BCC Minutes 12/04/1984 R I:::J r=:J ~ Nlple., rloridl, Dece.ber 4, 1984 LIT IT II RIMEMIERIÐ, thlt tho BOlrd of County Co..I..Ioner. in and for the County of Colllor, and 11.0 Ictlng I' tho Bolrd of Zoning Appell. Ind I' the govornlng bOlrd(.) of .uch .pecill dl.trlct. I' hlvo been orolted Iccordlng to llv and having conduct.d bu.In... h.r.In, ..t on thl. date In Rogullr ....I.n It '100 A.M. In Building -F- of the Courthou.. Cn.pl.x, &I.t Napl.., Florida, with the following ...b.r~ pr..entl CHAIRMANI Fr.d.rlck J. Vo.. VICE CHAIRMAN 1 John A. Pi.tor Max A. Ha... C. C. -Red- Holllnd Ann. Goodnlqht ALSO PRESENT I Wlllll. J. R.Igln, Cl.rk, J.... C. GI1.., rl.c.l Offlc.r, Mlur.en Kenyon, Deputy Clerk, Burt L. Slunder., County Attorney, Bruc. And.r.on, A..I.tlnt County Attorney, Ðon.ld B. LU.k, County Man.q.r, W.il Dorrlll, AI.I.tlnt County Manlq.r, T.rryVlrtl, Community D.v.lopm.nt Admlnl.tr.tor, Le. Layn., Zoning Ðlrectorl To. Kuck, Public Nork. Adølnl.trator, To. Cr.ndlll, Utilltl.. Ad.lnl.- trltor, Ann McXlm, Pl.nn.r, Grac. Und.rwood, Admlnl.tr.tlv. Aide to the Bo.rd, .nd Saø S..., Sheriff'. Dep.rtm.nt. ,~OOK 084PA~r657 'Igo 1 '",''''"''''''~'''''''''''"'''''''''' """""~.~""~~"'.' ---....."...-.....''''.....,....., __·"..pH··...~._,~, ...._,,,. """"'''''"'''''''''''''_'''. ,_ ,;."~,.,, ,., ~ _~. f··~""". ~ ~ December 4, 1914 7.314 11 It. 11 AGc.DA - AP'ROYID WITB TII rOLLOWIMO ADDZTIOII. eo..l..I...r ,I.tor ".ed, .ec.nded ~ C...I..loner 8011and .nd c.rrled ~..I....l1, tbat tb. .,eAda .. .ppr...d vltb ~. fol1ow1n9 ...IU.... I. Ite. 12E re Clerk'. Budqet for 85-86 (Added by Co..I..loner Pl.tor) b. It.. 12' re Volpe Petition recon.ideratlon (Added by County Man.qu) c. Ite. l2G re County Seal (Added by County Manaq.r) d. Ite. lOA dl.cu..ion of amendm.nt proce.. for Collier County Compreh.n.lv. Plan (Added by County Attorney) e. Ite. l2H re Sheriff'. Bond (Added by Admlnl.tratlve Ald. to the Board) f. Item l2I re extra gain tl.e for Inmate Ho. 41349 (Added by Admlnl.trative Aide to the Soard) It.. 12 NIlurl. or IOVIMIIR 20, ltl4 - APPROVID AI 'RII!WYID C"'I..lon.r ,I.tor ....d, ..coAd.d by C...I..I.n.r...... and carrl" ...nl..u.ly, tb.t tb. .Inut.. .f .o...bar 20, 1"4, b. .pproved .. pr...nted. It.. ,~ nOCLAllATIC* DISlc::llATIwa TII Will or DICIltID '-15, n.., AS -DRUJlIt . ÐRUCCID DRIVIwa AWARIWISS WIEI- - ADOPTED Co..l..Ion~r Hal.e reld the procla.atlon and pre'.nted It to Mr.. Shlrl.y Port.r, pre.ldent of Mother. Agaln.t Ðrunk Driver.. Mr.. Porter thank.d the Com.l..loner. and not.d that the we.k of Dec..b.r '-l5, 19'4, I. I very Important week. She .tated that there would "b. . candl.llght .ervlce December 10, 1984, at '100 '.M. at City Ball and. Re.tlurant S.mlnar on Dec.mb.r 13, 1984, at 6145 P.M. at Ca.bler Plrk and Invit.d the CO..I"Ioner.. Co..b.l.ner ..... ....., .oc..,.. by Co..b.lonor Goodnl,ht and carried unanleou.ly, tbat tbe procl...tl.n d..I,n.tlnt tho VO.k of Doceabor '-15, 1"4, .. Drunk , Drat9ed Drl.ln, Av.r..... ...k be .dopted. ~ðDC 084PA~r 681 Pig. 2 TI ,L ,', ~ .". -, ",,~,- '~~'.." "',.....-..,,",."",=,~,--.......... 1",._...,...... -"-"".,-."'"..,""''',;"...-.,..'''_....."._,,.,,_._,~'"~ ~ t=J ..... Dec'Mb.r 4, 1984 01tD; 14-1S RI Pn~ Zo-U-23C, LILY Ift~; U. M..1:II1II7 01 ORD. 71-41; LILY COUIITU eua PUD TO ALLOW YILLAI AIID OTIU LOW lUll "ULrl-rAMILY iIYUO'''1II7 AIID TO IEDUCI ftl RIAIt TUD .ITIIACI8 rOR POOLI _ ADOPTID Legal notlc. havln9 b..n publl.hed In tho Napl.. Dally N.w. on Hov..b.r 2"l984, a. .vid.nc.d by Affldlvlt of Publication fll.d with the Cl.rk, public h.aring wa. op.n.d to con.ld.r P.tltlon ZO-84-23C, fll.d by L.ly Estat.., r.qu..ting an ..endm.nt of Ordlnanc. 76-41, Loly Country Club PUD to allow villa. .nd oth.r low rl.. multl-f..ily d.v.lopa.nt .nd to reduce the r.ar y.rd ..tback. for pool.. Plann.r Ann McKI~ .tat.d th.t tho obj.ctlv. of thl. p.tltlon I. to allow vlll.. and oth.r low-ri.. ~ultl-fa.lly dev.lopm.nt, to r.duc. the r..r yard ..tÞ.ck for pool. tro. 15 t..t to 10 f..t and to allow v.hlcular .cc... to SR-164 (Rattl..nak.-Ha..ock Road), addln9 th.t thl. la.t r.qu..t was wlthdr.wn prior to the CAPe ...tlng. She not.d that at th.t ti.. it wa. .1.0 r.quo.t.d th.t Lot. 27 throuqh 40, Block. r...ln .. .Ingl. fa.ily rath.r than vlll.. and attach.d .Ingl.-fa.l1y, adding th.t th.y al.o .dd.d Lot. 1 throU9h 3. Block H, to r..aln .Inql.-fa.ily. She r'port.d th.t St.ff r.vl.w.d .ach of the propo..d a..nd..nt. a. d..crlb.d In the .t.ff r.port .nd h.d no obj.ctlon to the flr.t r.qu..t with the r.vlllon that Tract H b. malntaln.d a. vl1lal and attached .Ingl.-fa.lly .nd no low rl.. .ultl-fa.lly. She .tat.d thlt the p.tltlon.r agreed to thl. In a l.tt.r d.t.d Octob.r 30, 1914. Sh. r.port.d that Staff had no obj.ctlon to the ..tback r.ductlon of the rear y.rd pooh. She noted that th'. requut ,regarding tho additional acc... wa. wlthdr.wn by the p.tltlon.c. She Indlcat.d that the CAPe r.vl.w.d the p.titlon and r.co.~.nd.d .pprov.l of the p.tltlon a. ..end.d, .ddlng th.t r.comm.nd.tlon I. for.BCC approv.l. , Co..i.lloner VOl. qu..tion.d if thl. I. .Imply no Incr.... In the nueber of dwelling unit., ju.t a rellloc.tlon of the .p.c., to which Plann.r McKI. r.pll.d .ffir.atlv.ly, .ddlng that thl. I. .I.ply a ch.ng. In the type of unit. .nd the total number of unit. r'..ln. the .... which I. 2.5 unit. per .cr.. eo..I..loA.r B.... ....d, ..cond.d by Co..I'.lon.r ,1.tor and carried uaanl..u.ly, that th. pvbli~ h.arlng be clo'.d. CO..I..lo..r ,I.tor "v.d, ,.cond.d by Co..I..lon.r ..... and carrl.d ananl..u.ly, t~t th. Ordlnanc. nu.bor.d and .ntltl.d belov be adopted aDd .nt.r.. Into Ordlaa.c. look Mo. l' vlth tb. and.r.tandlng tbat tbor. v111 be no additional acc... point. to Rattl..nat. Baamoct aOOK 084 PA-.r 663 Page 3 -_........" -L-- -_..~. _.·_'._·r>"""'''''__.... tM< 084"'7.664- ..ad ... tbat tb. r.........Uon. December 4, 1984 petltlonor. .,roo to the otbor provl.lon. of .tlff ORDIIWICI U"IS All oaDlllUCl NlDDIIQ ORDIIWICI 71-41, WIIZCI UTAlLZ811D Tal LILT COUIIftr CLR ,u..u WIT DlrYZto"'lft DOCU"1II1' II NlDDIIQ ."ICTIOM 2.3, MaDIIQ 1IC71011 IU llADZMG .\liD ....ICTIOU 3.2, 3.4.4., AltD 3~.~', MDÐIIQ IICTIOI IY llADllQ .\liD 'DallCTlo.. ..2~, ..3~, 4.4.1., 4.4.2., 4.4.3., 4.4.7.i .\lID 4.4~';' DILITIIIG IICTIOII V, MID MINDING ....ICTIOII 1.1., "OVIDIIIG 'OR COIFLIC7.\11D 'IVERAJlCI, 'ROY~IIQ All IFFIC7IY1 DATI; It.. 15 RUOLOTZOM 14-22' RI 'ITITIOM V-U-l5C, "'0" . RUTI "In.. UgUI.TZIQ A YAalAalCl nON 7-1/2' TO O' rOR ..OURTI AT 28Ui UTI ST~ ..w., GOLDa GATI CIn - ADOPTED Legal notice having been publi.hed in the Napl.. Dally New. on Wove.ber 18, 1984, a. evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with tho Clerk, public hearing wa. opened to con.lder Petition V-84-15C, John' Ruth Meyer. reque.tlng a variance fro~ 7-1/2 feet to 0 fe.t for property located at 2816 46th Street S. w., Colden Cate City. Zoning Dlr.ctor Layne .tated that the purpo.e of thl. petition I. to allow an enclo.ed pool to re.ain on the property. She noted that a building per.it wa. i..ued for a pool In 1979, adding that the permit .hoved the pool extending 26' out Into the .Ide yard and 42' running along the lenqth of the hou.e. She reported that when the pool wa. built, It va. built In the oppo.Ite dlr.ctlon vith the pool extending up to the .Ide property line. She noted that there wa. a que.tlon ralaed In the work.hop about the pool, adding that .he check.d t~. building per.lt which wa. an own.r/bullder per.It and there WI. no ,001 co.pany 11.ted on the permit. She .tat.d that ba.ed on tho .tandarda required, Staff reco..end. denl.l of the petition. Mr. Ceorqe ~eller, repre.entlng Collier County CIvic rederatlon, .tated that during the tIme the pool val being built the In.pector. vere th.re Ind It Ihould have been corrected while It wa. being built. Øe .tated thlt it would not be right to deny thl. and have tho petitioner tear.out the ~ol. He noted th.t he I. aqaln.t exception. mo.t of the tlm., but due to the clrcumltance. of thl. petition, In exception .hould be made and the vir lance .hould be granted. Co..I..loner Vo.. .tetad that the edge of the pool I. exactly on the lot line and at the tl.e that thl. va. done, the Building Departaent did not require that the builder have the drawing. on .Ite, Page 4 --, ~-J . ~""1 - ---..~.-;.;.~,~~.\,~""~ L.,¡ ""~"""'~'-"""--"'-"""-""-<"__'_""'_"-''''''n''~'"_.,,__.~ r:=;::t ~ t...:..;;:"! adding that thl. h.. .Inc. b..n chang.d. Mr. ~.ll.r .tat.d that the County did not hav. tho prop.r procodur. and the p.tltlon.r .hould not be j.opardiz.d becau.. of It. Mr. John Hey.r., P.tltlon.r, .t.t.d that h. w.. not aVare ot the rul.. ot Collier County .t the ti.. that the pool wa. put In. H. not.d that h. orlgln.lly ..k.d Gult.Id. Pool. to build tho pool, but th.y could not do It for .lx month., th.r.for., P.rk.r Pool. built tho pool. ø. not.d that thl. company ha. .Inc. gone out of bu.ln..., but the r...on that h. obtaln.d the building permit wa. b.c.u.. park.r Pool. indlc.t.d to him that an own.r/bullder p.rmlt I. I... .xp.n.lvo thin. building p.r.lt obtained by a contractor. H. noted that h. 1..rnod lat.r that Park.r Pool. did not want to obtain the por.lt b.cau.. the Co.p.ny va. not a r.gl.t.r.d contrlctor in Co111.r County. H. .t.t.d th.t hi. hou.. wa. built on the lot at an .ngl. for a..th.tlc purpo... and the ..a.ure..nt. vert tak.n from the wrong .ide of tho lot lln.. which would aak. the pool encroach the la....nt. H. .tat.d that If thl. requ..t I. not grant.d, h. would hay. to cut off the pool .r.. and would not b. able to cl.an the pool on the on. .nd which would aak. . real hard.hlp. Com.l..ioner Pi.tor .tated that h. do.. not like qivlng . varl.nc. that go.. to the z.ro lin.. Mr. Hey.r. .tated that thl' wa. Inadv.rt.ntly don. and h. would Ilk. the varlanc. gr.nt.d. CO..I..lon.r ..... ....d, ..cond.d by Co..I..1onor 'l.tor and carried -.anl....lri tb.t tho p&blle .e.rln, be olo..d. C...I..lonor ,1.tor ....d tbat ..tltloft Y-14-15C be d.al.d~ RotloA died f.r a l.ck .f ..cond~ Co..b.I.DOr ..... ....41, ..c.ndod by Co..b.l.nor Goodnlgbt and .atrl.d 4/1, Ceo..l..loft.r ,1.tor oPpo..d), tbat R..olutloft 14-22t ro ."tltl.a Y-14-15C be .doptod. Dec..ber 4, 1984 m~ 084 FA';! 665 Pag. 5 ......,·.._'~·~"~·..',·,·"··,."'·.."""'".""-"_,,....'.b..__ _... _._ ..* feD( 084 'A~! 668 ,It. II aaournœ U-230 a. m. AY-14-02tL.Joa "IDRI, a. A YACATZOII or n, I' alDa ......,. c:aI L21, aL.l00, GOLUIII GATI, 161117 3, '1'0 ALLOIf IXZ'TUIO IIWtMZIIQ I'OOL TO alMt. - ADO'UD necembor 4, 1'.4 Letal notlc. h.vlng be.n publl.hed In tho M.pl.. nai1y N.w. on lov..bor II and 25, lt84, a. .vid.nced by Affidavit of Public.tlon fl1.d with the Cl.rk, public h.. ring Va. op.n.d to con.Id.r Petition AV-14-024 filed by John Mey.r. r.que.tlng a v.c.tlon of tho 6' .Id. ......nt on Lot 21, Block 100, Cold.n Gat., Unit 3, to .llow .n exilting .wlaaing pool to re..ln. Public Work. Admlnl.tr.tor Kuck .t.t.d th.t thll p.tition I. . comp.nion to the previou. p.titlon, .ddlng th.t .11 ag.ncle. r.vlewed tha p.tltion ond have no objection .nd Staff i. rAco...ndlng approval. c..i..lo..r ..... ....d, ..c.nd.d by Co..Ia.loDOr 'lator a" .arrl" ....I..a.ly, tbat tb. public b..rl., be clo~.d~ . C..1a.loaer ..... ....d, ..conded It)' Co..I.lionor ao.dni,bt Iftd carri.. "'DI..u.l1~ tbat R...lutlon 14-23' r. Petition AY-14-024, JObA "'101'1, be adopt.d; Paie 6 :.:::.:J L...:J -"-ì - ..--.----:- ~.l..,.M:t- I','· ".... ..'.~.'«." 0" ..,,,~, """~".";"''''''''',"~;" ...,.,"""''',"'......~.._,_w__'''' --"""'"',.~"',,,.,.., ..,.;,_~."...~",.,.'., M'~"';"·' 1t...~.Ð8~ PI"t 6'70 December 4, 1'84 IlIDlalll'l' ....ISTAllCI PROGItAU anon TO II .UUITTID '1'0 ,..1 rLO.I~ DIPARTM~ or .&ALTI , RllAalLlfAflYl .IRVICI. - A'PROYID Public Service. Ad.Inlstrator Horton .tated that thl. I. a report that Va. prepared In re.pon.o to Com.II~loner Plltorl. requI.t of .ev.ral .onth. ago. He noted thlt tho Board hað prevlou.ly approvld a ro.olutlon to the effect that the Stat. .houlð be aware of tho fact . that not all of Collier County II wealthy and that COllier County .hou14 b. receiving their fair .hare of .tat. and fedoral grant progr.. .onl... H. notod that In addition to tho re.olutlon, thi. report which 1. .or. thorough wa. prepared to provide .tatl.tlc. and background Information. He .tated that he i. a.klng for approval to forward thl. report to tho Stat. official.. Co.ml..loner YO.. stated that thla I. an excellent report and 1. definitely worth the time to rlld It. Co..I..I...r ,1.t.r ....d, ..oon4ed ~ Co..i..lonor ..... and carrl" unanl....ly, tbat tho Indlg.nt a..I.tlnc. progra.. r.port be .~Itt.. to tb. Deportment .r '.Iltb , Reblbilltatl.. S.rvic... Page 7 j' '::J c:::::J , - ~-~'1"-' _......"""",,,,,,,-,,,,,,,,,---. \..·.,.-1 ~-J ~ December 4, 1984 AllllllllDI1' 70 ftl CONWIIIn PARa COIIIULTAIrf ACAlatDl1' _ AP..onD. nur DIRICTID 70 'RIPARI A 'ROOAlI. UPORT RI TBI STATUI or TII 'ARO. Publlo ServIce. Ad.lnl.trator Norton .tated that thi. an amend.ent to 'tho community park. consultant. contract, adding that tho .ajor purpo.e of thl. a.end.ent I. that the program ..nage.ent portion, which 1. Ueory progr.. Manage.ent, I. being cut whl~h will re.ult In a $105,000 reduction In the total a.ount of the contract which will reallzo a net .avlng. of $60,000. Ho .tated that the dlfferenco I. that there will be .ervice. purcha.ed fro. the Public Work. Depart.ent for the .upervl.lon of the con.tructlon at each of the five .It... He notod that another purpo.e of the amend.ent I. an $8,000 de.iqn of the Marco Island Park .lte which ha. been prevlou.ly approved by the Board. Mr. Mike Zewalk que.tioned where the dollar. would be .aved, to which Mr. Norton .tatad that tha total contract wa. $866,000, adding that $312,000 of that contract wa. for Heery'. s.rvice. which I. additional program managem.nt ..rvlce.. He .tatad that the $105,000 will be .aved from that $312,000, Iddlng that the WI1.on, Miller, Barton, Soli' Peek, Inc. contract will be the .ame or perhap. a little larg.r becau.e there are .ervice. that they will be picking up that Heery will no longer be providing. Comml..ioner Holland .tated that if the $105,000 reduction I. fro. the original $312,000, then Ueery I. being paid ov.r $200,000. He qu..tloned what the $200,000 wa. for? Mr. Norton .tated that Heery I. being paid for .ervlce. already rendered vhlch i. actually Ie.. than $200,000. Co..I..loner Holland .tated that tho con.tructlon of the park. ha. not been .tarted yet, and que.tloned what .ervlce doe. the Con.truction Manage.ent te.. play If there ha. be.n no con.tructlon? Ta,. 12 Mr. Norton .tated that thl. money I. not .I.ply for the con.tructlon of the park., adding that a large portion wa. Involved In the .cheduling of the park. and the planning of the park.. He .tated that Heery wa. being paid for fa.t tracking all flv. community park. oven though the con.tructlon ha. not bequn, which wa. In the contract. Øe .tated that from the standpoint of Staff, they are not b.ing paid unduly. Co..l..loner Holland .tated that he cannot .ee where Heery Program Manage.ent I. entitled to r.celve over $200,000 for .ervlce. performed. , . ;~ æ~BB5 Page . .d '1 L '...c··,..··"_·.'>"'.~.",~C~'W...'_·.'···,,,,··,.""'·'_<N"''''>''"','''~''''"''__'''_..,_..._ ~ ÐS4~ 686 Dece.ber 4, 1984 'ubI Ie Sorvlco. Ad.Inl.trator, Morton,.tat.d that what I. actually b.lng paid il about $135,000 to B..ry and the dlff.rlnc. il .0.. additional I.rvlc.. that Wll.on, MIll.r, aarton, Soli. "ek, Inc. will b. picking up. .Co..laaI0..r Goodnlgbt ....d, ..condo4 by Co..llllonor ,I.tor aDd .arrl" ...AI....lr, that th. ...nd...t to th. Co..unlty 'ark. c.ua1tant Atr.....t .. appro..d; Co..I..lon.r PI.tor qu..tioned what the .tatu. on the park. 1., to whlcb Hr. Norton .tated that tho flr.t park to be under con.truction' will b. la.t Napl.. and Cold.n Cat. and I..okal.. will follow clo.. behind. H. noted that ho I. looking at tho.e thr.. park. to b. con.tructed by the .nd of 1985 with con.tructlon to be9~n .arly In lta5. Co.ml"Ion.r Vo.. dlrect.d Staff to propar. a progre.. report regarding the .tatu. of the co..unlty park.. Page 9 :..:.:::J t:::::2 .~~"' - '~-~~r "1·"U~_..I j11 r C-· -;~""""'-"""'"""."''''"''~'",,,"~--,,---,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,~.",,,,,,,,,,,-,,-~ ;;.( 08~' .':t690 Dec..ber 4, 1984 It_It "80LOTZ,* 14-231 A'ftOYUIQ .DOYAL or IØI.UD I. 1lUa1tA! nOlI Wzu.ovaDY ACR18 ~TI. 'PICrA~ AI'I""~ - ADOPTID To. Cr.nd.ll, Utilltl.. Ad.Inl.trator, .tat.d th.t thl. It.. va. contlnu.d fro. la.t we.k .nd due to th. fact th.t Mr. Edw.rd I. Hurray did not appelr on the ........nt roll that WI' .pprov.d by the BCC on Octob.r 27, 1981, but did app..r on the ........nt roll .ft.r th.t dlt., It hi. b..n r.co...nd.d by the County Attorn.y th.t the BCC reøóv. Mr. Edw.rd I. Murray fro. the .'....m.nt roll. Com.i..lon.r Vo.. .tat.d that it Mr. Edward E. Murr.y did not app.ar on the orlgln.l a.......nt roll In 1981, th.r. I. no l.qal way for hi. to b. .......d. AI.I.tant County Attorn.y And.r.on .tated that h. could b. .......d for the .a...ent front foot.q., but h. could not b. .dd.d to the orl91nal final a.....m.nt roll aft.r-th.-fact. C...i..lon.r ,i.tor "Yed, ..coAd.d by Co..i..lon.r Goodnivht .nd c.rrl.d ...ni..u.ly, tbat ....luti.. '.-231 .pproYlng r.....l of "r; Idvlr' I. "-n.y fr.. tll. WUlougbby Acr.. W.ter 'pocJal AI......nt be ."pted, tb.t Rr; Idvard I. "urra, be .dyl..d tbat tbe bill. tb.t ~... ".n ...t viii not ba.. to be paid, and tb.t tho County Attorn.y'. offl.. be 'Ir.ct.. to pr.par. tb. n.c....ry docu.ont.tlon to b... tb. n... r...... ... ..t. tb. n.c....ry fl1in,. vltb tb. Cl.rk of tb. Circuit Court r.9.rdlD9 aald n... r...Y.l fro. aald ........nt. P.g. lO .....:.:J t=J -'. .'"...." .---i _lit .--~"L:: > ""." "'..~.~,.,.,~.""'~.~".;~"""...."''""~,........_..__.'''''''-,...._~-_.... IV 1... 1 "I'" '.'~' looe 084 'A~! 692 Dee etlber 4, 1984 It.. 11 0 CGaftl AftOUIY AU'nOaIZID '1'0 ...,AU A aUOLU'l'Iœ OftLI.IIIO ..ocmuau FOR MIIIDtCDT PROCISI or ,.11 COM'RIBnnVI 'LAM County Attorney Slunder. .tated that the Board of County Co..I..iontr. Idopttd tho Co.prth.n.Ivt Plan on Dece.ber 6, 1913, addln9 that In tho Comprehen.lvt Plan thero va. a provl.Ion for an a..nd..nt proc... to take plac. one y.ar after the adoption of tht Co.prthen.lve Plan. He .tated that the one year tl.. 11.It 1. approachift9 and Itaff would like authority to prtpar. a re.olutlon outlining a reco...nded procedure for a.endment to the Compreh.n.lv. Plan. H. .tatld that thl. re.olutlon vlll co.. back before the ICC in a Wlk or two. It Va' tbo ,onoral con.oft... tbat the Countr Attornoy prepare a rOlOl.tion to bo bro-wbt back to the ICC vithln tbo noxt ...k or two rogardln, ~ ...~nt proco.. of tbo Co.probon.i.o 'Ian; a.. 111 ROUTIII IILLS - AP'ROVID rOR 'AY"rMT Pur.uant to Re.olutlon 81-150 the followin9 check. v.re ia.ued through FrldlY, November 30, 1984, In pay.ent of routine blll.1 CHECK DESCRIPTION CHECK NOS. AMOUNT Vendor 121350 - 121699 7210 - "76 $ 346,257.19 . 255,192.25 BCC Payroll 112 .UDaI'!' ,,"11101'11111" 15-73/75, 15-79, UD 15-11/12 - ADOPTID c...la.lon.r ,I.tor ..v.d, .econded by Co..l..10ntr ..... and carried anani.ou.ly, that ludgot Aatnd..nt. '5-73/75, 15-7', and '5-11/12 bo adopted. It..,U MAU u.NSCIM A'POZII1'ID AS JICULAa "MID '1'0 ,.11 COUTAL ARIA PLAnUIQ CONtIS.IOII UD APPOIII1'JtD'I' or AL,.KIUlATI "KlCaIR POITPOIIID rOR 0111 WJ:U Co..iaaioAor 'Iator ..y.., .0coDded by Co..I.aio.or Goodnlgbt and carrl.d uaanl..ualy, tbat Mr. Rlrk Lav.on bo appoiAted a. a rogular --.ber to ~o Coa.tal Aroa 'lanalng Co..iaalon vitb an oxpiration dato of robruary 21, ltll. Co..iaalonor ..... ..vo', .ocondod by CO..i..lonor Iolland and carrlod unani..u.ly, that the appointaont of an alternato .o.bor to tho Pag. 11 -ï --.I t::::2 ....., - -. --""'''---'7'" L ,---,,,,,,,."-,_._~,,,,.,,_...........,,....,,....,.. ,- """"'""··....·,·,...··"··",,,,,·,.·,,.-·._"h'..."_........__,,,"" r=::J ¡::::::] ~ Dec..bor 4, 19B4 eoaatal Ar.. 'l.nnlng Co..la.lon be poatpon04 for one ...k. n..,u -. 1t0ll IU1t'I'OII A,rotll'rlD TO '1'111 I'UU , 1tlC1llA'I'ZOII ADVISORY lOUD c..alaalonor ,{.tor ....d, a.conde' by C...laaloner Goodnight Ind cirri.. ~.AI..u.lr, that "r; len lurt.. be appoint" to·tb. '.rk. , ltecr..tl.n Ad.laory "ar. vltb .A explr.tlon date ef Doceaber 31, 1"'; It. 115 tlnAlTRUCTVRI IM'ACT ADVISORY ICARD - A'PROVID Com.I..loner vo.. .tated that h. would Ilk. to for. a commlttoe to .tudy the method. of financing the road. that mUlt be built In thl. County. Øe .tated that there need. to be a commltt.e with wide .upport fro. the general public that I. unbla.ed. He .tat.d that h. would llk. to r.co...nd that a rOld Impact committe. be for..d and that the following people be appointed to the committee I Mr. Don Sarber Mr. Donald Pickworth Mr. Arvld Johnlon Hr. Tom Kuck Mr. To. Puk Mr. Nen DorrUl Mr.. O1arlotte We.tman Mr. John Seebe Mr. Cliff Bark.dale He Itated that if one of the. 1. unable to .erve h. would like to propo.e Mr. Flo~ Peter.on a. the alternate. Com.l.lloner Pl.tor .tat.d that In.tead of calling thl. committee I road impact com.itt.e, If th.V ar. going to look at other area. of I.plct, he would Ilk. to .U9g..t that thl. committe. b. called a cltll.n. advl.ory bOlrd, .0 that It I. not limited to ju.t roadl. Co..I..Ioner VO.I .tat.d that It could be called .n Infrastructure Impact advl.ory board, to whl~h Co..l..Ioner Pl.tor .greed. C...la.loner Pi.tor ..v.d, ..cond.d by Co..I..lon.r ..... .nd c.rrl" ..lal..u.11, tbat .n Infr..tructur. I.pact Ad.laory "ard b. a~ov.d vlth tho .bov.-r.f.r.Ac.d peopl. .. ..abor.~ It.. 111 auoLUrZOII 14-212 I.TULIIIIIIG n. 1.7 , 30 TUIIDtoyl. or IACI MOIITI A8 ltIGuu.a ace IlUTtllCI AIID TI. TlUUD.\Y PRZOR TO ltIGuu.a "IITIIIO' AI WœulO. MIITIIIQS IU'rlCTlYI .JAIIUA,n, 1115 - ADOPTED. ..,CZAL IIIITZIIQ TO II IUD JUUARY II 1915 County Mlnlger Lu.k .tated that he would like to r.co..end that rogular .e.tlng. bo held on tho l.t and 3rd rueaday of each .onth, Ind that the preceding Thuraday there b. a work.hop .eetlng. Øe .tated th.t thl. would becoø. .ffectlve January, 1985. He not.d that If thl. eO'OK 084 Par.! 693 Pa9' 12 "T If I ~:;---:--L """""'~""'"",,,.,,,~,~.."-,,,,,,,,,.,^,,,""-,;,,,----,,--; . am 084,~d)9( Dec.mber 4, 1984 .eeUng .chodulo ia adopted, h. would .110 Uk. to have a Ipeclal ..etlng on Deco.b.r 27, 1984, which would pr.v.nt a long ag.nda for tho flr.t ..etlng In January. Mr. Henry Maxant .tated that ~h. ..eting. Ihould be l.ft the way th.y aro a. th.y hay. beon going very vell. He Itated,that tho workshop. hlv. .erlt, but tho four .e.tlng. a .onth .hould be left the . a.. . Coaal..Ioner Vo.. .tated that tho work.hop. aro for tho Co..I..lonerl to dl.cu.. any problem. or concern. they .ay hay. with a potltion, adding that there are no decl.lonl Dlde In a work.hop. Co..I..Ioner ,I.tor indicated thlt by having a work.hop and a.klng qu..tion., Staff I. b.tt.r prepar.d for the regular ...tlng and can 91ve co.plet. infor.ation and an.ver. to any concern. the Co.ml.lloner. .ay hay. had. Mr. George Kell.r, pre.Ident of COllier County Civic rederatlon, Itated that the work.hop idea I. not new, but the County could bo b.tter .erved If the public had .0.. Input in the work.hop. He .tated thlt the .e.ting. run too long when they ar. only held .very other w.ek. "r.. Charlotte WI.~an, repre.entlng the Leagu. of Wo.en Voter., .tated that .he ha. b.en at the work.hop meetinq. and .he wa. very I~re..ed with the.. Sho noted that It I. good to .ee the openn"1 ..ong.t tho Com.I..loner. It the.e work.hop .eetlng., which I. a .tep in the right dlroctlon. Mr. IU k. lewalk, .tated thH the m.eUng. are too long and the public doe. not want to .It In the Boardroo. III day, therefore, the Important Ite.. .hould be taken up In the .ornlnq and the .Inor Ite.. could be left for the afternoon. He .tlted that the public .hould hive Input at all the meeting.. Co..i..loner Coodnlght Indicated that during the work.hop .e..lon., the CO..I..loner. are working with profe..lonal. and It take. .tho.e profe..lonal. to determine If certain criteria 1. .et for petition.. She noted that during the regular .e.tlng., the public I. allowed to force their opinion and what effect the.e petition. would have upon the. if approved or denl.d, adding that thl' I. when .ho .ak.. her final decl.lon. Mr. Charlie Andrew. of 222 Harbour Drive .tated that thl. 1. worth a try, but If the agenda. get too long, the Co..I..lon .hould go back 'ag. 13 .. .,-'-,.......... --.J t::::J :--=.:.J ··~~~I~L:'·..~·_j.. "',.....,""_.,,-_........._-----~..,,--"',..,"\..,......_---¡¡,¡ [--.4 r;;.;:J a=a Dec..ber 4, 1984 to ..otlng. .v.ry we.k. Mr. Eð S.lth .tat.d that the Id.a of the work.hop I. a 900d on. but th.re .hould b. public Input at tho.. work.hop.. County Klnager LUlk .tated t~lt on. of the proble.. with the public .p.aklng In work.hop., I. that wh.n . p.r.on 1. allow.d to pro..nt .o.ethln, at I work.hop th.rl ..r not b. tho oppo.Ito party r.pr..entlng the oth.r .Ide at that work.hop and thl. cr.at.. proþl...~ Co..I..Ion.r VOII .tated that with r.ferance to the .peclal ..etln, on Dec..b.r 27, 1984, h. wa. not In favor a. th.re are. lot of peopl. off between Chrl.laa. and w.w Yoarl.. HI not.d that there could b. . ,peclal .eetlng hold on January a, 1985. C...I.aloft.r ,I.t.r ...04, ..coad04 by Co..I..lonor ..... .nd .arrl04. ....I..u.ly, tbat ....l.tl.. 14-232 ..tabll.hlft9 th. l.t an' 3r' 7u.ad.yl. of ..ob ..ath .. ",ular ace ...tl... .n' tb. Th.rad., prl.r t. ~. r~.l.r ...tlnt a. work.hop ...ting. to INc... .ff.ctly. J....ry !tIS, be "'pted~ .C...I..lon.r .olland ....., ..condod ~ Co..i..I.nlr ..... .nd carrl04 ...nl....1y, th.t . 'plclal ...tln9 IN h.l. January " ItIS. Nm:: RESOUmOO 00. 84-232 tm RECEIVED IN C1.ERI{'S OFFICE AS OF 12/13/84 ~OO( 084 PA'.L 695 paqe 14 __~A.. f~ --..--...........-.=-.---.," '·'-··<~···"'~-·""""'--·'~"""'~'"""·"___tlr~ I'M_ -.'.__.. 084. ,...t 696 Dec.mber 4, 1984 ..... Ro~.... 10.30 A."~ - R.con..nodl 10.40 A."~ ..... T.,. U It.. 117 IUDen OnlCIR CœcUT 70 II ADOPTID III ACCOIUWICI VITI I'LORlDA ftATUfIl AI aoœ AI 'l'B1 COUIITt Ml.MAQU IIRII A IUDen OrrIClR, luoan 1'..cTloa TO URAl. WITII TIll CLIU Ull'l'IL .UCI TIMI AI IUDGIT orrlCI. II IIUD, cou.TY ~Ia AUTRORIIID 70 IIRI OUfSIDI 811.. Ir IIICISSARY Co..I..loner PI.tor .tated that on Nov.mber 28, 1984, Cl.rk Reagan wrote . l~t.r to the Co..I..l~~ vlth r..p.ct to the 1985-85 budget, adding that the l.tt.r r.qulr.. .om. action. H. stated that Hr. R.agan reque.ted that the BCe take over the 1985-86 budget, adding that thi. ..tt.r va. dl.cua.ed whll. prep.rlng the 1984-85 budget and for .conomy'. .ake It wa. d.cld.d not to includ. .on.y in thi. y.ar'. budget to .upport a budg.t offlc.r. H. not.d that .Inc. Mr. R.agan ha. 'U9g..t.d that the Com.i..lon a..um. the r.spon.lblllty of pr.parlng the County op.rating budget, h. .uggest.d that the County Manaqer be instruct.d to ha.tl1y take .t.p. to obtain. budg.t offlc.r in ord.r to avoid duplication of .xp.n.e and to hay. the n.c....ry Information readily availabl., and the sec .hould r..uml the r.spon.iblllty of Data Proc.l.lng and have all personn.l .nd money for their .al.ry and oth.r expen.e. tran.ferred to the Co.mi.lion budget. H. .tat.d th.t all per.onn.l fro. Mr. Reagan'. d.partm.nt who are Involved In pr.p.rlng the op.ratlng budget Ihould b. tranlf.rr.d. Co..I..I.n.r .I.tor ..ye4, ..coAd.d by Co..I..I.ner .....~ that .11 .ee....ry .t.p. wltbiA tb. Co..I..lon. l.,al ll.It. and r..poA.lbllltl.. be .ccompll.b.d by January 1, It.S, .nd that ..tborl..tloA.be ,1y.n to ua. wbat...r out.idQ prof...lonal bllp..y be nee....ry; Cl.rk Re.gan qu..tlon.d what data proc...lng function. Co..I.llon.r Pi.tor va. r.f.rrlng to, and h. r.plled the function. that hay. to do vlth the budq.t a.ountl. Cl.rk R.agan .tat.d that Co..I..loner Pl.tor .ean. the Finane. Divl.lon. H. th.n qu..tlon.d how long Co.ml.lIon.r PI. tor had b..n a Co..I.lIon.r, to which Co..II.loner PI.tor .tat.d eight y..r.. Clerk Re.gln qu.stlon.d if Commls.ion.r PI.tor knew what his dutle. end the Cl.rk'. duties were relating to Flnanc., to vhlch Com.l..lon.r PI.tor .tat.d th.t h. kn.w pr.tty well, addlnq thlt hi. .otlon .tated within the l.gal ll.lt. and re.pon.lbllltl.. of the Co..I..lon. Pa,e IS -=:J r-h1 - ......:J "<'."-~":""IiI-~"'","",,,,,,,,,,,,~~;~,; '-","L, "'>_...._...,'"'~ ,ÿ', "~""'~"·'"''''~·~'.'''''_;·'0",-'''_'=''''''''''';____' .. ¡,o,~.¡ f·",· !'---·f December 4, 1984 Clork Rea91n .tated thlt ho ha. not budgeted any per.onnel to prepare the 1985 budget, Iddlng thlt during the prevlou. dl.cu..Ion abou~ tho budget, there WI. one budget analy.t thlt received between '23-25,000 a year, adding that prior to the Co.ml..Ion firing Dllo Cuttln9h.., the budget wa. going to be tran.ferred at that ti.e. He .tlteð thlt prior to the Comml..lon firing Bill Norman the budget wa. al.o going to be tran.f.rred over to him with Henry Hill. He noted that .Ince there are two new Co.ml..loner. and Commisslonor PI.tor wa. ro-olected, he thouqht that thi. would be the appropriate time. Ho noted that during 1978 when thl. legl.latlon ca.e up, the State AI.oclatlon of County Co..l..loners co-aponsored this bill for the specific purpo.e ot a..i.tlng the County In their budqet proce.., adding that It ha. ab.olutely nothing to do with the Finance Division. ae .tated that preparing the budget and financing, auditing, and accounting are two .eparate functions, adding that he ha. talked with .Ix counties that prepare the budget under the budget officer concept without data proce..ing, accounting and audltlnq, and they hive 111 done It very lucce..tully with the exception of on. county. He .tated that h. ha. prepared the budget .lnce 1973 in thi. county, adding that the Clerk'. office ha. never hid data proce..lnq under It until the la.t two year.. Ue reported that the Com.l..lon ca.e to hi. three ti.e. and a.ked that Data proc...ing be taken over becau.e it wa. $125,000 In the red Ind help wa. need.d. He .tated that he rebuilt the .taff and the equlpaent which i. not In tho Board'. name Ind the personnel I. not under the Board. He .tated that hi. letter .tated that he va. a.klng that the Coø.l..lon con.lder the option ot having a budg.t officer under Chlpter 129, which ha. nothing to do with accounting, auditing, or data proce..lng. He .tated that the BCC needa to make the deter.lnation .. to what type of budg.t I. wanted a. there va. di.cu..ion In the work.hop .e..lon regarding the budget. He reported that Co..l..loner Vo.. ha. concern. that he i. not getting the type of financial Information that he vant., Ind Com.l.sioner Pi.t~r . .ay. that the Clerk like. to do the budg.t. He noted that he I. not one of the Soard'. .taff Ind he doe. not qet paid extra for doing the.e thlnq., adding that hi. .allry I. .et by the State the .a.o I. the Co..l..ioner.. He .tated that he i. trying to determine if the BCC want. to have a budget officer, becau.e he can not havo hi. fl.cal offlc.r qear up for budget .tlff tor overy thing that the Co..I..lon Wlnt. and then when January roll. around, the Com.I..lon decide. to ~OOK 084 pr.r 697 Plqe 16 "'-" ---.-.. . ----- .----. _.'- - ... - --.. ",.. ---:-c:- '_.'._.",+..- ,---,-'" toOt; 084 'Ar.t 698 D.cember 4, 1984 have th.lr own budg.t officer. He .tat.d that he do.. not treat hi. p.opl. that WIY and no funda wer. budg.t.d for thl.. H. atat.ð that he 1. r.qulr.d to hay. hi. budget .ub.ltted May 1, 1985, adding that b. ba. only on. budget analy.t at work. on the budg.t. Be atat.d thlt If tho Co..I..lon doe. nothing, he will prepare the budget, but he feel. ho. Co..haioner. that they want their ow bHdqet officer. He .tated that thi. la what the law I. about and It bring. the Comml..lon.r. cloaer to the revenue. and expenditure.. Ho noted that If the Com.l..ion doe. not want a budget officer, then nothing .hould bo don. thl. date~ adding that the tlm. to dl.cu.. If th.re I. qolng to b. a budget Qfficer la not In the middl. of the budget hearing.. Co.al..ioner ,,.tor .tated that he .imply .ugg..ted that a budg.t officer be obtained. Clerk Reagan .tated that if the data proce..ing department 1. turned over to the Board, it i. golnq to cau.e hi~ a lot of problem. and If .trlde. ar. taken to go that way, he will qo ~o court on the la.u. becau.. he cannot perform hi. con.tltutlonal dutle. without data proce..lng. Comala.ioner Pi.tor .tated that Clerk Reagan ha. don. a fine job In data proce..ing, but the Comml..ion need. to have certain Information when they want It and h. cannot under.tand why Clerk R.ag~n object. to relea.lng the part of data proce..Ing that I. ne.ded to hlndl. the budqet. He .tat.d that the purcha.lng Department al.o ne.d. additional computer tlm. and If the BCC ha. the re.pon.lblllty of the data proc...lng, th..e ~tt.r. could be handled In-hou.e without bothering Clerk Reagan with the problema. He .tated that he feel. the BCC ahould prepare their own budqet and they need certain Information that I. .tored on the computer and readily available. Clerk Reagan .tated that he ha. no objection to that, but that i. not what the original motion wa., adding that the orlglnel motion va. to tran.fer all the function. of data proce..lng ov.r to the Co.ml..lon, which I. not what he .U9ge.t.d. Co..I..loner Pi.tor .tated that he I. a.king for all the data proce..Ing that ha. to do with the budget. Clerk Reagan .tated that CO..i..loner Piator I. going to have to define what the motion .eana. He .tat.d that if Comml..loner Piator want. the Data proce..Ing Director to run a tap. of all the revenue. and .xp.ndlture., thi. I. no pr~bl... H. .tated that if the Co..i..Ion want. to ..t up a .eparat. data proce..lng dlvl.Ion, thl. could al.o be Pag. 17 ...-.:.J ···..-~·1 ----- ,1-'¡""¡~:~lW::¡",,·';;'''t';ì\"''''''' L ~> -=-.-.....-----...-.---.". ....._"._".",."'"-.,,'-,-,~,,_....._-"',..~-- r: ...,. 4 r.::-:l ~ D.c..b.r 4, 1984 dono. Co..I..lon.r Pi.tor .t.t.4 that Clerk Reagan and hl...lf hav. alway. vant.d to avoid ..ttlng u~ ..parate dlta proc...Ing dlvl.Ion.. Cl.rk Reagan .tat.d th.t this I. vhat h. ha. al.o alw.y. wlnt.d to avoid. Co..I.alon.r Vo.. .tat.d th.t the County Klnag.r cannot pr,plr. a buðget without having the Input that h. ne.d. fro. the d.ta proc...Ing .ectlon, adding th.t appar.ntly h. h.. not b..n g.ttlng it and thi. I. ono of the probl... th.t h.. .rl.en. He .t.t.d that th.re aro c.rtaln 10911 r..ponalbl1itl.. th.t the Clerk ha. within the data proc...Ing op.ratlon, .0 th.t operation ahould contlnu. und.r the Cl.rk, but the data proc...lng op.ration that was given to the Cl.rk by the County Com.I..lon 1. wh.t Commi..ioner ,1.tor i. ..klng for. Cl.rk Re.q.n .tated th.t Mr. Coldlnq and Mr. Carlton l.ft the data proce..lng ..ction, adding that they bought their own .y.tem. H. noted that tho Sheriff .1.0 laft the .yate., .nd h. waa the only on. l.ft on the .y.t... ø. .t.t.d th.t h. had to bear the co.t, the Finane. DIvl.lon, the Court Sy.t.., the R.cordlng Sy.tem .nd all the oth.r thing., adding that within the pa.t two y..r. he h.. .dd.d a number of the County Manaqar·. function.. He noted, with regard. to the buð9.Ung funct.ion. aa the financial Information, the data input, and .0.. .ort of .ccountlng b.ckup will b. .uppll.d. Co..I..loner Vo.. .tat.d that he has I.k.d for a monthly r.port on wh.ro the County stand. In rel.tlon to the budg.t, addlnq th~t the County I. elth.r on t.rget or not, .nd If not, th.n why? H. .t.ted th.t thl. h.. to do with .xp.ndlture. .. wall a. incom.. H. not.d th.t aany tl... th.y h.v. b..n ..k.d to .pprove an aOdltion.l .xp.n.. out of the contingency fund. .nd h. do.. not knov wh.r. the County .tand. on tha contlng.ncy. H. .t.t.d thlt the Co..I..ion n..d. this and .u.t hay. It and whatev.r 1. n.c....ry to get thl. Inform.tlon will b. don.. Ro noted that part of thi. i. the r.portlng fro. the data proc...lng. He .tatod that In Com.i..loner Pl.tor'. motion h. authorlz.d the County Kln.gor to get wh.t.v.r out.ld. prof...lonal' h.lp h. may n..d to do that. Clark Re.gan .t.t.d that during the work.hop the pr.vlou. day h. va. told that the Co.~I..loner. n..d.d to know wh.r. th.y .tood on the bud9.t and that it tak.. two to three wa.k. to g.t that inform.tlon, adding th.t at .ny tlm. Fiscal Officer Gil.. can tell what tho Gen.rll rund Contlnqency i. and what h.. b..n .p.nt out of It. H. atat.d that 'na~ 084 ~A'.[699 'ag. 18 "'!Ir.W.._..- ~ .. ¡: oH<_,~",¡.,,,,,,,,+,·.,,,,",",..,,,.,,,,,.,."Y^"'''N., "_"'",,,....... ,_,,,__~......,,,,,._. ...,.,_"'.,.........~....""_....-___'- ÞOD< t.& PACt 700 Dece~ber 4, 1984 ho i. roferrlng to the budgetary function., noting thlt the Commi..lon ~et. .onthly report. a. well a. the County Manager and all ntpartm.nt Bead.. Com~I..loner vo.. .tated that h. doe. not want to .It down with a .tack of report. to find out thl. Information. rllcal Officer Cile. .tated that the MAnlger. neid to under.tand how to read financial .tate..nt., adding that he .upport. the Co..I..lon by keeping up wlth Staff thlt ha. an und.r.tandlng of financ... . He .tated that It I. Important for managerl to knov how to reld a budget a. well a. und.r.tlndlng what contlngencle. are. H. .tated that a. to what the current balance. are, It take. a little ti.e to find out how the County .tand.. Co.ml..loner vo.. .tated that If the.e thing. were coming In on a .onthly ba.l., he would not have to aak poople the.e que.tlona. Clerk Reagan .tated that the Co..I.llon .ay want to conllder an independent budget officer that work. directly to the Co.ml..ion. He .tated that h. believe. the budget officer concept will work. Co..l..loner vo.. .tat.d that one cannot prepare a budget without h.ving acce.. to financial data, adding that thl. I. the point of Comml..ioner PI.tor'. motion, that the County Com.laalon want. to take blck tho.e function. relative to the budget from the Data proce..lng nlvi.ion. He .tated that how It I. done I. another .atter, but that wa. the Intent of the motion, he believe.. Clerk Reagan que.tloned If the Intent was to get back the portion of data proce..Ing that d.velopa the bUdq.t, which I. the general inforaatlon that co.e. out of the financial report. which will prepare the budget, adding that thl. I. not a probl... He .tated that he al.o a..UDe. that the Co..l..lon would want .o.e .ort of computer acce.. into the .y.te., adding that this ha. alway. been there. County Attorney Saunders .tated that there wa. a motion that wa. r.ad which went rather far in term. of taking back from the Clerk'. office all of the legal re.pon.ibilltle. that the County Co.ml..ion can undertake leaving with the Clerk only tho.e thlnqa that would be loqally roquired by the Con.titutlon under Florida Statute.. H. .tated that he believe. that wa. the je.t of the .otlon and th.re was .ome di.cu..Ion r.gardlng the Intent of that motion. H. .tated that the ICC need. to clarify exactly what Staff I. to do at this point. Com.l..ioner Pi.tor .tated that hi. feeling I. that he want. the DCC Staff to prepare the operating budget for the County and to .onitor Page 19 --=.J ~~~1 ~,.,..,~'),j··""·-f·;o""·'":)"''::''\tJ:~ l""""'- r-----¡ io---J -- 1---1 ~.--, Dec.mb.r 4, 19B4 1t and Itaff will n..d dir.ct acc.s. to Information that I. .tor.d In the coaputer, .nd as wa. .tat.d 1n the aotlon all nec.s..ry action vlthln th.lr .legal ll.lt. .nd r..pon.Ibll1tl.. be accompll.h.d by Janu.ry 1, 1985, and .uthorlz.tlon be glv.n for whatever out.lde prof..slon.l h.1p ..Y b. n.c....ry. He stat.d thlt he I. trying to oxp.dlt. the matt.r In which the budq.t Is going to b. pr.pared for the Com.I..lon. ..ctlon of the oper.tion of the County and to make It po..lbl. for the Klnager to obt.ln a budget offlc.r. Co..is.lon.r H.... qu..tlon.d If thl. ...n. .ovlng .om. of the p.r.onnel fro. undlr Cl.rk Relg.n, to which eo..I..loner ,I.tor .tat.d that thl. I. so..thlng thlt will have to bl workld out with Cllrk Reagan. He .t.tld that h. hope. It dOl. not ...n duplication of personn.l. County Manager Lu.k .tated that when a flnanc. offlc. pu·t. tog.ther a budget, th.y start taking th.lr oth.r p.opl. who do oth.r function. the r..t of the y..r to do that budget, adding ~hat It I. not don. by on. p.r.on at .11. HI .tated that vhen thl. budqet goe. und.r the County Man.ger .nd h. ha. a budg.t offic.r, that on. p.r.on does not hay. .n .ccountlng offlc. to bring In additional p.opl. If .ddltlon.l h.lp I. n..ded. He .tatld that there ha. to b. at l.alt three people and th.re will h.v. to bl .0.. duplication. Co..l..ion.r VO.I .t.ted that .v.rythlng c.nnot b. d.cld.d thl. d.t., but the Int.nt I. to .s.u.e tho budg.t function. and do what.v.r .1.. ha. to b. done to q.t It don.. County Man.ger LUlk .t.t.d that perhap. Cl.rk R.agan c~uld loan hi. .0.. of hi. p.opl. for. c.rt.ln tl.. period in ord.r to .v01~ duplication. Co..l..loner Holland qu..tloned what i. the motion? Cl.rk R.agan .t.t.d that he would like the Co.al..lon to adopt the budg.t offlc.r conc.pt In .ccordanc. with rlorldl Statut.. and glvo the Manlg.r tho r..ourc.. he n..d. to hay. a budg.t pr.par.d for the Co..I..lon for the Incoming fl.cal y.ar. He stat.d that hi. office will a..I.t In th.t proce... H. n~t.d that the pres.nt accounting staff con.l.t. of rl.cal Offic.r Gil.., the budg.t analy.t, and a p.rt-tlm. cl.rlc.l p.r.on. U. .t.t.d that wh.n the time com.. to print, th.r. .r. three cl.rlcal p.opl. that do input. 'I.cal Offlc.r GI1.. stated that he I. in ch.rg. of putting tho budg.t tog.ther .nd th.r. I. a lot of work done by the Manag.r'. offlc., Ad.lnl.tr.tor., Department H.ad., .nd S.ctlon H.ads, which all ~OOK 084 PA:'[ 701 '.g. 20 '~ì, ~ ""''''''-~'~_'_->''"''''-- .;0( 084~....·!702 Dec..ber 4, 1984 ha. to do with budg.t In.truction. that h. ha. d.v.lop.d. Commi..Ioner Vos. .tlt.d thlt wh.n Arthur Young did the .anag...nt audit, th.y r.co...nd.d that the budg.tlng function. of the County Manag.r go back to the County Manager, adding that thl. 1. the Intent of what th.y are trying to accompli.h· and dltl proc.ssing may be ne.dld to help out. rl.cal Offlc.r Clle. qu..tlon.d if thl. ..an. that the Co.ml..Ion 1. d..lgnatlng the County Klnager a. budget offlc.r purauant to 'lorlda Itatut.., ,to which COIII.ha1on.r Vo.. replied affirmatively. County Kanaq.r Lu.k qu..tlon.d If thl Com.i..lon 1. creating a budg.t offlc.r to cr.ate a budq.t to pr..ent to the Comml..lon which would be 100' of Doni.. .p.nt by the County or I. tho County Klnag.r .Imply b.lng a.k.d to do hi. own budg.t? HI not.d that the budg.t offlclr ha. to hay. control of tho budg.t and what h. pr...nt. to the County Co..i..lon, adding that he b.coD.. the budgot advl..r for the totll county budg.t. 'I'a,. IS County Attorney Slund.r. .tat.d that h. i. trying to d.ter.ine what dlr.ctlon the Board 1. going to take In t.rm. of telling the Staff what to do, adding that it ..... that thar. ar. two propo.al.. H. .tat.d that on. I. ba.lcally that the .uqq..tlon of Cl.rk R.agan bo follow.d and adopt the budg.t offic.r conc.pt and proc.ed In that aannor, and the ..cond 1. the wrltt.n propo..d rl.olution that basically .ay. the County Manager I. going to do the .ntlr. function wheth.r It Involv.. data proc...lng or what.v.r a. long a. It I. within the legll limit. of what thl. Commi..Ion can do. H. .tat.d that the Iolrð Is going to hay. to make a d.cl.ion on which of the two .It.rnltiv.. that Staff 1. going to b. dlr.ct.d to follow. Cl.rk R.agan stat.d that the law sp.cifically .ay. thlt unl... the Board d..lgnat.. a dlffer.nt offlc.r, the Cl.rk of the Circuit Court .hall b. the budget offic.r for the pur po.. of thl. Chapt.r and that Chapt.r I. Chapter 129 which provld.. all the budg.tary function.. COlllml..lon.r Vo.. .tat.d that the County Commi..lon 1. g.n.rally ov.rall r..pon.lbl. for the moni.. coll.ct.d fro. tax.. and oth.r .ourc.. within the County, and If that r..pon.iblllty I. not acc.pt.d, th.n the Comml..lon I. not doing the job. H. .tat.d that part of the respon.lbllity I. what happ.n. to the people's mon.y, .0 th.r.forl, th.r. .hould be a budget offlc.r thlt handl.. thlt. County Manag.r Lu.k .tated that if the Com.i..Ion goe. to a budg.t Pag. 21 :.:.....:J :=J .- ·......-....~l'.,4f.!tI:...'~.,,·,C ,....---, .~'''~_4 t:=1 r=4 Dec.mb.r 4, 1984 . offlcer .nd there 1. not. total budg.t offlc.r, the lIon.y 1. b.Ing w..t.d. Be r.port.d thlt a budg.t offlc.r do.. the whole budq.t lOOt of the tlm.. He .tat.d that a budget ana1y.t c.n turn out a budget for the County H4nlger .nd that I. ba.Ically all h. can do. COII.l..lon.r Vo.. .t.t.d that he n..d. to know wh.re tho p.opl.'. lIon.y 90e. and If It take. a budq.t offlc.r to do It, then a budqet offlc.r I. wh.t the Co..l..10n n.ed.. Co..la.Ioner ,I.tor vltbdr.w bl. ~tlon and Co..I..lonor B.... vltb4r.w bl. ..oon4. Co..l..1...r ,1.t.r ..y.4, ..oon4.d by C...I..loA.r ....., tb.t tb. Io.r' .f County Co..l..loner. ..ploy . b-',et offl0.r In aooord.no. vl~ rlerl'a Law te prepare tb. County budget an' th.t tbla be aooompl1ab.d .. .xp04itioual, a. poa.lble, .nd that .utb.ri..tloA b. ,I... to tb. County Ranag.r to aI. vbat.yer out. i.. profe..lon.l b.lp _, be noc....ry. Co..l.llon.r u.... .t.ted that If thl. work 1. r..ov.d from Cl.rk Re.gan, h. would h.v. .v.llable people that could work for the Co..l.lion. ,I.c.l Offlc.r Gl1.. Itated th.t who.v.r 1. brouqht on .. budg.t offlc.r, It 1. going to r.qulr. .ddltlon.l work for hi. .t.ff with refer.nc. to report., adding th.t the County Manager I. going to n..d .trong .upport fro. hi. .taff. Cl.rk Re.g.n .t.ted th.t there 1. on. p.r.on that I. . budget analy.t th.t work. .1x or ..v.n .onth. out of the year on the budg.t, and If the Coø.l.liol\ w.nt. to mov. th.t .oney It 11 .vail.ble. H. not.d th.t b.twe.n the two St.ff. thl. c.n be work.d out. ,I.cal Officer Gl1e. qu..tion.d if the County Manager I. officl.1ly the budg.t officer until. budg.t offlc.r I. d.legated? County Attorn.y Slund.r. .tat.d that It ..... that until the budq.t offlc.r 15 on lin., the .ltuatlon .hould r...ln a. It I. .. oppo..d to na.lng the County Manag.r the budget offlc.r. Cl.rk R.ag.n .t.t.d that h. will continue to do the budg.tary function. until a budget officer i. e.ploy.d. County Attorney S.und.r. .tat.d that onc. the man.g.r h.. hlr.d the budg.t officer and .dvi... the SCC and the Clerk of Court. that h. h.. don. .0, .t that point In ti.., the budq.t offic.r will beco.. th.t n.w Indlvldu.l, but untll th.n the budg.t function will r...ln a. I.. eo.al..ion.r ,I.tor vlthdrev bl. ~tlon .nd Co..I..lon.r ..... vltb4rov hla a.coDd. ~ODK 084 ~A~r 703 P.g. 22 ---........_~~._ __............11'........_......._ -.-.- ...-.. - . 60DC 084-rA~t 7().t. December 4, 1984 " c-l..ioner 'btor ....d, ..coAd.d by eo..l..lon.r ..... .nd ..rri" ...ni....ly, ~at t~. Co..i..10. .40pt ~ audg.t Offlc.r ..ac.pt .nd ~t ~. Coaty Ranater, hir.. bud,.t officer a. .... .. ....iblo and advl.. th. Ioard of County Co..i..lonor. and tb. Clork .f Court. ~t·h. baa don. .0, aAd that th. bud9.t functlon..r...ln vltb tbo Cl.rk of Court. ~tll that .at., ~4 ~t t~. County Ran.g.r ... ~t.ver out.i~. prof...lonal holp that 1. n..dod to accoapll.b tbi.~ It. 111 YOLPI 'ITtTJOI It-U-13C TO II RICOISJDIRID AltD TI"I ItlOUIRlMDTI WAIYlD Co.ml..ioner Holland .tated that thl. reque.t wa. aade by Mr. Volpe, adding that there was 80me ai.und.r.tanding a. to how thl. project could be done. He .tated that with the Board'. approval, he would 11k. to h.ve the tl.e requlre.ent waived. H. .tat.d that It I. hi. under.tandlng that the complaint. th.t were .ade by Golden Gate r..ld.nt. hava be.n .11.inated .nd they would like to bring the p.titlon back. He .tated that thl. petition will hay. to go through all the advl.ory board. and .t.ff again, adding th.t he i. .imply a.klng that the one ye.r time requirement be waiv.d. Co.ml..Ioner uaa.. atated th.t all the thing. were not re.ponded to that the people were oppo.ed to, adding that atrlp zoning was one of the prob1..., the chanqlng of the zoning, the objection of the additional traffic and the ae.th.tlc. of the area. U. .tat.d that tho people of Golden Gat. ar.a .tlll have a lot of que.tion. which h.ve not been an.wer.d. Commla.lon.r H.... .t.ted th.t Mr. Volpe Indicated to hi. th.t the convenience .tore would be d.leted fro. the project and there would only b. on. .ntrance to the project. He .tated that a. far aa .trlP zoning that I. a al.-.tated f.ct a. there i. commercial zoning on both .Ide. of the proj.ct. He .t.ted that the people are entitled to be heard. Commi..loner Voss .tated that the reque.t wa. turned down and Mr. Volpe I. .Imply a.klng for the time requirement of one year to be waived. He st.ted that In.t.ad of waitinq a y.ar, he can .tart all over again Ind It will coae b.for. the people again. Co..l..loD.r 1011and ....d, ..con4.d by Co..I..lon.r ,1.tor, that Yol,. Petition 1t-14-l3C be r.conald.r.d and tho tl.. r.qulr...nt be v.I.... Mr. c.org. Keller repre.entinq the Colden Gate E.tatea Aa.oclatlon .tated that the obj.ctlon. of the people have not been re.olv.d. He PAge 23 .., ...--J :::::J , ~,<,;)IIJ!Ø."""""IÚ o:"', ''';'"''L t· . ! I~, ~'^" '·/"t·.,··t ¡¡L...__~ Dece.ber 4, 1984 .tated that In the aI.ter plan that Is being developed It I. reco..ended that .trip zoning not bo continued from Green Blvd. to Wil.on Blvd. which I. on the north .Id.. He .tated that he doe. not want to .et up .trlp zoning on the south .Ide of Golden Cate Parkway. Øe reported thlt the people wlnt to keep thl. are. a. a golf cour... Øo .tated that Mr. Volpe .hould wait a year before he come. back. Upon call for tb. quo.tion, tbo ..tion carried 3/2, (Co..i..lonor. ..... and Yo.. oppoaod). It..,lf -TVUIY- TO .lMr. AI COUIITY IUr. Com.i..loner Vo.. stated that It haa been reported that changing the County .eal i. going to co.t a lot of money, adólng that the ,.t.tionery will be u.ed until the .upply 1. depleted, the decal. on vehicle. will not be taken off, but .. the vehicle. are replaced the nil' .eal would be put on them. As.i.tant County Manager Dorrill .tlted that Staff has .pent very little tiMe on thl. ..tter even though the new.paper. report It differently. He report that the co.t for a decal on . county vehicle I. $3.29 which i. not excel.lve a. It ha. been portrayed to be. He .tated that he I. propo.ing to hold a conte.t of Collier County citizen. to determine if there I. an Intere.t In changing the .eal. He .tated that he I. .eeklng direction to draw up a lilt of conte.t rule.. AI.l.tant County Manager Oorrl11 atated that tho total co.t to change the .eal would be lea. than $1,000 which would Involve the official County .eal. in the Clerk'. office which are u.ed for docUlllent.. Co..l..loner Vo.. .tated that he doe. not care whether the County bas a turkey or not, but he doe. not want a -butterball- turkey. He .tated that he would like to .ee what the public will co.e up with. Tape " The following .poke in Pat ware Ml ke Zewa lk Charlie Andrew. Egon Hill oppo.itlon to changing the -turkey- .e.ll Repre.entlng Audubon Society North Naple. Civic Aaloclation 222 Harbour Drive Re.ldent of Naple. Mr. Henry Maxant, 763 Ca..ena Road, .tated that he 1. not taking a .Id. on thl. i..ue, but there ha. been con.lderable oppo.ltlon to chlnging the .eal. He noted that the turkey I. a re.pectable bird and . true native of thl. country. MOK 084 ~AGr 705 'age 24 m( 084 PA"r706 December 4, 1984 c:-1..10...r. 80Uaad .....d, ..ooad.d by Co..I.donOf ..... ancS c.rrled 4/1~ (Co..I..lon.r .... oppoaed), that tb. ·Turk.y· f...ln .. ~. COUDty ...1. n.. 120 COIUIIIIIOIIIU AUTlloaUID 'rill ,zGlln,a OP ftl 810U'I'" .OID c...I..1on.f ,1.tor ....d~ ..cond.d by Co..I..lon.r ..... and oarrl.d UDanl..u.ly, tbat tb. Co..l..10n.r. .lgn tb. ab.rlff'. Iond~' Paq. 25 r::::J ~ 'I .IIIMI,W",.,'J J r -- , ··'·"""U'.~"'_'''''''''_'''_'''·'''___''_-''''''''''~'~__'''.'__ """,._-",_"_o",_.."_""·",,."~_" ......_.._......________ r.......,.. . r----j jk.... ~ December 4, 1984 UTRA GAIl 71"1 roa llMoTI 10. 41349 - APnOYlD eo..l..loA.r 'S.tor ....d, ..cond04 by Co..S..loner Bolland and carrS.. UftanS..ualy, tbat .xtra 9aln tl.. for Inaato .0. 4l34t be approY04 . It_ 122 OPfIOM 1 ~DIIG Ta& '1&aIFr'. OFFICI 1'14-15 BUDGIT A"ROPRIATIO.. TO AtLOW roR IA~Y ADJUITMlMTB - APPROVID Mr. Con Hunter, Deputy Chief of Admlnl.tratlon of the Sheriff'. Depart.ont, .tated that thi. reque.t 1. of extre.e concern to the Sheriff'. office and I. not a need any longer, but a nec...lty. He .tated that the co.t of living In Collier County 1. extremely hlqh which .peak. poorly to the .alary that the corr.ctlonal officer. are boing paid. He noted that the Sheriff'. office ha. been .ubject to law4ult. over the year., but never .0 much a. from the inmate population., adding that.thl. .ay. that tho.e people that have cu.tody of the In.ate populatlona .u.t be of .uch caliber ~entally and phy.lcally to de.l with the inmate. that are given add1tional right. year after year, know their right., and w11l file .ult without thinking. He .tated thlt there need. to be people that are trained and educated that can be retained on .taff In order to deal with thl. population. Øe reported that the correctional officer. are being paid currently le.a than the anl~al control officer. 1 and 2 and the firefighter.. He atated that the correctional officer. are required to attend a certification proces. which Is 320 hours, add1ng that they are encouraged to .eek dual certification as law enforcement officer.. He .tated that thl. .ake. the correctional officer compatible to law enforce.ent officer. 1n all a.pecta except for the1r pay. He .tated that during the budget proce.. thi. proble. was con.idered, but he atated thlt It wa. felt that the budget would preclude the. fro. a'king for thi. adju.taent for the correctional per.onnel up to the .a.e atandlrd. a. the law enforce.ent per.onnel. He .tated that he projected a $l75,000 co.t .avlnqs In .alarle. from correctional officer. due to the fact of the delayed opening of the jail. He .tated that for the 1983-84 budget period, there was $530,000 returned to the County Co..l..loner.. He .tated that he 1. a.klng for favorable con.lderat10n of this reque.t. Sheriff Roger. .tated that the trend ha. been that the ja11. have ~~D~ 084rl:~ 709 Page 26 " ..----.-.--.-c----.-. ,~ Ð84pw710 Dec..b.r 4, 19B4 b.en negl.ct.d and the p.opl. that run the jail. hay. al.o b.en n.gl.ct.d. HI .tated th.t the Stat. ha. dlr.ct.d the tr.lnlng for corr.ètional offlc.r. to b. the .... a. for law .nforc...nt offlc.r.. HI not.d that It 1. not the mo.t d..irabl. job and it I. hard to r.crult p.opl. for th... job., .ddinq that with the .alary that they r.c.lv. It I. h.rd to k..p th... H. .tat.d that all of the correc- tion.l offlc.r. are concern.d wlth'how th.y ar. qolnq to .urvlv. .nd. .upport th.Ir f.mlll... He not.d that the .alary a corr.ctlonll offlc.r .tart. .t I. $12,480. H. .t.t.d that In order to k..p th... p.opl., .oa.thlng ha. to b. don.. H. noted that h. work.d hard to ..ve money .nd thl. .on.y w.. put b.ck Into the G.n.ral Fund. H. .tlt.d that h. I. ..klnq for the incr.... that I. b.lng r.qu..ted on the Ex.cutlv. Sumøary. Mr. Martin Bral11., Corporal in Corr.ction., .tat.d that h. work. with the ..n and the probl.. 1. .al.ry. u. not.d th.t the low .alary cr.at.. low .oral. and If thl. ..l.ry Incr.a.e i. not rec.iv.d, h. know. of 5 .en that h. will lo.e In Corr.ctlons. H. r.port.d that the jOb i. not pl....nt at ti... .nd th.r. 1. . l.rg. ri.k factor r.glrding abu... H. .tated that without the Incr.a.e In .alary, the County will 10.. wh.t th.y now hav.. H. .tat.d that th.y try to k.ep the law.uit. aWIY from the Sh.rlff and h. 1. reque.tlnq that th.y b. qlv.n tho Incr..... Co..I..lon.r Vo.. .tated that h. has no probl.m with the r.qu..t, the o"ly thing h. que.tion. 1. if the money Is aval1abl.? Tape U rl.cal Offic.r ell.. .tated that the r...rv. for contlng.ncy i. curr.ntly $1,675,000, .ddlng that th.r. I. . hlqh.r c.rry forward than anticIP.t.d. He .tat.d that th.r. I. about $1.8 million more than anticlp.t.d on the .mount of c..h In bank at y.ar .nd, .ddlng that a lot of It ha. to do with the .conomy and .tat. r.v.nu. b.lnq b.tt.r than .ntlclpat.d. ø. r.port.d th.t b.cau.. of thi., th.r. i. . h..lthy po.ltlon in contlnq.ncl... H. not.d that the contlnq.ncy ha. approxl~t.ly $1.6 .11llon and there i. .n additional $1.8 in ca.h th.t I. not offlcl.lly r.coqnlz.d until the audit i. compl.t.d. H. .tat.d that the money I. th.r. for the Sheriff If tho Co..i..lon d.cid.. to approve the Sh.rlff'. r.qu..t. County Manager Lu.k qu..tlon.d if what I. b.lng .aid I, that th.r. i. $2 million more In the Ceneral 'und than what wa. antlclp.t.d, to which rl.c.l Offlc.r Gl1.. r.pll.d .fflrmatlv.ly, adding that thl. 1. I' , 'v ~ ¡pi' t';{· 'I;:' ..J: , , l.if.'~."J'... ~' ~'.:~..:.;.' ,- " , ! Pig. 27 . ---" :....::J - " f '.,'.. .., t~,_·"",.., '.r,,-::' \: , L P¡,_l r:=J ~ Dece.ber 4, 1984 due to tho Increa.e in .tate .hared revenue.. eo..t..I...r ,t.tor ....d, .ocondod by Co..t..ton.r 1011.nd and .arrl.d an..18o..1y, tbat Optlo. 1, a. indlcat.d below, ...ndln, tbe abortff'. aftlco 1"4-5' budgot appropriation. to allow for .alary adju.t-.nt. be aprro.o4. Option 11 Adju.t .11 certlflod Corroctional offlc.r. ba.. .alary to that ba.. .alary of corti fled lav .nforc...nt offlc.r. .f .... rank, for nino (t) ..ntb period In tb. County Fi.ca1 Yoar 1'14-15 beginning January 1, 1'15 throU9h lepto.ber 30, ltl5. Total CO.tl $323,513.00. ..... C...I..ionor ,I.tor ...04, .ocondo4 by Co..I..lon.r Iollaad .nd carried anani.-a.ly, that tho following It... undor tho Con.ont Agenda be appro.od and/or adopt.d. ..... 123 SOCIAL SIaVICI. CASIS W-2'12 AMD N-St5 U.. 12. lID 1772, TICIRTAIL llAC. 'ARlIIG IX'~SIOI - AMARDID TO TO"IIO COMSTRUCTIOM CO~, IIC. II TII AMOUWT or $63,3.5.00 Legal notice having been publl.hed in the Naple. Dally New. on October 29, 1984, a. evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, bid. w.re r.c.ived for Sid '772, Tlgertall Seach Parking Expansion until 2130 P.H. Hovember 21, 1984. U.. 125 PROPOSAL raCK IWVIROMMKlTAL SIRVICI' UMLIMITID rOR MlTtAMD "ITlGATlo. AT TIalRTAIL llAC. II TBI AMOUVT or $45,0.0 S.. paqe 71 1- It.. 121 LUaU AT DUtOIALlI AZR,oaT TO 'LACI "OIILl IUILDu,a 011 rLORI~ AIIOLICIT'. LIABID PRO'IRTr It.. 127 LUlU AT DUtOIALlI AIRPOaT TO 'LACI MOIILI IUILDIIG 011 ARTIFICIAL aoRIIOM" LIABID 'RO'IRTY U.. 12. FLIIT ICAllAaIltIWY COORDIMUOR P08ITI0II CRIATID II Fun ICAJlACIJIIJI'!' DlfT; ~no( 084 PA~t 711 Page 28 ~i"A:. L _"''"'_'_~~'_~'"_'_''-__'_''''M_'~"_''_''~'''_'_'><_'''_''''__'''_"'''''~'__'''''_'''''''_'' ~. ."'_ _",'",",_ ~J·.I'712 December 4, 1984 fIR. nwPla "I!'C8ILL Itu.PPOIIITID TO TIll VATIR IIWIAQIMarr ADYt'ORY aOMD PtnTIOII TR-U-IC, WILtAItD , DOltOTll&A .TVnCIt, U 3 MO. IXT~ TO TDPOIWtY RI.IDIIIe. ..MIT 011 W150' OF TR. 54, U. 16~ GOLD" CATI ISTATEI It_ 131 C"I~ AUTlO.IIID TO .laI CIRTIFICATII or CORRICTIOM TO TII TAX ROLL AI P1tIS~D ay PROPIRTY APPRAI.IR OFFICI 1983 TANGIBLE PERSONAL PROPERTY TAX ROLL 1983-595 11/20/84 1984 TANGIBLE PERSONAL PROPERTY TAX ROLL 1984-59 1984-61 - 1984/71 11/20/84 11/21/84 - 11/26/84 1984 TAX ROLL 34 41 - 67 11/13/84 11/13/84 - 11/20/84 It_ 132 DUPLlCATI TAX CIRTIrICATEI MUNaIRl 1'01, 1'10, 1'12, AIID 1'25 ISSUED TO JOII'I FOeIlIII OUI TO LOSS See pag.. '7/.s- -7/R" It_ UJ "IICILLAMIOUS CORRI.~DIIICI - FILID AIID/OR RlrlRRID There being no objection, the Chalr dlrected that the followlng .1.cellaneoua corre.pondence be flIed and/or referred a. indicated below I 1. Departlnenul Report' Collier County Library, OCtober, 1984. riled. 2. copr of letter received 11/28/84, fro. Richard W. Cantrell, Env ron. Super., DER, enc10.ing copy of application for File No. 110958645 for dredqe and fill actlvltle. In Colden Cate. XCI Dr. Benedict. Filed. 3. Letter dated 11/16/84, fro. Andrew reln.teln, Environ. Specla1i.t, DER, enc10.lng copy of application for rile No. 110955069, Save The Bay. Association. XCI Dr. Benedict. ri1l<1. '. , paq e 29 ... ---........, - ~·-"1 - ,···.·..·;!.P....~ ,....,....;.'< ,,-+. ," 1... r:=:J t--j ;::;;;, ~oc~mher 4, l~P~ 4. tAtter received ll/'-7/P4, from Pichsr~ w. r.ftnt.rell, rnviron. Fuper., r.r.n. encloœlnq copy of npp1icfttion for File no. llonS620S for oxtenslon of ~ocklnq fncl11tlÐft on Har~o I.l~nd. XCI rr. nftne~ict. Pilc~. 5. Copy of minutcs of "Arks ftn~ Pecrcation I\dvløory ~oar~. Octohcr 1':'. l"PiI. Pi,lor!. 6. r.'tttor "'I\to~ 11/;?iI/P4, from Jenn LlIcrolx ro "".. ~4-'-24, Conner's VlInr1nrhi1t F10ach F'fttlltCII Pnsllh. Unit 1. 1'10clo: ^, Lot 40 ~rotn8tinq rtcciftion to cut wAerts on ønid nroporty. XCI ~r. ~ftUnr!nrA nn~ Zoninq rnnnrtmnnt. Pi1ort. * * * Thnro hoinn no furthnr ~ullinftllll for tho Coo~ of tho r.ounty, the r.Hu'tinq Wllft s"jollrnpt'l hy Orr1or "f thl! r:~nir - "'i",cl 1'-125 P.M. r>O^"'" 1"" ",)"'Y'T'V "o~'r~ HH': I C"!y!"nF / nor..rtr OF' "''''Y1'I(': ^""F'^f,r,/"'Y OPPICr" nnuF'n~rNn nn^Rr(FI nr F 1'f'r.I 1\1. I" f,'1'I1IC'T'f, 1J"1rrl' tTr. Cnt!Tnm. Y/¡iuJ ppfr;h r"'C{ .1~ 'JM~. c;ll^ I nMI\N I\TTr.!,;TI \oIIL,..J·...~1 ~~ t!3!'1',fjM', CI.PRK ."' .'. '(/ ~""L (~ iif.,./'.,g. · . .'ro ~ ~.t-c.J." ('".. .J "~~c" minutes rl!~[')rOV(!!c1 ~'~/.b~I'Y ; ..,;p'r.""n tp.1 ¡..........---- cr .,,1 correctcc1 $4'111(1\': ~no( 084 wr 713 ""1.111 3('\ -~'C _...,,,..._,____"'_.,_~_..."M__.k