BCC Minutes 11/06/1984 R ~ C._..l :-=1 Naples, Flo~ida,.Nov.mber 6, 1984 CHAIRMANI David C. Brown VICE CHAIRMANI C. C. -Red- Holland John A. Piltor Fred.rick J. Vo.. Mary-Frances Kruse LET IT BE REMEMBERED, that th~ Board of County Commissloners in and for the County of Col1i.r, and also actlng as the Board of Zoning Appeals and as the gov.rning board(.) of such .p.cia1 districts a. have been cr.at.d according to law and having conduct.d busin.ss h.r.in, ..t on this date at 9:00 A.M. in R.,.llr I...lon in Building ·F· of the Courthouse Complex, East Naples, Florida, with the following members presllntl ALSO PRESENTI William J. Reagan, Clork, James C. Gi1.s, Fiscal Offic.r, Elinor M. Skinn.r and Maur..n Kenyon, (1130 P.M.) Deputy Clerks I Burt L. Saunders, County Attorn'YI Donald B. Lusk, County Manager, Neil Dorril1, Assistant County Manager, Kenneth Cuy1.r, ABsistant County Attorney, To~ Kuck, Public Works Admlniltratorl Donald Norton, Public Services Adminlstratorl Terry Virta, Community D.velopment Admlnlltrator; Lee Layne, Zoning Director; Ann'Ober, Planner; Grace Underwood, Admlnløtratlve Aide to the Board; and ~puty Chief Raymond Barnett, Sheriff's Depart~ent. eoO( 084 w.\" 92 '~IW ~M''''~'''''' L.... ,......;.,."",.~,~.",..,,""'^--.,-"'-"",,..,"_..."'-~'-.- Pag. 1 ...,~,,'''''., """"*,,,,,_,.~,.',".,,",.,,,~·.".""'·~7'''''·>· ....,~__,.____'~,,_____ r~·, ... r.....w,¡ ¡.~ ......1 November 6, 1984 ACENDA - APPROVED AI AMENDED e~iaaion.r .iator ~v.d. aecond.d by Co..i.al.~r KruI. and carried unani~u.ly. that the ag.nda be approved with the following a..nd_rata. A. 5C - Employ.. of the Month Award to Donna Perkin. - Added by . County Manager Lu.k. B. 98(2) - ^ddendu~ to the Marco and Yahl Broth.r. Solid Wa.t. Collection Franchi.~. - Added by County Manager Lusk. C. 9C(6) - Application for Forestry Crant to Ochopp.e Fire Control Di.trlct - Added by County Manager Lusk. D. 6B(1) - P.tition R-B4-13C, Michael J. Volpe - Continu.d to 11/13/84, at Petitioner'. requ..t. E. 6C(4 - Preli~inary assessment for the County Regional Water DI.tribution Sy.tem - Wl!lter .....es.ment DI.trict No.1 - Withdrawn to b. readvertlsed at requ..t of County Manager Lu.k. F. 128 - Request for recon.ideration of PetItion R-84-31C - Added at request of Com.issioner Vos.. G. 12C - Discus.ion re Seawall Ordinance for Karco I.1and - Added by Commls.i~n.r Pi.tor. H. 16D(1) - County Holiday rolicy - Removed from Consent Agenda and added a. 9£(2) at reque.t o£ Co..i..ioner Pistor. . I. 10C - Acceptance of alternate .ecurity for subdivision improvements for Royal Pal. Co1f Estates - Added at request of County Attorney Sl!Iunders. J. 12E - !xtra Gain TIme for Inmate No. 33232 - Added at reque.t of ^dø!~i.trative Aide Underwood. MIMUTSI or OCTOIER , AMD 16. 1914 - APrROVID Co.ala.ioaer .i.tor ..ve4r .ec..4e4 by eo..la.ion.r KruI. and darrle4 un.nl~u.1y, that the .1nut.. of the October 9 and 16. 191.. ICe ...tin98 be approved. It.. I J IKPLOTIE SERVICE AVARD ('ERSONNEL) Chairman Brown pre.ented an E.ploy.. Service Award to B.rnard Andrew., Road and Bridge Departm.nt, for 10 year. ..rvic.. mt OR~ w' 9R pag. 2 ....._. --_·__.......~C-~··_·,··~·-- "'- ~,"""., ."_....~_.,~, -.-.."....,..- --",._.'".,~"'"'....- 'OO( 084 rp 99 n.. .. PROCLAM'I'lo. DalaA'I'llICI ·'I'.c....CCllß)·WIlK.. 1:11" WOYIMI."U '·YotTI A".ICIA'I'I~ Will- 1M COLLIIR COU.'I'Y - ADOPTED Nov..b.r 6. 1984 e~I..lo..r "llaad ....d~·.ec.ad.d by·C...l..l....r"l.tor and carried ua.al....1y. ·tbat t~,,'r..l...tloft d..l...tl~.t~...o.ad we.k 1. ..v..ber .. -Youtb Appreciation We.k- In Colli.r County be adopt.d; page 3 ...-......",..... ::=J _..... -.....-- ·-·'1·..· O;¡,...,...........'L- """_''''',"",,,.~_,.,,,,.,.....__,,,__...._'''''''''''''''illiI_"'·'·^''·~· .......u_..".,...--. my. 08~ f)'.! 101 Nov..ber 6. 1984 ..OCLAJV.TIOll DUIGalATIIIa ftl WlIIt or .OVIllaIR 12, 19U, ~ ·CRI"" AGAI.ST OUR C.ILDR~ WIEK· - ^DOPTID eo.aiad....r Pbtor _vod. .0CoMd ity c...lul..or Jtruo .... c.rried unanl....1', t~.t tbo Procl...tion do.i9..tln9·tbe.weo~ of .......r 12, 1.... .1 ·Cra... "ainat Our Chlldro" W..k- be ."pted. :::=:] ::::.1 -".~ ..------.01 A--,-C'" ..-,,,,,--,-~-.._,--~-,",<~""'.~..""'."',_,,~----... ,,'-- -,"._,,,,.,,..~'.,,,"..~,., ,,~ Page 4 ,w O~··103 It.. " IMPLOYII 0' TII ~ AWARD rOR .OV&KIIR 'RI.r.TID TO DOWWA 'E.~I.' Nove~b.r 6, 1984 Chai rman Brown pr.s.nted the Employ.. of the Month "'ward for Nov.mber, 19B( to Donna P~rkins, Legal S.cretary to the County Attorney's Offlc., and congratulated h.r~ n... 17 'ETITIo. R-'4-1)c, "ICaAIL ~~ VOL' I - eOWTIMUED TO 11/1]/14 e...l..l...r Kr~. .....r·...ond~ br· e...l..1oaer Bolland and carrl.d unani~ua1y, tbat Petltl.. R-I4-l)c, Mlcba.l J; Vol,.; be cOAtinue. to 11/13/.4; (As r.qu.st.d by p.tltlon.r) 'ITITIo. R-'4-lJC, C~TAL·a.oI.'IRIIQ, .I'R&8IMTI~·~OSIPH~.oMM188 AXD DUDLU aOODUTTl, AI ..IOIfUoa 'ROft· A-2' '1'0 PVD K-NO.fth\& ,r.oc.'LOVU"·- DClIID, MOTION TO RICO.IIDIR Till 'ITITIo. - A.'''OVlD Le9al notice having been pub1ish.d In the N!!Ip1es Daily News on S.pt.~b.r 21, 198(, as evidenced by "'ffidavIt of Publication filed with the Clerk, public hearlnq was opened to consider Petition R-'4-19C, filed by Coastal £nqlneering repr.sentinq Joseph Bonness and Dud1.y Goodl.tt., r.qu.stinq rezcnlng fro~ A-2 to PUD for property known as Loch Louis. located east of Klnqs Lake in Section 7, T50S, R26E. Planner Ob.r .xplained that this petition is to dev.lop (00 mu1ti-faally, villa and townhouse unlta around the .xlstlnq 34 ~cre lake. She said that all County agencI.s revlew.d the petition and had no obj.ction to its !!Ipproval .ubject to amendment of the PUD docun.nt p.r Staff r'port dat.d 9/13/84. She said that Staff had signIficant probl.ms with the type. of us.s and int.nsity of thea. uses as outlin.d in the afor.mentioned Staff r.port. She said the Petitioner sub~ltt.d a r.vi..d PUD document and site plan which creat.d sev.ra1 new conc.rns with Parc.l -AW becoalng an out parc.l beinq the most important. She aaid that the r.vised PUD doc~ent did not addr... the major original concern of the Staff. She said prior to the CAPC pUblic hearing 01) 10/18/84, the Petitioner !!Igr.ed to all of Staff's r.commendatlons .xc~pt d,creaslng the Intensity of uses propos.d for thi. prop.rty. She s!!lid the 10/15/B( Staff report recommended II subatantia1 d.crease In units to .ek. this proj.ct compatlb1. with the adjacent projecta IInd that this decrease has not been included in the revised PUD. Ms. Ob.r explained that the proj.ct Is lialt.d in buIldable lllnd ar.a with a 34 !!Icre lake and 13 acre. In a rp,~ eas.ment. She said paq. 5 """""""~'1 r--1 ""'''L .-_.."'"....~~,,...,-,.. '..",' ---"'.,.,..,_.- ~ ~ ~ Hovemb.r 6, 1984 that typically 1S' of the total land ar.a is used for water manage~.nt and approximat.ly 1~\-15' for roads and utillti.s ....m.nts, 1.aving 70' to 75\ build!!lbl. 1.nd .r.., how.v.r, in this d.v.lopm.nt, approxi- mately 3B\ of the grou acres is buildable, with 62' being uS,.d ,foç' . roads, utiliti.s, water m!!lnag..ent, 1ak. and 7faL easem.nt, almost twic. the amount th!!lt ie typical of DO.t d.ve10pmenta. She eaid that the gross d.n.ity is approximat.ly the same a. aurrounding dev.lop- ..nts, how.ver the intensity of use in this proj.ct is almost twice that of the eurrounding developed areas. She said the net density for Kinga Lake is 6.3 units per acr. and for Loch Louis. it is approxi- .ate1y 13 units p.r acr.. "s. Ob.r s.ld the Petitlon.r requ..ted th!!lt St!!lff recommend the total number of units for this petition which, though not usually don., Staff did b.caua. of the controv.ray in this caae. She said Staff r.commend.d that the parc.l th!!lt had origln!!llly been an out parc.1 have 223 unite. She e!!lld the CAPC held th.ir public h.aring on 10/18/B4, and r.co~mended by !!I 4/3 vote to forw!!Ird this petition to the Board for approval, subj.ct to amendment of the PUD document per Staff report of 10/1S/B4, with 211 units plus 12 units for the out parcel now incorporat.d In the PUD. She e!!lld on. person from King. Lake and on. fro. Rivi.r!!l Coif Estat.s spoke expresalnq conc.rn with the int.nsity of us. as vel 1 as the poaslbl. future connection to Riviera Co1f Estatea. She said th!!lt the PetLtloner h4e not agreed to 223 units and tl:l. .revlsed PUD does not Include the CAPC's recontmendatlon. She said Staff recom~.nd. denl!!ll of thla p.tltlon unless the Petitioner agrees to revise the PUD document In accord!!lnce wlth CAPC's recommendation. Community Dev.lopment Adminlattator Virta dlatribut.d a spreed sheet comp!!lring densities of surrounding developments with Loch Louise. H. said th.t gen.rally projects ar. d.a1t with in ter.e of gross d.nslty and thle proposal is in lln. with the gross d.nsity of Dost of the projects in the vicinity. H. sAid that n.t density is a ..cond w!!lY of looking at A project from the standpoint of how this proj.ct fits into the fabric of the overall area: H. aaid this prop.rty is unique due to the 110' FP'L .alement which Makes it unusable as part of the project and the 34 !!Icre l!!lke which Is not b.lnq exc.vated for ret.ntion purpos.s And on-sit. flll and is also unusAble. H. referr.d to the third Iln. of the spr.ad sh.et pointing out th~t the tot.l r.aidential net d.nslty for Loch Louis. Is 12.35 units p.r acre compar.d to 6.29 unite for King. Lake, 8.45 unite for Foxfir., 5.99 for Lago V.rd., and ~N'I( ~'11ot Page 6 --.. _...-.~.--"",~-"""""",~ ,...~.,~C-..~ ----,".1'· -_..._,_..--...._'..-...,'...~.. . '011< 084 t1!~ H~ November 6, 1984 4.B9 for Riviera PUD. He .ald that Staff became concerned about the Intensity of u.. on the aVAilable land within the site for Petition R-B4-19C .nd that i. the reason net den.ity has been con.idered. H. .aid that there i. .0 little land r.malning on the .ite to d.velop that the int.n.ity of the development i. magnified. R.sponding to Commls.ion.r PI.tor, Hr Virta .a....nt. have to b. k.pt clear .0 that vehicl.. ..intain the t.n.iQn lines. R..pondlng to Comml.sioner Vo.., Public Work. Admini.trator Kuck laid th.r. i. no d.pth limit to the excavation p.rmit for this proj.ct .inc. it i. an old per.lt I.au.d b.for. .tipulation. were put on .xcavation p.r.lt.. Hr. Joa.ph Bonne.., on. of the prop.rty own.r., .aid that, pr.s.ntly, the excavation i. 54 f.et d.ep. He said that monthly t.st. of the water are b.ing aad. to ae. if there i. any indication of chlorides Incr.a.inq and that pur. drinking w!!It.r i. b.inq found in the bottom of the lake. H. said with the PUD the lake will b. shaped and no further digging will take plac.. Co..lssioner Vo.. asked if the Petitioners would ~k. .0.. provision to prevent contamination of the l!!lk. by the surrounding d.velopm.nt to which Hr. Bonnes. responded h. i. also Chairman of the Wat.r Management Ad~isory Board and, when thl. project was submltt.d to that Bo!!lrd, It wa. carefully analyz.d .0 that the lake would not b. pol1ut.d. Hr. Mik. St.phen, of Coastal Engineering Consult.nts, explained that part of the over!!lll water management plan W!!I. negotiated with the County Engineering Døp!!lrtment, which Includ.s a tr!!lnsmlssion conduit for off-.it. draln!!lg. that run. fro. the north .nd of the property, .outh along the pow.r line easement to di.charqe into the Lely Canal which lie. along the .outh corner of the property. He said that water wa. intentionally rout.d away from the 1ak. to eliminate or pr.vent any off-.ite aat.rlal. fro~ qetting into the 1ak.. H. said In the proj.èt the drainage would be direct.d away fro~ the lake into a .erie. of .crubber .w!!ll.s to ultimately return to the lake after It i. tr.at.d in the sW!!Ile .ystem. H. aald the w!!lter will b. treated by natural deten- tion and mov.ment through the grass swale system. He described the wat.r quality monitoring which has been on-going for the past .ix year. of the groundwatvr In and around the quarry, which include. a series of wells that run to the west aW!!lY fro. the quarry and a remote monitoring ,",11 at the corner of County Barn Road and Davi. Boul.vard. . H. .aid no .!!Iid that typically can travers. it to Page 7 , .""""",',, ",,'.' ~ n.:=J "--' L r, ......, ~ --¡ November 6, 19B4 introduction of chlorides into the area has occurred and the water quality is stable with the groundwater ~ovem.nt genera~ly north to south. Respondlnq to Commissioner VOIS, Mr. Stephen said If chlorides were found in the water the pumping would be reduced. H. .xplained the wat.r lur!ace currently is artificially lowered due to the op.ratlon of the quar:y !!Ind once that operation ceases the !r.~hwlter head will rise and per~anent1y preclude the upward mov.m.nt of chlorides. Attorney Dud1.y Goodlett., on. of the petltion.rs, referred to the owner.hip of this prop.rty and assured the COllmislioners that the own.rs are' only hll fa~lly, throuqh his father's 'Itlt., and Mr. Bonne.s' falllly. Mr. Goodlette s!!Ild that the petitioners hAve never a.k.d for 6 units per acre or for hIgh-rise unit. to be pl!!lced on the property. He said the plan for the development Is consistent with the neighboring co..unlty and the questions are merely related to Intensity of uøe. H. di.aqreed with Mr. Virta with reg!!lrd to the power .ase.ent, st!!ltlng that it is usabl.. He slid the ea.ement will b. landscaped And buffered and acce.s will be provided for FP'~. He .!!Iid th!!lt the Petitioners own the e!!lsement. He s!!lld that the hke is usable .s an open recre!!ltlon facility. He described the Intent to use part of the lake for veneti!!ln-typ. unlts,whereln the w!!lter will be under the unit. H. said ~hAt the lake ~hould be considered an asset and that the P.titioners should not be penalized for the lake. Reøpondlng to Co..issioner Brown, Mr. Goodlette .ald that the lake is not tid!!ll. Com~issioner Voss polntld out there is only one road going Into the project and h, expressed hi. concern in the event there il an accident on that road 4nd if e.erqency v.hlcles need to get Into the area they would not be able to do so. Ms. Ober said that Staf~ request.d that the roads be mad. public and, at a future time when the area to the .ast develop., that the Petitioners allow a connection betwe.n the east.rn .dge of tt,is property and the next dev.lopment. Hr. Steph.n said that the utility .as.ment is 110' wide and presently has an .xisting roadway that is followed by the FP,L Maintenance vehicles and that could b. used for em.rgency acc.... Responding to COllmis.ioner Voss, Hr. St.phen said the current cap rock shelf of the lake i, It elevation zero and that would be the to. of slop.. H. eaid when the petition is approved the Petitioners would ~~ðl O~,·'1œ Page 8 - _..... ". ". -""'~'. .,",~ .'.' c-··~·__·__··" - -,,.....-...,~,.,,,..,-_..._'.-~.,.__.-._~.,-"-- too( 084 f',' un November 6, 1984 , ., .tart to grade back froa that at the slope. r.qulred by the County Excavation Ordlnanc.. Co..lls10n.r Voss requelt.d a stipu1.tion .1iminating gasolln. .otor. on boats on the lake and Mr. St.phen agre.d. R'lpondlng to Comalslioner Voss, Mr. St.phen indicated the location of the proposed weir structure on the a.rial photograph. Co..i..loner Ioll.ft4 ....d, ..o....d~ Coeai..lon.r Ir... .nd carried lananl~.aly, th.t the p8bUc bearht be c1'-'¿;.,. Co_l..lon.r 'fo.. ....4, ..00...4 ~ Co..I.....~r....U."d, that Petltlon .-I~-ltC be appro..4 an4 the ~tlon f.ll.d wlth the followln, r.U c.ll .ot.. C...1a.l.lMr c...S..ion.r Co..i..1OHr c...1a....A.r eo..i.. i ODe r 'foU 1Io1hn4 . 'iltor Ir... IroV'D llye Aye '.0 Aye .0 ~ Comalslioner Krule elked Mr. Goodlett. if the petltioners had aad. any atte.pt to co.promlle bet~en Staff recoaaendation. and what the petition alked, and Mr. Coodlette said that they have had discussions with Staff In this regard, however, Staff val Iteadfalt in th.ir posltion. He lald that it Is not financially feasible to develop the property based upon the number of units Staff has r.commended. K. said 330 unite are necellary to be developed. C...i..loner Kru.. .....,...000444 ~ eo..l..loAor 1011and, that Petltloa R-I.-19C be .ppr.... wltb a ...1... of )30 unlts; County Attorney s!!Iunderl,said that there may b. a problem with proc.dure with regard to this motlon sinc. the public h.aring has been c10led and the petition was denied. He .aid that the motion atte.pting a compromlse is, In effect, a new petltlon. He sugg.sted that if the cOLpromlse can be r.ached that the p.tltioner be required to bring the petition b!!lck for a public hearlng for a vot.. Mr. Goodl.tte said this is a cumbersome process and a new public hearing 11 expensive and time consuming. Mr. Saunders s!!lid there is a Special Act of the Florida Leglllature that sets up the procels to follow In th.se Instances that r.quires a public h.aring before zoning can b. changed. Commissioner Krus. said, on num.rous occasions, the Coamis.ioners hav. ~ad. compromisel luch as limiting building height.. .Mr. Saunders uid that the Board has reduced denslty or chang.d a deve10ptllent plan but those ca.es have been prior to the closing of the public hearing pa9' 9 '".........,........, - .... ...-..J "'"""'--~""".."'-""'".."",,....... .._,,~.....,'~""....'''---_...-.".,"''---- it m :-:1 Noveab.r 6, 1984 and the voting on the p.tition. Commi.sioner Holland said that the Commil.ion is still in s'.lion and .veryon. is still present and he could not se. why thl welks of Staff toil cannot bl Iscaped by voting on the motion. ---..clSa, ,.51 A.". RlCo.vI.ID. 11.05 A:";--- Co..l..loner Kru.. withdrew h.r ..ttaR; Co.-t..leatr Irawn ..ved, ..cond.d by Co..l..lon.r .1.tor, tbat ..tltlon a-..-19C be reconald.te4; County Manager Lusk said that one parson ha. askld to speak on thls petition. Mr. S!!Iunders said that although the public hearing has bien closed it Is thl Board's decision whether thl person will be hea rd. Mr. Goodlette said that it was his opinion that the Board can recon.id.r the prior motion without reopening the public hearing and can take another .vot.. Mr. Lusk luqgested th!!lt thl person be allowed to speak in order for the public to b. heard from on the lower density matter. Upon call for the qy..tlon, the ..tion carrled ...nl..ualy; Hr. Saunders referred to Sections 2-31 and 2-32 in the Code which refers to reconsideration and Itðteõ that under Section 2-31 the Board ~uld have to h!!lvI !!Ipproval of all the !!Ippro~riat. Boards and Agencl.s in order to reconsid.r . petition, which has not or.curred in this cal.. He said Section 2-31 provide. for a matter to bl reconsid.red if a motion is mad. to r.conlider by a ~ember who voted with the majority if such motion is ..dl prior to the adjournm.nt of the ..ating, which has happ.ned. He laid the Section Sits forth the procedure for hlaring the reconsideration, following approval of the motion to recon.id.r, of the County MI!Inager placing thl ite. on the aglnda for the slcond regular .e.ting following the .eeting at which the motion was adoptod. Hr. Holland asked, if the Board cannot take action after the vote is taken, how can the public hearing be r.open.d. for public comment? Hr. Saunders said that was the problem and it was his opinion the Public hearing could not be reop.n.d. During the .nsulng dlscuIsion, Hr. Saunders said, by voting to r.consid.r the petition prior to the meeting b.ing adjourned, the Com.islionlrs waive tim. requirements luch as any waitin~ period the Petitioner would have to wait to bring back the p.ti tlon. Tape 13 ;~ 084N~ 108 . Co..l.aioner Irown ....4, ..cond.d by Co..l..1on.r 8011and~ tbat I. ...t,.., ."1'-- c- ------- Page 10 'OO( OB4,.p100 Nov.mber 6, 19B4 tb. ".rd recoft.lder Petition R-14-ltC for appro.al .Ad acc.pt 330 ~"lt.. Tb. ~tlon lal1ed wltb the roll call .oto .. follow.. C~la.l.n.r .rown Y.~ Co..l..loner Rolland Yel Co..ls.10ner 'lstor- Mo· Co..i.alon.r Yo.s No Co..i..loner Jru.e lei COIIIIIIIslioner¡, Vou and PIstor said they had to follow Mr. S!!Iunders advice and vote aqainlt the Motion. Durinq the followlnq discussion, Mr. Goodl.tt. asked that the p.tition be brought back as quickly as possible and Mr. Saunders said that when the Board votes to reconsider a petition the Commissioners ~.lve the time periodl. Co..i..ioner Yo.s ~Yed, ..con4.d by Co..l.aloner ,lator and carrl.d 4/1, C~l..i.ner .rown oppos.d, that P.tltlon R-14-1tC be reconaidered. OItDIIlAllCI U-Il RI'nTITIOII R-U-J2C,r\Aa1 .'1HIAIßI0II, "''''ISDTIIKi RoaUT MOIULIaU, UOUUTIIIO RlIOWUIO' PIlOft'''-2TO PUD POR PROPlRTY' DOW1I AS LAGO veRDI - ADOPTID SUaJlCT TO STIPULATlOIfS Legal notice havinq been published In the Naples Daily News on S.ptelllber 21, 19B4, as evidenced by Affid!!lvlt of Publication fi10d with the Clerk, pUblic hearlnq w!!Ia opened to conlider Petition R-B4-32C, flIed by Aqnoli, Ass!!lad, BArber, Brundage and Shannon, repre.enting Rob.rt Mor.lls.e, requesti~9 r.zoning fro. 1.-2 to PUD for property known as Laqo Verde located betlteen Klnqs Laklt and LIly Villas in S.ction IB, T50S, R26£, 121.6 !!Icres. Plann.r Ober s!!lid the objective of thil petition is to develop 44 single falllily units and 442 multl-faAily units at a gross density of 4 units per acre. She stated that St!!lff and all County agencies revl'ewed this petition and recommended approval subject to amendment of the PUD document per Staff r.port dated 10/11/B4. She laid that the CAPe held their public hearing 10/IB/84 and unanimously r.commended forwarding this petition to the Board of County CO~lIIission.rs for approval subject to Staff stipulations and that the petitioner work with the Uti1itles Departm.nt to r.ach a lIIutually satisfyinq agr...ent, lncreas. the .inimua floor area of the sinqle-f..ily hom'l to 1,500 square feet and incr.ale the mini~ulII floor area of the ØIu1ti-fallli1y ho.es to BOO 'quare ... fe.t. She said two letters of objection were recelv.d. She said ona petition wal rec.ived from Kings Lake proporty owners with 166 si9- Page 11 ,......~ - ._~, -~-'~7"~C "..,,,...,...,,..,,_,,,,.._..__",,,,~.,,,,,,,,,_,..,,,~,_o., ~ rl ~ Nov.mb.r 6, 19B4 natur.. obj.ctlng b.cau.. of incr.a..d traffic through King. Lak. and the ..all.r .ini.um .qu!!Ir. footage of the unit. and on. p.tition wa. r.c.lv.d from Sh.nandoah t.tate., Lily Villa. I and II, Rivi.ra Golf 1.tate., King. Lak., Lak.wood and Lak. Cha.pagn. wlth 277 signatur.s objectlng b.caus. of Incr.a..d traffic flow, drainage .y.t.m cannot acco..odat. added drainage and the .ewer .y.tem cannot handle the additional unit.. She .ald 11 people ~pok. oppo.ing the proj.ct for the sa.. r.a.ons. Ka. Ob.r .!!Iid that the petitioner ha. work.d with the Uti1iti.. Departa.nt, and has agr..d to the .tipulation. of th!!lt d.partment with on. v.rlation and the Utiliti.. Depart..nt has s.nt a m.mo to h.r .aying th.y have no obj.ction to thi. p.tition b.ing s.nt to the Board for final approv!!ll and that th.y wIll dr.ft an agr"!I.nt to b. .nt.red into b.tw..n the Water-S.w.r District and L.ly I.tat.., Inc. regarding ..w.r cu.tom.rs for this project which will b. binding on the developer .hould h. proc..d with d.v.lopm.nt of the proj.ct. She .aid Staff r.co...nd. approval subj.ct to the CAPC'. .tlpulatlon. and the r.vi..d Utl1lti.. Divl.ion'. .tlpulatlons contaln.d in the Ex.cutiv. Summary dated 11/1/84. Attorney G.orqe Varnado., repre..ntlng the petltion.r, r.f.rrej to the aerial photograph po.ted and indicated the location of thi. proj.ct .. it relate. to King. La~,., Riviera Golf Estat.s, LIly Golf Villa. and Boca Ci.ga Vlll!!lg.. H~ ~aid that the proj.ct comp1ie. wlth t~e Co.pr.- h.n.lv. Plan and qUIllfl.s for clos. to the .axl.um pointe po..ibl.. K. .ald th~t Mr. Sergio Mont.s and Mr. TOil Taylor, of Ko1., Monte. and A..oclate., who h!!lve been respon.ible for the englne.rinq of the project, Are pr..ent to r..pond to qu..tlon. regarding wat.r .!!Inag...nt. Mr. Varnado. .aid th!!lt the d.veloper. have addr....d the conc.rn. of the n.ighbor. and the County and will dedicate an 80' .trip on the .a.t .id. of the property for the drainage .a.es.nt have agreed to i.prov. a 45' dr.inag. ....m.nt on the north .ide of the prop.rty and will provide access for aaintenanc. of that .a....nt by Collier County. K. .aid the d.v.lop.r. have agre.d to ti. into wat.r 1in.. on the .outh, we.t and north .id.. of the property and have agre.d to.build . 1in. into Rivi.ra Golf Colony when the County obtain. the ....!I.nt. to have b.tt.r water hydrologic. in the .ntire .r.a. H. .aid the d.v.loper. have agreed to provide . 15' land.caped buff.r area on the w..t .Id. .nd th!!lt building h.ight. will b. r..trict.d to two habitebl. .;~ ~ " 110 Page 12 (, 411 J. ...1....... ~,..·,..L--·---· ...," "...~... i I IW 084" t j 11 Novemb.r 6, 1984 floors above parking within 200' of the west.rn bordlr of the property. Mr. wafaa ""Iaad, of Agnoll, Assaad, Barb.r, Brundag. and Shannon rlpr.s.nting the p.tition.r, d.lcrib.ð the alt. plan for this project. He sald that the property is landlock.d. H. laid that this d.velopølnt will b. ti.d into all the Ixisting atre.ts and that a loop Iyst.~ has b..n de.igned which provides a de.irabl. traffic connection but would discourage speeding a~d direct flow of traffic between neighboring properties. H. said that the PUD is totally residential end compli- aents the ~ings Lake d~velop.ent by putting single-family next to it.' a. sald that the lIIul ti-faad ly units are conc.ntrat.d around the cent.r with .ach having lak.tront prop.rty. H. indicat.d the location for part of the water aanage~ent and 1ak. system and said it will act as a buf fa r. Mr. Raymond F.lten, Vice President of Lakewood Clvic ^ssociation, spoke in oPpolltlon to this petition, citing traffic and drainaga prob1.lIs. Commissioner Voss asked It the lilt from the development becom.s a problem vould the developer remove it? Mr. Varnadoe stat.d the silt val taken into I!Iccount when the drainage system was designed and, hop.fully, there will be no silt probl.m, however, the developer vould r.llove it if silt proble~s r.sult. He said that under the rules of the South Florida Water Management District Statutos the develop~r is not allowed to discharge any more water post-construction than Is dil- charged at pre-construction so nothing will b. added to the aria drainage syste~. Responding to Co~mlssioner Voss, Mr. Taylor said that lakes in the cent.r .ectlon are connected to the lakes on the north end of the property and dilcharge, by pipes, will b, to thl 45' drainage .a.ement ~hat will bi dedicated to the County. Mr. George Killer, reprlsenting the Col1i.r County Civic rederl!l- tion, spoke in opposition to the petition #"aUng the project is nót. cOllpatibl. with the houses in Laly Villas b.~.use of thl sellli-highrise units next to it. He requested t~at a stipulation be put in the PUD that multi-family units cl!lnnot be over three Itories above the parking. Mr. Varnadoe said that Mr. ~eller has an outdated document and that the current PUD clearly statea that the maximum height will be no more than three floors above parking. Mr. Msaad. concurred. Responding to Com~issioner Voss, Public Works Administrator ~uck Ixplained that Hawl!lii Boulevard II dedicl!lted to the County but thl Page 13 '".."""...._.~ .----' r:=:) --~C ;~. t ~/~:;. ~".,,'. l ,.'if:' t .~.,¿. , ."~~" ¡ ..')fh. '~~. ! ...~(ii:;~:.: . ,¡....... ¡1;··.··.:j.··~·,.I.... :,'" .,', , . ì· i' ¡:,' ,..........",','. ~~¡ t':1 .. ~ r::l :-:-1 Nove.ber 6, 1984 County ha. not taken over the maintenance of the street due to drainlqe prob1e~s whlch are currently b.lng r..olved. f.,. . 4 Co..la.loD.r ,I.tor ....d, ..~ond.d·~ Co..I..lon.r Vo.. -and carrl.d ~nl_l&.ly, that the pubUCI bearl"1 be 010..4.- Co..l..lon.r ,htor ....d, ..c..414 Ity Co..l..1.~r ..V... and c.rr 1.4 Uftanl~l&aly, ~t t.b4I Or 41 A&DCI4t , .. -a~rtl4· aa.4 ~t.l t.le. below be .dopt.d, .!abject to stlpu1ltlon., Ind ent.red Into Otðlnanc. look Wo. 1'. . ORDIIIA»C I It-II All CltDIJlAllCI AMDDUIQ OADIMAMCI 12-2--fO' COM"'IB...I...' 10InMG-" RIGULATIOItS rOR '1'81 UIIIItCOIt'OftATID 'AJtIA or COLLUl:R COUIfTY, rLORID#. IY AMDDIIfO T8IIOIIIIIO ATLAS "".. ........·50-26-.... IY·-- Cu.GIIIC TlI 10llIIIG CLASSIrICATIOII - or .".. ..·...11.. ·DlSC.II.D AL\L PlWPPn'T FROM -k-I-'f() -PVO- I"LAØI~ WI,. DIftLO......,· -,~~.. .- LAOO nROC LOCATaD '11"nf1DII1IOa - LAn gD lolLY VILLAS I" SICTIOII 11, TOWII8BI' SO - 80n., RAllGI 2' IAII,., AlfD raOVIDU.Q All .,rICTIYI D#.TI. 110 PUlLIC I&ARIIIG RI All ORDIKA»CICRIATIMO-TII CO~~I&R-COUWTY DI,...DCWT 'IU DISTRICT 'OR ALL LAIIDS "OT CURRDTLY III A fI'" DISTRICT -'APPROYlD ., - FOR 1l/20/U Co..la.lon.r Iru.. ..v04. ..con4t14 by.C...I..loaer ¥o.. and cerrl.d unanl~us1y, that a publlc belrlnt r. .n ordinanc. cr..tlnt the Co11l.r County Dependent rlre Dlstrict for all land. not curr.ntly In a fire dl~trlct Þe approvQd for 11/20/14: It.. 111 RISOLUTIO~ 14-204 Itl PITITIOM AV-'4-020, ~IIL I COIILIY, VACATING A PORTIOII O. .IR. STRIIT AlfD ACCIPTIIIQ A UTILITY IASIKI..T - ADOPTID Legal notice having been pub1ish.d in th.- Naples Dally News on October 21 and 28, 1984, as evldenced by Affidavit of publicatlon filed with the Clerk, public hearing was opened to consider Petition AV-B4-020 filed by Daniel E. Conley, Igent for the p.tition.r Lloyd G. Sheehan, requesting vacation of I portion of rern Street, for purpose of the consolidating property. Public Works Administrator Kuck said that wLetters of No Objectlon- hav. been r.ceived from utility companies, provided that the petitioner sets aside certain ea.ements for existing utilities. H. said that the Water Management Advl.ory Board has reviewed the petition and hl!ls requested a 30' drl!linage .ase.ent on the southerly 30' of Lot 14. H. said Staff recom~ends approval of thls vacatlon and acceptance ;nnr tJ8.j.~., 112 Page 14 ... I11III-4. 1. , f_ : I" I I _...._..~."-,-""-""--.""-_. ,- ,.,,- -....,,"'---...- IW 084wf113 of the drainaq. easement describ.d. Co..i..lon.r Kcu.. .....;·..con4.4 ~ Co..i..ion.c Bolland and carri.d unan1~ua1y, ·tb.t tho pabUob.uin.g· be cloled; C...l..loaer Iru.. ..v.d, ..conde4 ~. Co~i..l.n.r 10111n4 an4 cacri.. ..ani..u.ly, tbat R...lutS..·..-20. r. P.tition AY-'.-020 boo a"pt04 .nd tbat tb. .ti1it, ......nt be aoc.pt.d; NoveAlber 6, 1984 Page 15 -~ ----' :::::) 4Il .".\:oI.~'" C·~ ....-...-,...,.,-.,,"'--.. ~ -----' 084<1., 115 112 RISOLUTIOI IC-205 RI PCTITIOI AV-IC-021, AVATAR PROPlRTIIS! IMC.! YACATIIIa " IIDI IASIXUTS 011 LOTI .. AIID 5, BLOCK 73, gOt-DElli ( AU"WIT . ...... 2, 'ART 1 ~ ADOPTID \ Nov.mb.r 6, 1984 L.ga1 notic. havlng b..n publi.h.d in the Nap1.. Daily N.w. on Octob.r 21 and 28, 19~4, as .vid.nc.d by Affidavit of Publication fi1.d with the Cl.rk, public hearlng wa. open.d to con.id~r P.titlon AV-S4-021, fil.d by Avatar Prop.rtl.., Inc. r.que.ting vacation of the 6' .id. .a....nt. on Lot. 4 and 5, Block 73, Colden Cat. Unit 2, P.rt 1 to allow p.tition.r to build acro.s lot 1in... Publlc Work. Ad.inl.trator Kuck .aid that -Lett.r. of No Obj.ctlonW have b..n r.c.iv.d fro~ all pertinent utility compani'l. H. .aid the Water Manaq..ent Advilory Board and Staff r.com..nd approval of this p.tltion. Co..l..ioft.r Krus. ~v..~ ..coRd.. by Co..l..lon.r .1.tor 'and aarrled ~anl~u.ly, tbat tbe publla ~arlnt be·aloft.d. C...l..lofter Kru.. "V", .e.oo4.'·~ Co..l..ioft.r ~e.. and aarrled UAanl~u.ly, that Re.o1utlon IC-205 ro ,.titlon AV-IC-021 be adopt.d. Pl!lge 16 '---. .-.........J '::=J ---...-' '<_._~~~'\'''''.'-' '~-""-"'~ """""-"-"'''''''''''''-'--'' ~ !¡:~¿;{ ,1' ",. ¡ r;~)~', I ",1!, \I;"~ ":,:;(. ~..{,; I;~ ·l~.' , ".",''''" ¡ ~~53V; ¡ ,.,/,.:6, . ~;~' i:~ ~(~,' F1;: ;, lobf 084w.1117 It.. 11:1 ...LIMU_AU UaUIKDIT rOft 'TBlCOWn RIC 1 C)lL\I. WAn" DlS'l'RIIU1'IOM ITaTIM - NATIR ASIISS"EWT DISTRICT MO~ 1 - NITSDRAWV Nove~ber 6, 19B4 Co..laalon.r Vo.. _ved ~ . 0.con4od by c...¡..l.".r,S..tor and carried unanl_lIa1y, ~ba~ ~bo- proUalA1ry_.....-nt.for the County ..,loMl Na~or Þ1atrlbutlon Sy.t..·-..N.t.r·-Aa......nt Dlatrlct Mo; 1 be .S~~raWft and r.adv.rtSaed a. r.qu.at.d by County Mana9.r Luak; It.. 11. RIIOLUTIC* U-2U -a. "'1'1710. ·rDPO-U-Y-UrUI '1'101 <:L..·roa-A YMIAItC& nc-. "I.I"UIe aMI" rLOOD '&LlYATIOIC Ott· PItOPUT'l" DISCIUIID' AS' '71-" COLLnJt COUJtT, LOT 12, lLOCK 331, MARCO lltAC. UIIIT 10 - ADOPTID Legal notice having b.en published In the N~pl.s Daily Newa on Octob.r 21, 19B4, as evidencwd by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, public hearing was opened to consider p.tition FDPO-B4-V-13, fil.d by Ebb Tide Club requeltlng a variance from mini~u. base flood .levation on property described I!IS B7l Collier Court, Lot 32, Block 338, Ml!lrco B.ach Unit 10. Planner McDaniel explained this request is to per.lt the construc- tlon of a pool bath at an elevation of 7' NGVD instead of 13' .s required by the Flood Damage Prevention Ordinance. He said that th¡ owner has stated thl!lt his hardlhip is that he has a conflict betw..n the provilions in Florida Ad~inlstrative Code for handic.pped access to the bath and the requirements for the bath for the public. He said that FEMA hl!ls acknowledged this is grounds for a vl!lriance and it Ihould he granted and Stat! recommends approval. Co..l..ioner Pl.tor ~v.d. ..aoftd.d by Co..i.slon.r Vos. and carrl.d unanl~u.ly. ~ba~-~b. publlc.haarlng-be clo..d.. C...i.a1oner ,iator ~v.d. ·..c.....d by C...I..loner·-Yo.. and clrrl.d unanl~u&ly, that R..olutlon '.-20' r. Petition rDPO-I.-V-13 be adopted. ........ ""r.....~...' <II ::::J ----' ~ ..um~:.1' t:.: ........_ '....r~ pag e 17 'p.. , !¡î .'\\ f';;' .'t~; "!';~t II_~.~: ~_.e... .. ',,' " ~i'···.·".·.· ~. 't, ' ~"'" ----1 - r:-:-: r=1 ~ Novemb.r 6, 1984 u.. US RIaOLUTIOI 1.-201 RI 'ITITIOM V-I.-ltc, MIRRILL GOLDe. rOR A VARIA»CI nOR RIQUIRID PADUla SPACIS FOR OOLDI. TAR. . .UDLI CRAFT - ADOrno, ITAFr.'DIRIC1'ID TO ADDUSII,.DUIA»CI Wile. ADD IT 1 0.. Altl rOR STORAGE waIca WILe. .OT GDIRATI TRAFFIC Legal notlce having being publilhed in the Naples Dally News on OCtob.r 21, 19B4, al evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, public hearing was opened to consider Petition V-84-19C flied by ",rrell Colden requesting a varianc. from the r.quired e parking Ipace~ to 5 spl!lces Cor an addition to the Golden Y.rn , Needle Craft in NoIplel. Zonin9 Dlrector Layne expll!lined that the p.titloner proposes to add 710 squaro Ceet to his business for a storage area and the existing requirements are on~ space for every 250 squl!lre f.et of 9rosl floor are.. She said his exlltlng business would requlre 5 spacel and the addltlon would require 3 addltlonal pl!lrklng apaces. She laid, based on the requirementl of the ordinance thl!lt the Board must røview, Staff mUlt recommend denial of this petition. Commissioner Kruse asked If storage Is expected to generate more custom.rl and MI. l.JIynlt responded negl!ltlvely, however, there is no provision in the ordinance differentil!ltlng between storage and businels area.. Co..ll.10n.r Vo.. ~ved, .econded by·Coai..ion.r Kru.. and carri.d Ul\aAi~u.1y, that tb. public h.ar1nc¡ tw. clu.d.. Co..i..ioner ICrys. ~Yed,.econded by Co..i..lon.r Yo.. and carried unaftl~us1r, tbat .esolution 14-201 r. Pltltlon V-I.-1tC, be adopted. Commissioner parking ordinance .rate traffic and Kruse sU9gested thl!lt Stl!lff b. directed to when additlonl are for storage which will Chalrml!ln Brown directed Stl!lff to do so. address the not gen- ~ ~(\Ot QMt". fIa> Page 18 V"'~"'>1I""""'''''-?-''''.' L ''-''".''''''''.~'. ....._,.....,."'"""="'," ~.'v,,'___,..___·__ r_....-_..""'"......_.....·..,......."'.."·,."""',,.""'_. ,."c'>._.,,,,.-=,,~,,__,,.,,,,,,,... ~~ 084'~:'1ZJ It.. 116 RIaOLUTIOI 14-201 RI-'rTITIOI Y·I.-20C,· KARI'8IIrCOTT, 'rOR'AYARI~CI ReM "UIl",," LOT AIlaA RlQUU....IWT--TO·ALLON A DUP1.IX· OM LOT 3f, lLOCI 4¡ MARCO IIGRLAMDS OM SIXTH AVCWUI - ADOPTED November 6, 1984 Legal notic. havln9 been publIshed in the Naples Daily Newlon Octob.r 21, 1984, as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication fi1.d with the C1.rk, public h.aring was opened to con.ider PetitIon V-B4-20C, filed by Mark Heifgott requesting a variance from the ~inimu~ lot area requirement of 13,000 squl!lre feet for a non-conforming lot to 9,000 square fe.t to allow a duplex on Lot 39, Block 4, Marco Highlands on SIxth Avenue. ZonIng Director Layne explain.d there are leven .xiltin9 dup1.x.. on Sixth Avenue, one sIngl. fa.l1y houle and .1.v.n vacant lots. She saId that based on the requirements of the ordinanc. Staff must reco..end d.nia1 of thla p.tltion. Mr. Paul Taddeo, repr.senting the petitioner, said that the prop.rty is in the c.ntral part of Marco Island that was p1att.d In the 1960's. H. said in. the original marketln9, sit.s along SIxth Avenue vere designated for duplex conltruction. H. said on Marco Island there are 9,000 condominlu.s, approximately 9,000 homesitel, and of ov.r lB,OOO dwelling units which cl!ln b. built, there ar. only 13 duplex.s. H. laid a dupl.x il the mOlt 10gicI!I1 u.e of the property. Coaal.slon.r ~ru.e ~ve4, a~.nd.d by Co..l..lon.r 1011and and carrl.d unanl~u.1y, that the pub1lc·h.arln9 be cloa.d; C...l.lloft.r aollaA4 ao.-4, ..c0A444.by CoaaL..Loner Pl.tor and carrl.d unanl~ua1y, tbat R..o1utlon 14-201 r. ..tltlon V-14-2OC be adopt.d. Pag e 19 -- :=J r....._..,~" ._~"--,,..,..~.,._.,............, L .. ,.",_......__..-,....".."'"..,.,._,_...,_,,^..,..o .-...._,~.'........_-,._.._,~~.._- ~ Cl ~ Nov.mber 6, 1984 It.. 117 RISOLUTIOM It-2o' RI PITITIOM V-14-21C, aoal 'AC~IMG CO., rOR A YARIAMCI FROM "I.IK~ 5 ACRI RIOUIR~IMT POR A PUD TO 2-1/2 ACRI~ POR PROPIRTY LOCATIO OM GAYIR NAY 1M OLD ~CO - ADO~ID L.g11 notic. hiving be.n publish.d 1n the Nlples Daily N.wI on Octob.r 21, 19at, .1 .videnc.d by Affidavit of Publication fi1.d w1th the Cl.rk, public hear1nq was op.n.d to consld.r p.t1tion V-84-21C, fil.d by Ros, Packing Co~pl!lny r.qu.stlnq a varianc. from minimum 5 Icr. r.quirem.nt for a PUD to 2-1/2 acres for prop.rty located on Gayer Way in Old M.!irço. Zoninq Director Ll!lyne sl!Iid approval of this petition would allow the p_tition.r to b. I!Ibl. to I!Ipply for a PUD. She said the .xisting zoning is RMF-6 and baled on the requirem.nts of the ordinanc. Staff .u.t reco.m.nd d.nlal of the p.titlon. She laid I.vorll lett.rs have b..n rec.lved from resldentl In the ar.a objecting to the pet1tion b.caus. of the Increas. In density. R.sponding to Commlslloner Kruse, Ma. Layne laid thlt Staff his .xplain.d to the people who hl!lv, objected that granting this varianc. do.s not automatically grant the rezoning to allow the 40 units the p.t1tion.r 11 proposing. Th. following persons lpok. In opposition to this petition, citing Increal.d traffic and denllty, and not be1ng compatibl. with s1ngl. fAIDIly hom.s: Mr. Herb Savage, who wl!lrn.d I!Igalnst down-grading the area. Mrs. Catherln. Mitchell, who gl!lv, the Commissioners a copy of a map of the ar.a. (Exhibit 11) Mr. JI. Cusick Ms. WI!Inda L. H.ndrickl Dr. No rm.a Ko r n f lel d Mr. Jam.s V.ns.l, repr.l.ntinq the p.titioner, laid that the applicant is trying to provide affordable rental housing on Marco Il1lnd. H. laid approval of the varianc. would allow the pet1tion.r to sub.it the application for the hous1ng so the Stiff and..applicant can make sur. that the finl!ll plan is in conformity with County regulations. H. slid the proj.ct is planned to have two floors ov.r parking. Mr. V.ns.1 described the project from a p1~n on an overhead board and point.d out th.r. would be no trl!lffic to Gayer Way. rape . 5 R.sponding p.titioner will the zoning cod. to Commislioner Pistor, Mr. V.nsel .aid that the be pr.v.nt.d froa s.l11ng the unit. a. condominiums by since there Ie a commitm.nt r.quir.d in the ordinance ~!\ðt {}84-.,1Zß Page 20 - ,..,...........~. -"-"""',. "'_.."^"-~,.,._,--,-~.........~.._,'- Stitt '084" " 1 Z1 Nove.ber 6, 1984 that the units r.aain r.ntal. eo..1a.lon.r Itr... .....,. ..ool\4.eS IiÞV C..h.lour VOl. aneS cud" ....t_...ly, tb.lt tb4t ,.Uo ...art...· ~·c10H4;- C...laalonlr Iru.. ".leS,-a.oo"''' ~'C...I.alo..rlol1aneS aneS olrrl.. ./l~ eo..t...t..".r- 'l.tor oppo"'~ tb.lt ....lutlon '.-20' r. Petition Y-'.-21C be a4opt.d; Roll call vot. a. Collow., C_l..lon.r Kn.... Y..· eo..l..l0..r Bollan4 ·-Y.. C...l..lon.r 'I.tor'· No eo..l..lon.r v... ' . Y.. Co..I..lon.r Irown Y.. Page 21 ,......~,10-~~ ------' --, ,.,/" "...-v....,~.. ,"j 1IWOt ,~ I.........-·~ "'",",."'_"",,~..'.. ,.,"" .~.'~""""'_~' ~,~....'C'W'_~."';"''''·_'_·"""",,M'''''~'">'·_'"''''''''''''_·'''_'''' r--; ¡--J ;::-.. 1 November 6, 1984 '··RICh::. :':': \5 1..H. RICONVlNIDI 11125 A;M;··· 111 .&SOLUTIo. 14-210 RI PITITIo. V-14-22C, DOM MCCLURI,'fOR AIIGM YARIAMCI AT NCCLURI'I DRIVI TIRU 0. BONITA llAC. ROAD - ADOPTID L.gal notice having been publilhed in the Naple. Daily New. on October 21, 1984, a. evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Cl.rk, public hel!lring wa. opened re Petition V-B4-22C filed by Don McClure r.quelting a varianc. to place a .ign extendin~ out 6' from hi. building rl!lther than flulh with the building at KcClure'. Driv. Thru on 8o~ita Beach Road. Zoning Director ~yne .l!Iid the petitioner i. reque.ting this varil!lnce to be able to better Identify hll buslne.s. She Il!Iid the property is a 60' C-4 zoned lot located on Bonita a.ach ROl!ld. She explained thll district allows the following type .ign.1 a wall lign, . ..rquee sign not extending more than Ilx inches from the building and . free-Itanding .ign on a lot width with l50' or ~or. frontage. She .ubmitted a picture of the property (Lthlblt '1) and .aid, baled on the r.quirementl of the ordinance, Staff recommend. denial. Comml..ioner PI.tor sl!Iid the property is on the rOl!ld that divide. Collier County from Lee County and Collier County has done an excellent job of protecting the quality of I!Ippearl!lnce on propertle. on that road and .llewhere in Collier County. He sl!Iid the .ign ordinance has helped . . k.ep Collier County looking a. the paoplo want it to look and he doe. not like to have someone alk to put . li~n out like i. done acro.. the .tr..t from thl. prop.rty. R..pondlng to Comml..loner Holland, Ma. Layn. .aid thl!lt .ome of the bu. In..... in the arel!l have .Ign. that were ~pproved prior to the .xi.ting .ign ordinance. She .aid thl!lt .ince the ordinance wa. adopted in 1174, on lot. 1es. thl!ln 150' the .ign hl!l. to be a wall .ign on the building. COMmi.sioner Holland .aid he found that the building in que.tion alt. back quite a way from the .treet and h. pa..ad the building before he could .ee it. H. sl!Iid there are numerous .igns that protrude from the building. In the area that have b.en there for yeara aDd there i. no control in the ordinance to keep a commercial building fro. being built on a SO' lot and those perlon. who have built on SO' lot. are p.nalized for not have 150'. i. caused by .ituatlon. like He .aid he underltand. the hardship that thil on a narrow lot, adding the r.quest ~(lO( 084w'130 Page 22 L :) b." ~1i. .~ . J: N'" }r .,~., ~.~'!.(;..: (f' ~! l ( (- :.' f0; l :'. L:'·i ,...,._,'.......,." ..~~~". "",_...'~ _.~,.,._~......._,_.....,......__..-,,w_,,___".'_ 1M' 084"~'31 Nov.mber 6, 1984 should be 9iven consideration. Mr. Don McClure, the p.titioner, said that h. 1ust wants to turn the .19n around and put another fac. on the other sld. so it could be I.en fro. the .alt and the west. H. said he ha. pasl.d the bu.in.al without leèin9 it and h. built the buildin9. Responding to Com.is- lion.r Krule, Mr. McClure sl!lid that he does not want to move the sign away fro. the building. Co..i..10ner Kru.. ..ved, .eoond.d by eo..l..ioner VOIS and carrl.d Uftanl..u.1y, that the publ1c h.arlnt· be cloa.d. C~l..ion.r Holland ..v.d, ·..cond.d by eo..i..i.".r Kru.. and carrl.d. UAanl~u.1y, that Reso1utlon 14-210 r. ..titlon V-IC-22C b. ..pt.d, Page 23 "............ .......1J',/...,.", ~. 't:-. ,.,.__.",-^"",_.",--,..,~""._,""..,--".".""..,,",,._,.,,,,.".. """,~..~.,.""._...,,.... .."...~..""-,,..._-"._,_....,,~.,-,......._-~.- r--1 r-1 ;-:"-=1 IU. 11' ,uaLIC B1ARI»Q SCBIDULID rOR PITITIO. DRI-24-2C, TBI VINITARDB rOR 2/5/15 ComMunity Development Dlrector Vlrta, requested 1'1 h.aring chte for the Vineyards DR I. He sl!lid that notice was received on 10/6/64 from the South~st Florida Regional Plannlng Council that they have found the application to be sufflclent and pursuant to Statute as outllned ln the Executive Sumlllðry dl!lted 10/29/84. lie requested the public hearing date for·~(5/85. Co..l..ion.r Irus. ~v.d, a.cond.d by C~..i.aioner'Bo11.nd and carri.d un.nl~us1y, that. public hearing be achedu1.d for Petition DRI-24-2C, Th. Vineyards, for 2/5/85. It.. 120 D-2 CAllAL DRAUIAOI SYIT&M STUDT - ACCIPTID, STAIr DIUCTID TO COMI IACI WITI rI~CINQ DITAILS November 6, 1964 Water HI!Inagoment Director Boldt said the D-2 Canl!ll Drl!llnage SysteM Study WI!II a result of the severe flooding that occurred in 901den Gate City during Labor Day ~ekend in 1983. He uld in Jl!lnUHY 1984, the jolnt venture fir.. of Hole, Monte~ and Associates and Johnson tnglneering ~re selected to perform the study. He said the stucty has 90n. before the WI!Iter Manl!lqe.ent Advlsory Board In both a prelimlnary and ~inal form. lie said on 10/10/B4, the WMAB reviewed the flnal study a~d they recommended that the Board of County Commislione~s ,accept the study and that the Commission diroct Staff to begin Implementation and that the funding sources be wher.v.r the money can be found for the Capital Improve.ente, short of the General Fund of the County. Hr. Boldt said that the D-2 CanAl Drainage System Study includes the recommendations as outlined in the Executlv. Summary dated l~/25/64. He said that the total eltiaated cost for the improvements is $2,595,000.00 of which $966,000 is associated with the proposed road conltruction projects. He sald potentla1 sources of fundinq outlined in the Executive Summary include existing Water MAnagement Fund 325 for Capltal I~provement Projects, Roadway Improvement Funda, Speclll Taxlng Dlstrict, Special Grants from Blg Cypress Basin/sFWMC and Speclal Grants fro. the rlorida DER. He. Boldt requested that the Board acc.pt the D-2 Canal' Dra1nl!lg. System Study, direct Staff to proceed In lmple.entlng the recommenda- tions and to quide Staff on the .ethod of financing the project. He said thl!lt the first step would be enterlng into ne90tiations with the P~øt 084 rl'.1 13t "'.....,--...,-...-..,.... . L .-.-............,.. -~,..,,-- Pig e 24 1 f I \) L "~' I:!'1\:' ~r>~~ I~·,··:f.i.:.. :'1:(' f' I:~: ~~¡'i ';v.' ~~; f:! .".~.,.'. ~:'; ¡.." I """~__'",,,"'."',_",_p_"".,,~_>.,.,._'",., ',.",", " __,,0 -.. ","......-;~,"'~.,..~.._._"~-.,..- tOOt 084i'J-~ 135" Novulber 6, 19B4 Transportation Dtpl!lrt~ant and other agencies for fundIng purposes and to proc.ed with the preparatIon of the detailed construction plans for the fIrst units of work. Hr. Boldt saId that the plan propos.s that the work be done in a fiv. y.ar p.riod of ti.. with the firlt unit of work suggested as b.ing the i.prove~entl to the Green Canal, the two ~II. long canal starting at D-2 and going along the north side of Golden Gate CIty at an estI- aated cost of $348,000. H. said that the second unit of work for the second year would be modification of WeIr No. ,7, wIth enlargements portions of the D-2 Canal north of Gr..n Canal and near Pine Rldg. Road and construction of a ~at.r 1ev.1 control Itructur. in the D-2 Canal at Pine Ridge Road Ich.duled for the thlrd year, furth.r additions to the D-2 Canal north of Pine Ridge ROl!ld and conltruction of the wat.r level control Itructure at Golden Cate Boulevard for the fourth y.ar and .nlarg...nt of the D-l Canal, the northerly on. .il. which was never fully conltructed and Weir No. 7-A aodlflcatlon for the fifth year. Com.illioner X~ule reco.mended that Staff not use money set asid. to do the w.ed control ml!llntenl!lnce beCAuse if the money Is taken out of that fund all the tiae Staff is trying to Improve the D-2 Canal Syste. .verythlng elee will become plu9ged. Comailsloner VOIS said that he just received this r.port . few days ago and thl!lt he would like to study it carefully before the Board tak.s any action, although he would agree to accept the report. Responding to Commissioner Holland, Mr. Boldt sl!Iid that there is $200,000 In Fund 325 whIch his b.en budgeted for this work. Com.II- sloner Holland sald he WI!II In favor of doing anything posslbl~ to improve the drl!llnl!lge In this areA, ~ithin realon. Mr. Boldt alked If there WIS any philosophy involved In using only County Gene,al Funds as opposed to all Special Asselsments and Commis- sioner Kruse Il!Iid that until the Board knows what funds are available the Board could not make a decision whether to specil!ll Assess the project or not. County Mðnager Lusk suggest.d that the Board could accept the study and then hold a workshop on the subjact. Hr. Joe Gri~m, Colden Gate resident, contended that there is an obligation on the pl!lrt of Avatar properties for this canal work. He said that last yel!lr the Board vot.d to excuse Avatar Properties for a 3.1 million dollar commitment to perfora this work. He aaId that the Board has an obligAtion to hold Avatar Properties to the development Page 2 S ---.-....., ~ ~. '--.,"....~'I"'~~~ A." c --- --~..._,..._."<"'"'-,.._~ ...__. ,."",-,-_._.~.,,~- r-1 rJ - Nov.mb.r 6, 1984 obligations, whatever the cost to thee, and that the Board has a 9r.at.r obligatlon to the property own.rs in Golden Gate Estates to act in th.ir b.half. Mr. George Keller, .ember of the Board of Directors of the Golden Gate Estat.. Aasoclation, agreed with Mr. Grl~m. He spoke in opposltion of the creation of a Special Taxing DIstrict for this work and contended that money was available In the Big Cypress Basin budget for the work. Responding to Commis.loner Voss, Public Workl Administrator Kuck said that the Board let I!Iside a portion of the Trust Fund to take car. of the canals south of Alligator ^lley and the remaining portion ls to be uI.d for the rOl!ld. in the Golden Gate Estat'l ar.a north of the A11.y. He agreed that a workshop on the D-2 Canl!ll Drainage System Study i. a 900d Id... Co..iasioner Krus. ~v.d, s.conded by Co..is.ion.t Vo.. and carried unanimously, tbat tbe aoard acae~ tho D-2 Canal Dralna~e .yete. .tudy and instruct Staff to return wltb financln9 ðetail.; It.. 121 A~DUM TO TII MARCO AWD'YAIL'laOTIIaS 10LID NASTI COLLECTIOM '~BI818 - A"ROYID Public Works Admlnl.trator Kuck laid the Marco franchlse op.rator has p.ti~ioned the County for p.ral.slon to .nt.r a limlt.d partnership with w...t. MI!Inl!lgem.nt Partners, Inc. He .aid this would ultllutely . , r.sult In the acquisition of the Karco Cranchise by Wast. Kanag.mer.t, Inc., the parent compl!lny of Yl!lhl Brother., Inc. He explained as a part of this transition a realignment of the lervlce ar.as is proposed and the chl!lnge would pormlt efficiencies thl!lt would ben.flt both the MI!Irco and Yahl Broth.rs franchlle. and would only aff.ct the ar..s curr.ntly franchl..d. H. sl!lid, since the are. to b. tranlferred would go from the Yah1 Broth.rs to the Karco franchis., the current low.r coll.ction rat.s would apply. He sl!lid I!Idditional provisions to both addendums inc1ud. commitm.nts to cooperate in the S~ple..ntation of automated collection and mandatory collection when or if approved by the Board. H. .aid both franchisee. also agree to an OCtob.r 1 date for any future r.sidentil!ll fl!lte adjustments becoming eff.ctive after OCtober 1, 1985. H. said Staff r.com~endl thl!lt the Board approve the transfer of owner- ship and the amendment. to both franchlees as prepar.d by the County Attorney'. offic.. County Attorney Saunders sl!lid in Add.ndum 2 h. has substituted the I, i t,,'" 1'· t· -;'i' Lïr I:; " ~.'t.~: ,~ "..., f: ,::: I, I , , ~ ! I ¡ I f, ;nðt: 084:W,f 136 hg. 26 _.....~....,~....,._..."',.r··.·"'. L ~w 08~p 137 November 6, 1984 legal entlty, the Klrco Wast. pertn.rl Li.ited for Wast. "anage..nt Partners, Inc. .nd the .gr...ent that the Board hal does not r.fl.ct that chang.. C~l..L.n.r Iry.. ..v.d~ l.con4.4 by c...i..l...r Yo.. .nd c.rrl.d un.nl"Y.ly~ tb.ttb..A44.n4..r·..·corr~ct.4.by the Coynty. Attoraey, tranaf.rrln9 th. Marco an.·,.bl·'rotber.-.o114~..t. coll.ctlon franchl... .nd tb. a..nd..nt to both fr.nch1... be approYe4. Peg e 27 ::=J - _n"'-"R"'<l-"'-If'~,,,,,;,~,,,'w'L 7~__ "'..__"__.'''''''"'"'",,.,.._..m.....'_......P'" _____....._ ~ r::l ~ November 6, 1984 Ite. 122 MASTIR PLAM POR MORT. MAPLI. COKMU.ITY 'ARK IITI - APPROVID County Manager Lusk introduc.d Hr. Tim Vanatta, the new Parks and Recr.atlon Dlr.ctor. Chairman Brown wwlcomed him to the County. Public Services Administrator Norton said this item 1s the recom- .endatlon to approve the Mðster Plan for the North Naples Community Park site. He said the Master Plan is In accordance with the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board's review. Hr. 'To.. Peek, of Wilson, Miller, Bl!lrton, Sol1 and Peek, Inc., d.scrlb.d the Malter Pll!ln in detail. Hr. P.ek Il!Ild the park will includo an amphitheatac, three softball fields, a bl!lseball field, soccer, football, volleyball, ba.ketbl!l11, racquetball, tennll and Ihuffleboard facilities, picnic ar.as, a children's playground, parking and admlnistratlv. and ..alnt.nance buildings and he Indlcl!lted their locatlonl on tho diagram posted on an ov.rh~ad board. He said these Items vere requested by the North Maple. Park Advisory Committe.. Hr. Mike Zewalk, of the North Napl.. Civic Association, urged that the pl!lrk be built in I!I piece-meal fl!lshion. Commissioner VOIS asked Mr. Peek to investigate using the access road around the lewage treatment plant instead of building another one t~ which Mr. P.ek agreed. Co..ia.lon.r Yoss ~ved, oeconded by Co..isslon.r 'lstor and carried un.ni.ouIly, that the Kastor Plan for tho North Mapl.. Co..unity Pork alt. be approv.d. e..RECISS. 12,00 MOOM RICONYlNIDt 1,30 P.M. at which' tl.. Deputy Clerk Xenyon r_p1aced Deputy Cl.rk Skinn.r.··· Ite. '23 FlI ICUDULI, &1'ArrU'G'AJ D RDNlIM<ì or THI RACQUCT CLUB or· MARCO ISLAMD ~ COLLIIR COUVTY RACQUIT CLUB - AP'ROVID Public Services Administrator Norton stated that this is a r.commendation to establish a fe. schedule aBd advertise for the hiring of staff to oporl!lt. the Racquet Club of Marco Island I!Ind allo to authorize the chango of name for that facility. Commissioner Voss queltloned if these fe.s correspond with the City of Napl.s fees, to which Mr. Norton stated that the City fees and the YMCA feel on Marco Island ~r. taken into account, adding that it ~!'tt fJ84.rt., 146 Page 28 ...="c.___,__~., ,._~".n""',",,·,.",,_'_ "'. .. $_'"w.·.·,_..... _______ 'w ~·'147 Nove~b.r 6, 1984 is a co~p.titiv. f.. schedule. Co~miGsioner pistor question.d if the sa~. t.nnis pro would r.main or if a new one would b. hired, to which Hr. Norton stated that h. will advertise for the position, addin9 that the t.nnis aide that is ..ployed now will probably b. int.r.sted in the position. Co..l..ion.r Xru.. ..y.d, .econd.d by Co..l..loner Iol1an4 and carrie4 unanl~u.ly, that th. h. Kh.4ale, tH' .taUll\1.aft4. th. r.~ing of th. Racqu.t Club of ~rco IIlan4 to Colll.r County Racqu.t Clab be approv.d. Pag. 29 .........-..., :=J :-.=J ...1_ '~~.'_____~"~'Jt~~ ~_......, "-"",,,,""'--"';~'~"<-«""""'"""-"~ """"'"~-''''' ,...., -.,.,,,,,,,,.,, ,~_..,--,,,,_.._,..,,._.."..,--_.--,,_.. ;~O( rbU ~ -149 It.. .U LlTTIR or AaRlIMÞIT Irnu:a COLLIIR cOUIIn MUll,,", rIn1I AVlNUI ADYUTIIIIIG AIID MA'UI CUTPUIIAL rOUllDATION, INC. RI PRODUCTION or All OFrICIAL COUWTY MUSIUM - ~PLII CINT~I^L CALENDAR - AP'ROVED November 6, 1984 Public S.rvic.s AdminIstrator Norton stat.d that this Is a r.co.~.ndatlon to approve the production of a 1985 joint proj.ct b.tveen the Mus.u. and the Napl.s C.nt.nnIa1 group, adding that h. Is propollng to produc. a cl!llendar marking the 100th anniv.rsary of the City. of Naple.. He .tat.d that th.r. will b. no cost to the County, but th.r. will b. some r.venu.s gen.rat.d. C...l..1oDer Krus. ..v.d~ .e~ond.4 by Co..I..i.n.r ,i.tor and carrle. ananl..u.ly, that the Lett.r .f·Atr....Dt ~t...n Col11.r C.uaty Mus.u., rifth Av.nu..A4v.rtl.iAt·aa4 "pl.. C.ntlAAlal r.andatl.., Inc. r. productl0. of an offl~lal County Mu..u. - .ap1'1 C.nt.nnia1 Calendar be approved. pag. 30 .. .,....,~~.... ...., ':::1 .----:- L:..' -..--.--...., "~.,~"""......,,..~^.......,,"".."'...._....;.""""""". ............4___.._ ........ .---- ~OO( £J84rr:1.51 It.. 125 uva.ua IOIIID IIIUa '1'0'1& DEV&LO,Ir;1) ·A.D APPROVAL TO PROCIID WIT. RlQUEST Foa ftOPOSA¡' FOR ;'IU:BIT&CTURAL- SlRYICII 'OR-" "IN RIAL". rACILITUS IUILDIIfC - A'PROVID ' November 6, 1984 Public S.rvices Ad.lnlstratur Norton stated that this Is A reco.mendatlon to develop a revenuI bond iSlue and to proceed with a r.quest for proposal (RFP) for architectural servlc.s for a new health facilities building. HI stated that h. is proposing the possibility of A new building for primArily the Health Depl!lrtmont and the ~dica1 EXaAliner's facility. lie stated that this would b. a 23,000 square foot facility with A tentative location Across the lake from the new jail facility on the government complex. Com.lllioner Kruse qU'ltioned if there were bonds that could b. us.d now, to which County Mðnag~r Lusk stl!lted that additionl!ll Justice Cant.r Bondi could b. issued or a refunding could b. done, adding that this needs to be looked I!It within the next two or three months. H. laid that if the bond i.sue Is refunded and the perc.ntage drops, th.re may be enough money so thl!lt a new debt lervlce would not be needed. Com.lssloner Kruse stated thl!lt the Issuance of $27 ~illlon was author! ud. County Mðnager Lusk stated thl!lt there are thr.e or four different ways to finance this and he Is not asking the Board to commit to ~ny financing this date. Mr. Lusk noted that there is one chl!lnge on the Executive Summary, noting that as tar I!IS the review committee, Hr. ReAgan has asked that he not serve on this committee and Mr. George H. Barnes be ~ppolnted to replace hi.. Co_l..lonlr Irovn _y.cS~ a.concl" by c._l.sl~...r··¥...ADd carried 4/1, (C~is.10A'r ~rua. oppoa:cS), tbat a r'V'R~ bond ialu. be d.v.1oped not to .xc.ed $1,500,000, .nd te·r.qw..t·pr.,...l& troa bonding flras And .stablish.·rlv!,w co_ltt.. consi.tlng.of Mr. C.org. M. aarns, Mr. Gl1.., Mr~ ¡,ysk, Mr. Dorrl11, .nd Mr. ~rt.n to dlv,~op a short Uat froa ..14 fir_for final ICC .ction and to proceed with the .ctlona n.c....ry to Inltl.tl an Rrp for .rchlt.ct~[al .Irvlc.. to d..lgn a n.w b.alt~ tacl11tl.. bu1141~ Commissioner Kruse stl!lted thl!lt she Is not objecting to the concept, adding that she Is not clel!lr as to why request for proposals from bond compl!lni.s are being obtained. She stated that Ihe is not clear as to why the existing bonds cannot be used instead of incurring additional costs. .~- Page 31 '...,""'....-...." :::::J ------' ~ ~,,~.#tr L ...,_____."'_"'.." "~C",..·,.·,.",">.!"'"".."''',,,...,',''' " ,.....--. ..-. . ~ ~ t:,'; Nov..b.r 6, 1984 :t.. 12' lID 1751 - UUJ'ULD LIGIITINC: POR WIIfTI~URY PAU, MARCO ISLAJID - AWARDID TO MID-COUTIM&WT ILlaTRIC " , L.ql1 notice having been publi.hed in the Naples Daily News on Octob.r 22, 1984, as evidenced by Affidavit of publication fi1.d with the Clerk, bids ~re received for Bid 1767 for ballfield lighting for Wintorberry Park, Marco Island, until 2130 P.M., Noy.~ber 5, 1984. Public Service. Adminl.trator Norton Itated he i. roco~~.nding that bid 1767 to be aWl!lrded to Mid-Continent Electric in the amount of $84,642. . Co..laaloner 'lator ~vod, s.cond.d by Co..issioa.r Jru.. and carr led un.nl80usly, that aid '7'7 for ballfi.1d 11qhtinq for Wlnt.rberry Park, Marco Isllnd, b. awarded to Mid-Continent 11.ctrl0 In th. -.ount of $14,642. It.. 127 FORISTRY G~ APPLICATION 'OR THI OCHOPII 'IRI COMTROL DISTRICT - UPROVID ;,' ., , , Public Services Administrator Norton stated that h. n.eds approval to apply for a foreltry grant for the OChopee Fire Control District in the amount of $1,500, adding that it Is for equipment that wIll b. b.n.ficia1 to the County and th" Department of Forestry. Co..laaloner Krus. 8Ov~d, secon4.d by Co..iaslon.r Pl.tor and carrl.d ~anl80usly, that tho'or.atry Crant Appll~tlon for the Ochopee rlre Control Di.trlct be approvod In the a~unt of '1~500, and the Cbalr..n be authorlsed to 119n .al4 appllcatlon. '. ~~o~ Q8.4.r,. 152. Page 32 ,'" L- . ~~...",..__...._.._........."".."..""",,,.,_.. . """""",,,,,,...,, ,.,""""..<_""..~~~,~,,,...~~ '. ~'~o·". ...._...".,_.~~'"~...,...._ .--:_- r-ï ~..."....1 ---. ..' I November 6, 1984 It.. 121 ARC.IT~/£»aI.IIRlwa AGRIIMIWT IXTEMSIOM FOR ~USTICI CEMTIR IX'....SIO. - APPROVED Assiltant Cour.ty Manager Dorri~l stated that th.re has been a dispute between the County Manager's office and the architect from the Justic. Center regarding their continulnq on the project, addinq that in an effort to resolve some concerns that his office had as well as relpondinq to a number of inv01ces that they had outltanding which had been left unpl!lid, he negotiated an .xtenllon to the ~gree=ent whereby th.y wi Ii remain on the job. He stated that he negotiat.d a fair and good proposal for the County and the outstanding items on the invoices have been resolved to the amount of $18,000 on invoicel totalling $35,553.57 which is I!Ipproxl~l!Itely $.50 on the dollar. He Itated that he 1s recommending thl!lt the Letter of Agreement b. approved and that ~h. .xtenslon be granted throuqh January 31, 19B5. Co..l..l~ner Voss aoved, .econd.d by Co..i..ioner .i.tor and carrl.d unanlaous1y, that the Archlt.ct/lnqin.erlng Aqr....nt lat.n.lon for tbe ~u.tlce Center lapen.lon be approved. ~OO( 084 rJ,162 paq. 33 i ...",j:¡, ~~ '-' c;. -, \ , r:l ~ Nov.mber 6, 1984 It.. 129 DICDlIIR 31, it.. ADDID AS All ADDITIONAL BOLIDIoY AIID COWT! BOLIDIoY POLICY rOR 1985 - APPROVID Commlseloner Piltor stat.d that Janul!lry 1, 1985, falls on a Tue~ay and in previoue years the day before Wew Year's Day i. usually only a,half-dI!lY of work, adding that ~he amount of work done in a half-day I. ~Inimðl and he il requesting that December 31, 19B4, be giv.n as a holiday al.o. eo.alss1on.r Pl.tor ..v.d, ..cond.d by Co..l..lon.r 1011.nd and carrl.d ~~nl~u.1y, that Deceeber 31, 19'., be d.c1ar.d as an ad4ltlonal bo11day. Co..ll.1oner Pl.tor aov.d, .econded by Co..lasloner Bolland and carrl.d unanl~u.1y, tbet the fo11oving holidays b. ob..rv.d by the Covnty durlng 1'151 N.v Y.ar'. Day Good 'riday M.~rhl Day Ind.pend.nce Day Labor Day V.teran's Day Tbank~ivlng Day Day After Tbank~lYlng Chr1s~. Ive C!llut.us Day .ev Y.or'. lye Tu..dey, Janua~y 1st Friday, April 5th Monday, ~y 27tb Tburod.y, July .th Monday, 'ept..ber 2nd Mondey, Nov"~'lltb Thur.dey, Mo~be~ '21th rriday, Nov~r 2tth Tuell4.y, DeC'..beT 2tt.h Wednell4ay, Dec-.ber25th Tu.sday, Dece.ber 31st 130 RUOLUTIOM 84-211 AUTBORUU.a 'TII CItUTIOII-AJf1)"rUWDu.a orA UCAL IICRITARIAL POSITION WITHIN TBI COUNT! ATTORNIY'S OFrICI - ADOPTED County Attorney Sl!Iunderl stAted that this is a requelt to create a new polition In his office for a legal secretary. C~1..1on.r Irus. ~ved, ·.econ4.d by Co..i..lon.r Yo.. and carried vnaQl~u.ly". tÂ&t.R.aolutlol\.'.-211..wtbor1s1n, tb. crutlon aAd funding of a 1.ga1 ..cretarlal.posltlon wlthln th. County Attorn.y'. offlc. be adopt.d~ ~Oð( ~"'f1&f. Pl!lge J4 4~¡¡,<.. ,r L ~~. -,.,-"~"--,,,,,-,,",,,,~....,, -""-~""-'~~"""-~--'-"--- ¡--¡ r-1 ~ November 6, 19B4 RI$OLUTIO. 14-212 AUTMORIII.a T8. CO~'ATTORMIY TO'SIGN·A-8TI'ULATIO. FOR SI'TTLatlJIT or TRI LAWSUIT anwn»-COLLIIR' COU1t'rl AatD T..'-IMOItIILII WAUR-8IW&a DISTIUCT -RI -ASIUMIWT 0' CIRTAUI'""IIDS "At-ftl IMOICALII AIRPORT POR MATIR AMD SKWIR SIRVIce - ADOPTID County Attorney Sl!Iunder. stated that this II a recommendation to ..ttle a lawsuit that was flied approximately two y.ar. ago, adding that thl. involvel I!In alse.sment fro. the Immokalee Water-Sew.r Diltrict. He .tat.d that the County f.lt the a.......nt cov.r.d ar.a. that were not developable, particularly area. around the Immokalee Airport. He noted that the asse.sment wa. r.duced by agreement from $54,08B.ll to $46,8l1.7a, adding thl!lt Staff hal reviewed thl. and find. the new lower assessment to b. acceptable and It is his recommendation that he b. granted l!Iuthor!zation to .ett1. the l.wlult. Co..i..ion.r Kruae ~v.d, ..conded by Co..l..ion.r Bo11.na .nd carried un..l.ou.1y, th.t R..o1ution 14-212 .uthorl.in9 the County Attorn.y to aign a atlpu1atlon for ..tt1..ent of th.·1aw.uit betwe.n Co11i.r County and the I...kal.. Wat.r-Iewer Di.trict r.·........nt of c.rtaln l,~d. at the I.-oka1.. Airport for Wat.r and Sewor S.rvice b. adopted. ~Mt OB4~~" 166 Page 35 ·,··"...-.<.,.....t~·.JII'"~~.....,¡." L _..."'_...."...._,,--"''''.''''' ~"..."".~""..".~-''"'~----.._.- ~~, 084 M. .: 169 lb. 132 RIaOLUTIOM 14-213 APPROVIMO DIID (SUIJICT TO fINAL RIVIEW AIID APPROVAL IY Tal COUIITY MalMIR AMD TU COInITY ATTOAJIn'S OFrICI) 'OR ACCEPTANCI or ALTIAJlATIVI SICURITY rOR SUlDIVIS¡OM I"PROV~IWTS rOR ROYAL PALM GOLF ISTATU - ADOPTID November 6, 1984 As.istant County Attorney Cuyler stated thl!lt Attorney Pickworth will addr..s the 80ard with bl!lckground information regarding this item. Attorney Donl!lld Pickworth .tated that he representl the current owner. of Royal Palm Golf Estates and i. al.isting the purchaser of the project.' He stated that there i. a contrl!lct for thl. project to b. lold and ons of the things thl!lt is necessary to b. accomplished in ord.r to do the clo.ing il a conveyance of 72 lots in Royal Palm Golf Istates thl!lt the County currently ho1dl title to. He stated that when the project WI!I. developed year. ago, al .ecurity for the lubdivi.ion iaprovem.nt. rather than a letter of credit or a surety bond, the County was deeded certl!lin portlonl of the property. He noted thl!lt over the years most of the property hl!l. been released as the Improvements hav. been done. He stl!lted that th.re are still 72 lots reml!linlng that ths Count.y is holding title to for the security of the completion of the Improvements. He stated thl!lt he has been ~orking ~ith As.istl!lnt County ^ttorney Cuyler, Mr. MI!Idejewskl of the Utilities Department, And Mr. Hubert of the Engineering Department, I!Iddlng thl!lt he i. proposing a '.ub.titute lecurity for the 72 loti which would psrmlt the conveyance of the 72 lot. back to the original owner I And the County would hold the substituted .ecurity in it. plAC'. He noted that Mr. Cuyler has set forth the ba.ic term. of the agreement In the Executive Summary. AssI.tl!lnt County Attorney Cuyl.r stAted that Staff hl!ls been involved in thIs &ðtter, adding thl!lt he hl!l. worded the resolution .0 thAt there will be no I!Ipproval until he .... the .ecurlty and I!Igree. to the terms and Approve. it. He stated that he will rely on Mr.·Hubert and Mr. MI!Id.jewski in regard. to the amount of the security. County K3nager Lu.k stated thAt he would like his officI to b. involved in the ~tter and would like the r.solution to be adopted .ubject to the approval of the County Kanager, also. Co_la.I_lr II:rl6al ~Ye4, ..coßCk4 by C_l..io~r VO.. and carrl.d unanlR?u.1y, that R.ao1utioD·.4-21J_app~ovln9-De.4 ~jact.to final r.vlew and approya1 by the County Ma"~.r and the County Attorney'J.oL!lc.) tor-acc.pl&Ace.of.alter~tl¥. ...curlty, for .ubdiviaion laprov...nt. tor Royal Pal. Co1f latat.. b. adopt.d~ pag e 36 ~""'-""".~...., . --J ~ ~.. ....,...',;- ;." L -':"~____,,,_,,,,,_,,,~,,,_..,,,,,,,_.,,,,.".~",,""'h'""'"""___'.'_"'·' "'....--" tt::t oJl84'I" 173 ROUTIMI IILLS - A"ROVID POR 'AYMrWT Nove.ber 6, 1984 Pursuant to Resolution 'throU9h Friday, Nov.mb.r 2, CI!ECK DESCRIPTION 81-150 the following checks were issued 1984, in pa~ent of rout in. bi111. CHECK NOS. ~ Ve n~o r 119276 - 119661 6085 - 6640 $4,595,107.65 $ 23B,868.83 BCC Pl!lyroll tt_ 134 IUDGrT AMIMDMIWTS 14-759/760, 14-762, 15-]0/41, ....D 85-43/47 - ADOPTID Co..i..ion.r ,i.ter ~ve4, .ec.nded by Co..l..i....r· Icu.e and carcled unani~us1y, tbat 1u4get ~.nd..nt. '5-30/41, and 85-43/47 be adopt.d. Co..i..lon.r ,i.tor ~v.4, ..cond.d by Coa.l..!on.r 101Iand and carrl.d UAani~u.1y, that lud9.t ~.nd..nt. 84-759/760 and 84-762 be a40pt.d. It.. 135 UL1.Y ROAD TO '&Catel 'AYSBORI ORIn .."ICTIVI 11/15/84 ....D.ILLY ROAD SICMS TO R~IM 1M TACT rOR TMR&I Mo.TBS - APPROVED Comml.lloner Vo.. stated that Kelly Road has been named Bl!lyshor. Drive and it .hould be put into effect, adding that he would recom.end that as of November 15, 1984, Kelly Road beco~e aayshore Drive. H. stat.d that he would allo like to recomM.nd that the Kelly Road signs be left up for three months so that the general public will be aware of the change. County Mðneger Lusk stated that the biggest concern of the public wa. the a~dre.. chang., adding that h. contacted the Post Offic. and was told thl!lt all letters wlth the addrols of Kelly Road would still be delivered for .Ix months after the chl!lng.. Mr.. lren. Llchtef_ld stl!lted that she is a tax consultant and'has already had her stationery changed to Bayshore Driv. and is very much in favor of Commis.ioner Vos.' propo.al. eo..ial1on.r V...IIOYld,. aecondK by eo..1...io_r: ,iator and carried unani~lIs1y, tbat .Kelly Road·lMc._ ...y.hoNt Drlv. .ffectlve Moveaber 15, 1984 and that the lolly Road 11gn. reae!n in tact for tbr.e IIOntb.. Pig e :7 .......-., '·-·"'7' t:.. -,._...,,,,,,,,,",,,,,,--,,,",,,,-"--,.-,.~_..~.,~,.<- -.",., ,~., .".-'~.~.".------~- ,..-~ I . ;-, r--1 November.6, 1984 It.. 136 RICOMSIDIRATIOM or PITITIOM R-84-3)C, DIVOI CADILLAC - APPROVID Coœml.slo~er Voss stated thl!lt h. received a letter fro~ Attorney Ve9a who representl D.Voe Cl!ldll1l!1c, offer1nq additional information regarding the r.zon. for the parklnC lot for DeVo. Cadillac. 'He noted that the p.titioner 1. wi11lng to in.ta11 a 50' buffer on the north side of th. property and hl!lve agr..d to c.rtaln conditions regarding l1ghtln<; . Ue reported that h. thouqht the potitlon was worth rocon- siderin<; ,under thes. conditions. Countý Attorney Saunders stat.d thl!lt thl. wal a public hearing that ha. been closed but the DOl!lrd can vote to reconsider the petition which i. Ilœply waiving the tl~e period I!Ind the petitioner would be allowed to reapply and bring th. ml!lttor bl!lck to the BOl!lrd which will take approximately 60 dðya. Co~l..ioner Vo.s .ov.d, .econd.d by Ce..Sssiofter 'S.tor and carrled unanl~us1y, that ..titlon R-8.-31C, DeVo. Cadillac be r.con.ld.r.d. rape 17 Ite. 137 COUIfTY ATTOaMIY DIRICTED 1'1) UADVEIlTISI T1IE SIAWALL ORDIMAJlCI 1'1) DCCLAU COLLAPSID nAWALLS TO as A PUB.LIC MUISUCI Comml.sloner pi.tor stated that he would Ilk. to hav. the County Attorney directed to rel!ldvertlø. the ordinl!lnce for pub11c hearing to d.clar. col1l!lpled leawl!llls to b. I!I nuilance and that the nuil.nce shall be abated by th. property own.r. He Itated that after this ordinance is adopt.d, he· would like the Coun'ty Attorn.y to brinq back a more coœpreh.nlive .eawl!ll1 ordinance providing p.rformance .tandards that will cover the entire county. Co.œil.ioner Brown Itated that the.e s.awl!I11s were poorly constructed which Is probably why th.y collapsed. Co..l..lon.r ,I.tor ..ved, ·..coftd.d by Co..S..lon.r VOl. and carrl.d unanl~u.1y, that tho County AttorDeV be·dlr.ct.d to re.dvertlse ,tbe ..awal1 ordlnanoe t.~lGlar. co11a,.ed ..awal1. to b. a public nul.anc.,and upon adoption, a ~r.·co.pce~lv.,.eawa11 ordinance provldln9 pertor.anc. atandard. for the .ntlr. county be brola9ht back. ~I\et 084<I'.11U paq e 38 -- '. '~·.~-"I.W""''''''')f',~·-.......·~· L _.._...~-,.,' ......,....,_......".,-_..".."_..._..-.~,-- &00f O84'!'175 It.. 131 IXTRA CAlli TIMI fOR IM"^TE MO. 33232 - APPROVED Coaal..1on.r ~rus. ~y.d, ..cond.d byCoaai..lo~.' Bolland and carri.d ~anl~u.1y, tbat tb. Extra Cain Ti.. for In.ate Mo~ 33232 be .pprov.d. Ad.inistrativ. Aide to the Board Underwood stated that she would like to hl!lve thtr County Attorney check into the ¡:>ossibility of a blanket approval of the extrl!l gl!lln ti~., adding that it is her understanding that al long as the Sheriff signs the approval of the extra gain tl~e, the Board cl!lnnot disapprove of hi. approval. CO:Jnty Attorney Saunders stated that h. would report back at the next ..etlng, adding that If there 1s no dilcretion in granting or denying extrl!l gain time, a blanket approval could b. made. ..... Th. follovin9 It... _r.·.ctopt.d 1rftd/or··S'ppro..d 1md.r tb. Con..nt ",.n4a by ~tion of C~io.l~r" .ru..,··· ..cond.d by Coaais.ion.r .i.tor and carri.d gnanl~Ys1y. ..... November 6, 1984 It_In LIASI AMa.DMIWT WITI CITY·O'·MAPLIS AIRPORT'AUTIORITY fOR MAPLES TaAMS'lR STATION TBROUGH DECtMaER 1985 See Pages 1ft) lý/ It.. 140 ~I TRAffORD ft£NORIAL CARDrwS CIM~TEAY DIED MOS; 405 See Page IF;;'" It_I41 AnD-TII-'ACT COMMUNITY 'SIRVICIS TRUST" rUtfD 'NfAllDAGRE!ftDT fOR OPIRATION or UDLAIIDS CHRISTIAII MIGR.UT ASSOCIATION CARl Ca.TIA S.e pag.. /i4- - 190 . It.. 142 aLAJlUT APPROVAL or'TII PETITION rOR AD.USSIOII ·or· COUIfTY PATII1fT8 TO_ A. O. HOLLIY STATI HOSPITAL FOR TUBIRCULOSIS It_ U 3 MR. J. C. SPANN APPOINTID TO THI PRIVATI IMDUSTRY COUMCIL paqe 39 , .... , "'~"""">'¡ t~*""" . ...., - ,-, "....'-h.t~-'tw..1t~....~......,.,.t;>~,..~':; t::".,. I I I I \ ¡ .' , ., ..' "~~_"""~>e'.~,,""".''"''_"'_''~_'__ ,...--, Cl :---1 November 6, 1984 '44 CARMIVA~ PIRMIT 'IC-4, R& PIT. C-14-3C, RARCO ISLAMD CBAKBIR or COMMIRCI, roft A CIRCUS TO II BI~D 01 2/,-10/8S S.. P'9' /9/ R&I. 14-214 ISTA8LISlI.a A .C.IDU~1 or PERMIT AWD IIS'ICTIo.,rIIS rOR TU COLt.UR COIllfTY 'LUMaI.a COD I Se. Page Not r"cl' v,·d. Incorrectly prel'lIrcd. "er ^99t. County Attorney Cuyler thlK will be presented at 9 Il1ter dnte. PIT. TR-U-3OC, MOB A. .10811601, RI1'PI'.,RISIDDCI·-i>IRMIT TO 'UTILIUA "08I~1 BaMl DURIMG CONSTRUCTIOI or A PRIWCIPAL RIIIDIICI 01 UKIT 13, TRACT 1:2, COLDIJI CATI I8TATES CAalIYA~ PlaNIT 'IC-S RI PIT. e-I.-4C, I~IIAlCTØ llTOI CBURCI, 'RI A CARlIYA~ rROM 11/7-11/IC S.e Pilge /~;.. ,u.cnIMI PlIRGhCT OPERATIOIIS PLAM MISCILLAMIOUS CORR~SPOMDIJICI - rILID AWD/OR RIPIRRID There being no objection, the çh.ir dir.cted that the .ilcelll!ln.ous corr.spondence b. filed .nd/or referred as indicated b.low! 1. Copy of laemor.ndulII dated 10/1/84, frolll Admlnistrativ. Judge Chl!lrl.s T. C.rlton, rft ~otions to tax co.t. In criminal cl!Ises. Flied. 2. Departlllental R.port foe Purchasin9 Departll.nt, sept~lIber 1984. riled. 3. Melaorandum dl!lted 10/19/B4, fro. Richard F. Barrett, Dlr., Div. of Hou.lng and Community D.velopment, r. deadline.· for submission of Small CitIes CDÐG Progra~ applications and schedule of work.hops. XCI Ms. Willialllson. Filed. 4. Letter dl!lted 10/19/8-4, from John M DeGrove, S.c., Dept. of Community Affairs, re notice of CDBC funds availability. XCI Ms. Williamson. riled. Copy of letter dated 8/27/B4, from E. Russell Smith, Chief Inspector, Florida Dept. of Corrections, enclosing Insp.ction Report dated 8/1/84, for Colli.r County Stockade. Filed. 5. ~ðO( OMw.r 176 Page 40 c ~ ..',-. ."'....""-",.,._"';,,,. .~.~~".'"~"._.,.."'.."...."'._- ~OO(. lJMwr1.7l 6. Noveœber 6, 1984 Copy of l.tter dated IO/19/84, from Richard W. Cantrell, Environmental Supervisor, DER, enclosing copy of applicl!ltlon rile No. 110945165 for maintenance dredging at Wiggins Pass Club. XCI Dr. Benedict. Filed. 7. Copy of applicetion to DER received 10/17/84, for No. 110942055, App11cant - Exxon Corp., for fill for drill pad, Well 123-4. XCI Dr. Benedict. Filed. Copy of ~?licl!ltion to DER received 10/17/84, for No. 1109420095, Applicant - Exxon Corp., for fill for drill pad, Well 126-1. XCI Dr. Benedict. Filed. Letter dated 10/9/84, fro. Richard W. Cantrell, Environmental Supervisor, DER, Incloslnq copy of application File Ho. 110893435, Charles Formont, applicant. XCI Dr. Benedict. riled. 8. 9. 10. Letter dl!lted 10/9/84, fro~ Richard W. Cantr.11, Environm.ntal Supervisor, DER, enclosing copy of application File No. 11090B295, Ignacio , Er~a Escandel1, applicants. XCI Dr. Blnldlct. Filed. 11. Letter dated 10/9/84, from Richard W. Cantrell, Environmental Supervisor, DER, encloslnq copy of application rile No. 110933715, Lðwrence E. Kl!lrn, applicant. XCI Dr. Benedict. Filed. 12. Letter dated 10/9/84, fro~ Rlchl!lrd W. Cl!lntrell, Environmental Suporvisor, DER, enclosing copy of applicl!ltlon File No. 110875575, Thoml!ls R. Baker, applicant. xc: Dr. Blnldlct. Filed. 13. Letter dated 10/9/84, from Rlchl!lrd W. Cantr.ll, Environmental Supervisor, DER, enclosing copy of application File No. 110895645, Collier County artificial r.ef program, applicant. xc: Dr. Benldicl. rllld. 14. Resource Alert Action Referral, dl!ltld 10/16/84, Cl!lse No. 84009B6, re dumping of conltruction ml!lterials. XCI Dr. Blnedlct. Filed. 15. coPY of litter dated 10/4/84, from Carlot R. Cl!lrrero, ~n9 neer, Burlau of Coastal Enqlneering and Re9ulatlon, re administrative approval of P.rmlt No. A-CO-93, Marco Beach Hotel. XCI Or. Benedict. Fil.d. 16. Copy of lettlr dl!lted 9/20/84, from Elton J. Gllsendanner, EXlc. Dir., DNR, re approval of time extension for Per~it rile No. CQ-45, Vanderbilt Beach Motel, Inc. XCI Dr. Benedict. Filed. 17. Copy of letter dated B/22/84, from Carlos R. Carrero, Engineer. Bureau of Coastal Engine.ring and Regulation, re I!Ipprovl!Il of I!Idmlnistratlve modification of Permit No. CO-84MM, Port Royal Club, Inc. plus I!I copy of the General Permit Conditions and Final Order. XCI Dr. Benedict. filed. pa g e 41 ,.,.,..........'.~,..... , "t.......':'·§ . .... . ··...···'<+·,t···1t\(....,¡¡-40.~-r-.. ,r, L'" -~--_.__...~ .,.~--_._- ._,............ ..,.~'",-"..."._.~"--._^....,.,'---,,~'- ,..., CI ~ Nov.mber 6, 1984 lB. Copy of memorandum dated 10/9/84, from Leo L. Minasian, Jr., Environmentl!ll Ad.ln., Bureau of Land Acquisition, DNR, r. Con.ervatlon and Recreation Lands (CARL) Selection Committee meetings. XCI Mr. Norton. Filed. 19. Letter ~l!Ited 10/15/84, from Frank Scott .tatlng hil assel.- ment for Greenway Road Paving A..e..ment Di.trict is not eqult..able, p1uI lupporting document.. XCI Mr. Kuck. Filed. 20. Còples of Minutes: Parkl , R.creatlon Advilory Board, 8/17/B4/ Llbrl!lry Advisory Board, 9/27/84, City of Hapl.., 9/3 I!Ind 10/3/B4. Filed. 21. I1elllorl!lndum dl!lted 10/lB/B4, from Marion Hart, Jr., Stl!l!! Director, Coordinating Council on Transportation Dlsl!ldvantaged, re review of Rul. 41-1. XCI Mr. Perry. riled. 22. LAtter dHed 10/24/84, from Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Mitchell uklng for denial of petition V-B4-21C. XCI Ms. uyne. Filed. 23. LAtter dðtod 10/25/84, (rom Mrs. Jonnle L. Gl!lntt a.klng for denial of p.tltlon V-B4-21C, plus II plctur. of a sign on the property. xc: Ks. uyne:. riled.' CeRTIFICATES 'OR CORRlCTIOM TO THI TAX ROLLS AS PRISEWTID 8Y PROPIRTY APP~SIR'S OrrICI 1980 TAX ROLL '24 10/22/84 ," 1982 TAX ROLL 619 10/23/14 TANGIBLI PROPIRTY TAX 19114 1914-1-24 10/23-26/14 CaAMGl ORDIR MO. , TO WIDILL , ASSOCIATIS, IMC. 'OR &XTIMSIOM TO COMTRACT TIJU NlD COST ADJUSTMIMT PORCOMPUTIotI'O'-IIAMD MU.IMG MID RIDUCTIOM 1M PAVI.a OUAWTITIIS 1M TBI AMOUNT or '1,500 s.. Pages I? 3 - ~ 0 'f ~~o~ 08411'.178 Pl!lge 42 .Jo.-.......-~- -'----~..,~.~-~-C~"'.ft . ",-",.f . ; ~~ i" t "'~"~"" ,~< ~, ! i¡ ~ " '~;':/ ~d.~ I~' Zi!"'c, 'W h ,~ <,. I I ~ I , i I j I: ' ". ~I œ4wr179 IU. U2 ACRIIUtØT AJlD PROMISSORY MOTI 1I'nf11Dl D. ItILLIR, R.RAMIL . I. RAMEL AJlD Tal aONRD RIUtOYlD FROM THI LIST or RIQUIRID DOCUMENTS MAIMTAIMID ay Tn couvn C LUX November 6, 1984 It.. '5) ACCIPT...-cl or WATIR AJlD .&WIR rACILITIIS WITSIM QUAIL CRIIX ~tVISIOM. UNIT 1. SUaJlCT TO STIPULATIONS s.. pag.. d oS" ... ,:). II It",. '54 ACltlDlØT FOR PAYMØT or WAUR AJlD SINIR ITSTItPt DIVl:LO,"PT CBARQIB a&TWIU FAAIIIt L. . JOYCI A. GALVIN AND Tal COIßlT1' WATIIt-SlntIR DISTRICT s.. pag.. ~)~ -ø1/~ It_ 155 ACRIMarr Itl OII-SITI I&WAGI TRIATMarr 'rACILITUS FOR WOOODLAU COIIDO- MIMIUMI AI IMTIRIM OM-ØITI'I&WAGI'TRIATKSW~'rACILITIIØ TO al COMSTRUCT-' ID AND PAYMeMT or ALL SYSTeM DeVILOPMINT CKARGIS rOR SAID COIISTRUCTIOM s.. Pagu ~ 17 - ;? If' It.. 156 AMDDMDT MO. 2, CITY/COUMTY WAUR-SEWER DISTRICT A.Ci~n.M11IfT See pag..;? If -.,1,;)./ * * * There being no further buslnesl for the qood of the County, the Deetlng was adjourned by Order of the Chair - Tlm.1 2110 P.M. BO^RD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS/ BO^RD OF ZONING APPEALG/EX OFFICIO GOVERNING BO^RDrS) OF ~ClAL DISTRICTS . UNDER ITS CO / _~;¿q"'__ .-:. /¿; . ..k'" /,Ú 0'//r-/j~ DAVID C. HR N, CH^IR/'\AN ATTEST 1 WILLIAM CLERK : ,.¡I. t· .- ~.s.;· ~Inµt~à) ð~rov.d on )¡Ø'ÞI17f'Y as pruented . ~ ... ",,, I ,; ,.', ") or~~~'CQrr~Óte~ .,. .." ''''" ". .' ,.... . S:nl\(I\» Page 43 ~,-.....,,.~. ~ r"',~..... ~,,,~,"" . , ---' L -_...._-_........,...--~,"~ .-,.;.....~._--_.....,---