BCC Minutes 07/20/1984 B t:ZJ r¡;:) t:::J --- - - ---- - - - - - -- - - - -- - -- - - - - - - - - -- - - - - -----.. Ilapl.., Floridll, July 20, 19ß4 LF.~ IT BE REM~IBERED, that the Board of COunty Comaillionerl in and for the County of Collier and allo ftcting a. the Board of zoning Appeall and al ~h. governing board(l) of luch IpOCilll diltrictl .1 havo been created according to law and having conducted hUlinel1 horoin met in Budget Worklhop Sell ion on thil dllte at 9100 A.M. in ßuildinq "F" of the Courthoule Co~plex in Ealt Naplel, Florida with the following ~e=berl prelentl VICE-CHAIRMAN I C. C. "Red" lIolland John A. piltor Froderick J. VOII Mary-Francos Krule ABSENTI David C. Brown, Chairman ALSO PRESENT I Ja~e. C. Oilel, Filcal Officer, Elinor M. Skinner, Dep~ty Clerk, Donald Lusk, County Manager, Neil Dorrill, A.li.tant County Manager, Pam Brangaccio, Budget Analyøt, and Donllld Norton, Public Services Ad~inistrQtor. ~ Review of Propo~ed Tentativo Budget Fi.cal Year 1984-'85 OCHOPU FIRE DISTRICT - REQUESTED LIEUTENANT POSITION ., DENIED, REQUESTED ALLOCATION FOR PUMPER - APPROVED Public Servicel Adminiltrator Norton referrod to a rcquolt which Ihowed a request for $303,000, II 30\ increale for the OChopee Fire District. ne said thllt there il [1 vflry ..rioul IHuation in that Payment-In-Lieu-of-Taxel hal been reduced. He laid that there il II request for $21,000 for a Fir~ Lieutenant IInd $15,000 for II new puaper. Fire Chief vince Doerr said that he could continue operationl without the Fire Lioutenant position he roquelted, however, the old pu~p~r is falling apart and he needl II replacement. A dilculsion wa. held r&gllrding the relponsibility of the Ochopee Fire Diltrict and the aroa served by the department. Commilsioner Voss reco~mcndod IIpprovinq $qO,OOO and del~tin9 the requelt for tho Fire Lieutenant. The Commislionors IIgreed. VETERANS SERVICES - $45,000 INCREASE APPROVED Mr. Oilel Inid there i. on increale of 61\ for Vateran. Service in the amount of $45,000. He said that the percentage eppee:_ lerger than it actually i. bocause the increase il lololy to t~ke the one-hulf ti.e &OO( 082w.t431 PðC;. 1 - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - -- - -.. - - - - - - - - ------ ,....,,,,,.,,"'.."""',..-._----,..,-,,....",.^ .~--""""".."",,",,-,,,.,. ..... ------------------------------------------¡ 082rAr.t4.32 July 20, 1984 ,> .ecretary and convert the poaition to full-ti~e. Relponding to Co.~illioner VOII, Mr. Norton laid that the ..cretary i. badly neeðed. By consensus, the CommA~lioner. aQreed to the reque.ted $45,000 increale for Veterans Servicf ,. YOUTH GUIDANCB - $15,658 INCREASB ^PPROVED Hr. Norton laid that the 32' requested increase il IIl~08t solely due to the fact that Staff il looking for a Youth Ouidance Counlelor polition which waa d.leted previously due to budget constraint.. He laid that. Þranch office il to be opened in I~~okalee and the additional position il needed in tho amount of $15,658. The Co..i..ionerl agr~ed to the requelt to fund $15,658 for Youth Guidance. COHQRZO^TE HEALS - $10,180 BUOOET ^PPROVED Mr. Norton laid thllt $914 il requested over lalt year'. budgct for e total of $10,160 budgot for Congregate Moall which provide. food for the elderly. Moat of the ~ea18 are served at the Senior Citizen Conter OUr Place, he explainod. The Co~miasion.ra agrved to the request for a $10,100 budget for Congregate Heals, an increale of $914. SOCIAL SERVICES - $120,000 BUOOET APPT.OVED Mra. Martha Skinner. Director of Social Sorvices, explained the request for a 25' increale in the Social Servicel budget. She laid that the United Fund will no longer fund Naplel Welfare and she hal to pick.up those CIIS.I. She said that her depart~ent i. currently holping HOlpice. Thr. Commi..ioners agreed to the $120,000 Social Services budget. COUNTY AOING - 13' INCREASE IN BUOOET APPROVED Mr. Norton said thllt the increase in this budget is a request for 13' He IlIld that 83' of tho money com.s from State Orant ~onies. Mr. Lusk recom~ended approval. By conlenluB, the Commisøioner. agreed to the requelted 13' increase. LIBRARY - lU INCREASE IN BUOOET ^PPROVED Mr. Norton explained that tho 11' requested increale in the Library Þudget il primarily due to increasn in staff. Mr. Lusk recom~onded approval. By conlensun, the Commissioners approvr.d the 11' increase in the LiÞrary budget. ·**RECESSI 10100 ^.H. RECONVENED I 10110 A.H.... Pllqe 2 ------------------------------------------ !:!En c:::I f1IB ~ ~ r.;;;¡¡J .----------------------.------------------ July 20, 1904 PARXS AND REcREATIOM BUDGET - 19' INCREASE FOR '834,000 TOTAL APPROVED Mr. Lusk explðll:eð there arll no new positionl provided for in th.. 19' increale requelt. He re.inded the commillioner. that When the new parkl are opened more ~ney will bo nooded to staff thol~ parks. Co~is.ionor pistor suggested that an education program is needeð to r.nlightltn the public that the 8 Hlllion t'ollar oond Issue does not provide for operation of the new parkl. Commillioner Kruse suggosted that contracting maintenanco of SO~ft parkl may provide a Mavings. Mr. LUlk agreed that this was pollible and Mr. Norton laid that would be investiqated. A dilcualion regarding I.rvice foel for the park facilities and parking charges at the new Vanderbilt parking lot which will b. implellented. Mr. !lurton laid that the overull incrltll.e in th~ Parkl and Recreation budget i. 19\ tor $934,000 total budg~t. By consen.us, the Commissioners approvcd thc l?~ increase in tho Parks and Recreation budget. AGRICULTURE - 4.6\ INCREASE APPROVED Mr. Norton explained the 4.6\ increaso in the Agriculture budget tor $364,000. Mr. Lusk recommendod approval. By con.unlUS, tho Commissioners approved tho 4.6\ incr..Jlø in the Agriculture budget. MUSEUM - 3.8' INCREASE FOR TOTAL OF $60,000 Commis.ioner VOSI Ipeculllted thil was Dn area which might bo deleted for a øavings. A discussion ensued during which lir. tJorton said that the Collier COunty lIistorical Society rais~d the monuy to provide conltruction of the Muscum. Mr. Lusk recommended leaving this it~1I in the hudqet. By consenSUI, the Commil~toners agreed to approve the 3.8' increase in the MUleUII budget for a total ot $60,000, with the possibility of revisiting the itell if the money is needed elsowhere. JTPA - NO COUNTY FUNDS, FEDERALLY FUNDED Mr. Norton explllined that the JTPA program il Yederlllly funded for a total of 1.2 million dollar!!. 110 I/lid that therl!' is SOli. thought that the PIC will take over this item which he would recollmend. GOLDEN OATE COMMUNITY CENTER - 5.3\ INCREASE APPROVED Mr. Norton explained the 5.3' increale requested for the Golden Gate Co~rnunity C"nter. lIu recomrnendod that the rnonoy cOllla troll the special taxing districts. aoo( 082 W.{ 433' Page 3 ------------------------------------------- .."."_..~,.......,~-"-,.,~,~.,,._--...>.."."..,"......__,.,....-..-