BCC Minutes 05/08/1984 R ""'_'_"~""~_""_'''''''_n'''''''_''_'___''_''''''''''''''' ." ,·,..-....,w·...·_,,·"_.·""-I......."'_"".MI"~,,~.,,_.,...._...·.,,",,·, ,'. "...."..~._...."._"...~."..",',.....'~...._-"'I.._~_.._----"...._.."...._....'..____""..-.~>"'..._.." ..._'''''''''''......_--",._...'.....-.."...,,'_._~''~''''"'._''"-'''''''''''''---~~.,,'',.."".... '. ..._..,~.. ;1-., c.:,~ ;.,:~~. .".,.,..~. <'.'·"Ii·itt ",~\{~ . '.-¥f ------------------------------------------- ~ '~.~' ','1,'.' ~ .. "/.' , ,?¡, 0·,/1 1 .~',}t;; . ·()R;/t :i"k~ 'í'~, . >,,;.;t/ :~;':.·;:' --------------------~--------------~--~-~t ,:-' .,-'~<',¡;}.~...J; ;J.1_U:·'~',j1J~ ;."'1 .......,J., a;" 081 tACt 4 7S Maya, 1984 ,ITITION pu-a4-7C, "I~I , ~LICI MARTIN - DENIED Planner Ober indicated that thi~ petition i. reque.tln9 a provl.ional uae -g- of C-4 for a u.ad car lot and office located on the northea.t corner of Davi. Boulevard and Brook. Ide Drive In Section 2, Town.hip 50 South, Range 25 East. She .tated that all county agenci.. reviewed the petition and have no objoction to the approv.l, adding that Staff reviewed thl. petition and reco~~end. denial ba.ed on the rea.on. outlined in th. Executive Summary dat.d 5/8/a4. She noteð th.t CAPe held their public hearing on April 5, 1984 and, ba.ed on their finding., reco~mended denhl. She uid that if the BCC should reco~~.nd approval, it should be subject to the stipulation. outlined In the executive .ummary. She reported that the petitioner .ubmitted 9 letter. from surrounding property owner. with no objection, adding that she ha. received J letters oppo.ed to the petLtion. Hr. George Fi.cher, representing Hr. Martin, stated tha~ the St.ff'. recom~.nd.tion to CAPe and the BCe are not .trongly objecting to the u.e, but they want parking arran9~menta .-de and a buffer along the north bound.ry, adding th.t Hr. Martin i. .greeable to do thi.. He noted that it i. Hr. ",rtin'. intent to di.play the used auto~obl1.. to the r.ar of the building along Brookside Drive where there 1. 110 . 130 feet of vacant land, adding that it i. pre.ently fenced. He .tated that Staff indicated th.t there ar. too ..ny used car lot. there already, adding that it i. not the public'. duty to toll .o~eone that they cannot be one ~or. co~petitor. Co..i..ioner ~ru.e .t.ted that in reference to the number of u.ed c.r lot., It 1. . fact that they ar. I prJ..ry u.. In the C-5 lonln9 Ind I provi.ional u.. In the C-4 lonlng and that tho que.tlon i. whether there i. enough u.ed car lot. already in the C-5 &onlng. .ag. 3 I!!!J -'" -""'..,-,,-~.....,"~....._-,,_....,...'"" "'."."-"---"-'~'" .."....._-,,'......, ,....,..'''..-,','"','''........-.-,. "." .._"_..".<,.-_--;~-'"_.,"~ _v '.....'. ...... .". '. ,( . ......:œ.." '. .t~~~ ,,~t~~ .. ;.;;~.~.. o \:./j),' .~ ···-,·?~f ., .~~ ----------------------------------------. May 8, 1984 ":". Co...l..11)ner Holland .tated that he c.nnot .e. penalhlng the li'f petitioner for a .hort'ge of the .buttln9 property owner., adding that 11 ..........,... -,~, CiiiJ ~ he oannot .ee depriving anyone the u.. of their land. Co..i..loner Holland ~ved, .eoonded by Co..I..loner Brown, that Petition PU-84-7C, Mike and Alic. Martin, reque.tin9 . provl.ional u.. -.- of C-4 for a u.ed oar lot located on the northe..t oorner of Davia loulevard .nd Brook.ld. Drive be approved with the .tipulatlon. outlin.d in the Ex.outiv. Bu..ary d.ted MIY 8, 1984. Co~.i..loner vo.. atat.d th.t if tho CAPC Ind Staff .tudled the .att.r fully .nd reoomm.nd denial, tho BCC ahou1d concur with th.ir decision. '~.. .1':" I If? ":1 ....".. Upon call for the que.tion, tho ~tion failed. (2/3, Co..i..ionor. Kru.e,' Pl.tor, .nd Vo.. oppo..d). It.. II ITArr DIRECTED TO BOLD FURTHER IIEARINCS WITH ALL CRO"l»8 CONCERNED TO RECIIVE INPUT RE MANDATORY SOLID WASTE COLLECTION AND REPORT BACK TO THE Ice AS SOON A8 POSSIBLE Public Work. Admlni.trator Hart.an atatod that this ite. i. to approvo ~ndltory Solid WI.te Collection ordlnancuR for rlanninq purpo... only, inoludlng a future ref.rendum, and authorizo Staff to noqoti.to a rate conaultant agr.em.nt related to the .a~e. He noted that a work.hop wa. oonductod on ^prl1 26, 1984, adding that 11 p.ople .pok. on tho It.m and 8 peop10 Wlro aqainst It. Hd referred to a chart that indicated tho effoct of the ordlnanc.s on ro.ldontlal unit., adding that h. was trying to Bhow how many people would bonoflt fro. an ad v.lor.. tax Ind how many would benefit from an I....amont. He noted that the ........nt valuo for ~ndatory colleotion indicate. approximately $16 . year for Ieaokale~, 815 . yoar for M.rco, and .29 a y.ar for Yahl Brother. franohl.e aroa, whloh would bo an ov.rall average of $25 per yoar. Ho roported that thore are 37,449 living .",1 ,~ ~. aDDK 081 rAG( 479 'lIg. .. -------------------------------------~~ =...,-,...'...~""'~..""""~""',.-,'....-.....'''''',,,..,.''"',-_..._-----,,...-,.,..*,..".. ...,..._._w.~.~___·",."..""..__~.'."..._".""..,_....~,."" "._"",."''''..._"."v_''..,_........,,_,.,_''''_'..~~"' -_..,...,'--".~-- IiIii1 ,.- iIIE} ------------------------------------- Maya, 1984 ooll.otion, It h.. to b. d.cld.d wh.th.r .ll the unincorporøc.d to be included, only the c~~r.nt frlnchl.. are.. or aom. oth.r .It.rn.tiv.. H. .t.t.d th.t St.ff pro po... that .11 thr.. current lr.nchl.. .r... b. on. .eplr.t. ......m.nt or t.xlng dl.trict, Iddin9 th.t thi. would .till .xclude tho.e prop.rtio. not a......bl. or t.X'bl., .uch .. the .chool di.trlct Ind othor county, .t.t., .nd fed.ral lInd.. CO..i..ion.r vo.. .t.t.d that h. i. lor mandatory COlloction, 'ddlng that he 1. concerned with .r." th.t ar. ,p.r.ely populat.d .nd do.. not think that it would b. pr.ctic.l to have m.nd.tory collection in tho.e .r.... Publia Work. Admini.trator H.rtman .t.t.d th.t tho.. ar.a. ar. In the franchi.. ar.. now and if they want the ..rvic. th.y can hav. it. H. noted that there 1. also the POUlbil1ty of curbsida ..rvic. In the .r.., 'dding th.t people could b. ..ked to t.k. their tu.h to the "nd of the .tr.et or an .r.a where th.r. i. a containor. Commi.'lon.r Holl.nd .tated th.t h. fe.l. that the dumping .t the ttan.f.r .tation and the l.ndfill J. over-charging which i. why people .re dumping on everyon. .1..·. prop.rty. He stat.d that h. would vote for It only if it 1. t.k.n to reC.rendum for the people to decid.. Tlpe 12 Com.i..ion.r Pi.tor .t.t.d th.t ho do.. not .qr~. with the ......m.nt ch.rge of Marco and I~mok.l.. having to p,y more '0 th~t oth.r ar... can ..ve .pproximat~ly C4.00. He .t.ted that h. do.. not f.el th.t people that ar. only h.re for I few month. out of the y.ar, .hould h.v. to pay for .ervic. .11 y..r long. Commi..loner Bro~ .t.t.d that th.re aro . lot of thing. th.t need to b. worked out b.for. h. c.n vote on -thi.. Co..J..loner Yo.. ~v.d, ..conded by Co..l..ion.r Pl.tor .nd - - . ------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - --- - - - - - -- - - - - - -.---- m~ 081 rAGt 481 P.g. IS ._",,,__........"''"'_",,..,__''''" """"_...._......~.......__...._..~. __"..8, ,.".~,-;--- · ~, -------------------------------------------- 081,m482 .....y 0, 1984 c.rrl.d uftaftl.øu.ly, that Staff be dir.ct.d to hold furth.r h..rln,. wltb the public and the orgMlluUona th.t bav. .xpr....d _ d.aSr. to partlclpat. r. Rlndatory Solid Wa.t., Collection and report back to the Ioard a. .oon a. poa.ible. '. It.. 17 INUODCY DICLARID R& WATER SBORTAOE. ORDIN.uCI 84-35 ,,"DDIIIO ORD. 77-19 TO INCLUDE THE UNINCORPORATED AREA SERVED BY THE COUNTY WATER InTIM WITHIN THI tANH SPRINKLU,Q REGULATIONS - ~DOPTED. RISOLUTIOII 14-'0 DECtARIIG A W~TIR IHORT~al EMERQINCY AND IMPLEMENTING THE PROVISIONS or ORD. 77-19 - ADOPTED County Attorney Saunder. .tated that the Board needs to con.lder an e.ergency ordtnlnce .m.nding Ordlnlnce No. 77-19, Section One, to Includ. within the lawn sprinkling regulations all of the unincorporated Irea of Collter County, declaring the existonce of a water .hortage e~ergency, and providing an effective dat.. H~ .tated that the Uttlltle. Køn.ger indicated that due to a shortage of rainfall this .prlng that the provisions of Ordinance 77-19 ne.ded to be S~le.ented to con.erve wltor. He stlted that Ordlnlnce 77-19 del1a only with w.ter being provided to the unincorporated area fro~ the City of Naple., adding that this needs to be amendod to include not only the area served by the City of N.ple. but tho area. that receive water fro. the Collier County Sy.te~. He .tated th.t the amendment b..lcally exp.nd. the oper.tion of Ordinance 77-19 to include all of the unincorporated are. of Collier County from which water I. received either through the City of Naple. or through the Collier County Wator Sy.tem. He noted thlt In order to enact the a.end.ent to Ordinance 77-19, the bo.rd will h~ve to declare thlt there i. an emergency and waive the notice requirement for the p....ge of an ordinance. Co..I..loner Vo.. .oved, .econded by Co.-S..ioner Kru.. and carried unanl.ou.ly, that an e.er,elley be declared re a water .horta,e. With reference to Co~ml..loner PIstor'. que.tlon regarding a w.ter Page 7 ---------------------------------------~~ timfD III) --' £aJ .......__"",.k_'_...~.".~."'..._......_'_'"',.,,~._~,,",<,"~~,,~,.<.,.. »_.....""'-''",.'''''''___ .. ~~--._-~,.,-~._.-;.. ......".,-""",;""""_.""...."'.".'~.._..,,.........~....,,, .,. ..-._'''-",.."-'''....''''''--'''-,......'-~...... ,......"'.."......,""._-_.........~".,~ _...,-'--""".._.,.,'---'.......""»-~;.._,..--""".=~, I.~-; IrIii .. fiE May 8, 1984 It.. II DISIaM AIfD cœrlTRUCTIOM D'¡DCIT MIJICflDT POR WATI" DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM AT '1 HI RIDeI ROAD AND SHIRLEY STREET - WITHDRAWN Co..i.sloner Voss ~ved, .econded by Com.I..loner ,1.tor end carried un.nt.ou.ly, that the design and construction bUdget ..endment for the vat.r distribution .ysto. at Pine Ridge Road and Shirley Street b. vlthdrawn .. requ.sted by Staff. It.. It TRAlPORTATION DEPARTMIWT TO MAKI LANDSCAPE-TYPE IMPROVEMIHTS WITHIN THI I-75/PIHI RIDOI INTERCHANOI - APPROVED PUblic ~:ks Adminlltrator Hartman .tatod that this Item II for pormlaslon to authorizo the Transportation Department to apend up to 81,200 for the north...t and louth.aat quadrants of the 1-75 Interchange with Pin. Ridge Road a. the County'l participation In the Naple. Oauway project. Co..i.sloner Kruse ~ved, secondod by Co..is.lonor Holland .nd carried unant.ously, that the Transportation Department be authorized to undertako the 1-75 Interchange lmprov..onts in acco~dance with PDOT approval. up to the approxl.ato a.ount of $1,200 ba.od upon equipment and per.onnel costs for approximately a on.-week p.rlod. Ite. 110 RIORT-oP-WAY ACQUISITION rOR S.R. 951 FROM U.S. 41 TO THE MARCO BRIDeI - APPROVED Public Work. Ad~in1atrator ttartman IUtod that this item atte.pts to get tho four-Ianing of S.R. ~51 fro~ U.S. 41 to M~rco Island underway. He noted thAt tho variou. reOT oC(icla11 have written on sevoral occa.lonl thAt thoy would like the County to UI. the maps that they propared In conjunction with the Environmental Impact Stato.ont .. the right-of-way maps and to procoed wJth the acquisition of the right-of-way. Ho statad that when some of the right-or-way Is Acquired, ho 11 hoping that the Stat. wUI authorJze SOIll. of the 1m 081rAçt487 -------------------------------------- --"'-'.---'--"'''--'.'', ^-<·---''''_''___,,·_N_"'''~'"' ".,·-~__""'"""O_...._,_'",.""""'...__'~."'..m'.."._> ...._'.."......._----,-~ ~"~"---'~-'''"~'.'--,"''....~....,....,-",," "."""....."~,.,,._---;---,,',-"""~ -"~'"...._"...,.,,~"'.~ _'1'" Õ ""1 ~_ '..-,...'1<'. ". ,.,":; t' . .~~' '!:ii, ~1\~h~7: ._---------------------------------------~ .-....... 'DD~ 081,Act494 ..... Rec..sl May 8, 1984 10100 A.M. - Reconvenedl 10110 ~.M. ..... It.. 112 AUTØORIZ~TIOM GRAWfID TO COMPENSATE BEERY PROGRAM MAXAQIMENT rOR ADDITIONAL SIRVICES REQUIRED ay THE DIFAULT or aID 'ACK . CONTRACTOR 1M THI AMOUNT or $30,'25.31 rROM MARCH " 1'84 TO MAY 7, 1'84 County Attorn.y Saunders stated that on May 1, 1'84, the Board approv.d a payment to Beery Program M.nag.~ent for .xtra ..rvlc.. re.ultlng from the d.f.ulting of Harry C. Partridge Jr. , Sona, Inc. on the Juatlce Center contract. He not.d that the Board directed Stoff to come b.ck with tho .mount of the extra .ervlces up to and Including May 7, 1984, adding that h. ha. aaked Mr. Anthony Fico to make a pres.ntation conc.rnlng the amount of extra aervice. .nd to di.cuIs the ..terial to jUltlfy thw extra lorvices. Mr. Anthony rico of Heery Pro9r.m Manag.m.nt .tated that the default took place on Mlrch 9, 1984, adding that the .ervlce. that were r.quired were provided for under ^rticle 6, Paragraph 1.7 of the .9r..~.nt with the County which wa. executed in Dec.mb.r, 19S0. He st.ted that the I.rvic.. that were required by the d.fault of the Bid 'ack 'Contractor were n.gotlatlng with the suppliers .nd aub-contraotor. of that default.d contractor. H. stated that there vere' 180 hour. .pent on thl. work and only S8 hour. .r. b.ing charged to the County.. the remaining hour. vore und.r the contract oblig.tlon. He .t.t.d that the.. 88 houra Include. tl.. sp.nt with the Surety and negotiating with them, time spent with the legal counle1 of the County, the d.faulted contractor, county .taff, and .upplierl. He st.ted that the labor .xpense I. $28,630.00 .nd the travel exp.n.e .mount. to $2,295.31 for a total of $30,925.31. County Attorney S.under. .t.ted that he h.1 reviewed the.e fl9ure. and find the. to be r.a.onable. Public S.fety Admlnl.trator Dorr111 atat.d that Heery 'rogr.. Page 11 .. ~"---- _....-"'''''-;....''''''"~_.......""...,;,"-"..._._....,,~..,'>~-,,,..",. ".< '...·...1"1'1. ~ IiiiiiiI -----~-------- --- - -- - --.------------ --- May 0, 1984 Mln.,e.ent .upplled the b.ckup ..terlal to hi. .nd every thin; I. in order with the exception of ·~t havlnq received the tlm. Iheet. tor ..tlaator. H. noted that the travel expense I. tor travel thac wa. undertaken l~medlately prior to the default, adding that the Board Instructed the Heery people to travel to some ot the manufacturing location. to determine the It.tU' of .ecurity .coel product.. He .tated that he ha. recently completed with the Clerk'. Internal auditor, . review and audlc of tho financial portion of this project that i. under hi. jurisdiction. He .aid that he reviewed the inltl.l draft ot th.t report, adding that based on the extra service ~oney and ba.ed on the recent internal 'udit of the fund, he would like the Clerk'. auditor to have an opportunity to revlow these documents also. He .tated that the n~bers, with tho exception of the .stimatorls time .heet., appear to be' In order, adding that he lø .i~ply askinq the Clerkl. Internal auditor to confirm new contractual co~mltments. Fiscal Officer CIle. .tated that he would notify the Internal auditor of thl. matter. Tape 13 Mr. Dorrlll stated that he needs conflrmlnq authorization to compensate Heery for additional .ervice. In the amount of $30,925.31. ~lerk of Cou.ts Roaqan stated that he doe. not want the Board to aSlume that If the Internal auditor looks at this documentation, that It i. gIving any judge.ent that the payment i. correct and accurðte. He .tated that It the Board I. looking tor an after-the-fact audit, it Involve. a lot of work. Mr. Dorrlll .t.ted that this was not hi. Intent but, bAsed on the e.lt Interview with the internal auditor, the exhibits that were propared .howod total costs incurred and approved to date, addln9 that thl. 1. a now contractual co.t and, once approved, .hould be .hown In IDD( 081rAc£495 ---------------------------------- --..~-----..,....,........,~......._".__~ .' .··.'·w..'.'.",."..·,·'_..''''',....._.'''.,.......'''....'".........,.'''__....""_¡......_...",_,..,~;".........,__""._;~ 0...__..._.;..._-.......""'1 T ....<$_...~.,""',..........."".(.~"'." .'" .,.,...,..",...""~, .~, ..;..."., 'J"~< .----------------------------------------..-, 081 r1Gt 496 M41y I, 11114 thl auditor'. calculations. Clerk of CourU Rugan ',t:.ated th.t the audit report h.. alrudy been l.sued and tho next Update, whl~h would be .bout 60 d.y., will reflect those figures. Co..l..loner Vo.. aoved, .econded by Co..l.sion.r Krus. and oarrlld unanl.ou.ly, that authorla.tlon be gr.nted to cO.Pln..te Helry 'ragra. Manage.ent for the additional .ervice. required by the default of lid Pack' contractor in thl ..ount of $30,925.31 from March 9, 198., to M41y 7, 1984. CO~ÑTY 'ARKS BOND 1UNDS TO PURCHASE MARCO ISLAND RACQUET CLUB - APPROVED Co~~I..lon.r Kru.e qu..tloned hov much .oney i. left In the parks bond Issuo, to Acting As.Istant County M41nager Horton stated that after the North Naple. park .ite i. purch..od, there vlll b. approximately G.5 million dollar. left. Com_issloner Kruse stated that the items reg.rd1ng the Marco Island Racquet Club and the Immokalee Alternative Site '3 could alter the 6.5 million dollftr., adding that the.. two I.sues .hould be .ettled first .nd then the division of tho parks bond ~oney could be ..ttled. Mr. Norton stated that a me.tlng was held regardlnq purcha.in9 the Marco I.land Racquet Club, adding that there va. total agre.~.nt that the best and .ost appropriate vay to purchase this property would be through the community parks bond monoy. He st.t.d th.t the Marco I.land Racquet Club Id.ally lit. what the community parks progr.. I. .11 about, adding that it supple.ent. the 29 acre .ite on Marco I.land, as 12 .cre. of that .Ite 1. a lake. He stated that It would be Staff'. reco..end.tlon to purchase the Marco Island Racquet Club out of the p.rk. bond mon.y. Comllliasloner Piator stated that the Marco blind Racquet Club is . ,," '.ge - - "'''"^--,._--;_..,..."..~ "_.,.,"',....._,'""_.,..,_."'..".~,~'..".""~.",_.."",,..""..""..,,...~....-."" ....._.'.--..'..,"'.._"'_.,.._~...'_.... ..........-..... ~".- EJ r;¡¡¡¡¡¡; ---~~t~.~.~.~:~.:~. -t~ ~.~.~.~.~~. ~~ -:~.:':: -:... ~:~:~~ .b:-~I to do It without ulln9 the park. ~ond ~oney. 'J~~ , "Ii: ':g~~ ',~' f~' Mr. H.nk Cabellero, member of the Park. , Recreation ~visory Board, st.ted that he II In favor of purchasing the Marco Island Racquet ClUb. He Itated that not knowing how the park. money will be divided, he will have to Ipeak against thi., .dding that he doe. not .ee how park. aoney can be jUltlfled to purchase this facility as the referendu. wa. for five are. parkl. In an.wer to Co~ml.lloner Holland'. question, Mr. Norton Itated that the original plan. Included tennll courts, racquetball court., and other active facilities for that park. He stated that when It wa. deter~lned that the people of Marco did not want an active facility there, tho plan. were changed to a community conter facility. He stated th.t once the community center I. built, there will not bo any aðney left for activ. facI1Itie., adding that the community center will cost approxi..tely Sl.G million. He stated that the land purchllo In Ealt Napl.. was $612,000, Colden Cate wa. $G25,0001 lmmokale. was $124,0001 .nd NorLh Napl.. will be approximately $800,000, 3nd Marco I.land has had their .ite donated. Commi..loner Brown .tated that it will cOlt about $450,000 for tho dralnag. .ituatlon in laat Naple.. Commissioner Vo.. stated a wall organizod tennl. fAcility could b. purcha.ed for rOU9hly one-quartor ~illlon dollar.. H8 .tated that the dlvillon of the money should bo decIded beforo anything elso I. dono. Co.als.ioner Pistor .tatod that with reference to the Marco I.land park, the people of Marco I.land paid for that park in the COlt of their hOllle.. Comml..ioner Kruse .tated that Caltona built the co.t of that park Into the cOlt of the ho~e. when people purcha.ed them on Marco I.land, IDO~ 081 'A~[ 497 Page 14 -----------------------------------------~ ;i$\~ ,....... "'''~....".,_..,..,~'''.."'-"'..,......- ..~ ___4 ~·____,..___"..""',"TI"""",'~,....,.__""J.,~'.. --"""',.....'"'~.-",...,.."'._.~"-"--.,~-""..."',._~"'~,.._.~~...."'., ,.. '~. ;":,:,,.~ . ':¥~ ,·";t <>:;_~,:~n ..".;...:'..'~;;~:. .#)~','- . . \....o~ ._---------------------------------------.-~ ) JA· 'DOc 081,.~[49g May 8, 1984,'f/. ,.II'I\IIo··t· ":. addln9 that the park In Cold"\\ o.ate h.d 850,000 don.ted and that developer will build that Into the new ho~e. that he la eonstructinq adjacent to that park. She .tated th.t .h. 1. looking at this al . purohaa. of land tor the Marco ¡.land p.rk .nd It juat happen. that there la an existing racquet club on that land. Co..l..ioner ~ruae ~Yed, .econded by Comai..ioner Vo.. and oarrled unanl.ou.ly, that the Marco I.l.nd Racquet Club be purcha.ed out of the ~rk. bond ~n.y and be con.ldered the Marco I.land Park .it., a..uainq that there are no proble.. with the title. Mr. J.~ea St.ckpoole, ~e~ber of Parks, Recr.ation Advl.ory Board, at.ted that h. was In f.vor of purch.alng the Karco I.land Racquet Club, but did not want to do it out of the park. bond ~on.y. He .t.ted that it i. a good purcha.o In the intere.t o( Collier County. He noted that in the intere.t of pre..rving Þ. much caplt.l ~oney for the audltorl~ as pos.ible, tho Fiscal Officer .hould 91ve consideration to a.suaing the mortgage .nd funding the ca.h .hortfall out of .oney froM the bond fund, adding that it appe.r. that this would be roughly $30,000 a year. He atatod that, in ti~., there I. a good chance that the $240,000 purchd.o price would never be UI.d a. the facility should grow, exp.nd, and Incroa.e Its financial liability. Mr. Norton atated that he understood the intere.t rate to be 15.04\. '1lcal Officer Cile. .tated that the probleM you vet into in alau~ing I ~ortgag. 1. the .tatutory r.strlctlon. Involved in borrowing beyond two y.ar., adding that another probl.. i. that if you grant the extra financing, how do you aSlure equity to the other park .ite.? Mr. Norton atated that I( the County decid.a to payoff the ~~~'ge for the racquet club, there 1. no prepayment penalty. \ '.ge 15 .. .. _.J I!.I\III .··..."'·,,,....,,",.._'0..·._ ,."._~~""..."_____,~".__..._'"~~, ...,,~._""--_.. - as .. Iiiiii1 , ,'" May 8, 1984 Mr. Joe:arS.., relldent of Colden Oat. E.tate., .t.ted that he .upported the p.rk bond r.t~rendu. wSth the expectation. that there would b. .0.. .qultabl. di.trlbution of fund. and .qultable pl.ce~.nt of facllltle. within the fiv. park.. ~.9ardin9 the racquot club on Marco Illand, h. said It could be looked at in on ..poct of a park or bu.in.... HI stat.d thAt Covlrnment 1. to s.rv. the public and the ~ounty doe. not h.ve any bUllne.. gett1n9 lnvolv.d Sn . bu.Sn.... H. .tated that a. a park, If funds art to bl taken out of the park money to purcha.. thl. .Ite, there .hould b. some .qult.bl. r.dl.trlbution of tho.. funds. n.. 114 STAPr DIRECTED TO PURCHASE IMMOKALEE PARK SITE ALTERNATIVE 13 Acting AI.Istant County Manag.r Norton .tated that thi. I. In r.spon.e to the eoard's dlre~tion that Staff obtain ftn appral.al on the alternative Site 13 in lamokalee. He noted that the appral.ad valu. of the total acreage, 47.93 acre., I. 5167,500,000. He ruported that the a'klng price by the owner. i. $175,000,000, addin9 that tha appral.al and the a.king price I. extremely clos.. He stated th~t he I. osklng tor further direction at this point. Commls.lon.r Krus. Itated that the only lite purcha.ed in I~okalee ie 22.53 acr.. and cost $124,000. Commls'lon.r Srown .tated that there i. a sewer treatmont plant th.re, but the .chool was th.r. prior to the s.w.r troatment plant, adding that If there I. any problem the DER will have It corrected. Commls.ioner Vos. stated that the dløtrlbution of the funds for the five parks should b. ..ttl.d fir.t before any money i. .p.nt. He not.d that th~re i. 6.' million dollars left, le.s th. monoy that va. just .pent for the ~rco I.land Racquet Club, adding that the people of Marco I.land did pay for their park alte within the prlc. of the a;o~ 081,Ar.¡ 499 Pa90 IS . _.·~_."""""....~._._.~"""c>~,..",, '~"."'»".,~'~""""..~__^~".,.. .."'"",' . -i-'~''""'·~·''''''-'''"'''''"M'''''__'''''~_''''''-'~_-''<'-''''''~'''''''''.'''''''_'',c..,._^... .... _ '~~'"'''' . ~" ~ He .tatod that the price of the four park 81t.. .hould b. added ur' and divided by four to COli. up "ith In ' averlge pric. per p.rk and that .hould be credited to "arco I.l.nd on the monle. avall.ble to ~rco Is1.nd. Comml..loner Krua. .tated that the Immokale. alte ahould be purchased also and the money that Is left should be divided bet~en the five park.. Co..i..loner Kru.e .oved, .econded by Co~.ls.loner Holland, thet the I.-okal.e 81ternatlve Site '3 be purchased troll the park. bond IIOney. COlllli..loner Vo.. st.ted that for the four park .lte. purchased e total of 82,162,000 has b.en .pent, addlnq that If this figure 1. divided by four thore Is an averaqo coat of $500,000 and this amount should be cr4dltod to Marco ISland, becau.e the people have already paid for that site, ~nd th.n split the re.t of It. Mr. Norton .tated that thft PArka. Recreation Advl.ory Soard went through numerous for~ula. And d.cided it would be be.t to slllply aplit the remainder of the money five vay. after the park .It.. are purcha.ed. Mike Zewalk, repr..entlng the North Naplea Civic A..oclation, .tated thet North Haple. i. putting ~ore tax dollars Into the County than anyone el.e and he vante hi. fair .hare. He st.ted that I.mokalee 1. not paying thelr lair ahare of tAX.. And, therefore, .hould not recolve a. lIuch a. of thð parks bond lIoney a. North Naple.. He noted that the bonda .tat. thAt Live parka will be purcha.ed and the money "111 be u.ed for the land acquisition, design, con.truction and equlppin9 the perk.. II. atated that North Naplea come. fint in tax doll.r. and th.n Marco, .0 they Should receive the .o.t. COII.i.sioner Krua. atated that If they take off all the price. of 'age 17 .. - _____..u'_.;__v,~,. _____,., ; " '"'~Ir~~, '...",....I.'¡. '. "«,,j , "";¡':j:X ~-----------------------------------~~~~ riiIiI ,.- IIIi ¡¡¡¡¡a :~ '..., 1. on the May 8, 1984 ''''}f;;''!:,,;#: " '0\; ~ ~~ thlt have bun purch..ed 1ncluðln9 the motion aneS ..coneS"th.~:~~ ""' ""'.V""'-'" floor .t th~. time, there will be about $6 ml1110n 10ft,' the park. addln9 that If that 1. divided between the five park .lte. there 18, approxi.ate1y 11.2 ",UUon per park. She stated that the 81.2 1111Ì1on',/,c, plus the '245,000 paid for the racquet club would be approxi~tely $1.4 .llllon .pent on Marco which include. the fact that there 1. .lre.dy exi.tln9 court. in the Rlcquet Club. She .tated that if the '1.2 .11110n wa. addod to each .lte it would total '1.8 million .pent for the ta.t Naple. park .ito, $1.8 million for the Colden Oate .ito, and the North Naple. site come. to $2 million. She indicated that the $1.2 .illlon plus '290,000 in Immokalee como. to $1.4 million for the Ilftmok.lee park site. Sho noted that the amounts come pretty close. Laura Krouse, re.ident of Immokaleo, .tated th~t the people of . IIIDOkalee do not want two parks, adding that they only want one park In the center of the community and improvod a. much a. pos.ibl.. Mr. Henry Norona, 602 PoinsettJa Stre.t, Im~okDl.e, »tk~.d that he hi. spoken with nu~orous poople that want only one p~rk, adding that they want to be able to u.e their portion of the monoy to do a. much as po..ible in one park, not two. Sister Eile.n tppi9 of 508 New~arket Road, IlIImokalee, .tated that ahe concurs with the previous speaker. In a plea for one park. 5he stated that the park i..ue ha. boen ono thing that ha. united everyone in Iamokaleo, adding that ¿f there Is another park, segregation will take plac. again. Tepe .5 Co~",i.sioner Holland stated that there ne.ds to be more than one p.rk in each area for the different facilitle. that people want. Henry ~Axant, repre.entlng Pine Ridge Civic Association, .tated that park. are for people and the money should be divided depending on lOOK 081 mE 501 '.IIge 18 ---------------------------------------.... < " .:··~::-·,2,.~~·- _._-,----,...._.,.............'""'.............._--...,..,,..,..,~.,........,._"";~""'..",."."..-....,.,.."~"......,.. ,,,""""'....,*'. .<,..~_..._._--,._,-j-'.,-,..."^~..... ~ - ·"'·~".."".,.......~___,__..'*_u..,_<_.,"'.~,~.."_,,,..,"..~."__,....,......".~,..."""" <" -'"¡"........,.____'''''''.._.;J~''''_,...o.._,,__., -.-----,--- -- GiiiI .... <:~;¡~ ,r.;.~'f: ..,;; ¡,:. !f',.,,.,'" . "";~'~ , "'- , .: "-"}!j:\~ ~' """,' ~iJ1I'..,.1 .".'~..~ --~------------------------------------~~~ May 8, 1984 ., WI' divided by five, ~r~o I.llnd would receive $1.S that uaSn9 Comai.aSoner Vo~.· prope.a1 it would al11ion. He .tated that th.re ahould b. . floor on the di.tributSon and Marco I.land I. entitled to at l.aat 51.6 million for their park. Hr. Hank Caballero .tated that he ran a survey for Colden Oate park and most of the people wanted a swimming pool, addin9 that when they found out the price, a swimming pool waa out of the question and the people of Colden Cote were willing to .acrlflc. without complainln9 In order to have other hoalthy recreation that the park could afford and, theretore, all money .hould b. divided equol. Mr. Joe Crimm stated that reason~bl. distribution require. the con.lderatlon that the racquet club on Marco Island Is alroady developed. Upon call for the que.tion, the ~tion carried, (3/2, Co..l..1oner. P¡ator and Vo.a oppe.edl. n.. . 15 8TAFF DIRECTED TO WORK WITH DIVELOPER REGARDING REZONE PETITION ON KELLY CT. TO ALLOW ACCESS BY RESIDENTS or LAKESIDE MOBILE HOHE SUBD. Hr. Hub.rt Bevins, 4315 Kelly Road, .tated that the probl.m i. that a dev.loper plans to build and clo.e off the road, adding that hi. front door sits on Kelly Ct. H. .tated that he roceived a notice th6t the County vacated this str.et In 1970, adding that the County ha. kept up the road for the last fifteen year., grading it and putting 11merock on it. He stated that the Public Work. Departm.nt denies doinq any work on that road and he wanta to be .ure that this road is not givon back to the private developer. Public Works Admini.trator Hart~.n .tated that Kelly Court wa. vacated in 1970. He statod that there 1. an own.r that want. to dlvelop the property and the curront plan .how. the drlvoway being along the .... alignment a. the old Xelly Court. He atatod that this m~ 081 PAcr 503' __ - - __ - - - - _._ - - - - - - - _0- _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ ___ '''.~.".'''''''___._'''''''_"_""_'"_'''''_'''_,,,''_~'''''''''''''''''~~ _..·__,...v.,.""_""_,...__~~~ "" ,-,-,. ..,......~~<r""....~~c~_,..,·,.,',..,._,· '_"'.''''' "''''h''_~.''"__,,, ""._-~----".," '17'I<t__,_~.. .-._-_._..,I>..,-,,,....-...-.._.,'"=""...,..,~., ,_,..~."'".......~"'~"...";.." --_......-.,-~,,'"''''".''-~......'~'''''....,,"''--........._,..'''''' . --""'''''->~''''_''''''''''____",_.._;,..'H'J'''''''_"'"''''__''';'''__......,.... "---.-.r._ ""_·"''-'''''~~_'''''__'__''''''·'-'''''"_'<-b_'.'._·.,..-,__",,,,",,,,,.._,¡·,._,,,,_.O,_..__._~_..._, ~"~___"",_"",,,,,,,,__,,,,,P-,..._"_, '''~.,,*___,,".-U_.-'',," ,.",..""",,,,,,~,;.,,~,,.-...",...,,.,,..,,,,,,,,,,,~,,_,,,,_.,.,,."'" '.. .__.........._.,,_________ .'!:,' ----------------------------------------~~ May 8, 1984 '·';¡i: '~ :~\~k, ¡-)p .,:':~ 1M)',;' .........,.., ., ¡¡¡¡¡; ¡¡¡¡¡ ¡¡¡J¡) offlc. be c.cl...lfled to a Le9.1 R....rch As.lst.nt/Ad.lnl.tc.tlv.: Ald.. It.. 121 RIIOLUTIOM 14-'3 AUTHORIZING THI CRAI~ TO EXECUTE THE MECESS~RY DOCUMIXTI FOR THE TRANsrER or STOCKS rOR THE QUITCLAIM DEED rOR PROPIRTY AT CONNIRS VANDERBILT BEACB ESTATES - ADOPTED. RESOLUTION 14-94 REMOVINQ THI SEWER ASSESSMENT CHARGE - ADOPTED County Attorney Saunder. .tated th.t .everal month. aqo, Conner. V.nderbilt Beach E.tate., Inc. aqr.ed to donate various propertle. on Vanderbilt Be.ch to Collier County, ðddlnq that at thnt ti~. they were cont.~platlnq a liquidation of tho corpnration. He .tatod th.t in order to effectuate the tran.!er, they provJded to the County. .tock certlflc.te which equ.led In v.lue the amount of ro.l ..tate that they tunehued to the Count.y. H. .Uted that at the time, it wa. Indicated to the County that when the corporation wa. liquidated, they wanted the .tock c.rt.lfic.te returned t.o them and. quJtclalm d.ed would be provided for the prop.rti... Ho stated that he has received v.rlou. docum.nt. that need to be executed by the Chairman oC the Bo.rd consumm.tlng the de.l a. well .s a quitclaim d.ed from Conn.r. Vand.rbilt Be.ch E.tat.., Inc. to CollJer County for Lot. 1 throuqh 23, Block 5, Connor. Vanderbilt Beach Eatate., Unit '3, which 1. belnq donated. He .tated th.t he I. ..kinq the Board to authorize the Chairman to ex.cute the n.c....ry documents for the transfer and to .ccopt the quitcl.im deed for the proporty. Co..i..ioner Holland .oved, ..cond.d by Coaai,sloner Krus. .nd c.rrl.d un.ni.ou.ly, that Re.olution 84-93 .uthorlz1nq the Chairm.n to .xecut. the n.c....ry docu.ents tor the tr.naf.r of stock. for the qultclal. de.d for property at Conn.r. Vand.rbl1t B..ch Eatate. be adopt.d. County Attorney Saunder. .t.ted that th.re i. a .ewer a.....m.nt on the property .nd it has be.n indicated th.t Conner. Vanderbilt Bc.ch ~.."'."'..............-.~.~-,._-,-._-"."-~,_..,,-,,.._"""-"....,"'"",,..,~> ".>-....,"..";".."".""'....,.""'--_..._,.,.'-,-",,...-"..~~ ,. ,·....~~"'_""'h'-¡o;·,"""~..._,t<W...._~._., '.'_.,......"",.". ,o"",,.. ,," ..~",...".,,, a.".u·',,"·' > "'.~"""."_''''''''.''''''''''_''. ~..""....'.._... ..... ...... _~ _.....1-- '"~ --.... --,....~-^-,...- ~ .~.< -"_'_'___'.__"""'""""'.""~"'" ,.." "...."".~'''_..,.....,''-~,".-"..'. .~". _L'~' --"~""~,"-,-,~~.>,,,--~,..,,.-..~ '_"""'~>""'''''''''~N''_,,,,,,,,__.,,,,,..,,,,,,,"_.,,,, . '''''~''C.·'~.''.'_;''~ .~ aDOK Clerk, bids were recoi~ed for 8id '723 for cover material for'HDPle. i')' Landfill until 2100 P.~., March 29, 1984. ~MS BILLING COORDINATOR 'OSITION INCREASED TO 'AY ORADI 1S CERTIFICATII FOR CORRECTION TO THE TAX ROLLS AS PRESENTED IY PROPERTY APPRAISER 19111 TAX ROLL 627 4/12/84 1982 TAX ROLL 660 4/12/84 1983 TAX ROLL 316 - 322 4/12/84 - 4/24/84 1903 TANCrBL! PERSONAL PROPERTY 1983-420 - 1983-422 4/23/84 - 4/26/84 128 LAKE T~~rrORD MEMORIAL OARDENS CEMETERY DEEDS NO. 38', 391, , 392 S.. paCJIII Sf;' - 5/1' It.. 12' MISCELLANEOUS CORRESPONDENCE - rILED AND/OR REFERRED There bein9 no objection, the Chair dlr.cted that the followln9 correspondence be filed and/or referred to the various depar~enta a. Indicated belowl 1. Budqet of Supervisor of Elections' for ry 1984-85. xc, riled. 2. Notification dated 4/20/84 from DtR r. proce..lng of application, rile Number 11083!H05 for United Tillephone to place cable on the botto~ of the Big Marco River. XCI Mr. Virta, riled. 3. Notifioation dated 4/17/84 from DER re . pUblic workahop for a Con.truction Orant. proqr.m Priority .y.t.. for Wa.teweter Tr.atllent Work.. XCI Filed. 4. Notification received froM Bur.au of Land .nd Water Mana9...nt dat.d 4/17/84 that baaed Ufon findin9., additional .r.a. which apparently ~eet the crlter . for undeveloped coa.t.l barrier. ar. "ge 27 .. .. _oJ "''''''''''>''''''~~.",,,._,,,-..,",.._,,,-;,,,..~-~,,,,.,.._...,,,.. , «,."._>._"'_._,>..._,-_..._-""_._--"...;"'~... · ·~···"·'''''''"''';...r<··h·''''''''''''''_'''''¡'''''''''''''''··''''''';'''''''''.'''''_"'".__...,.""...._~_'''"......",.",..,".