BCC Minutes 12/20/1983 R ~~ '--' .--- " . ÿ~r.~,' -------- -.------- Naples, FlorIda, D~cembor 20, 1983 LET IT at REMEMBERED, that the Board of Coun~y Commissioners in and for the County of Colllur, nnd ~lno acting ðS tho Board of Zonlnq Appeals and AS tho govorning boðrd(u) of such special dIstricts as have boen createu ðccordln~ to law and hnving conducted busIno~s horoin, aot on this date at 9100 A. M. in Regular Ses.ion in Building "F· of th~ , ' " , Courthouso Complex, E~st NaplcR, FlorIda, wIth tho followlnq memb~rs proscntl C Ift\ I H~'M : VICL CHAInMMI: DavId C. J.;rown C. C. "Red· Holland Frc~crIck J. vona Aß~ENT: Jolin A. pistor Mary-frðncos KrusO ALSO PfU::H;wrl :~l11I£1m J. HCl1gðn, Cll:r1q ~:l1nor M. f.klnntlr, DoJputy Clerkl C. ~,i11IJm Norman, CQunt.y M.'n':I<Jt~r; Uurt L. Si1undurs, County AttorneYJ T~rry vIftl1, Community Dev~lopment Admlnlatfatorl ~p.l1 Dorrl11, r'Jblic Safety AdmlnlstratorJ Knutc 1!.:1rtmlln, PUblic \',orks ^dmInlutr~tofl ~race Underwood, Admlnlstrntlvc AIde to tho B~l1rd; Jnd Duputy Chi'l! {ilymond Uðrnctt, :':'hcrlf!'::: Df)pllt't,mont. aODK 079 no:t 401 " -t '-,:.'" ,,3t ':-'.'''1 ,-. ".~~ .- ':'>~.;:~~.; __t____ - - - - - - - -- - - -- - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - -------~-.... P1I9- 1 . . ~. ...-\ ·;::';:1~ ·<,:'t~ ..q --------------- Doccmb~r 20, 1903 &ODK 079 r r~ 4.06 Tap. 11 Item 11 AGENDA - APPROVED AS AMENDED Comllli.sloner Vasa ~oved, seconded by Co~mi.sioner Holland and carried 3/0 (voto denotes absence of Commissioners Pis tor and Kruse) that tho agenda be approved as a~endod bel ow I A. Itom 13. D. Dlscuunlon rc ftdv~rtlsing for a County Manager, rc.·qu~stcò by Comrni~~loncr lIollunu, ocldc(:. Item 12 PETITION H-82-30C, CEMENT PRODUCTS CORPORATION - CONTINUED TO 1/17/84 Co~missloner Holland moved, secondod by Commissioner Voss and carrlo~ 3/0, that PetItIon R-B2-30C, Cement Products Corporation, bo continuod to 1/17/84. Itell 13 THREE PROPOSED ORDINANCES P£RTAINING TO DEPT. DF OCCUPATIONAL LICENSES AND CONTnACTORG' CERTIFICATES - CONTINUED TO l/3/B4 Commissioner Vosa movud, seconded by Commissioner Holland and carried.3/0, that the threo proposed ordinenco&, a. listed on tho agenda, pertaining to the Department of Occupational Licenses.and Contractors' Certificates, be continued to 1/3/84. Item '4 ORDINANCr; 83-55 ESTABLISHING TilE GOLDEN GATE PARKWAY BEAUTIFICATION HSTU - ADOPTED RESOLUTION 03-227 RE TAX REFERENDUM TO APPROVE A LEVY HOT TO EXCEED ORE-HALF MILL TO FINANCE SAME - ADOPTED Public Worka Admlnistrc.1tor lIrtmðl1 ('xphlncd that this item pertain:> to ð propos<:c1 resolution lInd lJ proposed ordinl1nce for Bce approval, so that ð refcrondum can bo held In March 19ß~, to see Whothcr the cltluns In till:' District want to pay up to one-hðlf (1/2) ml11 for bOðutl!ic~tion of the modlans on Golden G~tc Parkway, within the City of Golden Gatu. He 8ðId that Stoff recommendatIon is that tho ace adopt tho proposed resolution and enact tho ordinance as presented 1n the Executive Summary dQt~d 11/23/83. I'.,go 2 -...-----.- - - - - -- --'-- -- ---- -----_.- ----- ..-. ~ ~ "'" t:::::J \-. .. -------------------------------~---_._----- Dacumbar 20, 19ßJ Co.mis.ioner Holland moved, seconded by Commis.ioner Voss and carried )/0, that tho public hoaring be closed. Commissioner Voss movod, secondod by Commissioner Holland and carried 3/0, that the ordinance as numberod and entitlod below estab- lishinq the Golden Gate Parkway BeautIficatIon Municipal Service Taxing Unit, be adoptod and onterod into Ordinance Book No. 171 ORDIN^NCE NO. aJ-55 AN ORDINANCE CREATING THE GOLDEN GATE P^RKWAY BEAUTIFICATION MUNICIPAL SERVICE TAXING UNIT¡ DEFINING ITS BOUNDARIES, PROVIDING FOR ITS PURPOSES AND GOVERNING BODY, PROVIDING FOR AN ADVIGORY COMMITTEE; PROVIDING FOR IT5 FUNDING BY A TAX NOT TO EXCEED ONE/IIALF MILL LEVY UPON APPROVAL BY ~\AJORITY VOTE OF Tßt QUALIFIED ELECTORS IN THE MUNICIPAL SERVICE TAXING UNIT VOTING IN AN ELECTION CALLED FOR GUCII PURPO~E¡ PROVIDING FDR PROPER NOTICE OF PROPOSED ENACTMENT¡ PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY, PROVIDING FOR CONFLICT¡ AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. COllUlli.sioner Voss lIIovod, seconde-d by Comlllssloner lIolland and carriod 3/0, that Resolution ßJ-227, callIng for ð tax referendum to approve II lovy not to ~xceed one-half (1/2) mIll to financo the Golden Gate Parkway Beautiflcdtlon MSTU, bQ adopted. a01!K 079 pJr,!, 407 PlII] e 3 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- -- - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - -- --------------.- - -- - ----- - - --- ---- --------.--- I~OK 079 r:: 410 DIJC(! ~u(! r 20, 1903 Ite.. '5 VICKIE MULLINS CONFIRMED AS ACTING COMMU~ITY DEVELOPMENT ADMINISTRATOR, EPrECTIVE DECEMBER ~C, 1983¡ INTERIM 10\ INCREASE IN PAY - AUTHORIZED CommunIty L>cvclot~ll.nt Mlmlnl5trütor Vlrtd Baid ttds ltt.'l'r. ls i) recommendation CrOll. Stó!í :Jeddng uC':: con! 1 rm/:ltton Dnd ðpprovlIl of an interIr.1 10\ Ir.crcð:>l' in pity for Vickie ~'ullln!; lIS Ar.til1<J Community Dcvulopli\l'nt A'Jmlrdstrutor, /:!~ dt:!>crlbcd on the I::xccutivc: Summ/lry dott!å l2/lS/8J, f,f(..l.:tlvi! D..'cC:lf\t)cr 20, l~ü::. CommlsBlon~r Voss moved, seconded by COQmissIoner Holl~nd and carried 3/0, thðt VIckie Mullins bo confIrmed £IS Acting Community Development AdmInIstrator, with ðn Interim 10\ increðnc In pðy, effoctive Decembcr 20, 190). Item '6 MOTION TO CONTINUE ALL ITEMS LISTED ON THE AGENDA TO THE DATES INDICATED - APPROVED Upon tile ndvIce of County Attorney S~undcr8, Commllòsioncr Holland moved, seconded by Commisaioncr V055 and cðrried 3/0, that ð11 the items listed on the ag(ndð be continued to the dðtes indIcðted. Item 17 DEPARTMENT Of' LAW ENFORCEMENT COI~TRACT TO ACQUIRE STATE MEDICAL EXAM- INER FUNDING - APPROVED IN THE ^'10UNT Of ~14,017 FOR FISCAL YEAR 1984 f'ut.'¡ic ::;iI((~ty ^dl:1lnlätrr.tor Dorrill :Wlu tl1f1t tl1ir. iten is ii recommendlltion to ..'\¡J¡'rovt' tlw .:¡nnu£J! MeC:icl:) J::xamlncr contrllct ...i~rl the ~tðtu ttlilt provi<,;\!~ for liMited ¡;tbtc Lun(Jln'J to help offsct ttw DistrIct Mcéic,1l Lxltr.,lncr'::. op0ration in Col11cr County. lic 1>(,i'; thlG contr.:lct requircb cx.'::ution pr ior to j)ecCI!,ucr 31, 19D3, and it; In the ðmount of ~14,017 (or till' Fir.co1 YUilr 19J4. Commissioner Ho11~nd ~oYod, seconded by CommIssioner Vosa and carried 3/0, that the Dopartment of Law Enforcoment Contract to acquire State Medical Examiner fund1n9, be approved 1n tho amount of $14,017.00. Paqe I .- - - --- - _._- - - - -- -- - - - - - - - - - - - - -.- ----- ----- - - --- - ~ ~ ---------------------------------_._-_._---~ aODP; 079 PAr,\ 4.16 December 20, 19DJ a.. 18 RESOLUTIDN 83-228 ACCEPTIUG DONATION OF CONNORS VANDERBILT BEACII ESTATES, INC. LOTS 1-23, BLOCK V TO COLLIER COUNT'i - ADOPTED, C!1AIRr~1\N AUTIIORIZED TO EXECUTE AGREEMENTS TO EFFECTUATE STOCK TRANSFER TO COUNTY County Attorney ~~unJers ~ðid t.hls item conc~rnz ~ proposcd reSD- lutloll. H~ selie] tnllt Connon. V..,n<':crullt l>t'!ðch J.;r.totcE, Inc. lz llC)rudm) to trtAn5ft'r Lots 1 t~roll'Jt. 23 of !)loc~; V to Collier County. HI.! referred to (In oVt.,n,cc.ld r.\.lr ..,rl1f~[l, he htH) lndlcðtccJ, In Yt.'llow, tIll.' DreD whcre the rro~~rty 15 locðt~d. HQ sold that the tranßfer will be e(!e:ctU.ltec.J by dOI1.Jtln<j :>tOCh to tt:e County, tld~ yo':lr. lIt' s.:dcJ tll"t, durln<J thc' 5I'rln'; of EI';:;, tllc: OI'J.ìld¡;.::tlon ....·il1 rcdccl:' the stock with d.IH.J1,; to the µrolJ.:rty. II" s"i.~ thñt ttw propoHccJ resolution ,1CCLpt" the don,\tion o( the ()to("\{ ,11"\(: :.lirt:cV, tilL' CII¡drn1l.J1"\ of till: BCC to cxccut.,! any ,\nd ,,11 JIJr"'l'r""nt:, n'!C'.:5'-'oJry to l>ftcC"lUiltt.' tll<' tr"H¡tótl~r of the Gtock, in Utl' <':onnor!ò V,)nc.Jl:lLJllt bf.'.1cn I:;SLiltCS, Ine., to the County. Comfd:..;:;ior¡er Vo,,:·, l ~',L", I( U~0 ll'jrt'I:r.wnt will spe..:l(y tthlt thl' propt:rti<.::..;' V¿JIUL' i:; t11.' eXIIC! I.'",lut, ot tnw :..;toc~;, to ",hie!l ~'r. Sl'un~cr~ rt!5i,ondr:,¡ ",[¡irm.ìthl:l,¡. He r(!dc.J th,~ µro¡,:o5P'cj rcsolutlon I~,to the rccor¡,;. Commissioner Voss ~ovcd, scconded by Commissioner Holland and carried 3/0, thðt Resolution 83-228, accepting donation of Connors Vanderbilt Boach Estatcs, Inc. Lotti 1-23, Block V to CollIer County, be adopted and that tho Chalrm~n be ðuthorized to execute ~ll agreements necessary to effectuate tho tronr.fcr of stock to the County. Pðg (' 5 - --- - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - -- - - - - -.- - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - -- ---"' ~ ------ 1m (J79 rt:~ 4IS DCC:l~nb('r 2f1, 1983 It.. 19 PRDPOSED AGREEMENT WITH BEACH REEFS, INC. FOR USE or CYPRESS (LCU) IN LEE COUNTY REEF PROGRAM -. APPROVED, STAFf TO RETURN WITH AGREEMENT Public ~orkD Ad~ini5tr~tor Hartman dißtribut~d a memorandum dated 12/19/U3, to the Commlssion~rs c~g(llùlnq ûn Agrccmant with Bench kecfs, Inc. for utl1izntion of tho LCU "CyprcsH". He soid the mcmo outlines Staff conC«frns about the Bee "'pprovinq the usa of the "Cypress", with- out II atipul<ltion lIHlt the ~;t...ff brine¡ lJ..ck an ðcccptðblc agrecment ".0 the HCC, wIth respect to the dct^11:. ll:Hcu In his mcmorbndum, concorn- lng tho uße of the vessel. Fh:sponcJlng to Ct..:drmlln Hrown, Mr. II()rtmtJn s"ld thiJt Beach Hecfs, Inc. wants CollIer County to trðnsFort sultable matcrlðls to II ccrtnln reef. ¡ill [¡,de! th...t Comµ¿¡I1Y h,,~; tI..~ p'_'CI:1lt to hullcJ the rc~fs fcorn the DNR. lie expH!ssE'd thl: c1C':;1r'.· to fInd out who is responsible for the cloanllncs6 or the r::dtlri.ìl MId wht'thE'r the Compllny ðctually own:o the reefs, ns ....1::11 liS otlit!r m"tt.ers. ,,",r. Normðn 5iJid thls is work for Lee County, whIch la thu \:'ìuivilh:nt or the Collier County rlU!f progr,)m. Commlsslonor V056 point~d out thðt the correct term for the Comp~ny Is ·¡'!C't Cor I'roflt-. ~~r. It"rtn"n said he I",/lc! no problem with Commls¡;1oner Kruse's rocomml.'ndatlon thllt th~ bCC hpprove tho use of the vesscl by BeAch Reefs, Inc. for buI1dlng Lov County ruefs, provIded thðt ð suitable ðgrcl.'~l.'nt c~n bE brought b~ck for UCC ðpproval. Com~lssloner Hollðnd "$k.cd for cll1rIliciJtion M1d "',r. IIlHtltllln S:ic1 thðt the CyprllsB AuthorIty made a rl::commcndatlon thðt this action bo takon. Com~is- a loner lIolland ,\sk,,(\ 1 í Slid L ...oul;J !-n' rl.l1ui r~d to br in<;¡ back ðn ðgrecmcnt IJcfore anylhing 1~ l.!C'tu"lly cont', to which Mr. II.Htmùn responded offlrmlltlvt:ly. He s.:lid tll~t btll!f tlxpects to be able to do that, be!CJ:l' 5co!1.dd 1'1l1rInc hlls conplt~L.:\J the dn'dging opertltlo/l 1r. Doctor'ti PdtiK. Chtllrm~n bro~n stlld It 1~ hIs understanding this actIon would complotlf the nOcUSSltry paperwork, whl111 that dredging is taking , ( ,,,' ,;., Page 6 \If;":; ..~.",",~ '.\~~>j~( ~ ·..."··f; , '~i~, ' -----.;..:;¿.--- -~._- ---- ----- - - - - - - - - --- --- -- ----..-- J:~' ~', ,f¡ ~'4 t:......,..,J r«.t."""~ I .' ~ ' ,., -~~--~----------------------------------- Deccmber 20, 1963 placo, and Mr. Hartman agrocd. COllaissioner Holland lIovod, s.conded by Commissioner Voss anð carried 3/0, that the BCC approve the utili~ðtion of the ·Cypross- LCU for u.. by Beach Re.t., Inc. in the L&e County Rwef program, provided ð suitable a9reemont is returned to BCC for approval. Item '10 COUNTY ATTORNEY DIRr.CTEO TO REDRAFT ORDINANCE 60-77 TO RE~OVE DIVISION A~INISTRATORS, UNDER COUNTY MANAGER, FROM BCC AUTHORITY TO~IRE AND FIRE, AUTHORIZATION TO ADVERTISE FOR PUBLIC HEARING - APPROVED Com~lsRloner Hollðnd asked County Attornoy Saunders if it would bp possIble Cor .1 motion to be noðde to ðl~und lhe County Manngcr's ürdl- nance 80-77 to.pUl dIvision hends under the dlr~ctlon of the County Manager? Mr. Saund"rs ðc1111suc! th;.t U'f.I BCe ctln IHrcct him to r'~drðf.t that ordln.1nc~ and c'ldvcrtl::;o (or p.J~11c 11c<.Irlng. Comml.sloner HollAnd moved, seconded by Commisslonnr Voss, that the County Attorney bo dIrected to redraft Ordinanco 80-77 to remove, the DIvIsion Administrators, under tho County "'anagQr, from the BCC authority to hIre and firo, and that tho proposed ordinance be adver- tised for public hearln9. Ldter In tho meeting durin') a dl~cusslon on this matter, Ch.11rmðn Brown requested clarlflclItion that the Utility Dt'partmtJnt be excluded from thin ðctlon. County ^ttorney ~{}undrrs ðdvl~ed thðt, when the motion was mðd~, It WilS In roterence to tho County Manag~r's Ordinance. He said thilt ordinance rellltcs to tJIl~ DIvision Admlnlstrð~'.H& undo'r the County Kan~ger and there was no n~cd to rcvlao the mOLlon. Item III ACTING COUNTY MANAGER DIRECTED TO PREPARE ADVERT!~~~ENT TO ACCEPT APPLIC/,TIONS FOR THE COUNTY MANAGER POSITION M<D RETURN, NO LATER THAN 1/10/84, TO acc WITH ~IMETABLE AND PROCEDURE TO SCREEN APPLICATIONS Com.ls.ioner Holland ~oved, and Co~ml~.ionor Brown seconded, that the Acting County "ana90r be dlrectod to prepare an advertisement to be ... 0790n 419 Pa9 e 7 ------------------------------- i.,' , ~I<'" ~. 7'~j". T---·--~--~---~-------------~------------ . '~~; . , -------------------------------------- 101IIt". 079 o~:¡: 420 Dec~mbir 20, 1983 placed In trado journals and publications of Collier County aoc~ptln9 üppllcatlons for the County ~anager·. position and that Mr. Virt. bo directed to come back to the BCC wlt~ the recommendation of the timo- table and procedur.. to be u6~d to screen the applications, no later than January 10, 1984. CommissIoner Voss agrced that appllconts should be carefully sought. He expressed his concern that a numbor of applicatIons m6Y be received that aro not quðllflcd. He addQd that screening ~ lorge number of appllcbtions, In order to bring ð short-lIst to the Bee for consideration, 15 a Lr~mcndous tnsk nnd on undue burdpn Cor the Staff and the I3CC. He sugycated the use of a soarch fIrm to accomplIsh the short-lIst. A dIscussion cnöucd durln<) wldch Comr.1insloner IIollllnd related the proccðure wlloreby tho City of Naples filled the City Mðnøg~r p08itIo~. R~spondinq to CommIsuion~r Voss, Comm15sion~r Holland said therd w~re approxlmdtûly 90 applicotlons. Commissioner Voss askt:d that Commisalon!:r lIollillld rf:conl>ldl!r his motion lJnd he, agaIn, reoquested that. tilt, BCC obtain'" soðrch committee. Comr:d£sloner Bollbnd,s.:l1d he mlJde thl:! recommcnddtion becllus,: SCVtHlIl people t...d rcquestcd that th~ slImo procedure be considered, for filling ~he County Manager position, as the City of NapleD used to hire th~ last CIty Mðnðgcc. !Ie sc)Id tt1( procp.dure w.'\s approxImately on~-half as tim. consumIng as ttw prcvlous method when the City hired "heodhuntIHt.". County Manðg~r Norman said that nn advertisement in tho ICM^ No~slctter, the publicðtion thdt would lIttract 95\ of the ~unlifl0d applIcants, would noL 0.: able to be achieved until mId-January 1984. Upon call for the quostlon, the motion carried, 3/õ. .·.Th. following items were adopted and/~[ app(oved under the Consent Agenda by motion made by C~mmi..ioner Vos., ..conded by Commlssionor Holland and carrl~d unanimously··· Ite. 112 Page 8 - ',,,!,' '1'.,"':\·· ,," ' .~ ;.. ,,, ·.f' "'" .~." .. j --.--.-------------------------------------. I', -.r- .' I,' ...' ".. 1.." ,', , '" r...:.......J ~ I " \, "/l,' t:, \\:' Docember 20, 1983 RESOLUTION 83-229 RI PETITION SNR-83-15C, CECIL H. PAS~~ITZ RI STREET NAME APPROVAL rOR CECIL ROAD LOCATED IN SECTION l2, T51S, R26E " L/a. i Se. Pa9. 8 It.. 113 rIMAL ACCEPTANCE or COLLIER COUNTY PRODUCTION PARK, PHASE lA, PUBLIC WORKS ADMIN. AUTHORIZED TO RELEASE THE 10' MAINTENANCE SECURITY (SUBDI- VISION MAINTENANCE BOND FROM FIDELITY AND DEPOSIT CO. or MARYLAND IN THE AMOUNT OF $23,000.00) Item 114 FIHAL ACCEPTANCE or SOUTHWIND ESTATES SUBDIVISION, PUBLIC WORKS ADMIN. TO RELEASE 10' MAINTENANCE SECURITY (CD'S IN AMOUNT OF $20,~OO.00) , Item 11 5 . ~ MR. RICHARD SKIDMORE REAPPOINTED TO ISLES OF CAPRI FIRE CONTROL DIST. ADVISORY COMMITTEE FOR TWO-YEAR TERM, EXPIRATION DATE OF 12/31/85 Item 116 CERTIFICATES FOR CORRECTION TO TilE TAX ROLLS AS PRESENTED BY TUE PROPERTY APPRAISER'S OFFICE TANGIBLE P~RSON^L PROPERTY !2.Q1 NoS. Nos. 19BJ-230 - 236 198J-/.30 - 254 11/30 - 12/1/03 12/2 - 1216/FlJ IUa 117 I EXTRA CAIN TIME FOR INMATE NOS. 37641, 290761 26078, 326581 389141 431551 41187, 40498, 42351, 35523, 41783, 43890, AND 3l20S IU. 118 MISCELLANEOUS CORRESPONDEHCr. - FILED AND/OR REFERRED There being no objection, the Ch~lr directod that tho following items of correspond~ncf' be fih'd lind/or rofcrrcd to the various departments as IndIcated 1 1 l)~pllrtl"lentlll H<'portu: A. V~tdrans Sorvices, Novcm~cr, 1~ß3. 8. Pdrks and Hccrclltlon, Pro~cam 5t~tistlcs. 2. Copy of McmorDndum N~. 83-99, dated Novc~bcr 21, 1983, from Tom t·. ¡"'ootnn, Chiuf, Hurt'/lU o! Enrollr.1t'!nt and Contrlbu::lonn, Dlv. of netlr~mrnt, r8 ellqlc11ity of offlcla¡ court r~port- crs lInd du¡;.ut.y court r~portl.'[~ for m~mbt.'r~tdp In Florldo.'l ~OOK 079 ~ :! 121 Pð9c 9 ------------------ , " ,:. ~ ~ ' " , --- - - - --- -- _.----- - - -- - ---~ ---------- -- - ---- '/', --~-~--~--------------------------------~- Me, 079~1"'~' 4 fJtj Rct11emcnt Systom. HllrrIn~ton. Fl1oct. Ooccmbor '0, 1983 xc Pllyrol1, Mr. Rt1<'\gdn and Mr. 3. Copy of M~'mor.. ndur.'l 110. [!3-IJ~. (1: t,~d November 21, 1903, from 1'om 1:'. Wootun, [,1.... of kct1rcrnl'nt, rc Changcs In SocIal 6ccurlty ContrlbuLlon5 (or 1~a4. xc pðyroll. FIlcd. 4. Copy of announCC:r.'IcnL, received 12/2/03, from the O()pt. of Commcrce of public rnc£tin~s rc florldb Srnðll Cltle::: CDBG Program. xc Mr. Norton an~ M&. WIllIamson. FI1~d. 5. Copy of an invitation rc~civcd lZ/B/U) to attend Dept. of Labor 12/16/C3 wor~6hop on ~lunning for FY 84-85, plus copy of ogenda. xc Mr. Norton. Filed. 6 . La t t c r d II t e d 1 2/ Ii 1 B J fro i.1 J e f fro y W. La n g, ~ t /I f ( D ire c tor, Madical EXbrnlncrs Comml3sion, D~pt. of Lnw En(orccr.'Icnt, rc 1903-84 contract b('tweun Collier County bCC and Fl.J~LE, for Stðte 5upplcment funding for medicc'll examiner services. xc Mr. Dorrill dnd tho County ~:Llnðger. Filed. 7. Copy of lutt.!r dðtl:d ll/29/SJ from r>e:;orah E. Flack, DIrector, Dlv. of /:jcðches o"d Shores, Dt~R, to Mr. Rðndy Bushey, Cou¡,¡t.:¡] En(jlnecrlng Con:>ul tantn, Inc. ro request Cor pt:rr.1it modlL1cðtlon to permit conditions '9 ðnd 110 for OOS ti2-44, ~h qlns PIIGS. x:-; Mr. Ifrdl~y ðne] Or. Benedict. FLIed. 8. Copy of memorðndur.1 [rom B. J. White, Park Lands Supervisor, ~urUðU of Pnrk Ldnda and Duvclop., Dlv. of Rec. and Pnr~s, DNR, plus 1\ copy of D publ1c notlcc ðnd the agendù for n Land I, C l U J ~ 1 t Ion ~~ f: I .~ c t ion C cr. ., j t : ',' t' IT": (~ tin <J t 0 be he 1 d 1 2/1-1/8 3 , In 'follðh.:lsl>ee. FL. xC' ~'r. Vlrto1 iJnd County I'Igr. Filed. ,. Reßource Alert Action Rc!errlll dðt~d 11/29/RJ, from Audrey Dunh.1Ir.. DNH, bU(f~<.IU of E:duc; tlon ðno Informotlon, TalllJ- hðstll't.·, fL, transndtunf) ., copy of ð complaint filed by Mðrco I!)l...nJ re!)lcj."nt wi tll rt~s J~~t to c1 l'.oðt Ramp in the lIreð of /1Iðnbt('~ !e<:dln') grounds. Xl: Mr. "olley. FIled. 10. Luttcr (1<1ted 12/5/83, from O.:rro11 O. March, Chalrm"'n, l'1ðrCO Island Em~rg~ncy Flood Pl~ln Co~ru., thanking the BCC and Stð!f involvud in ('~ooc\ UL'volt!on Appeal. xc Mr. Cuyler. Filco. 11. Copy of a letter d~tcd 11/23/93 from Matthuw ~. Childs, of Steel/lector' Oilvis, to Mr. Steven C. Tribble, Com~I~~ion Clerk, Florida PSC, trðnsmltting ð petltior. filed by tl.~ Florid^ Pow~r and Light Compðny for an Increase in Po1teg, Docket No. 8J04G5-~1. fll~G. 12. Lett~r dllte~ 11/21/83, from b. A. Brown1n9. O'Neill, of Browning, ßðrrlstcrs , Sollcitor~, Toronto, Canadð, representIng Donna M. Browning, re Ptotltlon R-83-~2C, Lely Estates nnd suggesting {tny proposal to allow commerci<'ll In the aroa Is premùture. KC Mr. VIrta and MS. Layne. filed. 13. Letter dated 11/29/~3, from MIchael P. Sotland, Senior Claims ExamIner, Western ~orld Insuranco Co., Inc., the PublIc Offlcl~1. LiabIlity Ins. carrier for Collier County and its I'age 10 , . ;'"t: , ¡" ~"'..'..::: . ~t~,·· 'f. " ~^: !/ ,.. .. ....... ,.,--..--.... --~.-,- - - - - -'-,- - - - - - - -- - - - --- - - -- - - - - - - -.- --- I :'~~ Décember 20, 198) public officIal., re ISAbel Collier-Read, at al vs. County, at al, Policy No. PE 2332, ClaIm No. 27260. Sðunders. FUed. 14. Copy of followin9 minutes , ðg~ndas recolvcd and flledl Collier xc Mr. A. MInutes of CA['Ç , CCPA of 12/l/B3. B. Naples City Council minutes, ll/l6/63. C. Contractor's Liconsing Board, ll/lG/83. D. Golden Gat~ Community Centcr Advisory Council, 11/29/83. 15. Copy of memorandum dðted 12/2/83, from Marion Hðrt, Jr., Staff Director, CoordinatIng Council on the Trans. Disadvan- taged, re ð notIce of 12/1~/8J, meeting at DOT Auditorium in Tdllaha8see, plus 11/9/03, mInutes. KC Mr. Perry. PlIca. 16. undated letter receIved 12/9/~3, from Mr. & Mrs. Hðlford Hayes fI,queßtln'1 the uce to "rescind the law restrictIng construction of florlda ~oomg adjolninq RecreatIon Vehicles·. xc County Man~gcr and Zoning Dupt. riled. . * * * There beIng no furth~r bu!\1I1C5:1 to como before the Boord, the lIIeoting was ðdjourned by Order o! tho ChaIr - Timel 9:26 A.M. BOAHD OF COUI,TV CQMMISSIONLRS BOARD OF ZONING ^PP~ALS/~X OFFICIO GOVE~NING BOARD(S) or SPECIAL DI~TRrCTS UNDER ITS CONTROL , /;(.~~~/..h~~ ii'f¡¡fffc:.. B ~OWN, CHAIRMAN ~ ATTt:ST: WILLIAM J. REAGAN, CLERK ·~c. -" - .-. wfJc approved by tho fee on .::---- l..' . ... /' --.:::J .,,r Y ð8 'P're..ented , . ~ #, .~ Y : !! ^ ' or ðS corrp.ctcd &oaK 079·.q 423 paga II . ---', -----------------