BCC Minutes 01/31/1985 S ~ -.._,,_;~w"_.,.,.·~'...,.""_, ,,'<" .,..".,...._.'''' ... ~ ~ Naples, P'loridd, January 31, 1985 LET IT BE REMEMBERED, that there b.lng no obj.ction, and in .ccordance with Ordin.n~e No. 84-37, the Board ot County Commissioners in and tor the County of Collier, met In ~&RQ&NCY 8ISSIO.. at the Courthouse COl1lplex, East Naple., Flþrida, at 12:00 Noon on this date' with the tollowing members present: CHAIRMANr Frederick J. Voss Max Hasse C. C. . Red· Ho 11 and Anne Goodnight ABSENTr John A. Plstor ALSO PRESENT: James C. Giles, Fiscal Officer; Elinor M. Skinner, Deputy Clerk; Kenneth Cuyler, Asslstllnt County Attorney; Donald B. Lusk, County Kðnager¡ Nell Dordll, AsSistant County Manager; William Wagner, Disaster Preparedness Director; Nancy Israelson, Administrative Assistant; and Deputy Chief RIIYJllond Barnett, Shcr1!f's Department. .ISOLUTIOM '5-23 Jut PROCLAltATIO.. DICLAUMG A STAT& D. ~IRQI"CY "JR COLLIn COWTY, 'LORIDA, ltlQUIUiTIMC atUG&IIICY AaSISTA«1 'RC»C TII STAT& O' rLORlDA - ADOPTID Çhalrmlln Voss stated that the purpos~ of this Emergency S.sslon Is to declare an el1lergency. He read tho proposed reSOlution. Co..l..l~n.r Yo.. ~Yed, .econd.J by Co..l..lon.r ....., that R.solutlon 85-23 re · 'rocl&aatlon decl.rlng . .tate ot e..rgeney tor Collier Co~nty. Plorid., req~e.tl"9 e.ergeney ...I.t.nce tro. the It.te ot 'lorld. be .dopted. Commissioner Hasse refurreè to the date when the emergency com.enced that was stated In the resolution liS being January 30, 1985, and slIld that the fire started prior to that time. A snort discussion tollowed during which ""'8istant County Manager Dorr1ll said that he had .pok~n with Commisslon_rs Hasse and Voss to indicate Some of the eœergcncy _anagement procedure. that the County was doing in conjunc- tion with the Sh.rift's Department liS well as the people who had jurisdiction over the actual tirefighting. He ~lIid he told Com_issioner Voss that tlG County, at that time, had e.tablished a Command pOlt and had begun to incur Some expen... associated wIth overtime ot e~ploy.e. trom the Public Works Depart.ent and that the Red Cross personnel were helping to establish a shelter. lie said that he had Spoken to Deputy Ch lef 8.1 rnett, thJ I d.He, about trying to ascertain what other agencies have submitted assistance al some way of ,oo~ 085 rA~t 373 Page 1 .. ." ----r----- ""---- " ......-------- ...\I........J,.... ,OQ~ 085plr,r374. January 31,1985 encouraging the State to help partlcipat.. He said that .ctual receipt of di.aster fundln9 is a very ditficul~ process to realize and that Staft hope. that certain activities by the Division of fore.try and other agencle. who may have been called in will not seek reimbursement fro. the County. Also, it some type of declaration is obtained in an Executive Order from the Governor, he said, the criteria would be determined tor tryin9 to seek State funding and begin the process to see it reimburse.ent could be obtained for so.e ot the actual out-of- pocket expen.es that the County had incurred. Upon call for tbe que.tion, tbe ~tl.n carried 4/0, Co..i..loner Plator abunt. (S" Pa~..377-" 7r) Mr. Wagner explained that the &Itua~ion lookod like it would be the .ame as whdt had occurr~d on 1/30/85, however, the County is in better .hape from the standpoint that the equipment in on the scene currently and the man structure is better coordinated then it was. He eaid that Chief D~n Gorley, ot Bonita Springs, was in chllrgo of the north end ot the fire and on the south end, Chief Jim Jones and Assistant Chief Roy RoIo1pe of Ellst Naples. He said that t.he fire boundaries were basically the same as they were on 1/30/85. He explained that the biggest change Is that most of the bulk of fire In those boundaries hds moved further north and that there have ~een sporadic jumps, even though the fire has been able to be contained, so far. He s~ld that the surrounding Counties In Southwest florlda will not charge Collier County anything because the MutulIl Aid Agreement Is in place. He said that the o~ly charge, of which h~ was aware, would be from DIldo County who works on a contract basis and he explllined that they backed up the County last night with five bulldozers, which vere needed. He sllid that he hop~d to g~t eround that charge by sdying that Fore~try is helping!oreütry and that forestry Is funded for this operÐtlon and they should not charge Collier County. Mr. Wagner ~aid that he talked with Mr. Nick Collins, in Tallahassee, who said that there is no specific fund to help the County, however, in the event that Collier County declared an emergency, if the Governor supports the County and it go.s before the Legislature there is a possibility of obtaining reimbursement. Commissioner Voss said that ~uch has been learned from this fire and he s~¡gested, when the situation IIbates, a panel of people who have been connected with the situation should be Invoked to review the lessons that have been learned .0 that the County would be better Page 2 '--.' ", '..__..-.._,........-......~ '---"'''"''~----- r .... ~ P"l'I January 31, 1985 prepðred in the future for any tire. that alight occur." Mr. Wagner agre.d that was an .xc.llent iðea. H. .xpr....d hi. pleasure with the mann.r In which this tire had been handled, adding that enytime the requ.st wa. .ade tor a pl.c. of .qulpœent in a sp.c~tic ar.a the equipment was .ent. He .ald anytime tuel, food, shelter or a.sistanc. in locating lost p.ople was n"ded,: it was 8upplied. He said thlt all the p.opl. have be.n very coop.rativ. and the County P.opl. have been off.ring th.ir servlcQs. He said that the support and knowledgo of the Commission has b..n pleasing. COllmlssioner lias.. said that Mr. Wagner and Mr. Dorrill have done a fantastic job and the tire was, basically, handled liS well as it could have been handled. He agreed with Commissioner Voss' idea to discover where improvementø could be mede. Comml..loner Holland pointed out that the merchant. In the entire area were to be complimented on their assistance. Mr. Wagner agreed and said that more than enough food and l1Iedlcal supplies were given liS well as otfers of hardware store owners to open, at no charge, to supply anything needed. Commls.ioner lIolland expressed his opinion that a resolution .hould be prepared to recognize all the help, and he referred to the many private contractors who supplied equipment. . . . There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned by Order of the Chair - Time: 12:15 P.M. BOARD or COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ~REDER~~~SS' CHAIRMAN CLERK . to.C-. :.Th... minutes !pprOVeð on..;z-~á/. /1.r.>--::' presented ~r ... co r roc ted .... ,. . 4 ", .~) : II ~' &ODK 085 PArol 375 Page 3 - f:~- ¢'~..'" '"