BCC Minutes 03/20/1984 R -'~...."."'_."'_.,""",,.~.,,.-.._'".;,~'"-«~""""'~..,.,.,-;.-...,'''''''''--''''''''~'' ~...""...,' ,.", "'·,··--..··,,·,,"··;··'",·,,·...~·""''''''''''_'''''''_,,'«-''''..'''"·H..'...','''.;..",,,...,,, "'Ho·~"'IO"·''',"''''_.'''''''.-''_''"''.'''' ;"..".'_'.'..,....~'...,_~. .,., ...~ "....,...__.~........"'_,..I-W,""',_""'...........'.,'"',~".h....._..,,,_._,..,". '.;c.~,""''',.".....",''' """..-- RECORDER'S MEJdO, t.,IWJll7 ., wrftiq, T)'pbt, ... PrIDd.c ~.....,., III daII ~ w. ,..¡,...¡, s;O( 080 PA~r 60,9 ------------------------ Mè1rc:h :!C, 198" It.. ... ORDINANCE 84-27 RI PETITION R-83-20C, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIVISION, REQUESTING REZONING FROM ^-2 AND RSF-3PU TO HHSD FOR A STRIP OF LAND LYING WEST OF RIVIERA COLONY AND RIVIERA COLF ESTATES _ ADOPTED , Lug~l notice hnving b~cn pr~viou~ly publishod in tho Na~l.. Daily News on FebruAry 17, 19~C ð~ evidenced by ^ffidnvit of Publication filecJ with t.he Ch:rl<, public: heDring Willi opened to consider po.¡t1tion R-8J-20C, file~ by ~ommunity V~veloþmonL Division, requestinq rozoning from "'-1 IInd RSf'-3r'u to ~1\ISD for II st.rlp of !line! 110 feCIt. wiele lying west of "Ivi~r~ Colony ~n~ klv era Golf £ctntea in ~oction IG, Township 50 South, fll!lngc. 2(, 1:iI&t. Pldnncr Ubcr lu~nlJ!icd thg subject property on th~ zoning mbp numbered 502G4 a~d r.t~tr.~ the object.ive o( this pet.ltion is to clrrify the quuntion on Lhu ~onln9 of thin plrc:~ of land. Ms. Ob~r ~tntrd thu background for th ~ rczonL p~titlon c:ou10 bc found In the exec:utiv~ SlJr:1m'HY .::.nd cx .dûincc tllDt tilL' Coast.,l ¡,rCi' rllJnninq CommisnJon heci hCllCJ their pUblic I'wlJrfng on the Pc,tition on Jllnudry 1!-, 1'::1:1,. '1,"0 leLters '01" rL r¡¡cclv¡¡c! .n Lhllt. time O¡.>po~in'J the n:zon(; on tIll! grounds t.hðt no open storbgc or storage structures should bCl prrmft.ton. Two PiloJ-le spuke in f"vor of th<: "ctition end t..'o p(,oJ.10 spol<e opposing tllll PI/titian UeclIusC' t.he rezone will diminillh tht:ir property vülulls. CAPe unnnimousl~' rcc:ommr-nded forw.:lrdinC] thia h,tll1on tu lilt. ßonrtl of County Commiscioncr¡¡ for Dpprovill. Continuin'.J, ~ ::;. Oblrr commontucJ thllt the zonin,] or. thin .etrip of illnd will nat. nf1ccl th" ntorl!< (' of bo.:.ts or vehicles, etc. b~CDUSt thCl::;~ Arc "Allowed bccunsory u~e· unnor thc zoning. PrIor tu thc curr!!n: Zoning Ordinðncc, zoning linos were pl~ced on tI.., cent<:r!1nv of ri<Jht-ot-w....ys. This ~·('E.L clIao.!mcnl WI'S nat :I ri9hL-of-w~y ~nd cnoul~ not h~vc butn aplit. Aft r.the currrnt Zoning Ordinance.' WûG nc\0pLud, t:llf> crror W.16 discover(!c And the zoning lin(' WilS ",ovec: to the· IoIC:¡t tJound.ory of tll<: lIe. foot ctrip /lcC:'HdinC) to Page ;t ----------------~-------------------_____~r ,v· ~ - !!!B '-,..,--,,-~-~._,..~..._-....,"'.,"_.~""._-_. ^'-<>..,.,,,._'-=.,,,....",..,..'..,....._..._-"",.""_..._-"""._..._...,,~"'"""",.. ..,'....."'_"'_,·_""''''..'''''E,..........''''".,___"......_'."';.~,,,...,"' "-'"~"""~'_~~'~'"'''''''''''~~''V~''"'A'''N''~'','"''''' ""'_~""'_'_' . 'M""''"',''_""~''''~'"""",~___",__,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,",,,,,,,,,__;_,,,,,, _·",·....'w"'.._"'"...·.,"''')'''''''',·"..·"",';<.-,,'',,,o.........._~_,__'''''''<."'''''.'.'''.'' "'"""'_i. """'~"~ RECORDER'S MEllO, ~ .., wrfdaf, T)'pbt,'... Prtath.c -.w..". .. IJdI ..... ""- ,..¡,...¡, ""<:""'þ;: ,; ---------------------------------------~-~ .. 080mt611 /';lIrch 20, 19114 Public Hearing b. closed. Commissioner Voss ~oved, seconded by Commissioner Pi.tor and carri.d unanImously, that the Ordinance aa numbered and entItled below b. adopted and enter~d into Ordinance Boook lO. ORDINANCE NO. 84-27 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE 82-2 THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONINC REGULATIONS FOR THE: UNINCORPORATED AREA OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORID^, BY AHENDINC THE OrFICIAL ZONING ATLAS HAP NUMBER 50-26-4 BY CHANGING THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION OF THE HEREIN DESCRIBED PROPERTY LOC^TED WEST OF RIVIERA COLONY , GOLF ESTATES FROM A-2 TO MIISDI AND BY Pf<OVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DhTE: RESOLUTION 84-57 RE PETITION AV-BJ-035 REOUESTED BY PHILIP H. FRANCOEUR, AGENT, TilE: VAC^TION OF ALLEY LYINC EASTERLY or THE WESTERLY LOT LINES 6 ^ND IJ, TAMIAMI HEIGHTS SUBDIVISION - ADOPTED LC<Jðl noclce hllvinc; b~·t:n rutJliaht:d in thl.! Nðples D:dly News on MDrch 4 ~n~ 11, 1~~4. ~~ uvj~cn~ed by At!idovit or PUblicotion filed with ch.. CIerI,. pul>1 ie ncur In,? WI>I' opened co consider petition AV-(;3-03~. (llt1a hy ¡'hI1l;> ~.. Frl,nt;oeur ðS IIgent. for the o\<mcr, request.ing vacacion of filley lying cðstorly of the westerly lot lines of Lots G ancJ 13 ..t> snOW11 In the plat of "lImJlImi heightlil Subdivi!lion, as rvcordeG In Flat. cook 1, ~l!Ige 29. of the Public Recorda of Collier County, Floriù". Mr. <nutCJ hllrtrncln, ('ub11c: ~ork8 ^drnlnistrtltor, stilted thll Engineering Dcµartment rt:e~jveù the petit.ion (rom Mr. ~hillip M. lo'rðncoeur, r"prC1scnlln~ lht, owner, tor the vllcðLion of ¡ t.en foot (10') alley lying """terly o! t.he wU!ltt'rly lot. linoll or Lot ii IInd l~, os shown on thL' ~ls¡:IIlY "'''1'. 11<: ,,,,,ie: thút th(' pet1UonOlf ololns lots fi, 7, l2 anú 1 J and Wl1ntG to construct on\: tour-IJlex Insteðd of t.wo duplvxes as ,",'CuI cI be oJllow~cl by thl' <!xJllting zonlng, the ~ 11 ey .opt.lro'lt~s Lotll !i And ï fran, Lot lot 12 and lJl ond, in order to build one t ou r-pl ole tho Dllay wi 11 h,:¡v<l t.o be VðCilt.,cJ to r..cJkc th* tour lots r:ontlguouc. 11(' h90 5 ------------------------------------- .. - .. ____"..>_.~.....,...__,...,_"',._.. W<'."', ,c...,.,...,."'_...""..;IO.....""'''''>,~'"'..._,,¡"'''__....,,,_.,_,..,__...,'''.....',._......,,,,,.,,_ .. BID t""'" .RECORDEB'S MEJdO. LetlWtItJ ", wrftfat, T"m, ... PrtDtfq _tW...." .. daII '-t ..... .-I_ --------------------------------------- March :!O, 1')61, noted th"t tno vðc.,tion' ·..ould not Incraðso the \ en.fty. -'Iso, of //0 "bj.}ction· LoJv" b.:n.n rllcufved 'rom !Jl1 partim,nt utility compbniuø. 110 Sl\ld t.hl1t thft \\'ðtor i~3naCJomont. ^d'/Iaory DOiJrd h41. ðpprovad tho petlOlon oJd~lnistratlv~ly "nd the ~nglneorin9 Copðrtmont h.:ls reviewed tho ¡Jctitlon ]ncJ has \ Qt~rminQù that t ,..111 nl'lod tho 1111\1Y for uridn,,'J<' jJur¡.;olll!B. lie £/lid t.hut ~hc ten Coot. nllvy ~IHl become" ton foot. ~ ~r~ln.:lg~ ana utilit.~ Ol1sement which will allow othur persons to n~vv uau ot thl! "ll~y in lho uv~nt it ill ~ver improved Cor "alloy purpos s". I:.. t IIpOrtod that Communi ty Dl'volopmont hðØ reviewed this ~~titL)n .;¡nu ¡I"II no objclct.ior.. Discussion fol1ow~d which Cov~red thu possibility of constructing a dr Jin~ie culvart In t.nc dduumant. at thy potitlonur's uKponKOt tho dusir~billty of havinq only on~ driveway Cor ~he propolled four-pleK inlltCl.:ld of 4 drivuwl!lYs for t\olO ¡Jupluxuli which would be tho ðltorn.Jtlve and the suggostion that thCl fJ..'tltlonl'r nl'jht contrlbutl:' to the pllvlng o( ~he now unpavud ~onorcl1 ~tr~vt. Curing !Jubl1c p':Htlci¡l.1tlon, I"S. (;pbhl,) Crocl<t.'tt a¡..ok.. In opp01lltion to thl'! V.lcûtion, sUbmitt1n,) to tho: bOllrt! " put.1tior. !liCjn~d by nil the current r~siaent.s voicing tnult oj>posltlon and rhotos tnkwn úurlnr} the 1ll1:t flooaln') of tho .Hoa. ""s. Lou /,nn C/1I~"'Hln'J ilnd ~s. Juli" ¡¡lIr~t!! of ¡'lOnorc{) fWf!. ..100 DI,nl<ol In o¡.;¡;otlltlon to tht: lI.Jc.,tlon. r~r. Phillip frllncovur, rl!proH"ntin': tl.c Hft¡tlon~r, .IItlltl:d thlf currunt ..:onJnq of Ri'1F-6 IIl10ws the ...'Jnstructlon of tl.w Cour-¡,lox ". pro/-oseú but rl!min<.:cd the Boðrd th/lt. t.ho rc' u¡,st for vllc¡)tion of tho "lley 1M nUbject to ar.Jln.Jgo, utilities .Jnd ri~nt of ðCC:CIIO by Dbuttlnq l.Jnd own(. rs. lie mðJntllln"d thl} pruposed builulnq will not chang_ tho Cloodinq'probl~m nor will It dcJd but a minimum ..mount t.o tho tro£Clc. 110 conclud..a by sDying hill cliunt'£ pr'opolI.J1 tor th\l construction o£ a Cour-pll!x will 104Y\l two of t.ho Cour iota .IS ·o JCln 41rco- iJnd that 10/111 aoot( 080 mr 612 Pal}o 6 -------------------------------------- ,.,.."."..-~."..~.~"-''''.''''--,_.._._..".-._-,'.".,-;''''','~".",-,~-;,,~,--, ---,...-...''"'''''...------. ,. ..'- ;,.....~".,-~.,'-_."~.,,,....' "...',....",,, ""..",..",.,~"., , '·N".."..,,"~,",.._~ ,~.~".~..".'..~.I."...' _,~......,," .; ,-- ..~,._-"" ._-,,_...."''''''''_.,,'''....-..~, _____,,.,c,""_..,,..._'"~,,_...,..._,,""___ "'~;"""""",.,"",,,,,,-;~-,,,,,-,",,,,,,...._---,--...._--,,.,._--,_.-,.,.- ,,,. "" '" """''"'"''''-"-~-''''''''''-'-'''"~~'~''-~' ~"""'-"-~~,,,,,,,-<,,,,,,~,,,,-,,,,~,.¥,,,,,,,,,.,,,,,,, "'""....,- "'"'"""'-"""'''''''''''-';'-~ ...._··_111'._·_·,"_...,._...·___.."'..'''''.., ,.,.,",."'''_,..,"."'..,...,......,'''".'""''<.,....."~"..,,......, ,.._'''''·,'"_···,_''''......··'.__h'''....'_.."__,._~,·".~,;.....,,._...'_,.,...._._..".._".."'".".,~'" ,;."'---"'~-~"' ..-....._-~-_..~;'^.,-..,_.,.;-"-,,..,-,..."'""''''."'''" --,""""...__.~....,..." 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"_"N~"'b·' .~~""""··'''_'''"''''''''··'''''""''''·'"'>o''''''^,"''''''';~'"'''.'''''..i"',·".40u.......;...,W."..,.,....__..,......_....__"" "".~..".~...........,,_..."'..~.' ............-."-....,...,,,._.""""..."",'__.,;.,"'.,,.-'.,.,. .~1·; ..",'..,.~..,,, ~''''-,'--'''''''''".>.''''''''''''"_"''-'>'''~'''_'.,",<~.",",",.,,,,;,"""""""'"~"""""~""'_'^"""'''~'''''"'''''''''"''''~'"''''''''''''''__''~_;...__,_",,__',_,~_...A. .._~".'_"_.._ "~'·'·';"'·'';''''"·'·'-''''_"''''_'.''''''4'___~ '""',...-!;·>.'".>··.-"·..."A"'..··..""''''.".".¡''"·,'"',·.,''''~.,,.,,_..~..'''_'' .. - ....,~".........-...,.,'~,,,...--._"'._""""'".,";"""''''''.~-"..,,'''-.... """.......,-,.~.._-~".,"'-._..~.,'".-.,""."""'~........_",,..--,,~"-....,~~......>Þ<,,_;.."'_...,......._.;-"""..,.-<"'..-"'.,,_~__, . c·,""""........""'.,-._·"''''''.....'''".....'_.._',H..''','.........·,,-.,,._.....''" U' _......._....._,"'....._.,__... ~."",.,.~.,"<_"._....._....~."..,'_. """.. .""'_"'.o_~,.....,..,"..."."."...",.'""......".....,._..,......' "."~.,,,,'~'~"'~''''''''..,..",,''> .".."'-.,.....~"'~.,';..".."""_.._^-,'.,_.'.._...""_".. ··,..~"';'_",."","'"'"'''''.._''',.4..,,..,~·..,.',.''''''iW..',.''".....f'·i<1,;..."._"*,,___"',,,_..., -"'.......____,____..........\_,'-."...'"_.."""'"."'".",."""'."".''"~,'_,_..,~H"" ... ŒD RECORDER'S MEMO' ~ ., wrlWIto TJ1IIøI ... ........ .-tW.wrf IIa dúI .' "i ,,-~ .,.. March 20, 1904 funds and use of County equipment coulù .l~o be considered ~n øxp9ndi- turo. lie asked for discretion to indicato tho ordinance ia n l1:ni toll- tlon on ext.raordinary expenditures above ut.øff time. Commisalonor Voal saie! it. is incumbent upon the County to ltIt. t.he þU'.lir: know whoI'. 111 Involved in an issue b~clluse they may not. bu ~blu t.o obtain thot through newspapors. Public ;"orks ,\cJminiatrator Hartman expl~ined thllt ~taff spent I!I consider~ble amount. of time on the Marco Island beautifi- cot ion item, on the recent primllry, LInd SU<J911f¡t.cd th.H tho orrJlnnnce would hollvo to be worded carefully to lIllow !3t.lIf! to continue helping tho pvtitlonor put a referondum to~othQr. Ch~lrman Brown spoka in fAvor of the public being informer! IInd oxpresaed his opposition to this i t.em. Following continued discussion, Cò~missioner Holland withdrew his second asking for more tl~e to consider the item. Item 112 FLORIDA SKI AND PARASAILING USE OF BEACH F^CILITY IN rICER TAIL RECREA- TIONAL AREA - SUSPENDED FOR TWO WEEKSI ST^FF ^ND SHERIFF'S DEPT. TO REPORT TO BCC ON SIMILAR OPERATIONS IN OTHER COUNTIES ^t.t.orney John Hooloy, represent.lng Floridll Ski and ParDsDiling, explainCld hu was present to obt.ain the use of II County-owned facility by ð privat.e corporat.ion for pllrllsailin1, shelling, wl!lt.or skiing and aight.8.:eing t'ncroaching on Tiger T.,il ~edch. lie said tho request is suppo r ted by ~ petit.ion wit.h 474 signatures end thAt his client hils been in negotll!ltion with tho current concesCionllire, Mr. ^ngilorl. He said it WDS IIppll rent that thu Corporation wns entitled to operate, at one t.imo, and t.hat. hil! client proceeded t.o CJ;<pend sums of monuy on tho project, howev~r, thQ permission was not seconded by tho 8CC. lie BlIid t.hat. tho Corporation obt~ineu thu bonts, equipment, ~nd necessAry insurllnce t.o keep the County facility'insured, with the County ðS an adcJltlonal insured on t.he policlClIS. HI! said that the currcnt policiQI .oo~ 080 P)C,! 686 Pl!lqe 21 -------------------------------------- .,·_,···'",""·..;·~....,k__.......___"__,,.."'___.,..""''"_._,__,_...._''''_~._. ","',. 'j~ ...) ..~"'......"~'_...........~ RECORDER'S MEMO, testW11t1 ., wrf_ T""", ., Jtrtabc .-.r."..". .. daII ~ ...- .-mL ~~-08Õ~68i----------------::~:~19:------ In effect are II $300,000.00 c~mprehensive liabilit.y, II $1,000,000.00 liability for ski ccnool for bodily Injury, and $1,000,000.00 on the boat I , liability on the hulll and damagel ðrillnq [rom the ule and maintenance- of the boots. HCI explained thllt his cliont. Is wl111n.q to PAY the County whatever proportion Is mutally agreeable- aD a reasonablo premium [or the concession. Commissioner Pist.or sllid he had received compllllnts about closing off the beoch so that. pcoplCl cllnnot freely walk tho beach and from persons who hllv~ b~en osked to gat. out of th~ wlltor 80 that persons uling this /lct.ivS ty cl!ln land on the beach or in the Ioater. lie said thera Is one com~l~lnt that 0 parson waD hit. by a purachuta ropCl. He expro8sed apprehension about closing off part of the b~ach for this type of activity. Mr. hooley said that hi~ client docs not propose to clo.~ off II ~oction of t.he b~IICh, ond that for a peorlod of timo, not to exceed upproxim/ltcly one .:Ind ofll!-half mlnutl!lI, I!I smllll portion of the beach, not t.o cxceud ten yards, would b~ used for taking off and landing th~ people. During thE' ensuing discussion, 'Commissioner Krus~ naked If thare was I!Inother group operating in front. of a hotel on Marco Island, to which "'c. Hooley responded ðfflrmatively. Mr. Hooley said thllt his clicnt has been operating 18 days. Heapondln? to Commissioner Kru.e, County At.torney Saunders said thot tho Concv.sion Agreoment doe. not permit ..ntry into other agrcem~nts with othe-r uaes of tho bellch. Commissioner lIollllnd ðsl<ed if the Corporation bought An occupAtional license, to which Mr. Hooley responded tlffl rmatively. He ui¿ his clientc had /In Drrllngement t.h¡:¡t. they would pny ~r. Angil,ai 20\ of. their receipts and thllt, to ddt.e, they can verify that they have paid Hr. Mqileri 011(0. Mr. G!lunder aaid that Mr. Angileri has. controct with th~ County that provides that. I!Iny other uses havo to be approved Pac¡" 22 --------------------------------------~ .. ~ .. ~..,..,.,....._-~-,_.........._'"._...."'. _..'''"'""."·····,.,·"·.·,,··,·,,,·,~_'''_·____.,...,,.w·.·..'~"''"..____."·'__.,·","'.,.'".·.'''.4'.'__,·."...,,·..,·,.,...,,"''....,,,__...t;."O;O'''''''''''';''.'''.", "'....··'"·"_,···,,.,.....om;w,_"~~,·,,.."~~·_~·~~·__...,_··..____......,,,~~-,.,'.._,..,,,"'.."'.. ,,,,,·~,,··.,,',,·,_~,.·..i.'_·'··,__ ,., ",_·___"""~.,,,,,,_,,,,"'",,,,,,"';·',",~"__"""=',".·,,,.",,,rH''''''''''~'';'''''''''''""."., """_"'~""'",,"""'___Al"'..-""'- _U-_p_,_t"'1'<;"- .. _.......,.",._~,-,.~..,.,...,,=~.,,~-"..~"",'__....~..... "'''.'...,.."""".,." .'""" .....".."·e'O.."·'.--,,,,,..--.'_ ..w,~_·..,---··,,-,~-____ ..- ...". tiSJ J.,,~ , . Mðrch 20, 1984 park. prog:am, because there has been icdication from lome re.idents or Mlrco II1and that they would prefer that the Marco Illand park be . paa.ive facility, with lome type of structure. He said there is the' pOIsibility that the more active fAcilities could be locAted at the Marco Illand Racquet Club. He asked for direction as to whether the Staff Ihould obtain a feasibility study for this facility, adding that he elti~ted the cost of 8ame to be in the range of t6,000 to $8,000. Responding to Commissioner Voss, Mr. Norton explained that the facility contains five tennis courts, two of which are lighted, and two indoor racquetball court., air conditione~ and fully equipped. Commis- .ioner Voss .aid if the County were to undertake the operation of this facility it would have to be self-supporting and i~ W?uld be helpful to have the o'pinlon of a profusiona1 II to the conditions of the courts and buildings. He said nothing should be done about acquiring this facility until after the November election, because if Proposition One goe. into effect the Count.y could not. afford to operat.e it. Commis- sioner Pistor agreed. Tape 18 Commissioner Kruse referred to the division of money for parka in various areas of the Count.y. She said that the Bee has said it will acquire the property first and divide the rom~ining money as fairly a. po.sible. She ~ointed out that the Marco Island park site waS donated and that the developer from whom the Uolden Gate park site was pur- chased donated $50,000 to specifically be used for that park. She said because of the proximity of the Marco Island Racquet Club to the /'I4rco Island park site the County Ihould consider this offer, becaule there may not ~e any other potential for tennis courts In that area. Mr. Norton clarified that there is approximately 1000 feet of land, owned by Deltona Corporation, between the facility and the park site. MIC 080 r.'í! 696 Page 29 ~----7--~------------------------------ ",*".'¡'"" --"_"·""''''"<"~_'''''''''_'·''''''''_''''''''·''~"'.';_'_'''''"·'"''''·_''.4'>·'',¡".",~", ,·"',."."_,....,_,.,_""'__~¡,__-.-_h.._' ".,."'_..."".._-'..._--"'-'''''''"''''_.....~''' > -"---"~"''''""^"--''"~'''''''''''''''"';'._-''''''-''''- ,...-"......."',, "..,,,,,,",,~,.-,,,,~,.",,,,.-,,,,-_.,,,,,_._-,,,,,,-,-;"",,,,,,,~,,,,,..,,,,, r..~ ~, ~.. ¡;;;:;:J Huch '0, 1984 carri.d 4/0, that the ~.n.90tlation and .xtension through May 29, 1984, of the Agr....nt with Heery ~nlg..ent, Ino. r. Sew.r Ar.a -A- Expan- sion for Contract No. 2 (Plant Expan.lon) b. approved. Commi.sioner Kruse referred to ContrAct No.1, Percolation Pon~t and Effluent Line, and requested c11!1riflcatlon as to why the ponds are not functioning to capacity. Mr. Berzon explained that limerock had been placed on the berm during construction In lieu of the original .rosion protection and in so doing a large amount of the limerock was embedded into the pond bottom in a crItical area. He said that with DER permi.sion one of the ponds is being émptied so It can be dried out and the limerock can be removed and refilled to see if the pond will perform IS rated. He said that Heery Management, Inc. was the inspect- ing entity on that pond and that Post, Buckley, Schuh' Jarnigan was providing the supervisory work. Commissioner Kruse requested that Heery Managcment, Inc. provide a letter to the BCC with a copy to the County Attorney explaining what. has occurred on this project. Commis- sioner Voss sU9gested t.hat t.he BCC find out. what. t.he probl.m is first. Mr. 8erzon explained that the ponds were filled over the Labor Day weekend, because of a heavy weather condition, with the hope thl!lt this would remove some of the stigma from the operation that was going on , because of the overflow. He said that. the Count.y was under permit from the Federal and State government to continue the overflow until December 31, 1963. He explained, once the ponds were filled, that it was not until two weeks ago that permission was obt.ained from DER to find out what had occurred. Commissioner Kruse withdrew her r.quest for the letter, for the present time. Co..issioner Voss .oved, .econded by Commi..ioner Pi.tor and carri.d 4/0, that Post, Buckley, Schuh' Jernigan be authorized to , provide on-.it. inspection of the construction of additional torc. a6in nO( 080nQ698 Page 31 --- -.---......-...-r- -- --- -- - --- _ _ _____ -________-...--..- ;5>?~;'~t: . ...... ('..:'i' ,," '; ./......, '." :~';.,' .. ~~ ';,): ·r....' '."'~""'~'~' '.. .... ,A ~. ï....... ,-_...""......;".........."""""'~."'......";.....,"'^_~""",,_...........___;,.,.., -"·""·W·""""·'_"'."",_. <,..;"',.....,..,""',,...~.ch_"'~"'...'"._·_·.__'"D_;'''"'__''''.,.'''',",.,,-.~___. ...~; -----------------------~~... ~; 080~~! 709 foIðrch 20, 1984 '~_ Ite. 120 CARLTON FIELDS, WARD, EMMANUEL, SMITH AND CUTLER, P.A. - APPROVED TO REPRESENT COLLIER COUNTY IN CONSTRUCTION PROBLEMS WITH HARRY C. PARTRIDGE, JR. AND SONS, INC. RE JUSTICE CENTER EXPANSION PROJECT County ^t.torney Saunders referred to lhe discussion held during the BCC mcetin9 of 3/13/84, r09arding the considerAtion of hiring ðn ðtt.ornfty to represent Collier County in the construction problems the Count.y fDcas with Harry C. PDrtridge, Jr. ðnd Sons, Inc. He sDid he provided the name of one firm IInd thnt th~ BCC requcsted that he interviow I!Idditional firms. He said th~t Carlton fi~lds, Ward, Emmanuel, 5mith and Cut.ler is currently reprosenting the County and they lire highly recommended. He statod that the Loe County Attorney has informed him that thi6 firm is repres~ntin9 LoCI County on th~ir ðirport problems and sow~qe trClðtment pllln~ problem nnd that they ðr~ hic;¡hly recommended. He øaid that the firm of Greenberg, Trðurig, Askew, Hoffman, Llpoff, kosen , Ouontcl, P.A., which he mentioncd Inst week, is Dlso highly recommended. He said, in his opinion, oither onc of the firms will do an excellcnt job for t.he County. Commissioner Brown moved, seconded by Commissioner Pistor, that Carlton Fields, Ward, Emmanuel, Smith and Cutler, P.A. b. approved to represent Collier County in the construction problems with Harry C. Partridge, Jr. and Sons, Inc. re lhe Justice Center expansion project. Commissioncr Voss ðsk~d if this is only if litigation becomes ~ fact, to which Mr. Saunders said that Mr. Michael F. Nuechterloin, of this firm, hl!ls made ðrrðngcments t.o be in Nðples on 3/21/84. Mr. Saunders oaid he would liko guidllnce from t.hi. firm in IIvory stllgo of this aituDt.ion. He ¡¡aid t.hðt he has ruviewed t.he: situat.ion with both of the lllw firm» ~nd has beon oDsured t.hat overy thing that haa beon dono, to thin point, has been 100\ correct. Upon call for the question, tho motion carried by I vote of 4/0. rag e J 3 --------------------------------------- .. - - ~.........~''''..,..,'__....~"'"'.H.~_~'__"...,~,.'''..··.,...___._ ,,··,"'.."',""';¡.,...,"'_;,·,,_..."^'.,..··,,··"",_"h~"'~"'._.."';<:_"',"""'".,.¡"..,,,.,''''-,..,,·,·..,,,....'...<I nf·JI\.-.-·-'''~I'''''',.,....j,...., -, f!II!I ,.,.... ",,,,,,,., ", ..-,,,,,~,,.., ~ UCOBDER'S MEMO, ¡,pWlItr .. wrftbtto TypiDc .., Priat\JIc _tWac:UIT Ia tldo ~ ..._ reœI.... ----------- March 20, 1984 --------------------- Ite. 123 RANKING OF ENCIN~ERING FIRMS R& LELY/DELTONA/SEWER DISTRICT ·C. - CONTINUED TO 3/27/84, FISCHER, JOHNSON, ALLEN AND BURKE/SOUTHEAGTERN KUNICIPAL BONDS, INC. - APPROVED AS FINANCIAL ADVISORS FOR SAME, KR. TOM GIBLIN APPROVED AS BOND COUNSEL Commissioner ~ruse moved, second.d by Commissioner Pistor and carried 4/0, that the ranking of enginoering firms regarding tho Lely/Deltona/Sewer District ·C· be continued to March 27, 1984, in ordor for Commissioner Holland to be prosent. Mr. David Fischer, represontinc; I"ischur, Johnson, Allen IJnd Burlce, said t.here has been a question about the role of the financial advisor in the acquisiti"n of water ó3nd sewer systems. lie said that in most of t.he cases the financiDI advisor comes in after t.he engin~ers or C.P.A's have decided the worth of ù facilit.y and the decision has been made t.o purchase a fncility for a negotiated price. He explainod t.he financial advisor is t.hen asked if he can finance the project. He said thl!lt. a financial advIsor can help in tho process DS to the bond issue and t.he revenue balle, but. ho CDnnot. tell the County the condition or Bize of the plDnt. He said thdt It wou~d be good to have the finðncial ðdvisor on board but he is not thu County's repr~senLlItive as far as negotiat.lng t.he price of the system. He said that. this is a major undertDking in the section of thCl Count.y being considered ond t.here Dro many ram1ficðt.lons in tho bond world, at the present timo. fie said he would liko to meet. with the Count.y Att.orney, the Utilities Ml!lnagor and represent.atives of the BCC t.o ml!lp a strategy regarding what can and cannot be done, as Boon as pOlsibl0. Commissioner Kruse said t.hat tho Engineering Selection Com~itteo disc~sscd tho need t.o havo someone involved on the team, aside from the engineers, to providu guidance as tho progrossion occurred. ~he said' it waa thu unanimou3 opinion of t.he Selt!ction Committce that the engineering firm that is sCllected should handle all thrco itoms. She &OOK 080p~r,! 720 Pð90 35 -------~--~----------------------------~'j:~ ,;:;~~ '~~ -' '··~'"'''''''A.''·.'''''''"'"'''''_'_'"'''''__''' , > '>'/:>' :,.> > , ~.~:- > 1 -~-----------~-------------------------- ~' 080 PAr,t 721 M41rch 20, 1984 .aid that Mr. 'i.cher hid advl.ed her that there 1. no differential In thl aarkltabllity of the bond. regarding the engineering fir. cho.en, when dealing with a potentially hrg,e ll1ue. She uid that he did lilY there could be a differential in tha cost of the insurance, depe~ding upon the size of the bond i.sue and the engine.ring firm's reputation or size in comparison. Mr. Fischer concurred. Commi.sioner Kru.e .aid that the Selection Committee was looking for the need for concurrent ,. financial advice in that direction to run parallel with the engineering work being done. County Att.orney Saunders agreed and said that this person would help the County structure the contract. Mr. Fischer said that he has always considered his firm the County's advisors and anytime anybody calls him, whether from the Finance or Legal Department. or the Commission, that his firm is there to give advice. Responding to Commissioner Kruse, Mr. Fischer said his firm would be willing to continue to serve in thl!lt capacity to the engineering firm, the Bee and the Selection Committee, with the under- standing that there is no charge for his services. Co~i.sioner Xruse .oved, seconded by Comaissioner Voss and carried'4/0, that ~~~cher, Johnson, Allen and Burke/Southeastern Municipal Bonds, Inc. be approved as financial advisors for the aforementioned project. Responding to Commissioner Plstor, Mr. Fischer said that Southeastern MunicIpal Bonds, Inc. has worked in the Marco Island area I and the two firms are a team that do not cost any more. Commissioner Kruse asked if the BCC desires to leave the Selection Committee functioning and reporting back to the BCC as the project progresses, so that there is a central source of responsibility? It was the consensus that the Selection Committee be left in tAct. Mr. Berzon said thl!lt the Selection Committee discussed the other -------------- Page 36 ~, .'~: .~.:?."~I' Ø\t¥..~ .. r¡zmœ _ ""'.N.~.C".,<"""""~__"",.,____,_._"_",,,,,,,,,,.""_;'_·<_"'~"""'M'......,_,."'..., \, ~ ~ ~... . .'.;. "'¡ ,I ' ..... .. ~'~.;' .. .. March 20, 19114 ~F', Intervhwed on the afternooTl of 3/27/84 and the rut could be inter- > i " . lr.':.~~:~wed on the lIIorning of 3/28/84. , . Commissioner Voss said, due to ~ mix-up, that seven candidate. were contacted to be interviewed. Co~lssioner Vo.. .oved, .econded by COaDl..loner Piator and carried 3/1, with Commi..ioner Brown oppo.ed, that the number of cendidate. to be interviewed will be .even in.tead of .ix, a. previou.ly decided~ Commi..loner ~ru.e .oved, .econded by Commi..ioner Vo.. and csrried 4/0, that the County Manager candidate. be interviewed on the : afternoon of 3/27 and the morning of 3/28/84. .**The following item. were approved and/or adopted under the Con.ent Agenda by lIIotion of Commi.sioner Vo.., .econded by Commis.ioner Pistor and carried 4/0.**. Ite. '26 ACCEPTANCE OF RIGHT-OF-WAY HAPS FOR EXTENSION or GOLDEN GATE BOULEVARD FROM 1-75 TO C.R. 951 Ite. 127 HODIFICATIONS TO JTPA CONTRACTS RE INCORPORATING TITLE 124 INTO TITLE II-A PLAN AND INCORPORATION OF SUMMER YOUTH PROO. IN TITLE II-A PLAN ,\ .1: J;; .:;;~~ t ", ' ":'ì··,:j~~·,;,· , ' . . r . ."; .~... ~f . 1'1:*1" ,. ,,t ~>J.~....... I <, .1'" . r.' ~' ,.:i .~,~~:\ See Pag e. 7~¿- 73,;7., '28 " .' . SOCIAL SEVICES CASES W-2882, W-6906 AND W-2962 " '''~)¡ SID NO. 718 RE COUNTY RECIONAL WATER TREATMENT PLANT AND WELLFIELD PICK-UP TRUCKS (2) - AWARDED TO TAMIAMI FORD IN AMOUNT OF $14,539.00 Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on February 15, 1984, as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with \ .~~ t'}'..¡ :;/ ¡....r' the Clerk, bids were received until 2,3~ P.M. 3/7/84 for Bid '718, for two (2) pick-up trucks for the County Regional Water Tratment Plant and Wellf i eld. Page 38 --------- ~ÌI:?m &-. ~ . ~.,,',,",.""'~..,.,,·..,N".·_;"""""___'__~"'__.._."'''''","·~."'''.",'''''~M" .',~",".........",."'_",_,.._,.,._·""'__,',.._,.,>,.,",..__··,,d'·,-, ·,,,""'..,,".....,,"'.""..,,.,',~<...,,,., .,..,.",..,..;"..,~._.«"......."..",""".."".........."..,.;"")".."",,.,.".""..",....,,._, . .. ~~,-_...~,."'~.-,-"',...._..-......~'"'_.._~,,-'" ,~·.".,,,,,,.,,~,,,_,,_,,,,_.,,,,",,__,__,~,',>,"__-,",,,,,,,,,,*,,,,,,,_u"n''''''''''~".''''''''''-''.'.._''''''''''''~'''-''''"'' .,..".,,,.".'''''-,_,,_'''~....~.~~.