BCC Minutes 11/20/1984 R \ ~j,~z ".',,, n.dd., .......r 20, \ /,":,:~,"; LIT IT BE REMEMBERED, that 'thtJ Board of C/'Iunty Commluinnerl '.~i;'í'nd for th. \:ounty of Collier, and 11100 .oct.inq u tho 8/)arcS o!Zonln~.<J ~,r~~:App"ll and.. the qCIYernlnq board(l) of such .pocial districts .. hnv '~~~:'b..n cruted Iccordlnq to law "nd hnv1nq ct'nduct.ud bUl'lin... heroin, mo :~\on thil date at glOO ^.M. In R.qular S...lon In Bulldlnq .,. of the' ~',! . ~'_'Courthouso Complex, Ealt N<lplo., Florida, wlt.h tho f '\llt'wlnq m,mben 'r- ¿;¡_~;~: ,.' i. ,fpreuntl CH,\IkMNI F'rodorlck J. vo..,:~i';~' \': -~, ~ c::::J ',' VICE CI!^WMANI Jl)hn A. Pllt/'lr MilX ^. Hð..O C. C. -Aod- HC')ll,:¡nd Anno Ooodnlqht ALSO PltESE~TI williAm J. lIu9an, Clark, Jo1mu C. 01ltt8, Fiscal OftScurl Mnuruon Knnyon, Doputy Clark, ~ur~ L. S,:¡undor., Cl)unt.y Attorney, Donald B. LU'k, County Manaqor, Noll Ct'rrlll, A.slstont County Mlnc;or, Terry Vlrt¿, Community Development ^drnlnlstrator, Layne, %onln9 Dlrect/'lf' Tom Kuc~, Public Works Adminlstrntor, Tom . ,. .... ~ ¡ . Cundall, Utllitlc:J Admlnlutr,Horr Tf.lm McDilnlcl, Plnnnor, W,¡'.:y " Ilraels"n, ^drnlnlø:ratlvo Secretary tl) tho 8onrd, anrl Deputy Chief RAymond B~rnott, ~h~rl!!'n Dup~rtmont. m< OB(.w,! 414 PD~e 1 ,.,"..",;"~.."".=,-,--",,,_...._,._--""'''''_"'"''''''''''~'''--"''_''",,,,,~,,,,,,;^,.....,..~;_.,~,,-.....,.,,,.,-, I " Novcmbcr 20, 1984 OAT! or orrICE ADMINISTERED TO COMMISSIONERS PISTOR, HASSI AND GOODNICHT Clark ~llli~m J. R4~1an ~dmtnl.tured tho oAth ~f offlc~ to the duly elected Comrni..I~ner. John A. PI.tor, Max ^. HAI.e and Anne Ooodnlght. Co~m1.llon~r Hnl'~ at~t.a tnae wh~n a ~~rDon bucom.. ^ Com.S..lon_r, th~t p.rlon Ih~uld be cl)~mend.d on tho kind of ~ork that ha. beon dona for th" County In till pillt Yd,H., nddlng thllt hit would Uke to thllnk the oue-?oln? Commiolloners for /I jOb woll ~ln.. It.. 12 COMMISSIONER VOSS ELECTED AS CHAIRMAN AND COMMISSIONER PISTOR ELECTED AS VICE CHAIRMAN Commi..lonor Holland .lIld that he want.d to ~.ko a .tatement that would hopdully let th" ace .tllrt tholr dutloD in I,) pøDlti,v~.;m nner ~or . . the boneflt "t all of Cflll10r County, 110 n/'ltod that'ho taoll h/'lnbred to havlI bun lo14ct.d to SHY,' liS Chlllrn,n of tho cl'unty'Comrnfsslonl howl)ver, h. dt:l.' not. w)nt t~ s..rvlI lno pO/'lp1c. "f Co1lillr County 1:. ChalrmDn "t th·J Comt:1II1~lon ,If I t In CJolnCJ t/'l work /1C,Dlnst their but Intlf"lt. UII stl.tud that if .:Jny CommlHDionur wlsho. to m.1ko II motion to reopen tho nominðtlonl tor tho offlco of Chllirmcn, ho will entortain that motion, S4cond the mfltlon, ~nd vote for It. Hi pt~ted thlt .t this (XIint tho floor I' opltn for recon.ldoratlon if thu Commiuloner. .0 duiru. Comm1..loner H~.I. ItLtcd that ho i. .orry that the out-CJoln9 Comml..ion d.cldlld to olect II ChalrmDn. Co..I..loner HII.e ~ved, .econded by Commi..ioner Holl.nd and' c.rrled unanlmou.ly, to r.open the no~inltlon. tor Chairman of the BCC. Upon roll clll, the vote wa. .. tollow.1 Coaal..loner H.... Aye Co..i..Soner Holl.nd Aye Co..I..ioner Plltor Ay. Coaai..ioner Vo.. Aye Co..I..ioner Coodnlght Aye Co..i..lon.r H.... DOv.d, .econded by Comml..loner Holl.nd .nd carried un.nlmou.ly, th.t Commi..loner Frederick Vo.. b. .ppolnted .. Ch.lr..n of the BCC. M\Ø( 084'I~,41S "'·'·,'c",.~",.,.""."",,,,,~,,.,____..,_>__....__·_,,.."_.....,~·t·¡,,,,,"",,,··\..~,,,...,,·I.;'~" '"''_;'''''';'''N~''_'''''''_''''''_''''_''''''';''''''''''~''''' ",..-",._..._-",,,,.~-,.,... "..,-~.,....<.""". . '* 084'1".419 ¡ , Nóvombor 20, 1964 Upon roll c.ll, the vote va. .. tollov.. Co..I..lon.r Ha..e Ay. Co..S..loner Holland Aye Co..I..ion.r Pi.tor Ay. Co.-I..lon.r vo.. Ay. Co..I..loner Coodnlght Ay. Co..I..ion.r H.... .oved, ..cond.d by Co~ml..lon.r Vo.. and carrl.d un.nlaou.ly, that Co~.I..lon.r John A. Pi.tor be .ppointed Vlc. Ch.lr..n of the 8CC. Upon roll c.ll, the vot. va. a. tollow.. Co..l.lloner H.... Ay. Co..S..ion.r Vo.. Ay. Co..illion.r pSator Ay.' Co..i..ion.r Holl.nd Ay. Co..l..ioner Coo~ni9ht Ay. . n.. 13 ACENDA - APPROVED WITH TH& rOLLOWING CHANOES Co.ai..lon.r Pi.tor ~oy.d, .econd.d by Co~.i..ion.r Holl.nd and carrl.d un.nlaou.ly, th.t the .9.nda be approved with the following ch.ng" I A. Addltl~n !.'f Itom 5C rt pr(a~nLðtlon fr/'lm Womun'ø Re~ubllcnn Club nC N.ploK fed~rattd, Itum l6Ul mt'v.ø t/'l ltom 901 re ~~c6vntinn Permit H/'I. ~9.cn 1 t OIR 1 2t1 wit hd r /.I ""' ltum l~. ra advcrtlslng 8c~wðll nrdlnanco, ad~od by Comml.sioner Plator Itom l2D ra ordlnoncc for mntnr boats Dnó jot Ikis in the Cult of /'lex leo, addod by Cl'mml..lnnl!r !'Iat/'lr u. C. D. , E. It.. 14 MINUTES or NOVEMBER 6. 1984 - APPROVED CoaaS..ion.r Pi.tor aoved, .econd.d by Commi..ion.r Holl.nd and c.rrl.d un.nl.ou.ly, th.t the .inut.. ot Novemb.r 6, 1984, b. approved a. pr..ented. 1 te. U EMPLOYEE SERVICE AWARDS (PERSONNEL) t~plnyoJ bervlcu ^wurÓ. were pre.~ntod thulr .~rvico to Col1lur CountYI JUdy f:iponco r ¡,q r i cuI tur(' Harry Pilar.kl ^nlmal C~ntrol to the ft'llowln9 ptopl~ £!.'r 5 yonr. S yonrfl (^blont) . Page 3 E:Z:J t:::1 "bf It:; '_'>_'_'-_<>"'_"^"'""'''~__'''''''''".'''''''''''"''''''''''''''-_''''''.__.'_''""".""";"""..",._."",,,.; ,'"H.','·....,.,.",·..__,..,_''''...._I',·''íIf¡~..;'';,....·.·'··...."cl ''·...~".....,,'~ ."'. ,,,,,,. .,., ,--,. ~ .,....,'..,...>;. ....".,-"''"'",...--,......-,.,......., ,~ ~ II ,RESENTATION BY WOMEN'S REPUBLICAN CLUB or NAPLES 'E~ERATED Mra. IIlhn, rapru.ntinq the \'lClm.n'. Republican Club of Naple. r.dor4ced, pre..nted I small tokon ~t apprQCiðr.l~n to tho loll~w R.pu~lic.n. ot th~ C~~mlssl~n hnd wished thom qðnd luck in tho yoar. com.. ~nvomb~r 20, 1~04 It.. 17 'ROCLAMATION DECLARINO THE WEEK or NOVEMBER 2S - DECEMBER l, 1984, AS -HOSPICE or NAPLES WEEK- - ADOPTED Co..Sssioner Voss mov.d, second.d by CommSssioner ,istor .nd carri.d unani.ou.ly, that the proc1a.atlon declarln9 the week ot love.bor 25 - ~ece.ber 1, 19B4, as -Hospic. ot Naple. Weet- b. .dopted. M.. Muriel NttholliS, Dlroctor of HuUOI tit IIl)spico, lIutee! that .he would llko to th~nk tho County Comrnls.l~nor. ftnd tho people of Collier County fr-r the tro,.,andou. lIup¡..ort of tho proqrAm. ~ 1,.,.', , '. ..' \ aOD( 084 wr420 1'.19 I) 4 ._~...,.~,~~.",..._".,.......~~._,.;~;""k_~.~.~"",,,,,,,,,,_.~_.M;¡_,...._~.__......"..>-.".._.,_..""".:.....~"'.,j,,,·,...___,_'IfIØ,_'.' ..."'.._;...".._~__.. .,.._.,..,..__.__"......"..,""',.._.~.~-h t=J I:] Novembllr 20, 1994\ It.. II ORDINANCE 84-84 CRZATING THE COLLIER COUNTY 'IRE CONTROL MUNICIPAL SERVICES TAXING UNIT WITH BOUNDARIES DESCRIPTION - ADOPTED L~9al notice havln1 beon publlshod in the Haplcs Dolly Newa ~n Octobor 31, 1991" as evld.nced by ^tf1dav1t ~t puhlicatl/'ln filed with tho Clerk, public hoarln~ was nponoG to consider on ordinanco creatinq the C~lllor Cl)unty Firo Control Municipal sarvice. T~xln9 Unit ~ith boundJrlos doscr1ptl~n. . A.sistant Ct'unty ,·i.1nA<Jl:r cnrrlll stllt.d th.,t this ordiMnco would croat. tho Colli or Cnunty C.pendcnt Plr~ District or thf.lse ðreas within the unlncorpnratud area not curr~ntly roc.::lvlng fir 0 protvctlnn .throUCJh . tulnq diatrlct, elth"r depcnd~nt or IndopJnd,nt. bo noted that this WIIS first brt'u,)ht b"ft)re tho Board last summur In C')rc!c'r tt' facllltllte I roquest by tho ;m~I)Knloo Inddpondont District to croato a 1argor depen- dent dlstr iet unu-tr thd Bo~rd, so that the Iml:ll'k1l1.u ðr.,a Independent district cI)u1d beqln rocolvln9 t"x dollars thrC')ugh II c~ntract with the Board tCl sr.rvo an .::r04 C\utPld~ of thlllr hlstnrlc~l bl)und.Ht"os.' HII ' noted thilt Dt ðbout th~ So1rn~ tlmu, tho DCC ruc~lvod II soriel of requests fror nthor lna~pondont cllstrictG to h~v~ rofor,ndums placed !.'n tho q_norol election bJllot ~horeby they coulJ ðnnðx lands, parti- cularly to tho Oilst of tholr cur runt dlctrlc:: bnun:lðrlos, II. ,stlited that In response to this, the acc dlrec:ted st~ff t~ draw up an ordlnilnce that ~uld plD~O all unlnct)ri~r1ltod area l~nès, primarily In tho far e~ßtern pnrtlon of tho Cnunty, Into a depond~nt taxing district whoreby the i:oard V'lu1è thon f)nter intI) ct)ntr;¡cts with existlnq fire depar:monts In order to provldo a Idvel nf Burvlea that does not exist today other than in ð mutu~l o1ld typo r~lA~I/'Inshlp. Ho n~tod that th2 øCC has establlshod a precedence of this by provlously entering Into contracts and ~Sl~b1Ißhlnq tho Colll~r County riro Clotrict 11 during the mlj 70'S, adding that since that tlmo until the District was annexed away, had "ntored Into ::t'ntrilcts for flro prntuctl~n sorvice. H. noted that ~p~rl)xlrnately $300,OOO-~OO,OOO ~ year e~n ba rals,d thr~~h a ono mill cap, adding th3t the Ct'unty ~uld thon ent~r Into separato agre~ments with tha vilril)us districts that cl)uld provide the nllar.st and ml)Kt r~bsonablu level of survlc~. CommSssioner Voss stated that the !.'rdlnance saYI all Inc/'lrpl)rated aruas Clf Collier County and questionod if this Includol st~te ond fedoral lÐnds, to which /'Ir, CorriU ropl1ed that currently thu Ochnpee Dep.ndent District h..s tho HI'] CYl1ross Preserve /18 wc:ll ¡u'the '>" ~;\: 'ff ~;" ~~ ' '\'1 , ;, \\ '.' ~Dac ~'.~f~~ Fag' 5 ne. J23 .:.Iovcmber 20, 19011 (UO"t',."t-,: , IK.hatche. Strand within itG boundarl.s and they hov. nover boon ~nd.d to exclude th!.'.O landi, ftddin9 that the county dn.S assist þ~th " National 'Parll Service /II well as the Florida Division of .'Ofutry, l<]ht1nc¡ prhllarlly brushClr.. In thos\: ,HUS but., In .dc\lt1/'1n, t)1'I ,unty providel all the relcue activitiel for aut/'lmoblle accidentl t~r :1' "rimary roads t.hat bisect thou areas. C!.'mml..loner Ha8S0 questioned If those d.partments provide ;slstance to the County when thore arc: pr!.'bloms, to which Mr. Dorrill 'plied affirmatively, oddlnc¡ thot In all brushfires, the primary ,urce of juriødict.lt'n llos with the Dlvisinn of Forostry for which leY receiv. a contractuol payment based on so many cents p.r acre ithin the County and t.h.y .H' Q. ulppcd with the type of equipmont to ~lqht those firos. County Mt!.'rney SAunders stilted thDt this would nt:lt offect stato ~d f.d.ral lands In terms of taxes, as they ar. not taxed. Chitf Jim Jnnes, reprcsor,tln:;¡ North Naples Fire Cópartmont, Jestlon.d whðt l.vel of servlco he would expect tho t:lther departments "perform In this ,nt..:!, tC') ~Ihlch M, D/'Irrlll stilted thllt In tho pilat ~Icre hal boen an actual ct:lntroct that &pells out hnw payments \:111 be . ~celved a~d what levels of s(.rvic~. He statcd that this will be ;osolv.d at the time of tho cnntroct and hilS very llttlo t!.' do with the vrdina~c. this dat.. Mr. J!.'no. stated thot the Comr.1lsaiconuli cof thll NCHth tI1lphs rin clstrict would be a9ree5ble lO a cnntrrct, but tho luvel nf service :hat wt'uld be perforo."c ...ou1d bt: very much In dt'ubt dU", tn the wide expanse of the aroo. ne st,1tecl th.1t Homo of these z:rl!os ara 30, 100, "n::l 50 mil.s ..way ðna tho IlUr....1.:c c/lnl'\r.>t ba parf(lrrnctJ in thOIl'} DrQIII. e Itat.d thilt he d~ec n(ll hDVC a probleM ~lth .øslstin~ /'Ithor pot'plo n ot.her parts (If th~ Cou~ty, but h~ d!.'os havo ~ problum wi:h thu I.vol .f .ervice th3t tho Cðunty mi1ht request fr!.'m othor"deportmentø. Commisslt'ner VnllÐ stataò ttlðt this \>I(\ul,; bl: cf.lvorucl 'In a n~9()tib- don with the firo district and the County stoff, add in'] that thel' problums cen bo worked !.'ut at the time of n~qntlotionD. ~,r. Neno bP.:l<Jna, crud rman of Golden OiltO f'ire Control and ltaSCUO District, stnted thÞt thar. is no !.'bjcctl(1n t(l thu County creAtine; the Dlltrict., but the tiro Commlsslconor& feel thaL th~y d!.' not wanL to ,lrovidCl t.h. eervlco as it woulè "(It bot in ll1l1 bl'Rt interest "f thll 'pt.ratlon of thJ c (latlng district. ita 8tntod annther "lternøto way _nuld be It:l dlstributu ull th~ "reos.ln a rnunnur in which, if rago ~ ~,;~..4 :,.",1 t::1 :::::.=I . - --'ìL t=; ¡",~, ~ ~ ~ ':,: "~~'~..'. """" "_~·c.,.,,,,··~"'"~'''-_'' ~.,.......;'" ,.",,,~ .~".'~, ""H,.,.,,,,,,,~__,,,..,,,,,~=..,,'''H~_'''''''''_''''''_;''''''''"''''_·_'",,,,,,,,t_·,*,,,'·!o;<'___''''__''''''''''''''''''''''W'''' ,,,.....,.,...,,.,. ...._",-'''''''"'''"'''"',.~...,'',......,."~._.'"..., "".,-.,,,.,,,.,--,,," r:::::J r::::1 I \ ~ovomb.r 20, 19C4 nec...ary, . now aistrict WQu1d be formud to handl~ &11 the p~nplo Instead of trying to prnv1d' prt'toction in :ho mann.r that it la now boinq hand14d. Ho n!.'t.d th.t Go1dün GAte riro District did annox ~pprt'~Smately SO square miles which"WJS inltlntod by tho pooplv 1ivinq in the area. Commiulon'H V(\U It, tod thitt this haG b.en thu prt'lblom, th. fire dlstrl.:ts have tok.n the arJn. thðt ar. most lucrative and left tho otherø !.'ut which III th<: j)ur;JOsu nf this orcUnoncol so th,1t, vvny"n. con b. ~rotect.d with luCfl.:l.nt funds. Mr. "onry Þ~xant, N"rth Naples Fir. Contr/'l1 Cistrict Cðmmi..lon~r, stbted that thdr~ would bo n.w Commissioners t~klng I)ffice in January, 19B5, anu thosoJ CQr,lml..slonor¡; shnuld <, iva th,)lr In¡.ut. He no:>t.d that the levol "f service could n"t bo plJr!nrmu{) In th} r,\lInnur thnt It should bo 1£ thd dIstricts ðr~ :00 l<lr~o, Tap. . 2 Co..is.Soner Pistor moved, seconded by Commissioner CoodnS9ht and carried unani.ously, that the public hearin9 be clo..d. Co..i..ioner Piltor moved, seconded by Commlasloner Coodnie;ht ana carrSed unlnl.ously, thlt the Ordinance IS number.d and entitl.d below b. adopted and ent.r.d Into Ordinance Book 19' ORDINANCE 84-84 ORDINANCE CREATING THE COLLIER COUNTY PIRE CONTROL MUNICIPAL SERVICES TAXING UNIT WITH BOUNDARIES DESCRIPTION, AUTHORIZING THZ LEVY OF AN AD'VALOREM TAX NOT TO EXCEED ONE (l) MILL IN ANY ONE FISCAL YEAR, PROVIDINO FOR A OOVERNING BOARD AND DEFINING ITS POWERS AND DUTIES, PROVIDING FOR CONFLICT AND SEVERABILITY PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. It.. " RESOLUTION 84-22~ R! PETITION FDPO-84-V-ll 8Y COLLIER COUNTY PARKS , RECREATION DEPT. RE EAST NAPLES COMMUNITY PARK - ADOPTED L09:1l nl)tlc:o hllvln'] b'II':'! publistlod in th" Nllploll Dnlly ;.!QWS on November 4, 1984, as ovldenced by ^ffidovlt of publication fll.d with the Clerk, public hUrln'l "'.:.IS o¡.;oned t" cnnsldor I'ot.ltion .'CPO-S4-V-ll filwd by Colli.r County Parks , Hacr~ðtlon Dupartm,nt r. approval of a variance to empl~y a luss.r d09roQ /'If f1/'1odproofin9 thAn n"rm~lly required by the Fl/'l!.'d D~maqe provontion Ordin~nc. on property doscribed .s thll I::ast Naples Comr.¡unlty £'~rl:, iI pllrt. ('of tnCl tI\j l/4 of SClction 24,' To~ship 50 South, Rangð 2S East. Plllnner ~~CDniel atlltcct thllt this requ~lIt Is for thu structures that will bn plllced At tho Ellat N4plos C(\mmun1ty park sit., ðddinq that ~oo< 084'1',1424 I'/lqo 7 ·I~t. '~~;; ~,~~.'¡,":, . - ~..:..-:/.-- < : -~" .{;;:. ' " , ,I ,_..~ '00< 084"',..425 Nf.lvet:lber 20, 19Q~ there will be throa public bathrn~m facl1ltlos ðt on elavatlon feet HOVD Instead of 10 fe~t NOVD os requirod by the rDPO and s ~aintenance building using 0 lesscr degreo of CloodprQoflng than FEMA'I watertiqht standard. . II. noted that tho maintenance building .,.,111 be uI.d primarily for the parkinq of vohlcleB, ðddln1 that tho fixed .qulpnen~ and m,chanicnl sllction will be 'z¡!Jovü the flf.\l'd plain. He noted that all fQur buildings will b. so designed th~t flood wattrs will be able to unter thum on~ recode without crentlng hydrost4tlc pres.ure on the walls, Ho noted that there have b.en other !ar1ance requests like thl. on~, and ~ta££ Is r.c~mrnendin9 apprt'val ~f this roquest. Commissioner Pistor stated thðt. h. do.s nC')t understand why the .torage building could not bo ~ut at the 10' haight, nddin~ that he could understand tho thr.. bothrt'om facl11tlos. Mr. McDDnl~l stat~d that the Itorago building Is strictly for parking oC vehicles and he hal received dt'cumentatlon from FtMA that they do not require It. Commlss1l)ner Plstor questll)ned what the flood plðln eleva~lon II for this site, to which ~slstant County MðMgQr Cl'rrill stated that the existing typical ~levatlon In that area is +3 to +S ond if the County decldoB to uno 10' NCV~, th~re would bo 0 dirt t:lound that WQuld be eight het high, '.1ddlng th/lt It I. alsQ a mattcr of ecoMt:lY and cQat rolated to the parks. Co~missioner H^ss. quostl~n~d If this ðrCÞ Is sorvlced by a c.ntrallzed sewer system, to which Mr. McDaniel stated that ha thouqht they would have ,:¡ pðCr,/lj" plllrlt. Comr.IIRsloner lI,:¡slItI £tatllt: that If theru is " centrllll zed R)Wttr sy"tt'm f.lr II Pllckll<JU pl11nt and th\: water rises up 1B-, it w111 C'vcrt"x tr,·, '(lWllr plc.nt. lit) statl¡d th.1t this is somothlng that should be l~C'koO ðl vory cDre£ully by thu Ln9ineerl. Ct'unty ,....n.'9cr Lu!\" ßtoJt....J til,.t tnr, CClunty i11 trying tl' R,:¡ve mon¡:)' In th~ constructlC'n, n~alng th^t the f~clllt1.s will b~ d.sl1ned to bo flooded tn mlnlmlz~ tht oc.maqJ, H~ st~tod thðt th~ J~&I~n ~f th~ system cou1u bt loo~ed Into. Mr. brucl1 hC')lly, br., rlJlilcH.r,t 1)£ Last Nbplt., st,ltC/d that thllrü is no reason to h~ve ð variance for this pdrk with all tho clll~n constructi/'ln rubblv cJVGllJblCl fr(lrn thY bullulnC Industry. ho 1I';4t.ed that a trem.ndous prico hat beftn paid for the lan~ and It should b. conltructe':l prQperly. I..: st..ltce: th",~ tho: entlru par" .illl sh~uld bu ulnad. ' Public burviccD I\:!mlnlstr/.¡Lnr NQrton st/ltt;1c! th/it /'In t.he '. " ..,. :=J =:! PIICJO B h...... ) I t:.: _,~",_"_,~.~_~",____",_,,____,.,,_,,,_,,"""'~__1I'i_"'.'~__ -r .."'*',__........"..,"'.*,.~"'~.,~'"..._....'.'",._,.,..C"."....'".,_'..>._."...._,..,........"",...-.",.,..,' "."'~,_.."._-,._.,^,,..._._- "" ,_...._-"".........,___.."',._........,,_.."'._.......t,'_."'...."~.f ._....~'.".....h-"..,,·-.,._.._"'iIl1llW·."" ..I·'......I1'..io.."*._-,..';·"..'i-'.'",'....~ '''--''.-'',.,....'.'''".''.'"__'~--_.,.,_...''"''''''--,...._.. ~~vlmÞer 20, lLC~ I' I NI( 084,.,,\,4.2;9 RESOLUTJON 84-226, RE PET. V-84-24C, rRED , MARJ! CESSNER, R! VARIANCE ON THE B.!. CORNER or 2ND AVE. , MARCO LAKE CR. IN MARCO HIOHLANDB - ADOPTED Ltqal n!.'tic. hiving botn publlshlld Sn the Napln Dilly "eWII on t~over.lber 4, 19&4, II e"idtnco' by MUd:,vit of Publ1cðtlon fl1ttd wlth the Cl.rk, public h.erlnq WÞS openod to consldor Petition V-8~-2~C, Uhd by tred , I'u'lr1e OC'unor, rh uutinc;¡ . varillncl' tn rc<1uc, thl .Inimum lot arltl from 13,000 Iquare faat to 7,00C Iquare flit and tn reduce tho two front y..rd sotbðc:a fr"m n feet to 23 Cut IInd 20 het tor pr!.'party located on thu B. E. cC\rn.r of 2nd Ave:nu. and Murcn Lake Dr lv. In ". rco hi9hhnds. Zoning Dlructor Laynu stdtod that this r,~uQøt Is for. varlanco to construct a duplex, addln~ that the p.tltlo~er recently had a, varlonco ln Wov.mber, 1984, for a ~upl.x ImmQdlatcly t!.' tho .ast end adjacent to the property. ~h. atatud that thore are 2 duplexes furth.r .alt, 3 duploxcs bohlnd, 2 slnqlo fa~lly homes across tho Itreut and 4 vacant loti across the stre.t and to the .ast. She stat.d that based on tho standards th. BC~ ~ust revluw In determlninq whothor 0 varionco should be granted, St~ff must recommend dðnial "f the potltlon. Mr. Dale E. Herr)', Attornuy, statod that tho bl/'lclc that 11 baing considered Is I)n. of ten lots ~nd six duplexes have becn complot.d on those 10 lots Dnd t'ne 'JC!ttln'J r.~rjy to stnrt cnnntructit'ln. Boe n!.'tl1d that tht adjolnlng lcH wu approved by tho C/'Immlasl(\n for I variance, >addlng that th. pttitlonus h,wc built "ne duplux tWD dt'/'Irn over anrt ar. ~tartlnq a duplex ncxt d~or, He stated lh4l thin lot und~r c!.'nlldtutlon Is a c!.'rnar lC't, lIr;1in9 th; t thH(' arc: 3 duplexl:s tC' tht' rlqht, l duplox behind, and 3 me>rl.! U/'Iwn the blt'ck. Ii. stctad that (I slnglo fsml1y h~m~ does no: bQlt'lng (\n this block, adding th~t It 1s IOned JUoIF-~ multl-fllmi 1'1. lie st/ltod th..t he modI: ^ .lurvoy /'If the neiqhbortlt,lod and tho) ndghbt'r. in thl! arv And found nt'l t)bjllctlt'n t!.' the constrtJction !.'f t.he laot (1U¡J]t1X Dr thia on,¡. Ho nl)t.d that he wantl to t.irr." the ct'nr.tluctlnr¡ ~(I (il in \¡ith ':llIh 11 ~f th, IIl<,¡hland ......r ¡JrCljll'Ct which sh/'lu1ù Slört nOICt Ytll.r. 11;; ¡¡tatou that ho wants :(1 90 I~m~ðlatoly lntn 'cw~r ~n~ ID ~llllng t~ ~ak,. thot cnndltlt'lnlll in the varlanc3. 110 stnterl tho1t m~Qt i~l~rtÐnt Clf all Ie the ur~ent nucd on ~Grco lsl~nc f~r ~u~llty ú((nrdbblu housing ft'lr wnrkln~ pe(\~lc, .ddinq that this I' 4n CSO &Gu,re foot unit, twn bedronms, t~t' b~ths, that wl11 ((1M !N ~ 400 II rnt'lntl.. Page 10 t::.:J :::=J ¡, 11 ..~ ~_. _~,.,.."_,_,_"".""'__"""_H'.""",,.___·"·"--'-""~--'·"'-'·""""'·'''''_..'.,',.','....~<;... ,..."'-''''..."...._._._......._.."''"''4...,._''''..__..'.'·0,.''"..,'"'·'..-. c:::;¡ t:.::::) ,,-,",' >,.'.:' ',".. ,,'i,t'l.:· Nov~mber 20, 1904 C"mmiui('lnllr lIaue quutl"nld whAt is 'on 1.t)t. 13 ond 14, ~o Zonine; Ditoctor: L/lyne Itl.ud Ilne;h family hO:1los. Mr. uury atlSted that. th... people wen inter:yhwed .snd thoy hllv,", no t)bj.ctions tt\ thi ,,\for hnc.. C"mmi..ionur Plst."r: stilted that this verl.ncd would be conformi to the r.lt of the or.a and will add to thø aCfordable h"u.in9 which "arc", I.1And n..dl. Co..issioner Plstor .oved, .Iconded by Commi..ion.r Holland and csrrled unanl.ously, thAt the public hearlne; be clo.ed. Co..i.sloner Piltor .oYld, .econded by Commi.slon.r Holland and carried unanl.ou.ly, that R.solutlon '4-226 re P.tition V-84-24C b. adopted. 't ~4 .~" " f fi: F \:~ '~ \1)'( Q84.'I' ·-430 Pa <] 0 11 ,_,' M" .~.......... ~~..~.......".......'" .,_"'.,."."" ;-F,!W"''',·...'_~·H... ,_...~.. n·~I·M"'."~'..,'"".-.fI,!¡ *"__"''''«·_........,.,,"..._H~...'',",'A',_.,·<''-'-'.' .,."";..,..._,~_,.,,..,""'..,..__..,,..._;,..O»'...,".,,.._,,.,...-'.,-.,., ~ovombor 2C, 19U4 : ~ 1 ,oo~ 084,.··, 433 COMMISSIONER VOSS APPOINTED TO SERVE AS A MEMBER ON THE MPO Communi ty Development IIdmlnlstrator VI ru sutad that an KPO position is vacant duo to former Commissioner Kruso leavin9 nCfice. indicated th~t there needs t!.' be another Commilsl!.'ner app/'linted. Co..issloner 'lstor moved, seconded by Comalssloner Holland and carried unanl.ously, that Commissioner Voss be app~inted to serv. ..mber on the MPO. MODIFICATION OF EXCAVATION PERMIT NO. 59.80, D. L. BASS, TRUSTEE, FOR PROPERTY 4 MILES EAST or CR-951 AND l/2 MILE NORTH or TAMIAMI TRAIL - APPROVED WITH STIPULATIONS Public ~rKI ^dmlnlstr.tor Kuck stated that this request il to modify ExcavDtion Permit No. S?CO to allow dcw~t(rlnq and tho devth of the excavation to b~ IncroDsed to 35' belou cxistin9 qround l~vel, and to allow pvrimetor berms to bo modified and reloc.tod. He Itnted that on Auqust 21, l~79, the BCC apprnvQd rozf.lno pvtltlon PU-79-11C and tho Exc.vatinn P,,,mll, addlnq that In JUM, 19~1, tho \\/lur Manoi~flln.nt Advisory BOArd prt'vldcd authorization to pr~cce~ with tho exchvatlon tn . depth of 16' below ~xistlng grade, with tho stipulation that the r!.'ck material be placed back intn tho lake to creDt~ a fininhad depth bnttom that would not exceed 12' be)"w th~ !:xlatlng 9radc. lie rcporUd that In June\ 199<, the ~Iter MJnnq~mlnt Dir~ctnr recoived 0 letter from Thom'G Peel; of Will"n, NIUer, 'a..rt"n, !;nl1 lc Pvok, Inc. requontinç II modification to the ExcnvLtinn Permit t!.' all/'lw I)n-slte/ofC-sito dewatorinq, tho depth rof the e:~cl1v ltior. be incrltl!scd tCl 35' bl/l/'lll exsitln9 9round level; and perimoter barm5 be modified IInd relocated to tho ext.ori!.'r bt'un:!arlts ('Ir th<: )ro¡,orty, II" r,.,lod that UtcH re,:or.lmvnded to the .....!lter ~,!ln/l'Jcrncnt Advlst'ry l.!oarcJ thct ¡my dlf\~ lterin9 .operation shoulè n('lt êr.pltJtu thlJ frcshw¡Jter M.¡ultur, n/'lr j"'f.lp;:r\Ìiz~ surfac~ water qUülilYI that t~c rC4uest dlfpth !.'f 35' corrcsp('lnds to the exc&v~tl('ln d~pth det~rminld by th~ SFk~D EXCÐvltit'n Study .qu3tl('ln, and thllt the berr.-.ø will be e<, u.:Illy tlffuctlvd IJdjt>.:ent t!.' tho! propert~· l1nos as thlfY arc nlf~r th: Cxcl1v~tion. HIf n/'lt.eè that durln~ th~ regulAr meetin9 of July 11, 19~t" th~ \\Dtor Managcmunt ^dvisory ~oard recommlfnaea a~pr/'lvDl ('If thll m('ldificatlt'n t('l E~C~vAti~n Pllrr.lit No. 59.80. Ho stated that during toPt m~etln1 ~ c"mmcnl was made f/'lr the rl.:ord rll9ardinq the dc~th of J~' bo1o~ exlstlnC] qrcdo I~\lch It~t_d P,J911 12 ::::J c:::J " . UL Jll I 1::;; _. . ",~.~......~_.__.._;<..'n ,.,......,,~.,.~.,.;.< ',4"'~ ......;;-.."·oiiriU....;jHh L_.""""__.""'..,·..."·""....,,,',· '.!i",·w;_,·__,·__·",,,,~,,,···_~_·_'·N'~~·' ~,,'," ~ N/'IYcmb~r 20, 1~~4 t",t -This m/'lu1!lc~tl/'ln In .it~ .pacific nnd futuro rwtlt1~n. evaluaLed /'In tholr, ~~n m~rlt nnd :h~t tho dðta ruc.lv,ø fr~m ~/'Ini thl. vxcav.tion mAY tn!lucnca th~ WMAB'. d~cl.l~n ~n .uch petltionl, ..nd furthd, t.h¡.t thl. vrnject 1a rNJMd'./d /II ul",r ð~oa not eatabllah . ~~ncrnl precad.nce-. "0 It.otid thDt the and ~~AB rQc/'lmmondðtl^n 18 !nr .ppr/'lvr.l Aub~nct tn the øtlpul,ti/'lnl outllnlld In the Eucutivw ::;Ulllmnry dllt..' I'4nVllmber 20, 1~C4. Cnmm1uinner Plat.nr ~1I".tlnnod h/'lw Stoff dc.rturmln.!1 th" ;,;:ilt'why add t!.' it, t.o which "'r, Ruck r"pl1"d ttl.IL thll do,tpth I.. dlftwrml.nud by ran ilqU.!ltlon /tnd nl.: \<nuld r..til~r h/lv. .. cJ...¡pClr cI"pth In Ltal' pit thlln to h.vo mnru pita. Comml.lall'nH 1I"l8of ~..c.ltl/'lncd I! Lh"r.' woulC: blJ IIny iiH"'i:t nn underwðt.r qrnund contù~lndt1on, t~ _hleh Mr. ~UCK at.nt~d thot thl' t.he rllAlon n~ will r~~41~~ m~ntn1y mnnltnrin~ r~p/'llt.. Coaal..ioner PI.tor ~oved, .Iconded by Commi.lioner'Holland and carried unanlmoully, that the modification ot Excavation Permit No. 59.80, D. L. Ba.., Tru.toe, be approved with the followlne; .tlpulatlon.' 1. ^11 ai'¡¡lle,lb!.' prnv1Ølnn. nt Cnunty ,)røIMnCO N/'I. 7.?-12 bo <ldholrvd ::'1'. " 2. Th", ú.:pth "t th,' ~xc:,w~tl(\n 111,·.11 nn::. c.rXClIl:d 35 foet bolnw o x I. tin,} 'J r iJ C1 ", 3. pu~"ln1 nn-alt, "r /'Irf-~Itu sh~11 bu t'~ly Jft~r ~ppr/'lvnl of ð cnm¡-l..t.. II t<- oI¡,u.r m;,nllq...rr,oInL ¡:;lðn hy thfl \'IlIt.:r /'k'Inðqennnt Dlr. (~t(\r ,¡nd ;'/'Iuth ~lnr1,: a ·.....tllr M.1n"qcmc;nt DI:atr1ct. ". CCl1nl'lIilnc'J ..Ith jJr"VI:lIOIl. of PI/tltl"n PU-7?-l1C. S. l'Iatnr ~u.1Ity monlt.nrln1 r~portß nhùll ba ftubm1ttJd tn tho hðt~r ~n~qvrnent tir~ctor at thu potltlonur'ø uxponac.r. The monthly uønltnrln~ aholl, ~. ~ minImum, 1nelud~ u tr~nsoct nf .a1lnlty fr/'lm .urf~c9 tf.l bottnm !.'f at loa.t throft ob.orvotl"na and II tran.uc:t oC cJiasnlvod nxyg,¡n and At 1c.ra~t n quartvrly ..'~I.mont of nutriunt.. ACRE~INT 'OR ARCHITECTURAL SERVICES WITH THE INTERARCH DESICN CORP. TAMPA, FL., RE THE JUSTICE CENTER EXPANSION PROGRAM - APPROVED ^slIl.tant County 1·1ur\.HJ~r ¡;orrlU lIt.oted thllt In July oS shnrt li.t WI. brouqht tC') the BCC [nr ~pproval ~nd th~ aCC ^pproved neqC')tlation. for drchltuc:.urll1 ~\lrvlculi .-11th th2 Intc;carch (¡....iqn C"rl'"ratlnn In T..mpll, Horld':, fII th.;o Ju.tico Cantu! Fxp.3nslt'n Pro'Jram to flnllh' the 8th flotH nf dulldlnc¡ "F- ..nd trÞ r.\ldIlBign .~nCl tt..1kCl Dddltl"n.1l doøiqn. to the hilt!.'rlc.,l cl)urth/'luse lit t.1t.. requl.:.t of thQ Judqu.. He .t..tud t.hðt. t.hi. iu ~n oILJol1ont Ct'ntr6ct hnd this ðrchltl/ct Is dlffvr~nt than th" one that did the original Juøt1co Cllnter. 11~ noted thllt thil I. 1\ me 084,i~'434 Pllqc , . ~,_""_""""",___"~"_"'_"'_"il""'''';II#CII_..__..,...,,,,..I~'__'''''_''_''''.",..._...__....._,_...'...~c, ~"'.. '.,. ...,....",~...,,,',, "'........., ,...".~'" ~~,__; . ."....~...",..';;".,'-"'., '" .. ,~.. '0 .__..~""--_.;,-"",.",,..__..I r"'_.."'____.___.,.....__..."~"'q ~",.,""',..,..."'.."i>.,',..,.""'".,....___...."',...,_~...~.,_ .--"'''''' ..,.~..,,-,....~ ~~vu~b.r 20, 1901. - ~PPROVED FOR P~YMENT Pursu¡nt t~ nVlolut1~n e1-l50 tho f/'lllowlne; -throU9h .'rSc'lny, Novombor. Ui, l\)D(, In pl)'r.'Ic>nt ~f CIIECK DESC!f\1PTIOH ClltCI: NOR. chockS w.r. isau~ð r"utl"" blllal ~ C 1,145,925.59 242,404.~2 V.Jndl)r tlCC Payrt.'ll 120001 - 1'0\)4'; 5G41 - 7209 115 ~MENDMENTS 85-57/59 ~ND 85-61/65 - ~DOPTED Co..ll.ioner PSstor .oved, seconded by Commlllioner Holland and carried unanimously, that Budget ~mlndment. 85-57/59 and 85-6l/65 be adopted. n.. 116 COUNTY ATTORNEY DIRECTED TO PREPARE AM ADDENDUM TO ORDINANCE 75-16 ST~TINa THAT THE ORC~NIZATION 0' THE COMMISSION WILL BE THE THIRD TUESDAY ArTER THE FIRST MONDAY IN NOVEMBER - ^PPROVED Ctlmmlss1t.'ner Plstt'r ctlltcd :h.~t hu "'I"uld like tl" hav~ tho Chl\lrman put intc\ .ffuct .:In "rclnancu that lSujJ~rø ,(;.I" 1:.1 pf~\lloun written nnd unwrlttln ~rdlnanc.s th~t WQuld mük(, It m~nd~L/'Iry that tho Chhlrmln IInð Vlco-ChÐirmu. "f th~ C:"mr.llr.IiIClrI IN c1~':LU( ('In th~ U'.irè ·¡-Ul'¡¡tJl.y ,,!tor the first Mt'n~ay in N"vernbcr, 'Colftmi..slC\nolr'.V"øs ØlllL~d tli.1L ,It thll b/'lUttl\"Jllt 'l/'ldcJð Rc.,l~nðl Planning C"uncll he qUIl8t!('Inu~ ( ICfcrllnt peop]u Cr('lm I"Lh6r c"untlos req,Hdlnl] this m.:ltt~r dnd ....:; tl'ld Lhllt t!.~y ð; 1 ('I("..nlz" thvlr Ct.lm~is.I('Ins afLllr thJ nuw Cl'mmløuloncrß Lnku orrlcu. County ^tt/'lrn, y b.<un¡lt\rs SL.,l"d ll:..l :1" pr.·Ii·.nt "fdln..nc·J nt-ùtoø tha7 thu Cn"lrm.::n .Jnd tile VI.:c-c.niJlrman strvJ It tho pleasure I'f the Ifoarti, IoddlnCJ lh..L 1.-, ntl..CI.. <,;1,>1; r1c...tl"TI ,1& ~" Wlll,;l ·,r tho C.nm,~I&.l/'1n Ss talklno:¡¡ <Jb"ut BCl«lCll(1n nf c! Chjll,rr.6n at iJ 8pecHluo d t.· Lt' lurv. f('lr the full y....r t'r Ie th" U..¡;lbll1ty still w¡,nLu.. tl' b. ab1... t/'l .lll<:t a Ch lrman wnen~vttr thlt Commls&ion hols It it\ P/1I~prllltt!? Commløslt)n~H V":!s Sti,l"cJ that h" (,..db thu Intcnt is tl,Jt th'J Commission ~11l ('Irl]~n1~u itso!f lit th" rlrst rnuutlng ~[ the n,w Commission dt tOil tin,,! th()y .HI IIWf.lrn lr" Ii.. Btl,l¡;C th;¡t thl Comm1slion ahnuld h.v~ n r~qu1.r mllllting on the third TUGsday IIftor thst Monday for tho I,urp/'loc of 1I\,,,..rlng 1n thl) nC\1 CtlmmislIl/'lncrs. County ^ttornL'Y ""undrrø øt.Ht-d thllt thlo ct'uld bv \,C\rkodlntt.' OrdlnlUICQ t('l rt',,!ulrl! such ,. r...'lJllng end th~ I,lnctinn /'If' Chalrm.1n /lnd ,ftD( 084 '1'.1 4S4- vaq.· .. t=::s é"-. Ir't=; ~'f ,;t~:' <.j~1i .,\ .",,,,,,,,.,"../ . . _"~"",.,.",___,__~_Jt,,.__.,.,""';I""'''''':'&'''''¡¡;O'''''''''''';'_1.__»_."'._;...""...;,·_....'-1 Þ"M,·;It""'·,,,, .........., ..~,....".,",,,,,"""" ...~.",..,'",...,....__...-.....,,_.."'.--,'_._,.., .µ". ~... t:::J r:::J 101(' 084"..1.465 NC')vembtH 20, 1984 :'êI;,Vico-Chlllrman. lIa ItIIt'ln that M nondl, thn floxlbiltty roqudinq :,"i:,lIattor ø"ttlttd. .i, t.~, - ~': ..,.;~ If: COIIIIII.stoner PI.tor .oved, .econded by C01ll111..10ntr Hili", that :.':~, .' the County Attorney be directed to write an ordinance with rupect: to ' the or,.nlzatlon of the Co..i..ion each y..r .nd th.t, th.t or9·n1za- tion ...tlne; be held on the third Tue.day after the flrlt Mond.y in November. Mrs. CI!,: rlt'ttc v,': IItm.. n, re¡,rcIlIl'ltlnC] tll" L' l1qulJ tlf \'.t\,non VntllrS, .t.tad thlt .h~ wlshoM t" ct\~pllmunt CC')~~I..i"nor ~~lland /'In his .tato.manl)' .tltt/runt rLl.uclnq thl X'lIltl/'ln I'If C ¡.:¡ rm~n and wh/'lt hilI bun done t/'l brin1 t/'lqothfH CI hopllÍully fine .:llrnlltu eM the Cnmmillil)n :hl. en.uin9 yoar. aho not~d, with r.f.rJnt. tn t~w .alcctlnn /'If Chð I rrMn and Vi cc-Ch. i rr~d n, sh.J Iool'luld 11 kol t/'l .¡JI: tho n'Jw or!Hn..nce .tructurtJd in such.. '..:ty th.1t It \It'uld bt' btJn'~::~cIDl tn ."ill. Upon call tor the question, the motion carried unanimou.ly. Co~~lø.lon~r flstflr' üt~L~d thlt If the I'Ircln~n~~ Iu Bec fflr ð fixed dote C')f cloctln~ ð chðlrmùn and then ynu put the flexibility. in, It dllutul tho ~ffoct nf tho Ordlnanco ~nd ho wnuld llkO tn..oo It wit.hout th. f1l1xlbl11~y, CQmmls.ionor V/'I.B stdtu!J thoJt ,¡ccClrdln'J tl'l th'! pruvi"us ~I)til'ln, thl. would not tl1mlnat~ the flexibility. County Attnrnuy ~dund~r~ st~tuu that this ncuda tl'l bo clarified in the ordin"ncu, ðddinq th.Jt It ndCtda to be all1d that this 111 II /'Inll Y"'l'Ir appI'IintJllctnt or that t/¡, I!/'I...rd CJn elect. Ch.11 rr.",n lit its pleðsuqt. lilt Itated t.h~t. It thll lü ~ðdu ð ~ne YUAr ðppnlntmont by Orolnnnce and tho acc docldJa tC') ch~n9Q It, thú I'Iruin~ncn would hüve tl'l be rÐadv.rti.~d. Comml..lonor VOIS otdted that tho floxlbi1ity ßhould romaln in the ordtnanc:o. Co..I..toner PI.tor .ov.d, .econded by Commi..ioner H.... and carried unanimou.ly, that the County Attorney pr.pare an addendum to Ordinance 75-16 .tatSnq that the organization ot the Commi..lon will be . the third Tuelday after the tir.t Monday in November. ¡tea U 7 COUNTY ATTORNEY DIRECTED TO ADVERTISE rOR JANUARY 8, 1985, A COUNTY-WIDE COMPREHENSIVE ORDINANCE PROVIDING 'OR CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS rOR AND REPLACEMENT or COLLAPSED SEAWALLS AND MAY 8E A PORTION or THE BUILDING CODE IF DEEMED NECESSARY - APPROVED Co..i..ioner Pi.tor .oved, .econded by Commi..ioner Ha..e, that the County Attorney be directed to advertl.e tor January 8, 1985, . county-wide .comprehen.Sve ordinance provtdine; for con.truction i>c.qo 11 , ,~__._,' ""_..,,.""',...~.;_'",';..," "."_,""''''_,,_..,._....JIiII_þ,,,'_,~·,_I'';__j.;,,_~..·~1N·"'~'·'''' ....,"',.."'~_........;..,.,;,;..,"-,,,.."',...,' "'''''''''''-''''''''~'_.",~.",-- .-..... Nðvcmher 20, 19C~ .tandard. for and replacement of collap.ed leawall.. Cnllllllluinnur 1101 hnd .tatod tMt he 1a ct'ncc rr,'Jd o£ r.c~v.ry, ðdulng that it. i. hi. underltnnding thDt oWl'\"r ct.n ~~. citc:d f~r hl vlne; /I c/'l11l'lpsod ,C:lIwtlll but. own.r doe. nnt reconltruct it, the Cðunty 10'111 hnvu t/'l toko the relponslbllSty of c:n£McinCj tho Ordinance. He qUI.:t1ti/'lntd \/hllt r,1cth/'ld of racovery w~uld the County have!, ,tn which Cnunty ^tt/'lfnlfY Saundor. Itated that th~ motion that ID on the flt'or wl)uld not lnvolvo en ordinance! thÐt would retjulre the County to repll1r t'r roplace ct'llep..ed 1I0Rwa11. if tht: own:lr docn nt.'t. 110 RtÐthu that thÚc! 'to'Ould be no expendit.ure of cC')unty funds for replaaemont of .e.woll. under thil "propo.al. ~$ .tðt~d thDt if thu Co~mI8sit'nerD cloct t/'l 90 to .uch an ordinance, thoro wl)uld n~,d to be some .ort of u mechDni.m fnr Ò lien proceduro plus bud< lItln9 for .uch .aew,;¡lls. lie n/'ltod thøt the n:ØI,dy under this prt'vo.~d /'IrdlnancÞ would bt tn elthor 91'1 intð criminal court or tn civil :ourt t~ 9~t II c~urt nrd~r for ropl~ct.:~cnt or repair /'If tho colltll'ud u¿¡w.:Ill. HI n/?ted tl1£.t thll lonc!"wnt'r \I('\uld than bu under ct'urt t'rrlcr tl) comply ,;¡nd If the lDndnwnrr f~llod, than tho court c/'luld taktf dctlon un(h:r It. cont.ent (-n\lor tn fino tho lðnd,nwner or toke t:lthor .pprl)pr llitl! "ction, Ite r.ntcCJ th,)t H,... t'l'\ly '~ (r,cnøc ::rH' County W/'Iuld hav" il th~ leC]ill e:cpunsc £t:lr the court t:lrdllr, 11(1 stilted th.:lt ho suq'Jisted at Þ m(,utIno:,¡ l/.lIt W'J(,~. th..t thi¡; /'Il'clnDnci 'MY bot pnrt 1'1£ th., bulldlnC] CO~tf, øddln9 th~t It m~y not b~ nece.sary ~/'I put this In tho building code an:! he would 11;(0 to hi"" thin dlscrct1/'1n. j,J ßtatcd that th_ Stltute'~hat permits ono t/'l rstbbllsh bulldin~ cod~s, provide. for bull~ln9 c/'Icwa f('r bull~ n9ø ~nd ther~ Is nn doClnl::l/'1n in the t3tðtutct DS to ..h.n " ~J",11dir.'1 Is and th"re mJY t,(, Sl'r.1~' queatlnn ISa to wl....thó;r .. ....."....I! ft"ulc CI'l'\st.il.ullt {.¡ bIJL1..lnq, 110: 11t.·~,¡d thr.t If' It doe. n/'lt, h': ft'C'u1d lI .,c tn ,'ICt..b1Ish IJ nOli /'Ir¡JInc.nc.:<:. COADi..ioner PI.tor amended hi. ~otion to include that this ordinance ~ay be . portion of the buildlnq code if deemed nece..ary. Commi..Soner Ha..e amended hi. .econd. Upon call tor the que.tlon. the motion carriecS unanimou.ly. T.pe .4 Ite.. US COUNTY ATTORNEY DIRECTED TO ADVERTISE AN ORDIN^NCE REQUIRING POWER BOATS AND JET SKIS TO OPERATE AT IDLE SPEED WITHIN 100 YARDS OF ALL THE GULF OF MEXICO INHABITED BEACHFRONT PROPERTY - APPROVED Co.mS..ioner Pi.tor moved, .econded by Commil.loner H.... and c.rrled unanl.ou.ly, that the County Attorney be directed to adverti.e aoo( 084'1,,1466 PaC]" 17 , . :-1 ::::J J 1 ~r-\;;; .'.~ ,.........."'."....,.",,,"-,..,,,;, ..,...., ........"''",. ,,''''~''" "'...._,........._'''.." ",' """""",_,,,.'" _.' '¡'_~"._"''''''''''' .,._,~,.,."..",~.....,,,.,..,,,,~,, ."";~.. ..'>...~."."_~..,',..~ ,",... ,_ ".~A"" __..u."_..,,,...._".. ,~""",~_,,,,,,,.·''''''''''''H_,_____'''''''··II~~'''''''''~~''''"~·''·'·'<'·-' ..."~'."".",,..;., ,.. Nov~mbør 2C, 19C4 liot I'cC]u ..'~"ð.3- ..!5" II .. ,'Ue. 12' , ~,'" . ',> \;'A'CERTIrICATES POR CORRECTION TO TAX ROLLS AS PRESENTED BY PROPERTY APPRAISER'B OFFICE 19ß1 T;\X {OLL GJr./63l 11/0/£4 1!JC2 T^X ROLL 6S0/'~02 11/5-0/84 19B3 TAX ROLL 349/350 11/0/0'4 19M TAX ROLL 1/33-35/43 . 10/23-11/9/84 TANGIBLE PERSON^L PROPERTY 1904-(1/50 ~ 11/7-13/84 lV84 CENTRALLY ^SDE~SED CA-Ol-12 lO/20-2G/S4 EXTRA GAIN TIME rOR INMATE NO. A-4S279 It.. '28 RESIGNATION or ANNE GOODNICHT rROM PAR~S , RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD ErrECTIVE 11/16/84 a.. 12' MISCELLANEOUS CORRESPONDENCE - rILED ANDIOR REFERRED 'Thort boing nt' objoctlon, the Chair ~lrected that tho f~ll~wln9 m1sc~ll.nøous cnrrtlpOn~cncc bo fllud bnd/or referred nl indlcttod b.,10wI l. COjJY ðf r.lcm"nndum ddt.Ø 11/1/rl., frn!':': H.1("l" St/'lno, Supervlst'r. ~(flc~ t'f Uu.1~c.s Finance, Dept. t'f Cðmmercr., re u.u.ctllncl; fClr £u!Jr..I:¡S1N\ ,..! ~r.1l.11 Cltl~s C¡':liO prC\"r..m 111'1_11- clltll')ns .ontJ S·:ll..èuh: of wC'lrkshnl's, XCI' 1'18, ¡"l11 1alhson., rll~o, 2. LA·tt\lr doltCI: tl/7/L!t., (rnm U1cllr.r,: ',. C{lntrulll Envlrt'n. Su~~rvl't'r, UEk, ønul/'ls1nq Dppllcdtl,..nl CC\r tl w NC\Y. llr~C9755, JJO~5J73~ una lJU~~L~G~ tnr drcd~J n~ fill ~ctlvltlvu. XCI ~r. tiun..dlct. rll~d. 3. (;"'i'~ t't ¡r.\lmnr;.rwum ";~t"CI 1l/5/UI., £rN, Lt.:/'I L, MncLllnn, Jr., I;;IIV1rOn, lI<Jmln., BurWdU of LAnd Acquisition, CNk, r't C"nler- V¡':lN\ ,¡nd hucruLotiCln Lðn:~11 I.i..rJt.ct.ll'lr. C('II:\ a1ttt:(· I'.eOt.1n9 ll/2n/ß~. XCI ~r. Virt~. t1lu~. I.. COt" of It:tt..r dilled ll/7/84, frC\tI JIoI:!I)S J., V'Jrt.cn, !>ureüu Ch ~f, btatll F1ry ~.ershal'. offlco, ru Clnss D Licens. nnd Cl...s" I'ermit LXGm1n..tlt'1nø. XCI ¡'Ir. Rolnus IInd Cl'lntractor's LicQnølnq ~~ru. FilG~. '011< (}84..s·,~68 PII9 II 1\1 j¡..,' ' I ~ -~ l~ ... _,_~,~"",~,......."""~""....,...",,,,,....,.._...,-.,_~""'H_o;,,_""''''''''_'''''''_''..;".,"_:'~·U~iWI;'''''''~'''"",~""",·"",''·''"*,,,·,,,,··,P''''''·'"'''''''''·"'·~à"':'''._ "..."".....,."""..."'_"""_.....""...,....,,~....._:;..:.<_,_""'_._.............~-~., ,."", "." ,.., "..,;'~,_..""..,..~"..,.," ._"",,,,.., ,.",. ",~"." "'..._"..·.0"'.""-",' "....' NOV'J t,bor 2t, UO~ that ane hl.ls thb t ^me r iClIn ^mbul LInce: tlht.luld hllvo) thl) funds is b"calJa~ ':, ,', In lSIlIJ, County ^t.tt'rnClY Saundora and Mtnrne~ l'ic~,~/C\rth qllvo ð rcp(l~t' 4~!, to the Board justUylnCj bpprt,lximotely $7!1,OOO that. thv b/),Hd 10gitl-':' ,1'i;illlato1Y Clw.d Amcrican ^mbuhncv fM .orvicc..a fIIndcreð. Sho ntlltocJ t.ha' j~,. . t~ere ia approxll:l.1ltllly $72,000 in that. joint aavingl account. She not.d that oa II representat.lve (If tho cor~l)rati/'ln, sha offers this compromi.e to tho board. County Attorney Saundora stAted that ho disaqr6~s thðt Amorican Ambulance was legltlmatbly owod ~79,OOC. He stated that ho would like to review what American Ambulance Is secking in tho arbitration and what the countllr claim is, addlnq that he full that. ^mor1can Ambu1anc. OWVI Colll.r County a aiqnltlcðnt am/'lunt 1)£ monoy al ~pposed to Collier County owing Americ"n An,bulanclI any thine;. 110 ltatCld that ^mcr1can Ambulance I.aks dama9cs for breach o( cont.rocts with tho County dated December 16, 197~, ~~rch ll, l~OO, and ^prll ~, 1981, adding that nn .plcHlc amClunt I)f dt.maql.:s worlt chimllC:. II" n"t~d th/!t Merlc"n Ambulance 11110 Shkl componslItion ft'r sorvlces >.Hformed prior tt' the 1975 ct'nt r .sct ðnd ct1ntunos tt..H c: 16 Ims øubml ttlld unoe r tin' 1975 contract were nevor paid and seuks tunds in a joint anvin91 bccount, 10' of which under t.h" contrt.L:t WCluld n{lv~' 9"nu tr.- I\muic/!n Ambulllnco which il thl.: j"lnt ncc"unt that Mrs. Moqulre 1& roferrinC] tt' this dato. Ho lIt'tCld th..t Ala,"rlclln f,mbu1"r.::-.1 furlh..r S.."III c"nlcntlv\: fe'fs fre·m Auqult 1, 1979, to f".arcn :10, 19;;1i, for ttlC !Ilea for services rendered from March 1, 1961, to ^prll 4, 1S81. tla stiJtcd thiH thos.. lire t.h. , . claims mad. by AmoricDn AmbulAnce i nd thClro Is no sot ~MI)Unt. H. notod that Collier Cf'I'unty flll1d a cC\untor .:I'1Im in Its Uoman(, ft'r ðfbltrlltlon and in thnt tho C"unty clhlmed thilt American Ambulance breDched the 1975 ðnd 1930 C/'Intrdcti'! and tllu H'J(; l'¡{,II<! by' rliuI-FrOprliJt.ln') County fundi, uøln~ Ct'unty ftmbu1ðnc.~ for private purposes, follinq to prop.¡rly ml.dnt.aln COUnl¡-/'I\,ned ..,,~bulDnc'''' Dnd c"nccellnq r('venu"a., lie stated that thQ Ct'unty furth..r clnlm"D thdt It In n~nc m/'lnoy f/'lr Accounts kecelvobln, /'Iver-p~lrl Inccntlv~ £U\S, 1nvcnt"ry, unsubstbntietot( buålnuss expcnsf'ls, unr.portod revonuf>s, repairø tc\ ambulùncell Anr: ';'.JI¡.1I1",nt, pr/'l¡:...rty whh:iI h..n be'cn r.:tl'¡nl1d unlùwt'ully by Amcrican Ambulanctt, t..¡ui rn.,nt dostroyed by ^1~Nlc¡¡n AmtJulance, find IImbul..nce c,>ull-rnent ¡.{tlvlt'lulolly ¡..r/'lvl(¡("d for ^:I1ericen hmbul"ne:l1. H.. notod tnDt the County sot ft'rth no exact dollar am"unt on these clolms, but cl~lm.d thðt thuso uðm~1e" Ir~ In eXc«,. of $123,COG. ho Itllted that in addition to tho.., clclrnl, the county set forth Þ clnlm ~Ur&Uðnt anD( 084-.1',,470 Pn9 Q 21 :::::J [:=::t /1;; ""~,_"--"_,,,,,~"'H!I,,._\>"j O""___""""·'iüioAA<.-"HWrll.l·'·.--'. ....."..,.."',....."'..._"" ,..,..,,"_._~., ,,,'..·..'·4';,;. _~.~,_. , me Q84..a'.,411 Novllmber 20, l!H J ::~;:'Lto s.ct1on 012.035 of tho Horlda atøtutCI:J, add In') that that .e'providOl I nl.lllber .,f c1vll rcmodius 1n the evant th.-:.t thQ party, IUltaln.d . lOll by virtu. of violation of Statutes, IIdd1n9 that ,condlt1ons ttl that tlt.\tuU have 'bewn milt by the lIucceøsCul prolucut. ¡",}of the prlnc1ples In the American ^mbulllnce company. lit noted thl1t !~':::t" add1tlon t/) damo9es UM9r that "tntuto, tho C/)unty ctn ð.:tultlly receive treblo dftma90s plus th~ Injured party M~Y a11~ røcov~r attQrney's fool and tho cost nf invðu,ig,alnn ðr.~ lltil]otion. ,I., r~l'I'rtcd that the CC')unty .st,lmated tho coat of lnvostl')ütinn nd prolecutil)n to 'bu appr/)xim.tr1y $7G,CnO .nlch lnc1u~el ~29,OOC nf dctual cnurt C/'Ist and approximately $4G,OOO of Audlt1nq co.t, addi~~ that ho hðS mhlnt~ined chim for thAt pursuant to I;;uct.ion 812.035. lIu Dtllted thut it 1s h1. ru~ommunddtion to the tl)~rd that the Cnunty pr/'lc..d vith the ørbitra- t1/)n. ... noted t,hllt. th" .H:'itrlltion hau be..n nt^ll<ld Cnr a number of years now, add1n9 that the Maqu1re's hav. c~nslstently r~quostod extensit'n,of tim~ and cl)nr.inuðncd en th(' 3rbitration Jnò Collier has consistently f.lbject~d 'J those extensions ~nd ct'nsistuntly ra- quelted an e3rly arbitr..tlnn "lito. lie st4ted that, he hðs recently notif1ed the American Arbitration ^IHt'clatlon thðt the County seek I a~ · early date and would like to pr/)co~d ftS sl)on ns posslhlw. Ht noted that ther~ h~s b~en no dlscussinn with the ~Jqulru's concernSne; ftny of the ðrbitr.ltion ¡..rl)cl.:,:cIlnqs. lIot St.:ltL.:I thl.t h.. undorstDnds that Mrs. Maqulre Is no 10ngor r~r-resented by c~unsel, ðddlnq that h~ odvlsed her when he disclIsse~ t.he CtfCl:r of tllt.t1emcnt thllt he CQuld nl't discuss matters wltn her if she II represented by c/'lunoel and she odvlsed that .he w.. not. Mrø. ""'quire .t.1t.:d that this Is cnrrllct, øddlnq th.tt shfl Is nt't represented by c~unso1 this ~ðte. She repl'rtad that shu disaqre.s that ^merlcan Ambu1Þnc. ott~m¡..ted to d.l~y arbitr~ti/)n, adding that Lho arbitration in tho beqlnnln9 of 1~6l And l~e2 was delAYdù vury sUcc.ssfully by the .1ttornoy hirad by the St'ard of County Commislionerl. County httt'fney S~undurs stntoJd that dur In') tho last tIKI Y04ro there hav_ been numerouI requests for extensions by American Ambulftnce Comp..ny, all of which ho ~..u objected tn. I! at.1tcd thüt there \~II. an effort to de13Y arbitration eorller to see whllt the nutCf.lme t'f tho criminal procee~lngs were. Comm1..ioMr ".,.so quoat.i(\nlld If thero il MY way /'If explldltlnq' matter, to which Cl)unty ^ttl'rney S.:¡unders stDtod thßt ho has P.Jq.:! ~;.,.;""..,,,,_."...,,,,,"'""'__'~_"_'"''' ...."".....~;;;.. '_'__""~"_"___"1'''''''''''.~'''''''' ,;~""..".,.,....".". .-"_......"'_,~",""..,.. "..,,,.,.·...~'*'.._.¡.,.,,..<,,.,,,~·._M·" , N~vo~bar 2U, lsnc requeøtod as ~.rly ^ d4t~ a. p~øalb10 and ~111 ct'ntlnu~ t~ d~ B~. Comml..loner Ii. Mho qUII.t.IClneð If ~Ir s. I'òú.,u I u h..cJ any Clb:j..ct 1M, tt.l th.t., t./'I which ~rs. ~~quiro repliod noqat.ively, addin9 th~t. .he .t~t.ø that the three o¡.tit1n. t.C') bot.h p"rt.1e1l wero to" mak. e .lIulctmllnt now, qo to ~rbltretion, and/t'r 90 tCl court. Comml.slonors lidS.", Y"ss, plst"r Dnð lI~ll/1nd stÐtwd t.hllt the arbitratiC1n .hl'\uld bo pursuod aD !loon liS pClÐlIible. County ^ttt'rncy SlIuntlllr,s stat-lid that he \/(\ulc1 df.\ eV<JrythlnCJ he Clln do to expedite the mattar, CODDS..ion.r pi.tor ~oy.ð, ..conðeð by Comml..lon.r H.... anð c.rrled un.nS.ou.ly, th.t the r.qu..t from Am.rlc.n Ambulanc. b. rej.cted and the County Attornay be ðSrected to proce.d with the arbitr.tlon a. .oon .. po..ibl.. - - - There being no furthor bUDinell1l for the 900d of the County, tho movt.ln9 wa. lIojl'\urnu" t..y Ord~r "r th.! Cnair - TI:I1<.:1 11115 ^"v¡, ~O^A~ O~ COUNTY COMMISSIONEHSI HO^HD OF ZONING ^PPE^LS/EX Orf¡rtD GOY¡'; {NINC a::¡¡.¡W(S) OF' :iH.Cl^L. LJIH'rKICT~ J:~D¡';K ITS CO..THUL. 1I^lk:o\AN ATTEST I' ~ILLl^M J, REACAN, CLERK ~:dJ;:'" ~7'-',D.<: T:l'!lIt: rnlnut.<lø )¡J;.rnY\~'.. C'n ~. Y/1// .11\ pr t.' J"...nt,,;,: ~.. or as corr.:ctt,d ~OO( 084,1r.r472. --, ,-- :=1 J1 J1 . . t..............~'~'< 'ðCJC 23 - ----I '<-, ~, ì ~,f' ~j ~K!ìi: r."- i:i~\.. ... ....,_....,,,,,,,,"';~...,.,.~,,_,~,.,,,o,,,,,.._,.^_,.,,.,...;".,,'"" .....".-,,-_.~,...-