BCC Minutes 02/07/1984 R ---¡ ,-, -... ¡ ....""'''' '.' ~ --------- f Nlplel, Florida, F.bruary 7, 1984 .. LET IT BE REMEMBERED, thlt the Board of County Commilsionerl in , and for the County of Colli.r, and allo actlbg II the Board of Zon1n9 i~i~~ift · 4 h i 1 d i t i t h :1 ~~p.all and .1 the gov.rning board(l) of IUC IP'C a I r C I aa av. ,.' }O", b..n created according to lIIw and having conducted businels her.in, met " '," on thil date at 9100 ....1'1. in R.c¡ul.~r S.aalon in nulldinc¡ -r- of the ~:'~:~~urthouse Complex, East Naple., Florida, with the following memb.rs ~ 'a 't~ '. I"ti' pr·...·n t 1 I ..~......'\. I I.:t.¡, /·~.i~·': ~ ',,\.. t" .., " '1--... . t " Þ .0, .... ,,' , .' .. t " " :"~ ..~~ t·t: .~ '...LSO PRESENTI willilm J. Reag.n, Clerk, James C. Gllel, Flace,l. '~\O~:fc.t tlinor Þ1, Iklnner, o.puty CI.rk, K,nnlth cuyler, "..il:lnt ,"'",:County Attorney, Tlrry Vlrta, ...cting County Manager, Irving Borzon, ~. I.' I - ~\\,\;.~;~,'llti~. Manager, Vickie Mullin., Acting Commun'1ty Development ' 'j " Y/;~q~'~;~'I~'~ra tor, Lea Layne, Zoning Dl rector, Knute Hartman, pUbll d"Wo rk.~~t~· ~ ,t~!4'~è\t", " '~'J "i~{L~ .lnlltrator, Grace Underwood, "'dml niltr.tive AIda to the Board,' Ind ° '~' '.. 'fMtH ~4'':' ' .' Ðepu'ty'Ol1ef Raymond B.rnett, Sherlff's D.partmant.t\~ . , IfJ , I . .\.,t;.:,,:-t ' t, ,.'íi/~~j¡, ",., '" '.. ;.,v~_',. . . '.~ ,,;'1...1, (-', ;' , i") :." '.' ,~~~,.', ;~;lJ~;t " .." , , . "'; ,.f . CHAIRMAN 1 David C. Brown John A. Piltor Frederick J. VOSI _ Ma ry-rrencel KruI. ''¡ . ""''''. ,·~,·.,·l~'· ~ \ ~i'.:~ t· . ':'. " ",1 C. C. -Red- Holland (Ab.ent) ,.,..:, (4 , , .: , .... ,: 1m 080,Act 94 Page 1 ----- -- ,.... ·¡IJlo'.,Ji:' -~~ .~.,;;-. ~ t'~œ ., I .> .,\ ~~'''~'''!-'~~! ".'. J ~"'" ........~. .......' ".~. .. , ,~.~.. '. ~~',_... u ......r.:-. - ., :¡;~ . ,'':': ;~1! ,: ~I{;~ ''{fl',', I:.. ~ . 1',1 ~~ . .... .. .. ,,\' I ~J c:;;;:r . . c:;J c:;;;;;:] -r" ", I" ~':'" ---------------- ," February 7, 1984 '~.pe 11 'It.. 11 .... ,~,~~~ ACENDA - APPROVED AS AMENDED '.'Jt co..t..toner pl.tor .ov.d, ..cond.d by Commis.ioner ~ru.e and carried 4/0, (vote indiclt.. the absence of Comml..lon.r Holland) that th. agenda be approved with the followln9 amend~.ntsl A. Item 13D - Dlscu..ion of referendum election re county-wid. tax levy not to .xc..d 1/4 mIll for study of water pollution _ Added at Commissioner Vo..' request. I'. ~HI '.; ,\j"',~;\ re. , ',;:.;! . .~r (-'" . ; ''''fl' ~. c . ,i .l!J'~',¡. .. .. . It.. 12 ñ' ,,~; ¡''j'f'': . , MINUTES or 1/17 AND 1/24/84 - APPROVED ·I~'·.- '.' , '~t~M Co..i..ioner Plstor moved, .econded by Commi..ion.r Kru.e and ~·~tt carri.d 4/0, that the .lnute. of 1/17 and 1/24/84 b. approved. ~~::~4; . It.. ", 3 '.,.¡.:.:~~,1 : "OPAL -BILLIE- SHITH, EHPLOYEE or THE MONTH FOR FEBRUARY, 1984 . .,~ Chalrlllan Brown pre.ented I letter and pleque to H8, Smith in . . Itelll 6B(3) - Pet. R-83-24, Swamp Buggy Days - Con't. to 2/14/84 at petition.r'. request. Item 78(2) - Correct PH. PU-83-2.Q.C to Pet. PU-83-21C. ¡{~ " Ippr.ciation for her .crvlco to Collier County, It.. 14 -I' SAÞ1 AND ALVA HEATH RECOGNIZED FOR THEIR DONATION or LAND TO BE NAMED THE HEATH RECREATIONAL AREA (IMMOKALEE COMMUNITY PARK) ~ Chairman Brown pre.ented a plaque to Hr. Sam Heath In .ppreclation r' , t., tho d.n.".n .. ".'2 ..,.. .., ... .. · po't',n .. ,h. ,...k.,.. .'t,~. COllmun i t'y Par k . ~, '., , . Co.-i..lon.r ~ru.e aoved, ..conded by Co..i..ioner Vo.. and .. ¡ " carried 4/0, that the pro~rty b. nall.d the Helth R.creatlonll Araa. .í fIt.. 15 ORDINANCE 84-11 RE PET. R-83-21C, LAWDEX PROPERTIES, INC., A-2 AND A-ST TO PUD ~NOWN AS WOODFIELD LAKES - ADOPTED SUBJECT TO STIFULATIONS 1.0911 notlco hiving been publi.hed in the Naples D.ily ~.w. on t.:: aool( 080 ~ACt 100 PIge 2 -~~-------~~---------------------~- ~:. r:~~~,' .~I<, ~.. --'.. "* ~ii¡';": ..;...~. .;......,.'¡;",,'t&;., i\~~ ..........,..'" ...._......,;;..:'.·,,1.'· -~ .....,".",,"""".,._-"'..__....""'-,""--- _-__"..,_..-""...""'~...,."'''.,_<,~'''''~w';·._.',··.·,,-"·...'''''_,·"''=..".."...... .~ "I..,l.·· ~r'1:11."_'h'··of!I~:~·I""" .:..a"'~J,,,~ ~~ ~.t '.~:.:a;' ...;~~'Ioþ¿~.w:I',.;¡.a.;,. ',"., ;wdl.··..., '1,'t.¡"=.:~~~~;r...~ :~~~,::--:-._..:.- . -: ,,' "" . ::::,:,,:::_"~'" ":'... ." .. '," :.,. ,...."!.:: ,..- ~..' :. ...... . ".. ~. 0, -. . . . ~',. F.bruary 7, 1984 ~------------,----- -----------------.--- 080 P&~t 10 f ~ovember li, 1983 and Jlnuary 29,'1984, as evidenced by the Affidavits of Publicltlon fil.d with the Clerk, pUblic hearing wes opened to conlid.r PetitIon R-83-21C, filed by Landex Properti.s, Inc. r.questing rezoning fro~ A-2 .nd A-2ST to PUD known el Woodfield Lake.. Plann.r Ob.r indIcated the location of tho property on an overhead ~ap .s b.lng approximately 400 teet northeest of the intersection of ... rezone 73 acre. t~ " _ \ ;~: . ...;. , ' Sho sa id ," ;'r~' ,I /;,:,.' ~ .'.. .-,t :; U.S. 41 and C.R. 951, She saId this is a request to ,. PUD for 451 unit. at a qross density of 6.22 units per acre. that the Staff r.commended denial, as indicated In the Executive Summary, because ot the qualtion ot density. She explaIned that the CApe h.ld their public hearIng on 1/15/84 and that one person, repre.entln9 Dt1tona Utilities, stated Deltona's concern about the . I proposed percolation ponds 80 close to the Marco Island water supply al w.ll as possIble effluent disposal. She laid that the C^PC recommended, by a 4/3 vote, !owarding thIs petItIon to the BCC for . pprov.l subject to emendment o! the PUD document, a 25 foot right-of-way on the east sIde of C.R. 951, and concurrence with De Hona Utilities if there is on-site sewaqe tre.tment. She slid, .ince the . " CAPC meeting, that the Stat! hal met wIth the petitioner and the question on the sewage treatment hal been resolved and the p,tltioner ;.- ..... . , .', t, .. k" la usIng )..' .. question (. off-site treatment. She said, with r.gard to the Stiff's " I on density, that the p,titioner is propollng to hav. She slid that the Staff , ' Itt Iffordabl. housing es part of thil project. fe.ls there il a trade otf betw.en denllty and Iffordabl. housing as defIned in the COMprehensive Plan. She ~aid that the petitioner has agreed to provide voting roo~. in the community center during el.ctions. She said that the Statf now recommends that Petition R-83-2lC be approved. Hr. Mike Stephen, ot Coastal EngineerIng Consultant., Inc. I. Pig' 3 " .1 '1 ¡;. ., r-" -- ,- ,', .J '-" -,. L . ~- '--"-""'-'~--""--"'-~-'- "/r ~ r=J :="""J '.. -,.,.- ---------- ~.t ;, :~ " r.prel.ntine¡ the p.tition.r, wal pr...nt to respond to qU.ltionl. F.brua ry 7, 1984 -; CommIssIoner Voss slid that Colll.r County i. attomptin9 to obtaIn a County-wide ..waq. treatm.nt c.nter and thet financlnq this would have . to b. don. throuqh r.v.nue bonds. He leid that r.venue bonds cannot be sold unl.ss th.r. are cUltomers. He Isked Mr. Stephen If h. would Iqroo to quarantee I certain numbor, of customorl liS part of this project? Mr. St.phen r'lponded affirmatively as long a. the petitioner wal treated .qually with the other custom.rs in the County sYltem. II. laid that the petItipner has worked wIth the aff.c~ed partiel to ,¡ I Achieve a viable workinc¡ ac¡re.ment for hendling the sewage efflu.nt. H. .xplained that the p.tltloner has a wrItten agr.ement with the ElIgl. Creek project and they have committed to handline¡ end treating the lewae¡. from thll project and Ipray irrigatIng Lhe e¡olf course. H. saId there is .nother option ot e¡olng to a rec¡ional-typc facility located to the east Ilsociated with Marco Shores. He said that the petitioner II willing to transmit to whIchever facilIty il in the best interest of the County in the Ittempt to consolIdate and rec¡ionelize the waste treatment, Co~ml.sioner Voss laid that Eac¡le Creek has indicðtad a willinc¡nesl to come into the County-wIde system and Mr. Stephen saId that the petitioner WQuld consent end commit to that. Utilities Manag.r Berzon laid that Woodfl.ld Lakes hal committed that all the cUltom.rl will b. County cUltomers. He laid that the petitioner his not 9iven a quarantee of . minimum number of cUltomers or a commitment to pay the equivalent of Iystem development charqel or feel, H. laId he did not know the exact mochanism by which the County can compel the p.titioner to make thet commitment unless It il made in the form of an ordInance that 11 unltorm across the bo~rd and applicable to .v.ryo~e in the Irea. rilcal Officer Gllel laid the situation is ballcally what lOOK 080 mt 102 Page 4 --_r-_~_r--""'_""'___"-_______________________ ..--. .",:¡ ..~,.. . .~, ~."; '.. ~ _. .' " ~....IA r ........',,,,. j ¡J.~,,--, _.".,"......,·.;,'-^;,.."_'",·__...c."""""....._'M_"_.___"..~..·,,,..______~_ ._--,--"'_.._,,-~.._'_."''''''.....''''"»''-'"~,.'. " , '. ";ù" \ . ...'., .. " '<t,; . " ~,.:, ,/ ~ .~' .', ~ , ',¡",t ," ',1 ._-- -.--. ""'!~"'~ " 'I It..,.,;.,.,,, t .t...·.' , "". ' , '. . t._ ... ~'.. ~ . - ~ . ...... '. ,'. . ' ,'.~1t ,:~. . ~ "" , Pm..""', "'1i':~i~ ,(', ' '. ~~...,..;....411''''''--'··'''''''''- - ......~... ,..~ ~ "f~"'" ,',.', '~~f.r·",·, ~ . "",.!... .lI'-"( ~'. -----------------------------------~~---- _..6, F.bruary 7, 1984 080 PACt 103 rev.nu'l the County cen a.certain and docum.nt. Commissioner Vo.. said , . , if the p.titioner wal going to put in a tr.atment plant h. would have , to exp.nd ~oney for that plant, to which Mr. Stephen said the petitioner has estlmÐtes of the cost of provIding a trensmlssion lIne and pu~ping station for the effluent to run to one facilIty or the oth.r. Mr. Berzon asked If the petitioner would ba willing to commIt the cost of an on-lite tr.atment plant as up-front credit toward the , ~. '... proj.ct in the for.. of what.v.r .y.t.m d.v.lopment ch.uges thue would ! .... b., to which Mr. Stephen said the petitioner would work with the County , Utilitie. Department to achieve a viable solution to help satIsfy the probleØII for a I I, , r;/, \'I ;, r regIonal plant in the area. .....i.tant County Attorney Cuyler referred to the proposed wording , on provilions for voting and saId that the SupervIsor of Election. ,~" would pr.fer that the developer commit to providIng space for votIng in ~. ' ~; any election. Mr. Stephen saId that a communI ty fec11i ty Is planned for the project and tl,at he would commit to the utlllzation of that facIlity for those types of publIc services. . , Mr. Jim Jimenez, representing Daltona UtilItIes, expressed the company'. concern about the construction of. a .ewage treetment plant and the effluent disposal in Woodfield Lake. because of the proximity \ ;., ~ ' He read . paragraph of . l.tt.r from to the MarFO I.land water .upply. \ Mr. Millan, of Deltona Utilities, to Mr. Stephen stating that Marco Islend Utilltie. would endor.e the Woodfi.ld Lake. project provided that the treatment end effluent diapo.al i. accomplished outside th.· limits of Woodfield Lakes south of U.S. 41. lie l14id any .olution that would Imply construction of a sewag. trÞatllent plant on .ite or disposal of treated sew¡~e on-site would be opposed by Deltona Utilities. Mr. Stephen .ald that the developer h.. committed to going ", Page 5: . , -----r r" _ .J ....-- , -........- ... "'---~,.~,.~.. L <",.(4" '" , ~. , t, \ ' ',t. .'.' \i;:,':' 0,. , . .... f. ... ..... ':"~',. I"! .""...'- .')/1 " f... .. ':'." " ...~'¡,.I·. v- , .'ø. .} " ~ ," '... '''--.' -.~:! t4t', ':4.~ ~""'~" ........ ,IT. ,~,_,...._._"__._..~""._,o>.."........_~,,__ r:= r:;;;J c=J ----------,--...-r-..--------------------------.-.-. ---- F.brua ry 7, 1984 , " \ . ~ff-sit. .outh of u.s. 41 and th.lr l.tter indicates Deltone Utiliti.. "",',' acknowl.dgment of thil commi~.nt and support of the applIcation. , èo..is.ion.r ~ru.. .oved, .econd.d by Commis.ioner Pi.tor and carrieð 4/0, that the public hearing b. closed. Co.mi.slon.r ~rus. .oved, lec~nded by CommIssioner Voss and 1., carri.d 4/0, that the ordinance a. numbered and .ntitled below be adopt.d, with the .tipulatlon. conc.rnln~ the off-sit. treatment and the aforem.ntion.d indication of Hr. St.phen as far a. the County R'qional Plant, and ante red Into Ordinanc. Book 181 , , . ORDINANCE 84-11 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE 82-2 TRE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING REGULATIONS FOR THE UNINCORPORATED AREA OF COLLIER COUNTY, rLORI~, BY AMENDING THE OFFICIAL ZONING ATLAS MAP NUMBER 51-26-2 AND 50-26-8 BY CHANGING THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION OF THE HEREIN DESCRIBED REAL PROPERTY FROM A-2 AND A-2ST TO -PUD- PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT FOR WOODFIELD LAKES LOCATED IN SECTION 3, TOWNSHIP 51 SOUTH. RANGE 26 EAST AND SECTION 34, TOWNSHIP 50 SOUTH, RANGE 26 EAST, AND BY PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. ~. . " < .. ,'Ita. 16 ;~~").,' ,1< , ORDINANCE ¡¡,... ORDINANCE , . 84-12 RE PETITION 10-83-13C, KINGS LAKE LTD., AMENDING 82-52, KINGS LAKE PUD, - ADOPTED -. . ~ I ,. Le9al notice hðvin9 bean published ln the N6ples DeIly News on '<; Janua,ry 19, 19B4, as evldenced by Affidavit of Publication filed wIth the Clerk, public hearinq was opened to conolder Petition ZO-83-13C, flled by Kln9s Lake LTD, requestlnq amendment to Ordinance 82-52, Kinqs Lake PUD, Section 7.2.A, Planner Ober .xplalned that the object of thll petition il to make Tract -F- I common ar.a to residents of Block .p- only. She sald that .s the lenyuage in the -PUD- document now reads Tract -F- Is common to .veryone In the development and It was the developer's inltlal intention to have that Irea common to'the lurroundlnq block. Sho sald th~t the Staff recommends approve1 of this petItIon, Co.-i.sloner Kruse .oved, .econd.d by Com.l.sioner Voss and am 080 PAr.t 10.{ paqe 6 " ". ".. ,\ ,,- r, ~. .~_~oi\~ " ",....,..,.,'_.,.·,,,.,"._...,_,,..·,"""".""·..__M~__'...._,,....._..._......_.......,.'"..~_"..._._...._.. ......^'..."'..._..."""_._....,"_..._..,~;...""N~."',;.". ,,,,,.."........,._,,." . .~_...__,__~~.__ .~"b!!TJl:b-I'iJ,;l}~·""':;;.:'f~""""I" .'.~} '!~;"JI~~.'~~, .re.", t-, ..",',}'.ßII! ~. '-'_j.,.i,,'_ .. _" r'~., -.', ,t'. ",.t .... ,"'oil 1"iL f . 'II" ""T" .,........ '. .' ............ . ' 1'::. _"':'.-'-:::':~"'7 ':: ~~,'þ ~' , .' . - __ _.:~.~:. , ".,~ ._~_..j: .tf:'''. ·:~I~""","..., '^ . . "'''' ,~ "'1,. , -~-----------------------------------~-~ February 7, 1984 080"''7.105 carri.d 4/0, that the public hearIng b. closed. Co..i..ion.r Krus. .oved, ..conded by Commislioner Voss and carried 4/0, that the ordlnlnce a. nu~bered and .ntitled b.low b. adopt.d and ent.r.d into Ordinance Book 18& ORDIN"'NCE 84-12 ¡ AM ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE 82-52, THE KINGS LAKE PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT DOCUMENT, TO AMEND SECTION 7.2...., "'ND BY PROVIDING AM ErrECTIVE DATE. Ite. 17 PETITION R-8J-J4C, SWAMP BUGGY DAYS, INC. - CONTINUED TO 2/14/84 Co..i.slon.r ~ruse moved, seconded by Com~ls.ioner Voss and 'carri.d 4/0, that PetitIon R-8J-J4C, SwaDp Buggy Days, Inc., b. continued to 2/14/84. " Ite. 18 '. ORDINANCE 84-13 RI PETITION R-83-11C, .JOSEPH .J. OLIVERI, "'-2 TO RO - ~~. ADOPTED SUBJECT TO STIPULATIONS r '~~. Ll\gai notic. h4Vi~9 bun published in the Naples Cally News on ,J-. January 6, 1984, as .videnced by AffidavIt of publication fil.d wIth the Clerk, public hearing was opened to consIder Petition R-83-11C, fil.d by Josoph J, Oliv.ri requesting rezonIng from A-2 to no with t .. 1 Provisional Use 'p- and .~. for pony rIdes and resteurant, loceted' ~<'...ppro:XiØl.t'lY 1.75 milel west of C,R. 951 on the South sId. of DavId C. r.. Brown Highway. (~' Pllnn.r Ob.r explaIned there is a companion item with a provi.ional Us. requelt and indicated the locatIon of the property on zoning map 48-26. She explained that the Staff and all county agencies have reviewed this petition and recommend approvll lubject to the .tipulations found In the Executive Sum~ary dated 1/30/84. Ms. Ober .aid, since the 1/19/84 CAPe meeting, that two letters have be.n ~re~elved objectIng to thil petitIon, one because of the commorclal . :!'I . ~~d one because the proposed and existing d.velopment off David C. ! .~, ',' ~~ ,-:t' ~...:. ..,.\~ .~ ule Page 7, , , ~ ' -- -- ~ ,.... C.::J CJ c:J '" . . ; , ,..~ ._---"'.,.,.,~-"'~_.~_.".,,,..~~,-_.,,_.~......_''".~'''''.,,....""","'~' - c:1 ~.,r...#_J ---- -------- F.bruary 7, 1964 Brown Highway tends to b. resid.ntlal and that thIs i. not a compatible u... Co..lsclon.r Vo.. .ov.d, ..cond.d by co~~i..ion.r Xru.. and carri.d 4/0, thlt the public hearing b. clo.ed. Co..ls.ion.r Vo.. .ov.d, .econd.d by Commlsøion.r Pistor and carrl.d 4/0, th.t the ordlnanc. as:numbered and .ntitl.d below be adopted, subj.ct to the Staff .tlpulations, and .nt.red into OrdInance Book No. 18 I ORDINMICE 84-13 AM ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE Ð2-2 THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING RECULATIONS 'OR THE UNINCORPORA~ED AREA OF COLLIER COUNTY, 'LORIDA, BY AMENDING THE OFFICIAL ZONING ATLAS HAP NUMBER 48-26 BY CHANGING THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION OF THE HEREIN DESCRIBED PROPERTY LOCATED ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF DAVID C. BROWN HIGHWAY APPROXIMATELY 1-1/2 HILES EAST OF 1-75 FROM A-2 TO RO, AND BY PROVIDING 'OR AN r."~CTIVF. OATF.. '.)0) '. It.. 19 RESOLUTION 84-20 RE PETITION PU-83-10C, JOSEPH J. OLIVERI - ADOPTED SUBJECT TO STIPULATIONS, FINDING-OF-'ACT AND PETITIONER'S AGREEMENT ,: ACCEPTED Co..is.lon.r Voss .ov.d, second.d by Co~illloner Krus. and carrl.d 4/0, that R.solution 84-20 r. p.tition PU-83-10C, Jooeph J. Oliv.ri, r.qu..tlng Provi.ional Us. .p. and ... for pony ride., a I;) petting zoo and a r.staurant on prop.rty 10cat.d approximat.ly 1.75 .il.. welt of C.R. 951 South of David C. Brown H19hway in S.ction 28, Town.hlp 48 South, Rang. 26 Ea.t, b. adopt.d, .ubj.ct to Stiff ,atipul.tlon. and that the 'inding-of-Fact and P.tition.r'. A9r....nt b. accepted. IODC 080 mt 106 Pig CI 8 , . 4, ~--~~-~-~------~r--~~~--- .... ...,... . ,j, " ..~"._'_... L '-'.._...'~' .,.""...-.~~.."~""~,,~ .,."..."'"-~,,.,....- ,~"'"''''''''"'-''''';O' '.~, " "~'.~ . .. : ",,~.Þt,,_ . t·"-"""'_...··~",..·· .. !...:...-......' ....,¡/II -¡i ---. C' " '¡.... -~-------.-- -- -- - ---.--- - - _._--.- .---,-. _.- --- ---)' ... ."'~ --- .. - -...--.. ...... .,'¡":-"" , .~'_:.: ( 08n I'1r,r 111 %t.. 'ho February 7, 19B4 tl. . ) ORDINANCI 84-14 A"ENDING ORDINANCE NO. 82-110, TO PROVIDE THAT THE Bce SHALL NOT HAVE AUTHORITY TO HIRE OR FIRE DIVISION ADMINISTRATORS - ",OOPTED ~'. . , ¡. Legll notIce having been publisñed in tho Napl.s Daily New. on January 19, 1984, as evIdenced by the Affidavit of publication filed ;... wIth the Clerk, public hearlng was opened to consider a proposed ,".'. { "':', .ordinanc. amending Ordinanc. No. ~"":'.. 1 J~~ pr.ovide that the Board of County 82-110, Section One Subpart K, to Co~missioners shall not heve authority .!' to hire or fIre divIsion administrator., Hearing that no one was r.gistered to speak, Commisslon.r Voss ~ov.d, seconded by Co~mi.slon.r pi.tor And carrl.d 4/0, that the public h.aring b. clo.ed. R.spondlng to Commissioner Kruse, Asli.tant County Attorney Cuyl.r .aid that al the ordinence presently stands the BCC ~ey not hire or .. r' .,' .I"':~" ", ~",,' L 'f. ... .; :L(~ ,.:~~~:. fire department heads. Commissioner Kruse I lid she had no problem with 'Î" , ¡' ""I ¡), that and askod, if the proposed ordinanc. i. passed, would this include ' .:: divi.ion head., to which Mr. Cuyler responded afflr~atly.ly. Acting County Manager Vlrta s~id that approval of the proposed ordinance woulG not alter the concurrence requirement tor the hiring of divi.ion edmlnlltrators, and that only the dismissal of division \,,: ,. , ;¡.' administrator. would be attected. , . " Co..i.sion.r Voss .oved, seconded by Commi..ioner Pistor and c.rri.d 4/0, that the ordinance .s nu.ber.d and .ntitl.d below be adopt.d and .ntered into Ordlnlnce Book No. 181 ORDINANCE 84-14 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANC~ NO. 82-110, SECTION ONI SUBPART K, TO PROVIDE THAT T~E BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS SHALL NOT HAVE AUTHORITY TO HIRE OR FIRE DIVISION ^~INISTRATORS, PROVIDING SEVERABILITY AND EYFECTIVE O-'TE. Later in the moetlng, UtilitIes Manager 8er~on referred to the fir.t .entence in Parec¡raph K which readll ·Select, .~ploy and luper- Pig. 9 c.:J t:::::] r::::J ... .:,'~( . ." ~ . l' ;~,"f' ',( ~'J ,...' I .' . '~:I ;~ , , "., ¡. ,....";.." r";;~- ,'·A" "::.." ,"*" -..........---...' ___-..."....'_..~,,~"""..,·..~__","..""A,._'·'__'" -".,. I'".~j:l:.;>" ~ I·~..~: ,c..'," ------ -----~----- ~ F.bruary 7, 1984 " vi.. all p.r.onn.l and fIll all vacanci.., positions or employm.nt und.r the jurisdiction of the Board.· He augqest.d thet the Bce con.ld.r that the word -Board· should b. -Manager-, AssIstant County Attorn.y cuyler s.id that the rest of tho ordinance indicates that i. '\' the curront wording. H. said if the BCC desires that change h. would be happy to revIew it. '. Co..i.sion.r Pi.tor aoved, .econd.d by Commi..ion.r Kru.. and , clrri.d 4/0, that the County Attorney be dlrect.d to r.vl.w the above- ..ntionad verbago Ind bri~9 it back to the BCC for consideration. It.. 111 DEVELOPMENT ORDER 84-2 RE PETITION DRI-BJ-1C, GREEN HERON - ADOPTED , Legal notic. having been publIshed In the Naples Daily News on November 17, 1983, al evIdenced by Affidavit of Publication flIed with tha Clerk, public hoaring was opened to consider Petition DRI-B3-1C, fll.d by WIlliam R. Vines, agent, requestIng opproval of a Development Ord.r for a Development of Regional Impact known 1\. Green .Ioron, approximately 1/2 mile west of the interøection of Radio Road and Davil I Boul.vard. ~ Pllnner Obar explained that the Southwe~t Florida R.gional Plan- nIng Council (SWFRPC) r.viewed thIs petition and hAS recommended approvAl subject to tne conditIons for the regional uses as outlined in their officIal recommendltionl as d.scribed in the Exocutive Summory ~at.d 1/30/84, which are mede part of the Dovelo~ent Order. She .xplained that the C^PC held theIr public hoarlng on January 19, 1984 and rlcomm.nded approval of the Development Ord.r. Coamilslonor Pi.tor mov.d, .econded by Commis.loner Voss and carried 4/0, that tho public hauing be' cloud. Com.issioner Kruse mov.d, .oconded 'by Commission.r VOIS and carried 4/0, that tho public h.aring be r.open.d. aooe 080 PA',r 112 P.g. 10 -----~---------~---~-~----------------~~ '''_,____'._~...". _'"'_"'''''"'''''H'~~''_'''''__''''______''~_______''' _.....,'___""_~_......__""'.",...._,><.~",...,.'..._h''"'.''<>..._,....·'''''''.."""""A',,,"" ~, ~M,~~ì'~· ·'''',·.· "...-~....,.. -..,¡' ._--.~ ,- ."-:?~Jf~' .' - -; . :...i'" ,_4' ._ ~ _. ___ ..... '...,...... "t,··" \~-,~,.,~.~r~~'> :'-"":";:t.\"~'" . " . ."..........-,... "..",4.. . i.. _, .~..,,<' '. ..-..- - _. -~_..._-.- . ...-..---- -- -- - --- -- -- - ----------"\--------"--- -.._~- February 7, 1984 080 PA~t 11 ~ MI. Charlotte Weltman, r.pr...nting the League of Women voter., r.f.rr.d to Plge 6 of the SWrRPC'. otficl.l r.commendation. and ask.d who would be responslbl. for monItoring the stormwater drainage system? Tape 12 Ma. Ober .,id thlt the petitioner would I.t up the monitoring progr.. Ind report to the South Florida Water Management DistrIct. Mr. Vinel explained that the developer arranges through a consulting fir. to provld. the test procedurel and the results are deliver.d to the proper agencloa. He said that, In time, that I .' obligation pa.sas from the developer to the Home Ownerl AssocIation. M.. Wlltman Ipok. in favor ot the hurricane evecuation rocommende- J.: I ¡, tion. in the Development Order. She stated, for the record, that the Leagu. of Women Voterl reel thIs il a well planned and designed DRI. Co..i.sioner ~ruI' .oved, s.condeð by Co.missioner VOl. and carried 4/0, that the publIc hearIng be closed. 'I· -"'., " ;':,,¡' 0".'..," ,:0,.'., ~ '-~~j "', t:~. J. '1.' . , ,., V~, ) ,,:'f Jo, co..issioner Plltor mov.d, ..conded by Co.mlssion.r Voss and carrIed 4/0, that Development Order 84-2 re p.tltion DRI-83-1C, b. adopted. "~I " ,> . ~ .' ,- ...... ;t " ;..$. Page 11 ---.-- c:J t::::J c.::::J '---'--~-"-'-""'~-""'-"';"-'^-"'-~-'''''''''-~'"'''- 1.·:!'iI'::~~1 "'" .. ....'¥"""'~~ . ) , i No" I ,,:; " ,"}I..r;;~. , ~ ~~.'__"t.. .' -~--~--------~---~--------------------~ ------------------ February 7, 1984 It.. 112 ORDINAWCE 84-15 TO CREATE THE IMPERIAL GOLr ESTATES I ^CCESS ROAD LIGHTING MUNICIPAL SERVICE TAXING UNIT - ADOPTED L.gll notic. having been publIshed in the Naplvs Daily N.ws on January 19, 1984, .. evIdenced by ^(fidavlt of Publication filed with the Clerk, public hearin~ was open~d to consider creation of the Imperial Colf Estates I Access Road Lighting Municipal ServIce Taxing Un it. Public Work. Mmlnistretor I/artman referred to the Executive r· ..' t' ..', Summary dated 12/15/83, which pointl out that when the first lIghting ì di.trict wal establl.hed tor Imperiel Colf Estates the access road was ~} included. 'He .aid, when that Ordinance wal leter repcaled and the District wall ·ro11od up· into the Collier County Street Lighting District, that the access road anrl the proposed ordInance would correct that error. He said that the Staft recommends adoption of the ordInance. Comals.loner Pi.tor .oved, seconded by Commls.ion.r ~ruse and carri.d 4/0, that the publIc helring be clo.ed. Co..iaaioner Piator aoved, seconded by Co~.is.ioner Krus. and carri.d 4/0, that the ordinanc. .a nu.ber.d and .ntitl.d b.low b. "., , , adopt.d and entered into Ordlnlnce Book No. 181 ORDINANCE 84-15 AM ORDINANCE CREATING THE IMPERIAL COLF ESTATES I ACCESS ROAD LIGHTING MUNICIPAL SERVICE TAXING UNIT, DESIGNATING THE GOVERNING BODY or THE DISTRICT, AUTHORIZING A TAX LEVY or UP TO TEN MILLS, PROVIDING rOR CONSTRUCTION AND AN ErFECTIVE DATE. A dhcuIsion followed during which Mr. lIertl\an saId an ordinance will be hoard at the 2/14/84 BCC meeting that will consolid.te ..ven or eIght lIghting distrIcts into the Collier County Street Lighting District and that Imporlal Golt Estetel I Access Road Lighting MSTU wIll be included in that roll-up. Responding to Commil.ioner VOl., Mr. i~~ 080 ,.~£ 128 Page 12 ',~"- ,~~.-"- ~l.::;.~.~, .. -:-:~ ~' . . " 'rl .....~' '.~ ,'. ... ". ..'. -" ·,:i /.-1...,.."'...... '~.." . L, --- -.... -.--.---.,. """..."""""_'__--.._"_..,"""'"'~'_O>,,,..,,,.'.,,,",..'. .". ,_,._,".... .____..__ ~ ~~~"-'''~~~''\'''''''t".,, .- ,:,-:~.... ',.. ,- "'r.l.JI... ..J" . ~..... .~...... -....... ' _.....~ .,<~ ~..-~ "; ,,~;t' .....:."1'1..,,.~O:.J~1IP.!.L. ~',ì.>"t:~" . ' . . \. -. ~ 1:t~."'tf.... - .~...,~ ~..J"~, . ,,:,:,f.W-:. . t· ~ _#............~....... "-', .'. ..w~ " - --.- - _.... " ~ " .~ , 'f" . --- - - - - -- - - - - - - - ,- - - - - -- - - - - - - - -'- - - --, ..-..-- February 7, 19B04 I'DC 080 mt 129 Hert.an .aid that through review of the budgets and expenses of yelr-to-dat. it is possible th.t lights could b. Installed once this District i. rolled Into the Collier County Street Lighting District. H. said if that il not polslble It ~ay be possible to budget sufficient millag. to Install the lights during tha next Fiscal Year. He pointed out that, with the cap on the millage, there Is some question as to what will be done with Street Lighting Districts In general. It.. 11 J RESOLUTION 84-21 RE PETITION PU-83-23C, COMMUNITY CCROOL OF NAPLES, INC. - ADOPTED SU8JECT TO STIPULATIONS Planner Ober explained thll I. a request by the Community School , ~ " , ~ of Naple. tor a provisIonal Use -j- of A-2 for ð private school located on the northwest corner of Pine Ridgo Road end Livingston Rood. She f ..ld th.t Statt and all County .gencle, have revIewed this petition end rj recommended approv.l lubject to the stlpuletion. a. outlined in the U ExecutIve SLftlllary dated 1/30/804. She lIðid that the CAPC held their pu~llc hearing on January 19, 19804, and recommended approval subject to Staff .tipuletionl with the exceptIon ot No.3 which should read I -A þ,<Jre.lllent be reached betlolClen the Ite.lth DepertJllent and the petitioner.- She said that such .n agreement has been raached concerning the septic . .ystem which lay be used in Phase I as long as it doe. not exceed 04200 gpd. She .aid th.t the St.ft recommend. approval of thIs petition .ubject to Stipulations 1, 2 and 3. a and b in the aforementioned Executive SLftmary. Attorney Ceorge Varnðdoe, representIng the petItIoner, described the n.ighboring property ownerl and .tated there is no oppo.ition to this p.titlon. lie uid thoro i. accu.. from two roadl and a 100 foot . II access right-of-way to Pine RIdge Road and tho same to North Living.ton Road. He laId that Phaso I of the school will have the capacity of 210 il. l'" .;.;.,' J'> .tud.ntl and ultimately will have. c.paclty of 660 .tudentl. He laid P.g e 13 ------- ------- c...:.:J c::::J c:::I '''__'_''''''''''_"".'~_'~'_''~'"~O_",.~",>,_,'''''_';''''_",~."._"_"."'"M ... I' t:J C=::J ------- ------------.------------- -,:'~ rebruary 7, 1904 that the dev.lop.r i. maintainin9 I 50 foot .etback from all the surroundin9 land u.... H. .xplain.d that in the .outheest corner of the property th.r. 1. an ST ar.a which ha. b.en di.tr....d by farmIng actIvIty draina9' and thAt thQ petitioner is attempting to recharge ',1 ~ '. ~ ' .,; \' "'~'that cypress strand. He said thet Mr. Hermanson and Mr. Parker were ,!,~~,pre.ent to re.pond to questions, \' .. '\' CO.III..ioner PI.tor .oved, .econded by COlllllis.ion.r Vo.. and carried 4/0, that Resolution 84-21 re petition PU-83-23C, be adopted , subject to the afore.entioned .tipulation.. I' ~ ,4 Pig. 14 -....- . , . .' ;'~.::. ' ,~;~ ____.00.. -~,..,."....._-, I, ~ ;¡;¡ ¡;....MI ------------------------~----------~-----~~ February 7, 1984 It.. 114 RESOLUTION 84-22 EXPRESSING CONCERN OVER THE PROPOSED REDISTRICTING or THE FLORIDA DOT - ADOPTED Plann1'ng Dir.ctor Kloehn explained that the Staff met with the L.gi.lative D.l.gation in January end made a presentatIon on Bills that were ponding .nd alked for comment~. He said that the Legi.lative Delegation pointed out thet the Legi.lature was considering redis- tricting ot the FDOT Districts and they asked that the Bee give it. opinion re<Jarding the proposed redistricting, He saId the current plan 1. for Colli.r County to bo put into a Di.trict with counties to the north to form a Southwest District. He laid that the Staff feels this would be in the bOlt interest of Collier County end a resolutIon ha. been prepared in support or that position. Co~l.sioner Kruse ~oved, second.d by Commis.ioner Vo.s and carried 4/0, that ResolutIon 84-22, supporting the proposed redl.tricting of the Florida DOT th.t would create a new Southwest . Florida Di.trict, b. adopted. looe 080 PI-;[ 140' Page 15 ----------------- ,--- ~--- . If, ... ..... .... .. .~,.. , " Is. 1.. .~ . " " " -, 1~ ~"'!é ~ .. . ,·..:-:·~11·ì~ .I ' ,. ~,.... ',.¡J. , .'~ -' 1,' ,'.,......v ., ~.,.:......,,'... "...,J.~.,~~\,,~' c;::;;J ¡;;;;) ;-:;:;¡ ----------.......--- Februery 7, 1984 It.. 115 RESOLUTION 84-23 TO AMIND RESOLUTION 83-163 -SOLID WASTE rACILITIES rEZ SCHEDULE- TO PERMIT WAIVER or LAMDFILL DISPOSAL FII rOR SUITABLE DAILY COVER KATE RIAL - ADOPTED Public Work. AdJlin1strltor Bartman said that Resolution 83-163 lOt the usor feo. for SolId W.ste for 111cal Yeer 1903-84 as Indiceted in the Executive Summary doted 2/7/84. He Ilid, durlng th~ audIt of the Solid Waite Dlvillon, that the Clerk found thot tne dredgin9 material from Doctor's P.ss had b,on allowed to be disposod 0: aL the Napl.s LandfIll, It no expenso. He .ald this wa. dona whon it was ~ound that the IllAt.rlal could bo used .. cover of the dally waste colle/;tlon at the facIlity. He lald as an administrative matter, the Clerk felt that R..olutlon 83-163 .hould ba Imlnded, In the event that excess fill matorial becom'l available for use IS cover and .0 that it cen be .ccepted It no ch.r90. Co..llllon.r ~ru.e moved, .econded by Commi..ion.r Pistor and carried 4/0, that ResolutIon 84-23, a~ending Relolution 83-163 .. d..crib.d above, b. adopted. 'í' ..J: ~.~~ t, ~. ì '': IOD~ 080 rl~t 142 Plge 16 .--------------------------------------....- ---. ....'---~.... '" ..-.-..._-"",-,..._"',..., '_V'I _"...,"O","'"...""..."'''---'"''~-',,·,.·'"''''~--,, r::;:1 t::1 í:;:::J _______________________A-_______________ F.bruary 7, 1984 It.. 116 RIGHT-OF-WAY AOR!£HIHT WITH ~ING CADILLAC, INC. TO CONSTRUCT TINTH STREET BETWEEN SPERLING DRIVE AND MICHIGAN AVENUE, COUNTY TO PAY 50' or CONSTRUCTION COSTS NOT TO EXCEED $5,225.00 - APPROVED Public Workl Administrator Hartman said this is a recommendatIon to. Ipproval of an a9reement with king Cadillac, Inc, to share in the COlt uf conltruction of Tenth Str..t North betwe.n Sperling Drivo and ~lchigan AvenuI, He explain.d this i. onc part of the plen recommonded ~~ improve traffic circulation in that part ot the County. He laJd that the doveloper hal agreed to Ihare in the expense of desIgn and conltruction and that this request i_ for th~ County to pay SO, of the ~, cOlt not to exceed $5,225.00. Reuponding tu Commll_ioner Pistor, Mr. l 'i i it ~ Hartman I.ld that the Itreet 1. platted. Comai.lioner ~ruse .oved, second.d by CommIssioner VOSI and carrIed 4/0, that the Right-of-Way Agreement with ~ln9 CadIllac, Inc. - to construct Tenth Street b.tween Sperling Drive and Michigan Avenu. ( , . with the County to pay 50' of conltruction COltl not to exc..d $5,225.00, b. approved. lOOK 080~&"l144 Pag. 17 ---.------ ,··<·.......""n'''''"''."",_=__,....__,__..___''"_..._II>·....···.,,,,,....,,,,' ,.......___.,_,.~__"._...,....____,~,_.._ ,,,~,,_,_,""'''''''~'."''.''''",;...;o.,._,_m''''''''" .,....~...~.",,,,_'._"'"N~_".___·..... ~... f 0. . "'_f"'W"... J.....-..... ,':. " ¡.. '!'~.~,. ....;.~~.."..,' . " ".,,~'f~~' '., .:",',. . ..,,;,''..: , ' ., ,-1.1 .., . .'!-~ .N. --_....~ .. " ,."".., , ------------------------ P'ebrua ry 7, 19B4 a~~ 080PA~r147 XU. 117 REIMBURSABLE UTILITY RELOCATION ACREEMENT WITH rp'L FOR WIDENINC PINE , RIDGE ROAD, U.S. 41 TO C.R. 31 - ~PPROVED PublIc Works ~mini8tr~tor Hartman .aid thIs i8 a recommendetion to approve a Reimbur.able "9reomer\t 'with FP'L for the relocetion of th.ir facilItIes within tho Pine Ridge Road rIght-of-way In order to procee~ wIth tour-lening between U.S. 41 and Airport Road. He said the a~reem.nt involvel reimbursing FP'L for rolocatlon of power poles And i thJir facilities in the additional right-of-way the County had to buy on the north lid. of the road. He .eid that FP¡L was in that ar.a bl..'fore the County bo ugh t the right-at-way end, therefore, the Company had a compensable interest. He said es an amendment to this agr.ement there is a possIbility that the County will receive a credit of between $15,000 and $20,000 worth of work that FP,L agree il not subject to r.imburl~ment. Responding to Commissioner Voss, Mr. Hartman saId that the $217,443 cost, mentioned in the Executive Summary dated 1/25/84, is ~ I an estimate and past experlenco indIcates the figure il overestimated. : Mr. Bruce L. lIolly, Sr., requested that thIs matter be reviewed by the Florida Attorney General for his opinion to meke surG Collier County i. not paying tax monoy that Is not necessary, He gave Assistant County Attorney Cuyler a magazine artIcle r.garding U.S. Supreme Court decisions concerning similar situetion.. Mr. Cuyler ex~lalned that the Federal decision. are undor specific Federel regulation. and he added that FP,L is being required to remove thoir facIlIties withIn the County'. right-of-way at the Company's e xponse, Commi..ioner Vo.. moved, leconded'by Commlsslon.r Krus. and carried 4/0, that the Ralmburl.bl. UtIlity Relocation A9reement b.tween rp,L and Collier County, a. descrlb.d abov., b. approved. Page 18 --------------------------------------.----.........-- L "J c:J -= , .. , ''''1..-,' ., :;.'(í.. ?:r.·........'" ...·.......--7........,..,: :OJ''!''''': ~. 'T··....·+r··· ......",.......-- . ,..~:'. :.. __,;.. ...... n' ' "0 .. ........... ......!' -----.. ...--.......... ."0. , :':~: ~( 080 mr 153 It.. 118 'nt' ---rl--- 't,,, ·ß"j~ ~ '. , . , . "'.~." J '" f, ;~. f'~' ------------- --,--- -- ------- - - - -.- ,--- February 7, 1984 PURCHASE OF RIGHT-OF-WAY FROM DOYLE ~EEN TO COMPLETE FINAL ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR RIGGS ROACWAY IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT - APPROVED IN THE AMOUNT OF $2,500.00 Public Works Administrator HArtman saId this is e requast to purchese tho right-of-way Crom Mr. Doyl. Keen whIch the County n.glected to acquir. before Riggs Road was pAved. He requested 1! ~ermilaion t~ take $2,500.00 to pay Mr. Køen out of the fee thAt the ,~',: tr.gIneering D.partment normelly charge. for designing end administering the ass..ament project. Ho explainod it this request is approved the County wIll be Abla to close wIth Mr, Keen end the Staff will brIng the fInal assessment roll tor Riqgs Road before the acc. Co..ls.loner Kruse ~oved, .aconded by CommIssioner pistor and carried 4/0, that the purchase of the rIght-or-way from Doyle ~een to comploto the final asselament roll tor Ri9? Roadway Improvement District be ~pprov.d in the a~ount of $2,500.00. It.. 119 COUNT~ MANAGER'S ANNUAL REPORT PRESENTED - NO ACTION TAKEN Acting County Kanager VIrte saId that the Commissioner. have . " receIved copies ot the ^nnual Report for the ectivities under the II. uld " the report was coordInated by AdmInistretor for AdministratIve Service., direction ot the County Kanager for the Fiscal Year 1982-83. Holley and he complimented the work. ····RECESSI 9155 A.M. RECONVENEDI 10110 A.M.·..· It.. 120 AWARD or CONTRACT FOR 16 INCH FORCE M"'IN IN SEWER "'R£A ..... EXPANSION TO STEVENS AND LAYTON, INC. or ALVA, FLORIDA - APPROVED, CRANGE ORDER NO. 1 - APPROVED, NOTICE TO PROCEED TO BE ISSUED UPON RECEIPT OF REQUIRED BONDS, INSURANCE CERTIFICATES AND RELATED LEG"'L DOCUMENTS UtilIties Manager aerzon said thIs. requelt tor the award of a contr.ct Cor the construction oC the 16 inch force meln which il part of the total Sewer Area .^' oxpansion. He reterred to the ExecutIv. f Page 19 -~--------- --------,------- ~.~ r=:J c:::::2 CJ ~_......-.~. -- ..""---.-,...-...--.,--.........."',."""...'. . ',(...~ " . '. ~ 1 ' ( .. ~ I . ! ~t· " c' , , , .1. '·t1 Çþ. .~ ~~ 't ;",: c::;;4 ~ .....-~~ ---------""---"'--""~---.-- --............ rebruary 7, 1904 SI.III..ry <Slt.d 1/26/84, which outl1nu the detailø. /I. laid, although the County has a contrlct In the amount of $614,548.64, ba.ed on unIt pric., that the County i. in a position to rMduco that amount by approximat.ly $82,900 .0 that the .Itimated total price wIll b. ~53l,648, /I. uld thla reduction can be achieved by e substitution of the deli9nated pip., authorization:of the County to be the purch~ser of t~. pip. and fittinq., in lieu of the contrActor buying it in order to s.ve the sales taxI and a raduction of 644 line~l feet in the Force Main. H. recommended thet the contract be awarded to Stevens and :.( . I" ~.yton, Inc. of Alva, Floride and that, concurrent wIth the award of ~ontract, Change Order No.1 be executed which will reduce the quantity, substitute the concrete thrust blocks in lIeu of restrained fittinql and pipe, And authorize the County to be the purchaser ot pipe and flttinqs. R..pond1nq to Commlas10ner P1stor, Mr. Ucrzon laid th1s is a unit price contract and the price at the end of the project will be d.pendent upon the units that Ir. actually constructed. r T.pe 13 I i Co..is.loner VO.I .oved, s.conded by Commissioner Krus. and carri.d 4/0, that a Contract for the 16 inch force Daln in S.wer Area -A- .xpansion be awarded to St.vens Ind Layton, Inc. of Alva, Florida, in the ..ount of $614,548.64, thet Ch'nqe Order No. 1 b. approv.d, as d.scrlbed above, and that. Notice to proce.d be Issued upon rec.ipt fro. contr.ctor and approvAl by the County AttorneY'1 Offic. of all r.quir.d bonds, insurance certlfic.tel and related legal docum.nts r.quir.d under provisions of the contract. IOO( 080 PA~t 154 P'qe 20 ....... ., , ,'<\I '. ~~~--------~-------------~----------~-~ .~ .~-, I~ .....,.~ "', '~--.~~,"'-,' ' . ~ 'f"".. '. . . ~...,.. ~~ -~t", . >'::~;'" ~~~.~ ...~ ; -.Jt~~_.._,,/,.: -,I,..~. ... "J.'t':~"""':"'.. i.;' ~:Jj;r),:r·~1I ',"t:' "'¡¡'~": "r "'~' ".~'i:¡::1:~,,:.',., j" -.,'" .. L'~ ~=""",&"".·~..",._,._"~.O""....,,,__...,,... . ',"'" _...,-"..,...,"" ,"__"'..._i_"......."""'...__· "I r' 'I _~r;_ ;01 080 Pl'j! 155 1U. 121 CBAHC! ORDER NO. 5 RI COUNTY RECIONAL WATER SYSTEM - PARTS I AND II TRANSMISSION MAINS (BOYCE CO.) - APPROVED LIQUIDATED DAMAGES OF $7,500 TO BE ASSESSED ACAINST CONTRACTOR Februery 7, 1904 ,,".. !Z~-..""~'" ~;'~;~'.. . .. : ~'-;'..J.:. - ,.. . .';".J___ '" ~.~)o4":t':"'f"""'".''''''' 4, ' ','.' ..."........ ~r"""'!'>I- '-' . I . M" . 1·'~T4~~· /,--;.".1 ". ;. _~.."".,,,..,,,,r...,.._,....,, ... *. .. ....-.----..- -... __________ -- - ----------.-------- -"'----- -,--.--'C" , " .. Utiliti.s Manag.r B.rzon .eid this Item deals with the tranamIssion mainl which were buIlt for the County RegIonal Water System Parta I end II by the Boyce Company, He saId thia ia tho 12 inch pIpelIne along Rattlesneke Hammock Roed and the 20 inch major trlnsmis&ion line that comes from the plant and go.s down S.R. 951, across U.S. 41 to Manatee Road and into the Cllprl Water Workl, H. reterred to the ExecutIve Summary dated 1/26/04, which outline. the probleœ& faced In thl. project. He recommended that Chang. Order No.5' " , , be approved and that the llquldeted damagel for the overrun b. a&s.&&ed~' against the contractor in the amount of $7,~DD,DO. Co..issioner Voss ~oved, seconded by CommissIoner Pistor and carried 4/0, that Chang. Ord.r No. 5 re County Regional Water Sy,te. - Parts I and II transmilsion gaIns (Boyce Co.) b. approved and the liquidat.d damages in the a~ount of $7,500 b. ass..a.d against the contractor In accordance with the provisIon of the contract document.. t ~ ! f ; I. ,; " Plge 21 ------- C.J CJ ~ ~ ¡;;¡¡ ~ ::'\ .,.. -~-------------------------~-----------~- " February 7, 1984 It.. 122 WINDSTAR - WATER FACILITIES - ACCEPTED, CHAIRMAN AUTHORIZED TO EXECUTE THE BILL OF SALE AND QUIT-CLAIM DEED TO TRANSFER SAME TO CITY OF NAPLES Utiliti.. Manager Berzon .eid thl. i. a ruquest for the acc.ptance of the water facllitie. that w.re constructed on the Winds tar project. He .aid that the devoloper has constructed a poteble water dIstribution .y.tem In compliance with the County's requir.ments and that the entire project, a5 well as the legal documentation, havo been received and .pproved. H. .aid wIth the BCC concurrencft the County would turn th.se water :facilitles over to tho CIty of Naplos in whoso jurisdiction they eventu'allY,fall. Co~l..ioner Kruse moved, .econded by Comml..ioner pistor and , carrl.d 4/0, that the Windnt«r Water FacilLtie. be accepted and tha~ the Chairman be authorized to execute the Bill of Sale and Quit-Claim De.d for transferring the.e water faclllti.s to the City of Neple.. mK 080 PA~t 158 P.9 e 22 " ,1};t.:¡1t'li~\~~~,~;t&.:i¡¡.;' # I. i Jt" :i ~~,~~~, '-',~~l::'~:~:?,1;;~;~;/'~' '.'. a..;. ¡- , f".." r ~ .r ~"",__........",,_...,.........^., . ,..--__ ..._ '__'"_"'~"_O·'~""'''''~'~.·····'''"'_··'~''_·'·'"'''''''''-·',....".....'"" "..._.,._-_....~ I Vendor CHECK NOS. 10566B - 10G24B ^MOUNT " ' "r. . ~~r:~{!~""~' ~Îf;'~"", , ',~:: ¡,'.'~\~",.. '.oj"., ' . I' .';.". . ...-- - .d~~)¡ ~ . ,if;'t ________._- ___ _ ______ -- -- -.-,----- --- -----7..... "..' 1:':91'" I \ .. .', . r. . -:-"':,.,...., M ..."",. .. ".. DOK 080 mt 16,9 It.. '23 ROUTINE BILLS - AUTHORIZED FOR P^YMENT February 7, 1984 ,", Pursuant to Resolution Bl-150 the following checks were issued through F.bruary 3, 1904, in paymcrnt' of rout1ne blllal CHECK DESCRIPTION $1,246,739.12 BCC pa yroll 73854 - 74391 $ 225,357.10 It.. '24 . " BUDGET MEND1ENTS 84-229/230, 84-235, 84-237, 84-240/243, 84-245/246 - ,,~ ADOPTED COUll.sion.r Pi.tor .ov.d, .econded by Commfssioner Voss and carri.d 4/0, that Budget Amendments 84-229/230, 84-235 and 84-237, 84-240 through 84-243, and 84-245/246 ba adopted. " , l- I Þ ¡ ~ ~ .' . pag. 23, ~;" : ~ -..------------------------ l,,_.J C'J L~ L.' ,._.........~"".w"'·",··__"'..___.._ --_.~- ------ ._...~- --- r=I c:::J ::=J --------- February 7, 1984 It.. 125 RESOLUTION 84-24 TO DESIGNATE BARNETT BANK AS DEPOSITORY FOR TRANSFER STATION FEES - ADOPTED Fiscal OffIcer Giles explained thIs Is a request for a resolution to designata Bernett Bank es deposItory for transfer station fees for the Naples LandfIll and the Marco Islend transfer station. He said .:. J \ . \'.Þ ' there is difficulty In trenlportlng the cash to the County's regular depository and that tho Bernett Benk is closer. Co.mis.ioner Pistor .oved, .econded by CommissIoner Kruse and carrl.d 4/0, that ResolutIon 84-24 designating Barnett Bank as deposItory for transfer statIon fe.' be adopted. " f . ' í Note: Document not received in Clerk's office as of 2/13/84. , ., . ..tJ"- . .'.' t .~~..'~ , ',A"i ¡ !,;i/; ~l' . .~ :\14 1001l . 080 PA~! 180 Page 24 ~-----------~,...-- - ---------,---....-~-------- ..........' . _,.~.__.....'_..._-___.__~_.".~_'~".,~"".._,_.·_.'......'fi~.....',_.,_.,,,,,,,_.._,,,,.,.,,~.,, '. , I r;: ~, ~. )' , 'I ,..~ "'" ". '~~"., ~ ." , ,-;.. ,~ ~. II. " " ~ .--. ____ --- - - - - - -.- - - - - - -- - - -- - ----r--.- - ,-- - -- -- Februðry 7, 1984 lOOK 080 PAr,t 181 IU_ '26 STArr DIRECTED TO ADVERTISE FOR CONSULTING ENGINEERS TO APPRAISE DELTONA AND LELY SEWAGE TREATMENT PLANTS AND INCLUDE A REPORT or THE ~SIBILITY OF SERVING THE AREA AROUND THE MARCO SHORES DEVELOPMENT Commi.sionar Krule referred to 'her memorand\Jll1 dated 1/27/84, included In the agenda pack.t and .eid thot Commissioner Voss hes been a proponent of the County-owned Regional Sewer Plant, She laid that sh. has hed r.servatlons in this r.gard prImarIly roletod to the fInancial feasibility of the project. She said Commiøsioners Pistor and VOSI have WQrked closely with the Deltona Corpordtion, who have a large city planned in the area and are agreeable to working closely with the County In this regard. She sðld uhe has reversed her previous -foot dragging" since, in her opinion, the County will find that the financial feasibIlity is there to proceed with a Regional Plent In that area. ~h. sdid the purpo~e ot her memo was to 8~e It tho BCC desires to begin the financial feasibilIty and the engineering to get Into the publIcly owned utilities business and construct a Regional Sewer Plant. Comlllissioner Voss concurred and said that the County Ihould advertise for an enginaerlnc¡ firm to make en engineerIng study of the Deltona and L,ly plants to develop the physical condition of those plants and detormln, whether improvelllonts need to be lIIade and the cost of such improveJl\ents, a3 w.ll as to compile the financial date that will be requIred for a financial advisor in hi. preparation for the llluance of revonue bonds. Commlssionor Kruse asked If thIs will be tWQ items, the purchase of the existing Lely facilIty with an attempt to tie that one into ð regionðl system ðnd the establishment of a major regional IYlteJl\ located near the Deltona facility? COlllmllsioner VOII laId that is all port of the entIre scheme end that the County needs to begIn immediately and that an engineering firm il neceslary In order to proceed. He laid that the County II Jl\ðndðted by law to advertise Cor pag. 2 S C---::J :':":"J .--\ ......... L ¡d' "', r : .~ ~'"'--"_.;,"'._~--_...._.,_."~ ~ t::::J ,..-j ---------- February 7, 1984 In .ngineerlng fIrm. Commllsloner Voss seid that the advantage of using the new D.ltona plent et Marco Shores is that the facilIty is already permitted to discharge .xcess effluent into an area south of thet plant and that the County could uso that area, If it owned the plan t. Ms. ChArlotte Westman, representing the Leøgue of Women Voters, read a statement regarding the Leaguo's p08ition of supporting legisla- tion to improve water qualIty end abate pollutIon, including adequate and approprIate sewaga tacllities, and øupportlng a County-wide sewer I .Ylt.~ publIcly owned and menaged. She requested a definition of the g.ographical area to be served by the proposed regional plant, an inventory and value of existing facilltiol in the area, and asked what the proposed capacity Is for the Cran property plant, what objective crIteria have bien used to dotermine ~hat this area of the County should have prIority tor sanitary seWOL sarvlco, what preliminary engineerIng data is available, what the cost estimate of tho propo8al il and, hence, the estimated size of the bond issue? She saId that the Loegue feels this propoBal Ihould be a part of an ovorell, general public sorvlc.s and utilities plan correlating the princIples and " 9uldeUnes tor tuture land use wi th waYI to provide future potable water, drainage, solid walto and sanitary sewer requirementl. She said that the Leagu. does not lee the urgency ot Immediately hirIng a finGncial team to develop a bond iSlue for a regional sewer plant in an undetlnad area. She called for a realIstic plan to provide the .nswers to the aforementioned questions. Com~lssioner Vosa said that dløcusslonø have been held for some- tlmo regerding the need for. County-wide system. He referred to tho 201 Plan thAt was prepared several years a90 that outlines the ballc need. lie saId that tho Utility DivisIon has compiled an approxImate aOOK 080 PAr,t 182 Page 26 -~--.---..------c-- - --- -------- -,...- --- ---- -- ---......-.- , ___._ 4<_ ~ ... ;- ......r................--..,,-" ." ~~~~- _",_._;___~,",.~.",.".,.e<,~",""""""'''-- ~-' -;Cþ.' ","'i".(Ir_LI."~¥..· "jWo. ', ,.''''~'~'',. "~,' ,! \ ". .....-..........·fIt ..,.'...~. ~,'" ,..,,,,",,,'ti'Þ'): -.--.- - --.-. " , I" ;lJgo;¡; f83-:- - - -r--- -- -- - - - - - -F.b-:U-:r; ~ ~ -198 -;- - --- -- --:- ¡ nLlllber of cu.tomer. in the .re. which can b. r.finod. 110 s.id that the , ! top prIce that can be peid for the existing fecilitics Is the amount of the r.venu. bondl that can be.n is.uld, which depends upon the amount ot revenue that cen b. obteined from the currcnt customers in that area. He laid that. financIal consultant would not be paid unless the bonds aro Islued. Commillioner Plltor laid that the aroe under consideration is d.tined due to new and prcsent dev.lopments that wIll hook into the plant such el Wood Lake, the Deltona Corporation development, the Rookory Bay Iystem, Woodfield Loke., Eagles Nest and tho Lely prop~rty. Ms. ~wstmðn said that the La,gue i. famIlIar with the 201 Plan, howlvlr, tha League i. disturbed to Ie. a memorendum thet lookl lik. it i. intended In the ImplementetIon o( a bond issue exclusive of ", ....'....' dilc~slion of tho tactl outlined In the pr4vlouI statement and the fact that thera ere othor areas in Collier County thet er. In need ot sewer lervlce. Commissioner Kruse said that the subjoct was promptod by her r.verlal of h.r stand that she did not want publIcly owned utilIties. Commissioner Vos. said that the process has to be started with an .nglneering study. He said th~t there cannot be one plant to serve the .ntire County. C \ Tap. t4 Mr, George Keller spoke in favor of the proposal but expre.sed . concern about the problem of disposing of .tfluent. Commillloner VO.I moved, lecond.d by Commlsllon.r PIstor and carried 4/0, that the Staff be dIrected to .dvertis. for a consulting engin..r to .pprlile the oxlltlng Deltona .nd LIly Sewlge Treatm.nt Plants and Includ. . r.port of the feasibility of ..rving the are. around the Karco Shor.s Dev.lopment and a r.asonabl. distanc.. PIge 27 ------ ::--:-J .-, '] -..~-.. L:......J ___,____'".,~_'".~,..<....._""'"-,._.__'__'~",_.T_._"". r.=J c::1 ¡ ".."..,.._.J -----------------------.---- February 7, 1984 R'lpondlng to Chairman Brown, Mr. Berzon said that the entire process will take .pproxlmately sIx month3. It.. 127 rINAHCI^L CONSULT^NTS AHD ^PPROPRIATE PEOPLE DIRECTED TO INCREASE THE SIZE or REFINANCING THE JUSTICE CENTER BOI,~D ISSUE BY $1,000,000 FOR US! IN COUNTY SPACE PLANNING Commission.r Voss referred to tho recent workshop regardIng space allocation. He r.ferred to ð lotter that Clerk Reagan had requested from the County's financial consultant IndIcating that the present bond issue for the Justice Center, which tho County il preparing to r.finance, could be increesed in size by epproxlmately $1,000,000 and sav. mon.y tor tha County in the debt payment. H. said thet thIs mon.y could be used tor additional space for offices and functIons that were not included in the original planning of the JU5tlce Center. Clerk Reagan reported that he talked with Mr. David FIscher on 2/6/84 .nd everything is in plac. for refinancIng the bond issue for tha same amount as soon as the interest rate drops. H. said during that discussion he was told that there would be an opportunIty to Incl was. the 11:&1 of the bond I.sue. He said he understands the no.d for space, however, ha cautioned tho BCC that there wIll be a numb.r of proposals on tho ballot that could restrict the County's revenue and laid that the excess revenuo from the refunding Is, hoµefully, to be put back Into the General Fund to operate the Item. He 8ald that money will be .aved the tirst five years but then tha cost go.s up and over the lif. ot tho issuo the County will pay money for the additionll . $1,000,000. Co..il.lonar VOl. moved, s.conded by Comml.sloner pistor, thlt the rlnlnci.l Consult.nts .nd approprlat. p~ople b. dlr.ct.d to incr.... the .iz. of refinenclng of the Justic. Cent.r Bond issue by $1,000,000 so th.t the .onoy would b. .v.l1Ibl. for County .p.c. plannin9. 'OO( 080 mt 184 PIC¡O 28 --..._-_---------r--_------_..-----..-----...---- ,fl.:.,. '~:.' ._. L O1_""_.'..__.__...~~,..._.__..___...*.."' _.. .. 11 ~._ 11' ..."----------_....."'------~,,,.^~....~...._-- "':-::S::""7 r, ~'.j.:.., ":<"1, . " 4 . . .. t·... "" . , . --- ..__.~ " ---". .'. ------- -- - ---- -- - - ---- - - - --.----- --------~ 080 w,~ 185 February 7, 1984 Responding to Commissioner Kruse, Mr, Reagan said that it il the opinion fro~ the bond counsel that ðny excesl construction funds can bo uled for the debt servica and It was hIs opinion thet this additional money would also .pply. Upon call for the qu.stion, the motion carried 4/0. It.. '28 COUNTY-WIDE REFERENDUK ELECTION RE WATER POLLUTION CONTROL PROGRA" - DErERRED TO SEPTEMBER 1984 PRIMARY Com~issloner Voss laid that the BCC hal authorized the placement on the ballot lor the ~rch 13, 1984, prenidential primary one-quðrtar (1/4) mill ad valore. tax levy to finance the study of sewage treatment in the area and the affect of lewa9a disposal on potable water. He laid that ha recently met with the County I~alth Director and members of the Medical Society and that they exprossed the concern that the County must proceed with such a study. lie said that it becellle apparent that the public should be advised In detail about the problems to be f.ced In protecting the potable water In Collier County, He saId that the members ot the M4dlcal Society Are willing to work to put together inforlnatlon tor the voters. lIa suggested that this referendum be postponed until the September 19G4, primary election In order to give f the Medical Society and others ample opportunIty to tell the public what they will be voting for and what the problems are in the Iltuatlon. Mr. Bruce Holly, Sr. referred to a study done around Miami BlIY and he asked if thll proposed study will includo anything of that sort? CODl~ilsloner VOIS said that the potable water for Collier County comes from .quiferl that are relatIvely shallow and susceptIble to pollution by factors such .s sewage. He said that the study would determln. the h.alth ett.ct on the potable water supply of sewage disposal, th, uid that a part of the study would be to determIne wheth,r eftluent from P.g. 29 ~----------~------------------~-- :.:=:2 ;-...., t::::J "'I_-"~········'··'--' ~""---"""'_._._._--- ~ t=J r::;::J ------------------------ Februe ry 7, 1904 soptlc tanks Is divertinc¡ or polluting the groundwater. Commiasloner ~rule pointed out th~t the ~ransportðtlon site at the Airport w~s ori9lnally a dump end that a closo look should b. 9iven to that ar.a. CO~Di.sloner Voss moved, ..conded by Commissioner Pistor and carri.d 4/0, that the r.f.rendum election to approve a sp.cial County- vid. tax levy not to exc.ed one-quarter (1/4) .il1 to fInance e County-vid. Water Pollution èon~rol program be defcrred to the September 19B4 PriDary Election instead of Merch 13, 19B4, to 9iv. the M.dical Society and others time to inform the public of the issue. It.. 129 UTILITIES DIVISION DIRECTED TO MAKE THE PRELIMINARY FEASIBILITY STUDY AMD ASSESSMENT ROLLS TO DETERMINE IF RESIDENTS AND PROPERTY OWNERS ON GREENWAY, rRITCHEY, JAMES ROADS, HARETEE AND "ESQUITE DRIVES WANT THE CITY WATERLINE WITH A PAVED ROAD Ma. BernIece Cuoan, reprosentlng rcsidents on Greenway Road, roferrftd to the petItion requestIng that the City waterline be Installed at the time the road is peved. She explained that tha petition also requests no mobile home park or RV type facilIties vithln 1,320 feet on each side of Grocnway Road. She doscribed tho situation concerning a property owner who il attempting to put an RV trailor park on thil road, to which aha Is opposed. Reipondlng to Commissionor Voss, UtilIties Manager Berzon slid that there II a waterline in the vIcinity, however, thore II a question about the ownershIp of that line. Planning Director Layne laid, concernlnc¡ the quoit Ion of havIng no trailer parks or rezones to mobIle homol in that area, If a petition were to come in for rezoning to an RV or mobile homo subdivision that the BCC would have to consider the conC'Tns at that tlmo. She I.ld to do otherwIse would be prejudging. Public Works Administrator Hartman said that the preliminary lOOK 080 PAGr} 86 Page 30 ~~----1-------~-~----------~\~~------~~ .......... , .~ ·....,.;.~~/. ~... t· ..' . ... _"..'I' ..: "__",~. ,,~""""t.~'! ..." ... :;~.' --.- - -------- -----r------------ ------------. --.,----.---.----~ 080p¡r,t187 February 7, 1984 ......~.nt roll and fea.ibllity report for the road project Is to be pr...ntad to the DCC in the n.ar future, which wes previously p.tition.d for by .pproxi~ately 60' of tho residents. Assist.nt County Attorney Cuyl.r .aid that the resídénts ar. in the process of complying wIth the proc.dure nec....ry for this project. R..pondlng to Commis.lonor voss, Ma. Cuo~n said that approximetely 40 .ignatures have been obtaincd requesting that the waterline be Included in the road project and that she could lnvestlgate and see If the r.quir.d 51\ h.ve boen obtained. Mr. Hartman polnted out that assessm.nt roll. Cor the road may bo different than the as.essmont' roll for the waterlino and Ms. Guoan said she undcrstood thIs. A di.cussion followed during which Mr. Berzon sald that he had not ...n the road plan, however, it might be advantageous to keep the water project independent of the road. Co..i.slon.r Kru.. moved, second.d by Commi.sloner Voss .nd carri.d 4/0, th.t the Utllitie. DIvision be dlr.ct.d to ..k. the pr.limlnary f...lbillty study .nd ......m.nt roll. to d.t.rmin. If the r..ld.nt. .nd prop.rty own.r. of propertl.. locat.d on Gr..nway, Fritch.y, J.m.. Road., Har.t.. and M.sqult. Drlv.. want the City j, wat.rlin.. ~ t Commi..ion.r Kruse cl.rified that if the Bee made a motion that a .' ' r tr.ll.r park would not be allowed in the ar.a that the Board would b. violating .omeones rlyht to petitIon Cor thi.. Ms. Cuoan requested that the pr.sent zoning cod. b. chang.d to construct a slnc¡l, family resldenc. on 13,612 square C.ot .ach aid. of Gre.nway Road from U.S. 41 to Frltchey ~oad. During the ensulng dl.cus.ion, Ma. Layne suqgested that the owners could g.t togeth.r in that ar.a and d.cid. on a legal d.scription of th. ar.. they want rezoned, collect th. fee .nd .ubmit for a petltion on th.ir own. Pig. 31 ------- t:::::] CJ t:::!:J L , . , ,\11 ~ t=J :=J -------------------------------- February 7, 1984 Commislloner ~ruøe said she would have a problem with tho Incr.ase in density that this r.quest would generate. Sho suggested that the property owner. work with the Zoning Department on this situation. Tap. 15 ....Th. following ite.s were adopted and/or approved und.r the Cons.nt Agenda by .otion of Com.is.ioner Vose, leconded by Com.issloner pistor and carried 4/0···· Ite. 130 EXCAVATION PERMIT NO. 59.182--WOODFIELD LAKES--NORTH or u.s. 41 BETWEEN C.R. 951 AND HENDERSON CREE~ - APPROVED WITH STIPULATIONS 1. All excavated materIel shall romain on-site. 2. Off-site discharge of groundwater durIng construction shall be only through approved discharge structure. after water qUllity treatment approved by the County £nc¡ineer. 3. Dopth of the excavation shall be limited to -6.5 ft. ngvd. 4. ThIs approval is subject to the approval by tha Board of County Commissioners of Rezono Pet. R-03-2iC, which will provide compatible zoning for this proposed land use. It.. 131 RESOLUT10N 84-25 OPPOSING Tß! INCLUSION or TYPE I MOBILE HOMES UNDER THE DEFINITION -MANUFACTURED BUILDING- rROM ANY PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO F.S. CHAPTER 553 t>ee Pag... / f9 ~ I (F 0 IU. 132 PET. TR-84-1C, WILLARD' DOROTHEA STUVICK, RE TEMPORARY RESIDENCE PERMIT TO UTILIZE A TRAVEL TRAILER DURING CONSTRUCTION OF ^ PRINCIPLE RESIDENCE ON W 150' OF TRACT 64, UNIT 16, G.G. ESTATES It.. 133 'UTILITY EASEMENT TO FP,L rOR ENHANCED ELECTRICAL SERVICE TO COUNTY GOVERNMENT COMPLEX ':' See pagas /9/- /93 It.. 134 BUDGET AMENDMENT TO CREATE: A LINE ITEM ALLOWIN~ TilE SOLID WASTE DEPT. TO USE ~ OUTSIDE CONTRACTOR FOR LITTER CLEAN-UP AND TO EMPLOY A DEPUTY TO ENFORCE PRESENT LITTER LAWS Pag. 32 m-. 080 mt 188 ----_____r--.-____------------------------............ ....:J. == ~ ~ ------------------------------------------ Fabru,¡ry 7, 19a4 It.. '35 BID NO. 678, POR ONE 1984 FORD LTD - AWARDED TO TAMIAMI FORD, INC. IN THE AMOUNT OF $8,187 Loq,Ü notice h.'lVlnq boen publ1",hod in tho N,'pll!s D.Jily No)WB on AUtJußt 10,1933, Aft 'IvidtJnc~d by Affidavit of P'Jb1lcDtlon filod with the Cl.Hk, bids II'HO t¡ (.Jn until 2: 30 I'.;~. ¡,u'.ju:ot 31, 19&3 for Bid Jli78 for fl~tJt operdtion~ v~hiclos. Item '36 CONTRACT FOR FY 64 LIBRARY OPERATING GRANT (STATE AID) ADMINISTERED BY STATE LIBRARY OF FLORIDA Sea P,H "S /95- / 17 Itell '37 BID '705, FOR RESTROOM FACILITY AND IRRIGATION SYSTEM FOR CAXAMB~S PASS PARK - AWARDED TO IlIGH-TECtl CONSTRUCTION, HAPLEG, FLORIDA, IN THE AMOUNT OF $33,867 1.1.:9111 not.iclI hoJvln<) boon I,ubll¡;hnd In tho :-¡,lplus DoJI1y N~I~s on Docembcr 23, i')!)), ù~ \lv!,'cncu,j by Affidavit of Publication fllod with t h u (; 1 e r k, bid S Wt! r" t.1 k <.: nun t I I 2: ';() P. M. 0 n J ,1 n 1J a r y 11, 19 a ", ! 0 r rC3troom filcIlltlc3 ~n~ I¡rlqntlon syutam at C~x.Jmb~n r~3n P~rk. Itell 138 COMMUNITY SERVICES BLOCK GRANT APPLICATION FOR CONTINUATION OF THE IIEALTII DEPT. D~NTAL CLINIC ::ï<!t' "'HJ<1S L!!ì1-.;)..// Itell 139 DANIEL R. MONACO AND IIANII: CABì\LLERO APPOINTED '1'0 TWO-YEì\R TERMS AND RICHARD MYERS APPOINTED TO fILL VACANCY ON PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD WITII EXPIRATION DATES OF 12/31/85 Ite. 140 DAN FARRELL REAPPOINTED FOR A ONE-YEAR TERM TO FOOD ESTABLISI~ENT REVIEW BOARD, WITH EXPIRATION DATE OF 12/31/84 AND MRS. JUNE SINGER APPOINTED TO TWO-YEM TERM WITH EXPIRATION DATE OF 12/31/65 Itell 141 CERTIFICATES OF CORR~CTION TO TAX ROLLS ,^S PRESENTED BY PROPERTY ^PPRAISER'S OFFICE See P~e ,2/;z. &00< 080 PA',[ 194 Plog C 33 -- -------.---- -- -- - ------- - --- ---- -- ---.--- n= ¡:;.::] :::::J ----------------------------------------- Febru!lry 7, 1904 197G TAX ¡:OLL )1\ 1 1/22/04 1978 TAX nOLI. (j09 In3/ß4 1982 TAX ROU ~SÐ 1/13/04 1983 'fAX noLL. :3D-7.~2 1/13 - 1/23/04 TA:4CtßL~: 1'I::HSOI~^L PROPl::RT'i lYRJ 1963-300-312 ~ 311, 1/13 - 1/2'~/ô4 It.. 142 DUPLICATE TAX SALE CERTIFICATES NOS. 5000-82, 450-82, 477-82, 4273-82, 4387-82, 4359-82, 163-02, )330-82 TO V. R. PALMER SC!U Pa~cu ~ IS- ~.;J...;J... %toa '43 LAKE TRAFFORD MEMORIAL CARDENS CEMETERY DEEDS NOS. 379 AND 380 "-ice P/lgcs ";;',;).3-.;?~'¡' Ite.. '44 MISCELLANEOUS CORRESPONDENCE - FILED AND/OR REFERRED TItdre bclnq no objecton, tha Ch~lr directed the following corrcsµond~nce be filud and/or referrud /19 follows: 1. Copy of letter d~tnd 1/IJ/91, Crom Luon ~urnctt, Retirement Adml nl strûlor to Ant rulo C. Oojm...nd rio' cllnccl1<1tion oC retirement ðppllcotlon. AC Personnul. Flied. 2. Dcµélft:1tcntnl Rl}porlsl fi lutl. A. Library Systl!m !;;t/ltlst!cs, Decomber, 19113 1:1. Veter,.ns Servlculi, Cucumber, 19tJ3 3. Announcement received 1/12/8< from DER of rnterðgoncy ManDgcmcnt Com. meeting on 1/20/H4 In Tnllahélsluc and 10/10/5) muetlnCJ sum:n.:lry. xc Dr. ßt'nctllct. fllod. 4. Co~y ut latter daled 1/lC/34 [rom l::lton J. Glusondnnnur, l::x~cutlve Dlr. DNR, to George F. hilson rc notlco of .:Ipproval of perml t ,-,xtenslon for CO-~ ), :Jnavlew Contitructlon Company, Inc. xc Cr. tJencdict. filed. 5. !'Iesourcu Alert Action He(ur~.:Ii, Casu 100341 ro mûnqrovcs n.~r k:vf:lrgl.sdus City. xc Dr. Uunedicl. fllod, m~ 080 ra',! 212 PoglI H - - - - -- - -- -- - - - - - -- - -.- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- ..- - --.....-- - . ¡r-.¡.. _...........".~". -------------_._------------------------~-- 080 .,.,~ 213 Febru., ry 7, 1984 (" Rosource ^l~rt ActIon nef~rrDl, Caso '00337, re pollution in cano1a in Naples. xc Mr. Virtll lInd Mr. tlörtman. fIled. 7. HI/source Alert J\ction Heferral, Cas!: '00333, rc Ford Test Track endangering panther. xc Mr. VirtÐ. Filed. 0, Letter dðtco l/lG/£.1¡ from ,...I111iem K. Fowler, DOT, enc]03ing µubllc notice of Tuntatlve Budget /lcnring and tocJvcnced rovlew 11stiny of Tentatlve flvc-Yebr Work ProqrDm. xc Mr. Hðrtmllr.. Fl1ed. 9. Latter dated 1/19/U~ from bri~n R. Mrnzik, Chl~[, R1Gk Studio:.; Div., FEM^, Ðdvll.1n9 it hali bC:CJun rt'!vlow of Flood lnsurl.nce Study for Collier County from South Florioll \,1.1tcr M<'Inl1c¡cmcnt Dlstrict. xc Mr. Virtl1 and Mr. !)(Iunders. FIled. 10. Copy or lett~r cJ~L~d 1/17/84 from ~rlan n. Mr~zik, Chi~f, IIIDII Stu~J1eu LJh., f'L~\J\, IIcknowlee!CJlng receipt of FE~i^ ~prohl. xc ~r. Virtu ^nd ~r. Uaundcr8. ril~d. 11. Letter d.:atccJ 1/23/G·: tronl L. I'. Frltchey objcctlnc¡ to the mllnner ll1òJt tllo. Grecnw"y Hoùu ArlJlI Improvcn,cnt Project Ia; b,ln<J h.,nGl<.o. xc ~Ir. Vlrta /,n¡J tlr. IllIrtrMn. rl1cd. 12. [.(,·lL"r dl1t.:~ I/;:>~/(;I¡ Cron, Hex rr1tch':y opposing the apc:clðl tl1xlnq dlDtrl~t (or Creenway kOl1d ^rc~ Improvement Dlstrlct. xc ~Ir. VI rt.. .)nd ~\r. IliHlr.,i:n. f'! leo. 13. LI'tter d.1tc~ 1/22/!j1, from kobert II. F'rcnch (.'xprc!\sing hope thbt l.:ana£ca~inq ordinance will be enforced, with muntlon of storllCJc unit!> .:donq Goodlctte lIoad. xc ~Ir. VlrtlJ. filed. 1~. Mlnutc ¡ : flll'O. A. E~\SJ\C, 1/11/84 b. P/lr~u' nccruÐtlon ^dvlliory COllrd, 1/20/34 ðgcnda line! 12/12/£J ~Inut~s. C. CCI'A dncJ CAPC It)end/l for 1/19/84 lInd minutes of 12/15/83 15. Copy oC latter dllted 1/23/b~ from John Cðrdlllo to ~~squlto Control not1fylnC) th.Jt John H. IIlsler waß lnjurcd in ðccident and po£Glbl~ C4UGe of ~ctlon agðlnst thdlr in!\urll~ce cllrrler. filed. 1 oj. L~ttl.:r dlltlù 12/2/1:. 3, frol,\ :;;"nJroJ R. ~'iI'\oll'y, "resident t;^CO, reportlnc¡ on ~d~t yc~r and µrevlou» flnl1ncl.:.l probloms. xc Mr. Vlrtð. Filc~. 17. wtter Ò.)tI:C 1/17/"~ Crom Altornl:Y Gener.:.l Jl1i\ ~ndt ¡ ¡¡cknowledyln-.¡ recel¡.t of ~Ollr\I's Inquiry re Uccupatloncl Llcenac T~x IInd IIdvltilnq th~t it wl11 bl.: hdn~lcd liS soon as ~o$slblo. xc ~r. ~bunuer5 And Mr. VlrtL. Filed. lC. Letter dotuù l/1C/t:~ from Idycl.' C. Pr)'or, Controllc.r. öF~~ID, cnclor.ing Clrt1Ciol! Copy of 19C2-&3 ^uctit "cport o! SFWMD. fih'd. 1\1. Lutter dbtcd I/I'l/!;" from Thoma!! Ii. /'\bloncy off<1rln\; to sell PIIge 3!> _ ___ _ __ __ _ _ _ - _ __- --- -- - -- - ---- -----~----r--- r.::::::.J [~. '1(" ~:.:J ~.,,,, !....~,;....J t ',,' , a..: í ~_:~ ~ ¡;¡;¡¡J I::::J ------------------------------------------ rcbrudry 7, 1ge4 or lCAse 5 ~cres for new transfûr otütlon. xc Mr. Virtd, .'1 led. 20. Lott.tcr received 1/16/84 from t~r9. C.A, C:tðtr1ck ildvlaln? of zoning violbtlons on nidgo Stroot. xc t'!r, Virtll. filed. * * . Thoro being no !urther buslnenu to come buror~ t.he Honrd, the mt!uting "'dB .1djourncd by ordcr of tho: Ch.li 1'. 1'1rn~ - J 1: 1n ^.f.I. aOARD OP COUNTY cO~Mr~UION~RS/ BOARD UF ZO~ING ^PPEALS/~X ,)n' IC 10 GOV':RN IIIG I:!C.'M\O un Of' UPECIAL DtGTRtC7~ U~D£R IT~ COIHltUL ATTt:STI ioIILLl.'I,'" J. I"'::^CAN, CLL:RK ~;A-r/e¿~~ I;¡\Vr IJ C. dHO"'N, C J,\1Ii~IMI ~ ,.,,;,' .... "..,. "~ .. I ,~~ /..':"'2 \../ .,.. þ,'- ,/. ' ," '') ~/ U ,l {, ...,.. '",;:, '.. '. ( !:rl:os.o rninucc"¡.t i$JrOVcd !.:y tile ßCC on - , fór'cscnt,cd ." .. .. , -.) ,./ ¡; e..- - .... '-t- ""---::J' ~( (~'" / " S r: or .:IS c.:orrcctcd --- ,--'. .... , " , , '" " " ~ v : ~ ' ' m( 080pl'.t214 I",'qa JIj .. --- --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --- ,.' v_,_q_;......,._, ._'...." .~, ,.".. <""""'''''O'''~__~,"~, ."."""...... 4! _ ...............w"'___,'.", ···--··-·'-.".0"_,_...___...">'"....-.,.