Agenda 05/22/2018 Item #16J 105/22/2018 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Recommendation to authorize execution of the budget amendment from 911 Emergency Phone System Fund (611) Reserves in the amount of $87,500 for communications contractual services and licensing (9-1-1). OBJECTIVE: To authorize execution of the budget amendment in the amount of $87,500 for communications contractual services and licensing (9-1-1). CONSIDERATION: The Collier County Sheriff's Office needs to buy specific NewSci Cognitive Insights Platform that will pro-actively assist the Collier County 9-1-1 system with analyzing audio 9-1-1 call data received by CCSO. FISCAL IMPACT: A budget amendment is needed in the amount of $87,500 from the 911 Emergency Phone System Fund (611) reserves. LEGAL CONSIDERATIONS: This item has been reviewed by the County Attorney, is approved as to form and legality, and requires majority vote for approval. -JAK RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of County Commissioners (1) authorizes execution of the budget amendment for the 9-1-1 communications contractual services and licensing. PREPARED BY: Stephanie Driscoll, Assistance Finance Director APPROVED BY: Kevin Rambosk, Sheriff DATE: April 20, 2018 ATTACHMENT(S) 1. Sheriff's office - 911 work plan (PDF) 16.J.1 Packet Pg. 1278 05/22/2018 COLLIER COUNTY Board of County Commissioners Item Number: 16.J.1 Doc ID: 5617 Item Summary: Recommendation to authorize execution of the budget amendment from 911 Emergency Phone System Fund (611) Reserves in the amount of $87,500 for communications contractual services and licensing (9-1-1). Meeting Date: 05/22/2018 Prepared by: Title: Executive Secretary to County Manager – County Manager's Office Name: MaryJo Brock 05/08/2018 11:59 AM Submitted by: Title: County Manager – County Manager's Office Name: Leo E. Ochs 05/08/2018 11:59 AM Approved By: Review: Office of Management and Budget Valerie Fleming Level 3 OMB Gatekeeper Review Completed 05/08/2018 3:11 PM County Attorney's Office Jeffrey A. Klatzkow Level 3 County Attorney's Office Review Completed 05/09/2018 10:57 AM Office of Management and Budget Laura Wells Additional Reviewer Completed 05/10/2018 1:35 PM County Manager's Office Nick Casalanguida Level 4 County Manager Review Completed 05/15/2018 1:36 PM Board of County Commissioners MaryJo Brock Meeting Pending 05/22/2018 9:00 AM 16.J.1 Packet Pg. 1279 NEWSC: NewSci Cognitive lnsights Platformrm Collier County Sheriffs Office 9't 1 Proof of Concept Work Plan1 1.1 NewSci Cognitive !nsights Platform (NCIP) prOieCt Goals The goal ofthis prolectis to fu11∥an NC:P proof‐of‐∞ncept(POC)ana:yzing audio 91l ca∥data rece市 ed by Co∥ler County SherlfFs Ottce(CCSO) The NCIP POC輛 ∥demonstrate: o speech―to‐text conversloni ・ ca∥qua:∥γ assurance sconng: ・ tele―oommunicator performance eva:uation scoringi ・ ca∥content data extradioni o ca∥content paltern recognitioni e and de:ivery of data and insights tO ccsO forfurther analysis and dist●bution lmplementalon、including CCSO‐localレ a∥on ofthe NewSci 911 0ntology(part Of the NCIP),W∥lbe accomp∥shedin 45 days Ca∥analysis w∥l begin 45 days from the start ofthe prolect,andthe pOc w∥!be completed wlthin 90 days barrlng any unforeseen de:ays in data and network aooess The costofthe CCSO NCIP POC is S87.5∞This calculamon is based upon 50,000 91l ca∥s and indudes a∥costs for 90day∥censing of NCIP(Saas)and implementaton services This prlce also indudes the added∞st of a secure p∥vate cloud,and he T&E fora oneday on‐slte delivery of the P∝results uS●・LLC―は 「●∞ロツー lrB Omce oll Pr●or of cOn∞pl y“ “ P師 M●α力21 2018 16.J.1.a Packet Pg. 1280 Attachment: Sheriff's office - 911 work plan (5617 : Sheriff's Department 911 Licensing) 1.2 Purpoce CCSO is seeking to leverage and analyze 911 call data to strengthen trainang programs; improve tele-communicator performance; increase tele-communicator retention; whil€ improving overall 911 effectiveness and public safety overall. Since the system is knowledge-based, a "cognitive" system that leams from its decisions and associated outcomes. this POC also establishes a baseline framework (NCIP) from which at can build a future publac safety insights hub (govemed insights reservoi0 for advanced insights associaled with traditional law enforcement investigations and inlelligence analyses. lnsights gleaned from the POC will support training coordination. crilical decision making, and assocaated stafl who are tasked with making decisions impacting 9 1 1 performance, effecliveness and Prog ression. The NCIP will give CCSO the ability to compare data over time, providing insights into where aclions are working; where actions have not been effeclive: and where new actions need to be taken. Opportunaty Currenlly 911 calls are randomly rnonilored, and the analysis of the content is limited to basic tagging and calegorization. The NCIP gives CCSO the opportunity to use cognitive technology in augmenting training coordination within ihe scope of the Pilot, with additional upside insights and pro,ections as indicated. Addilionally' NCIP provides a path for other local government contact centers, such as 311 or 21 1 . to enioy the same benefits. Adoption of cognitive technology in some government call cenlers is currently focused on caller interaclions using chat bols. While early resulls are promising' NCIP is focused on data extraction: analysis; and the crealion of actionable insights' which has the potential to produce much higherROl for911 providers. Cbarly, people trust people when tragedy or crisis prevails. NCIP augments those human louch poinls by supplying critical insights before, during and after decision making Projsct Background CCSO and Newsci, LLC. (Newsci) have been in discussions since early in 2017. The goal ofthese discussions was to understand CCSO's current operations and align NCIP with the goals of CCSO'S leadership specilically conc€ntrated in this phase within the Communications business unit. ―S●LLC―(力 由br C…Surs once91l Pr●●|●fConepl urk PIan March 21 2018 1.3 14 16.J.1.a Packet Pg. 1281 Attachment: Sheriff's office - 911 work plan (5617 : Sheriff's Department 911 Licensing) Project Scope Description POC E:ements Transcript of 91 1 calls - Tele-communicator will be idenufed if cCSo provides metadata with lhe audio containing telscommunicator's name. Tslo{ommunicalor: Nine one one *fiere is your ernergency. Caller: I like lo report a robbery. Newsci 911 Ontobgy (with CCSO localization) - The Newsci 911 ontology (sample below) willincorporate unique iiems including names of agencies: personnelt slreet names; and communities representative ol the Collier County Florida region. r a t .aaroatyr. a co.rrarrd.l o Prlv.t 'Oauuica r..a,i a l{r.Crca a llol..Olwo.rl P O t.n O trruk"..tlng O sarccacar O 3t'do't) a Tr.irpo.taoontarnr a r..5-r!.t O ao]llnt a iar.b.li.lttttln. Ftgwe 1 SazrPle OntologY Sentiment Analysis - Each 911 call transcript will be analyzed to identily the degree to which the call was Positive or Negative. Newsci will provide these dala points for the overall call, the tele-communicator' and for thecaller' Ovcrall S.rolrno.ti 00! oyor.r[S.fllrno.r! OfrftOroil arr Fbura 2: Son'p& *nl rlp,nl Anat ris WSo LLC―C“けCo■●90前 S Ome 91l Proofor C●nopl urk Pian FoOrua●22.2010 16.J.1.a Packet Pg. 1282 Attachment: Sheriff's office - 911 work plan (5617 : Sheriff's Department 911 Licensing) 4. Tone & Emotion Analysis - Each 911 call transcripl analysis will identify the degree of Joy; Anger; Oisgust; Sadnessl and Fear. Nervsci will Provide these data points frcr the overall call. the tele-communicator, and for the caller. ., i ! !' e-a. ol.r hgure 3- Sample Tone and Emotion Analysts 5. Tone Analysis - Each 9'11 cilll transcript will be analyzed to determine the degree to which a Language Style (analytical: confident; and tentative) is being used by the tele-communicator and/or by the caller. The degree to which the tele-communicator and/or caller have particular Social Tendencies (openness, conscientiousness, exlraversion, agreeableness, and emotional range) is determined. Lqr.elrr. < .5. rd Latg-r > tS. r,ry alrF--n I l.*f LddtdH.. > .75 . -, rr.t Ear … 0ヽ Ftgu.r 1: Sample Toie Anarysis ―S●LLC ―Com●r cOuは ソGhe■r●onc●91l Proo`of con●qメ wOFk Pl●nMa‐21 20104 16.J.1.a Packet Pg. 1283 Attachment: Sheriff's office - 911 work plan (5617 : Sheriff's Department 911 Licensing) 6 Keln ord ldentification - Newsci will create a dictionary of words important to CCSO, and these words will be identified in the 911 call transcripis. dizz[n‐ robb6y FOU,E , Sa/,plo Keyuand l&ntifrc,aliott 7. Concept ldentification - Newsciwill identify the high]evel concepts in each 91 1 calltranscription. The score swill show relevence between the particular transcript and a Concept. I{ !!tt({n. errt}r-rrr FUu'€ 6: Sa,,,de co,r,.pl kfeat,,.'alio,t 8. Entity ldentification - N€wsci will create an Entity Type tnodel for CCSO. The model will be applied to lhe transcripts of the 911 calls. The Entity; Entity Type: and Contdence Scorc are provird in the analysis. llD fh. Lo.allo. d Ez!.,os H-rrroo.tdlb.r yo nr^! H.d|t€o.il-a rorrb(') crtna Feure 7: Sample Ently ld€lntifrcali]/1. 9. Tele-communicator Score; Call Qualily Score - CCSO will provide Newsci calls it considers "good' and those it considers "bad" based on how the tele- communicator performed, and a set based on the overall quality ofthe call (meaning the caller's experience was good). These will comprise the training set for creating the Tele-communicator Score and Call Quality Score. Addilionally, Newsci will further customize the scores related to specific tele- cornmunicators. ―●LLC―ComfCon―rs Om_o,l ProorofcOrlept WOrk Ran 師 212010 16.J.1.a Packet Pg. 1284 Attachment: Sheriff's office - 911 work plan (5617 : Sheriff's Department 911 Licensing) 2.2 10 Standard Reports― NewScl w∥l prOvide up to twelve(12)reportS based on NC:P output These repoヽ wi∥be delivered in a csv fomat CCSO wi∥work wth NewScito ldenttfy what needs to be in each report Quality Objectives for the Project Outcome NCIP utilizes a secure cloud-based environment. Sance there is polenlial for personal identifiable information, Newsci will utilize a dedicated privale cloud service specifically to address any Pll-relaled concerns of CCSO. This will inllate the price slighlly to accounl for the dedicaled hosting environment but neutralizes any concems CCSO would have in a public or hybrid cloud approach The reliability; usability; fault tolerances; and privacy governance for the cloud environment are set by lhe cloud provider. Newsci is responsible for the reliability; usability; and fault tolerances for the cognitive capabilities including data connections; API connections; natural language processing; speechlolexl; and machine learning. The objective is to provide CCSO a platform for the study and analysis of 91 1 calls. Natural language processing, speech-to-texl, and machine learning are not exacl sciences by design. For this reason. it is not po$ible to guarantee the quality of deliverables as they will vary depending on such fadors as audio quality; amount and quality of data exlracled lrom lhe content; and the developmenl stage of models and algorithms. Newsci's speech-to-text is designed to work with both high and low{uality audio, including narrowband (8KHz) telephony. Multiple speakers are identilied and labeled as Speaker I and Speaker 2. lf CCSO provides Newsci with metadata to iJentify the CCSO tele.communicator, their name will appear in the transcript. Typically, the lirst speaker will be the tele'communicator stating their inlroductory script. Newsci will use analytics to confirm which speaker is the tele-communicator. Newsci grants CCSO a perpetual license lo use all models and algorithms for its own use. NewSci will establish a secure repository for all coding related to the models and algoriihms accessible by CCSO. The only limitation to lhe license is lhey are not for re-sale. Once implemented, NCIP provides data and insights on a weekly basis to CCSO for further analysis and/or conneclion with operalional platforms. Organizational Requirements on the Project Porformance CCSO will provide 50,000 911 audio fibs to Newsci in a secure environment accessible to Newsci personnel. These files need to be ofthe highest quality possible. Only audio files uploaded into this environm€nt can b€ analyzed. CCSO and Newsci will establish a secure delivery process and schedule, and this process and schedule will directly impacl Newsci's ability to provide deliverables. CCSO will perform any analysis outside ofthe scope of this projecl. Newsci can be retained to augment CCSO siaff as needed. nS●LLC―CoOけ Con Sur80m"91l PrOOf of cOnept work口 an M-21 20,0 2.36 16.J.1.a Packet Pg. 1285 Attachment: Sheriff's office - 911 work plan (5617 : Sheriff's Department 911 Licensing) 3 ProieCt Pians 3.l Time Schedule Month l: ・ CCSO and NewSci have pianning meetings with stafr andleadership o NewSci conflgures c:oud―based environment for NCIP ・ CCSO provides NewSct wnh a∥re!evant d∝uments for∞n19urat10n of onto:ogy 。 911ヤ 3ining IIntenals including ca∥schpts if ava∥able o CCSO agency dirdory(uSed br catego12atbn) 。 CCSO personnel dlttbry wlth tues(used br categon2atOn) o CCSO provides NewSci 50,000 91l ca∥so CCSO provides subj●a mtter expertlse in suppOrt of NewSci 91l ontology i●Ca:12at10n o NewSci begins ontOlogy locaL2a000 Month 2: ● NewSd imp:erlents machine ieaming en宙 ronment o NLP and speech―to‐texttraining wlth CCSO―Local12ed Onto:o9ybegins ・ Testng oftrained NLP and speech to‐textbegins ・ CCSO signs offon resuts of NLP and speech―to texttesting o NewSd begins process:ng 91l ca::s Month 3: ● NewScidel市 ers POC to CCSO o CCSO evaluates resuLs&decldes r they Wantto move fOn″ard wnh fu∥implementation of NCIP P:atforln ―●LLC―C●ller Cor●9鰤 fr6 0m‐91l PrOOf of c¨‐口Work Plen Mara 21 20107 16.J.1.a Packet Pg. 1286 Attachment: Sheriff's office - 911 work plan (5617 : Sheriff's Department 911 Licensing) 3.2 Crltica:Proiect M:lestones l Agreerlent signed 2 NCIP cloudenvironmentconflgured 3 CCSO‐Loca!lzed ontologycOmpleted 4 CCSO upl●ads 50.000 91l Cans 5 CCSO provldes doctlments lbr ontdogy 6 Successfu:testing of NLP and speech‐to‐text AP!'s 7 Delivery of P∝to CCSO 3.3 Deiivery Plans NewSci wI∥de∥verthe POC resuお to CCSO on‐site wnhin 9o days of receipt of the 50,∞O audio cams,and d∝umenta,on necessary forthe ontology A summary wil:be provded in a PowerPo:nO:detallin a csv l:ei and a visual analys:s in Tableau0 4 ProleCt Budget S87,500 to analyze 50,000 911 audio calls. This calculation is based upon 50,000 911 cells and includes allcosts for 904ay licensing of NCIP (SaaS) and implernentation services. This price also tncludes the added cost of a secure private cloud, and the T&E lor a oneday on-site delivery of the POC results. ―●LLC―C●|●Con SulF80n"01l PmOfof con∝口Wofk Plan mch21.20188 16.J.1.a Packet Pg. 1287 Attachment: Sheriff's office - 911 work plan (5617 : Sheriff's Department 911 Licensing) GOVERNMENT‐PRiCE QUOTAT:ON CARAHSOFr TECHNOLOGY CORP 1860 MICHAEL FARADAV DRiVE I SulTE 100 1 RESTON,VIRGINIA 20190 PHONE(703)871‐3500 1 FAX(フ 03)871-8505 1 TOLL FREE(888)66CARAH W―CARAH50FT COM i SALES@CARAHSOFT COM carahsoft. TO:Bob Finney∥1DndorComl―icat― cOmr cOunty Shenff 8075L"Cl■ural Ptソ Ste 429 Nap“FL 34113 EMA:L: bob mneyocOller3blrorO PHONE: (230)2523386 FROM: EMAIL: 'HONE: Crahaolt f ocrmology Colp. t860 rAcn d Fmd.y Driv!s{h r00 Raafor1, Vl!h. 201 0O Pta?.C'Iof ed.h.ofr..o.n (7(E1 6793506 FAX: O03) 871€505 TERMS:11492481 02672010 ¨92018 ESO S●4,67742 NatOnalIPA Contracli TcPN Rl駅 “ 02 Tem:」une 1 20151o May 31 2019 FTINi52‐2189693 s"pp nl POint F00 Deslnalon Cred“Card3 ViSAIMasleCardlAMEX Remtt Toi S8『e aS Above Pa´mentTems Net30(Onハ oprOved Credn) Sak"Tax May App y QuOTE NO: QUOTE OATE: QUOTE EXPIRES: RFQ NO: SIIIP':NG: TOTAL pRlCE: TOTAt QUOTE:S8467742 ENO PART NO DESCRlpr oN QUOTE PR,C〔QTV EXTENDED PRICE NewScl‐POC t|erv&i Proof of Concspt for Colfi€r Count Shedfs Otlice S84 67742 SLG $0467742 S8467742SuBTOTAL TOTAL pRICE:$84,67742 TOTAL Qυ OT〔:38`,67742 :pllco 13 ba30d upOn 60.000 91l cal13 and l●ctud●●ali co3●10790・ d●ソ:に ●n●lnO ofllMC:COOnl●vO in3'9ht PIatrom tsaaS)and impl―nta●on ′lcos.Thio prlce alBo includ“the add●dc●●t ofa―ure pmvate clou●,●ndthe TaF f●ra on●・d●on‐3“dolivery oftho POC r●Bu陸 lllcnt Lnia aft upon algning. ONFIDENTIAL aFF l ^`=QUOTE OATC: o-018 QUOTC NO: 1,492401 16.J.1.a Packet Pg. 1288 Attachment: Sheriff's office - 911 work plan (5617 : Sheriff's Department 911 Licensing) 髪TCPN° Ap11 20,2015 Ms E∥en Lord cOntracts Dlrector Carahsoft Technolo9y COrporalion 12369 Sunnse valley Dnve,Suite D2 Reston,Virginia 201 91 Re:Award of TCPN Contract″R150402 Dear Ms Lord: Per o“icial action taken by the Board ol Directors of RegiOn 4 Educatton servlce Center, on Apr∥14,2015,The Cooperative Purchasing Nelwork「CPN)is pleased to announce that Carahsoft Technoigy Corporation has been awarded an annual contract for the fo∥owing,based on the sealed P′oposal(RFP″15‐04)submitted on March 3.2015: Commoditv/Servico Sottware and Related Producls & Services Vendor Carahsott Technology Corporalion The contract is efleclive June 1. 2015 and will expire on May 31 2018. As indacated above, your TCPN Contract f is Rl50402. This conlract may be renewed annually for an additional two (2) years if mutually agreed by Region 4 ESC/TCPN and Carahsofi Technology Corporation. Your participation in the proposal process is appreciated and we look lorward to a successlul pannership. A member ol our team will be contacting you soon to schedule you, vendor orientation. Please feel tree to provide copies ol this letter to your sales representative(s) to assist in their daily course of business. ll you have any questions, please teel f;ee to contact Oeborah Bushnell at 713.554.0460. 1,28()Wぜ 、l Ro.ld l:oust(〕n lc、.l、フ70rIS 888884■S51'a、8004580099、、、、1(l)ヽ 1)r8 Wickel. 16.J.1.a Packet Pg. 1289 Attachment: Sheriff's office - 911 work plan (5617 : Sheriff's Department 911 Licensing) EDGAR CER■FiCA■ONS AGREEMENT FUNDED BY u S FED[RAL GRANT TO WHOM「田AY CONCER∥:i8cllt{ 4 EDITCAfp SERVICE CEXIER b ln ltr Pmc8. d r|.urln! lha rll pdldlt .rrd Piocldutt |twoffiig th' .rDrdlbn ol hd.fd fund. Ir co|rpllant ;l$ th. n I Edrcdoil o.Fltm.ril oar.r.l ldmlnbtrdv. Guld.llna FEDdAR;]. prt ol ttb omcan lrwotvo imlrlrE ttrri dl curitt v.rdorr {nr to cottply rltt EDGAR You mu.t compLic irtr tonn ino rtm o illorcl r oucerplt saucE cEl{IEn dorl! wffi yotr ptogod. Ih. ft0or*E glificdirB snd plori*ns aG rwind fld 4cy r|ldt REGION_4 ED{rCATlOl{ SERI/ICE CENIER rperlds hd€rel frnas Orani*rf*,u1ih9i0mhbD.oom;.,ttfocasslFirltleltt Z C.F.R $ 2m.326, cqrbEts, hdudrl{ s|t|a pu[cha!8s, iri"UcO Ui U,i lgenc, md $c Agd's rtcmlicbc shd co *r th. p.oqrunmt P.wiconr ol APg.ndix ll to Ps.i 2m. 6 .pCcdl€. ffiEDEnrL E TrY CorIIR CIS UrDEi FEoEML Aw Ros i4Contrronrnonthmth.tlmpftltdrlub onthi.ho5c{lmn0v.d.ilrro,O@,dtl$!q."m:!-o.i*lxf]t"*t iii"f,r.O Uy U,c Cf"fUn AS"t y A.$,1!itr " Counct .trd 611 Od.tt . Acqd.l1d nlgultto! Cancfl (CouncXr) a Jfpnt O Oy ff US.C, f$!;riu.i .dd'n t .dn11.tnty., co.tffild, ot L!tr1 1gn arL. h lnd1;rco h'66rc conx'rdor3 viol*c or bnrrh cortna brmr, ]rd Fovldr for rdi ..ncdoo! .ltd p.ndaa ! rPFoDda'' Rlslr t b F.d6l tub (A) rtov!, xrlq! REGION 1 EDUC,ATION SERVICE CEIIER 6pqld! hdcfsl turd3, REGION 1 EDUC TION *ntnCi Ceffen "-yit d righb ild fidegog utt&t ttc ap9fr86r h;,s ad 1ggpbtioos rih n pod b hE Fum6nt h he slrsrtol bBdr of6lt&l by dt r PetY. oocs v€ndor ag.e€? YES (Bt Tr|mlndm for catr. Ild lor colwanhncl by lh. gr.nlcc or tubgnnh. iodudhg th. m.nnar b, whlch lt tdl ba dtccLd inC Uro lrt tor sUomrt (All conf.cb h sc..J d ll0'0$) PuFUsnt to F€dor8l RuL (B) 8borc, *tat REGlOll I EDUCATIO{ SERVICE CENTER experds hderal-tund!,. REGION 4 eOUCeftOt SeAUCe Ceilftn rw53 Un tgl b hm€d€t€ly tsmitlsh sny 4ltdic h .rc.!3 ol t10,000 rBa,titg tun hb p,*r;.r*.if;; he cvcnt ol a bodr or-Oshil of he Atiofient by Vdldc in 0re curt Vendor Eib b: (1) met sd'dules, l""C.i, "in, Uray dag wihin no gne spcdlid h oc pruremcnt so6tiubn, cobacL tdror a pud53o odorrl2] m*€ ;t;d#;;: d (q omr*u p6.tum h mdsr; rih hc conr'dd dbr $e Fooiruna{ sdi:itrriln. REGIoN I ifilCaffCn SERVICE Ci:$fER eEo otsl,!! Urc ddr b bflr*t* ttc cfiEdct hracdlbly, r|th wtho mlhs b-vfi&r, lbr ,r,re"[.-, n nieoH I eor-rcnrror *nrtrce cEliIER b.[a,.3, h ls loh &crltin hc it r in ho b6t hbclt o{ REGIoN 4 eOuCrirOil SgnvlCE CEIIER to do so. vendor rrl be conpar&d ftr Er p.rh.mrd atd rybd 8!td 9ood6 a€phd by ReetoN I EilJC nON SEf,VICE CENIER as ol &. tsmhdi.n dds if tte contrdd b te dnabd b( c(|ru once d REG|o l eOffCfnOl SgmnCe CENTER. Any owad unrlar trb pmcurcmqrl pus b nd crctrslw ad REGlOll I EDuCATlOt{ SERVICE aA11ER '-r,,!! fie dght b plrdas gmds erd ;rvirs fiom drr vcodds utrrn t b h REGISI { EtUCATlOt{ SER /lCE cE ,ITER 3 belt htarEst DoesVendoagoe? YES (C) Eqsd Emptornq|t Opportunlty, Bc.pt r odr.rdrr provu.d und.r4l CFR P.tt f,}, .ll cortncb lhrt ir.t th. ddnftlon ii reirnrry iolreo coi61rcild cgtrif tn 41 cf,R Pnt co.t3 rud hcrr15 Ur .$d opporhtr'liy dpc ptovtscd und.r 1l CFR 6$l,10} ln .ccord.nca wltr Erccutivc frGr 11216, 'E$d Emploftait OpPotunM (30 FR 123f 9, f 2r!8, i dFR prl ttG+t965 Cq1p, p. 3f9), 6 rmrrdod by Er.oriyj ft.r 113?5, "Amrdlry Erccutlv. gd.r r izfO ncm|g o Equrt inOoymsm Onnrtun1yi .nd lmdtil.ntng 11euldo;1j rt fi Cf R p.11 G0, 'gfrc. ol Fcda1l Csma Conpnurr Prcenmt, Equd EmploFxni OpPo.trdfy, D.p.thtolf ol Ubor.' pucuart to F€dGrat Rutc (C) atoE, v,lEl REGION 4 EUJCATION SERVICE CEI{IER cperds frdeal fuds oo ary fcd.rd! sssist.d onrlrudin Gonfact h. Gqu.l opgofirdy dsuss b hcuPorabd by lrftmcs h.rEh. oocs Veodor 8grs€ b.bitc by fr abo.c? YES (o) orvlr€.con Act, t. mdld.d (lo u.s,c. 3t4t.3t{} whrl ]lqutttd by f.d.nl ,rog]lm hghlrtlon, dl prlm. comtrucdon ;drffi h uc6r ol iL@0 mrdad by non+.d.rd .nlld.a muat lnduda r prwuon ht ccnpfima x,t$ thr Drvh. Bso'| Art (/o U.S,C. llal.ftlq .d 3l{$af 4!) .. llmldrs .d ty ocDrtil.d of Llto quulon (20 CFR tun 5, 't bo. S.nd.dr *wblom Applc.t h io Colt ctt Covrrlllg Fcdlr.ly Fln nc.d fid Arrltbd Cordrucdon'tr ln acco.danca wlii th. tt n!, conhctoo mnt b. nqulrd to pry r,ltlrc b Ltolt r rnd m.d|.nlc. lt . nt rot lc's th|n tic ptwdtlng m9.. rp..Xf.d h ! rl.g. d.t fl hdon m.d. by lha SGc[try o, L&.. ln rdduott, collttrdotr mu bt ].$ffi to Ply 16.J.1.a Packet Pg. 1290 Attachment: Sheriff's office - 911 work plan (5617 : Sheriff's Department 911 Licensing) $.et n a L.. th.n onc. r wldl Th. mnf.d.nl .dy m(!t phct r cofl o' lh' cr,nult.pq:IryI9..ry" fi; t !,. D.p.rttr.AOtrtorft.*t -nado,r. niOcction to rsri i conera or lubcodnct nld bt coodluomd "p.,t di ;;fi; A 6r -g. Cfrn tr.U.n. Thr non. ffi irtly mud nfod dl '.,.!..hd,or mo16drloL6oot to U[. i"d.rd;fiir, q.rr"r. Tlri ""rrrldt rnA *o mruor e prorttori lor corirnca-nffr Or C9P.a.t d.l1'ry1rct. il i$ nia. id ; rui:rmorrra D Oeprrtmcr ol trbor rfuhtlon (29 CfR Put S, 'Codnciomd Subcootsrcton --A,of.a,rUrrrC;lpubl;Wod(Flno;ddrwtorornrrruyLornrorGrutbhonro;jurdlrd$t'IlhrAriptovrdax1a ;e co"dt , or .ub6chm au* b. ptohlttbd troir t,rOgcfrg, by .ny rr.n!' 11y q.tlon 3mD5y,16 ln thc -,tmraur, -.la"n, o. npit A prru" m.i, b etv. uP rry pft { 01. GqrD.n.lDon to *lch ho or th b odtfil.. cnUtrC, Itrr'non+rO16t crgy'murt ripot 1l llgectd or trPotbd vloLton! to lh. F.d.6l lf,rdlng .g.nsy. Rtrsant b Fcdc|a| Rrllc (O) 8bo,c, *al REGIO{ 1 EDUCATION SERVICE CENTER oead! hdtd tundr tuhg lh€ Em ot dr ;;-d;;tr6 riO rOgf bo cout,.tcnt r Bpalr, Vrndor xdl bc in cornp[ao t r d {f*cadc Da,b8ecd Act plulbion3. 006 vcrdo. ry!.? YEs Do.! vsxh. ry6? YES oo.s vcndor {rcG? YES Inilids of Auucized RcFBootdiw of Vdrh. (E) Conr.C Wo.t lhun rnd gjrty $rrd.rrb Act ({ U.S.C..3r0l-t7O). Wt.r qdlc.bh, dl cotr.cb_.mrd.d by 0t. ;rF;; ",ttry hr .rca.t o, ft(b,oo 0lt ln dya ft. rrdoynrrt ol nrchrrhr or hbonlr mlt lndod! I pto{Hol i. .-rOmcc *i6 O U.S.C. 3702 r; !701, 6 rupplanodrd by Ooprano oI lrtor treuhioo. G9 CFR Prt 5l lJtxhr a0 U.S.C. 3i!2 ol fi. Lt .rh ooNtgb. md tr oqitirO O coneirU ltt. rq.. ot 3ydy n d1111lc md Lbo6 oo th. brb of I *rndnd rst vcoi o( O horL Wott ln glcca. ot th. d;d.td wo s!d( b p.flnbduc Fovld.d th|t h. mtt t b -rp.-*O .f r rtt ol nd lr.l th.n oo. rd r h.f tlno tha !.dc r.b d P.y to. rI ltolrl t?,tad -Iioui fn Urr wo* mclc lhr nqulmertr ol {0 U.&C, 3704.tt TplG.U.b 6n.tocdoorod( ]d povldr tht m hhoru ii r:rccfpnfc iurt Ul nqut* to' rc* ln rrroondryr q, undrr wrnrg cqxf5oot rhlch rn umrrflly, lurldortr q' O.,tC.;!('. noa ,.Culninrnf Oo oa epty b trr pu-rdnro of rlrygllrl ot i*rbb or ltd.. orfl y &rlLb|. on th! op mrnrt, or contnctr iot trn$oddon ot trrredon of lntrlgrncr. purarart b Fcdsrd Rub (E) lbor,3, $qr REGlOtl I EDt C TION SERVICE C€NTER axPad! fsdfid tund!, Vordor cdlifE! ftd VarOor wU Ufr onpCaria rflf, O fp[cUc p,onUrs d hr Cmiact t{o,t tldr! nd Sdlty St'rd.tt A.t drhg $. bm o{ al aE d b, at dl6 by REGIoN 4 EDUC TIOI'I SERvlCt CENIER,lcrfing ftsn Ulb Florarldlt Proclss' (R Rlghb to tryasont X.d. t dcr . Corfict or &m.m.ftL ll lh. Fod.ol rFrd m..t3 lic ddnlton ol 'tundlng il;gtr ;d ri Cfn lrotr (.) .ad thr r*l1*ea or $rxlrrt ulth.. to .nbr lrrto . conb.cl vritlr r mdl tir.fi..g n- or nmpmfit frrntrilon rqerdng thi rubrutroon d p.rtc., at lgttn nt o. p.fonnxoc ot .r?qln"nt l' a.riopnt m.r, o1i.{ch {arrf undrr 6rt .lgnoiq rgnonart ' h. rlclpk;;1 or ettadpLrt noa conply trl& urc rqufdnuar oC ff CfR prn Ol, "Rlghb b hv.||uoot X.d. by Xoll?]! lt O]!o{rttbn. Ird &mll 8uth..!.fhn t nd.l Govanmrnt Gnntr, Gontrc! and Cooprrdvc Agrcrngrtr,' md iy intpl.lnqrdng ,quldollr b.ttad by tlto luntdhg .gircy. Pu6rant b FGdcral tute (D sbove, xtrfi ffi tunds ae erpend by REGIOI{ 4 EDUCATIO{ SERVICE CE}'ITER, ho t endor 661ffg6 fial rturhg ho *ir ol en awed h d conts(a by RfGl0N 4 Eot CAIlOt{ SERIyICE CENIER rcsruttg lDm 0tb prureflE t troc€.s, &B l,tlldor 4re€6 b co.nply witr d apfrhaua mquiErncflb a! tdcErc.d in Fedral elh (R &ovo' (G, CLm Alr Acl (12 US.C. 01.76?1q.1rnd h. F.d-tl W.!.t Ml.oo Coft'ol Acl (!3 U.S.C. r2f1'iu4 .t.n.rld# Conrrctr rid [bgnnta ol rrnourt h .!c-t ol1150,(tr murf contrh r Fliil ihi nqrdrt !r nm. Fcdrnl rmrd b r![r b cfidy rdfh rfl gpllcrbls rtrnddq odrr! o. ngrddofl. br,rd Flrt'rril b lhr Cbr Ab Att ('t2 US.C. 7{01' 707lql .nd th. F.dr.l W.t r Po0don Codrd Agt r mdcd (33 U.&C. 1251. t3tn. Uddar tnl't t ttfort d b ihc FGdGrd .F dh0 rgpncy ad hr ROlqrd Offtco ol tha Ervhonmcntrl ProL.flon Agocy (EP ). 16.J.1.a Packet Pg. 1291 Attachment: Sheriff's office - 911 work plan (5617 : Sheriff's Department 911 Licensing) Rr.su.ltt b Fodo€l R ls (G) above, rtren hdrd tun& te 6xp'idGd by REGICI{ /t EDrt,cATlot{ sERVlcE C€NTE& tllc wldor *ffi i a oriig ut.-b(,i'-6r an ni"rt o, "n conbaG b, RE6lor.t 1 Ebt cATtot{ sERl/lcE CEMER mcltcr r€$tng fiom ttb p,*r"rna p.&r, u," vondtr lgfles b mmdy l,r t d 4glicaye GquienElb a r€tsnru6d b F€dd.J eI6 (G) 8bo{s. (fl) Drb.mrot.nd Surprnalon (ErGdyc Ofihil 12549.td l26GFAcontn t |I!rd (3t 2 CFR lloim) nutt not bc. mrd' io'pa"r iua on tti go".n;r wld" o.t .lolt ln $o sy.En tot Amtd T.n{rnent (sAll}. h-tc6orduc. v,i[l ttr Otb guEdno rt 2 cFi tto th.t ! phmcnt Er.qIiY. Ordon 125{9 (3 CFR p.n'19!0 ComP. P. l!9) rnd iab'O Cfn pnt ,19C9 Cofip., p. ZiO, .OcU,tnrnt rrd $l!p.nrloo.' SAI Erclu.bnr contrh. th. nmtc. ol prrrhr 6351rn, ilfrd"d,or oOcni,tri actui.f by .grnch., rr wdl .. p.tte. d.chcd ln lg[bh und.r:t btory or ]tguhory ru0rorlty ofiattim Er.cutlv. firt l25at. turcrat h F6ddrt forb (H) ebo,s, nlren bderd tnds aa orpondod by REGlO,l 1 ED{JCAnON SERVICE CENIER, hc rEn&r crtt"s Urd Ou*q Ure tirir ol m arad fo. * conrdr ry REGIO{ 4 EDUCAIION SERVICE CEIIIIER rcr ittg tun 0ds ir*.,rs*nipo.*, n" \,Elbr oetf6 hd nd6pr f n(r. tu pjh4aE b FEsstt0y d.barcd, $rpadrd. pmP6d h. d€btm€rt icoaaO irOplc , or vountttfy erdudod Itm padicipdbn by ay lbffi d.pstt'ltcr{ a agsnq. Do6s Val(ld {.8? YES Do6 V6do( sg(eo? YES ooca Vefl&r {r€c? YES 0) Bynt An6tobutl9 Arncrlnrnt ot u.s,c. tSsaFcont|cbr ttst TPly or bld ht m rd cr$odlng lllD,0o murt iic tfic nqufoC cirtdcton. Erdt 0; cofr6 to lh. dtr.bov. thrt I xtll not md h.. not u..d F.d.nl .gproPdrbd fu]d. b pay any p.lton oI orgrnLrton lor lnfimdng d lttmdng b lnftrrmo tn officor or cmployrc ol l,v lgt cy, I rlrtlbcr A borfriri, ome. or inplofrs o, Coognrr, or en cmpl@ ol r trunbcr ot Gongnrr ln coonccto[ t{0r oltalnin0 ,ny F.dml'co.rtn4 ef.|rt or hy oOl.. rnA covrnO by !1 U.&C. l35a Etdi tltt mu.t d.o dbcl6. rty loDly'lrE rl$ non' fcOrnf hrn6 triiUrcr 1rci fr connraion um Oifrmg rny fcdcnl !Erd. Sudt dbclo.ulrl rrr hnnrdcd lrom der to ti* up b lh non-Fcdrnl tr.d. Purluart b F6d.rd Rul€ O ,bo,s, whsr hd.rd turds ar €re€t{,.d b, REGI0N 4 EDUCATON SERVICE CENIER tta rrrtdor cdt'f€r $at during tE tcnir- anO ater trc ararOcO ktm ot sfl awad ht all ontzds b, REGION 1 EUTATIO{ SEFVICE_CEiITER rcar&U tom hb goosemenl prDoc!6, ttc vcndu' c€tfilhs hd n i! in cmda tft s[ 89P[cabb Fousim d hr Eyrd &ti' Lobbrirf An|qrdnmt (31 U.S.C. 1 352), TIl. unddqped tuttar cstilhs hst(0 lb fedcrd apOropcied tun& hsn bG.n pa6 d tri[ ba paid b( m brhall of tre undaCgned, h any Parsor tu htuarclE s atbipling b hiusnca ar oficar a enployce ol aty agerc7, a itmta ol Cmgrlss, et othar a qryb,tc ol cury6, or an q|pbyre o{ I 6mbs ot Consoss h cmnodin x'i0t ftc atlrdlf[tg ol e FcdGrd oonH. tlc nrafirB * a fcOoa gat ho m*ing o, e Fcdcrd loan, lle €nhaing inb e ooop.rdy! agf€alEnt and fie Gd€nidl, cfiIflurtirn, Gn trd, anaidnGnt a mdficdin ol a fucrd contacl, grat ban, 0r cope'diYa ryEIE t (2) [ any tuid3 ofisr 0l.n F€d6sl apFqlktbd tutl6 ha,B boen p.id o. ti[ be p8l, b dry pe(!m tr h[ueri,E d altmplirE b hthr$c. sn oficar or cm roc of ary agcrry, I irqrtor d Cogrcss, a ofica or 3tryloyla ol cotlgrssE, 0. an .mploysc o, a ttombor ol CongFsss in connadidr uih hb F.(htd grant or coopordiua agrE€m.it, Slr utdeGign€d sltafl cdnPleto .rd suud Sand.d FofiFtll, 'obdcur. Forn b Repql Lobbrittd, in accol'lc. Iih ls inshdknr. (3) Th€ urda:lped ahai require [ral hc laquagc of hb cert'fcdkn bo hcluded in be aad doqrmdlb br al cotr6d $rbrds arc86fi9 E100,0fl, h Federd funds at C 4gogftG tias ad trd il 3lttxiinb cld ccriily rnd Gdoca actol6n$. .hn als ol Aihortsd Rs0@.antdivo ol Vardor RE00RD RttrTloNREQUIREMEttSFOR COmCTsiNVOLVINO FEDERALFU∥DS whdl lcdcral t xlt aIB expdtdrd by REGIO|.| 4 Eot cATlO,l SERVICE CENIER ,cr sny o.rtrlct rBrulting lrom hb Focurement Procas, vador clrliir3 Urat it wi[ coopty rih he Gcod rllcntior Gq,irarEnts ddd€d in 2 CFR S 2m.$3. Tho VGndor futher cdlifie3 hal Vsndor*l rct h al rsoofib r! ,oquircd by 2 Cf,R g 200.333 tor a pai{ ot trrc par'ana ge rr3 or sigr8nb€s submit fnrl elpcndfrrrB trpo.is or qr.rtcly or anual financid ropor!, G Adcd., ad 8l dr€r pendrg m*rs sr€ doced. ooGa Vendor ag!o? YES 16.J.1.a Packet Pg. 1292 Attachment: Sheriff's office - 911 work plan (5617 : Sheriff's Department 911 Licensing) CERTIFCAI10N OF COmPLIANCE WITH THE ENERGY POLiCV AND CONSERVAT10N ACI t{hen REGtoN 4 EDLCAIIOi{ SERI/|CE CENIER c)pco& hdcfd tun& t 8fly csntsacl learfing ftom hb proctrsYEnt F@6s' Verdo. cerlifes U\al it wil comply xiib he manddory stendar& atd Ftdes tlldrng b oflergy effciemy wt*, ae containcd ir the slate encrgy cooreryali{ pltt i$rcd it com9lialce wih tle Enagy Po[cy ad Cmservatim Act (42 U.S.C.6321 ets€q.;19 C.F.R. Prr 18). Does Vendor agree? YES lnitials ol Aulhoized Repr€senlal,ve ol Veodo( Vendor certifies that Vendor is h csnplaicc vrih al 4plicable provisirrs ol lhc 8t y tuncdca Acl. Purchases made in accodalce wilh lhe 8uy AJn6tica Ad must still blow th€ apptrcaHe Foarremenl ruhs callhg for lree and open competition. ooes Vendor agtee? YES lnilials of Aulhorized Representalive of Vendor Vendor agre€s that fie lnspedor G€neralol $e &eocy or any ol thei duly artholized rep6entalives stdl have access lo ary books, d&rnents, papers and r€cqds o, Vendor hat ,e diccfly p€(il6lt h Vendo{'s disdt{gp o, ils ougatbns under he Contrad tor he ruioic ol mating ard6, eglhations, erceryts, and transcrt ims. Th€ 4rht 8lso indodes timely and |ua3onde accGss b vsdo/s pcconnrl b. tfu gJPo6e d hterrriav ad disojssion clathg to such doojrEnts. Oo.s vendora$ec? YES EL lni[ds ol Auftorized Rep.esenbtive ol Vendo( Ooes Vendor ag€€? YES EL hiials ol Auhodzed Repres€ntali'/€ ol Vcrda Vcndor sgto€s to comply wlth all tldcral,3tite, and loc.llaws, ru|c:, t gul.tiom end otdlnrnces, rr rpplictble.lt lt lurther rcknorvlGdged ihat vcndor ccrtfila compli.ncc with all provitionr, lalr!, rcB, rugulalions, elc. as spcclficrlly notcd lbovc. Carahson TechndOgy CorpOraton Vendo/s Name: 1860 Ntchtt Faraday Dnve,Suit 100,Reslon VA 20190 Add佗 “ ,Clty,Staり ,and Zlp Code phone Number 703 871■500 701-871-8505FaI i*tmEr: Pmtt Nme翻 稚 olAuttomd R9-": 断d lddress_Sa:esocttsOn.∞mq)na&c of Aulhorized Reprcsentalive: Ellen Lod, Coolrds Malager Dale: Ap面 118,2017 Vendor agrees lrlat all contracits it aryards pursuanl to he Conlract shall be borrnd by the foregoing lems and cooditions 16.J.1.a Packet Pg. 1293 Attachment: Sheriff's office - 911 work plan (5617 : Sheriff's Department 911 Licensing)