BCC Minutes 12/13/1983 R ":~~~:~~.:< .'...... ',' I',t. _ :~ .".' . . ...... -...-- --._-- ..- ............ --- --- t . . Naplos, Florida, December 13, 1983 ¡ : . ;":".' . . 1.£'1' 1'1' BE REMEMBERED, that tho Board of County Commissioners In 's·':'i~>...:{. .¡,...·,)~)'!I,I.'$,I\:Z1 .nd for the Count.y of Collier, and also ðct1n9 a8 the Board ot %on1n9 ;:~,;;~r.~~", , iI : - <to. Appeals and as the governing board(s) of such spechl districts ðS have<·f:¡'~...>~. , \~ ~.:,.<~;;~~'~'-;-~~\ baen craatod according to law and havin9 conducted business herein, ¡not' í'/;;:~' l' . ., ~ . .. ~.. on this date at 9100 A.M. In Re9ular Se..lo11 in Building "F" of the Courthouse Complex, East Nðpl.s, Florldð, with the fo11o~lng members present. I I , C tlAIRMAN J VICE-CmU RMMI J David C. Brown C. C. "Red" Holland John A. pistor Frederick J. Voss Mary-Frances Kruse ~' .~~ 'ff. .'~';'~' " . .J .. ~' ~'~""',' .. .¡.. . ·~·+l1(4.. 0' '~:';J I .. . ALSO PRESENTI William J. Reagan, Clork, James C. Giles, Fiscal 'f"" 0' ., ,. ~ " Officer, Maureen Konyon, Deputy Clerk, Torry Virtð, Community Deve10pmont Administrator, Billy P. Beckett, ^ssistant County Manager, Burt L. Saunders, County Attorney, Knute Hnrtmbn, Publl~ ,Works -.., " '. .' Administrator, Irving Borzon, Utilit.les Adniinlstrðto,,:Caorgo I . Archibald, Transportation Director, Loe Layne, Zonlri9·~lrector, ^nn Ober, Planner, Chris Holley, Administrative AsslatÐnt to the County J . « Manager, Mdry MorgÐn, Supervioor of Electlons, Nell Oorrl11, Public Safety Administrator, Bob Fahey, Solid Waste clroctor, 5nm Cold1n9, . ~,~ '. . ¡ Property Appraiser, Grace Underwood, ^dmini5tratlv~ Aide to the Board, and Deputy Chief Ray Barnett, Shoriff's Department. , . I . . ....; . ~. ~..... . . ," '. .. ". ¡ \ ,. :i I toOK 019 p),c,t 24:2 '#"'. , ." ~.; . ,''t, . . ....~' .' '-'fi'~') r"'~~:" ~. . :¿~..\' 41U' .. . '. PAge 1 . .... .'. . "do . ..; 1i<iÞ"...·""\.,· ..' . , ,h . 'i..' ~ ""';' \,' ·"tl't':~~{.J," ,";þ. . ''\O!'~....~~,..''*) .. , . '; ~. ." '. ... .,.....«~::f:., ...... ~ ........___ _.-.-. ____................- .------....... __ _ _ _ ___.__ ..... _'--i .... ........ ~'.;:'~"...~.~;;. _ '. . '. '<;~'_1,~;~)',5:' '!i". . ~".."",., .. ........, l ~ , . "J," , ",~.,...,~.~,........."..."""......~._"",..,---- I__.~__~"""'''''H.''.~' "._,.,,,, ...""'__..""".>".''"a....' ",~.."I ....._ ______,_____"--_ __ -.__.......____""'-____....~___~~ ~~-~·1--:,--,----- . . '~:.;.,~.:.':~' :. ~~:'.'-'..;,'H>~ ,\' .' Due umbo r 13, 1903 ,.::..;j~~: ,,",'¡ ,1"J":'",7"" r . :, ;.t,'1 f,q.}....ï.~,.·,..·. r ~ ¡i··~··,:~:;:l./. "J~t.pe '1 I '({:~,t.. 'l.t·~ '. ' \~#I'.!- i . '. .;.:. AGINDA - APPROVED WITH CHANGES ¡ ,....'. '" Co.-I..toner Kru.. ~oved, socondod by Comml.810ner Holland and carried unanimously, that the agonda be approved with tho following change.. (Unanimous) a. Item 9B2 ro 4qroement with FlorJdn Po~ør , Light Co. lor widonin9 of Pino Ridge rODd - continued to 12720/83. Item 9C3 ~dd.d ro ~mergcncy fèlief for Immoknl~c. - Item 9Dl .' continued to 12/20/83. Item 9E4 - contlnu~d to l2/20/83. Item 13F addod re request for Nnples Wildorness Dir~ctor. Item 14^ addod ro GtorDgo facility for voting m~chin~s tor Supervisor of Elections. Item 16A - Public Petitions - Withdrawn. ';~~ b. c. d. e. f. . , 9· It.. '2 MINUTES OF NOVEMBER 15 AND 22, 1983 - APPROVED Commissioner PIstor moved, seconded by Comml.s10ner Kruse and carried unanimously, that the minute. of November 15 and.22, 1983, be .. . . . .' approved. ...., ... . '. . .. -" i It.. 13 . EMPLOYEE SERVICE AWARD PRESENTED TO MARGARET POSTER POR 10 YRS. OF SERVICE '1'0 COLLIER COUNTY .. .f Commissioner Brown read Ðnd prosented the employee sorvice award to Margaret Foster for lO yuars of service to Collier County. It.. '4 PETITION R-B3-2lC, LANDEX PROPERTIES, INC. ~'CbNTI~UED '1'0 1/24/84 COlluahaloner Kruse moved'" aeconded by COlAml..ioner Voss and ,,4 .~. ...1 ,Ä\ ~1i, ',.~ .,~'," ,'.Ct,. ~; ~~ .' carriod unanlmou8ly, that Pe,~1t1on R-83-2lC, Landex Propert1es, ,Inc. be" ¡ . ·..t'" continued to 1/24/84. Ite. '5 PETITION R-83-22C - LELY ESTATES, INC. '- CONTINUED TO 1/17/84 : ~~ . CO_is810ner Vo.. moved, seconded by Comm1sa1oner P1ator and '., . ' carri.d unani~ou.ly, that Petition R-83-22C, Lely Estates, Inc. b~.. I,' ^:?t lOOK 079 PACt 248 ') Page 2" ... . ' : ,.' ..." ~ ¡,~ ~., (' .,...-., ..........,.....- ....-..............~ ..-.....- ___ ..-...v-- "~'I ", ,. ".,..._~....,'_.~-~-""'..""""'''_._..._--,~.._-"......... ..'.....,_..."....._._......._.......""".,,-_...'"'-...,'-""'''''-,,,......~~...~'" '.~ . , ---_--.--- --------- '001 019 PAGt 249 Decomber 13, 1903 ' contInued to 1/17/84. It.. '6 ) RESOLUTION 83-224 RE PETITION PU-83-22C, KENNETH W. , SHARON S. DANIELS, REQUESTING PROVISIONAL USE .p" OP VILLAGE RESIDENTIAL FOR -THE OYSTER BAR- IN CIIOKOLOSKEE - ^COPTED, SUBJECT TO PETITIONER'S AGREEMENT AND FINDING'OP FACT :! Planner Obor Ðtatod thüt thio provloionnl use Is nocessary to rooPQn the Oyster Bðr Rostður~nt' which 18 located on Chokoloskee Drive, add1n9 that Stðff ðnd Ðll county agencios rovicwed this petition and recommended approval subject to the stipulation that ðny alteration to the property shall roquire approval of the County Enqineor prior to construction. She indicDted that tho CAPC held their heðr1ng on Docember l, 19B3, and b¿¡5('d on thldr Findings of Fðct, recommended forwardin9 this pc~itlon'lo the UODrd for approvDl. . ' . Commissioner Pl~tor'quostloriod why ft provisional use has to be appliod for, to which Planner Ober stated that tho rost~~rðnt has been " closod for over a yeðr and, therefore, tho petitioner must now re-apply for a provisional uso. Commissioner Pistor moved, seconded by Commissioner Kruse and ." , , . , '. , ~ t carried unanimoualy, that Resolution 83-224 re Petition PU-83-22C, .. Kenneth W. , Sharon S. Daniels, requestin9 provisional use .p. of village residential for -Tllo Oyater Bar" in Chokoloskee be adopted subject to petitIoner's ogreement and Finding of Pact. ..t 1 ' ,\ .\ V· 't: J.<.. ..,' ." ....... ;~:,~ .- ...J:' ,\'. .." ~ I . . , ~. . . , >d(~ tÀ:,,¡; ,', ,< :";,i'~ I)~: '~~ .. ~~.; J',f~ I: ' '. '., : ;' ¡ ";";-r ""',:' , Pa9. 3:.:G~È~~~ ..,' '0, ~ \H.\~.o::~ ~2:'\'I~i } ... ..'~. . . .";,' ., . :~ 'O~".. ~ ~....~ I(' . , ~'.~ ~.\(,.,.' ,~ f -¡---------- - -'- ---- - -'-:---- --- - -- - --- -.....~_....... '" .~~~;~;,f, , """".<~""---"" ~..,.,.,... "'.~"'..""'~,"'< --------------------------------------------- 'OOK 079 PAr.t 25,5 It.. '7 RESOLUTION 83-225 RE PETITION PU-83-1I, FIRST BAPTIST CHURCU REQUeSTING PROVISIONAL USE ·C· OF RSF-3 FOH A CHURCH AT INTERSECTION OF SR-29 AND LAKE TRAFFORD ROAD - ^DOPTED SUBJECT TO FINDINO OF FACT AND STIPULATION l'c:c ("",UtH 1:l, 19!:) 1'1anncr Obor Gt.1tcd thr1t thl s 1~ a rf:quost. from tho Pi rat Ððptiøt Church to bulle: " church, ô1d~lr.'-J thnt ~tc¡f:f cJnd c'll1 county l'IgcnciC'tI hðVO rtlvi.:wt'c! this p(:titlon ùnd 1'C,comm\'nch:d ~'pprov<1l subject to the stipulation that dct~il~d sJt~ drainage plðns be submitted to the County Engineer Cor rcvi~w /)nð tlll'lt no conntruction permits sh.')ll be i8SU~d unluss Ðnd until apµrovH! of the proposed con~truction in Ðccord~nC'c with th(o !Suu:"1lttt!C: f.ll.'lns is IJr.:1ntcd by th~ County I:nl)incer. She indicaled th~t th~ Immo~ùlc(! ^ru~ Pl~nning Commission h~ld theIr public he.:.arinC) on f'ojovc':1ber Je., 1'.J£3, Dnd bDscd on their findinCJs, rocommended for\of.;\rdlny thi~ Jl.'t1tion to t.:H~ nee for IIpproval. Commissioner Kruse moved, secondod by Commissioner Pistor end carried unanimously, that Rosolution 83-225 re Potition PU-83-11, First Baptist Church requesting provisional uso "C· of RSF-3 for a church at tho intersection of SR-29 and Lake Trafford Rond be adopted subject to Finding of F~ct and stipulntion as above mentioned. t,' . , " :.. , ",',', L,~,;"l.~i,. {i:f~: " ,'J"~. l:';,;" "::;~~i: ~.,.' ' ,,\ 1/t' '",'~~ ~..' 'roge' "~"?~~; ...~..... - ------ ~ ........... - - - - - - - - -- - --. - - - - - - -.- - -..... - ---.... - -- - .......... . :~J~tt'.... :;:'ýt:~':',"·, ...'"L,.,.·.~.."·.,..,,.,.'...,"_·. .'..~.'..,.__;""."'."..."""'_.__._..__"'_",,.~""""_.,_" ':>' - -- ---- ------ .-...... .- -,......... ,\",¿\ "1"'''' " ";"'~If~"': ":,:.,.,;,:.if,:c;,:,.',¿,,,,{.: Dee: embo r 1 3 19 B 3 t ' , ~Q:., ,.' ;>,:,,··.',,~,":'·l·,,~J.',·,;," ',' .¥.if.~<.."" . . ,It.. 18 ' ' ":~~' ";!A~PLIC,..TIONS BI S.....LL CITIES COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRIINT PROJse:;:~i· ':.;)¡¡,rOR SOUTH IMOatAL£! FOR HOUSING AND COMMERCIAL JOBS 1M PAC': PROGRAMS _/'.¡, ,'r (y:' APPROV-D ' ':~;~ ,.", . Q "~ . ~ :I, ~f Community D.VQlo~ent ^dminlatr~tor Virta ctnted that this requost ~¿t~ ... -- --------......------- .; 'Is from Staff for two Community Devclopment Block Grants, ono is undor the Small Cltios Program for a totðl of $666,100 ðnd ono is under the Jobs Impact Progrðm which totals $~58,500. Co.-l.sloner Kruse .oved, seconded by Commissioner plstor and .... . .) r, .j carried unanlmou4ly, that the application. re Small Cities Community Development Block Grant project for South Immokal.e for housing and I .~ ':~ ..~ . co..erclal jobs impact programs be approved. ,.' :. ' , , ; " ..... .~. . . ,. 'r'f . . ~ , !: . I.. ,."j,-;J/" .·1 0/: j,,~ :,'" '''-, ,- .. :'r'~"";" , ~ , .~ '. ,} .,...' '" , " \OOIt 079 PAGt 260 ,,".. ~ ......,. " ; ~ ~M".~.Lj Pacje , ~~,::;~ ..('" w., .~.': \" , ' ... " ,. -;.','f.'! ." -----------------~ '~--"~"';"",'~"-"--"'- ';.;... ¡~ ao~ JJ79 PA~t 2TI C,-'~(~rnbf)r l~, 19(1j <"I . ,..:~ , " ,rr: .,.,,'j'. .~: (.~. :-ì. '. ' "." , "·'r .. :;':Y<1 I.-'t. LITTER TO FDO'1' INDIC^TINC COUNTY COMMITMENTS RE rROPOSED ^DVANCE FUNDING OF LAND ACQUISITION COST FOR THE FOUR LANINC OF S.R. 951 - APPROVED . . .~~ A 't; ", ;"':/" i'f_.~ T r lJ n Ð IJO r t l.I t 1 0 n !H r c c: tor 1\ r chI b n 1 c.J n t oJ t c d t h .H t hIs i a t 11 0 E ta t C': ' S ,;:' .';' ,.., .,-,..,-. " propo"Ðl for tt.(· fOIJ1-1/lrdrHj of s.r,. 9Sl fron U. ~. 4l to Marco Islðnd, ðdding thðt th~ &tðt~ has ~ritt~n thv County and 5ubmittad Ð finÐncinl " ~ . f'l.,n (or contlnuin9 t:ll: four-hn!n.J "(forts o( f;ttHt! Hot.lc.J 951. He nottld t/1Dt thn lc:'ttcr [t~C('ivcd (rOë1 th(: f.tè!tr. is VI1C;u~. llco st.,t,~" thnt the Environr.1c'nt,'l lr!1}".Cl ~:t.ltCr.1~nt (or ~).H. 9~1 hùs beef, compl~tccl and approved. Ilc noted tllr:t thcr'~ Is D proposed ill19nmunt Cor tho wldt'!n1n') of the ro.HI L,nd thl.. ~t,tlL' h:!s ~ul) ;11tt.cr! 'I [lvl.! yc-.1r work progf.:1m "..hich cillls (or thl' rlght-o!-\/.)y ûcquisition in 1984 hnc1 1ge5 i\nd the construcllon to [olJow t n \.. r~,;, f t (' r i n 1 \,;~' ... ~.." or 1987. He:: rC~Jortcd théll thlJ £)t<1t~ hdU dl..'Unitl.' plc)nu lor the four-l<'lning of thc~ project, addil1tJ t II h t t h co r ~ is, n Ql,1L' v ... I, ~ i' r 0 h !I,m 'PI 11 i l~ h i G t /I ~\ t the ~; un c h ð s no funding to continue tl1.)l r~ro)\)ct. tic nott:tI th¡;¡t UU! St.1tr.'s b.1Sic . propos.1J 1:1 \:.hùt t/1I1 fUtlJrI~ projt.'ct. b.:: the result of..l 1J0n~ lasu\.' bc3cked by tollG. Ht.! stl1tcd lhðt th,., ~tðtc is lookIng "'t a Un..ncc pIcn thiJt tW1l ¡;¡ lot o( c.:ohl/!¡itlhtlnt¡.;, but tll(: urH,Ierly1nl) r"yulrcment i,.. th",t the bond1ntJ of th(~ r('\tJcl [or tht: conr.tructlon of thc· rocJù in th'.~ irnmediat.t; fut.uro tin tJ.·IC".~CJ L-y toll:.: ano .~lg0 bf1 plc.d9c"~ by tho Count~"ti 9~9 tc"lX. 11.... utðlcd th.:t in con:lidûrlncJ tlH' toll ~ >proéJch i\nd the I- f in¿;¡nc~ µl"n, thl: tCC II..,,!; t\/O ..'xtl <:I:¡'..:.' t() conr.icier, ant! hC'ln9 t.O ind1cat.p. to th~ ~tf1tl. th¡¡L it ll,j ¡ st· tc' rOM1 ilnrJ it will bf2 up to thl"~ to undertbk(> tta' £lrt.1n::ln:1 ¡¡fI'. till COllnq' he indcq.lt:nClcnt of th..'I\'. Ill', ot.,toc! thc:&t. 1! this ¡.>o:Jitinn 1~ t,')k01"1 by tho County, th.... four-1nninq of ~*,' Sit !J51 will hH d\.'l,'ycHI rn.:.ln)' y,wrt;. III.' notcc: thaI. th\.' Ot.tl<'f extrmnl.' in ,)^"<,, consid~rin'J th~ Cinl!nc1ng fJl.1n ~;oulc! bt; for tlw County to Dupport thCt ,'~:~~; , . j ,~1: ,! ,', ,":~ toll nt.ud1t:ß Ó1nd tilt: IJropos\~1.! bonel \\1th tltt~ bond boinq .-. " ,;,,,",;, ,.-.".... ,,' ,;",""'....,..,..'"'".,..... ''''''H'''''~'~'"' .';~"_".....,"_.,'I..··""~,,._"'.....; \IIj"~" _"'",""'.,.~;,. "'-,., ,'...,. ";H>' ',..,m.", ,. '--'-"'~-''''''''~----'''''~.-'''~ --- -----------------~--_-.... 11 ___,..,.-.- Dec~mbor 13, 19~3 by tolle, and that the County support any comm1 t~ lentø or jo lnt ,,'-'greement. wi th the State Department of Trans~rtation. . Commissioner Pistor questlonod If the 6tate had money to do the desi9n end en9ineering for tho road In their budget for this liscnl year, to'which Mr. Archibald replied that this was his'undorstandlng but he has not roceived an updato on the situation. Mr. Archibald stated that the letter received from Mr. Pappas, the SocretAry of the Floridð Dopartment of Trðnsportatlon, Is an-indication of a plan Dnd is a very preliminary step. Ho stated that as a result of . po.siblo commitment on tho part of Dolton. to provide tho " ''''~~ .<'.'?~ ". "n ...',-->:.v\-'~ , ":~1f!it , _f,' ~ ~'~;". . <~~ " , ,c,'..; .', ., ", 'J rIght-of-way, the County is r;olng to be in a position to respond to Mr. Pappa.' letter and indicate to the StDte that thoro is a need to take'a' . . second look at the ri9hts-of-way Dnd possibly with a substantial " reduction in ri9ht~-~l-way costs, the projoct will bocome more feasible, the State commitment m~y bo increased, and th~.County .¡': .... .' commitment may be docroased. ,- Mr. Archibald utated th~i one of the commitm~nt8thDt i8 being made is the postponement of pine Ridge Road Extension, addin9 that . there 18 a possibility of a portion of tho pino Ridge Road Extension bein9 done, but instead of four-l~nlng the roadway fro~ 1-75 to S.R. 951, it: may bo two-lanec1 only for the til:!e being. He stated thðt this doe. not chDnge the money for other road proje~ts except for the issue I" ,..;.;;' ';' ~ ~...' of Pine Ridge Road which thø ~?~nty can somewhat adjust. :;~:)~ . ' Mr. Keller, Presi~ent of Collier County Civic Foderation, stated that the pooplo, In Coldon Ga\:e Estates aro concerned about tho ðel«1y on Pine Rldgo Road. C Tape '2 "~(¡'" ~'~-"';"..~ .., Comaieeloner Plstor .oved, seconded by Commissloner Voe. and ",;( carried unanllftously, that the draft letter to Mr. pappas, Secretary of ;' ,~ . '. ..~ ^ .",~'~ ,'1frP......' aOOK 079 PAGt 278 ~-",p 7 ,,', .. "..,.,;¡,..,\ ~ )~l~,:~;'ï l' "' ,,'1", Page ..:'",,"'" :.~~~\--~~ _...... .....a.- ~..............-...... ______.'",...._ _..._.---...- _...-_ _ _ _ _ _'......_..-, __ - ~.;:..;"...... , ";.. {,~~ "::"" :I.'~;'~r:i,'~! . ¡t~~!~' ,......·~;;·""..,o. '"."',._,.<'.·..,"~,......"___~'_n_ _·-.....r"....~1 "'...."..." .-!,Y. . '~~ , . . ~, ~.. ,\ -....---- -- - - -- - - ~ - - - '--" - -.-----.--- -- ---'...... -- - - - - - - - -..--. ~. 019 279 December 13, 1983 ,oot Pl~t the Florida Depa~tment of Transportation, Indlcatln9 County commitments with the necessary conditions re proposed advance fundin9 of land acquisition cost for the four lanlng of S.R. 951 be approved and that the Chairman be authorized to execute the final draft. ,~~ . RICOMMENDATION '1'0 PURCHASE RADIO EQUIPMENT AND CRANE PER BID '686 AND '1'0 HIRE DECK HAND FOR THE LCU - APPROVED Public Works AdJl\ini8trl~tQ'r Hart.man stated that this is a reco~mendation that tho County purchase tho crane which has been previously bid out to H. F. Mocon Equipment Corporation in Ft. Myers tor a 40 ton usod 1978 Link-Belt Model LS98A. H~ stated that he is aSking that a deck hdnd be hired ðnd that a radio be purch~sed. Commissioner Pistor moved, seconded by Commissioner Kru.e and .' . carried unanimously, that the radio equIpment and the crane per bid . . 1686 be purchased as ~ell'cul hir1'n9"a deèk hand for the LCU. MUTUAL AID AGREEMENT REVISIONS TO INCLUDE THE INDEPENDENT GOLDEN GAT! FIRE AND RESCUE DISTRICT - APPROVED , Public 50toty Administrator Dorrill stðted that this Is a , recommendðtion to approvo revisions to the County-wide Mutual Aid A9ree~ent for various fire district., ðdding tha~ in 1979 every fire district and tire department within the County signod an agreement that was most recent~ witnessed in tho Immokalee fire whero various fire departments would cross boundary lines at the request of othor fire chiefs to help fight firas. He stðted that ha is asking that the County approv~ thvsa revisions to include the new independent Golden Gate Fire and Rescue District. Co..I..loner Kru.. moved, soconded by Commissioner PIstor and cArried uneni~ously, that the Mutual A1~ Agreement revisions to Include the Independent Oolden Gate Fire end Rescue D1strlct be approved., \, Page 8 (~ -~ ----------------------- '",.~ "'11:, "'~ .'/1:1; '\r~, :,t'.;~·"1..~; ,,~"i)t ~. t -,t.'j:. " '''':ý*...;>; .,:1t,;.f:w; t""j...,.........",') . .~:...~::;:;/ ')' -; ':.;,~;~( , .. II I' { , .. . . ~ I't" . :;S'; ~ ~' " . . ',it' ", " ".' , ,-' ~ ,{.~\~ ,",~;o. ~'~!t;,;:M..; t' ....._ t~ .. . . ' --------- --------..... , , ,-I r.; ~'t.,~i'~r,~~t ' e}~ooc . 079 PICt 283 December 13, 1903 ';~'i';: " ':'ß"""""'~¥,(Ir >·'It.. 112 'í'~t'1'..(/1r: ··t\. '", "..,J,,:;) ":'I'''~'.,'. ;~."""'~~ ," '~;i~,LIASB AGREEMENTS BETWEEN ARKELIAN BROADCAS'1'INC COMPANY AND acc FOR THB:~:~,';,ít"',¡', .'f~ CONTINUED USE OF TOWER SPACE FOR MEDICAL TELEMETRY COMMUNICATIONS - ,'>;~¡~'!f,;. " . : APPROVED.,'\'.' .(~ ~J', ",lIi" ')-$ ~ \ ~", recommendation to renew for one additional yet": a lease a9reolnent Public Safety Administrator Dorrtll stated that, this 1,8 a ~.~, between l.I l~cðl radio broadcÐsting company and.~he Board for the US8 ~t tower Sp4ce tor the EMS telemetry equipment redio channel. med 7 nnd9 to provide In-the-fleld telemetry capabilities botween EMS and Nðples , .. Community Hospital. Com.lsaioner Kruse moved, seconded by Commissioner Holland and '.' .·..1.. o' . carried unanJ.ously, that the Lease Agreements between Arkelien Broadcasting Company and the BCC for the continued use ot the tower apace tor medical telemetry communications be approved. . ; '. " " , I: ,'1, . ". ... . ., .~.: , , Po . . '.. , . ~~.,. ,;,'Ç '#"....., 'r,' 'if'" . ' ','¡,' " 1'-:- 1\ , .' ..~, ....~., ,"" ,. .. ~ .'. : ,. ,- . . <1'112,;" ~,~:~: "';', ':1']1; , ".,~" . ..~... 'f , ,%H!, ~ 1! ",..;. r ',,\ 1 ,."'''-,...,''".--.,'''....----...- ....'..."''''.-.".,--,;- ----- -----------------------------------------.-. Dee: embo r 13,· 1983 . ,.', Ite" 113 AUTHORIZATION GRANTED AND NECESSARY BUDGET AMENDMENT APPROVED fOR UP TO $5~000 FOR EMERGENCY RELtEF IN I~P.OKALEE Public Safety Administrator Corrlll stated that this item was added as an umer9uncy at his requeat which deals with tho Immokalee flro sltuðtlon, portlcul,Hly the rclh£ I1nd r~covcry cffort. He statod that at tho time of the fire last week he interpreted some chnnges in Florida Statutes that now provide for Counties to be able to declare a localized state of emergoncy which Is very similar to what the Governor can do by Ex~cutiv. Ordor for the entire State. Ho Dtated that he Is asking for the Board's approval to spend moncy within his emergency ~anagemont bud90t to provide for basic neceosltlc8 for the 77 or 78 people thðt lost overy thing th~t they had. He stated that ð relief " fund has boon created at tho Firat Bðnk of Immokalce, adding that the efforts have been sQtisfactory and donations are still bein9 made. He stated that lDut Friday he was faced with a situation where ho did not think that there would be sufficient' funds for the weekend to provide for te~porðry housing, clothing, food, ðnd medlccl prcGcrlptions. He stated ' that whon it appeared that the funding source would not last, he asked for money, adding that the Fiscal Officer advised him to rescind the roquest based on tho inability to meet the pre-ðudil requirements that are placed on the Clerk. He stnted that he would liko at this time to have confirming Board approval whore ~~nding sources are not available and where the county can meet the pro-aud it requirements, . ':00, ; adding th4t he moans where t~ore Ðre approved invoices to pay the basic ;, ... necessities for t.hese people up and to J"nu¿HY 1, 1984, in an ðmount not to exceed $5,000 at this time. He stated that thoro will continue to be funding sources through tho Red ~ross and 1n tho Immok~le. Rollef Fund that was established. He stated that ho is requesting approval of theso expenditures from his budget. \DDK tJ79mca.3UO pag 0 1 0 ., ~'{ü' ~ -- -----..-.........-.-...----- ------ - - - --- ----- -------- -........--.......-- --- .. 079 Pl'it 301 Oucember 13, 1983 Commhsioner Vosa 'luf.lÐtlonod 1 f thiG money would only bo spcnt if other lSources are not aVllilðbl., to which Mr. Corrill roplied aff1rmðtlvely, ðddln9 that he is only asking to spend tax money in tho event that the money from donations Is insufficiol,t to meet the needs dur1n9 the holidays, up until Janullry l, 1984. Commissioner Voss moved, secondod by Commissioner Kruse and carried unanlDously, that authorization be granted and the neoessary .' budget ADendment be approved for up to $5,000 if necessary for emergency relief in Immokalee due to the tire. MR. JAMRO APPOINTED AS MUSEUM DIRECTOR Eyr. 1/2/84 AND MRS. nARTNER AS MUSEUM AIDE - APPROVED Public Serviens Admlnlstrðtor Norton stated that a Cow months 490 he appeared beforo tho Board and recommended that the possibility of 4 . priDarlly volunteer operat~d mus&um be 8tudied. He ntnted thðt the Board authorized thðt this matter be studiod zmd to temporarily assign - . Mr. Ron Jamro to the Museum to work with the one member staff in that locatioo. lie stated that since that time, he has observed that Mr. "aDro has done an excellent job in that cDpac!ty, IIddin9 that. tho ,.. volunteers have been worklnq out very well in conjunction with the full-~ll11o staff. lie stated thllt hI! is r~que:Jting that following the 90 day temporary ðssiqnment of Mr. Jamro that he be appointed as the Musewn Director-and that Mrs. tlDrtner be thu Museum Aide. . " Comaiaaloner Kruse moved, seconded by Commissioner Hollard and carried unanimously, that Mr. Jomro be appointed as Museum Director effective January 2, 1984, and that Mrs. Hartner be appointed tho' , Mueusã Aide. ..... Recessl 9145 A.M. - Reconvenedl 9a55 A.M. ..... " page 11 '( " ., " ~, - .' , . , "iil' ",';':~,ç, .::,>\~) ';:·~~lt·> ",<.,. ~~'''''i'' ,·:~;~;}¡¡~:.t ,- - - - - ~-- _._~ _ _ ___ _ _ __ __ _ _ _ _ ____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ _ ____.a-. ,', ",.,..:. , ..,f' ;"".;\ ;¡\ ,ft·; . "...{ ,):è, .!'f: ,¡¡~~ . ~.£'~ ,Pa90 12 "~I~~ ~~ J' t " ,'!'f~i .'-ro:' --------------------~., ,,~t¡ , ":,:::1. .~:~ D~cember 13, 1983 It... 115 ',' MASTER PLANS FOR MARCO ISLAND, EAST NAPLES, AND COLDEN CA'1'E COMMUNITY PARKS - APPROVED Mr. Tom Peek of wilson, Miller, Barton, SoIl' Peck, Inc., statod that Mr Wor1s of Revenue ConsultDnts, rnc. is tho gcncrðl man89cr of Oglebay Park and the ~heelin9 Park Commission, ~~eollng, Vest Virginln. H. stated th.:Jt Mr. Wads ia pr~sent this dtlto to give a betef slide pr..entation. Mr. ~orls stated that he will aid with tho donign of tacillti~3 and put them in the proper order so that if it is desirablcL,. revcnuus can be produced from Bome of these facilities. He stDted that he runs tho only self-sustaining park anywhere which 9~nerates over $10 million a year. 'Tape '3 Mr. Worls gðve a slide prosentation showing OlJlebay Park and th¡, facilities that could be used a8 well DB the philosophy that noeds to be taken into consideration. Mr. Peek stated that the maste~plðns·for MDico Island, East Naplos, and Golden Gate need to be formally approved~ He stated that since the workshop a few wooks ago, there havo boon It few minor ch!lnges that have made. Ho briefly described the master plan for Marco Island, adding that the nock of the lako has beon deleted but thQ size has Sncreased slightly to the south so that the overall sizo of the lake has remained tho same. He stated that this plftn has a gymnatorium, parking lots, racquetball courts, volloyball, "bðaketball, shurf~oboðrd and horseshoes, tennis complex, and the lako with canOd and paddleboat, as well as concession aroas,'· j099in9 trails and picnic areas with ð maintenance area. Tape '4 Mr. Peek stated that tho East Napfes site has ð bðllílo1d, 'D~~ 019 t.\r.t 302 --- ~.....----......- _.'."__".' .__~~ ,_. ....'. _ ,.-...., ~""'''''.·~,,'',·,,','',.,_·'.m· ~.-.,"""'...~"'_........ . :~: ':".,' "i ~~~\ l'·~'r . .,;,\,{ .¡J"', ,~ ':~, , ,I ., .----- --- ---- - -- -- _......_-~ ------------- ·'t,.~~:~, ,',', ~~~~; . '", , :·'~t:"J~ ",^d "'''¡ ;;:j~ ",::,~ ~',I "'-"5 ." 1'-~Jn ..... -.-.-.. -- - -'- -....-.......- - - - - - - - - - - -'- - - - - - - - - -- - ----.--., --- ---'--"'~ "":i~;,:~ -;;¡;;;q .,~,...-;: ,'~i~"" '''4' ;.,e' .,'.... ~9 ~ D.comber 13, 1983 .. u,. ~~tM) 'basketball, and tennIs courts on the school property next to tho 8ito~ He ,stated that the master pl..1n includes ð football/soccor field, tennis , " complox which would ba for the County system and has provisions for ~s many as 17 courts In tho area. He noted that thero would f-f. an.' administrative meeting room, a future gymnðtorium, ô 2S m~ter swimming · pool, a baseball fiold and tho mðintenðnco bullðin9, (IS well as j0991n9 trails and picnic DreDS and pnrking faciliti~s. He reported that the Golden Gate mðst~r plan includes softball fiold., bicycle motor cross facility, olympic swimming pool, tonnis and racquetball, administrative complex, parkin9 facilities, picnic and fishing areas, dock areaß, and a chlldren's play ðrea. Mr. Mike Zuwðlk, reprosenting North Naples Civic Association, stated that with reCerence to the North Naples Community Pa rk , they do not want It noxt to a se'ieor treatment plant and they are paying t.ho . most tax dollars in tho ~reð and ~hould' receive the bost facilities. Commiasionor Brown questioned if Mr. Worls has eve~ put a park next to ~ sewer treatm~nt plant, to which he replied negatively, adding that a park haa bean placed in a hvavily industrialized area which is surrounded by a coal plant and ðn operating steel mill. He stated that it has been a vcry popular facility. Co.mlssioner Voss moved, øeconded by Commi.sioner Pistor and carried unanimously, that the ~aster plans for Marco Ialand, East Naples, .nd Golden Oate be approved. Mr. Peek atatdd that he hðS been workin9 to devølop dollar costs for tho difforent components within the pnrk, adding that the revenuos of the bond Issue were reviewed as well as tho expenditures. He presented to the Uoðrd a momo from Heary Management And ð ~ummary of the expendlturesðnd r~vonucs for the bond issue. He indicated that as September 3~, 1983, a working capital WðS loft of $6,270,455.33 . . Page 13 ", .. .~~.,,~ :.~ ;¥t; .:~~Jj; .J1i , ",",~ ...r¡ . ~ " !.~ " , .~ ;"';.~~¡ '.?F, ., :fi:~.: , \- ~ , i ,,1;. .. ft'" ", 'i~~ .1~ ,; ,oJ .~ ,'~ .~J;:1 ----------------------~----------~------~~ Decombor l3, 1983 , ,..-. :;W: , , after the necessary expvndlturos were made, adding that after the additional estimated exponditures for the parks that have not boen acquired and the profe..ional sarvicos and surveys, there will b~ an ..timated bðlonce of $4,24S,9G3.~8 ror con~truction of all community parks. Ho st"tcd that the estimated component costs do not include sl\;u dovelopnent costs, llC)hting, ate. lie indicated that the cost components and the revenues and expenditures require no nction and is si~ply for informational purposus only. .';~~ ';þ ';{,,\; ',.,1" . 4··i~; .~~~ ,',\- It.. 116 SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT BETWEEN BARNETT BANKS TRUST CO. NA, AND COLLIER COUNTY FOR ACQUISITION or GOLDEN GATE PARK SITE - APPHOVED. RESOLUTION 83-226 ACCEPTING RESPONSIBILITY FOR ADDITIONAL EXPENSES INCURRED BY DOT DURING REALIGNMENT OF ACCESS ROAD '3 UNDER GOLDEN GATE COMMUNITY PARK 'ACQUISITION PROGRAM - ADOPTED. CHAIRMAN AUTHORIZED TO EXECUTE RIGHT-OF-WAY EASEMENT TO DOT Publlc Services ~ministr~tor Norton stDtcd th~t this item has .. three parts and requests approval for the supplemental agreement for the acquisition of,.n additional l.07 acres which is created by the realignment of the access road. He stated that .~he acreage is critical . , J f to the design of the park. Ho noted thðt tho request is also for the Chairman to exocute ð right-of-way easement with DOT and ð resolution in~icatlng that the BCC would take on responsibility for the additional cost incurred through the realignment of that road. He stated that after the BCC assumes thðt responsibility It is baing pðssed in the supplemental ðgreemont to the owncrs or the property or the ~ellors of the property, adding that the ultimate rosponsibll1ty wil1 be ~no sellers. . .~l "J'¡"'~ .;,-. Commissioner Kruse moved, seconded by Com~isslon8r Pistor and \, carried unanimously, that the supplemental a9reeMent between Barnott Banka Trust Co., HA, and Collier County for the acquIsition of the Colden Cate Perk Site be approved and that ResolutIon 83-226 accept~ng I the responsibility for any additional expenses Incurred by the DOT ,~ :-~;:. '''11*: '* 079nr;l3ß( Pa98 14 .:1 -~........-- -..- -.- . .~~~' ..'~ ----------.---------- '" ~ .I.. ....--.-._.____ I "'____ ---- I(~ 0191'1!:!3Œ> c".ombor 13. 1983 ti,;~Urlng the realignment of access road 13 under the Coldon Gate 'tJ;; eo_unity Park Acquisition Pr09ram be adopted and that tho Chairman b. ';;f;:. ~, tf' authorized to exocute the right-of-way easement to DOT. .~ '- ~. t~·:,·; :\ . \ ,-:; . , ..~~... , ,;'~~r' ,~. ' ~}~ '.. f'.' '. . ,- ~ ',' , ., " t '~ " " " " , . \ , . . ~ . PAge 15 , , ___"_,.....~_.,._.~_ .,~~_,,_Þ-....._..____,,_..-"'...__"'..__._..,,_"""",._,_...._."~._»_',....,.,........,.~.._..,.."..."".._;=.,_,_.~~,~_,~~"^....,...., ,..'"'......,...,_ '1"1.·_, ----------------------------------------~~ ,i'·" ~; to'~: l. ''':)P ( 1';, 1 '.It' :; ,}N Tape '5 Ito" '17 CONTnACT AGRI::EMEN'1' '1'0 COASTAL £NGIUE£RING CONSULTANTS, INC. FOR ENGINEERING ^ND MONITORING SERVICES FOR THE WIGGINS PAnS DREDGING PROJECT PENDING AVAILABILITY OF FUNDS - APPROVED Admin13tr.'tivc1 ~;(Hvir.:t'f~ /"d~inl:.;tr;1tor Hollny fltèltud th(,r. this 1:3.) rocommr.nd.ltlon to ,'\\u;rd :.rw r'Ul\tr.'ct "'¡I'L'I,!!nunt lor cnrJin~t'rin'J ,Ind r,¡onitor1n~ s~rvicos !ot' ~.h~ "tC'j'Jin::; P,l!:'D I:rc:dr¡inq projocr.. C0i:1m1:';!1 iOf'lcr Pi :.;tor lU·.':,a ion\'d ';/t", ro ::'I\~ funds would COli(.' r r()hl, tö which i"r. 1I0llcy st(]tud thiJt, :;ul,jl;ct to cw.)i!abillty of funrl:J, it f'loulcJ come from tile L,o.lt.in'J :III,rOVI,¡;;,,:nt non1,.::.I wh1ch th~ Coutl':y lu provi<.:1nq ùnd th\.' colit.ribuUons (rOI:1 tat: conc(!rncd clt1hc"ns for waitt!n·:] 8.Jfoty ,..tileh Is :'ppro.<ll1lùt.vly '~l,:~,¡;G(;. tI.] ..It.iJtcd that. i! thl.! {un(!s are t1v<1il.:Jbl", th..· Count:~· \,(Ould í.ro:::~'I~(J ¡'I'd iJccomplish ¡'Ill thr\!o ye,ns o[ monltorin,), /JdJlr.1 tl1.lt If till.' [LJnULi .\(1..' not ¡Jvdl1..:l.>1<.', tt¡>.' COnGUrVdncy (:1roup hil!} 1ndic'IL'1d tt1,It t.ney "'111 uupport. th~ monltorlr.q program once tllC éWù 11.Jult! (un\.1t> ,~ ft..' I.'Xf)('nJ'1d. Commissionor Kruse movod, soconded by CommissionÐr pistor and carried unanimously, that tha Contrðct Agreement for engineorin9 ðnd lDon1torin9 øervicoa for tho Wig91n3 Pass Dredgin<] project be <"Iwarded to Co..tal Engineering Consultants, Inc. pending ftvailability of funds. 'DIK U79ß~314 PðgQ i~;;:': , '~4'! j~:(' ::'~, "~¡:i~~'" , Pog. 17 i':I;¥~~¡'~ '\<'!'.. ' ".$"" t~__________________~_~______~_____~_-~~ '~ :~!.,~ ' "t':~~(f:: ...-.-.------,,-.------------------.-.------ lODe 079 PAr,t 327 It.. '18 CONCeSSION AGREEMENT BETWEEN COLLIER ~OUNTY AND MARCO RIVER MARINA, INC. FOR THE CAX^MDAS PARK BOAT RAMP - APPROVED December 13, 1983 Admlnistri!ttor of Mminlstrl.ltivv Services Holley stated that thlø Item has been aovorðl years in the the making, ~ddln9 that this ~ a9reement has now boen put into final torm. ~ f .', Mr. Richard McMahon, representing Waters' Edgo Condominiumf . I Association, stated that this· condominium is directly next to where' the boat ramp 1s being considered. lie stated that tho ....sociation objects to the park and problems th~t hðve becn crcated by the park. Ho reported that tho opposition to tho fuel pump facilities and the bait and boating supplies 1s based on tho fact that the residents feel that adding those facilities would go beyond the original purpose of the park. He stðt~d that he ,wa~ted ~his considorod an ðll residentiðl ~ area. He noted that this agreement would chango tho character of the aroa and would not really servo the public. Commissionor pistor stated that ho did not think it would be a major disturbance to the area, adding that a lot of people in thøt area have asked him to put the fuel facl1~,ie8 in. He noted that \t will be a public park for all and an attraction end benefit. Coastssioner Voss ~oved, seconded by Com~ts810ner pistor and cArried unanimously, that tho Conce.sion A9reement between Collier County and Marco River Marina, Inc. for the Caxambas Park Boat Ramp, bo approved. .' ----...... · '~,t~~ .....,.'?; ,".. ~,:,:~;:~:~:,~~' ,'\'.;/".,1 . ..f.. . ~ :; ':':b~' ,";,(,,' ~, ,,",' " ., .,., ;¡¡;', ' . "·wi" " . ~:",lif" ¡"f¥,'::' ..,~! ~; , ' \' , '-I . ;. J ~: ~'. it, " " ...' .;,...:';"'::,.. ~------- - - - - _.- -....: - -- - -- --- - - - - - - - - --- - - -:- -.-.:--- ¡/)~~ "~.,: .;,:èe /,,"~', . '_'~t ' .';'\''110 : ,,', I ..) ·,'t.',· )¡ ""i.~ Doc~mbÐr l3, 1983 it.~n~339 CHRISTOPHER HOLLEY APPOINTED AS ACTING HEAD OF THE ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES DIVISION, EFFECTIVE 12/12/83, WITH ^ 10' INCREASE IN PAY DURING SAID.TENURE - APPROVED As requested by Assistant County Manager Beckett, Commissioner Kruse moved, seconded by Commissioner Voss and carried unanimously, . that Mr. Holley be appointed a~ Acting Head of the Administrative Services Division, effective December 12, 1983, with a 10' increase in pay durln9 said tenure. REPORT REGARDING THE TURNOVER RATE IN THE SOLID WASTE DEPARTMENT AND FILLING or THE VACANT SOLID W,1.STE COORDINATOR PO~ITION ., APPROVED Assistðnt County Mðnagar Beckett stated that a report regard1n9 the turnover rate In thp. Solid Waste Dep~rtment has beon submitted to the Commissioners, adding th~t thera is an emphasis on ~he role of II\ðnagoment in solving t.ho problem thnt. exists. He stDted that ono reason 'for that is because thio 11:> ð vcHitlblo that the County clJn control. He noted th~t oth~r [ðctors mcntioned in the ropor~ cannot be controlled by the County, but some of the managemont findings and recommendations CAn be implementod and could very well result in {Dvorable effect on th~ turnover rðto. , ,r, Com.lssloner Voss moved, seconded by Commissioner Kruse and earried unanimously, that the report re9ardln9 the turnover rate In the Solid Waste Department and filling of the vacant Solid Waste Coordinator posItion be approved. It.. '21 RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR ZONING CHANGES TO BECOME ErFECTIV! UPON ArFIRMA'1'IVE VOTE or SIMPLE MAJORITY OP THE BCe - DENtED , County Attorney Saunders stated thðt this Item was conslderod by the ace on October 2~, 1903, anù it has been requested that tho BCC eonslder this Item At ð public hOiHinq th1ø dllte. He outed thllt It - '.j / j paç¡_ 18 ----------- . .....:. ,,;H.~ --_.--._...:...-..-~~,~, ..r', - - - ";<. r.'."._-"""";_"'__,·___<.....-...-_~__.._"'..~....".,._,_·.;.._··, r¡¡¡¡¡ - &uI7T . ..., " -~-------------------- ------------....;¿ :'l~ . ".IV ','~ DQc~mber 13, 1903 involve. an c'1mendment to ChcJptor 67-1246, Lc"Iws of Florida, 6oction ll, to provido that zoning chongas can be effective in Collior County with a simple majority vote of thø entire memborship of the Boord after two 'advertised public hearings. He noted that the existing provision in Chapter 67-1246 ruqulrl's th.1t Q super majority, l.I 4 to 1 voto, be obtainod prior to tho effcctJvuness of Dny chango in the Zoning Ordinance. Commissioner pistor stl'lted thoJt rather th.1n ch£lngÐ the roquirt;mont " for a zoning chango to a simple majority, he would rather soe the Comprohensivo Plan be changed to ð 4 to 1 voto ~nd h£lvo bot~ land use and zoning requiroments the Sðmo. Col. John Boebe, rapresonting Lnkewood Civic ^ssociation, stated that ho does not want tho super majority requirement changed. Mr. Georgo Kellor, ropresenting Collior County Civic Federntion, .tatedthðt he is roquesting that the Gupcr m~jority roquirement remain the sarno, as zoning is the most important action that can be taken. He noted that it . zoning ch~ngu is desirJble, four Commissioners should b. able to como to c"I consonous. Mr. Mike Zewalk, represunting North Nðples Cívic Association, stated that he wanta the zoning ordinance to remain tho some. Ms. Jeðnn~tte Boucher, representing thu League of Women Votes, stated that the League is ðgainst adopting the proposod resolution to ch.nge the zoning rdquiremcnts. COlQlllissioner Piator moved, secondod by Co}%\mlss10nor ,Holland and carried 4/1, (Com~iasloner Vo.s opposed), that the resolution .' \ r.qu.s~in9 the zonln9 be changed to a simple majority be donhd. C~m.isslon.r Pl.tor mo~~d, secondod by Co~~lssioner Voss, that the County Attorney be directed to look into Chnpter 67-1246 regarding changing the Comprehensive Plnn to a super majority. ZtDi U79111;! 340 Page 19 --~-----~~~-_._------------------------~-~- ~---------------------------~-------~--- , ~~;;;¡' 1, '. ~I .", "'1*. ;, " :1" .. ~ ~~' "I.\:j ..:~~ .!:,~, ~","~.' JUDK 1J19~1'l3l1 .Docembor 13, 1983 CommisGionor Plstor stat~d thdt thu County should be consistent in voting regarding tho Comprohensive Plan Dnd Zoning. Commissioner Kruse stated that she Is concorned that Comprehensive Plan changos Dre going to bo turned into zoning petitions. '. Tape 16 Upon call for the question, the motion failed 2/3, (Commissioners Kruse, Holland and Brown opposed). Ite.. '22 RESOLUTION 83-226-A PERTAINING TO AN ACT RELATINC TO COLLIER COUNTY, AMENDING CHAPTER 81-364, LAWS OF FLORIDA, AMENDING SECTIONS 2, 3, AND 4, AUTHORIZING ZONING INVESTIG^TORS TO ENFORCE AND ISSUE CITATIONS FOR VIOLATIONS OF THE COLLIER COUNTY PROTECTED TREE, EXOTICS, AND ZONING ORDINANCES - ADOPTED FOR PRESENT^TION TO THE LEGISLATURE County Attorney Saundec~ 6tnted that this item refers to an Act which recommends amending Chapter Ol-3G4, Lðws of florid...lJ,I to allow the zoning inveat19~tor to enCorcu tho provisions of the protective tree ordinance, the exotics ordlnðnc~ ðnd the zoninq ordlnDnce.. Commissioner Piator movod, seconded by Commissioner Holl,nd and carried unanll1ously, that R.solution 83-226-A pertaining to an an Act relating to Collier County, amending Chapter 81-364, Laws v: Florida, a..ndlng Sections 2, 3, and 4, authorizing zoning Investigators to enforce and i.sü. citations for violations of the Collier County Protected Tree and Exotics Ordinance, ðS well a. the Collier County Zoning Ordinance be adopted for pre.entation to the Legislature. , , ..:·-',1, "'\'. Jt.,,~~;.,; 'Ii f.,.", " 0; :" :';.,~. ,,' . "''\i' , ,.~.e Pag_ 20 , .>':~.'''' r-". , :~:~{~, "'~~ '~%F~ ~\t!,~ "r; ~!). J --------------'-.'.. -~------- tl .." ........ 41 .. -_-:_----- ------.--- ----- -- - -- -,,-- - - - - - --- -þ..- ------- .:.iI:".:c:\tH'r. 1 J, l~'~J:! Item 123 GROWTH MANAGEMENT POLIC,{/PROCEDUI~E \,ORKSflOP SCHEDULED f'OR 1/5/84 J\ND COUNTY LEGISLATIVE DELEC^TION TO UE INVITED TO PARTICIPJ\TE - APPROVED ~o",munlt:.y ¡;'uv\~lOf4rl\'nl :·",1~11\1:H,L"~'tOt' '/1 rt<l :Jti'lt.\hJ ttwt tlH! Fropofwc.! workSho? '...cU~ C1~µrov',Jd f.or thl: C'HH\ty L~~:JiGl:'ti'J" :J¡~1(!c ....t101'\, d'..!dln'J tt'¡tl thv only ti.'.H,.' t:\.,t. t,:1l:; 1..~\.'t.iTl"j .:ouhl hI! Iwl~:, (:'':l~()r:jln'J ':.0 tiw Ltd']1sl.:ltivu û\.:ltHJ.)~1on, !~ on ï~tJl':'.( clY mornin'J ;Jt ¡(.,:!J( 1\.:"., .j<JI1U,1r,/ !j , 1 ~ J 4 . I:~' ~ t i.I t..: (J c. :-..~ t ~ ,I,' i :..; r 1.:' u.· :s l in.} t: h.. L L 1\ i;; <.J /.1: U ..J n ci t hH! :.:, I.' c1pprovlJd. Commissionor Voss moved, seconcJed by Commissioner Holland 8nd carriod unanimously, that thu qrowth monðgement policy/procp.duro workshop be 8cheduled for 1/5/84 ~nd the County L091slðtlve DelcgDtion be invited to partlclpðte. Itam '24 IMPACT F~ES TO 8E INSTITUTED fOR ROAD & BRIDGE - ^PPROVED County IIttornc:y :;.)undtH!i 'J.jv~· oriJ] rq."ort on Irnp/lct ~C(~:J, ¡:oIJir.(J tn.1t c:lt vDrioUfj tlr~l.:1\ t:1C bce !1ah ':lr"ct,~r! :jt",ff tQ h'( ~. 111':0 1r1p."\(.:t fces to be ¡Mid I)y :JL'vl.dop\.!r!) Ivf ;'Il\.:lì chil1f)S .1:.) litiliti,'S, :\o¡)d~, ,1n:1 f'o1rku, H~cr~....tior.. ¡.I..' ~t,lti,d tlloIL to c,lfl!Cl.:llllto tile rC4ul:~t nî. th·... DCC, htl cHik~d Mr. l'rr.,J VO;j ;.m:Jn t 0 ~1./(..:nC1 ~OI:10. t ir.ìI~ wi tl\ It iln J 1 HÇIl~5 i I"J impact fc~t\ in ,).:n·.!rid. :;c ~~t"L.!,: U1,>L 1:1 lSl~( , i'~r. \oi>:.>m".n·~; fir.TI rcprastrntt!d 'olliut County ..11.~n t:,c 'om¡:l1t3:Jion l".'S 100K1n') into il!'\pi\Ct r~es. ¡Ic st.'te(1 t!:.1t tliV ¡,ro,~:>:::.)l .Jt I::¡,)t t.i~H_· ~1"1:j "ot il,¡,l(.'mi~ntèd by th" UOc:lr1, .1dd1n'J ti1¡lt :3inc(' thdl t.i...v t!1IH..: rl.1!1 !>ù\Jn :>i]ntfic;,"}nt cl1t'lnl.jl.l in the lðw rl!')ilr(;ll1:J Imr;cJCL [.;;'1....1. ¡"! !:~t.. t~J th.lt bl~C,"}U~'f~ oC the significant Ch.1l1CjC in tilt.' iel...., it would be: <1ppropri<3tc for him to /UJGlst th~ lJo<'trcJ Ii: uwy ,;ucu!c to :HOCç,:d \dth ir.lpc")ct (ues, ,1ddinq that it Iii hi.s rCCOJ;¡ ¡:(!nd.ltlon tt1,It th,> 1.'();Jrr.1 t.'1k~ i") l()ok 'It impact fees for RO<lù & Dr i~lJes (1 rr.t tJCC<JUHC U:\! CounLY ~1,i!J ')I.>ncr,")tcd .:I qCI.!.:tt d~(')l of cll'It<1 throur)h the.: l!ffortH ot. th(~ r"p.t~opol1tlln 1'1,"}""ln'1 Council. HI! ~b( '079it!1~1346 11011')0 ~l ------------------------------------------ , ' ",.'" '"'~,;~: '. " ,,~. "·r..,(. ~^t: -:. t~:~~~:3~7 th~ ~~rn~s. i~n-c ~,~t~ D::·::::C~':' W~:~} ~~.~ ~: ~g,.- - - - - ~ì :,f~i" .' >t'", ',/:~ .,,':, -\"¡h ;,,,; ~~~\' . '~', inlpact tlJ<.:!), an ordiniJoc\: could b~ rJ(.·vt:lotJC'rj in a short ptHioo or t1mo. Ho statcù thðL if th1~ i:ï LIII! Bo¡;ru':,¡ choice, he is rcqucstin<:,1 thl'lt Mr. VOSSlilðn tJ~ retlllnt:u lIt 11 let' or. approximiltcly !'27,OOO. 11... st£\ted th.')t an econor.\ic consultiJllt woulú tHIVt.' to b~ hirr.d which would co~t approximately $J,~\l10, ddùlny thùt. thebc fc~~ could be recouped froln the impact fe~s lh~t or~ CQllcctc~ (rol~ thu developers of "oðd , Hrid~cs. Hu Llte>t"ù th,:¡t III' \lOulr~ t:iWl' t' dr.1ft oruincJnct! by the: end ot fcbrutH'y 19~4, lIùdinf) th.1l c~urlng til(; Inor.tta of "'¡,Hefl, workt>hop:3 could 1.)(.' ht.d,.; with ur:velopc:r!> t,o rl'v!e·w to'.' (,H~!1n~~c,". 11(' Gt.~tl'd th"t the fin~j ordln.:ncc.: coulc1 com'oJ befot'.: tt¡·,' I'o..r~~ t)' the r:llcJdlt: of ^pril. (;on,mlssiofll'r !\ru5C 5t·1t.:r.; t:¡,It. LlI'.' uOlJrcJ chO~jC not t.o use· /<1r. Vossmån's rt~cor1mcnd"t.ion, I1cl:1in'j ~lìlJt. tht' only ttdn'} thi'\t th': bovrd coulcJ put <'In impl\ct 1.1.,,,: on .:.t lIt..i. tin.: ,""I:'; ¡'urk". Conll!\ißGionbr Vos!.> st¿'l~(, tll..t LII~ uoure should fir::.t. ino1cc'ltc thé\t thuy t:I~lic:v(.' th~t trltd(.' shoul,; t.t~ ¡¡¡¡¡.-¡.t:t i(~t.'~; on rOûdz, ðdc.:1ng thiJt if this 1s donu, the.':1 hirinq r'~r. Vonz:n/ln could be d1!\cU:H'I)d. t.:o :ìn.itì~iont!r IÜu¡-;,.: '-juc;,tiorH',j if thf.:st.' ImJJ(jct fl..'t:s would inelud<' ðny permit iSSUdJ or just on Jvvl..'lopurL, to which (;ounty ^tLorncy 5ðundcr~j rc~J J.e~d ltìdt thit> could /.)1' C1ct(~r¡ninct1 ùt tta' tlr.lc till' ordlnllnct: i~ IJrq,uqllt to th,' Bat.n;. CommiS8ioner Voss moved, soconded by Commissioner Pistor and carriod 4/1, (Commissioner Holland opposed), that impact feas bc institutad for Road' Bridges. ***** RecesBz llzS7 ^.M. - Reconvencoz 2z00 P.M. at which time Commissioner Holland wns lIbsant **... Pal)v 27 ·1 ,.)~~ '~:1t.1 ""~t ~~)~ ~ ';''Þ.- .. ~::~~ . "~~.:i,~ ,....f:í "(, _ b. __.. __ _,~ __._ .__ _ ,-. ...- .--- _._- --- -..-- -------------------------........... ------ _.~ - ----------- -- ----- ------....' , ------- - IiIi2 ~\~ .....: I~ ~'lal1c r 1 J, 1» d :~ Item '25 ROU'1'IN~ BILLS - APPROVED FOR PAYMENT Pursuant to Resolution 6l-l50 tho following checks woro iSQUOÙ through Friday, Docember 9, 1983, 1n payment of routine bl11s1 CHeCK NOS. AMOUNT CHECK DESCRIPTION Vendor 103543-103B61 $1,50e,a2(j.S9 It.. .26 BUDGET AM£HDMENTS 84-137, a4-1J9/1~O, 84-143, 84-145/147, AND 94-150 - ADOPTED Commissioner Kruse moved, seconded by Commissioner Pistor and carriod 4/0, that Du~get ^mendments C4-l37, 64-139/140, 84-143, 84-l45/147, and 84-150 b. adoptod. ~~ '07n~'=l ~148 I'("(J~ ~':1 ------------------------------------------ -----------------~------------------------ Dec~mber 13, 1983 Ite. 127 STArr DIRECTED TO SUMMARIZI RECOMMENDATIONS or ARTHUR YOUNG MANAGEMENT REPORT AND REPORT BACK '1'0 ÐCC WITH RECOMMENDATIONS. COUNTY ATTORNEY DIRECTED TO CONTACT UNIV. OF FLORIDA IN TALU\HASSEE REGARDING SEMINAR FOR COMMISSIONERS RE GOALS AND OBJECTIVES ,on COLLIER COUNTY. Commissioner Voss stated th~t the County has had the ^rthur Youn9 unagement report tor severðl ßlonths and nothin9 has been done, adding that it Is time that Staff indicat~ wh~t they arð qoing to do about recommendations or why they ðr~ not doing anything about them. Commissioner Voss stated that when tho report was ~cccpt~d, the recommendations were also accopted. He stated that if there are apeclfic things that this Commission fo~ls should not be aug-mented, it should be known and tho reason behind it. .. ',{ Commissioner Brown stated that tho fact that tho report was '~'f~ ":>;~,'t! 'ií.~a "~!':,~ . accepte~ does ~ot mean that it has to be Implemented. Ho stated that there are people from the University of Florida that will holp County government in obtaining its objectivcs and goals, adding thðt thoy should b. contactod.to come to Naples to givo a public management and trainin9 course. He stated that they also give grant money to cover ...,." . , V , ' . ... '::"1; the cost. \,'. Commissioner Voss stated that th~ University of Florida would corne in and help set up goals and objectivQs which is a good idea, adding that, however, they would not handle the general policy in how tho County is organized. He stated that a management audit should be augmented. ~" (. Commlssionor Kruse stated that Staff cou~d take each segment and set it up like the agenda items ðnd indicato'the recommendation of tho management audit ðnd thon the Board could decide what to do. , ,I ., Commiosionor Piscor stated that the report is straight forward and should be implomented. County Attornuy Saunders st~ted thðt the seminnr is called the &OOK 079 PAGE 374 P0390 24 -...-----.-.---.-- -_._- --_.- -- --- ----~ ----------------- --"------- December 13, 1983 lOOK ()j(!JPAGt~~t) Professionðl Development and Public MlJnðger's Tntinin~,and Advisory Services which is sponsored by the Florida Stðte University. He stated that a semin~r would b~ held on goals ðnd objectives, ðdding-that he does not know if this would cover areas that aro contained in the managemont study. He stðted thð't he could contact Tallahassce to get . .-: more information on this Item; Commissioner Voss stated that the Cou~ty Attorney should be directed to obtain more information from the Florida Stðte University r09ardln9 this matter, lidding that the mðnðgcment report recommendations should either be augmented or disregarded. Community L>øvelopment, Ad!:'inistrator Virta stl'ltod that a numb!?r of the recommendations have ,been implomentod, adding that the,. is no problem to report back on these items. Hr. George Koller, President of Collier County Civic Federation, stated that the managem~nt raport should be implemonted and don. under the County Manager, adding that It the Commissioners gave the County Manager the atrong support that was noeded, this ~ðnagement report could be implementod without any problems. CommisslonQ,l' Voss stated that this County had an ordinance that stipulated that the County Managor should have control ðnd strong support, adding thðt this WDS, howover, repealed. He stated that he tried to g~t the ordinanco r~instated, but it did not pass. He noted that tho only way it would be done is if the County has a Charter. Commissioner Kruse Glat~d that one of the phrases in the manegement audit was "a lock of confidence of management staff on the part of the Board". She stated that the management stðff has chùngod and she no lon~er hðG h lack of confidence. Commisnloner VOGa stated that the only way to run this County 18 " '" pðge 25 --......--- - - -..;... --.--- - - -- - - - - - -"- - - ---------~---_.. - I!I!I - ----~--~--~~--~~--------~ ----------------- Decumber 13, 1903 : for the Commission to set policy and Cor' Stoff to' administer the ,,'.., '{policy. He stated that the Commission should only bo ab10 to fire the ~, :, Manager, but the Commission does not w~nt to do thðt, GO there can ,0 nover be a stron9 staff. Commløtllonor Plstor stated that tho Board snould not have thu right to hire or tire anyone under tho Mðnðger. Mr. Wc3de Schroedor stated th03t thtt managcmunt report Is the finest ono he has seen, adding that the principle point that the County is going to have to solve is mønagoment philosophy. no stated ..that the elected officors should set policy and find a competont person to managu and carry out that pollcy. tic statod that if Cl detailod budget vas Jmplemented by accounting periods to got an accounting report every month and compåre it with the proposod budgot operations for th~: month, it would be known at that time it the County Manager is doin9'a good job. Fiscal Officer Giles stated that all County Divisions, Departments, Sections and Subsections receivo a r'eport ,o'n revonues and , " exponditures, it they ðrc rosponsiblct for mðnðgirÚ}, a' fund, if it involves an enterprise or commercial type activity, on a monthl1 basis, which is month-to-dato and ycar-to-datc. Commissioner Voss stated that the County Attorney phould be directed to chock with the pooplo in Tðllahassee to dtttermine the feasibility of having people from tho University of Florida come to ~ >.. Naples to discuss the setting of go~ls ðnd objectives and Staff should be directed to tÐke the specific items of the manðgemont report and aummðrlze them for the Board\·to reviow. He stated thðt it is the function of the Board to set the policy and not interfero with the administration. Commissioner Voss moved, seconded by Comm!sa10ner p1stor and aOOK 079 PAGt 3'76 Page: 26 --------.----........---......--------------------- ... ", ~ --------------------- ------- åÖOK 079 PAC.t 377 Dcc~mbor 13, 1983 carried 4/0, that the County Attorney be directed to contact the Unlver18ty of Florida In TallahðÐsee to dotermine the feasibility of having a seminar for setting gonls and objectives. Com~isaloner Voss moved, socondod by Commlss10nér'P18tor and carried 4/0, that Staff be directed to summarize the recommendations concisely which are made in the management audit by Arthur Young and report back to the BCC so they can look at them point by point and make a decision as to which ones should be augmented. Commlsslonor VOSB moved, seconded by Commissioner Pistor that Ordinance 80-77, tho County ManGger's Ordinance, b. reinstated with the exception that pooplo that ore currently employed aa "acting- do not necessarily fall under that Ordinance. Commissioner Voss stated thllt those poople thðt are considered "acti ng" shoul d b. g lvon" Ú1e oppor tuni ty to prove themselves wi thout being included in the Ordinance a't this time. Tape Ie Upon call for the question, the vote was 2/2, Com~i8sioners Brown and ~ruse opposed. (No action taken). Commissioner Kruse moved that Ordinance 80-77, the County Manager's Ordinance be reinstated. Motion died for a lack ~f a second. Item '28 COMPENSATION or MOVING EXPENSES FOR BILLY P. B!CKETT, ASSISTANT COUNTY MANAGER AND DIVIßION AND DEPARTMENT HEADS - APPROVED Commissioner Voss stated that when the 1\søi:JtDnt County Manager was brought to Nltplo~, hu moved himself ùt his own expanse for .:1round $1,500, adding that \oIh(:n new cmploy<::t.!s cHa being considered, the person~l well-being o( the individual should be tðken into ~ considetð t iorl. He stl'lt('d t II ,'It Mr. Hcck~ t t 5hould bt: reimbursad for hi. expons.., addint that he cðmo in expecting to be hera for a lon9 til\o and hi. yoar. of service ~ould eventually compensate him Cor his moving Page 27 ---- - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -'- - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - --.--.-- ~-------------------------------~~-------~ Oecember 13, 1983 expenses. Co.-isaioner Voas moved, seconded by Comalssioner Plator and carried 4/0, that compensatIon of moving expense. of $1,500 for Billy P. Beckett, Asslatant County Manager, be approved. Commissioner ~ru.e .oved, seconded by Commissioner Voss and carried 4/0, that candIdate8 thAt are selected for Department heads and Division heads be compensated for their movIn9 expenses. Item '29 DECEMBBR 27, 1983, Bee MEETING CANCELLED. MEETING OP DECEMBER 20, 1983, TO BE HELD Commissioner VOS8 moved, seconded by CommissIoner ~ruse and carried 4/0, that the BCC meetinq ot December 27, 1983, be cancelled. ¡. ChaIrman Brown indicated that there would only be three people availðble for the December 20, 1983, meeting. Commissioner Pi~~or questioned whether the taxing district for the Golden Gate Beautiftcation District has to be adopted before the end of the year, to which Fiscal Officer Giles stated that, he is, not sure if " it has to be formed before the end of ~ho year,b~\.it.doe~·havo to; be attached to taxable values that arc effective on January 1, 1984. County ^ttorney Saunders stated that he is not familiar with the details, but it requires ð simple majority, therefore, only three board members would be needod. Administrative Aide to the Board Underwood stated th3t thero has to bo extra gain time scheduled tor that date-1! there Ja to be a 'ct , , ~~etin9 as well as the Medical ExamlnQr's contract. Commissioner Voss moved, 8econded by Comis.loner Kruse and carried 4/0, that there be a meeting on December 20, 198), and that there be three Items placed on the agenda, (1) Golden Gate Beautification Taxing Dlatrlct, (2) Extra Gain Time, and (3) ,the Medical Examiners' Contract. Community Dovelopment Administrator Virta stated that there is a .'-'. 'OOK 079 PAGt 3"78 pago 28 .......- -- - ------ -----..- --- ;; . ~ "I, ...... ", 4~:~¡( ---------------- ---- ------- ------- ---'--- "' lOOK ()Jr~PA~t~~~ December 13, 1983 zonln9 IUðtter as well as throe other ordinances which hðve been adverti8ed Dnd will be listed on the agenda for continuance. . It.. '30 STOCKADE TO BE RENOVATED TO BE ^ DE-TOX CENTER AND REMAIN UNDER COLLIER COUNTY'S CONTROL - APPROVED ( Comnliasloncr plstor indicl\tocJ that Mr. Mesc'rve of tho Mental Hoolth Center, Inc. is concerned about the future of the stockade, adding that the stockado wns part of tho proqram that when the new jail 1s ready, it would be renovated and mðdc into ð de-tox conter to be run by the Mentol Health Center. He not~d that Mr. Mescrve made a request thot ins toad of spendlnq the money on renovations, it be spcnt for expandinq the Hoalth Facility in Im~okðlee 00 that tho de-tox requirement could be taken care of in the m~dicðl buildinq in Immokaloe. He stðtod that this would IIffcct certain economies ðnd improve efficiency because Some of the staff could be interchanqed between tho st.ockade ðnd the Mcntðl Healt.h Center. Deputy Chief Uarnett stated thðt prior to the Hecry study, the stockade was to be uDed for dc-toxirication reqardles6 of who ran it, adding that from the time the new jail was planned it was known that If ony laws were chanqed it would becOlne ovcrcrowded immediately. He stoted thðt there has becn ð law change which indicates that sentp.nced prisoners can now be held up to two years in joil instead of one year, addlnq that the stockade will uventuðlly become a stockðde type of operation ðqoin. Commissioner Voss stated that thore i8 no question that the County must keep the stockade. Commissioner Krusc atdtcd that it WdS decided to use the stockade os 0 de-tox conter but not Dn alcohol troðtmont facility, addinq that this is rehabilitation and the Justice fund monies could not be used for that. She stated th~t it should bo reaffirmed os to what was '. Pð9 e 29 -_.-_----------------------------~---.¡------- ------------------------------------------ December l3, 1983 previously indicated, thðt tho ~tockðde would be renovated to a do-tox center but remain In tho pogition or Collier County as part of the crIminal justice system. Comalssloner Voss moved, seconded by Commls.loner Kruse and carried 4/0, that the Stockado be renovated to a de-tox ~enter but remain In the position of Collier County as part of tho criminal justice systesa. Item .31 STAFr DIRECTED TO ADVERTISE FOR CONSULTANT TO PREP~~E A PROSPECTUS FOR ISSUING REV&NUE BONDS AND STAFF DIRECTED TO CHECK THE PHYSICAL PLANT TO DETERMINE ITS CONDITION RE DELTONA UTILITIES - NO ACTION Commissionor Voss stated thðt he has talked wIth Mr. Stackpoole from Deltono, adding thðt they ðru interested in selling D~ltona Utilities. He.stated that Mr. Stnckpoole submitted figures to the Board memb('rs regarding the purchase price. flo reported thllt tho BC~ should advertise for ð consultant to review th~ figures and prepare a prospectus for revenue bonda to buy the syotcm, if it is feðsible, and have Statf take ð look at the phY3icnl pl~~t to 4etermine that it is In 900d condition. Commissioner Pistor stðted that this purchc'lse could avoid other problems t~at may be coming up in thu near futur~. Commiosloner Voss moved, seconded by Commissioner Pistor, that Staff be directed to advertise lor a consultant to preparo a prospectus for IS8ulng revenue bonds and that Staff be directed to check the physical plant to determine its condition ro the Deltona Utillte.. Commissioner Kruse questioned whether the Eðst Naplfts Utilities has been purchased? Commissioner Voss stated that ho has been told by Mr. Hubschmlln thðt if the amendml.!nt for the PUD for Wint.er Park was not. obtained oxactly as he wanted it, he would "tie this County in knots". He stated that the East Naples Utll1tl~s should bß put on the back aODK 079 PAGt 3'80 1'<1<]0 30 ------~.~~--.------------_._-'---'- .-----.,...- --- -- --- ----- --- --------- ....----.... lOOK 019PAct3'81 December 13, 1983 burnor and purchaso a Utility that is willing to sell. Fiscal Of!icur Giles stated that a prosp~ctus is a legðl document' which outlines a plan of money and explains the finðnc~n9' ðddin9 that the County is going to be expending money to purchase Deltona and it is his opinion thdt the consultants used to dutermine the proper purchase . price for tnu ~uul;~Y should use a sepðrate consultant involved from the bond issue itself, adding that it takes separate expertise. . : . Utilities Arlministrator Borzon st~tod that if the County does go for a consultant it should be someone thnt is strictly involved 1n the evaluation w1th the Utility from a financial standpoint ðnd its ability to oarn thu money from which it cnn operata l!nd repay its debt. CommlBslon~r KrURC ~t~t~d that the Boðrd has not officially said that thuy would stop pursuing the East Naples Utility, adding that until such time as th~t hðpp~ns, she could not vote to initiate another purchase. Attorney Jim Sicsky, representing East Naples Utility, stated that East Naples is teady, willing, and anxious to enter into negotiations, but there are some differences regarding Winter Park that needs to be resolved prior to the ncgotiatlons. He stated that he feels the Clades have been discriminl!t~d against in ita Utility, adding that numerous Planned Unit D~lopments have been examined over the past few weeks and utility provisions rðngo from no requirements to very Severe requirements thdt have bean placed on the Winter Park PUD. Commissioner Vosa staled that the Winter Park issue is a different thing and Deltonð is willing to sell, therofore, the Deltona Utility should be pursuud. lie otðtcd that it has boen a policy by tho Bce that they will attempt to acquire all the public ðnd private utilities in the County, addin9 th/Jt it is timo to be91n doing it. Page J 1 j ~~---~-~-------------------------------~ , --------------------------------------- ~. - ~ ----------- ----- - --- ----- --- --- - -- - - - -- --- - Docember 13, 1983 Commissioner Kru.. stated that if the purchase of tho East Naple. Utilitie. is not aClively pursued, tho BCC will have to grant a funchise. Commissioner pistor st~ted th~t the Winter Pðrk issue CÐnnat b~ brought up Cor ~nother yuðr. Commissionor Voss atat~d tn~t It tics in with th~ ~nst Naples plant, thcruforv, tho ~CC will hûvc to w~it ð year bufor~ anything will be done. County Attornoy S~unders stated that ho haG bucn infor~d that East Naplus Utilities would not or could not olt down ðnd ne~otiate a sale until they had thr.:.: t1dnSp> c1 i::l1n...t.cd from their PUD document. He stated thðt the three thinqa wero the dedicðtion requirements, who tho cu.tom~'a ~uld bolong to in turn~ of County custom~rs or Utility customers, and the elimination of any posaibllity of impact foes. Upan call Cor the question, the vote was 2/2, Comalssioner. Kruso .nd Brown opposed.' Commisøionor Kruse .tate~ th^t at tho ,[lrsf"regularly scheduled me.,ting tn January, 1904, Commissioner Voss could .r,eport to the full Board that he feols that lhu ~ast Naploa Utility situation is a .talem4te and it could be takun care of by Bo~rd action. She ind1cðted that once that matter Is rosolved, thd Doltona Utilities issuo could be brou9ht up, to which Commi9s1oner Voss agreed. Itelll . 32 WILDERNESS PROGRAM DIRECTOR VACANCY TO DE FILLED - APPROVED Comllli..loner Piator ~ov.d, seconded by Commissioner Kruse and carried 4/0, that the WIlderne.. Pr09ram Director vacancy be filled. IU. '33 MOBILE R!NTAL FACILITY TO STORE VOTING MACHINES - APPROVED Assistant County Manllgcr Bockett Gtatud th~t thJs item involves aOOK 079 p,,~t 3'82 paqe 32 ------.- -- - -- -- -<- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ---......-~,. ------ ---- - --- -- -- -.....-..- -'- -------- D~ccmbor 13, 19BJ ';G~ 079 mt 383 ~hq Board's diruction to (lnd more ðdequðte storage fbcilities for the additional votinq m~chincu thnt w~ru purchaned as well DS the on~ti that the County currontly has. He stilted .thðt it hð8 been concluded that it would bo to tho County's odvðntÐqc to hdV~ tho sa machineD stored on aite. He stDted that he Is proposing that a mobile office fac1l1ty consisting of 1)44 square (eot at a cost of $500 per month and Dn installation and return foe of $800 be used so that the machine. can bo stored on County property. Commissioner Vosa ~oved, seconded by Commissioner Kruse and carried 4/0, that the mobile rental facility for $500 a month to be us.d for a storag_ facility for voting ~achin.s b~ approved. ..... Commissioner pintor moved, seconded by Co~mlssioner Krus. and carried 4/0, that th8 followinq items on the cons~nt agenda be approved and/or adopted. ..... It.. 134 PETITION TR-83-11C, A. A. TALLEY REOUESTING A TEMPORARY RESIDENCE PERMIT TO UTILIZE A TRAVEL TRAILER DURING CONSTRUCTION or A PRINCIPLE ~ENCE ON TRACT ID4, UNIT 20, GOLDEN GATE ESTATES It.. 135 PETITION TO CREATE TilE GOLDEN GATE UNIT TWO, BLOCK 74 ALLEY PAVING ASSESSMENT DISTRICT It.. . 36 CLERK III POSITION IN THE JTP^ OFFICE IN CHARLOTTE COUNTY It.. 137 FISCAL YEAR 198J-84 CASH MATCH AND SERVICE AGREEMENT WITH TRI-COUNTY SENIOR SERVICES FOR CONGREGATE MEALS PROGRAM - APPROVED See Page 3J'7... 3 i'9 , It.. 138 CONTRACTUAL AGREEMENT BETWEEN DIVISION or LIBRARY SERVICES, FLORIDA DEPARTMENT or STATE AND THE BCC FOR $80,000 CONSTRUCTION GRANT (LSCA, TITLE II) See Page 3ýo -1.' , Page 33 ~ ~ ~ - -- ......... -----------------------------------------~ Docomber 13, 1903 It.. '39 MR. W. H. -BIF'- COMTI!: "PPOINTED AS TilE NAPLES COMMUNITY nOSPITAL REPRESENTATIVE TO A THREE-YEAR TERM TO THE EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES ADVISORY COUNCIL, HAVING AN EXPIRATION DATE OF 8/31/86 lU. 140 CERTIFICATES OF CORRECTION TO THE TAX ROLLS "S PRESENTED BY PROPERTY APPRAISER'S OFFICE 1983 TAX HOLL T^NGIßL~ PERSONAL PROPERTY 1983-133 1903-171/1B5 1983-187/229 1983-220.5 11/7/83 11/113-11/21/83 11/21-11/30/03 11/22/03 1977 TI\X nOLL. 11/23/63 1978 TllX ROLL 11/23/83 1979 TAX ROLL 11/23/83 19!i0 TAX £lOLL. 11/23/83 1n1 TM'. nOLL 11/23/03 1963 Tl,X ROLL 11/8/03 11/17-11/28/83 438 GOB 665 618 623 162 191-207 It.. 141 DUPLICATE TI\X SALE CERTIFICATE 'NO. 4866 See Page ¥'ð ¿) It.. 142 EXTRA GAIN TIME FOR INMATE NO. 1\42694, 1.24041, 1.40107, 18193, ~ND 36776 I u. 14 3 MISCELLANEOUS CORRESPONDENCE - FILE AND/OR REfERRED Thore bøin9 no objection, tho Chðir dirocted thðt the following correspondonce be filed ~nd/or rcC~rr~d to the various dap~rtmentD ðS indicated be10wI 1. Lotter datod 11/28/83 from ~'ðCVO Heddin, £xocutlvI! Dlrector of Area Agency on Aginq notifying acceptðnco of pooltlon in TampA Gnd exprossing grotltudo for Commission's cooperation ðnd aGslstance. XCI FUed. aOOK 079 PAct 3'84 PI1ge 34 ----........-.....-....-.----------- ------- ----------------- ---------------------- 'DDK 079 mt 385 Ddc cmbe r 13, 1983 2. Copy of First Sumi-Annu~1 Monitoring visit for Collier County - CCE Aroa ^qency on Aging, for th~ poriod of 7/1/83 to G/30/04. xc~ Fihd. 3. Co~y ot Second SCDi-Annuol Visit Monitoring Raport of Aging prolJrðD of Collier County. 'Xc~ Filed. Lt1ttcr d<3te<J 11/16/83 from Ronbld C. lIogue, Ropresonting USA Bottle Club, re4uesting Boord to voto for continued operotion of bottle clubs in Collier County. XCI B. Suunders, Sh~riff Rogers, Filed. Notice of public h~arlngs ro Community Sorvices Block Crant-CSHG on proposud chDnl)uS In admlnistrðtivu rule!! Duc. 12 end 13, 1983. XCI S. williamson, Filed. Departmental Roports'recnivcd froml Librðry System Stðtistics, October, J963, Purchðse Department, October, 1903; and Solid Wasto De¡",Htmcnt, October, 1983. XCI filt/d. ~---.------------------------------------~- (. 5. 6. 7. Memo dated 11/17/83, from Dbpðrtment of Adminlctratlon regarding timely enrollment of members in Florlda rotirement system. XCI Pðyroll, Pcsonnl'l, Fl1ed. Letter dated 11/29/33, from DER regarding Immokalee Stockade 8ew~qe tre~tmcnt plnnt and violation to be corrected by 12/12/33. XCI ,L. ""in~B, riled. B. 9. Mer.'lO dated ll/le/F :J trom DEH, Pow~r Plant Siting Section concerning revlÐion~ to rl~. Adnllnistrative Code Rule 17-17, fart 11, Transmiaslon Linc Siling Ru1~8. xc: FlIed. 10. M~rno dated 11/15/03 from DNH rogarding land acquioition selection comlhlttco mo.!ctlng of 11/30/83. xc~ Mr. Beckett, Mr. Hlce, filed. 11. Memo datctI 11/21/83, froll1 DNH regording spoil sIte acquisition and improvement program. XCI Mr. Hartman, Filed.' ' 12. Letter dated 11/22/83 from Eost NaploH Fire Control District regarding Increð8ed cost of proposed tire hydrant project .nd ncud to s~ttle matter as 800n DB possibl~. XCI Mr. Bec~ett, Mr. Hac tman, filod. 13. MlIilqrð:!\ dated 11/29/83, fronl NACO reques:ting copy of lðtest financial report for Covernm~nt Accounting Practices Study being done by Arthur Young. XCI Mr. Cil~s, FlIed. Mi~e8 re~elved from CAPC and CCPA meeting of 11/17/03 and minutes of £M5AC meeting of 11/9/83. xc~ Filed. Memo dated 11115/83 from DOT "ronsportation D19l\dvontagQd Coordinator r09ðrding stðntlardlzcd accounting. xc~ Mr. pc.:rry, Filed. Luttvr dated 11/16/03 from Attorney Ceneral Jim Smith acknowledging BCC requeat for opinion and advising of possible dolay in anaw~ring rogardin9 Crd. 80-77. xcs Mr. Saunders, Filed. 14. 15. 16. Pðqo 35 t-.w ~ - C/' r¡¡;:¡¡ ",,-... . --_._- --- - - - -- - - - - - -- -.. - - --- - - - -- - - - - - - -- -- ';" Docember 13, 1983 17. Lett.r datod 11/22/ß3 from Ralph Parilla, Chairman of Certification Committeo (PIC) rogarding formal ruviow of now appoin~ents to local PIC'n overy six monlhB for compli~nc~ with Public LðW 97-300. xcz Mr. Norton, Filed. 18. ~emo dated 11/21/83 from Rop. Petor Wallnce, Transportation Code Roview Study group, and notice of Transportation Committoe's Docombor meoting. xcz Mr. Perry, filed. 19. Lettur dated 11/10/83 from Executive Director of s. Fl~. Regional planning Council enclosing copy of Council's Roøolutlon supporting Vllternns Admlnlstrfttlon l!ospit.lIl in 5W Florida. xcz Filed. . . . . . * . . There being no further busln~øs for tho good of the County, the ...tlng was adjourned by Order of thu Cllð1r - Timoz 3z35 P.M. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS/BOARD Of ZCNI~G APP~ALS/EX OFfICIO GOVERNING ßOAnD(5) OF ~PECIAL DISTRICTS UNDER ITS CONTROL. ~~~ D^ V I P . S,R . N" I ~ CL.ERK - ,'¡,' .,- Tbc..ìminut.. ðpþ¥oved by tho Bee on .~. ,~ a~' ~...nt.d ,;.,.....-c,' or as corrocted " '.:.,.. . ".' ">.l-r , , , ,''-- I SX;\I~\\ /.,...1.../,y . . aoOK 079 PACt 386 Pi'l90 36 --- -?-- ~ --- *