /~f$~ ''0, , '·t :~ ','" ¡,~~ :~<tf . ,::~ ",;:~ ,':'{J~ :;;~ .' .~., ,;jæ ""'JI~fl ~~::l ",{'ili ,:,:.':'{.,f: '",,'t,'$, "~:~!'f~~ :: Upon call for the question, the motion carriod unanimously. whðtevClr law onforcttment or stratClCJic purchasos he chooses to make. Commissioner Holl~nd said thQr~ ar~ 9uidcl1nos for spending tho fundø to which Mr. Zew~lk roferred for non-bud90ted itoms. Assistant Attorney atated that w~s correct. '.' f ~ ,.,' :0~~ , , " ":,"~~.,, , ,:",',;.PDgo;'l4 '>~1 __ __~'~j'2'!=:';,,»··>,ii:¡:t;S:,~ . ~'.... - - - -.-. ---.....- - -- -------.------ .... --..... - - - - -._- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - _.- ......-. -'.- -..........., .. -- ~ h ,{L~~:~ '\, ..~",¡.) ,~,!t Nov~mber 22, 1983 , It.. 113 $5,000 ALLOCATION TO BE USED BY TilE COLLIER COUNTY TOURIST DEVELOPMENT, COUNCIL - APPROVED ,·t; .4, Assistant County Mana90r Uockott sðid this iu a Colli or County Tourist Cevdlopment Council (TDC) for $5,000 in 11e said that tha 'roc is (It ð {Joint wnur~ It noe<1ø lOoney to develop information<11 <Jnd t:ducational m.3torial regárding the possibility of c reforendum .cor the Tourist Deva.1ofATlcnt TlIx (LOOP Tax). Commisolonor Kruso said that tn. rocommendatlon of mambors of the TDC, at this point, is to rocommend to tnó ;~CC eVQntu~lly to go to referondum, however, they wore uncomfortðblt.! to go to the UCC until moro information can bo d~volopud on the subject for tho BCC to decidu ,'>l, whother to go to ro!or.,ndum. "'r. Occkdtt Dl1id thdt ho would request I,:} th~t tho TDC bo roquusted to uevelop ~ I1no ilcm budgt.!t ond bring It bdCk for BCC oJpproval beforo any expt!nd1turus could bu ml1de. no said that a Budget Amendment reyuostln~ expenditure of thoso funds would only be m<'ldo when Q specific rocomnlC:nd':ltion would be mtlde by the TDC. .\,01, ~:-.,\> Ho sðid that the funds would nced to comu £roll1 thH contingttncy accounts oJnd he .:!dded thl\t it is the intf1nt t) t tilu 'ree to repay tho funds, received to tho C~nera.1 Fund If tnu ruturcndum Is succ~aßful. Fiøcul \ ""iít .,¡ : 1;[£ :r~ ",;%,' :,~~ i.! ,.\~"t ·::f.~~ .'~' ~I' ' ,,"~~ , <,'1(;" ",' ,:~ ,'~ ¡i~ '·'·~f;f. ,g,i¡\:-{ 'i~: "J~: ti~~ ','.,,:;-'; ,;;¡~, ,,:,;tiJ:, , ·:~I·if!\. ~':' " -. ..,. ~: Officer Giles said th.:1t th~ T[)C ~'H l~: :::11';/! thib ':)f.r~r if thr. n'forcndum ~~8SCS, however, if It dous not p~ss tne County would not have anything roc~lvable. County M.lnllqcr Normlln sc.lld thnt the TCC feels it noeds some type of endorsem~nt trom (he UCC th~t thuy arc "on tho right track- in pursuinq 03 LOOP T.1X. He sa icJ tho TDC members intend to approach the pr 1vato sector for contr ibutlons t~nd' support in tho total effort and that Bce support '~uld bo helpful. Commissionor Kru~o said that th. 'rOC membors havo unanimously IndicAted that they should rocommond I.."'~ UK n1S~,·:fj , '. ~ "., .' -', . ,. . "..,." .. " """····"'~"-""',,''''~..'-_·'·,,~~"'',''''=*·¡......__,..,___~_.b,...'_'.,,,.'_"'......"'"'.,..,..'.""'''''''..',,,'.,.,'''__.,,,,,« , ':'~ ;~~J;"'r".\"~~;~ ----...._----------------------------......-......_-......~ . .' ~ ...'...'.'. ' , . ',~·,t\..{ ,:\; ;,i'.i November 22, 1903 ';:~r;\;iª,L ;;~rS::.:_ rrIft 36 "'-¡I- ,[~~~ _ U .~ø. , ,:;;:cé~¡'J,' r ~ ,,',~t'~.~.!}1_ referendum to the acc. She s~id thnt Commlsø!oner Drown will now'beJ\;:~ """ ~;~~, " "1'¡' Cþ'llirman of thv TDC and sh~ Buggooted that at thoir next meetint] ..tt1~::,~;:~,~ ,', ,¡',!:~\í:"t. . ,. ,~'t¡..", "i¡,!...7,,~~ '.', 'TDC mombers should formÐlly drc1ft ð rocommondation to tho DCC to seek i',";'¡ DCC dlrvction on the matter. Commlasionor Pistor moved, seconded by Commissioner $5,000 be allocated from the contingoncy fund to be u.ed by the Col1ier", County Tourist Development Council, with the understanding the money will be ropald If the referendum passes. ~r. ~lkc Zuwalk øpoke in o~position to thu money baing tðkcn Crom tho continqency Cund ~nd øðld that the mono)' ohould como from the Chamber or Commcrc~. Mr. Goorqe Keller spoKoln oppositIon to this requost. Comr.'I1øsioner Plstor said th.at it is /11& undnrstlSnding thnt ð cortain amount or the LOOP T~x mono)' would be osod for advertising, however, ð lc1r~ur amount may b~ uacd for Improvin9 fac!lltiea in tho County th~t would be benoflclðl for County residonts.' Commissioner Kruse said th~t th~ LOOP T~x would bo p~1d by tourløta. She said that tho TDC, ðS c1ppointod by law, consists of three members who are subject to the tax, three members who are in an industry related to tourism but not subject to the t~x ðnd three elocted officials. She said that the TDC members hðve diøcussed at lcntJth ð rocommended øplit of the money the LOOP Tax would generate and had not arrivod at any conclusion es yet. Tape . 3 Commiøuloner Kruse sllld, 1£ approvod by the BCC, ðnd the LOOP Tax 900S to referenaum it will be clearly utated what tho exact split of " tho projoct rovenuo will b~. Mr. bockott reterreú to tho , , .1983, TDC minutes wh lch g Lve a complete record of the!! '1'DC ';' ~'~~~,':, ~).r;'þ,; r ~""...,........-......----.._- :,:~':,~:~,~ , '~~~!' . ~~l1:~,," . . '. ) _".-r pq- '_'w","" v,'.........""._'_.t<"'_"M..#J~'''...·'''''"'''·'._,,"'''''' ". :.........--......-.- ---- --- - -- - - ----- - - -,- - - -......, ---- - -- -....... - ----.;..-iJ c.,',: ,'·'i:.... .,,'; :~ ~,;:, ¡OaK 0791111 .:n >:yt~:li~,~,\;~, " ' "';:< Pðg e '17,~,¡,¡:· " . ':'~ :~v\~ ",\' ,,'" ' ,':?g;~(..J¿,;",';y~t:'" --------~~~--~---~-~-~~-~~-~---~~--~-~~-,. ~")·:'~"';"{~"·':¡"'-Il,r. ,"~ "",' ',...,' .', !,,),' ,.'..·.t...t...af,';-' I ,'~'Í\:¡"....,. '," "[,,) . t~"t\~:';J;J..\)ti "';t',!,,·, "-"~rp),I; ;':;':;'~1 r; '.' "'¡'~'" ~)~ ,.~tilo¡H~r~\f'" I' "'J\.p ,:~,Nf."<."~: ...,,' , , ::';:':0 '\~¡;'~:i':r(iJ~;;"; '. j" i,;,' J {',:~j~,;t" ',:',":~~":} ~~r~~J{}~~f:; !,;:..¿~?::~~ Y'(::'::";~::~; ~ovemb~r 22, 1983 that Mr. ZowalK ðnd Mr. Kellar and other lntorusted mombera of PUblic, rev10w thooe minutoø. Upon call for the quostion, the motion carried unanimou81Y~r, ,I, " Itea 114 GRANT REVISION TO ACCEPT ADDITIONAL $28,125 or STATE FUNDG IN TH2 COMMUNITY CAR~ FOR THE ELDeRLY PROORAM - APPROVED Miss Vickie Todd, of the Soc ia 1 ~Qrvices Dapartment, Bald this Is ð cucommendat1on that the UCC .:.pprovo a grant rdviaion to allow the Social Sorvicus Dapartmunt to accupt Itn 'aJdition.,l ~28,l~5 of State lunds for the Community C~re for thd EldQrly proqram. She roferrod to tho Exocutive Summary datod ll/lO/d3, and odid thorø is no additional A cðHh match required for tho funds. She said that in-kind contributions havu boon updated to c:ur'rent valUQS c.1nd situ r\!questttd th£lt tho portion of tho money thðt tho County 13 90ing to put into the v~hicle for the ðging program be counted ~B in-kind match which will oupport the initial Stato fund~ coming to tho County. Sho roquo9t~d, If tho acc approvoB thOSd additional monius, a w~lvor of the hiring froezo becauso i l " ¡ ..}~.: ~.,~ ,'~ ~ ~' ~. " ~ , :~, '1J,\ :, '''~ :;~! "p , {~r. ,~~. "~; ~. J1 "~' .'t,... "'S <:~ ", " , '>~ .~ .,0:; 'fflii "I' 1-' . ., I t~~ ,- ..\f;' thos~ funds aru planncd to bo us~d to hirn ßn addltion~l Soci~l Workor, ðn "1ddltlonal Nurses Aidu i1nd to UpgfcJcJlI:! a lIor.lemakers position into a Nurses Aide position to allQviðt~ tho current waitin~ list tor these sorvict:s. Commissioner Plator movod, seconded by Commissioner Kruse and carrlod unanimously, that the grant revision to accept additional $28,125 of State funds in the Coummunlty Cðro tor the Elderly prograa b. approved and that the Chairman be authorized to sign the nec..aary forms and contract. .' ,.. ---..-,,-----,.''"'---....... ...--..... ""..,_........_____'~_...".....¡''',....",....,''''...*',',._.._,;'.,._...'...."......""'-""""~'''''~''''''"''''''''''-;'<''~'~' ..'" ,_ tm.WJ\l .u Novomber 22, 1983 - - -- - - -- _.- - - - - - - -.-.. -.. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --.-, Itea '15 í;',¡ RECONSIDERATION OF BID NO. 680 - AWARDED TO DAVIS METER AND SUPPLY AND'~~ 8 , H SALES FOR VARIOUS COLD WATER METERS FOR COUNTY WATER SERVICE :;"\¡~ .4''-f.~ ',":1' Utilities Administrator f!erzon explained that Bid No. GSO a ppc.: a red , .;,~ 10'11 '.. .~.'\' before tho acc on October 4, 19D3, as an onnubl contract for s/a", 1", ";:/' 1-1/2" and 2" wðtor moturs to Corad American Water ~ nter Company. He said th3t company has fl10d bðnkruptcy undor Chnpter 7 and he requested th~t aid No. 600 bû roawnrdQd to D~vis Metor ~nd Supply for SIStI and 1" AUld m~ters tlnd to ß & II ~t:llcs !or 1-1/2- and 2" Precision meters at tho prices sp~clf1cd in thtt Exccutivû fiummðry dated 11/14/83. Commissioner Kruse moved, aecondod by Commissioner Pistor,and carried unani~ously, that Bid No. 680 bo reawarded to Davi. Meter and Supply and 8 , H Sales for ðnnual contracts for vðrious cold water meter. for County water sorvlce. Ite. '16 READVERTISEMENT FOR CONSTRUCTION OF 2 MG STORACE TANK - APPROVED Utl1ltieD Administrator 8erzon referreto! to the Executive Summary dated 11/14/UJ and ~xplaln~d that this is an Itum that was bid dealing .,> . ,. with tho Heglonðl "'ater System. He request.ed the readllertlaement for the construction of a two million CJðllon stor4:tge tank to be located on tho Isles of Capri Water Plant oite which the County now owns and Operðtes. Ho an Id tha t when tho bids W~ rû fhøt taken II bid wa s .~ ~" ' ~~.; " , ~ )Jtt /> .- . ',,\ ... .......--- -------- --, ._-'. . ',,;~' received, howover, b(!forc tho cont.ract was awarded quostlons wore rdised by th~ low bidder. h4: s~i(j tho Consulting Engint:ors reviewed the des19n of the proposed foundation and lIgreod thot it should be moc21!1ed. Ite staid ::itcJ!f decided to wlIlt until now to construct tank because tho neod waif not critical durineJ tho intervening ~ro'" Novombor, l!l&l until tho prtlsent time. He said that the ",,-': not be an essontial ltem until the fall o,S! :1984, ðnc.1 Steff!. .._~ Novomber 22, 1983 ... " opinion that 4 bid can be obtained within tho ran9u o~ the provlou8 ðnd that the County will have h~d the benofit of that mon~y oðrnin9 interest on invvstmont. lie requosted acc IluthorlzlStion to this bid. Commis.ioner Plstor moved, seconded by Commissioner Holland and carried unanimously, that the readvertisement lor construction of a million gðllon ground storage tðnk at the Capri Water Plant aito be approved. Ite.. '17 , : NEW POSITION or UTILITIES MECHANIC III FOR SEWER AREA "A· SEWERAGE SYSTEM - APPROVED Utilities Admlnlatrùtor ßerzon explnlnod that this is a request that tho OCC authorize the dlts1C'Jnatlon of thu position of Utilities Mechanic III for tho Sewer Arcð -A" budgt:t. He sðld that tho position ~as not tndicðted in his budget, however, he ~dded that tho funds are ðval1~blo. Ho roferrod to tho ~xt:cutlvo $ummary dated 11/14/93, which uxplains that thore Is nn individual avðilablo who is qualified for ;::~ thh post tlon. Be sc1id thc'lt the bentt£1 t of this roarrangement Is that ',~~ thtt individuðl will have full responsibility for the lift station and ,'Jl~'~ "\':. >, 'J.;" ,~ ," , :~W '\~~ , ~l the colloctlon systam which Is prasuntly $~rudd ~mong all thu operators and tra Inoes ðS wall, and he addcd this proposal will provide a greater 'f, dogroo of stability to tho lift Htéltion and collection systems In Sewer ,', ',"",^ Aroa -A-. '..-~' ..~,.:.~ Commi.sloner Kruse moved, seconded by Commissioner Pistor and carried unanimously, that the new position of Utilities Mechanic III ,:~~~ ~""1- ... :;1'~ :"i~ ,,' .~' ,-,C", ," -- '~.~~~) , ::"..,1 for Sewer Area ·A" sewerage sy.tem be approved. a. 079,AGt 43 ,. .. I,"~ . I'"~"~ ;.""~~,<,,~~ ,.'_.,::~; .~~~~~---~~~-----------~~--~---~-~--~~~ --'~'--"""-'~--''"'""''''-'''~'''---'''''<''--''''''.--''"~~''-,.--.- ",,...-,'-.,---------,,""'- ~ -_...."'"..,'-_-....'-;"""'.'~-,'-..;',-- .' .~_ ,...__<, ".'~__". ,"",,," ,_n, ... ,:,....... 10.08 A.M. RECONVENED I 10119 APPROVED FOR PAYMENT Pursuant to Roso1ut1on 81-150 the following checks wero 1ssued thro~h Novombor 18, 1983, 1n p~ymont o£ routlno billsl CHECK DESCRIPTION CHeCK NOS. AMOUNT Vendor 102913-103101 $1,339,647.35 $ 306,322.(,7 t.CC Ptl~roll 71231,-71748 It.. '19 BUDGET AMENDMENTS 84-79, 84-81, 84-96, 84-98 and 84-99 - ADOPTED Commisslonor Kruso øoved, seconded by Commissionor Pi.tor and carri.d unanimously, that Budget Amendments 84-79, 84-81, 84-96, 84-98 and 84-99 be adoptod. r ' , . '., ""'---,'.."',..".'..._.."',...'...',,.,"".;,,',',-,,"~,,._'","--~.._'-,.__..._....,,,._",,..., ".' .,-'"'...,,,,.-,..--"",,,....""....~, ..........._""",..,,.."'................;,,_.__....,'....'---,,_.,,",_..~....,"..-"....,. ,. ,,~;ff;I;" . ~",,',.'¡" " ' ,,' ::V:t'., ' I, '., ~ ,Õ' '::,:~ '~ ~tGï ."..~' ';:t.~/ : '¡;.~: ,·r;$ l~ .':~",',"~',',,' .: ~ ,~~ .,'.'.,:,~",~,i",~, . ,':,;,Ii ';'2:~ .~~f' ¡ . ,~~!t, "';'~';:~~~ '.\~~:' ·~~V~ "'I . ';'::~. ......----~---_._---_.--..--.......-- -.... --- -----...........-.........-- .......,. ' , "ii', H Novomber 22, 1903 ... 079..~ 50 It.. '20 STAFr AUTHORIZED TO ARRANGE A MEETING WITH LEGISLATIVE DELEGATION TO DISCUSS GROWTH MANAGEMENT AND CONTROL ISSUES IN COLLIER COUNTY CommiS8ioner Pi.tor s~id there has bocn discussion In T~llohðøøe. 'about who will be tho ~uthorlty ovor land use ðnd growth mðnðgement ðnd that tho ELMS Commlttoe, formod in Tnllahasseo, Is interosted in making a major change in having th~ decisions with respect to land use 0;'.. r;¡t;!o!'l tJid~'J t),'1L'Jc~: '~'I' (,; ·;"l.l"~1 J.¡;'", ,1M) that the.! Regionrd Planning Comrnlscion wo u 1 d be eliminðtoó. Ho said under this plan tho local commlosion~ra waul Ò be c.tllowed to ma k\: zoning dQci~ions within the recommondðtlonG of the Stðtc'O Lilnd UUt;.· Plðnning. Ho re!errod to iI letter fronl Comt:\l :¡sionur Loc Vaust.1, President. of the State Association of Coun~y CommloGionors Sug90stlng that it would be beneficial for tho County Commissionerc to òlGCUlu what. each County Is doln9 in the arca of land më:lna90mcnt cnd tJrowt.h ",ith tho Lot;Jislatlve DclogÐtionu, ::;0 tho LegislDtors can su~ thðt this complicated matt-or cannot be tUlndled by romote control. Ho suggoßtod th~t the LC91ølativ8 Dologation be invitod to Naples Dnd that the Stilt! could mðko a briof preaunt~tlon regðrding the Comprehensive Plan 80 the Delegðtlon will know what is beln9 donc In Collier County and, hopefully, would vote not to tako the authority for comprchensive land use plðn out of Collier County. Commlauloner Voss s~jò the clo&~r those mÐtters ere kept to tho people the bottor It Is end h~ would not llko to see the decision moved to Tea llahasseu whcr'-f i l would not bo controlled by locðl peopl G and he agrued with Commlsaioner Piutor. Commissioner Kruso,s~id that the SoUtl1WOSt norlooJ Hc"]ionðJ PlnnnlnCJ Council hð1\ looked over thtt proposed recommendations of the solect ELMS Committee appointed by the Covornor to invostlgate thin mettor ~nd on~ rocommendation th~t d18turbed the memburs of the GFRPC concocnod the ~rðln9 that the c" '-"; '~''-' 'I'! '>,.~~ c;¡~'\' .,1/,,,., , , :: l, , ':';:,'1! :'~:mi .-~~¡ " \." "'''A ' , I' 'f~~ ;. /. ~ ..;¡ , ::,:.I'~ :1;,b1;~ "<:i5i C¡J,'1.¡' ",~~~..i , ''''(M ,,":>)J "';;,~'~,'. ':'~;~ ,'Íf; ,;~t' Jt1 'f~I;~ , , PDge. 21 .,,~ C , : (, ". ,,'l , . , . ' ' ',,:,.J" . '., ,," :'::~~'.{~*" ~- -- ----- - --- - -~- ----. .....-.....-- --.....-............-..----- ......_-~-~;~,.....~~;..j .. ,·:<'~~:.'i,:; r.!ry;~~ -_.._"'_.,'"....,..,"''-'.^'''-"'''~ ........,,'. "..........."'..',..."''''"'.'_..",."'".-,"''''''',..-4.....,..,,.'"'~,,..,''''"'''''~'''''_'''' "M">-""__""'~"M""'''''_ Hovamber 22,1983 State'. Com~rohanGiva Land Use Plðn woulto! ue in effect. .{~', " ',' ,. was no indicatlon wi thin the ELMS Commi ttee :io.lcction procos. ðnd ':.' :(, . , " ' " ,~ .' "...~ recommendftt~on that tho local Comprehonslv~ L~nd Uoe Plðn would not tAke precedence. She n?r~u~ with Commissionor Pistor. Community Duv~lopment Administrator virta concurred with Commlssloner Plutor and 3aid th.3t a workshop wit.h thQ Leqialðt1ve Delegation would bo hulpful. Following ~ di~cusslon, Commlss10nor Pistor said that such ~ muuting haD t.o taka placo boforo the ond of the yeðr. County Managor Normnn said t.hat Staff will contact the Lcgis14tive Delu~4tlon ~nd find ð mutu~11y conv~nlcnt dDta for this moetin~. He rQ(orr~d to the Information in the ~~enda pðckot suppllod by the Tall.:Jhåssuu-Luon Cuunty Plðnn1nq Dopartment and sðld that thoir mooting was not ð public workshop but ð discussion with Stoff and one J;:)' 'i:~;..; ~' ":'r-''+ ~ ""~ ;', ~ <~',~ . ,'0,...1, ";~. ;'~~~ ,,~.~,'~ >~:~'" "" i'.~~~ ."¥! ,$<1 ,~~~ '~J ;'~tþ,~ ~":;~".. ',~;), . ~,~,;~~': -' ,v¡J'':;' '~:';~, . .;t:-~ "~P'~ ,,~ , .1.'.... ",'~ }..-(" , 'j:'~' .,~~~ , " ~', ...... }o '~,,~~:E " .,1''1' :·i.;t'~ ;",.t, .:'\\i ,#'_1., .":,~iõ' ,"<¿i'lls, <t.'~ <;,~ ':"1 '~I;~ ~"h. ',,:¡'" :,~ ";':"i!'~.;'. :,\,j"T :'~(':.t;' I';,,;""...~ " ,~,~.~,t: t~ ' í; Board ~omÞor ~rosont 50 thðra WðS no necossity of it boin9 ðn ðdvortised hoarlng. following continued discussion, he su990stad that a smaller group Qooting with 5t~ff ~oulù be huld prior to 4 public workshop. Commissioner lIol1.1nd 9U99ußted thDt the Commiøsionorø could meot individually prior to ð workshop. Commissioner Kruso said, in hor opinion, ~ public workshop should be hold 80 that the Logls1ðtive Dole9ðtlon will bø ~waru of public input. Commissioner Plstor said that thore should bo a public workshop. Ms. Chðrlotte Wostman, roplo.entinCj tho League of Women Votors, Gubjoct. spoko in favor of ð public workshop to bo held with th. L~gl81ðtivo Delegation on this ~ubjoct. Mr. Lloyd Sarty, roproDontinq t~. Collier County Conaerv&:Incy, spoke In fnvor of a public workshop on this .", ,~ : Coami..lone... Pl.tor moved, .econded by Commis.ioner Kru.. . ;, ":\·"",t.»~.:-.'" carrlod una"JlDouøly, that Staff be authorized to arrange a publlo'", , , 019" . ". : ,', >j'; ?:);;; :.,-;.:~:,': .:: ::~·3~~ I. 'Act51,' , ": " ';1,:,' ':'::':~~:~":~j'::f\;''.':r~·,·d'i' ¡ , " <' , ",' "... ,","'~" 'p' ...." ',' ,'" ,...... '"".. "', ,::":,",:".,:~~",/~..,,, "::·':;.;:~;::;~";:'S;·:~·<{~:~.:~:ât~~{~~~~,~:~ao"~" , '! ~', ':..:.; :'(:1' ~;', ,~': ' . . :';JI","";,!!~T"",t','''' ':~·\i;~N,í',Jt~4t~J~,..í"'!~>:~J... ;/"~'.""J.;a~ .' . - .."., '. . '., J..:' ~': ~,~..'4~'~'~'L1_:;;'II't~'\"" i:....-, ~..:{f¡;,. ¡; - -- - .--- - - - - - -- - -- - ----------- - -- - ---- --- - - --- ,.. '''''''''''''''''''''''''''__''~''''","_...."¡,,,,, _,,_,,,,_,,.,"_'.~'''.-..""..''',,_,..'H",.-.,....-"",.."',""..'.<"..,',,.....~.."""...,....,,"'..,,~'," ~,h." ,'.'" 4· .' ;':'~I' "r-~" 1 f.;,~,"i..,,~ ____.......:...._ __ _ __~_ ----. '" ,;,':,.',";:"'~'~"4~~ ;;i;X',~','¡ ", Nov_b. r 22, 1983 ,,- :(~ç' ,\" ·;,",I'.-.,:,,':,;;,~_·- 079-rr. 5,~·' , ..~ It;, .' ,,. "'i<:;'t,:'~~' ~¡~!;'¡é~tÌlÌoj \;lth the LeVl.lItlv. "';íeq~tlon 1~ Napl.. t~;';¡::~u'~~~~~~ ,<..,;/ ",,' , <, " ',""<""'" .,.'" .' ':I~¡"'df\?1f~~i~~~::~/:~Y .anagement and control i..ue. In ColUer County b.fore tho,end'of".19.8 ,"t'¡""''>,'"', "':!. . . '~~'Q. '\,- Commiøsionur Holland Baid, if th1. Is not an advert1øod pubUc ','; hearing, that tho County should notify every Civic ^ssoclation and,¿ . , Homuowners' AøøocJat1on of tho time and date of this meeting. Mr. '. Horman sðid this matter would bo included as part of tho re9ull1r BCe agonda and will bo handled at n re9ular Bee meeting. Item '21 RESOLUTION 83-214 REAPPOINTING DR. CUNHARD ANTELL TO THE HEALTH fACILITIES AUTHORITY "OR A FOUR-YEAR TERM - AD01:tTED Co..1..ioner ~ru.e moved, seconded by Commi..ioner P!stor and c~rr1eð unanimously, that R..olution 83-214 reappointing Dr. Ounnard Antell to tho Health Facilities Authority tor a four-year term be adopted. It, ....!')~ "N.! ,,;~"j \4;~~~ti /I':;;~ . '~~~ ',1~>Tl5 , I:~ J>;',~ ~';'~: "~i:)~ );~: .~. :.~ " "'",', , " , t ,~. ;' ."', . . -,','>' '~" v' """-,'"',"'",.._".........,..''''-''''._,~. ... '''-'~.."..,,_ ',·,....~_'''....','II.,__~''''''..''''~_''....,'..''''-',''',"'.'...,__,_,_.._......~...~_____~,_,.,.c,,",..,"'.,,__'""','~'., i.:,',_';-' ~_ CJ J',"., ,,~ ~ ~4:;~;: ' , . " . ~~::;.: It_ '22 ',It,..::;' .,1¡(q('¡., ~~~t;:;:,: MR. TERRY VIRTA APPOINTED INTERIM eOUNTY "^NACER ' ...., J :,,-" ~ ("J..... .~..... ,}"";.J ~p " , . \\·'¿;-',P,: -~~---~----------~-~--------~~~ ,,' ,.' f.,,;,::;j~'~~r~;!;~f¡t " t_·'·~ . .:.~ :,:/;~;'~::~~',*'~.~.'. , ~ '~~ Jill,' ">'f'O:' .'\......., ,f':!';ri;:· ~~~· "';)~~~~Ä EFrECTIVE 1/2/84''''(: . "'>¡' November 22, 1983 .,' Commlssionor Holland s~id thoro have boen numorous discuøs10n8 regarding the mlJnner in which a now County Mnnngur will bu procured. He said, in hiD opinion, it la time thðt Ðn intQrl~ County Mðnðgor bo nlllDed. Commis.ioner Holland moved, seconded by Commisslonor Kruse, that Mr. Terry Vlrta bo appointed Interim County Manager until the Bce deems it 1s necessary to make a chango. Commissioner Voss disagreed and said thuro is an Assistant County Manager who i. oporðtlng in this cc1pacity now. He sðld, in his opInion, lt 10 unfair to br1ng someone from Staf! Dbove the Assistant County Man~hJcr. tie said the Assistant County Mðnðgcr should bo tho Interim County Kðnðgcr untIl the decision is mad~ rogarding a replacoment Cor the County ManDgcr. Commissioner Piøtor Agreed and a~id Assistant County ManDgcr b~ckctt is doing ð fine job in his position. Commissioner Krutio said that Mr. bcckett h.Jd indicated to hor that ho did not wish to be t.htt County MlInÐger After January 1, 1984. Tape t 4 Commissioner Kruse said G"~ had confidence in Me. Vitta and added ,. <.~~:; ~)~~: '''',,~.' ,",1'; :'~i:!f' , ,~\t. ...~. " d\: ;':~' '\.1,11' ~I~~' ,:4-,.., :~~, 'l.~, :.}~<~~- it would be qood to a~polnt ~r. VirtÐ for the next GO days. She soid this would give him dn opportunity to rind out i£ ho reolly wanted the position on a 10n9-torm bosis ðnd that it would be good for Staff for the BCC to brinç Þ purson -up from th. r~nks". CODmissioner Voss s~id that, at this point, ~Ir. Viet.a reportc to l<'ir. Beckett and to changQ: that and hove Mr. ~ckett ropor t to Mt. V.i r ta 1s ·utter Iy r idiculouc!'. II. said he wants to see the best lI'Iðn for the pos1 tion and that ~ " ~ ~....-..-,~...... .......--.----....- -- --..- ----..... ----- ~ ~ :..' '¡','" ) :: "'~"~ '. " "I",':" " 1·';~:"',':~:i.: .,', C', .," .. -""".....-...,.".','"' .",,,,,~,,,,",,,?~~.,,,,,,,",,, "',.--...- ';..'... . November 22, 1983 .. , ,'. '. ,·,.,.,-'..1:' t: ~::,~:~'1:~'(\;,:: '...·,t..,' 8ubordlnðto: ';..V>,· i~~;'.~:~ should find out who is Inturaøted in tho position bofore a la placed ovor D supurior. CommJosionor Holl~nd said that 1f ~n outsldet person 18 hir~d that porson would como In with little or knowl4tdgu of tho problems in Coll1or County. tic) commlfnded Mr. Deckett. tor tho job he is ::foin':) .:Jnd said that he had spoken with ~'r. Beckett about thlu m~ttor. Commissioner Hollðnd u~ld with tho rango of problems in Colli~r County, in his opinion, aomeono from tho ranks may have knowledget on how to oJddru8s thoso problems. Commløsloner Voss S<lld the County hoJs "n cxcollunt :.it..ff ,1nd that the County Manager is someone who would d(,hninistcr the afft:llrs of thll Count:;. tie said as far as thø specifics of what yoes on in tho County, tho Staff can ddviso the County Manaqcr. lit! :udd that porhô1ps Mr. VlrtlJ should ultimatoly bu tho County Mðnagor, how~vcr, he added, In hiø opinion, thu matter Hhould not ba determined in this way. Upon call for the question, tho motion carried 3/2, with Commisslonero Piator and Voss opposed. Mr. Norman Bald thdt he offored his reslgnðtlon uffective January " 1984, o1nd tho ëCC did c1CCEtpt it. 110 sðid that this action trðnsfers "' ,'~~, , ,,','!).~, . -:1Jt,: ....,.:~: ....~ ' !"";¡ ;';",';1'; ".~ ';"; ./H;: , i;:'1t , /{!': ,,·iIk ii· :;' '~',~ ,rJ~~ '":'"'Vril- .4.i~:~,~: ,).'" ;'. '. , ' .", :~~ :W,' ;,,~~r - ·~._r ';¡t~~ '~i ~~. ..;¡¡~;'; " ::~'1~~ .,',' , ;~::.r.~: ':'í~'i ~ ~, ì; . ,,:',": %~~::;: "t'c~ .(~¿j:~ , t:;j~ .:;.~¡f~. :',~'1' ,t"'!, . ,,:J~ . '~¡,..')\ ",~ .,\;.i~;,: ;,>.1" "1t~' .f...;u ~,,"f'" hi& dutios and rosponsibl1tios, however, he ~økod 1f the BCC wanted him to contlnu. 1n the ulima capacity ItS was p.ut of his previous agreetmont? Co~mlaslon.r Kruse moved, seconded by Commis8ioner Holland, that the appointment of Mr. Vlrta be effective on January 2, 1984. Commissioner Hollðnd said It was his understanding in Mr. Norman's lutter of ruaiqnatlon thðt he would bo lit his off1co a couple of dðyS a ~vk and th~t his rolo in thu the dðy-to-day operatlon~ would be in a counsol cap.1tclty. r"'r. Norman øðld tlf~ indicated he would work and his schedulo has beon ~ondaY:J, 'ruesdays ilnd Thursday aftór~oo,ns~C';>~{ '~ '1' ":~ ,\ :~.},~,,:<'( ",~'~' ': ",: '~":'~~'):~~", u. fUtld ho had not lntendt:d to rel1uvo himself of t.he rosponslbl1it1Ðs:',:;',',.;f "" .',.,., ,. ...:' ,';.,·,~{j~~j,;<;~>~;~i<!:~~\1:';~ - ,07'SIfrr;t;, 55 :":"'\"·:"',v,(".~...¡,.,rv··"·""';:·"C\"l·Þág.·t2S· , .'i,"_ .. ',' "..",:. '; '·'~,~~.'\.~',!:J:::;.V~Ì:,:~¡:~t~~/;~(;i1.i*f~~~ \ ~~-~-~~----~---~~-~~~---~---~~----~-~~--'~. t',I '-,'''!_--'''''''''''~''' . _'.,".",....,.."""~,i.....__...'~;__,.."',..~"""'.,-",,..,,',",. . . f.. ~---------------~------~------------~'J?~~ , . ., .';,. .,.." {,,~I " Novèmbor 22, 1903 ',j<;i~ , 4 '-'\Ii i;J. 079rs~ 58 '\','1;;;' ,t" ':, (,"{ :' ;,<~{:~:'\ ¡ that he carr1"s ao .ssi9ned by tho ace. He said that tho A.sIstant~", .~ ~'.'" . ,~,,;~.,:', County Mana90r haG buan functioning undur his direction on a dnY-~~~~~i~ basis. Comml~dloner Holland oxpre~GOd tho bolie! th.at the Commls- '~,.~~ ;'(" stoners should adhorC! t.o thu policy of not inturfur1ng with DepDrtmer.t.,~i: L"~~ ,~;: :.i" heads. ·~··'!¡:"l Upon call for the question, the lIIotion carried 3/2, Commissioner. " Pi.tor and Voss oppos.d. Item '23 RESOLUTION 83-215 AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF DEED WAIVING REVERTER PROVISIONS FOR THE MARCO ISLAND tJOSPITAL SITE - ADOPTED Comm1Q~10ncr Holland sðl~ that It was his undorstanding thðt th~ 8CC dlscussE1d that ð rOV4.!rttlr clause be put on t.ho l.and Deed for the Marco Island UO!5pitol Hite until the hospital roceivod its CortificDte of Neod, wh ich tHUI been reco ived. I!e aA Id that thore was no roverter cl.ause from Dolton~ to ColliQr Coun~y, howover, whon Co1li~r CounLy doedeu thu lanu to the hospltul there wns a revertør cJðuse. He said thAt tho h05plt~1 has been In the procosø of raising money for the construction of this oatollitc hospital in Marco Island Gnd the people Dro of th£ o~inion th~t It will cxpúdite thu collection o! tho nocessary monics to build A building 1£ they Aru not tðxed with the revertor clAuse on the d~od. Commissioner Holland moved, seconded by Commissioner Pistor, that Resolution 83-215 authorizing the execution of a Deed waiving reverter provision. for the Marco Island Hospital site be adopted. Respondin9 to Commlssionor Kruse, Assløt.ant County Attorney Anderson pointed out ttJdt. wh( n tilt: County gave thCl hospital tho , <I ",;,", ,;,~ :,1< oriC lnaJ deed It WitS pursuö:lnt to IJ resolution that stated that ther" ",N, were to be two revt!rter clauso&;, one which roquired that the Dtted woUld~ "''>.f.;.I'! revert if tho property was not used for hospitAl purposeD or ;f 8,:,>;:;"::i~',\,,, , ':"1',', ,': . ".,~,.t~Î:'~ . ; ".¡','(¡':,,~iPa90:2~;i ;~~~~~:;~! ", ~, , , ;: ~ . , .. ~ },' ....... ...., - ..............-.. -- -' --.......................----...... -........ '- .......'.....;, ",......"..",..""_"..,""''-'-''''~'''..,-..-.,'_·__~__"''..._,'___','H'.''...,""",_"">,,, '¡'O,'- ..-.---..... --- -..-.-.-- ----- -......- -.-,----- ----.~,~I.',-,.:';,,~,,:-:,'~.::-- ~t,','~~'+Z\ :;.t.'~'.','~.,:.:,::; ..~, >'.\;",~. ",' t"" ·r .'~ "'" . .....~ _ .,' ... '.. ' , . ·,¡¡~'f!',>~'.~~t~:· .:,:''''/~..1'~ . ~~~r,(" " . , NOVl!mbor 22, ,1903. ..:,!.',\~':':.".".,' .~, '~.". f.f,.,~,,~f.;,"..,:,':~~."',.;,;,', .,..:..,::.,.",. ' .' ~ :. I '" ¡.. l' ~ .... . ,. , ~;, ""\ .. 0" .i¡,~;~H;~~,I~¡ ¡¡;~JjCortlflcat. of Noed "". not acquIred withIn a..iren y.ar.~.:"u.~.áld~th~' ~) ,'Ì'~~~,~;.:;~:',jrWhGn the Cood w"ø c1ctually drawn up and 9iven t.o the'hò~plt~;J.~f~~'~'f~t :#~,t~, ',"~, ;'~ ! ',",':' .:\,:,::::>",::r:~~¡~,~,;f~~?Æ/:-·? .:~;;~;;.::\,.. . rover tor clause that tho property would r:ovurt· if not u·øê(fttô·t:':.·tl:d~r' J¿f~i':"'; , "; ':;'::.?i¡:~;;~;~£~:' hoopltal WðS left. out. He said that tho hOllpltal dooø huve II """ Certificato ot Neod, however, he stat~d for tho rocord thdt tho Certificato of Need appears to hl.lv.t Qxpirod. Ita ::;ald that Ass1stðnt County Attorney Cuylor rosearched the mðttur and it WðS his opinion thðt the hospital at this time had claar title to the property, however, their attornoy did request that tho County 9ive them a deod freo and clear of any rov.rtcr clðusos. Commls5ion~r Holland s~id that the Cortificate of Neod has not Qxplrod, ~nd Commissionor pistor said tnðt the Certlficato of Neod has b~.n uxtund~d. Upon call for tho question, the motion carried unanimously. :" ,~ ~ ':··i~!,··:' """',,' .! :·,,~11 "~~ ~..~~~; , :'t;" ~'f; '~tf.... 4,':' ';;<.1 ~ '. ~< ,"',~ .-,--,-.....,."'"... .,.".",""'''",,,,,,",,.,,,,~,,.,,,,,,,~,-,-,,--,,,,-,'~'-'''''''~''',"~-'''''''-'''~'''''-'-''----,_...,--._,,-,,,,,,,,...,-,~. "'·>'--"'_·''''''.''-'~''-",'' ''''''I;;I'''__,'''''-''''"-,.."¡¡*,-",,",....~..',',;>.....'".,..,"">"...,.,'.....'"..."''',,,'''.'',.,~_,.,''''',..,,,,_,,,,,'",,..,,,,,,~,..,,,,,,.','.",""'~' ,J;,:~.>. . . r . :~'t~<'~'!' ·~--~~-------~---~~-----'~OV-Qm-bO-r~~'-l9-83----;~ï · 4 - . !' :~:;,t,)...~ , ' ~·'~?¡,,!¡m . ' ~ ~. ,'<~·i~¡i*' ····The following 1 toms wero approved and/or adopted unðer' )::::~, the Consent AgendA aa moved by Commissioner Pi.tor, .' ,l~ .econded by Co~I..10net Holland anð carried unanlmou.1Y.~"~~ 'It.. '24 ,,:;ji\~~ ,. ,}~)æ PETITION TR-83-10C-C, JAMES D. ROOP, R£ TEMPORARY RESIDENCE PERMI~rO' PROPERTY LOCATED IN TRACT lOG, UNIT 18, COLDEN GATE ESTATES Ite.. .25 FLEET MANAGEMENT SU~ERVISOR RECLASSIFIED TO GRADE 19, STEP 2, RETROACTIVE TO OCTOBER 1, 1993 Item '26 AGREEMENT BETWEEN OWNBR AND ARCHITECT FOR MARCO ISLAND BRANCH LIBRARY ADDITION - WITHDRAWN BY REQUEST OF STAFF Itlllll .27 ACCEPTANCE OF WATER AND S~~ER FACILITIES WITHIN THE TREETOPS OF NAPLES PHASE 2, CHAIRMAN AUTHORIZED TO EXECUTE THE SEWER FACILITIES LEASE DOCUMent not received In Clerk of Board offico as of 11/28/83. Itela '28 SEWER FACILITIES ACCEPTED FOR SHORE WOODS CONDOMINtM, PHASE 2 SUBJECT TO STIPULATION Thu sew.., facllitlt!'::¡ ror ShOrf) ~oods Condominium, Phaso :! were accepted Dubject to tho following stlpul~tl~na 1. That &)11 10gl11 doctlmonts .Jre found to be 1uCJ~lly sufficlont by tho County Attorney. Document not received in Clerk of Board office as of 1l/28/83. ItoID '29 CERTIFICATES FOR CORRECTION TO THE TAX ROLLS AS PRESENTED BY THE PROPERTY APPRAISER'S OPFICE 1983 TAX ROLL .) 1 - 106 11/1 - 11/7/83 652 1982 TAX ROLL 11/7/03 .0-, ",' ;"'''1 ;~J~ ':.~¡~ :,,~~,~~ 'J:1!"'": f::i..;~.~ '."i.h~ . '!ii.' " " " . PAge';.,,! . " '·L » ~', ',,\;.< ."i, ,:" . '. '~'.' " . ,~' , '~ ."':'i'~:";~ ...~. -- - - - - -............-..... -----. -- -,............. ......,............- - ------..~.......-..........-...--' ~ ' . "'u,,:~"'"" ·;"",'~"i .~ " .~:,.., .. 1~\J3-110 - 122 1983 TAX ROLL TANCtßLJ:: l'1::RSONAL PHOrERTY , 11/4/83 'DOC 079 PAGt 63 .................... ,'~""'''-'''<~' ______....._.~,____...,","',..',',"_,.._,,;""__..,_""'_,,"~,..,""_,"..."..'~h',""''''.,..,'_,',_''''..'~"','','"__..,_''.,''~,"_"" TIME FOR INMATE NO. 29966 .. CERTIFICATE NO.' ~400 TO BARBARA B. LUCAS t, 'i~J ;"J,~ , ';'-?i ""}('~ , ~4 ;'1 ,ç~ ':;;;;'; ':>:", ~~4· .. .' ; , ", ":~, ;,~"~!,,.:\ ,'__I :~:. ,', \' ~'\"': <'~<,"'¡: 8. Lotter dlltød 10/28/83, 'from; S,nAtor Lawton Chiles .c:oncernlng' ';::.:, , contðC'tu wi th 8ureau o£ Cenaua and expod1 ting of":1982..:~' "!.F. '::~~I '... " .. ;'\; , <,:'\,ft~ " .', ',',' Þagtþ, 2~J';'~iî. ~~""':. ,.." ',,;~}', :'; ¡::¡,:~"~':¡:;;<:;:X:~;t.M:~k>;:'~'·'I" ~------ ---- -- - - - - - ----:--- -.;....- ~---.-..~-,~.-...;.~~~:~, ~j}:. . ..":': .:.{;..~:+.?:~". :.: ;N;~;,::~\k~~::~(, .~ It.. '32 LAKE TRAFFORD MEMORIAL CARDENS CEMETERY DEED NO. 371 See Pðge t 1 See Page ... 'tMt,jI It.. '33 MISCELLANEOUS CORRESPONDENCE - FILED AND/OR REFERRED Thore boiny no objection, the Chair dirocted that tho £0110wln9 miacc11ðneous corruspondcnce be filed and/or roferrod liD indicated: 1. Doportmcntðl keports receiv~d ðnd filed: A. Librðry ~ystem 5t~tlstlcs, ~optumbur, 1963. b. <.:0111or County Museum" October, 1983. c. Voturans Services, Octobor, 1983. 2. Letter datod 11/1/B:3, fro.n Mra. hl111am M. Wogner commending EMS ðnd p.'lCamedlcö on (Jrofcs310nLdlsm in the: transport and core of Mr. aill Wagner. xc Mr. 8eckett. FLIed. 3. Lett~r dðl~d 11/3/83, from Robert J. Conbtantine, District AdminlGtrator, tlRL, re tormðtion of a District 8 duvelopmontD1 aervlceø planning group. xc Mr. Beckott. FUod. 4. CO¡)Y of mlnutos of bouthwst Florida Private Industry Council meot1ngs of AU9ust 2S ðnd fiaptember 2l, 1983. rLled. s. Letter dated 11/3/83, from ((on.,ld L. Moserve, Executive Vlrector, David Lawr~nce M~ntdl HC.:Jlth Centetr, Inc., outllnln9 pl~ns and requustin9 clðrificat10n from countt, ce 8urvicofi for lIlcohol1c IJOPulðtion in Coll1or County. l' led. 6. Minute5 - Received ðnd fl1~d: A. OChopee Fire Control Dist. Advisory Committoe, 11/2/83. b. Parks Ðna Rucreðtlon Advisory Committue, ðgendð (or ll/lO/A) and minutes of August 19, 1983. 7. Copy oC memorDndum dated 10/31/03, from MnrLon Hart, Jr., Stðff Clreccor, Coordlnðt1ng Council on tho Tranaportðtlon Disaovantaged, notifying of 11/9/83, meeting and 0 copy of 10/12/83 minutcs. xc Mr. Perry. riled. ,."." "'~,,;~....,.,...,-....~---,'---_..~.- ,--_......~'''",.,". "", >" e";;~ , "'~ --------------------------------------,~,~ '."'~:;- Noyttmbor 22, 1:3d3 " »'''/1 '" .¡f"o'~ po~ulotlon eÐtIr:1ðte for Florida, with ð copyo!~a l,.tto~~~fè, ' û. tod 1 0/2 ~/C 3 from C. L. KI nc.nnon, Deputy Director i' Buri/,i > of Cen~u. to :';;uno to e Ch llttS "t tðched. xc Mr. Hockett and'Mr~:fI! Virt~. filQd. ,. 9. Mallgrnm llatetd ll/2/a3, Croll' National Assn. of count1a~':t;~"'~~.~ ðsklng for cooperotion 1n a study of governmental flnanc101:v, stotomunts. xc Me. C;1103. f'lleù .1.!iJ.' "';1 -)~~~ -1'$"1,, . !:} 10. Letter doted 11/2/a3, from Sløtor Eileon ~ppi9, Cu~dalupe Social ~orvlc~. th3nklnq the BCC for grðnt tor food and nheltdr: filod. 11. Lettor dl3tttd 10/27/03, from :;unator P~ulé) lIawkins not.ifylng thot Veterans ^dmlnistr~tion ho1U idontitlud Loo Count~ ðS one of four potont!.:s1 siles tor now honpit31. xc Mr. Norton. FUuo. 12. Let tor datud 10/31163, f rom neprt!sent~ tivu ~I'HY l::11on Uawkins concerning continuing !Support. o! ð VA Ifospl t3l in Fort Myers. xc Mr. Norton. filed. 13. Copy of memorðnùum dated 10/31/03, from Donald D. Coon, State Courts Admlnlnstrotor ro WItness M~nngement Somlnor ~nd enclosin9 a copy of thu ~9unda. xc Mr. Reagan. filed. 14. Lotter dated 11/J/83, from Kðron ~uo Davis, Symons Corporation, rUliUttsr.ing 3 copy oí County's Notl(:e of Commoncomont and paymont bond information and onclonlng Notico o( Commoncumcnt tmu pdym~nt bond Information for work on County ~~ðstowater Treðtmffnt Pl.tnt. )(c Mr. Oorzon. Filed. . . .. III Thttre beln~ no further bunlnuss to come bdforo the Bo~rd o£ County Commlss10nora, the meutln9 was ndjourncu ~y or~Qr of tho Chair - Timel 10155 A.M. ßOAHD OF COU:'T:i COMHISSIONCnS/ aUARD OF ZONING APPE^LS/EX 0frt:¡O C0V~RNINC ~O^~~(~) Of . t.~¡¡.L .;t~Ú<1~1~ ~NDElt ¡1'~ ./)c . -yP, tho Bee on ¿J:~'/.1J /~rJ or 40 corruc: 0 a8 .;:('; . ,.',."; '~::~ .>~~ .. O1SÐçt 85 , ',; ',,'-. page;~~'ð ~,_--_~ _ ______~__ -- ~~~:~~2~2.2?b;\¡",¡<,if,[.2:i~' . . ,( "... '" >., ~. f'"'t·~~, " ,,_..~~..'''''~_e,''..,'''''''''','~,~'___",' ~,'^~....,.,__ ft_. . I MI."" ,__...~_'''''''''.'''''''~,'4;'''''.;~..~''. ,~'...".....,._.,'..._~.."__Øi,'"','~''',''"~"..'_...,._';_,,~''',',.,,''_'',,....._''''''P1''-''''''''',,,,,,,_,,,,.,.,,' ',,,",,,,,,,,,__,,,,__,,,,.,,,,., ,...-.-,