BCC Minutes 07/17/1984 R "'.J'" '.\0'." ,', .:11 . ,: i!IitJ .. Iiii .-----~------------~--~~~---------~----~~~ "~" NIl"l"l, "'lorlel." .1uly17,1 ~'14Z1~ I " :~,.:~'"fJ.,;~~ '.~' ~::(.. LE'I' IT IJE REMEliRERED, that the 1\oarrl of COunty COJIIII ..lonors . in,I;,,:I,i~J and Cor the COunty of Colliflr, lint! 11110 IIcttn9 III the fIollrd of l.onin~/ .~<'~' t~, ~ ^ppeala and AI the gOI/,'rnlnt] bonrd(.) of luch lIPQclal dilltricts lid hl'l"~,~,'.:.I bop" ereatett accordin9 "" law und tllwinq conductod bulin... h.rein~ lI.t/~' on thh date It ..00 -'.M. in Requ1u ,.,l1on in lIui1dlnq ",. of' th.<[I, '~".' Courthourl. Co~plox, talt Nllplvl, Florirlft, with the Collowinq ~."b~1~"1t~ ,-~{tf.*! prOI'mt, ' '.'/\ it Cll^ I Il~'Mr. o.w il1 C. I'Iro"," '\!:~~ . VICE CIl"IRM^N, C. C. -Rod- Holland ,(;,j",~ John /I. Pi ntor ''', \i~j, Fradorick .1. VOIII . ':';r M/lry-f'rAncal J(rulo 'rf' "LGO PRr.Sr.NT, Willi4~ J. "ltAgan, Clark, Jllmo. C. ailnl, rlllcI\l Otficvr, Vlr9inia ~~9ri, nr.puty Clark, nurt L. (l;aundrrs, County "ttornoy, t'c.mlll~ n. LUlk, COunty ~anAgor, ~"il torrill, ^llietllnt County 1-1l\"M1or: Oon/llcl Norton, ~d~iniBtr~tor nC ~hlic ~~rvic~B' Wlllln. Rlankp.nehip. ^dmin1.trator of ^dminietrntiv~ Scrvier.~: "r. ~'lIr1( ""nodict, r.nvironmcnt~11ot: ~om Kuck, I\.ctin'l l'uhl1c:: \~orkllf ",hl1ini"- trator, C~r? Archibald, Trnnsportation Dirft~tor: Torry Vlrta, Co~~un\ty r.ovolnpnrnt ^~~in1"trntor, ~o Lnyno, ~onin~ r.irp.~tor, TOM ~~c: Can 1(./ 1, Plllnner, Orncl! "ptluldinq, Ac1minlntrat1v" !lido to P,h. POllrrl ~"rl P~rUlY Ch1ftf n,y n~rn.tt, Sh~rif!'9 Dcr~rt~p.nt. aoo( 082 PAC( 19.9 ..- .-..-.... "'-'" ....... -......,,-- . .~-"'.,,~;_....---,,~._.. ,~- 4......._.. iii. ___.~ ""'~..._.._'".__-.._..~".,...,"",.,.....q.". ",.._..,_._"'''_...'''",.......".",,"._.,"._,~_,....,,''''.,...~_."...._, ---, Ciiii:3 lili;) ... .1u1y 17, 1?04 Tap. 1 It.. U Aa!NDA ~PPROV!D WT~ ADDITIONS .'':{;'>''1'r. COmli..ioner Kruu 1l0Vl)d, .econded by Co_iuioner Phtor and::\~~Y: ,..#,1' l~iI:. carried unanillously, that the agenda be IIpproved with the fOllowing :"/'~'" addition., 12C - Re n lott~r (roM CM'C - ~ddc:c1 hy COmll'llUlinnt!r 1.'(')8" JC - ^wlIrc1 of bld for Kelly Pd. construction - nd~~~ by County M"nlltler [.uak sn - EllploY<J. S...rvico ^wll1'c1s - I\clderl t-y :1B. ~p(lu1r'!inl'l It.. t2 MINUTES OF JUNE 5 .\ND 12, 1994 R!OULAR MEETINGS AND JUN~ 12, 1984 SPECI^L MEETING - APPROVED Co..iaaioner Kru.. 1I0ved, I.condod by COlllli.aionor Pistol' lint'! carri.d unanimously, that the .inut.. of June 5 and 12, 1994 rogular lIeating. and June 12, 1984 special lIeeting be approved. It.. .3 JOIlN PUMPER, UTILITIES DEPT., RECOONIZ!O "S JULY P;MPLOY!:K OP' THE MONTH ChairmAn Drown rond a lotter of cOllllendation ond pr~lent~ /I plllnu~ to John Pllmpt"r. Uti1!ti~ft ~~rnft,"~nt, ft'r:O<Jn1::1na hiM "ft J\:Jy f.MrloYtlI' of the ~\onth. It.. t4 . Service "wards (Personnel) Chblrm^n r.rown pre.~nt~d aervir:u nW/lrde to thu following employe"s, M.1f i 1 1'n l'.lhcock 10 Y'lllfR ^ndr'/w "'l1rtln C; ye/HI! Coor'lO' Hnllcn S y..nrs It.. " Rt!lOLUTION 04-121 RE PETITION CCCL-04-2C, GRMrrWG " V"RIANCE .FOR THZ MANSION'S COtlDO LOCI\TED ON CONNOR!J VANDERBILT BEACH - AOOPTED Lol'llll notir:c havinq ht"en rUbli"l""t in tIll' /~o10l(!s nnily t1ctw. on July 1, 1904 ^s cvld~ncpd by ^ffid^vll of Puhlic~tlon tilod with the ell'rlo:, publlC h~~rinQ wns op~n(!d to (''('In.lel,,r PHtition r.r.CL-04-2C, fUfHt by 1100rlllan r. ASlloci"tna, n!}cnt for Phubllr Enterprisell, Inc., r"~utr~t1nlJ nn ~ft~r-thc7f~ct vnrll\nr:~ fro~ th~ Co~at~l ~onlltruction Control Li~Q lor tho rOKlor~tlon of ~ luno ~nd ronstruction nf n dun~ rro..ov,.r ~nd tODK 082 rlr.t 205 raq. :2 .-..- -., ....". ,-, ,_.~._ ~""O>"__~'_'''''''''_'''''.'''<M', .....,,"'~"'.._.,....~"_,_. '_'-'-"'''',., ,.".,.."",.,"<.~- --'~-"- ."'.,."..._...._",....__~ Mi. . "' ."".."'_..._.."'-~-"".,"'".....-.-_........;-''',,....,,-...,., """'."'"'" . .w........, ,~~ ';'.~ -- '. ./~ _._"_._~ -I <.:;"j: ~-------------------------------------~~~~ IDle 082rAr,t206 .Tuly 17, HFI4 , ,i;~)~l !our foot wide woodan deck for The Manaiona cond~inium locAted on I,ot'~~~ 51, nlock ^, Unit 1, r~nnor' Vanderhllt ~eftch. Or. 8cnedict qftve A briei review oC tho bnckgroUnd, recallinq that'r . in 19tH Tho Manaiona wal grllntn" iii vlIr iancCl to hulld 1\ poOl. Jlo laid ";,,;,, that In relation to this tho attempt was mad 0 to restoro a dunt. ..awar4':;~tr, of the pool which ~iClht ..1tignt(' th'l IlffoC't th" pool will hay. on the <':f;~~' beAch and on AdjAcent Itructuru durin9 time of Itorllla. Dr. Benedict :'<:'~~~; recOlllllend Ap['rovAl, wlth lti('lull1tion., which hllvi!' hpC!n incorpornted in ',,":,lj, .v,ll~ tho proposed r..ol.ution. M\' not.d thllt prior to roquo.tint] th<:, ;,'i,tt~ vllr hnce the! p..'oplc of Tn.. ~llln. ions IItlllrtrci tho dune, t ht!reforo, thi a':,~W h an A ftflr-t hi!'- hct roqllllllt. Me Sll id tha t they cannot 9uaun toe thll t ' ';j::~, .< ..;.s'~i ' the dUne' will Illllt I'>ut the GitU3tion will b. hettor with tho t!une than . ""f:lIT without. it. It was noted by Or. ~nnedict thllt he hal had no noqlltfv~ ,~ ';~:~~' COllllnvnt. fro", Uw pet.ilionC'r regordin~ th~ ntipul/lt.ions. ',',", CO..~l..ion~r Vo.. note" thllt th. hOAter IInd vent.ilator Ilot u('l 1l911inllt. thfl pool. crentlng nn eyu.ore, lln~ aakod if it would hI' Icreenod? Mil. ~oor..an said thAt acrlleninq il planned llnd lAndacapinq will I:>fP untl. Otorge Ycllrr, r~proa~nt1n~ th~ Colli~r County Civte red~rction, ~Ald thAt h. hope. that the extent ion of the dun~ i8 not extonding the property r1~hlG anu Aa~.d thnt GOM. restriction. apply. Co.-i..ioner Kruse ~ved, seconded by Co~islion'r VO.I .n~ carried unani.oualy, to clo.e the public hearing. Comais.ioner Kruae 1Il0Yed to approve staff r'co~.ndation and that R.lolution 84-121 be adopted. Comllli..ioner Piltor .econed the ~tion which carried 5/0. Pilq.. 3 ~:ii ,'t, ---- -----------------------------------~" LI'J!:J '8 em; .. , ,.-..........,...-7 . .....-"..-.-,-...,....."'''..>>-- . 1IL.'"__'_.'_"__"_"'.'~<~ ,.._><_,-, ,""''''_',_..~.__,,,,,,_,,.,.. ".'..""".. _.~.,.. '''"'~'''',,_"..;_...-;' . --'.""" ,,~. -".. -., '~~~~"""... ...".... ",-.....'H'"""_...__.___-.-_~ ---------------------------------.... July 17, 19M 08&.~..~10 ORDIN^NCE 84-46 PROVIDI~a FOR THF. FOUR CENT LOCAL OPTION GAS TAX FOR FIV! YEARS, EFFECTIVX S!i'T~B!R 1, 19A4 - ^DOPTEO Le9al notico h4vinq b~en rubl!ahcd in thrl t-;" ,,1('11 011 11 Y U,.". on June 27, 1984 II' ~videnc('d hy ^ffidavit of Puhlication filftd with th~ Clurk, pUblic hearing w~s oponod to con8id~r ~n ordinanr.r. the iMpo.ition of the four c~nt local option gas tllX upon of motor fuel line! Specilll fuel 1101<4 in Collir.r County. G~orq. ^rchibald, Transportation Oirector, notr.d that this is n follow-up to ~n ~mergen~y ordinanc~ of Jun(' 12, 19R~ adoptinq a ,~ additional gas tAX to ~Q~t the sllltutory dcndllno. I'V .aid thnt th... funtlinry is necesanry to r.ontinu~ the IIrtvri"j ronel )"':'ogrom IInd to I!llltrt some contractual obligations. j>cplylnl) to Commiolloncr Voss, Plr. ^rchibal~ stlltt'd thllt th., t"lX il< lor fjyl' yoar". Co~mislioner Pistor auostioned if tho City has oqref'd to thc rl.lY1sion of the tnx nnri ~r. ^rchih/lld laid thnt will be /\n additional Intorlocal IIqrec~ent. ~r. Ir~ FV/1n", repro"ll'nting the ,,10 rco r"lond T"xr4yr.r. ^n.oci- Ation, slliei thnt /It tho m1cting of Juno 12, 1~n4 a rerre.nnt/\tive of tho or~lIn1Eation nsk~t1 t"'lIt ^ nortion of tho tfllC h,. for tho T.p~ir and maintenance of &truot8 on Marco Islllnd. COIfl~i8sioner Pilltor .al' thllt Cluite II tilt of th... ,C qnl tlllC h~c bocn ftpcnt on H~rco I.lnn~, rrf.rrinl) to th.. fnet th,H wh~n thl;' .ewor W,lS put in the County had to repair tho ro.....] 8 an"l th... t CM:!,' ou t of tht' ~/l6 talC. Hc' oAi" that this will not b. useu ~o bring rOlldft owne~ by Dcltona up to dntc nnd that ho fecl" thn thl!! r.lonc:y wi 11 bl: r.xJ",nclr.d on ~!.1rco III1nnd, in proror t i on, as it hils be~n 1n lhv p~ll. Mr. ^rchibald clarified th~t the ndditonal 2~ qns talC N'ing rc'quult(,d 1ft primnrily for nrtorial roads system IInd pnrt of .h~ money will b~ ourmark~d for acauioition or r/~ht-of-wny to four-lnnf. f.ll. 951- l':r. F.vnna nsk~d whon the moni~~ would h~ nllocntrd and ~Ir. Archibald hdvi.ed that tho prorosed bul1CJct Cor the upcoming yenr ~ill outlinr those "x~'nclitur~8. "iko Z~'w/ll!(, reprosenting the North Nnpln. Civi~ A,.ociation, And G~er~c Koller. Cell1r.r County Clyi~ Feder/H.ien, objectod to the 2~ Additional 9"s tolC. Commis.ioner ~ru.o ~oved, .econded by Co~mission.r Vo.. and carried S/O, that the public hearing be close. Co.~i..ioner Vo.. moycd, ..cond~d by Commi..ioner ~ru.. and carried 5/0, that the ordinance a. numbered and entitled below be Pltql! 4 --- - --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- _.- - - - - - - ---- - -- ---< " . c:::J ~ mg " ~..".".." ~_._..,"'.""'"'.....,,.~,,,",."'" ""..o"".,."'_.-.,,....~._,.._^'.,~~, .---.-.---. --~-------_..- ___..... v"_""",, ..^'..-.....~,...'...~.'" '_. .,~,".. .. ,"'......._'._-,- ............ ----"~,,"_.-..,,....,....."' Q =:I c:;;::J ~ ----------------------------------------~ Jul Y 17, 1')1'14 adopted and entered into Ordinanco Book '10. ('lROW/lNCr.: ~:O. 04-41; OROINJ\NCE I'URSUMfT '!'o SECTION 336.025, FLOnIO^ nTI\TUTF:S, PROVIDINCl L -'R ~1lI: I'lro!lIT10N OP ';'HP; !'"Ollrt cr.nr LOCAL OPTION 01\5 TAX UPON EVF.RY CALLON 01' MOTOR FUEL ,\lID l'lPr.CIAL FUEL ~OLD m COLI.rr:R COUN'1'Y MD T^,O=:n UNOr.R TilE PROVISIONS "1" CHAPTER 20", FLOPIO^ ::IT^Tur.n, I'ROVIl'II NO TJl^T l'lA t 0 '7'^X HH,'I.L l'Ir. I;FFf.CTIvr. !':r.PTr-l"~:n J, 191\4. FOR ^ PERIO~ NOT TO EXCr.ED FIVF. YF.^RS, I'RO- VIrWo FOR COLLeCTION MID !:IS'l'RInrrrIOtl (W 'T'IIF. 7^X ANn I'POVIOWO FOR usr. OF RIWENlll.:S, REPF-^LWO OROH'II.IICE BJ-2(, , PROVIOItlO HF:VF.R^nILtTY, PROVTDIllO !"('lll M: EFFEC"1'IVE rATE. H.. 17 PETITION I"DPO-84-V-6 I Iff OUWAY n~AC", INC. - DENIr:O L~9Al notlc~ h/lvln~ b~~n publlGh~d 11'1 tho 11",,11111 nil 11 y N,nt. on July 1, i?n4 .U t:'vl('oncot.! by IIttidllvH cf I"Ilt-l1cllt,ion 01"d '~ith thft Cl.rk, puhl1c hObr lng Willi orll!nr.d to conllidor l'~titien FDI'O-n4-V-~, f il~" by 1I1dl'nwllY 1l..llch, I ne. . r"quuHtinq npprovnl ef ~ vnrinncr (ro:ll tho lIinirlum bOil. flOOd alov/ltion to pcorllllt th. onclollure of tho CJrollnfl floor of /In "lCllltinq :IIod...1 homo !or ~ tp~rornry lIal~1I ot!icu ~t 403 Cdte HoUIIO Court, ~'arco IB111nc1, rlorlrl., (Lot J, Dlot"k 24, Hlr10IlWI1Y n.~eh Subdlvlslon). Plhnn_r To~ McrftnlOI "/11(1 thllt. tho drvt:'loF'l:r \llnhnll to cnclolln thlt grOund floor for d per 10<1 of throo Y,l/lrll to UClO 1111 II anlol1 offlca. fir. ./.lid th.1t thu cl"volor.r would bo tdklnq h ~ollfornln~ ~tructurn And rn4kinq It non-eon!or~lr.q. ~!r . l'er:Anlal G.1i.j t 1'1' t hu con t/lctfl'<1 FDIA "nd WI' G ilet V lIif.... hy t ht. III t 11.1 t th~ vDrlllnet' IIhellld not hel' /11101,..<1. 110 lIal.1 thot thd /Ip;.llc.lnt h:lII not tlpmonotr.,tr:>d hnrclnh1n. I~ A~id that th9Y ruc<elvu ru;ur.lltll Jll;" th111 nUlt" oft~n IInll ',rf.' rl'c:Or.1l:1rn.l1nQ "1'1'11.,1. Com=i.ll1on~r rioter polnte~ out th.u thoy nro !JUPpo.l.'d to ht. hr...4kAwllY 11.,1111 .1n'" "r. rlcOnnl 0 1 1I.Hr1 that ~OCII not ~iv~ ndd~d UIIO for tha IIpllca b...low. CC'II1ll111l10nllr Ilolldn" ."Id th4t he Cdn .eo n hllrdllhlp if tho r'~C'TUcllt III ~~nlr.rl ~nrl nUC'Tn~lIted th~t tho orrlinnnce n~orlll ovor-h.1ullnq. 110 9"irl thnt a te.,porllry rnrmlt i. hettl"r th3n n tt:mpordry l'It ructuro .1nd he hrlll"JPR t.t'l'lt " trnllcr would b~ rorn J...ngcroulI in tho cvnnt of II hurrlccnu. Victor r~-OnGehln. ,Hchl tl.!ct for t.nl' pr<."jr.r:t .,n<1 r..."rtllr.ntlng till' potltlonor, '/lid it is /I ll'ode1 homo nnd ttl",y IUlnt to rut in qll\" IIli,lll1<1 rtoorll which ~lIn b., rrll'UVI!rl III t1 uhort ""rloll of tl",,,, ..cl,l1nC'l ["'tle 5 800~ 082w,[211 ----------------------------------------- ..,-- _.~. .,...~.~- ".."",-="'..,..."'''''''''-.,"<_...,....,'~,,._, ",..,""'..-"""'.,._..,,",'''''._;..,'''_,..'''..",.''>O-.''''...._~____, -_._..."....,~"""~....<..".,~"~, ~." ""."" . ,-...~--;,..,,~.""~'"-~._~.,"'" ..".----,.."-,,_._-,,,,",-- '. ~..~ -- ---. - -----------------------------------------~ a;u 082,~t212 July 17, 1904 'L :.:_,:~ t,," J~~" 'rap. . " " :~ thAt therf!' will not be llny l!1ect.riolll bolow thp. flood plJ:lin /Ind thfl ,',0/,." .,~, ",": variAnce i. ruquo.t.ed fer thrvo yoorc. . ~'~{r.". CO/lll/lh.iont'r Vou Cl<leltionod .my the modol home could not be U.'ft1 '~i;: ->-,"1 ~ ..../ in.tend of a lower (!ntrllncu llnd 'Ir. Cakonachln said th"t it is nOllr th~ ;! rntrl'lnCl" t1nd other rncxl<illl would hl/ Ol\cr. fllrtht'r in the rroj..ct.. :;,!\.. Co=mi..ion~r VOla not~d that the prospective buyora would bo drivin9 end the extrA diCltanc~ shouldn't. mllt.ter, alia, he couldn't at'e ..lhllnAtin9 Itepa for a ./110. office h"'CAU.O a buyer .lOuld b(' purcha.in~ a home wlth ~teps. Co..i.lioner Krule move~. lecond~~ by Cornrnillioner Holland and carrled 5/0, to clo.. the public hearing. CO.Jli..ioner llolland Jloved to approve tho variance with a three y.ar ti.e period. Chair.an Brown .oconded the ~tion. 7.oninq Dirflctor ~ynw adviaed th/lt. ftccording to tho &oinq ordinonc~ thp. vllrillncp could only be given for on~ yoar. Commi..ionerl Holland and Brown amended the motion and .econd for one year. The Jlotion failed 2/3, CO.JlI.- sioner. Pi.tor, VOl. and Kru.e oppo.ed. Itell .8 RESOLtrrION 84-122 RE PETITION V-A4-10C, ALVIN DIEPHOUSE, GAANTUG A SETB~CK VARIANCE FOR PROPERTY ~TED AT "IRPOnT/PULLING RD. ^N~ CLIPPER WAY - ADOPTED Lcglll notice having halln ~ublifthed in th,. ~Illples DlIily News on July 1. 191)4 liS uvidl.'ncr.c1 hy IIffidllvit. of Puhlication fllerl with the Clerk, pUblic hel'lrinq was o]"Qnell to conaidor Pr.tition V-1l4-10C, filed by ,\lvin f'lCphOUIIO, r~Quc.ting a vnrinnce from the ft~thnc~ to ndjftcent resident.inl pro1"erty (ror 50' to 7' in II C-3 r.one for Lot 7A, Unit. 1, Coconut. Plv.:r. 7.on1ng Vir,'ctor x......yn~. Bi1id thl1 t thu potition~r ift prof'Osinq to construct l'l buildln~ sovun (7 ) feqt fro~ thr prop~rty line with parkin~ in lhe front of tht! huiltl1ng, notina t.hnt thr. petiti~nr.r woul~ not need th~ vbriance if tho pllrk1n~ wore plac~d in the renr o( t.he building. Sh.. &o.l1<! t holt lh~' 1""t 1 t ion('r felt it \''Oulc\ hI' Ir.orc cOM"ntlhlt' tc\ h.w" th~ bUllding rnthnr than pllrkinq adjacent. to tho residantial lot. Sh.. stdd th~l IIcverlll if'ttcra have bef:on recc-lvcc! concorninq driveway aCCIPl'. And thosl~ problf:'l!\ll 6houJc1 be directc'd t.o tl'lCl Enqinfterinq Dcpart/lwnt. Com~1ft.1oner Piator auid thAt h,,' c10t'B not 8cte why r-"Irt of tl'le parkinq cannot b~ plllcucl behind thr. buildin9 (or the r>('orlr. worldn~ Pall.. r, -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- -- - - - - - --.' c::::l ~ D -...."...,."'....._,"..~..""'."..", ...~,,~.., ""'.,...,."."-,,.............""".....,."'~...<~<....'""_. ..,... ""-".,..._"',...,.."...~~.. .-"",~ --....~""',.'.,''', 1::3 &iiJ &iii .:.,.. -----------------------------------~-------~ July 17, 1tlB4 ",'t~, th.u .n' M.. "yn. ..pH.... .h.. 1'''''' ng i. ... !l.bl. 'Ot o...yone .nd .'1 if rnrkinq h ruervl!'el it would h,\Yo to ho ov"r nnd n'bove thfl rflClulr~I,~,~.~y~ lIent. ..' "",',"'\l '~;": "'~;:<>1: ~;'1')~~ ~Ir. v. w. Thompllr',I, proo1dont of Coconut nivor E.tctlll Civic:;, "";r~1 i " II-'''',,~' ~:'\1.:~ "..oc1ctlon, uid thu he hu a retitlon with 171) nllllU, topru.nt!nql~I., , .', '~'''''I llbout 'lO~ of the poopll" objl1cl:inq to tho motor vehicles bl!CIlUSfl thl'l ';,,:'i;'~ ...... ,. '00 .."OW on' .hot .h. ".",. !loh' .t..... ..n.....on'.:.1 " . ,'/t' COllmiuioner Vou f"lOint(od 0\11: t:hnt t.hoy .uo not "l'provinq " rlot ,/..:t,jll,: pl~n, only cons1tlerlr'9 a vcrl11nCQ and if t.he variancn ill ^"provcd thllY{',~(~\,,,, shoule' eUacuss thot plot pllln with t,he ;.nqinoering I:lolp"rtlll,.nt. <:'(~~ ^lvin ~iephoul&, petitioner, .aid t.hat. they wlInt to be Q good noighbor. II" s^ id thllt with tho pllrldnrr in tho front ~n~ thr buildinq in the rnar they lelt thAt it would k~op tho noise down. Georgo Xeller, rerrosenting the Collier County Civic redl!rntion, waa rll<Jilt,!lrod but duclinltd to sreak. COD.i.aioner Kruse lIoved, seconded by Commiaaioner Voss and carried 5/0, that thlt public hearing b. clo.ed. CODllilaioner Kruse moved to approve the petition with the atipulations that a 6 loot fence and 7 loot wide drainaqo and landacap. bufler alonq the w..t property line be provided ond that Resolution 84-122 be adopted. Com.i.sioner VOIS seconded tho IlOtion which carried unAnillously. lOOK 082 w.e 213' ,)'1) , , ':".1 -------------------------------------~---~ - 't"., ._, ..-.. -.-...'"..,....._,"'"......,..,,~,.,~,,_.,."''', ..~.'~'..M""."..."""._ .~.""..~, -'-"."'''''-,-,,,,,,,,,,_._'_,,,,>._...,,,,,,.,,,,,.........,- - '""'-_''''~''_--,--...-__"~........".".,__"..,_.,..,.~",,~,....,,,.ro......,.._.,., ,no" ".~v ""'~".---- . ~_.- ::',Oi"" '_.~< _________________________________________~i July 17, 19R4 .:~ '&l 082 Pl'-t 216 :'~i' It.. U' dli ~ESOLUTION 84-136 AUTHORIZINO ~IRMAN TO SIaN SH"LL CITIES COHMUKITY I BLOCK OIU\NT AGREEMENT - AooPTEO. RESOLUTION R4-l23 AUTHORIZING THE " COUNTY ATTORNEY TO INTERVENE RE CITY OP KEY WEST VS. THE ST-'TE OF '"}~ FLORIDA DEPT. 0' COMMUNITY APFAIRS - ADOPTED Coml'lunity DryeloJ'1l16:nt M\ldnifttrlltor Virtn notl'<l thllt the County' I hou.ing appliCAtion {or $666.100 under th~ ~mnll Citi~1 Community Deyelopment Dlock Crnnt hnl bo~n npprovc~. Which ie for rcnt~1 hou.in~ repblr. an~ publlc Improyementl in the .outh I~mokalcn nrea. He noted thnt durlng th. J~ard'a vAcfttion the County rl'coivcd the ~rant ~~r~~- \lltlnt., wit.h 111'1 Dt.t.nche~ lett.er .t~ting t.hat t.h~ City of K~y Weat inton,loc1 to chnll~nlJ(!' the aWllrtl of hourdng fJrllnta ~y the> n.p,.rtlllent of Co""~nlty Affair.. Jlc requClllted t.hnt the POllrr\ lIuthorize th" Chnirmlln to 8igl1 the grant lIgrttcll1f:nt with IIttachmcntll rl:troDctlvo to Junf' 14, 1984 en~ to '19n the nece.IAry qrllnt documont" for the onyironmontlll rcYlow lInd rOl"lIl~ of fundo. Co.mi..ioner Kruae ~Y.d, aoconded by CO\ll\lli..ioner VO" and clIrried 5/0, thllt Hr. Virtll'. r_quo.t be approved and that Roaolution 84-136 authorizing tho Chair.an to a19n tho nece.llIry docu.ont. be adopted. County Attornry RAun<lcre rrcuollt.ed thnt thc ~nrrl lIdopt II rOllolution Authorl7.1nC) him to int..rvol''''' in th.. City of Key W"at, FloridA v,. fl~nt" of rlorld., o..'p..rtmtmt of Corn"lUnlty ",ffAirs. "" .aid t.ho1t K"y Woc:t iR trylnq to block the grnnt. which woultl lIffotct Collier Coun t y :In<1 t.hAt h~ hilS nufflcicnt fund. 1n hl~ bu~~ct to covr.r the coat of thl.' l1ti9l\tion. Com~i'aioner Pistor "oved to accept Itaff roco".endalion end adopt Re.olution 84-123 lIuthorizin9 the County Attorney to file the intervention. Co~~ill.ioner Krule .e~onded the .otion. ~llk.. 7owollk qUllstloncc\ 1 f this Is nolnn to be!' tllxJ"l^ycra dollara to r .plll r Ihfl(!!orll'.. rl"r.lll! prorr.r~y RO thllt they Clln "~t ~orr ~on"y~ "'r. V1rtn cJnrifi~d th~t it will b(" u.('~ for puhlic Improvelllvnt", rental proper ty 011'11\ ownc:r, OC'C'uf'ieel. Co,"",hclon<:r VOIlII polnt..d out thl'lt th. .on~y 1. allocotecl And if Collier County do." not got it it will 90 1I0mewhf.'rC!' elllr. Plr. ?'ctWlIl k voiced hi a objt.ction. Upon call tor the queation the ~otion carried un.nt~~I:Y' Pnq. n ------------------------------------------; t!::1 ~ Ell "'...._,,,._..""_.,"'~...,_,...,.,....~.."'_""jti.,'_.,,. '...".~.,/,~"'".","'..< ,......"...,..~,-,""-...._~._..._.....,~"~,.,..- "'_..._--;....._..,..._~....__......_'". ---- r:;;;;J iiiE .. July 17, 1"04 j ~ ~, '" ~ ',,' ....'Ac.... 10.05 - 10.10 A.M.... It.. no RESOLUTIOK 84-124 ESTABLISHING AND APPOINTING AM ADVISORY COMMITTEE TO THE aOLDEK GM'K PMKWAY BEAUTIFICATION HSTU - ^DOPTED AetinlJ Publ1c \,.or1o:0 ""minlllUl.ltor Ruck .aill th(\t thill itu1\t'is II rQeO~~~nd4tion to ~dopt n rosolution appointing an advlftory com~ittft. to tho Colclc," (l.1tlt I'_ukwI1Y POll uti UctltiCln IlSTlJ, which wns crollt.ct hy Ordlnllnce 83-55. Ilo I/lid that the memborll will b() rOlli"r.mtll within the tour voting proeinct l~undl1ri.. Ilnd ~ach prnclnct ~111 b~ r~~r~'.ntcd by nt l~ll.t one m.~ber lit nl1 timoll. Co~~iA.ion.r Kru.. ~ove~, ..conded by Commissioner Holland and carrl.4 unaniDOu81y that R..olution 84-124 oatabli.hing an~ appointing an adviaory co~mitt.e to tho Golden Oat. Parkway Boeutification HSTU b. adopted. " ......f 1"'110 '>ii: m~ 082 r~r,r 219 . .,~j ------- .---------- -----------,-- ------__:1\ \':i~; .~_w_._ _, "'", "1- . ' ,. , ".,1', '0; ,:!:f:~ ... '''..if '~t~ji, """"","''''"'.."",, 4'" ..-"" '.~-"....',."""""'~..,.. ~.~., "..,-____"....."--."""...."".,.."",,,'",....""'.'0.'.'.... .""__" -.-"'- . ._, .. , - I , -- --"... --- -------- ._---------------------~~ July 17, 191\4 ,': r':v"i 082 'l~r 224 <,I,'," -~:;~ '"~;, Tap. .3 ,", n.. Ul TRAVEL EXPENSES FOR SOLID W^STE DIRr~OR - ^PPROVED Co..iaaioner Voaa move~, 8ocon~e~ by COMniaaioner Piator an~ carrie~ 4/1, Co~.i.aion.r ~ruao oppoaed, that the Doar~ authorize out-ot-County travel for Solid Waate Director Robert E. rahey to atten~ the ORCD^ 22nd ^nnual International Se.inar, Equipment, Servicea an~ Syate. Show, ...uguat 20-24, 1984 in orlan~o, Florida. It.. U2 ItEOUEST FOR PROI'OSALS !'OR WMTE S'MJDY OF NAPLES LANDFILL - tlITHDRW...N Co~is.ioner Hollan~ .oved, a.conded by Co..i..ion~r Kru.. and carri.d 5/0 thot the reque.t for propoaala for wa.te characterization .tudy of Naplea Landfill bo withdrawn a. roqu..ted by ataff. It.. U 3 AORKEHENT WITH E"'ST NAPLES UNITED METHODIST CfWP..~H FOR RELOCATION OF P...~JNO LOT CONNECTION - ^PPROVED "'ctin? Public Work~ ~ministrntor aaid that the r~l~cntIon of an exiating C'onnectIon bctwcr.n th., pnr):ing at'lIO" of thf' C'hurch Ilnd thf' 9oy~rnment c~nt~r h feonll1blc and would b<: d(!lIirllbll' fro", th(> .tAndpoint of .ofvty. eo..ia.ioner Holland ~oy~~, .econded by Co..iaaion.r Pi.tor and carried 5/0, that the Board enter into an agr....nt with the Eaat Naple. Unit.d HethcxHat Church for the r.location of the conn.ction betwe.n parking arelll and that tho Chair.an ba authoriz.d to ex.cute the Al1r.ellent. . P llCU' 1 0 ------------------------------------------ aJ E:!:l Em:J _'0<"",~.,....."'_~..".~"._,...... ,.~......... ,-., ...~". ,"'''......,'....."',r"....,'''~~..^... _......_,...__. .... .. ..- ~....._.. ~v,...."_____,_.".*,.'...._...,....__,..~".,,.>_..... .,......."~."_.._."_=.,.~._U",."...._______ ~ ~ IiiID ._--------------------------------------~~ July l7, 1!lO4 Ite. U4 . PRELIHIN^RY PL.l.'1' PO'" IHMOULl:K tNDURTRIM. PARK - ^PPR~D Comal..ioner Kru.. .oved, .econdod by COllllli II ionor Holland and oarried 5/0 that tho Pro11.inary Plat for tho I.mckalo. Indultria1 Park bo approy~ and that tho Chair.an bo 4uthori.ed to .ign tho plat. It.. U5 RESOLUTION 84-l25 EST"BLISHINO A CONSULTANT SELECTION COMMITTEE FOR THE COLLIER COUNTY RESOURCE RECOVERY PROORAM - ADOPTED l'Iolirl W.lllte Oir('c:tor rl1hoy M41" tl10t t.lIh iton h 1\ rroJ'lOlJ('11 r..oluLion to providn for th~ ~.tAbli.h~vnt ot a con.ultant lolection c:o~.itt~. for the Col11nr County P_.ourc:~ nn~ov~ry rroqram, c:on.i.tinq of or. Chari.. A. Stole... , F. R. MC:hlbnld, TOm E. Rucle And himlnlf. Commissioner VOla ~uu.tionpcl it (ivo ~~mh~ra ~r. n~nttn~' County Attornsy Sound~r8 auld that it <1008 not m~ttor. but o~viou.ly th~re i. the c:onc:~rn of ^ tio with four ~e~berD. Commissioner Piator ~u..tion('11 if it is nec:essAry to havo nn outside c:onsult~nt and County Ml1naqftr Lu~k ~dvls.~ t~4t Dr. ~tok~. r~c:ommundrd this. COII.inioner Vo.. "oved to approve .taff r.com.fln~at1, '.n IInd adopt Re.olution 84-125, .oc:onded by Chair.nn Brown 4n~ carriod 4/1, Coaailsioner Krule oppole~. JOO( 082 rAr,{ 227 r"(fn 11 ----------------------------------------... '.. ... ~_.... _._.~..-.. , .. ~.. '... ...".... _...',....,......_~'" 'C'_'~' ...,..........".,_..'""'_"...~'.".,.,." ..,;.",.~.._._.~....~_ ",...,...~.,,~ ,..'''"','''~'_I'''''''___._--''''''''''..,~..,''~'",...,..,"'. ....._,.".,--- . "". ._--_.....",'""^~"........,...*""^."'"",'"."...,...,,,...,......~,.-"'^ -,_.._,~...,. -- I -. '----, ""'''''' "."J, , --------------------------------- July 17. 1ge4 aOOK 082 W,t 230 It.. 116 Io0REIMEN'l' WITH I'OI\.".ItT '1'. ~!NflON, JR., JOHN A. PULLING AND ANTOIm:'M'B :~il PORTER as JtI:LLY ROl,) CONSTRUCTION - ^PPROVED. RIOflT-oP-WAY EASIMEN'l' _~, ACCEPTED ",,"'::,\..i,) '>-'~""~'J , .~:f.~ Acting Public Work. Adlllinhtrator Kuck reJ"Ortel1 that the COunty ".' ',.jt'" , .....4. " n..d. 1200 .oun.. fn.. 0' land.. U.S. 4J nnd 'nJly ""nd no" the """era 11 are Willing to qivo the uquirod oll.oment to the County in Plfchl!nq,,;~l~1t : for t.hv County accq"t1nq t"rlu of a "ropoacc! aqroeml<'nt. . ~":;~ COllfth.loner Holland .eved, aeconded by COllllhaioner Jtru.e and ::/.~~ ~ ...,.". carried 5/0, that the Peard approve the tn.. of the aqt80llent with ,ilf " , ~bort T. aenaon, Jr., John A. Pul1in9 and Antoinott. Porter Gnd the ;.~:~, Chair.an be authorize~ to e"ecute the docullont end acc.pt th.~~. ''J-:,l,.. right-of-way ea...ont for recording. :;'( ;:~.( .~': "r ;IJ t)r ~ rCl1C' J 2 IBI ., '.,..".,.'"'~;""_."'_._",,.,"-'.........,~..,-'""""..~-,,~"''''''''''-"....._............,.,""'""'~.~-"...'",....,.". -"~,"'.. ";""'-"'"'' ,-. , - r:;;ji.l Bill July 17, 19M It.. U7 , , '," -J.":"7:'S.'''''",.,.'' . "'. ,y ,:".~. I'" RESOLUTION 84-126 APP",,,",,INO A CONTIU\C'1' WITt! K. W"LLACE POS'1'ON, P.!~"-'stt. PROJEC'l' MAN"OER FOR THE W"TER QUALITY AN"LYSIS cONTIU\C'l' _ ADOPTED " "'.:':~ " "'l f;ol1d Wl\lt. Dlroctor Flln!':,' r(l'l'Tu..tod nuthorizlltion to rota!n fl. ..li~f Wal14CQ Po.ton, ~ho has workod on ~ voluntary bl\ftia. Ho '/lifl that in ord4r to provido him \lith nuthority to \oIOr~ I'll 'I rroft'uiona1 c.nrrlnltor Cor tho depnrtmwnt it il boln~ roquo.tc~ that ho bo olllp10yn~ hy thn County nt $1.00 ~ y~nr. Coaml..ioner VO'I ~ove~, leconded by COlll~ls.ioner Piltor And carried 5/0, thftt ~elolution 84-126 approvinq A contrAct with H. Wallace POlton, .. outlinod, b. Adopted. .- l"nCfo 13 aOOK 082 f~"r 235 ---------------------------------------....,. ._~,-_.. '. I .<0" ......... ,.,_._--".....,."...........,....;,'-,"-,......";....,'"."_.._..~'""*""""'~___._,,.",.. "'0".. ,,"'..~,.~, ,.. .-.'......--_"'__;;e_'_ '"-'" -"-^'" .....__'Oo/J. .. '. ...... _,..".;"_..".,,...,"...,_~,; ..o,_,"~~"_ c;:;;;:J iii9 fill ------ - - - --- --.- --- - - - - -- - - -- - - - - -,- - - - - ---- .7111 Y 1 7, 1 ., I1i\ It... US RESOLUTION 84-127 CR~~TINQ ^ SOLID WASTE ^DVI~ORY COMMITTEE AND ACCOMPANYING CUIDELIN~S - /lDOPTEO !iol1d W!I't.v IHrllctor r.ll10Y 1111111 th03t th~ Peeourc~ nOr-avHry "lPl1albilHy study was conductQd by tho So11'.:1 ~",ut.o T"chnical Adviaory Committllo Jlnd thAt thllY .:!ru proposing thnt th'!' r.ollullltt"" be "nl:1r~4n' 03nd rctitlo:}. Chhirmlln nrown read th~ [ollowlnq proposod ~emborfthip nnd torm of nppo1ntm~nt' Y.nthy r:nnia t..:l y r.it.17:on n Tronths .P'. A. Archihald t..:ly Ci ti zrm 1Ii JI'lonths Moil rorrill ,\!l81Dtllnt. ("~Unty /-.,nno"r 24 montha JilY Oiahop poard of Venlt.ors I) months Tom Shiolcl. ColI ior County Contrnctoro /llIIIOC. ifi month. J. Hu~phroys Chamber of Commereo 24 mont.hs n111 FI'lrton Envlronm~ntillll1t Hi I'IOntho .Or. Stokea I:nqlnoer 24 months *nl11 f-1cl\n ly Fngln""r R ~onths *'~olllbora of the former Solid "'lIato Tf'chnlclIl Advillory Committee Co..iaaioner Kru.e moved, eecondod by Commill.ioner Hol111nd and carried 5/0, that Re.olution R4-127 creating a Solid Waate ^dvi.ory Co.mittee lInd accompanying guidelinea be adopted and thllt th'~ above-referanced persona be appointed to thn com.itton. P"l'1f1 1" tQDe 082 rlf.( 239 --------- --.. - - --------- - -- -- -- --- ---------- -~-_.-. .- , '-_._-.,....-,.~'-~<_""._~..._~.., .."" ...0',,,,,.".., "'_';'~',-""'"" """,'~,,,,,,"''''.,,,,,, """'"~"".;" ~W__','_",. -"",""'.- .._'.',..-,__,....."'..""',....w_,......",..."'_......,,"_, ----,--"' - . "-. p. .- ." . .",,0.. .., I -- X:. .;j~. ----------------------------------------~~ -. July 17, l?n4,~:, am 082~1~t244 _fcJ> I u. n 9 JlT.CLAUIrICATION 0' PLANNER I IN THt Cot-lMUNITY PEV!:LOPHr:NT DIVISION TO PLANNER III - APPROVED .... roquo.t~d hy /ldministrator Sorvices ^d~iniotr~tor ~lnnkon.hi~, cOaMi.aloner Kru.. ~v.d, .econded by Co..ia.toner Pi.tor and carried 5/0, that the ro.ition of Planner I In the Community Oevelop'ent oivt.ion b. recla..ified to Plannor III. Hn .20 NEW POSITION or HARIN! Hr:CHAIHC AT FAY ORAD! 14 IN THE FLEET MANAOEMENT Dr:PT. - APPROWI) Administrator of ^dmini.trntlu~ ~crvicn. nlnnk~n.hir rftqu~~t"rt that th. noard crodtn n nnw poaition in tho Flnat ~anngom~nt Oepar tlllcmt. flu ...id thlst in li~ht of problelll~ encounterr.~ with the ..Cypr.... it WlIlI recor.l!lcnded that th~y ohtain a full time IIIcchllnte. I'll! uid thnt they h~ve compar~d thl- pe.ition wi th thllt o! Pin~llnn County and otllor plnec.. Co..ie.ioner Voee movftd, ecconded by Co..i..ioner ~rueo and earrilld 5/0, that ~ new poeition of Harine Mechanic at Pay Orade 14 b. approv.d for thll Flellt Manage.ont Oepartment. 1 tell .:21 DID .738 TO BETTER ROADS, INC. FOR TilE CONSTRUCTION 01' fCELLY RO"'D _ "'PPROVED - Tran.po:t/ltion Oiructor /lrchlbllld ./lid thnt they h/lvO ~~rn doinq .om" aenrchlnq and followr~ through wlth .~e fundln9 1111ocatton. ftnd thny Mhoul~ h~vr .ufflclrnt fun~5 to und~rt~ko th~ conlltruetion of I(c;,lly Ilol'ld anti Ildd to th,H tht' lIPwpr lin.,. 1111 rI!COr.lmCln~e" IlpprovlII of thl..' lo~' bill thlll "^... ~al'n lIJuhmittotl by n"tt.-r P.onl1", Inc. in thp lJlllOunt of $2,829,04n.2G, whteh he lI~1d i. within 2-1/2' of th~ cnqln~~rinn ellt imilt,". Il" ..:l1rl lhllt M'l br-l1ov..r; th/lt it ill II vr.ry eot:'lpcrtitlvQ hll':. COIl.i.lionor llolland 1lI0ved, .aeonde" by cOlllmiaatoner Kruae and carried 5/0. that a contract b. awarded to Batter Road., Inc. for the conatruction of Kelly Road, a. outline" by Hr. ^rchibald. P"'q'l; 15 ,;~. - - -- - --- - -- -- -- -- -- - - --------- --------~ti rEm rim .. - .,<-".",. ._'....,......._~.........'___,i"..<.,..~~"'""'''_,._'''''" "~."'."'........_'"',.__.. "-"I' ..... _._,~~~---_......-_,"''''._,-". ..Y. '._..' ,.." " ,..-......-~_..."=- -...".._,.._,."...__"_._""'.._""~.."'""".~'..."_o"__.,.,.,_,___''''',,...,,.."",_",,"'....'. s;;;J ~ i1B ------ -- - - --.- ----- ----- - - -- - - - - - -- -- - - ----- .Tuly l7, 1"04 !to. .22 RESOLUTION 84-128 ^UTIlORIZlNa ru:'CHASE 01" NORTIl N"PLES MRK SITE _ ADOPTED CHAIRM"N .a.tJ'I'liORIZEO TO !lJ':N CONTR~CT Ar1~dni'Hrlltor of I'uhlic r.(Irvic/~' norton r~portrd thtlt lItl\!t "'''11 Inva8ti~4tud a piuco of proporty 1n nxcess of 25 lIcr~. on rinn Pid9A Read Ilnd tnnt th..y !Ilol that th~ prop~rty is ~xtrrm~ly uX~.nnive ond ill li~itcd acr~a9o. IIa ll1\1<1 thilt st~ff boliov~. th/lt tho h~8t pos.ible option i. to rurchnsp th~ 40 ncrr parCel off r~virl C. nrolm Ill.,hwey, 1111 previously r~com~undod. Ilo silid that it io $20,OOO/ncre or $000,000. COIl_is.ionor IIol1.,ncl nUtllltion"d Hr. 1I0rton .,. t,o how l!\/Iny f'lCorll" in rlorth llarl.u .u... 1n l\~H('clIIl)nt to thia situ? Pro ~lorton .lIid that n(' as.um*II thl\t ~ost of th"llI nrA 118 ho hn. only honrcl of n f~w ""opI,! tnnt Ilr~ not in 4grocmant. Conmi.sioner VOD~ t., i<l thllt h... IwI icvrs th., l/lnd "hould hft purchn...d so thllt thu c,ounty can movu Illonq with thu pllrk projects. Chairmiln Orown noted thnr: tho Imnoknlc.. 1., no turn('<.! rlown w"s purchased at $12.000 IIn IIcro moro thlln it WII" oftered to tho C-ounty, and s"ld that it w..." turnl!d down by tho, I'<.IlInl toy " misrlUirled pUblic. Cllairl:ldn l!rown /lilIa-I! how ~uch tho rO/lrl will cOst .,nc1 Hr. ~orton r.,.,11 ,,11 S52,000 to ~ev~lop /l ro^d to q~t Into thlf ('nrl:. Co_iaaionar Holland Illoved to approve .tAtt rocollaendlltion to p~rchasa the North Naplas park .ita, seconded by Coallli.sloner Vo... County ~ttorn"y SlIuncJerB rl.'qu':8ted thllt COl!\millBioncr 1'011llnrl modity hill motion to ~uthori?~ tho Chi1irniln t.o l.l1qn tho cant r.,ct. COlllllli.aioner Holland Illoditiad his IIlOtion /lnd COlllai.B1oner Voss moditiod hi. a.cond. Mr. M1krJ 7.CW^lI~. r~prc.~ntinq tho North N~plc~ Civic ^nlloc1Iltion, laid thi1t tho p~opl~ wnnt a pork th~t thoy can us~ now, ",ne! that tho proro.uti pink is teo !~r IlWltY .~nd lIuq~,..t"rl th~ vicinity of Pin,. ridge Road. Also. he IlU9gullt&d IIcveri11 !:llllllIcr "arlo;". Tape t4 CommiB.icn~r Vo.s not..d tnl'lt I~r . ;:"wlIllr f., i ll"cl to Mention othor olraa" In ::orth ~~,'pl"" !luch I\B r!lIplcB Pllrk, Victorill Park and ~illouqhhy Acr"s. lip. >>/11rl thllt Ilti1 H rlid II wiry '1000 job of .10ino II tlvoorllphic: study of tho IIr'/lI linn ho I'"nt to stol{f IInd IIl1k.td them to look at two oth.'r !,,10C"t1 of rrol'vrty in the.! n('n4l rll 1 ,~rrll. H'J Sit i<1 on,. W" II t"xp"nlivo "ncJ onu W.IS not l.ng" r.nouqh. Tape f5 I'lIgo 16 aOO( 082pm245 ------------------------------------------ , ~-~'""..,.._--- ......... --~,-'"... .._,-,-....... """""~ "_......_...,.""._""~'''"'',,.._;,......,.'''';,.~,.'O'... -"'..-....".<""..,0"'''..."..-..-*.........''"',''''"-------..-, __~m.._"""'"_~..-...............,"',.. __...0_...._ ... ."""', " ,.;.",,~ '..,,!.tit J ,"(j1i., ,"~~ -. ___'._<i'~.,:~, '",''lj..' .1,"';11 ---- - - - - - -- - - -- - --,-- -----------------:--.::~:7'- 082 g~~ July 17, 1904 ' <,,'411<. 'A~t ." " ",I\>f"'" ' " 90 J(('llor, prnidant of tho Collier COunty CIvic 'edorlltion ::ri:!,~,t , ,1""'1~',f'V ",,~ .A id th/lt thh 18 n yuy important i..ua to thn P'1op19 of th~ County,i':::1'1i.t< , ~'" .,.J.:.,,:)~~,.~" and .aid that they ho".. that the County com.. up with a qood pllrka:,A'.,;a:,:;~' I,> f~''':/.a;.t:!<< Pr^"'rOl'l..",:c':;'Il1>. ~...:l." -,. . . ..' . r' . ':' .'.~~;!!~'~-;.l, C01UIi..ioner .nolland reiterAted hh Ilotion to approve the purc:l'l..e t"" !'k~ of the North Naph. park .ite and to adopt R..olut1on 84-128 . ,,,' authorizing the purcha.. of the North Naple. Park eit.. eommi..ioner Yo.. .econded the ~otion Which carried 5/0. PI\CU' 17 FE I:2im _ ,,,~,,,,,,,,,",,........,"----,-..,..,,,.,.._,,-~,_..~,,,-,".,..,,.,,..,,~,.."--~',,,,-...,.,._, ,."..,;.."....."...~.."'~".""'_".-,..-"".....,,,_,_.."'....~_"""'~,,,,."."-"''''._....'"'''''b"..:.''''~i',''',, .,~.<"""'_._'__. ~.I;.....____._..,'" '.~" ..~".___.."~,,._.'.~~',.._.~.."__ - ~ ~ I:r ._------------------------------------~-- .7u 1 Y J 7, I '''~4 It.. .23 eOLr COURSE FEASIDtL;TY STUDY BY REVENUE CONSULTANTS, n:c. - N&GOTI"TIONS WITH aOt~r.N OAT! eOLP COUR~E SUSPENDED ^,Jr.lini.trlltor ot l'ubl1c Soryic.,. r.onlllcl 110rtl'm rt'c/lllC',1 th.H tl10 ~oard Duthorl7..rl b !clll.I"ility lItuc1y for th" ColJl'n C:ato C:oll! COurn. on !-lay 1, 19f14. ~'r . c:harllL' r.pnnra, Vice rrC'lSi,lnllt of Pllyr:nllf'! Conllultnnts, Inc. said th^t the ownerll of the ~~ldan Coto Inn hnd Country Club hod ohown .\n int.,rl.'lt in lullinq their "olf couroCl "'hieh ia locnt(1cl .,t: tho intt.lr- 1l.-.ct10n of C. R. 951 ond Colchm (jAto rarb/llY, one and one-holf oil~. (rcl:l tht' now 1-75 en/of! rllmr. fir. Gpoar. not'!d thllt th~ Coldpn C~to population I. Clxpoctocl to doubla about th.. yeor 2,000 /Inri hit Bait! th:st th~y u"",\ the rIannlnq ~opnrtmunt'. fiqllrrt. for ~xpnn.ion of population, which C<l1111 for one (1) lA hole ~olf courll~ oporction for oy~ry 25.000 paopJ~. p., II 1.11 c1 thot (It the preDont tll:'le thQr~ ~rCl lIix (6\ ~cml-prlYatc courses ~n' t.hey Ilro 11 IIt,.d In the report. 110 lJairl th/lt ~Ycn though these courllo. IIdrnlt th" puhllc ~omll of thpm chnr~a feo. which would ulllcourage tho public. Ho salc1 thnt Collior County woul(1 1:-. just 1 it 1'(1 In proYidinq a 90lf ~ourso for tho ~en~rnl rUhlir.. 110 not"d that thn own.,rs h.,d oCf~rQd to 1Jc>1I tho facility to tho County for $2.000,000. S!nca thi'lt tine. hff r(ADortC'd th.1t th~ nhln cluh hou.u hft_ uo~n lost due to firo. llcldlncr thllt it wa~ ~IJSQIJSr.u Dt $322,525 which would rC'duce the nrle~ to SI,G67.475. ~!r . ~p~lIrll rel/i'lwerJ Ilis r"r:ort in dotail, outllnin9 tho cnpital r~alllrltme"to, rl'II"nll<: nnc1 'lXpt'lnSQ rroj\1C"t iono. 110 S<11-1 thllt ther., nr.. t\~O obj<:ct10ns of opvr/.tlonl 1 ) proYlde a ouolity r~cr~~tional servico ~t a pric~ IItructur., IrlClXpOneiYo "noll')h to hI' lIfforclllhlft for the 90neral public onJ 2) inour~ the t~xp~yer thot It clOr.lS not incroll'o the I oYvrftll COllt of ~oyprnn~nt. no t i '1q t lw t the l,'war thf7 COllt, th., 'Jroat<lr , the tax. I Hr. Rpoftrll IIU~~Qrl~Qrt Ortionll A' 1 ) rcj<:ct prot:'ORal sil~a revenues are not lIdoqunte to COYAr both oF"~r(1 t I n'J '1l! p"nsnR .1nd rlubt scrvlcl': 2) n~qoti^to ~ lower IHllt'. price: J) j,lent1 fy .,nu IlQCllru ott>or C'1Ir>itol to J ow"r tho rt~ht lIorYic~, such .1ft ,!ranto. '1i fts, I~ te. : .1) .,:;c "rt tl~,~ prorollu 1 "i th th~ unnr.r8tnn~in~ th" t th,) r!"l't Rerl/1CC nUBt be> ouppl~mC'nt"d: 5) utilizu comcln~tions of 2, 3, "'1rJ 4. ao; D82rj~~247 rag" 10 -----------------------------------------.. - ..,. -- . -,-,.> ~'...._~_..- ....."''''"....'''''''.."'~....,''''-,.>.,~'^.,~-"",.",._..,.,,'''.,~<,,. " .".'.'..,_...................,...""",.,.""._"'_.,""'"'..,,'"_._.~...,_._'"''''',-;""'.", ,... "_.,..."'-~._._. --. ~ .--, I --.. ~ --------------------~~::_~ ---------------- 082 ~d.So July 17, J l)P4 ~, tOO( W.~ 1'1 n, a/lil! ~r. 5penra, woulc1 b. for th'2 County to llCC:Opt I.l gol t COUrllU bvil t I~y 11 r1t'vrlopli'r nnl1 rlonlltQd to th.. County lihor:"by t.hd ... "I. I ,~. COunty llOuld of'~r...tl1 th golf couuo nnel tho dovdopor: wou1tf hllVlJ 1\ tnx;~(~~! writu-off. lilt nOLvei thnt whun II d&lve1or.er: oHara " golf cour'f! it "Ult be n qvality cour.e. 1.e o~phali".d thllt if tho P.oard elects to take thi. option thnt thlt'Y would ntuld to "nlllr", thllt thuy 'Jl..t A C1UIll1ty prOliuct. 110 Judd thllt t.hi. would bet operntod by thll Pllrk. nnd R.er"atlon Dcpl\rt~ent Iln~ (.,ets \<IOulel "" r.ollect(,ll. Hr. Cpellr.. sll1d th:tt Option C !/Cull'! he to obtllin n 'lolf course tho all~C ~s Option P, the dit!~r~nc~ boin~ thnt it r.ould hI' 0",,""" IInd operated by 01 Collier Golt ^uthority Ilhich io n corporation not for prof! t. 110 clIld thdt vnd~r thio Ilrrnnqqmt'nt ttlt'rll woulc! ht' no dCtht Icrvlco or operating expense.. In con~Ju'lon. Mr. Sp~ara r~co~mcndlld t.h/lt thp. Ponrd roj~~t the proposal ~GCllUIO tho County could not corry tho dpbt .orviclt. Com~1:.ionur Voss laid thnt thQ lItudy is v~ry thorouqh and thAt he /lqruu. with the reco~ondlltion, /18 did ~ommi.lIionorD Pistol', Kru." Ilnl1 Holland. Commil.ioner VOl. moved to accept the report and suspend any further noqotiationa with Golden Gate Inn And Country Club. COlllmis- sioner Kru.. s.conded tho ~otion which corriod 5/0. Ite.. .24 STAFF OIRECTED TO SECURE PROPOS^LS RE REOr.SION OF MARCO ISLAN~ PARK AND RETURN NI;XT t/f.r:K WITll ^ PINAL ACCOUNTINa OP MONEY Admlnlltrator of Puhli~ H~rvic~ft Norton sairt th/lt tho initin1 uuni9n for th", Marco Island pilrk ..Includod a gy:nniltoriUI!1 line! lllDO some 4ctlvf' (ac!llt!eo such 411 ., lofthall fiold, (.tc. H~ 1I11id th<1t tho M~rco Ial<1nd Civic ^lInoclation Gnd tho M/lfCO I.land Taxrayorn ~s.ociation uid <I survoy of tho rcqict~rnd votor. nn~ the peo~l~ w/lnt a CiViC c~ntor or o~dltoriu~: thoreforo. hv loid that the ~ctivu lllci11- ti.,1 on l"..srco Iollln" woulc1 "'" lit tho ""cqutltbllll Cluh lInd at '''intfOrbury bnll '1011<1. lie 1I.,1d thnt they nrQ lOOking At II rodoliqn to inclue!o Q community c~ntur ~nd mor~ paosivp it~ms to that sit~, such ,'B ric:nic: t.:lblPI, jo'JCJ I n9 r!lth.. otc. COl'lmURloncr Pi!ltor o;uu8tiont.'d how lIoon tho W'1rk will lIt<1rt IIn" I!r. t~rton Baid thnt htt "Daume.. it will otllrt a. 8001'1 ~. lIuthority is 9il",n I:y th.. [lonrd. II., notl'tl thn t th. orJI"/in01 dt'li"n H.,O <HBCu8:;mJ by th~ Parks ~nd R~cr-..,tion ^clvlaory Donrd nnd brought to tho Doard of Pllf'/I' 19 I i - -- -- - - -- - - ---- - - - - -- - - --- -- - - - -- -- - ----- ~', - , cr:t!I t::::::1 ~ "~""''''"'''''~''"''''''<.''''-''-'"~''-''~'-"'''---'---"''''~'- "~",,,..~---- .J>.<i _"_.......'.,~,,...~."o ~ ~ ~ ------------------------------------------ July 17, 1 tl/l4 County Comml.ftior.~ra Cor fin~l ~pprovll1. .. Com~i'lioner Kru.. left the roo. at 11.10 ....M. .. Tape .5 Co",miuionof ",')11I Mlid thnt onc:('1 1:"1. ill f1lltt1~~ "p ~1.l1cf lU:. " Un"l IIccountintJ of .'ow lIluch money is left lint! then tho cHatribut10n should he c1l1term1nod 110 thl'lt thoy t:nn l'let on \lith th., ".,rl':o rro<)r12l". ..Commi..ioner Krus. returnod at 11,l2 A.M. .. Mr. C~orq~ K~1lnr, n'''fonantln~ thO' C"otliltr County Civil:' Fudr-rOltion, uaid thOlt ~066,OOO WAS urpropriated for pl^". And A.kacf if UVCl'ry time n chanqe is mftdo it i, qoinq to co.t more monay~ 1ft' qu"stionnd if tho p1.:1nll woro 1I11thorll:acl b"Coro the lnnd "'II' purchlllll.'d" Hr. Norton rellponded thi:lt thl"rn wall nCl delliqn work clonG untit thny ~n"w wh^t facility they had ~nd the ~Ilrco Ial~nd clo.ign Wll. donu h~c^uau thAY knn'" thAt they hacf thllt fllcility. Co_i..ionor ~olland a.ked who wnntll to rodo.i<Jn tho park on ~larco h1.,ncl? Pr. Norton ."ir1 that 1Sn Ml'Irco I~IAncl tl'lX n.,yorn. Com.i..ioner Vo.. ~ov~ that .taft bo ttirectftd to ..cur. propo.ala fro. the conlulting vnginoor for redo.ign of the Marco I.land park an~ to co.e back next week with a final accounting of ~ney spent and availablo to be .pent .0 that the aoard can determine the di.tribution of the ~onoy betw.en the five pArk.. Comaillllionor Pistor .econd~ the motion which carried 5/0. ae. .25 COUNTY ATTORNEY CIRECTED TO ANSWER "'LLEOATIONS MACE BY OU^N! AILLIMOTON IN HIS PRESENTATION TO TIlE BOARD ~E 11/15/03 AOREEMENT BETWEEN COLLIER COUNTY "'ND AVATAR PROPERTIES, INC. r~r . t'uano Oillinqton, mCllbof of the I'.o,ud nt Dirt"C"torll "f th.. (.ol~~n Cat" Are/l T~x~ycrD r~nd a prornrn~ fttatt"m~nt (filer{ with the Clork) r~qardinq tha November 15. 19~3 oqroomvnt ~ntcred into by Coll1l!r County 'InrI Av,1tnr Propertie8, Inc. COunty Attornoy ~aundor. point('d out thl'lt tht're WIIS I'Inothor "qrocm~nt dotod ~9"tQ~hrr 1. l'n~ hy th~ BoDr~ In which tho ronr,t rucolJniz:os that flV:ltllr hilt:'! done 1111 tho work requlrcrd undrr the 1')77 AqrltC!l,,'nt. :\180. h<t ~., lc1 thllt the l~nl n<1rcenent is vC"ry portin~nt to tho 1903 ^gr~e~ent. ,Ir. nllllnqton Mirf thot in t ryl nq to vllr 1 fy i! ^v-'t:lr ",lid tri"tj to r.u,et: thoir comml tmlJnt thoy !:lot with th~ South F10r1(ln Wllter ~^n~grment Dl8tri~t ~nd thl'lt thry hnvr no rncor~ of tht"M lIpplyinq for ~ ;;0; 082w'249 rage 20 -----------~------------------------------ , '" ~ -. ~"._- ...----....,-,. ..""'~.,.,..".."'.,"".,,"',,",',,',',,..,,' .............~~_"__M.'''...... ....-.-,.""-~''''..,*"..~.,''-,''''"._.,<,__..,,'.,;..",.."......'._..e'"",,,,.,. .'_ ,'_' ,-~,.,.,,-,' ""'~"'..".........._......_-""'"'_.',..'''".;,-."."'' ,~._--- )/1;, ,,"~ -----------------------------------------~ 082mt250 July 17, lc)A4 ,,: ,.~:' , '.~ permit. Mr. !lnunclera uie! thQt tho lctt.t'r froM ~r. Jamcs Tangier ot:.,~::...:ii t.ho Fl\ldernl Trl1d~ CO!:l~lI..ion r.onHrlllC'e] thnt tho deletion of th" ) 100' 'Y'~?I'~: acre r.quir~JI\ent was inl.entional AI'I t'videnceel hy thv 1979 Ordor. Jla' ',-',',1' ( ~" . .aid ttlat. it i. obvious that. t.hu 1979 Order is intr.nded to rfl)'llIlCl' thtt '"f', 4. , Tape .6 "~iX 1~74 Order in its ontirety. H~ anid that everything il relt~tcd in tho :6* 1979 Orcler one] they .pec1f ically th,loted thll 11 00 acre rcqul rt>mont. ':.f; Mr. nlllinqton roquo.t.od th~t ~r. Saundcre contnct ~r. ~raCJna since h. ~~~ woo involvt'd In thi. i.lue. He said that the toxt of the lr.tt~r to formt'r County At tornt')I Pickworth reo ff i rm. tho raqu 1 rCr.lent for t.hp dedic~tion of lanr] to Collior County. Regarding the 3A.5 acros given to t.h., County, ~:r. SlIlIndllr. .~id that 10 acreI' wC'ro for n civic centftr in 110\1 of 30.5 acros anc:1 there wt'rlt eight tA) ono acrt'! w('11 aitoll. ~r. Billington snirl that ht' cannot. Ber. th~ ratat.es a~tting w~tt'r an~, thur.,fore, h~ cannot accept the dedication of the wr.l1 sitea 111'1 Avatar mrr.ting n co~~lt~rnt. Hr. ~ill1n~ton n~lrl that th~rp wer~ mislpndina ~tat~mr.nt. thnt lend to the Novc~b~r 15, 19P3 ^qr~r.mcnt, which arc outlined in his lcttE.'r. Comllli..ioner Voss moved that the motter be turned over to '~e County "ttorn.y and that he an.wer point by point the allegation, .ad. in Mr. Billington'. pre.entation. Commi..ioner Holland ..cond.d the .otion which carriec:1 5/0. Ito" .26 Cf~NGE ORDER .2 TO STEVENS' LAYTON, IN THE ~OUN'l' OF $19.195.11 RE SEWER AR~^ -A- EXP~RION - ~UTHORI1.!D As r~qun.~tr~ hy ASBintnnt County t~nn~~r ~rril1, Com~ie.ioner Kru.. ~ov.d, ..conded by Co~mi..ion.r Pi.tor a~d caried 5/0, that Change Order .2 to Stevene , Layton in tho aMOunt of $19,195.11, 1ncrea.lng th. total contract to $321,958.75, re Sewer Are. -A- expan.ion, bp. authorized. Pntte 21 ! --- - - -- -- - - -- --- - - -,- --- --,- -- -- -- - - -------- ~ ~ - _,..,_'.."';.......~~.""'_'M.'"'_._,.,.."'.,_".,,"~,;._....."",,,'..~>.'" "'" ;,~~, ....,~_.."" ___",",...~ "-~_;;_"'''_I'l''''''_ I "....,,~,;_..'""~_~_..."_.;_.,""._~ ........._,..___.._ ----------------------------------------~~ .f; July 17. Jt)A4 H ::. ~~;pc aoo( 082 'Ar,[ 260 '::;;\ "':'1..' .. H.. .27 W^TER SPRINKLING D^N REMOVED Co~mi..ion.r Pi.tor ~ved, ..eond.d by Com~l'lion.r Krulo and carried 5/0, th/lt tho current water Iprlnkllng ban be removed. Ite.. .28 NORTH NAPLES 8twAar. TRr~THENT FACILITY - DID PROCESS WAIVED RF. HOLDING POND - 8twEll. VIEWER, INC., AUTHORIZED TO PROVIDE PRIVATF. CLORF.D CIRCUIT T.V. INSPECTION AND HA~! REP^IRS - D~LOrH&NT OF PRIORITY LIST POR NEW HOOIWPB - MJTlIOnIZP.:D ^.1I1,t"nt Counly ~'nnll.,('r Dorrill ~nv~ ~ .tntus report re~ordin9 tho North Napl~. .owa~q troatment fllcility. H~ eaicl th~t th~ oriqinal contractor h~d huen all~(,~ to m~~~ r.ertuin r~pllira nn~ h~ i. n~9otinting wi th him onel in the ~vcnt th~t it ~oeR not ~~ct tl~u contrainta ho llI.klld tor ~uthorlT.otlon to walv~ th~ normnl birl proca.n. Co_l..loner Holland 1I0ved, .oconded by Comlli.sionp.r Kru.. and carr led 5/0, that the nor~al birl proceol be waived regarding th. holding pond. Mr. t'orr ill It. i.rJ thl1t Lh~y hnvr taken correctivn action at tho r~collllll"ndotion of th~'ir conault1nq cmginot'r an,1 work hOIl hoen coalrloto.1. II\! I.' iei thnt III of thin afternoon thry will hllve f100dl"~ the firsL of thosr rendp ann will he ~e4surin~ the ability to park 118 II r~'lIul t of the. corr,'ctlv., nc:Lion. II'" slll c'l th., t il 11 hopod thllt lhl! cor'~ctiv~ actlon will improvo perkinq cnpnbilitiell of tho.e pond.. !If' .Ilid thet thry nr~ worklnq on II continq~ncy 1'101'1 110 thnt tney clln l"'rrClY~ thl' ('ffl ".mt diof'Oolll nt ";orth 11111'11111. Conml..slon~'r t10llllnrl not"c1 t II" t tlH.'}' ~r.' ';Il!ttinq m"tlJril\l to ch4Jck for inflltr~tlon anrt quu.tioncc1 Mr. Oorrlll on thill. ~r. Oord 11 Rllit! it rt:OUlrl.'1I IN. .o.rvlc('1I or .., priv..t(' cloll<''' circ\lit T.V. ins,,"ction in pr~-sel~ctl'd or~lIo in North i'npleo Lo rll'tcrT:\ine thp. f'lltont. of repoirll thl1 twill tit' nouirt'd. Il., Tl'Ollf'lItC" l\uthoril',ntion to rr.t.'in ~ewor Vic:wor. Inc.. not to exccc" $5,000. COlllllli.sion("r lfollon<1 f1llitl thnt. ho w.:Iuld not Uk,., to r..ot r lct it to !': 5, nOn t,..Cl\UR" it ie ~lIl1ibl(" for thl\t compllny to do pnrt or th., repllir work wl,llt' thl.lY l\rc In thero with th~ Clll!\l;rlll. It.. 1I.:.1t. Lh.H l1\f!Y CAn rIa I'll r t of th.! qr()ulino Ilt th.. '"121" tilll~. I-:r. Dorr i 11 o"lcJ thllt he hello'v". thl\t villunl inspaction of lom~ of the Il1l1nholl.'G, t"tr. ..Ill cl,.tl"rminc' th.:lt II lot of I~ort. III rcouirf'd. PaC'lo 22 '-----------------------------------~------ t:::l C':1 I'm '- ~ . ";M'.'.'_,.,.....,"_."......."_~"'..~,w,.<.~..., ,.____"._....R "-_.__...,....-,~<~....~.,...'.",~.,'"...,~,,~'..,"...._....,_..~,....-........ ,,~,,"" '.""""'_..., - -..- ~ fiiii] iiiiE July 17, 1 ') 114 fl. .~i~ thllt thJY hnvp n price fro~ th~ firm to grout on 4 tl~. IIntt ~nLeri.l b~.ls whtl~ t.h~y ~r~ in tholo lin..". Co_la.ic'''Iftr fJollan~ lIoved that. Sewsr Viewer, Inc., be authorl1e4 to in.peat and repair infiltration problon. in .elected .it.. throu9hout the North Naple. sewer Are. and to do the work on a tl.. material ba.i. and that 4 .tatu. report be ~ade ev.ry we.k. COII.i..loner Vo.. .econdod the ~tion which carried 5/0. Mr. Perrill r~qu~.tod ~uthorization to develop in rcneept s~~ type of utii'll) sY/Jtcm 10 thnt lit thtt Urn. thnt the COunty hns their cpclt't1tinq ~r'"itl !or on Qlernnrlcrl facility hy r~R thay ean "ivo lIssurnnco to developer. nn~ a timutnb10 wh~n thoy can b. llcccpt~d. cOllmi.sioner Vo.. ~vad, eaconded by COII~i..ioner Pistor And c"rr1ed 5/0, that Assistant County Hanaqar Oorrill be Authorized to davalop a priority list for new hookups. a.. .29 CONTR^CTUAL "OREEMr,NT Wlnl IRVINO np.RZON - APPROVED /I.s1st:lnt County Honllger f'orr 111 racol:l/llt!ndcI] thl.lt Mr. Irvinq Bcrzon ~. r~t~in"rl throuqh the ~nrl of this fisr.nl y~nr on n p^rt tima blla1s, to asslst with thH wator nyntQrn and tn help r~~olvp. nome of the rroblem~ 11'1 North N~rlv". Hn sa1d that ~lr. rcrzon H\ll \lorle 20 hour. ., w...ok. ..Co.mis.ioner ~rusa laft the lIeotinq at 11105 A.M... at ~pproximatoly $62.00 per hour in return for l~h1ch "r. Pou:on wll1 be VXf'<.!C"t.,d to P-lY his own 1tI0citll 8Acurlty, tr~nnportntion, etc. 110 01) 1rl th~t hll 101111 he trolltftd .\1 II pr1V(ltll r:onnultant. CO..issioner Vo.s .ovod to npprove th. Agreement, .econ~ed by COIl.issioner HollAnd nnd cArried 4/0, Co..issioner ~rua. out of the roo.. lOOK 082 rl~E 261 PI'I". 23 ':...1 >.:,1~.~;'. ----------------------------------------~~ - ..._...._...~_""._.,_..~.".....,"_"....__._M._..._....._', .. -.., _____..,...._......."....."~"_,."'..".._,,...,,...___''''_.__._''',.._..,....,..,," ..'n......." a..._."~_..,,,,...,'"~-,-<''' r;;;J GiC) IilE3 ----- ----- -- - - - - --_..- - -- - - -- --- - - -- - - - - ---:..~ .Tuly 17, I'''''' ,/_..:~~ :'1~;. , :",0-<." ;;<(;.5; Itea 'JO':~fi1 ..SOUITIO" ",-'29 ''''"0.mll-' COOtnY ...""'"- TO I........ '" 0",,,,,,, "f F.X. BEYR!NT AND TEKYL I1!YRENT VA. STAT! OF FLORID'" DER RE c^N-;ctll ':<' I\MIRICI\N SE.\O.a.TE CORP. DOCK-BOI\T-OOCK I\CCESR BYSTr.M TO CLI\t1 PI\SlJ PM~K "" ~ 'i:~~';~ -1." ^. roquCI.toc1 hy County ^t tornflY 5/lIlndnra, COlllail. ioner Vo.. movod,' ,"~~; ..conded by COlllli..ioner Pi.tor nnd carried 4/0, COllllli..toner P:ru.. out,t~~~:' ~.~... " of the rOOlll, that hit bCl authoriud to intervone for Colliltr County in')"~~+ Ca.e No. 84-2264, Garrett F.X. neyrent and Tery! B~yrent ve. Stato of Florida Departlllent or Environ.ental Requ1ation re the i..uaneo of ^ con.truetion perlllit to Can-l\llerican SeAgate Corporation for the doek-boat-doek aece.. facilitie. At C1AII PA.ft rork, See PIlP;O a.7~ It.. 131 TIKET"BLC f'OR f\UOOE'l' WORK~1l0PS PR!':S~!':D Fiscal Officer Oil.. presontad the rcnrd with u rroroDud tirnntnhlo Cor buj9~t workshops. ^ltur /I bn..f clilleHlulion it wile th" COI1SenflUll of th... FCllrd that l~r. (111os ..clvi.e th(!1'l of the lI1actinQ ti~08. Ite. 'J2 RESOLUTION 84-1JO AUTIIORIZtNO TilE ISRU^NCf: 01' R!':V!:NUt': MITICIP^TIOPJ NOT! - .a.DOPTCD. REVENUE ANTICIP"TION NOT! IN THE N10UNT OF $975,000 FOR ROAD CONSTRUCTION - AUTHORIZED Co~i..ion.r VO.' IIOvod, .oconded by ComNi..ioner Pi.tor and carrie~ 4/0, Co~.i..ioner Kru.e out of the room, thAt Ileaolution n4-1JO authorizing the i..uAnce of Revenue .a.nticipation Note be adopted and that the Revenue Anticipation Note in the aftount of $975,000 for road construction be authorized. 082 mr 263 f'1\<'Ilt 24 aoa~ ------------------------------------------ ~,-- ...... ~ " . _..._....~.._"'''.=&<L_..~'q."."..,...'..,..,~ ...~_ ,,,~, ,,,,,,"0" "..<~'...,""',_'""""',''''''''''"''''''''' ..- -,-, -""'--- . . -....-.,...."'...,' ~..,.";..~-"-,-,_.........._-"._., '--~ , . ~----------------------------------------- ,.il,; .Tul Y 17 ,19M './':~, ''t:''~~J?r~' 082 266 ',;:';;i}~f ~ .~ ; ':<.oP') ;,:;,r~\ - AOOPTED /":S~' Co_i..loner P1ator ..oved, uconded by COlllllli..ioner HoUand and "'i::;~~ carded 4/0, Co..i..lonflf J(ru.. out of the roo~, that Budl;let 1\IIIend"ent. ' ,~,~' 84-500/515, 519, 522, 525/526. 529/532. 535, 530/547, 549/551, 555, 559, 56l/562, 563/567 .n~ 572 b. adopted. It.. .34 ROUTINE BILLS - PIIID Pur.u4nt to R..olutlon el-150 the fol10win~ chncke w~ro i.ued through FrldllY, July 13, 1904 in p~~cnt of routino hl11.r CHt:CK nr.SCRII'TIOM Cllr.CK NI')R. ~ V.ndor 11'644 - 114075 $n,I70,9~4.~7 CCC Payroll 01169 - e'443 'S02,S5~.7J It.. .35 RESOLUTION 84-131 URGING lOUITADILITY OP FLORIDA DEPT. OF HRR FUNDING TO COUNTIES - AOOPTED Co..i..ioner Pi.tor .oved, .ocondod by CO.lli..ioner Vo.. and carried 4/0, Co_i..ioner ~ru.o out of the roo", that Re.olution 84-131 urging equitability of Florida Dept. of HR8 funding to countie. be . adopted. ,I PlIt;1Cl 25 ---------------------------------------- ;c:J r.:!~f,;J ~ ,.-...-.'......",-,....-""...'~.""... <..~...,~.*'~"--.~,,_.,,.........____._____ --... T'I'l' '1'1__"....'''''". ,..."......._,;'""''''''''''_,.,___.._''''''':,."..._"'''.",,..,.,.;,..,.,._,,.., ..."'~..""..,.~_,,__"'.,.....,...."_,_......'..""'_-."""'...___ . ._... d.. . ._-~'.'- ~ -->1:' . ..f ~".Io;/ -------.--'------------- -------------7' . ,..\i. July l7, 19R4:.Jt O~2 '''' 268 ,;) ";~ ;.f.....". ... PRECINCT POLLINO In.;; CHANOES - ^CCEPTEO FOR 'I'm: RECORD . ,il' I Polling precinct. lite chllng.. received fro.. Supervilor of . d."....': Election. Mary Hort)an wa. accepter! for the record .,:~('t The following ite.. were approved and/or adopt~ on the Con.ent Aqenda by ~otion of Co.mi..ioner Pi.tor, .econded by Co..i..ioner Vo.. and carried 4/0, Co~~i.aionor Krua. out of the roo... It.. .37 DISPOSAL OP SCRAP TELEPHONE WIRE FROM 4TH FLOOR OF BLDG. "F" RENOVATION TO O.J.T. RECYCLING, INC., FOn TOTAL AMOUt~ OF $06.50 It.. .38 PUDLIC WORKS ADMINISTRATOR POSITION CHhNOr.O FROM PAY GRADF. 34 TO 33 Ite. .39 DIRECTOR OF PARKS "NO RECREATION POSITION INCR~REO TO PAY ORADE 23 It.. .40 OUN PERMIT 84-0 ISSUED TO SALV"OOR ~ARnAN Ite. t4l LEASF. W/OVERSEAS DrvELOPHENT CORP. AT COURT PLAZA FOR HE/lLTR SERVICES S..e PAge. Cri 76" - .;; 7~ Ite.. '42 CONTRACT WITH HATTH!W M. SMITH FOR CUSTODI"L SERVICES "T COLLIER NORTH DRANCH I.IBRARY See Pag.. 61 79 - :2.. f ~ Item .43 MODIFICATIONS TO JTPA PL"N Se. Page rl.~/ 144 JOSEPH PATERNO HIRED AS JTP" DIRECTOR AT PAY GRADE 21, STEP 4, WltICH 18 10\ AIl'''VE ENTRY --- rnOf' 26 -----------------------------------------~,. c:::J a:;D EI -~"'..-----"--~,--~"....,>.._."'.....-,_.."'_..,--"""";._.._"'"."".,.,-,..~."" .--<.,.,.,..,-"..."..."~..~..~-,,~"~-,--._"~_...._-_._...,.._- .""-- . ~_""'l1"l ~ - "',...",.,""""'....'._""'..,.... "_..;-..,--p".",,~ - ~ ri/5J ----------------------------------------- July 17, 191M It.. 145 ORANT APPLICATION FOR (,"MliUNITY SY.RVIc!S TRUflT P'UNOfl FOR OPERATION or RE'DLANDS CHRISTIAN MIaR}"'T D"Y C^Rr. CENTER s.. pag.. C).i'~ -,;(R9 It.a '46 APPROVAL AND ACCEPTANCE OF JUVENILE JUSTICP. AND DELINOUENCY PREVENTION aRANT IN THE AMOUNT OF $50,000 s.., Pago 0.90 Ite. '47 RENEWAL LEASE WITH ^IRWORK ENTERPRISES. INC. AT IMMOKALEr. AIRPORT fl.. Pllt].. d). q / - 3 o a.. It.. .48 PETITION TO CREATE THE PORTER STREET PAVING ASSESSMENT DISTRICT Ite. .49 SE'l'TLEHENT FOR RO"D RIGHT-OF-WAY CONDEMNATION CASE WITH SEVENTH DAY "DVENTIST CHURCH (RE PINE RIDGE ROAD) Itea '50 "CREDMENT AND LEAS! RE SEWER AND WATER FACILITIES ACCEPTANCE FO~ LELY PM..MR PilAUS 1, 2 MlD J tON-SITE AND OFF-SITE) - See paqn 303 - 3.3 9 It.. .51 LEASE R! ACCEPTANCE OF SEWER "NO WATER FACILITIES FOR BRISTOL S~UARE, KINGS LAKE UNIT 4 S.. PlIgu .3 ~ -.,3 q / It.,. .52 CHM~GE ORDER , J GMNTINO 30 ADDITIONAL CALENDAR DAVS "NO CHANG! ORDP.R .4 IN THE AMOUNT OF $1,225 INCREASE TO WIOELL "SROC. INC. R! COUNTY WATER-SEWER DISTRICT ARI'~ -I'.- ~EWAGE TREATMENT EXPANSION Soe PAg.. ~9.;2. -39~ aoo( 082 r1~[ 269 I",'~(! 27 -- - - - --- -- - - - - - -- - --- - - - --'-'-- -- --,-- - - - ---- '" ...... _. - "--- ~; . ~ . """'..,~.."""''''''..."....-_.,,,...,,--''.~"-_.. "... ..~"""~.....,,,.- "". "'.... "--'"",._-_..","-,-,-_....^'.,~..~...,.., .-,.-,.-----.- ".,., ''''...._,_........."'_..~.~~,-,,,"..'..-_,~,.."~,,~..._'... ...... '-",,""....., ~.... -- ~'" ... \,'.~. ' -'I:... --------------------------_._------,-----~ "'y 17, """1 ..:'-.-.; '.):~ ; .oU.eB2t~r,t270 . <\~ CHANOE OnDtR .5 IN THE MOun 01' $5,470 IHCR!M! TO WIDELL ASElOC. INC. ' p, JU!: MODIFICATIONS TO ENTRJ\NCIl: 1<0...0 AT B~ER AREA "A" PL1\NT ~Pl'.NSIO" S.. paq.. .3 97- 4a3 It.. 154 PETITION 'J'R-84-12C, FRANCIS' EVT.LYN HUSICIC, TRACT 116, UNIT 87, COLDEN aATI!: ESTATES It.. .55 PETITIOn I'P-n4-5 DRt1NR a. RRUNS FOR PROPERTY LOC"Tr.D EAST OF WILLOUOHnv "CRES ON MENTOR DRIVE. NOT TO RE RECORDED UNTIL REQUIRED IHPROVEHENT~ H"VE BEEN CONRTRUCTEO "'NO ACCEPTED OR UNTIL ^CCEPTABLE SECURITY IS RECEIVED "NO APPROVED It.. .56 RESOLUTION 94-132 ESTABLISHINO A SCHEDULE 01' PERMIT "'NO INSPECTION FEES FOR TIlE COLLIER COUNTY HECH"NICAL CODE See Pago. if. t1lj . ~O.!'- Itelll .57 INTERLOCAL AOREEMENT tIlTH IMMO~^LEt PIRE DISTRICT RE BLDG. INSPECTION~ See PIIg811 ~~ - 4/.3 It.. .S8 RtSOLUTION 84-133 RE PETITION SNR-~4-8C, STREET NAHE "PPROVAL FOR LE RUFF'S RO"O, INTERSECTING ALLIGATOR ALLty IN SEC. 1, TSOR, R26E 5.. P8g0 4/Jj It... .59 RESOLUTION 84-134 RE PETITION SNR-n4-9C, STREET NAME ^PPROV"L rOR LELY ~8 DRIVE AND L~LY P1\LHS EXTr.NBION LOCATED IN SEC. 21. '1'505. R26E Seo Pag~ -'lIS- Par!t. 21'1 ----------------------------------------- ~ V.{,";; ,) B'J .~----._~--, --,-,~'"..."._... ...- -""".,.,~"........ ._____".,....",._w_""''''_..,...",..,.><.",...'.,..''''''".,.''' '"".,_""",_"",.~,,,''''''''''"''''''''''.''''''''''''-''''-'-' ~ Iiiiii fiiIe ----------------------------------------~~ July 17, 1904 .1 ~ l:~J.f It.. .60 1~. . . ,. ",If, ' RESOLUTION 84-l35 ,,! PETITION "NR-B4-l0C, STREET N^M1l: APPROVALFOft ...,.::,:1.1 "ATERGlI.TE ""Y TO p';' LOCATED IN PELICM~ BAY UNIT TWO ,:4'~ ,,11 See Page ~I ~~~t) a... t6l ,,";,'J':~ :';~:$'\ CERTIPICATES FOR CORRECTION TO T^X ROLLS AS PRESENTED BY PROPERTY ' :~' "PPRAISER ":i: 1978 No. 612 Dated 6/20/94 19FJ2 No. 661 Datod 6/19/94 1903 No.. 337/339 Dated 6/18-6/21/84 1903 TAn9ibl~ Property No. 199J-449 Doted 6/29/84 It.. .62 &XTRA GAIN TI~ FOR INM^TEO 34091 AND 44319 Ite., '63 DUPLIC"TE TAX SALES CERTIFIC^TE NOS. 4371, 4360, 739, 321 ^ND 4358 TO V. R. PALMER BEC"USE OF LOSS See Paqn ~/7 - 4.4 / a.. '64 MIRCELLANEOUS CORRESPONDEIlCE - FILED ^ND/OR RF.Pl!:RRr.r- Thor. being no objection, the Choir dlr~ctr.d that tho fotlowinq corro.pondoncr be Ciled and/or ruf~rrDd to thu various dffr~rtm~nt. os indicatwd below, 1. Copy of l~ttcf rl~to~ 6/25/nA fro", N.d 1 !i. f,checht, to P'uUdinll Oopt. "'><rr"Il.t;,CJ Olprreclation Cor COopof.'1tion lIhown cOl:lpl\ny in project r~viQw pro~oa~. xc, :~r. r.uo): r.. refnonn"l. File". aOD( 082rAr.t271 PII118 2ll '1,: " ~;;' ';:f~; -- - -- --r- - -- - - - - - --- - -- --- --'--- -- ----- ---1, ~"- -- ,". i.'''- ""......."--'"._._~.".;-_.."-_.-",."'.....,,"",,......_,-_.....,._..~-... -.....,,,,..,,,,.,,,,",,,...,,,,,.. ,'.".,_.....~."~'....--,.._-,---~~...""...."'."'.'.....,-."., ""'..".,-~,~~''''.........,,'-,., "..... ~- '1'''''11' 't 1 . .,.,..., ~ ""-,""'~;."_....-"'~.,',,....~....._^_._,..- -~-_....__.. - " -----~-----------------------------------~ Ju1 y 17, 191'\4 lOO( 082 pm 272 2. t:otifieation dl'lted 6/13/04, fro1:\ SUllon ~l. Cool;, PH. II., Dept. of ~ ComDunity Affaira, rp crrrovnl of Ilrrlication for loci'll gov~rnmcnt shar., of CS!lO. X'=I ['r. Poll<oweld. Filer]. 3. Mnll'lorandum dntlfcl 6/l.2/R4 from Jolm ',1. OtoCrovl', "cpl. of Comr::un1ty ^f!airs, notifying of fund. aVllilnblu to local governments through th~ Fl~. Finaneinl Ala11tance for Community Services Act of lQ74. XCI Hr. Horton. Filed. 4. Letter dDtod 6/'J'J./04 from Jal'lC'II F. Hurley, nert. of Community Affaire, providing II questionnaire llnd 191'\4 Lcgis1/1tive Act ro initiction of II project on ./Ipping and monitorin~ agrlcultural land.. XCI Hr. Lusl<. Filed. 5. Lfltt.vr dntC'd 6/29/04 from Ann R. Pllrrottc, l'Iurt'nu Chiof, Pert. or Community Affllira, re notico of Avai Illbllity of rlorido's pro"o.el'l Fin~l Rtllto~cnt of O~jcctivclI and Ccrtlficnt.ion on the Allocotion of Small Clties CPDO Progrllm Funds in th$ ~oncntitlemcnt Po~tion~ of thu RlhtU. XCI Mr. Lusk , Hr. Virta. Fll~~. 6. Hf'morandum dated 6/2A/(\4 from DER, notifying of 0 public workshop rll conctruction grllnts proC1rllm Priority foyatam for W/I.tftWlItcr T1ontm~nt. Wor1<s. XCI ~r. Lusk. Filc~ 7. Notice doted 6/7/04. {rom r.f.R, re npplicntion for canol dredging activlty rf'qucstcrl by PlIul Vesper, Mnrco Island, c/o Michael Ral11y. Anchor En~inecrin9. XCI Dr. Aenrdict. Filed. A. MemorQndu~ dated 6/17/P4 from Of-R. r~ chanqca in Ch~pt~r 17-17, P.ut fI, ':rnrllsrnlsr.lon l.in~ l'itlnn flul'" (, C;lnrteT 17-1.212 (1), ^ppl1c~tion Guide (or Certification Applicntlona. XCI Pr. n~nQJfct. Fil~u. 9. wttL'r dllted !>/14/A4 (rom f)t;/l, approving permit transfer, Permit File '^ CO-77 from W""tinC1houll~ Cornmuniti,.s of 11:11'10., Inc. to TIll' Pitr-C,'\rlton Hutch;, 1I C;eorglr1 LIMited p..rtn.!rllhip. XCI Mr. Luak. F1lcll. 10. IlcMorllnelurn d~tod 6/4/n4 from Oept. of R"v"nu(' r.. notific:ntfon o( ae-J\lnl'lrs IIchcduled for month of June by the Div. of ...11 Valorf'~ TaT. XCI Mr. Lusk. ~'r. GilcK, nn.1 Hr. Colding. Piled. 11. Mumorandum d~tcd ~/2G/n4 from Dept. of !lpvanuf', r~ e~timl'lted pro- jection" or Motor 1'\.....1 Sill"" hy Connty fol' Piccnl Ycar Q4-A'.. XCI Mr. 1.u.."'. I, ~\r. (111"0. fllt~. I::!. O&p"rllDc:ntl1l reponOI r,itlrDry :;y&t,,~ l't.~t.illtics-N,'y, 19n4, SoC'ial .L;C'rvicca pcrt.-ro.:b. (, '~.lrch. 19(14, E:olid WOl'tp ~"t.- ~'IlY, 19114. Fi le-d. 13. wtter dlltp.(~ (,/.1/114 fro~ J':x('c:. Pir., ~t."\n Tllit. r1. Shore ~ l'I"aC'h PrttacrvntiOIl Asaoc., brlvilling of approval of llprropriat.ion of $lO~,OOO (or Collif'r Co. Pun.> ProteC'tion proj..c:t. XCI Mr. l..ur,l:, Hr. Virtll , Dr. R"ncdict. Filod. 1'1In,.. 30 ----------------~-----------------,---~~- Ii::] a:a E!!fI _~.~~~....."''''..._''~_."4..".'".';,,~..._.,,~..,~.,'',.,...~,~,.._.,,''.......,"...-,. """"""_;""""-""".'M",~.'"",,"~'Ir_"-"""'_;',,__...._,..-.....__;__~","""_","_'."'__ ..0>.... ........_,~,,,...." l>.. ..~.. "';'~~"""""'.'_'''_''''""_""",",,,,"''''''''''''''.''''~,,"_"_''. '_M"'_'~""__'_~"""_"__ ( -~ -,- ~ _.. -- ,-" c- -..:... ~ -----. -- ---- -- - '. -.. . ' July 17, 19B4 .'i~' 14, Certified letter date~ 6/6/84 froll Oeo. E. Carr for Williall r.':,lj; Sullivan, IV, Atty., u chill filed by E~lyne Legrand for injurh. ,:'~ .rhin", fro. treat.ent provided to her by C.C. Health Dept. and'~..,:lt, C.C. E.H.I. XCI Hr. Lu.k, Atty. Saundeu , Dr. Polkow.kl. I'U.d. '!~'.; r. 15. SU.lftary of Intoragenr'! Hanage.ent Com.. meeting dated 4/2/94, r. "I ~ ~ -~' 1 Reconsideration of Recommendations for Implementation of Executlve . "~ . Order 8l-l05. XCI Mr. Virta. Filed. " , I , " ~lf 16. Fl. Dept. of Law Enforcement, Modical Examiner. Commission's 19B3 '~H "nnual Report. Filed. 17, Minute. of Contractor's Licensing Brd., 6/20/84, Library Adv. Brc!. , 5/24/84: City of Naple., 5/16 , 6/6/A4, Parks' Rec. Adv. Brd., 5/1B/1984 and Agenda for 6/22/84. Filed. 18. HemorandulI dated 6/5/84 from Harion Hart, Jr., Staff Dir., Fl. Coordinating Council on Transportation Disadvantaged re renewal and extension for 5 year. of Chapter 427, Fl. Stat. XCI Jeff Perry. Filed. 19. Letter of Resignation, dated 6/12/84 from Jody B. Sloan, HPO/TAC. XCI Jeff Perry. Filed. 20. Lettrr, dated 6/5/84 from Dept, of Revenue. advising of receipt of County Property Appraiser 1984-85 Budget request. XCI Hr. Gi1.. . Filed. , 21. Copie. of recorded Release of Right-of-Way ea.ement. (2), located ! in Golden Gate, by "vatar Prop~rtio., Inc. f/k/a GAC Properties, Inc., f/k/a Gulf American Corp. Filed. S.. pag.. 4-,),/ ( Il d '8) Ite. '65 DESTRUCTION or V"RIOUS SOUND RECORDINGS, CORRESPONDENCE AND BU~ET WORKING P"PERS RELATED TO CLERK or THE BO"RO There being no further busine.. the meeting was adjourned at 12115 P.M. BO"RD OF COUNTY COMmSSIONERS/ BOARD OF ZONING "PPE"LS/EX OFFICIO GOVER ING BO"RD(S) OF SPECIAL DIST TS UNDtR ITS CONTROL ATTEST I WILLI.a.M J. REAGAN. CLERK ~:4.: ~J~,tf}C: These minutes approved by the Board of County Com~i..ioners on ~7/?J>'/'.. presented ~ III corrected . Pa~ 31 ",'...- -- ---...-..-----.---- - " '001. 082 mt 273 L::.- --., - ,. . ..... --+-~ 'L:.. _....._--~ .."'--,_..........."""".........."-~~,,;-,----,"'. "--'"'""<"~;'"'''''''''''--'~''''''--'''''- ,"",' . . -"";""';;--.'."-"--'~';~"~~'''-'._'~_. M',,<,._, ^_'""'_''';~"'''''''''';___'''''"''''''''~''~''' '.. '.' ."." ". ~~""'~""""''''''._''~' ~"'~--,~~._;._-