BCC Minutes 01/17/1984 R --- I -- --------- I I Hapln, Florida, Januuy 17, 1984 '-I ' \Í'\ .,::' ~, ""':, .nd LET IT BE REMEMBERED, that the Board of County Com~Is.ioners In ~ tor the County of Colli.r, and also actIng IS the Board of zoning } ~ .' j', "':..~ ,....;.~,. ,14 "!,ç/'''j ~.I ·.;£.~it ~:~ :.tJP. .,1'..;\ .~ CH^IRM^NI Dðvlð C. Brown .~\ ::1} VICE-CH^IRM^NI C. C. -Red-, Holland .', IoJ'...' ., @"'~~ ~ J':)hn 1.. Pistor . ,*.:".,¡,tà .... ,Fred.rick J. VOSS. < "''.''.'~~. ¡~ :'~";>" ...:':~' Ma ry-Francu Itruu' ~\',~~. " . ,-Jv '1.LSO PRr;s'É~T'" ': WIllIam J. Ruqan, Clerk, Jam~ C. Úl~~:~··;,;{~~·~f'~~..·:". ,~\ \ . 'J i ;:' .~, ',,?f!IC.~,'t. T.rry.~~~rta, ^cting County Manager, Don Horton, ActIng ,_ ,,~iIt\:.: Mslstlnt County Manaqer¡ Burt Saunders, County 1.ttorney, Bruce '4·~~/., . :.\..~.:;r .r, ",' Appeals .nd as the governinq board(s) of such sr.cIal distrIcts as have I.... been created according to law and havIng conducted business herein, met on this dat. at 9100 A.M. in Regular SeasIon in Building -,- of the Courthouse Complex, Eaat Naplo., Florida, with the following ~e~bers presentl ~\~ ~ t ',~' ',a-;';iI:,." ¡ {;'l ~,;, ;;; I'~", . .., '; . 'I"~ ' !:'~< Anderlon, ....si~tant.county Attorn.y, Maure.n Kenyon and Elinor Skinner ,. .,..\¿ .:~ . ~~ "'i~,:é;~ . .,. 'hi -'ilt~ (,,"' \. ,.( WSiië'~ \ ~('."t' of, "," :.~~:~~ .-. ..1 .,.,., 1..,·...4 '~",4 ' '/ '. . ;'. "J~I~ .:.;~;,~". fr ¡);;~·~i~a ....,:"i\'~ ~ ,." ',J~'.. .~';~" ',.~ :, ~I 1';' .. "'''1.' - '~{. I" i'.~ , ".. . 1.1! ',-:, ~ ¿._ .,;~ J,:)..'j f\~ '.'·;··"H~; ".'¡; ',~~ \.:...... ;.r~."" ,4' .' ''''''1. .,..... .... ''¡'Ù~'1' . .:.....: " ~i: ,~.'...~ , ' ,(1!30 P.M.), o.puty Clerks, Knute Hartlllan, Public Works 1.dministrator¡ Irving Berlon, UtIlities ^dminiatrator, Lee Layne, Zoning Director, . ~\~ . I' ,- .Doug Cre.nfield, EMS Dir.ctor, Mark Thi.lo, Purchaslnq Director, Noll ~..~~~rrll~' PublIc Salety 1.dllllniatrlt~~, To~ McDaniel and MIssy Ober, t. ..Pl.nners, Crace Underwood, MministratIv. Aide to tho Board, and . 'i' I,:' ),Wl11ið. MCNulty~ Sherier's Department. )'\4t!." _~ . "';" . ~ { :",~,{~.. ..~ "j " .... ~ ( , 'j ., ·~.JI' .. \..' .. ,I / t.~·~. (" t, . " o.""~" ....,.., . ~ ~Si :J~ ~"1:\ .~ ,"~"/ .: I', : -to. ,..--\ .., ·.·t~ "'>:':1 ' 'OO( 079 'A5t 600 . "'. )" ." ; I ì,;"i . , , . .-0). ,', , ; I j \ p'~-:... ~ " \ r ~ .. :,J)" " ,\ ..'". :. ~,~"~~'·~J.t .. L " ',' '~~"4!.', ~...n........,,) ".. "118 - . - # , -'" .. ~- .'" .......... ... .. ." . ~ " . ;¡¡''*'~wri~,;-'-, \i'~:;':"~,,':;, r¡'-:'-:~"".(I'f..'f.'!1·e~~1'r~ï'!.; .' ..~.;."I':..t',\"'~'.~, .¡1 ",* , ,: \ '," '.~"~'. .', .~.. .j'. .., . . ..,'-.:¡~~' "':~j.~~.'?,~.';',I""':'.f~.;f. ;::t;:.) . .';..~. ',~~.f., ;"" ''i-4'.:,....1.:~''..,' . ;¡.~, ,~.\?~1~~:1\'::/-; ...,::;' ;;,J~,'~~;;,¿~~'(;')/r~~ry~'·'. ~' "( ;.;...i.,".' :~,.~'tt ".'ft'!¡ ~:,i I~,~"':~I.~' ."j, - .' . .;.,.."' '.' .' ',' .. ~.'4~tI.:::., .. .'."·,1 ,. '. ",L.,", ", ., "ilrIR:~ ,",: , . ~~. . . .. ' .-;' ",: :¡,:rß . , . ' ':"i/r",¡¡J· . .....~~i~ ,,:.i,J., ~' ;;'1 ,. ;l..... , \/,~', pr09r.., .":,,t~I:'(:';, · .. ",.1 ~ -'~ . ',{ :'~f :. .. I·..." ¡AI'.. . · ..I .......,. . . '1'f~.. ! ..\ .,. o! i)Þ.~ \ .; ';"::':~I~t~< I', , .II. 'f · "'1' \ '\ ,,"'. !II .', "/' /" '. .;,f ·t .1' ',\-fl . . ...:,J;.~:v ';Kr::f.f . , ......' "". }t-' '.\ ......' I <,~.,'o\': .' ',I "'¡,,;;' , " : ;':~,., .,,""1" ( . \ ,': f,~I,~:..· . ;..;..'.....". /" , ... , ' ~~,. . _ 079 mt605 .".....~'.. Tape 11 I~~~·~;~A A;~~~~·~D ;;'Ttt CHANGES I:,': O\.>~~ . .~~:~ Co..lsalo~~r ~ruae aoved, seconded by Com.lsalo~~~ Pia~~~'and ~\~C~rrled unanl.oualy, that the agenda be approved v:th ;~~ !~~~ovinq ð' . ". .)t',~",.,.., T'. . aha nCj " I , \, '\ ,," , I ", '..,':. .:::' :.';1" ~/'.:' ~~ ,¡A,,,, ~ -: . I !¡,;. a. It'e.6B2, Cell\ent Products Corporation be withdra\ffl. no- b. Ite. 17Bl be ro.oved fron the consent agenda and added as I te. llD. ~. ' c. Ite. 11D be ~oved to Item lIE. , ~ i January 17, 1984 ......\ J-" '. . '.' ~:':,. . RESOLUTION 84-10 EXTENDINQ AN INVITATION TO THE CITY OF PRIEGO DE CORDOBA, SPAIN, TO 8ECO~1 A SISTER-CITY - ADOPTED . . ~'~ Com~I..ion.r Kruse read the resolution and presented it to the 'fl,. "President of the Naples-Collier County Sister-City program, Inc. with " , , . Ispinal, Colombl.. ~ if ,'!':oJ' Co_l..1oner· Kruse moved, aeconded by COlllm18aloner Voa. and m-: carriad unanl.oualy, that Re.olutlon 84-10 extendin9 an Jrw1 tation to '1, \ :'the City or Prlego de Cordoba, Spair., to beco.e a Sister-City and f Invltln, the peopie or PrleCj o d. Cordoba to participate In saId , b. adopted. , ~ ;.':. {"'W'~'ÎL\1:·. ' , /í' ,tJ;.-;~ '.'f'. .. '; "~.!' ~. I .. . " (' ;~ ~ I'., , '. , " PIICj e 2 . ,(: ~~. '~~ '~~l~t~', .~.. ;" (". ,>~:,h;· '·.r'(,').; ;<;~:,¡ , . .'ft 1'" ~ ·1 .. '~" ,.,..,.\~ '~r1i"~~~ " ":~-: J/~f.}. ~,,> :, ',(\)0'\,; J:'t . ~ ~:'1,~ ,,'I,:. .' ·:~~~#~1 ~','~;i~""~'~ , ...",~. . ' .':'1, ' " . It~~~. : <,;':~~I<~: .."..~, ' ,;'¡{.;.(.' \'.' !. ¡¡t.'IC,~.; ;-, I ,,':1" r ',~ ~tJ ..(!;,. : . ..r.... ~ .:.;:. " " , ,~ t , " f'-:~" .. I;'· Hi!,'" .';" I, ',.,::. ;;..,. " , . ,~ ' ~ " ' ------------------------------------- L THE Bce BY . t"" . " Mr. 1.rthur Schultz, Presld.nt o~ the ^n~).rs As.ociation, Shlp-to-Shore radio to CommissIoner Kruse for the Ve..el ··Cy¡;r...· . '"t... . ~ Commls.ioner Kruse thanked hIm on behalf of the Board and . ..\1,: ~expre.led appreciation tor their help. t"'~; _." i It.. 14 , " AAt~ -..' I I . ' ., ," t' PETITION R-83-22C, LELY ESTATES, INC. - CONTINUED to 3/13/84 {',.... Co_lssloner Pi.tor .oved, .econded by Co_lssioner Kru.e and ~! carrieð unani.oully, that Petition R-S3-22C, Lely Estate., Ina. b. . .1. , ~~~~ntlnu.d to 3/13/84. I~t~. '5 . PETITION R-S2-30C, WILSON, HILLER, B^RTON, SOLL , PEEK REPRESENTING , e~ENT PRODUCTS CORPORATION - WITHDRAWN t . ,91, . ~. ~.I, Upon request of the petitioner, COllllahaloner PI.tor Jloved, I ¡~...,. ~.I.cond.d by ~o..I..Ioner Kruse and carried unanimously, ~hat PotItlon 1,'~,R:~2-~OC' Wil.on) Hiller, Barton, Boll , Pee~ repre.entin9 CeJlent 1)1,.... '. :' : , Products Corpor~tlon be withdrawn. .t!-: "-,.., · ~ It.. 16 ' ~ ~ ~. ": ~ORDINAHCI 84-6 RI PETITION R-S3-IIC, ·DR. NENO SPACNA, AGENT, REQUESTING REZONING FROM A-2 TO PUD FOR TOLL GAT! COKMERCIAL CENTER _ ADOptED " : SUaJ&CT TO AMEN~ENT OF THE PUD *...~ ~:.<,;" t. ., "j: .\ ,', Le9al notice havIng beon publllhed in the Naplel Dally New. on December lð, 1983, a. evidenced by 1.!fldavlt of PublIcation tiled wIth '.the Clerk, publIc hearing was opened to con.ider Petition R-83-18C, Dr. troN 1.-2 to PUD for Toll Cate bet~.n 1-75 and AllIgator ...t of CR-9S1 in the SE corner of Scctlon 35, Township 495, 261. ".~ .. ; ..'i. i r;·~:t·: ",Ii,,: , T·,' ~ ..' .;, ¡. 'I' r ., ,'.;','( , ,:', J. ,: ·~:~t·~ -\ ·¡\¡t~ J:~',:,: '", \ '~~. It :. . '¡:~\ ,I'" , "" .~' 1'.;:~ ~ ~ . "~'" ¡. , 'fT ,..} ','~' Page 3.1, ¡ .,to', ::.,...... .,~. \. ------------. - --' L _....."-.._"'"....._.,...._-~.,.........._<~.."..,..._..""...,...,.~.....,'--~. . ,,' ~ ::" t ,.. .' ·~'¡s;.; ';'Ill '~.:..~.:; ,':j í~ ,'.: :-: ,[ # :J: :'t~' : t': .Ii:· .<~.:. j.~t~ '..11' ", ~ ' . > r. :- ..,., " 'N -------------------- ---------- ~anuary 17, 1964 : ,~ ¡ ,,1 :I~ ,-... ¡ t Planner Ober IndicAted that the objectIve of this petItion 1. to r~%one the property to PUD to allow commercIal, indu.trlal and re.idential tourl.t u.... She statod that Staff and all County agencl.. have reviewed the petition, adding that Staff recommends doniAl b.CðU'~ the propo..d us.s do not comply with the intant of tho Comprohenslvo Plan. Sho indicated that the C1.PC reviewod tho petition And recommended Approval .ubject to amendment of the PUD docu~ent with the chang.s a. outlIned in the Exocutive Summary. Mr. TOI:I Pe.k of WIlson, MIller, Barton, SolI' Peek, Inc., stated that he Is the project en~ln.er for the project and ia ropresonting the ) petition.r. ne noted that this Is a development of regional Impact and I there i. a compànion opInion that will cover that araa. Ho r~ported, that the applicant i. narnatt Dank Trult, whIch Is a trust held by Barnott Bank for a',roup of owners. He .tated that Dr. Nono Spagna 1. the land planner and coordInator, tho biological consultants are TropIcal BioIndu.trie. of Hlami, the economic con.ultant i. FlorIda . t, Data SyDte~. of Naple., the groundwater hydrology 1. Mls.1~er , As.ociat.. from Cape Coral, and the traffIc eng1neørs are Barr, Dunlap I I , Aa.ociate. from Tallaha..... H. stated that the project need. a change of tonin9 from 1.-2 to PUD and wIll bo known as Toll Gate i Commercial C.nter, adding that this 81zo and .hape of land was creoted by the d.velopaent of the public tran.portat10n syatelft. Ue stated that i " State Road 9~1 1. the boundary on the we.t sIde, Alligator Alley Is the boundary on ~h. south side and the noar completed Interstate 7~ 1. the boundary on the north and ea.t s1de which create. a trIangular piece of property 6,9.4 acres. 110 indIcated that originally the Comprehen.lve Plan id.ntified a .m.ller parcel of land a. commercIal in that location, but en applIcation was filed for modlfy1n9 the Comprehensive Plan and wa. approved by the BCC In July, 1982, adding that the ,1 ,( .. ,.~'" . l \II1II"......" . ~ ...,~_"tþ"'.,.. _. "~'rf"'~':1 f';w.'r.'''AAI::r;t.-;Jt~.~-!~~_·''· " ~_4 . ",- ,...,.",;....,..,.", 'j. ~ -~. I" "'~~'~;¥>; .'>"1 ,"~ <~ :.'~t , '" _ " .,,,r.' t' , " ,', rl' . .......~..!tJ. ft, r...~ 'J:~ ..' , :g¡,'I: f1;~.~,~".1!,t....,:c;C',¡, '~,.' 1'1"'": ..... , \~". ..... " t ,'to ! 'i . $;.~\¡ . _ T' ':: '::' <"'. '..~, J '. . . .,~.~.. .1' ,j;..' I'r. ..... ' ':.:'.:: ~ . ; ~-------~-----------~---------~ ~i~; 079mt609 '........ .¡.... :~;anuary 17, 198~';~~' ',~',' ~~.~~,~iðera'~r~n ,~~lng that the percel ó! land, becau.. o! its cIon "( ~rt·:Jr~~"'XI,III.~y:t,~ t:~.. Inajor transportatIon centons, would not be,:.'\;~", , approprIate tor other use. other tha~ commercIal. He stated that the . ~ ~~;, I J:I,.PUD II the rezoning to incorporate commercIal use a as approprIate under ft..,¡ ,., ".' , ~'" the COlnprehenslve Plan change. .' 'i. .' , He noted that in the review by the CAPC 't';j ,~'e indlc.ted hla Interpretation o! the ComprehensIve Plan which Staff ¡tk"h~;~ taken"~;~~'e~tIon to', adding that Staff feels that some of the us.. 11\,... . '. I , },'provided under the PUD, namely tho.e of convention a~d'exhibltion ,..~..,. ".' I.f halls, department store., shopping center II, and superJllarkets are not " conaistent wlth the Comprehensive Plan. He stated that his roadlng of ~'. the Plan states that the COlI\mer lcal areas located ðdjacent to the . .. ~ \. ¥~~~~posed Inte~change of Interstate 7~ shall be deslg~~~ ~~ Inset the ~~:need. of the long-dIstance travelers, addln~ that he thinks thQt he has Mif~~~Plhd wIth that regulatIon. lie noted that the Plan atAtes that' ~,;.:\ aleeplng, eatInr,¡, and trllnsportðtlon servlces facilItIes are to be the ,'".,' p,~hlary cOlllllerchl IIcl1vl tIes. Ho stated that the restaurant, servIce r,:r:-" - . ~~ Itatlon., and motels are all perll\itted undor thl1 PUD document, addIng 't.,. . . . IF't'hat with 69.4 acres In siZlt, It il Inconceivable'thðt there were would f '1.' be that JIIany ecre. or re&taurant., servIce stations, and motelll. lie ':If' '. r I'~ ", '.. . II¡ statlnq that the propo.al Is in complIance with the . concluded by ...'it':, . ""Comprehens i ve, PIa n . ....,.' ~ ' ' . "'-,' Mr. Arndt Mueller, resldent of Haples, stilted thet he I. concerned t) ..~ n· .a to what will actually be placed on the property, adding that a ~ottl ,i~ or t'-'O and .ervlce stations would be good. lie stated that thlll ~~;'~'propollal looks like it wIll end up with a variety of every typo of ~: ' busIness on the property. *,,';~.,\J t,~;,:." , Co_Iaaloner f!olland .oved, seconded by COllllladoner !trus. and W!: · ~:-~~.rrled un.nl.ously, that the public hearln9 b. clo.ed. ~"" CommlaaSoner Holland lIoved, seconded by COJIIllis.loner !truI. and p.: " " ' , " "" I ~\~. Page S ~\;",' ~---------- ,1: _.,.-t' :1~¡1" , {·wr' ...." .' . .,. ~,.,¡c . .~,. '. .-... ............- --"_..' L , ,', "~~'" ,It".,,,,,: . . 7",~. " . ~~<.c. ""' ":'., '~' \ , , ..¡... ~,. ¡.~ . ( , l,tll:,," ,I' ',' ""i,' '..'" '. . .", ~;~. ," ' . :.~: ;~~ i 'm~' ~Q' ,,', " ~ "::~.', -."",!1) . ,-.... , 'I',"'; ..,,,," " , ,'. "t'¡ '~~i ... ... .January 17, 1984 carried unanl.ously, that the Ordinance as numbered and entItled below b. adopted, subject to ..end..nt of tho PUD docu~ant, and entered Into' Ordinance Book No. 18. ORDINANCE 84-6 AN ORDIN1.NCE MENDING ORDIHANCE 82-2 TilE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING REGULAoTIOHS FOR THE UNINCORPORATED 1.RE1. OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA BY MENDING THE ZONING 1.TLAoS "1.P NUMBER 49-26-7 BY CHANCING THE ZONING CLAoSSlrIC1.TION or THE HEREIN DESCRIBED REAL PROPERTY FROM A-2 TO -PUD- PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT FOR 69.4 ACRES TO CCKMERCIAL, INDU6TRI1.L AND RESIDENTIAL TOURIST USES IN THE SOUTHEAST'CORN£R OF SECTION 35, TOWNSHIP 49 5., RANCt 26 E, 1.ND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATEI It.. '7 DEVELOPMENT ORDER 84-1 RE PETITION DRI-83-2C, HENO SP1.CNA, REQUESTING , APPROVAL OF 69.4 1.CR!S KNOWN AS TOLL CATE COKMERCIAL CENTER - 1.DOPTED Legal notice havIng been publlahed in the Haple. Dally Newa on November 3, 1983, ae evldonced by AffIdavIt of PublIcatIon filed with the Clerk, public ~~erln9 wes opened to consluftr a Development Order of Regional Impact re Potitlon DRI-83-2C, Mono Spagna, for 69.4 acres known as Toll Gate ComÐerclal Center located between ^lligotor 1.lley , 1-75 eest of CR-951, in the SE corner of Section 35, T495, R26E, whIch 1. a co~panlon petitIon to ltea '6 (R-B3-l8C) above. Coaaissioner Kruse .oved, .eoonded by Co.~I.sioner Voss end carried, una~I.ou.ly, that the public hearing be cloud. Co..l.sloner Kruse moved, .econded by Co~l.sJon.r Holland and " carried unanlaously, that Development Order 84-1 re petition DRI-8J-2C, I be acJopUd.: ¡ " , " '. .' ',., ,..., ".. "",,,-,-,,,,,,,,,~",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,",,,,,,,-,-~,,...,,,--....._.",,,.-,,,,,.,,~-,,,,........."......,,,,,,,,-...........~,,,_.,.. .i~ ....., :~ ,~,~ -~ ,:~"t: :. :1<1', " J ,.1 '-." '" ,. ". ," ....1'....'1' . ~ , . .---.. , ....-......, ~,' f~ :::.:J - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -. - -- ,J.,nUiI ry 17, 1 ')ü4 Ite.. '8 ORDINANCE 84-7 RE P~TITION ZO-B3-9, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIVISION REQUESTING AN AMENDMENT TO SECTION 7.10 ESTATES DISTRICT BY REMOVWG PROVISIONAL USES EXCEPT 'OR EXISTH/G AND/OR APPROVED PROVISIONAL USES- ADOPTW LC'Jð1 notice h,wln1 )'!cn pub1J:.;hcd in ttlfl Nap1cIi ¡;,)11y r<fJ....~ <)11 Dect:lI\bur 20 19é1J ~nc Jdnul1ry -1, ¡")1]4, ,1& p.yJdcnccd hy ^Cfldllvlt:: nf l'ubllc<lUon £11'lu with tho.' C1.."rl<, public Iw,Hln'l ~/lI!I ((:'O¡;Cnl'a Unl:1 Jðnuary 1e, 1'Jf14. to con[1 ~nr l'utitlon ZO-iJ)-~, Community l.:uv.'¡opr.1l'l1t Dlv ¡¡ion rl'ýu<!>lL n,.I '''1 .1I:1Cnl1~unt to ".,ctlon 7. JO r:3t,'l~!J DI:;tríl;t ~'y removinr¡ pravlldon..] U5l'U Qxcupt for ~xl"tin'l and/or "pproved :~onin1 1>1 rector L.Jynll 9tiltu' th.lt tld:> "'",; brou'Jhl LJ'tCorc the no.lru lMil ./t:'cr. IIntl loH\C¡uù<;t.' '...]!) iJdoptuü tJUt ;;t.,C( 'o</.IS ,lDKetl to bring thu pro¡.>ou,, b.leK tt'¡!I ...eel< ',-ilh tn·} (ín,d 1,¡n'Ju'l'Jl'. :;hl' IlIdlcdtl'lJ :.h..lt -:ildWJ":i ;-',IVl' beon "'lIde In t~lr} Ordlnðnr." f'!'l.ICJlnc¡ thu :.;un5l·t 1.In']u...)0; pfo¡"'urty ,'Outt In'~ (or ;In .:x jtit j n') I-'rol/I :;Jon,'¡ \t,;'}, (Jr.e ...oul c; hI' .\1 101l~( t.,) oxµðnd onto . ~l'ttln'! propL'rc.¡'; it clo.!s not ¡;rC!cludl' r.!òl' rl'yJl;.l '!1" tllJprov,d of any "'~¡;llc,)llonti r('.:<.:ll1l'<I prior to Lo;lùy~s <I,lL,."; ,:.on,: '.I,,~ dlltu of ,)dnu.lry 1e, l~lI5, to ~".: ch....n'led 1:.0 J.lnu....ry 17, 1'f!!;. j·:r. Goor')\! Kelll'r, I'rc:..I.JI~lIt ,It C(Jlli"r C:ountï Civic :'t:r",rdtJc.n, utatcú th,Jt h.. iJpprO'JI'ti Wh,l t ~;t.lt C ildS pr"'3'~ntcu tld s ",1te, Com~lasloner Kruse movod, socondod by Com~lsalonor VODS IInd . carried unanimously, that tho publIc hearing b& closed. Com~ls8ioner ~ruso moved, a.conded by Commissioner VOGS and carrIed unanimously, that the OrdlnDnce as numbored ~nd entitled below be adoptod and enterod In Ordlnnnce ßook No. 101 ORDINANCE 64-7 I AN ORDLh,~CE AMENDIUG ORDINANCE 0~-2, THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING Rt:GULATIONS FOR Till: UNINCORPOR1.TED AREA OF COLLIER COUNTY UY AMENDING SECTION 7.10 (ESTATES DIStRICT) TO PERMIT ONLY THOSE PROVISIONAL U:H;S 1.ND STRUCTURES APPROVED PRIOR TO JANU1.RY 17, 1984/ TO ALLOW EXPANSION OF EXISTING PROVISIONAL USES, TO PROVIDE ^ TERMINATION DATt FOR THIS ORDINANCE, TO PROVIDE FOR PERMITTED PHOVISIONAL USES IF TERMINATION Of &IlK 079u;\ 622 Pel'lL: 7 ------ --- --- - --- -- - - -- - -- - - ---- - -- -- - - ---. --,--- c=J ~' ---., ------------------------------------------ ,J,lnullry 17, 1984 PROVISION OCCURS PRIOR TO ADOPTION OF GOLDEN GATE MASTER PLAN, PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE. DATt.:. 1te. " PETITION CRI-B3-lC. WILLI^M R. VINES REQUESTING APPROVAL OF DRI FOR GREEN "~RON PUD - CONTINUED TO 2/7/04 Commi8sionur Kruse movad, secondad by Com~i8sioner Pistor and carriud unanimously, that Pat It Ion DRI-ij)-lC, Wl111Dm R. Vinas, be continuod to 2/7/84. Itoll 110 RESOLUTION 04-11 CONFIRMING TilE FINAL A5Gt.:55MENT ROLL FOR EAST HAMILTON ROAD PAVING ASSESSMENT DISTRICT - ADOPTED !..I)'./.Jl notlco 11lIvln<) u""n publlr.hed In thc ;;,'p1(,':; ¡;.dly r.:o.!\~S on JðnUJry 1 3nd Jðnudry ~, 1994, as nvidpncud by A!ffd3vlt of rubllc~tlon fllcd with thl) Clurk, puhlic: hcarl'''i ',.;MJ o¡:nn'!u r,Q con:.lld<!r the flnlll DSSOIIBmont roll Cor tllu t.d5l 1.:¡r.II1ton kOoJd ['.:.vlne¡ A:¡5~s ò'nent iJl!Jlrlct. Public ¡',arka 1',dr.11nl~;tr,1l0r 1I"rt"1"n 5t"tlHJ U¡,)l rd5t IJI.mllcon Hoad JJvln'] h.:lB !Jecn co ~pll!tc¡j .Ind the eo~;L III ::17.:i.2 pr.r front root. f i :¡ c .01 (I ( r I :: ;) r G II " 11 :.I t., t r. <J tI, "t t h \J i n t (,. r c !) t r ¡Ill: ",.,., U l'~ b a ') \ IoIlth .\ 7 YU.:Jr ¡;..ytJ.ICk perIod, Com.issloner Kruse moved, secondod by Com~lssloner Voss and carrlud unanImously, that tho publIc hcnrinq be closed. Comalsaloner KrU8& ~ovud, soconded by CommissIoner Pistor Dnd carrIed unanimously, that ResolutIon 64-11 confirming the finnl 4saosaaent roll for tho paving Improvements of opproximately 2,500 linoal Ceot of Ea t Ha~i1ton Road, ~t a cost of $RB,13l.25 which Is $17.32 per front Coot Dnd an Interest rðte of 9' wIth 4 7 year payback period be adopted, and that the Chairmnn be authorl%ed to execute nnd the Clark to rocord said Rosolution. lOot 079.n~623 r,'gc j(1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - -- - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- ----------------------------------7--------' ~ 079f~~!ô26 Ji!nu.HY 17, 1<)[\1\ Ito. 111 RESOLUTION 84-12 RE PETITION FDPO-OJ-V-8 ny OUTDOOn RE~ORT5 OF ^MrnICA, INC. REQUESTING 1.PPROVAL OF A VARIANCE FROM THE MINIMUM BASE FLOOD ELEVATION ON It. PORTION or LOT 1, SMALLWOODS SUBDIVISION, CIIOKOLOSKEE ISLAND - ADOPTED PER STAFF R~COMMEND1.TIONS Luqal notice hnvlnq bocn publlllh~'d In th(' Naplos Dùlly NCWR on Decembur 25, 19UJ, as cvl~oncc~ by ^ffl~ùvlt of Publicntlon filed with the Clcrk, publIc hene1n,} w,'c conLlnul'd from Jllnuory 10, 19a~, to consider PetItion fDPO-DJ-V-C by Outdoor Rosort» oC AmerIca, Inc., rcquuctln:¡ /lpprovlIl o( ,~ v",rlhl1c", (ror.1 tllO minimum bllst: flood cl"v.1tion on a portion of LoL 1, h'11<111,",0(ju~ C.uhd1vl:¡lon, Chokoloskl/c 151.111<1, rllJ1lncr "',cD.)n!c1 ßt<:tcd that Outdoor Rf!50rts of IImcric/1, Inc. Iii huild1ng two comlnun¿d b.1ths, n r(,cr,'lItlon hbll .1nc1 oCflc(.' reception bulldln') for ....hlch ttll'Y wùr,t oJ ViH LInce froi11 1(, ('(~L to 8 feel. fJ.., Btlltt:d th,1t tlll'Tn """Tv r"""rvllt ¡"nr, " (pr""H"rJ "t thl' 1I5t mCf't,ln'J ,'11111,. nnd ebovc till: 1I0r/:\,>1 r'~:.,'rv, t1on:; r(:yiH'.11ng the snLcty end use of th,.. rccreDt10n h.l1l (Jurlnq ttll' l¡Lor,., "....I'Tlt. lie IItllte,J that he Will] .1!J!;UrC(: by thC' dr.vC'lopc.'r tllbt the rr.L'rC,1l!or. h.:d1 \o'ould be IIbovc lho:' [lOOL! pl.,ln, ùddinr¡ thllt tllere Iller,. µll1no to Instùll I. bnùc~; biH ,'nd dn D( dlt1onl,] comr,¡un"l bOlLI, I" t.1I" llr:;t !loor oC tlw rp.crL'<ltlon lIúll. Tape 12 I'lannL'r Mc!),1n1~1 stðt,'(j thût 11<: mC't \/1 th ~:r. Crimm, thu ðrchi tect {or the proj('c.:t, o1nd 6u'J'.Jc~tL'd tl1"t thc.' communðl bath In the re<:rcntlon hilll bu ntlltJe (I Rl'pùrat~' lIullcJirHl GO thðt 110w 1t w,)~ tlclltcd woul!.: not effect tile rc,cretltlon 11/111. III' Rtlltl'C1 tl1<1t 1( It Is on thl' c¡rounr floor it \''Ou1d fJoo~, IDted lit to,H lCIIL'l, but If 1t IG II fiCj>drr.t" building, It utlSnou or, 1t:; o...n ""!rl L. Ik noterl th/tt he su')gcstclJ th.:lt 1 { tllo Wdl1¡; or to" ¡¡n",c;': bcu wer.. ucrcent>d, It woulo bl' legal l'n.1 cou)o be UB(.'o ÙS /I scrlwn,,'I-type (Jorcl1 ....1tll no perm,¡nent equlpmc.'nt ùnl.' b. perr.'llttc( for ¡;ucli. H., litillud tt.:.t for It to be uscd liS II t>nitck l>.>r would rcqulro .:I IIcJrl<.1nce /'Ind r('su1t In higher in5UrtlnCf' r,'tf!!;. lie I'ðg~ 9 ------ - - - -- - ------ --'- -- - ---- -- -- -"- - - -- ------ C-] "'-~J L.., r'~ ~ L ~ _"'"__,_._".,"p.....,._..","'""'","',~.~...,'" ",,·....·..·'.''"''M.....· .,','.".,..'....__"......._,,"~, t:;;;J ,~ \ ~,..... : ~, . --... ~ _...~ -----------------------------------------. J,1nU.HY J 7, 19í!~ Ðtotvd th.", thu recommcnd,)tlon 10 th,:¡t .1 vlHI",ncn b" qr.,nted for lih"t aru now thu thre" ,:olnn,un,d l>ul1¡Jln': l; ,.,nd for lhe o(flcu/rocl1ptlon bul1dlnq, provided tho offlcn ~rc~ Is mudo ~ ~( cond ~tory and only tho recuptlon ~re~ bo on thu ]round floor. Mr. Jo~cph Grimm, ~rchlt~ct [or tha project, st~tud th~t the ouqqostionu LJy ',Ir. 1\<;i;,lni<:1 >X1uJJ Inhibit tho! project In :;uv('r.>l '"ÚY:I, specifically if tne b,ltll L,clllti'1s '...Ilicll contoJln ~c1un,1, uhow0.2r::;, bo.lthinq fùcilltleu ,lnll !.oilutU "\.!ru r~';nov~'d fror" tho iJhy:>ic.1l structure, which .,1:30 LOU1Jc:; tho rlcctlnq room; the co:>t would cflcù1.1tc d6 another !ound...tion, jJ1l1n<J, floor ~l. b iJnu ~tru<::tlJra woula hilVU to bu bull t. tic rnportacJ til.Jt I:; .., --Iatr I'Hlnt to tho project Intontlonll, adding th.lt If ù unil<:k O;H Wo.I:1 not ')0111'; to be U:.h:d .)t tho 10'.;cr .levatlon, c1 vc1rlc1ncQ woul1 not be nu<:~ed. 11c: :itatc¡ th,)t the r\!d:>on for the lower cluv~tlon Is to mdku It narc coJully ~çc~:>:¡I~le In the poJoplo, ;IJdln'J th;,¡t It I¡,'pµcns to b,: ¡¡(J j"ccnt :'0 thc Intcndc<1 :;..,j::1I:,1r1( pool clnd tcnn13 .:ourtß. I:I~ r,,¡..or tC:J t:h)l IJcrOUH ~a.'jtû PO.l't 2?, ! rOI.~ thCl proj.:<:t, th<>re III t\ n~.... !,Otit oUlce bullc<lnq ....hlch Ii; .It ..,n :; font olcvðtlon, ,'ddln') t!l,'t t~¡O pOUl ofUel! I:i '~)(cnpt from 10c;,] bull,:ln') .Jnd zoning controlß, dnd It In ::;i')nIClcdnt ~nC notv,",orthy thùt the deciulon W.1S m..dt: to build huJo,", trw n:ôtl1l.Jl1:Jhcu b,1!õC CloorJ cJev.Hlon. HCI stated thðt the p06t offlcu sltuntlon 13 lully ~ppll<:ahlu to thl" projr:ct. II! con.:lud(~d by :acltil1'J tt,.,t I~ 1:.1 ttw lnt{'ntlon of the potltioner to u¡;.qr~de (.nc1 rupli1c,: thl) l')(I::;tlnj l,:¡cilltlcs w¡l1ç~, Is ....hy .1 varl~ncc 13 bc:ln'~ ru¡(u!':Jtl!<j, Commis~loncr Va:;:> ;.¡uc..::.ItloncI¡ It V,)rl,dlc"3 ,'IrL' contlnu<llly qrðntcd will thu County's stdtu~ with !uderJl InHur~ncø ua jeopnrdlzurt, to which Actin') County 1'1.1 n..,.)u ( Vlrt.. rC'j}ll('u dC!1rnðl1voly. lIu.stntcd that ðll vßrl,:¡nces dro monitored ~y thu 10vurnnent, ùcl1inq thnt the 90vernmont 11.15 SOU'lhl r~'l1t:( lro!T1 d'J/:I' ()!!~ p,:¡ld out to Indivlouo11s [ran &m07.9,~'~ ñl7 P,1CJU 10 -------------~- - -- - ------ ----------.---- ---- ,_......"".~ --.. .."---. ~. ..... . ----- -----------------------------------------~. .~ 079A~62S J,1nunry 17,1')04 tho locul govcrnmuntn who Ilav~ not ~Jh~red strIctly to the r~gulotionß of th~ Flood Domaqc Prevention Urdlnancv, County ^ttorney bùundl'r:> st'Jt('d ,thùt thvrc ID D potvnt1111 for liability In the uv~nt of utor~ damuqc, /"Ie. H4nuùll Ih:nocrcon, Jr., rrcslùont o( OutcJoor Hc:¡ort& o( Americù, Inc., st~tcd that 12 ~oolle homes, 4 sing10 family rcsl~ence~, and 12 cfficiency ~otel units have baen removed due to conHideratlon of proporty IInd life. H~ stðtod that he 15 hsking to put in four structures In 1>111c(' of the 29 IJtructurcs thl!t arc beIng re-movcd. lie &tated thot the snncJ... biJr 15 m;J!nly (or th'J brcðlo:fll!:t I'copll.l, ""din,) thAt hi!> prlm.¡ry olJ)cctlvc Is o/Ic,cl:'sl>l!..dllty Cor the people thl1t 4rc slðyinc) tllI1rt:, I,,, Ir,dlcaLl'd thl'lt tit· 15 protdbiting any pe:rm,1n('nt rosldency ",Ithln th.- p.,rk, LldcJin'J th,,~ In the event tht:re In /I storrr. evcryone lo'OulC /1,1'.'e .1jCC;U,1~" :-,ot1e" to 1e,I\'[' the p,1Ck I..-Ith their v C II I C 11.: 1; , l'ir5. Cn.:!r lotl<:' "0~¡tl:l"n. rCjJrc~enLln<J the LellYuv or ¡';om~n Votcr5 reCerrcd lo lJ Øtudy U¡ Ln...· /100'. Pllo1n &tudy Cor;¡r.1Íttce: whIch WI)!I entItled "r..lvlne) In oJ fo'loo<: I'lrlln "no Coc!Jt.:al High II/lZhr( Are,," whlcl IndIcated that lhc [cJcr~1 expenditure [or (load control ðnd prevention hils beon ~7 bl1110n (rom 1')](, to l\17u. ~llo reported that tho! study also Indicated thnt reguldtlon6 to ~Inlmlzo thesc lossos worc ncccasary. :>11., ..11110 nOle"; th...t 10<':<11 ofLlcl111Ci wIll bot held responsiIJ10 for Im¡..rovll1() CloocJ plain managemunt to a gro.1ter cxtcnt thòn it haG bel:!I oon..' 1n tIlt: P<1:H. t~l1(' rcf~'rrer! to nulta brou:.Jht by citizens øgðlnbt lQc.,l gov~rnment!> rcq~rdlng varihnc~s that the cItizen!! won. :On..' in~1cutod th.:lt, ,.c..:orcJlng to ~¡r. lJorril1'fI mcr.lo to Mr. r-.cDanlcl, tho: !>tructllrt::> (or tldl' pllt1t1ofl libould conform to the: flood Olcvilllona. ~he ¡;onclud'!d by :';L"llmj tht.l [utule prolJlcm!> ....i 11 be rcmoved from thu flood program by rruvontlny variances. I'ilg c 11 --- - -- -- - - --- - - - -- - - - --- --... - --- - ---- ----- .....~ ~,Jt.I [2,'-:] c:::J ............ t =:¡- c::::r .-------.------------- ----------------- ----- J~nu,lry Ii, ;:.134 Co~.i..ion.r Kruaa movad, secondud by Commissionor Voss Dnd cArried unðnimouøly, thðt thu publIc ho.uinq bo closod. CommisøIoner Kruso moved, 8ocond~d by CommIssionor Voos and carrIed 4/1, (Commissioner Piutor opposed) that Rosolutlon 8~-12 ro PetitIon fDPQ-BJ-V-8 by Outdoor n~lorts of ^moricn, Inc., bo ðdoptod. 300( D7!J f::': B29 P."t~ t.: 1:~ ---------------- ---------- -------- -------- _.._--- --, -. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- .'"ooc D79n:'.! 632 It.. 112 JðnUl\ry 17, 198': EMERGENCY MAN~GEMENT CONTRACTS WITH DEPT. or COMMUNITY AFfAIRS FOR 'EMERGENCY MANACEMENT ~S5ISTANCE (EM1.), RADIOLOCIC1.L FUNDING (NRC), AND KAINTEH1.NC& , SERVICE RECURRING CHARGES (M'S) - APPROVED Nt'll Dorrill, I'ullc ~Afcty ^tlr'\!nistrlltor, stJ.lted th/lL this itC't:1 rel~t~Ð to a 8uries oC ~nnu~l ~mcrgcncy mdn~gcmcnt a~rucmcnt9 /1£ /I result of whic:11 QPl'roxlml\t~ly $1';,000 ðnnuolly is ruccivl!d to oCf-set tho op4.!r.:lting 4.!XpCnlhlf>. Co~ia.lonar Krus. movod, seconded by Commissioner Voss And cDrrl.d un~nlmoualy, that tho Emergency Management contrActs Cor E~ergency Management Assistance (£M^), RAdiological Fund (HRC), /lnd Maintenance' SQrvlce Rocurring ChArge. (M'S) bo approved. l'iI'JC 1 J ---- - - -- -- -- - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - ---- --- __ - - - _0__ ~''','' ~ Œ'.,il] ~ ~ -. --"-',",_.'.;..~"".._."_."_......~"._""..",~., -'. ._--.._'."....~._..._,..,......_,..." - "-'."-'-- · ------ -- -- - -- - -- - - - - -- -- - - --- - - - - - -- - - - - -... I~I: 079 W'! 64.S J...nuil ry 1'1, 19 fit, FIN1.NCINQ PLAN FOR SELECT CAPITAL ACQUISITION5 - DEFERRED TO 1/24/84 l'urchlltiln<j Dlre-ctor Thiele ¡¡tilted that thl¡¡ In 1'1 flnllnclng pl...n for cnµital ðcyui~ltJun~, clddJn~ that ß number ol itcm~ ðrc b~in<J purch/Jucd thJu (lac.:!1 year Lt'oIt the bO/lrJ 11nn npprovcd, uuch IIn .In ambuluncu IInd II lclt.'fJ),onc :1y¡;ter:ö. lit.· :n,1tr~d thlJt ht.' htl~ been Dble to cornu up with vcry good InlereAt rclto£. lit: ntated th,1t quotes h,1VC boar, lI:>kcn for I1nd one Indlvldu,-'¡ flrr.ì h> b(;ln() rccol!\mí'n(!(,d. 110 ttDtCC: th:lt the lnlureGt rntc lU being t~kun /lov~ntQ~u of by 9roupJnq IJ numher oC 1 tf.Omu to')ethc'r, II.' lil¡,le( th,1t ttl'~rl' 'Jre ~om(: Item:; th"t have not bocn purcl,i):;('cJ, .:Id(:Jn() lI"'t ht.: I:; not ...:;)(In'1 (or npl'ro....ðl of those> Item~ ilt thl:; tlr:H;, but It thl'y <Jrt. ,'r,prov.;(, I1t ,) li,ter dbtC IInd the BO,H~ wJshc~ to utJIL:(. :In...r,cln'j t:hlt. t:Hy'..11 lJ,; put to'Juthtlr unut.>r this flnilncln,) 1'1.::111. n,' n/'Jtcd tl1dt till r.,,,x ¡",U" t.'rm (or ttw telephone:. woul<1 b.: six y""r:¡, "':' ~'J th..t ;,.. I::, ,):.öKln,) thtJt bto(( he turthC'r dlrt!cterJ to look "t ,11'/ t:xl~;·.¡nj ¡-'1.ln:. .1"d cont.ildl'r r('(inaneJny th,,"\ III D sDvln9~ to th~ County. "l' :,t,H',.-I t"..t 1 f ProposJ tlon II is pati3cd, thl: (act or Jon'J-r"r.,),' <:Or.1/,o LrlO'nu, '",j J 1 I"JVt' to be ildcJres:;ccJ whIch ~'Ill malln th.! cquipmenl ...111 It,wc to tw turned bock without ð pcnLllty or tllf: County wJ 11 h¡,vl' to Inr(,,-,o liOr.It.' o[ tIll' (""pI .::y(!cu. Ilv rcportt'(I thnt So:ne of tile monic!> tÌl"r "rl' In the oon-:l for thc Justice Center nr(' (tarrnðrketJ (or t:or.1mUnlc;IL!"nr, "(JuJpr.1I'nt pUrell.'15t:, 00dln9 thct tIIO!H' (un:]¡¡ tore oJclu.::llly' twJn,,! U:10:J (or t.h,lt. but It I!'\ ¡;Irnr-oly ù t\o.'o-wny conn1un!c<)tJOII COl1soJ, ,,'toleL J~ vt:1r,r¡ p"relllltiC(:. COfn/T¡l¡¡:llon,>! /.ru:>l :;t'ltt.·J tll..L hr.t: 1:; not con,lort,H,I" witt. bJy1n'j on time, lIùdlny t 1i1t ::>nc cùn unucrstund ltder:or.1InUnlc,;¡tlon::; <.!ljuJpmt:nt but not purchl13Jnl.) vc~¡jelcs on tInt:. f'l¡,c:,1l Olticcr ('11t.·£ IH.Ht.'j lIl/It he think::. <)':tl1nJ Involvt:J wilh I'M) t· 1" - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ C;::''7J CLd r:""~ ~ L' . ----. ~~ ~ I.-.J -----. ------------------------------------------- J.lnudry 17, 1'.:';1. ln8t~1lmunt purcM~sca ~nd oh1ig~tlnq futurn YQ~r~ ~( County lunds tihould IN ..apµro..achctl ..I th " lot oL c.:.ut.lon. lie Ht.Jtc( thdl v.lch IlI'm should bl: looked ,ll on" on,,-to-on(' li..sl::;, dtJtI[n'1 t~I,H, '::;.1 'Jl'lne'r,11 policy thi¡¡ typu of (In"ncln., :It,ou!d La' ..vol.h:d. t:~unty ^ttorn.:y :;"unÚC'rs ;';l.1tt:c1 that ):5 loneJ ..:1 tt..,c',' I" :: t.HM!lIlItlon [)rovi:;\oll foc non-..pproprl,Jtlon of (undo c(.¡nt.dn'.'d In :'II'~ 1~dJål'!-purcth1~t: ,)qrf",at:,t1~nt, !rom d ¡.:rJdl 5tiHtlJpolnt. thu :on:r,1ct c,~n b-.: cnturcd into. IIC 1;t,lt:Jd tl1'-'l :;(.!ctlon ~.2 ¡Hovl'.k:; for tI..:..l tcrnln,¡tlorl ~y thu County, lIler.docc, th¡~ contr"ct Is 1 'J'j., 1 , fl:JC:ill ülllc('r (;11c:¡ :-¡till~J tI'dL in II plcc(, ,"c...1 f":.Jhlon It I:. hllrdcr to kc~p tr~ck of and L~com~3 moru ddnqcrouD. COr.1ml":5lon~r t:ruäc ¡¡t,ltc'd tlloJt L~,,, t.:l..,.:or,r.tunlc"tlon~ 5y:¡t','r:\ should h", 5cf'lIr.1ted r rom the oLher~;, I' u r <: ~ oJ :J 1 n <J !J I r.: c: t" r .'1 Ii (, 10 :a,' t"" t ~"I t h \~ ',10 tJ 1 CJ h " V t! to b r I II g ùnotl1er contr,Jct t,¡,lck next W','''~. L>'!C".1I :;'~ 1 ( Lhl1 ,l:~ount I:; o)r'vÍ.',tcc1 by 251 or norl1, thcn· r.1dY ;.)u ... ,:1 f [('re'llt !ntcr'~5t (,ltC. H'_~ :~t., lC"I,J ~~I"'" t thc Interc5l rùte Is ?9~~ for ~ny nnp nf t/1e~u Itum3 at thJ3 tlr.1c. County ^tLorncy :;.1un,lur~ 5t.,te"; th.1t .1:1 r.,r :15 tl1(! If..·'J,,IJty of tilt! proICO:H,1, /", 11,H. no prob1Hn"I, 1-'1:;.:.11 crrIecr ('IJ"u St.lte\! th"t /1" I~ not :';'ltlflfl.HI 111U, ~h.: pro¡Jo:;...l, ,HJJ1nl lIl.:Jt tlil'rc ,'r" .-,re..:. It,,1t 5nou1d b', 100itc(1 .1t. II.' Indlcatc¡J thdl )W couJ'J C:Or.If..' b,lCk ',¡Jll1 r·~co"1\I1",·rHJ. tlon~¡ on Ills pcr:!on,)l judgement on it dt thu next board r.1t1ut!ncJ. He :;tateeJ thðt the UO<1r¡J ~hou1d be 1ooÞdn<. aL "<1el1 ot t~1!!:JQ nollter:;. CommissIoner Voss moved, oecondect by Commissioner Pistor and c':Hried unðnilllously, th.1t the financing pllln for select cllpltul acquisitions be delorred untIl 1/24/34. &OOK 07gF~~t64.9 P; <JC 15 . ------ - -- - - - - - - - _. - -- - - - - - - -- -- -- --- - - - --- -- ------------------------------------------ noJ. 019 f1 :¡ 650 .JlInu,1 ry 17, 1984 ..... Recesal 10107 A.M. - Reconvened I 10115 A.M. ..... Ite.. 114 SHORT LIST FOR SEWEll DISTRICT -^- WATER TESTING SJ::RVICES AND AUTHORIZATION TO NEGOTIATE A CONTR1.CTUAL AGREEMENT - CONTINUED ActIn] County Mðnny~r Vlrtn ~tðted that this It~m nueds to be continue() . Com~lssionor Kruse moved, 8~conded by Commisaioner Pi.tor and carried unanimously, that the short lIst for Sewer DIstrict -^- Hatcr Testing Services and ðuthorizction to negotiato ð contrcctual agreement be continulfd. I tern I H CONCEPTUAL 1.PPIIOVAL TO N£GOTIATE fINAL AGREEMENT BETWEEN COLLIErt COUNTY AND COLLIER COUHTY SCIIOOL !.IOAHD fOR JOINT USE Of PROPERTY ADJACENT TO AVALON ELEMENTARY SChOOL FOR EAST NAPLES COMMUNITY PARI< TO BE BROUGIIT BACK TO BCC - APPROVED ',c:tlng "s~;llSt'Jnl l(JUflly 1'..lr""-Jl'r hortorl :It.'tcd th"t hI! 1:; sl!4'kln') COflcl' Jtual apI·rov..] to l,n,,, till: ¡:>ropo::¡cd o<jrl.'C'It,cnt to the School ~o.Jrl! ....hlch ....111 11<),1111 lh.' 1){OIIo]:':' U,H:I: lO tl,,~ bCe: (or fin;,} dpprovill. ¡" stated thllt ttu:o I,r0f'l'rt~· 1~ 7 ,lcrC's thi1t the: ~chooI uOilrd own!), adding thoJt trll'y Iltlnl to cnlt'r t:lv ,hJf(:CHl~'nt 1/1 orue:r to ,10 tile M.1Gtl'l r16nn111':1 (or thtJ~ p.:.n, tlte to In<.:lu.ic the 7 /lc:rcn. lie.' IIt,'ted th/lt therc i)rc curll:ntly 60/:1'2 [t.lcllltics on the nIt!! thllt have bocn provIded by the.' County. II.: !1ott:¡! lh.lt tit" turr:1 o( the agrel!mcnt 1s ';0 y".Hß w1th .1 10 ycür oplion, d(JClln'J ttlr.:. tIl ()ugl1out th.,t pcrloCJ the County will hi)V~ Gole dlHcrctlon In t~r~ln~LI!1q the lI~ruemcnl with ~ix months noticf1. Ife r(.(Jortt·u tll.'t 1111 tht~ (",'lIlt I",:; d!1d ffialnt"n.1ncc ....ou1.~ b,' prov1th:d lJy tll~ LOlJnt>', nalintJ U,.::l trlure 15 1'1 stlj>ulilllc;,rI In tit" contract th.::t Indlc"tt·:; Il l~ tho; (:ounly'::; 1I!!cU;1on nfi to Io'h!!n tl.I facIlItIes will UI: plðcl.'u tIH~rt· or Jmprovt<ò. /It' St,Hcc.: th~ll tt (,r., would be joint cpprov,.l by th~' County dn:J thC' ~chooI HO,HC n:ql'lru1n9 the fllcl11t1cs at the ~1tl.. I'~H]" 16 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - .- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _.- .- - - - - --- ~ L..:.;;.;;::';'-': c::J ~ 'i.%' ""'-t' '~",,, . : I -.~j~'''';'''I!;'~~~'( .,.......,~,' .. ',';..~j\':',;.::>, ',(:':,;.~~~~~'i.<".~/~.:*/:-~, L '---, ", ..--.¡ r-::--, ~ -- .------------------ --------------------. J.II)U,1[ Y 17, 1:' 'J.; COlluaissioner Holland moved, tlecondwd by CommIssionor Voss anti carrietl unanimously, that thu concoptual approval to nGgotl~te ~ finol agreement between CollIer County and Collier County School Board for joint use of property ðdjdccnt to Avalon Elemont~ry School for East Naples Community Pork be approved ond brought b~ck to the BCC for finnl ðpprovðl. ItelA tl6 ' ItERBERT L. LUNTZ APPOINTED AS EMPLOYEE RELATIONS SPECIALIST AT 17.5' ABOVE THE ENTRY LEVEL - APPROVED ¡\ctlng Cuunty 1'1<'1n')'J"r V! r~,1 ,¡t.Jt,~u t~¡'JL he nl'el :; t11~ BOI'r,¡' ~ conß!tlt:riltion for tile oJppointr~cnt 0: :'1r, Lunt;; "s e:~ployp.u r.'L,t1or,:; spcci~li3t abovu thu entr¥ leve!. 1:,_' ::;ttllt:d ttl'Jt tl)f~ Pf~r~onnr~l r:ulf:~ .JnrJ HCI)uli1tlon5 Ind!ci,L,' t:,.lt t:,~, ,'iHI,\()'H :'l,'y ''I_pro'/c up to 10'.. "!:Jov') the cntry l,,'vel I C Ill" r"l lJ r'.':~,·nt.:¡ ,He ,II,OV'1 U:O,-;" UI,lt ..r~' r.¡lnL,u:, (or tho po~itlan, It" 'it",rl'l~ Ulllt "nytldrl'J ¡,bO'l1: thl" un requires tilL: llo,lrd's .:q,'prov,'l, ,Jo'Jlnl} ·ol..lt 1.'1 ìnL,'rvic....inc; the ,tf'fJlìç...tlon:.i t'or trill Pf'!r.3onncl t;ircctor, ",r, Lunt.: \,..:; :¡.'l'·Clllt! ,)nc! int(Hvl,~wo!rl on t~IO occanions oJnd ~(~"m:¡ to l'" ":<Lrl'r.1I!Jy .,.,11 '11¡\tl',J Cor tIll.' r'o'yu.:ntc( ¡.>os i tion. COI~rni G:.iloncr V'1;;:¡ qUl':;;tlunc(J r ;':r. Lunt;: h,,:; bu,'n int'~( vl'.'w,~(: ty the new 1"1rllonn,·1 úic"ctor, tn which ^c.:tll1<j County :'o\,'\n.-l'1I-" Virtil ~;tiltl'd 111.lt h(.' h.l~ not u"..n i/1t~·rvl.:....,'d by tlol' ,'1'~w ",'r"o/1n...1 Of c...ctor but :11' h,IS tJi¡¡cu:,:;..·¡ tilt' nùtLur Iii u, t:1<:",. ,il' ,': to, tl"J t r,,, t tlt!!: dc.:t on tooi( pIoJCQ prior to tnl.! nUH h~r"o/1n(!l Dlr.'ctoc's "rclvill In Collier County. County ^ttornny ~~unJc:r3 ~tntud LhoJL undur th" ~xißtlnq County 11oJnilqc:r':¡ OrJln"ncl4, t:l(! COU/1I:y "·:.)/hJ1l,r mõ,kC5 tile (1I1<:1.510n dO to who !I; to uu Itlruu, lit,! otoJtu~1 theH U,, only l:;:;Ul' I!: the 8,,1.:.ry c¡uc'!! tlon. Commls:.iionc:r I-'I,.tor ~t.)t·..d tll.lt in viI·.... of t/¡'J tiqllt hlJd'Jt.:l, !II.! yuc3tlons I:h~ i:Jc.:. of !';toJrtJ!1' :.¡o¡~(.'on~ ,17.51 ~bovlI the .;>ntry luvl'l. COr:1ml:1bloncr lIolLtnò :.;t,:t<.'" th.lt It W<lS COr.1r.I1:IGionl4r VQ:I:¡' ,¡nd aoO( 070f~~t 651 P¿\90 1 '7 . - - - --. - --- - --.. -- - - - - _. - -- - - - - - - - - - - -- - - -- - -. -.- - - - -- ,"'\!\i,~~''''t·.'~ L> :\' -- ----- -- -- - - - _.- - - - - -- -- - -- ----- - -- - - --- .. 019(~\\652 CommiBuion~r p1~tor s J,)nullry 17,191'4 Idt!d to ....1y tile for ';\,;r M.cl!.!.,¡nt County M.1nl)'jl'r ! 0 r h 1 G rut u r 11 t r 1 ¡:.. Oil C k to h 1 b Co cr...,' r E.t.1 u. . To Comminsloncr VOG¡¡' ljuer;tlon, .I,ct1nC) County MiJnögcr Virt,' slÐtCct th.:Jt tllu only }10::llllon5 tt,.;t cclrry r.lor<.: rC5l,on~lbll ily or.., tlcpartr:lont hellds, lidding th,n no dcP,Ht:nl)nt 11\)/1<1 rnllkcs It'D!! than the ~20,724.~1. Com~l.sloner Holland movou, seconded by Commissioner Kruse and carried 3/2, (Com~1..ioncrB Voss and CommlsBlon~r Pistor opposed), that Mr. Horbert L. Luntz be /lppointeù os Employee Rolations Specialist lit 17.5\ IIbove tho entry levcl. Itum 11 7 COMPETITIVE BIDDING FOR PlmCIIASE ON 1.NNUAL CONTRACT DASI5 OF ANHYDROUS AMMONIA FOR TilE COUNTY REGIOIIAL WATER SYSTEM - WAIVED. CHAIRMAN AUTHORIZED TO SlGN EQUIPMENT LEASE AGRr.EMENT WITH BOWER 1.MMONIA , CHEMICAL CO. FOR RENTAL OF STORAGE TANK AND SUPPLY 0' ANHYDROUS AMMONIA Utlllll,,:. ,\dr,¡)nl!1tri.olOr ber,on sl,Ilc:; th.Jt lie 1s rcquestlnr¡ U" rv'- uirumenl6 {or till' COr.lfH:tlliv<.: l)lc.:~; (or llll' purchDSc of DnhydrouH "O\t:'Ion1,.~ tJl.· \owl" Iv\.~'J l)f~(;...)lJ~\"· ot ltlf rl.'(lhon:.; !'l!l forth in thl' lX(~CUliv(' :;Ulf.m.. ry d,:¡ l"d 1 / 17 /1, ~. Ill' notc': lh,1l there i\re only tWO f 1 rm~ th¡,t h,HIC tt¡j;¡ r.ldlerLd ......dlo~l(' ,In (I tlH~ one th,~t 15 tJclny rccomr.1(:n¡;('{~ 11> 1J0wer ¡,mmonii.o /, Crlcrdc,:l Co. a;¡ tn" luwcs!. lddcJut. lie 9tdted thi,t he n~cùs (llJlhorlzdtlur\ tu ('ntur inlo on l~qui(,rM~nl lC/lsl' Cor tht- u£(.' of lh" storllyc l,)nK on <HI annu.\ I LJ,,;¡l ,;. Comllliasionor Hollðnd moved, seconded by CommIssIoner Kruse IInd curried unanImously, thot the competitIve biddIng for the purchðso on an annual contract basis of ðnhydroua ammonlð for the County Regionlll ~ater Gyatem be waived /lnd that the Choirm~n bo authorized to sign an Equipment Lease 1.greement with Bowcr ^mmonia , Chemical Co. for the annual rental of the 5torðqc Tank at $1.00 per year and for the supply of anhydrous ammonia at $.24 per lb. dcllverecl, In minimum of quantitius of 2,000 lb. for II period of one year. l'.:IljC Ib -- -- ---------- -- - - - --- ----------------------- C:J C8 """'-""1 ~ ';"-' I 'i' "";'.~W...~fX~Î:Ji"-' '1.\';Ì'1<'~*f,.¡;i-~,S·,~~<,'\~~i , "^'''~';t'':''~~~'';',',/I< <~:"":' ·_--- - - - hI') ~ I ~, --~--------------------------------------~ .. Ð79l'1jt656 11' JtESOLUTI0H CALLING FOR ReFERENDUM ELECTION TO BE IIELD 3/13/801 Rt: MILLAGE TAX TO FINANCE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS FOR COMMUNITY PARKS - TO BE: BROUGIIT U1.CK WITII I'IILU\CE FleURES FOR BCC TO RECONSIDER FOR NoveMBER BALLOT Jilnuðry 17, 19ß4 Commllu¡loncf IlollllntJ yucltitlorll!d \o.'ho \oI,lntcd thC:H~ documentc drilwn ðnd pltlcc('! on tlll~ n')endil, to whIch County ^ttornoy Sllund~rl!i fltðtCcJ thilt O..1ch o( the Item::: f¡;qUI!OlC'c) \oIJS eithef throll'1h Stllfí or through the: l!CC or ao inùlviduill Com~lssloncr. Commlf1ulonur IJolluntJ stoJtl"(1 tl1lJt pol icy 1/; th.,t th(' bOllrd rctjucct:-, th~:i(t Ilf.'~s. County IIttorot·y :,"luncit'rl.o ~ldtud th.:Jt thu I:CC liCll! the polley, but Sta(f 10 rC1Iut'/Jl1n'J U"n ccrl,lin It~m$ /)~ prcflunted to thE! I.JCC Lor their conuidcf~tion. ,\ltt'f,' 1en'jtliy dl:.¡cur.:;ICln C:o;'m¡~;:;lol1"r f1ro\oln directed County ^ttorncy S,1undC'f:> to 1!',l'Ct ~:Itil c,Jch Co::,r1!!òü!onl'r to COi"'C up wilh ~ WOfld,,') 1-'0] Ic1, County ^ltofnr¥ :;'uU"rjt'f:'; !;t"tl'd tn<Jl l1e .,ould put tht: itt'l"> on ttw agcnt.l., for next Wt'CK. I"',r. GCOf<jl' 1-:\.'l1(.'r, l'fCHi<.!...nt of Col1it:r County CIvic t'odcrÐtlon, nttlted that ht, wou]d not h''''L' /1ny o:"j"cl1on If thtJ re(C'rcndum W,HI (or o Jer<llirlf) I:OJ.t:; ,.n,: nOl cr.p! t,'¡ !t:1t'rOVt'r.1l'nlb, ~\r. /",II\t' /."WII]K, fL'pr.':;cntincj tht' North N'lf'It:¡O; CIvIc A"~o,=i,1lion, stll~eJ tlliJt h.' 15 01>1,0::'\.'(, tu lid:; rC{l!rCrlùur.l, I1dLl!n.) tlllll ther\;: ill nothin'] lhllt !n(.lc"ll;tõ "'¡Io:t lIh: r."'¡ll(,;¡c l"'¡lJ l)('. County I',ltorn~'y ::'"unl:ef" :H"tHeJ tl1ðt the. tJo<lrc \1111 hl1vc to cJutcrJlllnl' wll,1: tl1" f:11JI..,)t, \,111 Dl' UI1f1Cd on \/Ilolt I:..: prcSf,nl.,t! tI,l;... dDt." (,ùdln'J tll.)t /1" w~:.; not prov!útJcJ \o'lllI the IIctuDI r~lllcgc. ~;r. Zc\o'a lk st"tcd lb,'L th,,' ~h 1'.11110/1 r./1ould bl.' ßjJt'nt befoc' any thin') clue I ü uunc. 11<, :;ti,tf:l: tI1,~'" the bon!.!s were to bc tor ¡nnd - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -'-- .- - - - - -- - - - -- -- - - - - -- - -'- --- E",T;, ";1 '¡¡ ,"¿J ~f',:lJ" . . ';j,' .~ o::::J '" ~ L..;; . ., , _I c=J ----- - ------------------ ------------------------ Jdnuo.lry 17, 1'.i~4 '>C4uisltlon, dC/ni'jn, ';onutructlon .1no 'H ulp¡J1n'l o( till:: ?,1rKs. tl~ Indlco.ltcd th.lt ..(t'!r thu ~3 r;,11110n 1;; Sp'Jnl '!dcil ,:o:nmunlty parle (~ou]" t.hun tjcr.id~' 1 r th,:y '",.Jnt r~or ('. Comrnl"~lonar Holl"n~ Ðtyl~rl tn"l it III not po~uiÞlc to come up ....ith oJ (ICjure to LJ~ put in ~nl;. I':liolutlon <It thl::; tl;,¡u untl1 all l.:nd purch,Ú;1! I" conclucl~<I. COIT,r.1IJ,¡loncr ;(ru:>e -Juuutlun", \.iIIY toi.; ('ould not '-i0 on tho rU(Qrcndum In lhu (,]11, ~t which tl;,¡u ~ [l~ur~ could ~~ dctcr~lncM t..',1~1 cr. County I\ttornuy ~aundur:i "t.lted thoJt It could '~o on t: (' l;ovcmbc:r bllllot, but if It iu to ~)() on the r~.Jrcll billIot, D!I proposud, iI duci:;ion must bu r.1o.1dn this Uo.Itc. CommissIoner Kruse mov~d, seconded by CommIssIoner Voss and carried unllnlmously, that the Resolution calling for II reforendum olection t.o lH! held 3/13/04 on tho question of millage tax to !inllncl;! capital improvomønts ðnd oporating cost& of Mðrco Island, East Nðpleß, North Haples, Im~oknloe, and Goldcn Gote Community Parks be brought back during thu au~m"r wIth mll1llge figures for tho acc to reconsider for thu Novem~r ballot. Itea U9 RESOLUTION 84-13 CALLING FOR COUNTY-~IDE REFERENDUM ELECTIOH TO ÜE HELD 3/13/84 TO APPROVE A SPECIAL TAX L~VY NOT TO EXCEED .33 MILL TO OPERATE AND EQUIP ^ COUNTY-WIDE EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES PROGRAM - ADOPTf.D. Public ~oJfety AJr.dni! trIJlOr r,~Hr III tlt'-ltCcJ Ulilt thla ruque~t provide~ for oJ morl' t)nllllnccd <1d v,l!oru:n Hup¡lort~d EMf; !lcrvlc4!, iJ( <1inq thdt oJ milld9c Cil~ h~s bc~n identified ~nd Cdnnot be excecded unless It iu t.lken bcJc~ to tl1~ VOlers. Jlt:! 5t.ltl':1 l!l,}t this rctcrcnc.Jum provIdes for cJ milldqe c~p not to ~Xcccc.J .J) ~111s, ~hlcl1 ðmounts to SlG.OO por home b,}sud on ~n oasosscd tdxablc v~luc of $50,000 or $32.00 pcr YUbf for an ðsseßøe~ to.lxðble v~luc of ~lOO,nUn. aoo~ 079 ~m 657 I'c1IJO 20 . -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - -.--- '.' ..'t :.'~,¡¡;~~;> ·~j;ït~~~~~Ø:~~~f..:: ,.."Ji-""." ,.' {'4"" ¡¡i;~.':f<'''~;~f:' ' L" " ----------- ------------------------------- &eO( 079t~~65S Jdnuðry 17, 190~ (;olf.r;¡iøBloncr 11011.1nll ¡;lùtot.! that tl.., "".tu tot"l1y In fllvor of thin rofcronuun. 11<: < uuul1one:u 1£ lhIJrc wO'Jld b" IIny problem with thlIJ ill( far .:II> the budlJct I» conc<:rnp.d, to which HsclJ1 Officor Giles totdtceJ that thcrc shoul~ not be any budgetary rroblu~fi. He stDt~d th.:lt the 8ubJect of bllllnq plltJcntr. nced!! to bc dlscus:JIH': by thl' lIo/lcC:. Comr;¡lsslon(;r lIolllJnd 5t,1t..,d tJI,)t It 19 hit; undcrut~ndlng ltwt It would be $~O per trip, f.:~i!; Director CrccnCI~'lrl (,toll"" th"t thore could bc 1I flat roto chllr']c th.:lt thl! COr:1rodtl~lonl'c~; ..oult! .Jpprov~ by WilY of Ordln,1ncu, roth,'r ttl"n try ,'nd rl'liolvl' tile I.:;",,,, oil thl:; llrr,e. lie SléJlcd thnt he !l1rr.ply wonts tlli~ rcl"c,·rtùU¡¡' ,'pf'rov...d for thr: /",.,ccl1 b,dlot. Com~iUBionor Krur.c ~ovud, H~cond~d Þy Commisslonor Pistor, that Re.olution 04-13 clllllng for County-wide: referondum election to be hold 3/13/84 to ðpprovc II specl/ll tax levy not to ftxcoed .33 ~Ill to oporate and equip a county-wide emergcncy mndicol sorvlces program bo adopted. ~IC. GeOl)!. I;cll..r, I'rl'r.lo'-'nl o( the CollIer County Civic fcdl:tðtion, tòti't.;'cI tll"t thc' h::.i"rntion I~ 1I'.Jllln:;t thc rcfcr~nc::ur~, adding that it ...ill cnJ up ~o:;dng till' citizen::; of Colll.'r County too much and tit.: peol,l." tJI,)t Ulle tl..: ð;,t>ul:¡ncu should be tIll: onc:t; to P/lY for It. ~r. !:<]on lJiII, CII;drmdn ol I:.M~;f\C, !il,HCid ttl.H wh/Jt Mr. K!!l]C'T ref,"rrcd to Iii Incorr~'C'''' ,H!,;¡ng that thl'((' Is IIn C'xccllC'nt dCfJortment thdt dellln wltl. colh'Cllol', of Lt,l' oU.,:;t,1n;j nlJ cJ,.bl1¡. /1<: Indlcatt:e: tl1l1t h ~ 1 Gin l ð V 0 r 0 r U'¡:. r \. l " T .~ n r; U:'.. Upon call for the quoDtlon, the motion cerrled unanlmou81y. P¡HJè ~ 1 - - _.- - - -- - - -- - - - - -- -.- -- - -- - _. -- -- - - - - - -- -.- - - - --- L",..J ,.---] ......,". c.::::J 'L' - " ¡ -- ..........~ ------------------------------------------ J,¡nUiHY 17, I ~?I, Ite. 120 RESOLUTION 84-14 CALLINC FOR COUNTY-WIDE REPERENDUM EL1:CTION TO BE HELD 3/13/84 TO APrROV& ^ SPECIAL COUNTY-WIDE TAX LEVY NOT TO EXCEED ONE-QUARTER (1/~) MILL TO FINANCE COUNTY-WIDE WATER POLLUTION CONTROL PROGRAM - ADOPTED County ^ttorn,)y ;';111H1uCJr:.; :.;t,ltcu tl,,'t tllU t:xccutlvl> ~U","'i.HY ulscu~lIc!l Lhe Io/Jtcr [~()11'Jtiún pro'jr"m, Mldln') tll"t th.: b¡1l1ot ',ju'):ltlon on tl)C l:xucutlvo Su"\:;wry l:.¡ not 1(;0'\ correct, 1':.It tne r,r!)µoz...a rcøolutlon 1:.; corrpct. COr.1mi:';:jloncr '.'ù:¡:.; f.toJt'1t1 U1,lt the I:IO:.lt lr'lI_ort"nt ({'source Uh't Colll.!r County h,'1l 15 t:Il' ¡.ot"l)l" \ooIt\ter, ",JiJlng ttJ( l thurc I:¡ ð ¡JrollCurlltlon or Sl'w,HJII trCi1tn,..nt p1.,nt:J ...11 oV,J( tile County "5 "'011 ..a dlsposiI) oC :J1ud')c hy hon0.yUII'PL'r:>. lie lnulc·ltP.r1 that It 1:1 n<;lt r.",:'11y known ",h"t h'lpp,·ns to thl' D"ct'rri" ,lnd vlru:; tll"t: m.1Y be In tl1dt, P':Hllculdrly If It I:.; ul\tr(',ltl'd. lie !It,,tcd th.lt hc 11,1:1 proposen lhdt such J 3tuc;y tH' mðdl' tu det'ifl:1! n') ho\ool [.,r hnr I zont.illy ,'II wcl1 015 vcrtlc,llly the hl1ctcrLl /Jnd vjru:¡ ~.,1Y (:',ilJrl!ll' {ror.1 :¡luuc¡11 rJlJpo!)lt~, .Ind what 1~ r.'qul rc(J In the "'''y of ,of (l\ cntr;. It~ :¡t.1t"d tll.lt thJ:1 !:turly 111 vIttll to :it,lft d pro'Jrðm now to d~·t,·rnln'! ...,hJt ne<lrls to be done to protect ttw oI'jul [.'r:1. Commissionor Voss movoü, SftCondcd by Commll1810n~r Plstor and carrIed unðnj~ous1y, that Reaolutlon 04-14 cðlllng for a County-wIde roferendum electIon to be held 3/13/34 to ðpprovo a apocial County-wide tax levy not to exceed one-quðrter (1/4) mill to fInðnce County-wide Water PollutIon Control Progrom be adopteü. UK 079r1~1661 I'ò' ~ 22 . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- L ¡=:J ---. I.-......J ..__.J - - - - - - - - .- - - - - - - - - - - _. - .-. - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - 1JtJnUdry lï, lr)~1 1 It VIII '21 RESOLUTION 84-15 CALLING ron A TAX REFERENDUM ELECTION TO O~ IIELD 3/13/84 TO APPHOVE ^ LEVY NOT TO EXCEED ONE-OUARTER (1/<1) MILL TO FlNMlCE THE OPERATION OF TilE MAnco ISLAND BEAUTIFICATION i'lUNICIPAL SERVICE TAXING UNIT - ADOPTED PUb Ie "'or"~ ".:mlnilölr.Hor I,Ht~rln ~¡t.ltIJC lli,)l lI:urr' is ,\!CI:,1dy .1 Municip.d ::.~rvlcp. 'f.1xin') 1~1:;trict for o'^;.¡rco ,1nd t!:orr. nr.f1U3 to ~J:1 ,1 v 0 t <> II (: I !I t r 1 c tin u r J () r tOt ;, ~. .) trl" ( :I i !.J t r I<.~ t 0 U ( 0 ( UI(: Co LJ n t 'I t" x Cðp. ¡i~ :.L.ltvd lh"t ~11() l,,·.lutlfl<:.1I.lon ,1i:arlcl ¡:¡ \nt.:rc~t(:r! In dol"1 th.1t buc;¡u:;e Lh,~y 1I"vI: n'H'cr :).:..n ,,1,1,· to r¡L't U,,' llli 11;"Jc h:vy thùt 1'1.1:> .IuttlorlzooJ Inltl,.lly In lIòf' ùr<1lnnnce .~str,bl1~hin' th,' dl"trl-:t \/"Ich W<1S up to l/·j MilL Ilc ~tdt':IJ tho',t 1.11<: 'ioted r,ll l'I<Je Jg the :;.1111'.' ¡,.] ..,15 In thu ui3trlct III'L'1\ It ....11.1 ¡Ir:¡t ']nt"b1i:;nl'J, :1c1(~ln'J tll..t If tht: reffHendum ,-,nou1d (;'11, ~I\(! ,¡Larlct ",111 r"~I/ ln ti,e :;¡,m._' .~;_I It I:; currently, Comlllltislonur l'lntor moved, 8t!conded by Commi8510ner tJoll~nd ;,nd carri<ld unanImously, that H~:'501ution 84-1~ callIng Cor II tax rcferar ,~IUi" electIon to be hold 3/l3/M4, to ~pprove a levy not to excep.d one-quarter (1/4) mill to ( nllnce the operðtion of th" MIHCO luland Boautiflcation Municipal Servlca Taxing Unit be adopted. e:IDK 079 mt 665 P t"HJ (., :~ ~ - - - - _. -- -- - _._- --.-- - - - ------ ---- -- --- --- ----- I ...~_.. ~ ~- ~~ -'~~ -- - - - - - - - ~ - - - - - - - - -- -- - - -- -~ - - - -.&... - -- - - - - - -- - - - - - _. - - JI:nIJ,\ry J 7, 1 ';:;1. aelll 122 RESOLUTION 84-16 SETTLING CASE IBJ-2136-CA-OI-Tß, ISABEL COLLIER-READ, ET AL V. COLLIER COUNTY ET AL, BY PROVIDING THAT PET. R-83-17C BE hPPROVED - ADOPTED. ORDINANCE 04-0 A/'IENDING ORDINANCE 02-2, TilE COMPREItENS I ve PLAN ZON I HG RtGU LATI ON5 ~'OR THE UN 1 NCORPOHATCD AREA OF COLLIER COUNTY, BY CMNGING TUE ZONING CLflSGIFICATION FROM A-l TO PUD fOR COLLIER ENTERPRISES, REPRESENTING THE FORD MOTOR COMPANY - ADOPTED County ,\ttorn....y :>oIundur:J ~t.:>tl~ct t:I.)t tI)j!,¡ r(~qut':Jt 1:; to :~,,·ttl,' C.Hlll No. ßJ-;lJr,-c."-(~l-Tr.!, ",:Jln'J Lllùt tll.~r., "ru :.!cv,.'c,'¡ r ~prt.Hit:nt.)ti\'l~s of th·- p1dntl£:: hf'tl': t.0 :; .ìL·()k.. Comml!1..lonur Uro....n :;t.~tl"1 tl1.1t on (;o;:toU'Jr Ie, ¡'J:JJ, 11,' vo:.c,o ð'.lðlnut ^¡.>prov,d 01 ""'Lltlon 11-'))-1'1<':, ù :-"Jtltlon to rC!zon.., I'r0i'''rty In the 1I.,utorn I,ortjon of <.:0111,·r County from 1\-) ¡"Jrlcultu.',)l to I-pun to porm1t th.., con9truC'tlon o( " I"ord ~"OtOI COlnpllny V....hicl.... ~:v/duatlon Centur 'HI (hlSer il>,'cJ In till' ('Uj) uoo;:u:nent. II,' r....port':" th,lt he :11'.1 so IJCC.]U!lll, ût ttl.1t t!r,H.'. Ill' (,..It tll,'t It W.,>I In th'J bU5t intr:rl'st o( Co111ur County ta ¡Iuny tll'" I."tltian, ,"(il,..'1 t:I,lt ,~Inc,~ Lh,1t dJtP, hI' h/!II r.V.'¡Uðt·)( ",d·jltlo".o1 In/or:o"tlo" :¡nd ~1j:'.c'l on tli.1t Infocf1\.1t on, I,,! ls maklnq OJ motion Lh.)t " rl'~;( lutlon LJ" "i'l,rov"," uy tl,,, POilrd o( County COlnml:;Hlon~r::; to :>,'ttlu ttw ¡'''',:;ul l l! ¡,." I;y I :;.H.,,~1 Col1Ier-i'I"Ju :;0 t h oj t I'c t ltl 0 n ;t - ¡j ] - 1 7 C I,; "i' I' r 0 v.... cJ , I", Inr;!cilt'.!tI ttl,1t thure .lr',· m:'ny LJetor:J lellrJln.} lIim LO mûk~ r.lll:; J,.'cl:\Íon ..rul 1;" ,",auld ¡i~,! ~o r~"I\'~1 thum Wllh uvurionc. 11'-' ::t..tl:d tl¡,lt h" i~ dccply conc,'rned "IJout till! <lqrlcultur,,¡l IlIter"'Jt ill Col111.'1 County, "",Jlm} t,J¡",t th,) !.Hrdn'j Industry loS crltle,d to tllc (.'cor.or:dc .,ul1-LJcln.) oC Col!!('r COUõ1ty .Ind ia of yro~t imµortûnc~ to the ~t~tl! oj flarlJa nnd to the n<ltlon liS oJ wholu. Ie rcported tlldt he I" ,:o:~mlttt'ú to t.~klng ....h.ltt1V'~r Jctlon 11:1 nccoss/lry to ¡.>ror.1otu thu [,lrminr} IlIduoStry. II U :1 t.l tell t II oj t .1 n I::; !,¡ u e 0 [ gr~.'t i:nport.1I1c,J to tllC Coll1lJr County [,1rmlnq Induutry Is th\J cHlt"bl1¡;hrlt:nt 0: .)n lntcrCIIJrL l' :It I(outc 2') .1nu Tntur:;tatu 75, ajding thllt on October 13, It ....,,¡& hi::; bcllet thin dcnl¡¡l o( Petition H-IJJ-liC would put Colller County In II bettor r091tlon to obtain thla aoo( 07.9-f.,~ 669 (>,11)0 ;<<: - - - - - - - - _. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- -- ---. --- ------------------------------------------ 079... 670 .Jllnu;, ry 17, 1 !J£i4 ~ ,-..~, , interchAngc. Ite nott'd thilt coup1 cd loll th thC' cnvl ronl:1cntlJ 1 IInè 1/]nd UGI~ conccrnn pre&untcd to the Uo~rd of County Com~innloners, It prom~turl him to vote for dcnlð1. lie Su lei thll~ subscqu\lnt to th/lt vote, h\l rcqueeaod IIduit10n.o1 Inlormatior, conc:crnin9 tll\l "ffllct:! of t.hls tJrojl'Ct on the environment, In pðrt!culllr thl' effect u Jon thl! florló.l piJntlH'r, And the cOlnl-'iJtlhillty o[ thl:> proj'~cl wilh the f;urroundln\J nulghborhoocJ. H!! notl.!d lIHlt IIC' hilt; /lv'111ðolc for cJistrlbutlon, lenters from Vðllou~ or9.1nlz¡;tlon~; whicll, ifl hi:> opinion, toUdly rCl;olvc tl,t' Issue' 01 ...,h(:thl'r ttd:; J,roject ",oul, M1vcr:H:Jy .,fft'ct the FlorlcJ"J PiJ!lth"r {llId "'"ulri b.. IflCO;;¡P,1titJlI' ....ith th" fiurroun~in'J ncl']hborhood. he 8tðtcu tholt il Is t~i:.. opinion U1l1t thl:; projt~ct, bdsf~t! on tht: additional in{orf1.:tiuII, ...ilJ nor. '¡';VI'!~'ul)' ...ff"ct tIll' I'ïorid,) pl1nthl'r ÐncJ i>l crrt,Jinly COr.1¡"d i~'¡." ~'I tll thl' !illrrounding nci')hborhoor.:, 11(: not.ed that ðcJùJtlonilliy, 'Il' 11..,; ucll'rr::ln,':J lOiJt the i)e:lt c:h.Jnce 01 obtainIng (,II Inll'rcII.1n'J<' .It Hoult, ;,,) I)nu Il1t'~r5t<lle 7'j is to ¡::ursuc t.hðt int~c(:h,)n'Jt' ...Ith vdrlou<; ¡":ll'n<.:I.,,; Includln'J t"~ fJoridiJ D-:opi1rt:T:cnt of N"turt,} hC:lo~rc:c!., thl' f ior id" Ue¡,,'rtr:ll'nt oi Trunaport"tlon, thL; U,"\ltc'( ~t<1t\lS L;up.1rl/T>I'rlt ot 'l'rlln::;portiJtioll .Jnd tlt(, Unitud ~;t(ltI'S Dup.Htmunt ot tI,,: lnt':llor. Ik Ii., it! tl1lJt the ~ord Motor Company and n,t: C~;C wlI.:Jop,wnt Cor..¡,>ùny IIhVC comr,¡f ttet! to him to Dssint him in tltill effort, ~cJc¡n'J th~t h~ fucls that Collier County ana tho CollIer County fouraln'J indu:¡try "Ill 11,'lIl iI cll,.,nct' to obt,dr, tlli:; inturC:l1l]ngu with till' ¡;~:¡i:¡tllncl: of ~or,1 rlotor Comp"ny i'nd tIll! Collicr I::ntl?rprl:¡<?s. lit, notee! thðt ..uother 1:;,....·· 0: viti,l cOllc.:rn to tll<: i,.cr,dng Incustry In Collier County i%> U,(' prO::>:>L'lIt ~;';('"1pt on (ror, r('(jul.'ltlon of farl:1lnq in ;.Jce,':¡ of Btðtc c:ritl¡;;,] <':OI',(;I'rll, "':(~lI'\'.1 tl1"t it h'¡H COlT,,' to hi:; .1ttcntion tUl':' c:ertain cnlllronr\C"nt,di~t" ,1(.' :¡"'",U1CJ to ullmJnlJtC" thllt exc!mptJon. I,,~ noted thell tt.ir. woui'~ :;"1"', "",-,.tr, ldo...' to till' tuture [Drndn') inrlu:>try of Collier County .1rl~1 II'~ Int!:!\(!:; to ¡..;orK ....ith tit.! c'lpproprll1tc .:I']l'nclec Pn9C 2~ - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - ,-- .- ----:'71 k..'..... C.~,,] c:::J L .--. , ~"".,,~ ------------------------- January 17, 19B4 to prevent this froD occurring. He asked Mr. Roy Cawley of Collier Entorprises to speak on the existing critIcal problema facing the f.rDIng industry in Collier County. Tape 15 Mr. 'Roy Cawley, representinq Collier Enterprises, stated that ho is re8ponslble for the agrIcultural operatlon5 of the Company and In looking at the agricultural community withIn CollIer County at the present tIme thero are about 35\ fewer farmers In the lmmokaleo area today than thero were two years ago. Iht .tated that ðgrlculture is In a prIce ~ost conflicting curvo situatIon whore all of the costs are ¡ 90inq up but very few of, the prices are goin') up. He stated that the ! ~. freezes In three of the last four years has boen detrimental to tho .' .bIlity oC the aqrlcultural community to reco<)nlze profitabilIty, adding that ~onq.t all that, it is Coun~ that there are .lgniflcant pressures beIng brought to bear by varIous groups to further constraIn the agricultural community. II. reCerred to a lfIap of Collior County which indicate. the are.s of state critical concern and hð. certain lll11itatlons in terms of dovolopment in other areas. lie 8tated that 8qrlculturo, at the present tIme, is exempted from complyIng with certain of th08e reetrlction. whIch relate thv amount of holdin') areas for waterClows to environmental Impact stud10E ðnd other typos of requIrcm~nts that are vory costly In terms of doveloplng and utilizatIon of land. Ue stated that there Is an ^gricultural ExemptIon wlthI~ this area but there aro proposals in front of the variou8 ad.lniatrative agencies in Tallahðssoe that would eliminate that AgrIcultural ExemptIon addIng that, In addition to that, It 1. beinq proposed that the area of atate crItical concern be expanded to tho east and the west which would taka in more of what is now tho very heart of ' tho agricultural community in the Immokale. area. He stated , . ..I· ~ . ' NIl 079n~671 Page 26 .' , ---------------------~--~--------------~~- ;,:';.;;; : ' I.:' " . '.'4,: ' . r{ t- . ,'~ " f Æ"..". f~'i.,';:', ',' '1'\ ..,'~::', ~.ç,." ,'" ,1(,." ,~~~~..J.~'~~~:i;(.~è-.,:!:~:- . (. r','" "".J ~ ~ . "..:' (,',' .~.... r¡ . , .,.,.."" .. tJ!j" ", ~:: ~:,' ~' -",' . ..J. ,,:' ':i( . , ..,~' ..,..,.. "...~_." ",; .~,- . ';'Ç-Io ,~~............ ...... . ...... . ..~y ~,4Vfr· .:, . ..,!.:J~~."I.' ~'.H"f~\ ._',,,' , '. .. " .....1·' .,. ~. .'-'11'., ,) ~~ " ! !:""r.::""- --,- - -- - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - -,-- _....:. :....'- - - - - - --¡::- :~~... 079,f1.~ 612 January 17, 19B4 ~, .',>;~ ;l"~'~~' , , "'14', ,2!ti ,\. ~',; ::~~ 4~ .:.,t'~t;, ~'~~'~ that coup!od ì , , kind. of chemica18, which is simply to control t: with that, thore are restrictions for the use of di!forent the amount of agricultural activity that goes on withIn CollIer County and other 1· counties within the State. He noted that the removal of the Creonbelt "', ExemptIon. would af foct tho cattle industry which has been dlst.res!lod j. ~ for several year8, addlnq that any kInd of actlvItIe. that would I 1ncuau that cost at all would bo very detr linen tal. He s ta ted that . :J."'1' ,~...if:,. ~ "'. " ,¡ .: \ "-,1'.,, the moot damaging element. to the agricultural communit.y in Immokaloe would be the 10MII, which hall boen the prImary access of agriculturlll projects to tho eallt coast which is then dIstrIbuted from the po~pðno distrIbutIon merket, which would b. the area of State Road 29 and State Road 84. lie reported that without an Interchanqe there, the agrIculturAl cODlmunlty hall to g~ back Into Naple. to qot to the maj~r ,', distrIbution Market. which moons that they have long transportation !: hauls which Is grellter cost, gr.ater capital equipment., greater rl~k in , r' havIng the products on the rooc:! for lonqer perioc:!s of t(rn'e, and t.hls Is " ~, ~; goIng to have major econo~ic impact8 on the agricult.ural communitiea wIthIn Immokalee. He .tated that by lookIng at. the State in general and if the projection. Cor populatIon <Jrowth IHe accur<llte, there is an " .,,\~ . ,.'\ ,~ ~:rri. .,,~, ...~t- " (' ~' \, antIcIpated 8 million people t.o be In thIs stato by the end o( the century, which would Indicate that there Is golnq to have to be <II " ,', :: " mIllIon plus acres of land developed for urb<lln pur po..'. He stated f' that if this Is true thoso land. will be devolop.d in area8 th<llt are t currently agrIcultural In use. ~e st<llt.d that from the Tallaha8Boe t level, 1984 will be tho ~oøt difficult yoar that agriculture will (ace. He stAted that the amount of dIrection of legislation and propo.co It ~: bills toward the agrIcultural community are so restrIctive that If all the.~ thinq8 ~ro to be ouccessful, the hi9hly sen.ltive cost prIce .tructures of l~mokal.. would be un8upportlvo of AgrIculture in that Poq e 27 --------- --- - ---- --- --~ ---- ----. ~ '" .' \ .' , ....-- -," ........ .... ""0#' __....-..... -_._------ ',- _.~~ ..~----.. -..,.------.- L January 17, 19B4 ---- -- - ----,---- ----------------- are.; He atated that there are around 26 bIlls before either the House or the Senate that would refleçt negatIvely on the agricultural comÆunity within the State. He stated that in talking with various 1.dmini tratlve heads fro. dlfforent agencIes, there was not one Instance that It was detormined that this was a crItical aroa to the FlorIda panther. He stated that what Is crItical to the FlorIda panther Is tho 6 or 7 hundrcd acrcs that 1108 to the Bouth and east of thi8 project where tho majority of the panther actIvitIes occur. He atated that the florlda Came' Froshwater Fish CommIssion has had only one instance In three years whore a panther has gone acrOBB the land I ;d..19nateJ for this project. He notod that most of tho activity of the panther has beon In tho Fakahatchoo Strand and Raccoon PoInt area. /Ie conclooed by statIng that the administratIve agencies and the 'edorAl .. \ agencIe. 'do not consIder the 530 acre. to be the crIticAl habltllt. Com~l.sioner àrown stated that hu has determIned that the 530 acres whIch Is the subject of PetItIon R-83-17C i8 not really the Issue that this Board of County Com~i.sIon.rs .hould be concerned with, J...' adding that this tract of Illnd 1. not critical to the FlorIda panther a8 Indicated by the letter (dated 1/11/84) from Ed....in putull, Jr., of the Con8ervancy. /Ie stated that this letter is available for anyone'B Inspection. lie nottld that he intends to work wI th var 10us Fedoral And Stat. ~gencies to study the entire Eastern portion of CollIer County and,tohelp ~ake a determination a8 to what lands really are critic.l , , ".' , . , ,\ for Florida panther habItat and whIch lands can be developed, addIng oJ that ,he a180 Intends to work wIth varIous 4gen.:les In an effort to hðlp .ettlo issuos rangIng from aCCOS8 to lnterstata 75, drIllIng for 011, farming, acquIsItIon by public entItIes of envIronmentally Bonsitlve land, development of ruloD and r09ulations to control development In 'Î ~ 't\' ,,, ',~.~ .. .'>"" crItIcal areaa, and to 801ve tho broador problem facIng Collier County, 4" ',-,..,~J . : 'DO( 079f1?673 Page 28 ,. ',~~ _.£.....:_____:-:_ __ _~____ _.-_ _ _ _ __ __ __ ___~..:.. ~;:..~_ ~:.~' ,:,;~i ',\ ~ ':t ' ~~.. - ~~ ' . '''' . " '. ,'.; '';il,' " . 4( " ..··'1 .-: '" ....:!..:......... , ~ #......;~ . :--!l .... . '.':~~'K~t:t . ~·~~¡·~~;~·;i~,,;;::¡-,,,:¡;'~~f~.:\ir~~~:;~;';'~~';~~M~~""~· L' ...._--_..'"-,-.,-_...""~,_....."'"."'$..........,.--------~"..,-' f .""l/.:~'1't·. t .,1-.'.6;-'"'. ~.. ""~'~ ¡ I.Ätt~J.I¡.~ ~,.;, ,_ ....:....; T~' ......-&;....... --'r:~" _~~:.' ,\t~.~,.." ~.-....,...~., " .'. 1':~~i' ".',,' ",' ¡".., '~: .:. '.. .. .~. . - .. , . ~""""-_. :~. ... ~..:,:.'- ~,:------- - - - - - - - , .--:..... (]7!).,,;,-;:61! Jánullry 17,1904 ,- , ~' that bcln~ qrolltly.increa8ed population growth In t.he naxt 20 yaara. . ",,1,' . , lie stilted' that ho Inot with members of tho t'ord Motor Company ,'0' t...,· ' , ~.. the project .and would lIko to have Me:. lIoward preers address t'· affects u'pon nciqhbors or toot facl11tit'1J ouch as t.he ono propoaud Petition R-BJ-17C and IIlso tho oconomic impact of the project ~n !, Coll1ur County. , ' P'lr. Howard Preors, Chief E:nr;¡ineor of Toat Operation and ", I , I tngInoerlnr;¡ Service8 for Ford Motor Company, 8tated that Ford Co~pllny is II good nolghbor. He staled that Ford Motor Company currently oporates J provlnq groundsl a 4,000 acro sIte In Romeo, " . .'.' ~ , I' MichIgan which is aot in basically rural farmland, a 4,000 acre .ite outside of Kingman, ^rl~onÞ, which is In the desert, and a 360 acro .ite In the cIty of Dearborn, Michigan, which Is aurroundod by, schools, churches, a hospItal, a museum, a hIstorical rostoration .ite, II ... ~ hotel-motel, IInd a large numbDr of rcoldunts. He stated that thIs provine¡ r;¡round Is essontially 50 years old. He noted that In all throe sites they aro IIccepted as good citl~en8, good neir;¡hbor8, and an i~porta(\t part of the communIty. lie /laId that most of the proving grounds are uoed at least once a yellr for community projects such 1111 old car shows, model airplane contests, wAlk or run for health, etc. He reported that tho Dearborn provinr;¡ ground i8 loclltad in the mlddlo of a city and has very diverse operations~ addinr;¡ that it has far more types of toatlnr;¡ and much broader operations than tho proposed South Florida operation will ,have. He referred to a map givlnr;¡ the locations of the varIous neIghbor. surroundIng tho Dellrborn testing facilIty, adding that there were no resldencDs around this site in 1945, but. I '. ~ -', there lire now n~erou" residence.. lie read the followinq letters fro. i surrounding neighbors t.h~t wore prcsonted to the ßCC, which indicated f that thoiFord Motor Company i. II vary compAtIble ¡ , .. neighbor. He noted , " .... . , ' " Pa90 29 ", -------- '~' ~~"\,...~:..; , . ,t~ ;):,¡ ~;~. .' ,.1·, ,,~ ')." \:," ~~ .. o'j,'. .~ -~ . ,~_# _. . ,"'_ 0 L ~'_'""___'''-,'_L'__''''W,~_,.'_'"~~,~ø',~_",,__._-_" Henry Ford Museum Dearborn Inn Dearborn PublIc Schools GreenfIeld Village Oakwood Itospltal St. Martha Pariøh ----- -------.---.------------------- January 17, 1984 that the following letter. ðll Indicato that the property is well maintained, there i. no nolDe, pollution, traffic or .afety problem8, or any deterront to buslnos.os or tho community. ~. Proera stated that In order to build a reliable ostlmate of the economIc impact on Collior County, several yoars of rocordø havo beon researched on theIr past and current activltles on throe site8 in Florida whIch has lead to Q conclusion that thero will b. approximately 300 people in Karch wIth approximately 1,000 visitors during the operatinq ~r 10d of November 1 to Apr 11 30 each year. lie stated that there would be an estimate of 225 vehIcles In the arca durIng pcak time8 of the teat se4son. 110 atðtod th'lt vlsitorll wIll typIcally !It'ðY in exces. of threo weeks with an overogl! I!xpense of $650 pcr wcek anc1 45\ of the per80nnel will hav" one or moro famIly membors with thom. He atated that these costs, plus cvaluDtion center support costs, give8 .n .stimated expenditure of $3 million per tost season or per calendar yea r. 'ChaIrman Drown stated that the Ford Motor Company will certainly be a good neighbor and a good cItizen of the County and w11l provldo for - more dlverøl!lod economIc bose. Ho stated that the project will provide local annual expenditures of over $3 millIon and ia supported by tho N.ples Chamber of Commerc., the Golden Gate Business Asaociation, the Naplos Area Board of Realtors, the Collier Coùnty EconomIc Devolopment Council and tho Florida Deportment of Commerce. Øðsed on the above, Co.missionor Brown .oved, seconded by CO.lllissionor Holl.nd that the Board of County Commissioners adopt R.solution 84-16 settle Ca80 No. 8J-213G-CA-OI-TB, Isabol Collier-Read, et _I V. Collier County et al, by providIng that tho PlaintIff.' property is to be ~ 079"a~õ75 Page 30 .. ,I' 1...",\..;:' ,:".:," -----------~------------------------------ ':1 "'¡:': ...¡,.~~" .,. ",' ~;',,;- ,;' :'. . .. ~..~. ~ ~ .~.. ~,..;~:~~ -t' ".,':.J.'~".:;¡~.' , ~"'" '.""1:<-1."" J~"':'~ ,.,. - ,. . ~. "....' , 1!"I·~, ·.tft··, :," 'I'~,~, J ,~,,".,""~" " ' _ ~ II1II." ),.4."1: / '" . ,.'~ '~i ":,:' 'i...~I. ;,:,·:..·Jl~.~'I:"·' ,J.,.',' > . ~, - . ...:~.. .;~~.. ""~;';;:~ ';>.... '. t'> ", 'f{!I1!JI'~ , ~, .J."" #, .)J,.~;;<~", .'.'",',;,,, Ità;i;, ~_ " , .. ~ '. .. . ..' /-"; ,.~ ~ . "-;~J::- "t\' f.' '.,', ~f¡fH~,.ie'. I .~. ...¡.. .....,- ~ ~;". 4 I ..... f"h'-' ... .') . '. ;; '~'''''r) .... . L ------------------- --------, ',- .. I ~ !,·:S.~f:\:,'''tl\.' "".Jlir'. '-Jii~'i'~'Jt.â~.,_:-,..,· '.' ..; ~~. .--...ù_ ..........~~~rr~.. T_~";~· " ,_~ . <. ','-.4";,' I,~/~t:"'· h.~~~~~~~:-~" ~:.... rr'· ~..._..' ,. '" "';:'~' ' '~;,~ - 'f~t"-~;.' .. ~>!'~~í~·~~:-·· , .:. ,,,,...;, , , ' , j.C.._.~.. ." '- ----------------------",....-- !t.', -----'------- ----- , .., '. JI,f<~~ t '~..;. 079f1?676 January 17, 19B4 -; . ,f.;;,f10 , . ~, . , l, . . ::1,.: ·.I~' r~. rezoned I-PUD .0 a. to perllit. the proj.ct desoribed in Petition '/~ '.; w..;:.·. ' .. . , '~fl/ t~~ R-I3-l7C and th.t. the County Attorn.y .nd the Chairman ol the acc be . ,',~i~ ~f.>,·" ~, " .,..~~.¡' , ,authorized to .xecute any .nd all document. n.c....ry to effectuate the ~~(. ~~.ettl.m.nt, the dooum.nt. includin9 the Stipulation lor Di.mi..al withVJtf (~,! ¡ h '." ;,,' Prejudlc. and the Conunt Judgl\.nt which hllv. be.n dhtrlbut.d to t e ,. ,Board, end to ex.cute any and all oth.r documents that aay be ".' . ~~¿nec.aa.rY, and that the Ordinance aa numbered and .ntltled below be 1>1\;· '-:.' , ".dopt.d and enter.d into Ordinance Book No. 181 ORDIN1.NCE 84-8 '" ,,,/.,' AM ORDIN1.NCI AMENDING ORDIN1.NCI 82-2 THE COHPREHEHSIVE ZONING REGULÞ.TIOHS rOR THE UNINCORPORATED 1.REA or COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA BY AMENDING THE ZONING ATLAS MAP NUMBER 49-28 BY CHANGING THE ZONING C1.LSSIFIC1.TIOH or THE HEREIN DESCRIBED REAL PROPERTY rROM A-l TO -PUD- PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT rOR COLLIER ENTERPRISES, R~PRES!NTIHG THE rORD MOTOR COMP1.NY FOR PROPERTY LOCATED NORTH or ALLIG1.TOR ALLEY AHD EAST Of GOLDEN CAT! ESTATES¡ ^ND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATEI Th. !ollo,",ln9 1'.01'1. apúktt in opposItIon to the project citIng the r , problema and 10.. of the FlorIda panther, environmental concerns, . degradation of wetland areas, And Interchange concerns ot Stato Road 29 and 1.lligator 1.lleYI , :..;:,,':', '. }.'"' ~;~. '" ',' Dr~ Armand M. Oppenheimer, Consorvatlon Chairman of Colli.r County 1.udubon Soci.ty. D.borah Jansen, resident of Collier County. Tape 16 1.rndt Mueller, PresIdent of Collier County Audubon Society. Pet.r Matt, Pr.8ident of Florida Audubon Soci.ty. Lloyd Sarty, repre.entlng the Consorvancy. Upon call for the que.tion, the ~otlon carried 4/1, (Co~~lasI~~~r "-'." :j'"I.:;: . ~ ..:~ , , " ICruaQl oppoaed). , , "' \- Page 31 ¡, " ~. #.,..~. .' r' .... -' .". ...--...... ,...... .-------~---~~.......... L -- --- - --- - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - -_.-- ----------.--- ~ 079;:~68( Iha -'23 ~OUTINE BILLS - 1.PPHOVED FOR PAYMENT J.,nu,HY 17, 1961, Pursuant to Hesolutlon 01-150 thr following checks werc iSßuc~ thro\Jl)h ~'rid,'y, Jl1nuc'lry Ij, llitj,: In p.lyml'nt of rouLlnc bill:;: CHECK D~GCRlrTlOW ClltCr. NO!;. M',OUNT V...ndor lICC I'lIyroll IC~2~~ - l0S4Jt$ 0733:-!2 - 07JDSJ ~ 1 , H:' ~, UJl . 4 ./ 277,~09.0(1 '24 aUOCET ^M~DMENTS 8)-9~7/9791 8)-981/ 83-984, 84-187/189¡ 84-191/192, 84-195, 64-197, 64-200, ~ND 84-203/200 - ADOPTED CommissIoner Kruso moved, seconded by Commi8Dioner Plstor and carried unanlmouøly, that Budqct Amendments 8)-977/979, B)-90l, and 8J-9B4 bu Ddopted. Com~1.a10ner Holland moved, seconded by Commissioner Krusc and cürriod unanlmou£ly, that Budget ^mcndm~nt6 84-187/189, 64-1921 8(-195, 04-197 04-200/ and 84-203/203 bc ~dopted. Commlsaionur {ruue movecJ, secondcd by Commi£sloner Holland and cllrried unnnlmously, th<1t Uudgct Amendment 84-191 be adopted. I'd<J1" 32 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - --- ED ~ ~ EJ -.-. --~-. (;;;~~~:~~·~t~' ,..,".,'1. ,'-- ,. .1..... , ' J. J ~.'f' '. 1'."",,¡,.l>Þ'"''~''(,~~·''' 1 ~ ,"" ,.,.~ '(~ ~~~ " '--~'-"'-'--'-:~J"Y,'ff;.,''';'"~W;'¡'?t.f'':' .. ,. . / ~'.... ....' '" ..... ... "#~. ---- 'ff·t"" ~ I ~~.. f.'Þ''' ' "1f1',;J.{/, "'.;J': ~ "H" . ~ ~.:....;"..~" .' , '.. ' '~..,·i" ~ ';t¡~~ ~J".f¡ "",U .., ~ ., " \, :L,._~,\,!,;; ~ . .\,t .' ~ .~.~ ~ z;.Ji?(....~ ,,:, .',,, ¡",.",', .,< ,~1,~(,~··.iít,r.~~:,..¡,..;· þ.,.~",' ~ ,.' _'~.' __________ ___..______-..:'...:../t,_~..:.:___.:::!.~~~-- --::r.- - -- I ' ' ~.:.t4~1.....·..... " ~, .~~.....,.f' ,", ?'. tJ'ii9.,n1tl)~, J/lnuIHY 17, 1984 , ~. ...RECESSI, 111561..H. ~' It.. 125 HECONVf.NED 1132 ~ P.M..··: , . í ~ DISCUSSION or BUILDIMG -r· Roor PROBLtH - CQNTINUED UNTIL ARCHITECT IS r"PRESEHT AT THE 1/24/B4 BCC MEETINO rz, 'Conllntsatoner lIolland asked Mr. Robert. Cauello tor hi. explanllt.10n 0~:ot ~ho r~ot probleD pertainIn<.i to t.he currant. construction on Building I Mr. Robert Carsello, repre.entinq Kraft ConstructIon Co~pany, the - f· . to , , I ":-,OeneralContractor Cor the t.hru addlt.ional Cloors of Dullding ;-,-, ..;¡" . f ." -' ;., " r-:'9a~~' a b~Ck<.i rOUnd history oC the situatIon with the probl.. concarn,1t1o~9 the rooC on Bul1dln<.i ·f·. Ite saId for the last .ix months, KraCt ConstructIon Compllny hðd boen workInq under the assumpt.lon that. t.he Construction "'-naqer W<I. tin agont for the owner In this project. II. explain.:d that In Junv, 1983, the ConstructIon MAnager poInted out to hI. that he did not have the authority Mr. Carsollo waB aeeking with regerd to the change In tho decisIon that the archItect had ~ade regardlnq the roof. lie explalnod the routine practice of submitting change8 for approval to thu ðrchItact before co~menclng the operatIon. lie said around June 1, 1983, his company pointed out t.o the ConstrU7tion MAnager and the archItect that Kraft Construct.ion Co~puny could not comply with the spuclflcationa with regard to the roof and ~ the type of warranty that was required by the specIfications.. He said , 1t 1s normal indust.ry practlco t.o seek othor approved lIIethods to b. followed, after the dIscrepancy Is pointed out. He said that an alternat~ rooC1n<.i system waB pre.ented to the Construction Manager and architect, one of which was rojectod by lh. architoct. He explalnvd a second, elternote mrthod W08 prusonted t.hat would comply with the specificatIons, but th~t was slIghtly dlCCorent In ÐIIterial ~~ke-up. .. He said this ~ethod offered the County a 2~ year unllmlt.ed warranty in , , ' ~~I~~e~'oc a 10 year unlImited wdrranty that we. spacified In the S ' ;. .pecifications. 110 uld that Kraft Construct10n Company ðnd the , .' , ,'.: , ! ,. Page 33 ~---------------------------------------- L_~ ;--j "---1 ì.-..._ <!c/'.... L ~--_...._......__.,,_.- _ ._ "__d ..... _". .. ,- ------~-_._. 'I J4nuIHY 17, 1984 ----- -- - -- -- ----.-- - -- --- sUb-contractor, L.e County Mota 1 , Hoot:1nq Company, Inc. of Ft. Myera, ), felt that thi8 alternate method would meet the intent of the .pecifications and the contractural obligations to the ownor by Suqge.ting a roo(in9 syste~ that wa. equal to or better than the one .pecified. He explaIned tho doliberations took aproximately throe ~onths to rlisolva, before the archltoct agreod that the lIystom met wIth , ! his approval. On the basis of the architect's written approval, he i .ald that his company proceeded with tho rooC, that mðturlal was ordered ~nd received and that the Installation of tho material was r, begun. Ho stated that 40\ of the roof was completed on Building "F" and the architect, for a reason ho could not oxpl.ln, decIded to re8clnd his approval. At this point, Mr. Car8cllo sðld the Construction Mðna<]er poInted out that hu did not have the authorIty to overrule the srchltect. , Mr.:Carsello said he appealed to thu stafC, the archItect and I Construct.lon Mðnager to no avail. 110 said he han a contract with the , I Board 0(; County Commlsloners, that he do~s not have a contract with Polizzl/lIuory, the archltoct or the staff. Bo appealed to the acc to examine tho situation ond determIne whether the installed portion of the roof is equal to or better than the roof specIfiod, and whether Kraft ConstructIon Company was trontcd unfnlrly by tho architect for hilllto rescind his "'¡,proval when thu company was half-way through the .. . pro~eas ff puttIng down a roof he approved. Bo posed his quandary that , he could~not take directions from the archItect, beeaus. he was fearful he mlghtfc'ange his mind at a later data, or from polizzi/Beery because I that firm does not have that authoritYI and he questIoned whether the Staff wa~ doIng what tho Bce desIred. He said ðfter exhaustlnq those three avenuos, he has two avenues leCt~ hIs appearance before the OCC this date and going to Court, which he 18 not desirous to do. Ho 8ald ;.; tJ79~b1707 Page 34, _.' . ' -~-------------------------------- .1. '. ..t I 'j> ,¡ ) ',. .:~ Jr'.Ja:' I " /f.1i '~j, 'Ji:,,';:' ;~.' ~.'~, ~:j--lfl\$;,:"";~;:~:, ~ ),fo1')'¡' tJ ~'::-)'. ',~~, \,.... ,.,-J,-' ~ tJ f _. ",., ".~',' "'~..J¡,o"".I.'.,. ' ',', . ~~~-:'.:f'~ _..-.~.. ...,.,.. " '. 7~~\,)·1¡';'~~';~\·"'\I.';'I, ~'.~' -'" ;" ',," -. '·11 . ~.~J1.. ..,~~~rt~ ....., I . ..........t:~r.·1+~ ",c,' '~~"':~_"''''-~'''' ..;¡.;ç:;'~" ~fti~~·i:~·:"'··'~-w;;;,''1I- . ,', ''''''I'~·i:''~~ 'Þ.,:.i~.'~.'í.:.~' "·-·~~~~f" , .'. .' : :"~.f',1,j,r.~¡~r"~""-'~'''' .- 'L-.. , )~r-: /' ,,' T'''~_' L ···>+""'_______,~·",..,_"'1I<..."'_1 ...----.-.-. - . a . 4> -.~_____ ',. '" " I" ,l.tr,t ,'$I,::¡; ,~~-i!'. '. '; ~... .1. ..... ~~~~...,................, ~r~;"~; > -.--.---- \, ".( ~.,-~;~~~.. ;tIW.·t' ¡'1~';{~",' ',~, ,.~;~~.;~~., .,,' -Ír ....' ~,tf' 'J... . I .......~... ~~. ' ?~~-~---~------------- '~ ffi7.91S.,~?IIB January 17, 1904 , ' . his company feels so curtaIn of thulr positIon that lt 1. their opinion "', . ., ¡ that they have a 8trong caso to take to Court. ,'>, ~',..... . ,. Mr. Carsello refuted the point ~he architoct atated supporting hi. 4,' action, that the material wao not approvod. lie oald hi. compllny has written documents that 8tate the fact that the materialB were approved by the architect's office. lie referred to the architect'. reference I abou't th. worklllanship performed. lie said he employed an indopondent I'" ~.-,', I rooting éonsultant to lIIake an Inopectlon of the root and tell hilll If I the work~anship waB acceptablft and to gIve his opinion of the materials being uo.d. He referred to the copy of the report ~~~J by I~torstate Roofing Consultantø, Inc. whIch the UCC had. He said he had nothing to lose by the Indupord~nt roport because, If the report resulted In a report that the work~anshlp was Inforlor, he had personal recourse against hi. sub-contractor. lie referred to the report in whIch the consultant Btates thllt the workmanshIp Is good ðnd thðt the roof installed Is equlll to the roof that has been specIfied. He explained that If he Collowed the architect's directIon he would havo to remove the Ina,tallod portion of the rooC, discard tl,ðt mlltor1ðl ðnd replace the roof wIth the mdterial that the ðrchltect has specified at a coat to someone of approxi~ðtely S~O,OOO.OO. lie said the reaponslbillty haB not bllen determined aa to who would Btand that cost. lie said he does not want to spend the County's lIIoney needlossly outsIde the realm of hi a contract wIth the BCC. He said that there is nothing wrong with the roof that w~a baing Installed ðnd thdt this typo of roof has been used exte~8.vely In the area. He suggoBtod thðt the BCC over-rldo the architect-. decisIon to replace the roof and allow Kraft Construction I . Company tb Instðll the roof that was approved by the archItect in the , Urat 'pl~~e. He poInted out that tho first Buggested alternote,roof that he ~recommended to the architect ðnd that W08 rejected IB 901n9 to . I .' " pag It J S -------- ~--L_ ----,--- :- '----...,.I - . ......-' ...........':fi....".. ... .~-.._.,"'---...~_....._~._..~,':'......_.,"""'-. . ,IOJ1I'a.·,·ot. .·'" .... i_Þ "r.' . ,~, -. ..¡,..: "._ L .. ",:' ~..,.' l ~" ~ l - ~.:tI<;'" '.. ~... .,. r '.' 'I'.,: ...... , ",:;}, , ':.:.N-'S;... .. , ."~'\~~ t. I ~ ~"~.'.:..:~ ¡, ,., .í; , ~:<~~ , f, :~. , , I ,,'.' '.. .~ ,)"~ "..f" ~ " ...; ,. . r~\. , ':~ .'",fr:t·~, "'~~ 1..- :'",:" ,.~ ~ . ',:.' -<"',,", ,~ . . ---------- -------.------------- January 17, 1984 be Installed on the Jail. Responding to Com~lsBloner Voss, Mr. CarBollo explaIned that the .pecific.tions called for an unlimitod warranty providod by the roofing 'felt ~nufacturer, including tho installation. /Ie said that for the products specified in the original spocification. no unlimIted warranty could be obtainod. Tape 17 ConstructIon Manager Bailes, representing /leery Program Kln.ge~ent, pointed out that he cannot speak as an attorney, however, the BCC would jeopardize a potential solid position if tho BOAr~ were to recom~end that the contractor be allowed to do somuthlng that the ". ' 1 'architect dId not approve. II., saId th/tt the acc Is payIng the architect for hIs professional advice and thv architect has said the, roof Is unacceptable. /lQ said if the BCC over-rides the architect's decision and if th~ie are dIffIculties with tho roof he did not know where the County'. recourse would bo other than with the contractor ðnd the bond. COlllmlssloner /lolland asked whllro the Board's liability Is, today, if the BCC does not go along with the portion of the roof that has been installed? 110 ~.ked If the architect was'proven to be wrong and if he did authorize the roof, would the architect be held liable for damages, If the Court .hould so find? Mr. 8ðllos said he WðS not in a position to answer that questIon. , ' .. ~ " ·...ftt·: : COlDlllisaloner lIol1end uld thi. situation has been delayed It .... appro~l~ately 60 days anð that he has asked quoBtions of Mr. Balles and others and that he has not received Bati.factory answers. He asked Mr. Baile. If the roof will be tho same on the JustIce Center and Mr. 84lle. .ald that the same roof WðS specified for that building as was specified for BuildIng -Y-. He explaIned that tho archItect approved the alternate, but it waB not his primary rocommendation. Ho saId that a. 079,J02. 709 Page 36 . :'" ~~~~: ' .;'.:t'o: "¡\-,. ;:¡,'''\L ----...------ -----...- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- -- - - - - ---- ,. t< . " I',·,·· .,',: ,". " .' , .J.,'t,t'. .~. ':~:.r.:"'\ .; '.. ','~' ",',~''''¡f, ~' '~.~ ~~ , J Þ~"¡:" .. :'.':':\..,~~;~ '. .1"~...~",* ....._.,.. r -.~:..-A:_~~.....:t'~"J\._. .,,- '1...·..-J1.'· <~~A~ . ~ i,' ;.,~,.:...~~~~,¡~:;,f~:.- :~IfJi&:~~r-"': "tf\'1~_' L ~..""~.·"'~,,~^'.,"",~.'...,..,_'.._"'·...._~,,'...,,.'__d,"..'''''' ...'~'.._~...,,"_~.,.,_..._,...._._...,.,.___ ..._ I,. ... .__.1. ,~:' ,I~~;t~"'l'ì' _ ._~~~._ ~ :..<.'::':':1 ; J}',:.~'~1#X:~~";~3 " ,.~:l.;·"Z~ ,~.. q?~~jO'-;:i~ ...0,,,,., .'t_, ~......,..""~.~" ~ ", ...."1(... ...... . ' rr..!:"~~..~,..."._~ P. I·· at. ',- ,""-. ':.....~..... :' "'-.,":,..a';¡ __r:.,~,',_' ',Jk."~"" 7!'.. ~ .~ ;...,. ,( ~., .·..JW,·,¡ "..\, ,,' ";"TAV .. ,), ",,...,..' ',.', ~ 't; :..,:~,. \~' , " '" ~,~, -.' '. \ - ------- -4___'--""____________ - ?", I~ 079n~ 710 \ , ',,' :;:;~: ~, ;,~ ------------------ January 17, 19B4 \:/ Heery Progr/lm Manllqemcnt recommonded th/lt the ace approve the alternate . ' ;: to ..v. money. Commlsaloner Holland 8ðld that saving money 18 why he ~; '1.' glad this item is on tho aqendll /lnd he referred to the atateJn8nt J: t~'a~ there ia a roof being installed wl th an unl imi ted 20 year ", warranty; a. opposed to a 10 year warranty. Co~lasloner Holland ~ov.d, seconded by Com~ia.ioner Brown, that the BCC accept the root on Building -F-, wlth the 20 year warranty, as 10n9 as lt does not put the County ln any awkward le9al posItion, and, , , r, , proceed, because the tin i Bhed wo rk on the bu ild i ng cannot be- c'ollpl CIted 01';.> until the root is installed. COIIIID1ssionor lIolland asked who should Absorb the delay that hila ".¡.:, , resulted In thls situation, and Mr. Bailes said th/lt any delay caused by a delay in cogpleting tho root, rlyht now, would be the r.sponsibility of Kr.Ct Construction Company. Re.pondlnq to Chðlrmðn Brown, Mr. C.rsello presented II document whIch he øald .tlltos the typo oC rooC hls Cirm would install. He showed the place on the back of the document where the approvAl of H. ~ss and Asøocilltes has been Jlllðde. 118 oCfered II copy of an IIpproved Bhop drawinq, ~B far aB the installation is concerned, with the ~; architect's stamp asklnq Kraft Construction Compllny to make minor corrections, as far liS the slope of the roof 1. concerned. He saId that the architoct also had received a sa~ple of tho material when th~ I " (. approval,wlIs mado. He oxplained thele ne<; otlatlons occurred ovor a period of a couple oC ~onth. and pointed out that the architecturlll Cir. had an opportunity to make changes or recommendation.. COllll1isaloner Holland lIukod County Attorney SlIunders to review these ;. docl.lllent.. i. CommIssioner Kruse ðskud for ~r. G~und~r6 to eøtðbliBh wheth~r the .; .rchitect dId approve thIs sltuation, and Bhe added Bhe ia getting' ;~ ,', ~. t.. ~. .......--------------------- Pac;¡e 37 r .' (~ ' .. I ; ",--_....J ~ --' "::[~'i - ··""'"'C·"""H'"".""""/\,.":,,,.,.,, "fa<'" '~'!.;"';' ·~........"';"l~" .1¡t.\iwoi.~::~..')~*,"""'''''''''''''''''''~-''''~U''' r -- .., ' , ' .. ~ -, ~ . ',,-,,';':.. f: :~ . '''':'': J'.tA\\.,~':· "'j:. , , '1'1 ,:.:t, ¡.', " I ~I, , .;, ~ . " .' , , " '\...··r.. < . "{: ~ . 't" ,,\~, ' :t (. ..' ,.. ~,,,". I .....,..··_1 -----., J ----, - --- - - - -- - - - ---- -- --- - - - - - - - - - --- - - _.~--:"' 'q January 17, 19B4 tired of payIng for m18takes of pro!opslonals which is done consIs- tently. She .aid there has to be a recourse for thin Bltuat1on. She .sked if the fiberglasB hes to be recoatod overy couple of years? Mr. Bailes said that the fiberglaBs, Itsolf, dOOB not have to be recoatcd. Mr. S^underB Bald it 18 difficult to revIew the document8 In a short ~Ime. RespondIng to Com~18s10nar Holland, ho BAld thoro 18 a 'document dated Septomber 8, 1903, by H. J. ~05S ^880clates that appears to have their Itamp on it. CommIssioner Holland asked if that il the County's archItectural tlr~, to which Mr. Saunders responded ;affir~ðtively. He .aid, however, that he had no Idea whore the (document'ca~. from. Mr. Balles said that thi8 BubmIssion of 8hop ',drawIngs was not in confor~anc. wIth the contract documents, to whIch j ~ Co~~I..Ioner Holland stated that ho was aware of how many changea have be.n made on this ~~ild1n? He saId that Mr. Carøello statod that It was not on thu drawings, however, thero have been excuses for the delay '~ wIth bla~os Cor Bame, yot the project Is still bvhlnd schodule. ne , , ·'~I.aid that Haery Progra~ Managemont Is still being paid by tho Collier ¡' ~, ,{County CommissIon and ho asked Mr. Dallod If any money haa beon '" 'withheld from that firm, to which Mr. Da110B responded nogatlvely. f , Commlsslonur Holland asked Mr. Carsello how much monoy has boen -tIed up- in thu roofing .1tuatlon, and Mr. Carsallo responded approx1matoly ,,$3!1,000" CommiBsloner Hollðnd said hi8 point is tho1t the orchltoct haa ..;... .., " :~~be~n paid. He 8aid that he requested a workshop for thi8 .ituation, a '~ ~.onth and a half ago, and We8 advIsed by Mr. Dalles and Mr. Dorrl11 not to hold one, to allow them to work out the problems. He observed that I the problems have not been resolved. Public Safety 1.dmini8trator Dorrll1 said that he advI.ed the BCC . .¡ that It ,would not be in theIr best Intere8t to have a two .ided t argument betwven partIe., and the 8CC approved the recommendatIon that ; J I lOOK 079 PAr.t 711 pag 0' 38 " +' .. ',' , .. to t·., ._".¡ - -~--::--J----- -,-- - - - - -__-_ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _'_ _ _ _ _ __ __ _,.......-: "',',,. 11 ,H'::_e . , 'J - ',_' . '.~ ,4 1;P-(I, ,,:.o,! \1A' ." ,', :' ." ' ''':" .4.l~~)t '~'j,., "~";-;'.';h":",>¡,Ä~,"""'" :..,ik., -<';-\'<~~~~ ,.~;~/:~ ".' . .... . .~ J' ....:... ~,. ,,';{" , , ...·.t !'." .' "''-. '~.~,., " ' ~'~""'''~'''fI'i:''1,~ .......-_:-:-,':::;.-:-'---'-.,;.¡l::- :'-~,,;,¡ J, ;'~;...~~' i" "'; . ,,(, ".;:" . . "~\;,.;·f,~;.~:,. '. :~.:'I;::~;. ",~~.:t.,''', L -, .... . ~ . .., .'- IJ.: ~... --,"",,-..,,~,.~,",...",,.,-,,,---_.,,-_.,~._",,"'--"_._-"'- . 'o~' ," ,,~~, t>~ . .:¡ :~.' . '--' .~ '1.~l;~ . ~_ .. ~" '~·'1 ~.: -~ ,'.' :;,..,'~"~~, "~';.~""":' .. ... '--...:.~!:'!.. ; 1I,...t ,-.-_..__._._ _____.___ t !fþt'. : ."~ \:'':'.'' }. :"-f!'l""~""~,:~. "'-., ' ~~ï··. Þ4'7 Ti· !/ ~~,-~;----,- 'IV:') "'{.. :~;.~. _ O-m~~ 712 "'.:."~.,~~.:.~.,~~;. . . ...~.......~____........V' 1~ -. -1V:pt~."+'"~, &~, ", , - - _ W' I.' . " ~,.~, .' " .' " ,. t.t~" I"'." , ".'Jà-N~'Ì"""",' '" . " '\~' : ,'¡J,~..",.;, :- ;~1~" > ,,",.\1.:.1 ',' -~-------------------~----~---- '; H::;:·~":. /- .. '-j... \......<'" January 17, 19B4 ~;." the :6taU meet wIth all ot the contractors. lie 8aid when the lDeeting .. f 'was held with Kraft Construction Company their pri~ary concern was over ~:., the roof. lie said Mr. Carsello indIcated in a letter sent to hiln that ~/:,he~'~ul~ proce.d with the latest direction that he had frOIn the I ' archItect. Mr. Dorrill said he took that to mean that he would proceod ), "i".. ,'/,"\ ¡~~, ." . ~. ~. .... (.. wIth the revIsed roof that they had. He said Mr. Carsello asked hi. , . for a vote of confIdenco, on behalf of the owner, that his latest '. ;, attempta'to acquIre the now matorialß would be supported by the owner. Øe .aid the fiberqlAss materiAl has boen on tho roof, uncovored and exposod to the qlomonls by tho subcontractor cinco the tIme he walked off the job, when thCl work wa. condomnod. lie said he was not sure if ~' that matorlal is of sufficlont qualIty to complete tho Job. He Bald, If the BCC choos.. the alternative of completinq the roof begun, that the Courity should request that Mr. Corsello or hIs consultant qive tho BCC" statement of assurðnce thðt the qualit.y of tho materIalB thðt will be inst~lled aro satisfactory. During the continued dl~cusBlon, Commissioner Kruså ðsked for clarifIcation aB to whet.her the archit~ct actually qave order. for Kraft ConstructIon Co~pany t.o inat.all the roof7 She said, If he dId, " she would 11ko to svo the situatIon -back on his shoulders- and not the '. .,: , '¡~7 '...~, County Staff or Mr. Carsello. She sðid If there Is an on-goIn9 maIntenance involved in this situation th.:lt she doe. not want to vote on which roof to put on Building -Y- untIl she know. all the pros and cons a~~ until tho acc hððra from the architect. CODmissioner Voss agroed that the ~rchltcct should be present. Mr. William Stuart Homrncrbocker, Jr., Ceneral Managor to Kraft Construct.ion Company, oxpl"lned that this sItuation has evolved because hi., fire has followed tho owner'B represontatlve's suggestIon. H.. ."Id ;. t i l.. L" . ",' -------------- th~t Mr. DorrIll wrote a letter to Kraft Construction Company. 110 pag. 39 ---------.- I :'0(" --' ----- " \-.. ,...~'.'~1".........,,'..:.,,' '\IIt'ì.k".:;,,,,,~.,,, ~..,,;. ~ '.- .,. ,......_'''''''"................,.......____~....."......_"..............~...4I'''.~_..'..'' '. '..··.h~..." ~ .9. '.-....._'........ ".:,,·Ii·f"~ ...1_ L r:::..,..... r""'f,,·,,·l - i ------------------------------ r~---- JanuoHY 17, I9!1~ ii" ,., ~uoted the last paragraph as readIng that -baaed on the above infor~a- ~tlon~ Heery Program Management, the archItect and Collier County sea no " ,I \,'rea~on why you should delay the installatIon of the roofing system-. : "r. Hommerbocker poInted out that the parties dId not soy they approved \ ' ~' 'lit but that there WIIS no reason for dulay. Ho said tho mllterial WIIS , ' ¡ordered and It Is coming. Hv sold this Is tho last chQnco tor tho BCC :¡ , : . !~~ ---,....-----.-.....-.--- - ----- - - - ----- ------_._----_._~~ to tell Kroft Construction Compllny to Btop or thero wIll be both \ roofing materials. Responding to Commissioner Voss, Mr. Hommerbocker ~ ' clarifIed that the material ordered is tho foom glðs8 materIal tho \ architect told hIs company to Install, not the materiol that is now on t" . I the roo!. Mr. " 'vaItIng to be shipped. , 'I respons.'to CommissIoner Kruse's question, snd said th~t J insulatIon is due to be shIpped based on resubmlttala of Carsello 80id that tho material order is in process Mr. Corrlll gave further clorlfIcatlon, In the new show d ulwl ngs. Commls8ioner Kruse,Lðid that the real qucstlon Is who paya for removIng tho mat.rI~l already Installed on the roof whIch haB boen eotlmntcd to cost $50,000, if the new roof Is Instlllled. Responding to CommIBsionor Hollðnd, Mr. Saunders said he could not render an opInIon whether tho papers In front of him are an approval " fro. the architect based on those fIve sheots, because ho would have to ~ take tIme to do that. Commissioner Holland asked i! the archltect':s stamp 10 on the bock of the documvntG, to which Mr. Saunders reiterated that' the architect'. stomp Is on one Pðge that d08crIbes 0_018 . .,- .. . ~ , , Fibc~9las and th.H thore are two shop drawln91S that a180 have a st.amp on them, 011 three of which Bay -no oxceptiona t.aken-. Commissioner Holland askod If Mr. Corrlll had anythIng In writing from the architect changing It? Mr. DorrIll .aid that he had a letter from the archItect related to the condemnation of the work that had been done. He Baid that', in his opinion, the architect'8 point of contention is that they - 079~~ 713' Page 4o, ..; ,~ ,. -: '.;.....,/,~ .';'.'~' ~::,,':~,~ ,f-:.a ¡l~~ìiJ~ ",.1",,'~, ~ ,',,~. 1." ",,\." "'........", .... .. . _ ~~. t,Jf.........~ ,~ J__..4J't.:/II - Pi[ .-;~~ .'" '...¡,~ ~~'" ~'-:'~~'~"t.(',~ ·JI'!1t--;,::xtr!1:'!-'''·',;;..~ ~.. ':: .:. . ,..., :..,.(' . , . ~'~ ;...i.:;.L'---- ,.'~ ,', ,......,.¡,¡4...'~'fJ^!_":,,'":, ...,......, r",.'f/"~ ., '~, " .~ ::.:' "-"~ ,", t,·'·, ...... , '. . . --- -¡ L ......_._-,.,.,"_...~.-......-.------',...._.._-.,~-,--_..- +.:tr.\·/~J\.., ""(;:~f' ."':'14.", ,._. ",/:.,,,,,, ,,_... t;µ.:.,..., ...~ .~. , .' I ~. . ~-.....:.... _..:...., ~. 1,__../ .. ,..t: : ,.~ . r,¡.,' _ ...~'~....... ....,~~: !;.. rirt~ ~.~ ., . ~-Q ..,í..:;..:..~~" ~, ~~.". .'" .......... t-~--,~ -:..~~ _ .__".___... ~'~t!'I-'l' ·,'-\.'J.)lf,', ',,',', i'''' !~~.'\ J ~~"'. ~,.. .,:" r'~ ',., ft" .1' .. .. . t ,. ..'r· . ., ~ .)~.,... _ It. "".." _.____________ ..&:;..:.;______________________._____ . .f ""'¡': ~~, _ 07D~ 714 Janullry 17, 19B4 " .,. hAd nevcr intendod tc r.pprove thðt and that they hone.tly mad. a ~istake. He said he dld not ~ont to spook for the architoct but thAt r'it WA' hls honoat opinion that tho architôlct would appear before the ~ BCC and try and convInce the Commissloners that he has becn deceived. Tape 18 Mr. Saunders pointed out one corroctlon in thðt the two .hop drawln9. have the archltect's stamp ~lth a note that say. note markinq' ,it .' and resubmit. lie .aid that the othllr document incHcatea that there are no exceptlons taken. Mr. lIommerbocker clor1fied that set of shop drawin'14 has a .lope o( tho installatlon doubled in thicknotaø.' lie said, when h. called the architcct, thllt he wa. infor~ed thðt Kroft , ¿, Construction ~ompany Hhould proce~d with doubling the lnsulation thickn.... H. sald ln order to bot .ure about the verb/Jl assurance he had rec.ived from tho orchltcct re91Hdlng the payment (or the lncrc/J4l1d coat, he c/Jlled Ilclery Pr0'1rllm Managcment. Ho a.ked th_ lf they wore aware that ho had b~en Inslructed to double the Insulation from /In 1/8 of An Inch Blopo to 1/4 of an lnch slope and that Hee ry Proqr/J~ KanageID,ent would P/JY for it, An~ th. person asked how mu...:11 that would cost? Mr. Hommcrbocker o/Jld he qllvo thelll a quo te and was called back and Instructed not to do this, that the slope would .tay as it is. He 811 i (\ thls ðr::ounts for th" noteB on the shop dra~ing' to ~ t f which Hr. Saunders rcf(rred. Commls.ioner Hollan~ requeated clariflcation on the difference of co.t botween the Owens Corning .' roofing ~aterla¡ and the orlqinal root spocified. Mr. Car..llo soid in the Heery Program ~~nage~ent office there are four different types of roof. listed. Ho sald this listln~ indlcateB that the type of roof hi. \ .', . ~¿~)c~~pany i. putting on the bul1dlng ls more expansiv. than the roof that 1;:,~~~,~ apecified. Mr. C.Hst"llo said thðt the roof ~a. p4CUally inlotallad :~I~nd the archItect came out to make a progres. payment In.pection. He ~',I"f:. , '..... ~r.' .,. ¡,'" rage 41 .', ... ------------------.------ ----' .....'~.....".,"..,~,,~.,. ~...,-~,.' ", '-"-"~"~<'--"-"--"""""'¡'" 'C.....' , .. i~,o;.,.~.... ~. -.~. . , ,,~;.(¡,. . ..' ,..... ~,' . ,........' '~, .. ,~ , , ~ --, ----- --- - -- _.- -- - ----- --- -------- ----- , .. ~,J Januðry 17, 1984 .aid that the progress pðyment tor that month's drðw was approved by the architect's repr.sentative after seeIng tho workmanship. He said that betwe~n the dðy that he Inspectod ðnd the day that the payment was to be ~ade, a letter cftme out condemnIng the mðterlal and the payment was withheld. Comllisoloner tlolland /lsked Mr. CarBello If h«.> would stand behind the roof that Is on thu portIon of the Building -Y" now, and Mr. Carsello Bald that Kraft Construction Company wIll stand behind that roof. Hð .ald hit woulli qlve the! BCC a letter to that effect. Mr. Dorrl11 requested that Mr. Caraello state for the record whether or not Kratt Construction Company Int~nds to use the material I that ha.'been on tho roof and uncovered since September 1, 1983. CommiBslonor Holland pointed out that It would bo up to t.I:V County Metal'" Rooting Comptlny, Inc. to c1utermlne whether the matedal was , suItable and Jf It was not they would hðve to roplnce It. Mr. Carllello .aJd thðt the materIal wIll be Inspected ðnd If It Is dry the mtltorlal wIll b. used, and if It Is not, the motorial will not be used. Upon call tor the queBtlon, the ~otion failed 2/3, wIth Co..Issloners Plstor, Voss, and Krus~ opposed. Comiasioner Vasa saId h~ voted ðgalnat the motion becnuso he would .'(,.' lIke to h.ar from the archItect and If the materIal Id stltisfactory he agree~ thðt the work ahould proceed. Conmlssloner Voss .oved, seconded by Co~issloner Pistor and carried unanl.ously, thet tho U. ~os. ðnd Associates, the archItect, be requested to COile before the BCC January 24, 1984. Ite. 126 REV. DOt:ALD W. LAWSON AND MR. B!:RNI!: Bt....CKBURN 1.PPOINTED TO SOUTHWEST PLOR.lDA "ENT"'L IIE1.LTH BO"'RD, TWO-YEAR TERI45 PROM 1/1/84 TO 12/31/85, MRS. BETTY L"'WSON APPOINTED AS "'N 1.LTERNATE MEMBER ...d..inl.trativo Aide to the Board Onderwood reported on her conver.ations with Rev. !.awBon, Mr. Bruce M. Fallert, Executive i\DÐk U19hì:! 715 Pag e "2 -, . .' ----~~--~------------------------------ . '~" ! ~.".... J, !:' :,')..~. "', ,..,.... '...-1 ~ --.. ,."- &¡,~¡j;;t,~j.i., 'I'~!'~; ."";.",, ^.~~~~1r;"_.1 '. " , _'.'.. ..." '..,.':.:~);14,,:,..,", ,'________, , " ,~. _'__"_~ ___ .,-'......,:. _ _. _. -..,.., .., ,...;......:,~..:t, -, ~~., ~ ''''~:, .. ~.~~\,~:;::,~~.~"'~"'~' ~"¿'J~;':. ..<~~~,;.;~... "','..,,9t\".::~,:t .¡,~, "..~,'",' ... , ",,,,., ,,'; . ~'? . " " , ,... .... . ~- -." .. " .-\.'" ..... ......, ......... " ::::-l"~;5~~':i -~~,~ __'_-..,_.....hO~ L .",,,..._..'-------'",...,.,_......_-~"-,~".~,---;,~_.,"'.__...,,---,- " ," c",,, ',.,..,.......,..'., "., . <Ii, ,..~V ii" ' , ", ...L~'~,; >.. ''''_,,",u......,_ . I" ....-:......~1~ '¡¡... , ----,--- "., ,...,I"r;:....:.:.J'~""",. :'~;.< ~~~~-¡\' .,:~~ .... ",. .,"" ~I\:;-.-tf··~ '.. (' . .., / t¡.--/~; ~..;J .Þ- .' r r. , . .. . ~', ! ~J.tW. .. ' J:ti',.. ¡A. I ,~~.;,~¡...,i;;.~~~ 'ì§\~;, ~ooi<'~,.~ c. .., I y.,:.,. '.'" '.'¡-:, . '.... ' I ~i,:"" . 'f!!!. .,.,t f', ',. - ' ,',1 " ~;.~·~.f~'. ,'C'. " ~~. ~'~;tì'fl~ /;. ,,1 ~ Director, Southwest Florida Mental Health Board, Inc., and Mr. Henry, ; 'F Watson concer,ning the membershIp on the Southwest Florida Mental Health \¡,., Board. She said that the recommenda~ion iB for the BCC to appoInt Rev. ---------- ,".. . ' January 17, 1984 1 ; Donald V. L4wson and Mr. Bornie Blackburn to Berve two-year terms commencing January 1, 1984 with an expIration d/lte of Decembo r 31, 19B5, that Mrs. Be t t Y UlWBon be appointed aB /In alternate member on the , " Boa r d I and that ri9ht be reserved to appoInt one more full-tIme member at a later date. Co~missioner Kruse moved, .econded by CommissIoner Voss and carried unani~ously that the above-do.crlbed appoIntments to the (:, SouthweBt Florida ...ntal Health Board be lIpproved. "\)" Ita. '21 DR. CHARLES AHE1.RH ArpOIHTMENT TO COLLIER COUNTY HOUSING AUTHORITY - COHFIRI'tEC, MR. G1.RY H1.SKEW TO BE APPOINTlm IF CR. AHEARN DECLINES AdmInIstratIve 1.lde to tho Bonrd Underwood reported that sho receivod a call on January 13, 1984, from Mrs. Barbara White in Governor Graham's office recommcndlnq that Dr. Charles Ahearn's t ~., - ~). t". ','~." , , .~ ',' ; ... .: '~"'" ' ",.',~\ '~'f ' , ::,1".'" .:-,"",:<. appointment to the Collicr County Houoin9 1.uthority be confIrmed by the BCC. Ha. Underwood sllld thaL Mrs. White IIlso asked that the rlqht be re.erved to approvo Mr. Cary Haskow's appoIntment If Cr. AheArn declInes. Co~miBsioner Plstor moved, seconded by CommissIoner Kruse and carried unanimously, thAt Dr. Charle. Aheðrn'. app01nt~ent to CollIer Counti Hous1ng 1.uthority be confirmed with the understanding that Hr. Gary Halkew be appointed i! Cr. Ahearn declIne.. ···The following ItemB were adopted ðnd/or approved under the Consent 1.genda by motion of CoamiBsIoner Kruse, seconded by Com.l..ioner VOl. and carrIed unðnimouBly... 't, , ' It.. '21 PET. TR-83-13C, ELMER W. ODELL, RE TEMPORARY RESIDENCE PERMIT TO UTILIZE A TRAVEL TRAILER DURING CONSTRUCTION OF PRINCIPLE RESIDENCE ON TRACT 41, UNIT 21, GOLDEN GATE ESTATES pag e 4 3 -.-- -- -- - - --- -- - --- - ----.--------- -.------- L.J . ---.J -..i .. , \\IhI;¡;.;~~~ ...'Ii~~.......i.i!,t'l".."'r'1i\Ii-ìlt...¡¡;;.'C¡.i:-~';,..;.....·r-,'."'....',..."...·,;;.10,+" 4'<.-,.r. I. " _,t.. , ' ..-_.",---,~,..",,,,"...,--,,,_._..,...,~,,,,-- 1-",*,,.,1 .._- - ----- - - -~ - -- -- -- - - - - --.------ J"nU/HY 17,1984 It.. 12t , PET. TR-82-29C, TERRENCE A. HILLS, RE PINAL 3 MONTR EXTENSION TO 1. T&HPORARY RESIDENCE PERMIT ON E150', TRACT 56. UNIT 38, G.G. ESTATES It.. 130 I \aID '695 RE AUTOMATED WEIGHING LANDfILL COMPUTBR - AWARDED TO 'AIRBANKS WEIGHING DIVISION, E1.TOH P1.RK, FL. IN THE AMOUNT OP $24,575 Logol notIce havIng boen publIshed in tho Naples DDily News on ,OCtober 27, 1903, a8 evidenced by tho 1.ffidðvit of publIcation fIled I : with tho Clerk, bid. ~.re recolvod for Did t6~5 for nn Automated .\. ~ We19hlng Land Fl11 Computer untl1 2130 P.M.. Novembor IG, 1983. , ' It.. 131 '~'1983 DELINQUENT TAX ROLL - AWARDED TO N1.PLEB D1.ILY NEWS Ite~ 132 SOCIAL SERVICES CASES W-6771 , W-9767 It.. '33 . ROBERT GRILL PROMOTED TO JOB DEVELOPER II WITII PAY RAISE EFYECTIVE , 1/23/84 It.. . 3C ',rASST. JTP1. DIRECTOR POSITION - EST1.BLISHED RETR01.CTIVB TO 1/9/B4¡ MR. ~ JOHN TIPPINS APPOINTED OH 1.CTIHG OASIS Ite. . 3!) ACCRUAL 0' 1.HNU1.L L!1.VE BEYOND 240 MRS. rOR PUBLIC SAFETY 1.DMINISTR1.TOR It.. 136 CERTIFICATES FOR CORRECTION TO TAX ROLLS 1.S PRESENTED BY PROPERTY APPRAISER . " "ì/~.:"'" .. ~ .,~. , . ;t ~' 19B] 'TAX HOLL 22B-230 12/27-12/29/83 TANGIDLE PERSQN1.L PROPERTY .!.2.!!..:!. 1983-2BO-2B9 12/28/83-1/5/84 , i I EXTRA O1.IN TIME FOR A-431lS,. A-3B459 It.. 137 INM1.TE ~OS. 3B350¡ 41086, A-43121, 1.-36658, '600. 079 ",,;:¡ 71'7 Page 44 -- ..::....~-,-- - -'- - -'- - - - - - - - - - - - -'- -....-- ---------~ .. "': ",~ ~ ,.' ".!" '" f""~: " '<t", .. '~,.; ",;~.. ,;.';";,(i.~,"'. "".'¥ ~, .trl,~_.·!~ , 10; ; ,~~'!.:~ ,'~J...... .. ., , ~~. ~J.. ~ JIJtJ.......... -~;~ .. .,~...14, .:...'~~~: ~" .r} ~,¡;~':T'K".... , '¡ t..;,'· ':, ~~" . "if... I' '''~~,#'''''''~;';''''~ ';'..' '¡~ >',~,.~:~~'~t:T L ,__....____..~...........'... "...,......._.."......"..<..~__...."..."""""'"..___"""""h'""'."_.'..,=......."..-~'"_......""'''d·h''''_'__. '" "........ ," ,"~''*'~''~.j~.'¡¡f- .(~ " :' ~"'.." ..\"- ,. ,'" '......".¡..,-..... ~..-I¡:a ",..I.~ . _..A:.:.~~~~ _·~'~-------7~~-4 .~' ~~-r.". ,"( "f!!-~ "~~it',\(i. ..~,;.1- .,';'," ,..., ' ¡~.........,~;~.." .'. r"'~.·~.....""':''-..· r~.....~_!I;1Io.\F¡I~'; ~~'~tlit ~ ",,~, ~{. """';" .t." ~...'.. ~ . ' ~ of '~ ' ~... ....' l,.;') , I ~\, :',1.i:. r' ". .... '10 , '.~ Jllnullry 17, 1984 --------------------------------- .....;.'. :t ~.~. . 31 ,MIlt 079;r.¡~ 718 ~.. u.n TRA~rORD :':'J i n.. 13' CEMETERY DEED NOS. 376 , 377 Su pages '7/'1.. ? w MISCELLANEOUS CORRESPONDENCE - PILED ~ND/OR REFERRED 'Thore beIne;¡ no objection the ChoJlr dIrected that the following corre8pondence b. referred and/or filed to the various departments as Ind icated 1 · )' 1. Departmental Reportal Piled. 1.. Collier County /'IuDI:UI11, December 1903 8. Collier County F~ter, December, 19B3 2. Luttør doted 12/15/83, from /'Ir. ^1 Bishop, ChIef, Buroau ot Wllter Mðn~~ement, DER, with enclosures announclnq workshop and applications Cor FY 1986 PublIc Work. Program re Corps of Enqlnuers' w~tor resource Btudles and projects In rlorldn. xc Mr. Vlrta ~'r. Berzon ðnd Dr. BenedIct. riled. · "'1' 3. Copy of /'I~~orðndurn dllted 12/30/83, Cro. Leo L. Mlna.ian, Jr., £nvlronmðnlal 5peclallel, Bureau of Lðnd Acqul8ltion, DNR, re C.^.R.L. Sehctlon Commltteo melttine;¡8 on 1/12-13/84;; FIled. '" 4. Co~y of minutes of City of Uaples Council, 12/21/83. Filed. 5. Letter dated 12/29/83, !cOlli Wlnni. Lehman, Sec., G.G. EBt. Aroa Civ1c ....en., ^upportlng In.tallation of traffic lIght at C.R. 9S1 , G.G. Pkwy. xc Mr. Vlrta and Hr. Hartman. Filed. .', " " " " L' Thore beIng no further busln... to cOllie before the Board ..the ~" meeting ~~ ... ' ,.~ was IIdjourncd by order oC the Chair - Tlmol 2120 P.". BOARD OF COUNTY CCfII/1ISSION£RS/" BOARD Of ZONING APPE1.LS/EX OF'ICI0 GOVERNING BO~RD(S) or SPECI1.L DISTRICTS UHnER ITS CQ1IT~O !-__ ) / " u&li't·:/B~è~~:/~~~~~ ~, ==-- 'l: , -/':. . , · ^TTEST 1 \. ',WILLIA'" J. REAGAN, CLE:IIK Î::~~:·:·¿\~"~'.r~. ' P,~.:-..~:' r(':.-. J ~ c:? c !' ::::,,:~~ IaI~utu ~proved ~y the BCC on .. '~'r~"ented ~ '. ..~t. ·~'ri·' . .Þ ...... -~. t~· ~.' ,.:~ , ," , ~' 1'" .' ... , ~ If D \ \ ;) \ L___ -~ - --- -~--r~ - -_-. ,-.-_____ - ---- or a. ?~~.1 a~ ¡r,Py.. corrøcted " !"'ge 4 5 ,.- -.. '~"",lI!"-''''''''''''''-''''; ~.- ...... ._---.....-------~_.,_.,--'----- u ~ _, .' "".. .....,.... "~..: .,..,~:f J-" \.... _,"_.....~....- L '~ '.t , ! I, ~"~·l<t " ..... 't " ~ t!; ,,·'~i ,.. '~ .' .4..," .:f....,7 ,'-.~~.. . .;.';+ .. i '.-~,.':' "., .. ..~¡.:.., . .,...." ,..... "'<',. '! · ,1, " -~:':. ',. .~ , .... 1'\- . ' · " ,~) ¡. " \ J t~· .. ~ '\' ..; ..,~ ,;:~' , .' , ' · : ~/ J.- '-,-~ ",. , "