BCC Minutes 04/24/1984 R --~----- 081PAt( 3'54 Apri 1 24, 1984 Tap. 'I I te. U AGENDA - APPROVED WITH CHANCES Co~.la&ioner Krua~ moved, aeconded by Co~.isaioner Pia tor and cArried 4/0, that the agenda be approved ~ith the follo~in9 change., ð. Addition of 6B2, Excavat:on Permit 59.105, PrlncesD PArk. b. Item 9Bl re ~ater distrlb~~ion system at intersection of Pine Ridge Road and Shirley S~~~ct continued to May 8, 1984. Ite. 12 MINUTES OF 4/3/84 AND 4/10/84 - APPROVED WITH CORRECTION Co.missioner Kruse moved, seconded by Commissioner Pistor end carried 4/0, that the minutes of April 3, 1984, be Approved ~ith Item 120 being corrected to read that the Co..issioners will meet on June 12th instead of June 19th, and thAt the .inutes of April 10, 1984, be approved as preaented. RESOLUTION 84-81 APPOINTINC NAPLES FINE ARTS SOCIETY, INC. AS OFFICIAL REPRESENTATIVE OF COLLIER COUNTY FOR PROMOTION OF FINE ARTS - ADOPTED Com.lasioner Kruae .oved, aeconded by Co..iaaloner Holland and carried 4/0, thAt Resolution 84-81 appointing Naplea Pinea Arts Society, Inc. all official representative of Collier County for promotion of fine arts be adopted. Mrs. Louise Gammon, President, and Mr. Philip MUllin, Vice President of the Naples Board o[ fine Arts expressed their appreciation And assured the Commissioners that they would do their best to promote tho fine Arts in Collier County. Page 2 ---------------------------- r·----~ ____.w._.i CJ r-'"l ø. '; .___",''','''i_,___,_"""'''-..,,m-, -_._--,,,,,,,,,,,.j,,,,-,,,,,-,,,,,...,..,,_..~._> ¡......;j r".< ;..¡ ~ ~ ~ ------------------------------------------ ^p r i 1 ? 4, 198 4 Ite. .5 EMPLOYEE SERVICE AWARDS (PERSONNEL) Chairman Urown presented Employeo Service Awards to the following employee s: Ann~ Prystasz - £lections David Gigetl - Road' Bridge Gail lIuttman - LlbrlHY Roland fontes - Road' Bridge 10 years 5 year!l 5 years 5 yoars 10 years Absent: John As kew - Road" Br ldgc Ite. 16 PROCLAMATION DESIGNATING 4/29/84 AS -TASTE OF COLLIER DAY- - ADOPTEn COlDmiluioner liollðnd lIovod, sQconded by CQmmissioner Pistor and carried 4/0, that 6 proclamation designating April 29, 1984 AS ·Taste of Collier Day· be Adopted. Commissioner Ilolll\nd prcsented the proclamation to a representa- tlve of th.. Mental IIeðlth Association who thanked the Commissioners on behalf of the M<:ntill lIealth Association. '00( OSI t,~t 3"59 Paq II 4 OBlrn362 April 24, 1984 theme park were chAnged. Mr. Kris Dane, Coastal Engineering Consultants, stated thet he Is the Engineer on this project. H~ referred to a rendering of the park plan and an aerial photograph. ~e stated that the first phase of the project will include a large leke which will be dug for fill And the running of padóh boats and a.' pArt of the water management system. He noted that the first phase would also include 36 holes of miniature golf, a 1,000 foot track for tho mini-race caru, a multi-purpose building for offices, ticket sales, rcst facilities, snack bar, end a b\.rT1per boat pond for the bl,;::,pe- =:"at. Hc noted that the second phllse would add sevoral compatibla similar recreational uses to the park. ". noted that the mini-cars and bumper boats are manufactured by Webber Engineering and Manufacturing in California, adding that they Are high quality units which are designed for safety ~nd arc in wide usa around the country. He noted thðt the Cðrs are driven by ð 200cc fi~e horse powi:r Honda engine thèlt is wcll muffled anò .the bumper boats lire powerod by a small 1-1/2 horsepower Suzuki outboard, which have a cage over the propellers for safoty, addin~ that each unit costs around $2,000. He stated that security within the park will be provided by a staff of rangers that ~il1 patrol the park to assist people in their activ~tles as well as keeping things under control. He noted that the security systum will ðloo include ð closed circuit TV throughout the park. He stated that there will be some overhead lighting in the parking lot areas, adding that they will be hooded lights and directed Away from any neighboring propcrtles. He noted that lighting within the pllrk would be low intensity and low to the ground. He stilted that the hours of operation havo been modified and will be from 10:00 A.M. to 10100 P.M. Monday through Thursday; 10:00 A.M. through 12:00 P.M. Fr iday and SaturdllY; and noon to 9: 00 P.M. on Sunday. lie noted that Page 6 - - - - - - - -- - _.- --. ~-- -~ - -- - - - --- - -- --. -- -- -- -- -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- =:J c::::1 CJ ~ c::J [i=:J ------------------------------------------ April 24, 1904 tho track will be closed At 9100 P.M. Sundoy through Thuraday and 10:00 P.M. on Friday and Saturday. He reported that the surrounding land usø is zoned Industrial, Commercilll, Agriculture, 5inglo-f'amily, PUD, and Recrelltional. He stated that the reque~t is in compliance with the Comprehensive Plan, adding that It scorcs 52 out of the roquircd 40 points for thill type of zoning. Mr. Dalln noted that it has been recommended by Staff and ,,11 ßoards uxcept the CAPC, adding thðt the concerns of the CAPC have been tQken care of. Ho noted ttJðt the CAPC was also concernod with having an admission charge as, without one, there could be ^ tendency for people to just use the park as ð hanqout. He stated that there has been II proviGlon incorporated into the plaos to chllrgw lIn admission to the park. He stAtod th~t In view of the surrounding and adjacent land uses, this is a good spot for tho develo¡:rnent ðnd would be ~n odvðntage to the n!!lghborhood. Tape '2 Mr. Robert Tanner, Acoustical Enginecr, stJted that h(' hð5 been ~~asuring the noises within the Boardroom, ðddlng that it Is about 43 DBA; tho bðckground noise WðG 43 with spoech going from about SO to 70 and the appllluse reached 00. He stJted that the noise ordinance has only one flguro mentioned, GO DB, which Is the maximum noise for an air conditioner at the pro~erty Ilno. He stated that he took measurements on the mini-ca~s ilnd they are very well made ,1nd extremely quiet. 110 noted that ono car mellsurod at a distance of 50 feet produces a noise level of 45 De when idling, a maximum of 60 when Jccelorating and A m......, of 55, adding thllt 10 Cðrs will produee values of about 10 DB's higher. The driving range is about 2,000 feet from tho border of this property, ho said, ðdding that he did not have II hope of measuring the little car at that point, lIa the noise from the traffic on Airport Road w"s About 40 DB'. continuously. He IItðted that meallurln<) thlll from t. 081 rA',! 363 ·",..L, Pag 0 7 "..,,,.,.,,...~-,,,,',,..~...._._- am 081'A~t3'64 lip r il 24, 1984 TAll pines Subdivision, it showed 23 DB when idling, And 38 when all are accelerating together and 33 as the moan. He stated that there hAS been ü modification to the property where a solid concrote wall will be built and the ground bermed up to it and covered with shrubbery. He ate tad that with the wall In place, the noise level should never exceed 13 œ when idling, 23 Dß me;'o, and 28 DB maximum. He reported that he went to Cambler Park during a softba~l game and the background noise measured 55-66 DB and the announcers voice ranged from 85-95 DB. lie noted tha t the outboord motors idled et 50 Dß lit 50 feot, which is 1 owe r th.1n tho noise of thu mini-c/lr when at l> distancu. MD. Joanne Smallwood, President of Smallwood Landl!lcllplng, statod that hor firm was hired by Mr. Cardillo to design and croate an environment that is conducive to the citizens of Collier County for Princess Park. She stilted that he wanted an otmosphere that would create enjoyment in a beautiful environment. She notad that her landscape architect, RDymond Junglas, would give the details on the projec t. Mr. Jungles stated that t'1ill wi 11 be a park for peoplo of all ages to enjoy nùture as well as ~musament type activities. He stated that /'Ir. CD rdillo' s IntC'ntlon is to create a high level, qual! ty ¡Jrojec\.. with magic and environment. Ho stated that there are bridges, moates, ~alkwaY5, natura trails, laKell, and boatli. Ho noted that this sito will have a lot of native moterlal with n lot of flowering mllteri61 and that it would be a self-contained project. He stated that one will not be able to see onto the property visually, adding that to gain access to the property, there will be one entrance over II drawbridge from Ai r po r t 1\0 II d . Ila noted that tha p"rking In screened from every part of the project with buffers. He noted that thore would be well de51gned pedestrian walkways, adding that the park has been well designed And Page 8 ..- .- - - -- - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --- ="-:J r--J ---- r---j - L \001 081 rm 366 April 24, 1984 people are all from Collier County, with epproximatoly 150 of those peoplo living on Mðrco Island. Also, thio is within the Comprehensive Plan, has been epproved by the Staff and is controlled by the PUD document. lie noted thAt thi8 wlll control the future, also. He concluded by stAting thAt he is asking for approval of this project. Commi8sloner ~ru.e ~oved, seconded by Commissioner Holland and carried 4/0, that tho public heAring be closed. Commlssloner Kruao stated that there is no plðce in this area for young people to go, adding that they have been chased away from beach Iccess points because they make too much noise and they have not been chAoed to any place. She noted that neighbors never like it, but there Are many things that are neoded in this County and this is one of them. Commissioner Kruse moved, seconded by Commissioner HollAnd And carried 4/0, that the Ordinance as numbered And entitled below be adopted and entered into Ordinence Book ~8, subject to amendment of the PUD documen t, ORDINANCE 84-34 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE 82-2 THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING REGULATIONS FOR TH~ UNINCORPORATED AREAS OF COL~IER COUNTY, FLORIDA BY AMENDING TRr. ZONING hTLAS MAP NUMBER 49-25-1 BY CHANGING THE ZONING CLASSFICATION OF TilE HEREIN '")ESCRIBED REAL PJlOPERTY FROM A-2 TO ·PUD- PLANI:ED UNtT DEV¡.t.OPMENT POR A RECkEATIONAL TIIEME PARK KNOWN AS PRINCESS PARK, LOCATED EAST or AIRPORT ROAD, 1-1/4 MILES NORTH OF PINE RIDGE ROAD, AND P~OVIDIHG AN EFFECTIVE DATE: ···RECESS: 10150 A.H. - RECONVENED, 11105 A.M. at which tIme Deputy Clerk Sk nndr replAced Deputy Clerk Kenyon··· Ite. tB EXCAVATION PERMIT NO. 59.185, PRINCESS PARK, EAST SIDE OF AIRPORT ROAn - APPROVED 5UB.JECT TO STIPULATIONS Commissioner Kruee moved, secondeð by Com.i~sioner piator And carrled 4/0, that ExcavAtion Permit No. S9.IBS, Princess Park, Section 1, T49S, R25E, eest aide of Airport Road, immediately south of Temple Drive, be approved aubject to the following stlpulutions, P4ge 10 -------------------------- ---------------- C:-:J ~l' ~ r.=J .--.. ~J ~ . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - --- -,- -- --.. April 24, 1964 Itea 110 PETITION PU-B4-7C, ~IKE AND ALICE MARTIN, RE PROVISIONAL USE "9" OF C-4 - TO BE RECONsrDERED MAY B, 1984 Planner Obür explaIned that this is ð request foc provisional use "g" of C-4 for a used car lot located on the northoast cornor of Davis Boulevard and Orook:¡ldo Vrive in Section 2, TSOS, R25E. Sho said that Staff recomme~ds denial for the reasons listed in the Executivo Summary dated 4/12/04. ~he üald that the CAPC recommended denial, And if tho BCC should recommend approval thoro are Staff stipulations Included in tho Ex~cut¡vc Summary. Responding to Co~m!ssloner PIstor, Ms. Cb~r oxplained t~'t used car lots aru allowed in a C-5 District and In the C-4 they are allowed only os a provisional uso. She indicated the C-S District alonq tho south side of Davis Doulevard and said that Staff feels that is onough area for used car lots. She said there is a problem with this site because there are other businesses located near the site and part of the parking aroa is yoing to be used for used cars and part would bo usod for tho other businesses. She said there is an area behind the building that Staff feels may be turned into part of the used cac lot that is not paved, which presents a problem. She sAid Staff i= concerned that thc petitioner will not be able to moot the parking requirements for the businesses that are there and foc a used cac lot. Resµondinq to Commissioner lIolland regarding the Staff's four stipulations if tho 3CC approved the petition, Ms. Obor explained that the existing parking lot has en area for used cors Along Davis Houlevard and peopio for the other businesses will park thoro as well as for the used car lot in the rest of the porking area end Staff recommends thot tho display area should be sepArate. Zaninq Director Layne explained that the existinq parking lot .eets the requirements for the bul1dlnq DS it was built and, for th. L ~"""""-~"-,~,--,,,,,"--""'-~j._P- ~ ¡¡¡:) ~ - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ----- ^pril 24, 1984 Ite. 112 RESOLUTION 84-84 RE PETITION PU-84-2C, DENNIS LYNCH, SUNRISE ACADEMY, RE PROVISIONAL USE wft" 01" THE ESTATE DISTRICT FOR" PRIVATE SCHOOL ON COUNTY BARN ROAD - ADOPTED SUBJECT TO STIPULATIONS; PETITIONER'S AGREEMENT AND I"INDING-OF-FACT - ACCEPTED Planner Ober said this is a requ~st for provisional use "e" of the Estate District tor A private school for Sunrise Acadomy locðted C'" County Barn Road in Section 8, TSOS, R2GE. She explained that Staff and County tgencles rcviewed the petition and recommended approval subject to the stipulations in the ~xecutive Summary dated 4/14/04. She said that the CAPe held th..'¡r public hoaring on AprilS, 1984, and recommended approval subject to Staff stipulations and an additIonal stipulation that ð 6 foot fence be provldcd ùlong tho north and east sIdes of the property. Architect John Hobart, representing Ot!nn!s Lynch, gave a brief history of Sunrise Academy stating it is J privately funded school for children with learning disabilities. Ho displn~ed a site plan for the school and expiainod It, adding that the potitioner plans to retain as much of the natural vegetation ðS possible. Mr. Dennis Lynch requ~sted approval of the petition. Com.i.sionftr Pistor moved, seconded by Commissioner Holland and cArried 4/0, thAt Resolution 84-84 re Petition PU-84-2', bo Adopted subject to stipulatIons, And that tho PetItioner'. AgreeMent And Finding-( f-Fact bo accepted. aDDK 081 'ACt 3'81 PoJge 15 L ~ ~ ~ -- ---- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - --- - --- -- --- April 24, 19D4 Itell 115 GOLDEN CATE COMMUNITY CENTER'S ADVISORY COMMITTEE TO RECEIVE AND REVIEW PUBLIC INPUT AND TO MAKE RECOKHENDATIONS FOR CHANCES IN THE OPERhTION or THE CENTER Acting Assistant County Manager Norton referred to hi. report on tho Colden Gato Community Center covering the history of the Conter ðnd the existing guidelines and rules for operation. He suggested that the Golden GAte Community Center's Advisory Committee be Dsked to mediate his recommendAtiona and to make recommondations to the BCC for change. in the operation of the Center. Commissioner Kruse stated the report ls excellent. Responding to Commissioner Pistor, she suggested that tho Golden GAte Communi.., Co!nter ^dvisory Commi ttee hold II publ Ic h\!ar ing ðnd that the resoll ts of that meeting be put ln wrlting to the BCC. Mr. Herman Verrett explAined thAl, o!s Vice-Commandar of the AmericAn Legion, he roquested the use of tho outside fAcilities of Colden Gato Community Center and the bathroom Cacilitieß for a barbeque, adding that approxlmately ono year ago the Community Center discontinued the prðctice of allowing people to use the bathroom fAcilities when holdlng functions at the Center. He said thðt wheelchAir people cannot use porta-johns and thðt the only request is that every Association that is allowed to Ulle the Cummunity Center be allowed to use the bathroom facilities. Hr. Ceorge Keller, representIng the Colden Cate Estates CIvic AssociAtion, aU9geeted that considerAtion be given to extending the taxing district so moro people will have the rIght to uso the Colden Cate Community Center. Mra. Xatny Graham, Chairperson of the Advi.ory Com~lttee, explained ahe was present to ans~er queltlons. Responding to Co..lssloner Kruse, Me. Graham sald sh. wa. ~llllnq to hold a public &. 081,1,;t 3'93 ^"'""~"'''''''''''''~''''-''''''--''--'''----'' . . . . _. .. .:.. ',: 1, ... .~ .."~',~{,_ ...~,.,'/"__.' " ',.., .........' , ."". ..' I ,~~.¡ /' DC 081ra'lt39t .' 'i. k'i.\t. AprU 24, 19114 hearing to ,li.ten to conoern. ,~~,~rdin~ tho Co..unity Center. Co.-i..ioner Kru.e .aid that the tax in, di.trict wa. put Into effect through a referondum and the County Attorney would have to advi.e a. to. how the boundarle. could be changed. Co..i..ioner Kru.e .oved, .econded by Co~.i.lioner ,i.tor and carried 4/0, that the Colden ~ate Co..unity Center'. Advilory Co..itte. receive and review public input and .ate reco..endation. to the cban,.. In tho operation of tho Center. It.. 11' CMJlQI ORDER 110. 2, SEWAGE 'l'RIATMENT PLANT ADDITION, SEWER AREA -A-, WIDELL ASSOCIATES, INC. - APPROVED Co..i..loner ,i.tor Moved, ..conded by Co.-i..ioner Kru.e and aarried 4/0, that Change Order No.2, re Sever Tr.at.ent 'lInt Addition, Sever Area -A-, to Nldell A..ociate., Inc., to reflect the correct co.p1etio~ ti.e froM 'ept..ber 12, 1983 to April 2', 1'84, be approved. . , ¡ ! ¡ ;- -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - _:: ~~--,;$:' I ,-ff~.1~' . ',~ ,:'-~t.{~J~~';; :::';~¡~f>:,': I ¡ - - " '.:( . ," . . . (. ""~"'"""""._""t'_'_^j ,-".,,,,,,,,,,,,~,,:,,..,__..,,~,_,,,__,,,,,......,,,,,,,,,,,__,.,,,,,",,._,,_..........~_..._- "-"~"-_"""______"_'~''-''''~-'-'~'''''~''''''''_'''''_''''''~'''' ,JOe 081 ra~t 396 .'¡, ',' ,:,:.. ': \'." ' '... ''': . . ' " " , '. ..' . ~ ...; I April 24, 1984 Lt.. U 7 ROUTINE JILLS - APPROVED rOR PAYMENT Puraulnt to Resolution 81-150, the followin; check. wert is.ued through April 20, 1984, In plyment of routine billa, CHECK DESCRIPTION CHECK NOS. 110081 - 110430 78977 - 79520 U,296,407.14 225,917.49 AHOUNT Vendor BCC ,ayroll It.. 118 IUDGET AMENDMENTS 84-385/386, 84-388 AND 84-392 - ADOPTED Re.ponding to Co~miasioner ,istor, Fiscal Offioer ai1es stated thlt Budget Amend.ents 84-390 Ind 84-391 should not be acted upon until the BCC considers the design and construction of a portion of the ~ater dIstribution system at the Intersection of Pine Ridge Road and Shirley Str.ets on May 8, 1984. Co..i..ioner Kru.e .oyed, aeconded by Co..i.aion.r ,iator and carried 4/0, that Budget "-end.ents 84-385/386, 84-388 and 84-392 b. adopted. It.. 119 RESOLUTION REQUESTING FLORIDA STAT! LEGISLATURE TO PROHIBIT DISTRIBU- TION or -OBSCENE- OR -INDECENT· MATERIAL TO CA8LE TELEVISION SU8- SCRIBERS BY WIRE OR CABLE - CONTINUED TO KAY 8, 1984 Co..isslonGr Piator ex~lained he ~AS Isked to bring I resolution r.glrding prohIbition of distribution of obscene and indecent .Iterial to cabl. televl.ion subscribers by wire or clble to the BCC because of the concern of ..ny people in the area. He slId that the State Legislaturo should provide the definltiona of pornography and obscene. He requested that the resolution be adopted that atate», if the State Legiallture paases their legislltlon to prohibit the distributIon of obscene or indecant ~atorial to cable tel_vlaion, that the BCC will support that resolution. Page U . ----------------------- - --------- --------- .. - c::I1 ....,"."'.,,""'~~._"- g¡¡¡¡¡ - 1iiiiri1-- " - --' . :" ," ,:¡.. ...'; '. ~ "-'1 " . i"~,\' . '; ·:1;~.f;~r"~f:J,:th : "'~~<J¡,~,\ ,F~v¿, ._-----------------------------------~--~_. April 24, 1984 Co..i..ioner 'iator .oved, .econded by Co..i.aioner Brown, that the reaolution requeating the 'lorida State Legialature to prohibit \ ~: distribution of -obscene- or -indecent- aaterial to cable talaviaion it " ,- ~¡ ., -.! ~,,;, t. ,f. .,to" .. .ub.cribers by wIre or cable be adopted. Commlesloner Kruse aaid that there 1. no defInition of the word -Indecent- In the resolution. Attorn.y Tom Malonay urged Bce aupport of tha ro.olution. He .aid " ì that for aany year. thera ~a. a prohibition that governe~ televi.ion ¡; t and broadcasting that ~ade it a violation if anyone broadca.t or telecaat any matters ~hich were obscene or indecent. He saId that the -, .,.-'( ¡ < ¡ State propoaal now be1n9 sU9gested doe. describe what this ma.'Hial would be. lie aaid that cøblevi.ion ~AS dellmed to be not .ubject to the federal statute and there i. a .igniflcant change In what I. now broU9ht into home. by ~ay of cablevl.ion. Reaponding to Commia.ioner Kru.e, County Attorney S~undera explained that ~hat the BCC i. voting on i. a re.olution urgIng the rlorida Legi.lature to enact the legislatIon previously de.cribed which would d.fine what is ob.cen. and whit i. pornographic. Com.'..doner lIol1And said he hAd a problem votin9 on somethinq thlt I. not described and that I better definition I. needed of ~hat the Bce 1. voting on. Mr. Saunders referred to SectIon 847.07, r.s. whIch deal. ~lth the distribution of ob.cene IMter1ala and ,read the definition of what 1. I .. >, ..:, .j f'" ob.cene. "ape . IS Attorney Saunders sdd that a que.tion he would ask Is what would-- the additional legislation do that i. not already coyered by Gtatut. 147.077 . ',"~ ~ ~,..'" ··;"I'I:~N:$-·~!·f;;·~~i~:\1!t~-I" ;P.-: t.~~;"':~\h·;i~"· < ," Uponeall for tile .....t10.. the vote ".. 2/2, v1t.h Co_talionera : I J,;'~: . '.' ':" ,. ~:'t.. " ':':~l:,~}:~\,:.,¡·;~~"· .. oåi~'3n7 ,.~ ' ,':l,/ 1 ': \' ~. ", ":,~f ,"~~ I 'I ,,' .~,\;,;~~" carried 4/0, that thia ruo1l.tt.lon be cont.lnuacS until May I, 1984. " ,.":....:r~~~::'J , " I: ..; ·,'1 ~, '" .' ·1·,~ '.' ,', ":",} "'.;:,;..¡t' ',I RlIOLUTIOII It-IS REQUB8TINQ COLLUR COUNTY LIOI8LA'rIVI DELlGATION 'rO)~ "I O'IOSI IrrORft 'fO 'LACI CONTROL or 'tBI LOCAL COMUlfI'1'Y "BALTH IY8T1",' VIIDIR 'tHI ITATI REALTH All" "BHunn-ATtvl DEPARTMENT - ADOPTED, ',"!I." """.', , Co..I..lon.r ,1.tor axplalned thl. 1. a requ..t for a ra.olutlon::v I, fl',',,: requ..tln9 the Collier County Le91.1atlvl Dele9.tlon to oppo.e effort. _ 081ra'it398 l-' ~ . , ¡ April 24, UU Iru.a .nd Roll.nd oppo.ecS. Co..l..10ner ,I.tor .oyecS, .econd.d by Co..l..loner Hollanel anel It. 120 to place control of the local co~munlty haalth .y.teme und.r the State, He.lth .nd Rehabilitative Departmant. Co..I..lonar Kru.a ~Yed, .econded by Co.-l..ioner ,i.tor and oarrled 4/0, that Re.o1utlon '4-'5, de.crlbed aboye, be adopted. ~ I' t -------------------------- ~;¡. paga 21 ... .. .~ l 'W ..¡ "--"''''''"' ....«.,...., ,-"'....'"~,,._..,,..,,'-_.~"'-...,-_..~,..._,,.,."-"".,,.,,..,,"' ~",.,.·,·",.,""""""_....--".._.._...'''''...,....I_..-''._..~..- JI ~ .. ~ " . - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - -- - - - - - -. April 24, 1984 %t.. '21 BID '710, MEDIAK CURBS AMD TRAfrIC SEPARATORS ON MARCO ISLAND - AWARDED TO CTECO, IN THE AMOUNT or $40,985 Legal notice havin9 been publIshed In the Naplf~ DAlly News on January 16, 1984, as evidenc.d by Affidavit of PUblicatJon flIed with the Clerk, bids were received for Bid '710, for median curbs And traffic sepArAtors on Marco IslAnd, untIl 2130 February I, 1964. Re.pondlng to Commissioner Pistor, Administrative Service. AdmInistrAtor Blankenship explained that the location of the median curbs and traffic separators are from Island 120 through '28 on North Collier BoulevArd from CastawAY Watcr~ay to Century Drive. Comaissloner Pistor moved, seconded by Com.lssioner Holland and carried 4/0, that Bid 1710 for median curbs and traffic separators on Marco Island be awarded to CTECO, in the a~ount of $40,985, as reco..ended by the Purchasing Director to be the lowest responsible bid in the best inter.st of the County, and that the Chair.an be authori.ed to si9n and the Clerk to attest the resulting agreement. %t.. 122 BID '721, MARCO ISLAND MEDIAN MAINTENANCE - AWARDED TO ULTIMATE LANH AND CROUND MAINTENANCE, IN THE AMOUNT or $28,800 LegAl notice hAving been publIshed in the Napl.. Daily Ne~s on March 7, 1984, A. evIdenced by AffIdAvIt of Publication filed ~ith the Clerk, bIds were receIved for Bid 1721 for Marco Island median ..intonance until 2130 P.M. March 21, ,1904. R.sponding to Co~.lssioner Pistor, ~minlstratlve Services Admini.trator Blankenship explained that the ~edian maIntenance i. for three area. and historical IIIIrkera. He .aid that the t1rst area is Collier Boulevard from the Marco Isl.nd Bridg. to Cast.w.y Waterway, South Barfield Þrive fro. the firat isl.nd i...diately south of the inter.ection with San Mlrco Þrive and South H..thwood Drive betwe.n .' j.:/;~' ;;~~ÌI'¡ ;~~~: 1'" " t, '~,\;" 1001 081 ,aGt 401 pag. 22 ----------------------------------------~ : ,.' April 24, 1914 Colling.wood Drive and Wlnterberry. Øe .aid the ..cond ar.a i. Colli.r Ioul.vard froø Castaway. to Maple Street and seaview Court froM Collier loulevard to the guardhou.e for the South Sea' Condominium. He .aid the third area il ón Collier Boulevard for all i.landl louth of Mapl. except tho.. In front of u.. Marriott Hotel, the laglu Nut, the Surf .," Club and 'and Ca.tle, South ðarfield Drive, all i.land. except the one included In the previous area and Sand Hill Street fro~ Collingswood Drive to Wlnterberry Drive. He ..id that the contract provide. for the .-Intenance of hl.torlcal marker. on Marco I.land, the we.t .ido of S.R. 951, Collier Boulevard, the Captain Wl11la. D. Collior ho.eslte, the CUshing archeological .ite, the ~rco Island Cemetery, the Pineapple Plantation, tho Burnham Clam factory, the Indian Hill Caxamba. School lito, the Kirk archeological .ite, the Caxamba. C...tery and tha Goodland Village and Acc..s Road. , . I; Co..i..ionor Piltor .oved, .econded by Co..i..ioner ~rule and carried 4/0, that lid '721, for Kerco Island .edlan ..intenance be awarded to Ulti.ate Lawn and Ground Maintenance, Napl.., rl. in the aMOunt of '21,100/year. ***The following ito.. vere approved and/or adopted under the Con.ent Aglnda by .otion of Co.-islioner ~rule, leconded b~ Co.-iaaloner Piator and carried 4/0·.. . .!;. ., , Ite. 123 rETITION TR-14-SC, RONALD J. DAVII, SR., RE TEMPORARY RISIDENCE PERMIT IU. 124 RISOLUTION 84-8S ESTABLISHIING ENTERPRISE ZONES IN THE IKMOKALEE COMUNITY S.. Pag18 Jþ)/1 - J/.(; f' It.. 125 RISOLUTION '4-87 RE PET. BNR-'4-SC, STREET NAMI APPROVAL rOR aONTANICAL DRIVE, INTIRSECTING DAVIS BOULEVARD JUBT EAST or KINOS LAKE SU8DIVISON Bee pag.. /L()t¡ ~ ~ ~ .age 23 ~ - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - --- -- -- ---.': ,. . " , - '~~'-1I't. :,<r fiiiI Qiii;I '. ,; :A f~' ._---------------------------------- - April 24, 1984 .~, Ite. 12' RECLASSIFICATION OF JTPA COUNSELOR/JOB DEVELOPER I POSITION TO ~TPA BRANCH OFFICE COORDINATOR Ite. 127 WINDSTAR - WATER FACILITIES ACCEPTED FOR YACIfT HARBOUR DRIVE S.. PAg.. .lJ/~ ....J.¡.lf ~~ . ,,0\ .. ¡. lte. 12' SOCIAL SERVICES CASES W-2639 AND W-4048 Ite. 12' IXCAVATIOM PERMIT NO. ~9.189, LIPE CARE COMMUNITIES or AMERICA, INC. -BENTLEY VILLAGE- " . 1 " It.. 130 CERTIrICATES OF CORRECTION TO TAX ROLLS PRESENTED BY PROPERTY APPRAISER , " " -/ ... ",~\ 'J 1981 TAX ROLL 632-1533 4/9/84 !i" ,4 I. + ~ 19 8 2 T ^!!......!!.ill 670-671 4/9/84 ,"':1 1983 TAX nOLL ~-I' 312-315 4/3-4/10/84 ¡ ~'~ '~. ,.;, TANCIBLE PERSONAL PROPERTY !.!!1. ,. >, , Jr 1983-408-412 4/9-12/84 ! f'" It.. 131 MISCELLANIOUS CORRESPONDENCE - FILED ANDIOR REFERRED There being no objection, the ChaIr directed the 'o1lovln9 correspondence be filed and/or referred to the various department. a. indicated. 1. Letter dated 4/5/84, fro. Willi.. K. Clark, ExecutIve Dlr., Area Agency on "9lny tun..1 tUn9 . coPy of the ri rat SeMI-Annual Monitor n9 VI.lt for the AIJ ng proIJra.. 0,' CoUSer Count)'. rUed., " .. ,H' . I't<.,t!~ i~IJ'.': "~. .~ < i>l; .~' ".. i.t¡ .::~·~t 2. LeUer d.t.d "/3/14, froa I.tty 'uker, Account I..cutlv.,'}'~., ATlT, It.tlnt they ~r. not con.ult.d or 91ven opportunlt)'to ~' 08l~Gt 403 ",'.' .. 081,.~404 April 24, 1984 di.cu.. capabilitiel of .~itching data through the PBx. ru.d. 3. rorm RS-8, 1983 Rev.nue Sharing Surv.y of Col1i.r County froD Dur.au of Cen.u.. xc Mr. Cil... ril.d. 4. Me~orandu. dAted 4/9/84, from Ann R. Perrotta, Bur.au Chiet" Dept. of eo..unity Affair., re notice of S.all Citie. R.cipi.nt Workshop April 26-27 in Tampo. xc Mr. Virta and MI. Williamson. riled. t 5. ,",Ud Wute Dept., March, 111841 V.teran. servIce., MarCh, 19S4. riled. " ----------------------------------------~: Dept. Reports. A. B. Ii. Memorandum dat.d 4/G/8e from Karen Anthony, Powor Plant Siting Section, CER, tran.mitting copy of rinal Craft of Transmi.lion Lin. Site Rule Revi.lon., ria. Adminl.trAtive Code Rule 17-17 PArt II. FUed. Notic. dated 4/11/84 from CEC re application beln9 proc....d for Pakahatche. Strand Stato pre.erve, rill No. 110Sl3035. xc Mr. Saund.r. and Cr. Bon.dict. ril.d. Letter dated 4/10/84, from John Mitchell, Cir., Housinq Dev. Div., HUD, documenting r.vi.w of admini.tratlon of Colli.r County SectIon 8 Moderate Rehabilitation ,roject Ho. rL29-K141-001. xc Mr. Vlrta. rIled. L.tter dat~d J/l~/84, from Lt. Thoma. S. Da.ty., Acting JaIl Admlni.trator, SherIff'. Dept. to rla. Dept. of CorrectIon. re .tatu. of vIolation. from r.port of 2/10/84. FIled. 7. 8. 9. 10. Letter dated 4/9/84, from Wallaco t. Orr, S.cretary, Dept. of Labor and tmployment Security advi.ing that ~odiflcation. to Job Training Plan ha. been approved ~ith contingencies. xc Mr. Norton. riled. 11. PetItion receivod from re.ident. ot Marco Shore. t.tate. requesting corroction of problems cau..d by acce.s road to traIler pork. xc Mr. Virta and Mr. HartmAn. riled. 12. Letter dated 4/~/84, from Mike Schlimgen, Div. Controller, Pal~er Cablevi.ion, forwardIng veriticatlon l.tt.r of the 9ro.. receipts for 1983 from subscriber. of Collier County CATV. FU.d. 13. Letter dated 4/2/84, from MICA/MITA to James Stackpool. ~ith result. of poll re pr.ference. for faclllti.. for Marco I.land Park. xc Mr. Norton. Fll.d. . 14. P.tltion receIved 3/21/84, from Marco I.land resIdent. stating prIority of proj.ct. for new park. xc Mr. Norton. fUed. 15. Eleven lotter. recoived in tavor ot Prlnc... Park rezone 'etition R-S3-29C and one recelv.d in opposition. xc Mr.. Virta ond M.. Ober. Filed. Page 25 .. œDI ".-,....",.."'"._~-"'-,"',,,,-"""'-""_.._-<...,..,-~"'--.....--,_.~,~..,_. .. ......-......,..-......-.,--- - .-.....----------------------------------- , ~: :¡ u. April 24, U8.. Copy of l.tt.r dated 4/5/84, from Ruby E. and Noah W. Kirkland in oppo.ition to ~4t.r Youth Hav.n Watur A.......nt DI.trict. xc Mr. B.rzon. Fil.d. ' ,t '1.":_: 'I Th.r. b.inq no furth.r bu.in... to com. b.for. the Board, the me.tinq ~a. adjourned by Ord.r of the ChaIr - Tim" 11155 P.M. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERSI BOARD or ZONING ALPPEALS/EX OFFICIO GOV£R~INO BOARDeS) or SPECIAL DISTRICTS UNDER ITS CONTROL ~~.~ l ace onÞ'll1t!/t')Þ/,f or .. corr.ct.d a. _ 081,.~405 <.._..."'"',.""""'.,-~.""...,..".-""""',.;~,~",."',..""'_.......--~~--_.--_.."""',.......;......~. -,.~_..-,-------