BCC Minutes 11/22/1983 W "·-1";' . ·~:l?:'i.~: . ......,¡..... f;; ,', , /..;¡.~.. . ~ -.- ."'''' Þ', ----......-. -------------.- --.--- --- - -~-:__'~~.... .' ',:1',' ' , ""!""'''''¡'~'''''':''' ;k~ ¡,t,\<', ; ." f":'¡:~ ¡ '>}.~?·"'i""~:~}i~(:" .. '." . Eaat Nnplod, Itlor1da, 'NoVGmbot;"2%;·;~. è~ .. ;,,:";:":}:"~":; ¿':~:(;\~1¡i '~.1, . LEt I'1' BE H~MEJI'BERED, tho the Doðrd of County CommløslonÎí-à:ln' an , ,.,(,"·~illII" for the- County of Collier mot in Workshop Seaalon at the courthou..llf ,. '\.,j', . '( '~,¡,' 'Complex, E~st Naples, Florida, at 11:00 ^.~. on this date with the following members presentl CHAIRMAN: VICf: CIIAIRMANI David C. Brown C. C. "Hcd- Holland John ^. ristor Frederick J. Voss Mary-Frances Kruso ALfiO PRt;SENT: £;llnor N. 5ldnnor, Deputy Clurk C. William Norman, County Manðger; and Rollie: Rico, Parko and Recreation Diroctor. AO£NDA Discussion on ðcqulrlnq IDnd (or a ragional park £~cility Tape 14 STAFF DIRECTED TO DO A STUDY RE ACQUIRING LAND FOR A REGIONAL PARK 'ACIILTY AND RETURN SAME TO BCC Rollie Rl~o, Parks ~nd Rccr~atlon Director, refurrud to tho agenda packet including ~ ~emor~ndum datod ll/lS/BJ from Public Services ^dminl~trðtor Norton to Assiçtant County Mðnð~er eock~tt ~nd D momorandwn from himself to Commianioncr Kruso dftted 10/31/83 rcgarding ð RU910nal P.uk. 110 axplainod th.:1t [¡oyoral montha "90 "'r. Hahn offered 553 ~craH to Colli~r County in respoct to tho possibility ~hÐt the County ...i1'Jht bo lntwrfJ3tud 1n th~ pCOIJ~(l.y for .J .~c'Jionèil P~rk. ilo said, in hin opinion, thin La a subjoct that needs to bo investigated in the future. Ho soid that in the mid-lgSS's tho County community system projects :1hould be completod. tie fh1id thDt, Ltccording to the Comprohenu1vu Plan, a RAgional [~rk conaists of 250 acres plus, would " f, aerve a population of 50,000 to 100,000, would to reach it of thirty mlnutus to on. hour, and .: ~ necossltate travøltlm~~.~ would includo PlllY9rOUnd~ , , , .:>j~., t1pparatus, rostrOOJa ft1cil1ties, hiking .,nd biking trail, naturo' conte'r",:.. \ " : ~ :.>'... " "":, 1..,.~ '...: '-~'~'-~"t.¡';" .::,o{Jt. boating Clnd fish1n9, picnic arlfaø and campsites, sports aroas, ~COft\';""';;.";.'; .' .,- ~'; .... I~ ,079 'AG¡ .6~." !~·:;;';if,,*,b.;i',ß(~;~~~ : 4. _ _ _ _ _ _._ __ __ _____ _ _ __ ____.._......._.-.. _____........-.-....... ,.,·~.C~·._;.,.,.".'·"'=-..·...·'..."·,,,.,_,,"',,<>,__';."'N____............ ~ .._""';_..._..........._""~..._"'___,¡."""'".""..."'....,._,._._".....~,__'""'"".';"''''''>''""~H<'_''-''''''''''''"'"'.''''..""",.c."..",.,,,,"..'-',.....""".."...,,,... ." Novembar 22, 1933 ----------,.....- -------- -------------._---,-- -----~ .* 019 PACt .69 munlty golf couraOB, brlðal p~thB ðnd open space. Ho reforrod to information includod in the ðg~ndo p~cket of two examplos o£ parks on the ~oøt Coðst. Mr. Hlc~ soid that Colli~r County has pro~orty aVÞilable the Fahkah.ntchoe ~trand thot 1G to be loft 1n its natural stoto and he Added that the Stato has shown intorest 1n purchasing this property. 110 _aid possibly tho purchase prlco or that property would enable tho County to purchaso other proporty for a rogional park. He said that "'~,~ ~~ ; ';':"'" ,.;;/. .,~~ .::~ ~t..;~ ::on~...ndl.i th..l l:lI.. :...:...nty .;'I Oul~ ~._ 1rlvolvod in community ond regional porkG and that nuighborhood and mini-parks should bu governed ,..., Dnd oporated by a developer or II homeowners association, which iø II trend 1n the State o! Flori~ð. Hv rofurred to the pro£1le sheet from Class-Link' ADoociates, Inc. on Mr. Hahn's property and he notod that tho price oC the property is negotiable in rclðtion to the cost. He sðid that Mrs. Pðt Cùrroll, from the Engineering Ocpartmcnt, and Mr. Link hAve walked thiG propurty and Mrn. Carroll hAS informed 111m th~t th~ property is adequdto for ð rogional pork. He referred to the County map in tho agonub packet and said that Stol! has conducted D small scale study in rvlotlon to this property ðnd other arODS in the vicinity and in East Naples or aVð1labl~ parc~ls of proporty. Ho said thðt a thorough study would requlrc four to six months Gtaff work. He said thðt in the futur~, in rolðtion to the need and availability of rog10nal parks, if thu County wdits there will be a similar ·catch-up situation" dB the County is now exporiencing with th~ community parks. He said thDt ho told Mr. Hahn he would tell him thls date whether or .' .' 'i. ¡:".-: I " , r,' . not the County would uu intere&tc~ in the 55J acres or whethor an 1ndepth study will be conducte:d. Respondin<j to Cornn.issioner Holhnd, Mr. Rice s:.ld that thoro 1. ð possibility that a major leDgue baaobðll fðcillty could bo included in \..¡t "".,; pag. 2:"~" . -., .;:;t:,/ -...- - --......-- -.- - -,,- - - - - -- -...,... - - - -------~..... - ..............-.... ., '~'" . . " 4 s~r~;'t::f~tt·:t-fi -~~....-..... - ~ -..--. - - -- - - -...-. - - - - - -..... - - - - - - - - - -..... - ..........~..,~.~,." :~X:';::~~{,)·,':., ., ;.;j Nov~r~bbr 22, 1903·,,;~~.:.:y,':r';\':"l':"¡;(' " ¡ _~' ,J ",_;, L','. ", ',::' 'f ' ',' ',. ...;~;,; I, ,::j,~.,,:,),. the U910nal park. He said thðt t.he Chambor of Commerce 1.'111\1"0'" " '~. .~. ,:'..'; ~.(., "~_::. ,. :,' Ÿ, .A.:K1 W~, <- . >, ",~ ,', I:. "";->':~'¡"w.' 't:'~~ , :','. ~'''.......''~' .'. . . I :- ."".'1" ....-<1: - -' ,t .v;.':J . ,." . ~":!.cìxplorln9 the poÐolb111 ty of 1"1 mdj or lUc19UQ bAseball fac111 tY):Ð~d,¡:t.t\~ :;::'i,::;":;"':':';~ :~~ curently looldntj ~t the new tiwomp Esuggy Groundø, ho~ev~r','?;~'~iP~:~i:~' .' : " !- '.:-: ~:7 ~'--11.>.(!~t~l, a problom of fundint,J. Mr. rHco riald that there i&l tho opportunlt.Y:·ló~ . 'I' '" :/:~(~'?' tho County to pArticl¡.1l1te in a Lnnc1 c1nd Wator Conservat.ion Fund for 8'»,1,,, /, .~l suggested it fund inCJ W.:J Ð not ðVc\ !liAble from any otht:tr sourcu that .0 referendwt\ ohoulcJ bo considorod. Ite polntod out that 1f Proposition I goos thro~)h thdre will be dHClculty oper&1t1n<J Any pðrka. Tap. '5 so/so grant for a r"'Jon.s1 plUk. He Bald thnt tho financial t1run'Je- , ; . ,'. menta would have to bo determined in tho ~forementlon~d study. Comm18s10n~r Kruse sald thðL the GtQto wants thu County's of the FahkahatchdG Str~nd and thore mäy be the ponsibl11ty for a land' exchange wI th the St&1tlt. She SU<1qostud that this property h.. brouqht to tho attention of the Touriøt Dovelopment Council wlth regard to a major league b.1seball fac111ty. Commloslon~r Voss said, in hit:¡ opin10n, the su~j~ct of n reyion~l park ahould be explored und he ,:f~' ~I'-l~l: ¡;:Ú '~ .1'" ':7't., County Manaqur Norman point~d out thnt Gomo time .190 thv BCC directed th~t. tho County Attornuy prap~,e D laase, and approvod In concept, tho leasln<J of thv Fahkahðtchoe Strand to tho Stato with the County to reserve tho mineral rights. lie said that lease hQS boen draft ad, hOWdver, th~ draft 10 currently bcin9 revIsed for ~tðto review. Commissloner pistor expressed his concorn if Proposition 1 90U$ through and if the County has obt~lnod the prov-rty undor discussion thore will not be the olAsticity in the County budget to support a Reglonal ['ark. lio lIgreod that th\!ro should be II reforendum on the S ubjec t . ^ dlacua»lon land swap with the Stato tor the ~ounty property In "..', ~ . ·.>lV . :'" ... f'~'" , ¡Ii"',..., "", '" ,: ~:~'.. '" ,.'.1~1~;~.~\i :," . '. ", '.. . ..~ ,.' . ,',. ,',.. ,~., I' .' '.'.."."_".'.""'."'_'_"""""""""","~,";'-_______,~"""__"_,"...",",,,,,,.."_"'_'___'_"~_""""""""""'_'.""""~.;<",_."_"",,._,,,,.,_;,,_"<A-~...",,,._..~,.,...,,,..,..,......__,~,,.....,,,,,~".,.....~~^-~~ · . . ." .,.;'l.~:,~'::~-i .'~ .-,,'<"~<~~1,!~. ..".....,.._____.-______.-......-....---4..4-----. _ -._-...........,____.~~~~~,~~ ':'~~',;t;~:;;!}:r:~·.~'/'· '.; 1"" , 'Novamber.22,1983 .7I " covored with Commissioner Holland pointing out In the preservu if this camo about. the room at 11115 A. M. " fl." . ,'.·<~.:,;>:r.~' ,;, to Commlsølonur Holland, Nr. Rico Æutid·thattho' åtû could bu do no in-houso and hø roquoøtød " , what'dopðrtmonts would bo inv01v*d 1n such ð study. Co.mi..ioner Holland ~oved, seconded by commi..ioner Kruse and carried 4/0, with Commissioner Vo.s absent from the room, that Staff be directed to do a study regarding acquisition of b Regional Park and return the Information to the SCC. .. "...., ~. ;::Z~{} \: ,":'ì,t:i ·..r,~ :;~~; ..~~ ~:~\~~f ",";1> .' .Ì". " -- " Thera being no Curthar businos. to come bofore the ß08rd the meeting was ðojourned by ordar of the Chair - Timo, 11:22 P.M. .:::.:,~ , ';'--f,ì \'~'~/". "]ij >;'¡t; ::\j "";~I'(' ',',f,'. . ,<!.. ~ ~" I ,;'~ , '.S;¡' : ~ ':~~~;'T(t .:~~~ ~ ~".;'- ':;~;. , .. ;t ',r " ... , ". ."' ~"':.,. -,; ,', "":/",, ',1#./ ~ '" ~'.\~:¿Ú(~/,· . :(:: .~:J;·~~~"~I;. '~;~¡~~;;J;~ ~ - -- ---- - - __~:fl!.~i~~~t¡~f/èj¡~~~' ¡~"~~):;";: i:;.~j;, ';:i.'~·" ""{\';:. .:: i ,':;m~,1t-?1~i:~~~~ ."~--·"';~"""""~;"'·"'''''"'''''''''"__'"''''''''".__~''",b''".C."-',,> .,-,·--"·,-.·,·,"'"h-",,·,·""'.,,_,..,.-____,_...._,,.._·..."'...,.m.Ø;\*."_..)-~...""'''''_....~_,_,,,,__..;......'".'<....'..''..''',.,..,'...;>o,.....'''''''''.._,..,~',';",.......",..,"'"W_".......,...._'...""..._..'.""·",.""·.,^.~~"~""<"