BCC Minutes 01/03/1984 R .... \ r:::l -, .... , " , '" . . ;",' 'I~ ," ,'." :,1!; ,~1'~-;,. .:~~! . ,~~{;. .,' ~. . "'!'~7~t , -~-------------------------------------~ -1,;.:' ~ ,"'r~ -- ------ ----- .'\ \ Naples, florida, January 3, 1984 ~ " ,"........,., LET IT BE REMEMBERED, that the Board of County Commissioners in "~~~d for the County of Collior, and also acting as the Board of Zoning ,.\ . ¡' Arp~als and as the governing board(.) of such .pccial districts as have been CL~ated according to law and having conducted busln~PR hQr~ln, I~:~ on this date at 9100 A.M. in Regular Session in Building .,. of the Courthouse Complex, East Naples, Florida, wllh the following members present I CHAIRMAN: David C. Brown VICE-CHAIRMAN I C. C. "Red" Holland -:1'. " ,f..l\. ~~~ . . . 1~',4 '114,' Frederick J. Voss Mary-Frances Kruse ',' Abuntl John A. PIstor " '.,", ALSO PRESENTI William J. Reagan, Clerk, Maureen Konyon and Elinor \ -:. ',' Skinner (1130 P.M.) Deputy Clorks, Burt L. Saunders, County Attorne:..., Terry Vlrta, ...cting .County Manager, Don Norton, Public Services ,.Admlnlstrlltorl Knutll lIorlman, Public Works Admlnilltratorl John boldt, ,I., . Water Management Director, Lee Lllyne, Zoning Director, Irving Berzon, ,I Utllitl.. ,t,ð.,lnl.trator, Nell Dorrll1, Public 611foty MllllnlBtratoc Grace Spaulding, Administrative "'ide to the Board, and Deputy Chief Ray Barnett, Sheriff's Department. ÌI " :1'1;'; .:.~ ~.~ . '. : aoo.: 079 mt 425 Page 1 '. <~ ~'vJ" ~" .,'~ '. _ .,' ',. " ~ ~.-;.. ~." ",i.,»_ w.~,,,,"~~ ,~,JO;.... ' _. "";II!>: . '7 ~ / .......... "..... ..................-. ). :~'J~~ ~:f'·'~;'·.' .- r""""'\." , . ' -':-~-. ~ ~ L ,~...... :~~,·'rl· :.' .;." -:-;.Iþ'" -f , ' .... .J' tJii~~ ... ~------------------------------------ ~. ~1(,.:w. ' ~~O( 079mt430 Tape '1 Ite. tl ~. AGENDA - APPROVED WITR ADDITIONS~ ~,~~ ~~;!' :." Co..la.ioner !tru.e lIoved, .econded by Comllll..loner Holland and ....'! . , carried 4/0, that the agenda be approved with the following additions I :1,'- l'-''' " (. a. Item leA added - request that previous extra gain timé for ~. ":..' , , Inmate 143156 be rescinded. ~ '...~'\\. b. Itelll 13B lidded - re discussion of Acting County Manager. Ite."'2 Jllnua ry J, 1984 " MINUTES or 12/6, 12/13, ~ND 12/20/83 REGULAR MEETINGS - APPROVED COllmi.sioner Kruse moved, .econded by Commi..ioner Voss and carried 4/0, that the .Inute. of December 6, December 13, and December 20, 1983, regular lIeetlng_ be approv~d. Ite. t3 MILLARD HAMILTON, EQUIPMENT OPERATOR II, PUB~IC WORKS DIVISION, RECOGNIZED AS EMPLOYEE or THE MONTH FOR J~NU~RY, 1984 Commissioner Brown presented a letter and plaque to Mr. Hamilton in appreciation Cor his service to the County. He noted that there would be a $100 ClIsh bonus in his next pðy check. Ite. 14 -. RESOLUTION 84-1 AUTHORIZING COUNTY ATTORNEY TO AS!t FOR ATTORNEY GENERAL'S OPINION REGARDING THE LEGALITY or CRE~TING A DEPARTMENT or OCCUPATIONAL LICENSES AND CONTRACTORS' CERTIFICATES - ADOPTED. ITEMS 6CIA, 6Cl!, 6CIC - WITHDRAWN ~~ ¡....,. I.; ¡.: County Attorn~~ Saunders stated he has A copy of a letter from the Department of Rev\~oe which indicAtes thdt the proposed depArtment may ~~ illegal und~r some of the state tAxing statutes, adding thAt because of th~s opinion from the Depllrtment of Revenue, he would suggest that the BoArd of County Commissioners consider one of two possible a1ternativeø. He stated that one would be to request from the Attorney General A formal written opinion A. to tho legality of this type of depArtment or Accept the opinion of the DepArtment of Revenue And take r no further action on the proposed ordinances. PAge 2 ------~--,.--- , , It'~ ~.f"': t ' ,.~--¡ - , =-~ t=::] ìl ~ 11'1 ;1!~"";"~~~"""""""~ ____._.._,~_"'_'_...",'~"',""'"..."",,'~"U~,,. ,_""..._,__~,,,--.,,,_"_~s,_.,,,"~_~.,,,,,,,";,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,~ : ¡.' ~,;J'! ~. '" " ,- , ,.\.... t .'t.-:,' ' .'.\.(-h": ,t··· ,. ...' I', ' Ir' ,\, . ~., , '.',~.~";'. '.,~ ',¡;c ," '., , '" I-H' "".11:'" \,JJ¡¡+\ .. !,' . . ~ ::'."~ ~ .. ...., ',~ ~ . /:~~,..'" . '1' . ,~ , .,..I~ , . ,:,:~.~ ;)'r,µf 1;,.",. , ~,t .J ','of}' Y'!l· "~:" ~: ~". ':-j", \ .-< ',,:" . ." '.' .' \- r ,,_J \ t::::l ---, . j .---- -------------------..---.- Janu,HY 3, 1984 ~". . ~~; \,.~;. Co..i..ioner Rolland .oved, .econded by COlllllli..ioner P:ru.. and :~~.carrled 4/0, that Re.olutlon 84-1 authorizing the County Attorney to j~~~~k for the ~ttorney Oeneral'. opinion regarding the legality of ~."~~e.t1ng . depart.ent of Or-:upatlonal Licen.e. and Contractor.' ~: i ';' Certificates be adopted. '. Co..is.ioner Holland lIIoved, seconded by Co..issioner ~ruse and carried 4/0, that ItelllS 6Cl~, 6C1B, 6CIC, be withdrawn and If the " ~ttorney aeneral'. opinion 1. favorable, th. ordinance. will be ", readvertised. , ",' I, .., . ',~ ,,' .;'. . ,I ~. . . .. ¡. Il':';'.. , r\' r' . ~!.:.~.~, ~.~: :,ø.~; ':~~¡~ :1,.'" ,<iDlÅ’ Y>~i~~ f ;j.::~;". ..¿,¡.:~:. '. ~..;,- t'·: ' NO( 079nr,t 431 ,......:... Pa9c 3 .;-, .- . .. ------------------------------------~~- ~ --........,,....--.....-.,,-,,-...,."'. ,.._~.......----~._..._..."...._._,..,----_.._---~.,',...."""-"'--.. "";~ ....--.._~.......,-.-_.. ""7'~-~"~7~' r...' .. .... .& ;t~ ,~ ;.;~.,.. :' :~~' ------------------------- -----.--- ~f'i~~ :,;., It:..ft., 079 Pi? "34 January 3, 1984 ~.~. :. PETITION DRI-83-3C, NENO SPAGNA - CONTI~UED TO 1/17/84 ~~~ Co..lssloner Vo.. moved, .econd_d by Commln.loner ~ru.e and ~.. carried 4/0, that PetItion DRI-83-3C, filed by Neno Spagna, be : "~f,~"·:··' ; , continued to 1/17/84. It.. 16 d~ ..., 'W...1j "\: .... REPORT R! f:STABLISHMENT OF BUILDING PERMIT PROCESSING CENTER - ~:~'.. WITHDRAWN '. :1"',.", Co..lssloner ~ru.e ~oved, seconded by Com.iss~oner Voss and carried 4/0, that the resport re establishment of a building per~lt proce.slng center be withdrawn. Ite. '7 CARNIVAL PERMIT 84-1 COLLIER COUNTY FAIR AHD EXPOSITION, INC. FOR THE ~NNUAL COLLIER COUNTY FAIR ON 1/14-1/21/84 - APPROVED Zoning Director Layne stated that Petition C-83-6C, was filed by the Collier County Fair and Expoaitlon, Inc. requesting a permit to . .. " conduct the annual Collier County Fair which will be held January 14 through 21, 1984. She noted that all the provisIons of Ordinance 75-11 '. .'I"'~. have b_n met wi th the excoption of the $2,500 surety bond, ðddlng that t:.' the petitioner is asking that this be waived due to the fact that the r~.v ·1 ' '1~ l!i,~..~~ r h on, t.~!, Swamp Buggy Grounds. She report.d that Staff recommends }4',·j~~lver of the $2,500 surety bond and IIpp.roval of the p'ennlt subject to the Building Department inspecting the premises prIor to the opening of ., the Fair and that the Fair and Midway operators must apply for their own occupational licenses. Com.iasioner ~ru.e moved. seconded by COmAIssioner Holland and carried 4/0, that Carnival Permit 84-1 for Collier County Fair and Exposition, Inc. for the Annual Collier County FaIr on 1/14-1/21/84 bu . ;::, approved subject to sta!! stipulation.. :. t.;, 4" ¡~. \'~. ~ . ... '!, ;i.; t " ¡ ------------- V~:., '.~.;. ; I~·.~r "¡ ò\o, ~ ...5~:...~... rage 4 . " - -'·Ii'... '!'~.{4 . ",-. -~{ '. ,~~ ,':-."~ ''''1'.;.. ~ ,'J:1 . '.";J.-.... .~"~~ t::::) , t J "'...... . .....-.. .-...- ~.~-'-~,..",.~~...--,~---,----------_.,~ t.' " . ï. . "ik: 'l.~ Ii':" ~' ".ÿ , :íl!. . , ,. >; '>, ,'\ .~: , -"., .' ';~ __.~. ''fI T' '... -;,- . . . . J.. '1,,_'.. ...., .,~-..~\ ,,, ,'1 , t. .::. .': .f~.:~"'_.. .. \ ~ .'}~ :~: ~~r~:~"7;: '; ~~~.~, . f' ' ~..~.,' - ";,, ¡.. ,...... ¡, .._~,.... .' r'~ 079néè 436 Ite. II .' -;,. "'; ;:-' '.. --"~""""'-"-~'..- ..". ,.r~T;~.:~~I"II:<~""·7f· ~:~'rt .~. .. ~"':''¡", .' , \:.....p".,. . .-.,~.~;: Januar~' 3, 1984 I J.~ í",,·jOBMSOM ENCR./HOLE, MONTES' ASSOCI"'TES, INC. RAN~ED AS NUMBER ONE ~ CONSULTING ENGINEERING FIRM TO STUDY THE D-2 CANAL DRAINAGE ,r, ., Water Management Director Boldt 'stated that he receIved eight proposals from conaultlng engineering firms to do the study, a~dlng ;¿. .. that the selection commI ttee reviewed and evalullted the proposa'ls and a short list is being recommended. He stated that the firms could be ranked without being interviewed or they could be interviewed on January 17, 1984, to be rðnked. I.t \.' ,. "I .., ~, CommIssioner Voss stated that Staff has done a good job rating the \ .'), flr~s, adding thðt therc is no need for interviews. Com.ia.ioner Voss moved that CH2M Hill be selected as the number one consultIng engineering firm to study the D-2 Canal Drainage and that Staff be directed to negotiate a contract with them. Motion died for lack of . second. Com.lssioner Brown moved, seconded by Commissioner ~ruse and carried 3/1 (Comml.sioner Voss opposed), that Johnson Engr./Hole, ". Montes, Associate., Inc. (Joint Venture) be solected os the number one consulting engineering fir. to study the D-2 Canal Drainage and that '. :,." t,. ... , ~ , . . l :.t.(. ; t '~'. > I";~; " y~" ~~~,!t: be directed to negotiate ð contract with thelll. . " " t-"'~:"".:' Co_isaioner Kruse 1D0ved, seconded by Comlll.sloner Holland and ,\' H: carried 3/1 (Co.-Is.ioner Vo.s opposed), that Wilson, Miller, Barton, , V~~,· '''l . ,'If: ;!' ~ '~':" 5011 , Peek, Inc., with Mlssllller , Assoc., be selected as the number two consulting engineering firll to study the D-2 Canal Drainage. , '..., Commissioner KruSe moved, .econded by Com.,lssioner Holland and carried 3/1 (Co~i.sioner Voas oppoaed), that Coastal Engineering Conaulcants, Inc. be aelected as the numbor three consulting engineering firm ,~ atudy the D-2 Canal Drainage. ."j.. " .... :-"1 ... ~., ''!F ,if. .... ""';: -it: Page 5 --------------~--------------------------- " '-" L__, _. '-...'-.-, .----" ',~~,.. .... \.. ~\- d: ., ,.,->..y...., ". , - .~_...._-.._- _~.. T flit"'" ... b.L1iII ..1...,_....,."......~~'.....-t,'......J·,. ,"':vllllo""l"'''''-''''"t,fl L __.....- _~"".'·~""·"'__"·'~''''_'''h'.''''.",_·.".·.,...~.>,~ __.,.-".+,,,.__.~. __h" "...., _ .._,,~ """"",,.,,,,,,,.. "t r1 \ ---, , --- - -,- - - -- - - - - - --- ----- - --- - -- -- -- - -...- - - ----- ~.....,.l " c, January 3, 1984 It.. U ORDIMANC! CREATING ISLES or CAPRI STREET LIGHTING DISTRICT rUNDED BY VOTED TAX LEVY - APPROVED TO BE DRAFTED AND ADVERTISED TO BE HEARD ,JANUARY 24, 1984 Public Works Adllllnistrator lIartman st.:lted thðt the residents of ,'-, Isle~ o~ Capri indicated that they wanted street lights ðnd that it be a voted district, adding that It would have to be put on the March ballot. He stated that he wants the Board approval to proceed with preparing the necessary ordinance for the Januðry 24, 1984, meeting.' He noted thðt the ordinance has ðlready been advertised but he w~nts the Board's approval '~o go ahead with the atroet lighting district. Co..iaaion~r Rolland moved, seconded by Commiasloner Kruse and carried 4/0, that the ordinance creating the Iale. of Capri Street Lighting Dlatrlct funded by voted tax levy be approved to be drafted and advertised to be heard on January 24, 1984. Itelll 110 OWNER AND CONSTRUCTION MANAGER (HEERY) TO TAKE STRONG ROLE IN JUSTICE CENTER ISSUES. WORKSHOP TO BE HELD 1/31/84 RE 8TH FLOOR SPACE ALLOCATION. PHASES 1 AND 3 OF PARKING EXP"'NSION PLAN - APPROVED Public Safety Administrator Dorrill stated thðt this item is related to the Justice Center, ,dding that the job, as a rosult of the fourth quarter progress report, has begun to slip In terms of the construction sched'lle. He statod that associated with this, were some concerns expressed by prime contractors on the job, adding that as a result of their concerns, a meeting was held with them to resolve some of the problema. lie stilted that there are some legitimate concerns on behalf of the contractors, which relate to two areas primarily. He stated that there seems to be procedural problems with contractors obtaining request for clariflclltlon and interpretation of the documents which result in eventual Change Orders that have beon proceased, adding that thero also aeems to be questions or areas that the owner will have IOD« 079,,1t,t 4.37 Page 6 , '. . " ....... -. ',../ ·/··r4:"'.~·.. ..:",: ;'''.1' ;,~ ,1·-- ..' .:~\... r ._,..___"~ ~', -: ...,~:~.;;:' , ,'1.._, '..... " , .; ',. ~: r., . :itf:,¡ ~~, " ..,.' i '. h .: '1 "'.... ~i~"-:h."Gf'''1I'~4·~''r...,J.~, ,,....cr ~~~ ,<tl!" --- .if" ,'''' , , ::,~,being that the Architect and their Project Manager lI\ake reasonable 11;.), ,'·'t,,':", ,:~, >"-:-'''' . ~I ~,..,'.... .. ,.:... ',/:. ~.'~ ~ .. .. expeditious and quick architectural decisions as a result of the Monday',,: I coordination mlletlngs thllt are held every week, adding that It will, be: expected that they provide a one day turn around ti~o on decisions related to these type of items. He stated that as a result of those two layers, it is safe to assume that almost half of the existing paperwork and burden will be taken off the ^rchitect's shoulders, adding that in return fo "'hich, it should be inbisted thllt the archi- tect devote the remaining time on the job to those decisions that '. require architectural interpretation of their documents or certiflca- ~ tlon or approval of shop drawing submittals and proposals that ultl- s..~' J . '. , ........" \ .~-,-,- ._.._--_._--,..,......._~_._----.,_...._---~-,-.........-.....~._~-- ~...._----_..--- --..-~._.. L _...-."".,-~."-,...~.,"""-,.-.,--._----- :1>: "~ 079m~438 ~~ to ~rbltrate regarding t::-)Ob~ He reported that U~bel~g used recognizes that there will be certain errors and omissions I:, ~"'~nd lI\inor oversights by the architect as work is being bid and' constructed while final work Is still in design. lie noted that this \~has been accounted for on this particular job because there Is the 3' '~'ï~-progress contingency that is being used to pay for those types of J.)nuary J, 1984 the means and methods of construction on the the fast track construction process that is .. minor errors and omissions related to construction.. He stated that it appears that the architect has had to spend an Inordinate amount of time in resolving conflicts and making doclsions related to their original documents, adding that this seems to be the foremost concern. He indicated that the County, ðS the owner, has an obligation to expect better performance from the architect and as a result of that he is recomm~ndlng that the BCC take some of the decision making process from the Architect. He statod that he has recommended that this matter be divided into three separate lðyers, with the first layor being the decisions related to owner additions or code requirements or minor construction refereeing of conflicts less than $2,500, the second layer '. ~';,.\ " ,;,, .. .> I ,,~ . ,;' t~ ~ ^ ;~~:.: :'-i*'i ~f.i.~ 'r.,' . , f ~ " ' í~" ,',',., j:~.:;--~.,. . ¡ -'\ :r· ".':, Page 7 ' "~J- ~,." . '.'~~~:{~; J~'. " :~I,~ ~~" ----:---------- ...- ----~---..--- - - - -,~--- -- - - ---------~- . , , ....,.\,~.~- , c",:,.1t- ..,...':~ ¡.'::'.~-~. r--J \ _._~ r::::-l - ----- - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - --. - ------------------. "\:, January 3, 1984 &ltely result in Change Orders on the job. He reported that it Is also safe to assume that the County should dllmand and Insist that the final .~. '.. layer of coordination problems be resolved under tho terms of tholr "'>. ' contract which is less than seven days from the time that they are received, adding that he would recommend that all items be sent direct- ly to the Miami office by Federal Express. He staled that for major item. that require the certification or Interpretation to maintain the design integrity or the architectural intent of this job, the seven day requirement can be waived if additional time Is required. He stated that unless further problems develop rega~ding this one particular area, he is recommending that the owner, through Its Construction Manager, resolve the majority of these and that the owner be responsible for classifying them Into one ol the three areas, which' will require increased owner coordination and decision making as well as the BCC's part where confirming authorization is required. He stated that there appears to be problems in refereeing tbe coordination of the actual construction process. He reported that the second major conCern involves the owncr recognizing and reimbursing contractors for reasonable cost that ~hey have Incurred as a result of the delay. He noted that the owner has previously recognized time oxtonsions for contractors who have not caused delay but have suffered as a result of delays or shortagos in receiving materials. He stðtcd that it .~ not in the best interest of the owner at this time to interfere wi~h the process of reimbursing those contractors for those delays through no fault of the owner, adding that he has instructed the Construction Manager to prepare a day-by-day specific report from the inception of the project that will attribute both the source and length of all delays on the job. He noted that he is recommending upon completion of the report to come back to the Board to Infor:n them of who the delays )OM 079 f1r;! 439 PaCje 8 ------ ':'. . - .."-- '... , , Y" \"' ..!.-r . , ' .-. ~_. ~:','''', .....¢. .... s-'I!f.!~,· ~"'.:; J. . ··~i..¡.).i ~..J~ .: t: ". . . ...:it..~!.:. ...."........ __ _'C.......~.û...& _ _" .fi:>.. ....' .~........ ...._.._...~ ,.,:.",~.¡ ,\.;~,~ ..):,:-:":";",,,~,,,..' :.-'.(.~ .... ~""l,~.i4..~~.~':Jiiïii 1Iõi1IW L __'~_~"""""_'~"""''''''__ '0" .__.."-....>...~~_",.,,,._-' ~. /~J: ¡l'ì~·.,...· . ::'"~" " .'.~ t>,..:~~,.¡t,.::.;;;~..I,....;.,~I!.. "'~~'." " "'~:';;4.t".",,; ¥1" ' '. ; ...'"!;I:.......;~,~;' ~~: /,~:; .' '.' .·,!'r.~:... ....... t~~:·. , ..·ktJ...·,\ ,., '~-:.:...f.~. ,. ..... 079 rl~l 440 n are attributed tv and that those contractors be reimburaed immodiately ~;t' "~" tor any delays that were the direct fault of the owner. He stated that ~":,: , . in this recommendation he is not Incl,uding the owners agents or other ---- January 3, 1984 '::'" contractors that have cllused delay. Tape U Clerk of Courts Reagan questioned if it is still the re.ponsibility of the Construction Manager to assure the County that t·\-..,~,t ·,, . " there will be nothing ovor budgeted, to which Mr. Tony Feco of Heery ~/.· l1li '-. \ :. \ Program Mðnagement stated that they ðre responsible' for mðintðining the budget on this project. Public Safety Administrator Dorrlll stðted that he Is ðsking thðt the Owner take a stronger role, the Construction Manager tðkinq ð , little more decisive role and trying to referee and solve some of the problema and that the Architect Cully moet the review and performance ',. requirement. of his contract. Com.lssloner Kru.e moved, seconded by Commissioner Voss and carried 4/0, that the recommendations of Public Safety Administrator Dorrill,re stronger roles in the Justice Center Issue be approved. : ,1,;:; ~; Public Safety Administrator Dorrill stated that his next request ¡~, ¡:;~~~oo"'o. th.. 8th fl 00' .poc. .11000 t 100 of '011.1 n9 "'". H. noto. th.:;·~.~~.:· ·:~,·'the building permitting process could be. accommodated on the 8th floor, , "\t{~ "~{ adding that, however, there are some concerns regarding fragmenting the ,,;í;~;,;', >;;_ Public Works Department as 101011 as the Increased use of only two small .,..'-If.:". , ~ '. elevators. He stated that the vðrious departments con be ðccommodatod on the 8th floor, but due to the concerns of many, he is looking for advice on the matter. Commissioner Holland stated thyt this item Rhould be workshopped so that the people that are affected could have some input on the .. .atter. l·,·.'~ ~. . , !.r .";':': ' Page 9 J,:< :':~, '\ , ~..' -----------------.oo¡¡._-___________~---.-___....______ 1.,\ ~¡'.- . .--.."" - \ ----.- L ~.. ·,..i',:' ,:~" " .' ,.'t: " . "". ". '..' .',. ". t .'. \. .' ·lt~ , , ~;,~ ?" \ ........ , ~ ~...- , . ¡ ------------------------------------------ --, January 3,1984 Acting County M4nager Virta stated that there are a lot of issue. that need to be dult wi.th and a workshop would be a good Idea. Public Safety ^dmlnlstrator Dorrill stated that thore are .ch.~atic designs anù as-built drawings, but there needs to b. moro information accumulated. Actinq County M4nðger Virta stated thðt in order to develop several scenarios that would Involve multiple moves with pluses and .Inuse., he would like to have a couple weeks. Co..issloner Voss ~oved, s.conded by Commissioner Krus. and 1" carried 4/0, that a workshop be held on January 31, 1984, at 9100 ^.H. " {zon apace allocation for the 8th floor of Building .,.. ,", PublIc Safety ,a,dministrator DorrIll stat~d with referonce to the parking problems, there are currently about 560 parking spaces. He, stated that a temporary limerock parking lot was buIlt to accommodate parking during construction, adding that there was also resurfar.ing work budgeted for the exlstInq parking lot. He noted that by redesigning the existing parking lot, 33 parking spaces will be gained. . 1 II. stated that the work has been designed and specificatIons have been " prepared and is ready to let for bid if he can get authorization. He ,Ii. j" noted then the E:ngineering Dopart.ment prepared a deto,lgn for new parking ~ .~. around the aouthern perimeter, but adjacent to the existing satellite building And would be an additional 118 parking .pAces. He stated that ',"the specifications for this area are in the process of being prepared. .', t.\· <I ' Ho stated that If Phases 1 and 3 are undertaken now, it would make an additional 140 spaces at least for the time being. Commissioner Kruse moved, seconded by Commissioner Voss and carried 4/0, that Phases land 3 of the parkIng expansion plan to add an additional 149 spaces to reduce I..ediat. parking problems and facilitate Initial .oves into new spaces be approved. IDD( 079-11a"l441 Page 10 -~ --- 4;' ..of'", ,~. ... .... ,>, ~ ._-. .','.. ,.: ~';~i,1~~I/ ......... Ii . ~ ~- ....1 '.' " J ~.;- 'I . L "',.-_...._-""'«--_.'"'-~-""-,,------'''''"_. . , ,'.:. .. '.....,.¡, '~~~~"U,·~¿t~~..; . .;'~.. ,:,!,~. ("_'''',: '. ".......... ~.,~ ~~.. ' --~ ,.;.j ; ..: , .. 079f'1~442 Ite. 111 January 3, 1984 0<' ~ SBORT LIST APPROVED AND STArr AUTHORIZED TO NEGOTI^TE A CONTRACTU^L ~ AGREEMENT POR MARCO ISLAND LIBRARY ADDITION, ARCHITECTURAL AND ~ ENGINEERING SERVICES WITH MOYER' DYEHOUSE, INC., NAPLES, FLORIDA - ',', , '~' ( r;:;'F~,~' Co..luloner carried 4/0, that " .¡¡. f" ¡" ' l " . ""r" " : ."to n.gotiate a contractual agreement for ...arco Island Library Addition, /:.~: [~ Architectural and Engineering services with ...oyer , Dyehous., Inc., c , . .. I' 7 ~ru.e moved, .econded by Commissioner Voss and the ·Short List- be approved and Staff be authorized Naples, Flor ida. Item 112 LEASE/PURCHASE FINANCING PLAN POR SELECTED CAPITAL ACQUISITIONS - CONTINUED TO 1/17/84 Com.issloner ~ruse moved, seconded by Commissioner Voss and carried 4/0, that the lease/purchase financing plan for selected capital acquisitions be continued to January 17, 1984. It.. 113 AGREEKEHT BETWEEN COLLIER COUNTY AND COLLIER COUNTY SCHOOL BO^RD RE AV^LON ELE"'£NTARY SCHOOL - CONTINUED TO 1/17/84 - , Comaissioner Kruse .oved, seconded by Commls"ioner Holland and , . carried 4/0, that the agreement between Collier County and Collier (,~c,ounty School "; ',. ".#1 a.. ; 1/17/84., .\J . ,~i. .,:l.~~\ 'i 10,;,10. , '.'~ :~~ \ ,I, '~1 . Board re Avalon Elementary School be continued to . ..,. "\ Mr. Mike Zewalk, representing the North Naples Civic Association, stated that he wanted to know what progress is being made between the School and the County regarding those agreements. Public Services Administrator Norton stated that th~r~ arc negotiations going on regarding the Immokalee High School site and the Avalon Elementary School site, adding that '1 order to finalize the agr.ements, he has asked thllt the item on Avalon School be continued to '.1 the 1/17/84 meeting at which time both sites will be addres.ed. He ~, ,,:"7.:' f~:. ,stated that with the Avalon ..ite he is talking about using some of the·'I\~~. i~~'~~f Page 11 \·~~t I' '1,,,':11 ,~~." .,;., ~ ..------ ---- --~- - - - - - - - -. -- -- - - - --- -- - - - --- -.- ~ \ ==' r::::1 - -...._--....~IIM'"'ì~.II·rrRï '<:f'~\iij¡oi~í..¡,¿,,"',¡M¡,;......iIMi*¡,;.;¡.;'-,.;;;.; , ..r ....j ÒI;,\;'. t .':~..~ ..",,# ~.:.~; ,'¡.. ~.~.,. r::::J \ ¡,.---J ------, ------------------------------~----------- January 3, 1984 :,' .chool acreage for a portion of the comlllunity park, adding that the ..." -j;. School Board is willing to work with the County on the matter. He stated that with reference to the Immokalee School site, there are neqotiations being discussed for the possible purchase of approximatelv '\' l~ acre., adding that it would make it more feasible to put the types "of facilities in the community pðrk that is nceded. Tap. '3 Mr. Zewalk stated that he wants the School Board cur sidered in with the North Naples site, adding that he is not happy with the site on David C. Brown Hi'JhwIlY. He stated that it is too far from the people, adding that the population for the area is closer to the city. Commissioner Vo.s stated that the centor of population for tho North Naples area Is north of 102nd Street and east of U. ~. 41 which is where the park should be located to servo the majority of the .. ~.~ population. Mr. Zewalk stated that the parks should be near the schools for the children and he would be willing to have a smaller park that is closer to the schools instelld of a largcr park that is too far out. ..... Recessl 10110 A.M. - Reconvenedl 10120 A.M. ..... Itea 114 SITE 8 POR TUE NORTH NAPLES COMMUNITY PARK LOCATION - APPROVED. STAFP AUTHORIZED TO PROCEED WITH rIN,a,L NEGOTIATIONS TO BE BROUGHT BACK TO THE BCC . ., , " \ ,.....! Public Services Administrator Norton statod that Staff and ,..: "'f' "~ , Comm:~sloner Voss walked the proposed site for the North Naples Community Park which Is next to the wastewater treatment plant. He ;. i·"¡"~·'·:! . : ' ~ .' stated that there was no serious odor problems, adding that there was odor from water standing on the property which was in association with the nellrby farm that was pumping water onto the property. He stated that there was some noise coming from the plant, adding tho1t the Parks "i~.. "Ilk tJ79 ni! 4(3 pag e 12 --..-.--------.-- --- - ------ :t' "i.y4,,~~·', ., '......l , ,....~.::".::. ."''''' ;,. .. - ,., ' . .,'.. ., '; ',Iri. .w....':..~~..'.---.~;~J',,~. , -. " , ,.,,,,,: ~-;..,., 1,..~:,t~~~~~;a; ..:.,l·~i.. ~,~ 12.:.. ..'".~.~"" L _.,~,..-...-...._,._.....,..._._..._-""--"'----_.. '.. '. ,'.","..'.." 1. "'.r,é;,:;> ,~<l::'~"" _ ,,~ , ::...(.~I\. J_.~ 10,_,. .. ~.t,~ )':, tt~:'·" ," . . ~~~(](9~~m ~ ' Recreation Department aent a member of their staff to th~ alte each 1t..¡·d:~~·~or fifteen days to note if there was any odors cominq [rom the ~¥plànt. He stated that wind direction was noted and velocity and ~:. ~" whether or not there were any odors, adding that they also reported ~".:. I",' \\' that the odor waa coming from the standing water on the property and t.~.¡. , " ~: not the wastewater treatment plant. ",.'.,. ~.;h'...: Pat Carroll referred to an exhibit which showed the three mile ~~'.e~~lce radius that was used for the selection of each park. She '..... .' ~'" Indicated the proposed parks that have been donated, by developers. She ".' :~ lf~~' : ~"...~.~ . ....'!~.. '1' :.'J_ .' ' , ,'. -------- January 3, 1964 referred to a second exhibit which showed the North N~ples Park District boundaries with the geographic center, populati~n center, and the proposed park site. Commissioner Holland stated that he does not agree with the site ,i' \ and questioned how access would be obtained? Ms. Carroll stated that "It-' " '~A'(,~ ~. ,,1;- .~. ," f\ I ~~ ::!:;' ; "., tilt"" ~'~ :~'f , '.' \.',"'''.'.)...,'. ,,:.'~Y\ _' ... . '.; '1, ( :'f'~ " '<j- ":ï ~ , <\.~); " I,'. ~----- - -- - -----------'---- ----.---------....---- there will be access to the park by way of the David C. Brown Highway, addlnq that it is about one to one and one-half miles east of U. S. 41 and sits 1/4 mile off David C. Brown Highway. She indicated that there ia an existing right-of-way that will have to be buIlt. She reported that in tho future the extension of Frank Blvd./Goodlette Road will be 4""' .. constructed between Pine R1dge Road and David C. Brown Highway, adding (~~.., ; \ that the Pine Ridge people will have eqress and ingress points from the \,' Extension. She noted that there is a posalblllty In the future that '~ there lIIay be a direct connection from the extension of Goodlette Road " to the Pa{k. Ms. Carroll stated that in her site selection report she conaidered 14 possible locations, addin9 that one was eliminated because of the price, a couple were eliminated because they w' :e too tar toward the outer limite Jt the district, and of the rest or the \.;.., .' .ite. that were feasible, there was only one available unless the Board , -\ ,.~~.: ", !i)! i' If <t,'t6;: Page 13 .., I , . ÎJ~u , . ' -.- , , -----.---",.,.... L ~.:".-, !'o '....' 'N . ,.I"- "Vp_ 'i'.,,:.. ~ \ ----, .....----, ~,._ I -------------------------~-------------~-- January 3, 1984 decide. to cond.mn any of the others. She indicated that sites were A looked at fro~ 20 acres and up and there Is only one slto available Of that aatisfled the criteria. Public Services Mmlnistr.ltor Norton stlJted that \111'1 =~to ia well located and is not going to be exclusive to anyone. He indicated that people from Marco Island will probably go to this park because of the theme. Mr. Ceorge Keller stated that he was asked by the North Naples Civic Alsoctation to speak on this subj~ct, adding that the site looks like a good aite. He questioned the purchaso price of $800,000 as to whether it would be beyond the budget, to which Mr. Norton repÜed that ~''''' $800,000 Is within the budget. Mr. Norton st~l~d that he Is working with Pelican Bay officials on the 15 acres thð~ has been set aside for government use, adding that an appraisal of the property Is being done so that he can sta~; negotiations. Tape '4 Mr. Henry Kaxant, representing Pine Ridge Civic Association, stated that he had concerns regarding the odor and noise problems which have been resolved. He noted the 10clJtion is good for the Pine Ridge residents. He reported that he Is concerned with the Pelican Bay property and hopes that a piece of It will be sct aside for a satellite atatlon for the fire district. Commissioner Voss stated that there will be a 1-1/2 acre piece of property set aside for that purpose. Mr. Mike Zewalk, r.presenting the North Naples Civic Association, stated that he does not care where the park site Is located. Commissioner Voss ~oved, seconded by Commissioner ~ruse and carried 3/1, (Com.isaioner Holland opposed) that Site 8 for the North Naples Community Park location be approved and that Staf! be authorized to proceed with final negotiations and to brin9 same back to the BCC. "bK 079 "',;! 445 Pa9 e 14 -----~- ---- . : ~,;., . '~,.' , '. . .of. ...'.."..~"¡.."." ,'" ,., ~;!!J,,, .. , . :..;~~,<..~: .'- ",..., \~. ..c:;,~~:,'~~·,h-~;,~ ' ;~'~;~~- '. ''''~.J..r,., j(tf"....., ' j ,~~¥ ,,~. ..ò.~, " " . , "', .,"'-""....~...~~......;.;"...".,. ,j ~t~~. ' ';' "~~-~ ~,.:,,~b¡_~,,2- . . i.Mb..,,... .....,.......~:~.rw ' h..~ _. .. L 'It, ~~! .:! ~ ...:' . :. ..' " -~, ....,-..... -...- -'I; -....... 'j'l,.,- : ,J~~~ .,.!.... r· ~~....... -..rr~ .t"" .-',..... ...- .-. . ,.t, " '.. ~ ~:t " 1: ,~, ~ '. ,:','.... . ". ::.~,~~ ':.p~~iI';f~J: .... .:..,.~:j.. ,~.. ~ ~ w~þ..~".. ..J" . ':-"" -.,.. ',' ..~. :f.'t..,!,.'¡,.,... ..A ...." . .... ~~'"'.;'; ~ . ~, !.'t ì ----------- "~' ~ '~" .~ _ tJ19m¡ 146 L' January 3, 1984 Ite. 115 ~","J.'. ~, RICOMP\END.\TION FOR UP TO $20,000 FP.~M COMMUNITY PARK FUNDS FOR ~NECISSARY CORE BORINGS AND SUBSURFACE INVESTIGATION NECESSARY AT EACH ~ or THE FIVE PARK SITES - APPROVED ~~,. ~~J~~ Public Servlces ~dminlstrator Norton stated that tho cons~;tants l ~'1,; I: r'lnfor/'lled hllll of the need to do core borings on two park sites, :"addlng (... ",', 'thàt he recommonded that it be brought to the Board for authorization >¡.+ðo....,.... " . ;';.1' (.. '.' "'þ~~,~~.done on al1,five sites. tie 'lndicated that this would be with the . current park consultants, Wilson, Miller, Barton, 5011 , Peek, Inc. and i. Identified In the contract as an additional service. I ~ Commls.loner Kru.e moved, seconded by Commissioner Voss and carrieð 4/0, that the recommendation for up to $20,000 from Community :' Park Fund. for nece..ary cora borings and subsurface investigation . ~ \~ ,'. nec..aary at each of the five park site. be approved. V,I!";¡, It.. 116 ,., DON NORTON APPOINTED AS ACTING ,a,SSIST,a,NT COUtlTY MANAGER I':·!,,·.' Acting County Manager Virta stated that during the.tlme he .erves ¡:. as interim manager, he feels that It is important to have the services I" of an ~~aiatant to carry out the functions of the off lee. He stated ~", ~ ~,. that he 1a requesting that Mr. Norton be appointed as the Acting' ~F1t;Li~'tllnt County Manllger. '.. V'lJr.·~"';:.'t' . " :., Co_I..loner Kru.e IIOved, .econded by COIIUIII.aloner Voss and carrleð 4/0, that Don Norton be appointed as Acting Assistant County ,""i:f" '.~ ~ \.-'J~, '" 0., :I//~ ;" ",;\" Hlna~er at a rate of pay ten percent above the entry rate during the tl.e he serve. in thl. capacity. ," , ~. ',\.: .~:J ';:\"ì~<':' , \ . ,. 1 . .:.c 1 S . ~':":'.\. pag. "".';'';, .~ ';., \'ì- -... &:;¡. ")I..'}.~.. -~-....----- --- -- ~-..--,\------ - - - - - - -----~.._-- t' , , ~~-:w ~':" r'. .... .... I" I t't:~ .: .... ,., ,,, ~~{~. .d~~ , , .. , ' .. f t 'I,·:}ff " .~> ~.:. :,':;/.JH ::::::) -' , L .... . ~i"': '. , . , ,..~:. r=:;1 \ --~ ~J --, ------ - --- - - --- -- -- -- - - - - - - - --- - - - --- ---........-- January 3, 1984 lte. 117 RESOLUTION 84-2 APPROVING ACRE£HENT FOR STATE ATTORNEY PROSECUTION SERVICES FOR COLLIER COUNTY AND CITY OF NAPLES - ADOPTED County Attorney Saunders stated that ho has propared a resolution approving an agreement wi th the Stato Attorney f(" i'rosecutlon Services. He noted that the Agreement has already been exwcutod and the resolution has been prepðred for purposes of recording the resolution with the Clerk's office. Co..issioner Kruse .ovld, secondeð by Commissioner Voss and carried 4/0, that ResolutIon 84-2 approving the agreement for State Attorney Prosecution Services for Collier County and the City of Naples be ~cfopted. " . , , , . ,·ti?k: ¡ .",:,-'/ '~', "h~¡'. .~..: ~.;' ;; 019,,~l47 Page 16 --t ------------------------------~----.~ : t ":"~ oJ-..' :,1 ·>I'¡¡.' ~ ,. ......~-,~......... " . - , 'p , ,"¡',. ?:\~/¡.¡ >. 7. íi) ;J.i' 'r'~,,;"·4 ,: ,. (,..... . '. :L..~~_~., ~,:.' ..~~~.'. ~,~~...;~'. . .--~ , . ,...,..-..~... .- L ,···c..·...._.._~...__~..·_"_";"'''',~'"_.,,.,,.It". c::::J ¡¡¡¡¡ :=l .-----------------------------------------. .J,1nU¡, ry ~, 1'.1(\4 It.. U8 ROUTINE BILLS - APPROVED FOR PAYMENT rur~u~nt to kesolutlon ~l-l~O the following Ch~CK5 ~crc issued thro~h FrldiJY, ¡:,.,cl1mbcr 30, 1JUJ, in pllymo:nt al routinu bl11:Ô1 (;fll'.(;!\ UL;:;,CH I I' r fOr¡ Cllt~C,; ,W:;. I\.-:OUNT Vt'ndor UCC p,'yroll 111:1 ¡;:¡ 2 - 11) " r, 3 Ii 72:!G9 - 73319 ;:3,Gn2,,,~<).Ij¡j 1 49,O~n.1j1 Itell U 9 BUDGET AMENDMENTS 84-151/155, 04-157, 04-159/170, 04-172, 84-174/175, 84-178, 64-180/182 - ~DOPTED Com.issioner Kruse ~oved, soconded by Commissioner Holland and carried 4/0, that 8ud~.t ^mendmenta 84-153/155, 64-157, 64-159/167, 84-169/170, 84-172, 04-175; 84-170, and 04-180/182 be adopted. Commissioner Voss moved, seconded by Commissioner Kruse and carried 4/0, thllt Budget Amendments 84-l51/152, 84-168, and 84-174 be adopted. 'bot 079 ~:i 453' Page 17 ------------------------------------------ ~ ---"'...~._,.,."~,",.,~..,._-,=."..,..,,,., ...--_-,._...~,., ---.--------------------------------------- .~O( 079PA<,! 480 Jl'lnul,ry J, 1904 RESOLUTION 84-3 AUTHORIZING A FRANCHISE FOR EAST NAPLES U~ILITY COMPANY FOR THEIR EXISTING AREA AND WINTER PARK (WITH STIPULATIONS) - ADOPTED. STAPr DIRECTED TO INVESTIGATE POSSIBLE rURCHASE OF DELTONA UTILITIES AND TO REVIEW RELATED ITEMS. Commissioner Voss stated th,:¡t he: wrote d memo rcg¡,rding the nogotiations with East N¡,pl~s ~~t~r , 5ewcr which ûre staleml'ltcd because of the r.tat~·ments tll,1t they m.r.dLJ Indicating thilt they arc unwilllnq to d1scusa anything until the Wlntor Pl'lrk sItuation is clearaù up. lin stated tlwt !::.,:;t Nt¡ples should be put on the back burner untIl they are wlllinq to sell, adding that Deltonf. Is willing tQ sell anù he would like tin) &o~rd to proceed wi th selecting II consult1n,:! (irm to r.tU( y the physic.1l l,'yout of the ¡..lllnt /lnó to deturmin~ whether or not thur~ will ~u n~~dcd repairs within the next four or flv~ ye~r5 ilnd :0 determine if a shore of the revenue base would lIupport ú r"'VCI1U{: l>onu i:¡BUC: to provide th... funtJt> for the a cq u 1 s i t1 0 n 0 f t II c. D" 1 ton,) U L1l1 tie s . Cornmisli1oner Kruse !:t"tcd thðt sl1(' hð6 no objection to this action, but would li~c tv either remove or rescind the previous ordcr regilrding ~a3L Naples Util1t1uD and to Instruct Staff to proceed with it franchise with the uxi~tiny land. Comn, ¡¡sloncr Vo!:!) st.ltU(, th.]t ne ,':,¡rced wi U. thl:¡ {Ind th/lt th~ franchiu" sholJlù inciLY1e the: \',inter "<.Irk öubcJivl::;ion, Commissioner Voss movod, secondud by Commissioner Kruse, that Resolution 04-J authorizing a franchise for the East Naples Utilities for the areas that they now Borvo, plus the Winter Park SUbdivision, providod that the franchise does not have an effect on the ultimate purchaae of tho Utility and that it doe. not neyate any of tho torms In the current PUD, be adopted. Count.y Attorney S"uIH~",rs st.bted th;¡t these ut1pullltlons could be put in 6 Lrftnchi~. ~grecmcnt, but doe::; not necussarily mOlln tn/lt tho 1"11;<: 18 ------------------------------------------ 6i@{ð 'iEJ c::::::1 --,-~--..."""'-,--~-_.. "".- .. :'-.:1 .- l-..J '0·_- .........~, -----------------------------------------~ Jùnu"ry J, l~Ct, Utility will ~CC~~L them. "~I~r~ ";,I!i 'JerH.:I,'l <~I:,¡~u¡¡¡¡I:)n r'.!'JlIr(!1n<J t~.(! Court Urdvr th.;¡t was 1r..POH'1( on th.. UtiliLy, to ..hl::1I County ,\Ltorn:.:y 511undurs sti1teo th,)L I~ ....01.1) 'J ~:1"CK on the COllr t ,)1 ,.c'r ~o :H.." ,.h.,t "rE:i\!> It uel\lt with "nc.J '....oLde; rt'por~ :."r;;; to t;),: . ...-, ,.., notec: rh¡,t the frfJF\chlr.u woulu ,'¡..JV'.' to i....l.,I (ldv _'rti:J~rJ lint) ~~~rp .....()IJl~1 bo .' 1)lJb~i~ lIellrinr¡ on tile r~..;¡tt..:r. l'or:o. (.;."1rlott,, "<1t1tr~iln, rl!prc..wntil1;) tI", L,,,,.Ju'" (Jt ·..,Ollll..'n Vot<'rll, st"tud tl).,t till! Vouny report 'ooIldch '.....)5 [1/ ( P' ;'\1.:.11;,011.' I n ,J OJ 1 yo! 1,,"'" "J JI...... , st.;¡te.\i tth)t there .¡t:ould bc .) ¡;;liJn before dnythin,¡ i.. ,:!on'~. ,jhu 5t.lt~d that a county-wi~c :.;ysLcm I:.; n~eded i1nd an ~ctlvc rl~n i:.; ðlso needed. She uro;¡cd U)f~ UCC to tnlno< tldr"J9 OVl-r ~nd not jump l:'Ito "nytl1Ìn') ,1t thi:; time. ~;hc conclud~d by :.;t.Jtln'J trut :3hu is requ,_'stin' thilt thcr,! not be ..any "ct!on t.)I<;....n u,í:¡ G.,tc r("J,H' ing o.:Jtonil UtiJiti':>I. Commlsslor,('r VO:;5 :.;tðt"d ., utill~y C':ilnnot b~ ¡'C4'lÍr0d if it iu not willing to :.;.:11 un1",,;:; cnnd<cmn,'tion ¡HOC"durcs .:,r', tùkcn, which I:; vo.!ry cxpensivu, ~ddin~ that J willing suller Mðkcs it a lot ~asler. Conmissioncr Kru:;e !¡t.:.tccJ tI,..at tll((<" cannot bu :'1'0'0 conflicting ordurs i!.isu,,:cJ to ~t,1t!, Jdding th.'t ¡,t thi~ point Corlini:;:;iorwr Vo:;.!! does not buliovc tnilt it is feasiblc to ~urcnùHe E~st Napl~:; Utilities, thercior!1, by :nakln'J III!) ~,otlon he J,lIS -:1(',\('1<1 Lhe bOilrd .;¡ntj (Jiv~n Stolff direction ('s to Imlctl ''''~y to proc')(.·,J, Commi¡¡sioner Holland stated that he Intends to vote ~gainst the matter becilusQ the HOdrd took action to 51_end mon')y for ù scwcr study which will now be filed, adding th~t he will :'lot spend dny moro money to find out If It Is feasible to ~tt'-'mfJt to purchase Dultoni1 Utllitiu... ~·,r. Geor~e Keller, President of Collier County Civic !'rderðtlon, ::It<'ltcd that thuru :;hould be some steps, t.:"...n to 'Jivt! r,)st t:aples thp. frJnchist! that they ari! ontitled to, M1din9 that as far ('$ ~'arco Isl<1nd Util1tl<ts Is concerned, he noted thoJt Uor.te or their eyulpment Is t.OlI( 079rl·,:481 PDgc 19 - - -- -- - - - - - - -. - -.. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - --- ------------------------------------------- MI( 079 ~'7! 4.82 Janutlry 3, 19BI. obsolct~ and 01&0 questlon~d what would happcn If Marco Island becomcS a city? H~ statod that there should bu a mastcr plan beforc anything is done. Commillsion.H t;rust! stbu:d that thoJ public, ler.s thDn a year a;o, wanted c'lll tho.: utilities purchnsecJ, éHldlng that thcrc now seems to be a different viewpolnL. Mrs. ~estman ntnt~d th~t thc Longuc of ~omcn Votcrs have long favored a publicly owned system, but n planned one. Commis~ionur VO~8 ~t~tcd that Ðt this point there ID no money to build a county-wldu facility, ðd~inq that it Is concclvable thdt throu<Jh revcnUl! bonds, son... ol th.,sc systems could be /lcqulrcd and expanaed to c.iev(do¡, ðn itrt!,'-I,ddc plant. Upon call for the qucRtlon, the motion carriod 3/1, (Commissioner Holland opposed). Tape 15 Com~iBslonor Voss ~oved, seconded by Commissioner Kruse and carried 3/1, (Co~m ssloner HQlland opposed), that Staff be directed to proceed to determine If the County is financIally able to purchase the Doltona syøtom whIch is a willing seller, and to go out for request for proposals for a firm to look at the physical facility and determine its condition as to whether or not additional repairs havo to be ~ade in ita current operating sct-up and, in addition, get an idea whether or not the revonue. will support a bond issue. ***** Recessl 11: 15 A.M. - Reconvened: 11:25 A.M. ***** Pago 20 -- ----- --- - -- - -- -- - - ---- - - - -- -- .-- --- --'----.,-- ~ ~ ~ c:::!CI (I~ . t. tI.~ ".~,...,." , ",r.,¡O , . . " " ,~".. '. .......'. ',-, .. ", ..¿.:~.~J!:...i..::.:.~"_:,,.",. ~.:~ ,....:. :i':" '~"''', " ' ~' '., \0.:-'...' ,.,,, ,¡O ..' . ,.:'....,. . " ~. ~'\, · , It " ,'u,\v 'f-', þt..,I \~)~ "'<f ~ . ~ l.~:::::,; 'M 079 'l',t 484- It.. '21 TERRY VIRTA TO 81 ABLE TO RETURN TO HIS JOB AS COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT A~ ADKINISTRATOR IF NOT SELECTED AS COUNTY MANAGER, TO RECEIVE COUNTY ! MAWAGER'S PAY WHILE ACTING AS COUNTY MANAGER, EFFECTIVE 1/1/84. ir CHAIRKAN BROWN AND MR. VIRTA TO NEGOTIATE PAY RANGE >.'f':·'~·' Commissioner Kruse stated that a request was received from Mr. Janl.lary 3, 1984 Vlrta to the Board to consider two thIngs. ',' She stated that the first " I,,,;,, .. "r~ " ' J '( , . ',. ~ , ,,'Ì j¡' "¡::~~.~', " I' ,.~ 1'1 f¡i, '~/i ?("~ / ,';. ~ . (. , 't. . . .~ ':::,'.~,~ l'~\:lc,~lng a. County "-,nager, effective 1/1/84. ',,: /{".,..' ~'" ' :'\"1..' (' ~',. 1, Commissioner Holland stated that the County ~~torney 18 drA~lng,:~~1;: 'I:: an amendment to the County ManAger's Ordinance, Adding thAt he would I lIke It t~ Includft that it would take a 4 vote to chAnge the County . , fI'·. .", , ,: Itelll is the Board'. reAssurances that it Mr. Vi rtA is not selected all 'Ot; 1'< !~th. per.anent County Manager or should decide that he does not want the position, that his former position of Community Dev~lopment Administra- tor will still be available to him. Comalsslonftr Holland moved, seconded by Commissioner ~ruse And carrIed 4/0, that Terry Virta be able to return to his job as Community Development ,a,dainistrator if not selected as County Manager. Commissioner Kruse stated that Mr. Virta also brought up the . " subject of compensation, adding that as long as Mr. Virta Is ActIng County Managar, he should receive the County Manager's pay during that period of time. Co~issioner ~ruse moved, seconded by Commissioner Voss and carried 4/0, that Mr. Virta receive County Manager'. pay as long aa he M~nager's Ordinance. He statod that the amendment Is to give the County Manager complete authority over the Division Heads and his ~ addition to that is to require a 4 vote to chonge that Ordlnllnce once " ~., .' .' 1 t 1a ~dopl:~<1. · , :.,;.:....' Co~i.sloner Holland moved, seconded by Com.issloner Vos., thL~ , . '" ~~ .,;.: ,,'4 , ~f ".,:":' .: .. ~ " · the County Manager'. Ordinance be amended to rQquire a 4 vote to change , ""f~.' ~l'_ l,~~:at Ordinance once it 1a adopted. \"'''f-;(;..,,., ~': 'l'l- Pago 21 .';·.~í, .. ;"t, . . ·I:......~ ~----------------------------------~--~~- . .¡. f .';~~.,..~. fI, I ';foo...............- I I .... :::...:J --.....-.-.-..-.......-.--.--........-_ ..d ,-...........~: ~";,: .., L '-', --.~_.- -.---.-------" .-. . .. .".~.. '..~, ,. ..··,·...·_·'··r....ø'·..1i¡(!'~'·i'. r^"")'~ \ --. l,..-....... ; ------------------------------------------ "'¡ January 3, 1984 Commiasioner Kruae questioned what the Attorney GenerAl's opinion was regardinq a supor majority vote, to which County ^ttorneY Saunder. replied that he did not receive an opinion, but they were given guidelines which Indicated that one Comml.slon cannot bind a future " Commission. He st~Þft~ _~ It is his opinion that tho super majority vote clln b. required. Com.lssioner ~ruse stated she could not vote tor this matter because .he could not bind a future Board to this type of vote. Co.-iaaloner Brown stated that he could not vote tor the matter .ither. Chairman Brown did not call for the vote. Acting County Manager Virta stated that the previous motion was to pay him the salary of the County Kenager, adding that the County Manager's salary is a range from a low figure to a high figure, Addl~g that pos.lbly the point in that range could be agreed upon between him and the Chairman. Co~iasloner Xruse .,oved, seconded by Commissioner Voss and carried 4/0. that the Chairman and Mr. Virta Agree upon the point of the aalary range for the position of Acting County Manager. Ite. 122 EXTRA GAIN TIME FOR INMATE 143156 - RESCINDED Co.missioner Xruse moved, seconded by Commissioner Voss and carried 4/0, that the extrA gain time for Inmate 143156 be rescinded. Ite. 123 STAFF DIRECTED TO INVESTIGATE EACH CHARGE REGARDING TEMPORARY RESIDENCES AND MOBILE HOME VIOLATIONS IN GOLDEN GATE ESTATES AND TO RETURN TO THE BCC WITH A WRITTEN REPORT Hr. Winston Barger, representing the Golden Gate ^reð Taxpayers Association,' stAted that he camo before this Board previously with reference to A petition filed by Mr. William A. Anderson asking tor An extension of a temporary residence permit. He noted that the BCC aool! 079 P1~~ 485 Page 22 - ~ ------ 'r~, --------- ~:... ..', '"--~ ." . _".' ,'..'. -',,1',..,,, -:"Ii' , . "'..,.. , ,!~WI,rf.:..'?!;j.;.,." "", ., r, .:.. ~......r,.£~:~ . .", if '.,' '\ ~'. :';;:" ~., " .' ,.; .......""t.' ";,.,.,~..r..,f..'",.",..t!" .- ~. -""" 1,... " '.' .. .'!!:~' 'f'~~'~ -_.. J.. .~ -.. "r' ". " ." "-.,~ _. ,';.; . :,·¡',~.¡¡r~.~;.'.~,II..." ,.,..~;,', ,..~~-j¡¡/t; ,JiI S'IIII...... '.:..-. .~'. ..~,,--."""""'._-----"'"--,,¡""'-'""'" ." ...~ ...r-, . "".' ·.,..., ' ,) .,_ tIf , .. . '.... ~ f/.À.,.,*", OJ; ';4." ~ '~if57":~-..:.~ ~:\~~ ~' ~::--: .~.. ~r~ ~~~", . " :;.' :,,,..,, .:.~.\; -~. .~:.''''', ",'ß ~ , , ;'f " ' ~ ; ~,¡> ,~. , '¡ :,.~ >~, .. .~'\'~ ;, . ~I .' . .. p " ." ':~~ " .' ._--- - - - -- - - - -- - - - - - -- - - - - - - -,- - --,..-- ---------.~~~ ;'';' . :-t;.I-¡Oo ~ ..~ . me 079~486 Janua ry 3, 1984 . , decided at that time that he should not be given tho extension o~ this permit, adding that after some weeks had passed he checked with Zoning ie': ": and found out that Mr. Anderson ....as going to make another petition to '; the Board .0 they ....er. ....aiting to see! what happoned. He reported that , the As.ociation talked with tho Commissioners and they were told that r ' . " ' they did not want to hear the case again and, therefore, orders were given to move the temporary resident. lie statod that the man is still :f.living there. lie indicated that he Is requesting that all trailer permits be di.contlnued because they are not working. He noted that he ....a. told by the Zoning Department that as long as a person has a tag, they can store these vehicles on their property, ad~lng that if everyone has the right to storo a travel trailer on their property, everybody in Golden Gate will have one sitting on their property. He .tated that once a per~on gets a temporary residency permit and puts a tag on a trailer on property, he will have 8qu~tter. right. after seven years. lie stated that he has asked for help and did not receive any from the Zoning Department or the Building Department. -lie stated that Golden Gate Estate. is getting to be a deploroble si tu,nion. He noted that over a year ago a parDon moved a mobile home into the Es tat e . , adding that this is illegal because the only place mobile homes are I."'.' " "á110wed is In a rural area for a three year per iod of time. He noted that when this person applied for a building permit, the building was applied for as a modular CBS frame structure, whlch would have been an unusual type of structure. He noted that this was corrocted and listed a. a single roof and foundation over a double-wide mobile home. lie stated that It took him over one year for the Building Depllrtment to 'Idmit 1I1ð.. this was actually a mobile home. He .tated that according to the County'. own merit list for mob' e and modular homes, this " particular mobile home was not even on the list. He questioned if the >,t ," ,-' ~..';J.. \ ~:t' ~.,I' > r~j't'~1 Page 23 .... L.J \ ~ " \ ,---. ~.....-''''' . '- ~ t·~~',.,.,..,..... r------------------- f I January 3, 1984 -- - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- _.- Building and Zoning Department has set a procedent and if the Estate. is going to become the largest mobile home park in the world? He stated that it I. time that law abiding poople are tllken Into consider- ation. He referred to another por~on that was living in a mobile home and building a shack on the property that did not have a building permit or a temporary residency permit. Ho reported that he contacted the Zoning Department and was told that the person in question had been given orders to tear down the ahack, adding that the shack was not torn doWn and the person received an after-the-fact building permit for the shack. He noted that the mobile home was not moved at all because it was listed .s a hunting lodge, adding that permitting of mobile home. is . dismal failure. tie stilted that thuro is unwillingness in the Zoning Department to help the public. lie concluded by stating that he is requesting that, ~11 poradtting of travlIl trailer, mobile homes, etc. be stopped in the Estat~5 area. Acting County KIInager Virta stated that the amount of time and effort spent over the last several months with the poople in Colden Gate Estates has far exceeded the amount of time spent anywhere else in the County, adding that Staff has bent over backwards trying to work with these poople. Commissioner Kruse stated that thore are certain private property rights that include intrusion by government officials without due process. County Attorney Saunders stated that he would advise that if there la a locked fence that a Court Order be obtained before entering anyone's property. Commissioner Kruse stated that If the Board denies a petition, the Zoning Department cannot move the travel trailer or mobile home from the property themselves. IaIm: U79 JIIi''¡ 487 Page 24 .-..----~----- ;~ ----"------- ~~J -.... .. . . ,_::-.' :J(' ,', ".,,', a':\'" ~. . ,," ';rrij' -.';f..-," .. r. f.J ." .... ,-. ~ . - \ ,~ , , ~\....w............................,d-~'>.~r . .,,<~,,,' .~'\'....,..: ',"" . .....~...._-_._'.., ., ~ÇI:,. . ../., ...... " . ., ,'I ,. P. 'I .' _ " .. l' ,'. ~ :'''''..' ;$ 'J.+~\'- >" .. ~." "f ,.-- ~ 'l i"f;;:"~:~"/':; '" .... .. ,..' __4ÞAJ..l ,.....-;, ' .' ',..'~.......,.''~...,.·¡.,,"r'ti~f¡J~.~. , ' '... fl. \.1111 : ,~.j:;::....:-~'~.._. &~.." , \~"\"'j " ,,~ '" t~"'t -t' . . J.(1"';: .. '... . , , ----- . . .. ~", :mK t)ü9w:r.!4æ January 3, 1984 ......,'"';-" County Attorney Saunders stated that this Is correct, addln9 that to enforce the Zoning Code, it would have to go through the State ¡'"...ttorn.y'. office through criminal prosecution or to go to Circuit ,l,"""'. . Court to get a Court Order. Mr. Barger stated that this i. exactly why he is requesting that no more trailer permits be granted, because they cannot be controlled, . 'adding that thore are numerous situations In the Estates. . ~_11 \I Tape f6 Mr. Richard Braun, resident of Golden Gate Estates, stated that this problem with Building and Zoning has not come about recently, adding that a lett.r was written to Co~missloner Kruse on June 30, 1983, and a re ply was received November l5, 1983, whero she advised that she was going to hllve Mr. Virta ma ke a report and give him an . analysis of the report which has not been completed to this date. He noted that there are actual violations in the Uuilding Code that are in the Estates area. He reported on varJous building perml.t, applications that took between 28 and 40 days to obtain, adding that after receiving these permits, a lot of violations have been made. lie indic/lted that ~ .... some of the violations are, (1) that permi ts are not posted, (2) no : ~. culverts are, placed in front of the property and the property has been filled in to obstruct the water, (3) ~er~its exceeded six month time for inspection requirements, (4) people living in these homes for two ....," ~~.:. " i,~~ .:a,_' ",:;:,:~", ,;~'I/!\ . . ~'I ,r '" \:.\ . ,J,¡;' 4.. .', r years without having any work finished except for the frame. He noted that theso people live in those houses unfinished, send their children to school and pay between $25 and $54 a year taxes because they are not being taxed on the unfinf~r~~ home, but simply on land. He stated that by not putting in a culvert and putting up house n~lberr they do not f get the Certificates of Occupancy and, therefore, do not have to pay .. )/ taXe.. lie stated that each time he contacts the Building Department or ;:'f" . ~"- ~. . ~r' ~\ : Page 2S ".- I . ~ \. ... ~r!.'" . I -~- -- - -- - - -- - -- - - - - -- - - - - - - - --. ---\- .........~..-.--.........-......- ,-'" 1 ,.-; , ----' ~.-"...'-' '··_~·'_'____""'R__""_._,,,_ ·_._,......10,~~_.~..~~_~......_.._ -~....'.;....~'1tt..$!',.cx~" L -............-·..,-----"'..,..·-··..,......-..""""""".0."... .,'""".,._,....~,_,"',._"___""""'""" ,."'-""'" " r--1 - \ ------------------------------------ ,; January 3, 1984 the Zoning Department, he la told that the cose i. clol.d. County ,a,ttornoy Saund.rs stotud that if there is an alleged Y'lolation of the code, direction to the Staff to Inve.tiqot. thia matter would be appropriate. I, , .' :'.' Commissioner Voss indicated that thero ~ :e b"on a lot of charge. ~de thot seem pretty serious, adding that there cannot be any action taken without the complete story. Co..la.ioner Voss moved, leconded by Commlasioner ~ruae and carried 4/0, that the Staff be directed to Investigate specifically each ot the charges that are going to be made ond have been made and give a written report to the Board celative to each of the charges. Commilsioner Kruse atated that each of the people that ore charged , . or involved in this matter should be notified that the matter will be discussed. ..... Recessl 11159 A.M. - Reconvenedl 1130 P.M. at which time Dep~ty Clerk Skinner replaced Deputy Clerk Kenyon Item 23 (con't.) ..... The following ~crsona spoke regarding the Community Dovelopment Division, the Building Code Complianco ond the Zoning Deportmentsl Mr. Joe Crimm, President, Golden Gate ^rea Taxpayers Associotlon, referred to the Building Code Ordinance, Page 207, Section 10, Para- groph 10.1 ond said thot Indicates that the zoning official Is to coordinote efforts with other County Staff. He offered thil as a mechanism for the department heads to effect changes ho contended were ne.ded to rectify the situations earlier describeù. He reforred to ,;''' !- Page 6, Paragraph 114 - Violations and Penalties and laid that section clearly states that the building officials have powers to enforce. He asked the BCC to take action regarding the complaints because lome of the described violations are two years old. He referred to the stated job descriptions and the mlnimum~ÖKð:u~~J,1~tl4S9for various positions Page 26 ------------ ,,-' . -"r'--- . ;-~ :~- f.. ,~~~"",..,...., ;, ," " ' 'b ',;: ;';:" /,'" ,.' :', '" ~;~~~~'ff"·U;~·.~~"~;~~::;~::~~·t~~.~"~ÿ ,r~(~^'"...,................". L- -.---,... ",~:,: ,Z;; -' ~~.;. , .~/ ~ . .: "'~' , ,'"I",J \.--',.·~"f~t.1 ; (Hi ',~!;~"'~\1 ,.' . J\,' '. - .,./",./ , 'i\ : ,i " .' .~. \- '~ ) . . :' :"':-'.,; '. ~ . ~1'" , "'f. {'): ,,'.,'..- ,'f·', 1~"""·'··''''''' "', . .....-:..-,-... .. :-.; .\~ ,or...... ' ~' ", þ .""- - . ,'.." ¡ ~ . .... .',.. , .. .' '~:~;~:~:~. ':¡,:~"<f!.' ,'. ',' .,:¡.J',' " j t: ...., ,.,..'1'')., .:t·Ìi,'" ~ J;~!í·" .'.',. ~:~, t,., '..'~, " ,'~~'~ "," ~ :~~j.... · I:",:;:.';"', · : ::rJ!' '!:.iMr \:'~'.. · "'f."'" , ;. '. "'/'of' ¡. , ,,' ~¡. . .. "":'¡; 'f . ,/'!¡"J ,'I¡. .. # .v ..¡.....'. . ., ",t· . ,,'~ ~ .: ..".~" :;, "J~;~~ ~,; ~ì",,: .' "1" : ':'li)~, , ,.~~ ,¡1. .' ,.~, L;\-:f , '~~f i ',,-. I " . I.,···o\t Association, offered examples of violations, one of which involved " ,',; ':"'t~} ~£',;anill\ah left without food and he asked that the laws be enforced. '. '.';;;f.,:;,~j:~;~~,:. , -.... ' ,,'i,"" f!!'!. ' ~'> Chairman Brolin asked if Acting County Ktlnar.jer Vlrta had boen .,.,', ':«~~'!,:)!. t " , . r-:.\~ \:;'1' ~ f,',. directed to look into the violations and report bllck to the BCC regllrd~.;.¡...,~~ { , ~. ing their authenticity and to suggost a way to prevent rocurroncøs, and'~I:"~~'. .......: t· :' , , . #'J/.f l . Mr. Vir~a responded affirmatlvoly. Chairman Brolo'n requested that the '¡". .~::~J;,:...~ ~' t··~~ memorandums given to County Attorney Saunder earlier be returned to ;¡Ä~ ,';. 'ot!, ,:.o\.¡ :'f, '';-'' L .. , . ,.. " .~,.. .. "'v:.r \ ^ , . :'''' . ,}\. .:: ..,t,.!Þ;, ~~' ·T---------------------------~--~--~-.¿~~~-~ ~ ,f ~ ' ~, ~-~ . .c ~ . '_ 079,:.:.!490 January J, 1984 in tho Building Department and compored them to the qualifications of record of the porsons occupying those positions, which he said did not meet the requirements. He sAid his personal knowledge of violations of the Building Code could prove to have adverso consequencos that would affect the public safoty, welfare and tho County's liability. ,~e referred to the excessive amount of time it takes to process construc- tion permits, currontly. lie asked that the BCC direct the County Manager to review the position requirements and make changes as neces- sary to bring them Into compliance with the County's requirements. Chairman Brown Baid that was done during the discussion In the morning session. Lynda and lIelmut lIittinger, 2175 Wilson Blvd., Golden Gate Estates, supported tho previous speaker with regard to examples of building laws and regulAtions that havo been vIolated on Wilson Boulevard, and asked that the Building Department comply with tho laws on the books. Mr. lIerman Verrett, 3920 N.E. 6th ^venue, Golden G.te Estates, ~ember of the Board of Directors, Golden Gate Area Taxpayers hili. Commissioner Kruse explained these are internal memorandums ¡. , including some of the language uRed on the Stllff memb~r~, which she said are too embarr~ssing to read in the Boardroom. She said that copies would be available for anyone who wanted them. ,. L: ' ,.. ,. pago 27 ,\"..,. 1 ...J ."I'D:I''' ,'1";11.., ,'4!",~'...' ,-' L ·.................4 ----------------------.-------- --- ---- -..,.. .. " Jllnl'jHY 3, 1984 Tape '7 It.. '24 , PR~.~TATION BY I~IR ROFFMAN RE ACTION TAKEN BY CONTRACTORS' LICENSING BOARD - CONTINUED TO 1/10/84 Acting County Ma~~qer Virta _KPl~ ned that Mr. Elmer Hoffman, who requested that this Item bo placed on the ðgenda, was not presell... Comai.sioner Vo.s moved, seconded by Com~i8sioner Kruse and carried 4/0, that the presentation by Elmer Hoffman re action taken by the Contractor.' Llcensinq Board be continued to 1/10/84. ****The follovlnq items vere adopted and/or approved under the Consent Agenda by aotion ot Co~.ission.r ~ruse, seconded by Cornaissloner Vo.s and carried 4/0.**** Ite. '25 RESOLUTION 84-4 TO RECOVER FUNDS EXPENDED BY COUNTY TO ABATE PUBLIC NUISANCE ON PROPERTY OWNED BY EDWARD ZIMMERMAN, UNIT 8, PART 1, BLOCK 279, LOT 9, GOLDEN GATE CITY See Pages /Tý6 It.. . 26 RESOLUTION 84-5 AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF AMENDED EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT BETWEEN COLLIER COUNTY AND MAURA E. CURRAN See Pðges t/'l1"50/ It.. . 27 EXCAVATION PERMIT NO. 59.1B3--WINDJAMMER VILLAGE MOBILE HOME PARK--SECTION 6, TSOS, R26E - APPROVED WITH STIPULATIONS 1. All oxcðvation materiðl shall remain on-site. 2. Off-site dischArge of groundwllter during construction shall be only through ðpproved discharge structures after water quðlity treatment ðpproved by the County Engineer. Ite. '28 EXCAVATION PERMIT NO. 59.1B4--LANDMAR~ ESTATES PHASE II--SECTION 15, T48S, R26E - APPROVED WITH STIPULATIONS 1. No excðvation materiðl shðll be removed from the project .ita. '00« 079rlt.l 491 Page 28 -----------------,.--.--.-- ", '.: II '.J":.:' '.~~..I~' '. ...·1·.. . '... .. . "., '~,,~:'Jfo"'!' ", ., .. ,', 7~'f:f~~.:..-=;:·-''',,::':'': . : h~."l"t :. . ;- I .. t .... :.. , ~, .,........ ~A,. 079mt492 January 3, 1984 2. No off-site discharge of groundwater during con.truction Is permitted unles. approved by tho County Engineer and then only through an approved discharge structure and after water quality treatment. Thi. approval is dependent upon tho proposed lake being able to provide sufficient storage capacity to allow conformance with WMAB water management criteria. ~:' aDOK i !..~ of' ;¡:., . ¥¡¡'. 3. .. ." ."",..,. .'t It.. 12' RIDUCTION 1M OPtRATING DAYS or THE CARNESTOWN TRANSFER STATION FROM ':1. CURRENT FIVE TO THREE DAY WEEK, MOND^Y, WEDNESDAY' FRIDAY ,,' Ite. . 30 EI'IPLOYEI RELATION SPECIALIST POSITION IN PERSONNEL ,DEPT. TO BE FILLED AND EXEMPTED FROM HIRING fREEZE Ite. 131 ANALYSIS or ATTENDANCE INCENTIVE PLAN REVIEWED Ite. 132 BID '704 RE TYPEWRITER MAINTENANCE FOR MANUAL AND ELECTRIC TYPEWRITERS ',,- AWARDED TO NAPLES BUSINESS ,a,ND EQUIPMENT SYSTEMS, INC. NAPLES, PL. IN . A"OUNT OF $12,810.00, MAINTENANCE FOR ELECTRONIC TYPEWRITERS - AWARDED TO BUSINESS M,a,CHINE S,a,LES, INC., NAPLES, FL. IN AMOUNT or $2,655.00 Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on December 5, 1983, as evidQnced by Affidavit of publicatlòn filed with the Clerk, bids were received for Bid 1704 for Typewritor Maintenance until 2130 P.M., December 19,1983. '~~~~f.:~~~ ,,'R ~. BID 1699 RI RESURFACING OF COUNTY PARXS TENNIS COURTS - AWARDED TO !';...' SUNLMlD RECREATIONAL PRODUCTS, NAPLES, FL. IN AMOUNT OF $10,820.00 Legal notice having boon published In the Naples Daily News on " No\'ember 22, 1983, as evidenced by Affidavit of publication filed with the Clerk, bids ~re recelv~d for tennIs court resurfaclnq until 2130 P.M., December 14, 1983. Ite. '34 SOCIAL SERVICES CASES W-I029l ,a,ND W-I0382 ~ \ ¡ ~ ; , ~ ' ,~, f .' ~¡~..;, ".;': ~.~,: ... ~~, '. -1- ......,.-. '1'. . '; .,,:: , ·.h~}·t~:· .' . ·,,~,:t·- .~~~~~'~):';. .... ~,,,¡ I,,'''' , J: "".! .,' "'JII, .' .., ' , -, 'I.. ~r¡ ~ .: '... , '.,: , . Page 29 , . .,,?-c ) ," ~";~'î!/ ------------------------------~~~. , ... ,'.f ..",~.' , ,,..,...... ~4 c.....J ::.:::J '~~-,~ñ'~,,~i8'.ii-~1ANLt>. ~'r·~r.;::-;,-.;;':'i,,;.iw;;.- . . .:..~ ,~ . , . .~. ;~. .;~ I,,· "~"-""'.'-,. . ~ L-J ------, ----.¡ ---------------~---~---------------------- Jðnuary 3, 1984 It.. 135 MRS. IVELrw SHEALY REAPPOINTED AND MRS. JEAN McMULLEN APPOINTED TO TWO-YEAR TERMS ON OCHOPEE FIRS CONTROL DISTRICT ADVISORY COMMITTEE WITH EXPIRATION DATI OF 12/31/85 Ite. 136 MR. ROCER IVANS APPOINTED TO FULFILL UNEXPIRED TERn Or DR. JAMIS MELI ON THE EMSAC, HAVING AN EXPIRATION DATE or 8/31/84 Itelll . 37 MRS. GENEVA TILL APPOINTED TO A TWO-YEAR TERM ON COLDEN CATE COMMUNITY CENTER ADVISORY COMMITTEE, WITH AN EXPIRATION DATE or 12/31/85 Ite. 138 CERTIFICATES FOR CORRECTION TO THE TAX ROLLS AS PRESENTED BY THE . PROPERTY APPRAISER'S OFFICE '1(" :. .!ill ,,\1,4- . " 666 12/14/83 ,,' ~ 619 12/14/8 3 .!.ill.. 624 12/14/83 655 ~ 12/15/63 208-221 ~ - 12/14/83 11 /29 TANGIBLE PERSONAL PROPERTY 1983 1983-255 12/7 - 12/20/83 Ite. '39 LAKE TRAFFORD CEMETERY DEED NO. 375 !, See pago .5¿J.2 Ite.. '40 MISCELLANEOUS CORRESPONDENCE - FILED AND/OR REFERRED 'tr~ \\""'~.'. \ ~' ï\,~ ~A\.: ',- '. . ;,1 ,. There being no objection the Chðir directed the following corres- pondence be filed and/or referrod to the vðrlous departments as indicðted I 1. Letter dated 11/28/83, from S. F. Stover, Director, Div. of Veteran Affðira, extending appreciðtion for support of Mr. Don Norton's ðnd Mrs. Janie Butts' attendanco at the Mld-Wlntor Training Conference, 10/26 - 10/28/83, ðt St. Petersburg, FL. plus a copy of a letter dllted 11/4/83 from Director Stover to Novln G. Smith, Sec., Dept. of Admini- stration reporting on this Conference. xc Mr. Virta and Mr. Holley. Filed. f ", am 079rm4.93 Pðge 30 ~ '.; ~ ';~'~;~'}:~~: ''t "~ ----~----------------- .. 4 " . . "=7r.f'".- , If" ~. "'~~""""'::'''''' ' , .)." "~";~'f-r~ ~ "Á~ '.'<~':':~'t~~~ ,..~<.:.:~ ,.r>. ~ r ", t!.Jtt ;,-r-")1'.~. .1', . ". .;," '..~ r '.,' \.. J.' ~ " :."'. ~ .'~' . .; .Ii ...f......:.,..;..} I ... , . L tf?~~~~;" - - . i.·'·' I "f: ,"i:,.~t~ ";J.,~...,,.. ,.,.. .~.' , ¡;;r~';;;. . ~..~'~:þ: .~..." Co....'·. '~;~. ,~ \- ,oor. .. . .' t Ii Undated Notice of Non Payment received 12/20L8.3, from J ' <,,: ^ttorney Thomlls E. Cunningham, Jr., for SIBO, Inc. to Krllft '. Construction and Employers Insurllnce of Wausau that \; 1':. ' I!IlIterials were furnil5hed on 9/26/83, for Collier CountY:'~,~I¡" Justice Center, pllCcel 13 and that an unpaid amount of, ~',',::~ , . ',:'~l',:, $12,774.00 is due. xc Mr. Dorrill and Mr. Bailes. ./~l~d~.;~~,:·t~',í4'· Let tee da ted 12/6/8.3,' !rom 1<11 thl un L. Mc Leakoy, Éx~'~ .,<Dl~;~r"'::::~."'f!i,{~ State' Job Training Coordinating Council, re JTP" añd trans-, ';".-:...:",'Æ~'" mlttlng copy of revisions and proposed change. to ove, r,all:Jw."·\;'¿~:~,'IWI,I'.·' phn. Filed. ,: " ' ',' ,L \'t"I~~~.?;{1'ÚII ',;. .',1. ~¡. "~i~ .. Copies of minutcsl A. CCURRB, 12/8/83, B. Libraryl. "'~' .:~,~~.t·~>". Mv i so ry BOil rd, 11/10/8.3. Filed t, " '"J '," :\'~!~I..;,~,tti " , !~~".. .L\,..~.t~.J' I..etter dated 12/7/8.3, from Richard S. Glaze, Chlllf, Burllau ,', '''::,\\':, of Urban Phnnlng, DOT, not1fyinc,1 that he has been Appolnted~."" ,',;, \"'~ to this position And will be an Alternate to Director ,,;;:,,~~-:;~I::.~ Elliott as the non-voting member to Collier County's MPO. ~\ .~' '~I",,( M P Fi.1 d ,~ ,.oJ '1'''''' ....#,. xc r. IIrry. I;!. ,,',....,·:.,.1',·....~t; " "¡, \~"¡. ',. .'~'. \ . y- ,-', (... , .. , "! January 3, 1984 n79r~r.t 49.\ 2. Letter dated 12/9/8.3, fro~ Max A. HIIsse, Jr., Pres. Golden Gate Civic A..n., requostlng thllt Pet. R-82-30C, Cement Product. Co., be deferred until a review is mAde of thll impact of the industry on the area. xc Mr. virta and Ms Layne. Filed. 3. Letter dllted 12/1/8.3, from Mitchell N. Drew, State Dir., Farmers Home AdministrAtion, serving notice that the remain- ing FmHA lOlln obligation ($2,695,00) ro sower Service ArOlJ -A" is being cancelled within the next 30 days, plus a copy of A letter fro~ Mr. Drew to Utilities Director Berion dated 9/14/83 re same subject. xc Mr. Borzon and Mr. Saunders. Filed. .. . , . , Memorandu~ l2/6'¡OJ, from Judy Merer, Institute for Social Research, Florida State Univ.,'w th attached questionnaire on percolved areas of concern in 1984 Spring Transportation MAnagement Workshop to be held in Orlllndo in March. xc Mr. Perry and Mr. Vlrta. Filed. 5. ~partmental Reportsl A. Collier County Library System Statistics, 11/83, B. Collier County Museum, 11/30/8.3, C. Parks' Recreation. 10/8.3. FlIed. 6. MemorandulII dðted 12/5/83, from I..ee Vause, Pres., State ^ssn. of County Commissioners of Florida, Inc., re the annual 1984 Health fpirs. xc Mr. Vlrta. filed. Copy of 1983 lIospitAl Budget Data entitled -Hospital Cost Containment BOðrd". filed. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. ....,.,.; " '~ ,... '.'f·,~J.. '.:".. , " . ' ; ~.~ , . (, !,~' ~.~ ; .,,~.':i~i 10,' , . ~ , " ~ ...... ""," .. . ·'f :;.', ; '. . " J ',:'" ,;I: ';, '. ' . " ~. V~ ':'j.'" ....,. 'OJ:t.;.;',, , ' ""..'. Copy of Letter dated 12/16/8': fr"lm Uniteù Telephone System ", ,',:;". that Flonå/l PSC haa approved certain rðte increases assoc-:,,~,:,:,. 'I~'~ ¡ lated with interexchange private line /In. d ,foreign exchangl 'f)ìti:r:~;:", , services. xc Mr. Thiele. Filed. ~: .' '. ".h., ····'~i~;!>\',~7 , ...,. , .',: , ,,' Iot.! ~ "'," , ) I~, ..... ~ _.'to',,' 'pt /1~,., -'....~ . ','.__ :\ '~~~,'.; ,:..,'- '.. '\ i ,,-f,;'; ,,\'~'Îì' ,~1 ':: : ):',': ~,~, , ' " ~~¡ >~' '. ...' \t : , '. ": ~.,,:' '.. : Page 31 \1:"'1,"':'''7 . <-'" ~ ...,.....,.....t,A..... ':t, "..,'~,'~. . ,...V~ ~\ - - - þ - -- -- -- - - - - - -- .... -.. -- ~.-~". ¡=:t .JI"I'I"-"~ 4 __ _ -,.....- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _L__ _ __ _ _ _ - - - - - - - - - - --- January 3, 1984 13. Hesourc. Alert Action Referral form dated 12/6/83, re DNR complaint ease 100199, r. Ilve-aboards at Pal~ Ave. West, Coodland, transmitting Resource Alert pamphlet and bumper sticker. xc Mr. Hartman. riled. ó' 14. Resource Alert ActIon Referral form dated 12/13/83, re DNR complaint ease 100220, re removal of Mangrove.. xc Dr. Bonedict. Filed. l~. 101den Gate Fire Control' Rescue District Resolution da~~~ 11/30/83, urging the Stl:t.: :., ~ Ü":'C to install a traU ic light at C. R. 951 , Golden Gllte PHkwaYI plus a nesolution dated 11/30/83, supporting a referendum of residents of the District re annexation of an area not currently within a fire control district, plus a copy of a letter dated 11/29/83, from Wlll1am Hansell to Dr. Neno Spagna, Chrmn. of District, requesting thlø action. xc. County Manager, Mr. Hartman. FlIed. 16. Twelve letters received from residents owning trllvel trailers protesting and/or requesting that the zoning ordinance bo changed to allow the constructIon of permanent additIons to travel trailers to local Travel Trailer parks. xc Mr. Vlrta and Ms. LAyne. Filed. Letter dated 12/12/83, from Eugene L. Arnold expressing his views re furthor deve10pr.¡ent of Meekins Rock Quarry on S.. R. 846. xc Mr. Virta and Ms. LAyne.. FlIed. 17. . . . . There being no further business to come before the Board, the ~eeting was adjourned by order of the Chair - Tlmel 1:50 P.M. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS/ BOARD OF ZONINC APPEALS/EX OFFICIO GO'~RNING BOARD(S) OF SPECIAL DISTRICTS UNDER ITS CONTROL '~ " , . ,// / Å~ /¡~hÛ~Jír.r~ OAVID . BR H, CHAIRMAN ',' ~~ \\~KrtE~TI ; ; ,...' ,.'.. WI.LL"tA~ J. REAG^N, CLERK ff~':"'~;·~' 2,';, ~~.,_. "-, ~~:~~~ ~ . ,." F-?7 l7 ~- .... .: .~. [, "Th'~áe ~'nutes ,I' ';"1,.. on ~. ,LI; 1'7~ Y . 'a.··presented were approved by the BCC ~ or as,corrected mK 079mt495 Pa<,¡e 32 ---~- ------ f~ ''10,,( .¡, ..~ .' , " J " ~ . ,". ,·,···.¡¡.A, " ." .. ",..0(.1':.,. ~'_>f~Ì'Iþ'.- ~ " '., ".. ..::;:....~.. .~~.!~. -"''1: :--"~. ,-~~~,.:-"y_.,..-.,..."., " .' \ -",' -. ¡I;~ "I è!;,¡\t ,...."~F" ',¡-":ff. . ,I.':'," , "'¡;: .J .. .\~,-' .;,' , . '. '. ! . , III" (,~,y~. .' .::.~:. . ~t:'.1~ , ,,", ,.: . ,JIÌ' ; , '" ...~ .;." :¡,,'. :I~~ " 'fÑ;' ,.'/-: , . - ,> ..\ :;,~ ,"1"' .':',~~',..