BCC Minutes 07/26/1984 S Ga. ¡:;:¡;;J "'7m:'\ ~ Naples, Florida, July 26, 1994 - - LET IT BE REMEMBERED, that in accordance with action taken on July 24, 1984, the Board of COunty Commissioners in and for the COunty of Collier and allo acting as the Board of Zoning Appeals an1 as the governing board(s) of such special districts a. have been created according to law and having conducted business herein, .et in speoial Session at ;1,30 A.M. in Building "r" of the COurthouse COmplex in East Naples, Flol.da, with the following me~bers present. CH^I~~AN. David C. Brown VICE CHAIRMAN. C. C. "Red" Holland John A. Pistor Frederick J. Voss Mary-Frances Kruse ALSO PRESENT. Ja~es c. ailes, Filcal Officer, Elinor M. Skinner, Deputy Clerk, [~nald Lusk, County Manager and Peputy Chief Raymond Barnett, Sheriff's Department. AGENDA - T~ntative Millage Resolution for Fiscal Year 1984-85 Filcal Officer Giles explained the purpose of this meeting is to adopt the propoled millage relative to the 1984-85 Collier COunty budget. Hð referred to Resolution 84-147 to advise the Property Apprailer of the proposed millage rat~s and rolled-back rates that have been p~ojected as shown in detail on his report for the ~nnual Fiscal Year 1984-85 for Collier COunty. Mr. Giles la id that. the resol ut ion a lso set II t.wo publi c hearings to review the propoled budget, one on September 5 and the last one on September 18, 1984. After a discussion, the decision was ~ade that both the hearings would be held at 7130 P.M. AESOLUTION e4-147 RE PROPOSED MILLAGE RATE - hDOPTED Co..iesioner Holland moved, seconded by Comaissioner Voss and carried unanimously, that Resolution e4-147 advising the Property Apprailer of the proposed el millage rate increase and e.tab11shing public hearings for September 5 and September le, 1ge4, at 7130 P.M. in the Courthouse Complex be adopted. m~ 082 me 500 Page 1 '-''''''~"''",.__.'.."-,-,,.,,,,,,,,....,",'''.,,, ~"."'."~""'''''-'--''-''''''.,''''~'' ""'.'''''''.'"''''.~'''"'''''- ~ iiii1 ~ '~J: , ~(f ii' '.~'.;J:~!': .¡'./.', ,,~~~.~ .}''.í. '-'.:':.'~~..";: t.. .-".;.' ':,'.. ,",,:~h" .r. There bein9 no further budne.., the Special Se..ion was .djOU~ned'.'.;~.'a~ .pt~ by Order of the OIair - Time 11.40 I\.M.':':;: ":i, BOARD OP COUNTY COMMISSIONERS I ~F'" BOARD OF ZONINa APPEJ\LS/EX ~i OFFICIO GOVERNING ROARD(S) OF SPECIAL DISTRICTS UNDER ITS C~1'ROL , ~ Ll~.J D . , CHA~ July 26, 1994 . ,,, U {,IJ " A1'tJ:STI t,/ ..wu:'µ~.H 3. ,R6.<3AN, CLERK ::;':' / ..". ~ ~!...,/. .:.. :1Þ~ /1C ''7'~ ~'!I(' ,J ----z;r-'/ .,ó./, . ''':;'~'\i''''';'.: _ppwv.. on >'~. Z /?'/"?" 1111 prellonteci ~ or AI corrected 'OO( 082 r~ce 506 Page """'"''''''''_'~_~'''>''''''_M'_''<_____'''''"'''''''_''''' .-,.-- ._.","--...-,~-,_.._.~,---