BCC Minutes 03/13/1984 R . ----------------------------------------~~ MJlrch 13, 1984 080",~~4~yno explained thAt the IAFC hold their public hearing on 1/25/84, And t.hey Colt that douched residences should bo Allowd .. acco..ory u.e. in.tead of proviølonnl usos in C·S, IL And I districts, howover, Staff uxplainod thar. could-not bv considered, at that. time, becau.. that ",a. not how tho ordinl'lnce "'''s 1(1vurti¡;ltd. She IIl\iet tho'lt th. tAre forwardod th. petition for npprovIII, that thtl CAPe hold thdr public hearing on ~/24/U4 An~ forwarded t.he petition for IIpprovl'll. Al.o, Staff rocommenù8 approval. Co.al..loner Kruse .oved, .e~onded hy Commi..ioner Vo.. and carried unaniaously, that the public hearing bo clo..d. Coaaissioner ,i.tor .oved, .econded by Commis.ioner Kru.e .nd carried unaniaous1y, that the ordinance as numbered and entitled b.low be adopted and ent.rod into Ordinance Book No. 101 ORDINANCE 84-22 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE 02-2, THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING REGULATIONS rOR THE UNINCORPORATED AREA or COLLIER COUNTY BY AMENDING SECTION 8.40 INTEGRAL CARETAKER'S RESIDENCE IN COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL DISTRICTS BY PROVIDING STANDARDS FOR SUCH USt, AND BY PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. I u. 14 ORDINANC£ 84-23 RE PET. %0-84-3 RE AMENDMENT TO SEC. 8.31h REQUIRING REMOVAL or POLITICAL SIGNS PRIOR TO ELECTION DAY - ADOPTED Logal notlcu having boen published in tho NllploK Vllily News on Februllry 23, 19U~, DS evidenced by ^ffld~vlt of Publication filed with the Clerk, puhlic hlllr!ne) was opon.d to consider P"tltlon ZO-8<C-3 reque&tln9 bn Qm~ndm~nt t.o Ordinance 82-2, Suct.lon 8.3lh, political 81gn8 requiring th~ reMovDl of the signa prior to ~lection day. . Zonlnt, Virlrctor Layne I ltp1alned that. th. State Lllw now prohibit. nnyon. from c4mpalgnlnt, , dløt.rlbut.Jnt,¡ c~mp^i9n mat..rial or plllcing campoign material within 300 feet of ft pollin9 place on election day. Sho a.id t.he r.queated amenrlmont would brin9 Ordin.ncII 62-2 into compliance wJth tho Stllte Law. She aald that thn I^PC and the C^PC 'a941 3 ------------------------------ - Œ!2 - ." . . .. .. I . .: 0'..': . 11:: '. :.. ~ ¡'. . '.. .' '- 1>.. .¡JÞ" ~ _ .' ~ : ..". .. , . .. '. "<t·...,,..,.,,·,',"""'."'........._h·......"""'·',,,,,,^',,"'..· ..'''.''''4.....'''...,_'''_._"._........_..1-.._'''..-·. .""...,~.""+_." > ----- - ------ - ---- ------- -- -- --------------... 1t·:~f~8?:~~!~t PETITION 8.8""<, NtLLl.. ::::,1:: ::::.,.. .-2 T' :;...-I!!.~.~ C-4 FOR APPROXIKATCLY 9.64 ACRES LOCATED ON U.S. 41, EAST or THE RETRE~T - ADOPTED SUBJr.CT TO STIPULATIONS :4~ Lee¡al notico havl.ng been published I.n the NlIples 0111.1)' News on ,~,~¡, ~(';~.;'.. rebrunry 10, 1!304, as evidenced by Affidavit of PublicAtion fil.d wl.th ,.¡}~ ""\,~ tho Clork, public hOllrlnl] was opened t.o consider Petition R-83-'-7C, filed by William Vines r04uelt.1nq rozon1ng from A-2 to C-4 for property located on US-41, east. of t.he kotrellt I.n 6ectloD ~, Township 48 South, Range 25 tast.. Pl.nner Obor sol.d that tho object.lvo of t.hls petition is to build II commercial complex f~r of£iceo, rvtail shops nnd personn1 servicos establls~ent... Ðhe said that ßt4ff and oll count.y agoncl.es reviewed this pet1t10n IInd rucom~cnded approvII subject to tho stipullltions -a- through °i" Usted on thc Ex\.!c:ut1vt' l>ur,¡m,HY dlltl:d 3/2/04. She sllld thllt tho CAPC h.,ld their puLl1c heDrJnC) on 211(,/C4, and recommended forwDrdlnc¡ this petition to the Dee (or approvnl subject to the elimination of th" oecond untr/lnce dr ive if thllt Is IIpproved by the Florida DOT and th~ aforvmentioned Stnf( st1pulotionb. Responding to Commissioner Voss, Mr. ~11llam V1nes, representin9 t.he petit1oner, ~xplained that the entrDnce is the nuxt median cut. sout.h of the one utl1i1ea by th~ RctrODt.. ""r. CJcId-Mllgnus /'Iort.ensen, ChðirmDn oC the Üulldln'l Committeo for the Com~unity Congreglltional United Church of Christ, explaln.d hi. organlzllt.lon is in tho procwss ot buildJng a church immediately north of the propert.y undor dllcus01on. He IDld t.hat the church member. hllvo . spent tlllUl 4Ind monlty In order to redesign their siu to occomJ'odat.e the naturol habl.tllt. of a cyprosø hooù and ^ weed called St. John'A wart. Ho Itxprcsaed tho concern that. the dovelopurs or t.he propoled shoppin9 center, that iK to be built In on IreD that County Environmontalist. Benedict. hila ex~l lned is ^ aunsitivo area, ",1.11 observe tho lame poe¡ 0 '7 ---------------------------- -.. .. _"."...,,".'"~,,"",...(___"..,.,__..._,.,,~..,..,....~~..,n "...."'..,",."""'".._,_.".._,__..."..~"......__~'....''''"''''_''''~..___···,...·w_,··,æ>,',,··,·,···,···,,··,''''··_··,.,., '" ,. "'_.._."""',.'"'"""_"""'..,...._,"".",.,.",.~..'-,..,.,"., ""'''.".,., .",u"",·......,,,..,~·,,,'''"..-, <·,~_,-"."'''''"_''_'''''''M___'''__'''_.,~'''·'·''-''''''''''''''''''''.'''''''''''''·""''-._''''~M~_,,,,,,,,___,.____''-lh',"OUO_''',",''1_'__·'4''~'''''''_''·'''''''"'''"",,,,,,,,,..,.,,,,,..... ,...,...,..","""..~~.~,~""-.~"""...,,, "..,..' ,.""",,,,,,,,,, ~'-.="''''''._-.- "."."""...,..._,.,,,,,,,,.....,,"'_...,...,.,,,......_...,,.,,,."',..,"'".,,.,." "'·"".i'''''''~'''-'"__''''·'''''''''''U''~''''·'"''''''_'"_''" ,. .'''''J'"'~'''''~'¿''.'^"_' ,.....,.."""'.~.,..". ,;~, """~;"" "...' r;;:;:;J IiiiI r.¡;¡;¡J ----------------------------------- Morch l3, 1904 It.. 111 DISCUSSION RI PET. A-84-1, APPEAL or ADMINISTRATIVE DECISION PROHIBIT- ING SALE 01 PROPANB CAS EXCEPT AD AN ACCESSORY USE - DECISION POSTPONED UNTIL 3/20/84 Logdl notlco having boon filed with the H~plcs Ol'lily News on January 29, 1984, ~I uvldencod by Affidavit of P~bllcat.lon Cildd with tho Clork, public hearing was opencd to con31dor ¡'ntltlon ,\·114-1, ,'ppeAl of .\n admll1latratlvo Ih:cl.~on prohibiting thO 1111111 (')L propún., 9.1 excopt as nn dcccasory U~Q. County Attorney ~aunouru oxpldlncd that Attorn~y John ~m"rson, reprelontlnl) the potitiontlr, hll' "n out-or-town wltnllnn "nd that Mr. £mwrson would like to /lllIke his presentation this morning. lie UI uestod a one wvøk continullnce of thin pet.itlon, Collowlnry tho prdscntlltion, In order to r,¡1!~t with :'fr. t:rnt!rllon i!nrJ hili cli.!nt for further discussion, lidding that they ,",ould return ncxt wellk for /) ClnDl oed III on. Attorney ~crBon, rnprwnAnt.lnq Mr. JJmoa COddllrd, tlxpllllnec1 thnt t.hll& case WIIS prnclpltatcd by II letter (ror,¡ t.hl! Zonlnc¡ Dlructor ùlcectin9 Coduard's Cas Grills to COliS. :Jelling rnt~ll propano qa. for the reason t.hllt t.hu pftrmit W,'8 IlIsued for IIccClssory US" to =,ell with tho PUCChDSU of 'Jrllla ,\nd ot.her q.u ,'p)JlIdncell. HI' contondtlo that the lDngulIglI 18 v"ryue. 110 \ðld thDt Mr. Coddúrd .1ppll"c1 for ð po rml t to ~ruCt ,I storaq" tank on his propdrty, in co~pI1~ncu wlt.h :>tilto IInd Fedordl r.l)ulat Ions, to !Jtorv "nd dl:lpunM" tho LP gLla. 110' SII 1<1 thllt alacuøsions h~d boen held concerning re8trictiona on the a~la of ~^ .nd hu atllt"d that the Zon1n9 Diroct.or hilS a dIftdrent recollection than hi. client hola, ;.s to what thou. roatrictlona wro. lIa contended that no restrictions wero ml'lda .. part of tho permit, which ·w.,s an uncondition...l permit. 110 1I.11d, on the I)".ill of obtAining thAt ~rmlt, /I .1~nlflcðnt ilmount o( mon~y '"'.IS ftXp~ndft~ to ur"ct the atorllge tllnk and dlaponaln? Cacillt1us in accord~nc. with UtDtd 4n~ Foderlll laws on the subject. He r"ad from tho l~nln~ Director's lut.tor, which stlltod '* 080,.1.t505 PI'I,)e 13 .,Ù~~:(~ :. ~~~:~Ætr ~ ,- " ,~,,!\.. . ------ ----------------------------_._,-- . i'~\:~1 :.t,~:.. .,¡,;...._.,-"""''';-,',--,-'*''''',..''',.,,',-,-''_...."'''..'"..~~".~'"-.., -"...."'-_...-."~^".;...,,,.-.-.'" t.·_·__ __'""'''''""..,..",._''"..'''''''.'''"....,~.".,_.O<'''_,. ,..""'.,·.."".,,,,,,·,,"',"',....""'",,__,,·"""''''',,'''''"',#,,,·'''''''''''_''''_1 1___,____,··..~··,.._..,·.."'·_..__·,.,.''''''"'''' ..~,_,_",,,_,,,,,,",.,,,,,,,,,,,,..._,,,,_--,,,",,_.,;,",,,,,,",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,..",,,,;,,,,.~_,.;'~>'''''_''''''''''''' ""'~;"'O""",""""'___"_'""'__·__".""'''__'~·_''______¡,.-...._;.~,...~",.....- ,.","""-,.""""",..<"",,,,,, .~,.~,,,,,-,,,,,,,-------'''''''''''''''''''''',--"""-,._-_...""'......,"".......,'-_.._~'~."'-....._~_..""'...__..."..".._;.."'... ,·_'".."'·.,,_O<........."_..'·_I..~I''''_'''..M';....I..._,''...._,.,...''..IW..,1<4'....I'''"ot'_.......,~H"·'..~ .M'...'"........".,.,..,., "..'."..."''',..""''''''''''''''"."......~._",,...,..."..,,..,;,..,"''''_;~,.._...;'''''"'..,,¡_,;",~."_...."."_"_.,, 'W"'_" _._._...'."_....."'..",.,__"'..~..'''''..'''''~'.'...",";.,,_,..~_;_"''....,..,.,,,,,,"'__.'.'~'" ,.,,,",...~ '".._""""'...,""___'''_,__,¡_....____...._...'*'',~,,_....,._.._";,'''''..,_,._"..'"'.""'""~";.,"", c::;¡ fIIìii ¡¡¡¡¡ -----------------------------------------~ t~Mch 13, l~Ø-1 Coll1l1r County ðnd,purh.1pII, 4galnøt Hoory progrnm Manllqement ðnd thllt ho ðntlc:1pateø claims lJy :iubcontrdctors. Iht 81'1id that tho potential lltlq..tlon will ba cUr:lplolC, IIddlnq thllt ho dl:atrlbutou to tho HCC ., rosumo of a low Clrr:l, with whom ho io (nml11~r, nnd wh~ hðvn handled thin tYl'e of C:lSO, boCoro. 110 roqu,ult.ccl nuthodz.:Itlon fr~11I the acc to moot with rQpro8Qnt~tlvoB of that Clrm ~n 3/14/04, to dlacusø tho , poøslblllt.y of tho1r reprotstlntlng Coll1or County in thtl po\;l!nti..l litigation. He reported thAt ho hða rnquuDtod ~ Inttltr from the County'. l!oncJ Coun..,l to confirm that Justice C.nter Bond monay coin bit usud for pnyment of ðny IO~ðl cost 4snocl11tuu with 1ltlqotion. ^ tJllicusslon £ollowud durin'] which Chalrrnnn Arown :JU'l~lIøt.d thdt Mr. ~lIuntJerti r;ltlcu:u tho m.HtlH with othor lÙ<)ðl fir",s, ..H 10'011. lIolipondlnq t.o Commløalonor lIolloJnù, Mr. :>aundurll ""Id th/lt the bondinq company will have cartllln ob119.:ltlonl.l rngordln'; thu P.:'IrLrlugu firm. 110 .dlù he DntlclpatotD that any uICp~nseft that tho County Incurs will come out of Any ~oncy tho County owes Ullrry C. Pnrtrld911, Jr. rind 50n., Inc. Mr. fico Bl'lld' t.hat. flnory Proqr.1m MllntlgQmtlnt h.... tel<1phonnd Ilftd tele- qrdmmoo th<1 bond In.) company Indlccitino¡ th.1t th,01r contrólctor h". dat"clultecJ. II. uICpiðlncd t.11"t thu bondln'J compllnY'!I ot,lll .ulon 111 to be aura thdt. Coll1ur County doua not. 'Jut hurt "dolIDr-wlnoo linn th/lt they /lrlt c¡olnq t.o 9ullrdntve t.h.1t the: project 13 £iniSI1.,d. Mr. ;;IH.nd.HtI tJDid tho'Jt hi,. cone..rn Is t.n/lt tn.. bondinq cn/llpany lIIay be dt rl:lk lor II l/lrq.. sum ol monltY .Ind ho cJddl'd that his oxperience with bondln9 co~pcJnlo. Is ·thllt thuy will Dtt.mpt to Dinlmlzo that obl1'J^tlon .snd .1Vohl I t, if ¡>a..ible. U :J/lld Col1ior County will need IndopÐn~Ðnt rupre.ent~tlon in ordor to prot~ct It. Intor~"t complotely. Co..l..lon"r Vo.. .oyod, .econded by Commi.sionar Piator and carried unanløoualy, that tho BCC concur with tho action. taken by noery proqra. M~n.qcment of cancellinq tho contract with Harry Co 1001: 080 "'4 525 l'oS') It 21 --------------------------------------- -_...._.,,"',---'"--_._,..,..._.,.-""-,...,",'~.<.,'"""'"'~-,;,--,-- . .c__.."',.____.""""""',_""""".."""""""..".,_..".."...",,.,,.,"''" ~,.,.,......""._""",._"_.._..."_._~""_..,..,,,.,,,,,..., ,·.,.,,,...,,.,,.,,,.,"__,··,,.....,..·..,",·_~~'H....·,' Ii.·' 'e.... ."..........."."". ..."_.......,,,....~.,·."".M·..____,._...__·._·___.."'_..,_ ;¡;;:¡ c¡¡;:) ~ ----------------- ----------------------- ""D rch 1.Z, 1!J84 praporty Into tho EDst N~plus Cömmunity P~rk ~ito for community use, and thft ~chool UODrd ngreod. 3ho G¡¡id th~t It lø vøtl~etud that by using the Hchool Ha....rd proport.y and tlll~ ox1utinq !..dlltics Coll1or County will BDVft approximat.oly $125,000 In tho flrot construction phdBœ. ~hv anld, at this tlmo, t.ho School Board intvnûo on nxtondlnq the 10llBO porloLl of ::0 y<",r:¡, howevllr, If thoy .Hv not r:"I>o1blo of extond i n<J tho I caso d t thu nnd 0 f tho 20 -Y0l! r \,0 r 10<1, tho County wi II have tho option of rumovlnq comA of t.hu mðjoc imrrov~monts, lIuch ~. li<Jhting, for pl....coment In the main body of tho pDrk. Mrs. C..,rroll said Stll!! !olJls thJt tho W':Irùln<] in tho "qreoment does not constltuto nn unrensonablo commitment of fundß. Gho rOlld tho wording .,. followsl °It Is tho County'lI int"nt to Cln.ll1zl'! tha "bave Inprovemont by :.ieptumbCtr, l'jAS. 1h-' County 0111111 ondoavor tn complete construction of dll f.Jc1l1tl.UI JS IIOl)n ,18 pr.1ctlcIIIJlu, both pllttl(fs rucoqnl1ln<] tn....t thQ L~drd of County Commiusioners ~hnll doturmlne tho IIchedule af constructIon. If Count.y dO':1I not comnence conAtcuction by January, 1~B6 thu n<]ruumunt ahall tCtrmlnatu.o ~hw uxplainod, If tho County dOuB not have the funds to commence construct.ion by J~nu....ry, 198G or I! thuy chooøe not to do the Improvtmcnts, th~ ~gre~mant will tormlnot.e dnd the County will proc.~~ with tho initiAl plan, which ~uld be to put t.hJse f~cl1itl~D In tho m~ln body I)f th~ pftrk. ~ho a....ld thðt ~'r. ."lInk ,"'eCI intnck, mambor o( th,' :;chool BOIHd, W/lII presant to Dnewer ~uustlons. Ruspondln<) to COr:\mlasl,)nllr Pistor, MrU. '(;"rroll rllfltrrcd to PlIrllgraph 2, Torma of LuaiS., which states thi1t it Is r'ocognlzod by the County ~n~ tho ~chool Ooðrd thAt tho pDrti~B ~ru provl<11n<] n..dod pArk fAcilities nnd th~t pDrt.loø may doslro to oxtono or ro·nogotl....to tho løðso Dgr~um.nt at tho axplrll~lon of the lI<)raement In or~~r to continue to provide sðld pArk facll1tius. COl!lmlaDionur Pistor >olntcd out that 10. 080'a~ 527 l'aqtt 23 ------------------------------------- ..."'-'''".",.,~"-~.,' ,.",...,"."~,~,....,-_.................._---""""""-..., ,..-,--""-----.....--.- ",.,~,_."..."',"";"...-,"',..,"'""'..""-_.,.....-,.,',._,-,.,",,. ...". ,.,-,.;, .-"~_.,".",..~--~"'....-....__......._".._..- """"'''"'''",",.".,."".j,-"..."",-",..,-,.~---...."_.,,,,,,.,,,,,,-,,.,~' . ~ ..'. ,,,,,,,,,. "",.''''''',""".",."~",,, "'4"'"""'-,1;. I· ..........,"..;H'. .., ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,<,,,,,,,,,,,,,,_.".-,,,,,,,,","""'" '-'" . ...,~,"""'-- ."_.-"",."_...""'"...,'_._..,,""..,,,,...,.,"'"_...."''',-_.<..-~ >,.~,..'.-"...","-"""",,"'.""-'_"'---'--"~"'''-'' ""_";.".,.,..,,"µ"...~,.,,,,,,"~.~,-._.', "'^""_''''''''"'''H'_'",,",N~·",·'·'+' " ....,¡¡;---""'.~.,,;.., m,. ."'_. ,. """'"''''''''.·''''''m''''"'=-'·'.''''''''"'__·''''''''.''''''''''''·'·;'' ,<>'''-'',,", ;"",~...,...".",......,.,"' .,,,,,.,.",.,.'"",.,.....~ ',. - ".._.....,.."_'.."__;..~_",...__·,,'''''_c,_,~..;· .:·..c.....;.'''·.,.'''.."..,..""·...-._..._'''''·.._w..-..,··'''.....·,, ..,,,"',..,··""'''''....:a.".,_;"...__,·...·:'....lblnl*I..~~......_'''_,·,_'_· .,,,,,. ".",..._".,"____"'__.<...,."....,.-...-,..~ ....0....."'"........,,,..,........,,",,.,.......,,,..,._'""___;0;_...·"""'...··..··,,-,*_., ,,··~.,·,·~,~"'...,-_·~_.,..~·'''''_.r·~·''__· . " ,._ ","' ,.,.,,,. ..,";;>. _~"'''"'''''''''.'';''''"_''.'''''''''''''''''_''_'''''_''''''iI'O-''_'~IHI__''"'-<\''''''''-.~"t "'~"',·-'''''~I''''-'''· ,.,,_"M""_"_ ,,·.U....,...,· ....._.· ."·"'·;'·1f.'~'''''''1''''''·' '''''0 .,."",~"""",,,., .,~,"'., ......' ."'-"-" "~"""'" .' ~",".".,,,,. ,,,,..~,;.,,·....,,,,~,,..,,,,,,,.'~.o'''''_·''___~''''--''··'_···_·_ · '....:, ------~----------------------------------~ MArch 13, 1984 ItWC 1D80~¡.:¡ 570 ~ . - . .--.. I'IESSRS. ARNOLD Lo CLASS, RICHARD r. HAHN, AND R. H. ztMMERKAH APPOINTED.,:,?';t AND MESSRS. rAUI. rRAHK AND E~ARD OATES REAPPOINTED TO THE CAre, .~;.~~~", .I'IEBSRS. LEIGH PLU~M£R AND MARX G.· LAWSON AP'OINTED AS ALTERNATE~, 1~? POLICY TO BE REWRITTEN TO PROVIDE FOR 2 ALTERNAT!S ON TilE CAPC...· Administratlvo ^lda to the ~oDrd Underwood referred to tho Executive Summary dated 3/7/04, containing a '.proximat.ely 17 resume. the vacancie. to the CApe. She _aid that the CApe Ch.s1rman and Staff liaison havo revlewvd theso.rosumns Gnd have r~commond.d that the ~ .." I ~embors request.lng reappointment. be reappointe~; that the altornate member be moved into a regular membor position and that Mr. Rob.rt G. Hines fill tho vacancy croatod by Mr. Bledsoo'. reølgnatlon. Com.i.sloner Xruse .ovsd, .econded by Commissioner Holland and carried unanimously, that Mr. Arnold L. Cla.s bo appointed and Mr. EdwArd Oates be reappointed to the CApe. Commis.loner Pistor .oved, seconded by Comml_.ioner Voss, that Mr. R. H. Ziømerman and Mr. Leigh Plummer be reappointed to the CApe. Motion failed 2/3, Commiasloners Kruse, lIolland and Brown oppo.ed. Coamla.loner Holland moved, seconded by Commissioner Xru.e and carried 3/2, Commissioners Pistor and Vo.s opposed, that Mr. Richard F. Hahn be appointed to fill the vacancy created by Hr. Bledsoe'. re.ignation And that Mr. Paul rrank be reappointed to the CAPC. Coamissioner Vo.s mov.d, .econded by Com.i.sloner ,i.tor and carried unanimously, that Mr. R. H. Zim.erman be appointed to the CAre. Commi.sioner Pistor ~oved, s.conded by ~ommissioner Holland and carried unani.ously, that Hr. Leigh Plummer be appointed as an alternate to the CApe. rol1owing a short discussion regarding the need for two alternate. for the CApe, Co.mi.sioner Holland moved, second.d by Commissioner Pi.tor and carried unanimously, that Mr. Mark G. Lawson be appointed a. a .econd alternate to the CApe. Page 31 ------ --------------------------------:., .. r:=a - ,.__....'__'.....,"___~..."",..."".""_"""'~......,."'",.,....". ".. ,......"_...""""""...,,"""..."..".,,....",~.....~,..._,-...,,'*"_~I1',_____""-"'" , ""Ii"'I!~·'~..~·_'" ·'.......·HiO~.."·"'M,. .~, ;"·',_;¡"'¡ !3;·'''_·''''''''· ------..........--.'. ""..,..,....,.,--",,""",,,....""""-. _.'"-_,"'_.._.."'_,_....,w,., .'. . ...,.,'"-~"--_......'_.."""-----,,,.....,.,,'~.~,......-,~-;..-,~'-,.~..,-,."-"-".,.,,,,.,.,...~."',,-." """"C""''''''''''''''_"'''''''_"_"~",,,"_~_)I'__''''"~__'~_'''''''"'jiII,~,,_I I i*,,'_""",,"4",~'·_"'···~'·' -. ....<_.......~.,"''''_..'''......- ..".--,.-.-''''..'''....... , .,"~O,.,.."..,."',..,"",.,.__.""_..,~....".,.-"'~."'",,...."'~·,"""'.'" c, .~ ., """.,."'_,....,...'.,"",~...,~"'__""".....""..._"...____;,f<IiI,....-'_"',...:,,~'.''-~"'~,','-,;,-,.,,......'' ^·M.~_".""__,~,'"_:__.....,,_"..-.~..""""_,_·""·,,"""'~"""···_·>"""""·,......--.... ".,' , ¡;;¡;;;¡ ~ f.iiiI RECORDE.R'S MEMO, LepWJlty eI 1nitlq. TTPåt. .. Prf8tf., ~acIor7 .. ... --. -'- ~...... ------------------------.- ---------- MMCh 13, l!J84 const.ructlon of cortDln projoC"ta on t.he property. II~ n..lcI thoso permits .xplre In approxlnately two wuoks and bIlC.IUIO of tho wo rk involved In thu proper,ty trans for IInd ro-drawlnq of alto plans, it 1ft difficult to communc. conotructlon In " two-weak porlod. 110 BII i cI hfl hall oxamlned tho vllrioul codas and ordinances in ~olliur County relAtive to tho extension of bull91nq permltG ~nd thurc lira no further extensions avalløbl~. Ho explained in ordor to r"Knl~ft this problem he has suggested A rosolutlon that IIn orùln,\nco /1mllndln<) tho Buildin'J Code be drafted which \oI'Ould provide for the ¡JxtlJnslon of building pllrmlts for carta In projects in G'Htøin sltuAtlonll. Ifa lIuggcst~<1 th,'t tho aroas to ~o covered by t.he proposed resolution ..rn 81t.u~tlono In which economic fllctor. that are boyond t.ho cont.rol ot Jny ownor ..nd playa large role In the timing of thn devolopmant. Ifo s.,i<l whon bullclJng permits are pulled lor II project wllter and sower ~yst.fJm dovelopment charg.,s .He pllld, ..t that tlmn. Ife pointed out thllt wh,," thoro In n situation In which C!conomlc fllctors maklls tt.t! project Iníellslble to construct, lit thllt tlmo, tho Impact Coos havII boon pdie! and tho Count.y has hDd thl! USII of that monoy. HII øalù th~ro should bn som.thin? In the law which would allow a 4Jevoloper In this sl tuat.lon to bo abln to petition tho BCC lor IIn Qxtonølon of tho bulldinq pornlt. Commissioner lIoll.,nd rofc:rreLl t.o t:,e IJn')u."Jo In ^rtlc1ø 2, Line Ij of the propollod rC!lIolutlon which allows "n cxtl!l\ulon of vaJ!tI permits of -not loss th~n 12 monthft beyond thu expiration date- I'Ind ho roqutlstoc1 clar1!lcDtlon. Mr. pickworth Ifxpl.,l.nud thðt a pl!rlotl of 12 months II not unrc~oon~bll! for ^n oxt~nsion when th~ situ^tion concern. economic factors which go ~cyonò tho local communtly b~caUdO Intere.t. rate factors do not turn around In ð two or three month period. Com- missioner Holland said h. could aqroo with tho 12 mnnth purlod but ho took Issu. with t.he vcrbago °not' lusa th~n- because, th~t could qlvo ð me 080~J"t 575 PM)" 36 -----------------------------------------~ "'~ i.:.!j¡:.. ':'.. -,j. ".:~, >~!~t ..,:c.i, ;:r;.: .. -_.,..."",."....~;".,',."-"""'""""', . ."~_."'._~...--.""'.,..,.,."""'",."'."..".,....,""'......,,'.."""_._,,.-'"".'~'.~"." "..,..--'''''~'"".- .';,.".~_.~._,."'~-,,'"_.. ,...,,,.,"...._,~"'__~.,_..._.....,.~H.';""'~..·'·"·.,,·..~~· - ...~~.,___".,."._'.,..~ H·_,·"",""k~~"_'_'",,",,""""~'~ .. ""'''',.,..,......,~''''......~,''''W-.-...,,·,,··,',,·,..···'''· "c.,..-"".,,,..,"'''''''-""...c....,,,''',_,_,_...."''''''_''''~···_··_,·_·'''.-..". ,,,,..,_,,,~...;,...,,,,..",,..,,,,_~..,___,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,_,__;,,,,..,,.,,,.,,.~'~'",___...n_""'_"·"·"_"'''_ ,.... ,. ""'''~.V'''''''''''"~"";"''_'''"''''''''''",,";",,f.'''''''_'''''''''_'''''' ....""",~";.,,,....;<.<""'."''''I'.,''''''.'''''_,,..~'''''''".4>~...''".. "...--......". .......'......",,,..... March 13, 1984 Engineer, Burel'lu of Coastal Englneerln9 and Regulation, DNR, to Anchor Engineering re I'Ipproval of Per~it No. CO-OS, Cdorgo E. 6Ind Lois II. LaPorto, for construction .ellwlIrd of tho CCCJ. Ð80,J,,¡582,PIUS copies of perftlt documents. Filed. Ð. L.t.ter dated 2/24/04, from Paul' J. TralnlJ, Director, ~lIur ~anag.ment Div., EPA, advising that'Admlnlstrative Order No. 83-77(WCAB) l.sued in Apri.l, 1983 has boen complied with and placed in inactive status. xc Mr. aer%on. Filed. 9. Lotter dated 2/22/04, fro~ MS. Dottie Vau9hnn, Edward M. Johnaon , AasocIDte., Inc. transmitting a pl'lcket of informa- tion and requost to post Public Notice or filing with FCC Form 301 for a now rM frequency aroadcnst Stat.lon on Marco. rlleù. ': ,." IO. Letter dated 2/22/84, from Frederick H. Fisher, Dlst. FisCAl Officer, HRS, Di.t. Eight, submitt.lng FinanciAl report. of tho Collier County lIu/llth Copt. which reflecta budgeted receipt. and dl.bursement.. for Fï 7/1/83 to 6/30/84 and for compari- son, actuül receipt.s nnd disbursoments tor porlod 7/1/0J to 12/31/03. Filod. 11. Letter recvlvtd 2/1/04, from Nnncy Levengood trans~ittln9 copy of Naples Inter Agency Council February mlnutos. riled. 12. Copy oC MPO Agenda for 2/2a/ß~. Filed. 13. Copies of minutolll A. Naples City County, 2/l/84, B. CAFe to CCPA, Agendas 2/1(i/04 nnd 3/1/84, Mlnut.es 2/2/84' and 2/16/84, C. ccunRß 2/3/84, D. I::MSAC, 2/11/04. rIlod 14. MemorAndum dated 2/23/84, from SupervlRor of Elections Morgan notifying of chlln90 in Precinct 01r. polling Site to Villago Groen Condominium ClubhouSII, 503, l2th Ave., South, NlIples. rUed. . . . . There being no furthor business to como before tho BOA rd, tho lIIoot.lnq WDS adjourned by Order 0' tho Chair - Timel 11145 A.M. BOARD 01' COUNTï COMMISSIONER:> BOARD OF ZONING APP~^LS/EX OFFICIO GOVERNING BOARD/S) OF SPECIAL DISTRICTS UNDER ITa CONTIWL ~~~~------ AT71:~'t r ~HIIII' 1:1 WIlJ,)"M J. ,RE^GAN, CL1:IIK £¿tLk~~~~.¿,P corrected j' ....,. I .; I. II ì I' as presented /oras Page 41 ¡¡¡¡¡m t::::I EZE "., ".,...,,......"',,,..._...,_._,......_'",.,,""'..___"'__,;....'_"''''"'"''.,.,""..._..."'.""""...'''..·..,··;v. " ,,,,,,,_.,-_..,,,,,,,."",",,,,,,.,..,, "..~,..'. .-""---..-----