BCC Minutes 01/10/1984 R ~J ~ ¡""';';.ii r---, -.. ------.----.-------------- Napl~s, florida, Jðnu~ry 10, 1984 LET IT BE REMEMBERED, that the Board ol County Commissioners In and lor thv County of CollIer, and als~ acting as tho Board of Zoning Appeals and as the governing board(s) of such special districts as have been created according to law and having conductcd busIness herein, met on t~la date at 9103 ^. M. in Regular Session in Building "f" of the Courthouse Complcx, East ~~plQ9, FlorIda with tho following persons prltsent: CHAIRMAN: David C. Arown VICE CI1AIRMAN: C. C. "Rud" !1oll.Jnd fradcrIck J. Voss 110'1 ry t'ro1nccs I:rusc ADSENT: John A. Plator ALSO PR¡';SENT: William J. RE:dCJ<1n, Clerk; Ji1mcs C. Gllc!>, f1!>cDI Officor/ Elinor M. Sklnnar, Deputy Clcrk; Burt L. 5,'undccs, County Attornuy/ To.Irry VIrtù, ,\clln') County Ml1nlJ'Jcc/ Donllld tJorlon, Act.lnCj ABsist~nt County Manager Vickie Mullens, Acting Community Developm~nt AdmInIstriltor; Irving Berzon. Utilities AòrniniatriJtor/ {."c Lðyne, ZonIng Dlr"ctoc¡ Chris Holley. Admlni:>trator of Adminlstrðtive Serviccs/ (;rdce Un~crwood, Admlnlatr.:lti\l~ AidE: to thu BO.Hd/ I1nd Dt:puty Chief Raymond ~ðrnctt, Sheriff's Dcpðrtmont. aoo~ 079 PA~.! 503' Paq e 1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -40. _ _ _ _ _ - - - - -- - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ---- - - - - - - - - - - - -- .- - - .~- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _....~ . .;0. 079 Pi .\ 508 Tape U Itelll 11 January IC, 196( AGENDA - APPROVED WITH ONE ADDITION COlllllllaaioner Kruse movod, seconded by Commissioner Voss and carried 4/0, (vote reflects tho absonce of Commissioner Piator) that the agenda bo approvod with the following amendmontl 1. Inlloùu~t1un of fi1 r Llon"l LU::khoo, ,HI rl'4u"bLcc.J by Ch.drr.I.1/1 ~rown. SIR LIONEL LUCKHOO, PRESENTED BY MR. HAMMOND ~'r. jc]mmonC, rcprt,zcntlnC) tho: rull Go!>pl:l tiusinesm;¡",n's I'('llow- ship, introtJucl:C :.>1 r Lionel Lur.r.hoo, (orn,er ¡,mhil5t;<1dor to Grc.1t I:Iritðln. Fr/\nc!;, Gcrm{ ny ¡,nt: 1101].1[,(1. I~r. IJi1mr.;ond gi1vt: ¿¡ tJrlef resume of Lir LI~nel's ðchlrvc~~nL5 dS u world rcnowncrl lðwycr who hils becn knighted twi<:~' l,y Queen f.lj;·..H)(~t~,. :j I [ L ion l.' 1 g ,; v (.' ,I b r i eft c ¡¡ t i mo n y of lliz b'.·llcf in Go", J~t;\J', (¡'rl~t ,HI.: ,lit; b~'llL:: In the Im¡,ort:lnt roll that t.ne bible t.cnet~ c.Jn ¡,!i.y in :>olvinCj world f>roble¡¡.5. Ch,lirm.ln Urown t.hanked hi~ for hit; ~orus ~nu welcomed him to return at dnytimc. ChÐirm.:ln urown intro,~uc",l! ~,jl D;dld~ r..1.!,'cll, fror., N.Jplcs. florld/!, an t;xccutive of tht· ~'ull Go¡;r-"l buzinessn'.l'n'fi fellowship. Itelll f 3 ORDINANCE 84-1 Rr. PETITION ZO-83-2C, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIVISION RE AMENDMENT TO SEC. 13.1 e PROVISIONAL USES BY LIMITING REQUESTS TO ONE (1) EXTENSION UP TO ONE YEAR - ADOPTED Lcqbl notice h~viny been publ!zhed in t.h~ Nðplc5 D~ily Newz on Duccmbcr 20, l~dJ, aL cvidunced by Affidavit of Public~tion filed with tha tler~, public h~~rin9 ~as opened to consider a prop05cd ordinance r~ pet.ition Zú-83-~C. rcquesting ùn amendmcnt to Sect.ion 13.1 c provi- sionðl us~s of Ordinance 82-2 by limiting rcqucst5 for extcnsionc to one (1) l:xtl:nsion u:¡ to one II) Yl!cr. Zoning Dlnctor Layne explained thllt th~ P-CC asked Staff to review Pðg e 2 -----------------------------~-------- G;J c:::2J ~~,·i,,;;j ':=J ~~-. ~ ...-o.-i--~ ------------------------------------------ J,:¡nu~ry 10, 19C4 this item limitinq provisional UQOS. Sho said that Staff reco~~ends approvnl of this proposal thllt would limit tho:m to 01'0 y,:ar with up to one extension upon written rt (luest. fjhe pointed out that both the l>-PC and tho CAPC held their public hearings and r~com~endud unanimously th~ approval of this petition. Hoaring that thcro was no one registered to speaK, Commissioner Kruse moved, second ad by Commissioner Voss and carried 4/0, that the public hearing be closed. Commissioner ~rUBe moved, seconded by Commissioner Voss and carried 4/0, that the ordinance as nu~borQd and entitled bolow be adopted and entered into Ordinance Book No. IOI ORDINANCE 64-1 AH ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE 62-2, THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING REGULATIONS FOR TilE UNINCORPORATED AREA OF COLLIER COUNTY BY AMENDING SECTION 13.1 e, PROVISIONAL USES BY LIMITING REQUESTS FOR EXTENSION TO ONE (I) EXTENSION UP TO ONE (l) YEAR/ AND BY PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. ItOID '4 ORDINANC~ 84-2 RE PETITION ZO-83-3C, nE AMENDMENT TO SEC. 8.l1 SETTING EXPIRATION DATES fOR APPROVAL Of ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE LICENSES - ADOPTED Ll.!g<1l notiçc ~,1IIIn'1 ¡"_',..n published In tl:,· rI,'µlcs Dally :~,.'ws on Do:ccmbor 20, 1';1::3, .15 cII1Jence<J by ACtJ: .lvit of f'IILJllctJtlon fll.:!d with tho Clurk, public ;¡"Drin') .~,,:¡ opun'Jd to :::on!Jlènr ., propo:;'.'(1 ordlr.;,nc.: roJ Potition ZQ-ßJ-JC, rC'J,'rC1lng iln ,, ~cn<.J;ncnt to ~;cction n.ll of Ordinancu 62-2 by ;.cttln1 Qxpiratlon :!iltl'S for zoning ,1pprovol of alcoholic bcverage licenses, where oper~tion5 of the alcoholic b~vcra9~ ostðbl1shmcnt do not commence within prescribed puriods. ,oning Dirl'ctor L"'r:H~ tlxplðinud that under t.hu existin'3 ordinance .1n indivIdual C..Jn obt.,dn ~onin'J ù[)lJCovi.l ior ,I con:;umption on ¡.;r"ml~cs license (COP) and sit on this approv~li thc said if ... person is reDdy to o~en a bU5in~55, h~ could not do so within 500 fuut o[ 3n ~st~blish- mont with ~ COP llcunsc not ~ulng uu~J. ~ho sðld that ~ta!! r~commends &OO( 079 t1.: 509 Pag 0 3 ~ - - - - - - - - - - - -... -- - ~ - - -- - - - - ~- - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - --- ~ =:J , " .' .----------------------------------------- Jllnuilry 10, l?a., tho serving of b~er, wine or liquor would not be an ~ccessory usu to n rostaurant or bowling ~lloy and the ~mondmont would illlow this provision to includl1 that l..ngu~CJe in the zoning ordinance. 5hl1 said th~t prcs"ntly this survicu iu only ucccs&ory to golf clubs, hotels, motels and privata clubs and that 9tilff recommends ildding rostnurants and bowlin<) illluys. !ìhc lI.1itJ that thll IArC and th<, Cf,PC h"ve rocommundcd ,1pproval. I1cspondin<) to Commls~loncr 1,'033, r1:'i. L.'yne !:laid iln <lstùblinhrnt'nt woulJ nilvl, to h,'Vl~'~ Ilccnuu. :;hu :ulcJ th.:Jt th" problcm ¿Irises ...hon ,I buslnC!5s is in ., zoni:19 district '~'h~re thura is no mention of the .11ll)wilnc:e of ..ny idcol:ulic :¡cv(.'r;'g,·!J for J re:;tilur.Jnt or bo~llng alley ~CCdU~C thQ lonlng D~p~rtncnt cannot permit th2 buslnesu to obtilin such iI lIc()nsl.!. :)Ì1c ;õ,1io thilt tll<! C-J f,Lnr!<;t Llllo,",:'I bowling "lluys, howover, th.·ro I:; no othcr U!J,' in thut r1i:arlct and no approvlIl coulrl bl' 'jrMlt('(J to ,1110'''' l ·~"r .Jt ,J hOlollinq ol1o.1Y in that d i etrle to Hearing that ~o one was registered to speak, Commissionor Kruse moved, seconded by CommissIoncr Voss and carried 4/0, that the public hearing be closod. Commissioner Kruse moved, seconded by Commiasioner Voss and carried 4/0, that thl1 ordinance as numbercd "nd entitlod below be adopted and entered into Ordinance Book No. 181 ORDINANCE 64-3 AN ORDINI\NCE AMENDING ORDINANCE 82-2, TilE COMPREIIENSIVE ZONING REGULATIONS FOR THE UNINCORPORATED AREA OF COLLIf.R COUNTY BY MENDING SECTION 20 - DEfIlHTION Of ACCESSORY USE OR ~TRUCTURE BY ADDING RESTAURANT AND BOWLING ALLEYS TO THE L.IST OF USES FOR WHICH THE SERVICE OF AL.COHOLIC BEVERAGES IS AN ACCESSORY USE: AND BY PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. ~OD( 079mt 511 paqe 5 - - - - - - - -,.- -- -. - -- -- - -- -- - - - - -- - - - - .¥- - -- -- - - -.. - - - - - - -- r __ ---- - - -- - - -- -- .- - -- -- -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - -~: . .:. aoo~ 079 t~ .~ 512 It.. 16 PETITION ZO-03-SC, RE AMENDMENT TO SEC. 8.29, OFFSTREET P^R~ING SPACES FOR DISABLED PERSONS - CONTINUED TO JANUARY 24, 1984 JanuIJry lO, 19(\4 Legal noticl' I¡,win') beun publlshetl In tho Naples D/1lly News on Dccemb~r 2C, IYB3, as evidenced by Affidavit oC publication flIed wlth thc Clerk, public hCi.dn') WI15 opcnc'd to cOl1sldl'r c) proi'osen orc!inDncC' ro Petition Zü-r.J-5C, rcquc5tln9 c)n amenument to 5cctlon 8.29 o[ Ordinance 62-2, ofClitrp.l!t p.H1I1n'J aIM~~r, for d¡silble~ f.>l.'raons. Zonln'1 Director Lùynl! (:xr·l.¡jn'~(; till' objective of this ltl.!r> 1f,; to brln9 tlw p.Hklnq up.,c'·t\ ior !,ui.>lle tJullr11n"f, into COr1¡:.>11.,nr.:l' with Statt! stdnd.)rr1f. i1nd re<.juir(; 1O.,nd,;tory ¡;P.JCl:li Cor prlv<.1te busincsses. !>hc s,dd, currently, ti'l' County rli.~ till' ~.t.Jt,· I\lilnd,-:rdz for privlltt: businonac:.., hO"'t'VI'f, tl1i't UI"y i:r<' volu~L"ry. :;1;'1 Gid:J th<lt the: CAPC hl:ld their public h'""rin.; ?,; , 1 " ,. . .../'.... Lind rcconlmendt'cJ f,/J to on (\ctoU..f deny this pctltlor>. :"111' r,,, Ie: tl¡,' L tt,(, ¡ /\I'C rl'eommenòl'(j, un"n Imoucly, to ..p¡:;rovp. 1 t. :':ht r,,[p.rr"I: to tr,'· ~,:<~',:u:ivr' :.unlJ,'i.IY (\,ltt'd l:/14/r.J and <lsku,j the CO",,:1Ì s:.; Ion" r:> to look ,Jt till.' rroro!lcò orc: ¡nanc,-" ¡JartJ'Jrap!l to. (;» wl:ic~ rCi",!" one p,Hkin' tiP'.Ct; for the rirut twenty splices or rr.lctlon tilcreo[, ,171(: onl.' "dr!ltlon"l r,pcJcc for tile ncxt ciCJt¡ty £¡J"c{':,;. :'1.1' 5,d d tll/iL :;U,[ r rt;Corr.r~L'n(;~; ,J ch¿.ncJCI to r'·IJd onc parkinCJ SP¡'C<.: [or tlo,. (Irtit tHI,nty to .. I';nty sr£.CCG, l)nd [or under twenty SpilCCti, .' l,usln"I:5 ..·oull: n<Jt tlL.' fCLjul fen to hll\'t: h,1ndicûpped park1ng. kl'5pOnjin0 to Com~lfil\ionef Vo~:.;· r~~uust for cløri[ic~tlon with rc'),Hd t.o tIJ~' ni(f<'r~'nce lr, tlw ....I,a ¡ of 11.111.\iC':'Ppcò .1nd fegular pðrKing GpllCU1i, ~,';. L.Jyn" 5i.lei trwL ,. bù:;1nl'ss could not obté!!.n a Ccrtificûtc o[ U¡:C;U~'idlCY u:'1le¡;¡i tll'J required number of p/lrkIng SF~C(!G were providc(~. COI.I:~I¡;¡;lonC'r VO¡¡fo ~Dld thñt hl1ndlcðppcd pilrKing spa<:es should count .15 two sIJl:C('¡; ¡¡ineco ltlCllr I.¡idth I:; 12 [pet e.lch and thc regulcJr SpðCCS Dre 9 [cct wide. He ret~rrcd to the City of Naples parking rcquirementu ûn( noted th,ìt If {J hùndicðpped space! Is next to a Pðge 6 -------- - -- _._----- --- --- - ---------- ------- L.....:.:..:J E..J ~ ~ 'J..L· " L=::J -, ~~ -- ----- --- -------- - - -- - - - -_._- ----- ---. - - ----- J.1nU¿¡ry 10, 19C4 øidewalk thðt splice docs not bðve to be 12 f.~et. !II: sugg,)sted that County ^ttorney Saunders ruvicw the CI ty of N/lplo!;l ordinilnc\) bcfore tho BCC ^cts on thia pl:tition. Comr.d:,;:;ionur !!ollunct ð']roud ....Ith Commission VOIIS. Ourlnq till! tlnsuin'] dl:¡cus:>li:ln, Ms. LiJync explained th;1t thl:3 ordlni:lnce would not bo mi:ldc r~troðctivc with rugJrJ to private bU31ncas"s. Sh" fi.\!Ò t:1<..t ~;t"t., 1 oJ"" r~quir~3 th.1t puhlic m¿dnti1intld <lnd ownucl bulhJlnga ~Iollld r<.:qulr·: ~.10:h: builJln'1l,; to be In co:nplillncc to code. Corr:mll.¡sioner J!oll"nd .~S~(..(I if t:-1I' ·mencJr,I'.·nt caul d hI.! cbùn'Jud to count tne nilndlcDppud pðrklnq, ~ncre Hyu~r~ I. r~quir~~, a3 two SP/!CCII for comp1i;sncc In numhcra, .In,: .~:;. L1ynC' ,;..1;1 :¡Ioe 111,1 not :=;CQ any problcm with that ch.Jnyc. Co::,,;nl:;slon,..r looll.:¡nJ d::¡kcd (or" provl:;lon rL'qbrdln'J "nforc~'fnL'nt tn ~)Q .HJ·.;"cj tû till' .-,rwn';:.1cnt .,nd he rcfl'rrud to tllu urnpty h"fJnicoipped SPdC"S t,': h.15 ohsurve¡;. i·~:;. Layne SiJ1d :~ùt it would C,I "':ir~i<.:u¡t. :'0 r':~jUirL' h.¡f"H~ic,)¡~,J.i(c1 fJ\:r!.;()n~ to ~:.;~ tho:,;c p.:lrklng sp.:¡c~~. Cor', :-.\ 1 :"j ~; i 0 ~H: r ~ 0 1 1 i) n u J L.:.J tJ I..'~; t ,_. d u r 'J i (1<j t. t; \: 1 r U:3 e whl.!n the hðnd ICllPPC(j t-,,;~ .Ir.: 1,;....u,·<1. ,he followin') I",r:;ons ~¡pok.: r'~(J.:¡rr.:ln<J p·:,t1tlon ZC-;;)-SC: ,.Ir. lIruct' :1\.>1 ]")', d '~""'~"r or ,,'rH c''i'j'l·<.J In ,ictlorf, rC"ill.,st.cd tI,e uCC to n.wc· ~:1¡c; ...::1un.J,,,·nt .)C :¡ Inll.:.r tD th·~ Clt, coèo. nr. ulll ùurrJ, ., ",>!nhcr or ¡''''',dic.lr'¡Jud In t,ctlon, r'~questt,)d u....t thu dl:;c.:u:-;.;iol1 t;c i;osti-ùn·~J to obt.Jln turll1er Input. County Attorn':y :;.JU(hh;r~ ,hIll! :n or':l,)r to l¡fllt. thr: numbur of spaces th:st would bu r~HluirC'CJ t::>r 'Jencr,'l con:aructlon, ,1n anuncJment to that :;pc~iflc section of Ordln~nc~ 32-2 would h~vc to bo r~ðdvcrtiacd. J ~ said th..t this illnendWtnt wdS Juvurtiacc! .:t:; (Jc¡dinr¡ with the nUJltbcr of h.:tndl~'pped parking :;pJCU9 unly. Commissioner Kruso movod, seconded by Commissioner Voss, that the County Manðgur be Instructcd to follow the proper roodvertlsement procedures to altcr the tounty mechanism regarding parking spaces. Ms. Lù yn e t1:J k c d i f l h ( i 1\ t <! 1\ t i ¡, tor C' ,HI v t.' r t I " c ~ he en t Ire () r din ¡¡ n C (! 0 r i f &DO( 079 r~'·l 513 rllgc 7 .- - - - - - - - .. -..- -- - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --. ---------- -------------------------------~. '* 079 w' 514 January 10, l~O< it would be possible to I1ct on thiu amendment anò then h~ve another ordinance to a~cno tnot suction to get the number of requirements needcd? ~r. hounders »ald thnt n form of this proposed ordinance could be aooptcd at ð cubsequcnt meetin~ ~nò ðn addition~l ðmcndmcnt could be advertised to ~~ction 8.29 to rcnucn the number of spaces required if thure arc hDndic~pped Spbcc5 provided. Following furlh.r discussion, CommisGloncr Kruso rescinded her ~otion, and Commissioner Voss roscinded his socond. Commissioner Kruse ~ovðd, seconded by Commlsaioncr Vo~s and carriod 4/0, that Petition ZQ-83-5C bc continued to January 24, 1984. Ite~ t7 ORDINAHCr. 84-4 RE PETITION ZO-83-7C, RE AMEN~ILNT TO SEC. 7.IG - VR DISTRICT TO ALLOW TRAVEL TRAILERS AS A PROVISIONAL USE - ADOPTED Lag"l notlcc I:it"iny IJccn pU1111i:>IICÚ In the HDpleli IJ.JIly tlewa on Dacembcr 2l', l"¡;~, db c'Ji(1~'r,CL'¡'; uy AUI;J,lv1t of l-u:JlicDtlon filed witt: the Cler¡., publIc hCDrin'J \,h\~ Opl.'n'HJ to consider ,1 prof.losl.'d ordinance re Petition Zù-83-7 rl'4uestlng an amcndM<::nt to :.,('ction 7.lfi - VR Dintrlct of Ordln~ncc f2-2 to allow trðv~l tr~ilers ðS ~ proviclon¿l use. Zonin'] Director Ll.yn<' expl.:llned th,lt there- nrt: fõcverDI ,Heas of Collier County thut huv" VlllcHJI.! Hcsidcntllll District (Vf\), such as Immokc.lleo:, Copclllnd, Ct10kolosko:c cJnd Goodland. She s,;¡id this IInlcndmcnt would require D public.hearing by the approprintc Planning Com~ission with final approv..1 by tI,l' BOIH{~ of :':onlnq ^pr~Dla In ordt:r for ð porson to put a trnvcl trnilr.r in ^ pnrticular area. She said that the CAPC and If\l'C recommended, un.:lnimously, (orwðrdlng this petition to the; BCC for approvéol. flearing there waD no one registered to speak, Com~issioner ~ruse aoved, seconded by Commissioner Voss and carried 4/0, that the public pag e 6 --------------------------------------- œim CImI ~_.""f¡~'~·] t··".c ;".. J~'U. 1 ',¡./"" . tfJ..'It;'+"'~a...:¡~i' '." ~ ·.·~~~~;;f7::;\··(IJ. "':"¡ _...".i<ko>_q"'.._""'.."~_""".._,__'.".__,_'.,_~"".".,.._ -~-q'.._...'"--'.^..'~~~~-~..<.-- ~ - ~ ----, .-.....---- ------------------------------------------ J.,nuIICY lO, 19011 he.rin9 be closed. Com.iaaioner Kruse ~oved, seconded by Commissioner Voaa and carried 4/0, that the ordinanco as number ^nd entitled below bo adopted ond entered into Ordinance Book No. IS: ORDINANCE 04-4 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDIHANCE 32-2, THE COMPREH~NSIVE ZONING REGULATIONS FOR THE UNINCORPOJU\TED l\REI'. OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, UY AMENDING SECTION 7.16 b 3 (r) BY ADDING TRAVr:L TRAILERS AS A PROVISIONAL U5E IN TilE VR-VILLAGE HESIDENTIAL DISTRICT/ PROVIDING fOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. ComrnisfJioncr ~:C\I:;C ,1s)';~d wh.H :I"pp('n,; to tr.)v'.'l cr.)ll.,r::; under (lood cluvlltlon .Jnd rl,jnnl·r··~ì..·.,l1i..~ .¡"i(J \.1\{,~1 .~ tr.1v·.··J ~r.'iJ('r st..rts to look pcrmJncnt, It h~c()f:1!'S ,;u!):i.,ct to th.· I'loor! L',lnID'J(> rr~'vl'ntlon OrdinDncc. It~· solid th.1C ~",vln'J.] iJuoJI= b~'¡¡rin'1 for.J provJ:dorMl UIH' to? c r ~,lð n e n t 1 Ï p]., c l! .1 t r ..: Vl' 1 L r ,I I Ie r wo u 1 d .J m 0 u n t to '-' í)(' r ::1 i, n (.' n t 1n~ttJIIIJtion. /, (Ji:;cl.J~!;lon ·!rlSu·.!(J durl:v'j \,hictl ,\j!;. L.:ync r!..:f)(~ th~ t;ufinltion of,j tr.1v01 tr"lJ-:r ,¡e. ¡,,>iIl'J ., ·.."I1i<.:ulilr. ¡.>ort:.bJ~ !¡tru\:turë built on.') cbcJ~Giz ..~~~~l\;rH'(! t() ~H: lI''';l;'-1 (")~;:I t·.'rnpðr~ry G',¡ullinrj (or trùv\lI, recrcdtion.'¡ ...n~ voIc"tion ,)uq>r):¡,':¡, not :~.ort: U1.)n ;' fHct ·..iè<¡ .In(. tn.,t dou:> not "XC"l.!d .léJ (':<!t In I"n,¡nl. <:o ~,ml;1ülon('r Vo:;!. /)SIH'( If thl' uc.:C cOllld :';jH.'clfy i, t!::,e lln'¡t ",fter ,¡nlch t!w trl)vr:l tr,¡llcr ;¡ouId h¡JV\! ':0 t)C r,.:j.IO'J(~o( rls. 1.dyr.t..' ~j..Jid tn~t if ti\c 'oIWllcel~ ..1ft:" r0!":'\OVl;'Q it. Is no longer ~ travel tr~llt:r. Item '8 PETITION ZO-83-9C, HE AMtND~£NT TO SEC. 7.10 ESTATES DI5TRICT - CONTINUED TO JANUARY l7, 1~84 TO INCORPOR^TE AMENDMENTS SUGGESTED Ll!')al notlC'<: h.win9 tJCUrI ¡;utdì!.iH:.I in tj1<J :';"f)1~5 Daily Nowtl on ¡)cccmb"r 20, l~!J]. .15 .:vlucnc<!ci by t.[fij.wit of ¡'utJlic¡¡tion fllë<.J with th'J Clerk, public 1t,'Drlnq \.I,1a opcnf!J ~') ::on::;1dür "pro¡.;osctJ ordin!I/'\Cl! rc ~Qtltlon ZJ-3J-9C rD~ucutin9 an n~end~(Jnt to Ordlnnncu 32-2 to S~ction 7.10 E~t.~tcs District by rumovlnq provinlonnl us"s except for ..xistlnc¡ IIn<.J/or ¡¡['proved provir.ional UDCS. aoo~ 079 r~'~ 515 Page 9 . _ _ _ _._ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ ___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ U'_ _ __ _ __ ._ _ _ _. - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - -- . .-- . .~ --~ ...-. - - - - .- - - - - - - - - - - - -"- 100«' 079 r: : 516 Janu,HY lO, 1YG4 Zonin() DI rector L'1yn~ sill() that the C/\PÇ held the I r public /1L'03r inCJ on Octobcr 2C, 19H3, út which tilT\e ~ir. Hon ~icservu of the D!lvif1 Lawrence ~~nt~l Health Cent~r objecte~ to th~ d~IQtlon o( the provl- .lona1 uscs. !';h" ¡-"lIù he !:ur¡CJcst·~c.: til.H t:,1: CAPC and Il\l'C ÐcJè l!':!cJI- tionðl languay& to .;¡llow t:xp.,n:>iofl of c,xist1ng rJrovision.:¡1 uses to propurty Irnmedlftt"ly dhuttin'J pr,!vlou!Jly ,'pprovc:d provislonlJl UK~!!. She rcferred to the LXl.!cutlvc i:>uw~,~ry d/!tcc! 12/1t¡/CJ, .end pointed out that the D","'¡cJ L.'I/Cencc ~~nt"l 11."dtll Ccnt(:r owns property to the east and wc~t of thQt f~çil1ti' :,he' :;,'ie: If tlH: ðr.wnl1r,cnt l¡; Dc!.:¡;tcrJ, the Mcntol 1"....:¡lul '-"nt"r \oo'oulci (J'~ ,.LoJe to '·XPi,n.. ,1:0 Ion') (15 In,~ fJrOllc'rly is abuttlr"J. She' :;"j,: tl.¿IL t:-:" c/,rc rC~Obr.ll:/I( C() ~/2 to eicny tr.is pctitir. and t hi') t thè I i\ r'\" un,dl i ¡'. (JU~ j Y r l:C Or:,/:'h..' ( tJ ed (h: r,l ,.J . COloni :;si oll<·r KruIH' asked if tIlt' intc.:nt oj Lid:, íJrr"'II~n':nt if, to l-rccluJ,' D flurry of I88uðnco¡¡ OL provl~lc,n,.) U!:;e:'; \; L:iÍr. tilt: L¡¡tc.t"s DI:>Lrir.t, IIno ~!>. L.:¡ync! Si!ld t~ üt W"" tl\l' I)"sic r"o1l.on. Shl' ::Ii, i(J t"~ t thl! I>CC lIiI!; r"C u~stu() St,)ff to Itctej 'I''''; tl.¡~ "ìtui1tion 1;(.'\'<:r.:.l tlr.1's o'/cr t11l.: pJst thre~ y~,1CS. She sl1lcJ tlll¡:; i¡;" "uCJ9c::Ition until the Golùen Gllt(, "'~stl:r Pl¿¡n 1:, ~onlpl,t(;;. COt:'r.dS!;10nl'r l:rlJ"~' sill" thi¡; ðlOcncJRll:nl would not e!f"ct .!xi¡:;tlnJ, IJc'rr.,lll"C: ¡,rovL:;loni.¡ us,,:; to which M&. L"ync.: .ogre&u. "'r. Geor'Jc Kcllcr, l'r"£oì0<:nt, Cú:llcr County Civic fcd<:ri1tlon, member of thd ~oftrd of Dlr\!ctor~, Gol~en G~t\! CivIc Assocðtion, spoke in f.evor of thl~ r~tition. Till' Collowinc; ¡Jl'lIwn:. npo",- d'j;'ln:;~ tn,' petition for the rUillion:. thllt the intlnt of )lrovl ¡; 10niJ 1 u!.<:s Is to provieh' ¿ mC'ana COI sel vIcl'::' for ð particul¿,r Llre...:I, I.JCCilU:'l of ttw l!Jrgc fir,,,, till::; Ðmendment covers, ..nd beclluse of tJ1e ne..c] for ðn i1dòit1onz.l church congregation in the .roll: 1'.:I9c IO --------------------------------------- C__J c:z:J' . ,'.,".'. ' . . [...'.;:) '? ··:J,¡.~:!.\f;1..0~~~ .: ,. L .._--,-_..,.._..-,....----,~.--_._-~. c=.J c:::;¡ -----, - -- --. - --- --- -- - - - - - - - - -- - - -- -- - - - - - - - - - --- Jdnuo1ry 10, l!;!34 Mr. John V. ).torglln, lr.ll lrth :~truct l'Iortl1, N,1pI11s. f~r. John Hudtion, 470 (~or:.JonL) ¡").:In, '...µle1:i. Rev. Ioildter LoJustcr, Pastor of t.hl! Church of Gorl, Naplc:J. Commltiuioner Kru~c ~~ld there h~s nevor been ~n Intent to totally elimlnllto I'rovl!110nil1 u~,'a In t:1I1 arl.!oJ, hO',/lIver, .:.n ilti"l udtc Jeter- mlnðtlon h.J1J not b"...n l.ll1t',-, to provlGc till' n,'cI":!lIIry :¡"rvict:s. ~h(t reliJted the filctortl th,1t !\ðVU e(fectea [',Jst ,'I-¡;rov¿1l of provls!on.:11 U.t:lUN. :;hc soJleJ t.'1.lt St,:¡(( i:l in¡;i,:.:.tlo.) t/:.a t:h.:r.! L; .1 ,'·):)ter P1ùn in process tl1l1t will, ~lopef1111y, oL(Jr :.I' 'J'J~:ltloll>; ~Jr c¡,·.:dln,) ',dtil the oucessitics ot tit!' l)lcCeS o( pro¡_crty i/\ L:H: ;:;t.He~ ..HL',). Co;:¡mi 5- sioner Vons Daid Ite U:"I( ('r"t"nc)s th" concern, how.tver, he .:;.:oid ht: i" ~othcrcd by the ide" th,it tou dCC ~.i'Jht .Jdopt .I iJollcy thiJt '...oul~ not ,,11ow nny changos. ^ctln~ Cuu:"Ity Manaqcr Vlrt~ cxplillncrl that the lot/Jnt WiJS to auk (or .I .:('l,¡y '1[' ":h..n.j'.' ·.¡til1.:: U)'J JltuJtlo:"l it; r'?vlcw...ò .lnd to .111010' SUlff to :.Hl~'1 111 ;"U'~'.J1.:5t¡onh. COIi1'I,i:;~.lon~.'r :~rus() SlKJ'Jr,stl:d th,'t " 3un:Jl·t cl"u..." b... ,,~""( tLilt :/\Jil:,:~.:¡; 11 ':Iw !>CC ddopt~1 tt\t: proposl!¡J or~lr''':"I':'_· it woul<J "utom.JtL:¡¡11y I),~ r'1vokt!d one Y"oJr from tills c),lttc', unJ-:">!. rnl1r:rwl :õ(, ~t).)1t ...1 ti.. Count~· I\ttorn....y :>lIundcrs ddid sucll ,\ cl,)u:;" cou1u tJ.... ins....rtcu In "n ordinllncu thtlt would ~xl'ire by Its o·.m to.~\3 <ltt('r ,] c('rt,' n jJcriod of time. .'11>. LJyne 3,1id tn,'t !J:¡tn t;nc C,\PC .In", rAK l1dd :"10 objections to thu liJn9uIICjc th.lt "'..:; l;leSl'rlt(;~ hy the ""~ntðl ""il1ttl Center. She ßuq'J"3tcd, If tile cCC ao ¡j"air....cJ, thJt thu !-,olnu; outl1n~d on PaCjc J of tl¡.} Lxccutivc, /IS to110...:;, lJc ¿Hl,kd: 1. 7.l0 b J) rer:-¡it':.~d Fruvl:.;iondl U31.!S iHld Structure:> ~ o iJrovlfilonal use or structuro: ä:I,lll !::Ie pc:rl~ittod in ,In r;-Eät..u..'!I District other t.h.,n: (1) those U~I.:t; or stru¿tur....H ~I'proved by tl1~ Board of County Cor.l/T1issiont!Cs prior to '" , 19S4, "r i aoo( 079 '1.: 517 pag e 11 ...- -. - - - - - - - - -- -- - - -- - ~- - - - - - - - -. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - -..- - - - - - "- -- -- -- - - -~ -- ...- - - - - - -~ - - - - - - - - - -- - -- - - - -- (u) Jbnuary 10, 19U4 ~xpðnslon of ~ provisional UH~, onto property immediotQly adjac~nt dbuttlng the property lor which provlsionnl u&~ wau approv~d by the B06rd of County Co~mißßionl.!r!> prior to * , 19CC, ao'( 079t): 518 purauunt to the provlslonn ~f Colli~r County OrdinJnc~ C2-2 or prior Collier ~ounty Zoning Orèlnancen In ~ffcct nt tnc tlm~ of th~ ~µprovÐl. M¡¡. Ll· yn I' C 1.1 d l hilt t \0,'0 pc tit i (>11 ¡¡ h A v~, bc e n r II c C 1 v c c' for pro vi - stonal uaus in the Lst.::tCfi Di:Jtrict, \illhin the laat ,.,euk. She 4sked for clari(icntlon lro~ ~r. hÐun~erc r~unrèing them, 51ncr thc DCe woulu not IHlve acted upon them, howevrr, they \~('rc suÞmlttl!d ¡:.r1or to thts pror-osrHJ orcJinélnce lJiccus!';lon. ,~.r. :.;"IJn!i·1r5 5£11<1 thl'l bCCùUÐe of the (Jend<.'ncy 01 this or(~ln,lnC(:, tlk ¡"ec c"n cC'ru!><.! to ¡Ict on thO/H) two pet i t. Ion s u ro t ¡ 1 t , '- fin ,ll .. c; tl <) L 1.'.. t.~ I.,.. r. 0 r. tit" 0 r d j n " n c.... . Co~mtsaioner Kruse ~oved, seconded by Commissioner Voss and carried 4/0, that the public heAring be closed. CosmisGioner KrU3e moved, seconded by Commissioner Voss and carried 4/0, that the BCC npprovc the proposed amendment wIth the following alterùtIons: I. Include the ùbove suggested language. 2. The two petitions thot have been submitted to be dealt with under existing law At the timc they were submitted. 3. One year expiration of this amendment, pending the Master Plan/ if not altered by the MAster Plan in one year, the amendment automllticDlly dies. 1·1r. ~ilUn(J~'rH su,!'!c!Otcj th.,t the l'CC dcl,'y iiction (or one wcuk on this Item bcc.lua(, ot: tlH' Ooxtun!iÌve ,)(:1endrr,ents, which can be done without re;¡r:vcrt1ser.It.·nL In; !;"i.! he .....oulè reJrr.ít th" proposed ordinance in orrkr Lor ·th'· Cor.\ li.adon':r~; t.o h..vC! thc languDgt' In front. of them while vot n~. Commissioner KruGc ~oved, seconded by Commissioner Voss and carried 4/0, that t~e adoption of the proposed ordinance be continued until January 17, 1904. Ite. 19 Page 12 -----------------------------------_._----- C,?'id ~.'." ~":..;.¡ ~~'î~:!~ I=:ï.1 EJ ~ ~'.-..... ------------------------------------------ JLlnuary lO, 1901, ORDINANCE 84-5 RE PETITION ZO-03-17C, RE FENCES - ADOPTED AS WRITTEN, ST^F~ DIRECTED TO PREPARE AMEUDMENT TO FENCE ORDINANCE Ln~al notice hallln~ b~en publlnhcd in th~ Nap1c~ Dl1ily N"ws on Ceccrnþ,Jr ;'0, 19tJ3, tiS \)vidlolnccd by ^ffldrwit of Puhllcut.ion (lIed with th~ Clerk, ~ublic ~~drin~ W~8 opcned to consider n propo5ud nrdindnce r~ Petit.ion ZÙ-\~:'-17C r~4ul..·:;tir 'J .:H) ,HnHndrr,cnt to urdindnc.? d2-2, ~;~c. 0.33 - rcn;::,)5 by re'hl<:ln'J £~nc:., !,.:i'.ll!ts ,llon4 .li¡ttJrJ:'ronL y.Hds, b)' ..110...il1<j ("n::c1>':'~.j ¡:rinci,..>! ,jLructur<.:, "IHI ,j':t',r:~inillq how the hui~ht of LI fenc:e IS ~Udaur0U. lonin.,¡ üir<.:ctor L;.jno: ':xpl...in',,; UP! 11.1'C ;,.¡[': th~'ir !)u:Jli<: h".'rinCj on üctober ':, l<J¡jJ, dn(; [or~"L.lr{;\:cJ p~~tition ~~)-(·.:-t-,C t.o l~1C :.!CC ·,.¡1th the rueon"'"nu.J t Ion for ,. ,,/,r 011,\ 1 \.<1 tí1 t !I" '.: I,,:, n')~'5 .w r)LJ t II III:d i n t~') pro[Jos"d vrdin.Jnc:·) dtt"ch,'u to thi:' i:X'H:Utiv\~ ~;u'';\''lùry ¡;.Jt~'c: 17./lI /~). "he :;.Jld ttl.Jt thl' Cd'C "·.'C')',",II)n')I'" ')/1 r.o fOI...·.1r·: ~ne p~·tlti:>r. \HLh th:.: r~commenOdtion o( Jvnlrll. ,,:H.' :id1~.J tt~'J r\:c;or.ln0n~::ltíon i$ th,)t f(,.'n(;,,~ !J.d'Jht .Jlon'J "",lterfrunt ï.1rc:; ,'" re~L1C:.·( to f(')ur :!'(:t lror.-. t:lP. fr.'dr Gt!tbtJck. lin<.! to tll(l cdn,'l; \:h,1t !(:r C:~~1 be flllot/ud Ill.; d prirH.:1pdl :itructurc '...,i th.:)ut ih,tvin(j ...::"Iott:t..'r ~;trU:-lur·~ ~r t~lLl í:rüj.lI,:'rty. .:hc referr.!o to extcnslve l"n(J'I'~'J': rl'COI~rlo.:n<.le' DY th,! ;.\PC rr)'ji)rdln( t;-¡'} ndnnt:r In ...hleh th., fen..:': '1': 'Jtlt j" r.1C'''::';Uted, :)J:¡IC'i,lly froll1 thll 'Jrou:1( level dt t.no ["liCe lO<':.Jtion ..nO I'."'U the' ilur:ltlon"l l;,n< ui'f. c ( utllnl~d in the propo~ed or~in~nc:e. C::J ~mi~~ioner 1J0:;:; '!X¡H<1s:>eo hi:! ofJl:110n th·JL .¡ fence in th¡: front yard of ,~n ,lrc" other t:1ùn l~e E:>t,1tCS iJr(.'oJ rt!r1u'::l!:'; tt,e 1I,'lud of thu next ,!oor n~I'Jh1..Jor y..rds. ,~:i. wYIl<i :;...,¡,: th.1t thl.! ttlrt.'c Itl.!l:1s ðddres¡¡."j i n t~le ¡'·ropo:¡ed IHU inanc·! ...,~r" the i teml; th" CCC requl.!sted bo: con¡.iuercd, un:J t:le ;J\.JU]l'Ct of " front y"rtJ (:.:n<:o? .....'5 not CIne of the:n. Conmil!uioncr iloll.Jntl 3ùj,; that no fencl/ orrlln,lncc will sLltisfy <Ill ¡.coµle. I:'} :>'id tho..:r,: ·H" C<irlð1n drca:; whHrl' .1 front y.~rd fl'nctl is necesoLlry if th~re Is to ba rlny ~rotcctlon. lie ?olnt(1.J out thin 30m\J UO~ 07D I'!:: 519 r<lCj 0 13 . -- - - - -- - - -- - - -- -- -....- - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - - - - - -- -- - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - -- - - - -- --- ------------- 1 ---1 ~ 079 r11 520 JanUlJry lO, ]904 nQi~hborhoods or d~vclopur8 have put rcstrictlonz in nr~.Jz prohibiting front. Yl.lrd fence:> to protect .:ICJainst Commis::lioner Voss' concern. lie said this ordinDnc~ serve:; the ::¡~jori-ty of other citizcnz DB it. is writtun, Mr. Virt/! 5¡¡id thlu item tlllf; been workshoppcrl l.Ind thl1 ordinance i~ /I r&zult of diruction glv~n to the Staff at that ti~~. !Ie said the Staff rccommenrl~ a~~rov~l. Commissioner Voss Moved, seconded by Commissioner Kruse and carried 4/0, that the public hearing be closed. Commissioner Kruse moved, seconded by Commissioner Hollan~, that. the proposed ordinance be approved. The motion faIled by II vote of 3/1, with Commisaioner Voss opposed. 11~. t.,.lyn,~ notc'J Ul.Jt iJ 1r>ur!fiLtt,:..; vot" "'~5 n!..u.Jcd tor ,)pprovðl and shc ,'skcl~ [or cl"rlticniol1 of tt1L' UO<1rd'u ol>jnctlon to thc pro- poscl1 oròinunc", Durirllj til,' !.l1uuln'J (iili::u3s1r>n, COr.H~l:;:..;jon!.'r Vosz re¡...edted ili:> objection Lo front y.~ru lcnc.~:..; ilnd ~1¡;. L<JynC' g.:du thùt W,15 not includutJ In tOl' orc;indIlC'J l;.n'Ju,'lj" ü:..; (1(.verti"..cJ. Comr:1issioncr Vo s S Ii;' 10 h..· wo u 1 U II ,1\1" Ö\ 0 I> r 0 ~ I '" n "i t J I " fen c c t J¡.: t d i (j not CJ 0 b I.! yo n d the front of u I;au:.", ¡i.. SlJ it; he d ill not t¡i,Vt: ò prol.Jlcë1 ~d th thl' lanyu":.Jl' <It; it re['}r:.! to tll" ["'IIC,,' h,'1311t ,WL th<..: setbllcf; rcquirements. Commls:don..r I(ru::;!.' :..;u.j.)!':;tL"1 tr.¡,t th., pro!-'oGcd orùln"nce be lIdopt.ed I:Ind when therc' 1:0 l< (Iv.., "',('OI:1bcr I,oùr<l, that bt,~f( be rC'jueGtcll to ¡¡de! to thc (!;1ncl:' ordlndnc!. ..:1'1 MI!.·nlllO,:,nt thllt roo f(,/1cCS b¡o úllOWl'G in t.h·J tront yard. ComrÜ:'¡:::iioncr Vos,; ðl)reed Idt.h tt,l¡; :..;ugqc:;tlon. County ^ttornt:y Sbun'J~r1i Side! under U,t.' ..:x1::tln') or~ln"ncC' !.:'nr:c:s ilr,~ allow"C; £In(: thlf\ pro~oscJ orcJIn~ncc docs not Ch^ngL th..:t. Following further discusuion, Commissioner Voss moved, seconded by Commissioner Kruse and carried 4/0, that the BCC reconsider the propos~d ordinanco regarding Petition ZO-83-17C. Commissioner Kruse moved, seconded by Commissioner Holland and Pðg,· 14 ------ -- ---- --- -.- ------ ---- -_._- - -- - - ----- ~.. ~~ ~ ~ c;;;.J ~ ------------------------------------------- J;.¡nu<Jry la, 1934 carried 4/0, that the ordinance as numbered and ontitled below be adopted and entered into Ordinance Book No. 181 ORDINANCr. 84-5 AM ORDINANCE MENDING ORDINANCE 82-2, THE COMPREItENSIVE ZONING REGULATIONS FOR THE UNINCORPOHATED AREA OF COLLIER COUNTY, BY AMENDING SECTION 8.33 (FENCES) BY REDUCING FENCE HEIGHTS ALONG WATERFRONT YARDS¡ BY ALLOWING FENCES AS A PRINCIPAL STRUCTURE¡ BY DETERMINING HOW TUE IIEIGUT OF ^ FENCE IS MEASURED, PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Tape '3 Commissioner Voss moved, seconded by Commissioner Kruse and carried 3/1, Commissioner Holland opposed, that Staff be directed to preparo an ~~endment to the fonce ordinanco which would preclude fences in front yards except on property of considerDble size, with Stoff to decido on the size. ····R~;CESS: 10: 05 A.~'. RECONVP.NEDI 10:15 A.M.···· Itum 110 PETITION FDPO-8J-V-ò BY OUTDOOR RESORTS OF AMERICA (CIIOKOLOSKEE) CONTINUED TO JANUARY l7, 1964 (~,"..qtJl notice ~hJvin(J I)('~n ~)u~li:;Il\..'d in t}\r~ ,:,'pll~~ r,l~i.':'y ;:I~W5 on :-"~r:","b':r 25, \,)éJ3. J:'; <'vid'.!11I:(·d by ^ffl~Jlllt o( Publication filed ,",it/"; tIP! Cj.:rr:, ~~uoli:.: hl:drinq ',",d~ o¡...,,·n~d L-:1 ~or.:;i(;(,r Petition F'~'P~-:';3-V-~~ fll.:<J by )utdo~r Ih:s(')ru; Ol "Ir.<.'ri.:ù lor <':ut..oor I{(!zortz oC Chokolo:::k<.'o,), Inc., r"quu:>tlnc¡ ,Ii/¡..roll''¡ "f .\ v"rL.n.:(, ir:) " tIlt.: r'.lnlum LHSC f1001.1 ., 1 t.: v... t Ion r c < U I r "d by tll c I· 10 () Ii :) M,)" <J'" I- r ".... c n t Ion 0 l' (J i nil n c u () n ¡: r 0 pt.: r t y ,Icacrlbl.!d II>} II rortlol\ oE Lot 1, :;l"\ð::·....OOU5 ~,ul>dilllslon, ChokoloUkl!t:! IsI..nd. 1'],lnn<.:r r·~cl:.:Jnltd ..!xp¡'dncd th.lt /.n')l':!r:; ~'otcl In ChoKolOSkf~e, norlt~."), hils been sold to Culctoor Hesor~:.¡ of Chokolo:;ket!, Inc. 1:<.' s,1id ttli1t I\nglcr~ :"',oto,)l 1~ o1n existing Iè,Hir,d/~ot·_l/trðVt·l tr..Jlll.!r complux ðnu thu ncw owners .He prcsp.ntly in t:11t process of iI remodcling progrilf.l. II" l'y.pl.1incd th.lt p"rt of lne \:ori< In\'olll<'f: huildlng II n<.'\~ lOOK 0791'1': 521 Pagu l5 - ._~ --- -- --- --- ~.- - -- -- -- ----- --- - --.-----..--------- "t~', ..~'.. w,.........-,...... I·.. - .,:"i.': f -. _. ~~...~~~. "',... . ~~,~.. ~'~~.~~~', ~ ':,' , ',~~..."'-'.~..¡,' J. .;~..-........""'''' , \~rF~"~" , ;:~f~' .~ ""'~_~":k . ")~~:~ .~:;,-',." -....--....-. ;. ~'.", . _..:.....___ ---- - - - - - - -- - - - - - - -- - ------ -'-'- - -------~7-'. ...f . ~ . ~ 079"J.,.....522 January 10, 1984 recreation building, two bath houses and a rental olfice for the park. He said the petitioner~ have asked for a variancu ol eight feet from l6 foot elevation required by the Flood ·Damage Prevention Ordinance, and that they be allowed to build at 6 feet. He explained the three parts of this petition as lollowsl 1. ^ variance for two bathrooms relocated by the pool, bigger than pool boths that will bo communal baths for the park. Staff recommendation is for approval to be built at 8 feet. 2. A v~riðnco for a n~w building for the rental office for travel trailers to be built at 6 feet. Higher land is available that the mot~l is presently sitting on, about 7-l/2 feet. Staff recommends one solution is that the petitioner can comply by a combln,\llon of buIlding on the higher portion of the land, putting in fill and floodproolIng for the rest. Another solution would be the une of the portion ol the existing motel buIlding, scheduled to be torn down, remodeled at Its present elevation and used as a rental office. J. The recreatIon hall request was submitted to Public Safety "'dmlnistrator Dorrill, who responded with the letter included in the Executive Summary dated l/10/64. Mr. Dorrill expressed ð desIre that rhls building be elevated to act as a shelter during hurricanes. Staff recommends that this building be elcvùtcd to comply. Mr. MCDaniel said that this is a condominium park/Øthe individual owners will own the parks sites and thero is national advertising, ,. therefore, the Staff feels there will be subtantial use during tho . " ¡ ~. hurricane season. \: Architect Joe GrImm, representing the petitioner, Outdoor Resorts ol Chokoloskee, Inc. a subsidIary of Outdoor Resorts of America, described Chokoloskee as an intracoastal island, located south of " . EveE~lades City, conne~ted by a causeway which carries S.R. 29..., a paved two lane highway. He addressed the concerns expressed in the "" FDPO, specilically desirous of protection of life and property. He "t· " sa.id the site will be used for transient purposes with no penunent ~',.,,: . ". living quarters on site. I,,~,,:,," ¡ .<. He said t~e four single-family dwellings have ,J, ;~ ft '.' " ·'1,..... and removed. He said that the previous 19 unit motel <:~,' t: ,".¡.""; \' ·:~,.H, ._ ,..' ~'; ~;. ~~ f '....'., ,'" 16 .,,,,~,,,:, . .'.;., 'tot..' .cheduled to be hall-demolished leaving 9 unit., currently being .. Pa~e ------- --- r···"-~ -l ::=:J . .' ~ . .....,-. . :';' . J' .... .·.t~~ þ' ·:·:~~i·~' '!I,·17 n. r---~ ~ ..) ,¡,,: ..'¡J~'t. ,~. ..-J1·' . -,' ,. ~ \.. ,.¡ --- L . .~~..... _... ~ .----""I 1-) r-·----, .J pag" 17 -'..,':-.., <~,¡ " ".. ----______ -__- -......-or---- - - - - - - - ------ --------r---co-~ .?~ .I,,,:''$¡ .-.--: :..'.' .:":',,~ ~~". :\~- f\· ....,.:..;;.'.:;;;f:~"':'.'··,~ ~ :-. . " ----- January 10, 1984 remodeled. He de.cribed the current structures as being a bait house, tackle shop, bathhouse, recreation building and a maintenance shed, ~ith current 'elevations between 5-l/2 and 6-l/2 feet. He said that the condomInium documents lor the proporty specIly that no permanent .tructure. or attachments will be permitted to travel trailers and recre.tional vehicles. Ife saId any person and vehIcle could easily be evacuated from the island with as little as two hours' notice. Ife said the petitioner believes there would bu lIttle or no threat to life if the petItion is granted. Mr. Grimm said, concernJng consideratIon of damago to proporty, that the petitioner looks at that situation from the expcnse of building structures to comply with a 16 foot elevation as opposcd to the cost of replacing damaged structures should a storm strike. He said the exlstinq elevation of the situ ranges bctween approximately 3 and 5 feet. He said to place an occupied floor at 16 fcct elevation would requiro the petitioner to build more than an entire story above the existing site. He descrIbod the problems 83BocIðtcd with providing access to that story, using ramps, stairs and Including the approximate cost of $25,000 lor an elovator. He deocrlbed tho snack bar planned lor the recreational hall, thc exercise room plus bath fl1cilities and sðid that the second floor is plðnnod to contain a moetlng room. lie explained the group usage of these facilitics which creates the access line and noted that elevators are lImited In the number ol people that can be carrIed. He said to buIld At lG feet would require eKtensive ramps for handicapped per80ns which would occupy approximately 600 sqare feet ol ground floor area. He said, regarding the use of the building, thAt ðccessibility would be ~ problem at the higher elevations. He concluded by stAting there would be no threat to life or property by granting approval of this petition. aDD( 079 nr.t 523 ".. ...t," -t .~~,4,"':~"<~''''.' '. .:.:--.t;;.....-.,.,~:-: :-::..,......_.~.~..:. ..' "',.,.......... ~.. "";i " . ',. ~~.'''': ,I.. t4ii.J~J"'¡'¡¡¡';'¡""~"II'r'··~;.. . ,. t· ..,,: ",,' L _"o~_-=,....",~__"#_~_.,~_....~_·..·,~,,,._··_~;_~·_,"·~·'~_ ..... flYí,.'W.·1Î,.,.~~·i""'''''''~~.' ~"""""'~,..,i¡..;:., '1'"....:'(. ...,.,....~ '. ~f~. ~. ,;~~:..}~~)27-~::_:. .:~~~-::~....: '::'~ ,~~~l..."'!1I·..;·~·.¡~'~ : \o~~;~... fff"'\·-¡"'.~.'l- I ' . ,"" '..,'." I~' . .',. ." ! ~'~~7)d . .' ~ " ~/' z -,' . _________________.__ ~;------:---------. .' ...~ ;. 079m'.524. Jðnuary 10, 1984 ¡t..,....,.:. ., I i d t d k d l;J';... COlllmissioner Kruse relerred to the condom n um ocumen. an a. e e:.for clarilication, to which Mr. Grimm stated that the individual sites l.~: , . i i Id ~'~¡.WOUld be owned, a. an .par tment condomini um would be. He Sð d t wou . ~ not be a timesha~e lðcility. Responding to Commissioner Kruse, Mr. "Jell Hutchins, the real estate broker for the petitioner, explained that no vehicle will remain on site for longer th^n a 90 day period at , ~ I" . " ,. , .. given time. zoning Director Layne clarified that tiedowns are ~equired on travel trðilers. Commissioner Kruse pointed out recent actions tðken by the Florida Regional Planning Council concerning recreation halls use, particularly under flooding conditions. She relerred to Berkshire Lðkes and two projects in Lee County and sðid that the SWfRPC has begun, on the large DR! projects, to hðve the recreation centers act as hurricane shelters. Acting County Manðger Virtð said this is the aforementioned Intent that this recreðtion hall be ðvailable for anyone who might be ðt the sIte. 110 explðinecJ that durtn9 high tide the c~useway to Chokoloskee hð& a lreeboard of approximðtely two leet .1 ~:_~uring normal times, ðnd that during a hurricðne the islðnd would be í..~~,qUiCklY cut ofl from the mainlðnd. Mr. McDaniel referred to two aflidavits stating that Blue Horon and Anglers Motel was used during .:.,-.,1 '.\' . ~n'; Hurricðne Donnð ðnd water came into the Anglers Motel to the top ol the ~r:' r' tabl... ~~'.,;\ .:. the devel~¡:aIent plðn, that the part of the motel scheduled lor .... t ~~ demolition is &0 that tennis courts can be built in that area. He said ~í".,.th..~ recreational hall is plðnned to be a two-story building. He explaIned il the groundlloor is at bð.. llood elevðtion ol 8 feet, that .("f,;'~. . '. 'the .econd floor During the ensuing discussion, Mr. Grimm said, according to elevation would be ðt plus 20 leet 4 inche., and would ...t'~.t.'"' b..bove the' flood level. ~~"... ." .' b~~theonlY .uitable area . .~. , He said the ~eet1ng room on that lloor would 1: . . "'.: to house people dur ing a stor. and would be.. .' ,t· ¡ " . '. '" ~ . '\ '\ . \': .. " ~ page 18 . . ,.., ~ " '.~ ,~,~...~:' " ------- ...., ,.';:, ~:·~·''',:r::·:j;;·t .#f." ,1'"... , ,"'4,,"(:"':" .l,~-' . ,. .' - "" . .'.,'".. . --.....:.:., ...,J~""·"·'r'" <# ,": :1''':':'' .. . '. "',:' ::~,. .6..:. . .,....--, . . '" ~ ' It· .~\.;>L..._....J .oI......;s.p.;,'....,'~ (.i... ~, ""': _~~ '. " ',~1:,~'.' ~(P~~ L 'j ..r." ,.\..,. :.:./ , " :,~<~'. " 'f", ", \,- '. ~.. , ·~·~~'H· .",. '. . ,. :" ~~ ;~~J~-: , .\ " '1 ,...~ . .------. ~..',..... .'·t.,'" J~~,l ,,~ ~... ..~1 :,. . ' ~'4 . ..... ' -- -, ,~<~. ) , "'n -: .....~~ ---- --- 1'·.t ~",~t~ ; '~,,"~. -~ . '')'-::.7 -: ~.·t.. - ': above the flood level. January 10, 1984 A continued discussion covered the aspects ol "required knockout panels needed on the first floor ol a building il a .econd floor i. u.ed .. a .helter, according to the current FDPO. Mr. McDaniel .aid it was not clear lroM the petitionor's application that the petitioner was building a two-story building with one story below. He .aid this information puts a difforent color on what staff is .ecom- ~ending. Mr. Grimm laId that the the second floor would only be used occasionally. Co~issioner Kruse aoved, seconded by Com.lssIoner VOSl and carried 4/0, that Petition FDPO-83-V-8 be continued to January 17, ,\ .. .~ 1984. Ite. III ENGINEERING SERVICES SHOWING LOCATION or SEWER LINES AS THEY AFF£CT FOUR-LANING OF ~LLY ROAD - AUTHORIZED UP TO $7,500 AS A LOAN TO DISTRICT Utilities Administrator Berzon referrcd to tho Executivc Summary dated 12/29/83, which is an outline of the circumstances with regard to the lour-lining ol Kelly Road and how It could effect any futurc construction of the sewer line within Kelly Road. .He explainod that in order to move the project ahead, thero was a provision in the contract that the engineors would do a value engIneering report to seo how the current design lor the East Naples scwer system, in its final form, would be aflected by the four-Ianing. He said as a result ol that report it was deter~ined that the most leasIble location for the seWGr line would be in the JIIedian which would reduce tho cost at the pro sent time Ðnd in the luture lor installation of the sewer line. He explained, in order to show this changr on the construction plans in a manner for the biddIng contractors to see exactly what was noeded, that the engineers are requesting a fee in addition to the lee paid by the developers, Whispering Pines, Inc. . . I. 079 n;~ 525 Page 19 --------------------------------------..... .. ". .. '¡, ,.. ~ .. ., _ .....Þ'.';I:. :~.....,~.;:;~. . ,'.;-(;.4.::·~...~'l.1 , '. ~:'-'Ì\";l'" _./', -I~:. ~.....;'1",a...:. iiW'ä."r~~..~ )..,"'\ . .. ~_, ."""..........þ....,...,.......,..;. ..f-\.' .'. ·,f'.'-. ~~, ,'Pl' ~~:":'~'~~~:~~.::::..:::.__ -',~.::'~,. . .~..... .,....;.....,.. .-..' ('" ,"". f I I #~ ~I ~ ... .. "',~' "!" I ;.,.;> (:¡.,~ ',·r .: ;' ~ þd~,,~''':.' .' .."" .(' , :IÞt \'...-' ...' :". -." t, ¡,', '. ¡~.(~~" ¡" -----------..#---- ----------------- January 10, 1984 ,'.. ' 'it t:> Mile" 079 nq 526 Tape ... Mr. Berzon recommended that. the BCC authorize the expenditure ol ~·'.~'·Ûp to $7,500 for showing the locatio~ of the sewer 11nea as they alfect I"- the Itelly Road four-hninq project. He recomménded that this money come from the roadway construction as a loan to tho District. Ho .' ("'!' , ., suggested that when the District is able to fund the project, or when the District Is able to acquire the funds for the loan, that it be ropaid to the roadway project. Commissioner Holland asked if there was sufficient money in the roadway project, and Mr. Berzon said that the Engineering Department has oaid thvre is. Coami..ioner Holland .ovod, secondod by Commi.sioner Vo.s that the expenditure of up to $7,500 be authorized for enqineerinq services shoving the location ol the sover line. as they allect the ~elly Road four-laninq project, that the .oney be in the for \ of a loan from the .';t\. , .' ,. Road end BrIdge Fund to the District and that the loan be repaid by the ~-: District when the lunds are acquIred. I. "~if ~'. ~., t-,r services and when tho plans and IIpeel fications are out for bid. and the t"actual ~osts on tho installation of tho facilities is known, he will 'fl, il~collle back for a supplemental amount of money to provide lor the con- ~ .truction il the Bce wishes to proceed with the installation ol the ~lln"~..~nd in. to Com.i ..inn" "'''. "seal O!fie" eu.. satd h. ... ~:.._unsu:'e aa to the dotl1il.. of the loan and the repayment schedule. He '. .aid if the repayment is in excess of a two-year period there ..ight be Mr. Berzon said that thIs would provide only [or the engineering t ~..: ... ,t, ., " Mr. Berzon said that the monies would be ......;,\ ~ " 'r t·, ":~ .:,;; "t!; '. ".h, 'I~ ....... , ~ -.,'. ," ~t~ . ~ .' ,'-., '~ " '-. Page 20 :;.' ::~l . . . '~!'- il any construction of sewers in East Naple. is there is an alternative of the MSTD which South Half ol Sewer District Area "B- which could be ...... . '. -}.,' '<!'''' . '<., . ----- If ....,.,\. .... '.; -> .~ . , ""+...~~.,,.¡; t,ll~ "" .. , " :~ 'i .~:~ ,. '.' ''''',' . . ...... ':C,.,. .~.~,...'\~';' .\~"'^~i~',·, '", ~ , I,... ."1'".;". ·...':...,t,,~~~~~,¡.~~N \ .. ··.·f;··· '. .~.~.~ ot r . ' ~ ',;.. :~;:i~ . '.r"~~' .'1,'''''')...;Cw-. ~.~: ..~' ...--;--:: -:", .;...l·.,:A~' .""'.f . ~ _,., . . 0-, _.,~ ~..." -i~~~.~,..Q.1b... .J,r' ...4...~...__.. .~ L ---,---"'"~_."".....,,--"'-,,---"'....._,---_.""."" ,.....--, , , - ,.. ~ -~ -- --------- ø ~~ontinu.d to the .xtent that it would rai.e this money, .pread ov.r the \\t~ ." ~~'.ntiu Di.trict. ,;'~... ' ';';" t ". t/i ~ ..of the road proj.ct it.ell, without it bolng a loan, if the BCC so January 10, 1984 Mr. Gile. said that this might be e valid .xponditur. \ ,. . choo.... Commi..ioner Kru.e a.ked if the millage r1te. for the South Hall of Sewer District Area "B" was to pay lor Polizzi/Heery studies, to whiçh Mr. Giles re.ponded affirmatively. Commissioner Kruse asked if thero wore sufficient funds In that total authorized amount to pay tor this request, to which Mr. Berzon said in all likelihood thore would be. He .xplained he could not say that with certainty because he did not know to what extent the BCC is going to authorize additional work on the Polizzi/Heery studies. He said if that project is held at the present stage, there could be money available in the fund auth- orized for the Polizzi/llecry studios. Commlssionor Kruse asked if the d.signs requested, this date, would not go a step further past this stago untIl the fo~r-Iðnlnq of Kelly Road can proceed, and Mr. Berzon .aid that this request only affects the sewer line within tho Kclly Road area and those areas immediately tributary to it. County Attorney Sauòdors saId he has reviewed this project with Mr. Borzon. He said thero Is no difficulty in having the Transpor- tation Department pay for this project or in floating a loan to the Utilities Department. He added that either way is acceptable and the issue i~ the question of borrowing the money from the Engineering Dopar tment and paying it back to tho MSTD. Mr. Giles commented that le9ally this is possible. However, he asked if there might not be a proble~ if tho MSTD is diluted too much, because the appropriation was ori9inally for the Polizzi/Hoery plan? He said if money comes from that lund for other items it gets a little conCusing. He suggested that the project under discussion be treated as a road expenditure, end that the money not come from the money appropriated lor the Polizzi/- )OM 0791'1r.t527 Page 21 . , , ~I. - -,...--,....-- - -,.-- - --- --- - - - -- - - --- ---...- - - - --- ...... ~, ~~~;iI'"(~~ -' :...-~, ..;... "'''~'':''-~A "i'~'~"--:-.'" ~··:1f~~H¿:; '",~~'!"-..' <1,0......', F~:.~......, ~ c. . , '.< .' ':~ ' ·~:I·_~~..¡~.~~_~~: J' . . .... ..... .w<"" .... , ^~ '1+'1\ ~I '. ~' ............ '¥' ..;:.- ........,..~~. . \JIII"Jf.-f/)::, .,h' , " u..:::..::··....:______. . -'-'.--'~'i"-;" .... 01'.. ....;. . ..... ·1·~t:~.7":,í::~. I , ·t!~;).':t.:.·:·~~·~·~~· ¡!oo;~ ::;,.i.\,;,' ".. W 'n>~ I' (f-~ .«t,.~'.' ì.." ~ ."" '" . ~~-------------------------------- .¡"... .-', . :'..~, 079",·~528 ~ '," ,:., January 10, 1984 Heery plan. Mr. Saunders said that the MSTD purpose 1s broadly defIned , . . ) to include all forms of engineering and goes beyond the POlizzi/Heery ., ~", ...' t. . . ", atudy, therelore, lrom that respect .there i& no problem. He said . " whether there is enough lunding Is a dilferent issue. Mr. Giles &a Id h. was rai.ing the propriety ol the sItuation, Commissioner Kruse asked for clarIfication ol whether the money raiscd in tho South Half ., , . .. ,f, ' t~~ . . ~ I: t. ;. ."~.¡I.·Jt. ');. '~"'J" , .·\~t· ..'1'" ~ ,'/,,; ":'~.'{. '~ > ~~'~' ":--r ".'" t" ',' . .. ~' ') j~; I ; '. <i. '. ~ . ,....:.~. ; .. .'. :",~ .. long,·term sewo r for that area? Mr. Saunders said that the purpose I" .) I f~:,. of Sewer District Area -/: - wa& specifIcally for desJgning or setting up '\~.'~" <f"..<_~.~,!;:~ . :"..~~r .. ."", '". . ,i~.':'-:.~~ . '" . , :;, ':..~~... -::.it. ,'\,1':.;...../.'.';' ".'..~~,!...-:;:'~ . "'" ". .'....., l, ~.f'l, ," ....".'(~~"'; ." (.... ,\;> .....1·.. ß' iIIo.... ,~:~; '.,; '1'~ {:~~." ...t\;~ ~.~!'., ~.' r-·--·-·~·'·· ~'i."¡*-,; " '~7r. ;.~ "'~:. ._ ...J..,~ .~~'1" ;;b·~· .' . ',~:~ ,~r!'l-\ ,oJ,:, was expanded to Include both prelimJnary and final engineering for sewer in that DiHtrict. Upon call for the question, the motion carrIed 4/0. Ite. 112 RESOLUTION 84-6 ESTABLISHING A CONSULTANT SELECTION COMMITTE! RE SHORT-LIST FOR ENGINEERING SERVICES RE POTABLE WATER SYSTEM FOR PALMS SPRINGS SUBDIVISION - ADOPTED " . UtJIJties ^dmInistrator Berzon said that this is a request for approval of the proposed resolutJon in the Executive Summary dated 12/30/83, that provides for the designation of a Consultant SelectIon Committ~e. He said the mcmbers suggested are CommIssioner Kruse, ~. County Attornoy Saunders, Fiscal Officer Giles and himself. He saJd f the the Committeo would scroen the applIcants to prepare a short-lIst I i lor a firm to pro~lde the engineering services for design and Super- t· visIon ol the potable water system for Palm Springs Subdivision. , " .. . L' . CoamI..ioner Kruse moved, seconded by CommIssIoner Holland and ~. carried 4/0, that ResolutIon 84-6 as outlined above b. adopted. !. ~.. ';1 .. I,,',' ¡ --- . _. ., . .I-"",~ . ,." .. ',~. .~"C~ L ._........~......_·____._""'.h_·> '.",' ~" ; '," .\' , . ... .~, .'. ./' ,:r ,."~ ' :"...:~ . . ~'..~' ~ . . II..J . .' "i.~ <,.""~ . ~ S._ , ;' .... . ,j' .,:..' \·:'~·tì., :..I.~I,."I i;:~} '.' t.! ,,' 'i."A'~~t! 1f'1,t{!:~'"'' ~ -~;. . '~"" ~.j"'... ,.., .'¡'",-:.\ ~~'t" ~~'1!4'~:.~. . -, ,A....-!..;_..~~~_A '4'''' .......t ~~::;E.: ~ ':~.~.-.-1..::;. _ h__ ·'f ~< .,(',---'~' ···..~"···BI· .... .' :.~:....~';~',.~ ~.\~/.... .:~ ,; . ,,-_.~r~........_.~~1~.It'~ ' , ,'-. ";':-2;,:-:-,.0.::-' .':.'"/). .':..:t!.·:~·, ., '. .,. '1 l- .' f".. ------ ,,":; January lO, 1984 I··f," . '. . ."v4- ~~' k...&-: ~.i¡ . _ umn~532 Itea 113 ..~, ~":' UTILITY EASEMENT lOR THE KhNSIONS CONDOMINIUM LOCATED ON GUL1SRORE ~ DRIVE - ACCEPTED t·;· .\ ".- ._..,~. ",\, Utilities Administrstor B,rzon said thin item is under the County water/Sewor District and that the Stafl recommends that the acc accept the Utility Easement lor the MAnsions Condominium. Co.-i..ioner Kruse moved, seconded by Commissioner Rolland and carried 4/0, that the Utllty Easement lor the Mansions Condominium, located on Cullshore Drive, be accepted. . '.' t... . , ,;..:/~~r . .J;'.~~~ ~ I. . :.~'f,.'"' ,'. .,' "~' .n, .~' "Ù! , . ,1-' :';f~ , iotJoo\"' '.~' . :.;:.¡: '. '." ~.'"~ ',\.\. '.~ ,;I''';''. "r.',~; ! ". i~': ." pag. 23 . ,) ~...>, .' '. .\~ . ...' : ':. c::J "':,~ , r-" ......., "!.. .,___....-1, ..y.\~' c:-:J;.,,,, , " . ,> ·'0fJ,. , . .\ ~ L . ... , . .¡ 0(," .. . .,/', .. ., ~ ... :~ ., .,' (':.\. , ..... " January lO, 1984 ------------------------------------------ I .. 114 EXPENDITURE or rUNDS MECESSARY TO ACQUIRE EASEMEHTS FOR LOOPING WATER LINES RE COUHTY REGIONAL WATE~ SYSTEM (BETWEEN ~INGS LA~E AND BOCA CaGA VILLAGE AND BOCA CnGA VILLAGE AND NAPLES SOllTH) - APPROVED Utilities AdmInistrator Berzon explained this is a request for authorization to make arrangements to construct two water lines which will au.lst In looping the westerly portions of the County Regional Water Systum, as descrIbed in the Executive Summary d~ted 12/28/83. He said that ono location is between Kings Lake and Boca Clega Village, known as Lakewood Unit 7, a dist.Jnce of approximatcly 600 lineal feet. He noted the distance may be longer depending upon where the easements are obtained. Ho saId that the other location is between Boca Ciega Village and Naplea South, a distance of approximately 900 lineal feet. He said preliminary discussions with property owners Indicate there' will be little difficulty obtaIning the easements. He said that the benefits will provide a botter distribution of pressure on the westerly portions of the Regional Water System. tie 5i11d that once the easements arr secured the only cost would be for tho survey of the exact loca- tions ol the easements to obtain legal descriptIons and the actuðl cost of installing the plpolineG, which would be done by an outside con- tractor. He said he would return to the Board and advise the Commis- sioners on the procedure for the actual construction. Chairman Kruse asked il the looping of water lines will provide an opportunity for addItional customors to the Regional Water System? Mr. Berzon said it is basically to make the system lunction smoother, however, it will afford additional customers to the extent, with the distribution of pressure, that there is lesB concorn at the far ends ol the system, if more customers are added. Commissioner Voss saId it is imperative to loop any wator lines possible. Co~i8810ner Voss moved, seconded by Commisr.ioner ~ruse and lOOK 019 Plf.! 535 Page 24 -,..-.------------------ .¡ .. '.' . ",'W, . .t,i.,f..r ....1.. ":,, I....t....... ..~~.r~. "~:..........,.....~."..,..,_..,.-.-......-..._.. .....;'··'t"·"'~-I,'.-'· :,'1- , . ._ I '. '. '" ~... , . "II~~~.. "'. i '. ~£t'. '< .,.:';..' . ..""".......4·wa.NJ:'__~~..............';... .~....'.. :::\\' .' .,.' i!r.. ~~~, .,.;~. ~ ,~:,.,~~~.~;~ .. . . ...!_:..~:,w_' "~ .. , .' ':... "H ~\ . ":--~ "':, ' '1_ .~. I ..... '. '. ' .' 4~ ~. .~ --:~ '~-'--. .~,_._._._.-"-,---..,_._..._."~......"""._-"--~,,.,_..... ___-~-..~Sldl···· . -~- ." ..r.-'; .-:":{ _;:~"":-'-"'-""":".£.."""'" ¡;.:r.(~:~....;,,!",,pJ~.~-r.., ..,H' ". .,{'At'rß:.....4.~>.£ ~'. .. ~.1'«~ ,.. (~~'..t: ," .."t\.~'· .. '. '., '. "';iwl :/ ",:;..,. "':">0 . . :~!.~,~:.;¡~~r:,~ ~:~;..,.,:.:.:.~~~.~.::___.~~::...:::""" "' I' ...........-..; ._~ '?':' .:;./i' . ,..,",~ f i-">,'" ";f~:Ot 079plf,t536 January lO, 1984 .~.,. ",~rded ..~I.0' that the expondituro of tho funds necossary to acquire ';,,, , appropriate aa"omenta for looping wator linea for the County Rec;¡ional 1;,:/......,. Water syste. (betwoen ~in9s Lake , Boca Cioga villago and Boca Ciega ;........." f~ ViI lag. and Naplo. South) with a total dl.tanc~ of approximately 1500 '. llnoal foot, bo approved. It.. II 5 I UITERLOCAL AGREEMENT WITIf BIG-CORKSCREW ISLAND FIRE AND RESCUE DISTRICT - APPROVED . ..~, Acting Community Development Director Mullens explained this is a request that the Chairman ol the ace be authorized to ex~cute the . . Intorlocal Agreement with the Big Corkscrew Island Fire and Rescue ;,... '. District. She said the agroement providos for the Building Code Complianco Department to review plans of new buildings to ensure that proper regulations era met and providos for thp. FlrA Districts to perform tho inspections, for which they wIll be reimbursed. Co.missioner ~ruse lDoved, sect . d by Commissioner Voss and carried 4/0, that the Interlocal Agreoment with Big-Corkscrew Island rlro and Rescue District be approved. ~.., "0.." r. . f.(' .' .~ . '"J .. ~\,,;?~ ~ i~ , f. .,..~, . ) . , .. t', f' ,. ·""to " ,',,~,i~.\.' .; ì-/lt· ~\I~~ .;~,- ''Ì;{~'' ·;~I~t. ------------:'I~ ... ~... ~ ". ¡, \I ' . ....~ ~, . .: '. . /'(' . ",~'è ..¡\, ~I ,I"''' " (' (' Í- " 4.} ~t.; """"'-'- -- - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - -. - -- Pa9. 25 .- T"'" I'M.. L, ,. .- ,----.~ -..., ,,--, ,_.J c--] ::::J L .'. ". . ~ ~ "..'~ . ( :-,", ~~, ._,.~","~_.,.,..._.~.-,_._--- January 10, 19B4 ------- ---------- --.--- ----------- ,..-._---------'#>---:- ...~.. .\.~, :;.,;:'~ p- ., ... . ~ ....,'"':.. ."' ;~ :'."'" -.... 3M" ",..~ ./" " '·r2~ ·"i·4( .'...;. .' ...~.~:. '.~c.'" ..'I .' ". ; ..:-.... ,,' .........;J~~~..,¿8. .....¡:;.r.~~.,~' ~i!.»»~.~ .~.~.,....#r¡" "'1>'J".~........,:t":....~.. ...I ,.. 10 . Y..:;- -,tr~l,.·"i" .. It.. 11' TRAFFIC SIGNAL INSTALLATION AT S.R. 951 AND GOLDEN GATE PAR~AY - APPROVED ENGIN!ERINO DEPT. RECOMMENDATIONS FOR CAPITAL EXPENDITURES RE rIVE-YEAR SECONDARY ROAD PROGRAM PRIORITIES - APPROVED Transportation Director Archib~ld relerred to the Executive Summary included in the agenda packet which is an update of the Five- Year Secondary Road program. Ho sald that the program ls listed by priorlty for arterial road lmprovements¡ lIstings lo~ trÐffic slgnall- zations and major resurfacing projects. He said this an an annual update and the program is a guide to be used in designing and acquiring the rights-of-way. He sald this program is helpful in completing the . long-term road program. He descrlbed the projects that are lunded in the current year, on Exhibit ^, AS being the list of projects ln the process of beIng completed, prlmarily four-lane arterials. He said .two jobs were let this year, Plnv Ridge Road Extension between U.S. 41 and Airport Road, and the project planned for construction, Kelly Road. He said the 1-75 commitments are also shown that include Santa Barbara Blvd., pine Ridge Road (C.R. BSI) and Golden Gate Boulevard. Mr. Archibald said that Collier County is In fairly good shape regarding funding and that most of the jobs can be· completed as shown on the schedule. Ho referred to the jobs not funded, and saId that this Is because all of the gas tllX funds are balng projected for those 1-75 commitments, Pine RIdge and Kelly Road. Mr. Archlbald said that Attachment I 1. a listing of traffic signalization programmed tor the next live years. He pointed out for the current year five signals are proposed as followsl Airport Road/Mercantile, installed¡ U.S. 41 and Granada, on which the State will lollow through¡ Goodlette/frank Road and So)ana Road, on which tho specifications are currently being sent out¡ U.S. 41 and Palm Drive, as part ol an overall Courthouse expansIon plan; and C.R. 951/Golden Gate aoo« 019m1545 Page 26 ------".. '~;:~~~:~:-,:;~',~.~~: ':~~". ,~~::o..IJft.....~....'-I;;·,... .,,'¡"¡.,'~> ~..~''''-. ,0.': ....'.' '.t-)'¡'Í'!:',. "' -W~.~7'~ ~ '~:"":" O~,,":_ø~ 0 ".,- . o..''"_'"_.''_,M',-"'''..,.,'''_........"'_-=''^...,",...,,'.·>',·.,-~_''''''''."''''--.;0__.' .....--,.-~,-,.,.~.,,---_.__....""~'"""~"'.--..."._".'^,-".._"',"",--...,.,....~,'--"-' ~ë~,- ,14. . ...... -,' ..----.-... . ...- -- .......... ---.------ , ;f~ 079p)~546 January 10, 1984 Parkway. He said that his department will design the last signal area ¡~.nd try and construct the signal portion of the work in accordance with r the plans of the State. He said tha~ the State has indicated the , , possibility of letting a contract later in 1984, and added he has been inlormed that the State may be able to stðrt the job but cannot install the light for more than one and one-half years. He said he would bring the plans back to the BCC for approval once the design is completed. A discussion ensued during which CommIssioner Holland suggested the' I installation of the lIght, as the road Is currcntly constructed, to improve the safety of the area. lie ðsked If the turn signals could be made at a later time without a great expenditure? Mr. Archibald said the problem he foresees is th~ ðmount of through traffic combined with the amount ol traflic genoratod from the Golden Gate City area. He .aid that bock-ups at that light would be encountered as a result of the turning movements and through movements, northbound. He soid he did not advise proceeding with the slgnðl unless the tu~n' lane wos installed. . .. ~ :....< , .......-. , . Coàmiaaioner Brown moved, seconded by COl1lmissioner Holland, that a traffic light be installed at S.R. 951 and Golden Gate Parkway. \ ..'i~, . ..,~~t(i· .h;~~. '.: ;1,~~' . Mr. Georgft Keller, a ~ember of the Board of Directors, Colden Gote £states Civic AssociotIon and resident of the area, spoke in lavor ol the installation of the light at this intersection. I ~ Mr. Archibald soid that the studies made At this intersection hove resulted in the finding that the accidents made at this intersection are the rcsults of turning movements. He said those accidents mðy be multiplied il a traffic signal is installed without the turn lone. .Responding to CommissIoner Voss, Mr. Archibald said that the problem in that area is that the State's plan to widen the road requires reloca- tion of port of the Golden Gate canal, which is expensive. He said the Page 27 --- - - - --- - -- -- - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - -- -- - --- " .1! ·,f ''-'''-' '. ., .~~. ;. ~(.... "'\ ,--'-\ ~ -' L . ~. ..:~,; , .. .... .,;&. .',>;'ir, .:.:"~'~'.':~~ .~ ...' .'"¡ ,~... ~M :1."")." ~ ,._ _ _ _. ".___ Jl..4j'..: ¡f~;,: ::'., . . ...... ..." Þ·.-·~' ':' ·of"'.... ~~ . ,..' ,...., ¡.. ... ..~.., t-·, '.' , \',: " ·~¡··"·¡~r.(j~~~,t"··.....,,: ~',\. :.:~""'~'/~~". '..~. ' .,....._~. ----------------------------------------~- January lO, 1964 .. ,County'. interim plan is to widen the road to the we.t and inatall turn lanes on the existing roadway. He suggested the light be installed and that hi. department proceed to deaign the turn lanes and to meet with the Golden Gate Estates Civic Association for them to look at tho deaigns. Commissioner Kruse asked if a longer light than normal could be allowed for northbound traffic, and Mr. Archibald said he was certain this would be done. Chairman Brown asked for clarification regarding work on the David C. Brown Highway in the immediate future? Mr. Archibald said there is ¡".' lIoney in the current fiscðl year for three major resurf.Jcing projllcts :'...: " ,~\n . , :' u.nderwaYI Airport Road, just completed¡ C.R. 646 (David C. Brown Highway) from Wilson Roðd to Oil Well Road, and C.R. 951 from U.S. 4l north to Davis Boulevard, planned to be completed in the next two lIIonths. He said ho.did not show thin work on the repo r t because he considers the work maIntenance. Upon call for the question, the aotion carried 4/0. Co..issioner Voss moved, seconded by Commissioner ~ruse and carried 4/0, that the recommendations of the Engineering Department for capital expenditures re the rive-Year Secondary Road ProgrAIII and major roadway resurfacing be approved. Ite. 117 LIPTING OF EXISTING HIRING FREEZE FOR POSITIONS CURRENTLY AUTHORIZED AND BUDGETED - APPROVED Administrator of ^dministrative Services Holley explained this is . request to remove the existing hiring freeze for those positions that are authorized and budgeted, currently. !Ie said this freeze was installed in 1982 to curtail expenditures over concern th~t Collior County might bot short revonues at the end of that fiscal year, as a result of State ligures on sales tax revenues at that time. He said that Fiscal Ollicer Giles and he have discussed the matter. He asked IOO~ 079pm547 Page 28 --------- -..----., ..... ..... .. .- ,'..:.t,. . ...- . ... ;.J\l ~+::Pj;: '''..; "...... .:.- ·~...:<4'~".....- ~.,........... -......:...-I-;;.~..,;¡;:,.. -~:.... ~. .. ,.,,'-·~~~z~_:j0:' ..'" __,_ J:I< ..!"·"t:-r'" . . . " '. ' ,'" . V:'~?;"":!",:iÇ , r,:~"", . ,,!I', , -'~". '.~ " ....~ :~.~.. ~\.., . -.'.-'.'"' . --------- --- , ~J,1W'.. , ~~'I 019 J:. liS' Jðnua ry lO, 1984 (~ .;_ n<:l, ""1 " _ ' t r~ that the hiring lreeze be 11fted. He said Any new position And changes ~' tZ~· In the budget would be brought to the BCC. : ~ '-." "~.' Co..issioner Kruse .oved, seconded by COIII/IIi.sioner Holland And carried 4/0, that the lilting ol the existing hiring freeze for poaitions currently authorized and budgeted be approved. It.. 118 12 MONTH LtASI ACREEMENT WITH KARSTEN LEASING CORP. RE WAREHOUSE FOR VOTING HACHINE STORAGE - APPROVED AdmInistrator of AdminIstrative Services Holley sðid this is a reco~mendation to approlle a Leaae ^greemcnt for ð mobile warehouse facility for voting machIne storage. He rcferrcd to the Executive S~~ary dated 1/6/84, outlIning the attempts to negotiate a lease agreement for the Supervisor of Elections in the past. lie sðid the plan i. to locate the facility next to the County Museum And hAve it operational by JllnulHY 20, 1984. Conmissioner J(ruse aoved, seconded by Co~.lsøioner Holland that a 12 .onth lease agree~ent with Marsten Leasing Corporation lor a ~obile warehouse tor voting aachine storage be approved at the cost of $720.00 per .onth, beginning on or hefore January 20, 1984. ¡ Mr. Bruce Holly, Jr. requested clarificAtion as to the necessity of this expenditure. Commissioner Holland suggested that Mr, lIolly visit the Supervisor of Elections office to see that there is a need lor this storage space for the machines and the ballots. Upon call lor the question, the motion carried 4/0. Page 29 ----------..------------------------------- ["----'1 (-.--- "-..J n~'''' T L r-J L ,,'-. '..;: '.,'. , J/. ..~."~",.,',,_..__.........._-,.. "'"'.._-_._------'-,..~"'-- - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -.- - - -- - - - - - - - - - -.- -.,.... J/lnU,HY 10, 196<1 aHe 019 I'F~ 554. It.. 119 DISCUSSION RE FIRE AL^RMS AND CURRENT CONSTRUCTION - NO ACTION T^KEN ^dministrator o( Mlministr,1tive ¡jerviccD Holley refcrrod to reccnt froquent flrc ðlDrms in Building "r" or thu Courthouse: Complex. He aðid ho ¡,nù Public ::'~{ety Adminil>trlltor Dorrill /lgrt't! thilt the fire alðrm system should atðy activated during conatructlon of thi~ building. lie asked (or thc UOiJrd's line! public's cooperation in the future. huspondin'J to COIT,r.\la:>Ioncr iloll..no, /',r. lIolley s.:d(~ thet hc hils t~kcn !1tcµ¡¡ to r<:::1<!dy the ¡;rot)lo.!f\. hp ~~I~ that hI: has asked that Construction ProJect ~¡l1lh)fJ<.:r ¡¡"II"!,, r"ljUc:.t tnr.t /.Ill contr.Jctors workinl) In Uuildlll"J "f" l:omlI1unlc¡,t.: ...it!1 lJul1dJnl] f"..Jlntonllncc Director Lo....ell R"in"5 on t¡l<: 10c:..Hiofl JrHl time period ....t't:n any snoke or dust emlttlnCj bct!vlty ~ill t"kc ~l"cc. 11(, side the ¡J1<111 II> to dt:ðctlvðtc tho f ru úlllrm o.Jur lng tlldt \!:)rk ilnu rc..\ctlVt1tû th.: syutt.:m follo\odn'1 completion or th<.: w.Jrk. tIC' s..lo..J he ann ~:r. I)orrill have Instituted act 10n:3 w h P. r e by t ~ Il' Y c: .:: n 4 u I 0.: id y ù (. t c r r:1Ì n L' .... he t h I.! r /J n III iJ r m I s fill s e and cðn "aV1ß" ov<:r the ðuuio 6y~teu thbt thc lIlDrm 15 false Ðnd that the employ''':!) mi')' return to trwlr oí!lcea. He sðld he will look into the posslhility o£ I. ¡n.,nudl 5ystcm if the!; } sugye:;tion!! do not work. CONTRACT FOR JTPA TITLE I, 124 "OLDER INDIVIDUALS" PROGRAM FOR FY '84 - APPROVED COlllllllssionor Kruse lI1ovcc1, sQconded by Commissioner Holland and cerrled 4/0, that the ChairmDn be authorized to sign thc Contract lor the JTPA Title I, 124 ·Older Individucls" Progrðm for FY 1984. flage 30 -------------------------.----------------- r::::::1 D.>'·~'!]· I( ~. ~ ~ "'.. <...._--.,."'.~"'___.~_.~~....._.'.M".<µ".",.. ,.~.,.~_.,___._~~..~.M_.~.......·.,·~·_.,··_.. I ~." _......"''';...J;:''~.. I~-::r;.,· ; I'.'+'\"~' ' " .. '.:<'" ---."-.-. -.-.-- ..- ..¡ ". , k. , ~:'¡;.~/ ? ' ï' ': . ~- ,.~:.Jo.. ..'~..."r.,.,: -:~~~,~:~-:- . ..~.~.:a -4.;- ...'...........~ ..- ~. .' " .. .,.......t,. , - -----------.. --.------- ~~t"Ji..., ",' ' ~o~ 079n~564' Ite. '21 . ' January lO, 1984 : COUNTY KANAGER SELECTION PROCESS AND TIMETABLE REPORT - ACCEPTED, , SHORT-LIST or 5 CANDIDATES TO BE DEVELOPED BY 2/28/84 BY COMMITTEE " ' Acting County Mðnaqer Vlrta referred to the Executive Summary l' dated l/5/84, a report that the BCC requested on l2/20/BJ, for a timetable ~nd proposed process for the sclectlon of II permanent Collier ,County Mðnager. He said that the advcrtisement process has been made and that a copy of the ICM^ publication was received this date containing the advertisement, that approximately 10 applications have been rcceIved prior to tho advertisemcnt¡ thore are tWO alternatives lor the ace's consideration in the Interview process, to interview as a Board in open session or to interview individually each candidate as an individual Commissioner ~nd diacuss the recommendations in open session. Also, that any dlucusslon tho'lt involves moro than one Commissioner does involvc tho Sunahine Law ðnd, therefore, would have to be held in on open s~sGion of tho ßoard. Commissioner Kruse sU9gested that tho Interviews bc held in open session following the selection of a short-list. CommIssioner Voss expressed his concern about the short-list. He ~. said h. revle~ed his pðst history servln9 on ð committee to select tho investment banker on re-financlng water bonding. He said he is '$, reluctant to serve on a committee that may formulate a short-list and ~, have that list disregarded. He saId ho did not want to spend the extensive Amount of time necossary il the list would not be adhered to. \ ' He asked for assurance [rom the Doard that the final five candidates will be considered the candIdates. Commissioner Kruse said she dId not have any problem with this suggestion as long as the candidates are not rated. Commissioner Voss said he is not qualified as a "searcher" and the only good way is to use II search firm. Naples Councilman Wade H. Schroeder described the method used to Page 3l . ""., ,:",,'; ,. , .', f \~.,; ;/~'j':·J I' !'It,,"" I . ... . ¡' 0" "J' ,J¡..:J;' (,0, ,,!,,~:,~¡ ." . ~::<;·~t.:·· \' ;.. .~r"~I.' ' ~;·:·":iu;.,~,. .~;.; , ;: ~,.j¡'''!Y:' .'!' , ':':, ;'r~l : Ïi\f'.:~\("~ ,; \....~:'o. '~~ ~fr..jo. ,;,' :~¡.~~ } 1·:'M.' .;"~ ,: .."",. ~ '.. I \ ".'..... " " .> . .-) " " /' . .. /~>. . , .~ ~, " ... ,~~. , ~. ". ~\>' '~ i~'\. -------- - - ----- --- --- - - - - -- - -- - --- - - --- ----1 $ , t ~ ~ I . ..... '"~. .- _.~.'_._,,--" .~------,-_.._......_-_..-_._._._-~._-_._---...-_.. L _.- r_.J ------------------------------------------ January 10, 1984 select the Naples City Manager, stressing that two Councilmen had had substantial executive search experionce. He said he and Mr. Twerdahl split the applications alphabetically, and culled them indIvidually without meeting to comply with the Sunshine Law. He said at an advertised session he and ~1r. T\òerdahl ranked the pcoplc which resulted in approximately 15 candidates. He said each person took half of those candidates and checked the referp.nces, employcrs and employees of the people and at another public meetIng live qualifIed pcrsons wore presented to the Naples City Council. Ho said those fIve persons were Interviewed In open work scssion and a determination was made. He said the procedure was effective because two qualified "headhunters- were on the City CouncIl. Raßponding to ChaIrman Brown, Mr. Virtð said that, presently thore is no Personnel Manager, however, a person is expectod to be leluctltd this-week for that position. Commissioner Voss said a competent Personnel Mðnager may not be qualJfied for executive search. Commissioner Voss removed himself from the proposed Selection CommIttee. CommissJoner ~ruse moved to accept ~he recommendation of "r. VJrta for the County "anager SelectJon process and timetable with the choice of optJon number one to interview the final candidates as a Board In open session, and that the Personnel Department, herself and Co_issioner lIolland be the Selection Co_i ttee. Commissioner Holland said he preferrcd that Commissioner VOIS remain on the Selection Committee. CommissJoner Voss suggested that, following the receipt of the applications, if he feels that he cannot make a reasonable recommendation, he will come back to the BCC and resign from the Selection Committee. Chairman Brown said he would leave Commissioner Voss on the Selection Committee. Co.missioner Kruse moved, seconded by Commissioner Holland and ~ '. I&bÐk 079 n;[¡ 565 pag e 32 J:. ;, ... ·r '~·If'_.'.:~~ .'': '~¡i'~ .P..,:,.,......: .-:. .,.' _ ..~¢.._".::;.._, . . I~,~,,:,·, . . ·¡,v..'·'d..··ir,·. k , '~ "~1"'1./; # ,'I ..' l_.a.:.." . """"~-:L ' "fW.· --.- ......,>'~:....~'~~. .* .~ . "," L "r"': I _ ...,--...,........--.-....-- .,....._.,~~."..,',.,..".._'"_...._,~,_._._-~-- ~.. ; :p "".,,- I ..' \ .~~:' . ~... , .' ~..... : ~I:tt..: ""7-.\'., .,' .. . ';~::":""'-' <... ~'!~.~~~.. ... . ..... .--....~' 'j7...¡r·'·'. "~~ . "'~"~:"~" ·::,:FtJ"~:~ ·~:· ," ...." . .'. __ 0_. . ~,. 'Þ. ,. ..' . ' , J " ' . '. :~~. .' ~>;' .",1: ". ,. 't ',,"J . 'ttt , , ;-. , ..:¡¡....:, , 'fo.,.;,., ': :;':;'~:~ ", \).'~ . .-..: ',' \' " " . ~., r r~ 0, ,,"' 'f---- - ---- - -- -- -- - -- - - - - - -- - - - ------ - ------- 10, . I ! ._- ---- ç~ ~. ------- ! : ~ ~~' '. 079~'500 January lO, 1984 t carried 4/0, for the lan9uage of her previous ~otion with Commissioner ~ Vo.. being 8 .ember of the Selection Com~lttee in place of Com~ission.r ~:." Holland. . It.. 122 RESOLUTIOM 84-7 R! ASSIGNMENT OF CONTRACTUAL RIGHTS FROM HIGHWAY PAVERS, INC. OR BOHHESS, INC. TO BETTER ROADS, FOR BID NO. 693 (LAKI TRAFFORD)¡ BID NO. 674 (BIKEWAY CONSTRUCTION) PROJECT NO. 20080-FRANK BLVD.) AND BID NO. 688 (PINE RIDGE ROAD) - ADOPTED I ~'\ County Attorney Saundors explained therG are three contracts , between Collier County and Highway Pavers, Inc. or Bonness, Inc.' He said there hos been a reorqani~ðtlon of those two companies and'thls 'item is an assignment of those contracts from Ilighway Pavers, Inc. or Bonnesa, Inc. to Better Roads, Inc. He sðid that Attorney Donðld plckwrth was prescnt to explain the rellsoning behind this. He said thoue contrllcts have been reviewed by the EngineerIng Department and there are no problems with the assiqnment however, tho resolution should be chllnged to read the assignments are from Hlgh~~y Pavers, Inc. or Bonness, Inc. to Better ~oads, Inc. '.. Com.l.sioner Kruse ~oved, seconded by Co~~issioner Holland and èarrled 4/0, that Resolution 84-7 re assi9nment of contractual right. .. lro. Highway Paver., Inc. for Bonne.s, Inc. to Better Roads, Inc. for . , " Bid No. 693 (Lake Tralford Improvements), Bid No. 674 (Bikeway Con~~ruction) Project No. 20080 (rrank Blvd. Improvement.) and Bid No. 688 (Pine Ridge Road Improvements) ba adopted. ~ t, Page 33 ,-'-, '-- _.J -" .~-_._._._.._--._-----~----_._......._,-------- L . ". ""'¡~"" ... ",...,,,.~~,, t~..~~.~·'''.'' !t:m~. ..~,..1"." ~'ri'" ,'. , ' '\.. .'~~.... .1"1'.' ,'-" '~I""" ',' ;.;·:\.,..:..,.j....rAol.l.~.........,.........".... _.J¡.(....-:.... I, ._..._ "---,,",";".t· .:~~ . ,', '6;....:...~,.,~ , ,,::'~.~.'.,.: <:,'>:~ .... -~-;_...:-":' . , . " . ;:"J -, , t:ofi j~ -----------------------------~- ~------r...,.. , ", .9'·..·4 ~", ~~: ~o~ 079 rA"t 588 It.. 123 ., '"j ...... Januøry lO, 1984 . ~: ROUTINE BILLS - AUTHORIZED FOR PAYMENT i:., Pursuant to Resolution 81-150 tHe lo110wing checks were issued IO-,¡", ~,., through January 6, 1984 in payment ol routine blllsz CHECK DESCRIPTION CHECK NOS. AMOUNT Vendor l04637 - l05244 $2,435,084.00 It.. '24 BUDGET AMENDMENT 84-183 RE CAPRI WATER SERVICE FUND - ADOPTED Commissioner Holland .oved, seconded by Commissioner Kruse and c..rried 4/0, that Budget Amendment 84-183 ro Capri Water Service Fund 'b. 'adopted. '. .' ..... J f , ~, ¡.' .. ¡. . ~, ' Pðge 34 ------- -.------------ C=:J C:J --~-......, -- L ,--- .. , Î' .. ~ "'\:¡. ~/.~t'1 . ,:,·t' ...:/,', 0. . . If ','- , , ~ .,f' . ., ·\r , , ,;;' , , . :;'~ . . ;. . . ,¡.:,'. ': \1 , .' )\J." ',' " ,..~.~'.. .../~.,.~ . ~ - ff ~,\.' . "',._~~,'4..-.. .\: t'· "'~........ '. ''PW~.-'~.~ "'/~ ··.1·.~;: .:¡......; /....:}¡,<'.. ..~~ .~ . ,(.¡~.;:... . '" " , .. .------..- ¡"''''' ------- i:; ',: ·,1 .' UK It.. '25 ~~ COUNTY ATTORNEY DIRECTED TO PREPARE A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THAT A Ie BUDOET AMENDMENT IN AMOUNT LESS THAN $1,000, SIIOULD NOT BE BnOUGHT ~. BErORE THE BCC rOR ACTION, UNLESS FISCAL OFrICER, AGENCY MA~AGER AND/OR COUNTY MANAGER DETERMINE SUCH AMENDMENT SHOULD HAVE BCC ACTION '.f: . 079~q500 Jonuary 10, 1984 , ~ ~' f f Fiscol Officer Giles saId that some of the Budget Amendments are ¡ ~ . being brought before the BCC that are necessary to operate, however, they are not that critical for the Board to be bogged down with. Be .uggested that the BCC consider that Budget Amendmonts below a certain dollar amount would require the approval of tho Agency Manager along with a review ol the Clerk's Fiscal Officer as being appropriat~. Commi6~ioner Voss sAid this WðS a reasonable suggestion wIth th~ provisIon that the fiscal Officer and the County Manager alert the Bee " '/, to any Budget Amendment that Is an unusual sItuation. He said he dId . , , " not recall Budget ^m~ndments that were not approved because the Commissioners know that the amendments brought before the BCC are screened and are l~~itimate. He refQrred to the time factor required to routinely approvo the Budgot Amendments. County Attorney suggested that this acton be done In the Corm of a resolutIon. Coøaisøioner Kruse aoved, seconded by Commissioner HoJiand and carried 4/0, that the County Attorney b. direct.d to prepare a I .:::; resolution authorizing that a Budget Amend.ent In an amount 1... than $l,OOO .hould not co.e belore the BCC, unless there i. an item which .'.. ,''¡¡' . .,' the riscal Olficer and Agency Manag.r and/or the County Manager determine .hould b. bro~ght before the BCC for action. 'f Responding to Commissioner Kruse, Mr. Giles said he was comCor- ', table with the $1,000 figure because he would be watching for any r.p.ated $999.00 amendment requests and said he would bring thAt .ituatlon to the Board's attention, l~mediðtely. I ····Co..i..ion.r ~ru.. left the room at 11130 A.M. and r.turned ' at 11135 A.M.·... " r PAge 35 L-______________________________________~_ f f- I ,. -.-.-...-., ---' ....... ---' ---"'" L ..~,-""....--'''^''-_...._-'''' ~,..".........,---,._-~-,.----.._-<-~-~"-.... Jllnuary lO, 19B4 ------------------------------------------ It.. 126 COUNTY ATTORNEY SAUNDERS NAMED TO OBSERVE ELMS COMMITTEE MEETINGS ChaIrman Brown suggosted that County Attorney Saunders be named to attend the Environmental Land Management Committee (ELMS) meetIngs. lie read a list of reasons for this suggestIon as being thllt the ELMS Commit~oe has recommended that local plðns be consistont with the State plans, that there are good local plans but no Stllte plans and that someone lrom the County Government should monitor the State process to aake sure the plans produced by the State are consis~ent with Collier County planning. He said that the ELMS Committee appcars to be trying to have delogated to Counties certain responsibilitIes now residing in the Regional Planning Council and that Collier County should monitor this to mðke sure the County in comfortable with the delegation. Ho said thAt the ELMS Committuc may bocome Involvcd In rccommending modilications to th~ Board of Regional Planning Council and the Collier County CommIssion should be informed of any ELMS ComuIttee thoughts quickly as a service. Responding to CommIssioner Voss, Mr. Saunders said he would be strictly an observer because the Committee was selected by Govcrnor Graham and thero are no vacancies on the CommIt- te.. Be said thðt therp. is an ELMS Committee I and II that have been ~e.ting lor a period of tImo. He said the final report is due before the Governor durIng ~he middle of Februðry and thero are only two or three sessions left to help develop final reports. He said he would be able to present to the BCC the final reports, rather quickly. Co.missioner Voss moved, seconded by CommlBsioner Holland and carried 3/0, with Com.issioner ~ruse absent from the room, that County Attorney Saunders be named as Collier County'. observer to the ELMS Co..itte. meetings. .DO~ 079 W.! 591 Page 36 ---- ----- , ". , ,,"wll' . '. .._~._.. ---- g....\\. .,:\., . .-."~..,,---=--.._""~.,,..,,~---_..~._-..,,-_...._._...__.~- ...- - .¡- . ...J ,., '-:-.--.:11.'" "". '~>' ""'~._--".._".~-~.--- ,;" ..~. ::;.~~~..,~", ".o::.~~., ,,'~-.p:- .. ,." t " ~ :.;. ')" tk.;;. '~~'. . r:. ...:- ....."...;.-...';. "¡;:"-';.'__K ;;;r.~.:"; ,~~...~ ~.... ..r~'w ~. " .. ....-.------ -_.~.- ::.", . ¡ "~i~·H ..,..;:'.... ".; ," '..'..,:~..' .../ .- -,- -.- ,,' ,..' . " '. . " . ~., 6~ I''''. ,......'. . J ------ -- is(i· ~. r- ûoi 079mt592 ~'-:¡; , It.. 127 E)' . CABI or DorFMAN VS KIRBY ^PPEAL OF COHTRACTOR'S LICENSING BOARD , DECISION - CONTRACTOR TO BB DIRECTED TO CORRECT PROBLEM WITH ALCAN i' WIMDOWS OR APPEAR PERSONALLY BEFORE THE BCC ON JANUARY 24, 1984 .~;., . .)1 January 10, 1984 , ~ " , . co. Mr. Elmer Hoffman appeAred before the BCC and read a statement, included in the Executive Summary dAted l/3/04, pertaining to his complaint and the action taken by the Contractor's Licensing Board .. ,; - " ;·'·~,'(CLB). He f:,' {9 8 1, 198 2 explained that he appeAred before the CLB three times, in and 1983 because the windows on his patio were improperly 'f, ':.~~ ~.~~ installed by Air Brite ^lumlnium, Inc., and he stated that Mr. Kirby ~ w.s the Qowner/presldent of tho firm. 110 asked that the BCC take action .,.: because this was not ð complðint of faulty workmanship but rather a case of the windows not being installed According to instructions that rJ, I ,~ are cleðrly printed. lie contended that no caulking was used, j~ therefore, he has had leaking windows for three years during the rainy ".: ) ,I seðson. if the CLB that hie license could be In jeopardy and nobody asked Mr. IV Kirby why ho did not caulk behInd the windows. Tape '6 f Responding to Commlsslonor Voss, Mr. Saunders said that under the : ·O·'d I n.ne. a,. IIn ff..n do.. h .v. tho ,1.ht to . ...., . d.oI.lon 0' tho t CLB to the BCC and he did so wi thin the appropr iate time per iod. He :-' .dvieed the Commissioners that they could either Agree with Mr. HoflmAn ~: ~ He sAid that at no time was Mr. Kirby told by the members ol . :;~' :;)¡, and sugges~ that this mAtter be sent back to the CLB for lurthor action or tðke action to suspend the license of the contractor at this time. He said A third alternative is to indicat~ that the CLB has heard the evidence and thðt the BCC agrees with the action or non-action taken by the CLB. He gave his personal opinion thDt the CLB is a lact-findin9 ao.~d equipped to heAr this type of complaint. He cautioned that if the BCC gets into tho practice of reversing the CLB decision there is a Pðge 37 T--------~-------------------------------- ~. , r-.....--.w., ~, -- ----~~,------ --.-----. L "', , , :.' , . ,c ". ", .. ~t . ';' ".., ..'"~,.~...".._c<,.,,,.,,",.'._"'_'"_~,____ -------------------.------------- January lO, 1984 probability that the BCC will hoar more of such cases. A discussi~n lollowed during which the current situntlon in Collier County with regard to occu~ðtional licenses and the competency card situation was covered extensively. Commissioner lIolland said Mr. ftoflman has a legitimate case that deserves consideration. He sugg.sted that there are problems in the mAnner in which some persons have operated in the construction field In the area. He said it is time for the people in Collier County to get protection for what they are paying for. He suggested that the Air Brite Company be given 15 days to correct the situation with Mr. Hoflman's patIo windows. Mr. Saunders said that the Bee has the authority to suspend the license of this contractor and can indJcate thdt they will take thAt actJon If the situation is not corrected ~lthln a pcriod of time. Commissioner Voss agreed with Commissi.oner Holland's statements, however, he added the Bec has only heard one side of tho situation. Conaissioner Voss .oved, seconded by Commissioner Kruse and carried 4/0 that the contractor in the case ol Hoffman va Kirby be directed to correct the aituation re leaking of Alcan Company windows or that he app.ar p.rsonally before the Bce within two weeks, January 24, 1984, to .xplaln why he cannot. CommIssioner Krusft asked il ho does not appear if that means that the BCC would take further action, to which CommissIoner Voss agreed. Com~issloner Kruse saJd this situation Is not nn isolated case and she related situations sho experienced while hcr house was being constructed. She asked that Stalf be dJrccted to address legitimate complaints regarding the pcrformance of work done by individuals issued licenses to perlorm work in Collier County. Tho Commissioners agreed with eommis&ioner Kruse. .···Th. following items Agenda by .otion of were approved and/or adopted under the Consent Commissioner Holland, seconded by Commissioner m~ 079PAr,¡ 593' Page 38 ----------------~----...-. ~....,: ,'t' ,.':'" :. ~";o:' - ...'.'. ·\.~.¡:~.t¿¡ :'ì\'~~~ .~i.;~:; n, ..,. ""-- --' ,&;,J,...1.-....., ,tM"t 'I. " _.....;;:.~i. l' ,. -' ..4;:~ . ' ., ,: ,.;,' ...- ._--- ~~ ~4;~~~~ ' ""_.~,...-....;-_...-"""'...._--,._~.. :~i'~~4~:" ,.;;:,i , ".... ' , , .'. ,~ ~,.., ' . ,', ~rJ~;" '. -.'-- ..-....-...'-.............).;(....:..........- ~ '\... ," . .' .~.. ';"i/"~' "'. ;' ~, " ~.' \.fo' ,:;- . .I...Jf-,*" -.-- ,- ..' ....,"10 ---- ~. ~ ~i. .. ,. aOOK , "., ~' , 079 mr 594 ~ru.. and carried 4/0···* Jðnuary lO, 1904 n.. . 28 t~ PETITION TR-83-12C, KARY LOU HURST, RE TEMPORARY RESIDENCE PERMIT UTILIZE MOBILE HOME DURING CONSTRUCTION or PRINCIPLE RESIDENCE ON I.' 150' OF TRACT 62, UNIT 20, COLDEN C...T'E ESTATES \ TO EAST 129 V RESOLUTION 84-8 RE PET. SNR-83-16C WOODLAKE P"'RTNERSHIP, RE STREET N"'ME " APPROV"'L FOR S"'LINAS DRIVE IN PORT-"'U-PRINCE MOBILE HOME SUBDIVISION Su Pðge 5'1? n.. '30 RESOLUTION 84-9 RE PET SNR-83-l7C, RB STREET NAME APPROV"'L FOR MARETEE DRIVE, MESQUITE DRIVE, FRITCHEY RO"'D "'ND JAMES ROAD (INTERSECTING CnEENWAY RO"'D LOC"'TED IN SEC 7, T51S, R27E) See Paqo .çftf Ite. '31 APPROV"'L FOR STRUCTUR"'L SPECIALIST JOSEPH MACRI TO ATTEND FIPE SAFETY SEMINAR IN MORROW, GEORGI..., 1/23-1/26/84 Ito.. '32 COUNTY ATTORNCY AND ST"'FF AUTHORIZED TO PERM"'NENTLY INCRE"'SE LI"'BILITY LIMITS ON LCU CYPRESS TO A MINIMUM OF $5,OOO,000.00¡ "'DDITION"'L ANNUAL COST OF $2,800.00 n.. 133 . r V"'C"'NT CUSTODI"'L POSITION TO BE FILLED f".., .. 4 Ite. 134 £. , ~ VACANT WITNESS SPECIALIST POSITION TO BE FILLED ( It.. 135 JOB DESCRIPTIONS AND RECOMM£NDED P"'Y GR"'DES FOR DIRECTOR or UTILITIES ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES "'ND W"'TER TRE"'TMENT PLANT CHIEF OPER"'TOR t :~ . ¡.o ~ ~. ,. ., ; ., It.m 136 CERTIFICATES C~ CORRECTION"'S PRESENTED BY THE PROPERTY APPRAISER'S, OFFICE 19BO TAX ROLL 620 , 621 12/16 - 12/19/83 19BI TAX ROLL ~ 625 , 626 l2/l9/B3 19B2 TAX ROLL 656 , 657 l2/l9/83 19B3 TAX ROLL Page 39 , ~.. 'w-,..... .. . ~.. .~~~_:.:. . .,... ,. ,~oI.' , " 'J' .~,." , 1~ "'~ ..- ,... ".II:' ~Å. .J l. /, , ~.!¡ . ."..-". :' ~~J .....:~ " .~~,¡.... "", , ".~. .,~" ~:/J'~ '. ~, '>. ....': ","1, , ~~, i~,) . ,:~:~?'; '~~~:~þ" ".}f~'~ ,,:,.~~~ "., > ,...tt' " ", J,\ ~~I¡ ~,,~ ) ',~ .' ~~'. " , , ,,- : ~' , .' . ~ .' ~---- -,--- - - - - -- - - - - - - -- - ---- --- - ------- t.. ", '-- '. ~ L --- --, ------------------------------------------ 222 - 227 JlJnuary l2/19 PROPERTY 12120 lO, 1984 - 12/20/83 - 12/22/83 TANGIBLE PERSONAL 1983-276 - 279 It.. 137 DUPLICATt TAX SALt CERTIrICATE NO. 5268 TO HAROLD w. rISHER Ite. '38 ' See Page 611 HISCELLANtOUS CORRESPONDtNCE - FILED AND/OR REFERRED There being no obj~ction, the Chalr directed that the following correspondence bo filod and/or ref~rred to the various dep~rtments as Indicated. 1. Letters dated l2/20 and 12/21/83, from Ann Perrotta, Bureau Chief, Dept of Community Affairs, Div. of Local Resource Management acknowledging rocelpt of Jobs and Housing Impact Program applications re Com. Develop. Block Grant Program" plus a l1!:it of Florida PIC ChaIrmen ðnd SDA Administrators. xc Mr. Vlrta. FlIed. 2. Zoning Wpartment Report, December 198J, Investigations¡ Abandoned Vehicle Activity He port, November 1983. filed. 3. Notice of Application received 12/27/8J, from James E. MullIns, Chief, Bureau of Land Sales Registration, Div. of Florida Land Sales and Condomlnlum5 for Registration of subdIvIded lands submitted by Outdoor Resorts of Chokoloskee, Inc. xc Mr. Virta. Filed. 4. Public Notice received 12/27/83, from Ralph R. Clark, Chlef, Bureau of Coastal Engineering and Re~ulatlon, DNR, re application D6S 83-84 lor a coastal construction permit, north end ~f Kecwaydin, south side of Gordon Pass, plus a location map and three detail drawings. xc Dr. Benedict. Filed. 5. Resource Alert Action Referral from DNR dated 12/21/83, Case 100246 re partially submerged boat in canal in Goodland. xc Mr. Hartman. Filed. 6. Lettor dated 12/20/83, from J. C. Collier, Jr., Vice President, FP,L Co., enclosing copy of synopsis of PPL Rate Case Filing with floriða PSC. Filed. 7. Copy of minutes, Golden Gate Community Center Advisory Committee meeting ol 11/29/83. riled. O. Copy of minutes, City ol Naples, December 7, 1983. Filed. 9. Letter from Paul N. Pappas, Secretary, Florida DOT, re MPO enclosing revised draft of Chap. 335, Part I, the Transpor- tation Planning portion ol proposed Transportation Statute '1,f "....\ ,o~ 079 PAf,t 595 Page 40 ., ...---- --- !t't. ,.~~ ...~' ."'~":.:r¿"'-~-::' '., ' '_.~. . ' ?~"'.'.tf\,~~--,..'----~~....."'· '.-"~ ,'-, . " "'I: , ..-yr.- ,. ~~t'r' ~4·.. ".' . .¡,.- .,." ....,;",'&,.. 'j.'.' . .'., , , t.......~.'".....,,··.. ......_'. :,..., :; ...~·i ,.'~. . )10-,: .__"'^""",~,·.."_____w__.__.__,;""'""-~"___""""',,...__.....__'""'"'-""'---'------. J;" ,,, , "~fJ'; "'~ ---~ . ""iìI"':, ---~-"'''"-'',-.---'''~,_...---_._''''~,._- . . ,.....,," ""',Ii '\' I·' ,'..r..'Ja<;).".,:. '.~ J).<' .' '.'. -1" . .~ :!~,.>:';,,;.~~.:<~... .."....Â~,.&.~-:~:..~~Æ~~r~.....,·~~t·.;t~¡;,' _ ,š," .. -- ." _.- .-. -------:-- '" ~ ,. .' .'. ~~~~ . ø ';."!'Þ:" '/ ::~·.,:::.~l\"í~":·, .'~'·//S:, ,~...~.. _ '. ,~'."".~C','_1....".: . '~."-' ".-'.. ? .. .~t;:·..,:. '.:.... .1:"- -' :'~~J;"" ... ' . ..' t' " : .,. . ,~ ~ ~f" , .. 079n~596 ~":; ,. · r e Wt' i t e . ,'';''i ...': ~ 10. Letter dated l2/27/83, lrom Mrs. (R. J.) C. Richards ~ requestinq zonlnq ordinance be chanqed to allow construction ~.-,~ of permanent additions to travel trallers In local travel trailer parks. xc Mr. Vlrtð and Ms. Layno. Filed. '" 'f þ . . '-', -- ~ .~"t, r January lO, 1984 (Letter copied to Mr. Perry) Filed. ,,' . . . . There beinq no lurther business to come before the Board, the .eetinq was adjourned by order ol the Chair - Timel lllSO A. M. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS/ BOARD or ZONING APPEALS/EX OFFICIO GOVERNINC BOARD(S) OF SPECIAL DISTRICTS UNDER ITS C0N.TROr. ,/ 4//~~£~~ DAVID C. 8ROWN, CUAIRMAN ATTESTI WILLIAM J. REAGAN, CLERK , /""LI ~:~Z-#~£)C_ '. Thea. IIIlnutes appr~ved by the acc on ~, .,;< ~t'"pr 'presented ~ or <'Ia~rrected , /,1 '. as . I '\,' , :,,,,,,",'\ ' ~ ~t: ...,. ~. f¿', I '·"1:' , " ( , ,. , {I,;. "'1,", " . ' ..... ,~'( ~"'1\ . r:' 1;, :,~ . , ~ oi i'" \ r \, ,', . ~. ... . .. ~" Paq 41 41 ~----------~------------------------------ "ì r·~__n_~"l ----' --'---.., ----..I "--- L "."'^-,-_._--"--"..;.....,--"----- ( ;. ~.\~: