BCC Minutes 07/24/1984 R ~ ~ G;,;¡l . .\ \ Naples, Florida, July 24, LET IT BE REMEMBERED, that the Board of County Co~issioner. in and for the County of Collier and also acting as the Board of Zoning ~ppeals and as the governing board(s) of .uch .pecial di.trict. as have been created according to law and having conducted business hdrein¡ .et on this date at 9100 ~.M. in Re9ular Se..ion in Building "r" of the Courthou.e Complex, East Naples, Florida, with the following .e.ber. pre.entl CHAIRMAN I David C. Brown VICE CHAIRMAN I C. C. "Red" Holland John ~. Pistor Frederick J. Vo.. ~BSENTI Mary-Frances Kruse ~LSO PRESENT I William J. Reagan, Clerk, James C. Giles, Fiscal Officer, Elinor M. SKinner, Deputy Clerk, Burt L. Saundor., County Attorney, Donald tu8K, County Manager, Neil Dorrill, ~ssistant Co~nty Manager, Donald Norton, PUblic Services ~dmini.trator, WillJ~n Blankenship, Administrative Services Administrator, To. Kuck, ~cting Public WorKs Administrator, Nancy Israellon, Adminiltrative ~ecretary to the Board, and Deputy Chief Raymond Barnett, Sheriff'l Department. looe 082 'Act 440 Page 1 - -. -,:.,';t:¡., .,...~... . . 'i'~, -, ~. ! ; . ,? :.:,: ~ . ~ ::' 1984 : "·í,.,:, . Ji...., I ~Ù, ''r''0 ~'iI}~ . 'I .~ -,,,.,,~-.,,,,,,-.,",..¥.<-,.,,,,--.-.,,,,,,,,~ r;;.;;;;¡ c::::J ~ July 24, 19B4 'l'ape n . Ite. n AaDD" - APPRO\" -D AS AMKl'I'DED co.-i..ioner Pi.tor aoved, .econded by eo..i..ioner Rollan4 an4 carried 4/0, that the agenda be approved with the following change.. 6C(2) - County Manager reque.ted this petition be heard first 9r(l) To be heard instead of withdrawn at County Manager'. request 120 - Adðition of item re aucti~n ordinance added at Co~is.ioner Holland'. reque.t Ite~ .2 PONATION OF $410 FOR DRINKINa FOUNTAIN FOR NAPLES PARK PUBLIC TENKIS COllRTS BY COLLIER COUNTY WOKEN'S TENtfIS ASSOCI~TI01f M.. Cathy O'Striker thanked the Board of County Commi.sioner. for .upporting the tennis program in the community and presented a donation of $410 from the Collier County Women'. Tenni. As.ociation to the Board for a drinking fountain for the Naple. Park public tennis court.. Chairman Brown thanked her for the Association's generosity, Ite. 13 RESOLVTION 84-137 RE PET. "V-84-12, DANIEL AND CONSTANCE CAVIN RE VACATION or 6' SIDE EASEMENTS Ol!t LOTS IS AND 16, BLOCII' 141, GOLDa GATE, UNIT FOUR TO ALLOW ICCISTU1G HOMB TO JU!:MAII!t - ADOtTED Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily New. on July 8 and 15, 1984, a. evidenced by Affidavit or Publication filed with the Clerk, public hearing was opened to con.ider Petition AV-B4-l2, filed by Daniel and Con.tance Cavin reque.ting a vacation of 6 foot .ide aa.e~ents on Lots 15 and 16, Block l~l, Golden Gate, Unit Four to allow an exi.ting home to remain. ~cting Public Works ~dmini.trator KUCK .aid that letter. of -No Objection" have been received from the utilitie. and that the WMAB has approved the petition, as have ComDunity Developaent and Plan. I.ple.entation. He .aid Staff recommends approval. Re.pondin9 to Co~.1.sioner Pi.tor, Mr. KucK explained that Avatar Properties vacated the ea..ment and there was an error on their part allowing the hODe to be built originally. eo..i..ioner Voss aoved, .econded by CO.-i..ioner Pi.tor and carried 4/0, that the public he.rinq be clo.ed. eoaai..ioner Vo.. .oved, ..conded by Coaai..ioner Pi.tor and lOOK 082 fA"t 446 paq. 2 ~' . . ~ "".; ""'.'~'"'''''~''''"~'~''''-''''''''---'--''--''''''-''-'''- ;.-....""'---.--.....--- aDO( 082,ACt'449 July 24. 1984 It.. t4 OaDIIWICIt 84-47 U PIT. a-84-2OC; UOUBSTIItO UZOIIU1Q noM A';'2; A';'2 PO AIfD ItSF-3 PO TO MBID FOa STaIP OF LABD LOCATED WU'1' OF RIVIUA COLOllY AlrD II.IVIBRA GOLF BnA~ - ADOPTBD . Legal notice having b_en published in the Naple. Daily New. on June 22, 1984, a. evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, public hearing wa. opened to con.ider Petition R-84-2OC, reque.ting rez~ning fro. A-2, A-2 PU and RSP-3 PU to MHSD for a .trip of land located we.t of Riviera Colony and Riviera Golf E.tate.. Planner Ober explained that there ~a. an error in the adverti.ing for thi. petition when it was pre.ented March 20, 1984, and that i. the rea.on for it. return before the Co~ni..ion. eo..i..ioner Vo.. aoved~ .econded by eo.ai..ioner Pi.tor and carried 4/0~ that the public hearing be clo.ed~ eo..i..ioner ,i.tor aoved~ .econded by eo.ai..ioner VOl. and carried 4/0; that the ordinance a. numbered and entitled below be adopted and entered into Ordinance Book .o~ 18t ORDIRANCB 84-47 AIr ORDIRAlrCB AMDDIRa ORDIRANCZ 82-2 THI COH'RmDIUVZ ','''1110 ItZOtJLATIO.1 POa THI UIII&CORPORATJ:D AREA OF COLLIER COUJITY' FLORI!»., IY AHDOllla THS OFFICIAL 1000IIIO ATLU MAP IPIMBER 50-26-4 BY ClWlGIIIO THI 101U_0 CLAI.IPlCA'I'IOIf or ftl REUI. DEICII.IBED 'aDPBRTY LOCATED wan or II.IVIEftA COLOMY . GOLF UTATU FROM A-2~ A-2 PU AND ItSr-3 PU TO MHSD, A.IrD BT PROVIDIItO FOR All El'TECTIVZ DATE. Ite. IS 'BTITIOIf ZO-S4-7, JAHU M. aUIDISR, U'U.EllTIIIO COLLIla COUJlTY CAHPGaouJrD ow......; U AMDDKDT TO ORDIIlAlrCE 82-2 BY AHDDIIIO IICTIOIf 20 (DIPIWITI0II8; 'ATIO) - MOTION' TO A"aova AIID TO DEWY 2/2 Legal notice having been publi.hed in the Naples Daily New. on July 5, 1984, a. evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, public hearing wa. opened to con.ider an ordinance to a.end Ordinance 82-2 by a~ending Section 20 (Definition., Patio). M.. Ober explained the objective of this petition i. to change the definitions fro. unroofed to roofed .tructure. allowing roofs. She said th.t per~anent roof structure. would not co.ply. She said that this petition would allow .creened enclo.ure. to reDain over the ce.ent .lab if a travel trailer were .oved. She .aid that the IAPC reco.- .ended approval and the C~PC r.co..ended denial. She .aid that the Page 4 - c:::J c::::::J ~ ~ "·,";"_"~>~·"'·',".·._.,;.',"'''~=·'·.~·__'_f__.'''·'__~''-~..- ,........,-- ~ r;;;J s::::I July 24, 1984 zoning Depart.ent w11l have another petition pertaining to this \ (t-,;> .ituation before the co..i..ion in Augu.t which would addre.s the ·~l~~t .ubject. She ..id Staff nco_end. denial of thh reque.t and approval :,.¿'1:~: . .' \~.~: of the peU Uon tc. coae befor. the SOard in August. ." ../" Co..i..ioner Hr ~land .aid he did not see any problem and that people will ta~e their .creenod enclosures with the. when they leave. He .aid that the reatriction .hould be part of the par~ owner'. re.ponaibility to police the .ituation. ~ttorney Edward R. Bryant, Jr., repre.enting the petitioner. and caapqround owner., aaked for approval of the petition. He entered three picture. into the record .howing .creen enclosurea. He related backqround hiatory of this petition, recalling that ~ember. of the Zoning Department red-tagged screened encloaure. that had been penitted. Com.ia.ioner Holland asked if the ordinance could be pa..ed to include in it that it ia the park owner'. reaponaibility to see that the encloaure. are removed? County Attorney Saundera aaid that this would be poaaible, however, thia petition applies to all di.trict. in the County. Mr. Saundera aaid that aomething needa to be put in the ordinance requiring that the encloaures be torn down if the trailer i. ItOved. T.pe . 2 Mr. George ~eller apoke in favor of the petition. co.ai..ioner Pi.tor aoved, .econded by co.ai..ioner Vo.., with a YOte of 2/2, eo.-i..ioner. Bolland .nd Brown oppo.ed, that Petition 10-84-7 be denied, Hr. Saunders aaid that a aotion to approve needed to be .ade to di.po.e of the petition or it would be continued. eo..i..ioner VOa. ~ved, .econded by eo.-i.sioner Pi.tor, that Petition 10-84-7 be approved. Upon call for the vote co.ai..ioner. Bolland and Brown voted for the aotion and co_i..ioner. Vo.. and Pi.tor opposed (2/2). Hr. Saunders .aid that the petition would be withdrawn fro. the agenda. lODe 082 'Ar.[ 450 Page 5 ,·,.f,': "'....:!r:,¡~'f'·::t.'t:,.;' ii.¡;_.'i-fo' ;":(f¡-:.i'J:"o,r" ,"",.~..,.'-:' "'''':'''''''~''~~'' .":,, ",'~·(~'::Fgæ?~~:t~~;,NdÙ~;. r.i,-:~:,~~;)t;~~ r;.,"~ '?':·~:.~1~, ~i~j~,~ .....".{'. ..J ,... j¡,,". .¡~,." . ".-..'I'),:',,~,.. ~>. . ",.' . ...,' , July 24, 19B4 aoO( 08~ 'ACt 451 ¡ Ite. t',: OJU>IIWIICK 84-"8 TO aACT AN OJmINA1fCB CREATIRO IOIIfITA SHOUI NrD LI'I"I'LK SICJtORY SHOUS STUET LIaRTINO MUNICIPAL SDVICB TAXIIIO WIT 1fIft UVDUI SUBJECT TO VOTBIl APPIlOVAL - ADOPTID TO 81 PLACID 011 'IP'l'IMBD ,8ALLO'1' Legal notice having been published in the Naple. Daily New. on July 5, 19B4, a. evidenced by Atfidavit of Publication filed with the ClerK, public hearing was opened to con.ider an ordinance creating the Bonita Shore. and Little HicKory Shore. Street Lighting Municipal Service Taxing Unit with revenue .ubject to voter approval. Acting Public WorK. Admini.trator Kuck explained that this ordinance i. to create a MSTU .ince a resolution was pa.sed by the Board of County Commi..ioner. on June 5, 1984 calling for a referendu.. Mr. J. D. Booth and Mr. Andy A. Clement., Chairman, Bonita Shore. Civic A..ociation, .poke in favor of the ordinance. Coaai..ioner Pi.tor aoved, .econded by Coaais.ioner Rolland and carried 4/0, that the public hearing be clo.ed. eoaai..ioner Holland aoved, .econded by co.-i.sioner Pi.tor and carried 1,/0, 'that the Ordinance a. nuaberf'/. and entitled below be adopted and placed on the ballot. Commi.sioner Voss pointed out that som. of the absentee ballot. have already been mailod. At the advice ot the COunty Attorney, Coaai.sioner Vo.. aoved, .ec~nded by Co.-i..ioner Pi.tor and carried 1,/0, that the public hearing be reopened. Discus.ion regarding absentee ballots and when the item could be placed on the ballot occurrod. Coaai..ioner Pi.tor aoved, .econded by Co..i..ioner vo.. and carried 1,/0, that the public hearing be clo.ed. COa.i..ioner vo.. aoved, .econded by eoa.i..ioner Holland and carried ../0, that the Ordinance a. numbered and entitled below be adopted and entered into Ordinance Book lB and that the Little Hickory/Bonita Shore. Lighting Di.trict be placed on the September ballot, if po.sible, on the October ballot, if there i. one, or on the JOveaber ballot. ORDINANCI 84-48 It» ORDU1A1fCI CREATIRO TBB SHORES STREET LIaBTIRO DEFIRIRO ITS BOUNDARIES, IORITA SHOU8 AJrD LI'I"l'LB SICJtOaT MUNICIPAL SERVICE' 't, TAXIIfO OIII'!', PJlOVIDIIIO FOil I'!'I PtJRPOSD ARD Page 6 - ... . - .... ... .~ ~,~ c::::J r.am __"""_."""'·~"""'~___'_'.'''''~.~'~W_'____''''''''''''''F.·_'_''''''~'~........,.__".",.".".,.,_.,_._.,__, iI.iI'"" ~ .....,.,..-,.,"---~._..-..._-,....',~~..._.,._-~~._~~- ~ ~ c;;;:;::J July 24, 1984 Ite. U PftITIOIf AV-84-014 .. WITHDRAW eo..i..ioner Pi.tor aoved, .econded by co..i..ioner Bolland and carried 4/0, that Petition AV-84-014 be withdrawn at the petitioner'. reque.t. Ite. t9 RESOLUTIOIf 84-139 as PITITIO. AV-84-015, COLLIER DIVILOPKEST CORPORA- TIOIII JlZ VACATIO. or 7-1/2' LUEMD'1' 0111 LOTS 4 THROUGH 23 IIfCLUSIW or IASTGATB 8U8DIVISIOIf - ADOPTED Legal notice having been published in the Naple. Daily New. on July 8 "nd IS. 1984, a. evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed ~ith the Clerk, public hearing was opened to c~n.ider Petition AV-84-0l5, filed by COllier Development Corporation, reque.tion vacation of . 7-1/2' ea.ement on Lot. 4 through 23 inclu.ive of Ea.tgate subdivi.ion. Acting Public WOrk. Admini.trator Kuck .aid that letter. of "No Objection" have been received fro. area utilitie., that the WMAB has approved this petition and the Engineering Department has determined the ea.ement i. not needed. He said that the Community Dev~lopment Divi.ion and Plans Implementation have no objection. He .aid that Staff recom.end. approval. eo.-i..ioner Bolland .ovid, .econded by eo..i..ioner Vo.. and carried 4/0, that the public hearing be clo.ed. co.-i..ioner Bolland aoved, .econded by eo..1..ioner Vo.. and carried 4/0, that Re.olution 84-139 re Petition AV-84-015 be adopted. ,~O( 082 'Ar,t '454 Page 8 '., ,Y i;':' \*!Þ~F~')J;;I'?A\~$~i¿".'~~\¡~~"·~z "....·'''-1'' .;;< '., ';;;d,1t~~~~!¡f'1';~Š;~~~~;,J~~~'~:'¡:J\\·· >', , ". ... . """.,."'v,.......'__".....'...."_~_,,.."'...._,,,..,..,.,«._,......">~·..____,.,,_ ._'"',.','"'..,,'"""'''''''''''....-______..'''.'"'''......_'"~.,~,.,_ t:::ù [J:j;~' I ~ - - July 24, 19B4 Ite. 112 IlESOLUTIOII 84-142 IlE PET. FDPO-84-V-9, WILLIAMS CAPJU MARIn, I.C. U VARIA)lCB n.oM MUlIMUM BASE FLOOD ELEVATION AT 250 CAPRI BOULEVAJlD (LO'!'I 566 TBROOGR 576, ISLE OP CAPRI BUSINESS DISTRICT) - ADOPTED Legal notice havin9 boen published in the Naples Daily New. on July 9, 1994, a. evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, public h~arin9 wa. opened to con.ider petition FDPO-B4-V-9, filed by William. Capri Marine, Inc. requesting a variance to employ a le..or dOgroe of floodproofing than required on property located at 250 Capri Boulevard (Lot. 566 through 576, Isl_ of Capri Bu.ines. Distnct) . Planner McDaniel explained the petitioner has a 28 foot by 30 foot .torage building to be u.ed for .toring equipment and his forklift. He .aid that F~~A has provided Staff with a letter .tating that certain in.tance. can provide ground. for a variance. He .aid that the ~ater- ial. will be stored above the flood plain and that the petitioner will provide an engineoring cer~ification that opening. will be provided that are .ufficient to equali~e hydro.tatic pre.aures. He aaid that Staff recommend. approval. eoa.i..ioner Vo.. ~ved, .econded by eoaai..ioner Holland and carried 4/0, that the public hearing be clo.ed, Co.-i.sioner Vo.. ~ved, .econded by co..is.ioner Bolland and carried 4/0, that Re.olution 84-142 re Petition PDPO-84-V-9 be adopted. 'OOK 082 ml'4.62 Pa9- 11 --,--_.."'-'...........,"",...._~_._" ...."-""".~"""',._---~-- Qä~'~ilf65 July 24, 19B4 1tS10LU'!'IOIf 84-143 ItS PZ'l'n' ~OII FDPO-84-V-IO, IMU CUIJt 'JO'IR'1'II., ¡IIC. ItS VAIUAJrC& TO IKPLOY A LESSER DIGItSE or rLOODPItOOrIlfO 'nIA.M ItZOUI1lID AT EMU CUB GOLf' COURSE - ADOPTED Legal notice having b.en publi.hed in the Naple. DailY N.w. on July B, 19B4, a. .videnced by Affidavit of Publication fil.d with the Clerk, public hearing was opened to con.id.r p.tition rDPO-B4-V-IO, fil.d by Eagle CreeK propertie., Inc., requ..ting a variance to employ a l....r,degr.. of flooðproofing than r.quir.d at Eagl. Creek Golf Cour... Plann.r McDaniel explained that this .ituation i. .i~ilar to the pr.viou. potition. He .aid that the petitioner intend. to .tore all mechanical .quipDent above the flood plain and to provide engineering c.rtification that openin9. will Þe provided which are .uffici.nt to equalize hydro.tatic pre..ure. He .aid that Staff recommend. approval. eo..i..ioner Rolland .ov.d, ..cond.d by co..i..ion.r Pi.tot and carried 4/0, that the public hearing be clo.ed. eo.-i..ion.r Holland aov.d, ..conded by eo..i..ion.r Pi.tor and carri.d 4/0, that R..olution 84-143 r. P.tition FDPO-B4-V-IO be adopt.d. Page 12 ~ 1i~;¡''¡<7) rs ;;._......__.._,·_w._"._~"_".,.,,,""'·,',· ,··..,...'O·.M.'·,·,-..'··..,···, ....."·"·."'~'""o_."..>·.,ø~·,"'~,._.____~_ """,._""'.._""',-.._"....,~---~.~._........,,--"-~ "0( 082 mt '477 July 24, 19B4 Ite. U 7 PETITIO. TR-83-12C, MARY LOU HURST, RE 3 MONTH EXTENSION TO TEMPOURY u.BIDPCIt PIJQOIIT POR It 150' or TRACT 62, UNIT 20, GOLDa GATE ESTATES APPROVED Co..unity Development Adminiatrator Virta referred,to the Executive Summary for thil petition in which Staff reco.mended denial and explained that the petitioner hal obtained a building permit and Staff now recommend I approval of a three month extension to a temporary ruidence perllit for the! 150' of Tract 62, ,Unit 20, in Golden Oat. E.tates (1/2 lIile west of wilson Boulevard on 18th Avenue, N.W. and 1 aile aouth of S.R. 846). COaaiaaioner Rolland moved, aeconded by CO.-ialioner Voas and carried 4/0, that Petition TR-83-12C, for a three aonth extenaion to a teaporary reaidence per.it delcribed above be approved. Ite. Ill} MODIrICATION or EXCAVATION PERMIT NO. 59.136, WHITE CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, INC. rOR 1-75 BORROW PIT - APPROVED Acting Public Workl Administrator Kuck explained Stat! recommends approval for the modification to Excavation Permit No. 59.136 for White Conltruction COmpany for the 1-75 Þorrow pit in Section 32, T49S, R26! baled on the lix Itipulationl in the Executive Summary al followsl 1. The depth of the excaVD: ion Ihall be limited to 20 feet (elevation -10.0 ngvd.) and a water quality monitoring syste. ahall be inatalled. 2. All applicable provisionl of Excavation Ordinance No. 80-26, .. a~ended by Ordinance No. 83-3, Ihall be adhered to. 3. Off-site discharge of groundwater during conltruction Ihal1 be only through approved discharge structure. after water quality treatment approved by the Water ~~nagement Director. 4. Inltallation of a berll and interceptor ditch around the perimeter of the property. 5. Excavatioo lIaterial from Lake No.3 only lIay be removed froll the property for a period of three yearl, or until building conltruction commencel in Parcel "A" of the BerKlhire Lake. PUD. 6. Upon complotion of the project, the aite .hall be left in a clean and orderly lIanner. Relponding to COmmis.ioner Vos., Mr. Kuck .aid that the slope .pecification il included in the permit. Page 16 - ~" ~, :.-....:-J t:=J r::C"'i,;!'j " . ,~ ,. , ......"':.'-i;¡"~¡¡i ' ,; ''/Iii';¡'·~·r'l,$r~.):;A.:t~: L':"; ;'"'' ' ~..;-., )".' ,~...~ (,J:t.'<I' 1 'r \~ _,_,.._,_·,,,.o.,."""""""',....___.·,_··"_~·_·_···,_~· o c=J c:;¡:} July 24. 19B4 Coaai..i"1er Holland aov.d, ..conð.d by Co..i..ioner Pi.tor and carried 4/0, that aodification of Excavation Pnrmit Ro. 59.136 be approved. Ite. U9 BUDGET AMENDMENT TO TRANSFER $25,000 OVT OF RESERVES AND PLACE IR AQUATIC PLANT CONTROL TO PURCHASE ADDITIONAL HERBICIDES - APPROVED Co..t..ion.r Voa. aoved, ..cond.d by eommi..ion.r Pi.tor and carri.d 4/0, that a budget am.nd.ent to transfer $25,000 out of R..erve. and plac. in Aquatic Plant Control to purchas. additional herbicid.. b. approv.d. It.. .20 BID '731, ~aINO PROGRAM SERVICES - AWARDED TO MEDICAL PERSOIKEL IURBIIO SERVICE Iø THE AMOUNT or 'IS,798 Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily New. on June 12, 1984, as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk. bids were received until 2130 P.M. June 27, 1984, for Home- lIIaking/Personal Care Servicel. ^dlllinlltrative Services ^dminiltrator BlanKonshl, requelted that Sid '731 for the ^9ing Program Services be awardod to Medical Personnel Nursing Service. Coaat..ion.r Holland 8Oved, ..conded by Co.ai.ltoner Pi.tor and carri.d 4/0, that Bid .731 for the Aqing Progralll Service. be awarded to Medical Perlonn.l Nureing Service in the a80unt of $IS,79B, as r.com- ..nd.d by the Purchaling Director to b. the lowv.t re.pon.ibl. bid in the beat interest of the eounty, and that the Chair.an bo authorized to aign and the Clerk to attest the re.ulting agree..nt. It.. 121 Bid 1730, TIaERTAIL CORCESSIOIf - AWARDED TO SAL ANOlLERI AND EUCU'l'IOIf or COØCEØSIOIf AaREEHEKT - AUTHORIZED Legal notice having been published in the Naplel Daily News on June 12, 1984 as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, bidl were receivod until 2130 P.M. July 3. 1984 re a conce.aion at Tigertail Deach ParK. County Manager Lusk explained that there w.r. throe applicant.. Ms. Diane B. Henry, one of the applicants, aSKed if an eudit had been done and Mr. Lusk responded it had not and that the revenue. were loDe 082 PAr,t4 78 Page 17 t,,' .' 082 nr,r '479 ~ ,,:' July 24, 19B4 projected higher than may b. received. '.; Public B.rvie.,-. Administrator Norton explained that Staff recOIl" .end. awarding the bid to Mr. Bel Anqileri on the .trength of hh. previou. perforaance with the County and the fact that h. has filed financi.l .tate.ent. Coaai..ion.r Vo.. aoved, .econded by Coaai..ion.r BollaD4 aD4 e.rried 4/0, th.t Bid '730 be .w.rded to Sal Anqil.ri and that the Ch.iraan be .uthorised to .ign and the Clerk to .tte.t the r..ulting .gr....nt. Page 19 t'!!O Œü I!.iJð "-~-""""--~._.",",","""",-""""-,~"""",,,,,,~"",,;----,,,--",,"-"""'-""-_..,--"",;."-"~--,---,-"--.,,,,,~;~,,-,- ___.....-.,,,_,_______"'"_"..,.......~.._.....,,' ,·,·"~,~""_._·"',",,,,,""n"''''''''''''·___~._____·_-__''';''''·······_ ,.,.~"'''_..._;~_.......~.~,~_.~."--- """"'_~d¿,..·,,,,,,,.....,;,>o_...,._.,..,,,,.,.,.,.,"""_'_a___"'''.II, *"- ,~ <--""",.","",..,=~,-"""""""",,,,",,,,,,...,,,, -."',........,-----.---....-- ~ ~ ¡;;;;;;J July 24, 1984 carri.d ~/O, that the re.ignation of Wallace I. Moore fro. the XAPC be accepted and that th. po.ition be adverti.ed. Ite. 137 DISCUSSIOIf III APPOIrrMDIT TO SOUTH1fEST FLORIDA UOIOIfAL I't..AJØIIIG COUNCIL CITIZaS ADVISORY cotnICIL - DEnRRED UNTIL FULL BOAJlD PUS!:II'1' A discu.sion was held regarding the appointment of Mr. Richard Henderlong to the SOuthwest Florida Regional Planning Council Citizen. Advi.ory council. Commis.ioner Holland raised the question of whether there ~ight b. conflict due to the fact that Mr. Henderlong wor~s lor a ~ajor developer in the area? eo..i..ioner Holland .ov.d, .econd.d by eo.-i..ion.r Vo.. and . , carri.d 4/0, that an .ppoint.ent to the SOuthwe.t Florid. Region.l Planning COuncil Citizen. Advi.ory Council Þ. d.f.rr.d until a full Board i. pre.ent. It.. '38 ~UCTIOM ORDINAHCI AUTHORIZED TO BE ADVERTISED FOR PUBLIC REARII!tO AUGUST 14, 1984 Commi.sioner Holland reported that the Auction Ordinance i. ready for Board action and that it must be adverti.ed. eo.-i..ion.r Holland aoved, .econd.d by Co..i..ioner Pi .tor and carried 4/0, th.t the Auction Ordinanc. b. adllerth.d to be heard on Augu.t 14, 1984. ·.··Th. following ite.. were adopt.d and/or .pproved und.r the eon.en~ Ag.nda by .otion of Co..i..ion.r Pi.tor, .econded by eo..i..ioner Holland and carri.d 4/0.···· It.. '39 SOCIAL SERVICES ASSISTAI!tT RECLABSIrIED TO SOCIAL WOIUtER I AND PRESDI'1' SOCIAL WOIUtER RECLASSIFIED TO SOCIAL WOIlXER II Ite. 140 PAY ADJUSTMENT or 51 GRANTED TO WITNESS MAlfAGEMDlT COORDINATOR, JO AJnlI BEAIRD Page 23 aooe 082 'Ar.r 484 ;";:}:i~,~¡:f;;:~t~~:~iíri,,I>r ': .,..- ,: . er-,'rP"'{~4~' 'J~ í'::1",*.¡p~..;~:~, '''-f;¥ . , ";~",·r~:~:;,"~;,L: " . .' ,.." ' ~., . , i .... "'. ..''"'-----""'''''', ~.."..,'.._"'~.>,,-~....."'~~_.-..........,---"- 100( 082 mt ~85 July 24, 19B4 Ite. 1-41 COIIITRACTUAL AGtu:EKDTS POR THREE LIBRARY SERVICES AND CONSTRUCTION AC'!' PROGRAM GJWrrS See pagel ¥ f7'" ¥-'?ð Ite. 142 PETITIO. TR-B3-3C, STEPH~ , JIANETTE BELLMAN, RE 3 MONTH EXTENSION TO . ,~TEKPORARY RESIDENCE PERMIT, (N. ISO' TR. 117, UNIT 195, G. O. ESTATES) Ite..43 .' PETITION TR-B4-HC, MIMOMA MASTANDREA, TO USE TRAWL TRAILER ON SOVTB lBO', TRAC'r 7, UNIT 32 GOLD~ GATE ESTATES It.. 144 COli1TMCT WITH SOVTRWEST FLORIDA REaIONAL PLAN1i1INa COUNCIL POR PERFORMANCE OF A HAZARDOUS W~STE MANAGEMENT PROGRAM FOR COLLIER COUNTY' See pagu LJ-9/ - ~Plt Ite. '45 EXCAVATION PERMIT NO. 59.196--LIFE CARE COMMUNITIES or AMERICA, INC./- -BENTLEY VILLAGE-, SEC. 9, T4BS, R25E, ZAST SIDE or VANDIRBIL~ DRIVE It.. 146 MISCELLANEOUS CORRESPOI!tDENCE - FILED AND/OR REFERRED There being no objection, the Chair directed that the following item. be filed and/or referred as follows I I. Monthly Activity Reports I Filed. A. Purchasing Dept., June 19B4 B. Public Work. Divi.ion, Juno 1984 2. Notification of ^prlication dated 6/29/84, from DER for project being processed for Marco ~iver Marina, Inc. File No. 110874995. XCI Dr. Benedict, filed. 3. Notification of Application dated 7/5/84, for DER for project being proce..ed for Everglades City Club, File No. 110B8030S. XCI Dr. Benedict, filed. 4. Letter from William J. Reagan, dated 7/3/84, tran.mitting Audit Report for FHA Truat Fund Grant for period of ~pril 18, 1983 to April 17, 1984 for Farmworker Housing Aasiatance. Filed. 5. COpy of Immokal.e Volunteer Fire Department Spe~ial Taxing Di.trict, Propo.ed Budgot for FY '84-BS. XCI Mr. Gilea, Fi led . paqe 24 - E:I I, ..'",,,:".] f ~ ~~,I:,'fhl .-,,', ," ....-. "" _..,~,._,:.:_~-:.~,. :' _ :~-:~""J'":ì:;~\>r~r>~~~':\~~'),~, "~" -:"'I~:~'}, .-;..#, " . í~' q, ,..'" .;'.'. ..-" '''1!'r'';¡I'''\I¡f;~'''' L.;;;::,;í,." :,'~î;":;¿': '., ,i~~':' '~:;,,'~S'i';:~~:;:~'i'~r' ':flo', ' _.._,"".~..._.__."",__.;_~".,...~._.," .,"""""~,~·..>_~,"..."..,,,,~,,.,"...,w·.,·_,~~·,,··~·..·~~~^·..·,·'."_.'__ ~ c.;:;;J ~ July 24, 1984 6. Letter from Leater Freeman, of State Job Training Coordina- ting eouncil, dated 7/9/84, com~ending Collier County for . continued interest and participation a.luring that JTPA will wor~ effectively in Florida. XCI Mr, Norton, Filed. 7. COpy of Golden Gate Community Center Advisory Co~.ittee Minutes, for April 24, Mðy B, and Mðy 29, 19B4. Filed. s. ~Pï of letter from Willia. r, Zuna, Director, ~ivi.ion of Ad Valc;e. Tax, Dept. of Revenue, dated 7/6/84, notifying that the Diviaion reviewed the property Apprai.er'. budget for FY 19B4-B5 and the budget, with tentative changea, has been submitted to the BCC. XCI Mr.'Oile., Filed. 9. Memorandum dated 7/2/84, from Sheriff Aubrey Roger. trana.it- ting copy of quarterly Report of Sheriff's Confiscation Truat Fund - Fi.cal Year 1983-84. Filed. 10. Letter fro. A. W. Addi.on, Deputy Tax Collector, (loti fying that postage used for mailing reminder notice. of 1983 ad valorem taxes i. $7,434.20. XCI Mr. Gile., Filed. II. Letter fro. Harry I. Sharrott, Mðnager, U.S. Dept. of MUD, dated 7/6/84, re Rental Rehabilitation Demonstration progra., Third Round, FY 1984, submitting Memorandum of Understanding. XCI M.. Williamson, Filed, . . . There being no further busine.. to come before the Board, the .eeting was adjourned by Order of the Chair - Timel 1110S A.M. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS/EX OFFICIO GOVERNING nOARD(S) OF ~L DISTRICTS UNDER ITS ~L ",VI~~~ ATTEST I WIL~~~uJ. REAGAN, CLERK , , 1./ .. " r t - ,"'.r-;)f>_ . ~'>~~ac. ~,;:'.~,~,~, -ídn~~e~ approved on ~.:? It" Y a~..nt~r '41 ~y~,~ as corrected. ~. ~.';¡. , "I .~. me 082mr486 Page 25