BCC Minutes 04/10/1984 R . -' ":.{".,.;",~~,';ì.. '.:" .'{:' .,~. ".\'. :'....' ";.i\'''''':)~:'I;·Ì1:d''·· ~\¡.,..-.~, . \..~.~.. ;',"'. N~Pl.., rl0. ridð, ,"prll 10, 1ge(~ '.h:'~,;J\.., ~~.~? ··i.;ti'T .~:~. ~;~'t~~~RED, t.·~;At·t·h~ ·'B~'~';~:r.~'t~co~~t.y C~~lI\i.~ i~\~~ ~~lJ~.J'" ~~1t. ".. .,~,~. " ' ,}" . .... lr.~~.\ . .~. "i: and for, .t.ho County of Collier, 4Ind ..ho '!o~ing 411\ the 1\o';'rd '. . 't:~t~lnd"~'~~~~;~~, t;~~·iÆ:"b~'~~:d(.) ~'~-:~:-~gk.p;~··i~l dlnriots ... - . ~~ "'r;~:" . :J. ,~,~oen oro~~.d ..ooording to lAw ..nd having oonduotod I+'-r.."'t'''' ," .. ~f';'c·on thl\. Jllte At 9100 .11.1'1. in ReC)ular So..10n 'n Bd1dlnC) rf'- of tho 'iÇ'!o..... ,.,' ¡',) Co..rthouse Complex, hit Hðples, F)orida, with the following members f· " .. present' " "". :'t. ¡~ '-~;!i .~~ CHAIRMANI David C. Brown VICE-CHAIRMAN, C. C. ·R~d- lIolhnd ~ ,'Ii! .~' olio , ',,;., John Þ<.. Plltor Frederick J. Voss Mary-rr~nco. Kruse r,·,. '.' ~ .~ r : tlJ ,> , ~. .,,<', .-~. '. hl~\:i;.,\:·.:: ·1.LSO PRESENT, .~. '~.' ~:' ,. ~t ' ~..~.". ~.ffic.r, M~reen Kenyon, Deputy Clerk, Curt L. Saunders, County :'~~~~~orn.y' Torry V!rt.. Acting County Manollger, Wl1li/lm Blankenship," ·'~}.i~f~: .,.'~,Adll\inl.trative Servicee ^dmlni:strator, Irving Berzon, Utilitle. . ' · ~ . ..." j1 ..... Mana']er, Knute Hðrtman, Public Work. Þ<.dmlnistrolltor, Vicki. r.'lll1n., ''-/~\(! ,:~~~: ~/t1ng 'Community Develor..ment Admlnistrat.~·/, Loe Layne. Zonin'] Direct~r;' ¡'~Þ!f ,:..J. . ,....~I . :i:iM" n Ober, Planner, Neil Dorrill, Publio SaCety Administrðtor, Grace ........!..:i;.;j;',:...: ,H.", . ,':,.,1-' Underwood, ^dmlnistratlve Aide to 'the Board, and Deputy Chief Ra}'1llond · ., . ,.;,~:.8.rnett, Sheri f f'. DeptH tment. ...(.~. WIlliollll\ J. 'Rea']an, Clerk, Jðme~ C. Gllo., FI.c4l1 } :. l'1 · ¡: ,: , : J~;}:' .:.' .1Jo~... ,;;~~. , .."'¡ r-,~}-;' /1. I; ,!; ".' ¡;(~. ,', . -. ". ~ ... " . . . ~ ',1" '¡', "t' -í .' ~ ." f i~"': ,,'1.'. ..,,' .' ., .-t. '" .... aoo~ 081mr195 Pagl .:" ,,\11 Y.~\.-. ",<.:., ........;.!,~ .; '-c;".:äJ , .\, .,.:.'!'>~ ~~~~ ~y! "<1;').""" ~)i::';i . I»'.r,.., .' ..' ~;~,..~ :,1; '-' ~;. ....,,';',' . ", ,J' :¡. W¡;.:···· . -t~,,~ ~ '.~ )."'~ ~,...~ . ¡#.~....... · .... . .... . ; :". --,aj~'t',,.. ,. _ ._ " I' ;.. ' . ......'. . ~M;~;~;~-..*~~MAT~ ,.' ~. 1\' .' L" ' \~'...... ,; ,~:' ":'1>-"" ....1+; ~ . ,'-.~...... .p .i . , .....". L " ,.' _,,,.,,."'.'"',,.,,...,...¡....."'..-0«_...."".,.."'~."".."",.,,..,.,,.,,..,~_"..__.,....w'.._"~~"""''''"~~,,, t:;;) ~ ~i',.J ' ------------------------------------------ ^P r II 10, 19 0 ~ It.. 14 PETITION R-83-29: AND EXCÞ<.VATION PEnMIT 59.185, PRINCESS PARK _ CONTINUED TO ~/24/84. Com.I..ion~r Pistor moved, secondad by ~mmis.lonor Holl~nd ðnd oarried unanl~ou.ly, that Pot It Ion R-03-29C and Exoavation Permit 59.18S, Prince.. Park, bo continuod to April 24, 1904. Ito. 15 ORDINANCE 04-32 nE PETITION n-8J-31C, REQUESTING RF.ZONINC FROM A-2 TO PUD FOrt TOLL PL^ZÞ<. /t.V. PARK - ADOPTED, SUtJJECT TO AMENDMENT Of> TifF: PUD DOCUMENT AND TI~T THE LOTS OF. nENTAL ONLY Lc,].Jl noticc' h,~v!n(J ~J<'('n publl;;hc,¡J In till' N..pl'.!B e,1ily N('ws on M,:¡rch <), l'Jl!~, "II ~'y!u"ncc:d IJY ^ffId,'\'lt n P"..,l!("',Jt!nn fll'~cJ IJ!th th~ C:lcrk, publIc hearln') w,lS u[wn,,'J to consider >"tltlon 1~-~J-31C fUed by Jam!!,", Klnq:>bucy r'.!, uclItI nc,) rl'::nnln') (rom ^-2 In PUr) for ':"nll >l"z~ R. V. f'1) r i( ] n C ,1 t... d " P pro x 11:1<'1 t ,~ : 'I 1 r:1! 1 " .' ,H, t "f C fi - ~ 5 Ion t 11 ,. ~, 0 U t h !õ I d (! o ( A 111 '1" tor '.1 1,' Y (:; I~ -!ì ~) , P]"nn"r (lbc'r St.Jtc'J ¡r,dt '~I(, objc:cttv,' or ttdt< I','tltl"n I~ to duv( Jop" ~J4 lot n.v, parI< with rc'cr,','tlon,'¡ ."~c:nltlr'''. :.11(" nou'o thcJt ~t."(( f,nJ ,,11 county ."}t'nCl{::J c'.'vlr.\orl.'d t.jJlJ pt'llt.j( r~ .!!'hl r"f:OMm"r.d Ji>r-rov,,1 :JUOj"ct to "r'\l.'nUl~('nt of the f't'[; (·o<:",,('n1.. :~t,,· r"¡'ort.ed rhllt the C,\PC ,,,,Iel tI,e c publ ie tw,H '1<J .,ntJ r""('''~~''' Il N1 .Jl'fJcoy,'¡ :;uhJ.'ct ro ,Jmcnrlm,'nt 01 tr", ¡'UL' dO<:lJI"cnt ,'ntl tt'i"t tli... lot:! be rent,,¡ or. 1.,.. Commiasloner VOGS mov~d, seoonded by CommlsaJoner PiGtor ~nd carrJud un~ni~ousIy, that the public h.~rinq ~Q C1080d. Com.i.~ionQr Piatoc ~ov~d. 5~condcd by Co~mis8ioner VODS ~nd carri&d unðntmous]y, th3t the Ordln~nce an numbored and entitled below be adoptod and ~nt.rcd Into Ordinanco Oook No 10 8ubjuct to am.nrl~ent of the PUD document ðnd th~t tho lots be rentð1 lot. onlYI ORDIN^NCE ,84-32 AN ORDINANCE AMt:NDING ORDINANCE 82-2 THE COMPREIIENSIVE ZONING REGULATIONS FOR TilE UHINCORPOrthTED AREÞ<. Of' COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA ßY ^"'£NDING TilE ZONING Þ<.TLAS M^P HUMBER 50-26 D'i 800( 081 rJ~[ 201 1"~9t: J .-- - -- - - -. - -- - - ---- - - -.- - -- -- -- -- --- -- - -----, ,~ ¡.' ;t' . '~;¡;..... k';' ..~r...',.<', ,....~',r"..~., ~ " - ,>'" hl~ . r; .. '-'..~.' "..,...' .' - .,., ~~~... - C·-- ..-...-,.-,,-,--.-- - ,~....~ '.-~ ~""",·"_"~,__~.~'~.'n'·~,""__""""<>"_",,,,,*,,,,,,,_,,,,~;,,_,~,,,,~, ",. .,.,.......,'-"......'''"',.....__... ...... 'i,.., , . .. ~~\i¡',_~} ..' 'r ";/t} , ,,,~!q ~--7~~-------~------~=,~~'~~ , Þ.pr11 10, 1984 ~... :·",,,,':,·. i ',' ,. '. ~ :a'1'''jI,1t.,..., t:''' 1\oud deny Petition %0-84-6. >:·,·...U·.:,..ta14 ;. \, ,:','"" .,.:"'-., " " ' ..~:;.t ';~,1J:'1l1:IM. , "..r .. '" .. ~,~~~!!:{~ plokworth, Attorney r.pre.entlng Croen Tree Center, Inc., ": ',,;:.,,';:., , ..;¡' Ii ~- f \ ; ~ 1 C.nter I. . commercial center and lIIultl-family ,···.'~'t1 .:~' ~..\~.~I :.~~~,i ',(\f.', ~~. ~, '. ~~...it~;(.'1:~'~,":.. .,1 ;~':, ':'~}lli~f~~~~ thÁt ~~~f{t'~~nald . J.."'ì)~~..,.., ,~" ,,:, ~'r~tAt.·cS 't~.t Ç"un Tru .; .../ ~;.r<:. .. "'chv'elopunt. ' He .tated thðt the conflgur..tlonl on the or!')lntll PUD MoIst.r Plan doe. not .how a workable and viable center. H. .tatlld that the or!<)lnAI plan h.. . lineal arrangement oC the atores, adding that ,. this arrAngement i. not tho belt way and there i. not the visibility '.nd Intern4l1 traffic flow thtlt could be obtained with another , . .~ ~oonfi~ur.tion. He .tat.d that on the original Ma.ter Plan and thl '.~ " .':;, , '~rev!..d M4Ilter Plan, they are basically the .alll. with the exception of 1:'''':!1..t.. .-.'4. ~·;~¡;th"but!ering. He noteð that on the original plan there ill a total of 7'r:'::' "," : :1;',." 155 f..t of buffer between the rOlld.ntlal 4Ind the commercial, 55 feet J'.l{.\S ~ " : ;~~of which Wð. :on the commercial .ide and 10 Ceet on the residential '\,,-.i"· ¡ .~....I':sld., adding that ho i. proposing to change the buClor to 10 foet on the commercial II de and 60 feet on the rp81dentlal side. ',' .tated ',I', that the C-4 zoning requlr~a II 10 foot buCfer which il b.inq ~et. He noted that the other chAnges ore the drlvewðy entrance. which comel with.. recommendation of IIpprovAl from Stllff. He noted th,'It thp plan ,'·'··wuld no.... be an 4Ingular erranc;ement for the IItorell, adding thAt the .,'., original plAn showed the c;rocery store on the end which I. not an Acceptable way to .ell the retail .tor~. to tenants. lie noted that .. tenant look~ for a more central looatlon of a 9rocery atorv with parking dllbur.ed on either aide for ~ore vlalbillty. He not.d that tho plan hal A proposed Phale II which would cOnll1st of . department .tore. Co~~I.lloner Kruse atatod that .he was concern.~ about tho acce.. . thðt Wðl Iho~ on the original plan, which plan. ,. I. not Included in the new,. . , . . Mr. Pi ckw rth J i 'age .tatud that on the new plan, the ACCOI. hAs been '... j " lOOK 081 rAGC 203' ~.:.<.a- " ~"~~~~:, . ' .~ ~, ~ .... .' '''';'''' , ..',:' ' .. ..'.. .¡íki~~¡~7~~~.1~ . ¡Ii;, .. :'".......... ....~ L , , " L \ ...( " .. ~ " ',' " . -..._*M·...,."."'._,_~~,."....."~.,~"·."'"....,,.·.,......~.~,,.~.'"'~M_"_ _'_."'___''''''___~'''4'''' "'__~O"_~''''-''_''''C'''''''''''''.'''·_·'-';'.'''">'·'~''ri~·,__,,_, ..",~"-.~.,,,.,~.,,,._,-<,,,,,,,,,,,,__,,,,,,,,,,,,,,_,,,,-,,-...,~ -'-"~"-'''_-'-_'''''''''''''''''.....,,,,..,-'--,..>-,."..-.-",..,.." <',.......-"""-;~.._.."_...._---_.....,,--_..~.~.,_.......,._._~- ':\.~\~--- -.- ------"'--- ---------- - ------ ....:..-:-.-_._~~;:- t...j·, 081 210' April 10 1984 '., ,'.,1:", 'OO~ P~G[ ': ' '... "t ...... ~::;:~;~::IC HE1R~NO SE~ POR 6/12/84, POR PETITION DRI-I!4-IC, MARCO SHORES .; .;,~~:·~~l'·~t, Co"'I..loner Pi.tor 1D0ved, .eoonded by COl'll'lla.loner Kru.. IInd ''i~'.f1..,....,. ',r.....', ~ I ~'::Ollrrled unanll'1oualy, that the publl0 hearing for Petition DRI-e4-1C, ~~ ;, ""roo Shore.', be .et for June 12, 1984. ~.~~:" )~. .,",....¡,.. .:.~' '/::1 ' " \ J ",.{J..,.... '., " ) .. ~. ¡'..,.. ,', ~.. I' I" I "J..ì- hc;¡e Ii ~~j' . . .. \' ~ ,,' '\1.' , .. "Í; , '. :. W;, ....r'"....-.,.. , ',:\''l,l¡ìf'f '.,' ... ;'';¡, ' ,1,' .... ..... I Rece... 9.50 A.M. - Reconvened, 10100 "'.M. ...... It.. 110 " ,~,~. I PETITION TO LIMIT W!IGHT ^HD PROHIBITING ·THRU· FARM TRUCK TRA'FIC ON RIGGS RO^O IHDtFINITELY - DENIED PUbdc Work. 1Idmlniatrlltor IIartman l!tated that this i. II report ¡ and recommendation on tne u~e of Riggs Road by !arl'l trucks. He noted , ,that At the pr~vioua l'I~øtln9 Gta!f WIIS aRked to exploro the poIslbilitý of RIC;¡91 ROlld being uø..,d all a hllul road for farlll use. lie reported that he wrote 41 let tor to the f~rl'l owner at the north end of the road, who "'will be an owner lllIlIossed when thl. mlltter come. b..,fore the Board for t\." C final aa.ealll1\ent helHlnc;¡ on M.'y 1, 1984. He stðtod that ,Ill the properties abutting klggs Road and ell of thom on the aSllcssment roll 4Ire zoned ,1,-2, adding that he do.. not know how.. weIght lil'llt could be .et on Riggi Road lIa It la in an Þ<.-2 are. and It would be taklnc;¡ away' the kind of uses or operation. of the road thllt thl1 zoninc;¡ dIstrict pormlts. 110 alated that an analyal. of tho stren9th of the load WII. done and the conclusion was thllt R~99S ROlld could carry l'Ior. large trucka than it Is currently carryIng. lie .tated thet he would,' recommend thllt any action on thl1 potltlon be rleferred until such time that there ia enough trafflc on tho rOlld to aubstantiate a weight lImit. He Itatod that RI99S Road WIIS a 1lm.rock road to begIn with And consJdorðble 1Jm~rock W~~ added to it p1uft the inch of 'Ipalt .urface, \ ; , ;·.....:'9ro. :},,_ited, P'r ' -~, ' f," approxl.ately addln9 that the road I. up to atandllrdl. He noted th~ West Florida .' which il the hrlll at the end of R,I,99. Road, wII,l, pa~._, ....~ $11,000, addin9 that. there Are JJ di'feront parcell on I ,'t' I . ......~'~""t,· \ ~. "".. . , c' '\,~,,',.. ., ·;!~f'.:'/' ' .,.. ". '1 .. " ,'" f . ,t. i' ." .":,;' " ',:f':' .(...."L ~ I ~:.{. 1 , .,.', . ,.:~iI¡,:\ ::)~ .I;-rl)~ ~~ ; , ,-I:.~¡,".¡, ," 1'.' ,: .'.J "." :.~ ,./: j~;, , 'i(' ~';'''' '¡~,b¡' ;~.. . ,,#',,'a4~' , ,'''I'~ . U,' '~"!'" ..; ", I ··''''t~/:l~ t r. .," "f." '!'~~':!~,. t·~ .,'.~,"" ." .. ,t"11:~ ~,::;-"J",; f\"o~ t ' ";"¡~:':i4;i.t~~Ì';~ ",...¡c.o.,' ,r. ~ f.,.... ,..¡ V' ., ., '",; ',:'f ~, '.. , , ,.:, .' . ',¡" ', "',;:A,' " /'~~'}~~~':7' :equesting ..' '.. ,~', .: t:,-· . ~" ,', I.... .1 '''í {.... 1 'J!:::..- .....,. , ^prll 10, 1984 .. p' '\. .tf', '., ,.' .". being $211,355.20 with the 1" '. of 11101 that h. ir " wight lillllt and prohibiting -thru· (lIrm truck traffIc 01, Rigg. ROlld. H. atat.d that h. i. not trying to,stop ~nyon. from having 4ICCOSS to their proper'ty! but a \o'Oight 1 imlt is needed on the road so that. tho ro..d doe. ,not d.teriorate IInymore thlln it already i.. H. .tated that 1, the road was n.ver built right to begin with and there is no sen.e in ~tho County havin9 to con.tan~ly build up the roðd because of hellVY "'.': f'.:I~~,¡..., 't,'/,I \ ~.., ,;'~' .qu I pII~nt b.1 n'iJ used on it. ~~P;rf~~'~:~~{~~;onH Kruse IItotod thot aU tho roads will be uud by all ".~·::\::,~I;~~~ '.~',. }~r,;th"peo'ph, including hauling equipment in and out, adding that If ~he ;'~, r.';~;: 14 ',: i ~1"rold cannot oarry the heavy equipment, the tllxpayerll dollars will pay r''''~'ffl ;s.-.c'" ~ : \ She ~., ,to repair it~ stated that road. cannot be closed off to that type ·i') '." O~f;"I, U', .' 'e i f i t i S i n a farming community. . ~~,~,*,""i .. ~'... , ~~:,;~"o? ~/CO,~II~"ioner Pi.tor Hated t.hat once it I. dovolopod and accepted ''.~t'·I. .. County ro.:ad, it cannot be cloled of! and If jt needs repair the ':~:"'" . 01 . ',' County wi~l have to lIIaintain it. I Commissioner Holland stated that he would liko to s~o some oompactlon t.e.tl before Any decision il lIade. Co..iaaion.r ~ru.e aoved, .econd.d by Commis.ioner Vos., that th.' petition for.. weight lilllit ..nd prohibitinq -thru· farm truck traffio on Rigga Road ind.finitely b. denied. County Attorney Saunders .tated thal tho BOllrd ha. the authority I to regulate ~Ight limit. on roads. .' Public Works Administrator Hllrtman stoted thllt the truck traffic 1s not ·thru· trð!flc. as the poople ~hat use this road live on tho road. tIe stated that the prop.rty is z:onod ,1,-2 which does not impose . .. pag_ 10 ,,\,' ,.... '," .' 081 "211 .,.'~'f\'!'k.~ '" ~.., '; , tOOK PA.,. -: :.\",~tt; ---------------.:,--- ---------------',-.;,.,. ~..,...j;.. , , J'~'_". . ~t ~..,'.-~ ;¡s¡ '~...".,.~~i·.........~ TI1I1 11'. <··<._'.....""c·".__".,,·.,,·,·,·...""_~"'_"_~.,-".,~,,,.,.'-...¥..,._,_....__._.w_____......_...,..." .-..-. -. - ..... "' ./ !·~.r·,·~~............,.,·lo,)'· · 1:- ' '. "'''~'" ,.~./ ~;~(!'.rr_,'\ ,: ~ '·I"jl.'~" . , I I,,:," .-........ ."~~." . J. '410 ........ .... . .. .~~·,;l~·.t.,.'-' \............ ."' .~..¡. :¡tt.' '1'1,....4,,41'.».. J...~ ". "~ ~.y,,·: ..", , ,.' ,...:, ,~~;: õt'¿~ ~'l'" .....,.. '{," .","" .1;.. .' " . \ .,- , 'It· .' . ~ ,....';+ð.&f.~., ~~~~~~~~~~-~-~--~---------~-------~~~-~--~ ~...~',..'., ,J': ,\ .&OOK 081PaGt212 , April 10, 1984 ,,;:~:< :~,';~~ -.c~~~:', t~~;""ny ~19h~ limit on the road 4Ind by uttlng a ,.,.19ht lilllt, the County..., t:.;., , " 1, {,;~, w~u:~ be denying the.. people access. I t~,:;~~>~~~~' upo~~;call tor the quutlon, the motion carried 3/2, (~~'~I"I~ner~ f, . I U'\. Holland and Brown oppoud). , " It,. '11 1J:,'·' \ . .... _ ' ,'" ~ 10' rY' JUSTICE CEHTER , SPAcl Þ<.LLOCÞ<.TIOIf DECISIONS "::¡'" ,:,~,V':'~"': P~blJc.S.afety Mmlnl.trator Dorr111 atated that thl. Item 111 II ::~7Cdiscuiulon itell 41. a result of the pres~ntotion made last week. He, ' ~ . . ;,.- '.' .,. atated that there wore throe directions 9iven him ot th~ last lIe.tlnq, one was to lIeet with the State Attorn~y's 0((100 to dlacuaa and try ..nd ,'. resolve ten Interior finish concorns, the second was An it'II conoe~ning 'd,c:v" :~;~ Por.onne1 :ond Purchasing Dopllrtments to s.e 1( they could b. relooated " ; , to Buildings "C· ðnd ·D· respectively, and the third WA',to not ~t:~",,' wi th othor ~1\..:· ay.t~m. jeopardize the intent o( tho current Justice Center uxpan.lon projeot Items that are no~ directly relatod to the orlminal j~.tl~e' "," ..,', :"!: "'I"J' ',1 Ue stat.ed thllt he met with the St.at... Attorney'. officII .. , ~" . ''':.'' ..' .' rogardln9 tho ten intorlor fini.h concerns, aJding that the fir.t Ite. I '-... ··..·,.,·.·· ~""~~t..:'j~ . . wa. the construction o( a .ecurity vestibule area within th.' ,,'~~ I , ' .;, ' 'lf I\lsdemeAnor division which tho Board ðgreed to furnl.h I;ïaevloua ',~'" . :.~/;. ., .": action. He statod that the .ocond Item relate. to "beefing up. the , '",~, ~: " . ','I, armory whore they will house their weapona, wiretap de~ices, etc. and ... to "beef up" the wall. of t.ho secured stor..g. and evidence control' rooms, addIng that he Is a'kln~ to come back and build concrete walls on the Inside o( existing wll11. to provide that pðrticular .ecurity. Ha atated that tho noxt item invo1vos the Installation of emergency power c/lpabl1lUes, adding that he i. p~rsulng thl. matter (or the·" elevator and tho third floor for use during emerqency. lio .tated that (..',. the next Item involve. InstallAtion o( c10led circuitry te1evl.ion'lor ~. . i ,. . . ,'. ,I ~ , , ·;··;..'~;f4'- ,;'J·"·'" ',., ,," .. "":' i. t~-Ph,..sd VhlCh~i'd~'~'''''~~'" ' ". .....~~.....r , ~:>!~ .\¡f'.' ".;; ',.' . - 1,·'1\~~.,,, \' .::- . ..",. J. ..P~;9,:~ ..:,¡ .:".~, /ì . ."""10 '~ '" office, Addin9 thAt t.his ("~..,,,,..., ' '" ,i ',.'.?'...J ,,' t '1~\1~~.~~'...4"';"'\.~" ~:-,¡.rl-';. . 'f.~ ~J~.;. "'.. :.:Þ ~ ~. ,""",·,~."","~,·",,,,,,,,,,,,-,,,,,.,.~·~~,,,,~____.·.,...-.-~_......,,_,.·.H_".._'''',"." . , ~, f' \ \1........ 'f',' J:" , , .:..~ '-r '." I I' ;':,~' . r..: ',1,:,' '1~.;;I~',.. ,,' ',~ ^ r 11 1 0: '198.' .... A, ,Y " , , lit: ::~- .. televl.ion outllt. in ~o~. of the roo~. arid'i olo.ld ~ ,', 'I'" ,.., '.. G.: ':~r:i.!~, ~ t~llvl.ión ~y.tem in th~ oth.r room.. H. noted that thl nlxt (.- their lunch room on thl .Ixth floor, at thi. point would ba very difficult .. and thoy f.ll that it i. r.~ longlr 41 rlquirement. Ho notld thAt thl '.>' '" " ¡. . ~ 'Icured .toraqe, .ddJng that the Building Mðintenanco could build the next item involved i. .halving in their .upply and avidenoe roo. in c J ,', ' rf,'::'.·,,;' "¡, f' ;~~} ~:~~: ~ ;~.~, ;:",i '1,:~,Ji~' , ' ."?'íI " ,~ .. ..' 'hllving. HI .tated that the finAl t.hree item. mlntloned Involve ' t ',wlndow'.hade., .~udged wðll., 4Ind bll.lboard. th.t w.r. chipped whIch "j'." . "( t·, , '1;!\,:'t'''~.'~~'~lol;nd tn th. 'p~n~h li.t and a ro ~J no r touch-u p i tttm.. tie lItat td ~1..,~h~~·~'h. S'ta:t'e "'t't~rney need., prJor to lIovlnq In, .om. directIon 4IS to J'rl, ..,.... ' 1 "", . ... t-',., , I, ,',;"whlther tho.. will be rellolved. .:I'. ~.;~:,~?;~~,: ~ : ··.',t,P.,~r°r:.o,·al. ,for the Itelll, that he feel. oan be tllkan CItro of. lie .tllted ~.), t~..t. the 'St4lte Þ<.ttorney will'haVI to occupy what il substantially ~~'i)\"', .:-.¡). r ., ':' . ' , :r,~.r~o~Plet,e .pace and gIve hIm an oPPOrtunity durinq the com:1I9 IIIonth. to . ' ~ . lie at.ted that he II purauing "",~,.t.ke carl of the other concerna. ': ~: T..pe 14 COlllmls.loner Kru.. atlltad that her cpinion is that evorybody IIhould 90 bllck to aquare one and whatever tho ~oard oriqinally approved .hould be done and thllt io All. She atated that she will vot. to 90 wIth what ~he money WIIS borrow.d for and everyone elso .tay where they ..re until the money aitulltion i, aortod out IInd then whatever is left can ~e ~Jvided ..monq the difCerent noeds. COIII_iaslon tr Pi.tor atlltod thAt it wa. IIgr~od to Cini.h oC! the 8th floor ..nd how the 8th Cloor i. ~e.lqned could have An effect on t.he' " ,. 5th 'floor. Comml..ionor Pllltor stilted that thore wða also discuSsion reqArdinq usinq Tru.t.es to move the State ^ttorney and the Clerk, Iddlng th.t he think. that .ome of theao record. .hould ho handled by profe'lIional movere. ... 081 21' ':9'e n: .~ aoo~ 'A~r 3 , , tÏ;~~ . " , , ,,~~,¡¡t ---::-----------------------------------~~ ~t '" ,.'1\,",' '-"'Iì..~~ ~.. f,"» ."- '.. ' . .' ";,' , ~' .~' , ,.. " ,'.' :, r'K " I¡o. iJi' ,', .. '. ".....~~.... I,':r> ~...,,-. . ,.;.. , '''.'''' ·---....-·iR~~~~~~.____ ~, " '-"~'''-''_-''',.,."-,".._."-~".".",,,",.....,,..., "'" ~ ..,,~ ìl" ~ , ~"'1~"...."".. , ~;\)!':~" , .~.'."",;. . "', ~ "'¡. ',~, ~r ......,1 ,_, ' _______________________-..:.~~_ -----.-,------ . t:~. ~~o·I:·'081,~:.~214 April 10, 1984 f#.r~~{~;; ,.,.. :'~" .0'.. ',... . "'"01,:, ,~:.: . ~';"t:l~ ~::;:·t :n:: ":::: n:h: ':::: I::':' :::, .::: I:::. :::. ::::: ,::: t :i\!,;T:,:;ih 'f~" O\...ì~J," I .'.... '.~/, ','. ' .,::: adding that thl. h what should b. don.. ':",~ .. '," ..,.... , 1, Þ I ,r.,':" ..... . comøti'ssion.r Voss statl'!d that ð profllsulonal spo/lce planner 11:' I n..ded to ~o~. in to look at the relt of the oporatlon to decide what .' -' ';'.....'.' , .' { oan b. don.. h . . .,. ":..... . ( :" ,.,,~ r:' COII.i..ioner Kru.e .oved, ,. .... ' .. f':': th~ '1IO~~y thAt WU orlr¡¡inlllly ' I ..conded by Commi.sSoner Roll.nd, that ~ I'". borrowed be uud for the purpose th..t It: :. . ~i': ~'i' ,: w... tx.r'rowed lor and wi th the lIoney that is lelt decid. what 1 t ",111 be , " u.ed l~r or if aore .oney will be borro",.d to take care of th. r.at of :í " ~,' , 'w ~/ . ;.~, . " the need.. '.) .' CommISSIoner Voss ~ueationed if the f'inðnco D.part~.nt is inçiuded in this motion, to which Commls.ioner Kruse atated that thl. ~otlon t, -, 'i;'·! .\ :,.;'. ':",!. II ' , 'I '~ , , [<r"¡t, . J ,",,: ;' ~ ;~;!'·:~:i":. " ' J \' ,...;::,"'.\1, I 1" "J..,.~~.,I,}' ^grloulture D.partm~nt, adding that since thllt tillie, the Agrioulture. X f¡li'"l;, ,'.~ ~.: ·~¿1·~tr~ Departmont has moved to a lllr<Jar area and hal no d..i r. to COIl" back to ,~t""I!i i ~'J ,''': '\~ / ":...1.,~" , .. smaller IIrea. lie not.d that prevlou. bOllrd action ha. indicated that :,....\ applie. to already exIetJn9 contract.. " ow· Publlo Safety Ad.dnl.trator Oorrill atat.d the orig 'al plan showed the 'Inance Depart~ent being remodel~d to acco~modat. the .' the SupervJaor of Electionl could occupy it. Commlesloner Kruse stated that thl. i. not part of her becau.. It:.1s not Co.mi'..ioner \ .otIon died for . 11·;:' ~~, ~\~,~,,' 'c' '·~:I; '..'( ~.." I ·r."\. ",1 (.t: "f',. mot on, " "'" ~~... .1'.1....\1."., f al r to the other Conr.titutional Of flcer.. . . i . ~: _10,. Holland withcSrew hi. eecond and, ther.fore, the : 'It. ~ ;0,'" " l..ck of s.cond. ;.. r;" Property ^pprniser Colding stated that he hðl no quarrel with the Supervi ,or of [lectlone ~ovlng into n.w quartera, adding that h. IllIIply hI '41 that in the near future, h. wIll be able to have more space. . ", " :~~.J,'. He f' .", ..~ut.d.' that,. ~e 11 spuking for ~~~~~:"I', ~o_l..ioner Vo.. lIIov.CI, , .f' ", ; I;:..~ :''''J: : . )~~~:" /'." \"'.1,1'" I, himself and the Tax Collector. , , . ',~.: I~'~*.:;;", and.; ,1' . ';'.:~~~~' " .econded by Co..is.ton.r ,I.tor ')'. 'II :~ '.,' ,';- 0',0- i,~ ,t ~ I ~'\ . '¡, . , . .... ··I"'·~; ~'. r . . ~,.. ./b.Þt.. .~,..""''''''"''...,~'''''.".'''''''''''..,._--'''..,''''''',_."''"',~,-,-..,,...--,",', "-~""'" I~.,\;~:;· ':~': ,,'\ ',' .' 1'f¡~J¡'¡'" ·,f ~.: , ' ,~¡!, . . ;~"(.~.'ît."" ;I¡~ L :": ":'\"" ~~~~~,~. 4/1 {, ~CO.IQI"I,~~er ~~~t the contr.c;~ n~w In h~nd, ~~, \'h'1of;"'\~/',".:' J..~', '~7I'j~"lll r:,e "..oUed I:~~":'~:"':'..,\.. ;".,.' - A . ~:;:~" ','~~per:'~:'Ior: ~r Eleotlona. ..,'.", ;''','~ ,...t~a1oner Voa. "oVId, .econ6ed by cv...ts.ioner piator, thAt a ·1~ . 4 '.._' ¡rore..lon4ll apaoe planner b~ eng..ged to exa..ine the re.t of the ;... ';, '''' ,&.pril 10, 1984 .:~·~î~i·,~., ",.f',' '-~.~...." ·-.~·~:-t1:···1 ~ruae oppo.ed), th..t the : ~!,Jti. . " "'''', ' Ino~~d~~9,~he,re.odelinq of the '·(~~Iqo·.~·."' l.:.,<,+. .', by the r1.IAncer:>-part.ent and oooupied ~.~ , .......·,1,. '.'.' I . , " " . , " County's oper..tion and oome back with.. recom..endation a. to how to u.e ., ' the sp..oe that 1. available. Upon cAll for the queatlon, the .otton ": '" faIled 2/3, ,(Co..i..loner. ~ru.~~ ~~llftnd, and Brown oPpolod). ,co..tsa\onar Holland .ovad, '.aconded by Co....i..Jon.r PI.tor ..nd ~:; :.-~. ¡,' .f , /: 1'1 . . ~ J\' oarrled 3/2, ~Com.iaalon.r. ~ruse ..nd Voa. oppo..d), thAt Public Safety : . f,r J '. Ad.lnI.trator DorrIll prooeed polt-ha.ta in getting bid. to cOMbtne th. t~·:'·~f,. 1 'f'¡£':' "',~ to J,,);,¡,~,' ':-(',04>, ~ .~ Ii ~: " ',- I,," :.';:~" Property .APPuhor and the hr.onnal Department In BuIlding ·c· ..nd 4'~·''''~ .. 'r 't",:/,. t-I, ,('·:~oo.bJne tha T..x Colleotor and the PurchA.inq Department In Building' , ", :' ,';1) , ; '~'~;t~~ · C· . .. ',.'\,1 { ;~!"¡",. °IJ "tl~ " ,; oJ .', , '.' Co_isatoner Holland moved, .econd.d by COIII.I,..ioner 8ro~, that ,,' .'~"", . ~··'Ir::'" an avaluatlon ba'tak.n oC the County Manager'. office and the County '~.r...í :r, ~~~t ";.'~'_' . ::-r" , " 1.ttornay'. oftloe and to COlli. baok with a Clgura that will expand or ..et their raquJrø.enta and et the .Ame tI.e oon.ider 41 IIIOV. to tha 8th ;'~'<. floor for tho Bo..rd Cha.ber., the ^~torn.y'. orCice, and tha Kanaqor'. '. ~ ..' . offioe. ~ '. - ~ ~ ; ::j.~.:;~ (, CO~lIIlslioner,~olland Itllted that Ie P~rchll.ln9. Perlonnel, fŸlntenAnce and Supervl.or of ElectIon. ore .o....ed; thoro ..,111 be " aufficient room for the eulldlnq In.poction DepArtment and Zonlnq on the qround floor of Bulldlnq ·f·. Ho noted that the Public Work. Dlvilion oould occupy tho current third floor of Building .,. if tho Board Chamber., the County M.-nIlCJ.r, ~nd the County ^ttorney wre lIoved, .' , "",~...! ,\ ì t ,:,..>!-¡;' ~ '~. ''r~: . . , .' to the 8th floor. COIII.i..ioner Holland .tated that two of the pro~le.. w.re re.olved ..nd he would, thor.foro, withdraw 1.la lIIotIon And wait. Paq_ _'.:~ ," lOOK 081 mt 215 ";" ~ I ~1' ~~,:;:~~~1 ~ ~--~~~---------~-----~------------ '.,'. .; :',S"1 f ~~(-:;::. iia' ',.~..' ,,' .... ",' .!,;,w.:>;..~~\' ',~ .; ;,' '. ,.." " ",' ' " " ',.,; ~:.~¡ <, ~. )/',,,,. , :¡.c.,:.! ..,.~~~ ..J~~':..:"."- . '. .,(,. , _.~..~.¡.),.,...:./..'" : I " , . ,. . ~'~ ' ,..,. r~~J~IÍ;~i"'4ì~'t&ií..· ,I,', --C-". - . ,...,~'_.e·""'"'".,"^"'_·~"'._"""_,.~...""'''_=,_'''- FM-~~H;~~~~', .. ,,,. '.' ',' ,:,'" ,;..,. !O-^'.' ", , f ,,1ii .J':'~' .','fi-";;'.::.r.:,..". j,~' -.,'.. ,., , , , :'''\11'>' ;.~ ~. .. .·..4··'f....-:J-,~,·':"'~',· . i..' . .J~~...,.~.~ 't:.!>;..!:- ..,¡~~ :.,. ,.. -.' - " ,I" t..ctt....~:· ';',.,. .' . ___________________::'!:::.:~_ w·~j--t·-·---,---""""T·--------- . , '"'}.:I\" ì~ ," t' .,....~... ,,'" ...' , '. 'f # .....,. ,,' . " ',"pC i 1 10, 1984 ,J. ,:~., ',.', . aDOX nCl PArr 216 '~ '" "},'. , ' UO -. '. 't,...... T.~ 15 '. :'t~ .:' ,. " 1 :..i';,';:~'i~ tl~.t;:!.-··, ,. . ' ". t·; ~,~ ~.~. , State ^ttorney D'Ale8811ndro .tated that ho .imply wants to know il', t~'~~g~> " . . f~' the iteml that ~~re brought up this date have been appruved, adding ,~[t'~'~~·~ ~~ey w~re all In the initial co.nstruct1on phns. r;:}·~>':'~; co..l.~ioner lIolland ",oved, uconded by COlMliufoner Itruu and f~;,' , carried uo..nl~ously, that Mr. Dorrlll brfnq back propo.als lor approval ¡ on the ten neoded it.~s for the State Attorney. , ;' r , ' , Public Safety Þ<.dminlstrator Dorelll stated that he would recoÐmen~ .' ~i"~ .. , , that. professional mover b. rotained to move the Public Defender, the;,. , {"J" . ;~ .~ St.t. Attorney, the Clerk and the Sheriff. He noted that t~ move th~ ~;';~'~ Public ,D.fend.r, the State Attorney and the offloial court reporter , ,1,-, would coat between $2-3,000. He noted that this would be money well .' spent. '. of. "'--,', , ~' ~¡. . I. " f~ . ,:f~~" : , ,~ . ",' ~~ '/~ ' ' , ,. ,>:,'\;... ' t ., {,:~t,:)~ j ',.: "':',,\"!I,I< t ." .,..,-1.... Com.-i.aioner Holland moved, aeconded by COIIIJlli__ion&r Pi_tor And " i..)/¡'ìa..:. I Il'trl.~.!r'''' ";', ,!"1',\" , .... oarried 3/2, (CoIl1ÐI..ioners Kru.e and Voss oppo.ed), that an architect, V",' '.' '. 1t" ...·'1\..." be retained, for dosign. to house the Tax Collector and Por.onnel '1'0 .:; ~,"'~~~\.' , ~'f'IJ... ~¡!:,r " Buildinq ·C· and to hou.e the Property ^pprAi.er and Purch..inc¡ In 'í1t'i''\~'" :,: ~ "~\>J'.~;.!~:_'~ ~ ,': \' c,',,~,,~.¡:~l.\:. ,,' .;.... >- 'f";'{~' ^ctlng County Hðnager Vlrta 8tated that_there i_ .till .. probh~ ';1: ,\;:,,/' . t ' I' -;. "~ "t It of where Public Worka, Zoning and Building Code COlllpllance will be'-':,;', " ,/ COlllml..ionor Pi_tor InOved, seconded by cOlI\Inls.ioner 1I011and and oarried unanlaously, that a prof...ional lIIover be hired to move the vArious depart.ents. Bulldinq -0-. locllted. .' {,.' '; '''1 \' Public Satety Adminlstrfttor Dorrill atated that it people are going to bo moved trolll the ground floor of Building "f'., he I. ftssumlng that nuilding Inspection and Zoning will be reloclltcd to tho first j,ìf !l(¡or o( Building "r". lie stilted t '. ','. I t Public Workl lit this point j;, ~.' unresol ve", add I ng I'll I. ¡ / ~,\f.i:'~:'~." r· ;..""~ \,"'... ~.. . . ,,,:I,,,'.,,!I: n~' ':"~- ',." ~!:, ,.....:.. that the only vÿtion would b. for Public , ' "'1, " . ~~. .~~~.. , ." . ,. ,:ì:... '.. " ,,;'I'.j :', '," ,', .."....:, , ':(1E~i~' i. .. '. J?~~~~/J, lø.,~;~ '; ., t ~ .. " ' , "'~~~~~ conll Ictlng motions· ond ":"'~',\/,'\1~ '. ~~t. .,r..~ . ;,~ , .. :;.." ' , '..' , ....... ".'-:"~ ,, .~ ~'., .i<'(j· ~., .!.;')', "'..;;;, \~~ \"":" .;; ~. Þ,', "rti:·,rt·of .j.. .." ", . ~l¥~,~~""H.-....., !"P',.,. :~:,(.to the 8th . T,_ "j' April 10, 1984 ...: ,,:.....-......' '.I: '.'~." , . ',.' ....,.'. .,. ,1,1 floor of Building "'·and tor hi. to propare a similar ~~~:d".~9n to Accom",~date th..,. ~-~'.l~,.j~~:· " '~.J.il ." . . ,., '\. ',\ ,fro";' 'Comml s~loner ÝO," .tAt.d ~;:~:.':' ~.,::: que.tloned :"~..~ , .J " .....,. that thore are which one. p..I.d, to which County Attornoy Saunder. It.ted that tho eelect or the ~otlon that I. approved by the Boord rumainl In effect until changed by a .ubl.quent ~otlon. Public Saf.ty Ad~lnl.trAtor Dorrlll atotod that hi. understonding or the action taken i. to retain .n 4Irchitect to prepare a new .pace . f progrðm and ache~atic deligne which will .how floor plan loyout~. In I ' tho.e two particular buildings whore poople will go, edding that os a ,', '. ¡'p' I' ¡,¡ I' .. ~ reault ot ,thi., people will be rellloved !rom ßulldlng "D" and almllar .. .' '·H'{..,'I:'\"'· deaignaJ~ill have to be prepðred for the ground floor and the 8th floor '. , .' t of 8ullding ·ro. H. noted that it could cost $50-60,000 to do doslgn '., r':' ';'. r,''''" ',r' ' work to .ccomlllodate lIIoves on two floor, of Building ·Fo And ~ll of ': "'. ,. ,f- .."L ',I 1 f..~¡... ¡I ::;:!i'Þul,ldlng'"p and ·Do. !'.";.~".~ I,'. "" '!- . ' Ite. 112 ,,! ,;II~,\"'." ,,¡..,.;.'..;'1ì¡."'~'f' ,.,' PARJl:S, RECRE^TIOH DEPT. TO ^PPLY rOR ^ CRANT IROM THE S'ì^TE 0' FLORIDÞ<. TO PROVIDE LUNCHES rOR IMMOK^LE£ SUMMER RECREATION PROGRAM PÞ<.RTICIP^NT9 ~. " co~.I..loner Pi.tor aoved, aec~n~ed by Com_iaaloner Jl:ruae .nd o..rrled unanl_ou.ly, that the P4Irks , Recreation Depðrtment apply tor. gr..nt from tho St..te Qf FlorId. to provide lunches tor IlIImokAle. Bummor R.oreatlon progr.. pArtlolpants. ·aulI) BUDGET ,.,1ENDf1ENT TAANsrERRIHC $ 39,349 rROI'! TilE CEHEAAL rUND RESERVES TO THE COUNTY MH^CER'S Þ<.Df1INISTRATION OUDCET TO ALLOW PRESENT STA"IIIO LEVELS IN THE COUNTY KANACER'S OFFICE - APPROVED Co..ia.loner Plator .oved, a.conded by COIII.la.lon.r Holl.nd ..nd c..rrl.d unðniaou.ly, th..t the Budget Þ<.lIIendlllent tranaterrlng $39,349 tro~ the Cen.ral Fund Relorve. to the County Manag.r'. ad~lnlltratlon " budget ,to ..llow pr..ent .t..fling level. in tho County M,n..ger'. oftlce be ..pproved. 'OO( 081 Pa'.! 217 PAge 16 ' I . ,I:~,i~t.~ \ J' " .~.\....) ----- -_:.-- -- ------ -- --- - - ---- -------- ----~:-:~ , .....oJ· ..ðh'''' ."..-..r-~ " "it. "., , ......... I:'''''': ~ ,'~ .. t' .....~. .. ,,~, ." '.' _.,., '¡'''''_''''~''''''''~'''_'''n~',..'._~'''..."«",,. ~'_""_~ , .'.'''"...,^'"....,,'''','''-_....'',',''~~_,,". ,I-.'~.-""'"..O·......,_"""h..,"'_,"'.__,'_.,_.,~,...~_._ ..',? .-:~ r.:::J c=J ¡---"I ---' ------.------------------------------------ April 10, 1904 It.. 118 COUNTY MANAGER'S ORDINANCE 80-:7 TO BE Þ<.DV!RTISED FOR PUBLIC REARING WITH A 4/5 VOTE REOUIRED TO FIP': THE MANAGER MO A pr;NALTY CLAUSE FOR COMHISSIONT.RB WHO VIOLATE ~IE ORDINAN~! - APPROVED County ^ttorney Saunders statnd that his understandin~ is th~t the Co~~insionnrl would liKe to have Ordinllnc~ AO-77 rcinntntnd, a~ðing that he advised that a public hoarinq would hav~ to hn held on the lIIatter. fie .tated that in IId"ition to Ordinance AO-77, there would he a 4/5 vote required to lire the Managnr and lIlso a penalty clause for Commi.sionors who violate the ordinðnc~ which woul~ aloo have to be advert.illed. COllai..ioner pi.tor lI1oved, .econded by COll1ai..ioner Holland and c..rried unanill1Ou.ly, thal the County Menager's Ordinance BO-77 be advortiaed tor public hearing with a 4/5 vote required to fire the Hanayer and a penalty clause for Commissioner. who violate the Ordinance. ···The following iteme were approved and/or adopted under the Con.ent Þ<.genda by motion of Commialioner Kruse, seconded by Co.misaioner Pi.tor and carried unanimou.ly,··· Ite. tl9 RESOLUTION 84-73 RE: Pr.T. SNR-B4-4C, I~ROLD C. MItlGO, STREET NAME: APPROVAL FOR MINGO DRIVE. ON Till': SOUTH SECTION LINE or SECTION 29, T48S, R27E See Poqo L~ ..¡, 7> Ite. .20 FIN^L PLAT APPROVAL FOR WIGGINS B~Y PHASE I, PET. FP-84-2C, LOC,I,TED AT THE BE CORNER or VANDERBILT DRIVE ^ND WIGGINS P^SS ROAD, SUBJECT TO STIPULATIONS 1. Final Plat not to be recordsrt until the require" ill1provell1ents have been constructe" I'Ind acceptltd or IIntil approvf!d security is received and approve". Ite. .21 HR. NICK ROUSKY, SOUTHWEST FLORIDÞ<. P^'tACHUTE CnITER, AUTI10RIZED TO PLACE MOBIL! nUILDINO ON LEAS~D PROPERTY AT TI1£ IMHOKALE~ ^IRPORT &OO( 081 r ',t 245 I'a<). 20 ----------------------------.--------------- .-.....-.. --. .~:-- .--'. ~... ~._-_.. .-. --..- .-- - -- - - - - - - - -- - - - -- - - - -- '~Q~ 081w,t24.6 Ap ri 1 IO, 19B 4 I u. . 2 2 R~EWAL or L~SE WITH 8L~~ TREÞ<.VWAY rOR OFFICE SPACE IN MORTON BUILDING, IMMOKALEE, FOR THE FARMERS HOME Þ<.DMINISTRATION FRO~ MAY 1, 1984 THROUGH APRIL 30, 19B5 See Pege .-2...íÒ xu. '23 PRELIMIWÞ<.RY ^CCEPTAHCE or KINGS LAKE UNIT FOUR, PHASE TWO, ORIGIHAL ~UAR^HTEE SECURITY ^S THE MÞ<.IHTEN^NCE SECURITY - ACCEPTED I UIII I 24 It.. 12S PART-TIME S~CRETARY II POSITION IN TilE FLEET MAN^GEMENT DEP^RTMENT ^CCEPT^NCE or srwER , W^TER F^CILITIES, KIHCS LAKE SUBDIVISION UNIT 4, PRASE 2, SUBJECT TO STIPUL^TIOHS 1. Thðt all legal documents Dre found to be legll11y sufficient by the County ^ttorney. 2. Th,Ü U. S, Home Corporðtton ðCJrees to: See Pages d..0/ - .;<~~ ð) Conclude ð Sewer Service Agreement bðsed on the conditions described in Article 7 of Executive Summllry dDted 3/30/84. xu. 126 CERT. FOR CORRECTION TO T^X ROLLS PRESENTED BY PROPERTY APPRAISER 1982 TAX ROLL 667-669 1903 TAX ROLL 290-307 308 TANGIßLE PERSONAL PROPERTY .!2J!2 19B3-3ee-397 TANGIALE Pf.RSONAL PROPERTY ,~ 1983-789 3/22-23/84 3/19-28/84 11/29/83 3123-29/84 3/26/84 Page 21 --- - - - - - - - .._- - - - - .- - - ..- - - -- _. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ---- c::::J c:J , ~, ,~ : '" ..~!,:::,:, , c-: , ' ~';'1 ~1 ~ í.~ .. .J c::.:J ------------------------------------------~ April 10, 1101\ It.. '27 MISCELLAH£OUS CORRESPONDtHCE - PILED ^ND/OR REFERRED There baing no objection, the Chair ~ ¡ected that the following correspondence be filed and/or ruferrHd. the variou~ departments as indicllted I 1. Letter dated 3/26/84, from Ho'1rry S. QUIlY, Chal rman, Culller D1'IIslon, Better Business Bureau, Bd. of Dlr., re recent I-day Gille of Oriental Rugs by out-of-stlJte peddlers. xc Mr. Vlrta and Ms. Lðyne. Filed. 2. Copy of signed Cortificate for absentee ballots from March 13, 1984 Presldontial Preference primary Election. Filed. 3. Copy of signed Certlficdte for votes Cðst in Colllor County from March 13, 1984 Presidential Preference pr imary Eloction. fl led. 4. Dept. Aeport: Library Systef!! Statistics, 2/84. Filed. 5. O~R Notice dated 3/28/04, eo procosslng of application by tho National Trust Co., Fil~ No. 110012795, for construction of a boat slip. xc Dr. Benedict. Filed. 6. OER Notlcv dated 3/27/84, ro processing ot Jppllco'1tlon by the Clln American Seagatc Corp.. File No. 1108;:.<165 (Revised) for ferry bOllt docks. xc Mr. Vlrta and De. nencdlct. Filed. 7. DCR Notice dated 3/23/04, re processing of application by Port of the Isl.lnds Investment Co" f 1" No. 110328045. xc Dr. Uenedlct. Filed. 8. Letter dated 3/15/04, from Deborah E, f'lilck, Dlr., Dlv. of Ucaches and Shores, DNR, authorizing extension of time, t h r 0 uq h P. n d 0 f Mil r c h, 1 98 4, ( 0 r d r en gin <J wo r k ð t WI g gin s Pass. xc Mr. Holley "nd Mr. Hartman. Filed. 9. Resource Alert ^ctlon Reteero'11, anted J/23/!I\, CðSC '001\90 re garbage being throWT'l In ~'''t"r!l .'round Goodland. xc Dr. Benedict, flIed, 10. Resourco Alert Action Rcf"rral, dated 3/23/8<, C...se 100491 re construction crow cutting ~ðngrov~s on Goodletto Road. xc Mr. Virtð. Filed. 11. Lett.er dated 3/28/84, Crom Dr. Hobert Constant.ine, Dlst. Admin., fiRS, announcing public hearings on budget during period of April 2 through l~, 1964. Filed. 12. Copies of Minutes, Filed: A. CC:.JHkB, 3/15/04/ Q, CÞ<.PC and CCPA, 3/IS/84 and ag~nda for 4/5/84/ C. Library Advisory Bo.srd, 2/23/84. Filed. aOOK 081 P i,r 247 P~g. 22 ----------------------------------------~. ·_.~..... --"- 081 PI',~ 248 .-- - - - - ---- - --- - -- ----- - - - - --- ------------- 13. April 10, 1984 Memorandum dated 3/19/84, from Ann R. Perrotta, Dept. of Comm. ^ff..lrs, ro scoring Summary of all applicationø for Small Cities Coft.,\\unity Development Block Grant and Jobs Impact Program - !iacal Year 1983. xc Mø. Mulllnl and MI. Williuulon. Filed. * * * . Ther. being no further business to como before the Board, the meetIng was adjourned by Order of the Chair - Time: 11:40 þ...M. presented BOARD OF COUNT¥ COMMISSIOHERS/ BOARD Of' ZONIHG þ..PPEþ..LS/EX OFf'ICIO GOVERNING BOARDCS) OF SPECIAL DISTRICTS UHDER ITS COHTROL ~ ' . '/ t2Æfi-- ~ ---- DAVID ~a:;N, CHAIRMAN the !lCC on ~..l Y".F Y ar. or as corrected -------------------------------------------." Paq. 23 cr::::J ~ ~m .',,;' ' v_·,~·,___~~,..~·- ~,-"~,--"-~."..-"'-".....~"....~