BCC Minutes 05/15/1984 R ".,..",...,......,¡·~.~_"..,~,__.__c""""·.._".... II l'1It __._. . ."..._"'_............~-""'.,...........-~.-.. ..-",._~,... ,"'.... '.'",.' -~....-,,-_... _.,""_...,.~..._..~.._-"'.,....,"......-.~.-..--- .......'".",.,.........,",."..,'~.,."..~-,-~.."...'""."....... --,,-.,...~-- ..-.....,---.--.....- w;;¡ œJ ~ ------------------------------------- May 15, 1984 It.. 14 ,ITITION R-83-28C, (MAPLES CATEWAY) - WITHDRAWN Coaalaaioner PI.tor .oved, .econded by Co..I..loner Kru.e .nd carried un.ni.ou.ly, that Petition R-83-28C, Dr. Heno J. Spagn., reque.tlng reaonlng fro. -I- Z.tate. to PUD for 9.6 acre. known a. Naple. O.teway located between 1-75 and Livingston Road be withdrawn .. reque.ted by the petitioner. ne. 15 PETITION R-13-23C, THE CLADES, INC. R! REZONING rROM RMr-6 TO PUD - DENnD Legal notice ~aving'been publi.hed in the Naple. Daily New. on April 13, 1984, a. evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, public hearing was opened to con.ider Petition R-83-23C, fil_ð by The Clade., Inc. reque.tlng rezoning from RMF-6 to PUD for 7.3 acre. known aa The Naple. Sunrise II located on Albi Road next to The Clade. Country Club. Planner Ober explained that the objective of this petition i. tn build 86 multi-family entry level hou.ing unit. Ind thlt Staff Ind '11 County agencies reviewed the petition and recomm~ded approval subject to amendment of the PUD document IS found in the Executive Summary. She .tated that the CAPe held their public hearing on April 19, 1984, that ten letter. were received in oppo.ition citing increa.e in density, limited accesa, congestion, d.crease of property valu.. and proposal to depart from original plan. She said tho CAPC recommended forwarding the petition to the Board for denial and that Staff now recommend. denial. Attorney James SieskY, repre.enting tho petitioner, explained the petition haa adequate road acces. and the area i. close to a park being developed by the County. He said that affordable hou.ing has been included in the project, the reque.tad density II 12 unit. per acre and that aome of the aurrounding area has 16 unitø per acre. Also, the Traffic Department has stated the road. are adequate. He said con.truction will be conaiatent with project. currantly in The Clades. Mr. Siesky referred to a settlement agreement entered into betvaen The Clad.. .nd the Condominium .....och·tion in July 1983, one stipuh- tion of which i. that the Condominiu~ AIsociation agreed not to conte.t any :oning chanqe or variance up to 128 unit.. He .tated that the 86 units are part of the 128 unita. He ..ked for BCC approval. 1m 081,ACt521 Page 3 j~ --_.._-------------------------------------~ : ,ill ·:.:'·:."I'~;!:;; :..\:~~;' ".' .<,~ . . ':~Y:~1:~ -.-." ---~~--_.,-...,....,.,. ~,...~>..."..--,._~~,~....,--_._,--- < .~';2;. ':~ ._:..~'i.t =-o81:5~------------------:::~::----~~·-.~iì 'Th. fOllowing parsc"s spoke in opposition to p.titlon R-I·3-23C., ";ç~~ Mr. Jos.ph Platte "~lJ¿~, Col. John Ba.b. "~." Mr. Bernh.rd Hi.l..n :~~. ~ Mr. Richerd Brown;~ Mr. Ceor9. Xeller .~~ Mr. Don Doria Mr.. Jam.. w..tman, r.pr...nting the Leagu. of Wom.n Voter., r.qu..t.d clarification a. to the siz. and location of the .ffordable housing unit.. Ma. Ober r..ponded that the minimum footag. would b. 800 square f..t and .xplain.d that the location of the .ffordabl. units has not b..n d.cid.d. Mrs. w..tman stat.d that the Leagu. .upports .ntry l.v.l housing. Sh. r.f.rr.d the the PUD docum.nt, pag. 7, It.m 14 r.gsrding agr..m.nt b.twe.n the County and the Ea.t Naples Wat.r Sy.t.m over own.rship of the water and ..w.r Iln.. and .aid there ha. not b..n agr..ment on this point in the pa.t. She .xpr....d concern r.g.rdlng th~ pr...rvation of the cypr... in the area, to which Mr. Virta r..ponded that Dr. B.n.dict, County Environm.ntali.t, and the d.veloper are workl~g on a mutually acc.ptable arrang.m.nt in this r.gard. Co..i.sion.r Krus. mov.d, ..cond.d by Coaalsslon.r PI.tor and card.d unani.oualy, that the publlcr hearing b. cle·lIIad. At County Attorn.y S.und.rs' r.qu.st, Mr. li.sky st.t.d for the r.cord that the dev.lop.r-do.s not 'gr.. to d..ding the Iln.. to the County and that the developer would deed the utility ....~ents to East Napl.. Wat.r Sy.tem until such time a. the County purch.... the utility. H. .aid that the developer agr.e. to cOmply with .ffordabl. hou.ing provision in the PUD. Co..is.lon.r Piator .oy.d, ..cond.d by Coaai..ion.r Vo.s and carri.d 4/1, Co..i..ion.r Brown oppo..d, that P.tltion ~-83-23C b. d.nied. ...RECZSSI '14S A.M. RECONVZNZDI '155 A.M.... ORDIIlAMCI Ø4-36/RZSOLUTION CWS 84-3 ESTABLISHING A SYSTEM DEVlLOPMIHT CHARGE POR SEWER SERVICZ AREAS -C- AND -D- - ADOPTED Leg~l notic. having be.n publi.hed in the Napl.. Daily New. on April 26, 1984, .. .vid.nc.d by Affidavit of publication fll.d with the Cl.rk, public h.aring was op.n.d to consid.r .stablishing . .yst.. d.velopm.nt charg. for Sewer s.rvic. Ar.as -C- and -D-. pag., 4 . .. .. ~"".",.,...".__,,,,~,,.,,,""_';""""'._"",_J_""_'_~_____ IiiiiM ,.- fiiiJ ~ ---------------------------------------~~~ "('~' ,~t ',/):f ·;':fi .,:.;~~.: . '. ,..',.~ . ;.,'"J{, " '?}j~' ~ , ~.r, May 15, 1984 Utili tie. Manager "{~n explained that the noard SAW this request, originally, on A~(il 19 and there have been minor revision. .pecifically that the.e fund. can be u.ed for con.tructlon of new facilities and for the purcha.e of exi.ting faciliti... He .aid that this ordinance e.tabli.he. the ~eana by which funding can be provided for the future con.truction of needed facilities. Responding to Commi.sioner Pi.tor, Mr. Berzon explained that for tho.e areas not .erved by line. the resident. would pay for the. regardle.s of whether they are served or not but they would not pay when the service I. installed. He .aid that the per.on would be making an investment for something that will be aVAilable in the future. Commi.sioner PIstor voic~d hi. preference for u.er. to pay when the C.O. is is.ued, instead of when the buildinq permit is is.ued. Mr. Øerzon .ald the ordinance wa. written .0 that the u.er would know .pecifically what th~ fee would be prior to hooking Into the .ervice. Commis.ioner Pistor referred to Article ·C· -regarding exi.ting developments and ask.d if those per.on already hooked to a .ewer .y.te~ but not to the County central sewer .yat.m, would b. r.quirod to pay. connection when they are required to connect? Mr. Berzon .aid that he and the County Attorney discu.sed this it.m and that Article ·C· ~hould read. ·All existing Cacilities not on a publicly owned, c.ntral .ever .yate. will be required to pay a connection fee and other applicable charge. when they are required to conn.ct to the County central .ever faciliti...· Commissioner Kruse said if the ordinance i. not adopte1 there will not be fund. to proc.ed with the .y.tem and .he said ahe was in favor of the ordinanc.. Commi..ioner Voss ag(eed. Mr. Berzon clarified that the cost of the qrovity lin.s ~re not includ.d in the proposed fe... Commi.sion.r Hollond .xpr....d his oppo.itlon to this point as well as the difference in the a~ount charged to resid.ntial and commercial cu.tomers. Tape 13 Mr. Berzon explained that the fee. are based on State and Federal quidellne.. Mr. Jim Spade, repres.nting Rookery Bay Utili tie., reque.ted that hi. facilitie. be excluded fro~ the .e~er area. He indicated that he ha. not been approach_d about .elling the utility to the County and said he would be willing to do so, In re.ponse to Chairm.n Brown. Mr.. Jomes Westman .tated that the League of WOmen Votera support. aOOll 081r1Gt523 'a,e 5 ---------------------------------------~~þ ......"...~. . i~¿'::<,i ";'':\'/i1I ."~~~ , "t ~., --,.~_..'..,-,......".- . ~,,,.....,""'-;-,,--"'"."..,.....,,,~.~.,.'" ~_....,..'.......'---- --~.~""""""'.~'-."."".'''_. .~~"".......;- .,;_....~"~""'-~...._.._...."'.---.,,..-,..- ,~"~~._-"',"......'"....."*.;."'."...~,.~.~.,,. .,.. ,,,,..... '.'.' .;-',.<....,.,.... ,..,,~,,"""""~",., ,,~,-~..,,---;-- ~""",,,,,,,-,,,-,,,,,,,,,-,,,--,,,,",,,,,,"......_,,,._,_....,...,,._^ - .,' ~'H~~"',"'''~''_''''''''''-'' .."".<.."_,~...."".""",,,..,.....~,.,,,...,,__.._,,,.....__,,_..."^.,,,,...,,,,.'.......,,',,-_.-"'.,~. ,'.. ·^_......"""..,..~c";.,._·,.,,."......'_·..,.,."',....·;·~·,,"'",·......,__..,_._"~~,____'- ~-...-~..,.._.__.__......~."" - ..-.--------,."'''''''''..--"...-'''....''''''.........''..-,''''',...'''....-.".., _~._"."<.._"""",,·_.._._.....__~..M.'.....'_""...___ 0, .'. .' .-"0: ¡~ .. - - ;,.ïd . '---.- ------ - - - --- ----------;;- ï;:-ï;ã4-~ - -~--,-.~iJ ,...ND¡ c 081,1,,[ 530 , ":t A d1.cunton !ol1ovwd concerning the polllb111ty'of U offic. )'Æ~ b.ing supplied by the Agri~ultura Departm.nt with. ..cretary belnC .".;;' suppli.d by a voluntur .;'f.~,¡. '-.::.,. . County Attorney Saunders refund to State Statute. an/2 h. '7:r Indicat.d that the 80il .nd Con..rv.tlon District. .r. not pur.ly . advisory. H. .aid the activiti.. Ire d.fin.d in Section 582.20, .dding th.t thr.. of tho.. Ictiviti.. .r. to con.truct, improv., op.rlt. .nd .Iintlin .uch .tructur.s as ..y b. n.c...ary for the parfor..nc. of .ny op.ration luthori.ed in the Chapter, to ad_Inl.ter Iny loll conservation and ero.lon control, .ro.ion pr.vention proj.cts and for the adoption of land use regulation governing the us. of land. within the District In the int.rest of conserving .011 and water resourc.. In prev.nting and controlling .011 erosion. Mr. Ceorg. Keller, r.pr..enting the Collier County Civic rederatlon, ..pr....d the hope that this would not b. another l.y.r of bur.aucracy. Ch.lr..n Brown .aJd thl. prograll 1. operating In Dade County Ind doing a fin. job with people .nthu.la.tic about it. value. Mr. John Coodnlght .poke in favor of a Soil and ConservatJon District stating it is a body of five elected supervi.ors who Ca" provide technical .esl.tance to landown.ra, upon raque.t, with hydrol09ists, geologiet and en91ncer .ervlces. Mr. Ron Saola, of the U.S.D.A Soil Con.ervatJon Service, .aid that the Soil and Con.ervation. District is . non-regulatory ag.ncy to provld. as.i.tance to local landowner.. He .aid a parson VDuld be loc.ted In Colli.r County to .ervice the offlc. provid.d by the U.S.D.A. Commi.aioner. Kruse and Voss sugg..ted that the City of Napl.. .nd Colden Cat. t.tat.s ar.a b. excluded froll the bound.ri.. of this Dhtrict. Co..is.ioner Kru.. ~v.d, ..cond.d by Co..I..ioner Vo.. and carri.d unani.ou.ly, that R.solution 14-95 ..pr...lng .upport for the cr..tlon of . -Soil .nd Wlt.r Con..rv.tlon Dl.trlct- within the unlncorporat.d Ir.a of Colll.r County be adopted. .,':,..~~.J': "",!/ó;;'; JTi . 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