BCC Minutes 01/24/1984 R . . --- c_ ~ - -------------------------------------- Nllploø, Flor ldll, JanUHY ;!II, 19B4 LET IT 8£ REM~MBERED, thðt the Donrd or County Comml1110nerl In and for the County of Colllvr, and alao Acting lid the Board of zoning Appeal. and .1 the governlnq bOllrd(s) of such special dløtrlctl nl havo buen cr'ðt~d accordlnq to lllw and hllvlnq conducted buslnoas horein, met on thls data lit 9:00 A.M. In Regular 5elllon in Building "r· of th~ Courthouu8 Complox, EöBt ~~plos, Florida, with the followinq ~umborÐ prtlsent: CII^L~M^"II Dðvld C. Brown John A. Plstor fr.dorlck J. Voss M~ry-Frances Kruso AD5ENTI C. C. "Rod" Hollðnd A1.:>O PHt:Zk:Wrl ..1111/,m J. ROII'.Jlln, Ch'rk, JDmC3 C. elIas, FIsc.,l' Officer, Elinor M. ~klnncr, Doµuty Cl~rkl Ourt L. Uðundors, Cnunty ^ttornllVl ¡...rry Vlrt,1, Actin'] County ~.)na'.J,.r¡ Dnn.,ld Norton, Actln<) .....sllSt.:lnt County I',lIn"')t'q Irvin') bcrzon, Ut1l1t.lcs Admlnl!ltrlltorJ thdl Dorrill, Public ~~fulY ^dmlnlstrlltorl L~~ Layne, ~nnln<] ~Iroctorl Knuto Uartm.:sn, Publl~ ',\orkA Ad",lnlatrðtor¡ ...nn Obt'r, Pltlnnl'rl Chrl& Holloy, ^dmlnlDtrðtor of Ad~lnIRtrntlvt' ücrvlc~ul Grllcu Undt'rwoou, ^~mlnl- IItrDtlvv ^Idc to th'l "onrel, ,lnd L;t'µuty Chlv! n.ly~oFld ûðrn4rt.l, f,hl·r1tC'1I Cepllrtml1nt. am 080 PACt 01 NI') t' 1 ...----------------------------------------- --""'-....,.,---..~-- _.._.._~...."'--,-_..._"'-~--"'......_-_.,,-->'--_--.~~..,...;"""~.-,...''''- ...----.' , ~"-~..' ",. 1:'.~"'J o.~\"~'''..'~'' ....:"....]. ;.~5WIÌ'!~ ~~~. fj~~? \Y.Jt~ '.;. ~' ,0 '~,., ~r.: ',;.,,,-,-ç, ~. ,L "......- '4 ~ q . .¡ ~ . .,.,..-Þ '~"""". .1.:..: ," :., .. .-r( '. - I" ..11..'....·, . .., ,'. .,...~d~'!~~ :....._...~.-+f"..'(,t,...t:' 1.,'..VI '-::1:Oi""'''':;''~ ..''''-r-.'''''~'''''':-''--·''' :',"'-:' .'" :...~ .~. .., '.' ""';"'l~,.¡...~¡¡..,... ;,. .,·ti~.'. ','" "."," ·'...........7.c.\,to.. ...(I.~.". ...~. .'..... ~I ,,' '!'II:..",:-" ,-I . ~;'.¡~ .~': ~~""~!1r.;,,4· :'~<\":.,.th.~·.,;;.\.;,~~.<,:,,·~; ,', <f~:~I" ,:,~.:,·y...;;;:,'ti1ff.;/iij.i~: :~, .~~~,\ ...~:;.·,,~(.\.....~\:~,....~«.i,,~,~:!,"A,';'+; I";'¡¡·'~""'-::'....~,.,.cIt"'~,..t o-:~~1I:.#I~~"'W~~ið ' " ' ~.'\'~... . ' 'to" -1¡;~ '" . ." ." . f' :', ""'~"""~~'. . " '.~./);, ..~~~... 1'-4, ..'.i~· ,.../,:.......;;'1t,.,.~~..., I '\'1.0,1,;, .. . "...,,';, . I '.~~~-------------------~-~~-~--~-~-~~~~(7~¡ ~; :11.~~....,:.rt., :..., .. .~ ,,' ',' .' ", ' ", , ,.,..:.."",. .....1.., '" " ". :"".P.'I".f'·/:'lld~.~ð'\'. t l' aoO( 080 P~ct 06.. Janua ry 24, 19B4 : ...~J'~,:;. '~,~:;:;;~':·:~t ! '" p_." .11,.. . . " ., ' .. I.":,, ~~.", " , .,.... ,...' · ...", .. '.. . "" K.'''h'~'''f.'~~·.ü'' , r, T pe"l :~,...·~~""/:.·"... ·!.·'.··,.. ...··~N',·i~· .t".', ... ." ..·......,1,,·: ,. r.I.,,,,,.~.,..1J".f."'¡,':' t ~.. .: ',' , . ;' .. . :'. ',": ".' I. t Ite. Il '. ' ,." ., " ;·"';,II,..<tó,,;,,:.r., \ ¡"......,.oj(......,,; ~ ¡ ~(; ','. ,..."., .~ \':.;;".. " . . ,...,. ,1","- ' "" :;.; :I":,\ft~;i¡W~TI':~ ;~'.. MEHD" ;.' APPROVED M AMEHDED , ',' '.," . ':'," .,.. , ¡;N~·~~~?i~:~'~~~~'1 '~I'r..!\"" " ~ ....~.. ~:'.~' '1i.:....'.. áf}.\¡'>~',"'~ COlNlllnloner. ~ru.. lIoved, ..conde" by CONllu10ner Von and 'Y'\I'\:;,.';;,\."r:~'::,~" ..,."".'~\'w~,I.. tq.,\ ."... "....' . 'J...!t~1"1~ '~/' carr10d '4/0, (vote renect_ ComØlluloner Holland'l absence) that the '...' ¡'." . .."·f..·'':.': ,~,',."" ' .. " " " ,- ' ""..}:~~{.(: · !~ 'age~da ,~. approved wlth the following lll.endllenu. .' . ':~::#~J\ t'I)~~'I~ell 6B(2) - Petition R-83-21C, Landox Propertl.., Inc. - ' ~i/'d~, ','r.:.~l' ·W::· C.ont..inued to 2/7/84 at Staff request. '. . '::~.'I'~I'· :'101' \' .~~ '~.. , '. , ~ ,,¡}.~~'t,~ " ~,.t:', ~"'~ñ~1~~i', .....:.,' . ,\ " . ,',. 'I, '~,r" · .,¡. ,',17 8. ," It~m 9B(1) Re UIS09smont of economic impact of artificial . c r " i\'\ "'~.i¡~.:~ reofa - Withdrðwn at Stoff r"quost. .:ft:, ·Ite.,)~·\~~;" ',' ,Ii'.. '( ..'. '~. ,/~t , .. ffYr.~'-~ ..... I ,.i::.. ~ "-'1. ..;~:f~l.!.. MINUTES or 1/3 AND 1/10/8" - "'''PROVED '<" .. ,". ,.,:.i."¡' ;2,(\::1).' ,::~.;.( . ~"~., I'éolll·lIiasionor J(ruae lIIovod, aeconded by COIMlI.l1oner p1ator' And :-':" ' ..'i;,~ ".~ ~¥~"'" ·I.....~ ":lt~.... · . ':carrhd 4/0, that the .lnutu of the Bee muting- of 1/3 and 1/lO/8( bo ,':'I"~\;" t' Wf,4J~~'.\.: . , ' . ,: ~"', ;~.;~~: ~~ hoJ. approved. .. .',,,,.."... (!~~. ..,~1. . . .: : ,I:: ': ¢1~.~", ~;\:'. . ~' te.' . 3 : ,,',~. ..,. '''î,:f~ '.;, . ;,~ :. ¿ )'~ .."... ~' .".'.,:'.'E,I'I.,~.L"OYEE SERVICE AWARDS - (PERSONNEL). ,,\'- '. . ~~" '¡', ::':;:;,r.~: , ' .,.. (. I .""._..~,., 'Þ\"f~~ ¡w(;:-!.~::~,. ChAirmAn Brown pre..nted Employee Service Awerds to tho following .:'~"1~~.}. . "....'.... ,." , II . I... '£' . . ~-" ..".., . ,.., .: ~41: Ollployeulr.., .,fst~r:' t:¡:;,; .. ,....~.~'Þ' ...., ,'. Clyde Merry, ROAd' Bridge 10 'iura ..··¡jl:· ' II('~( ': _^ II P k n D t 10 ",' ·,··N~·' '~"ÎJI,{.',~, rturo IHrerll, Ar a '"ec. op. . "'~') , ~....~.:...~, Andrew DemAnd, Solid WAil to 10 "'~" I~¡" .. ·Ú·),..'·,.:: Luis ROSAc1o, ROAd' Br 1d90 10 . c, .ì~t¡r)111.1:' W il11AII Son.bury, So li d Will te 5 ",:, ;'" Tho/l\ð. Browen, a.e. COAlmunl ty Cont~r 5 .. '~l '):.,.: I ;:0'.\::"'-.,. ^baent for prlJ.entAtion. ;-:~"'!?~ji;~·;'; .! " ':, Ite. U " . 1"'~¡'J~'...HI.1'~f ~. ¡c '" .-,., ',' . ...... ~ . '1, "', ORDINANC! 8"-9 RE PETITION %O-83-SC, RE orr STREET PARJ(ING 'S DIS"'BLED PERSONS - ADOPTED , ," ,Legal notlco hav!n9 bun publlshod ln the Napl.. Daily ._.~ .. "" ~', o· ., _..,."".,-",--"-,,,..,,..,,..._,,,~..,_..,.,,,,_...,,.,,._,. ,,,.,,.,.,..,,",',.,;,,,,....,"~"..__....._".,·"""'''''.......·...,.",.·'.H·U."",,,_,_,,,,..to-_.;._.._" c::;J ~ ~~ r.=J ------------- ------ -----------------_._--- Jðnuary 24, 1!)f34 1/20/84, which outllnQ. ~uoMtions røloed at tho 1/10/04 BCC mooting. ~ho Bðld thðt thv City of N~ples hða ðdviø~d hor doportment that they havo adopted tho Bulldinq Codo excnpt tor "I to 25 spacos", ~nd sho dddod thot thoy ðo not re~u1ro handicapped porking for undor 2G srocoo. She said th~t the Clty o[ Ndplos counts hðndicðpped splices øs 1 ~poc. ,)nd not 2. :;ho reCurred to lhc pro¡.>o!lcd ordlno.lncl! In thr. Executlvo Summary and s.:Ild th<lt thl} l.3n()u,]<)" In P,:¡r.)gr,'ph D ha3 boen changed to conform with tho Dulld1n'l Code ðnd th"t Bt.oC! rccomh,<!nds IIdopt1on or this ord1nbncIJ which IncIudoß tho .1mondm.:!nt roquested. ComMissioner Pi.tor moved, seconded by Commløsioner Kru.e ðnd carried 4/0, that the publlc heðrlng be closed. Commissioner Plator movod, seconded by Commissioner Voss and carried 4/0, thðt the ordinance 115 numbered IInd entitlod bolow bo adopted and .nter~d Into Ordinance ßook Ho. 18, ORDINANCE 8<1-9 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINM4CE 82-2, 'I'll!: COMPREHeNSIVe ZONING REGULATION£> FOR TI:£ UNINCORPORATeD ARE^ Of' COLLIER COUNTY BY ^"ENDING SECTION 6.29 OfFSTREET PARKING SPACES REQUIRED FOR DISABLEU PJ::R~ONS BY PROVIDING fOR MINIMUM SPAces AND FOR DIGAüLED PERSONS MRKING IN PRIVATE DUSINESS, BY REQUIRING PUBLIC MAINTAINED BUI1.DINC::; TO COMPLY WITII STATE REQUIREMENTS, AND BY PROVIDINC AN EFFECTIVE DATE Ito.. IS PETITION R-83-21C, LANDEX PROPEnT1I:G, INC. HE ICEZONING TO "PUD" WOODFI&1.D LAKES PROPf.RTY - CONTINUED TO "/~/84 ON Com~l.sloner Kru.. ~ov.d, ..conuod by Commissioner Pi.tor ðnd carried 4/0, that Petition R-83-21C, Landox Propvrtl.., Inc. r.que.tln9 rezonln9 from "^-2- and -A-25T- to -PUD- on property known .. WoodCield Lake. be contlnued to 2/7/84. me 080 rl'::t 07 1'1\9 a 3 ------------------------------~--------~~~.. ---,-_..~----,.'" .··'.··e'__.""........._ ..~.~.~"'--~""'-"-_... ~~,....__..,-_._._."- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - .- -- toe 080 PACt 08 Jllnut\ ry 2<1, 19(114 Ite. " RESOLUTION 84-17 Re REFERENDUM ON 3/13/64 RE I~LES or CAPRI STREET LIGHTING MSTU - ADOPTED, ORDINANCE 64-10 CHE^TIHG SAME ^DOPTED Leglll notico havIng b~on publluhcd ln tho NAples Dally News on ~enuary 5, 1904, .ø uvl~~nced by ^!fldDvlt of Publlc~tion fllftd wlth tho Clerk, publlc heorlng W~ß opun~d to conslder 0 proposed'ordinance creðLin~ tho Ial~G o! Cllprl ~trcoL Lighting Municipal Scrvlce TDxlng Un It. Public ¡"orka l\dr.'llnlr.tr.ltor 1I.1rtlll/ln sAId this proposed Dlstrlcl will begln At C.R. Y~l ~nd go w~ßt. to covur tho ontlro existing .ubdlvlolon. lir! r!xpII11nc(\ It tht" ~çç III,provc3 this M:.i'I'U rCl. ucst tla"l " rvsolut.lon IInd on ordlnllnc(' will nccu tn l>c ðdoplcð. He ßðId that th,! resolution dUBlu with tho qUl/otlon lo be.' pOlled to t.he volDr!. In Milrch, 191H. County ^ttorn(~y :.ï<1unc!c.'f \ p,11<.1 tdo o(flcl' prllpllrud tho documl:ntl¡ end everythlng 10 legally uu!!lclunt. Mr. ChorlC!a 1.on< , reprCJsuntln'J IOC,'l' pollt.lr'l l.ntt!rprlsCI¡;, Inc., th<.' owners o! l.lndu lhrou'Jh \oo:dch C.lt. 952 procccdll to c.n. !l51 to tho Isles of CoJl¡r I, r'''luestr.J clar If Icatlon oC the Dre", whert' thu pro JOaccJ 119ht9 will bc in"llllh~. COIIIII\11I510no:r Plstor slIld the people requeGtod Ilghtli through lhnt IIl'ctlon IInd thot tho 5tilr f rccol"r.1('ndcd thllt tho jCC conl:ld~'r thf: whole IGlllnu And th/lt the l/lxlnl) dlctdcl would enco:'lpo:1!: Llll tile rc~ldl'nt!l In thllt ."1'11, lC they approv~ It. /'\r. II/lrtmlln 1I.)re.-(.'(\ ~nd IIcld th.1t thC' propt'rty bordt'r1n9 C.H. 9S2 .,,111 bo lncludud !ron C.i" !I~l Int.o t.he Iales o( Capri 5ubc11vlslon /lnll that. tho orulnllncl: cl"scrlt",c the lUll.'. Mr. I.on'] IIlIld, lit th(.' pr...8cnt tille, the 1/4 o( a 1:1111 pr(!c¡:nlG no problem to hi. cOll1pany, bOCl'tusð o! the low valuation on the 1.1n'J. / (! 1I.llrl It Is hll1 underr.tondlng th/lt betwcn 34 to 41 of tt1l.' propo!lucI 9/\ 11'J:ll poles will bll erected on ll1nd t.het la owned by UCI1polltðn l.ntcrprl"c5, Inc. IInd t.hllt. .nllhoU?h ht! 11.1 not Nklng ð proto5l, lit thl$ tim\:, h" dId ..,ant t.o c/lll atLentlon to PilI) co 4 ------------------------------------- II!!I .. - -.,,-------- .------'-.---...-.¥ t:::1 &;J 'r::::.;J ----------------------------------------- Jo'Inuory 24, 19M tho County th~~ n suction of ~pproxlmdtvly 7,000 llncAl f4et of road i. propcued to be Ilt. Ho uid thnt ie tho typo of rural rOlldwdY not. normally 1l1ur.1inlltol1. lie :Hdd he just wllntncJ this on rolcord. Coamlsalonor plltor moved, seconded Commlssioner VOSI, and carrlod 4/0, thAt the public hearing be clos.d. Co~.1111oner pl.tor ~ovod, secondod by Commlssloner ~ru.. and clrrled ~/O, that Resolutlon 84-17 regardlnq Ð tAX referendum Mllrch 13, 1904, to ~pprovo a levy not to excood one-quartor (1/4) ~lll to flnonce t.le. of Capri Street Lighting MunIcipal Servlco T~xln9 Unit, ~e adopted. Comml.s10ner Plator moved, ISftconded by CommlssIonor Vo.. ^nd carried 4/0, that the ~rdlnanc. Q. numbered and entitled bolow be adopted and entcred lnto Ordlnance Book No. 16\ ORDINANCE NO. 04-10 AN ORDINANCE CRtATINC TilE ISLES 01' CAPRI STRtET LICIITING MUNICIP^L 5ERVICE T^XINe UI/IT, DHININC ITS BOUNDARIES, P"OVIDING FOR ITS PUnpOS!ß AND GOVERNING BODY, PROVIDING FOR ITS FUNDING BY ^ TAX NOT TO EXCEED ONE-QUARTER HILL LEVY UPON APPROVAL DY MAJORITY VOTE OF TilE OU^LIrl~D ELECTORS IN TAt MUNICIPAL SERVICE T^XING UNIT VOTING IN AN ELECTION CALLED FOR SUCH PURPO~£, PROVIDINC FOR PROPER NOTICe 01' PROPOSED EN^CTMENT, PROVIDINe rOR 5CVER^8ILITY, PROVIDING fOR CO~FLICT, AND PROVIDING AN Errr.CTIVE DATE 'OO( 080 mt 09 I' () ð 5 -------~-~----_._-------------------------- ,'~..,....,_""'O,.__"~.~'.".. ".""._ _.."'.._."'~.... ,·."'''^<,.,,.,"_o_.......__·~_·__·_''_,..· ------ - -.- ------ - -- -- --- --- - ----- - -- - --- -~~ .'t J~ l;;; 12 Jllnunry :!<1, 19(14 ----- ---- --------- ---------- -----_----...~ "119«' Ii RESOLUTION 04-18 RI PET. V-83-13C, "^RBOR5IDC ANIM~L CLINIC, RI V~RIANCE FROM LANDSC^PI REQUIREMENTS - ^DOPTtD Legal notIce having bu~n publIshed In the N4plua Daily News on Jðnuory 0, 1984, aa ~vidonced by AfCldøvlt oC publlcatlon filed with tllu Clerk, public hall rIng W,llJ opunet! to connlc.ll.'r PetItion V-OJ-1JC, filod by l1ðrborsldl: ^nlmlll Clinic, requufltlng /I vorlancu from thtr landscape rtHjulrltm(Jnts on èI portion or th ; westtlrn ed'Jc of propcrty locatcd at J14e 1)111/1& (louluvord. Zoning Director L~yne axrlnlnu~ thnt thu petitlon!.'r lø cxpðndlng hls parklng arunl thðt thc exlDtlng !,!lrklng Dr ell WIIS constructed prIor to rcquiroment!! ot ttlt! LllndllclIplny b"cllon or the Zoning Ordinnnce ISn,' that thu uX¡Jnn( eu .:Irel; must be brought up to codr. She 5"ltI the ~xIGtln(J w.:LJl nice o[ the p,'rkinc¡ .:rl'!I, Croi1' tIll:' north eùg" of th~- parking lot bnck to 19 tuel south ot the hulldlng, hllø been rcquestc~ for willvtor ot t'I(.' (II/t' !oot wlûu 1,'n,';cCð )e:c1 alrlt-·. !>h.: Dlde! tht~ /Ire,) cannot bu bruughL up to cndQ bCCIIU5C of tht' .xlcllng 12 foot ðCCtr5S drlve to the r~ðr o[ the f'ro Jt'rty. Sh" snld bllst'ò on the detcrmlnll- t ions to be 11101.:11.' by th~ HOII rei u f ,on 1 n'J Appc., 1 n, hta f f r ecomr.\t.:nds ilpprovlll of thl! p\Jtl lion. ~1t\. 1.IIYI1~· DlI Jd th,H tllt'ru will 110 landacuping on the smuil Ltrlp ot the north end of the propllrtYI enó ther.. will bn ð throe (oot hed' t. In front of tho lJullùlnc¡. fohe sold tht' strip nee:dl.'û Cor I/clllcie m~ncuv~rðblllty woul~ be tne only oron not lilndscnperl. Commissloner Kruse mOl/cd, seconded by Co~rnisalonar Plator and carriod 4/0, thilt the public hearlnq be closed. Commissioner Kruso Þov~d, ..cond~d by Com~lsslon.r VOla And carried 4/0, that Reaolutlon 84-18 re potitlon V-83-13C, Hðrboralde Animal Cllnlc, re a varlonce as doscrlbed above for landscapo requirements, be adopted. - - - -- ..~..._-".,,,.,-,,-" . :,:-: ,{~\~~ ~ P.g. 7 ,,':r.Úi.'~ j:', H.rJÿ~ .'''~ ---------~-----------.......:..-_~.~....:..;,;. . ;.~ . ,'#1-,.:,.. " .,.~_....~ -----...... II· . ì '. . .,; II! ,01 '1,,;.... ",;."1 ~J/:;~~' ~. '··I·;oJ·'~·Î~i·.., ~ -,. " L__..:.J . . ~"'~~~,II,' j ""f..,..J [._ J ~. ., *.., '01 " , ... ~~:~~ ':J\.'.. "~'.#' I u. II JllnulIry 24, 19B4 " , , \ . . . ¡ , . PETITION V-83-12C, MANUEL' IRENE LUNAÓ RE VARIANCE or THE VR DISTRICT FOR PROPERTY LOCATED IN EDEN PARK, IMM KALEE - DENIED ;; , L.g.l notice having b..n publl.hod in the Napl.. DAily N.wI on l' ,,' ,) \;~Janu.ry 8, 1984, al evidenced by A!fldavlt of publication filed with ~~~he Cierk, public hearing was op.ned to consider petition V-83-12C ,':. filed by Hðnuel . Irene Luna, requoatlng two 700 squAre foot vlIrlancos ,. . , ",,'. ,(. from tho lIIini/llUIII 6,000 squoro foo.t requirement for vn zoning for ~~\property loc.ted ln Eden Pork, IlIUIIok.alee. '~4~~'/.; Zon;lng Dluctor Lðyno roferred to the Exocutlv. Summary dated ':,~ïP'¡B4; and explained that this is a requcst to allow two ulatln'j .', ~~L on;.. to contInue. She explained that the petItioner bought the . . , , .. ': \, ~.,·,proporty 011 two lota, Tract 1, Lot 1, I)lock 3 and Tract 1, Lot 2, Block ) 3, all in Parcel A, Ed.n Park. She said thAt the Buildlng Deportment 1..ued the pormit.· whIch were correct bAaod on informðtlon brought to that depar~.nt that lndlcllted two aeparate lot.. She sold thBt the ,.or19inal s.ller lIad. 0 complaint a9alnst thll petitlon.r. She s.id that th.· Building Departm.nt checkod the sIze of the lot, whIch 1a 10,600 square teet inst.ad of 12,000 square feet. She sAid only one de.d was I.sued d.scrIblng the two parcel., therefore, mðklng it one pArcel of Illnd. She saId bll..d on the determinations to be mad. by tho Board of Zoning Appoal. that Staff rocommends that the potitlon b. granted. Roapondlng to Comml.sion.r Vos., Ms. Layne .aId thore or. two mobile homes on the property and the aroa is VR zoning which allowa ~obil. homes. : Mr. Fred II. Edenflold dhplayed a copy of the mort9ago deed and .tated that he .old the property orl91nally. He said he was pre..nt to prot.ct the rlghts of abutting property owners. He oxplllined that th~ I , ba ck 0 f the lot ha. a 10 foot utility easement. He .aid, under present zoning, that the owners would be all o....e d to put on. house or one 1:11:, .'. . - " .\',.'.( aOOK 080 mt 15 '... {. '. , r't "..'.... . . ,)" t ..~.., . .' :.;!-~~ '~"...."'."( ", ,J.~: . ,.tit, '-~,~~' '. , ,.;~ ');,~~ I>~;'''~ )....,r. ¡; .<~~ . ...1\~~.'" ~ ~;~ :,<;. , ,··w"'" .~..¡i'; '~.J~' .J . '·....·....â:L;·;.¡:.u... J. ........, :: ::'.~ ~' -'1'_~~"~IMoô'IooIIIa~I:I)ilU'~ "....~."......__.~,,"',......,' ...,''''"¡.'''''i·...'_...'..,..."~,,___·_~~,.,,_,,...._''''_···..._,·~ _.__'",__·~.....H,"'.,."'_,··,,~"...._,···"··· ~,...--" property. Ho laId the lot e.at and """at, and wI th the easement tho rema lnln<;¡ property Is 59 fo"t.. Øe uId that one traller Is S5 feet 4,nd the other 45 !eet. lie , explaIned the property remðlning wlth the placemunt of the traIlers Is " approximately 3 foet frolD the front property line and approximately 6 ,. . "feet fro. the rellr property lIne. He saId thla wal a zonln<;¡ sltuatlon allowed by the Staff throu9h lack of knowledge of the situation. He " explained that he held the mort<;¡lIge for tho origInal slIle and sald that '. he Informod tho buyor that only one residence could b. placed on the property at the tlme of the sale. Respondlng to Commllølonor Brown, ~: Hr. Edenfleld said that the report doeß not show th.re was a third ~, traller ?n the property which the ZonIng Departmcnt requIred the Luna's to mov.. Mr. Voss requ.otod clarlfication about the Staff statement ,,' that thoro ls othor property In tho ðrea that has b.on grandfathered I in. Mr. Edenfield dlsput.d this and stat.d that the Lunas do not,llv.' on thlo prop.rty. Ms. Layno clarified that there are other lots of sImilar size that would be undor 6,000 aquar. foot on which ther. 11 on. hOUI.. Mr. ~denfield took iOBue wlth thls and related that, In the firat .dltion of Ed.n Park, the lots were SO feet by 140 f.et which resulted In 7,000 square f.ot. Commissionor Voss Daked If there is an easoment on a lot does that roduce the Ilze of a lot as far as buildin<;¡ requirement. er. conc.rned? Ms. Layne said that an easem.nt Is counted as part of the lot and If there Is a road OAsoment, rIght-of-way, the porson has to set back fro~ the insld. odgc of that .aaoment and, If it i. a utility or drolnðg. .a..ment, no bulldlng can take plac. In thot .a.o~ent. Com~isslon.r PI.tor expressed his concern about the dlffer.nce In Hr. td.nfleld'. .tatement·. and thot roport statelllont that the prop.rty was sold liS two·; bulldinq lot.. Mr. tdcnfleld .xplllin.d that Eden Park consist.d of , . . ! PII<;¡e 8 f:.iÛ,....: ~.\ /. .. If'.,. .. , '. ":"''''lí' " '.'¡... \, ··'"'~·,r¡': , .:r, . .. ~f·"··'·~ . ' . ¡ '~:'~i/, ,t. !, . ,¡ \ ~ ~ "~.¡:,' ........ ~,. .',.. ,.. ).;,oa.¡ ~ ... 4w:_1 _.......¡¡; ",~~"""-,._,''''''-'''''"'''"""...,.,-,,. ..~ _..-.._._-....-'"-'"._"'_.,,~" ,.-,,~.~...-""_._.. _____.___~"_·".t_"~"'~_·,~·,"···"..·~_ ·I'~·~~' '. Þì., 'i ~~,~ .( .. . , f. \!'." . '. . ..' ',. ~ . ~4'1Io" 'r::J c:::::J [_J . ,. ',,-\ ----- 1"t; January 24, 1984 ......v.rAl block. ~h.n it was lIIubdlvided and aon.d. 110 uid the property , ~ t:~~'i _~~ ~ ~. .. " "., -,: . ,~.(. ramal nvd zoned In. 'Ú,*.I', .. I-or .,~. ''J'~''~,'' , :"". jt .tAt~1f;~ '1" ":'fA ~~"1.~ ,,~,) ~~ "1n question Is In Tracts 1, 2 and 3 and thllt property .qrlcult~re, the aame a. hi. home across the Itreet. proporty wal rezoned to mobile homo park lubdivlsion. Ho sald the COlllllisa1oner ~rus. referred to the txucutlve Summary description of the property al Trllct 1, Lot 1, Block 3 ðnd Tract 1, Lot 2, Dlock 3. She .aid Ihe would a.lume that meant tho person owned two lotI. Ms. Layne gavo her oplnlon that the aullding Dopartmont iaaued the two pormit. blllod on the under.tandlng that thero wore two lot!! and that wan how this .ltuation occurred. Responding to Chllirmlln Brown, Ms. 1.ðyno laid Staff ',. did not consldor thi. an error becauso mløinformation was qiv.n to 1~' , , ( Staff. Mr. Edenfield gAvo County ^ttornøy Saundors a lot doscrlptlon , . in the deed for thd property which Mr. Saunders explalnod was a metel and bounds descrip~~on and doos not refer to Lot 1 and Lot 2. Chairman Urown .ald tho lot i. not big enouqh lor two trallor. according to the exJ.tlng code, to which Mr. Saundors IIgreud. Tape 12 Attorney Paul Martin, representing Lotltla SprJgg., explained that his cliont is an adjacent land owner. He spoke In opposition to PetJtlon V-83-12C. Ho introducod Jnto the rocord (our pictures of tho lot and two trailers marked al txhlblta 1 through 4. 110 gave as roasonl against the petition the Incro~sod nolle and traffJc and the (lIct that thore J. no undue hardshlp to the property owner to continue to live in the.. premlaea, a reason that a vðrlanco might be granted, since the mobile homol are UDod a. rental propertlo1 and the property ownor doo. not rOlldo in them. tIe polnt.d out that all tho loti in the immediate vicinity are largur th~n tho property In que.tion and thor. 1. only ono tral10r on each lot. A discuIsion VOl held explorlnq the po..lbillty o! ropolltlonlng the tral1or. with Mr. Martln notJnq the ;..... I~ f .-;;., ''':n' mK 080 PA~t 17 paq e , ------------------~~------------~--~~~ ;,":~~ ~ ~.!';' ~ ~""., .~ . .' . '~t ~f. .. . .,' . .: ._~~ . ."" ~. .' L ..,"'"'--,-""'.--~-----'". ...·.~,·~,..._·"~.....·.",..~.,.".."'.H_'_.......____·""··__~·_'_·--~"''''''''"''=-.......~".",.-,,-~.....,,',-"'~~..^'~~..''.~.~.----,. Þ'" ., ........ _._..~' ..""-'~~ ..~,'''~ :;:.~....:~ ,;~;:.-,.~" " '--:.. . ' ." '.--'.---.......;'i;7"i....,H... ...~'.þ.~~;~ : ',-"'.f'.' .' ¡I/-/-" _ ~,'~/{'·~_,r+·. ,..;,.__ ~_",,:1;~:=r-~.~ . f1::;~r;.'F""'~' .' . .~. . ~1:þ'q¡i>,~.7. '~ i~;';'o/I~~" . ',. . ~~:ï¡r~, '," { '~.~: '"'-. I~,···.-:.. .,. ."4·· . ,,''', 'OJ . , , .," '+,'ffI'j>.' '. ., ,; ;, .:' ----------------------~---------------~--. 080 P.Gt 18 January 24, 1984 letb.ck requiremonta would make thia impossible. , Roapondlng to Commiasioner Rruae, Mr. Saunders said if . govern- ¡ ~ental .gency provided a building permlt, which ultlmlltely is illegal \ under exlating code, that bulldlnq can be forcod to be removed and tho , owner of tho building would have no remedy .g.inst tho accountlng. ,\ . ~om~11110nor Kruae requested clarlelc.tlon of the prlce for the , property under dlacuaalon al comp.red to the proporty on which only one '.. tr.ller can be placed. Mr. ~denflold explained that tho property was lold October 24, 1960 for $5,200.00. He sllld tho 70 foot lots across tho atreet .old for $4,500. lie sald th. difforence In price was becaua. there wal . little extra land resulting in moro squllre footago. I He .tated he waa asked l' the land was zoned for two trailers, prlor to . the Lunaa movlng tho aocond trllil.r on the property, and'thllt he told "ra. Carter, who lold the IDnd to the Luna.', that the %onlng only f allow. one trallor on the property. He .ald there waa proper warning. Responding to Commlssloner Voall, Ma. !.IIyne stlld tha.t. the setbacka shown in tho Executive Summllry are the requiremonts of the VR Di~trict. Com_l..1oner Kruae Moved, .econded by Comml.s10ner Vo.. and carri.d 4/0, that the publlc hearing be cloaed. Chairm.n Brown mov.d, .oconded by Com.i..loner Kru.. and carrled 4/0, that petition V-83-12C be denied. It.. U ELMER HCrr"^N WINDOW INSTALLATION APPEAL - CASE CONTINUED. BUILDINC DIRECTOR SCMEIIORN TO WITNESS MR. KIRBY'S REMOVAL or WINDOW ON THE PROPERTY AND REPORT TO BCC Acting County Kðnager Vlrta rcvlewwd thl. appeal pre.ented at tho Bee meeting 1/10/84, to the ContrActor.' l.icenllng Board docl.lon mldR by Elm.r Hoff~an regarding a wlndow In.t~l;.tlon problem on hl1 , property. Hr. Vlrt. aaid at that tlme Sta'ff w.. alked to contact' Mr. ~irby, the contr.ctor, and request that he correct the proble. or Pig. lO 'f.; . e!I II!I, e!D ~, _.,.,_.~...."'"_._._- -""'.--..-...- .. _.,.~.._--",.~.._."._..._.""-".~--,...__........, " ,. , . "'" t*-.·,,:~.. . 'i'~~'\(: . .' .' . ....' > .'~ ,'. . \ c:::J r:=J r:::J V:I~,·~ ~-" ,- }:.\~.:: ...' January 24, 1984 ----------- '. ~. ---------- -- ~ppear before the BCC thi. date to explain why he could not do .0. J '_.,111 : l' ';',;'.county Attorney SA under. lIIade . .taUlllent. to the DCe t.o holp 9uid~, He sAid thi. matt.or 1. considered a quasi- them In thi. hearing. ,$ ..~ , 'udiciAl item as opposed to the legislAtive function the ace normally ,,,ndlrtake.. He uld thls is a legislllt.ive hearing and the Bee heDrs testlmony to ~ðke a decIslon. lie sAid a quasi-judicial proceedlng Is conducted in tho form of A judlcial procoedin9 In that both parties . , , must be'heard, those partles mAY cro.s examlne ellch othor, 3nd th3t tho Bee ~ust ~ko flndinqs-of-Fact and Conclu.lons-of-Law for whAtever 1 .' -': . ~decl.lon ls~de. H~ said, under the exIstlng code, thAt those .j.~.. ~ ~ ': ., . rindings-of-Fact and Conclusions-of-Law must be rcndorod wlthin fivo .. . , (5) days 'aftor the closo of tho hoaring. Ho proposed thllt the BeC ., . " , '\ conduct the hoaring this date and that ho will draft thu proposed .( ! rlndings-of-Foct and.Conclusionø-of-Lðw Cor tho Bee to consider at the . , next \ :'. ~ <:If a \./ Boa~d meeting, when the publlc hOAring con be closod for rendurlng declsion. County Attorney Saunders road from the exlstlnq code, for the Commissioners' lnformatlon, Sections 4.1, which deals wlth misconduct. of A contrActor, and Section 4.15, which he explained is the aection that applles to thl. particular category. He reAd that section whlch I,' . referrod to Actions thAt constItute mløconduct by a licensed contractor "uch as ~ep^rting from or disrogArdlng th~ plAns And speclficatlons o~ a constr~ctlon job without tho conscnt of the owner or duly authorized repre.entative. He e~phasized that this slIction deals with depart.ure In a mat.eriAl reapect. lie s.ld thin S.ction «.25 deAls with the actlons that. clln be takon Against the contractor and read thðt sectlon, which stated that the nec ~AY revoke a ,contractor's Certificðte of CompotencYl suspend his Cert.lficate of Compctency, lmpoao a les.or penalty or make a ,lndlng-of-Fact that thoro is no causo of punitive ,,' . ,0;( 08Q PAr.t 19 page 11 . /,':. .6:'" . ''''1 . , \~'t'.«.. fI'''' ,.1. .' . ~~~--------~------------------------~ ". h. . .J ~'.hM··Hðf~ ".., ,.," . .-..IiH........~~~. ...ii"""!! ,.,;, .' '.._~";""'"'~ .- ..'!If .._h,:. ¡ ........'...:~. ..._.,.....' ,I~i.i1.' .' v - . II"" Ii\). ..' /.,. 11""1... \ J' '.- "'-'" -:.," ,'L.".. ~:' ""', ;.~;~i"~. ~.~~-'.. "~'~~:~ ," , ,\ ,t".... ,. ~-"4.~ ',' ·";{;~:~1:'1c,~:,;,;}~~~~~~t\.W.*':.· I . ,.,.'Y" , .~,.>( j\:Wf..~;t<~'~'~::~':' :.¡ ~,";.i,,/O\" L;..;.:'; . ~"----'"--~"-'-"""""'"'~'.'" ---'___"_""_~'~_"_.'~"'N,,,,.~"N_...~, action~ He .tated that tÞ. nee is entitled to take no other dlsci- pllnaryactlon. Ho soid that Any disciplinary act~on taken by the.BCe . .., .hall operate from the day that the d4cl.ion i. rendered. He .aid thðt a decision .hall be considered rendered at the tlme of a mlljority of vote of the BCC ln favor of that actlon. Respondlng to Chairman \, \~rown'. questlon, Mr. Saunders .tated that the complainant hils to ~ .~tablish thllt there has been a departure In Bome material respect from , t~e constructlon plans. He said whon the complainant hll. completed hi. " . testimony the contractor should bo glven IIn opportunity to question the complalnant, and that the complalnant should then be given an oppor- tunity to cross examine the contractor. Mr. Vlrta explained that Mr. Klrby had boen roqueBt~d to appear ðt lOsOO A.M. and, .lnce that hour hlld not bven reAched, he sU9gestod the 1 te. be contlnuod unt 11 that. hour. By consensus of the BCC, the case wa. continued to be honrd followln9 the next item. Tape '4 (the Ite. wa. resolved following Ite. 'lO) Later In the lIIeetlng, I',r. Ellller BoCCauln thoroughly reviewed the tacet. of hls appwal, as presented to the BCC on 1/10/84. He explðlned In detail why It wa. his opinion that Mr. Kirby had departed from the .' .anufacturer'. Instructlons to place caulklnq behind alumlnlum wlndows , . , on his Plltlo, when his house was constructed approximately thrve years a90~ He stated that those windows have continued to leak. He related \ hi. threlll Appoarllnce. before the Contractor.' I.lcen.lng Board (C1.8) at' which, he contended, no .atisfactory reliolutlon of the matter occurred and that the cnse WAS d I amls.od . Mr. Bruce K I r by , owner/President of Alr Brite ~lumlnIum, Inc., appeared before tho oce. He expl,lnod hls appoarances before the CLB' , ) . ' to rectify the haking proble. that Mr. lIot:!Jllan compl'alned was occurlnq ~ ' around hi. plltlo windows. Mr. Klrby explained that he agreed \.;' ."....,f ------- .. ¡~"'.' I', ,. .- ;, .. ...... ,,' ~.... ~ ,P"~~.', .!~.t~ {' .~ .~~~~ . ,.,Ir , l'~" .,' ';.', "';, . '.. ".,,:.f, .... " ·t:Ù';;\~ ;..'¡ , ..\.~ '~.' ¡. ~.; " , j :,:,/;;( . I''''I'/'}" , :' " ",.',,\ ": 7~",J;": ':.'h{.:, , 'a~f , : :'~ftf: , , '".,K .~~~. "'\~~ . f ;(:"'. ,.1,: ... '{"'-' '. /J.~ .. . \ ~~ '.", . ' "."...._..,-,,~----..__..._..._"""""',"-_.....-"....,..- ._.__."'"''''''_...._,~-_.".~--_.'''''''_..,,.,..''' <,~.--_......._--'< " . L._J ì.,..--,J .~ JFt~, M,~:~ .r~ ..:~. C-:.J "k" ~. "-- January 24, 1984 \. back, durlng the flrst year followln9 tho job, to corroct the sltuII- tlon, ~hlch ho dld, because ho .tanda behind his work. Ho sold that he extended the wArranty for tho noxt rAlny ..a.on. H. sllld that Mr. '. Hoff.an wa. going to hold tho ~oney until It rained to .ee If the ~lndow, 1'lIked. Hr. ~irby stated that, after approximately two yoara, he recelv.d a letUr notUylneJ him to appear beforo the CLO. He referred to hi. attempt. to rectify tho altuatlon by resealing tho windows with claar sillcone caulklng IInd explalned th~t tho wlnùow., them.elve., did not leak. He explnlnad that he offored to r~movo tho ~lndow.; at one CLB appearance, IInd to havo vorlflcatlon made that there ~a. caulkJng bohlnd the windowS. He aald he had suqgeatod lf there was caulklnq, that /'Ir. Hoffman would atand the coat of tho Illbor to p~rfor~ this operation. He s~ld Mr. Hoffman refused. Mr. Kirby' \ { , explained tho difficulty with u.lng a hoso to toat the wlndowa, aa wa. sugge.ted by Commissioners Plstor and Kruso, becauso In an Instance of \ . ~ dJrectlng water on a window there may be leakage In windows ponell, how.ver, thl. would not address the caulking probl~m. Ho explained tho dlfflculty with posàible leaks duo to the flexibility oC aluminum fra~e. and th~ fact that motlll Is 4gðln.t motal In thl. type of wlndow. Re.pondlng to Comml.alonor Vos., Mr. Kirby aald he placed slllcon~ caulklng all around tho window.. Commlsslonor plator pointed out that if cBulklnq was not Installed In the tlret placo there I. a poaalblllty of 60ntlnued leake. Tape 15 Hr. Klrby mado hi. orlglnðl otter to removo 0 window with a wltnea. present, In ordor to reaolvo whether caulking waa thoro ond It it wa., thot Mr. Hoffman would stðnd tho coat, otherwise he woul..! pðy for the work. It wa. the conøonaus of ' tho BCC that thla wa. a roason- able offer. Mr. Saunders roltllr~tod his former inatructlon. rogardlng ~o~~ 080 'A~t 21 I'4ge 13 .. ~, .. , ~------------------------------~-~~ ..i·"o ~.., .1'.......-:.;.;...- L" ~--~._-_....,...";."._-"'_.."-...-.._,..-,----,---"'...__._._.~- 1'., ------------------------~--------------~~- \.!I" ,......~' 'f ,;Q( 080 'A~t 22 , , ~ ~. the po..ibh UndlnlJ' that can bo made by the Commiuioner.. lie .aid , ! th.y could a.k the contractor and complainant if they agre.d with the January 24, 1984 abov. .~ge.tion, howover, that the Bee doe. not have the authority to , im~o.e the action. Mr. Ho!!mlln IIgrood to Mr. ~irby" offer, how.ver, I!, , ~ti" h,. c~utioned if any further damago ls dono to his patio, that Mr. Kirby "~\' .~1l~ hav~ to replllr it. Mr. Kirby requested the presonco of ð wltncsø ~ hen he r.mov.. the window. '" ' \ eo~l"lon.r Vo.. acv.d, ..conded by eommlGMloner Krus. and carried 4/0, that Building Dlrector Scamehorn be pre.ent when Mr. Kirby . re.ove. II window on Mr. Hoffman'. patio to discover wh.th.r there wa. caulking placed behind It and that Mr. Sca.ehorn report tho.e findings to the BCC. , Comml..lonor Pletor 8ald, bCCDUSO of earlier advice 91ven by Mr. " , ., \/ ''i~ , Saunder., that Mr. HoffmAn would hAve to agree to the contractor'. " .1JI; 90.tlon regarding removing tho wlndow ln ord.r to provo whetlnr cautklng i. th.ro or not in ordor to ful!lll hl. roqulrements for the ca... . Mr. Hoffman 8greed that Mr. Kirby could r.mov. tho window, with , hi. .e~: when Hr. 5caM.horn waa pr..ent to witness the op.r.tlo~. Mr. I Kirby aaid, if there i. caulking buhlnd tho window., thðt the operation will be at Mr. Hoffman'a .xpens., Chairman Brown and Commls.lon.r vo.. . agr.ed that was roasonabl.. Mr. Saund.r. advised that both partios will hov. to b. notifi.d whon thi. item 1. to com. back before tho Bee tor flnal proc.edings and that the cas. ,.,111 b. continuod until that tlmo. Ite. 110 " REMOVAL or Roor ON BUILDING "r·, PROPER KATERIAL INSTALLED AND FINANCIAL SITUATION TO BE RESOLVED BETWEEN THE PARTIES INVOLVED - APPROVED . '. i Publlc Sat.ty Admlni.trator Oorrlll sald thl. Item waG continuod from the Bee 1/l7/B4, .coting at which tlme the prime contractor for Page 14 --- ____.....-"<V ~..~!1., ~ e!I .......-_... '. > ;,,/ I " ,.-'. , \ '.'{ ,.\ ~.; tJ. '~ð' \..~, , , ¡:).. '~': it '~t L {1, ~~ ;~ ,... ,', ,. :t;- ........ I..~·~~\ + ' ;. , ".::l . t.'t{. .,~.:~, '........ .... "'.\ - . .'~' -./ '.', ,.¡ ~-.- ';,I, ',,'.' "1"":: .... .' .\' , .'., . '''''''''-''''".''-;--'~ - "..--""'-"','"-'''',..''''...__.,,,..'"',''''''''"'-''''''-_.....-,.__....,.._.,,~~,'.._,...'~- '1.'.~1' ", ", ~',ol.' .,;;i~' . 'J.l"L " ~', .~. !'r1'4' \ . II '\ \~ c:J [:=:J ~ 1.,_, ---------- I;,. :\.... ~... "r" u....l Q. .r Q j.o' .r m. to:·::: r:.::. ,:.::. Ice f~:·reqardlnq the roo! that. wa. Added to the 6th Uoor. Ho uquut.ed that . t't', the Bee heir !lr.t !ro~ the Conltruct.lon Manager to outline the He laid it would thon be In the belt lnterest for , .' sequenco of evont.. '~, the Bee to hair from Mr. Caraello, tho ropre.entatlve of Kraft Con- .truction Company, and Mr. Paul lIoineman, reprelilenting ROlu/Ehronkrantz and Asloclatel. ~ Hr. Daryl Halle., Construction Mðnðgtlr ropro.unting IIeery proqram t~ Manlqement, Itated that the ace h.llrd a volld dl.cussion last weok I I ' .:: reqardlnq this Ii tuatlon. 110 roquolltod thllt tho BCC hear from tho ::·t;~, , ~ ' ,;\~;'..rchltect'. reprelentðtive. Rospondlnc; to Commll.loner Kru.e'l ques- j' . tlon for the record, County Attorney Daunder. said that thl. ls a , I He a.ked Mr. Oal1es to explain tho dl!!or~ leqlllatlvo-typo hOArinq. ,} encel botween tho type of roof to b. plAced on Bulldlnc; .J" and the one 'i" that has partlally'boen placod on Building ·~,que.tlon al to whether they are Identical. \ V I ' 'tho.e two roof Iyatem. aro not Idontlcal. "F· because thore II a Mr. BAll08 explalnod thllt He 8al~ that the .y.tem on Building "F· i. a flber91a.8, bullt-up sy.tem, wlth flberc;leø beinq tho In.ulatlon. He lðid that tho jail i. roofed with a llc;ht w.lqht, concrote' lIonollte and Ityrene Inlul/ltlnn. He said these IIro entirely dlfferent In.ul/ltlnc; .ystam.. Hr. Balles laId that. Kraft Con.tructlon ,I ~ ", " Company orlglnally notified lIoory Program Man/lgement thAt thoy could . not moet the warranty or quarantee requlromonts wlthln tholr contractl for tho roofin" IYltom. II Id th b I ~ 0 .a oy IU ~ ttod a lubltltute roofinq ._'Ylte~, which wal to b. zonollt. concrete wlth built-up rooflnq. He laid that tho archltect rejected that IYltem. lie laid that 11 the roofing Iy.tem In.tðllod on the jail /It this time. lie laid that the jail approval or agreement wa. .ubaequQnt to the review of the roof on this bulldlnq. Co.ml'lloner KruI. a.ked 1£ tho llqht wolqht concrete iO~( 080 "1~1 23 Paqe H .' 'f . L o~__..._._..__~....~...~,.w~..,__,~.__,_.,' --..----..-..-..-->,."-.-.. .,.,-,..._.-,~,~-~-"~.""_.._."-,..,,,,,-,..,,,,",,"'''''''-~-'~'''-''''-'-''',,-,,'.'''''.''"- -: ,.,..\, ,..,~...w..:.,~r:l:."!o·\.~~~w>~~'¡¡~~~1;~r;:fìr;J?~F~~~~ "',,-, , ... .;..,~~}~:(~~.i:"~,~:;~:~,::.~~'t\."..,tl(~:.',"/',~·. ~ , -, ':."';~~~lb~~I"¡ 'I/i."- :.<'!"';'.:I:-:-'\.í,,:,~-"':t:- '-'--' . ." ":'t'" ,. ,~. , ,:. :'1 ~. . -------------------------.,..- ;; OBOl'A;'24 ------- January 24, 19B4 " '. .:t·~<;. - I roof .Yltem, approved for the ja11, WIIS rejectod for Building "F", to 'which I'Ir'. BAiles responded Affirmotlvoly. lie sold that the archltect's 1 Urlt u'comlllendatlon for tho jAil wa.. not l1<.¡ht weight concrete. 110 .ald it ,18 acceptnble to tholll if lIoory program I'llInllgement accepts It. Com~lssloner Kruse clorlfied that a roofln9 materlol was apeciflèd ~',(,} for Bulldlng "'., thllt rooting mlltorllll wal unable to bo mot Cor one · re.son or another, a sU9gestlon was mode for llght weight concreto for f '..' Building .,., and that a sU9geatlon w.u turned down by the architect to .~ ' which Mr. 8ailos agreed. Commlsaloner Kruae said that the type of roof pre.ently on part of Building .," WI. auggoated and WII. approved by th~ .'-:-. t architect, to which Mr. Ball.s responded that ho did not know thAt , there wa~ approval, ln accorddnce to the contract documo~t.. COlllmla- .Ioner ~ru.e said thl. 1. the key ltom In the l.aue. Mr. Paul Helneman, the architect for Collier County, for tho Justice Center, of th. joint venture of Roas/£hrenkrantz, stated that In twrch 19B3, Colller County entered Into a contract wl~~ Kraft Con- structlon Company to provlde a roof for Building "r". He said that , roof was a Coam 91a.a roof And that sy.tem I. not on the building. said that the ~aterIAl that 1. prosently on the building was not an . approved substltutlon and that no reque.t for aubatltutlon of that ~ t ..wIteriai' was ever made. lie said thnt a Ihop drawln<j was submlttod as , If a substltute had been approved. 11. contended that shop drawln,<'¡ WIIS defective and returned wIth an order to resubmit. lie said that wa. never dono th~t work proceoded, and that the roof, presently on Bulld1n9 "F·, is pllrtly In placo, but has not beon put on accordln9 to tho County' I: contract. 110 said the roof sy.te~ has not been changed, becauI. changeu .re possible under tho contract, accord1n9 to the routln. lor chllnge. sot forth ln thðt contract. lie ..ld that lhe roof 11 technically IInd funct,lonally deficient for the purpose. of the pag e HI ----- '~ ~ II!!!! .. .. ,{' \ " \ , ~- 'h H. ,I ,. ,',\~*t ~ J.'~ ,'\, ',\ .";'Ì',\~: ; :'''p:. , ,~'>t' .,,~t~·, . " . .'j¡( 1.Jð , . ,\,~·..Itf, \ f" '10 , '," '/Ÿ, .1 ' ':';Jh i',~,~ .d ~ '"f., .. ~ ',' Ii ,".1, , . :V , :\, "\ ,~~~, .~ I,:~~, _~..,_.._"',';....."."......".....,,'_,;_,...; '".,..."',.~.'~,.".,...""..,. "..~_'c_ .,=."<",.,_~,,....,.....~"',...,,_~__,....,,~,.~_'~__ J.f",/'V·' :', \..~ .;~. -,,\,. " r.=J r:-ï :=J ;. ------------------_._------~-------- Januðry 24, 1984 bulldlnCj . Commllsloner Plltor reforred to documonts shown to the BCC at the .oetlng on l/17/B4, whlch contained Mr. Heineman's company stðmp and , whlch had been .1gned wlth respect to tho rooflng material that Is partially Instolled. He said those documents seomod to okay tho roof- ln9 materlal and to ðuthorlzo tho contrðctor to go ðhoðd ðnd put. Jt on. Mr. Helneman sðld hu was famillllc wlth what took placo at that DCC meeting. He .ðld he know that tho shop drðwing for a supposedly approved aubstltute were preaented. He said th~t no substltutlon WðS .ode beeou.e the aubstltutlon proces. was nevor conducted on the roof syate. that Is current1y In plðco. HQ laid thðt hls company WðB given i . .hop drawlng that was purported to be on ð mðtorlal which had not been changed according to tho contract and according to the substitute }.. process In thu gencr,,1 conditions. Ho said thllt tho shop drawing wall deCectlve. Hu said -that two Inche:J wore called for in the contract of the drains and 1-1/2 Inche. were IIhown on the shop drawing. lie de.- crlbed other v~rlatlons In the shop drðwlng and aald, for thosc reaftons, the Shop drawin~ waa turned bðck to the contractor with instructlon:J to correct or oblSorve tho mllrklnqs and rosubmlt, which wa. not dono. Commissioner Plator referred to a documcnt that the Dee wa. shown on 1/17/84, that concernod t.he Doterlal being usod, which had Mr. Helnomðn'. cOIII.,4Iny stðmp on it. 110 ðskod tor clðrJlIcðtlon. Hr. Holneman lIðld thðt two documents were submitted, one beln9 the Ihop drawing h. previously doscrlbed. ,let allld that the other documont WIIS I manufacturer's brochure for the material on the roof whIch he undor.tood to be a tapered trllnsltlon pleco, whJch wa. actually a IUblltltutlon masquoradlng as a .hop drawing, actually proposln9 a dlffarent matorlal from tho speclllod maturlal. Hr. Heineman I.ld h. Will embarralsed to lay that hc helpod r~vlow that drawln~ and that he lODe 080 PA~{ 25 Paq 0 17 ----~-~--------------------------~~~~. ~,...;:;( ~':'IL L' <·.....'"",.~~''",."'_,,,....___·....n_. 111m ""'I' "'r;o"~ .......,..-;'\(j'''~,J1t~~. . '., .'" ." .~~l'''';J'__'>~.è;~~.,....~ . ....~ 7:_ ,._ .~.;"":"';o;..!....:.. J.~...}-·:';'-.'f;r';' .~'. A ~'~"'Jt.~þ ~. .. .. :'Ì'':íµ:~,,: ~(' . ;' , '~; ';t", .~ ·i\....t.III,· ,i/(' ,'f '.,~.t"':¥ , ãõòK Usrr;m 1ff - -,- - - - - - - - - - - - --- - --:--- - --- - - -:-:-~~~";~. January 24, 1964 " ):il3.i' "'/118 taken ln by tho clicLt substitution thlnk.lng thllt it was a tran.l- .'; :~")~; ',··~t. '.,~:-:>:~,,~. ~ ~;J;~~" . ,~, I ~.. '-, ~ ' I .' , .' '" ~ ',,~.' " , "I ....,: f,;/" so that it ", .' ~'_'" '~../¡.;¡' I He sðld, In thla elise, It sllpped bY ".;Þ."':~'ll.l..'.;1 ,,.,'.'/.;.1.... '" .nd he cepe.tad thllt he WIIS .mbarrllllllod, however, that the procedure ',1 :', ,,~, I I ~.~~.. , iV, ;~~ <t',.. .' -; ..~~.~,t. ; ~ ~. ;A:A!·:,. .'\ " '.."....1 ¡ 'It'" :',1" tlon strip. Ho aald that ho did 811Y that ~4terlal was okay ð. a tran~ He .ald that. the bðslc' materhl, shown on the drawlng, ; .nlon Itrip. ha. not been submitted elther ðll ð subntltut.lon or as a shop drllwlng . properlÝ submltttd. . I 'contractor with a ~Inor devlation thðt. lt must. be noted, H~ sðld that. when a shop drowlng 1. aubmltted by. a " doe. not .llp by the architect.. w.s vlolðt~d. CommissIoner Voss rolfHrod to Mr. lIolnum,;¡n'ø statment that the roof 18 technically deficient and roquosted IIn explllnlltlon. Mr. lIelnomðn said that. t.IHt original defllC)n "'liB for a foom glllllll Insulotlon, basically /II flberC)lða. roofing systr.m. He oxplnlnød thnt, now, his flrm doe II not use oryanlc faltG, but prtiters Inorganic, bccðuse ln hi. :,'.1 ' oplnlon 'fiberglass Is the but. lie said thðt the lnsulation 1. the crltlcol Itam. He said eight. lloorD are protected by one' roof on Building -r- and the roof has to b. flrllt class quality. He reviewed the bðckground hlatory of his f1rm'o conslderðtlon of material to achieve tho selection of /II systom that had optl~ðl properties Cor I ..' Bul1dlng -F", which wos an InorC)anlc, close-cell, non-absorptive, high co~pre.~ion atrongth Insulation with known durability. He said the , .atoriðl 1. virtually lncrt ðnd I~ a proper roof Cor a public bulldlng with. preference for liCe expoctancy, for the lnaulatlon, of 50 yoara. .. ! ,f , . "'to!'" . ~:./' .,' '. ',"1 · , ' .Jt -.t', 1 · ".~ :,.",,", ',.,/", lr ,I" ~ ,"':,:.' '··Ø,;l-.. ·" I ,1 '" . . .. : ');..~.;.¡' ;, ¡ · .~. \1" ..;~). f' , I .. '." ].... l " J ~,r J ,}¡' \1 : \..~ ',I., \' .,. ). 1 . ' \': ~ , . '.¡. >J~ I He sald thbt. his com~ðny knowa t.hat most. roofIng syatvmll will not como r~ up t.o that flqur., howover, tho 90~1 Is a permanont and foolproof In.ulatlon on Uulldlny "r-, becou.e of the valu. of the contants of the eight Cloor. below the roofing ayst~~. He /IId~ltted other systema will do ~he job, but not aa ""ell. lie said that. the material In place la a ' per~eable, Absorptive, comprosslble materlðl that will not do the job~ l. r· ~,.." .. .~'.. ----- ------ ~ ~ --------~--"-.._,._,._... -- , " I,', . ~i~' :,.~.'·f' I ,\ '" .. c=I r= ~~ì," ~"O .,: ~~ , ",:~~~ -------.----------------------------------- ... --- -- --- ~ January 24, 1984 ';:. C...'..I.n" v... .. k.d. " the .. t. ".1 .ud ... . u ...d t. b. ,~ sltlsflctory, was the job IlItllfactory? He said he Inspected the I.~.;; .', portion of the roo! on thl1 building and noticed that wator wu '~" extruded. where theu were unUnllhod roo! dralna, whon ho Itood on thAt .roa. ~e descrlbod a sltuatlon near the atalrwoll whIch resulta In \ water co~ing through to the floor below when II paroon stands on a spot In the roof IIbove. Hr. Ileinoman slIid thðt tho job la not satlafllctory .nd th,t tho dofocts that have been notlcod and put In a roport to thu project ~anager aro -spongln.sa" of tho insulation, insulClclant '.j ~:thlcknoss of tho qrllins, Inøulllclont thicknoss at the perimoter or .f,/) " . '.transitlon to the perimeter making good fhøhlnq dlCflcult. Commll- Iloner Voss "said that two itoms exllt In thls øltUlltlon, the typo of \ ':lnlulatl~g materlal used and the quality of workmonshlp on tho . . ; ,},~"'lnlulllt\On ðl It has been Jnøtolhd, to which Mr. lIolnoman agreed. Tape 13 Co~mlsslonar Voss IIskod If Mr. lIelnomlln was saying that tho '1 quality ol tho workmanship Is not satlafactory and, If that I. tho case, ho asked If tho argumont was betw~an KrllCt Constructlon Compllny .nd tho subcontractor Ind n~l with Collier COUGty? Mr. Heineman said that tho contract I. botween Coll1or County IInd Kralt Conlltructlon Company. Commissioner VOila Isked for clarlClcatJon and Mr. Heineman 14111\; dll'¿ tho County speAks throu\lh the contractor on tho job as the porson coordinating tho subcontra~torø. ^ discuasIon continued during which Mr. lIolnomln said that the roo! Inatallat.lon WI. ðoCectlvo, And tho portion Ihould be removed. He referred to Chapter 4 of the gonoral conditions of tho operation Ind qUðai-Ioqll conditions for tho contract, which Kraft Construction CompAny has signed and Illd that Paragrlph 4~1 II I wlrranty, thAt contains two major provillons, that tho work Ihall be of good quality and that It shAll bo In conformanco IDOC 080 PA~t 27 PAgO 19 ,..----.. '1_ .' '" t' " ....~ ,'.....-. .1>......:.... . .h , .....' _... ,"Ú,;'U~/~ :, ..:J;~: . :",..i", r -~...,.~~ "'. ......... "" '.......... -".I'" .._ ....... .....-..-. ~ '~,,'.¡, .~ . .,~.; ~. :'ft ...........1\4..0&:: ... .--,."..""""~._."'.,.....,._.,,....-------_....._-"'.~... ",,",--,,~-,--,..... .... ,"'...........,~."....,"~,~"--"...........-...."'.......""_.---"'.........~."_...,,,.. .......~--,---- . . ..... -~~.. ~,- " " ,oL, .~~ ' ~'r;.-.. ' .. . ,..' ..~,' I"~ ~'. :-1' . · 'to .i~S ~. # ~ ~---;-'-~-- - -- - ------ -- ---- --- - - - ---~--:-;:-;:.;(,- , ",,1'~ . '~DK 080 PAGt 28 Janu~ry 24, 1984 with tho drawing. and specificAtions. H~ .ald that neither of tho~. are the caso with tho roof. Re.ponding to Comml..ioner Vos.' quostion . , about w.t In.ulatlon, Mr. Heineman explalned that is a probl.. and that th.'~oi.turo could conceivably bo bakod out by vonting the roof And , , . allowing .un to play on it, If tho resin binder of the glass flb.r did \= '~not dot,,:riorato in tho meantime and collalJse. 110 saId thðt tho '; "'~" ~res.nce. of the wator render. -ðlmoat nll" the lnlulating value of tho , r'co! and thero ls alway. a choncu for a leak, .Inco concrete is nevor \ , froe of small crack.. II. sald this type of lnsu14tlon permits lateral .lgratlon of water. Commissioner Kruse requested clarlClcation regllrdlng the monetary fllctor of thl. sltuatlon. Mr. Dallt's saId that he could not bo exact, however, his review indlclltos a range of $22,000 for in.ulation and installatIon and approxImately ~20,000 to $22,000 for roofIng and approximatoly $4,000 for flashing, nailers, etc. Ho Bald that the ,~, . totðl v~luo wlthln the contractor'. schedule of values I~' about ,~4S,000~ Mr. Bailes said that moillture test. were done thIs do to by PIttsbürgh Te.tlnq !.Dbs on tho roof and describod puncturcs of the membrane that were done with a ~olstur. probo. He sold he could not relato a written report, because the tosts wero completed just prior to , the meotinq, however, some punctures showed area. that had moisture IInd that, in other probe., the ~eter lndicated the area. were dry. He slIId that ho concura with the Archltect that the Inlulatlon appeðr. to bo damp ani unacceptable. Comml.sloner Kruso sald that tho contractor thought he hlld the right to install the roof thllt i. now on the building. Commis.ioner Kru.o a.ked for clarlflcatlon a. to whether the contrðctor had anything In writing soylng to do thl. or not to do thi.? Mr. ~ob Cðrsello, ropresontIng Krð\t Con.tructlon Co~pany, .aid Pago 20 ------------ -- c:::::J ~ I&!!!! ~. '.\C .; L ,_.~...,~.,"'------ ;')}". fll ,~~ , " , '~~l I. '. .. ~ '-:¡ '¡" .... ¡', '\j' ·L ~;'3.: ;:£:' , I' . f~ . ..;.~;;.; · ,;~of\. \ ",.·~f\ '.,.;;,.~~~I "e~~,.I, t; (.I,'\'~;' \' ,',' 't ., '! 'lr¡t.~ }fj: ;~l! , :..~¿~" " ',,\ ~ ).fþ . I , J ~::\ . \f :~'. , :~~: · ì.: ....\~ ~,~: 'ftf . ~.... ,-;,;¡. :~f.")..~,- .~,,,,,,,~~,"¡I', " ~ ."'" ,,,,j, ",~"~ \.., \, ... ::; #"'f~ '~. ... _ '1~;{', ',~~:. ~~~~~:~, ". ...:,.., '1': "}... fJ ["'-~ ...-_..,.J ..... ,1 ------ January 24, 1984 .' that the roof ls not flnlshed and hðs boen sitting in a 90\ completed Itoge for three or four montha. He said thore may be areas in whlch there 1. ~olsture, however, tho.e wlll be repaired to everbody's .atlsfaction. lie refer rod to a report from an independont roofing conlultant preaentod at the 1/17/84, BCC meoting. He quoted thu lAst paragrsph of the Interatate Roofing Consultonts, Inc. report that øtated the consultant's opinion thAt the roof InBulation And roof system were applled ln a neat, workmnnliku and IIcceptable manner void of any blistors or fish mouths at felt edgos/ that. tho plioa wero solidly sealed at edges and to each other. Mr. Carsello stat~d thðt the consultant added thAt Owons-Cornlng Flborglas roof insulatIon And roof system are widely used and has a record of excellent performance. lie saId that it is tho nature of the lnsulatlon to be spongy and lt 1a not going to bo as firm to toot traffic as the rooC syøt~m spoclflod. He said, however, that thlø WAS not a routino doclulon on the Archl- tect'a pllrt. He related the bAckground of tho dlscun.lons of the roof systom that wore held from June 1, 1983 ultlmatoly until tho middle of September, whon th~ shop drawing waB returned with tho approvAl. He sðid that change in m4terial was called to Mr. IIclnemðn's office's attention ovor that period of time, that samplcs wore submlttedl thðt lIIanufacturer's InformAtion Will submitted on tho product hlo tlrlft was aupplylnq. lie said, In several of the mlnutos of tho wookly job site ~eotings, that the dlacussions i~dicate that the alumlnlzud surfAce wa. dlscusøed, therofore, this WAS not simply IIn ovcrslght on the part of the architect. Commissioner Vo.. said that tho ",atter of is.ue 18 insulatlon, to which Mr. Carsollo expldlnud, whon the architect rejected the roof system, that the manufacturcr of thft faIts was also rejected. Mr. Cllrsello oxpllllned thðt'tho cost wlll be more to remove the roof than the orlglnlll cost or the roof. lie said lt Is his .oo~ 080PAr,t 29 P1I9- 21 --------~--------------------------------- _F"·'~-<4'~· .. .. .t,ri, ':~ Wit~~. ...:.~ .'~~!'Y" :l~~ ....,..~-l..;... L ""."",;~^."..._..".....""",;_......,._---",--_.."~.__.,,,,,~,-~,..-~ --""-~-,".< æIt.· . ''''''~'''-r~'r::r''-<I.' .:. ;:.~' ..........:.._M.~_~::",..- ~ -...i".,~, ;.'.;~'-~: I": ·,r:··..·'·,:. t.?-.~ '. ". ' p¡'-.;.. .~ .t·...,'1'· ,. ..,~\f -<# ..... C'''' .....'d~,.~;,..,' 1" '~~,....-. __ _._... r·~,·-~;"W(l.....1 ____ ______ __ __ _ ___ _ _ _ _ ____ _ _____ __-.J__ _ __--"'-_ ',~~' 080 Pl~ 30 January 24, 1964 obl194tion, .1 4 contractor, to point out to ownors and ørchltects any . ; defi~iencle. that he dlscovers. He said it is their obllgotlon to latisfy tho so dcflclencles and correct them, or they elected tho contractor to submit two 6ubstitute systeml before they changed tho" speclflcationa. 110 s.ld this constitutes a degree of unfairness. He said that the wllrranty requirements of the speciflcatlonl were changed . , 'In lato October 1983. Mr. Saunders askod Mr. Carsollo it he hlld any "" \- I ¡. ,,' documentation on tho cost of romovlng the roof. Mr. Carsello sald he' I , . was not in a posltlon, ðt thl. moment, to give flrm numbers but he would g(ve them lf a roquest 1. m~do of him. Mr. Stuart lIommorbocker, Jr., eenerlll ManllCjltr of Krðft Construc- tlon, explalned that ho met with the architect'. repro.e~tatlves on a day-to-day basis, (rom the begInnIng, on evory phase of thls project 1 gavo thom tho mðterlal brochures and sample. of tho Insulation and took I t', thein to a job where the materIal was in plllco. 110 said that material was viewed and comments were made dlrectlng him t.o make ~ure varIous i ltelll' were followed for the roof on Bulldlng "1'". lie saId when tho , lnlulation "'a. delIvered on the job ond stocked on the roof, that the architect's represontðtlvo was presont, that hc looked at it, approvod , It fo~ payment on Kraft ConstructIon Company's requlsltlonl end told him, personally, to make certain the material was covored so the material would not got wet. He said the roofer was directed to make sure tho matorial WII. coverod. He IJð id that tho architect wa. aware \ t h a't the Insulation retains wðter ¡ thðt the payment wal approved and lubseque~tly struck down. Ite sold thðt the spoclficlltlons for this job wero written, and that Kraft Conatructlon Company was undor the l~pres.ion that Collier County wanted the warrðnty. He said thðt the only way to obtaln tho warronty through tho roofing felt .anufacturer was to get it by W. R. erace, which was rejected but Is now on tho jall pag e :22 0, I, -- ... .. ... L ,>- ':'. " ~,;1,¡, ,'.~/f' ~ ,.,..~'.~ ·H";.~ 1 ,It~. ~f~'i:" "~ ~l~; '/':..',. ..... ,. \ . '../ . . '..~. .\. ':,,), r ¡ t.' '. \ .' . .:,1," ,'. ,. ".~...."'_"...""...,___"w.,..."'_,.~_.~"n..·,_'"~'~._"".._"--"-'~"'......--~."._~- ·" .~ 'f, t\'l.. :" ,''1', I' -." i' .....1 ,t·",,, ',..,' .~ ¡,-"..ej ¡......_~ ---- f ,>1 ;';". .t~ ' or throu9h Owen.-Cornlng, Nhlch wa. submltt.d and approved. / January 24, 1984 H. roforro~ to tho drllwin9 and .aid he NO' instructud ovvr tho telophono to ordor tho ~.tori.l, but that tho .lopo might ne.d to b. lncr....ð and that h. was dir.cted to obtain a price to double the insulation. I H. .ald that the job m.oting minute. will document this Item. Ho said that the fiborgla.. Insulation Installed ha. a bettor lnsull1ting quality per lnch than foam glasa. He said that double tho ðmo~nt of foam 91a.. 1. needed to 90t the slime insulating R vlllu8 thllt lG obtained with the fiberglass lnsul~tlon, thorefore, addltlonðl , thlcknoss I. not needed to com~ly with the R values stated in tho , apeel fic'a t ion.. . Conl/nlsslonor VOIS asked for clarification from Mr. Heineman, who :) agreod that the roqueat for substitution came oArly ln tho job. He .xplalned that the !Irat substltutlon, tho system currently on tho jail, was rejected~ -and ðdded that It 1. a good ay_tom but not tho bo.t ., '\ .ystem. Ho related hi. exporlence ovaluatlng varlous roofing nyst.oms , and that he reported to Polizzl/Heery that, (or the prlco, tho roof system o.n the jail was co.t offective. He sold hi. recommendation ",as and ls .tlll th~t the best roofing woulù bo tho foam glass with flbar- glass roofing. He .ald a discussion WIIS then held regarding whether an Aluminized audllce .hould be sub.tltutod for the gravel surface. lie .aid Mr. Hommerbocker i. correct when he .tated he took IIn architect'. i& observer to another job to look at an aluminized .urface. He .ald, AS G reault of a dlscus.lon l~ter, that thw Aluminized surtace was turned down becðu.e of warranty reasons. He s"ld lt 1_ a good .urface, howovor. He _ald all the references hl3 of!lce received re!erred to tllpered insulation and that In his firm'. recorùa thia materiel I. not Idontlfred as fiberglass. 110 sold that. this dld not help clarify the 1..ue. He related an Incldont whew hl8 firm's observer went on vac.- rage 2] '_...._------ aoD~ 080~..!....3I_____ __________--- '. ~letr"".:'9~~~~..dii¡¡~~"""'-" .~... "'..... . ,,:...,.,.,1>.. >p':'~>1:'}"" . ..::,;~~;':;:~~.;,~' . ,:·,·j:·""#'"·~r'·· .~ *'·t.~· , ';'il,\'~;~i\I;.J',,'t ·r",.... ""..!, r:. . '~.' 'f!: ".'\" "~.r.,.,, .' '..,:;' '. Of:" ,",.., ~. .... ". ~¡"-_..¡,.....,._.",,,,,,,.,...... ."'" .' ...- -..'¥..;. '~~-,....."'-' .~... ¡"... *- (. ._.~ ~>1:1t : _.~_____._..---- _ ____ ___ '--"_ --_.---1- --------~'--'-~ ~~o~ OBOmt 32 JAnullry 24, 1984 tion and' the shop drawing was not 8ubmitt.ed throu'.Jh PolIzzl/Heory, the I project coordlnllt.or. /Ie aald thlM øhop drllwlnC] WAS, perhaps wrongly acceptod, and hi. !lrm tried to proco.ss it 80 that tho work could proc..d~ Ho Gald thAt he looked at II ahop drawinC] that showod a Cor tapered insulation and, on tho bottom of that drowlng, WAS lndlcAted Inatoðd of foam qlð.s. Ho slIld thAt ho misaod that he thought It was foam glASS and t.hat he was instrumontal In approvlng that drllwln9. ,\1 Comml..loner VO.. /I.ked If Mr. lIeln~man'. contract docs not call tor dec(sion. to bo mllde within a specified perIod of time? Mr. Heinema~ .ald that he I. required t.o return shop drowlng. within s.ven day. on~ thAt substlt.utlons do not have a time act. He said the flrst substitution took time Cor analyals. Mr. lIelneman said he waa present on the dllY tho mAterial was d~llvered to tho roof of Building -f". He described the situation that Mr. lIommerbocker had related IInd agreed thAt he WAa present 1 aaw the lnaulotlon thAt Wð. propcrly coverod, to a l.rg. degree, IInd said thðt tho subcontractor had properly stripped In the roo! at that tll1e. 110 said a heavy ralnstorm ",es coming and that ï he .entloned ln the daily report for that day that the clo.lng of thel roof wa. very well done, on the pArt of the forelC..n. lie .ald it did: not occur to him that the originAlly apecl!led product we. not ActuAlly on that root. He said the lIaterll1l thAt he saw ",aa fiberglass and not !OAIII ghss and that It did not r'<Jlster. 110 .dlllitted th.t was his ahortcomlng. Commissioner Voss asked If Mr. Heineman would approve the roo! .yat.. going on the jail tod/lY, to which ~r. Heineman .ald, a. .econd b.st, he would. 110 said It ls epproxlmetoly 20' less costly by recent Commlsslonor Voas suggested, If the portion of the roof on -,.. is not saU.factory, t.hAt a: aolution would be to remove it pag. 24 ---------------- ~ r::::1 .......-, _...,~.- .~."'...,---_....<I '~, , :'l~ ,\ ' , .'\' . , ~\~~r ,-f'/t\ . ~;&' ·~I'~ "1 :lJ~' , ~hJ.1 '..:·;.f;;. ..: t· ... , ' j" , t , . .. ..J,t' ..t· ~ ~. ~ø_"'"___,~"·,.....,,"~,=·_.._"''''',;,..,~''''''·.·~,,_,~.._,,''____~__· ~...~'" . 'lit .",": .... ,i . '" ;)' "-.' .,.~'~~~'...t.;... " ~'.. \ ...-ì ~ .._...~ ,'. ..7~",","', H· 't' "»' ------------------------. '. ,. ~/ : t. ' .' January 24, 1984 "("and to Inatl.lll t.he 111)ht weight Concrote with vermiculite. Mr. ,Helneman .ald that I. a possibll1ty IIlthough not the orlg1nally .pecl- fled roof. Co~.I..lonor ~rulo requested clarification about why tho orIginal roof could not be ~et. Mr. Heineman .ald that. tho original roof .peclflcatlons could be mot, however, ono thlng that has beon overlooked 1. that there was ð baslc quaranteø from tho roofer and a 9uarantoe from the manufacturor. Ho emphð~ized the dlfforenco In 'Ipllling and uid that he dld not know which posed thQ problom for tile '\ ~contractor or his .ubcontractor. CommlBeloner Xruse aSked, if tho ~: ' :~ archlte~t dId not feel thla waø a valid problem, why dld he not deny "f the req~e.t and why dld ho agree to look at aubstltutlons? . .,,- Commls.lonor Voss aald that It la acceptable for nny contractor to 'j ~. .ublQlt f~ape 14 lubstltutlons, and they have to be approved by the archltect.' Commlasloner Pietor aald thlu Is not an Issuo for tho BCC to decide, because it Is a situatIon botwoen the architect and the con- tractor. Commlaaloner Voss askud Mr. Carsollo for his o .llnlon of the aVJgestlon that roof be removod and to substltuto tho light wolC)ht concrete roof. Mr. CarDello Sllld thðt the flberCJlða materlðl hll. been purchased as well al the Ovonl-Cornlng roofing felts. He 1/lId that tho .aterlal cannot be roturned becaust' It WIIS designed for thla job. Responding to Commissioner Vosa, Mr. Carsollo .ald he would mako good ::..any ¡¡¡aterlal that la wwt, howovor, h. pointed out that he Js In this posltlon bocau5u the job wal sto .lp~d. Chairman Brown asked If Mr. Carsello can ..ke a roof that will ahud water, to which Mr. Carlollo laId he could. Chairman Brown noted that Comml..lonor Holland 1. ab.ent and ho sU9gcsted thðt the DCC Ihould not make ð decision until a full Boord 1. pr.lont. He uld that it /'Ir. 5ðundorll, Mr. Dorrl11, and the contractor can pre.ent a true picture of the situation noxt Tuesday too~ 080 'a~! 33 P.ge '25 " ------------------------- ~ . ." ,I, ~I.ør" ' J' J' 'io,.~ 'ft'_, ·'~'.t'·;" 1 ;- ~_'-' . ~ ",.,>.........~... ,:...;:;r:::. ., 11· !>,,.. .<."._.~.~;,',...._".,"'..._..."'''-,,--_...._....__.__...I _.''"'--~. ______._.,.."..0._.....'°',..".."._"""'_...___ '- " '. . _'.....òrí.t~); .~ .__....--w....... " PJif".' . ,'f;til,#<'fl'; ·,,'J.~~~,ø., r....i':-<{~ ,., ~~.~ ",. '...' ~ 080l'AGt 34 jllnuary A..í\., \,~; l~ 2-v.'·:1904 ., '. . ';': he wuúid like to make a declslon then. Commissioner Vosa askod tor Mr. Ball..~ recommendation. /'Ir. Balles sAid thero should not' bit . week's dolaYl that the instructions have beon given to Kraft Constructlon CompanYl that the roof Is condemned and thAt the in.tructions hllve been put In writing ¡ ~oro than twice that the roofing i. unacceptllble and tho roof should b. replaced with what Is spoclfled. He .lIid it ls hla j~b to A~v)ae the . ,.:..'" Bee that there 1. shared responsibility in this .ltuatlon and that any dðmages that havo occur rod are not the roaponslbllity of the BCC. He sald there mðy bo portions of the roof thðt ðre alllvaqeable. lIe rocommended that the portion of the roof on 8ulldlng "f- be removed and tho contractor be instructed to instðll the rooCln9 thAt, wos speciflod. He ~Ald, if there lire ony costs Incurrod, thðt tholO pArties should judge who they feel Is responsible. Rospondinq to Chairman Urown's , question' if that meant Mr. Dalles ðnd the orchitect, Mr. Bðlles said, It KrAft Construction Company f/tlt they were rltllponslblo" thllt they oro wolco~e to talk with Heary ~roqram Management or t.holr attorneys, but he aaid'they were not rosponsluln. Commissioner Kruse aald thllt It 1. J. her bellef that the locðl contractor i8 -gettlnq jerked IIround". She I' \ said that months ond ~onths ago sho hoard tho complaint from the workman thðt it takes wecks, and months to ~et anuwer.. Sho allld she did not ~rlng this up woB, ho~vor, It took root. Mr\~ll" uld tho contradt allowed. , , bofer. becaus. tho sltuatlon ae.med to be going three and one-halt months to qot an answer on II .. .. It dld take thot long And admittedly longer than Ho rollltcd a time schedule for root procedure lndicatlng shared responsibility. ," Commi~sioner Kruae said the reason the BCC hired Heery proqra. I ~ ManAgement WAS the concllpt that the BCC would not be ~aklng decisions · that should be made by somebody ln chðrqe. She saId she Agreed with ~~, " ,. fl' page 26 , ~ f ~ . ' , ' -~-~-~--------------------------~~~~-- 1J '..., ~.' ~,-;. 6'~ \. ¡"';".tIir' ~.li. "~'":l''' ,1.'1, ¡.. c;/"""...· . . ."." ~ C:~-J :;A~ ".I..,. '.' ('" ." , . . ~.' !, , ~!?~~ }). , r=~ ¡;:¡ ._1 ,. .t.i . " -~-----,---------------------------------- January 24, 1984 Commielioner Voe. and that Ihe wal not happy wlth the roofln~ ~ateriall on the buIldIng. She .ald .ho did not know who .hould pay for removing i: that .aterial, however. CommlBeloner VOSI .ald the ace cannot walt any I longer, that If the archltect, the con5tructlon manager and Mr. Dorril ,I feel ~hðt the material and rooflnq job Id not .ati.factory the roof .hould be removed and a latløfac~ory roof inBtalled. Commissioner ,Brown alkad who would Btllnd the loss, tho archltoct, Hoery pr09ram \, \ Mana90ment or the contractor, and Commlsulonllr VOla laid he did not 'I" . ,J.,~'o\iClve that the acc II lIAbllf for any 109s. lie laid that It 10'118 hi. ~t','bellef the 105se. were between other partie.. Chairman Brown polnted ~ 'out that the County'l man directed Mr. Carsollo, And Commloioner VOla ';' " laid that If Collier cou~iy had caused tho contractor a loss then the Ito said IC .omobody olse caused Y: Coun,ty Ihould compens<'lte h 1m tor It. the contractor a loas, that lø another matter, and that taxpayer's .onuy ohould not be ulod bocauao of <'In action tok~n by othor parties. \ Chalr~an Brown .ald It wa. hi. opinion that tho IIrchltect and Heory PrograM Management woro to blamo for a bl9 part of the situation. Mr. Saunders said thot he had reviewed tho contract. with Collier County and the architect and the Count.y and Krll!t Con.tructlon Compð~Y· H. laid it W<'lS hi. opinion that, at 10m. point In tlm", the contractor _y flle an Action aqðlnst tho Architect And perhaps H.ery, howevor, under the contract, it appears to hlm that Collier County 10 not liable.: He laid that doel not luan thðt tho County m<'lY not be a I defendant in a lawsuit, howover, If that occurs, he s^ld th"re are other partlel that will become roaponalblo In Collier County. , Co.-illioner Plator moved, .econded by Commla.ioner Vo.. And carried 3/1, with Coaail.lonor Brovo oppolod, that the Construction ~nager'. r.co~endation to have the roof on Building "," re.oved and the proper .aterlal Installed And that the financial end of the I IOU 080 PA~t 35 P4g 0 27 --------- .. .~ir. -'/>, .~..;:......;....:". ..,.^.., , ':'., ." .~\t.IY{~\ ...".~·hJIt·jt,¡...·~ L "'_"""~·">"'''M_.H'''''''.__.._~"'' ".-..~"",_;<,..._."'~."" ,,,"",,,,,",_..~......,.~--,,,----- Iit'~. , '. I'.I(;<·~'~"~·':·!:-'; ;1!"4.- .' . ·~~~......w.,,_.....-w.......":':,r ,..~...,.. J<t";'~.,. '..- ~J.. "~'. ..-._ I.":... ...J.. 'J3." .". ." ~ ,-' , " . ',,:.i~jJ.;J, ,· '~~~,.r·,·' I' V'!·" IH~.i' ..t~ Þl'r~j·..,. , I~ ~ "01. :;:f:f~:.i;.~¡).- t .. .... ~ \ r " , ----------- - -- - -- - ---------- 080 f"~t 36 Jonuary 24, 1984 situation, worked out between the partie. involved, be approved. Chairman Drown Apollo to Mr. Bðllt:s IInd said that ho ond his flrm had not been on the job, that he would put tho wholo thing under hi. cðnopy And that the sltuatlon hlld not bten handled properly, ln the interelt of fairness. .. eeeRECESS\ 10:40 A.M. RI::CONVENED. 10\52 A.M.ue '11 ~, TILECOMMUNIC^TIONS SYSTEM FROM JUSTICE CENTER BONDS FUNDS, MODULAR TYPE I RESCUE AMBULANCE ON A LEASE/PURCtlASE BASIS AND PURCHASE OF 40 TON USED CRANE FROM NAPLES L^NDrlLL C^PIT^L IMPROVEMENT FUND - APPROVED Admlnlstrator Cor ^dmlnistratlve ServIces Holley oxp1alnod thla " ". item has boen brought back liS . reault of baing deferred from tho Bee .uting oC 1/17/04. 110 exp1ainod' thilt 5taff hll3 combinod five separate c.pltll acquisitions. He said the concorn exprossed by 'lscal Officer Glle. at last week'. meotlng ia that the County guard againat commit- ting future ad valore~ taxes that lIay not be available to capital acquisition Costs. lie said each item clln be judged on its own merit end he added th~t the crane ..a. propoaed to be a lelue/purchase ecqui.ltlon and hils been approved. Ho said that paymynt of the lease/- purchll.e agreemcnt would cOile Crom provlously buðgoted Cund.. tie a"id there ~fe two ~ossibllltie8, Crom the grant ~onios to oparAt~ the LCU Cypre.. or from tue. chllCgeð to loaso tho vessel. .1 . tie expressed his concern that the rubble on the boach cllnnot be removed without t.he crane. He .ald, r~qðrdlnq the dozer/compactor, that he would not reco~mend dlscusslons of alternatlvas Cor tho so two plecos of equip- ..nt, unlos. the Bee Is comfortable wlt.h the antlre flnanclnq peckage. He .lIid:the Tolecommunicðtionft SY8te~ ~nt on line 1/16/8C and there i. approxi~ately one month to alrange {Inanclng for that itell. He said that the lntorest rate obtaincd by the purch.~lng Director by pllckaginq J. ~" j " t f ~ '~ ~~' ;' ,,1 Fage 28 ' : ~., t------~----------------------------------- ~~. ,I..~~· ~, "~'.. .ç..... tI(·'~··~·,1· 't t .,' ',,:". ,..... J .... .' . ~ "., ~ c:::J ~" . . the Ito~. toqethor i. lower thðn thu ðmount that would be chargcd for " -..... .--"'..----,-.,...,...-,,..,..;".'?>'.,.''''.'. ,.,.,,,.~.,, ...,..",.......--....---.--..-.--... J,~,. , \ " . ~'- 'it·,,,, .~. "., :~ .,__....J c=J ~ ., I':~:'''' , 1}' :-f<J ------------------------------------------ Jonuary 24, 1984 .cqulrln~ the $500,000 communlcatlon systom. He sald thQ phone system would fit wlthin Juatlco Center .cqulaltlon crit.rlll ,nd tho Justico C.ntor Bonda could bo used for thla purchaae. He Bald that the Modular Typo I ambulanco was brought to the BCC ðnd tho recommondatlon was to \ allow tho Staff to invoatlgate lOoBo/purchase oa an option. Ho s~ld \ ~~that the roview for acqulrlng tho ombulðncc was budgetod, however, he would hove to do further InvG.tlg~tlon to se. if tho amount was ,'"' budgotad aa . purchase or for lalso/purchase p.ymenta. \, Co~ml.slonor Kruao said sho could undvrstand thc need for paymonts for tho Telocommunications System, howovur, she cannot voto for any kind of lease/purchase for dlsposnble itt'mD. Sho pointed out that an allbulance fa dlsposable and that she Is concornod "bout Colllor Coun,ty I 90vernment .tartinq tho proces. of buying on tlma. Sho .ald .he recallod budget moetlng. and reCerred to .Fproxlmately $100,000 that was .armarked for resource rocovery studies. She aald that was not Ipent .nd that tho BCC should conGldar uelnq tho.e funds for tho crano. Sho said she could not authorize spending ~onoy for 0 study and borrowlng money for 4 crone. She sold ahc would vote for tho lease/- purchas. for the Telocommunlcatlons Syatem but not tor tho othora becAuso the County's dobt la gettln9 too high. Commisslonor Voss sold that the Telocommunlcatlono Syste~ should, be purchased from tho JUlltlce Centor Donda. Ho agre.d that the cran~ 'I . 4, ~ Ihould bo purchased froll 50Jid Waste Department funda and he did not Ie. an answer to the ambulance cost, since the County doo. not h.ve tho .oney for that Item. Mr~ Holley .ald that t.here Is 4 provision In tho leaae/purchðøe agroollent for the crllno thllt 4110wa th~ County to soll tho crana back to the leaalng company, if tho Cypress should go out of oparatlon,. Ho Bold that raontlon hils been lIIade for ð noed for tho crane in the , aoo( 080 PA~{ 37 pago 29 " --- ,.,~,. -'-'--""'- ,~" ~..At,}t tt.. "._ ..... ... "......... "10;'.",." " ',:iv.¡;....- ...... __"'-'"_.."",."...".,........ ". '""~"..,,_...~_..~...._'~~m·._....,'""'_.~·_ ~ ~""'".!I!..'~ ~t ' '.' ,. ò7'.~'- " ","' ; '. " ~~ I"~· .,.......,..~ ,....- -I, ....- ,"f. . ...., i.:::: -, ~'j.:r;¡;. t ¡i '- I..,~· . ,." - .. ,.' ... tI '-'.., I ~~?/.'. ". ,.:~'';'¡:;;'''Ä;..Ç'.!1'· "'c 0/1> . . ~~. .' .,. ~ , ,I \ t." Pag_ :~O , Ii~-------------------------~--~-~~~------ ~; c:::::") C-l ~ ------------------- am 080 PAr.t 38 Januory '24, 1964 Transportation or Solid Wðste Department and that the crane could be l.a..d to those department. and thoso revonues would com. from other than generAl fund monlea. lie sald t~at money has been budgeted under the Solld Waste Department for Nðples Transfer Station for several yaar.. He referred to the money that would be rocelved from the sale of the County property not properly zoned for a transfer station, which would enhance the budget under Solid Wosto. tie said that vnterpr1se . funds do not have ftxlatlnq caplt.al to make purchaaoa and are operatlnq on fees that lire collect~d. Hø ß~ld In some Instances the depllrtmonts plan on supporting the leaoe/rurchðaes from tho Ceea that are gener- ated. He said this would result In a long porlod of timo to ðcqulr. the fees to purchdBe an item such as an ðmbulance or crDne. Fiscal Offlcer Gllos aald he did not Coel comfortable with this arrangoment because Collier County aeems to be moving toward a new trend in Clnancing Its operdtlons that has not occurred beforo. Ho said this ahould bo di5CU93t:<J by the bCC, since It Is ðn_ ,important policy decision. He s~id thðt loase purchasoR .re not a blld Ide., In I ell cases, since there Is an Þr?ument with operatlng depðrtments, If revenuos are rclilled by 1ue9. lie said there la an argumont, whøther landfill or otherwloe, thðt any aort of Ceell ~Ight be uaed to help reduce lid valorelll tax lit a future time. He r.commended II voto be takon for each Ite. aopllrðtely. He aAld th t h 1 w ate te ephone Byatem cost lmplle. continued charges for the noxt alx yeara. He aaid that the ambulance waa not. budnØlcd for a 1 I ~ eaae purchas. orl91nally and was not dl.cu..ed thðt thoroughly In the or 191nal t;xocut Ive Summary. He aald that tho COIIIPActor ðnd tho dozer /I1ðY be needed ðnd that perhaps the lAndfill waa undor capltðllzed In theflrat plAce. He a.ld It ie IlIIportant to llaton to County Attorney Saunders' perception oa to which of the Itoma can b. funded by leaso/purchaae ln light oC provlslons of ~, ~~'~.';f" .. .,.' . 1_'- ~ ~--""J L_._] ",' ! ,'I. '~t· " '. ~ .~ ----------------------------------- ,.~..' ., ';,'i~.'· January 24, 1984 , ,\ , . .. '. Plorida Stðtute. Mr; Saunder. explained Section 125.1031 provides for the authority for theBCC to enter Into leaso/purch4s~ orronqements. He .ald that enterprl.. fund. can bo used to pay lúose/purchðse payments for leðses that extend up to thlrty years. He said lf ad valorom tax funds are . ,~ used a lea.e/purchase agreement can only be ent.ered lnto for two yearo. X '~o cautioned that the BCC has to be careful ln assurlng thllt the source , of funds i. not ad valorem taxes If the leaBo/purchase arrangcment ia . 1;""- . In'excess of two years. He said, In the proposed le4se/purchaoe, thoro 0" ,,~ _,I. ~ terminatlon provlølon which qlve. lho Bee the opportunity to ,1: I ~ . 't'.rl1linate the leaso/purchl.lBo at any point in time (or what 18 clllled , , " ì non-app~oprlallon of funds. He .ald the conditlons Impoaed upon the I County, if termination occurs, ðre strict And tho Bee would havo to consldor the effect.ot those tormlnation provisions. lie cautioned the BCC to ensure thðt tho payments do not come from ad valorem taxes for, over a two yoar period or that an appropriate termlnðtl~~ provi.lon Is Included to .ðtlsfy tho two year limitation by having thðt provision. Commløslonor Kruso referred to the Bee authorization {or ð .-. ~ .' referondum to decide lf the ambulance service Is to bo ad valorem tax .. supported. She asked how tho ace could authorize a throe yelr 10150/- purchase because thoro would bo a conflict lf tho voters decide to approvo ~he referendum? Mr. Saunders .ald as long .s tho user fees are the source of funds for payment on tho ambulðnce that would be acceptable. Mr. Cl10s aaked how Mr. Gaunders would ostabllsh that I.' the source of (unds when taxes are bolnq deposited to the aame account? Mr. 'Saunders referred to a dlscuoulon ho and Mr. ellea held and said that the srqument could bo mAde that If the user fees ðre u.ed as part of the l'oðlle paYJIentll thoro Is o!!u(!ttln,: of tho coil oct ion of ad 1 Yllore~ taxes. He said there Is 4n I~p~ct on lid valorom tðxe. thon. lOOK 080 pm 39 Pat) e J 1 -------- ,,If',, ~·,:·~~'ttÎ.r~.Jt''¡ ~....,. ~'~':;:~t;)'.. '. .. . ~.,-~",,~ ___...._.,."""'....~...._c,._. . _.~"",".....,;,_=...,.....,,....,...,'">.,..,.,.____.._ ,~._-- ..,"'-""^'""'---~-;._- ,...............-...-....-.-, tt '_ ,'..'.:...¡4J~." _.'\'J.t(:~' e . -.......,_..._-,."~.,..'"'..._,,.~.... ~~~.:......~..~...; , . ~~itf1(·~. ~. ,',-:..- .. " ¡.~~\:¡ ~. " .:.....~,. ' '....,. ,......líi· '......., j,.~? "/I.,f!t:' , ;. ,.,' .,~~. ;; .1. ;".:~ " .. -------------------- -- ..".J..,.' .. .;Ot 080 rm 40 Jonuory 24, 1984 ~'. j·H. .a1d hi. lnt.rpretatlon of ad valorum t~xes Is more flexlbl.. I~ "I' , , ~ ,f ..14 a. long a. a source of funds can b. ldentlficd thot 1. soparat. I, . andapðr~ from ad valore~ taxes, tho standards ~~ tho .tlltute. ar. met. A. dhcu..lon !':llowed rec; lHdlng Proposition I, during which Mr. Voss .a1d th~ amount of money that ls apent wlll be affect.d. Ho sald that nothing should be contracted If thore 1. IInother WilY of purchasing ðn . :.;.< I t .11 . ~~: Mr. Cil.. reforred to the Tolecommunlcatlon. Sy.tem and Propo»ltlon I and said that the pion with the lease/purchase Is to fInance over .ix yeArs and to be p~ld from future r.venues. He ..ld by payIng it from tho bond Issue, now, tho County 1. not ob11qatlng future tax monie., or othar revonue. and that 1. the advðntage of it 1n light of Proposltlon L. Comml..lon.r Vo.. ~oved, seconded by Commlss1on.r ~ru., and carried 4/0, that the purchase of the T.leco~unlcatlon. Sy.tem troD the bond. on'the Justlce Center be npproved. , ~ -. Com_l..loner Vo.. moved, a~r.onded by Co~1..10ner P1.tor and ~ar~I'd' 3/1, Com.l..loner ~ru.. opposed, that the purch... of . Modular .' Type I Rescu. Ambulance on a l..../purcha.. ba.l. and with payment. to be flnanc.d by user fo.., be approved. ~r. Holley .ald that the purchase 0' the dozor and compactor would not need to ~o addresMed at thl . · time, .lnce the fInance packaqe hd. been brokon. He said tho.e Item. can be addre..ed on their Individual merIt. at another tlm~. .\ ::~:Ì"'" ~.~ ;.~ ' (~. -,' <II .,¡ ,t ..~'. - ' r;~'~~'~' .fn, Comml..loner Vo.. moved, .econded by Comml..loner ~ru.e and carried 4/0, that the purch..e of . 40 to~,u'.d cran., with the money to co.. fro. Naple. Landfill Cap1tal Improv...nt Fund., be approved. . ~I t, t .,. t \, P.q. 32.~~ \----- -- - - - - - - - - - - - - ---- --- ----------...:~ . ."II'f"~~,~ ;j;!~~ - ~ CJ :.:::. J . ;:"'¡" ~--,'"""',>'".,...'"---,"'-..."'""......".._...._----,..,~~----"".~ ¡'. '.' .,. .' ·I~'. , I \ " . , , . ,'.0-...,... '. ~ :~: ¡i,· :,:.. .:'.W. ·1(I.t.tTaru:1~-)'1:t'1'.~. '. ,·~·l(~·...r;r ,. 1.--·11.")J:''-:'~.t~ 1'<';';:(1";" " , . ~~------------------------~--------- '~O(q 080,;ct '48 ,.~, , ", %t.. 112 PURCHASE ^,~REtMrMT FOR I........OI(ALEE HICH SCHOOL SIT!!: FOR PARI': US!!: - ., ,I APPROVED, FORWARDED TO SCHOOL BOARD 'OR REVI £W Jenu,)ry 24, 1964 ...... Acting M8htant County MlIneger 'Norton 8I11d thl. 11 a reque.t to "approv. ,the t.rm. of . purchlu. o9ro~mont for II portion of the " ImlDokale. IIlqh School site for p4rk use and to forward the ACJreemont to \ , the School Board for their con.lcJuration. Ite said tho agreement Is similar to the agreement that the BCC ðpprovvd on 1/17/B4, on the Avalon School ait. wlth the difference boing thls I. II purchase agreemont ond thllt was II lellso ac;racment. lie slIld that the C03t that: Stlltf recoIDmand8 In thw Exwcutlvo Summary doted l/l3/04, 1. $5,500 per i, acre, which la tho County's eppralsed valua. He said thet there ls 0' .. rlght of tlrst refußðl provision contaln~d In the Aqreemant whIch give. the School Board an opportunity t.o purchaso the property from tho . County ~t the decision 18 evcr made to soIl It. COlDmlssloner Kruse ~ovod, .econded by Commis.loner Vos., thÂt tho purcha.. ðqr.e,unt for the IlIImokahe High School .ite fen' park u.. bo approved and that the ðgreoment be forwarded to the School BOllrd for ~ ~ rev ie,,'. .. .. ,f " , Commlssionar Pistor esked for clðrlcic8tlon reqerdinq the School: Board'. roquest Cor Collier County to pay hell tho cost of the construction of I) bucblll1 field. lie 84ld before the bauball field Is constructad thðt Colll.r County should have knowled~e of the cost. Mr. Norton SlIld thdt II provision 1. In the agreement thllt allow. tho ace to .ake the finlll decision on the location end coat of t.het baseball field. Upon call for the question, the aotlon carried 4/0. PAge 33 " ., . ,~..,. ;~ . .' '"'' t. ... . ' .~: :.~( ' ~ ("f , , ¿M.. ~~t: ? Vi'.;. ,.<, ,. ~ .- ''-''\ r . , , ,\;\' <"10'·'. ,"'/ .,.\;. ': I. I 4 Go", tÞ:~ ,,- ~': , ' \ --------- ---- c:::::J CJ ...-r'I --- ..a~A._ ß& - .... I' ; .~í¡:,i J " .t ...... . ':"\ t.~;.,,'...:...y ~",., ·tf~.~ ....' " .. .. ,.., "."_'....,'_"...~,,...,"'..;~..>..,.."~..,~;.-..,,~.."..,.._".._Me.,""...._n~c'''.''___..__ ---_..,_.'-~ -~--------~ ,..~~~ f~;' . . ,...j,.,.,. -1';' ~l~', "'~ j'. ~~_ ": 'í ""~'n ,. ~....::t~'·'·\, .. t:;;;¡ (::=J 1 -- ------ r- - - - - - - - - - -- --- - - - --,. "'-r-r-~.-~ ~,.-.~ ~:;~ , .,~ I", -------- ------ Jonuuy 24, 1984 It.. 11 J WARRANTY DEED rROM MR. . MRS. SAM HEATH FOR DONATED LAND rOR PARK USE IN IMKOKALEE - ACCEPTED A. requested by Act1n9 County Kanoger Horton, Co~.1..1on.r ~ru.e aoved, .econdod by Comal..loner Pl.tor and carried 4/0, that the Warranty Deed for 13.72 acre. for park ua. In I~moka1ee, donated by Hr. and Hra. Sa. Heath, be acceptod and that appropriate publIc recognItion be 91v8~ to the donors. ,". "., if}.::'·' ,I, " \.~ ~ )'~~'.d f \ f.~1\,.u..... ',~ I ¡ " ,; . ( " '. . . ",. . ) ~}'!~\, If,> :. 'OO( 080 PAGe 19 Pag8 34 "",," ~."J:",." ..~~...._._....._._ ~~~ ..,,¡ ...M>.......,...w.. .- , .,. ,·.~~:~7~ . .' ,. ~. .:..~!.J .,J¡.Ií.o;;,.~;'":;"t'¡~I',~'t~, ::,'~~' ~.('?i'!9.;?~A~~'t~ ~,; ,-,~ . ",'_ _:','t,,~¥11.;1)O;Ç '..:, t. ,J_¡f."~.___>' I>f '" ,,"t',Irit'¡l,~~··~1;~~"'~"ij'·;'I...t,;ii; " '. ,.' "L<;,;:;;t!:.'_:'.:M.,~~;~:; "m~"._..,~...._.___,,__..''''''___·"~'''''''''''''''''>~~""'-'''->· " ---""....-.--- '- .... ':.':.:: :~~~:-::"~:"""""""~ ::;i~~, Jllnuary 24, 1904 ~______ _ _ _,___ _ __ ___ ___ __ - ---- " --.f-.- .-r.-0c---- ~ . .. ,~oi 080 PA~t 50 xu. 11" AGREEMENT RE SEWER F~CILITIES FOR VILL~GE PLACS SUBDIVISION - APPROVED Utllltle. Administrator Berzon øaid thls ite~ la a recommendation (~ ç, for BCC approval for an agreement, regarding sower facllitiea, with tho ..., .., '~Vl11a90,Place Subdlvialon. , ' of an on-alte troatment plant the dovelopor 111 901n9 to connect with' . . , th.,Cou~ty .ower facl11tloll and pay the approprlllto fe.a. . t,· '" '.' Co_l..loner Pl.tor IIIoved, seconded by CO~nll..loner I(rulle and "0 uxplalned thllt in lieu of the placement carried 4/0, that the A9r~ement wIth the developer of Village Place Subdivision be approved. I ~. , I . " ;.1 ra9- 35 ----- --- ~ r.:::J ~ ~ ..~ ._,_,,__,.. ^.M...·.~..--._._.. .' ::1".:1 ." '1··..;:: ".. : ~.. "~;\':.,.. .¡ ." :"" .. . .'1. ..' '~; jt . "~I ~'¡'f' , " ~ ,'," , ~': ' ''':t' ,. . " ;.\. ....f/> " (- ,j > ·ò.h :,~~ '.;\i¡: '":1~ ~ ..-;.. .' q ~, ).I!i> \':,. . >;;"f . .. ~:.: . W"";"'_""'_'_'_"_~~___ ~~..\ r::::;¡ c:::¡ :-:-l ----------------------------- JAnuary 21\, 1984 h It.. 115 EMERGENCY ITEM RI SEWER PLANT POND ADDED TO ^GENDh, COMPETITIVE BIDDING REQUIREMENTS WAIVEDI UTILI'l'Y DEPT. ^UTIlORIZED TO ENTER INTO CONTR^CT ':,-\ ... COllUlhaIoner p;ru.e lIoved, .econded by COllllllha1oner plator and , " ~ cArried 4/0, thlt an emergency Ite. re\ilardln9 the repair of a .ewer plant pond be added to the agenda. i C "I Ut.illtie. AdmlnIøtrðtor Derzon asked for IIpproval to gIve the ~ " "+,¡i~ County ^ttornoy and himsel f diacretlonðry I!uthorlty r0911Cdlng the I ¡,\ ,~¡,' blds " repair of I hole In a .ewer plllnt pond. He expla Ined thtlt four ',,:, have bt!on roceived fo r this .Ituatlon ðnd thl!t ono of the bidders I. ..I.the contrActor who was working In the Immudll!to aroa where tho failure \;i .' occur rod. " He .ald this could prosent a logðl compllcðtlon. He /I.ked .' . \ th/lt the BCC authorize either him or the County ^ttorney the dlscroti6n " to aWArd the bid to th~ low blddor, Civil Conatructora Cor"oratlon, tho ~,~ .. aforemontlon contrðctor, who bid under II different namo, or to award to the aecond bldder, ^burdoen Site Dovulopmont of Bonita SprlngD, who bid approxl~tely $1,200 higher, if 0 leglll compliclltlon occurs. Co~issloner p;ruse moved, s.conded by Comllls.loner Vo.. and , carrled 4/0, thllt the competitIve blddlnq requlre.ent. be waived in tho lubject of the repaIr of tho .ewer plant pond, due to pos.ibl. logal complicatIons, Ind thot the UtIlIty Department be authorized to .nter Into a contract wIth eIther ot the above-mentIoned companle. In the '. ~best Interest of Collier County. , . It.. 116 ~ POLICY RI DRAFTING OF DOCUMENTS BY COUNTY ATTORN~Y - CON'T. TO 2/14/84 County Attorncy Sounder, oxplðlnod thl. Item I. 0 rosult of a dlscuøslon at the DCC 1/17/84. He sðlô It WII. his po.ltlon th.t the County Attorney'. ottlee should draft contrActa, rosolutlon. IInd ordlnence. when those are requested by individuAl UOl!rd membors or by the County ~nagor or his stðft, a. well liS when directed by th~ m( 080 mE 53 hCj e 36 , ________--Þ------------------------------- .. '.' ". .. ..J~ '. . j. :~. ., ',. ,~,JI'. . ...I__~..._..... - , ......-..' ','. ,....... . £i .:~'" .'~., . .. .......~.._... " ;--.- .. - L "-"',........"-,...."'''''_'''''".,,;.'"-_,_.,...,..._--....,,..~..-=_.- ..---~,.,---~_..._.,_......_._--_._~'~---...._- ,;!..g~~~:~~/>~:~;~~\'~ " '-...~ r.. _'; ¡.' '. " 'fw.... " ~,'.~~~~: . ....--. -- . .' '-''''- ~~''~J~~'''.~ .~1IIiJ:lti. _ ~ _~._.__ . ......,. ,.... ~ .lC':~~:iI'r ,', ,~ .. "_t . , ..-.-----------------------------:~.....,,:;,- ..~.' \ ' ~o~~ 080m~ 54 January 24, 1984 ~" t~ lIajorlty of the BCC. f\;\,. .~ j.\ :q, ue.tio: and is not pre..nt at this m.etlnq. r~~; Co..l.lioner KruI. .oved, leconded by Co~mi..ioner Vo.., that this t-" "t, \: itea ,be continued until the BCC mutlnq or February l4, 1984. ,~ ~O~~I..lonor Krus. said that shu has no objoctlon to Mr. Sounder. , contlnulnq in the copaclty thllt ho descrlbed ðbove, and thl. was the , '..,. He noted that Comml..ionor Holland ral.ed this ; ", '. consensus "I~ , Tape 16 ", Ite. 117 of the Commisaioner. presont. , , ~,' ' , . l ROUTINE BILLS - APPROVED PurGuant to Resolution 81-150 the rollowinq checks were i.sued throuqh January 20, 1984, In paymont of routine blllal CIIECK DF:SCRIPTfON CH&CK NOS. AMOUNT Vendor 105439 - 105667 $1,955,122.95 I u. 118 BUDGET AMENDMENTS 84-213, S4-216/2lS, 84-221/222, 84-22~ ~ ADOPTED CODmi.lioner Xrus. ~oved, seconded by Co~mlssloner Pistor and cerrled.'4/0, that Budget Amendmonta 84-213,84-216/218, 84-221/222, and 84-225 Je adopted. i Paqe 37 ~I" , ~" ¡t,~, ,., ~'~~, ----- ',~' {~ .~.~~ ,- ~,. ~;..,1..~'~ :.,'t{.,,' " :¿¡¿ .~ L.: ' <:J i: · 1 ,.--, ---oJ L ..~'. ' ,'. .'(, . , , ,.« \ ".,.1 ~ -:Ji'0" ..:.,,, 'f' .....,,, '".', I, I .~ .-.. __,_..,__.,_~_..._'''''''"''.,._..,;...,..__".~ 0·'_'......____,.._'_, .~."""':rl~'..-.. ;, iÞ ~~: ,.",.~","""^t:':'!..",. ." :,.~ ... .. --.:.:..~, - ..-----.-.- ",1 --------------------- 62 Januuy 24, 1904 It.. 11' " , I .' $l,500 AUTHORIZED R£ COLLIER COUNTY EXHIBIT AT FLORIDA STATE FAIR IN TAMPA, 2/8-19/04 Comml..loner Pi.tor ~ov.d, ..conded by Commi..loner ~ruae and carried 4/0, that $1,500 be authorized for assistance for the Regional County Exhibit at the Florida Stat. Fair to be held In Ta~pa, Florida, rebruary 8 through 19, 1984. Chair~an Brown asked that the women representatives from the Colllor County Agrlbu~lnosa Women'. Network stand to'be recognized. It.. . 20 REPORT ON MANDATORY GARBAe! COLLECTION - NO ACTION TAK!H Commlssloner Voss sald lt was hiß understanding that Publlc Workø Ad~iniatrðtor Hartman and hla StðfC wero working on IIn o~dlnance·' -.,- regarding mandatory gnrbðge collectIon, a subject that haa been dls- cuaa~d ln tho pðst. Ho said ho want.ed to assura the goneral public that the toplc was recolvln9 ðttantlon and oxprossed his hope that a " recomlnendation would be forthcoming, as aoon ðS possible.. tlo said thla is . problem in the entire Count.y. Co~mlssioner Kruso agr.ed and j pointed' out that the extension oC the County lOlls. .lit the ðirport needs to be addressod. Mr. Hðrt~an responded that. another request Cor IIn extension \IIay be necessary. Chairman Brown roquosted thllt Mr. Hðrtmarl redouble his efforts and roport back to the Bee. Commissioner Pistor sald that thero ahould be a provIsion In tho, proposed aqreemonts tor mandatory collection that ensures thllt the person doos tho job as ðqroud, so thoro would be recourse that the County could tllko to correct the matter, l' complðlnts occur. Mr. Hartman said that mandatory colloction would Include re-negotiat.lon of the cur~ent frllnchlse agreement. Rospondlng to Chðlrman Brown's concern, he sald that UHf current proposal 'or residential pickup would be a plan Cor the County to collect tho money and then PIlY the fran- PaC] e 38 <":. \ ~~ ~\ .f,. . ~.~ ':iJ" \ t . . . ..~ ' þ'" ' .:~ .',""'. , 1'. í-> "1~:. ". ~'~1r1 ~ . . ... '¡',\¡: -.:,~.~ , " . ' "\..:, ---- - --- - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - -- -- - -- - - - - - --- ~-':J --- : . ---' ,..--. """----.__.4 L ~_...,..__,_"".....-_...=·o""..'." ...,.....~'.'~'.""'.."~~. ,...,..""......,,'.-...,........-.-,,-"'.-=...--.-. '.. .';·'¡'f· ,...;,:~::., .,' --, .. \.... ~ I ~ :- ---¡ ,,--... r=:;;¡ -----------------~--------~--------------- Jðnuary 24, 19B" " chlsoe. Ho recommended that the lubjoct bo ðddresaed at 4 workshop In tho interest o£ falrn.s. to the public. County Attornoy Gnunders laid that a preliminary draft of ~ mandatory colld wast. ordinance h~s beon lIad., with the help of Mr. lIartmlln and Solid Waste Diroctor Fahey. He , ~ .aid h. would 11k. to dlutrlbute that draft to the CommIssioners. 1\0 " suggested, if the DCC would approvo, that he would Arranqe me4ltings \ with the h.ulors And the larger manufacturors of solid wIIsto, who would be regul.tod by the ordlnllnco, for their Input. prior to schodullng the \, workshop wlth tho BCC. 1\0 said h. antlc1potcd that the diacussIons .. '/ ~ "'.<'could bogln within thr.. or lour wf!oks. ;tþ~;. f,; Mr} Bruc. Holloy, ~ut N~P1eS rosldent, apoke in opposltlon to 'it,'; ( ·"·~"·9ivlng an exclusive franchlee to the prosont Cranchlsvv lor tho entire :i·f.. coa.tal 'aroa or Collier Count.y. HI! suggosttld that tho arells bit Ipll,t. I. ~.. into zones and th4t bids be takon. Mrs. Kathleon, Ennis spoke in fnvor or mðndatory garbage colloc- tion. ··..Th. following It.~s were approv.d and/or adopted und.r the Conlent ~gend. by motion of Comml..loner Krus., .oconded by Co~ml..lonor PI.tor and carrlod, ./0.·... It.. 121 PET. TR-83-4C, DONALD P!RKINS, RE 3 MONTH EXTENSION TO TEMPORARY RESIDENCE PERMIT, UNIT 61, a.a. ESTATES Itoll 122 USE or IMMOXALEE AIRPORT PARK BY IMMOXALE£ ROTARY CLUB AHD P!RMI5rION TO CHAReE ADMISSION FEE FOR 10TII ANNUAL WILD HOO BAR-B-Q ON 2/11/84 It.. 123 BID '706 POR TELEVISION FOR COUNTY LIBRARY - AWARD!D TO DDD APPLIANCE, NAPLES, PL. IN AMOUNT OF $2,241.00 Log~l notlc. having boon publlshod In thv N~plel DII11y Hew. on December' 27, 19B3, liS evidenced by AUldðvlt of Publ1cðtlon filed wlth } . the Clork, bids w.ro recelvod on aid '70G, for II tolevlslon for Collier , County Library hOlldquðrtors, untll 2\30 P.M. on Jllnuary ll, 1984. '00(' 080 PAGt 63 P1I9. J9 ----- ~.... ...'....4;',...._.......... ....~ ' " ..' If' '¡ r~""'_f'" ", ~ "'. ..,.~ !F .. ., -- ~~_.._-~ , 'J..;"ti\ ." r, f" .~. /"}¥'t .....--..- ~., . ~ ,.... ~ ,,' I~~.¡ , ' 'f ,¡JWl:iJ ~ . .4t ."., '. fl.,' .. ,.~".. , .,_,,-~i",:'.#'.I..~":·" ~ '. ',.;~_lF~ " ,,,.: \, ""} ;'I~~lt_ , ¡ " F'- ... , \.-". "", "',(,-.:. ~':'¡"I"" ,~~;..~,: "¿,',I,.¡.." ( " '¡ -,' .... .'" . , , '.ge 40 ii·, " ," - ---- -------------------~------------- - f: -- ì:¡l>,~' ,'" . ~ '.. "'. . aoo~ 080 PAGt 64 It.. 124 AGRtEMENT RE MARCO ISLAND BRANCII LI8RAny ADDITION AnCHITECTUAL WORK Januory 24, 19801 500 pog.. t.,¿- '7 ~ . 125 CORRECTIONS TO THE TAX ROLLS - PRDPERTV APPRAISER'S OFFICE 1982 TAX ROLL 659 1/11/84 TANGIBLE PROPERTY TAX " , l!.lò2 1/11/84 19B2-467 , 4GB .' ,,. " 19B 3 T^X ROLL . , 231-237 1/5-11/B4 - TM~eI01.E pnOPf.RTY TAX , l~O3 1983-290-299 1/6-11/04 126 RESOLUTIOI~ 84-19 APPROVING CONTRACT WITH DAVID C. LANDER AS PECK HAND/ASSISTANT ENeINEER Of REEF AND MARINE DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM Su Pa<; u 7.3-7S It.. '27 MISCELLANEOUS CORRESPONDENCE - rILtD AND/OR REF£RRED :There being no objectIon, the Chair dlrectcd that the followIng corre.pondence b. filed ond/or referred fta Indlcatud below\ " , " .' ' 1. Solid Waste Department Roport, Coce~bQr 1983. \ 2~ Copy of DtR Notice dated 1/10/84, of application for dredging \ pormlt by Russell C. Stahlman I plus copy of . letter dated <.' 12/29/83, fro. Georqe II. lIormanllon, of lIole, Mont.. , Aaaoc., Inc., to FlorIda DEH ro slIma permit, File No. 183.77, trans- mitting a copy of tho complete Joint AppllclItlon rorm a.n. d ~ aheats of plnna for tho work. xc: Dr. benedict. 'lled.' 3. Copy of ~lnutos of the £mer90ncy rood/Shelter proqr.m ~e.tln9 of 1/4/84, ro allocðtlon of United Way fundi. xc: Terry Vlrtu, Donald Norton. Flied. 4. Fol1owln9 copies of minutes recalved\ fl1od. " A. EMSAC mootlnq, J2/14/83. 8. Ochopeo FJre Control Dl.trlct Advlaory Com., 1/4/84. Copy of memorðndum dated 1/2/84, ro notlce of 1/11/84, ~..tJng of Coordinating Councl1 on the Transportatlon Dl.odvontðqod. xc Mr. Porry. FJled. 5. ~.:J ~ --..... c::J 11 11 L : ?,i,:;¡" 1 , .~;: '" ~~' ""', ,--",."'._-_...,,~.'.._"'.-._.,'~~-,-~ . ...~,. .~.. .. I~.. , r=:I ~ c:::::J , . -~------------------------------------~--- January 24, 1904 6. Copy of Publlc Service Commls&ion notice re Docket No. 8JOJB9-PU, dated 1/9/84 re Adoption of Amendments relatlng to CUltomer Deposits. Filed. 7. Memorandum dated 1/3/84, fro~ Sheriff Aubrcy Rogers plus hi. Quarterly Report, Shariff's Confiscation Trust fund, Fiscal " Year 1983-84. ,lled. " , . 8. ' " r \ Following letters receivod protesting ftnd/or requesting a zoning ordlnanco change to allow the construction of perma- nent additIons to travel trailers: xc Mr. Virta and Ms. Layne. Filed. A. Mr. John Beyl, Croatonv Trailer Park, Naplea. 1/3/04. B. Virgil ðnd Louise eehlbach, ereystone Park. 1/10/04. C. ~thow Kamlenlarz, Oreystone Park. recoIved 1/4/84. " '; \' \ \ \ .. .. .. ,", '.:' , There buing no further bu»lne.1 to come bofore the Boord the ,tf ¡:: ..~III..etlng was adjournod by ordor of the Chair - Timer 11145 "'.M. '!I!r., ¡ . .-,.~' "" " ,I' ,'.~ I ì~' ..t , ,i.: ,,\··.ii, I.,k~·~' ';~;~.' \}i,;~ ;)'".,. ,; t It. ,·t,~nTTEST\ .\~WILLIAM J. REACA.N, CLERK BOARD Of COUNTY COMMISSIONERS/ QOARD or ZONING APPEALS/EX OffICIO GOVERNING BOARD(5) OF SPECIAL DI5TRICTS UNDtH ITS CONTROL · .' l ,/',1. ~ //1. .. " /, f r ~!' ( ,. '. ~ ~ . ~VID C. Hcr...N, CHAt~N ~--------- ,~ ~i'~~ .. :"¥' f': .~~~:..' , " "~f.·· ~/:::)_. ~~,d7..c. '~~~...,2a "~provud by t..he Dee on ~<I''' . . .'" 0, ' ,t' 7" r"~.tl ~ pre.~nt.d - ,~,\ \1\.': ¡""~"(' " ' ::,' , ',.'f, f;~,~. 1'0 . ""'- '" ,', ' ,~' ,~ . "',: --" 'I \~~~\)\' U'5:::: /?/,y or as corrected a. ,I, ~' ,aoOK 080 'a~t 65 P.ge 41 ----------- ---------- " '. . " "..".~'".."""".....,,-"'~,>;""''''-~'.>"._-,_.._~...