BCC Minutes 02/14/1984 R ........,,-..-. ..~,' " 0, ra ..... ~ .---------------------------------------- tJo1ples, t"lorldù, fdbruary 14, 1?û4 LET IT aE REMEMBERED, ChAt tho aoard of County Commlaøionerv in ùnd (or tho County of Collier, and alao Acting 018 tho Board of Zoning Appoals end as tho governing bOo1rd(a) of such special districts as have been creatod according to law and having conducted business hurÐin, ~.t on thill ù4te lit ':lIon A.II. In n.'Jullr !Jellsion in P.uilding "1"" of tho Cour1l1ou3';: ComplwX, I:;ovt t4dplua, florid,', witn thl! Lollowing mllmbors prosantl CH^lHM^I~1 Do1Vid C. 8rown John ". Pistor fredorick J. Voss Mary-rrllnces Krus. l _ ... (Abunt) c. C. ·Red· Holland ..4 ....._......._. ^LUO P"~CCNT: 7crry Vlrto1, ^çtin4 County Managwr Uurt ~aunùora, County Attornuy/ ,..'role:! C. :;11,·s. Fl:;cIII O((iccr/ r111uroon f\unyon, Copucy Clerk/ Irvin'J u...r;:on, Ut111ti\1s ."I.JnclqIHi Chrla ¡iolley, Adr.dnlutrator for Admlnlstr,'tlve :';'HV1C!1!1/ Knutu liðrtm"n. PutJll~ Ò\'orks Admlni:'Jtrator Lee Lùyn\.'. 7.onlng Dlr<.'ctor :.nnoJ Ober ;Inri Tom ncD.1nlel, I'lolnnllrlli -'nd Duputy Cr. ill! R.1y Uilrnutt. ::;horiff's Dop.Htm.nt. ......................- - ...~.... .. .oo~ 080 'Act 225 PðCJ. 1 ------------------------------ ...... , '}f~"t:1.'!1.,......·~ '..'...."""''''"......".''''.''...._,..__.1!: ~ r:EJ r.·~ ..~ ----------------------------------------- robrudry tt., 1~1[J4 *****Co~~iøsioner Holland cbsont as refloctod by 4/0 vot.***.. Tape 11 Item f1 MENDA - .a.PPROVED WITH CHANGES Commissioner Pistor movod, seconded by COmMissioner Kruse and carried unanimously, that the agenda bo approved with the following changes 1 a. Item 6B4 Pet. n-83-20C. - Continued to 3/20/84. b. Item 6B4 duplicated, duleto ono. c. Item 685 Pet. n-83-24C, - Continued to 3/G/84. d. Item 7A2 Pot. ^-84-1, - Continuod to 2/20/84. Ite. . 2 V" ..A .....A~..........'.·_. ........~... ~ EMPLOYEE SERVICE AW.a.RDS (PERSONNEL) Chalrman Brown recognized the following employees for their yoars of .ervice to Collior County. Harlene Richardson - Library Valdomar princo - Enqincering 5 years 10 years Ite. . 3 ORDIN^NC£ 84-16 RE PET. R-83-l6C, J^MES P. , IVY JE^H NEB US RI REZONING PROM ^-2 TO TTRVC FOR LAND ADJ^C£NT TO ROCK CREEK CAMPGROUND _ ADOPTED SUDJECT TO PETITIONER'S ^GREEI'1£NT WITH STIPULATION C DEING DELETED Luqdl notice h.'vlng (¡cen publi:lr.ea In the :~.Jplos C.dly rlewtol on Jðnuary IJ. 1984, ùs uvJdenca~ by ^CCldavlt of Publlciltion filed ~iLn tho Cl'Hk, µublic he/iring \o','S openf!d to conul<Jor P(!tI.:ion R-03-l4jC, fl1ud by J~mes P. - Ivy Jlldn Nobu:l requesting d ro:onlng (rom A-2 to TTRVC for O.G acreG loc."ltod In Rock Creak CamPJround, 3100 North Road, ~1"~' J _,.....,...... in Huddluston SID Lots 12 and 13, south of tho Airport. Planner Obof 8taterl that the objective of this petition is to fø;l:Onu the Gubjcct proporqt .1na Include it In tne 'ulutlng lìock Creek Campground. ~h. notea that staff and ~Il county ðgencios have reviewed the petition and rl1commend .Ipprovnl ~ubj~ct to the stlpulðtionø liuted in the Executlv~ Summary dated 2/14/04. She indicatod that the CAPe lOOK 080mr231 Page 2 ~------_._----- - - -- - - - -- - - - - - - - - -,.--- - ---....; '''_'k'_"_''''~'_ ""'''<"''''_''.,_..._. ..-"'''''.....,,~.,.,....,,;''"'''''';O___,_...''''...,,~._...''' ,...;,..~----,-----_._-_-.-.._-..."'*~--.""""'"",'~"-»..,, , , "..' ~. ". ...t· . .-". .,--::'--. .. ,,~ '.-." ->to ;~ ..~ ------------------------------------------ 080 P4Gt 232 Fobruary 14, 1964 held their public hearing on 1/19/84 and unanimously recommended forwarding this pvtltion to tho BCC for approval subject to the ataff atipulations. She turthor noted that the Utilities Deportment hos withdrawn Stipulation 3 of thÅ“ Executive Summary as it is not required. She concl~ed by stating that Staff 1. rocommending Approval subject to ......- ,"' ~ ... '.. "",' Stipulations land 2 of the Executive SU.lUry.~^", .__ .....~ .-..." ... .........~ Co..issloner Pi.tor moved, seconded by Commisaioner Voss and carried 4/0, that the public hoaring be cloaed. Co.missioner Pistor moved, seconded by Commissioner Kruse and carried 4/0, that the ordinance as numbored and entitled bolow bo adopted and entered into Ordinanco Book No. l8 aubject to the Petitioner'a agreemont with stipulation C being deleted 1 ORDINANCF. 114-16 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE 82-2 THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING REGULATIONS FOR THE UNINCORPORATED AREA OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, BY AMENDING Tilt ZONING ATLAS MAP NUMBER 50-25-1 BY CHANGING THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION OF THE HEREIN DESCRIBED PROPERTY LOCATED IN ROCK CREEK CAMPGROUND, 3100 NORT/I ROAD IN HUDDLESTON SUBDIVISION, LOTS 12 AND 13, SOUTH OF THE AIRPORT FROM A-2 TO TTRVC, AND BY PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. **,,'" -. - - -................. - JJ" _ "R 7 Page J ------------------------------.... ~:i:';,:;;>~ ~ ...............' ~r ~ ··::·l!~r111f ~··l "~~(.. . ~.: 'it; ...,~,.~.J~""'~'~~'.::. ...,,:.. If] ..*~ Iii] L ~JJsQ"r.t234 Februa ry 14, 191H Jj' RESOLUTION 84-26 RE PET. AV-83-0l6, JAMES P. , IVY JEAN NEBUS AND I.E.C. RENTALS, INC. RE VACATING 35' DEEDED RIGHT-OF-WAY AN~ RILtASE $20,000 IRREVOCABLE LETTER OF CREDIT ON ROC~ CREE~ TRAILER P~. - ADOPTED ,*\."',i " ~....Itil,· Leqal notico havinq been publ1aheð in the l~ap1es Daily Mows on January 29, and Febru~ry S, 1904, as evidenceù by Affidavi~ of Publication filed with the Clork, public hearing waG opened to conøidor Petition AV-OJ-016, filed by James P. , Ivy Jean Mobus and I.E.C. . ., f' ...",.",.... -"'.. -. .,.. - ¡ ~_._....... ... "._. ,. .T'''_~'''''''''"_",.."",,,,_.,_._,.,,,, 1'wr. Â.~~ Rental., Inc., rogardinq the vacation of a 35 foot doeded rlght-of-wny and the release ot a ~20,OOO Irrevocable Letter of Credit on Rock Creek Trailer Park off North Hoad. Public Workt. I\dnllni:::trator Hartman atated that the petitioner o....ns land on both Gidoc. of the road and the letter o( credit was roquested to be sure that the road waa built. Commissioner Voss moved, secondod by CommIssioner Kruse and carr led 4/0, that the public hearlnq be closod. Coamissionor Voss moved, seconded by Commissioner Kruse and carried 4/0, that Resolution 04-26 ro Petition AV-83-016 be adopted and that the $20,000 Irrevocable Lotter of Credit on Rock Croek Trailer Park be relea.ed. . ........,.......-- .., ........,~~ -...- _. ........... LJW . L J. ~ Pllqe 4 _.- - - --- - - - - - _. - - - - -- - - - - --- - - ------ ~ ~ ~ l:~:"¡"h~ c· ..;" ....,--~,~...". <.-.'"'~.'-- - ~,\:,~:-~~~-~i'-~¡;¡~.;,~.~~-:.:~....,~. : ..' '~...........' f\~· -. ; '. ..,..~... ."''''''''''1' .... .... .... ,--~ '. ~ tIIJ "U~..:~ .-."'.... ---------.------- - ------- -- ---- 080 me 236 FebruDry 14, 1984 Ite. '5 ORDIWANCE 84-l7 R£ PET, R-83-13C, ANGLER'S MOTEL' BOAT DOC~S, INC. MHRP TO TTRVC FOR SOU~~ PARCEL OP SHELL ISLAND TR^ILER PARK, CHOKOLOSKEE ISLAND - ADOPTED SUBJECT TO PETITIONER'S AGREEMtNT Legal notice having beon published 1n tho Naples Daily News on January 13, 1984, a8 evidenced by ^ff1dDvit o( Publication filed with the Clork, public hearing was opened to con~ider Petition R-83-l3C, . r.v .". filed by Angler's Motol , DOðt Docks, Inc. requesting a rezoning chang~~~~ from MIJRP to TTRVC for tht! south pnrcel of Sholl Island Traller P!lrk on SR-29, Q)okoloSkre Island. Planner Obcr stdt~d thdL the objective o( this pntitlon Is to rezone the Buuject proµerty to coincldr with the zonIng of the existing trailer pðrk. ~hc In~ic...tcd thøt thl: petitioner oriqlnùl1y requested rezoning of both the north ønd south po1rccls, but bocause th~ south parcel did not comply with the Comprehunslve Pløn ðt that Lime, only the north pðrcel w"s rezonu< whlcll Wilt: oontl on Auqust 0;, l!JDJ. Shl: noted thøt with tho ~doptlon or the current Comprohenslve Plan. the south parcel Is now In compllDncc. ~hc noted that sta(( and all county agencies hðv~ revIewed this puLILion ~nd recommend Dpproval subject to the stipulations outlined in the I:.xecutlve !>umm¡¡ry or 2/H/BC She ,..,. ....,., .... ~ reported that the CAPC held tholr publ1r.: hcðr1nif'·dr(·..·1'í1""4.."."ð -..... unðnimously recommended dpproYbl o! th~ uubject petition. She concluded by stating that the rccomml1ndution Is for approval ßuuject to the stipulations an outlineù In the ~x~cutlv~ ~ummðry. Commissioner Pistor moved, seconded by Commissionor Kruso And carried 4/0, thðt the public hearing be closed. Commi..ioner Pistor moved, .econded by Commi.sioner Kruse and carried 4/0, that the Ordinance a. numbered and entitled below be adopted and entered into Ordinance Book No. 18 subject to the petitioner'. 4greementl t,: -"!"'.~ .-.......,. ~ ~ .. .__...,--"~,-"~"-""",.,",.,,,,,,,"....,, . ... ~ ~ ~ ...------------------------------------- fobrudry 14,1')114 ORDIl>ANCE 84-l7 A.... ORDINANCE MENDING ORDINANCE 32-2 TIlB COMPREHENSIVE ZONING REGULATIONS FOR THE UNINCORPORATED AREA or COLLIER COUNTY, .'LORIDA, BY AMENDING Tit! OFFICIAL ZONING "TI.1\S MAP NUMBER 53-29-7 BY CIlANGHlG THE ZOl>INC CLASfIP'ICATION or THE HEREIN DESCRIBED PROPERTY LOCATED AT snELL ISI.1\MD TRAILER PARK ON SR-29, CIIOKOLOSKEE ISLAND FRM MHRP TO TTnvc MID BY PROVIDING AN EPPECTIVE DATE 1 -..~,,-........ ...~., -.' ~.., .. ~,.."", .. o. ______.~ _. . ,.. _... 'F'_ _.. ·____..'u_,,_ aDO( 080 Plr,~237 r4<J e 6 ----..------- ---- - _._- --- --------- " - .".".-. -.~~._..-_.~ . _._,,~,.~. ...',. ,.,., '.'......_...~....,.,,".-. ,...,..... .._"..;~..,..""'----''"''''''._".............;..,.--''''~, -;--">'-"'~ -..... ..,._._,~--... ··_~"".....;_..._,.........____."...,'O r:n r.:;¡;;J l.i:1 ----'" ~'f bruilry 101, 19801 - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- -- - - - - - - - - - --- Ite. 16 ORDINANCE 04-18 RE PtT. R-04-1-I, COMM. DtV. DIV. REQUESTING ^ ZONING CHANCE FROM I TO C-5 rOR PROPERTY ON NORTHEAST CORNER OF NEW MARI':ET RD. AND MAIN ST. IN IMMOKALEE - ADOPTED Logal notlce having boen µublisned in t;hc :'JplolJ Daily NQWS on Jo1nuary 13, l~801, as cviddnccd by Affidavit or Publicntion rll~d with t;hu Clark, pUDlic heAr in'J W"S opuneCJ to conulucr Puti tlon fI-ò4-1-1, fllod by the Community DevuJo¡:mvnt :JlvL,ion r~<"!ucst;lnq ¡, ~onlnq chan<J'! from! ::0 C-':> lor ¡Jroporty located in :,uction J, ' 'own:lhip rl75, Hdngc 29£, on tho northltllst cornar of New !'I.,rkat Ho,,(! Jnd Ii"in Strect in Immokllloo. Planner Ohcr stateo thJt when the curr~nl Zonlnq Ordinance waa .J. ã'dtj' !'!t!èr"'rñ".!ð'nu.'I-iY·;'·1!)92, thO) subject property \-IllS zoned I. tnduutrl.11, ,1r.cJ the ¡Jro~ltrty jU1It to the ;Jollth \4.JS zonCfJ C-':., CommurclJl tnuuBtr!.11. :';hll noted tt1.1t t::HI1 ,JlJr';t.:!~ 'H~ own'!:'d by ~h.~ '1,,"''' ,Wr'lon .HIO 1t; i:l not the ¡;ollcy to Jlvlr!u ont: p<'rnon'! ¡Jtlrcol Into two zoning Jl:1tdct!# .JcJulnr¡ thoJt. tor t:d:¡ ted:lOn. ~t,,!f j!) rC41 (Hitlnq the rltzonln~ of tt\C Bubjuct pro(Jurty t(j coln<':l(.1o ..ltl1 the zoning of th!:! ¡.¡roperty to tho south. I>hll lndlc/ltad that tn" Immol<alea ^rclt Plllnnln'1 Comml:1aion hold th~lr public l1ear1nq on 1/2~/'14 Jnd un...nl:':lously r"cornmenrl.d afJ(Jrovdl of t;hll1 petition. :.ìhc -=oncluded by :1tllting t;hllt stllf! 18 roc.:or,'mend1nq IIpprovdl at P~t¡t1on 1ì-~4-;-[. Commissionor Kruse ~oved, seconded by Commisaionor Pistor and carried 4/0, thðt the public hearinq be clo.ed. Co..i..ioner ~ru.e .oved, seconded by Co..issioner Voss ðnd --~~.rrled'4/0, that the Ordinance as numbored and entitled belo~ be adopted and entered in Ordinance Book No. 10s am 080 r1~r 239 ['/1'111 7 ----_._------- -- ------ ....... ' ..,... !"~" ~. ...,.., -...".,.........,.....".....-..-.,..,.." _01_".... ..._ .__^ ~.~.,,~'______ ...' /II -.."---_._....,,..,'"'..~ .".,. ~.,... .-~ .' .....,.... ~~.'....-,.'t't'. t. ,...~"-_. ..."......,....... f'I#"-.r,:1t '.....;'.t'~'(f.;.I:;"':iP~"""1·. . . ....... , ,,".,... .'¥ '.... ..... ------ ----------------- 080 pm 240 febru^ry 14, 1904 ... ORDINANCE 84-18 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE 82-2 THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING REGULATIONS FOR THE UNINCORPORATED AREA OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, BY AMENDING THE OFFiCIAL ZONING ATLAS HAP NUMBER 47-29-2 BY CIL\NGING THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION OF T1IE IIEREIN DESCRIBED PROPERTY LOCATED IN SECTION J, TOWNSHIP 47S, RANGE 29E, NE CORNER or HEW HAR~ET ROAD AHD MAIN STREET FROM I TO C-~ AHD BY PROVIDING POR AN EFFECTIVE DATE 1 ..... It.. 17 ..,.., V' í .... t,,... .,' ..' -....,.-....- PETITION R-8J-20C, COMM. DEV. DIV. - CONTIÑUED TO 3/20/B4 CODmi.sioner Pistor ~ovod, secondod by Commissioner Voss and carried 4/0, that Petition R-B3-20C be continued to Mllrch 20, 19B4. It.. . B PETITION R-B3-24C, SWAMP BUGGY DAYS - CONTINUED TO 3/6/84 Co.missioner Piøtor moved, seconded by Com~issioner Kruso and carried 4/0, that Potitlon ~-03-24C be contlnu~d to M~rch 6, 1984. It.. '9 ORDINANCE 84-19 AMENDING ORD. 72-1, C.C. ~TREET LIGHTING DIST., ßY ADDING CERTAIN EXISTING STREET LIGIITING DISTRICTS AND REPEALING THOSE ORD. ESTABLISIIING TIIOSE: DISTRICTS An STREET L.IGIITJNG MSTU'S _ ADOPTED. LC1g,d not let' I1.JYlnCJ bcun ;Jubll/òIIC(' In tll\' No1pluß D;dly r4uwf, on January 2~. lYd~. a~ rvldenc~u hy A(rld~vll of Publication filed with the Cler", publi... IIc.:1ring Wilt; op!!ncJ to consiuClr amending Ure.!1n"ncc -, -.... "'. . - ........-.........~- 72-1, Coll1cr County ~treet LlghtlnJ ~luLrlct by dUdin9 curtdin existing ctrect llyhtlng dl!õtrlct!; IcJ<.'ntlCll!d IIC !jOC', Clcy., YIllagc; Fore!:t Lillie!; ho:ae:; IJt,. 1; Gl.:1u\:l; ~Ub¡J1vi:.jon; Imµerl..1 Col£ I:.ctðte. II and IlIi King:; L..kc Unit II Lnllewood Unlt!õ 1. ;'. ~. I. r.; Lt'ly P.:Ilmctto IJunC11': h.olfl J'\!vcr Unit 7; ilmbcrcrt-t''- 1'l1lJlic 1; Victor!" Park II Addition. and Im JQriaJ c.olt LBtlHcc 1 ACCCllf, Ho"d to the Collier County ~tr..<.t. L1ghtln,:¡ ú!!õt.r1cL <II,:: rcpo.;.11lng tr,OIH: ordlrlûn<.:"R e!ltl:lo1iøhln<j thou!! aløtrict6 ð~ Btre~t Llqht!nq ~unlclµ"l ~crvlcc Taxing Unite. Public I'oork:; ^dl;dnlstrotor 1J"rtm,111 :;tl\t!!d thl't theftc street llghtiny distrIcts coulL b~ IncluucJ In the Collier County St.rect pagc t> ---- - -~ --- -- -- --. . ....- --...------- -..- --_. ------------- -- -------... ~.. ";.~-::..~J . ".. CJ L,· ..~ 1 ic] .~'.. ._~--.._,,""""'- ,.'" III!I L.;¡.;,.J ~ ------------------------------------------- f~bruary 14, 1~ß4 LIghtinq DIstrict bacausa tho t~xable valuation In tho subdivInions hAS now Incroased to the point whoro tho mlll~qn approaches tha millnqo for tno CollIer County :';truut Liglttlnq DIstrict. jiu ntDtud thðt ~ of tho 14 distrIcts will ~~y leua, ~bout $.;0 per thous~nd nnd Cive of them ;1111 pay II little more, ilDout :;.11 ror thouslInd. lie nt.1tad that by doln'1 thlll It ·...Ill :.õavI' time Cor stOlL( In prl1purotIon of tho budget, <lddIng th~t ho recommenos that thin hI! npprOVl1d. Mr. John Turner, 152 ~. ¡1110, L.llus of r.JprI, :!tatud th...t he nueoed inforr.latlon. II., (;tðt.,d thllt ther... 10'111 be (In !11.,etlon on tne r::Jlofll 1)[ CoJprI on .....'rch 103, 1~114, '.:0 ,~st.:¡bl!;¡h " /l,unlci¡.Ml ~orvice Tnrtiq-~nTr"r'or.;-tíqht1ng dllar1Ct. lie stntod thnt ho would l1ke to ~now :'l'1u C1jiCeronclt UIHWI.'l:n tIlIt two l1qhtin'J dl~lrlctc and why tho:!y <Ire : .In¡Jlc~ differently. Public Work!! Ac1minlütr.JtIH ItOrtr:'.IIn at/ tca that thu rUllllon Cor the I:.i,,:; of C..pr I :.itr~·et U':IlIur.q ~I:¡tr let on ::ìtt t;dllot 1::; t.o dvolc tho t.J ( C¡¡P :Jituo1tlon that tho C'Junty I" in. 'Júding that 1( it Is a voted ai&trlct. the mlllaqe ð~plled will not bit includoa In the County tax C.1p. lie st,'ted that [ th" dl:1trlct Is credt.,o ·...Itnout ù voted :¡ltUiltion, tho cllll.h e app!!c1 to tne ¡ales of C.1prl would have to comet out of ~nothl1r ~a~untl~l ðervlcu tn~t the County l~ currently providing ~na would not be In th~ best Interest of thu ~ounty. Co.-l..loner Voas ~ovod, ft.conded by Com~lssioner Kru.e and c3rrled 4/0, that the public hearIng be closed. , ". Co_laaloner VO.. !loved, secondod by Com.issioner Kruse and c3rried 4/0, that the Ordlnance as numbered and entltl.d below be adopted and entered Into OrdInance Book No. l81 ORDINANCE 84-19 AM ORDIHANCE ~eHDIHG ORDINANCE 72-1 BY ADDING CERTAIN EXISTU'G STREET LIGUTING DISTRICT MULTII'LE SERVICE: TAXING UNITS IDENTIFIED AS BOCA CIECA VILLAGE, rOREST LAKES HOMES NO. l, GLADES SUBDIVIGION, IMPERIAL GOLt ESTATES II, I~PERIAL UOK 080 W~ 241 rage 9 ---- ~... --------------- "-'-"'""'-...."-...-....._~__ _ l n ... ,___,,,,,,,_,-,,~, _.."^~..,.._""'--_... ~~,t';~f1'~~~~'~.~t:~"-r':":¡ , .. ._·ø ,- J- . .-.. ..4·,......~ .' *' ,J .~. '"". r.. ....'~.. ~ ....,_. . .. '......-t " ,_ .... ......._.,.~.~"'II.,. ..,...~." '>,y,.,"" "..' ~.''" ., ,." "··'~._¡;;¡'i..'j,......,·..·· ," ,...:......:.,_1Þ< ...........~. ···....~;ft~t;&~' ~J;t. ....-. ,'.... ~. ' '~ ~"., ~ ~: ( . ~: !; -- ----- 0( 080 'A~~ 242 February l4, 1984 GOLF ESTATES III, KINGS LAKE UNIT I, LAKEWOOD UNITS I' 2, LAJtIWOOD UNIT 5, LAKEWOOD UNIT 6, LELY PALMETTO DUNES, PALM RIVER UNIT 7, TIMBERCREEK PHASE I, VICTORIA PARK II ADDITIONAL, AND IMPERIAL GOLF ESTATES I ACCESS ROAD TO TUE COLLIER COUNTY STREET LIGHTING DISTRICT, R~PE^LING ORDINANCE NOS. 82-99, 79-13, 82-33, AND 82-55, 81-86, 81-32, 78-74, 82-l03, 78-73, 79-44, 79-74, 7B-77, 81-31, 81-30, AND 84-15, PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. a.. 11 0 ORDINANCE 84-20 AMENDING ORDINANCE 83-18, COLLIER COUNTY UTILITY RATE AND REGULATION BOARD - ADOPTED "",.",. "'-- Legal notice having been publiahed in th~ Naples Daily News on January 26, 1964, aa evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, public h.~rin9 W~D openeù to consid~r on ordinanco amending Ordinance 83-le, the Colller County Utility HatH and kequlatlon ~oard. County Attorney !>lIlInocrli J:t~ted thilt tllU ExecutIve !iummllry dated 2/14/U4 ls very cetolled In th~ thruc Itemfi th~t ore being recomm<:nd~d for change:>. lie noted th..t It)C tllrcc item:. arl! procooural types of itoms, adding that it provides that th~ definition of ·utllity· is better defined, thot tl,c UtilIty Division will provide clurlc/ll support to the CCURR!:, and it. proviae!> tl103t Contr4ct¡; entt'red Into by UtllitlQb with thelr CURtomcr¡¡ prior tu lIle eCtactlve Ó<.lU of Ordlnðncc AI-Ie /If.. given recognition by thl~ oml!ndm~nt and or~ r~cmpl from rcqulotlon. Co_laaione f Voss moved, aeconded by. C"II\I:11as 10,ne.r.l'l s.to_L..!P~. _ carried 4/0, that the public hoaring be cloaed. Com.iasloner Voaa .oved, secondod by Com_i.sioner Plstor and carrled 4/0, that the Ordinance a. numbered and entltled bolow be .do~~ed and entered into OrdinancQ Book No. 101 ORDINANce 84-20 AN ORDINANCE ......ENDING SECTION 11\(7) or ORDINANCE NO. 83-18 BY PROVIDING TUAT THE DEFINITION OF ·UTILITY· SHALL NOT INCLUDE ANY UTILITY WHICH SERVES LESG THAN 100 PEOPLE OR ITS EOUIVALENT ......ENDING SECTION 20(7) OF ORDINANCE NO. 83-l8 BY PROVIDING TI~T THE UTILITlE5 DIVISION SRALL PROVIDE ADEOUATE CLERICAL 0\)/0 TECHNICAL PERSONNEL TO THE COLLIER COUNTY UTILITY RATE AND REGULATION BO^RD; AMENDINC SECTION 3A or ORDINANCE NO. 83-l8 BY PROVIDING A PROCEDURE FOR PASS- 1>0'I9C 10 ------... -...-- -...- _... -- ------- - -----.--..-. ---...- ------- -, --..---- ¡::'<,] r· ;:.J L~ ,. ':;j ,- .--..-,..- ,...,......"...._,.,,- '_._,.>.._,,»"'""""'~- --""..--. '~w:~.\ .~ ¡:;:;J ¡:-,,-~ t . , .~1 .. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- _. - -- - -- - - - - -- --- ---------.----- .~" \ Vebruilry 1~, l~O~ TßROUGJlS OF RATE INCREASES OR DECREASES PURSUANT TO CONTRACTS FOR TnE PROVISION or WATER OR SEWERAGE SERVICE ENTERED INTO PRIOR TO MAY 1, 1983: PROVIDING CONFLICT AND SEVERABILITY, AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. It.. III FRANCIIISE AGREEMENT FOR EAST NAPLES WATER SYSTEMS, INC. - APPROVED \HTtI PROVISIONS l.u<)011 notlco 1'<Jvlng bUlln puol1;¡nc'd In the 1;lIplu¡J a.llly / ,!W:J on JðnU<Jry 29 and fubrudry S, 1984 Dn ~vldanc~d hy ^ffiJ~vlt o( Publicùtl::>n (Iled with t.n.! I..:lf!rx, public he,'lrlng Wd:i IJpenec1 to consider ,1 frðncnlr.c iJ<}rcf.!ment tor t;iI¡ t !4dpll'3 :'idtor SyatumJl, Inc. oJ. _.. . County Attorney :..i.)undura :>tiHu<J tll"t UHf ðqrccment thilt /1,IS betln ......-. - ..... . preSttntcd hils bUlin pro./pllr¡;c by :..it.Jft oHIO l:; (),}slciJlly the :j,lme .Jl rcemllnt tl1,1t Wð:s con~ld...r j(: by t:1" ¡,CC In /,uqu:¡t ot 191JJ, '",hen tnl' JCC dGtttrr.l1n..d tnat it ,""IS In tl1C beut IlItlirellt :.It LI1IJ putJllc to pursue ¡Ou r Çh.HiU. Ite ';tlJted tl1ùt ,.¡1r.ce UIC Ut1l1t'I tlil!) f;)i)do It cluðr thAt they ilre not wllllnq to nw¡otl..tl, tho !;ille of tn'i Utility, 1t 10,18 ll":lt th<3t bIlC.1USf! of lixlsting County OrdInances the ace ~hould =on51der qrðntinq C.ost ~o1plcs '/lItaf ~yst~ma, Inc. 1 lr.1nchl¡¡o. lie :.It,]t~(J tnùt he: 111 r~forrll1'J to Ordinance 7(,-71 '.,l1lcn reljulrcs lr. n~r1!:Je¡¡ for ut1litles. 11(: stilted thlJt on February 9, l~A4, he rec~ Ivc(J 1 l,"tt~r (rerl Attorn....y .James H. :.,¡u!I>;y,....hich he praSlintl.Ú :or till! rl'cor(L .!o notol! tho.lt U:ú llitter outl1nu!I nlJmcrou:¡ objection!! ::'0 tile tr..lncnlGc <J7rellrnont on behalf ot the Utility. f Q IItDlod that therf! 13 one objection that 1:1 meritorlouu, and ho sU9gelltOd thðt on ~ðge ~, Paragraph 13 of the ..-.... -""- . ....~. . ..,... proposed franchise agreemont the flret sontwnco btl d"loted whIch dealø with contributed ùssets as not b~lng con¡¡lderca property In the evont of eminent domain. f ~ noted th,1t he tJOI!S not :'cllcvc thdt .:Jny of the other comment:; In ,'1r. :;jtiuÞo;y':1 lelter <Jrli mcrltorlou:¡. lie stateo thAt one other Item Is thw ImpllCdt10rlll of tha l':¡wslJit ló\Volvlng the CIty of Haple. ~nd the Clðdos, Inc., addlng that htl haw revlewvd the pi".ding. aOOK 080 PI'.~ 243 paq e 11 --- ----- ......_'._..."'·w..·"...~,·. . ~~'."'_'_____.""___'"'''''__'''=''''''''' . '-'-~'.~"'''"'''''''-'.''-----"._-,-"",~-,,",-~-_........._,~,.,;-_._",..~..,.", _....._.."'n_...'~_"',.. ,~..... . ~-~. ~ -.-.. ~"~'-""'W"'."""'_~~_M"'"",..':f ;¡, ------------- m 080 w,~244 f~bru~ry l~, 19ß~ and the ðgreomont whlch rQMulted in tho settlement of the lawsuit and doe. not believe thnt the City of Naples need~ to bc involved in this franchine agreement and he dOOQ not .b~lieve that the franchise agfoement as presented to the BCe 1~ i~ conflict In ~ny way with the .ettlel1lcnt of that ll""';uit. He stilted that hQ is recommending th.,t the aoard approve the franchise IIgreoment with the on", ðm",nóment regarding Pllragfaph 18 IInd that it be submittl1d to thc Utility. He"not-t!'d th·llt"··.._,,·,~.......- thIs franchisc is designed to protect the puh 11 ç Intcre¡;t, adding that this trðnchlse i5 to r !1VI:' YI1IH pc r1 oeL Attorney t.Jðr,,~ r; Ðic.:sky stilt<.'c.J that on bel1dl1 01 J::/ :;t Nl'lplcI'I ~1/1 to r bystemu, Inc. he I, wll1in~ La enter Into nom~ typ~ 01 franchise tlgreemont, "'::1I..Iin4 th:n III. do!.::.; not ",¡rt:,' wlul thl.' on!:' th.::t ill proposu(j. He stoJtcd th.1t tll"y would llKC to provIde- bull: rllta IIcrvic~, provIde II Lr/lnchluc<.J dr<.'d, r.iiJ1nto.llll or not mo.l1ntllln the County lines., h111 or not bIll t.he: County CU!;tor:u:rt, .:.n¡., jfl ¿ (JoJltlon, tllcr.) IHe (;cve.:rld are,J[; tnllt loIOul" 11..1.' to cCJntruct ....1 tll L.ð:;t NlIfjlu::: fl,ltl.'r bYStl'!:1h, lnc. at th" present till''' ¡¡nó nL' ir, wllllW to ,,",orr. with tlH' County on ,,11 thelòe matter:.. Iii.' IItdtCl; tllid tilt 1-'<:0,.,1· 0: tl)(: ilre.:.. could b\.'st 0,' ø..:rvcù bi' negotl,'tiny wIth t;.:Ilit 1'''1"1c[, ,1no .:rrivin'J .:It II just trðnchla'':, oJd:::lin; that East Nllpl ~s hllG the beGt Sf'WC r trr.oHr.u~nt'·:¡y:;te-m·' iri~ti;'; ~r:Il"";"'" He utatud thot i[ tun<.J::; wert! eXfJ",neÌl:o tCJ Ilonl; up ¡¡roo~siót:, f:clly Nond Ilnt Harmony Shoro¡¡ to toe l':¡5t t/.1plcf' ~,y!;t"r" It loIOuld no!v\.' " lot of problem:l ð£; tar ,1:¡ ¡..ollutlor. 1:; concclnhL Ii<- !It,,t('(1 tr..1t l> r.lutulll IIgrttl:me:nt cou1 ~ IJ,' rl':.cnU(: tu tJ,'n"i 1:' i); j tIll' p<.'Of-,l'.' lr, ttl( ',re... HI.' !¡tatCl~ th1:t on!! o! trio· rrobl crn,> ...i t: tr,,· trùnchi:w I:; ,1ttorn('y':' fee:;, ilduinq tlloIt In tlH.: contr"ct it Ctútc!c. th.:.t till' County Is ent1tlud to .1ttorney· ¡¡ lee5 it tll~ a'Jre.:ulnunt lIùl. to Ue enforced, but thert' 19 no corrcs¡.>ondln'j provið10n (or I:.lI5t "oJ!'lll¡¡ 1.¿Iter J.ystcml., Inc. Ite stated that by IUJX1n. tn.1t J::.1St Ntofjlu5 \liiltcr By!!tem:;, Inc. he Gubjt:ct to any P.'gc 1 ~ --.---- ..--- -- --"_. --"_._. -- - --- -- -.-.- .-.--.--..-.------...-- ------- r: . "":3 '-.:r.,j ~ . , .~~':;~>~,~'.rf.,,{'1;'l~<'~. ~.t:~~~~...~~..,.......h~, ~,JI'.~~~~'L'.. Lt,·,,/U.,., .... , . -:<·<Þf".·',.;l,,' ~ .;.f.";, , . ,.,........_,._..~.<"~....__. .. ...-.....,...... ~' :J; -"",- na ~ ,---J -- -------- ..---.---. --.--------..-'----------------- February 14, 1904 future rul~a and regulötiona thc~ tho County enacts lu liko .1sking (or II blo1nk check. Ho :;tatod thl1t ,mother ;nob11:m i~ th:! uhort ,Jurtltiol1 ~, the tranchlse, èlddin':l that if ~alSt N,1p1u:¡ wlInts to dovelop their uystem to nerve the needs of tne f'Oo!oplu, it l:r,1nchiuu 13 needed ~or ð lonqcr jJorlod tho1n (ive ye.H3. /Iu IH.1ted tho1t no \~ou1d lika to b", .,bl., to submit ~n nltcrn.1tc francni~Q [or th~ County'~ cOI1~ldcrntlon. County ^ttorncy ~ùun¡ uru ¡¡tatou th.1t dB (ar I,a .. rcqu!!st [or ..n III tornllt1vQ (rllnch1 5e, h~ L"5 no ol>jcct Ion. .Hld Ing that ...:0 long .15 the Utility recognl;:ull th;,t the UOIHU Is <)cdn'J to tl1ku .1ct!on ,1nd protect the public inturest ot tho citlzenu in Coll10C County .1nd tnat is kept lñ-m"Tñã""'\"i1i1"få~pr:(!¡;~rrnq '"such ,1 fr,1nch1:.õe. lie :;t¡]tcd thllt ;]8 far .15 any upec1tic OL>jcCt10nlJ, ¡w (cuI:. th..t U¡ ::¡ tr.:.nctll:.;ù prot.,ct~ triO ¡;ublic of r.nn c:ttLwn'i of Colll"r (')lH1Iy ,¡no ttw ((lte P'¡V"(:; at th¡]t Utility. Hu ut¡]tcd th.11: if r~r. :";i(!:·;KY subnlltu .111 .dt(.'rr..1tlve lr¡]nChlse. ¡Ie would ¡¡ayO! to cevluw it very c,lrcLully iJnd rCDort [. (. ck to thu j(;C. Coml;¡lsslonor VO,",B Sto1to:O tnoJt the tr.1nctdso should protact the public lntllrest and the CUGtomurs dnd should provide d r~aGonable r~tc of return to the Utillti~s. County Attorney ~JunderG statud that thlG fr~ncnlse docs both thin'~5 th::!:. Ç(":::::::i::::;ior.~r V"'iS mentJoneo. CommisGionl:r Plstor :H,;¡tcd th/lt tho! UCC could IIpprovc this (ranchiGß IIqreement, dB written, ~nd at ~ later datu If thare arQ changes thay could bc broughL back to thu UCC ~nd an amendment to the -.- frðnch (ae 'could b. adoptod c1 t tha t t imll . County Attorney ~oJunú~rs ~tûtuu th~t tnar" dre no leqal problems with tc1kinq that course of ;¡ct1on. Mr. SIÐsky utate~ that thin franchioe ðgrc~ment requIres two p.:¡rtiQs "nd East Nilplu~ ¡,;ct to: r ;:;y~tI:m., :nc. i:J not going to agree ':0 it as It Is, therofore, It \oIOulu be rlef~ctl....". lie 3t<'lted that he 1::1 aDDK 080 'A'.t 245 .--.-.--------- ~..-" ...., ..... Pag" I J "<',, . . "'._,..>.,-~.._~'"'"-""".."._._,..,'--,-_.-_-----,._..._-- · .,~'. t ,,!,~I~~ULf~~.~~~(,,_.~, 't'.. ..". , '. " ------------------------------ 080 p~~t 246 .'ebruary 1<, 1984 requQs~ing that the franchise not be approved and that he be glven the ". :.._tI!f opportunity to submit .1~ Ðlternate fran~hltic. CoamIss1oner Voss ~ov.d, seconded by Commissioner Pistor and oarri.d 4/0, that the public h.aring be closed. Comml.aion.r Pi.tor mov.d, s.cond.d by Commi.sion.r Vo.. and carried 4/0, that the, rranchiae, "gre.lII.n~ for last .Hapl..~,.....t.Ii_......."".........._"'_ Syste.s, Inc. b. approvod with the first sent.nco of Paraqraph 18 of the tranchI.e aqre...nt delated and with the understandinq that the Tape '2 Itell 112 agroemont can be amondod at a lator date If nocessary. See PapeR ¿),9/ - 3/,;1.. RESOLUTION 84-27 RE PET. FDPO-B4-V-l, ED MOULTON, REQUESTING 0.49' VARIANCE P'OR PROPERTY AT lAO COLUMBUS WAY, M^RCO BEACII - ADOPTED Legðl noUce ho1\11ng IJtoen pUlIl1111":d In thu Nllpl. ¡ [)ðl1y New& on January 29, 198-:, on ovlòencoQ by ^ftldnvlt o( Publication fIled wIth th~ Cler~, public nu~rlnq WdD open~d to con~lapr P~tlt on rnpn-~.-V-l, flIed by Ed Moulton, requostlnq apµrov.11 of ¡I C.t.9' vllrinnc~ frCln, tll<.' mlnlmun, U4II".: flood IIlcv"Uon rcqIJ1 r<.·CJ hy tile I loor~ L>....mtlr:r'~ Prc~"""ntlon Ordiné]nct.· on pro Jerty descrlber a5 lr.¡; ColumbuG .;bY, Lot 7, Bloc~ 77(., Morco Ul1ðch, Un1t C. ....,................~ PIÐnner Tom McDllnl~l nt~ted that th1£ lu kln~ oi ~ nou&~~ueplng petition <!IS tho hOUtie 11<1:'; (Jccm lJullt J/7 foot 1:><.:10'" tt,,, bnHl. flood eltovtJtlon. III; !itl1t~u tll.l: tI ~ C.C'r~1 (ylnt¡ t.no.)ll1t:cr lIðii tlolO cl.o!cc£, onw bc1nC) to ccrtlty thiJt the cull:HnfJ meet!; tIlt, ord nllnc'l;- requlr,.m<"ntH or he' hOE; to oJltllC¡' .' v.,r1<1nc<' to III:. t¡; JJ ICt.t lor.. Ill> tlt,)l.,.) th..t. wI..; " the !"lood Insurðncc 1:0 µlJrch"'Iit.~ It I·· rounoe:; UI' to t~)I, next foot Wh1Ctz lIIt'illUõ tl,.,t tn·.· jn:ourClnL:l" ..I: I n, ~UI Ctl...I1\~',~ ~~ tl... propl"r cleVlItion. Commlscionor Plator mo~eu, .ucondod by Commi..ionor Voss and c.rrled 4/0, that the pUblic he.rlnq be clo.ed. I' U'I', 1:. --- ---- - -_. - - - ---.--- -~--- -þ.- ---- -----. - ----- -- - - ------ 1':'''''1-'::Y;¡ r:::::: _..._,-"......,""."'....-.......,....,....~.....".. rr;m ~ L.-:J ------------------------------------------- Fcbrui'ry 14, Inf. Commissioner Pi.tor moved, .econded by Commissioner Voss ~nd carried 4/0, thAt Resolution 64-27 rc petitlon FDPO-64-V-l be adopted. ¿j a. ....-- _._- .>...,. . .........." .-..'.....~- ......., IIIO~ 080 PAq 247 r.1qe 1 S ~ -'~"~-------- -- - - -- _._--- -- - ---- - - --- -- --- ~ ._;..-.__...._""~"'-" ."'.. " ~,"" , '--'.,,-.. .....,',.,,-,,-<,,~"-......."""."'.,,~""*,.;-,.~"'- .. þ. ";r,:~..:'.J.,¡~~r;,t'.."< .. ".. .~.,' '. .. 'r',,", . , " .' ti. . .~i":.~ .... ~~~------------------------------------~- February 14, 19C< x 080 PAr,! 250 It.. 113 PITITION A-B4-1, APPEAL OF AN ADMINISTRATIVE DECISION RE PROPANE GAS AS AN ACCESSORY USE - CONTINUED TO 2/28/84 Co..I..loner ~ru.e ~ovod, secondod by Commissioner Vo.s and carried 4/0, that Petition A-B4-1 be continuod ~o February 28, 1984. ..... Recessl 9155 A.M. - Reconvenoðl 10100 A.M. ..... Tape 13 It.. 114 ~. -,. ............. '*.-" - """-- .....'-"',"""".... .....,¡.~ktfl'f~ SPACE PRES~TATION BY STATE ATTORNEY'S OFrlCE - CHAIRMAN DIRECTED THAT STATE ATTY. BE CIVEN ORICINAL FLOOR SPACE ON GTH , PORTION OF 7TH FLOOR 3tdtC Attornt'Y n'AlelòKtlndro stðte~ that. two week::; lH}a hl¡; officI' was told to rot urn todny wIth II plðn [or th~ cee to con~ider. II'! no tp.d thðt baLorc thls cOr:\¡..¡lex ""O ; l)ul1t., hI:; ofLlce,; cCJnHistrn; 01 vllrlour, t r 1111 e r Ii . Hc Indlco1tcd tlU.t n" ...J~i ð"~<,'rJ to come up wltr, " f Ivl" Yt!lIf plon tlnd b t~n year ",1/111 wlde-!I h· r11, "tolcl, wù:-, v"ry ~ccur.Jtl'. II" reported that hI! hil::; lIcen vcr): :.Ight Jc.tcly In spLIce needli, ððdln'J th.Jt he hðlò now been ab'''''; to com. ujJ ...·1 U, ;, pi,~rl tor till no... ~Joor:: th,1t have been adde~ on ~Of tnI' !orcsQ~Dble tutur~. III" stlltc1 thnt th~ ace hila ðuttlorlzeo temµor/lrlJy th<: (,Lt. !Joor /In' port o[ the 7th floor, addlng that this woulc: tAt<.t! CliP' of rilli olflc_' (or now An'': tt\(, foreaeo4ble llltur<.·, HI.: sl/lt'::J th,.,t In Lll<" ¡.),'Il't tl1I' ~ t,Jtt'!; /I.ttorn"Y':: 'M·_.... .1> _ '. ..______....--......__ ~ offlCft haa not mitt 8tlltl! stðneJllrdG, ftdd1n'.J th/lt they /He still not ur to stAle Stono/Hdr. out ttl<.:ir "PiICI' IdloCtltlor: 11; ...orJ<...l>1t, ðnu livt'.:¡b)<:. He stated thlll if th~ Hec nt'!ccJl. tt.<.' addition..] RpoJCf' ht' cÞn '.lIve. uF t~C' 81xtt. ðn:! lhe port10rl or CIa: Sel.'Cntl1 floor, ,:,e1,:lnr¡ tI.,~l h.~ ciln put ovarythln:) Into tn" öt/¡ lJoor 1: th,' c."lInty '101'" to moC:ul"r concrpt. he at"tctJ thllt wi lh .. moouJ ,H concl'¡:L, ht clln put () ¡ot more pooµll' into ð çm"Jlcr "rcu. 11<' notl':1 tllðl I~ :.1.1:; Ir. ,lonL or, till· fjt~~ floor tJy the tlØ1t, it. I» mov"" 1nto, It ...Ill tn· ..Jmoat !llJcIJ "nd It waul" onl)' last lIn ð(1c11tlon,,¡ two yellf!¡, fl<' rl!¡'ort"r~ th.:.t tnpy h/lv,' ~2~(I,O:J(, of computer eyul1'ct1C'nt thllt -I I 1 hI)V,' to lit' movc,: n:. the f,t"t,. If, qolnq 1'11')(' I r. -----...- ----------- ------ - --- _.- - ---_..- -- - -_. .. - ---- - _.. -- -- -. ------ =:::J ~ - o...-;..¡ L c=J r;¡;:'!"""\. ' , ' ~ c:::::J " " --------------------_._-------~----------- ',' ä " ( lchru~ry 1~, 1~ß4 on-line with ~ commun1cJtlon aYßtem An~ that JpllCC would be rcquirc~ ~s 4 soparlltlt room. ~tðte5 ^ttorn~y C'Alcti5JndrO ~t~tcd tnat wnun th1ü nlnn CRmv up, ho WdS IIsk~d what splice waG noedert ünd they ~r~joctun thulr nQcd~, .Judlnq '.I,lIt now tllllt t.here :J ,) orooI...t:I lln...ncLl1ly ¡¡n'l :o:plIcc-,d:Oll, ¡1() 13 tryin'] to I¡olp oùt. CI);nmlß:lloner '/O~5 ';tiJt¡;.d t!I.It. ,~~ ,I I,o",r;: ~:JCY ::,~nnot :.;olvc ~,!I~ apace probl \Jill. Hv qUQstloned what ~hc niffrrençc would bo In YOllrs OOLwecn tho ()th ..nd ¡:ortlon of rtl': 7th fluor '/IHUU$ the ,¡th floor modular <:onccpt,'l l ~ etet_-"ttorney D' Ufl511I!nrlro ~t"tl!d thðt I'll the n1.1n I::: proposI'd with ~ho Ijth LInd r-nrtlon at ttH.!' 7t.t\ ~loor, It ::oul~ b~ ut..l1izl.."à for :lv~ 'Ic&Jrs dluJ J()~D!t.d.y :..it:VHn Y"~ùr~, ,~r\(, \·",t~ ~~c..' qtt, !lnor t.lo:JuliJr concept ù portion of .) floor '"oIJ1'~ :;<.' Ir.tt:', nut tI,Q s f'" ,'7" rWOU3 'would "nly bo (joo<.l lor t.wo to ',:¡r.:. '1":lr:;. \:orr.nd:1:1loncr 'lot,¡:> atoJtc<': t~,1t ,,~. ',;,HI ,'G~CCl '.0 t,:¡¡.,.. ..noth~r lUOk ,1t tho ¡.'Iün whIch naa LJ"en uon~ Anu I"r. IArr III no.... tlAU to t03kc .1 look ,1t 1 t fo r the OV'Hð 11 r-l o1n. (.;ommllisLoncr ^ r u:;,~ :niltc,J t hi' t II riley 1 [~ 110 V l..'eJ :.0 tl1... ,I ttl noor, thu doll.J1 ,¡mount IH'~'uQ to Uti olltl.tlr.llnc( for lh.. I,th "n-J 7th 1100" .J~ thltY have .1lr<"dcJY :~"'!n !:cl. up for tl,e .;:;,ll":'I ,\ttorn"Y·:; otrl;:.:. Public ;'<lfcty ¡,dmlnistrl!tor üorrl1l l.t.'t"c th.Jt he hAil ....orked .1nd ACcolllmodatea oV4Iryono to hl~ hOllt t1blllt,', .HJdlnq th,1t Ii" woulj l,)It vflry ...bea1tant to ftAke . quiCk dccislon to purchase modular furniture becau30 till:' lith Lloor t,,):5 :Jcen Custom mðlJo to tr;c hhh ~ecLJrlty nl'c!QS of tl:c :Jtðtc Attorney, whicf1 tncluJe security ~...talbl,,~, :.utor.lIltlc door!!, lip.CloJllzoo w1rc tilp roomtl ,¡nd ,dcctrlc.:Il rCQU1r.'munt.¡¡ :.no tn try ~nrl lit thllt, to lIomcono \/11$0':;; need:! ....oùllJ !)I! rl<.ll.:uloù8. ~ at.:¡t,ou thAt he lndlcat.d to the f.it.ðte ,\ttornI!Y'~ otrlr=c ,1t1 II rellul~ qf the [;ollr.:1'' am 080 r¡r,[ 251 r...q.. 17 ~---------------_-.._----- - - _._-- .------------- , ..-,..v ...~ ~~~~I~'r;.~':~.~'~'~'''''!I'''~~~' .~ ,,'~"""'J ;..~.. '" ....' , ",. , " '~, ,'" ....¡..-r..,,'. ',...... ,~, " ~_tF~ .. . . _"1·..·· . .'~.~..~- --- - - - - . - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - -_._- - - - - - - - --- -... ......" aDD( 080 rm252 r.bruary l~, 19&4 action last wook re~ardin9 acquirinq Q million dollars or additional bonds, this whole situation may be a mute point if tho bonds bocome a reallty. He atated that he should have the 6th floor in its entirety, addin9 that the areð that wan revitiwed for a portial reduction wile the 7th floor. Tape IC Commi.sioner IHo"," stðlud that the lilh floor and a portion of the . .. ...--~...". '.......-......~ 7th floor would satisfy the State Attorney's office for fivp. to seven years and thot 111 what he should have. Public 6/1fety AdmlnlstrÐtor [\or rill ¡¡tilted that tho.. orl':¡!no1l proqrc'lm /It tldu point till/; not been clI/Jnc¡ccl IIn~ th<.' nlxtil lJnd seventh floor is be in') lJalnter .at till.. tlmt' Lor tnI:' ~tðtos /'.ttornC'y'r, office, CommissIoner VOIIS st'Jtcc~ trhlt tlil' (,tt, [lour U. comn,lttcd out th-: portion o( thO' 7th (loor SlIoulG bl' looKco ilt IIgtdn. 11<. ~tÐtC¡,) tllo.'lt thl.: States Attorney will Kcep the ',th (loor th.at 1:: plHtltlonou off Lor him and hit w1ll kOllp what lie nllcd::; O~I tllc' 7tt'. floor, but 1:. h" c<ln be accommodated for" littl, 1"11:' t/ldll Whllë In needea on th'.' 7th floor, tl<' will I16tcn lo thllt. Itell 115 CRANT APPLICATION rOR HUD RENTAL REHAB D~MONSTRATION PROGRAM _ APPROVED .... ... .....·.....111 Housing Programs f>upervllior SI1t:llI'Y ....ll1l...l'Ioon II t.1I It'''! th,H thl:; If'; · request to ,]ulhorlz" tll~ Ch...lrm...n to nlqn tl1,- qrlln~ IIppJ IClItion /Jne.! other filIated documentr. for pllrtlclpðt!on Ir. ll", lIu1 kent.'d He-hilt' Pr~9røm. Shl' :;t/ltc~ It.Dt tld:: If: 11 U.:. ~~t. ot lIoullln'J " Urb...n 1>evclo :Jlnllnt 'ro.::¡r.am "'~1Ic~ contjJln!.; no lun~r, of ItD o_m. lIc1rjln<J thlll lIoney 16 pledgeC thlll tnl')' hO .JI' they will rt'!'cl.!iv<., liddIng that ln return thtry gc:l. aort". tl'cl1nlc.IJ .,:;:;I:õtttnc-' Ir. th" :"t'ct10r. : <:xI:;tln<: rental .YStCII,. ~l1c stllte!j thtH It I:; loll contlnqcnt on qcttJn"... smðll Ci c~· Communi ty uloc-k c.r/tnt t ro!', th.' ;;t"t<. of I'lor 10,1. P03I t:' 11: ----....---------.~- -----------. --------. ---~. - --_. -- _..- --- -. - - - - -- _.. L 'J c-~; c::=J U;'",· "c. "f.e .. '" "':, ~!;( .. r:.;;;::J (fE!~ ,:) -- ------------------------------------------ r~bru( ry l!¡, 1 ')¡¡~ Commissioner Kruae moved, seconded by Commlss1oner Pistor and carried 4/0, that the BCe ðuthor1ze the Chairman to s1gn the application forma and other relatod grant forms for participation in the HUD Rental Rehab Demonatration Program. J. ... T ,,--.................-.w'~ .A__. .. ................., ...........-.. . ...... am 080 rA'.: 253" paq.. 1 ~ . - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -.- - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - --- " ...... ....1 "'~~~'~ "~"'r" ___~.__,"",~",. ...·u ,.... m·~,o,.__·.____ ç;:::] c:¡::) [~-:-;::) il) i,; J! : 'i ¡'t \~ I; I.. ;,~ i!U ~ --------------------------------------- r--- '.u"'"'y 1<.10"' Item IlG AUTHORIZATION TO FORWARD TilE GIG CYPRESS AREA OF CnITIC^L CONCERN ~LEf'\r;NT TO THE ..LORID^ CEPT. OF COMM. AFFAIRS AND TilE SWFRPC MID TO RECOGNIZE TIIAT TilE CCPA IIELD ^ PUBLIC IIEARING ON SAME - APPROVED Pttlnninr7 Clrl!C:I:Or I:lochn :!tlltnd r.h,1t thIs 1,1 " rc'c¡uc5t to brlr.'J Uw ('ompr<.:h.~n!.ilvCI I'L.n into ,:,' ll~'lliH\I.:¡; ',.It:; C/~I1¡;t. H:¡ 1:;; uno ',;)11, ~loritl..\ ;.¡t,,~tutt~~, d(.icJinr:'! L/),1t thu purpose nt r.:)~ . fn.,n~~H~n~:; r'~l¡uirC' thðt locl11 comprch~'n:¡lve pl.Jns ...n<.l l..nd UJòC rcquL.l1orHl r:or.lply '.;1 th the ~tnt~ ot florIJ~'fi u~vcloP~Clnt ~uidcllnc~ (or tn~ Ulq Cyprcns ^rcn of ~ritlc~l ~t~t~ Concern. Co.-I..lone, Vo.. moved, .econded by Co~.i..ioner Pi.tor and c.1rried 4/0, thot th~ OCC authorize the ~t~ff to !orwarrl thft draft of tna Big Cypraøa Area of Critical SlnLe Conccrn t:lcml!nt to the Florid.:! Dept. of Community AffaIrs and the South~est Florid.1 Rl!qionol Planning Council and that it be dctcrminl!d that thl! CCrA hll8 held a pUblic hooring on the Ulq Cyprefis Area of Crltic~l ~tðtc ConcQrn r.lcment wlth due public notlco. Ite. 11 7 EXCAVATION PE/U11T NO. 59.l0G - COMMUNITY SCIIOOL or NAPLes, INC. _ APPHOVED UUBJECT TO 5TIPULATION5 Publi~ I'ork:\ ,\drninl.Jtr.:!tor 1I"rtm"n 5t"t~U t¡¡ilt '.!·I:¡ I~ ,\ routIne \1.<c.Jvdtlon !JQrmlL lor U",/, Cor.lmunity :.-:110C'¡ Ul 11",,1,,:., :n<:. Co~.issloner Kru.e ~oved. aeconded by Commlasloner Voss and carried 4/0, that Excavation Permit No. 59.18G, Co~munity School of .oNaple.';-Inc:-·he approved subject to the {ollowinq /Stipulations, I. All excavated material shall remain on elte. 2. Construction-related discharge of groundwater during con.tructlon shall be only through approved discharqe atructurl!. alter wator ~uallty trcntrnont ~pprovod by the County Engineer. J. All lake. with top-of-bank. setback. le.. thAn tho.e stipulated in Collior County Ordinance No. 80-26, SectIon B.^, ..ended by Ordinance No. 83-3, .hall be fanced in accordance with Section 8.D of .aid Ordinance. aOOK 080 w,r 255 r.q. 20 -----.----. ----- -" , .,...'.....,,,...~..,"",..._,.._,."""'..""""'"~"""'-... 11 _II __ -P'" .......~_...,""......,;",..., .."'''',.~".~ '..,~,...-.,'""""""~..,",.."..,;,,,._- fl!Pl#, ~"~_¡_\li··"':':"""'"'~""~~~~4."1,~"ø._4? .~ '~1--- ~DK 080 rn 256 It.. 118 CORRECTIVE QUIT-CLAIM DEED FOR AUTO RANCH RD. - ^UTHORIZED feÞrulJry 14, 19UI1 Public Works Administrator Har~man 8tðtad that thlG Is to corroct A mistake that WðM rn~dc in Acquiring thr rlght-oC-way for the a..o.sment to pAve ^uto kAnch kOAd, bddln~ th~t h~ is Askln9 thAt ~ quit-clalm deed be oxeculed bock to th~ ownor for the lAnd that is not needed. ... t.....~ ...__... ... ....__..... ~ ...___........, .ftÞ Comai.sioner Kruse moved, .econded by Commissioner Voss and carried 4/0, that th~ corrective quit-claim deed for Auto Ranch Road be authorizod tor executlon. ,-- b. ¡'a I) <. :! 1 - - - - -- - .- _. - _. - - - - - - - _. .-. - -- -.. - - --- - - - - - - - - - - -- - -- -- b~~l;;I'] c.:::D ~,' ~ ~ c::::J :-....::1 ~----------------------------------------- :?'ebruùry 101, E'!J4 It.. 119 AUTOMATIC BANK TELLER MAcnINE AT THE COURTHOUSE COMPLEX - DENIED Adminintrator for ^dministrativø r;orvice!! lIolllIY !!tðtod thðt thio is ð roqueat by ~tDfC for diroction in µuru£ing requastc ror ~n AutomatIc Do1nk Tollcr ~"o1chlne lit the Courthouse Complex. lie stilted that the County W~5 ~ppro~chod by Barnett L~nK About cix months hqO ~s to whethur the County would like to put In ¿utomJtic ~cllQr ~achine ~t the complex for the ~mployec~ ~nd vlsltorc. lie ~tLltCd that It would be an advant.1~o to p~opla and would tilkc up dpproximðtely SO ~quare feet. Fl!1cal OCfit:or Cl1el! Rtated that it Is Ido undc!C::;tandlng that ~~.~~~brn~ to be ~n 3utomatfc teller ~lIchlne wIth .1cces~ to most banks in Collier County ,;ot up Creo ,\t ¡'"rnctt Dank. lie st<:tcd that thf:6e m.Jchln\.':.i ..re qUite ·~xµcnSlv.!. ,Hiding trio'll: hi::; rêco~l:nentliltlon Is to direct ..till! to confirm ',¡Ith L,Jrnett 1!<lnK In.)t t:hcy will Jo It fr<.:c before any orrJngcmcnt~ dre mll~è. Mr. lIolley st~ted lhclt. [¡ðrn"tt u.:Ink I:'; µl,)nnlng on Installlnq an automðtic teller machine and they also ~roposcd to have one at the Complex. ødaing that he has It In wrIting that there will be no coat to the County. fie stated that onll of the options In requooting prol,>Ollala .. i.i'd~ ¡;i.., CJIIIcrent InStltutlon5 wIll compf.'tCl tor en!: .'qMCI!. fiscal OfC1ccr <';Il~s :¡t~tl!d that tht! I:laln rC/lr:on Cor puttln'l It ðt the complex In tor ~ compCltitlvv Qdgc, Jddlng thnt tho other banks 1.1111 be aggrAvated by tho County doIng this. .1,....Co.llli.sloner Voss st'Hod that he would prcfer thJt tho County not. get involved in this situatIon. Commissioner Voss moved, socondecl by Commi.aioner Piator and carried 4/0, that the requo.t for an Automatic Bank Teller Machine at tb. Courthouoe Complex be denied. ðOO~ 080 mr 259 paqe ;:2 . ------- - --. -- ---_.~ -- ---- ---.- - - _. --- - ---- - --------- 10,,<, ~_.,?','J'~-_.......> .~'- . , ,--- a-~.~~~!,:'1;~"~" , ,.~,~'......... ,~....~ ,"'.... .~.., "._"-% .,. -"" -, -, '~"''''''''~-''''.'"'''''''.'-~''-~'-'''''''' .. .- ~ ".. "':-> ,... .,......;.,.,..^...."~,~.. ==~--------------------------------------- aOOK 080 PA~~ 260 It.. . 20 BID .70l FOR PUBLIC WORRS DUMP TRUC~ - AWARDED TO TAMIAMI FORD IN TilE AMOUNT OF Sl6,822 AFTER TRADE-IN Pebruary 14, 1984 Legal notice having been published in the NapleG Daily News on November 25, 1983, an evidencod by Affidavit of Publication filod with the Clerk, bids were received for Bid '701 (or a Dump Truck until 2130 !.M., December l4, 19B3. .. ~.,.._-........... ..-...-........."....... Commissioner Kruse moved, seconded by Commissioner Voss and carried 4/0, that Bid 1701 for a Public Works 1984 Ford F700 dump truck b. awarded to Ta~iami Ford, Naples, in the amount of $16,022 after trade-in, being the most compotitive bid and in tho best interest of the County, and that the Chairman be authorized to sign and the Clerk to attest the resulting ðgroement. IUm 121 BID '707 FOR PUBLIC WORKS TRACTOR/MOWER - AWARDED TO COASTLAND EQUIP- MENT CO. IN THE AMOUNT OF ~22,950 Legal notice hltvinq been published in tile N,1pleG Daily News on Janu.HY .:, 198~, as evidenced by ^,!ldDvit of Publication filed with the Clerk, bids were received for BId ~70i for D Public Works Tractor/I",ower until 2:30 p.n., January 113, l\ (J1,. Com.issionor Voss .oved, seconded by Commlsslõñér~pl.tor~~d .~- 11 carried 4/0, that Bid '707 for a Public Works Tractor Case '1490 and Mower Motrim 24-4F8 bo awarded to Coast land Eq\lipment Company, Ft. Myers, Florida, in tho amount of $22,950, being the low bid and in the best interests of the County and that the Chairman be Authorized to siqn and tho Clerk to attost the resulting agreement. Item 122 BID 1700 FOR PUBLIC WORKS HEAVY EQUIPMENT - AWARDED TO VARIOUS VENDORS Log l notice havIng been µubllGhcd in the:' Naples Daily News on November 22, 19(J3, as evidenced hy Affidavit of Þublicðtlon filed with Pago ~ 3 --------------- -- ---- - -------------,--- 1'"'Të'" ., ..::.:.....:... '.I r-"'1 "----J ,...--:'~ "'--- Li' ., i r;;;;.;;::1 ~ L."-::¡ .----------------------------------------- fobruary 1(, 19C~ tho Clerk, bids wuro received ror Public ~orks ho~vy oquipment until 2:)0 P.M., ~Cumber 1'1, IYOJ. Commissioner Voss moved, seconded by Commissioner Krus. and carriQ~ 4/0, that Bid '700 for ono hydraulic excavating unit b. Dwarded to H. F. Mason Company, Pt. Hyers, Plorida, in the amount of $97,8~2: that ono ~-wheel drive loador/backhoe be aworded to Kelly Tractor, Ft. Myors, Florida, in the amount of $27,535: that one Batwing mower anù two ßushog mowers bo awarded to Creel Ford Tractor, Ft. 11yers, Florid,), in tho total amount of $l4,332.60, being competitivo bids and in the boat interest of the County, and that tho Chairman be authorized to ..:j ra ..,.... ""''''~-._...._.. ...... 4" sign and the Clork to attest the resulting agreement. HOlD '23 RESOLUTION 84-28 AUTHORIZING 9UUMI5SION OF ^ GRANT APPLICATION UNDER THE JUVENILE JUSTICE AND DELINQUENCY PREVENTION ACT - ADOPTED Pub 1 1 c S !) r v 1 c C 5 ¡'c) m 1 n i 10 t r <¡ tor , 0 r ton :; t.~ t~, c.J t fI i"J t t Ii 110 'J r (~ n t application l~ (or ~p~roxlmdtely ~SO,UCO ~nd woulj bu uued primarIly in Immokaleo for ~ Ltg Urotner!Ulg ~16t~r proyrrlm rind for iI Con9~qUQnCos of Crime Progrðm. CommisBioner Pistor moved, seconded by Commissioner Voss and çarr!od 4/0, that Rosolution 84-28 authorizing submission of ð 'Jrant application under tho Juvenile Justico dnd Delinquency Prevention Act be adopted. ~..- '.' aOD~ 080 w,~ 261 1'119 e 24 ----- -- --------------- - ------- ---- ....,...... ,....~"-.;..~. c. ~:.... .... . '~ r 1J ~·,~.t~':J;.>~ ,.,:.;.....~,.~~:.'~.... < . "..,~'-.""';....'-.,...,"'",..._"'_-...._---,~,.."...-..~"'.~~~..- ~~~~~"tT~~~ U l~w,..... Þ:"";_~1--ß " _ "",~~ >" .,~ !J"~ . . ....,.... ------------------------------------------- .oo~ 080 "A~.~ 264 Ite. 124 TEMPORARY RlCiIlT-OP'-Wl\Y EASEMENT TO LEE COUNTY ELECTRIC CO-OPERATIVE, INC. FOR ELtCTRICl\L SERVICE l\T ~AXAMBAS BOAT RAMP - APPROVED February 1', 19U4 Commissioner Piator moved, seconded by Commissioner Kruso and carried 4/0, that the temporary riqht-of-way easement to Lee County Electric Co-Operative, Inc. for eloctrlcal aorvico at Caxambas Boat R~p b. approved. _..~...........,........ .......,-".. -~................. See Pap,e 3/..3 Itam 125 RESOLUTION AUTIIORIZING CHAIRKAN TO EXECUTE AGREEMENT BETWEEN COLLIER COUNTY AND TOPPINO CO., INC. - CONTINUED FOR ONE WEEK UtilitieG Þ~nð~er bcrzon stated that nft is requesting thal thIs item be continued Lor one week until additional informdtion is pbt~lncd from the engineers In th<l fi<lltl .:'IE' to th" IIctu£:1 condilion of th" new construction thðl Is µart o[ th15 aqreement. Commissionor Kruse moved, seconded by Commissioner Voss and carried 4/0, that the reøolution authorizin9 the chairman to execute tho ðqroement between Collier County and Toppino Co., Inc. bo continued for one week. Item 126 POLICY RE DRAnING OF DOCUMENTS ORDINANCES BY THE COUNTY..ATTOfU tL.TQ. .,. J JIll' I REMAIN THE SAME ,...... County Attorn~) &aundcrs Staled that thic iG a discu~sLon o[ the policy conc~rning whcther he is to drll!t approprl~te documents, contracts, etc. Hu stðtcd thðt tnib 1t~m ~~n put on th~ agunda by COmmiS¡;10ner jJollJn':. o1C1uin'J tn..~ hI: doc~ nOl "'now 1£ th¡, BCC ....ould like to tll"'t: Dct10n tÌil:, (¡ilt" or pOl\tponc tllc mu~ter. HI: staled thðl h~ reprcsenlL ~h0 ~ollro ot Coun~y (omml~fiionÐr¡; line! wIll follow any policy that toe bet advisos him to follow, IIddin~ tn~l hu i5 not IIWllrc of any wrItten policy In f:xlctcncr thlll mnndllten th~t he only prepare Clocumcnts lit' T<.'l UCtltt)lI tJ¡' thr: m,'jorllY votl: 01 ttP.' I:CC. lie' stlltc.>~ thl-t at! II mðttcr o~ ¡Iollcy In h.:¡s IlliSisted thl: Vð[ lour. dCpllrtftlents IInð each PlIgft 2~ -- -- - ---- -- -- -- - -- - - -- ---- ---------- r. -, c--l ,...-.--, -.. L"··· .'." _...,..__.._"...~,.,-,- ~-'~""'-''''-''' "~""'-"'''-'~-''''~ ~------ . ~ í~"1'I>" -J :---¡ .w~ Februa ry 1 t" l\:1!4 ------------------------------------------ ',! lndivicJu/ll Commissioner In the prp.par,:tion ot: rlocumont.3. ¡Ia stated thl1t he! doos not hilvc .JOY hos1t.:ation ot follo'Nlne¡ nlt.t}c·. :.::11 icy. Commissioner Voss litðt.ed that thl::; is un~lOrk'1blp., i cdlnq t.h.:1t 1:: brings everyt.hing to the "CC t.~icu ~no the (Icct time It romu~ to tho BCC, It is ....it.hout ,my ;'no\lleagc Qt tho ::;itu,]tion. ifo ::;t.:ted LI1"t it should be left thu IIIIY It Ir;. Commissloner Voss moved, seconded by Commissioner Kruse And carried 4/0, that the policy re draftinq of contracts, resolutions and ordinances by the office! of tho County Attorney shall remain the same. Ite. '27 ~ESOU1TIO" tJ'4-29·...UTRORrzINC TIlE EXECUTION OF A ['E^SE AGREEMENT BETWEEN COLLIER COUNTY AND THE DEPT. OF NATURAL HESOURCES, FOR THREE SECTIONS OF AN AREA KNOWN AS TilE fAKAIIATCHEE :.ìTR^ND County "ttorn'~y ~,'\Jn( ~r:; .Jt:ncd lh'lt t.h 1:; I onse hi\~ boen ror,1 ftncl wi th a turmin.JL1on provi:.ion ....nlch ¡;rovid~·s l/¡oIt the County c.Jn termInate the lUlIsu with or ·..ltl1out ;';.lU:$w...t .1ny llõ.1" wlth.J <:crt.Hn purlod of timt:, ù( ,Jin,¡ tnilt the;: Dt!pt. ;)[ ~...Jturùl Ji<l50Ur(;I!S (ound thllt provIsion to be obJ. ctionablø 118 thf!Y .)re qolnq t.o r:1l1nll'1e thill /Hr./! Jlnd m o1i n t.:l in i tIn l t::; n ,1 t U r ð 1 ;.¡ t i. t t! ., n (J ¡ n v IJ 5 t .1 c" r ti1Ì n <1m 0 u n t 0 f r.10 n l' Y ..¡nc1 did not '''o1nt. tho C<>unty to be able: to t.e;:rr.llnate the iO/lse withIn d vwry uo?rt perIod of tlm~. 110 ztðteJ th.1t the lUd!ie that h.'1I been prl.!::¡entel1 to tho> !:Ice ¡¡II::¡ been ruorlltt.crl '....Ith th.1t in r:'¡nrj. de :;t.:ltCt1 that the other f~ðturc of tne lea::¡e mðke::; it ~lf}Jlr th~t In the event that the Cnunty 15 o1ble to ::¡eðrch for ~nd exploit the oil reserves th~t -- .re 'on the propftrty, thoy mil y do so. Commissioner Pistor .ovod, aoconded by Commis.loner Voss and carried 4/0, thAt Resolution 84-29 ðuthori1ing the execution of a lease agreement botveon Collier County and the Dept. of Natural Re.ourco. for tbree sections of an ðrea known II. the F.1kahatchee Stran~ be adopted. eOOK 080 m~ 265 P.1go 26 ---~----_..._...._- - -- ------------ -------.------------ -.... - 'T....-~· - -"---··.....--!l.~'::':..~~~}'iø..~rnM:.~..~ . ~"'"''''''''''''''''-''-----,,'''-,,"''''''''' ''''. I';'¡~ ~.,,; ,to ~,...II "'. .....¡, ···.·W· Cf~~'~- r..:'.:.~..'\",..""-=,,,~.~· -':!A'I~ '.I:?..~·,· ..~~),-<¡.... ,r" . -~:. '..:,.. .~...... ..".....,,~" ----------~------------------------------- a~u 080 mt 270 February 14, 1984 T.pe . 5 It.. '28 RESOLUTION 84-30 AUTHORIZING BEERY MANAGEMENT TO ISSUE ^ NOTICE or DEFAULT TO BARRY PARTRIDGE' SONS, INC. - ADOPTED. BID PACK '6 FOR BORAN, CRAIG, , SCHRECK TO EXTEND THE SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION DATE TO 4/l6/84 AND THE FINAL COMPLETION DATE TO 5/9/84 - APPROVED. PINAL COMPLETION DATE EXTENDED TO 4/9/84 POR TilE THREE CONTRACTORS ON BUILDING P - APPROVED County Attorney 511unders stated that on f'ebruary 3"l98.41~he had..4I_,._ t. .............,.... meeting with the principles of Heery Progrllm Manllgemcnt regarding some of the problemn occur1ng with "arry C. Partridge on ~ul1ding "J" project. He 3tated tn.H It I~ hili bulle( that thl¡; particular compllny i. pr1m.Hlly responsible for dclity:;¡ In COr:1I,l!eting that project. lie noted that he hll ¡ prep/Hed II re:;¡o lut10n that c¡ Ivea Ilee ry progr 11m Management duthorlzat10n, ðS agent Lor Collier County, to Is~uc n Notice of Delault lO II.'Hry C. I'Qrtridge in his sole discretion If it is nocessary to protect the Inlercst 01 Coll1ar County. Public Safety MJminlSlr"tor lJorrlll sl/ltec that the Bee has been Informcd in the pð:;'. tnilt the' !i(CUrlty contractor on uulldln~ "J" ha/J been behind schadulu. HI' st,Heù that the ð'Jrcemcnt with Partridge Indicated that lh¡,y could vi:;lt th" v':Hiou~ p1.~nt!., adalng tho:' last _ek representatives of tleery M/lnlll}<!mcnl lõ\cldl: ¡) Lew fiurprlse visits to ...............,... ···_····.......···_~.....r. determine the stat~ of rnðterlhl~ ~& to wnere it WðS In production, schodullng and shipping for the project. hI: nOled tnat th~ rd~son for the resolution 1:.; to furtt'~'r ,;,dv1,¡e II;¡rry C. P;¡rtridg(J, Jr. .. ::'onlO, Inc., 'hat the County h.1S scrlou!; concernl; tI,.lt till' contro'tctor::¡ on thl ; j 0 l> h II V l' r e eel v C (1 " d ú 1 t ion" 1 co ¡¡ L :.¡ /I r. ,j r e & u I tel t I e 5 e ( c t " i 1 r. 01 n 0 that the contrllctors 1ntenc to pursue this ~ntter and [11e claIms a9ainst then,. lit.- ¡¡tlltlW tn,1:' I (· Is ,d:;o gOln" tu /)3.. to m.I~.p. rcv :l1on!õ to other contrllcts, in pdrt1cular the primr contractorR ~ssociQten with buildlngr. ~r· onG ~J", Krll!t C:onntructlon ðn( Horan, Cr,11<¡, ¡. ~cllrec". Mr. Daryl 8al1eð o( Hecry I'ro')ral:1 ~1,)nllqÐmcnt statcd th,a he Page 7i --- -- ---- - --- -- - --- --- ---_. ---------- r:--1 -.. c.::.J ,....-.."" ~, -. ·L r;¡;;;¡ ~ .-4 - -- -------- ----- ------.-- - --- - - -- - - -- - -- --- rofbrlJùry l'Î, J'Jö4 visited thc Southern Stcel Pl^nt In ~lIn ^nlonio, Texos, who ~re mðnufQcturin~ thu bar srill uW1ng ~OO[~, the b.1r ~rlll sliding danra, ùnd cert~in tool resistant steel PQntrations (or wðll~ ßnd roof o po: n 1 n'J s. lie !it.3tC( that '¡'1ny feco vioi led the :';upi<rior f'l re I'rooL Uoor Company In ~cr~nton, Pð. ~no the Folger Adðms plant whIch suppli!1$ the locldn' mcchanl:¡m dnc ccrt.:.Jn "",~urity ¡.Jr:;....,:,rlJ. l!'j note~J t:Hlt. ot:t of all three plont3, moteri~l:¡ oJre clthar In the [~W (orm 5choculad tor jJ[oouction, In pruduction, or µ.Htl,)lly L';¡Drl~.;¡t,,(" '.I.Jltln,! :;h1pmQnt. ìte ¡¡tOted tlldt 0111 materl<11s will be C"bric.Jte:J ,¡nCl Zhlµpc'j by later March, "ddiny that based on wtwt Is Known, :Ic I" conf rj'!nt thùt these 1 .... ~ -.... .... ,.,. .. .. people will ue dUJc to nl1'I1ntaln thp.~c 'h?liv'!ry :;ctlodul"5. ¡¡e ~tiltCO ,bat lilt.' SUb!iL"ntl.1J ,:onlplctlon ,¡,;¡t" ~or ~n" },-.tl L¡ "till ;,u1unt 7, 1'J!:!4. He Stdtcd ttl.:lt. h(! nUCU4 f ctl":¡l (Jr. tn-v iL4..:1í15 rcgùrding j~l¡)''':::; <:.Ju5cd by tne ';...curl ty controJctor ',,111<.::'1 ~I:.:¡ ¡r.¡P¡¡ctccJ the :;tructLJre ¡¡no :.;hall contr.Jctor, bordn, ''':r;llg ;, :'cnr"';><.. ~JL' ;;t...1tec.J ::1"t h~ iz 'H~klnq t.hat t.he lIollrd ch~n')c U'Hdr ..iuOstJntl,,¡ '':Or.1fJlctlon <:.Jtc (rom I'cbru",ry 1;, 1904, ~L) '''prll IG, 1()¡]~, ,Inn 1~,O\it: L;\ú L1rldl '.:omplcticn ' ilt!! to ;-1ay ~, l"Je 4. Comm nR on~r Voss moved, seconded by C~~m!aßiun.r Plator dnd carriod 4/0, that Resolution 84-30 authorizing Heery Managoment tho sole discretion ðnd right to issue a Notico of Default to Harry Partridge, Jr. , Sons, Inc., if nocossftry, be adopted. .................-. Mr. ßdiles st,Hed th,'t he alt!o needs nctlon on tht! completion dato of Building ·f·, lidding that none o( tile contrllctors hllve been granted an oxtenalon on t>uilcJlng "F" "neJ It In r,-commcntlcd that tt1" IICC qrtlnt tho three con:.r<1ctors wor1lfng on Loul1dln;¡ "r", In \.'xttln!l10n o( :.hclr final ~ompletion d,;¡ta to April 9, ¡~H~. Co..issioner Voss moved, .econded by Commissioner Pi_tor and carried 4/0, that the three contractors of Bulldln9 .,. be 91ven an aoo~ 080 me 271 Pliqa 28 ----------.--..---- - -- .._~._-_._-- ------------ ...,......:. ~ - "'r~f'~r - ~. *'~~.: ì:'" ,!"'~,'·~....~IJ1:"~.;..... -____,.....~., ,...'"'_....,..,.'..'~.._""-'.' "'".,....,",., '''''-'''''~''''','M''~''''''"",,,.,,___,,_,,, -----,..~_.,-,-."- '''''J¡:~(~:' ":. ._ ;.. II.. ~ ...~. ......:'!~~.ift.. ....f¥i~.. .,~ -"'11 ....,. ---------------------------------------- 1m 080w,t272 February l4, 198~ extension to April 9, 1984, for the finAl completion date. Co.-issioner Voss ~oved, seconded by Commissioner Pistor and carried ~/O, that Bid Pack '6 for the structure and shell for BorAn, Crai9 , Schreck on the jail be oxtended to April 16, 1984, for the substantial co~pletion dAte and that the final completion date be extended to Kay 9, 1984. ., .... "......-...,¡- .....-.......~ . .. -- .. - ....... III . ......bw. ~ PatJ.. ~!! ---- -- - -- ----- --- -- -- - --~- ---- ---- --- - ----- c::::J CJ ,......,--.--- , . .., - -'--_.......,"'.'>_...._...,..,,,..~'""'"..,.,...._«..........'.-._.'" "...~-,-._.~-- ''''-''-''''"'''''-''''''''''''_1V1~ r;¡."iI ~ IØit .. ----- -------------- --- - ---- ------- ----. ~'~tJLJrUl1ry 11" l;:'G~ I tit. 129 ROUTINE BI~~S - APPROVED FOR PAYMENT Pursuant to ~esolution H1-l50 the following ch~cks wcrc issued t.hrough Fr1d1!Y, Fcbruðry 10, 1~JI;4, in ¡:;ilymE/nt of routln,) bll1:¡: CIlt:CY. DE:JCi1IPTION ::IIEC¡'; ;W:>. ;,MOUNT V"ndor lCG24G-l!1G481, 1,:8~,Gr,1..JG uCC P.l yro 11 ïI,Jn-745ï'J ~2(i,lJl.j2 It.. . 30 BUDGET AMENDMENTS 84-248/250: 64-253: AND 84-256/260 - ADOPTED. FISChL PO~ICY TO BE BROUGHT BACK AT ^ LhTER DhTE ..C?..~i.!!.1..o~e c....Kr:.us. lIoved. seconded by COIII.18a1onlt r Pi ator ðnd cðrried 4/0, that Dudgot Amendments 84-248/250: 84-253: and 84-256/260 b. adopted. Flsc.::l1 OffIcer Gll.:!s :It.1t,,d th:H hit t.Jlkcd wi th thp. Clojrk ot CourtG dnd thu ~hurl(f'~ Chiuf Deputy roq~rdlng ù flGCÐI policy ~elnq ,ldopted by t.h., "o"r,j, "od1ng UI",t In or,I'.'[ f.or It to b,~ ..::ffl!ctivo it nw~ds the concurrence between tne UCC dno tho Conutltutlondl Officers. lie I:Itl!t~d tho1t he would like to !luggest that ,) IJCC member work with the Constltutlonill ~fficcr~ to recommend d flsc.11 ~ollcy to the ðCC that :";~··'::-ï~~~ ~..;.11 :~Ivl~ \..v ~JI Lilt.: u~(,;ot:'\1ng OUOCJct worKshop ;;csslon:1. Chnlrml!n l1rown 5tl!ted that !Jot felt it would uc to tho ¿ /lvant.1gc ot. the UCC to w"lt until there I:¡ oJ Lull bO.Hd to dilicu5u thi5 matter t:horGllghly, ........',... ...-...... ,...- .- .. - .... aoo~ 080 r!',r 275 rðq" ) 0 .,--..------- - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - --- -- - - - -.... - - - - -- --....- --- ,,. "-H'--......\... . '....... -"-rJAI1f..!dI&__~"'" r.ftl( I~'r_~~..~~ ~~J~~I.",;",,~,,':::" ·:6:~~:..~,'(;l·~" --""'~'_'_'""'h_"'''to··,.."".·,_,__.y '''''__,·_.1111 J~': .---- .....",'~<. J - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -.- ..- - - -- - - .- - - -- -- -... -- - - -- febru~ry l~, l~SC Ito. '31 UTILITY DEPARTMENT DIRECTED TO EXPEDITE CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY FOR THE THREE MODELS AT FOXFIRE Mr. i'oJyne Wolf.1rth, DivIsion vI co PrclJlcj.:!nt of U. éí. flomes, :,¡tated tll:.lt 11C 1:ä rtJ4uosting lh¡,t :.tIC ,'O.1ra ,¡Ivo f1nJI ";CccpC,1nct.: nL the '''dter .1nd :äewer lInes at foxflrtJ, Unit One. ~:c :Hated th::lt t,E' followed .111 the} proct:( ul'C~1 l!I,1t tllo UtILIty Ccp,1rtr-,e:nt rcqulro~, ,,,Jdil1'l ':hilt "t thIs time, thcro ha~ Dcen ~ddilion~l Intormðtlon roqulreJ that W~:ä not known of In tllu ¡Jo1St. flu ::.tlltuCJ that they h.w'! chrce modellJ r;ct up ,)nd It In InconvtJnicnt to Lnow tho modele ~nd conduct bUGiness in ~nothur oftlce in Napll1s, adding th.1t he would like to be able to nave the _ 4 -.....--..............-- UtilIty uc¡.;.:¡rtr.'ltJnt '~IV': ttw:n d (;anr,cctJon "0 that they could rC'ccI'Je ,] C...rtlflccltu of Cccup...ncy (or th<,':,¡e unit::.. hû at.Jtc(j th,n n" wIll bll -.,}l.1U t.o d1:;cu~:: the othcr dct.111:; tL,1t t:H:' Ctill:.¡' Ciup-Jrt~c.,t ~· ð::: LJrouc¡nt up. CommlGstoner Voss moved, seconded by CommIssioner Kruse and carried 4/0, that the Utl11ty Department bo directed to expodite a Certl!icate of Occupancy Cor the three models lit Fo:.ftra, Unit One. HeIR '32 FEASIBILITY STUDY R£ ACOUTRTN~ T"~ ~n~n~N ~~T! ~OLF ~OUR5~ - ~rrRaV~C (:ommlssloncr VOllfi reud hl!i ,~"mo dùtC(l r'.!bru.)ry 1, lor), , tor :::11' boncílt of tho public, rC'Jl1ral"r¡ .Iclj·..I1r1r,'i tl:11 Colden G'lte GlIIC Cour::.!!. 110 notad that a revcnuo bond W'Ould be speclCic/llly on that golf COUfSI! so that It would not bl.! o1ny drain on the County'!! Cinilncea dnd tho ..--.-;.......-.....-.... ... owners ot t.ho gol! course have Indicated thp.ir willingness to sell. It. stated that hit hu5 had I"any colIs from peo Jle thllt enjoy 'Jolt, but It Is too Itxp"n:i1VE' In this .:Ireð, .1c1dlnq that It Is .1 ...'Orth...,hl1c thing for the County una could ~Q h~ndl~d by .:I ruv~nu» bond bilsls Clnancod strictly by chu Incomo from the golt course. CommløBlonvr Kruse questIoned lf a revenue bond could be issued aoOf; 080 W.( 283 paqo Jl --------------------------------- -- ~... r~·~··~'~Î.;l~--T rn 1I~-~,~¡ "':"~~.,~.,...~~~~)1fk¡~~,.,~..,~ ..,"'<'""""'~..._,--,,--,_.,.._-,-_.,.""'------~...._-'---_.. --- . ."-J....,:4"MfI·...~"f.I '"' 1I1f.--',..... .:.~ ... ¡",_,;. ' f .... (', ~ " ..... '.. , 1 . , '.. f...'. " _...T/tIIitÞ ---- ------- ----- 080 mt284 februory ll¡, 198( , for. 9Qlf courae operation that i. not backed by anythIng other than it. aource of income, to which riscal Officer Giles stated ·Yc~·, if ',> ""f,e bond holders will accept that. CommIssioner Vose st~ted thnt p~oplc fecI th&t the bonos ar~ soleablo without backing from the County and that is something that will be found out, lie stotqd that all this will be determined in the . .".. .__._...., ....." . . .........~ 'f". .1. at udy. Mr. G~or9Q K~llcr, President of the Collier County Civic rederotion. stotf=d tnat hc tlllked wIth three different golf courses nnd the prices range [tom ~~ to ClU for the gaIt couree ~nd ~bout SID for a c::rt. :~. ¡,tåt~u ~i'ðL i..il.:te Øl~ t.w~nt.y tjulr COUrS.,5 in l.ollicr L:ounty and none of them dr" ever completely occupleo. He stated thnt when the golf course Is tnken over, tnc ad vðloreM tðx wIll be lODt, addlns th~t ell\ployecs will la.Jve to be hired IInd they will be County employees And subject to p~nGlon wnlcr! mOlln~ tnllt tne whole operaLion wIll be very costly. He stilt I'd ttl.:.t tldL Dtlould be dlscuDIH'(J more th,1n onc(:, ~eforc any advisors arc hired, AddIng tnllt the people ~hould be asked 1( they want this. He St~ted th~t the feder.Jtlon lL not In favor of lncrclIGlng the Pllrk.s I.Jcpo1r tmunt.. ",.,Ii"p. . 6 ........' '........ r~I1IrW'" Y Mr. E:dward Klint stlJted tr1.'lt re<)Drdin':l tilt tJondinlJ ventur<." they can bü bllcke( on t1 revenlll' bM:.ls tram thc' incom., o( the golf course, adding that It I~ posDlble th/lt. this ty¡><.' of Vl'ntur<' could be dOl1e along the Slim!' lineD "'!:o ú 4U,)!:oI-¡;Orpor.1tlon. tl" notl'd that. II number 01 Florida communitieb Dr" 10okln~ IntD this mDttcr ~nd it could be vllry viable for Collier County. Mr. Pet~ Gulseppe, 12( Pebble bench Blv~., stat~d tMðt hI! is very much in favor of of the proposal. He ~'Qte~ that th¡o County shoulJ start off with one golf cours. Dnd In th. fuLurr purchllse morr o! them. PIHJI.: 3: - - - --- - - .- -- - ....- --.. -- .-- --- - ..- .- - - - - .-- -' _.- - --- - - - - -- - - - - - - -.... - - -- ,.--..---...., l-:.J r- 1 --... .,..--..-, ~ ,..~..,''''''~.~._-'''-,....-~ UJ ..,~ ;!~ . ;... I!U ~, IJ ". r......;¡ I..--J ---.,¡ - ---.----- _______.___~_ _w ------~----_._---- - ._- ----- Fp.uru.Jry 1.;, 1?ú4 tit! :Jtllted that the J:\CC Is taklnC) 11 uteµ In the right dlr'lctlon. Comml!isloncr Vo::;s zt.Jtca r:.:1,1t hu houlù ll,;c, ...Iton t,1e LOllrd':; p.Hmlsalon, t.o find the people thilt mlqtlt [Je con:&ult.1nt:J that ',¡ould 'In<Jertllkc to r.la"e ':.h·J stu,;y, ,t(,Jdlnq ':.h:Jt Ii '2 would r:crne LJck to th~ V:C with their (oallnga. It \.I.!II thQ 'Jen<.'r¡d con:JunHU:,; t/1,1t i'r. Vo:,;!) h, n<.ilc the "tJOVf>- r~fercnced :Jltuiltlon. Item .33 SLIDE PRESENTATION BY MR. DILL BURD, PRESIDENT OF I~NDIC^PPED IN ACTION RE ACCESSIBILITY FOR HANDICAPPED PEOPL£ IN PUBLIC d> ,}v........~uLO',.9a...lI.a slide presontat.lon on dccosslblllty for h.::JnrJlcllppOd I'"ople In pUbllo.:. 'i'~ $r,'t<:(J thiJt ':.herC' .1rt' .1 lot of ùrellS thùt lire exi!Jtlng thðt :Jnuul<J b!1 m~du ~ccr~R¡blc ~o h~n~lc.Jµ~~a ~doplc. He IndIcated that in ather ~nuntl"5 there ~rc cltlzen9 chqt ~re trained ¡nbfHJctor5 tll.:.t I::,;ue p.Jrking ticKI~t.: to r"'opl" tt1,1t il1,," ,1l1V :),1n: in :;.1ndlci1¡¡rca bP,)Ct:S. Ii... noted th:1t ~nc ~ j n(!a tor th :; via Iii t ion;:; ,..,nou1d :)~ Incru<!sAd. He, notl!O en.." h., wn,dd 11~'1' (0 ..,~ .101.. C.0 rnnr,~('r ~omobody ~hen these typo ot vlol~tlons occur, d~dinq tn~t he simply ~'''n~s to ',duc<Jte the pUbl ~. CI.~irr.1~n IJrrJwn Indlc.:lt<:á ~h(1l "crlnr¡ County ,'ðnilc¡or '/Ir~.:. ¡¡houl,! he contllctor ~nd th<Jt thO} .:onlnt Clrcctor. Lv" (..lyna. ,'s ,,,.~ll .Hi the ¡juildlng Director, .Idyne ::¡;.Jmenorn, could bit conto1cted. !to. '34 COUNTY MNAGER AHD FISCAL OFFICER DIRECTED TO LOOK INTO TilE MTTER R!GAROrNG THE MSTU'S AND REPORT BACK TO THE BCC Commlssionør Plator :Jt~ted thðt there ~re ~ertðln r~5trlctlon3 .Jbout chðrging ,'\::iTU's to IIn 1ncorpor~tatl ..Ire,), ,)ddlng UI.'t " $p.ttlcment Wùs m4do to the CIty of ~lIplc. on thH ~lluqcd double tùxat10n situation. he ~t( ted tr.at <Jt t~ðt tine MSTU'~ \.Iere Si<t up Dnd he would Ilk. to have thIs mðttcr checlled Into uefore, ,)r')/l5 ¡;t.;¡rt Incorporating. &OO~ 080 Pl',t 285 PðC)<I J 3 ------------------------------ .....P; - - 'If Rr.,,:~:,t'.....·,{~J1O¡t\,,·,,~~,~;, ~~('~ -.-,---- ------------------ ------------------ Ïaor. 080 'I.' 286 Febru~ry 14, 1984 He stated that this matter chould bc chocked before the 84-85 budget is done. Chairman Brown directed tho County Manager and the Fiscal Officer to look into tho concerns of Hr. Pistor. Itelll . 35 PROPERTY IN IMHOULEr; - FORTY ACRES AT SOUTIJ 9TH STREET AND TEN. ACRES.. ....... _ AT HAIN STREET TO BE APPRAISED Commissioner t:Hown stilted that he receIved a letter from Percy Montðgu~, Ill, th\.' owncr of the ðbove-rofQrQnc~d property indicating that hl' Is lOillin') to sell. fI<.' 5tiJtcc thi1l h(' would lH,l! thÜ: property t.o be apprð1::;cc:. :'11. Guorql! ¡;ell ~r. I'rc!.duent o[ ttll: C.olLier County Civic federatIon, stðteC1 t/llJt II" IOi.d1ZeS thiJt there ifi II problem with thr- School bOdrn ¡¡:¡ ÍiH a:: ttll' lJp¡.r...ls,d oL the llln<.l 1~ conCerned. Ii<, noted tn,1t the pr 1 c·, LI", "Ç:IOO 1 UOil r" 1:; lI:¡k lnr) i~ too 11Igl., .HJd Ing th3L Ill' wi 1.., thIOIl'J/. tn,· "':, elatlon, D(Jvl~·_' tht: ~;cnool ~oðrd tn..t th; pric" i:.: CXC;"'::;~IV". Ii, :>t...tc.:J Llldt tnl' I,Jnc; thJt c.Or:1/Tli!i510ner brown I::> referrIng :'0 ::;noul:: not bc' con'~¡(]cr£.d nt thIs time. Cn,~¡rr.I"n t'10,"" :;tiJt..... that tt1i~. i"n'; 1:> oflc!l~u Lor ~J,~(¡O an .cre, .ddln<) that tht!; property woulð hI! v~ry ðcsirtlbJé rô¡.-nìc'" popuL1tlon o( Lmrnok.'l.Ico: tHì(; consl( er,,~lon shou]d b.., (Jivun to tnct1',. ComaisGioner Orown moved, seconded by Commissioner Voss and carried 4/0, thQt the forty acros at South 9th Street ðnd the ten acros at ftðin Street in Immok~lec be ðppraised. ···The following item$ wero ðpproved ðnd/or ðdopted under tho Con..nt Agenda by motIon of Commissioner Plstor, seconded by Commls!1ioner Kruse ðnd cðrricd 4/0... Itelll . 36 RESOLUTION 84-31 AUTHORIZING CONTRACT OF NOVATION ACCEPTING RESPONSI- BILITY OF CITY OF NAPLES SECTION Q RENTAL ASSISTANCE PHOGRAM AND EFFECTIVELY TRANSFERRING PROCR^,,: TO TilE COUNTY bc·. l'illJe:; 31t./..-- __1 / t- Pðq ~ :\ f, -------..------..--... -_._-~---~ ..__..__.._......~.- --. _.__.._----~._---------_. ,Þ,' ~ .- ~ ~ --...I - -..---- _.- --- - - -- -.- _. ._--- ._..~. .- -,- - -- -- -- - .-- --. -...- - _. -... ...-.- -- - - -- Febru':HY 14, 1~84 Ita. 137 PET. TR-84-2C-C, JOHN TROMBlIRG, TEMPORARY RESIDENCE PERMIT FOR TRACT 117, UNIT lS, GOLDEN GATE ESTATES Item '30 PET. FP-84-lC, VICTORIA PARK WEST REQUESTING FINAL PLAT APPROVAL FOR PROPERTY WEST OF VICTORIA PARK SUBJECT TO STIPULATION 1. The final plat not be rocorded until the required improvoments have been constructod and accopted or until approved socurlty is rocoived. ItOIl .39 SOCIAL SERVICES CASES W-28 AND W-I0299 ~iIHi"'T"O--- ,.' ..,..-. FRANI': ROAD CONSTRUCTION PROJf:CT ACCEPTED AS COMPLETED BY fllCI!WAY PAVERS AND APPROVED BY THE TRANSPORTATION DEPARTMENT Hila! f 41 LIST OF APPROVED QUALIFIED APPRAISERS AND fIRMS FOR COLLIER COUNTY ASSICNMENTS UNTIL 3/1/85 ~~(! ¡'ùgu 317 ¡tea 142 BID 1711 FOR PURCHASE OF TWO TURF TRUCKSTERS FOR PARKS" REC. DEPT. _ AW.\RDED TO WESCO-ZAUN IN AMOUNT OF $3,395 EACH r -.....,,.1 -- ~-- ~::-:..:.== h....... _... ....... ...1.... ~.::-:ï ;:~t.,~~.,¡i-,i::ù All Ii,,· ;'~"'IJl~~ ü~íly I",ewe on January 10, 1984, ~s cvlù~nccd !~ ^ffld~v¡t 01 Publication riled wIth tho Clerk, bids "'OCII rec:e!v<:u for Bid /711 ~or two Turf Truckflters until 2:30 P.M., F~bruary 1, 1ge4. It.1I '43 ....._......·I...·"'~·..'.. ." "-..;¡.-o' BID 1712 FOR TRAFFIC SIGNAL LIGHT INSTALLATION AND REPAIR - AWARDED TO HID-CONTINENT ELECTRIC, INC. Leqdl notice havIng ~ecn µub1IDhud In th" Nnplos C.111y N~W5 on JanuAry 19, 19B4, ù& evidencod by Affidavit of Public.1tion filed wIth the ClOCk, bills ...vre receIved for trðtf1c .Jlqnal light In::Jtlllllltlon .,nd repair until 2130 P.M., February I, 1904. aOOK 080 w,~ 287 paq 0 J 5 -------- --.-- ,.~~-.. c, ~"'. .-I>II~~~~~ L t' "'..""'.__......._,,_._,...__."_.;><0,"'__,·' ~".,..-,"t¡.. ..~,~~~,~:'4\"" ,...,,> 7 ..........,-..-W ~~DIi_.~~~1'.C,....,.'*~:~ . ..-.. ---- ---- ~!.p~Q¡r~ 288 FebruDry ]4, 1964 CERTIFICATES OF CORRECTION TO THE TAX ROLL AS PRESENTED BY THE PROPERTY APRAISER'S OFFICE 1geJ TAX ROLL 253-2S8 l/2G - 30/94 TANGIBLE: PERSONAL PROPEHTY 1983-313, 1983-J1~-32C 1/2S - 2/1/04 It.. '45 EXTRA GAIN TIME FOR INMATE NOS. 32892 AND 43742 ...._...~............~ Itell '46 LAKE TRAFFORD MEMORIAL GARDENS CEMETERY DEED NO. 381 ,":j / ç - ... t.cc p,']tJ f Itell f4 7 MISCELLANEOUS CORRESPONDENCE - FILED AND/OR REPERRED ~'hcrl! Ll!irHj Ilu uuj"..:~ioll, the Chdir ù¡rt!c~cd lh"t lhe: Collowlng correspondcnc<: t>l' filC(J ,1nd/or rcfcrr,,(~ to thl' vI1r10us dppilrtmcnu~ lIS indicDtc<i: 1 . I.c t tel n,) ~ I' (! 1/2 ~', I ¡¡ t, , of Community ^tfdlrs, ora<.r to PIOClH'CJ .du, ^µ~1ic.1tlon. x~ ~r. L ror.1 J"ml'r-; I'. Mur lCYí requeGt1ng ftdd1tlanð pro c" G 5 I n q 0 [ Co 11 1 e r Vlrti.. Fìlcu. Dj·/. Dlr. Dcpt. informlltlon 1n County'~ ~71 CDOG ~. Letter d.'tc<..: l/;¿O/JI , tro:-¡, ~en,'tor L..:1wton Chiles trftnsmittlnq u lett.er òùt.c~ 1/1:>/U!, from C. J... K1ncðnnon,_lJ~put.)'~IHre¡;<""Q4A Bureau of Cen5u~, confirminq Collier County'5 receipt of MSA desIgnation. xc Mr. Vlrtd. r11cn. J . lX:q:.ò r t men t. à 1 1< e 1'0 r t.:; : H 1 t' ;.; . /.. !-lirK!> t. Kecrciltlor., NOVf!mb<.'r ;¡nd LJ(~ct:mbcr, 19éjJ i... Co1111:r County ~ useum, 1/31/8<: .~ . Memorclndu", U.1tC(: 1/~J/ß';, fro::. /'I.lri('.... hobln!:.on, LJurl:.:Iu CtI1'J(, L,q:~. o~ In!''ur/l I~' .In:; '¡'reiJuuret, tronsm1ttlnc¡ i. lll~t o t .. 11 :., ~ ,¡ ~ l an ç Lo C oJ J Po lit i c ¿. 1 b ub d I v I G ion ~ 0 t t tl C :3 t ð t\!O { Florid.. dupo::Htinlj "utili.: fUlJeJ!; ¡IJ florid':' banks IInd savings ðssocldt\on~, pursullnt to Chnptcr 2eu. f.S. F11ed. r ... Letter dat."" ]/2ú/(I·;, tror.\ C.::l1c::; II. CarrL:ro, k.nqinct:r, Uurt"'U ot Coast,ill lncllnecring Dnc! Hequlot.iol., DNA, rt: con~idcrntlon ot Q Coo~till Control Line Pormit. [or Eùward J. Kl'ln~. ¡'.L., on bchall o! Arnold \'. Ilnd Janel Aronoff, projl'ct l i l'~ I..... Cv-;":. xc. LJ(. b'JnedicL. ri1~c:. PII')l' 3ú - -- -----. .-. -_. ---. -- --- -. ... ..- -- --.. .._.-. _.. ---. --.- -.- --- .. - --. - - - - - - ---...--.-- - --- --...... ___...J ~ , Y~"~\""'-, L ~..~----- ~ ~1 í.-.....1 , ;i' - --- - -~ --' -- - - --- -- --- ----þ-~- -- -----_._~--- ~ F~bru~ry 1~, 1904 ~. Pollowlnq lettors In opposition to the Grcenwðy ~oDd Pðvinq As!:>c!3:3ment. xc ~lr. Virt.:! ..no ~Ir. IJ¡Ht:nün. fi1ud. 1. ¡;. 1'. Fritchey, d,ned 1/27/3~ 2. Carl Fritchey, 1/20/84 3. James Frltchey, 1/27/001 1,. Steve Senfuld, 1/2/1).1 ~. 'fl!d :"/trdun, 1/23/001 .J. Frnnk ~cott, 1/2ú/04 7. 111 nu te :II Filed. 1. 2/2/Co1 /"Jt!nd.1 and Inlnulu5 fue C!,PC <H1tJ CCPA, 1/19/84 2. Parka dnd Hucreûtion ^dvinory Hoard 2/3/04 ^9pnda, 1/20/1: 01 minl1tct'l 3. Contrnclar'~ Licencing Doaed, t/13/~4 Ð. PSC: JrcJ.!r t40. 12919, rt't.1tlon ot fPc.L (or 1n IncrQDse In It:; ratc:> and charqes, Order ~u5pcndlng ~ntes and l.)eny1n1 ITtorlm Rnte Hel1cf. .. ·"...··"·Order No. 12933, Petition of P'Pr.L for i'n Increll!le In Lt:> rDt~E ûno chaequs, Ordor Authoelzln9 Intervention. uroor ~o. l2926 ec nnme. Fl1~d. <). r.'npy of FInr1rlO'I P..-t1rf'mpnt :~y~~tll'''' hul,,'r.;, ' "\1f'Mh':"r~ 1983. .11ud. 10. Lotter clatl!d 1/27/¿¡4, (ron, I,ttorncy lilchdru r. Cervr)ll1 :>tùtlng l:l.Jt he I:; ró'!prcscnting ,J.Jml~s I'. .ioethcn who \.IIH¡ injured 10/24/<1<:, on r.tH: :,c.Jqùtc I\d !.iUUd 1 I ¡'!r)lè. xc ,"'r. 3ùundur:¡. fll~d. 11. Luttur catee 1/2~/04, from htoro ~Ioon, I'roject ~;nginct!r, DOT, ce ~h~nges bclnq made in diceCt10nùl ~Igns on ~t~t~ Job No. 03175-1409. xc Nr. Virt.:! l.no Mr. ; ,1rt:ndn. fIled. aoo< 080 rA',~ 289 pðqe J 7 --.....--- -- "¡IooIIr.'" ,,", " I -_·__!r~~·~~"'.J1f1JT1I:i'~,~'" ,.. ;',;,\ L"· "'·'.ï·¡i""" . ..'~. ,."._...,..""~""...",,,~..,,,.,,,,,"'""'."''''.'''''~''''''---...-................,¡;,--.....,."".."'.-.,--'"' ~ ..,,--_.....-_._--"'.."""'~.,..,.".." '~¡.11":." . .1'......,.1"1-. .-r,·:,.r ·<'i~~f.;.. ......... .;;¿~..,,, .......,..'..,. ..... ".' 080 rI'.,! 290 --------------------------- 12. febru/lry 14, 1984 Letter d~teé 1/25/84, from C. ~. Monts Dc OCII, Dlstrlct Engineer, DOT, re incre..ed funding for transportation improvemonta plus datA sheet for St.t~ Job No. 03010-3551. xC' Mr. Virt~ and Mr. Hart.rn/ln. Fl1cd. * .. .. Therc baing no further business for the good of. the County, the meeting waG adjourned by order or thl1 Chðlr - Time: 12:15 P.M. UOAnD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS/ BOARD Of ZONING APPEALS/EX.. ' .__..-.;.._ OrFICIO GOVERNING BOARD(S} OF SPECIAL DISTRICTG UNDER ITS COIJTI10L d~/7 /c? 6J~~~-~ D'IVILJ C. OHOWN, CH^IRMA'./ Tn~f: a\l minUtè'S 'y till' EKC on ~.2 P; /',???'" ð~ or 01~ corrcctc~ .. .. '.....~ .... "..... ~... " PlIgc 3C - -- - - ..- - -- - --. - ,~.- .-.. --- .,-.-.- .-.----------..-- --... .----...------------- ~.,'~ ~