BCC Minutes 01/08/1985 R m...."__.~.....,...__ , --.,,,.,.,.......""'.., ...,."'..~,'~~_.~,~;"",..'.,.,.,' '·Y.. ,. 'k;¿',;~,:¡~J~~ri';',;~ d January fl. 1985 'Þ.4 ", ,~~ t',. ,:.'., ,." ';'¡">l:~~'t~j~';~J( ,ftpe U'.("l'f·,"~:' .:Jt~'h;\i,~.. k., '. ~ ' .' :.:~\t,'.;,.., ...:' ,.,,'., MØDA - J,PP1tOYSD WI'1'1'1 '1'1'11 POLLOWIlfO CHMOZllI co.ai..ioner Pi.tor ~Yed; .econde~ by Co..i..ioner R.... .nð carrieð un.ni~.ly, th.t the .qenda be approved with the following obaftge.. a. Ite. SC _ Collier County Fair pre.entation - Added by County Manag.r. b. Ite. 10Al _ TR-A5-3C re utilization of a mobile home - Added by County Manager. c. Ite. fiB _ Nuieance Abatement - Withdrawn by County Manager. d. It.. 10B2 re eale of Cypreee - Added by county Manager. e. Ite. 10El re poeition of Environmental Science and Pollution Director - Added by County Manager. f. Ite. 1001 re agreement between U. S. Home Corp. and county Water-Sewer Dietrict - continued for one week ae requeeted by county Attorney. g. Item BA. public petition. changed to Item 50 nr. requeeted by Commieeioner Voee. h. Ite. 130 re extra qain time for Inmate No. 42312 - Added by Secretary to the Board. It.. 12 PROCLAMATION DESIGNATING JAM. 13-19, 1995, AI -JAYCEI WEI~- - ADOPTED Upon re.ðing of the proclaa.tion, Co..i..ioner Ha... ~v.d, ..conded by co..i..ion.r Pi.tor and carri.d un.ni~u.ly, that the procla..tlon d..lgnating the week of January 13-19, 1995, a. -Jayce. W..k- be adopted. A repre.entative of the Collier County Jayceee accepted the proclamation and thanked the Commieeion for their eupport. ftOO( 085 P)'.( 131 Page 2 . ,; ~:iII1"'\''.'!Í:'$Ì ;-.',..,. ")'\"'1;'~' '1" "i'.'~' )J, ..'-"'" . ./H. ¡'~'~""""I'jI,;Í :¡;.;' ~"II.W'¡¡¡;','''', .¡,¡¡,¡õ¡¡,..~ ,. . ".._..I...i \¡o"'''' , ". ..., .,p;."ir.':'J.A!m _. ..l\'\<~ ~~n,;~ . _.", ,."'......... .1'......,. ........ . tI.Ir¡(~-"~'1)o1""~, . ',..,.r'~"~·~"'[\¡".i"·· " . . ,~~... " J .,,, 'A>J!( 1\ ~¡.,. ~.~ P'\":j' , ,:.,'~":.'~/(j-, ~'J ¡.. :",i,..-f'. ~1~(!::' "', :,':~ l ~::""~.~~.' \~ /:'~:",~;;'__ii~': ' . "_..._-...",<""-,.,,"",....,_...._---....."',""-_..---~".._>.- aDDf. 085 w·e 134. Janua ry a, 1985 large.t .obile ho.e park in the State of Florid.. He noted that each eo..i..ion.r ha. wltn....d th..e trail.r. in the area and the County 40e. not enforce the law. that are now on the books,' therefore, he 11,' r.qu..ting that all treiler permit. be deni.ð in the future~ eo..i.sioner Ra.s. stated that the re.aon th..e p.ople vere abl. to build the ho... i. that they vere permitt.d to u.e tr.iler., adding that the probl.. li.. within the enforce..nt. H. noted that Gold.n Gat. I.tat.. i. not the only .r.. of Colli.r County th.t per.ita trailer., adding that th.y ar. al.o p.ralttad within the ^9riculture .rea. He .t.t.d th.t the enforc..ent of the ordinanc. .nd the tl.e ll.it need. to b. .ddr....~. Co..ia.ioner vo.. .t.t.d public input and It .hould b. it h.. be.n .dv.rti..d. Mr. Win.ton Barger, r..ident of Cold.n C.te E.tat.., .tat.d th.t a y.ar .go th.r. ver. 14 ..jor viol.tion. .nd within one y..r there ar. atill 9 of thoae violation. exi.ting. He .tated th.t h. built hi. bou.e without. trail.r permit .nd he ia ..king th.t . policy be adopt.d th.t people th.t want. trail.r p.r~it b. comp.ll.d to put up a p.rfor~nc. bond of $25-30,000. He noted th.t the Zoning Departm.nt infor.ed him th.t th. only .It.rn.tive that the County h.. i. to g.t a court ord.r to h.ve the.e people .ov.d off the property which would t.ke . lot of mon.y .nd aany month.. County Attorn.y Saunder. .tat.d th.t thi. typo of .nforc.ment would t.k. mon.y, ti.e .nd a court ord.r. Mr. H.lmut Bitting.r, 2115 Wil.on Blvd., .t.t.d th.t he h.. llv.d in the E.tate. (or five ye.r. .nd the p.opl. next door h.v. b..n th.re for thr.e y.ars living in their travel tr.il.r. B. noted th.t there is a hou.. on Cold.n Cate Blvd. that is only 150 .quare fe.t which i. .g.inst the ~ning ordinance, adding that h. do.. not und.r.tand why the ~ning ordin.nc. i. not .nforc.d. 'l'a,. 12 th.t this .att.r 1. going to require .o.e put on the ag.nda for . future date aft.r Hra. Lynd. Bittinger, 2175 Wil.on Blvd. stat.d th.t during the ti.e .h. h.. lived in the Eatate. ahe hat .een .any tr.iler. and mobile ho... move in and v.ry few of th.. leave. She not.d that th.re .hould be a moratorium put on tr.iler. until thia m.tter hat be.n resolved. Hr. Georg. K.Uer, 2~th Av.; S.W., .tated that h. built his ho.. without a tr.vel tr.il.r, .dding th.t it can be done. H. .t.ted th.t he i. .gain.t .llowing anyone to ua. . tr.vel tr.iler for cheap rent Pag. 4 r::::I =:J c::J _. -'~·-··-T7"':~·~."- :a~;Q~~;t?:;:'.,~.:r. ',~ " "~~? ...'~ -~-<'--'--"':'''''' .'-'....... ..~- ",' ',tit' ;; ?'~ ;:~ ~~".¡,. ,.,~----"_........,..,~"_._. .. .. .. January II, 1985 . ."'hih buUdine¡ their ho.e. '.> . Mr. Joe ari.., re.iðent of Goldin Glte I.tlte., .tltld th.t the need for a tr.vel trailer while buildlne¡ I ho.e in Golden Glte Eatate. in order to protlct the pro~erty and ..terial. fro. theft i. illogiCI1 .nd unrea.onlble. He .tltld th.t there i. theft allover the County, not ju.t in Goldin Cate lat.tea. Be .tated th.t provl.lon. of the ordln.noe hive been viollted Ind the County doe. not know how to Inforce the ordin.nce. He atated that the County .hould be concerned with tbe fact thlt a lot of people live in the.. trlvel trlillr. and never build their ho.e. and, therefore, never PlY tlxeS. HI noted thlt other plrt. of the County do not .llow trlvel trlilers and it 1. not f.ir th.t Golden aate I.tltl. 1110"" thl.. He .tatld that he ia r.que.tine¡ thlt trlvel tr.iler. ba completely eli.inated In Golden aa~. Eatatl.. Co..i..ioner Voaa atated that he la reque.tlng thlt this Ite. be .cheduleð for the workshop on ThurldlY Ind brought back to the next Bee .elting. n_ II OUIllAllCa IS-I aa .IT; a-14-36<:, WIL8œ, MlLUII, 1IAaTC*, lOLL . '1I1t~ ¡IIC. U C:LTDIi QUI..." aa a&lOll11lO "'OR A-2 UD jO-21... 'rO U,-S UD au-saT roa ..onan œ PST IIDa 0' POLLY An; .;. ADOnø; luaJlC't TO ITlPUUTlœl. .ITItlœU'1 AaaaØlIIIT ACC:lnlD Legal notice hiving been publi.hed in the Naples Daily News on Dece.ber 7, 1984, as evidenced by Affid.vit of PublicAtion fil.d with the Clerk, public helring wa. opened to consider Petition R-8~-36C, fil.d by Wilson, Miller, Barton, SolI , Peek, Inc. representing Clyd. Quinby, reque.ting rezoning froa A-2 Ind A-2ST to RSr-5 And RSr-SST for property on the elst .id. of Polly Avenu. between Rlttlesnlke HI.mock Road .nd Ever.tt Stre.t. Pllnner Mc~i. atated that the objective of thi. petition i. to dlvelop 9~ lots in Iccordlnc. with the RSr-S loning .tlndlrd. It a :ro.. den.ity of 2.6 unit. per .cre Ind to pre.erve the -ST- ar'I., with a..ocilt.d r.creltion/utility Ind open spice/buffer .r.... Sh, noted that the project contains 36 Icres. She reported thlt St.ff and III county Igencie. have r.viewed the p.tition .nd hid no obj.ction to it. Ipprovll 'ubject to the .tipulation. outlined in the Executive luaaary dlted Jlnuary ., 1985. She Indiclted thlt CAPC held th.ir public helrlng on oece.ber 6, 1984, and reco.Mended Ipprovll of thi. petition .ubj.ct to .tlff .tipulltions with the exception of Stipulation "I" Ind OJ". She noted that on. letter wa. received ~m 085 PA'·r 135 'Ie¡e 5 !";',\o'>1:b!.:~~' t\;~;i\~ \l=J ',' w<.·,~,:,~¿~;r~;~;~~, :~·~~:t ',. \; ';.'f , . ~r ----"." · IOG'- 085,1,.t136 Jlnulry 8, 1985 oppo.ing the rezcning and two people apoke Ig.in.t the petition b.cau.. of dr.inag~ probl..' in the Irel .nd the aize of the propo.ed lot.. lb. conclud.d by .tating th.t r.com..nd.tion i. for .pprov.l .ubject to CAPC'. .tipulltion.. Mr. Alln R.ynold. of wil.on, Mill.r, Barton, Soll , p..k, Inc. .tat.d th.t he i. requ..ting I rezcning to . .1ngl. f..ilyre.iðentlI1 dl.trict, which will acco..odlte approxi..t.ly 94 aingle family lot. with the -ST- veg.tltion .r.a. being pre..rv.d I. well a. .om. op.n .pace b.ing pr...rv.d for r.creltional ar.... Be .tat.d that thia will be .ffordabl. hou.lng In co.pliance with the Co.preb.n.lv. Plln. ø. .t.t.d that he r.c.lv.d un.nimøu. r.co...ndation. of approval fro. the lAC and the WMA8. H. r.port.d th.t during the CAPC h'lrlng th.r. wa. a chang. In Stipulation -j-, adding that the pri.ary chang. involv.d a d.l.tlon of the r.quir..ent that¡ the d.v.lop.r ov.rlay Polly Av.nu.,· adding that the rea.on 1. that Polly Avenu. ia ev.ntually plann.d to be incorporat.d into the continuation of Santa Barbara Blvd. and at the pr...nt ti.., th.r. ia in.uffici.nt right-of-way a. well as the road not b.ing locat.d in it. corr.ct plac. in the final align..nt. H. atlt.d that it wa. f.lt thlt overlaying the road at this ti.. .ay not b. the wi...t u.e of the fund.. He atat.d that this ha. b..n r.vie~d with the p.tition.r, adding that h. would sugg.st that In.t.ad of r.quiring thia .tipulatlon that the p.tltion.r could agr.. to providing that amount of funds or .ak. that availabl. for the future i.prov...nt of the roadway wh.n it takes plac. by the County. H. stat.d that the Engin..ring DepartJII.nt ..tiluus that it will be about $5,000 to .ak. th.t improv...nt, adding that it could b. mad. a pro-rat. contribution which would off..t that aga\nst any future impact f..s and .1ght b. an .quitabl. way to handle It and not duplicat. .fforts on the r.con.truction of that road. Public Work. ~.ini.trator Kuck .tat.d that h. haa no obj.ctlo~ if the p.tition.r wants to provide fund. in li.u of ov.rlaying Polly Avenu., adding that the County i. not in a po.it1on at thia time to waiv. any posaibl. future impact f.... Commis.lon.r Hass. qu.stlon.d why Stipulation -i- r.garding the 20 foot ......nt w.. eli.inat.d, to which Mr. R.ynold. .t.t.d th.t in the existing condition Polly Av.nu. i. locat.d on .n .a....nt .. oppo..d to I right-of-way and th.r. is In .xiating 50 foot .a....nt on the property that .xt.nd. to the ..ction lin., adding that In the future th.r. ia going to be a 67-1/2 foot right-of-way and the 20 foot I'ag. 6 ~ .--.-, ·............,.1 ~ --- ..-.,.-.... ,___,_...._.._, _4.,,____0_,.. "E ~~.~' ' :VW'\l . . ' . ... ' . ~~. . ;,,' :. ;:;::a ~-r.."" ," ~;é~~~" . \rt,·, f '"", f!; " ~;:,.! i ~ '!:Ii",". ~1;,~;;. , Janua ry a, 198 5 ~~~:~', ~~;*.~ent. 11 . ðuplic:aUon of t~e r19ht-of-vay that 1a being reqlluUd..!' ~'.(M~),:;~'. \,~{; c...t..I...r ,iater ..-..41, ......e4, by ,c..aiaal..u ...... a. , ':. ." ;æ~~,:;..;~:oard" .....1M..1Jt that tit. "110 Ia.ariat be Cll~"'; . ,'''', ¡,"), :..I,.~¡.;f\....,.:··;,}:.\" CoIiaJ...ieMr '~.t.r -y.'~ .ee...... by eo_h.i...r Ooo4altbt 0-.4,~ , .¡.I.~:!t.ard" ....1...1r, Uaat Uaa 0",1..... a. ".-ber" ... .aUU.. below;' -.\0;:·...,·,,1,' - ' . . ;t~;:f:be....t.. ... .ater" I.t. Or' I..... ...1& ..; 11 ....j.ct t. cue'. f...~:,. aUp.allU". vitia tIa. ..cr.ptl... .f It_ el- .nd vltb tb. ..du.t....I.., ~~ . ;~J;;,:' tut f.... will ... .... ...n.bl. t. acro_plllla It_ -'-I oaDI1WIC1 1S-1 .r= .... All oaDllWICl MalDIJIQ OUIIWICI 12-2 '1'111 CCltnaa...I'fI IOIIIJIQ , ..aULAflC*8 roa 'I'll UIIIIICOUOaA'I'ID UIA or COLLIO COUftY, rLOaI., I' MalDIIIG '1'111 OrJ'ICIAL 1000IJlQA'l'tA1 AU .....0 5'-21-5 II ClAlQIJIQ!W1 IOIIIIIG CLASlIrICA'I'IOII or 'I'll .011. Dac:alllD nonaTl LOCAnD 011 'I'D 11.1'1' 1101 or POLLI Am.. I. IIC1'IOII 1I~ 'I'C*II.I' 50 Ion.; aual 21 IAIT nCII A~2 AltD A-U'I' to ur-5.... Ur-51'1', AID II nOVIDl1IG AIt Irnc1'Ift .'1'1. lOOK 085w.r 137 '1ge 7 .,,\ '. "'."'''''''''''' '. ,";'¡':;i;.ii;::1·f ~...:; .-', ·"î1:!".',;:.:.'.....,.·'I't' ",,:,r.;~, ' "'~i'!;"~ '~;~.'~,,¡ ,:.~.'~,~~~:,'.~.."'.," , ,~.....' '. ~____.,..,.~,~,""'.," ~,-'"'---'-_. - .. January 8, 1985 ... n.. t7 .I'rt'tto. a-I4-40C, CU. . Uaoc:tA'I'U~ ll1C; U IDROIID IQ1Il.0~ U10II1_ nOlI UI'-4 'to C-4 I'oa LO't I, aLOCK C, CALUSA ''1; IIMLI. QAaDD. - DDUD Legal notice having been publi.hed in the Naple. Daily NeW' on Dece.ber 7, 1984, e. evidencad by Affidavit of publication filed with the Clerk, public hearing was opaned to con.ider petition R-84-40C, filed by C..h , AI.ociata., Inc. repre.enting Edmond Zunino, reque.ting rezoning fro. Rsr~4 to C-4 for property located on Calu.. Street, Lot .6, 81.0ck C, Naple. Cardeoz. Planner Mc~i. .tated that the objective of this petition i. to build an office-retail complex on Lot. 1-5 which are zoned C-4 and on the .ubject proparty, Lot 6, which i. zoned RSr-4. She .tated that all County agencie. reviewed the petition and had no objection to the approval .ubject to the .tlpulation. outlined in the Executive su...ry dated 1/8/85. She reported thet Staff reviewed the petition and reco..end. denial because the .ubject property i. located within a re.idential area and the propo.ed co..ercial complex would be intruding into a re.ldentlal area and would not be compatible with the adjacent properties to the north and we.t. She .tated that the CApe held their .public hearing on Dece.ber 6, 19B4, and unanlmou.ly reco..ended deolal. M.. Eilean Naber, 3231 Calu.a Avenue, .tated that .he i. again.t thi. reZ4ning a. .he doe. not went to look at a parking lot or concrete building fro. her front window. Co..I..loner ,I.tor ..ye., .ecoaded by Co..i..leD.r IollaDd .ad c.rrled ....I..u.ly~ that the pablic hearlnt be clo'ed~ Co..I..lo.er ,I.tor ..y.., .econ... by Co..I..loner ..... ... c.rrled ....1..8.1y, tbat Petitio. a-'.-40C be .enied. It.. II aUOLftIOll 15-1 .. "'11'11011 CCCL-I4-7C, JIAJICO IItAIfD au.c. AS'OCIA'f1011~ 111C. .. A YAa1AJlC1 nON 'tal CQUTAL COI't.n.UC1'IOII CowraOL Lnl roa MRCO ULAIrD UIIDIIITS alACI - ADOPI'ID luaJlC't 'to ITIPiLA'tIC* Legal notice hðvlng been publl.hed in the Naple. Daily New. on Deceaber 23, 19B4, and the Marco I.land Eagle on January 2, 1985, .. evidenced by Affidavits of publication file~ with the Clerk, public hearing wa. opened to con.ider petition CCCL-84-7C, filed by Marco I.land Beach AI.ociation, Inc. reque.tlng a variance from the Coa.tal ~on.truction Control Line for a parcel of land lying in Section 18, Tovn.hip 52 South, Range 26 la.t (Marco I.land Resident. Beach). Co.munity Development ~.ini.trator Virta stated that thl. i. to ~OO( 085 w".139 pag. 8 __'''",..'^;......ú-=--"'"--'....''"'''''·----~~~~'- QB5,.~t140 January 8, 1985 allov for the con.truction of 10 aððitlon.l chick... at the MarcO %ll·.nd R.lid.nta ".ch. He aUt.d that there are pr...ntly 8 chicke.. on the .it. .n4 the petition.r would lik. to b. abla to builð an adðitional 10 chick.... He .t.t.d that Staff i. r.co...nðing approval, but would atron91y r.co...nð con.tructlng dun. cro..ov.ra and r.v.g.tating ar.a. wh.r. the dun.. have b..n da.ag.ð by p.ð..trian , traUic. Co..i..loner Pi.tor .tat.d that tb. Marco I.land Beach AI.oci.- tion, Inc. ha. don. . tre..ndou. job on r.pairing the b..eh, adðlng tbat thi. petltion could b. pa...d and the pr..id.nt of the AI.oeiatSon could b. a.k.d if th.y would b. willing to build a dune cro..over. Mr. PQrbea, Pre.ident of the Marco 1.1and Beach AI.oci.tion .t.ted that' chick... vera built on the beach in 1980, aðdlng that the A..oclatlon ha. 2,530 .e.ber. and he would lik. to b. abl. to buSlð an addltlonal 10 chick.... H. .tat.d that he would al.o like to r.qu..t that he be able to build a ..all concrete pad b..ide the .xS.tlnq .idewalk 10 that people ln a wheelchair can cro.. ov.r the .and and be able to utiliza the.e chlc~.... 'fa,. . 3 Co..i..ion.r Pietor .tat.d that thi. reque.t i. not on the origlnal r.que.t and could, ther.fore, not b. approv.d under thi. p.tition. County'Attorney Slunder. indicat.d that only whit ha. b..n advarti.ad i. what can b. approv.d. Co..i..lonar Vo.. .tated that the petitioner would have to file . .aparate petltion for the concrete pad. Co..S..Soa.r ,i.tor "Y.d~ ..cond.d by Co..l.al0..r ..... ..d c.rrS.d aD..i....ly, tb.t tb. pab1Sc ~..ri.. be cl...d: C...l..lo..r ,I.tor ....d; ..cond.d' by Co..i..lo..r ..... .nd c.rrl.d ....I....1y, tb.t R...latlon 15-1 r. Petition CCC~-I.-7C; ~rco l.lan4 ".cb AalOClatloD; Inc;; r. . y.ri.nc. fro. ~e Coa.t.l Con.tr~tlon Control Llno f.r Marco 1.1.nd Re.ld.D~' ...cb be .'opt.d .ab'.ct to atSpul.tlona llate4 ~er.ln~ Page 9 L::J .--. ¡-~, '... ,.....; ~~ ;'f"'''~~3.I'm~''''· ~ ..... ~ .~ ~ ~t'(;I!I' .;3t~li~..t'~,itr¡1.. ..,i·1'¿#~'~' \I ;:':,~:"'~ '.' i-, ,.".~;~..\ '·~4,:};·.,';r"f" ',,'f 'J': '\.," . .... ;,.-. [ --,----------~'"." ~..._---_. ,_c_,...,"""""...._.__..··_..-.'·',··" ,."q," .....,--------,' .. .. .. ;....::, ;:t~;. " l~' r~:'~'. ;~# o.i',. ,d ì'\~-r,¡" " ~.~i<¡' ; "·..··i~'h ';"~'''' . f" y;þ.> ". ,~~} "".þ,f. .'.-,:y ;~ 'f;;c.^ .t, J.nuuy I, 1915 ·~\·n_u f¡4:'~ \'_:.'" , :~ ...., aaourrto. 15-2 MaDI- uaOta'flo. 14-151 cOUftJ. co.l11tUCTlo. COftItOL ). "101" yUIAIICI ULA'rll1Q 'to ,ftl,.lC* C:CCL-I4-4C roa ,..1' Co.I1'1UJC,.Io. or ,<' 'NO au.ca a.cc:ua IIUIII IlAL&OYIU AJID 'I'U 1&1'1'0&\,.10. AD IIIJlAllCIIIIII'I' or ,... ÐV1II 10111 .1Mf.UD or ,..1 MACO alACI IIL1'OII IOTIL - ADOrnD , . Leqll notice hlvinq been pUblisheð in tho Naple. Daily Nev. on Dec..ber 23, 1984, .nd the Marco Isl.nd £191e on J.nu.ry 2, 1985, .. .videnced by Affid.vits of Public.tlon filed with the Clerk, public he.rin9 v.s opened to consider ..endin9 Re.olution 84-157 Coast.l Con.truction Control Line v.ri.nce rel.tinq to Petition CCCL-84-4C for the construction of two be.ch .cce.. dune w.lkover. .nd the r..tor.tion .nd enhance.ent of the dune zone ..aw.rd of the Marco Beach Hllton Hotel. Co..unity Development Admini.trator vlrt. .tated th.t thi. i. the Hilton Hotel f.cillty on Marco Isl.nd, .dding th.t th.y .re .sking to build two dune walkov.r .tructure. .. well.. to .llov for their deck .re. to encrolch .e.w.rd of the Coa.tal Con.truction Control Line on · c.ntil.vered b..i.. He noted th.t Stiff i. recommendin9 .pprov.l of this petition. Hr. Ji. DAvi., Co..tal Enqineerin9 Consultant., .t.ted th.t the dune w.lkover. h.ve .lre.dy been p....d, .ddinq th.t thi. Is · re.olution ..endlnq . re.olution ..kinq for the ext.nded deck.. H. .tated th.t he .9ree. with St.ff's reco..end.tion.. ~..I'D.r ,I.tor ....d, ..c.að.d ~ Co..l..loD.r ..... .ad c.rrl.d ....t.e..ly, tbot tb. p8bllc ~..rlft9 be cl..ed; eo..l..l...r ,l.tor ..y", ..coH.1I ~ eo..I..lour ..... oneS c.rrled ...nl....ly, tb.t ....l.tion '5-2 ...neSln, ....1utlon '4-157 r.1.tlD9 to ..tltlos CCCL-IC-CC for ~. c.n.tr~tl0' .f two be.cb .cc... llua. ..lko.er. ..11 t~. r..tor.ti.n .ad .ah.ac....t .f th. dua. ao.. .....rd .r t~. NArc. I.ac~ liltOD ..tel be .dopted. am 085w.!1(5 paqe lO '.'~;';~~~'¡:' >¡;,...~;_. ,t~'t,. " ,,"'" f.. '1."\"·\~ ~e;;~'::?---¡ 0;,""1', ~'\\ {~. _..._--~,~-...,-",,,.,,.,..,, .,.--.,....--,-- 'f',~, ~~ ;~:1 , ~I~,.~q.{;,~ -,'" " 085 rl',t 152 ~ (' " . '¡ r~_ 110 ~"!~,..~. ;;'!~. aaourrtC* 15-3 MDDIIIO auourrI" 14-7 I. C .~.,' . 1.111& YUlAIIC& ULAUIIO '1'0 ,nIYI011 CCC:E.-:)~oa m"!~lftc¡ygagi ,;1,:}, "IIIIOUI rMII.., U.I01llC1 011 YUDIUU'r alACl - ADOrnD :I'r , ~ January 8, 1985 Legal notice having boen publi.hed in the Naple. Daily Nev. on Dec..ber 23, 1914, a. ovidenced by Affidavit of publication filod with the Clark, public hearing va. opened to conaider a.anding R~.olution 14-74 Coastal Con.truction Control Line Verhnca relating to Petition CCCL-13-13C for tha con.truction ot a single !a.ily re.idence on Venderbilt ..ach. Co..unity Development Adaini.trator Virta .tated that thia vas a yariance that va. granted to allov for a ra.idenca 20 teet .eavard ot the eoa.tel Construction Control Line. He noted that 'during the reviev by the State, they did not feel It prudent to allow for the .tructure It.elt to be .eavard of the Lin., but they would allov tha deck and pool to be ..award of the Line. He indicated that becau.e of thl., thera i. a conflict between the State and the County, adding that tha County ha. per.itted the etructure to be built .eaward and it i. nov being a.ked that in.tead of the .tructure being built .eavard to allow for the conetruction of the deck and pool .e.vard and tha hou.o would ba .oved back. He .tated that Staff i. recommending approval. Mr. Mike Stephen., repra..nting the petitioner, .tated that ha concur. with Staff'. reco...ndatione, a4ding that the pool will be placad on grade and fill will be brought in around it to contour to the natural dune grade. and native dune vegetation will be planted around it. Co..l..I.ner .i.t.r ..yed, ..coaded by Co..i..ion.r Iolla.d and ca~rl.. ....lao..ly, that tho ,&blie hoar In, be cl....; Co..i..ioner loll.ad ...ed, .ec.nd.d by Co..I..l.ner 'l.t.r a.d c.r~l.d una.i....ly, tbat ....luti.. .5-) ....dln' AI.ol.tlon '4-74. eo..t.l ee..troctlon Co.t~ol Lln. .aria.co relatln, to ..tltlon CCCL-I)-13C for tb. C9~.tr.ction of a .in9le f..il, r..idence on V....rbllt "acb be adopt.d. Page 11 t.;;;..-J c:::J ~ ~~~~T-'~:-""..-""~'~·'" .', .,--r-i" I ,..~. ¥fi¥,.l'. ", ',,,, :.+.;;.!t\" .", ~:";" 'Ì'¡IM'¡', .....'1'.;..,.. ..~,;.. . "',.1'" \~ ,'''',..IOt..., ,:: \:,t' ~ ',.>",;' ~'",.j. . ..¡.~, :~~'.~.. li,._ C" "\', '.:, '~-::~:::\ ,,~::I.:~;'~' ~ 1~· "'~,~: ':' ,_' ',{¡~:;: .. ...""._,._-,----,.....~,. ......'.._"...."'"~"""^,.,_._.~"",~,,",4'" .,",u,'~,.,""'_,~~..·~"....- ,.,'"''''..._'.._......._...........~~,,___~___'__~.,_u_ . 'OO( 085 PAr.! 158 J~.. In OaDllWICl 15-2 ULA'nllQ TO llAIIALU AIID IUVn'llCDTI II TIll ßIIIIC01tPO- MUD U&U or COL&.lU COUIIft - ADOPTID. TO II aIV DfID .. ftlM 11:1 MœTU Janua ry 8, 1\185 Le9al notice having b..n publi.h.d in the Napl.. Daily N.w. on Dec.mber 18, 1984, a. .vid.nc.d by Affidavit of Publication fil.d with the Clerk, public h.aring WI' op.n.d to con.id.r an ordinanc. r.lltin9 to the con.truction, r.con.truction, r.pair, lIt. ration, proj.ction and prolon9ation of ..lwlll. and r.vetment. in the unincorporated ar.a. of Collier County. County Attorn.y Slund.r. .tated that th.r. i. a chenge In Section 5 of the Ordinanc. and in S.ction 3D of the T.chnical Sp.cification.. Be not.d that the chang. in the Ordinanc. r..ult.d fro. .o~. di.cu..ion at the work.hop which dell. only with r.pair.. He Itat.d that the r.co...nd.d chang. i. not .o.ethin~ that the BCC i. bound to adopt, adding thlt h. tri.d to d.fin. a .inor r.pair and a mljor r.pair to mlk. it cl.ar thÁt in the ~inor r.pair .ituation that the t.chnical .p.cification. Ittlched to the ordinanc. do not apply. H. .tat.d that .ajor r.pairl which ar. defined a. the .tructural lupport Iy.te. of the will, the t.chnical .pecificationl of the code would have to b. co.pil.d with only al to the ..t.rial that would b. u..d in the r.pair. H. r.port.d that the chang. to the t~chincal .pecification. 3D wa. done to try and aak. it perf.ctly cl.ar that the County will not b. involv.d in in.pectinq conltructlon and will not be involv.d in revi.wing plan. to deter.in. if the rolan. th....lv.. ...t the t.chincal specification. of this cod.. H. noted that the County will r.ceiv. the plans along with a c.rtification fro. a regist.red .ngin.er that the plan. ~..t the t.chincal .p.cification., adding that if the .ngin..r. c.rtificat. provide. that .tate.ent, the County will i..u. the building per.it for the ..awall. H. not.d that the only follow-up will b. that a c.rtification from the Engin..r will be pr...nt.d to the County indicating that the ..awall hi' be.n con.tructed a. p.r the attach.d plan. and .pecification.. George Mell.n, Engin..r, .tat.d that th.r. ha. n.v.r be.n any r.quir.~.nt for an .ngin.er to provide plan. to the County previou.ly, adding th~t this information ca~e dir.ctly fro. the contractor or the ho..own.r, adding that this ordinanc. will corr.ct that .ituation. He .tated that Engin..ring guidance will pay att.ntion to the .eawall a. well a. the .urrounding .oil., building., and ped..trian load.. H. :=J ".M .. ___._._._____... -e- A"-:" ~ "1.1<'<" "."'. Pig. 13 , ~~"..".._".'..,.,~'..,'.',--~"--._.~.,'-'"--~.-- .. .. .. :k A ~ ,.- January 8, 1985 'f .ute4 that the breakdown that the County AttorneY ducribe4 is to try .. ~!~t t , -' . '\(~J.f,..nd five the hOlleower a little flexibility 10 that the u."all can b. ~,;" repair.d before total collap", adding that the only ti.. .trict ~~, . adher.nce to the d..ign requir..ent. of the technical .pecificationl i. neeð.4 i. if thlt .eawall haa, to b. taken up froll the canel bottOIl or i. in .uch a condition that it ha. to b. re.ov.d froll the .oil and nplac~d . County Attorney Saunder. .tated that the la.t aentence under "ct1on 5 on .ege 4 of the Ordinance ahould atate that -All Seawall. and rey.~enta conatruct.d, r.con.tructed, repaired, alt.red, projected or prolonged in the County aft.r the .ffective date of thia Ordinanc, .u.t ...t or exc.ed the.. technical .pecification. aa follow., A. Minor repaira to the .eawall or reve~ent which do not nec.aaitate phyaical alteration to the exi.ting atructural aupport ayate.. are eX'lIpt fro. the technical apecificationa. Kljor repaira to the .e.wall or rey.taent which nece.aitate phyalcal replacell.llt of any portion of the .tructur.l lupport ay.t.., except ah.et piling, ahall cOllply with the appropriate aaterial .p.clflcation of the technical .pecification. for the propo..d repair only. Recon.truction of anT .eawall or reve~ent requiring the co.plet. re1n.tallat on of the ah.et pile portion of the .tructural aupport ay.te., or any n.w aeawall or revetaent a.ction inatalled adjecent to or independently fro. any exi.ting .eawall or rev.tment .hall require cOllplete confor.ance with all a.ction. of the technical .pecification. for that portion of .eawall or revetment. railure to co.~ly with th... technical apecificationl .hall conltitut. a violation of thia Ordinanc.. County Att~rney Slund.ra Itated that the neW .ection 3D of the T.chnical Specificationa .hould read, Cod. Enforce.ent B. C. The County Manager, or hia deaignated repreaentative, .hall review the plana and Ipecificationa to deter.ine if .11 appropriate Engine.ring Certification. are provided. Upon deter.lnation that all certification. ar. provid.d, the County Manager, or hla deaignat.d repre.entative, ahall iaaue a per.it to perfor. .uch work. At the conclu.ion of all p.rmitted work r.lating to an individual ..awall or revetaent illprov..ent, a certification by a prof..aional Engineer regi.ter.d in the State of rlorida .hall b. provided to the County ~nag.r, or hil d..ignated reprea.ntative, verifying c:ollpllanc:e with the d..ign and c:on.truc:tion requir..ent. of thi. Specification. Mr. Dea rarr.ll, Chairaan of the Marco I.land B.awall Co.mitte., 1. z. .-- aOOK 085,w 159 .age 14 Y':::~t'r,t'~" :,d'r.·Vfi:,'-"-ì/,..U',>C~.'}1~!.': ,.,,,"~!i'< (~~":;:;-:'1f't \' ;...~(;..;..~'.,;",,;'.'t'.""\:,~~~;:.~ .. ,J'n~, "........~}~,:.,..t~~~-~:.ij ,". ...l".~ ' '.,'''; ..,~,~' ~,.;tl "~f.!_~i.C-~". ",,'~.,..~,.~ f~(\1o:,,,.~'ê . }¡f:¡><~:i::r" "i".:' t,,:\,V. ¡.'2!\ot: . .. ., .. '. ~,'~,._---""'"".; "",,,,,,,--,",.,,..,.-,_...<,_.,-,.-., " ~~"."~.,~",..",,.,;,,-_-..-.-" 085,.,,[ 100 J.nuuy 8, 1985 .tat.d that h. i. in f.vor of thi. ordin.nc. .nð h.lped pr.p.r. it~ '." .~4ing th.t h. i. .v.il.bl. for .ny que.tion. th.t the Co..S..Son.r. ..y h.... Mr.. J.... w..ta.n, r..id.nt of Marco I.l.nd, .tat.d that ah. i. conc.rn.d, .bout the enforc...nt of the Ordin.nc., .dding th.t .h. woulð .1.0 like to I" the ..t.ri.l. fro. coll.p..d ..aw.ll. r..ov.d fro. the prop.rty and not du.p.d into the c.nal. or l.ft on tho prop.rty. ~... .. County Attorn.y &lund.r. It.t.d th.t the ordin.nc. do.. not .pe.k dir.ctly to the qU'ltion of r..ov.l of thi. ..t.rS.l, but the County could t.k. .ction to .nforc. . .itu.tSon of thl. n.tur. und.r curr.nt .tat. l.w.. H. .t.ted th.t due to the n.tur. of .uch . ch.ng., the ordln.nce would h.v. to b. r..dv.rti.ed and th.r.fore, could not b. .dopt.d thi. d.t.. H. not.d th.t the ordin.nc. could b. .dopt.d a. it i. and ...nd.d .t . future d.t.. Co..i..lon.r Holland .tat.d that h. fe.ll that the County .hould .nforc. the ordinanc. .nd not a volunt..r board. County Attorn.y Slunder. etat.d that the language that il in the Ordinance i. sufficient to .ak. it cl.ar that the Cod. Enforc..ent Board .nforc.s the ordinanc. plus the County .nforc.. it. Mr. John Duffn.r, 50 pri.ro.e Court, .tat.d th.t he participat.d in the writing of thi. ordinanc., adding th.t there ha. n.v.r be.n any .pecifications on se.w.ll. and this ordin.nc. ..y not b. p.rf.ct but it i. .o.-thing to .tart with which could b. a..nd.d in the futur.. Mr. Darr.ll Mlrch, 1100 Swallow Av.nu., .t.ted th.t .o.t of the argu..nt. that have b.en brought up have b.en dllcuss.d previou.ly .nd th.r. n..d. to b. an ordinanc. put into .ff.ct and h. would like to ... thi. ordin.nc. adopt.d .t thi. ti... Mr. Herb Savag., r.gi.t.r.d architect of Florida, Itat.d that if this ordinanc. i. going to be p....d it .hould b. done the ...e w.y a. the veed ordin.nce, by h.ving the .Gftwall r.pair.d and the own.r of'th. property ch.rqed for it and. li.n put on hi. prop.rty if it i. not p.id. H. .t.t.d th.t h. f.el. thet h. i. qualifi.d to d..ign th... type of s.aw.ll. and if . r.pair is n.c....ry, a regi.ter.d Engin..r .hould not b. r.quir.d to do it. "r. I. E. Evans, 14 1i rwood Court, stated th.t h. i. in favor of this ordin.nc. .nd it i. time th.t luch an ordinanc. wa. put into .ff.ct and if ...ndment. ar. ne.ded th.y can be mad. .t .nytim. in the futur.. H. It.t.d th.t there il bound to b. probl..., but th.y can b. paq. 15 ---, '-.J -=:J ....--.. I..:...,...J . .,..,-----.....'-.--.... . ~'~;:-"'-'-E .,""';'" I,' ' ","" , , ::~r;",:_t~':' .. ¡'r~,' ...--.--.-.-....'.' ""'"~.'........_.."-,~'..,-'..",,......--- -'..' -'''.~-, ... ... ... January 8, 1985 re.olved when .ueh proble.. occur. ..... 15 eo..d..loner ,I.t.r ...14, .ec0D4.d by CO..I..lon.r ..... and a.tri.. uaanl..u.ly~ tbat the p~lic b.arin9 be olo.e.; Co..i..ion.r ,1.tor ..ve., .econ4e. by co..l..loner Coodnl9bt .nd a.rrle4 una.~..ly, t~.t tb. Or.in.nce .. nuaber.. .nd .ntltl.4 below be ....te4 ... enter.. Into Ordln.nc. look ..; l' .. .-4tfle4 wltb tb. cb..... I. .eetlon )D .nd ..ction 5 .n4 wltb the vn4ar.t.ndln9 tbat th. ordl..-o. be r.yl.... witbln .Ix ..nth.. OIDIIIMICI 15-2 All oaDI1lAllC1 ..LATIIICI TO Tn CC*.TaOCTIC*, JtICC*.ßUCTIo., JtIJ~IR, ALTlaATIOII, PRo.llCTIOII AIID PROLOllGATIO.. or .IAMALLa AJID an-KftUIIIT. III 7111 IAUIICDaPOaATID AAJA,I O. COLLII. COUIITY, ..OVlDIIICI DlrIIIITIIMI, "OYIDIIICI TWAT A 'AIUD .IAWIoLL OJt JtIVn'NDIT II UllLAWFUL AIID A PUaLIC IIUIBAllCI, PROVIDIIICI I'OR IJllFOIICIIIDIT .JIIIU.DICTIO.. ~., ""PDIIIO UCTIOII TIRn, .ua- .ICTIo. 2 or oaDIIIAllCI 110. IJ-U, TO ..OVIDI TaAT Tn CODI nFOllCIKDIT aOAaD or COLLII. COVIIT'l .IALf. IAn JVIII.DICTIOII TO II&Aa AIID KCIK ALLlGID VlOLATIo.. or 7111. oaDlllAllCl, ..OVIDIIICI 1'0. OTIU urORCIIIUT RIIIIDU. AIID 'DALTII" ,aovIDIIICI TIC_ICAL IPICIrICATIo.. I'OIt .IAMALU AIID U'Y1IT- IUIITI, ..OVIDIIIO ro. COIIrLICT AIID srnaulLIn, "OVIDUO I'OR All UFlCTIn ~TI. ....IC&I.. 11110 A~". - JtICOWVIIIID. 11125 A~"~ .t Whlcb tl.. Deputy Clerk Skinner replaced Deputy Clerk .enyon··· n.ln OIDIIlAllCI IS-) MDDIIICI OUllU.llC1 U-U TO ,.OVIDI TWAT 7111 CODI aroKlKDIT aOAaD .IIALL IAn JUJtIlDICTIOII TO II&Aa UP DICIDI ALLlGID VIOLATIOII. Of' OJtDIIIMICI .O~ 15-2 Jtl .IANALU UO JtlVlTflnTI .;. ADOPTID Leg.l notice hiving been publi.hed in the Naple. o.ily Mewl on Dece.bar 18, 1984, II evidenced by Affidavit of Publlcltion filed' with the Cl.rk, public helring wa. opened on an ordinance a..ndlng Ordin.nce Mo. 83-45 to provld. thlt the Code tnforce.ent Board .hall have jurildlction to hear and decide alleged violation. of Ordlnanc. No. 85-2 relating to ...wall. and revetaent.. Co..i..ioner Pi.tor laid thll II. MAtter pr.vlou.ly adopted ordinance allowing areAl enforce.ent board. to take action on a violation of complying with the wh.re there ara code rlgardlng .eawall. and revetalnt.. ...r1nt tber. ... no one r'fl.tere4 to .pe.k~ CO..i..loner ,i.tor ..ye4, ..condI4 by Co..l..ioner Ioll.nd .nd carri.4 UA.ni..v.ly; th.t tbe public be.riftt be clo..4; 800r. 085rl~r I61 Page 16 "~,, ,', ,.".,*.,'-'...--"-~.....~_._-~..._-'_.."~.,...,>~.~- 085,A"C'162 . J.nuuy 8, 1985 eo..S..io..r ,i.tor .....; ..qon4ed by Co..S..So.er IOl1a.' ... cauS" ....S....ly; tbat tIae oreU...c. .. ...Mr.d aact o.Utl.., below be "opt" aDd o.ter" S.to OrdS.a.c. look .0; It. OUIIlAllCI 85;' 3 AM oaDIIWICI MØDIIIG '~IOM' 'nail; ..8ICTIOII 2 or OUIIWICI 110; n-n TO ..OVIDI T1IAT coo. øroac...arr lOUD or COLLID COU1ITI 'IIALL!lAn "vaI'DICTIOM TO llAA AIID DICIDI ALI.IG&D nOLATICMS ow OItDIIlAllCI 110; 15-2 VUCI ULATIS TO TII coan.cTIOM~ UCQll1lftVCTIOII; alMIa; ALTnATIOII; "~ICTIOII AIID ..Ot..A:*GATIOII or .IIMALU AIID alVu"arrs, raOVIDII1G roa COIIrLICT AIID IIftU8ILITT, "OVIDIIIG All IrrlCTIn DATI; It.. 114 nTIT1011 A-U-S, AI'.IAL or AØIIIIlIITaATIYI HCIIIOII T1IAT ,.OIIlITS COIISn.cTIOII ow A _I-noon IUILDIIIG IIIIDla UI..TIAL IIRYICIS "OVIlIOll - WI~ AT '&TITIOIIla" alOUIIT eo.aS..l0.or .i.tor ....., .econded by Co..l..l0.er 00e4.19ht .nd carrS" ....1....1y, that Petition A-IC-S; .ppe.l of .d.inl.tr.tl.e '.qS.l0. that ,robl~lt. con.tractio. of . on.-.tory bulldl., under .....tl.1 ..rYlc.. ,rovlelo. be vltbdr.wa .t the Petltl...r'. r..u..t; It.. 11 S PITItI.. Y-U-2'C~ roaaUT L~ IIAMO.; U YAUMlCI P'Pl:M. '1.-1 "ST" alQUIUKØT or S ACRE' TO 1.16 ACUI '1'0 COIIlnVCT A IIIIGU rMILI allIDKllCI - COIITI.UID TO 1/15/15 eo.aS..ioner .1.ter "Y.', ..coft4ed by Co..l..io.er Ooodnltbt an' c.rrl" ....i..aaly, th.t .otition Y-IC-2IC, rorr..t L. ..r...; re ..rl..a. fr.. 1.-1 -ST- r..uir....t of 5 .cre. to 1;1' acr.. to co~tract a .iD9le faaily r..idence be contlnDOd to l/lSI1S~ Ite. 116 'lTl'lIOM n-IS-3C, JACK POUIIDIU, .. T...ro.....1 USIDIIICI PlMIT 01 IAIT 105' or TRACT 101, IIIIIT 19, COLDa CATI IaTATlI - A....OVID Community Dev.lopment Admini.trator Virta .xplain.d that thi. petition involv.. the family who lo.t th.ir hom. due to a fir. N.w Ye.r'. Day and that th.y requ..t p.rmi..ion to u.. a mobile home until the ho.e can b. repl.c.d. Mr. Georqe ~.ller .pok. in oppo.ition to thi. petition by r...on that it would ..t a preced.nt in Gold.n, C.t. l.t.U.. Co..i..ion.r Holl.nd ..id thi. va. an unu.u.l .ituation and th.t it v.. n.c....ry to qiv~ ...istanc. to this f..1ly. Com.ission.r Ha... .qr.ed. Paq. 17 L .J í.. .;..;.J f_.,.··..j ___"4'.,.. _~ t., ..... ", -:t: ~'f!~~ ::l!;,"',;,' ',. -'-"~~'"'' ,~""__"""""_'_"'<__""'O"'_'~_''''._''' _____"<..~-'-.-'--"--,.. "It _,,,,,,~".,,,-,.,,,,t~'__,..,_,.,...,_..,,,,·,,,,,,,, · -,.,'--,"......---"-,-'~,-,'..~-- -"--'...."'_.;-"'""""~'~..'" .- - - - January 8, 1985 c...l..l...r 'l.ter ..yod, .eaond" by eo..i..10fter ..... an. carri" IS-l../l0S, IS-l0', 15-10'/113, 15-120/122, ~ 15-124/12' ~ f ...,t" ~ ' ,It_ 123 ....; aLL I'UMIID~ ..; 070.. II; IURD; AIfD ....; JlARGU'IALL .;. .IAPPOI~.D YO roua-t&AA TaaNI roa '1'.. LIaRARY ADVIIORY aOARD IX'IRI.a DIC&NaIR 31. 1'" Secretary to the BoArd Ieraelson explained that three term. on the Library Advi.ory Board have expire. and that Library Director Demarest ha. review.d the re.ume. eub.itted and recommended that Mr.. Nell 'lua..er, Dr. John M. Eklund, and Mr.. Mar9ie Hall be reappointed to' four-year ter.. for the Library Advisory Board expirin9 December 31, 1988. Co..l..loner 'lator ...e4. aeconded by eo..ia.lon.r Bolland .nd aarrl.. uaaat.o..ly. that th. .bo.. fta... per.ona be raappolnta. to the LIÞrary A4yl..ry ".rd with ter.. to ..plr. Dec..ber 31, 1"'. n.. 124 .UI. .-CUI ~aOYl AIfD ø; CalUI IWICOCI alA,POUlTlD TO '!WO-UU, TaaNI ~ ocao'll FIal COMTaOL DISTRICT ADVISORY aOAaD WIT. IX'IRATIO. DATI DIC....I. 31, 19" ~eccetary to the Board I.raelson axplalned that two terms have expired on the Ochopee rire Control oi.trict Advieory Co..ittee and 'ublic Service. Ad.inietrator Norton reviewed tha reeume. and reco..ended that Ki.. Jackie Hargrove and Mr. Chri. Hancock be reappointed. Co..laal...r ..11... ....., .econ.e. by Ce..l..lo~.r 'Iator .ft. aarrl" aft..I....ly, tb.t "Ia. Jackie ..rtro.e ... "r~ Chrl. "ncoak be r.....l.t.d to twe-year ter.. o. Ocbope. rire Contr.l Dlatrlct AdYllOry ..ar. with e.plratloa .ate of Deceaber 31; 19"; It.. US DR. a..IDICT APPOIIITID TO FILL lAC nCAllCY, "R. CAaDILLO UD ...~ alLOW UAPPOIIITID YO lAC ALL WIn IX'IRATIOII DATI OF DICI..IR 31, 1911 Secretary to the Board I.rael.on explained that there ha. been a vacancy on the lAC .ince Auqu.t 1914 when Mi.. Dorie Karl re.lqned. She .aid that the re.ume. w.re review.d and Chair.an Cardillo reco..ended that ~r. Benedict be appointed to till that vacancy and that Mr. C.rdlllo and Mr. Below be reappointed. eo.al..loftor 'Iator .tato. th.t Dr; ".edlct ba. .I.il.r ar....tl.l. ... backtrouad .. AI; larl a" bo DO...~ ..c..... by aOOK 085 PAG£ 181 'aqe 21 '~' ".', ~~¡;~,;~~~:;iV'f':' ¥"'- .' ~ _.4 ----,_.......^~,,.." '., ,,(It( U~,~"I~ January 8, 1985 eo.at..t...r ..... a" carrhd .....i...l1y~ tbat Dr; Ie.edtct be , '.ppeS.ted t. ftl1 ~e lAC .acancy aad tbat Rr; Cardtll. a.d Rr; lelow be r.a".t.ted t. lAC wltb tbe a.plratlon data of Deoeaber 31; 1... to apply te all ~re. ...ltl...; It.. '25 CCIIUII..Iœa 'IITOa ArPOIIITID TO .I.LACI CO.UU:I.IOIIU IOLLAIID 011 '1'111 'OUT.U'I' FLORIDI\. alGICMAL 'LADIIIQ COUIICIL Co..i..loner Vos. .al~ that upon review of the workload of the Co..l..ioner. he reco..end. that Co..I..ioner PI.tor replace Co..i.- .ioner Holland on the Southwe.t Florida Regional Planning Council. ~a.. U Co.ml..loner Goodnight reque.ted .o.e background on what thi. Council doe., .nd Co..la.loner Vo., explained that eight Council. wer. .et up to review develoµaent. of regional i~pact in the various .gencie.. When Co..l..ioner Holland qu..tioned thl. replace.ent due to Com.I..loner Pi.tor'. forthcoming abeence, Comml..ioner Vo.. .aid that hi. reco.mendatlon wa. b.sed on the fact that eo.mle.loner PI.tor hat .erved previou.ly on thl. Council and i. familiar with the workload. He .aid that he i. a repre.entatlve to the Council and that CollIer County would, therefore, have .o.eone on the Council during Co..i..ioner PI.tor'. ab.ence. Co.al..l0..r .... ..y.d~ .econded ~ CO..t..loner Goodn19bt aad carrl.d 3/2, C...l..loner. ~lland aad ..... oppo..., that Co..t..lonar ,t.tor r.plac. Co..l..loaer 8011and on th. 'outb...t Flortda ..910nal 'la..ln9 Counctl~ It.. 127 DIICVlllaI or COKMI.SlaI&R .IITOR'S LEAVE or Aa.c.C& WIT80UT 'AY, R..OLUTIOII '5-7 DIRlCTllIO COUWTY ATTORMIY TO POI~ QUISTIOM RI RIOUaalarr OF ATTDDAllCI AT CO.UUIIIOII RIITIIIGI TO ATTOO.., anlRAL _ ADOPTID Co..i..loner Vo.. .aid th.t Com.l..ioner Pistor i. taking a Leave of Ab.ence and that he i. a.king the ecc to authori&e it without pay. County Attorney Saunder. que.tioned whether the Board can deal with the aatter of no salary. Mr. Henry Klxant .poke regarding thi. it.. .tating he respect. Co..I..ioner Pi.tor. He related the matter of hi. participation in writing a set of by-laws for a local fire di.trict in which a new .ectlon require. that tho.e fire co..i..loner. who ar. ab.ent three Pag. 22 - J ......-, ,--¡ :::J "",',''',E' :~,....}. ','~·_,t "---'~-"-'-'''''''''''-''-'''''''''=-'---''''~-"'-- "".'.."'."'.....""-_._"'"...""-,...._,"'--~'......""""""'_..._.....,'"..,~~. ".~.."-----_..~".....,",-" .J~~;, " ~~~:~$it;¡;-.~, _ .. - ~~'J:~~: . ~""'.-.' , ~~t'¡~, '. . \" ;4't~'~ ~;¿;\, '. ~t,.",,· ¡j~' ,," ~i~'r:: ':: .t,." >'i' ;~.~ ( J8nU. ry ., 1985 Yl 'J...-", f ~ , ,,121 ',' , , ,;l"f~"'i.t""¡"':::" _....,~J~;;'..t" 1"'.1 .,,'I\..,~ ~ . ",r ¡, ø; ......... ..ICI UPOIII'nD ~ rILL ~ œ 'ARD AIID UCUATlœ ,~ft1: ;r.n~' ...... - A --.- ... .,.. ...,""..... .... .. DIC....I ..; ;í~'~~~ ';,'Ih ,. c...hl1o.er .ilter ...H. ..condo. by c...i..ioner Goodnigbt and ~...I'>, oarrl" ....i..u.ly. that IIr; IU"". .ri.. be appoiftt~ to un tho . .,' .Ioanoy on 'ark. and ..creation M"ilory board for a two-year tn. with ~,~ e.piratie. date of Dec..ber 31~ l"'~ It_ 12' JXTaA GAIl TI"I roa II~TI 10. 42312 - ""aOVlD c...i..ie.ar ..lla..d ..".., ..cen4a' by eo..i..ienar ,i.tor and o.rri" ~a.l....ly, tbat tbe ..tra Cain Ti.. for In..te ..; 42312 be eppro.". ..*Tbe '.11..1-. It... wer. approyed aad/or adopted .ft tb. eo....t AtoneSa by ..tlon of Co..t..lon.r ,1.tor, .econ484 by eo..l..lon.r ..... an4 carrtod unant....1y;·e. It.. nO aliCt.AIIIrICATIC* or ....an IOUI",arr O'IRATOa III POIITIO' AT ....,1.1. UllÐI'ILI. AIID nOROTIC* or ,.I...T P'LOIII TO roa~ II It_ U1 IXCA~TIC* 'laMIT IO~ 5'.203, IAPLIS AIRPORT AUTIO.ITY It_ 132 PULtJu.....y ACCIPTAllCI or LOTS 1 TBROua. 20 (....t.I..... DIUn) roIT-AU-PRIICI .uaDIYISIOM See '-9" /f/ð -/~ It.. 133 ,mTIOM ft-U-35C, 'I'IIORU G~ IlALI~ as 811 or ftAVlL 'BAUD œ 'BACT 77, "IT 21, GOLDII GATI I.TATI. it:.. UC .IIOLUTlœ 15-' TO .1COn. rvwl» nON GIOItGI r; IAUJlDIU LOT 2; aLOCI ". GOLDa GAT. CITY, nIT 3 roa PuaLIC IUIIAJlCI ... '-9- I t¡ç- &OO( 085 PAr.r 185 P_q 0 24 "'_"_ë"""".'~"""'"'''''_'''''~ '-'~"""--'"---'~'-""'."''''''- .~""~""""-" [/100( 085tm186 ~ :;''::~.. ',"'~: , ) :~,It.. us ... ,,,~ ,.", c i, ?t, "~ADDI'rIC*M. USPOnIIUI'rla AIm IIIeUMI ,~' . COfC'LXUCI DIU<:1'OI .,: It.. UI January 8, 1985 III SAu.rl 01 IUILDIIIQ CODI ACCII'1'UlCI OR nUn'! IAIIMD'r POR '!'X"I.cJt11l: IU1IDIVIIIOII PBASI I In 'age /97 -19l: U7 .uacu.a. OW LaMID -MaLOW ".Áfla UIII'r; II'CLGXIIQ ,"""lAD RITVU LIlia AJlD DIICIIA,.g1 LIlliS It_ UI IIICUASI or U~500 '!'O COfICPlllSA'!'IOII LUll'!' '!'O AJ)DDDUR 110; 2 lOR CON'LftIOII or IIIGx..axlIQ AJlD IIIIPICTIOII IIItVICa If P08'1'~ IUCILI'l; .caua . JI"IOAIt, III<:. lOa .&W11t UL\ -A- (IIOItTI 11.\'1.11) .&WAGI ftL\TMD'r 1X......I01I It_.JI AU'r1l0IUIATXOII 'f'O UIQUUI 'lOUTI IlAWII rOR WATIIt LIn CC*ITIIUCTlo.I cosn (Ut,no) It_ HO anl8l0ll OW c:uuarr C0II8ftUC'!'IOII COIITRAC1' WI'f1I aA'l-C:OII GUIRAL roa PROJIC1' 110. 'II.\U073,Cl S.. PA9U /'/9 - ~o I It.. 141 lID 1770 al LAIIOIICAPIItC IOIt COVIITT .IGIOMAL WATn IYSTiII AWARDID TO IU~. ~DaCAPI co. I. AKOUWT or "4,42' Le9al notice havinq been publiehld in the Napl.. Daily New. on October 24, 19~4, a. evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed' with the Clerk, bid. w.re received for Bid '770 for landecapinq for Coun~y Reqional Water Sy.tem until 2:30 P.M. on November 14, 19B4. It.. 142 IIEW POIITIOM or IMS rIILD IIISTIIUcroR 18TAaLIIBID AT PAt GRADI P-l0 It.. '43 lID '77' It. GOLDa GAU auUnALL COUItT LIGIn'II1Q - AWAltDKD TO laDIt! ILlCTRIC, 11.\'1.11, r~ltI~, III AMOUWT or $2,700 Leq.l notice havinq been publi.hed in the Naple. Daily New. on o.ce.ber 6, 1984, a. evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with '4ge 25' ~". " "',', '. _.~~ !;- .1 ~ ~ "U':'~:~', .;:-Y.· ~~:::.~:¡r:;¡s::;,] :t:,;~,~ ...;.:r..7~,;?:t·:,~:" .~~)~~'·.~:~i:.r~~~iS;'~, ' ...." ,"',"'..,...., ",,', " . ," ....' -~,"'-.)'.·v,..":, ',J!!f'':''''1Jt ..\.'ti!f~~,'k'"'''' . '::,¡¡;ii;V;~:;'·C . .. o;f.' "..1",i, . '" '~~?i'~:-,'.:~~' i~;~'.; '~-', : ',' ~ l .,. .,"~ .- :_,' '. "i.,.." " . '. " . . " I" ,,' , . -.\' ~ " .., '~ ',~~ : 1,)"~, :i,.)!.f¡¡'" .:,..""~ . t'.'<';'~:!·iZ; .. ... .. '~.:),~ ~<~~~'~'" ~~~,' 'W'~. '.i 1i€.';" , ,~"!'~:,;'~:the ,Clerk, ~~~;tr..,. t, . {~h;IUIt.tbdl .,;1;;' It.. ,4& .' "r"¡~,: Jlnuuy ., 198 S bið. veri receiv.d for lid 1775 for the Colð.n Cite Court Ltghting'until 2.30 P."~ Dec..b.r 19, 1984. .8CIat' LIft fW IIITUUCI DI.ICII; IIIe;; 'I'M'A, n.oIl.IDA~ ell I JIIIsœ; "; "TaW, rl.ORIDA MD W~ 11.. RIIULL ARCIITICT, I"C~, rT. "JlU, rLORIDA, APnOftD WITII ~ TO II nGOTIATID lOR COUIIn lKALTI rACILITIIS UCIITICT It.. 145 CDT1PICATII roa coulcnœ TO 'fAX ROLLI AI nUlIITlD IY PROPIR" APPUIIIR 1981 TAX ROLL 632/633 12-14/17/84 1982 TAX ROLL 686 12/10/84 1983 TAX ROLL 354/356 12-10/12-84 1984 TAX ROLL 108/121 l2-l0/l7-84 1984-9ó/lOO TANGIBLE PERSONAL PROPERTY !1.!!.i l2-18/26-84 It...ta DUPLICATI TAX CtltTIrICAft .O~ 14" TO L. L; AUXAJlDla S.. PIle¡. ól 0 i^ It.. '47 "ISCILLAIIIOUS COaRl'POWD~1 - APPROVID ~D/oa REFIRRID Ther. b.inq no objection, the Chlir dir.ct.d thlt the ai.ce1laneou. corr.epondence be filed Ind/or r.ferred I' indicat.d b.10wl 1. Me.orlndu. dlted 12/8/84, fro. John DeGrove re Notice of Fund aYlillbility throue¡h Community S.rvic.. Block Grant, plu. a copy of application rackag. for r.d.ral ,i.cal Yelr 1985. xc I Mr. Norton. ri .d. 2. Me.orandua de t.d 12/19/84, ,fro. CoUC} Lee., Colllluni ty Red.v.lo~ent Ad.inistrltor, Dept. of Co..unity Affair. r. Int.r-governmental Coordinltion Ind R.vi.w proce.a, plu. copies of l.tters froll Ron rah., Director, Interqov.rn..ntal Coordinltion to Jia Murley, Dir., Div. of eo.. Affair. re SAIl rL8402280906, and letter dlt.d 4/9/84 froll G.org. w. Percy, Stat. Hi.toric pr..ervation Offic.r to Ron rah., re .... it.., plus l.tt.r dlt.d 3/23/84 fro~ Li.a M. Grlnt, DIll. r. .1.. it... XCI Ms. Willillll.on. ril.d. &oDK 085 Plq 187 P19' 26 "·'f'i,· ::,¡i~ . .;<!. I' ; rfJ'¡, , . '/~ .~~:, "" ;i::;¡ ~ . ,·"ìt:!l , ;~Ij~,: "'~J~' ,,,'., I ..: ,;.... , t·,~I"µ.N_ ',·.,.l,...~ ,~"'¡'Ji"~' ~'~::r. ;,¡;.r. ,"'~~~ ".,', ~,' "# ' 085,1r.['188 January', 1985 3. Copy of letter dated 12/14/14, fro. Willi.. H. Whitcomb, AAlt. Chil!, lur. o! State Liability Clai.., Div. of Ri.k Menagl.lnt, Incloling clal.'filld by Allen S.ith. XCI Mr. launderl, MI. Puckett and Mr. lCuck. riled. 4. Kemorandu.'datld 12/12/14, fro. rlorida Dlpt; of RevenUI rl Di.cretionary Tu (additional U Crl.lnal JU.tiCI racilitiu Tax) xc. Mr. LUlk and Hr. OUe.. rUld. 5. Notice. receivad on 12/2/84, re Discretionary Tax - Ceneral Application During Tranlitional Period, Notice to Motor Vehicle, Boat, Ai rcuft and Mobile Home Dialers, Notice to All Taxpayer. and Noticl to All Communication and Wired Television COlDpanias. riled. 6. Dlp.rt.ental Reportl Mi.al Control, November, 1984. 'i!l!d. 7. Letter dated 12/17/84, from Richard W. Cantrell, Environ. Super., D£R, enclo.ing copy of short for. application ('ill No. 110968585, 110968085) xc. Hr. Virta. riled. 8. Copy of letter dated 12/17/84, fro. Richard W. Cantrell, Environ. SUper., DER, enclosing copy of short form application (rile No. 110969575). XCI Hr. Virtl. rUed. 9. Copy of letter dated ll/28/84, frOIl Hark E. Le4don, Bur. of Coa.tal Engineering and Regulation to Save The Bay. Alsn, Inc. re approval by Head of Dept. of Perllit No. DBS 84-106. XCI Hr. Virta. riled. 10. Copy of letter dated 11/28/84, frolll Carlo. R. Carrero, Eng." Bur. of Coastal Engineering and Regulation, to BrucI ere en and AI.ociate., re approval by Head of Dept. of Parmit No. CO-96. XCI Mr. Virta. riled. 11. Letter datad 12/13/84, fro. Nick Glaa.on, oir., Wat1r U.e oiv., Re.ource Control Dept., SFWMD, reque.tIng additional infor.ation for general permIt application. (I.mokalaa ,Com.unity Park) XCI Mr. Norton. riled. 12. Copie. of Minutes: A. City of Naphs, ll/21/84/ B. CAPC and CCPA of 10/6/84 and agenda for 12/20/84 maeting/ C. Parks and Recreation Advisory Board, 11/16/84 and agenda for 12/20/84. riled. 13. Letter dated 12/22/84 froll! Don Swan reportIng overgrown lot. .urrounding hi. property at 745-749 gIst Avenue North and reque.ting that owner be notified of nuisanca. XCI Mr. Woodcock. riled. It.. '" ca.rnUIATIOII or A'POUITlilarT or ROIl au aTOll TO PARD MlO RICau.TIO.. ADVISORY .00000~ TIRN IXPIRIIIQ OIeINlIR 31, 1'.' Page 27 ~ c:::::J m "......,- "__~'T"" <)'Y~'~~"~~i~: .. 4,:t:~ .' ,.,...~".,-,.,.~"",^""""....-,,_..,,,-',$,--,""""<-_....__..,'--_-.'"_.-,~..".."~."."","".",.,,,,,,,-,--